This project is a VERY SIMPLE implementation of Bitcoin blockchain protocol (ignore P2P and multiple miners) for demonstration of CTT522 Final project using Node.js, Restify, Knex with PostgreSQL database. Vietnamese guide is available on wiki.
For scientific purposes only.
API is hosting at
Install docker
Create database and API server
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
- Run database migrations
$ docker-compose run --rm api yarn knex migrate:latest
- Open URL http://localhost:5000/init to init blockchain by creating genesis block. Remember to store the private key, public key and address of miner to create transactions.
Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System:
Bitcoin protocol documentation:
Bitcoin protocol rule:
Dumbcoin - An educational python implementation of a bitcoin-like blockchain:
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details