This example shows kernel to kernel example where we excluded 2 prefixes from provided IP prefix range.
NSC and NSE are using the kernel
mechanism to connect to its local forwarder.
Make sure that you have completed steps from basic or memory setup.
Create config map with excluded prefixes
kubectl apply -k
Deploy NSC and NSE:
kubectl apply -k
Wait for applications ready:
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=1m pod -l app=alpine -n ns-exclude-prefixes
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=1m pod -l app=nse-kernel -n ns-exclude-prefixes
Ping from NSC to NSE:
kubectl exec pods/alpine -n ns-exclude-prefixes -- ping -c 4
Ping from NSE to NSC:
kubectl exec deployments/nse-kernel -n ns-exclude-prefixes -- ping -c 4
Delete ns:
kubectl delete configmap excluded-prefixes-config
kubectl delete ns ns-exclude-prefixes