- Compare code quality and techniques for rearranging words
- Compare code quality for getting random dictionary words
- Interactive code quiz on execution of Python scripts and modules
After completing this class session and the associated tutorial challenges, students will be able to ...
- Split strings into components to find words
- Build a histogram to count word occurrences
- Create and use dictionary, list, and tuple data types
These challenges are the baseline required to complete the project and course. Be sure to complete these before next class session and before starting on the stretch challenges below.
- Page 3: Analyze Word Frequency in Text
- Histogram (dictionary)
- Histogram (list of lists)
- Histogram (list of tuples)
- Histogram (list of counts)
These challenges are more difficult and help you push your skills and understanding to the next level.
- Page 3: Analyze Word Frequency in Text
- Benchmark and optimize
- Sort histogram entries by word or by count
- Store the data in a histogram text file
- HackerRank's Python challenges – try the basic data types and strings sections