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prometheus travis


Prometheus is a Flask (About Flask) powered web app that tells you how your stock portfolio has performed over time, gives insight into how to optimize your asset allocation, and monitors your portfolio for rebalancing or performance enhancing opportunities. It has been tested on the following configuration:

  • MacOS X 10.7.5
  • Python 2.7.4


Prometheus requires the following in order to run properly:


Prometheus aims to give investors an easy way to:

  • construct portfolios of low cost ETFs and mutual funds
  • generate customized portfolios based on their individual risk tolerance
  • access asset classes that have since only been available to the elite

Prometheus provides a suite of tools to:

  • track and monitor portfolio performance and allocation
  • compare portfolios across various categories (account, manager, etc.)
  • visualize various portfolio metrics


Flask Extensions

Production Server

Quick Start

Clone the repo

git clone [email protected]:reubano/prometheus.git
cd prometheus

Install requirements

sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install -r requirements-local.txt

Run server

./ runserver

Now view the app at http://localhost:5000


Prometheus comes with a built in script manager Use it to start the server, run tests, and initialize the database.


./ <command> [command-options] [manager-options]


Start server

./ runserver

Run nose tests

./ runtests

Initialize the production database

./ initdb -m Production

Manager options

-m MODE, --cfgmode=MODE  set the configuration mode, must be one of
                         ['Production', 'Development', 'Test'] defaults
                         to 'Development'. See `` for details
-f FILE, --cfgfile=FILE  set the configuration file (absolute path)


checkstage  Checks staged with git pre-commit hook
initdb      Removes all content from database and initializes it
            with default values
popdb       Removes all content from database initializes it, and
            populates it with sample data
popprices   Add prices for all securities in the database
runserver   Runs the Flask development server i.e.
runtests    Run nose tests
shell       Runs a Python shell inside Flask application context.
resetdb     Remove all content from database and creates new tables
testapi     Test to see if API is working

Command options

Type ./ <command> -h to view any command's options

./ manage runserver -h
usage: ./ runserver [-h] [-t HOST] [-p PORT] [--threaded]
                             [--processes PROCESSES] [--passthrough-errors]
                             [-d] [-r]

Runs the Flask development server i.e.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help              show this help message and exit
  -t HOST, --host HOST
  -p PORT, --port PORT
  --processes PROCESSES
  -d, --no-debug
  -r, --no-reload


Start production server on port 1000

./ runserver -p 1000 -m Production


Config Variables

The following configurations settings are in

variable description default value
__APP_NAME__ application name 'Prometheus'
__YOUR_NAME__ your name 'Reuben Cummings'
__YOUR_EMAIL__ your email address <user>
__YOUR_WEBSITE__ your website 'http://<user>'
__API_BASE__ api base url ''

Environment Variables

Prometheus will reference the following environment variables in if they are set on your system.


To set an environment variable, do the following:

echo 'export VARIABLE=value' >> ~/.profile

Advanced Installation

Virtual environment setup

Ideally, you should install modules for every project into a virtual environment. This setup will allow you to install different versions of the same module into different projects without worrying about adverse interactions.

sudo pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

Add the following to your ~/.profile

export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/

Create your new virtualenv

mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages prometheus
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install -r requirements-local.txt

Patch pandas to enable dividend and split fetching

patch -p0 <

API setup

By default, this project uses the Heroku hosted Prometheus-API. If you would like to host your own API do the following:

Clone the repo

git clone [email protected]:reubano/prometheus-api.git
cd prometheus-api

Install requirements

mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages prometheus-api
workon prometheus-api
sudo pip install -r requirements-local.txt

Run server (pick a different port than the main app)

./ runserver -p 5005

Now that your api is up and running at http://localhost:5005, set the __API_BASE__ variable in to the url of your new api.

Production Server

Getting Gevent up and running is a bit tricky so follow these instructions carefully.

To use gevent, you first need to install libevent.


apt-get install libevent-dev

Mac OS X via homebrew

brew install libevent

Mac OS X via macports

sudo port install libevent

Mac OS X via DMG

download on Rudix

Now that libevent is handy, install the remaining requirements

sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Or via the following if you installed libevent from macports

sudo CFLAGS="-I /opt/local/include -L /opt/local/lib" pip install gevent
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Finally, install foreman

sudo gem install foreman

Now, you can run the application locally

foreman start

You can also specify what port you'd prefer to use

foreman start -p 5555


If you haven't signed up for Heroku, go ahead and do that. You should then be able to add your SSH key to Heroku, and also heroku login from the commandline.

Install heroku and create your app

sudo gem install heroku
heroku create -s cedar app_name

Now before pushing to Heroku, temporarily remove ``pandas`` from the requirements file (there is a bug where heroku won't install pandas unless numpy is already installed)

pip freeze -l | sed '/pandas/d' > requirements.txt
git commit -am "Remove pandas as requirement"
git push heroku master

Replace ``pandas`` and push to Heroku

pip freeze -l > requirements.txt git commit -am "Add pandas as requirement" git push heroku master

Start the web instance and make sure the application is up and running

heroku ps:scale web=1
heroku ps

Now, we can view the application in our web browser

heroku open

And anytime you want to redeploy, it's as simple as git push heroku master. Once you are done coding, deactivate your virtualenv with deactivate.

Directory Structure

tree . | sed 's/+----/├──/' | sed '/.pyc/d' | sed '/.DS_Store/d'
     ├──Procfile                        (heroku process)
     ├──README.rst                      (this file)
     |   ├──                 (main app module)
     |   ├──apollo                      (visualization engine)
     |   |    ├──            (main apollo module)
     |   |    ├──
     |   ├──               (api interface module)
     |   ├──cronus                      (portfolio analytics engine)
     |   |    ├──            (blank - see sub modules)
     |   |    ├──
     |   |    ├──
     |   |    ├──
     |   |    ├──
     |   |    ├──
     |   ├──favicon.ico
     |   ├──                   (manage/views/forms helper)
     |   ├──hermes                      (price/event data aggregator)
     |   |    ├──            (main hermes module)
     |   |    ├──
     |   |    ├──
     |   ├──LICENSE
     |   ├──                 (pypi includes)
     |   ├──markdown                    (static pages - auto parsed into html)
     |   |    ├──
     |   |    ├──
     |   ├──README.rst                  (symlink for pypi)
     |   ├──                    (pypi settings)
     |   ├──templates                   (Jinja templates)
     |   |    ├──barchart.html
     |   |    ├──base.html
     |   |    ├──entry.html
     |   |    ├──footer.html
     |   |    ├──home.html
     |   |    ├──markdown.html
     |   |    ├──page.html
     |   |    ├──topnav.html
     |   ├──tests
     |        ├──            (main tests module)
     |        ├──standard.rc            (pylint config)
     |        ├──                (git pre-commit hook)
     |        ├──
     |        ├──
     |        ├──
     |        ├──trnx.csv
     ├──                       (app config)
     ├──                       (flask-script)
     ├──requirements.txt                (python module requirements)
     ├──runtime.txt                     (python version)
     ├──setup.cfg                       (unit test settings)


First time

  1. Fork
  2. Clone
  3. Code (if you are having problems committing because of git pre-commit hook errors, just run ./ checkstage to see what the issues are.)
  4. Use tabs not spaces
  5. Add upstream git remote add upstream
  6. Rebase git rebase upstream/master
  7. Test ./ runtests
  8. Push git push origin master
  9. Submit a pull request


  1. Code (if you are having problems committing because of git pre-commit hook errors, just run ./ checkstage to see what the issues are.)
  2. Use tabs not spaces
  3. Update upstream git fetch upstream
  4. Rebase git rebase upstream/master
  5. Test ./ runtests
  6. Push git push origin master
  7. Submit a pull request


git shortlog -sn
commits: 405
  404  Reuben Cummings
    1  Luke Cyca


Prometheus is modeled after Dirk Eddelbuettel's beancounter and smtm.

About Flask

Flask is a BSD-licensed microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentions.


Prometheus is distributed under the BSD License, the same as Flask on which this program depends.