diff --git a/src/3rdparty/kmessagewidget/kmessagewidget.cpp b/src/3rdparty/kmessagewidget/kmessagewidget.cpp
index 70d5941391b5c..adf616dd03c7a 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/kmessagewidget/kmessagewidget.cpp
+++ b/src/3rdparty/kmessagewidget/kmessagewidget.cpp
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ class KMessageWidgetPrivate
QFrame *content = nullptr;
QLabel *iconLabel = nullptr;
QLabel *textLabel = nullptr;
+ QLabel *titleLabel = nullptr;
+ QLabel *titelIcon = nullptr;
QToolButton *closeButton = nullptr;
QTimeLine *timeLine = nullptr;
QIcon icon;
@@ -62,6 +64,9 @@ class KMessageWidgetPrivate
void slotTimeLineFinished();
[[nodiscard]] int bestContentHeight() const;
+ void applyNMCStylesheets() const;
void KMessageWidgetPrivate::init(KMessageWidget *q_ptr)
@@ -86,11 +91,22 @@ void KMessageWidgetPrivate::init(KMessageWidget *q_ptr)
textLabel = new QLabel(content);
- textLabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
+ // textLabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
+ textLabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
+ textLabel->setFixedWidth(500);
QObject::connect(textLabel, &QLabel::linkActivated, q, &KMessageWidget::linkActivated);
QObject::connect(textLabel, &QLabel::linkHovered, q, &KMessageWidget::linkHovered);
+ titleLabel = new QLabel(content);
+ titleLabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
+ titleLabel->setText(QCoreApplication::translate("", "E2E_ENCRYPTION"));
+ titleLabel->setStyleSheet("font-size: 13px; font-weight: 600;");
+ titelIcon = new QLabel(content);
+ titelIcon->setFixedSize(24,24);
+ titelIcon->setPixmap(QIcon(QLatin1String(":/client/theme/NMCIcons/cloud-security.svg")).pixmap(24,24));
auto *closeAction = new QAction(q);
closeAction->setToolTip(KMessageWidget::tr("Close message"));
@@ -99,8 +115,8 @@ void KMessageWidgetPrivate::init(KMessageWidget *q_ptr)
QObject::connect(closeAction, &QAction::triggered, q, &KMessageWidget::animatedHide);
closeButton = new QToolButton(content);
- closeButton->setAutoRaise(true);
- closeButton->setDefaultAction(closeAction);
+ // closeButton->setAutoRaise(true);
+ // closeButton->setDefaultAction(closeAction);
@@ -117,28 +133,47 @@ void KMessageWidgetPrivate::createLayout()
Q_FOREACH (QAction *action, q->actions()) {
auto *button = new QToolButton(content);
- button->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon);
+ // button->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon);
+ button->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly);
// AutoRaise reduces visual clutter, but we don't want to turn it on if
// there are other buttons, otherwise the close button will look different
// from the others.
- closeButton->setAutoRaise(buttons.isEmpty());
+ // closeButton->setAutoRaise(buttons.isEmpty());
- if (wordWrap) {
+ if (true) {
auto *layout = new QGridLayout(content);
+ layout->setContentsMargins(8,8,0,8);
+ content->setFixedHeight(84);
+ auto *titleLayout = new QHBoxLayout(content);
+ titleLayout->setSpacing(8);
+ titleLayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);
+ titleLayout->addWidget(titleLabel);
+ titleLayout->addWidget(titelIcon);
+ layout->addLayout(titleLayout, 0, 0, 1, 1, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignCenter);
// Set alignment to make sure icon does not move down if text wraps
- layout->addWidget(iconLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop);
- layout->addWidget(textLabel, 0, 1);
+ // layout->addWidget(iconLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop);
+ layout->addWidget(textLabel, 1, 0);
+ textLabel->setWordWrap(true);
+ QSpacerItem *spacerItem = new QSpacerItem(1, 1, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
+ layout->addItem(spacerItem, 2, 0);
if (buttons.isEmpty()) {
// Use top-vertical alignment like the icon does.
- layout->addWidget(closeButton, 0, 2, 1, 1, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop);
+ // layout->addWidget(closeButton, 0, 2, 1, 1, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop);
} else {
// Use an additional layout in row 1 for the buttons.
- auto *buttonLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
- buttonLayout->addStretch();
+ // auto *buttonLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
+ // buttonLayout->addStretch();
+ auto *buttonLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
+ buttonLayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);
+ buttonLayout->setSpacing(4);
Q_FOREACH (QToolButton *button, buttons) {
// For some reason, calling show() is necessary if wordwrap is true,
// otherwise the buttons do not show up. It is not needed if
@@ -146,8 +181,10 @@ void KMessageWidgetPrivate::createLayout()
- buttonLayout->addWidget(closeButton);
- layout->addItem(buttonLayout, 1, 0, 1, 2);
+ // buttonLayout->addWidget(closeButton);
+ // layout->addItem(buttonLayout, 1, 0, 1, 2);
+ layout->addItem(buttonLayout, 0, 1, 3, 1, Qt::AlignRight);
+ applyNMCStylesheets();
} else {
auto *layout = new QHBoxLayout(content);
@@ -158,7 +195,7 @@ void KMessageWidgetPrivate::createLayout()
- layout->addWidget(closeButton);
+ // layout->addWidget(closeButton);
if (q->isVisible()) {
@@ -176,10 +213,12 @@ void KMessageWidgetPrivate::applyStyleSheet()
// The following RGB color values come from the "default" scheme in kcolorscheme.cpp
switch (messageType) {
case KMessageWidget::Positive:
- bgBaseColor.setRgb(39, 174, 96); // Window: ForegroundPositive
+ // bgBaseColor.setRgb(39, 174, 96); // Window: ForegroundPositive
+ bgBaseColor.setRgb(204, 250, 225); // Window: ForegroundPositive
case KMessageWidget::Information:
- bgBaseColor.setRgb(61, 174, 233); // Window: ForegroundActive
+ // bgBaseColor.setRgb(61, 174, 233); // Window: ForegroundActive
+ bgBaseColor.setRgb(211, 215, 249); // Window: ForegroundActive
case KMessageWidget::Warning:
bgBaseColor.setRgb(246, 116, 0); // Window: ForegroundNeutral
@@ -188,13 +227,13 @@ void KMessageWidgetPrivate::applyStyleSheet()
bgBaseColor.setRgb(218, 68, 83); // Window: ForegroundNegative
- const qreal bgBaseColorAlpha = 0.2;
+ const qreal bgBaseColorAlpha = 1.0;
const QPalette palette = QGuiApplication::palette();
const QColor windowColor = palette.window().color();
const QColor textColor = palette.text().color();
- const QColor border = bgBaseColor;
+ // const QColor border = bgBaseColor;
// Generate a final background color from overlaying bgBaseColor over windowColor
const int newRed = qRound(bgBaseColor.red() * bgBaseColorAlpha) + qRound(windowColor.red() * (1 - bgBaseColorAlpha));
@@ -213,11 +252,13 @@ void KMessageWidgetPrivate::applyStyleSheet()
".QLabel { color: %4; }"
- .arg(border.name())
+ .arg(bgFinalColor.name())
// DefaultFrameWidth returns the size of the external margin + border width. We know our border is 1px, so we subtract this from the frame normal QStyle FrameWidth to get our margin
.arg(q->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth, nullptr, q) - 1)
+ applyNMCStylesheets();
void KMessageWidgetPrivate::updateLayout()
@@ -271,6 +312,30 @@ int KMessageWidgetPrivate::bestContentHeight() const
return height;
+void KMessageWidgetPrivate::applyNMCStylesheets() const
+ // Set button color and size
+ if (!buttons.empty()){
+ QString stylesheet = QString("QToolButton{width: 180px; height: 32px; border-radius: 4px; font-size: %1px; color: %2; background-color: %3;} QToolButton:hover { background-color: %4;}");
+ switch (messageType) {
+ case KMessageWidget::Positive:
+ Q_FOREACH (QToolButton *button, buttons) {
+ button->setStyleSheet(stylesheet.arg("13", "white", "#00b367", "#00a461"));
+ }
+ break;
+ case KMessageWidget::Information:
+ Q_FOREACH (QToolButton *button, buttons) {
+ button->setStyleSheet(stylesheet.arg("13", "white", "#216bff", "#0819bd"));
+ }
+ break;
+ case KMessageWidget::Warning:
+ break;
+ case KMessageWidget::Error:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
// KMessageWidget
@@ -396,7 +461,8 @@ bool KMessageWidget::isCloseButtonVisible() const
void KMessageWidget::setCloseButtonVisible(bool show)
- d->closeButton->setVisible(show);
+ Q_UNUSED(show);
+ d->closeButton->setVisible(false);
diff --git a/src/gui/accountsettings.cpp b/src/gui/accountsettings.cpp
index 0b31ba4345277..3a12d800a350c 100644
--- a/src/gui/accountsettings.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/accountsettings.cpp
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ void AccountSettings::slotE2eEncryptionMnemonicReady()
_ui->encryptionMessage->setText(tr("End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account"));
- _ui->encryptionMessage->setIcon(Theme::createColorAwareIcon(QStringLiteral(":/client/theme/lock.svg")));
+ // _ui->encryptionMessage->setIcon(Theme::createColorAwareIcon(QStringLiteral(":/client/theme/lock.svg")));
@@ -398,9 +398,7 @@ bool AccountSettings::canEncryptOrDecrypt(const FolderStatusModel::SubFolderInfo
if (!_accountState->account()->e2e() || _accountState->account()->e2e()->_mnemonic.isEmpty()) {
QMessageBox msgBox;
- msgBox.setText(tr("End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. "
- "Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder.\n"
- "Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption?"));
+ msgBox.setText(QCoreApplication::translate("", "E2E_MNEMONIC_TEXT2"));
msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel);
const auto ret = msgBox.exec();
@@ -1075,10 +1073,8 @@ void AccountSettings::displayMnemonic(const QString &mnemonic)
Ui_Dialog ui{};
widget.setWindowTitle(tr("End-to-end encryption mnemonic"));
- ui.label->setText(
- tr("To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. "
- "Please note these down and keep them safe. "
- "They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop)."));
+ widget.setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint);
+ ui.label->setText(QCoreApplication::translate("", "E2E_MNEMONIC_TEXT"));
QFont monoFont(QStringLiteral("Monospace"));
@@ -1102,10 +1098,8 @@ void AccountSettings::disableEncryptionForAccount(const AccountPtr &account) con
QMessageBox dialog;
dialog.setWindowTitle(tr("Disable end-to-end encryption"));
- dialog.setText(tr("Disable end-to-end encryption for %1?").arg(account->davUser()));
- dialog.setInformativeText(tr("Removing end-to-end encryption will remove locally-synced files that are encrypted."
- "
- "Encrypted files will remain on the server."));
+ // dialog.setText(tr("Disable end-to-end encryption for %1?").arg(account->davUser()));
+ dialog.setText(QCoreApplication::translate("", "E2E_MNEMONIC_TEXT4"));
dialog.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel);
@@ -1656,11 +1650,7 @@ void AccountSettings::initializeE2eEncryption()
connect(_accountState->account()->e2e(), &ClientSideEncryption::initializationFinished, this, [this] {
if (!_accountState->account()->e2e()->_publicKey.isNull()) {
- _ui->encryptionMessage->setText(tr("End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device."
- "
- "It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic."
- "
- "This will enable synchronisation of existing encrypted folders."));
+ _ui->encryptionMessage->setText(QCoreApplication::translate("", "E2E_ENCRYPTION_START"));
@@ -1716,7 +1706,7 @@ void AccountSettings::initializeE2eEncryptionSettingsMessage()
_ui->encryptionMessage->setText(tr("This account supports end-to-end encryption"));
- _ui->encryptionMessage->setIcon(Theme::createColorAwareIcon(QStringLiteral(":/client/theme/black/state-info.svg")));
+ // _ui->encryptionMessage->setIcon(Theme::createColorAwareIcon(QStringLiteral(":/client/theme/black/state-info.svg")));
auto *const actionEnableE2e = addActionToEncryptionMessage(tr("Set up encryption"), e2EeUiActionEnableEncryptionId);
diff --git a/src/gui/socketapi/socketapi.cpp b/src/gui/socketapi/socketapi.cpp
index bd68063fa2978..9848ad5bb56c4 100644
--- a/src/gui/socketapi/socketapi.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/socketapi/socketapi.cpp
@@ -548,8 +548,7 @@ void SocketApi::processEncryptRequest(const QString &localFile)
if (!account->e2e() || account->e2e()->_mnemonic.isEmpty()) {
const int ret = QMessageBox::critical(nullptr,
tr("Failed to encrypt folder at \"%1\"").arg(fileData.folderRelativePath),
- tr("The account %1 does not have end-to-end encryption configured. "
- "Please configure this in your account settings to enable folder encryption.").arg(account->prettyName()));
+ QCoreApplication::translate("", "E2E_MNEMONIC_TEXT3").arg(account->prettyName()));
diff --git a/src/libsync/clientsideencryption.cpp b/src/libsync/clientsideencryption.cpp
index a5c0364c2b7ab..64653826baf20 100644
--- a/src/libsync/clientsideencryption.cpp
+++ b/src/libsync/clientsideencryption.cpp
@@ -1611,15 +1611,12 @@ void ClientSideEncryption::decryptPrivateKey(const AccountPtr &account, const QB
- QString msg = tr("Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:
- "
- "Username: %2
- "Account: %3
- .arg(Utility::escape(account->credentials()->user()),
- Utility::escape(account->displayName()));
+ QString msg = QCoreApplication::translate("", "E2E_MNEMONIC_PASSPHRASE");
QInputDialog dialog;
dialog.setWindowTitle(tr("Enter E2E passphrase"));
+ dialog.setWindowTitle(tr(""));
+ dialog.setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint);
diff --git a/src/libsync/wordlist.cpp b/src/libsync/wordlist.cpp
index ee71cd7deb352..a3a8ad247f519 100644
--- a/src/libsync/wordlist.cpp
+++ b/src/libsync/wordlist.cpp
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
#include "wordlist.h"
namespace OCC {
namespace WordList {
+// #include
int getRandomNumber(int max) {
unsigned char d[8];
@@ -23,2060 +25,2316 @@ int getRandomNumber(int max) {
QStringList getRandomWords(int nr)
- QStringList wordList = {
- "abandon",
- "ability",
- "able",
- "about",
- "above",
- "absent",
- "absorb",
- "abstract",
- "absurd",
- "abuse",
- "access",
- "accident",
- "account",
- "accuse",
- "achieve",
- "acid",
- "acoustic",
- "acquire",
- "across",
- "act",
+ QStringList wordListDE = {
+ "aal",
+ "abend",
+ "abendrot",
+ "abenteuer",
+ "aberglaube",
+ "abfahrt",
+ "abfall",
+ "abtei",
+ "achse",
+ "acht",
+ "achtung",
+ "achtzig",
+ "acidum",
+ "acker",
+ "ackerbau",
+ "ackerhof",
- "actor",
- "actress",
- "actual",
- "adapt",
- "add",
- "addict",
- "address",
- "adjust",
- "admit",
- "adult",
- "advance",
- "advice",
- "aerobic",
- "affair",
- "afford",
- "afraid",
- "again",
- "age",
- "agent",
- "agree",
- "ahead",
- "aim",
- "air",
- "airport",
- "aisle",
- "alarm",
- "album",
- "alcohol",
- "alert",
- "alien",
- "all",
- "alley",
- "allow",
- "almost",
- "alone",
- "alpha",
- "already",
- "also",
- "alter",
- "always",
- "amateur",
- "amazing",
- "among",
- "amount",
- "amused",
- "analyst",
- "anchor",
- "ancient",
- "anger",
- "angle",
- "angry",
- "animal",
- "ankle",
- "announce",
- "annual",
- "another",
- "answer",
- "antenna",
- "antique",
- "anxiety",
- "any",
- "apart",
- "apology",
- "appear",
- "apple",
- "approve",
+ "ada",
+ "adam",
+ "adel",
+ "adenauer",
+ "ader",
+ "aderlass",
+ "adidas",
+ "adieu",
+ "adjektiv",
+ "adolph",
+ "adonis",
+ "adria",
+ "adverb",
+ "advokat",
+ "angina",
+ "angler",
+ "ansicht",
+ "antonio",
+ "antrag",
+ "antrieb",
+ "antritt",
+ "antwort",
+ "anwalt",
+ "apache",
+ "apartheid",
+ "apartment",
+ "aperitif",
+ "apfel",
+ "apfelmus",
+ "apfelsine",
+ "apfeltorte",
+ "apfelwein",
+ "aphorismus",
+ "aphrodite",
+ "apokalypse",
+ "apoll",
+ "apollo",
+ "apologeten",
+ "apostel",
+ "apostroph",
+ "apostrophs",
+ "apotheke",
+ "apparat",
- "arch",
- "arctic",
- "area",
+ "apropos",
+ "apsis",
+ "apulien",
+ "aquarell",
+ "aragon",
+ "arbeit",
+ "archimedes",
+ "architekt",
+ "archiv",
+ "arden",
+ "areal",
- "argue",
+ "arenen",
+ "argau",
+ "arge",
+ "argentinien",
+ "arglist",
+ "argonaut",
+ "argosy",
+ "argument",
+ "argus",
+ "argusaugen",
+ "argwohn",
+ "ariane",
+ "arie",
+ "aristokrat",
+ "aristoteles",
+ "arithmetik",
+ "arizona",
+ "arkade",
+ "arkadenhof",
+ "arkansas",
+ "arktisforscher",
- "armed",
- "armor",
+ "armada",
+ "armagnac",
+ "armando",
+ "armaturen",
+ "armband",
+ "armee",
+ "armenien",
+ "armenier",
+ "armfluegeln",
+ "armhaltung",
+ "armhebel",
+ "armkettchen",
+ "armlehnen",
+ "armreif",
+ "arms",
+ "armseligkeit",
+ "armsessel",
+ "armstrong",
+ "armut",
- "around",
- "arrange",
+ "arnica",
+ "arno",
- "arrive",
- "arrow",
- "art",
- "artefact",
- "artist",
- "artwork",
- "ask",
- "aspect",
- "assault",
- "asset",
- "assist",
- "assume",
- "asthma",
- "athlete",
+ "arroganz",
+ "arsch",
+ "arterie",
+ "arthur",
+ "arzt",
+ "asbest",
+ "asien",
+ "aspirant",
+ "astrologe",
+ "astrologie",
+ "astronaut",
+ "astronomie",
+ "asyl",
+ "atelier",
+ "atem",
+ "atemzug",
+ "atheist",
+ "atheisten",
+ "atheistin",
+ "athen",
+ "athene",
+ "athlet",
- "attack",
- "attend",
- "attitude",
- "attract",
- "auction",
- "audit",
- "august",
- "aunt",
- "author",
+ "aubergine",
+ "auch",
+ "audienz",
+ "audienzen",
+ "audrey",
+ "auen",
+ "auerhahn",
- "autumn",
- "average",
- "avocado",
- "avoid",
- "awake",
- "aware",
- "away",
- "awesome",
- "awful",
- "awkward",
- "axis",
- "bachelor",
- "bacon",
- "badge",
- "bag",
- "balance",
- "balcony",
+ "bach",
+ "backup",
+ "backware",
+ "backwaren",
+ "bad",
+ "badetuch",
+ "bahamas",
+ "bahn",
+ "balearen",
+ "bali",
+ "balkan",
- "bamboo",
- "banana",
- "banner",
- "bar",
- "barely",
- "bargain",
- "barrel",
- "base",
- "basic",
- "basket",
- "battle",
- "beach",
- "bean",
- "beauty",
- "because",
- "become",
- "beef",
- "before",
- "begin",
- "behave",
- "behind",
- "believe",
- "below",
- "belt",
- "bench",
- "benefit",
- "best",
- "betray",
- "better",
- "between",
- "beyond",
- "bicycle",
- "bid",
- "bike",
- "bind",
- "biology",
- "bird",
- "birth",
- "bitter",
- "black",
- "blade",
- "blame",
- "blanket",
- "blast",
- "bleak",
- "bless",
- "blind",
- "blood",
- "blossom",
- "blouse",
- "blue",
- "blur",
- "blush",
- "board",
- "boat",
- "body",
- "boil",
- "bomb",
- "bone",
- "bonus",
- "book",
- "boost",
- "border",
- "boring",
- "borrow",
- "boss",
- "bottom",
- "bounce",
- "box",
- "boy",
- "bracket",
- "brain",
- "brand",
- "brass",
- "brave",
- "bread",
- "breeze",
- "brick",
- "bridge",
+ "band",
+ "bank",
+ "barbar",
+ "barbara",
+ "bargeld",
+ "baron",
+ "basketball",
+ "batterie",
+ "bau",
+ "bauernhof",
+ "bauherr",
+ "baum",
+ "bazar",
+ "bazille",
+ "bedarf",
+ "beere",
+ "beet",
+ "behauptung",
+ "beifall",
+ "beine",
+ "beischlaf",
+ "beitrag",
+ "belfast",
+ "belgien",
+ "bengel",
+ "benzin",
+ "berg",
+ "bert",
+ "berta",
+ "bier",
+ "bild",
+ "billionen",
+ "billy",
+ "bindegewebe",
+ "bindeglied",
+ "birmingham",
+ "birne",
+ "blaubeere",
+ "blaubeertorte",
+ "blech",
+ "blei",
+ "bleibe",
+ "blume",
+ "blut",
+ "bonsai",
+ "boa",
+ "bob",
+ "bock",
+ "bombe",
+ "boot",
+ "bordell",
- "bright",
- "bring",
- "brisk",
- "broccoli",
- "broken",
+ "bronchitis",
- "broom",
- "brother",
- "brown",
- "brush",
- "bubble",
- "buddy",
- "budget",
- "buffalo",
- "build",
- "bulb",
- "bulk",
- "bullet",
- "bundle",
- "bunker",
- "burden",
- "burger",
- "burst",
+ "buchkritik",
+ "buchmacher",
+ "buckingham",
+ "budapest",
+ "buddha",
+ "bude",
+ "buch",
+ "buechse",
+ "buechsen",
+ "bueffel",
+ "buegels",
+ "buehler",
+ "buehne",
+ "bungalow",
+ "burda",
+ "bureau",
+ "burg",
+ "burgenland",
- "business",
- "busy",
+ "butler",
- "buyer",
- "buzz",
- "cabbage",
- "cabin",
- "cable",
- "cactus",
- "cage",
- "cake",
- "call",
- "calm",
- "camera",
- "camp",
- "can",
- "canal",
- "cancel",
- "candy",
- "cannon",
- "canoe",
- "canvas",
- "canyon",
- "capable",
- "capital",
- "captain",
- "car",
- "carbon",
- "card",
- "cargo",
- "carpet",
- "carry",
- "cart",
- "case",
- "cash",
- "casino",
- "castle",
- "casual",
- "cat",
- "catalog",
- "catch",
- "category",
- "cattle",
- "caught",
- "cause",
- "caution",
- "cave",
- "ceiling",
- "celery",
- "cement",
- "census",
- "century",
- "cereal",
- "certain",
- "chair",
- "chalk",
- "champion",
- "change",
- "chaos",
- "chapter",
- "charge",
- "chase",
- "chat",
- "cheap",
- "check",
- "cheese",
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+ "Kartoffel",
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+ "weser",
+ "wespe",
+ "wespennest",
+ "weste",
+ "westfalen",
+ "westwind",
+ "wette",
+ "wetter",
+ "whisky",
+ "wicht",
+ "wichtig",
+ "wickel",
+ "widder",
+ "widmung",
+ "wiedergabe",
+ "wiesel",
+ "wiener",
+ "wildwest",
+ "wille",
+ "willi",
+ "willy",
+ "wimpel",
+ "wimper",
+ "wind",
+ "windbeutel",
+ "windhose",
+ "windhund",
+ "winkel",
- "wire",
- "wisdom",
- "wise",
- "wish",
- "witness",
+ "winterthur",
+ "wippe",
+ "wirbelwind",
+ "wirkung",
+ "wirrwarr",
+ "wirt",
+ "wirtshaus",
+ "wischer",
+ "witterung",
+ "witwe",
+ "witz",
+ "wladimir",
+ "woche",
+ "woelbung",
- "woman",
- "wonder",
- "wood",
- "wool",
- "word",
- "work",
- "world",
- "worry",
- "worth",
- "wrap",
- "wreck",
- "wrestle",
- "wrist",
- "write",
- "wrong",
- "yard",
- "year",
- "yellow",
- "you",
- "young",
- "youth",
+ "wohnsitz",
+ "wohnung",
+ "wolfgang",
+ "wolfram",
+ "wolfsburg",
+ "wolfshund",
+ "wolke",
+ "wolga",
+ "wolle",
+ "wollust",
+ "worms",
+ "wort",
+ "wrack",
+ "wucher",
+ "wucht",
+ "wunde",
+ "wunder",
+ "wurf",
+ "wurm",
+ "wurzel",
+ "wut",
+ "xerox",
+ "xerxes",
+ "xylograph",
+ "yacht",
+ "yangtse",
+ "yen",
+ "yeti",
+ "yoga",
+ "yokohama",
+ "yuppie",
+ "zack",
+ "zaehler",
+ "zahl",
+ "zahn",
+ "zahnarzt",
+ "zahnaerztin",
+ "zahnersatz",
+ "zahnfleisch",
+ "zahngold",
+ "zahnluecke",
+ "zahnpaste",
+ "zahnpflege",
+ "zahnrad",
+ "zahnschmelz",
+ "zange",
+ "zapfenstreich",
+ "zar",
+ "zarathustra",
+ "zauber",
+ "zauberei",
+ "zaum",
+ "zaun",
+ "zaunkoenig",
+ "zeche",
+ "zeh",
+ "zehner",
+ "zeichen",
+ "zeichnung",
+ "zeigefinger",
+ "zeiger",
+ "zeile",
+ "zeit",
+ "zeitalter",
+ "zeitbombe",
+ "zeitung",
+ "zeitgeist",
+ "zelle",
+ "zellkern",
+ "zeltdach",
+ "zelt",
+ "zement",
+ "zensur",
+ "zentner",
+ "zentral",
+ "zentrum",
+ "zeppelin",
+ "zepter",
+ "zeremonie",
+ "zerfall",
+ "zettel",
+ "zeuge",
+ "zeugin",
+ "zeus",
+ "zicke",
+ "ziege",
+ "ziegel",
+ "ziffer",
+ "zigarette",
+ "zigarillo",
+ "zigarre",
+ "zigeuner",
+ "zigeunerin",
+ "zikade",
+ "zimmer",
+ "zimmermann",
+ "zimt",
+ "zinne",
+ "zinnsoldat",
+ "zins",
+ "zirkel",
+ "zisterne",
+ "zitadelle",
+ "zitat",
+ "zivilist",
+ "zoll",
+ "zombie",
- "zoo"
+ "zoo",
+ "zopf",
+ "zorro",
+ "zucht",
+ "zucker",
+ "zuegel",
+ "zugabe",
+ "zukunft",
+ "zunge",
+ "zuruf",
+ "zustand",
+ "zuzug",
+ "zwang",
+ "zweifel",
+ "zwerg",
+ "zwerchfell",
+ "zwilling",
+ "zwinger",
+ "zwist",
+ "zyanid",
+ "zyankali",
+ "zyklon",
+ "zyklop",
+ "zyklus",
+ "zylinder",
+ "zyniker",
+ "zypern",
+ "zypresse",
+ "zyste"
QStringList randomWords;
while(randomWords.size() != nr) {
- QString currWord = wordList.at(getRandomNumber(wordList.size()));
+ auto currWord = wordListDE.at(getRandomNumber(wordListDE.size()));
if (!randomWords.contains(currWord)) {