deploy cloudflare argo loadbalancer to home k8s
publish argocd as
Deploy prometheus to k8s cluster
integrate argo with keycloak
integrate kasten with keycloak
deploy confluent platform
set up secrets management for argocd
test secrets management for argocd
NO publish keycloak as
NO integrate keycloak to jumpcloud ldap
publish awx as
integrate awx with keycloak
NO integrate awx with keycloak
create test postgresql service to home k8s
NO integrate metabase with keycloak
create a hello kubernetes operator
NO test longhorn nfs backups
install kubernetes on bare metal
add optional nfs backup location to kvm provisioning playbook
refactor awx configuration management to use tower_* modules
clean up travis ci test failures
clean up ansible-role-rabbitmq
clean up ansible-role-gitlab
clean up ansible-role-chefdk
clean up ansible-role bind >>>>>>> Update todos
clean up ansible-role-docker
clean up ansible-role-golang
clean up ansible-role-tmux
clean up ansible-role-plugins
clean up ansible-role-rbenv
clean up ansible-role-nfs
clean up ansible-role-ubuntu-installer
clean up ansible-role-devtools
clean up ansible-role-git
clean up ansible-role-unifi
clean up ansible-role-rxvt-unicode
try podman for ansible playbook tests with molecule :2.7:
Attempt again after migrating to Ansible 2.8
port foreman plays to use foreman plugin :2.7: Current uri tasks are more general than foreman modules in Ansible 2.7
try podman for ansible playbook tests with molecule :2.8:
create letsencrypt + route53 dns challenge role
try foreman ansible modules :2.8:
refactor ansible-playbooks as ansible collection
why are runners taking too long to execute
train wpn devs to manage dns records