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Selphid widget for iOS

Safe digital onboarding solution with the best real time OCR in the market with facial liveness test.


Table of contents


SelphID widget is distributed in XCFramerwork format together with a resource bundle distributed in a Zip file. The framework can be deployed in iOS 10.0 or later.

Quick Start Guide

The fastest way to integrate SelphID widget is using CocoaPods.

In order to use Cocoapods, you need to create a podfile in your project directory:

$ touch podfile

Add the following conten to your podfile:

platform :ios, '10.0'
target 'Your-App-Target' do
  pod 'FPhiSelphIDWidgetiOS'

Install the widget and its dependencies in your project running:

$ pod install

Open the new generated Xcode workspace (.xcworkspace).

Programming Implementation

In order to implement SelphID Widget in your project follow the next steps.

  1. Reference the header file.


import FPhiSelphIDWidgetiOS


#import <FPhiSelphIDWidgetiOS/FPhiSelphIDWidgetiOS.h>
  1. Invoke SelphID Widget.

SelphID Widget has to be invoked using a Viewcontroller. Next code snippet shows how to implement a method to invoke the SelphID Widget.

Be aware SelphID Widget needs a license to execute correctly, otherwise will throw an error indicating invalid license


func showDocumentWidget() {
        // Get path of resource
        guard let resource = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "fphi-selphid-widget-resources-selphid-1.0", ofType: "zip") else { return }

        // Get path of license
        guard let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "license", ofType: "lic") else { return }
        guard let license = try? String(contentsOfFile: path, encoding: .utf8) else { return }

        do {
           try selphIDWidget = FPhiSelphIDWidget(frontCameraIfAvailable: true, resources: resource, delegate: self, license: license)
        } catch {
           //Catch possible invokation error here
        // Checking the correct creation of the widget
        guard let widget = selphIDWidget else { return }

        widget.scanMode = .SMSearch

        // If you want to get a front and back image at the same time
        widget.wizardMode = true

        // Show capture image before snap
        widget.showAfterCapture = true

        // If you want to obtain the data in a more accurate way enter the locale in the specificData property
        widget.specificData = documentModel

        widget.scanType = .DTIDCard

        // Start widget extraction

        // Show widget
        present(widget, animated: true)

For data extraction, SelphID Widget Delegate, FPhiSelphIDWidgetProtocol, has to be conformed:

extension ViewController: FPhiSelphIDWidgetProtocol {
   This event is launched when the document capture is complete

   Returns the possible types of results extracted from the OCR extraction.

   Note: Not is recommended to take this data out of the terminal without encryption.

   Capture format
   - Standard: Cropped image from points of interest, to avoid the presence of visual noise. Ideal to show the user. Ex: frontDocument
   - Raw: Original image. Ideal to send to the server and to deal with it. Ex: rawFrontDocument

   - Plain: They are raw data without applying any encryption layer. It is ideal to show the user. Ex: frontDocument
   - Token: Apply an encryption layer to the data sent. Which is possible to decrypt from the SDK on the server. Ex: tokenFrontDocument

   - Front: Document front image. Ex: frontDocument
   - Back: Document back image. Ex: backDocument
   - Face: Document facial image. Ex: faceImage

  func captureFinished() {
      // Retrieve data captured from widget
      guard let results = selphIDWidget?.results else { return }

      // Retrieve frontal document image captured from widget
      if let front = results.frontDocument {

      // Retrieve back document image captured from widget
      if let back = results.backDocument {

      // Retrieve face document image captured from widget
      if let face = results.faceImage {

       Returns the possible types of results extracted from the OCR extraction.

       - ocrResults: Returns an unencrypted key value dictionary. Suitable to show in case of flow that contemplates it.
       - tokenOCR: Returns an encrypted key value dictionary. Suitable to send to the server and decrypt it there.
      if let data = results.ocrResults as? [String: String] {
           This serves to update the list that shows the extracted data.
           It has nothing to do with the logic of the widget, it is only demonstrative.

  // This event is launched when the time to recognize a document has been exceeded
  func captureTimeout() {


  // This event is launched when the user has canceled the capture of the document from the widget interface
  func captureCancelled() {


  // This event is launched when the widget has suffered an error during capture
  func captureFailed(_ error: Error!) {



-(void)showDocumentWidget {
  NSLog(@"Widget - Capture Document Front");

   NSString *license = [self readLicense:LICENSE_PATH];

   NSError *error = nil;
   NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[FrontViewController class]];
   _selphidWidget = [[FPhiSelphIDWidget alloc] initWithFrontCameraIfAvailable:true
                                                                    resources:[bundle pathForResource:RESOURCES_PATH ofType:@"zip"]

   if (error != nil) {
       switch (error.code) {
           case FWMEUnknown:
               NSLog(@"Widget - construction error. Unknown error");
           case FWMECameraPermission:
               NSLog(@"Widget - construction error. Camera permission denied");

   _selphidWidget.scanSide = DSFront;
   _selphidWidget.scanMode = SMSearch;

   // If you want to obtain the data in a more accurate way enter the locale in the specificData property
   NSString *locale = @"ES";
   _selphidWidget.specificData = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@|<ALL>", locale];

   // If you want to get a front and back image at the same time
   _selphidWidget.wizardMode = false;

   _selphidWidget.showAfterCapture = true;

   if (_selphidWidget.wizardMode) self.previousData = nil;
   _selphidWidget.tokenPreviousCaptureData = self.previousData;

   [_selphidWidget StartExtraction];

   [self presentViewController:_selphidWidget animated:true completion:nil];

For data extraction, SelphID Widget Delegate, FPhiSelphIDWidgetProtocol, has to be conformed:

#pragma Widget delegate
Invoked when the extraction process is finished.
- Mandatory method
- (void)CaptureFinished {
   NSLog(@"Widget - Extraction finished");

   if (_selphidWidget.wizardMode)
       self.previousData = nil;
       self.previousData = _selphidWidget.results.tokenOCR;

   _frontImageView.image = _selphidWidget.results.frontDocument;
   _nextButton.enabled = true;

Invoked when the extraction process fail.
- Optional method
- (void)CaptureFailed:(NSError *)error {
   NSLog(@"Widget - Extraction failed");

Invoked when extraction process is aborted by timeout.
- Optional method
- (void)CaptureTimeout {
   NSLog(@"Widget - Extraction timeout");

Invoked when extraction process is cancelled by user.
- Optional method
- (void)CaptureCancelled {
   NSLog(@"Widget - Extraction cancelled");