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Vispy code camp @ESRF

Luke Campagnola edited this page Jan 22, 2014 · 29 revisions


  • Dates: 19 February (morning) - 21 February (evening) 2014
  • Location: ESRF, Grenoble, France. CTRM Meeting room.
  • Participants:
    • Core developers (AK, CR, NR, LC)
    • ESRF staff
    • Potential users


Wednesday 19

Session 1: The Developers (30 min)

Presentation of the developers (field, interest to scientific graphics, previous work in graphics, interest in vispy). (5 min each)

  1. AK
  2. LC
  3. CR
  4. NR

Session 2: Introduction to Vispy (2h00)

  1. What is Vispy? (AK, 10 min)
  • Why?
  • What users are we targeting? (scientists, engineers, game developers...)
  • Possibilities and use cases? (scientific plotting, computer art/demo scene, data visualization, games...)
  • Rough overview of the different layers (which ones have been done, which ones remain to be done?)
  1. Introduction to modern OpenGL (NR or AK?, 20 min)
  • shaders, GLSL, VBOs, PyOpenGL, importance of batch calls
  1. GLOO. (NR or AK?, 10 min)
  2. Visuals. (CR, 10 min)
  3. Transforms, shader chaining, scenegraphs, Qt GraphicsView. (LC, 20 min)
  4. High-level interfaces. (CR, 10 min)


Session 3: Advanced topics (1h30)

Lighting talks (a few minutes each).

  1. gl-agg, antialiasing. (NR, 5-10 min)
  2. MPL backend. (NR, 5-10 min)
  3. WebGL backend. (CR, 10 min)
  4. Visualization of HDF5 files. (CR, 5 min)
  5. GUIs, traits, MVC & visuals... (CR, 5 min)
  6. ...

Session 4: Use cases (30 min)

Any participant can come and expose its use case in 5-10 min.

  1. Visualization and manipulation of electrophysiological recordings. (CR, 5 min)
  2. ESRF staff?
  3. ...

Thursday 20

  • Design, discussions, coding.

Friday 21

  • Design, discussions, coding.