The fptool package is a Shiny application designed to assist staff in planning roles within Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) in understanding the associations between demand and capacity metrics on NHS performance. It leverages multiple models developed on public data to provide insights into future NHS performance based on various demand and capacity scenarios.
If you have R installed on your machine, the following command may work to run the application without installing the package:
# install.packages("shiny")
shiny::runGitHub("fpt_tool", "nhs-bnssg-analytics")
You may also be able to access the application on
You can install the development version of fptool from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
dependencies = "Suggests"
To launch the Shiny app following installation:
- Interactive exploration: Users can manipulate demand and capacity metrics to observe their impact on future NHS performance.
- Scenario building: The tool enables users to create different future scenarios based on varying demand and capacity assumptions.
- Model-driven insights: Underpinned by multiple models built on public data, the application offers data-driven predictions.
Contributions to the package are welcome. Please follow the standard GitHub workflow for submitting pull requests.
Please note that the fptool project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
More information about the data and modelling can be found on the project documentation page.