is a Emacs 24 deftheme
that resembles Textmate's 'sunburst'
In additional to themeing base-Emacs elements and font-locks faces, sunburst-theme.el
supports the following modes:
- nxml
- erc
- jabber.el
- magit
- highline
- multimode
mkdir ~/.emacs.d/themes
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/themes")
(load-theme 'sunburst t)
The colors of sunburst-theme.el
are derived from a color-theme.el
created by someone identifying themselves as 'dngpng'. References
to it can be found here.
The source can be found here.
Since I didn't originally create this color-theme, I assert no copyright about the code that I add to it.