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205 lines (126 loc) · 5.72 KB

File metadata and controls

205 lines (126 loc) · 5.72 KB



  • support parths=source_relative option #51


  • Support Google's ptypes in Mutation response #47
  • Fix misspelling in example #46 (@day112)


  • Support marshaling map type of Protocol Buffers #38


  • Enable to specify Google's ptype in request message #36
  • Support protobuf v3.14.0 #36



  • Fix input object when message has dependency of extermal package #35



  • Fix Input message type generation for nested resolver #33



  • Fix Input message type generation #32
  • Fix Query argument field type #30 (@tarunvelli)

v0.18.1, v0.18.2

  • Fix Google's ptypes package and generation #27 #29


  • Enable to parse enums within message #26 (@hychrisli)


  • Add default error handler which add code extension via gRPC error #25


New graphql.proto option

  • Add new graphql option of resolver #24
message GraphqlField {
    bool required = 1;
    string name = 2;
    string default = 3;
    bool omit = 4;
    string resolver = 5;

A new field of resolve which resolves as a nested query.


Add omit option in graphql.field option.



  • enum: use protobuf enum type for value #18 (@bmkessler)



  • Implement request transformation from CamelCase to SnakeCase.

v0.14.3, v0.14.4


  • Fix unexpected panic caused by reflect package in marshaling JSON response with camel-case

v0.14.1, v0.14.2


  • Fix tiny syntax error
  • Fix field camelcase generation
  • Fix required sign in repeated array and input object


Partially support google's type

Implement specific types and provide from this repository:

  • google.protobuf.Timestamp
  • google.protobuf.Wrappers
  • google.protobuf.Empty

Note that we could only support the above types hence if a user imports other types e.g. google.protobuf.Any will raise an error.

And for GraphQL spec, google.protobuf.Empty defined empty field like _: Boolean because GraphQL raises error when type fields are empty.

Fix map type in proto3

In proto3, map type can define as map<string, string> but PB parse as xxxEntry message. This PR also can use as graphql type with required key and value.

Version printing in plugin binary

protoc-gen-graphql accepts -v option for print build version.


Add infix typename

Add infix typename to GraphQL typename in order to avoid conflicting name between Type and Input. After this version, GraphQL typename is modified that [PackageName]_[Type]_[MessageName] for example:

package user

message User {
  int64 user_id = 1;

Then typename is User_Type_User.

Convert field name to CamelCase option

In protocol buffers, all message field name should define as lower_snake_case referred by Style Guide. But in GraphQL Schema, typically each field name should define as lowerCamelCase, so we add more option in protoc-gen-graphql:

protoc -I.

The new option, field_camel=true converts all message field name to camel case like:

// protobuf
message User {
    int64 user_id = 1 [(graphql.field).required = true];
    string user_name = 2 [(graphql.field).required = true];

// Graphql Schema
type User_Type_User {
    userId Int!
    userName String!

To keep backward compatibility, compile as lower_snake_case as default. If you want to define any graphql field as lowerCamelCase, please supply this option.


Define MiddlewareError and respond with error code

We defined MiddleWareError which can return in Middleware function. If middleware function returns that pointer instead of common error, The runtime responds error with that field data.

The definition is:

type MiddlewareError struct {
  Code string
  Message string

// generate error
return runtime.NewMiddlewareError("CODE", "MESSAGE")

If middleware returns common error, the runtime error will be:

{"data": null, "errors": [{"message": "error message of err.Error()", "extensions": {"code": "MIDDLEWARE_ERROR"}]}

If middleware returns MiddlewareError, the runtime error will be:

{"data": null, "errors": [{"message": "Message field value of MiddlewareError", "extensions": {"code": "Code field value of MiddlewareError"}]}


Changed middleware fucntion type

On MiddlewareFunc, you need to return context.Context as first return value. this is because we need to make custom metadata to gRPC on middleware process. If you are already using your onw middleware, plase change its interface. see ysugimoto#10