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DGIWG Web Services Technical Panel (WSTP) Meeting ‐ September 20, 2023

Brian Osborn edited this page Sep 25, 2023 · 20 revisions

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) GeoPackage Libraries and Apps


  • October 2014 - The NGA in collaboration with CACI (previously BIT Systems) started development as part of GEOINT Services on NRO's FADE contract
  • September 2015 - First release of GeoPackage Android, GeoPackage Java, and MapCache Android
  • October 2015 - First release of GeoPackage iOS and MapCache iOS
  • February 2017 - Split of GeoPackage Android Map (Google map libraries) from GeoPackage Android
  • April 2017 - First release of GeoPackage JS
  • March 2018 - Began certifying GeoPackage libraries with the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
  • April 2019 - First release of MapCache Desktop
  • June 2019 - Began certifying GeoPackage libraries as reference implementations with the OGC
  • October 2019 - First MapCache Android Google Play Store and MapCache iOS App Store releases
  • April 2020 - NGA ODIN Contract sole-sourced to CACI
  • October 2021 - Began integrating DGIWG GeoPackage support into libraries
  • July 2023 - NGA ODIN follow-on Small Business Set Aside (SBSA) Contract awarded to Omni Federal with CACI as a teaming partner

Other Libraries

GeoPackage To Go

Code examples from the talk at FOSS4G North America 2018 - St. Louis, MO.

Other Apps

DGIWG Support

Used by Java and Android libraries, not stand-alone

GeoPackage Example Generation

GeoPackage Example Generation

GeoPackage Example Generation

SQL utility with additional built in GeoPackage functionality and DGIWG validation support.

  • Requires Java 11 or above
  • Run as the script, the JAR, or as an alias (the method used in examples below)
  • Run on a GeoPackage as single operation or as an interactive session

Single Operation

DGIWG GeoPackage Example

$ sql -dgiwg NGA_DGIWG-Example_Ft-Belvoir_15-16_v1-0_20SEP2023.gpkg 

GeoPackage: NGA_DGIWG-Example_Ft-Belvoir_15-16_v1-0_20SEP2023.gpkg
Path: /Users/osbornb/DGIWG/GeoPackages/NGA_DGIWG-Example_Ft-Belvoir_15-16_v1-0_20SEP2023.gpkg
Size: 456 KB (466944 bytes)
Application ID: 1196444487, 0x47504b47, GPKG
User Version: 10301
Max Rows: 100
Max Column Width: 120
Max Lines Per Row: 0 = none

DGIWG GeoPackage
Producer: NGA
Data Product: DGIWG Example
Geographic Coverage Area: Ft Belvoir
Zoom Levels: 15-16
Version: 1.0
Creation Date: 20SEP2023

Passed DGIWG validation

Non DGIWG GeoPackage Example

$ sql -dgiwg example.gpkg 

GeoPackage: example.gpkg
Path: /Users/osbornb/DGIWG/GeoPackages/example.gpkg
Size: 2.56 MB (2682880 bytes)
Application ID: 1196444487, 0x47504b47, GPKG
User Version: 10301
Max Rows: 100
Max Column Width: 120
Max Lines Per Row: 0 = none

DGIWG GeoPackage
File Name: example

DGIWG Validation Errors (199):

1   - Table: gpkg_metadata, Column: md_standard_uri, Value:, PK: [Column: reference_scope, Value: geopackage], Constraint: 'No required metadata with DMF base URI and metadata reference 'geopackage' scope', Requirement: [Number: 14, Name: 'GeoPackage Metadata DMF', Identifier: /req/metadata/dmf]
2   - Table: gpkg_spatial_ref_sys, Column: srs_name, Value: 'WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator', PK: [Column: srs_id, Value: 3857], Constraint:, Requirement: [Number: 11, Name: 'Well Known Text for CRS', Identifier: /req/crs/wkt]
3   - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 7], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
4   - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 7], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
5   - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 8], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
6   - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 8], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
7   - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 9], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
8   - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 9], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
9   - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 10], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
10  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 10], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
11  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 11], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
12  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 11], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
13  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 12], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
14  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 12], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
15  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 13], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
16  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 13], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
17  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 14], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
18  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 14], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
19  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 15], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
20  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 15], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
21  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 16], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
22  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 16], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
23  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 17], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
24  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 17], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
25  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 7], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
26  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 7], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
27  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 8], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
28  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 8], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
29  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 9], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
30  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 9], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
31  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 10], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
32  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 10], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
33  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 11], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
34  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 11], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
35  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 12], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
36  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 12], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
37  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 13], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
38  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 13], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
39  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 14], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
40  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 14], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
41  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 15], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
42  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 15], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
43  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 16], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
44  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 16], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
45  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 17], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
46  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 17], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
47  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 11], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
48  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 11], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
49  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 12], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
50  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 12], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
51  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 13], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
52  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 13], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
53  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 14], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
54  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 14], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
55  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 15], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
56  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 15], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
57  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 16], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
58  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 16], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
59  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 17], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
60  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 17], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
61  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 18], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
62  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 18], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
63  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 6], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
64  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 6], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
65  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 7], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
66  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 7], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
67  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 8], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
68  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 8], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
69  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 9], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
70  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 9], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
71  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 10], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
72  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 10], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
73  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 11], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
74  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 11], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
75  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 12], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
76  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 12], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
77  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 13], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
78  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 13], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
79  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 14], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
80  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 14], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
81  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 15], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
82  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 15], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
83  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 16], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
84  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry1_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 16], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
85  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 11], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
86  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 11], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
87  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 12], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
88  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 12], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
89  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 13], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
90  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 13], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
91  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 14], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
92  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 14], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
93  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 15], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
94  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 15], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
95  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 16], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
96  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 16], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
97  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 17], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
98  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 17], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
99  - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 18], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
100 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 18], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
101 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 19], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
102 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 19], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
103 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 20], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
104 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 20], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
105 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 21], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
106 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: point2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 21], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
107 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 9], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
108 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 9], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
109 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 10], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
110 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 10], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
111 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 11], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
112 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 11], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
113 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 12], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
114 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 12], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
115 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 13], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
116 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 13], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
117 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 14], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
118 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 14], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
119 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 15], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
120 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 15], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
121 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 16], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
122 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 16], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
123 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 17], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
124 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 17], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
125 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 18], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
126 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 18], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
127 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 19], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
128 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: line2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 19], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
129 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 11], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
130 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 11], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
131 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 12], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
132 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 12], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
133 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 13], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
134 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 13], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
135 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 14], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
136 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 14], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
137 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 15], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
138 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 15], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
139 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 16], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
140 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 16], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
141 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 17], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
142 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 17], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
143 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 18], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
144 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 18], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
145 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 19], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
146 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 19], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
147 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 20], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
148 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 20], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
149 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 21], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
150 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: polygon2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 21], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
151 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 8], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
152 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 8], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
153 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 9], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
154 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 9], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
155 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 10], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
156 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 10], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
157 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 11], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
158 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 11], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
159 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 12], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
160 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 12], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
161 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 13], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
162 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 13], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
163 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 14], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
164 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 14], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
165 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 15], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
166 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 15], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
167 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 16], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
168 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 16], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
169 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 17], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
170 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 17], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
171 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_width, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 18], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
172 - Table: gpkg_tile_matrix, Column: tile_height, Value: 512, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: geometry2_tiles], PK: [Column: zoom_level, Value: 18], Constraint: 256, Requirement: [Number: 21, Name: 'Tile Matrix Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-matrix]
173 - Table: gpkg_spatial_ref_sys, Column: srs_name, Value: 'WGS 84 geodetic', PK: [Column: srs_id, Value: 4326], Constraint:, Requirement: [Number: 11, Name: 'Well Known Text for CRS', Identifier: /req/crs/wkt]
174 - Table: gpkg_extensions, Column: extension_name, Value: gpkg_webp, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: webp_tiles], PK: [Column: column_name, Value: tile_data], Constraint: 'WebP encoding not allowed', Requirement: [Number: 5, Name: 'Extensions Not Allowed', Identifier: /req/extensions/not-allowed]
175 - Table: gpkg_extensions, Column: extension_name, Value: gpkg_geom_CIRCULARSTRING, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: non_linear_geometries], PK: [Column: column_name, Value: geometry], Constraint: 'Nonlinear geometry type not allowed', Requirement: [Number: 5, Name: 'Extensions Not Allowed', Identifier: /req/extensions/not-allowed]
176 - Table: gpkg_extensions, Column: extension_name, Value: gpkg_geom_COMPOUNDCURVE, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: non_linear_geometries], PK: [Column: column_name, Value: geometry], Constraint: 'Nonlinear geometry type not allowed', Requirement: [Number: 5, Name: 'Extensions Not Allowed', Identifier: /req/extensions/not-allowed]
177 - Table: gpkg_extensions, Column: extension_name, Value: gpkg_geom_CURVEPOLYGON, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: non_linear_geometries], PK: [Column: column_name, Value: geometry], Constraint: 'Nonlinear geometry type not allowed', Requirement: [Number: 5, Name: 'Extensions Not Allowed', Identifier: /req/extensions/not-allowed]
178 - Table: gpkg_extensions, Column: extension_name, Value: gpkg_geom_MULTICURVE, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: non_linear_geometries], PK: [Column: column_name, Value: geometry], Constraint: 'Nonlinear geometry type not allowed', Requirement: [Number: 5, Name: 'Extensions Not Allowed', Identifier: /req/extensions/not-allowed]
179 - Table: gpkg_extensions, Column: extension_name, Value: gpkg_geom_MULTISURFACE, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: non_linear_geometries], PK: [Column: column_name, Value: geometry], Constraint: 'Nonlinear geometry type not allowed', Requirement: [Number: 5, Name: 'Extensions Not Allowed', Identifier: /req/extensions/not-allowed]
180 - Table: gpkg_extensions, Column: extension_name, Value: gpkg_geom_CURVE, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: non_linear_geometries], PK: [Column: column_name, Value: geometry], Constraint: 'Nonlinear geometry type not allowed', Requirement: [Number: 5, Name: 'Extensions Not Allowed', Identifier: /req/extensions/not-allowed]
181 - Table: gpkg_extensions, Column: extension_name, Value: gpkg_geom_SURFACE, PK: [Column: table_name, Value: non_linear_geometries], PK: [Column: column_name, Value: geometry], Constraint: 'Nonlinear geometry type not allowed', Requirement: [Number: 5, Name: 'Extensions Not Allowed', Identifier: /req/extensions/not-allowed]
182 - Table: geometry1_tiles, Column: tile_data, Value: 512, PK: [Column: id, Value: 1], Constraint: 'Tile width of 256', Requirement: [Number: 22, Name: 'Tile Pyramid Data Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-data]
183 - Table: geometry1_tiles, Column: tile_data, Value: 512, PK: [Column: id, Value: 1], Constraint: 'Tile height of 256', Requirement: [Number: 22, Name: 'Tile Pyramid Data Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-data]
184 - Table: geometry2_tiles, Column: tile_data, Value: 512, PK: [Column: id, Value: 1], Constraint: 'Tile width of 256', Requirement: [Number: 22, Name: 'Tile Pyramid Data Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-data]
185 - Table: geometry2_tiles, Column: tile_data, Value: 512, PK: [Column: id, Value: 1], Constraint: 'Tile height of 256', Requirement: [Number: 22, Name: 'Tile Pyramid Data Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-data]
186 - Table: line1_tiles, Column: tile_data, Value: 512, PK: [Column: id, Value: 1], Constraint: 'Tile width of 256', Requirement: [Number: 22, Name: 'Tile Pyramid Data Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-data]
187 - Table: line1_tiles, Column: tile_data, Value: 512, PK: [Column: id, Value: 1], Constraint: 'Tile height of 256', Requirement: [Number: 22, Name: 'Tile Pyramid Data Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-data]
188 - Table: line2_tiles, Column: tile_data, Value: 512, PK: [Column: id, Value: 1], Constraint: 'Tile width of 256', Requirement: [Number: 22, Name: 'Tile Pyramid Data Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-data]
189 - Table: line2_tiles, Column: tile_data, Value: 512, PK: [Column: id, Value: 1], Constraint: 'Tile height of 256', Requirement: [Number: 22, Name: 'Tile Pyramid Data Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-data]
190 - Table: point1_tiles, Column: tile_data, Value: 512, PK: [Column: id, Value: 1], Constraint: 'Tile width of 256', Requirement: [Number: 22, Name: 'Tile Pyramid Data Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-data]
191 - Table: point1_tiles, Column: tile_data, Value: 512, PK: [Column: id, Value: 1], Constraint: 'Tile height of 256', Requirement: [Number: 22, Name: 'Tile Pyramid Data Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-data]
192 - Table: point2_tiles, Column: tile_data, Value: 512, PK: [Column: id, Value: 1], Constraint: 'Tile width of 256', Requirement: [Number: 22, Name: 'Tile Pyramid Data Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-data]
193 - Table: point2_tiles, Column: tile_data, Value: 512, PK: [Column: id, Value: 1], Constraint: 'Tile height of 256', Requirement: [Number: 22, Name: 'Tile Pyramid Data Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-data]
194 - Table: polygon1_tiles, Column: tile_data, Value: 512, PK: [Column: id, Value: 1], Constraint: 'Tile width of 256', Requirement: [Number: 22, Name: 'Tile Pyramid Data Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-data]
195 - Table: polygon1_tiles, Column: tile_data, Value: 512, PK: [Column: id, Value: 1], Constraint: 'Tile height of 256', Requirement: [Number: 22, Name: 'Tile Pyramid Data Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-data]
196 - Table: polygon2_tiles, Column: tile_data, Value: 512, PK: [Column: id, Value: 1], Constraint: 'Tile width of 256', Requirement: [Number: 22, Name: 'Tile Pyramid Data Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-data]
197 - Table: polygon2_tiles, Column: tile_data, Value: 512, PK: [Column: id, Value: 1], Constraint: 'Tile height of 256', Requirement: [Number: 22, Name: 'Tile Pyramid Data Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-data]
198 - Table: webp_tiles, Column: tile_data, PK: [Column: id, Value: 1], Constraint: 'Tile width of 256', Requirement: [Number: 22, Name: 'Tile Pyramid Data Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-data]
199 - Table: webp_tiles, Column: tile_data, PK: [Column: id, Value: 1], Constraint: 'Tile height of 256', Requirement: [Number: 22, Name: 'Tile Pyramid Data Width Height', Identifier: /req/tile/size-data]

Interactive Session

$ sql NGA_DGIWG-Example_Ft-Belvoir_15-16_v1-0_19SEP2023.gpkg 

GeoPackage: NGA_DGIWG-Example_Ft-Belvoir_15-16_v1-0_19SEP2023.gpkg
Path: /Users/osbornb/DGIWG/GeoPackages/NGA_DGIWG-Example_Ft-Belvoir_15-16_v1-0_19SEP2023.gpkg
Size: 456 KB (466944 bytes)
Application ID: 1196444487, 0x47504b47, GPKG
User Version: 10301
Max Rows: 100
Max Column Width: 120
Max Lines Per Row: 0 = none

- Supports most SQLite statements including:
- Terminate SQL statements with a ;
- Exit with a single empty line


	info              - GeoPackage information
	help              - print this help information
	count             - count database tables
	tables [name]     - list database tables (all or LIKE table name)
	indexes [name]    - list database indexes (all or LIKE index name)
	views [name]      - list database views (all or LIKE view name)
	triggers [name]   - list database triggers (all or LIKE trigger name)
	rows [n]          - display or set the max rows per query
	width [n]         - display or set the max width (in characters) per column
	lines [n]         - display or set the max lines per row
	history           - list successfully executed sql commands
	!!                - re-execute the previous successful sql command
	!n                - re-execute a sql statement by history id n
	!-n               - re-execute a sql statement n commands back in history
	blobs [-e file_extension] [-d directory] [-p pattern]
	                  - write blobs from the previous successful sql command to the file system
	                     file_extension - file extension added to each saved blob file
	                     directory      - base directory to save table_name/column_name/blobs (default is ./blobs)
	                     pattern        - file directory and/or name pattern consisting of column names in parentheses
	info <name>       - PRAGMA table_info(<name>); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <name>;
	count <name>      - SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <name>;
	sqlite_master     - SELECT * FROM sqlite_master;
	<name>            - SELECT * FROM <name>;
	vacuum            - VACUUM [INTO 'filename'];
	fk                - PRAGMA foreign_keys [= boolean];
	fkc               - PRAGMA foreign_key_check[(<table-name>)];
	integrity         - PRAGMA integrity_check[(N)];
	quick             - PRAGMA quick_check[(N)];
	contents [name]   - List GeoPackage contents (all or LIKE table name)
	attributes [name] - List GeoPackage attributes tables (all or LIKE table name)
	features [name]   - List GeoPackage feature tables (all or LIKE table name)
	tiles [name]      - List GeoPackage tile tables (all or LIKE table name)
	ginfo <name>      - Query GeoPackage metadata for the table name
	cbounds [-p projection] [name]
	                  - Determine the bounds (using only the contents) of the entire GeoPackage or single table name
	                     projection     - desired projection as 'authority:code' or 'epsg_code'
	bounds [-p projection] [-m] [name]
	                  - Determine the bounds of the entire GeoPackage or single table name
	                     projection     - desired projection as 'authority:code' or 'epsg_code'
	                     m              - manually query unindexed tables
	tbounds [-p projection] [-m] [name]
	                  - Determine the bounds (using only table metadata) of the entire GeoPackage or single table name
	                     projection     - desired projection as 'authority:code' or 'epsg_code'
	                     m              - manually query unindexed tables
	extensions [name] - List GeoPackage extensions (all or LIKE table name)
	geometry <name> [-p projection] [ids]
	                  - Display feature table geometries as Well-Known Text
	                     projection     - desired display projection as 'authority:code' or 'epsg_code'
	                     ids            - single or comma delimited feature table row ids
	geometry <name> [-p projection] <id> <wkt>
	                  - Update or insert a feature table geometry with Well-Known Text
	                     projection     - Well-Known Text projection as 'authority:code' or 'epsg_code'
	                     id             - single feature table row id to update or -1 to insert a new row
	                     wkt            - Well-Known Text
	reproject <name> <projection|optimization> [-z zoom_levels] [reproject_name]
	                  - Reproject tile table tiles to a different projection or optimization
	                     projection     - Projection as 'authority:code' or 'epsg_code'
	                     optimization   - wm, pc, wmw, or pcw
	                        wm             - Web Mercator optimization, minimally tile bounded
	                        pc             - Platte Carre (WGS84) optimization, minimally tile bounded
	                        wmw            - Web Mercator optimization, world bounded with XYZ tile coordinates
	                        pcw            - Platte Carre (WGS84) optimization, world bounded with XYZ tile coordinates
	                     zoom_levels    - Zoom level(s) specified as 'z', 'zmin-zmax', or 'z1,z2,...', (default is all levels)
	                     reproject_name - Reprojection table name (default is <name>)
	dgiwg             - DGIWG GeoPackage Profile validation

Special Supported Cases:

	Drop Column  - Not natively supported in SQLite
	                  * ALTER TABLE table_name DROP column_name
	                  * ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name
	Copy Table   - Not a traditional SQL statment
	                  * ALTER TABLE table_name COPY TO new_table_name
	Rename Table - User tables are updated throughout the GeoPackage
	                  * ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name
	Drop Table   - User tables are dropped throughout the GeoPackage
	                  * DROP TABLE table_name

sql> contents

Table: gpkg_contents
| table_name        | data_type           |
| media             | attributes          |
| nga_coverage_data | 2d-gridded-coverage |
| nga_features      | features            |
| nga_tiles         | tiles               |
Rows: 4

sql> ginfo nga_features

Table: gpkg_contents
| table_name   | data_type | identifier   | description            | last_change              | min_x  | min_y | max_x | max_y | srs_id |
| nga_features | features  | NGA Features | DGIWG Features example | 2023-09-19T11:23:59.880Z | -180.0 | -90.0 | 180.0 | 90.0  | 4326   |
Rows: 1

Authority: EPSG
Code: 4326


PROJ: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs

Table: gpkg_geometry_columns
| table_name   | column_name | geometry_type_name | srs_id | z | m |
| nga_features | geometry    | GEOMETRY           | 4326   | 0 | 0 |
Rows: 1

Table Info: nga_features
| cid | name     | type     | notnull | dflt_value | pk |
| 0   | id       | INTEGER  | 1       |            | 1  |
| 1   | geometry | GEOMETRY | 0       |            | 0  |
| 2   | name     | TEXT     | 0       |            | 0  |
| 3   | number   | INTEGER  | 0       |            | 0  |
Rows: 4

Table: nga_features
| COUNT(*) |
| 3        |
Rows: 1

sql> nga_features

Table: nga_features
| id | geometry                                                                                                                 | name                    | number |
| 1  | POINT (-77.196736 38.75337)                                                                                              | NGA                     | 1      |
| 2  | LINESTRING (-77.19665 38.756501, -77.196414 38.755979, -77.195518 38.755208, -77.195303 38.755272, -77.195351 38.755459, | NGA Visitor Center Road | 2      |
|    |  -77.195863 38.755697, -77.196328 38.756069, -77.196568 38.756526)                                                       |                         |        |
| 3  | POLYGON ((-77.195299 38.755159, -77.195203 38.75508, -77.19541 38.75493, -77.19535 38.754884, -77.195228 38.754966, -77. | NGA Visitor Center      | 3      |
|    | 195135 38.754889, -77.195048 38.754956, -77.194986 38.754906, -77.194897 38.754976, -77.194953 38.755025, -77.194763 38. |                         |        |
|    | 755173, -77.194827 38.755224, -77.195012 38.755082, -77.195041 38.755104, -77.195028 38.755116, -77.19509 38.755167, -77 |                         |        |
|    | .195106 38.755154, -77.195205 38.755233, -77.195299 38.755159))                                                          |                         |        |
Rows: 3

sql> ginfo nga_tiles

Table: gpkg_contents
| table_name | data_type | identifier | description         | last_change              | min_x      | min_y     | max_x      | max_y     | srs_id |
| nga_tiles  | tiles     | NGA Tiles  | DGIWG Tiles example | 2023-09-19T11:23:59.880Z | -8593967.0 | 4685285.0 | -8592745.0 | 4687730.0 | 3857   |
Rows: 1

Authority: EPSG
Code: 3857

PROJCS["WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator",
    GEOGCS["WGS 84",
            SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,

PROJ: +proj=merc +lon_0=0 +k_0=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +units=m +no_defs

Table: gpkg_tile_matrix_set
| table_name | srs_id | min_x              | min_y             | max_x              | max_y             |
| nga_tiles  | 3857   | -8593967.964158937 | 4685284.085768163 | -8592744.971706374 | 4687730.070673289 |
Rows: 1

Table: gpkg_tile_matrix
| table_name | zoom_level | map_zoom_level | matrix_width | matrix_height | tile_width | tile_height | pixel_x_size       | pixel_y_size       |
| nga_tiles  | 15         | 15             | 1            | 2             | 256        | 256         | 4.777314267827023  | 4.777314267823385  |
| nga_tiles  | 16         | 16             | 2            | 4             | 256        | 256         | 2.3886571339135116 | 2.3886571339116927 |
Rows: 2

Table Info: nga_tiles
| cid | name        | type    | notnull | dflt_value | pk |
| 0   | id          | INTEGER | 0       |            | 1  |
| 1   | zoom_level  | INTEGER | 1       |            | 0  |
| 2   | tile_column | INTEGER | 1       |            | 0  |
| 3   | tile_row    | INTEGER | 1       |            | 0  |
| 4   | tile_data   | BLOB    | 1       |            | 0  |
Rows: 5

Table: nga_tiles
| COUNT(*) |
| 6        |
Rows: 1

sql> nga_tiles

Table: nga_tiles
| id | zoom_level | tile_column | tile_row | tile_data |
| 1  | 15         | 0           | 0        | BLOB      |
| 2  | 15         | 0           | 1        | BLOB      |
| 3  | 16         | 0           | 1        | BLOB      |
| 4  | 16         | 0           | 2        | BLOB      |
| 5  | 16         | 1           | 1        | BLOB      |
| 6  | 16         | 1           | 2        | BLOB      |
Rows: 6

sql> extensions

Table: gpkg_extensions
| table_name                         | column_name       | extension_name           | definition                                               |
| gpkg_spatial_ref_sys               | definition_12_063 | gpkg_crs_wkt             |        |
| gpkg_metadata                      |                   | gpkg_metadata            |       |
| gpkg_metadata_reference            |                   | gpkg_metadata            |       |
| nga_features                       | geometry          | gpkg_rtree_index         |          |
| gpkg_data_columns                  |                   | gpkg_schema              |         |
| gpkg_data_column_constraints       |                   | gpkg_schema              |         |
| gpkgext_relations                  |                   | gpkg_related_tables      |                    |
| nga_features_media                 |                   | gpkg_related_tables      |                    |
| gpkg_2d_gridded_coverage_ancillary |                   | gpkg_2d_gridded_coverage | |
| gpkg_2d_gridded_tile_ancillary     |                   | gpkg_2d_gridded_coverage | |
| nga_coverage_data                  | tile_data         | gpkg_2d_gridded_coverage | |
| nga_features_tiles                 |                   | gpkg_related_tables      |                    |
Rows: 12

sql> dgiwg

DGIWG GeoPackage
Producer: NGA
Data Product: DGIWG Example
Geographic Coverage Area: Ft Belvoir
Zoom Levels: 15-16
Version: 1.0
Creation Date: 19SEP2023

Passed DGIWG validation


Other Utilities

Browser based GeoPackage viewer using GeoPackage JS

Parse OGC Coordinate Reference System Well-Known Text (1|2) and pretty print Coordinate Reference System Well-Known Text 2 and PROJ params

Performs coordinate transformations from a source projection to a target projection

Visualized using MapCache Desktop

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 6 41 38 AM

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 6 50 28 AM

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 6 50 35 AM

Table Data

Visualized using DB Browser for SQLite

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 6 16 34 AM

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 6 17 39 AM

Create Features Source

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 6 17 57 AM

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 6 18 25 AM

Create Tiles Source

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 6 19 14 AM

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 6 19 43 AM

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 6 19 59 AM

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 6 21 00 AM

Create Features Metadata Extension Source

Create Tiles Metadata Extension Source

Create National Metadata Extension Source

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 6 22 00 AM

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 6 22 25 AM

Create Related Tables Media Extension Source

Create Related Tables Tiles Extension Source

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 6 56 31 AM

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 6 57 23 AM

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 6 58 12 AM

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 6 58 53 AM

Create Schema Extension Source

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 7 00 00 AM

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 7 00 51 AM

Create Coverage Data Extension Source

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 7 03 38 AM

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 7 04 14 AM

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 7 04 48 AM

Clone this wiki locally