These code samples are organized by platform or language. The Installed application method is used for authentication in all the samples except PHP, which uses Web application.
- django-quickstart is a holistic end-to-end guide for signing up publishers and setting up advertising for them.
- dotnet is a command-line sample that shows how to generate most calls to the API written in C#.
- java is a command-line sample that shows how to generate most calls to the API written in Java.
- php-clientlib-0.6 is a set of samples that shows how to generate most calls to the API, written in PHP. Uses version 0.6 of the PHP Client Library.
- php-clientlib-1.x is a set of samples that shows how to generate most calls to the API, written in PHP. Uses version 1.x of the PHP Client Library.
- python is a command-line sample that shows how to generate most calls to the API, written in Python.
Please refer to the file inside each directory for installation instructions.