diff --git a/.build/default.Manifest.xml b/.build/default.Manifest.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..916d05f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.build/default.Manifest.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ winXray
+ True/PM
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.build/default.init.aardio b/.build/default.init.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b00a05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.build/default.init.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import ide;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.build/default.main.aardio b/.build/default.main.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f69530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.build/default.main.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import ide;
+import fsys;
+import console;
+if( !console.askYesNo('是否生成 winXray.7z,winXray32.7z ? 按Y键继续,按N键取消') ){
+ return console.close();
+var publishFile = ide.getPublishPath();
+var projectDir = ide.getProjectDir();
+var tempDir = io.joinpath(projectDir,"release/7z-temp");
+import console;
+import sevenZip.cmd;
+console.showLoading(" 正在生成 winXray.7z, winXray32.7z");
+sevenZip.cmd.compress( io.joinpath(tempDir,"*")
+ ,io.joinpath(projectDir,"release/winXray.7z")
+ ,console.log //这里可以设置一个回调函数,输出回显结果
+ )
+sevenZip.cmd.compress( io.joinpath(tempDir,"*")
+ ,io.joinpath(projectDir,"release/winXray32.7z")
+ ,console.log //这里可以设置一个回调函数,输出回显结果
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.build/update-maker.table b/.build/update-maker.table
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ded4862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.build/update-maker.table
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+description="发布 v3.8, 优化代码修正已知问题。";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66c7d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c577b0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
+Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
+distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
+binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
+In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
+of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
+software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
+of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
+successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
+relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
+software under copyright law.
+For more information, please refer to
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33ad3d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# WinXray
+WinXray[:loud_sound:](http://dict.youdao.com/dictvoice?audio=winxray&type=2) 是最简洁轻快的 V2Ray、XRay、Trojan、Trojan-go、Shadowsocks、SSR(ShadowsocksR)、SSRoT、NaïveProxy,SOCKS,HTTP,HTTPS 全能通用客户端(Windows系统),支持并发检测大量服务器并迅速找到当前最快的服务器,服务器连接异常时可自动寻找其他速度最快的服务器 - 切换速度快如闪电,自订阅源获取的服务器异常时可自动刷新订阅,并且自带一键自动部署服务端工具。
+**本软件源码已放弃版权贡献到公共域** ,源码可使用 [aardio](http://www.aardio.com) 编译生成单文件绿色EXE,**[点这里下载](./../../raw/master/release/winXray.7z)** ( [64位版本](./../../raw/master/release/winXray.7z) / [32位版本](./../../raw/master/release/winXray32.7z) ),解压即可直接使用( 体积很小仅 **[6.1 MB](./../../raw/master/release/winXray.7z)** - 已自带 V2Ray Core )。
+# WinXray 未注册任何域名,谨防钓鱼网站
+WinXray 分为原版、抄袭版。
+本项目基于原版 WinXray v3.7 基础上继续更新 ,并将保持原版干净、纯净。本项目严禁上述假冒官网的抄袭版抄袭本项目的任何一句代码 。
+# 免费服务器
+[网络免费 vmess 服务器订阅链接](https://proxypool.ga/vmess/sub)
+[网络免费 Shadowsocks 服务器订阅链接](https://proxypool.ga/ss/sub)
+[网络免费 clash 服务器订阅链接](https://proxypoolss.tk/clash/proxies?speed=100&type=vmess,trojan)
+可复制上面各种格式订阅链接,在 winXray 中点击「批量导入链接」体验 winXray 有强大的兼容性。
+免费的服务器仅供测试(一定要走 PAC,不要开全局代理不要登录账号更不要长时间使用 )。
+# 关于误报
+现在大多杀毒软件都是白名单查杀,所以新生的EXE都会乱报病毒,因为我更新的速度太快,所以不断的推新EXE上来,所以你可能遇到误报,但是你完全可以使用源代码自己编译出一模一样的EXE,还有人吹牛说其他翻墙软件不误报 - 你去 issues 里以及网上搜一下有多少误报好不好?!遇到误报可以提交给你的杀毒厂商核实,也可以自己编译源码生成EXE后使用,解决和核实问题很容易 - 其他套路都是多余的。
+# PAC 代理模式 / 全局代理 + 路由模式 对比
+winXray 的 PAC 代理稳定、流畅、易用。 在 PAC 模式下,winXray 会优先启用高效安全的 SOCKS5 协议,并且可以自动兼容在 PAC 模式下仅支持 HTTP代理的应用。winXray 也可以在 PAC 模式下完美支持 Telegram IP 地址库 。
+SOCKS5 支持对比:
+- [ ] 全局路由模式: 不支持 SOCKS5
+- [x] PAC模式: 支持 高效安全的SOCKS5
+UWP 应用支持对比:
+- [ ] 全局路由模式: UWP 应用全部无法联网。
+- [x] PAC模式: UWP 应用可以正常联网,使用 winXray 自带工具也可以为UWP应用开启本地代理。
+DNS 解析对比:
+- [ ] 全局路由模式: 使用本机发起 DNS 解析,即使设为国外 DNS 服务器,仍然会返回适用于国内线路地址。
+- [x] PAC模式: 使用服务器上的 DNS 解析,安全可靠。
+- [ ] 全局路由模式: 不支持
+- [x] PAC模式: winXray 里的 PAC 代理可以让目标应用(例如浏览器)优先选择高效安全的 SOCKS5 代理协议,对于不支持 SOCKS 代理的应用(例如谷歌地球),winXray 在 PAC 模式下会自动为这些应用提供 HTTP 代理。
+IP 段代理规则:
+- [x] 全局路由模式: 比较好的支持 IP 段代理规则
+- [x] PAC模式: winXray 里 PAC 可以支持IP 段代理规则( 完美支持 Telegram )。
+- [ ] 全局路由模式: 不独立,代理规则集成在翻墙软件内核中
+- [x] PAC模式: 完全独立,PAC 代理服务完全独立于翻墙软件,只有 PAC 指定的域名或IP才会与翻墙软件发生交互。
+- [ ] 全局路由模式: 不是由系统实现的规则,一旦设置全局代理,不管适不适合走代理的软件都被强制使用代理,所以兼容性不太好,会导致上述的 UWP 无法联网等问题。
+- [x] PAC模式: 由系统提供的PAC有良好的兼容性,因为历史悠久,一般的软件都会对PAC有良好的兼容,PAC 主要为适合走代理的浏览器等软件而设计,所以其他软件可以较好的识别并判断是不是要使用 PAC 指定的代理还是直连。
+- [ ] 全局路由模式: 配置复杂,有一定门槛。
+- [x] PAC模式: 配置非常简单。
+一般不建议普通用户去编辑路由规则 - 错误的配置可能会导致敏感的流量误走代理服务器。
+专业的事请交给专业的人去做,使用 winXray 可以一键启用、更新 [v2ray-rules-dat](https://github.com/Loyalsoldier/v2ray-rules-dat) 提供的最新路由规则。
+注意在 winXray 里无论使用 NaïveProxy 还是 SSR,SSRoT 都支持 V2Ray 路由规则。
+# 设置系统代理失败怎么办
+如果设置代理以后不能正常生效:请首先右键点击 winXray 任务栏的托盘图标,在弹出的右键菜单中点击【查看 Internet 代理设置】,并检查代理设置是否正常。如果 winXray 不能修改代理设置,但是可以手动修改成功,这一般是被安全软件错误地拦截了( 而且安全软件没有正常弹出确认对话框,或者误点了阻止设置 )。这时候请到安全软件的相关设置中将 winXray 添加到信任列表即可。
+如果不是上面的原因,请按下【Win + R】组合键打开系统运行对话框,输入 regedit 点击确定打开注册表路径
+HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections
+将 start 的值改为 2, 也就是将 WinHttpAutoProxySvc 服务改为自动启动,然后重启计算机即可。
+# Core 默认路径:
+可在「 winXray/ 配置 / Core配置 」 下载更新 V2Ray Core / Xray Core / SSR Core ,
+下载更新 V2Ray Core(或 Xray Core)完成后会自动切换 V2Ray 内核。
+默认会在以下目录查找 V2Ray Core(或 Xray Core):
+ ./v2ray-core/
+ %localappdata%\winXray\core
+默认会在以下目录查找 SSR Core:
+ ./v2ray-core/ssr-core
+ %localappdata%\winXray\ssr-core
+默认会在以下目录查找 NaïveProxy Core:
+ ./v2ray-core/naive-core
+ %localappdata%\winXray\naive-core
+找不到会自动下载,没有代理访问 Github 会很慢很慢,有时可能根本打不开,建议经常运行一下 winXray 工具里自带的 【Github 网速优化工具】
+注意不同的代理协议连接时会调用不同的 Core,
+例如 NaïveProxy 连接时会启动 naive.exe,这时候系统防火墙会有提示,
+如果这时候没看清就点了拒绝,那么就无法正常使用相应的 Core 了,
+# 安装 NaïveProxy 服务端
+参考:https://github.com/klzgrad/naiveproxy 以 CentOS 为例:
+yum intall golang
+yum install git
+go get -u github.com/caddyserver/xcaddy/cmd/xcaddy
+~/go/bin/xcaddy build --with github.com/caddyserver/forwardproxy@caddy2=github.com/klzgrad/forwardproxy@naive
+sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep ./caddy
+wget -O naive.tar.xz https://github.com/klzgrad/naiveproxy/releases/download/v88.0.4324.96-1/naiveproxy-v88.0.4324.96-1-linux-x64.tar.xz
+tar -xf ./naive.tar.xz
+mv naiveproxy-v88.0.4324.96-1-linux-x64 naive
+echo -e "{\n \"listen\": \"socks://\",\n \"proxy\": \"https://user:pass@example.com\"\n}" > ./naive/config.json
+cat << EOF > ./Caddyfile
+:443, example.com
+tls me@example.com
+route {
+ forward_proxy {
+ basic_auth user pass
+ hide_ip
+ hide_via
+ probe_resistance
+ }
+ file_server { root /var/www/html }
+iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT;iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT;firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp;firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=443/tcp;firewall-cmd --reload;
+./naive/naive --config ./naive/config.json &
+./caddy run # 后台运行改成 ./caddy start
+安装以前需要提前准备一个域名,并将上面脚本中的 example.com 替换为你的域名,user:pass 改为代理登录用户名与密码。
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/default.aproj b/default.aproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81b1507
--- /dev/null
+++ b/default.aproj
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
diff --git a/forms/ico/app-direct.ico b/forms/ico/app-direct.ico
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5de600e
Binary files /dev/null and b/forms/ico/app-direct.ico differ
diff --git a/forms/ico/app-pac.ico b/forms/ico/app-pac.ico
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95d7a0d
Binary files /dev/null and b/forms/ico/app-pac.ico differ
diff --git a/forms/ico/app.ico b/forms/ico/app.ico
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b9402b
Binary files /dev/null and b/forms/ico/app.ico differ
diff --git a/forms/main/config/advancedConfig.aardio b/forms/main/config/advancedConfig.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f050347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forms/main/config/advancedConfig.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+import fonts.fontAwesome;
+import win.ui;
+var winform = win.form(text="aardio form";right=892;bottom=573;bgcolor=16777215)
+btnUpdate={cls="plus";text="保 存";left=516;top=514;right=619;bottom=550;align="left";bgcolor=11580047;db=1;dl=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-13);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-13;name='FontAwesome');padding={left=22}};iconText='\uF0C7';notify=1;textPadding={left=40};z=5};
+chkEnableGitConfigGithub={cls="plus";text="设置 git 客户端启用 github.com 代理提速(支持https、ssh协议)";left=276;top=437;right=792;bottom=468;align="left";bgcolor=16777215;db=1;dl=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-16;name='FontAwesome')};iconText='\uF0C8';notify=1;textPadding={left=19};z=13};
+chkSystemStart={cls="plus";text="允许开机启动 winXray";left=276;top=476;right=792;bottom=507;align="left";bgcolor=16777215;db=1;dl=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-16;name='FontAwesome')};iconText='\uF0C8';notify=1;textPadding={left=19};z=17};
+plus={cls="plus";text="全局/PAC 代理切换热键";left=368;top=248;right=702;bottom=270;align="left";db=1;dl=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-13);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(name='FontAwesome');padding={left=9}};iconText='\uF11C ';notify=1;tabstop=1;textPadding={left=25};z=27};
+radioHttpPac={cls="plus";text="仅 HTTP";left=273;top=167;right=365;bottom=198;align="left";bgcolor=16777215;db=1;dl=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-16;name='FontAwesome')};iconText='\uF111 ';notify=1;textPadding={left=19};z=21};
+radioHttpProxy={cls="plus";text="HTTP( 推荐 )";left=378;top=205;right=537;bottom=236;align="left";bgcolor=16777215;db=1;dl=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-16;name='FontAwesome')};iconText='\uF111 ';notify=1;textPadding={left=19};z=29};
+radioSocksPac={cls="plus";text="SOCKS5/SOCKS4/HTTP 自动兼容( 推荐 ) ";left=378;top=167;right=727;bottom=198;align="left";bgcolor=16777215;db=1;dl=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-16;name='FontAwesome')};iconText='\uF111 ';notify=1;textPadding={left=19};z=22};
+radioSocksProxy={cls="plus";text="SOCKS4";left=273;top=205;right=371;bottom=236;align="left";bgcolor=16777215;db=1;dl=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-16;name='FontAwesome')};iconText='\uF111 ';notify=1;textPadding={left=19};z=28};
+static={cls="static";text="SOCKS 代理服务端口:";left=68;top=95;right=266;bottom=121;align="right";bgcolor=16777215;db=1;dl=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);transparent=1;z=4};
+static2={cls="static";text="PAC 端口:";left=136;top=286;right=266;bottom=312;align="right";bgcolor=16777215;db=1;dl=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);transparent=1;z=6};
+static3={cls="static";text="本机 PAC 地址:";left=108;top=325;right=266;bottom=351;align="right";bgcolor=16777215;db=1;dl=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);transparent=1;z=9};
+static4={cls="static";text="局域网 PAC 地址:";left=108;top=364;right=266;bottom=390;align="right";bgcolor=16777215;db=1;dl=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);transparent=1;z=12};
+static5={cls="static";text="HTTP 代理服务端口:";left=8;top=132;right=266;bottom=158;align="right";bgcolor=16777215;db=1;dl=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);transparent=1;z=15};
+static6={cls="static";text="支持 SOCKS4、SOCKS4A、SOCKS5";left=366;top=96;right=653;bottom=122;bgcolor=16777215;color=5921370;db=1;dl=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-13);transparent=1;z=16};
+import style;
+winform.editPacUrl.editBox.readonly = true;
+import win.ui.tooltip;
+var tooltipCtrl = win.ui.tooltip( winform );
+tooltipCtrl.addTool(winform.editSocksPort,"点击右键可以复制IP:端口" );
+tooltipCtrl.addTool(winform.radioHttpProxy,"全局代理使用 HTTP 代理端口可以避免使用本机 DNS 解析域名。" );
+tooltipCtrl.addTool(winform.radioSocksProxy,'全局代理使用 SOCKS 代理端口时,Chrome 浏览器等会默认选用 SOCKS4 协议,SOCKS4 会使用本机 DNS 解析域名。' );
+tooltipCtrl.addTool(winform.radioHttpPac,"PAC 仅使用使用 HTTP 代理端口,不推荐此选项。" );
+tooltipCtrl.addTool(winform.radioSocksPac,'开启此选项以后:\nChrome 浏览器会优先使用高效安全的 SOCKS 5 协议。\n也可以自动兼容仅支持 SOCKS4 或 HTTP代理的应用' );
+import v2ray.pacServer;
+onPacUpdated = function(){
+ winform.editPacPort.text = v2ray.pacServer.getPort() || config.proxy.pacPort || 1083;
+ var pac = v2ray.pacServer.getUrl();
+ winform.editPacUrl.text = pac ? string.match(pac,"[^?]+");
+ pac = v2ray.pacServer.getUrl(true);
+ winform.editLanPacUrl.text = pac ? string.match(pac,"[^?]+");
+ winform.editLanPacUrl.disabled = !winform.chkLan.checked;
+ onPacUpdated()
+ if(mode==="pac"){
+ var pac = v2ray.pacServer.getUrl();
+ winform.editPacUrl.text = pac ? string.match(pac,"[^?]+");
+ pac = v2ray.pacServer.getUrl(true);
+ winform.editLanPacUrl.text = pac ? string.match(pac,"[^?]+");
+ }
+import v2ray.core;
+var onInboundsUpdated = function(){
+ var inbounds = ..config.core.default[["inbounds"]];
+ var socksInbounds,httpInbounds;
+ for(k,ib in inbounds){
+ if(ib.tag == "proxy"){
+ socksInbounds = ib;
+ }
+ elseif(ib.tag == "http_proxy"){
+ httpInbounds = ib;
+ }
+ }
+ winform.editSocksPort.text = v2ray.core.socksProxyPort || socksInbounds[["port"]] || 1081;
+ winform.editHttpPort.text = v2ray.core.httpProxyPort || httpInbounds[["port"]] || 1082;
+ winform.chkLan.checked = socksInbounds[["listen"]] !== "";
+ winform.btnOpenFirewall.disabled = !winform.chkLan.checked;
+ onInboundsUpdated();
+ onInboundsUpdated();
+import win.reg;
+var reg = win.reg("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\");
+winform.chkSystemStart.checked = reg.queryValue("winXray");
+winform.chkEnableGitConfigGithub.checked = config.proxy.enableGitConfigGithub;
+winform.radioSocksProxy.radioGroup = "proxy.mode";
+winform.radioHttpProxy.radioGroup = "proxy.mode";
+winform.radioHttpPac.radioGroup = "pac.mode";
+winform.radioSocksPac.radioGroup = "pac.mode";
+winform.radioHttpProxy.checked = config.proxy.useHttpGlobal;
+winform.radioSocksProxy.checked = !config.proxy.useHttpGlobal;
+winform.radioHttpPac.checked = !config.proxy.useSocksPac;
+winform.radioSocksPac.checked = config.proxy.useSocksPac;
+import wsock.tcp.client;
+winform.btnUpdate.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'};
+ config.proxy.useHttpGlobal = winform.radioHttpProxy.checked;
+ config.proxy.useSocksPac = winform.radioSocksPac.checked;
+ v2ray.pacServer.updateUseHttpProxy(!config.proxy.useSocksPac);
+ var client = wsock.tcp.client();
+ var oldPort = v2ray.core.socksProxyPort;
+ if( tonumber(winform.editSocksPort.text)
+ && tonumber(winform.editSocksPort.text) != oldPort
+ && client.connectTimeout("",tonumber(winform.editSocksPort.text) ,0.5) ){
+ winform.editSocksPort.editBox.showErrorTip(,"端口已被占用");
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = null;
+ return client.close();
+ }
+ client.close();
+ var client = wsock.tcp.client();
+ var oldHttpPort = v2ray.core.httpProxPort;
+ if( tonumber(winform.editHttpPort.text)
+ && tonumber(winform.editHttpPort.text) != oldHttpPort
+ && client.connectTimeout("",tonumber(winform.editHttpPort.text) ,0.5) ){
+ winform.editHttpPort.editBox.showErrorTip(,"端口已被占用");
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = null;
+ return client.close();
+ }
+ client.close();
+ var client = wsock.tcp.client();
+ var oldPacPort = v2ray.pacServer.getPort();
+ if( tonumber(winform.editPacPort.text)
+ && tonumber(winform.editPacPort.text) != oldPacPort
+ && client.connectTimeout("",tonumber(winform.editPacPort.text) ,0.5) ){
+ winform.editPacPort.editBox.showErrorTip(,"PAC端口已被占用");
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = null;
+ return client.close();
+ }
+ client.close();
+ if(winform.chkEnableGitConfigGithub.checked!=config.proxy.enableGitConfigGithub){
+ config.proxy.enableGitConfigGithub = winform.chkEnableGitConfigGithub.checked;
+ import v2ray.github;
+ if(!config.proxy.enableGitConfigGithub){
+ v2ray.github.setProxy(false);
+ }
+ else {
+ v2ray.github.setProxy(null);
+ }
+ }
+ var restartCore = false;
+ var socksInbounds,httpInbounds;
+ for(k,ib in config.core.default.inbounds){
+ if(ib.tag == "proxy"){
+ socksInbounds = ib;
+ }
+ elseif(ib.tag == "http_proxy"){
+ httpInbounds = ib;
+ }
+ }
+ var port = tonumber(winform.editSocksPort.text)
+ socksInbounds["port"] = port;
+ if(port!=oldPort){
+ restartCore = true;
+ }
+ var port = tonumber(winform.editHttpPort.text)
+ httpInbounds["port"] = port;
+ if(port!=oldHttpPort){
+ restartCore = true;
+ }
+ var listen = winform.chkLan.checked ? "" : "";
+ if(listen!=socksInbounds["listen"]){
+ socksInbounds["listen"]= listen;
+ restartCore = true;
+ }
+ if(listen!=config.core.default.inbounds[2]["listen"]){
+ httpInbounds["listen"]= listen;
+ restartCore = true;
+ }
+ config.core.save();
+ publish("config.inbounds.changed");
+ if(restartCore) {
+ publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore");
+ }
+ config.proxy.pacPort = tonumber(winform.editPacPort.text)
+ if(oldPacPort!=tonumber(winform.editPacPort.text)){
+ v2ray.pacServer.restart();
+ }
+ config.proxy.save();
+ sysProxy.reset(true);
+ import win.reg;
+ var reg = win.reg("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\");
+ if(winform.chkSystemStart.checked){
+ reg.setSzValue("winXray",`"`+io._exepath+`" /tray`);
+ }
+ else {
+ reg.delValue("winXray");
+ }
+ }
+ reg.close();
+ var hotmod,hotkey = winform.hotkey.gethotkey()
+ config.proxy.hotkey = {hotmod;hotkey};
+ config.proxy.save();
+ publish("uiCommand.HotkeyChanged");
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = null;
+ winform.msgOk("配置已更新",1200);
+winform.editPacUrl.editBox.readonly = true;
+winform.editLanPacUrl.editBox.readonly = true;
+import win.clip;
+import wsock.tcp.client;
+ var lanIp = wsock.tcp.client.getLocalIp("www.baidu.com");
+ return {
+ { "复制端口" + winform.editSocksPort.text;
+ function(id){
+ win.clip.write("" + winform.editSocksPort.text)
+ }
+ };
+ { "复制本机IP与端口" + winform.editSocksPort.text;
+ function(id){
+ win.clip.write("" + winform.editSocksPort.text)
+ }
+ };
+ { "复制局域网IP与端口 "+lanIp+":" + winform.editSocksPort.text;
+ function(id){
+ win.clip.write(lanIp+":" + winform.editSocksPort.text)
+ }
+ };
+ }
+} )
+ var lanIp = wsock.tcp.client.getLocalIp("www.baidu.com");
+ return {
+ { "复制端口" + winform.editHttpPort.text;
+ function(id){
+ win.clip.write("" + winform.editHttpPort.text)
+ }
+ };
+ { "复制本机IP与端口" + winform.editHttpPort.text;
+ function(id){
+ win.clip.write("" + winform.editHttpPort.text)
+ }
+ };
+ { "复制局域网IP与端口 "+lanIp+":" + winform.editHttpPort.text;
+ function(id){
+ win.clip.write(lanIp+":" + winform.editHttpPort.text)
+ }
+ };
+ }
+} )
+winform.chkLan.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ winform.editLanPacUrl.editBox.setsel(0);
+ winform.editLanPacUrl.disabled = !winform.chkLan.checked;
+ winform.btnOpenFirewall.disabled = !winform.chkLan.checked;
+winform.tbTestInterval.progressPos = config.proxy.testInterval;
+winform.lbTestInterval.text = config.proxy.testInterval+"秒";
+winform.tbTestInterval.onPosChanged = function( pos,thumbTrack ){
+ winform.lbTestInterval.text = pos+"秒";
+ config.proxy.testInterval = pos;
+ config.proxy.save();
+winform.tbMaxTestServers.progressPos = config.proxy.maxTestServers;
+winform.lbMaxTestServers.text = config.proxy.maxTestServers+"个服务器";
+winform.tbMaxTestServers.onPosChanged = function( pos,thumbTrack ){
+ if(pos>300){
+ winform.lbMaxTestServers.color = 0xFF;
+ winform.lbMaxTestServers.text = pos+"个服务器( 数值太大可能导致卡顿 )";
+ }
+ else {
+ winform.lbMaxTestServers.color = 0;
+ winform.lbMaxTestServers.text = pos+"个服务器";
+ }
+ config.proxy.maxTestServers = pos;
+ config.proxy.save();
+ fsys.update.simpleMain.onStatusChanged(function(version,description,status){
+ /*注意此回调可捕获到调用前或调用后的更新状态变更*/
+ if(status=="ready"){
+ winform.lnkVersion.disabledText = null;
+ winform.lnkVersion.text = "点这里重新启动软件更新到新版本:" + version
+ tooltipCtrl.addTool(winform.lnkVersion,description);
+ }
+ elseif(status=="complete"){
+ winform.lnkVersion.text = "已更新到最新版本:" + version;
+ tooltipCtrl.addTool(winform.lnkVersion,description);
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print",winform.lnkVersion.text );
+ }
+ elseif(status=="latest"){
+ winform.lnkVersion.disabledText = null;
+ winform.lnkVersion.text = "已经是最新版本";
+ }
+ elseif(status=="failed"){
+ winform.lnkVersion.disabledText = null;
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print",description);
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print","建议在「工具」中运行「github优化工具」修复无法访问 raw.githubusercontent.com 的问题。");
+ }
+ })
+ winform.lnkVersion.skin(style.link)
+ tooltipCtrl.addTool(winform.lnkVersion,"点击检测更新" );
+ winform.lnkVersion.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ winform.lnkVersion.text = fsys.update.simpleMain.getReadyStatusInfo() ? "正在启动自动更新" : "正在检查新版本";
+ winform.lnkVersion.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'}
+ if(fsys.update.simpleMain.checkUpdate(true)){
+ win.quitMessage();
+ }
+ }
+else {
+ winform.lnkVersion.iconText = '\uF09B';
+ winform.lnkVersion.text = "github.com/win-xray/win-xray";
+ tooltipCtrl.addTool(winform.lnkVersion,"访问项目主页,友情提醒:WinXray未注册任何域名,谨防钓鱼网站" );
+ winform.lnkVersion.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ import process;
+ process.openUrl("https://github.com/win-xray/win-xray");
+ }
+winform.btnOpenFirewall.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ import process.control;
+ process.control("firewall.cpl")
+return winform;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/forms/main/config/coreConfigs/default.json b/forms/main/config/coreConfigs/default.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75489b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forms/main/config/coreConfigs/default.json
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ "inbounds": [ // 入站节点,也就是本地代理端口配置
+ {
+ "listen": "", // 本机 SOCKS 代理端口,设为 0 时由 winXray 重置为合适的默认端口
+ "port": 0, // 本机 SOCKS 代理端口,设为 0 时由 winXray 重置为合适的默认端口
+ "protocol": "socks", // 入站代理协议
+ "settings": {
+ "auth": "noauth",
+ "udp": true
+ },
+ "sniffing": {
+ "destOverride": [
+ "http",
+ "tls"
+ ],
+ "enabled": true
+ },
+ "tag": "proxy" // 名称为"proxy"的节点由 winXray 自动维护并添加用户配置
+ },
+ {
+ "listen": "",
+ "port": 0,
+ "protocol": "http",
+ "settings": {},
+ "sniffing": {
+ "destOverride": [
+ "http",
+ "tls"
+ ],
+ "enabled": true
+ },
+ "tag": "http_proxy" // 名称为"http_proxy"的入站节点由 winXray 自动维护并添加用户配置
+ }
+ ],
+ "log": {
+ "access": "",
+ "error": "",
+ "loglevel": "warning"
+ },
+ "outbounds": [
+ {
+ "tag": "proxy" // 名称为"proxy"的节点由 winXray 自动维护并添加用户配置
+ },
+ {
+ "protocol": "freedom",
+ "settings": {},
+ "tag": "direct"
+ },
+ {
+ "protocol": "blackhole",
+ "settings": {
+ "response": {
+ "type": "http"
+ }
+ },
+ "tag": "block"
+ }
+ ],
+ "routing": {
+ "domainStrategy": "IPIfNonMatch",
+ "rules": [
+ {
+ "inboundTag": [
+ "api"
+ ],
+ "outboundTag": "api",
+ "type": "field"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/forms/main/config/coreConfigs/v2ray.rules.json b/forms/main/config/coreConfigs/v2ray.rules.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9a301e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forms/main/config/coreConfigs/v2ray.rules.json
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+ "inbounds": [ // 入站节点,也就是本地代理端口配置
+ {
+ "listen": "", // 本机监听IP,允许局域网时需要设为 "0.0.0,0"
+ "port": 1081, // 本机 SOCKS 代理端口,设为 0 时由 winXray 重置为合适的默认端口
+ "protocol": "socks", // 入站代理协议
+ "settings": {
+ "auth": "noauth",
+ "udp": true
+ },
+ "sniffing": {
+ "destOverride": [
+ "http",
+ "tls"
+ ],
+ "enabled": true
+ },
+ "tag": "proxy" // 名称为"proxy"的节点由 winXray 自动维护并添加用户配置
+ },
+ {
+ "listen": "",
+ "port": 1082,
+ "protocol": "http",
+ "settings": {},
+ "sniffing": {
+ "destOverride": [
+ "http",
+ "tls"
+ ],
+ "enabled": true
+ },
+ "tag": "http_proxy" // 名称为"http_proxy"的入站节点由 winXray 自动维护并添加用户配置
+ }
+ ],
+ "log": {
+ "access": "",
+ "error": "",
+ "loglevel": "warning"
+ },
+ "outbounds": [
+ {
+ "tag": "proxy" // 作为第一个节点表示默认走代理,名称为"proxy"的节点由 winXray 自动维护并添加用户配置
+ },
+ {
+ "protocol": "dns",
+ "tag": "Dns-Out"
+ },
+ {
+ "protocol": "freedom", // 直连出站节点
+ "tag": "Direct", // 如果移动到第一个节点表示默认走直连
+ "settings": {
+ "domainStrategy": "UseIPv4"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "protocol": "blackhole",
+ "tag": "Reject",
+ "settings": {
+ "response": {
+ "type": "http"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "dns": {
+ "hosts": {
+ "dns.google": "",
+ "doh.pub": ""
+ },
+ "servers": [
+ "https://dns.google/dns-query",
+ {
+ "address": "https+local://",
+ "domains": [
+ "geosite:cn",
+ "geosite:icloud"
+ ],
+ "expectIPs": [
+ "geoip:cn"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "address": "",
+ "domains": [
+ "geosite:geolocation-!cn"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "routing": {
+ "domainStrategy": "IPIfNonMatch",
+ "rules": [
+ {
+ "type": "field",
+ "outboundTag": "Direct",
+ "protocol": [
+ "bittorrent"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "field",
+ "outboundTag": "Dns-Out",
+ "inboundTag": [
+ "Socks-In",
+ "Http-In"
+ ],
+ "network": "udp",
+ "port": 53
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "field",
+ "outboundTag": "Reject",
+ "domain": [
+ "geosite:category-ads-all",
+ "geosite:win-spy"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "field",
+ "outboundTag": "proxy",
+ "domain": [
+ "full:www.icloud.com",
+ "domain:icloud-content.com"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "field",
+ "outboundTag": "Direct",
+ "domain": [
+ "geosite:tld-cn",
+ "geosite:icloud"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "field",
+ "outboundTag": "proxy",
+ "domain": [
+ "geosite:geolocation-!cn"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "field",
+ "outboundTag": "Direct",
+ "domain": [
+ "geosite:cn",
+ "geosite:private"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "field",
+ "outboundTag": "Direct",
+ "ip": [
+ "geoip:cn",
+ "geoip:private"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "field",
+ "outboundTag": "proxy",
+ "network": "tcp,udp"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/forms/main/config/jsonConfig.aardio b/forms/main/config/jsonConfig.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0873209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forms/main/config/jsonConfig.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,771 @@
+import fonts.fontAwesome;
+import win.ui;
+var winform = win.form(text="aardio form";right=938;bottom=638;bgcolor=16777215)
+btnUpdateNaiveCore={cls="plus";text="下载 / 更新 NaÏveProxy Core";left=448;top=7;right=709;bottom=35;align="left";color=3947580;dl=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-13);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-17;name='FontAwesome');padding={left=18}};iconText='\uF1A0';notify=1;textPadding={left=50};z=17};
+btnUpdateRules={cls="plus";text="下载 / 更新 路由规则";left=227;top=39;right=425;bottom=67;align="left";color=3947580;dl=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-13);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-19;name='FontAwesome');padding={left=18}};iconText='\uF041';notify=1;textPadding={left=50};z=15};
+btnUpdateSsrCore={cls="plus";text="下载 / 更新 SSR Core";left=16;top=39;right=214;bottom=67;align="left";color=3947580;dl=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-13);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-17;name='FontAwesome');padding={left=18}};iconText='\uF1D8';notify=1;textPadding={left=50};z=16};
+btnUpdateV2RayCore={cls="plus";text="下载 / 更新 V2Ray Core";left=16;top=5;right=223;bottom=33;align="left";color=3947580;dl=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-13);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-19;name='FontAwesome');padding={left=18}};iconText='\uF27D';notify=1;textPadding={left=50};z=13};
+btnUpdateXrayCore={cls="plus";text="下载 / 更新 Xray Core";left=227;top=5;right=425;bottom=33;align="left";color=3947580;dl=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-13);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-19;name='FontAwesome');padding={left=18}};iconText='\uF0E7';notify=1;textPadding={left=50};z=14};
+lbTip={cls="static";text="可在下面输入多行服务器分享链接,或JSON数组( 点击字段名会显示用法说明 ):";left=11;top=9;right=899;bottom=29;color=3947580;dl=1;dr=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-13);transparent=1;z=9};
+lbTipForCoreJson={cls="static";text="tag 指定为 proxy,http_proxy 的节点属于自动维护节点 - 不可删除";left=468;top=45;right=849;bottom=68;color=4964352;dl=1;dt=1;transparent=1;z=19};
+navAdvancedConfig={cls="plus";text="代理端口 / 高级配置";left=359;top=600;right=493;bottom=632;border={top=1;color=-16744448};db=1;dl=1;z=10};
+navCoreConfig={cls="plus";text="Core 配置 ( JSON )";left=162;top=600;right=293;bottom=632;border={top=1;color=-16744448};db=1;dl=1;z=3};
+navOutbounds={cls="plus";text="服务器配置( JSON )";left=31;top=600;right=162;bottom=632;border={top=1;color=-16744448};db=1;dl=1;z=2};
+navUwpExemption={cls="plus";text="UWP 应用配置";left=499;top=600;right=633;bottom=632;border={top=1;color=-16744448};db=1;dl=1;notify=1;z=18};
+import config;
+import web.json;
+import win.ui.tabs;
+var tbs = win.ui.tabs(winform.navOutbounds,winform.navCoreConfig,winform.navSubscription,winform.navAdvancedConfig);
+tbs.margin = 0;
+ foreground={
+ active=0xFFFFFFFF;
+ default=0x00FFFFFF;
+ hover=0xFFCCCCCC;
+ };
+ checked={
+ foreground={
+ default=0x00FFFFFF;
+ };
+ border = {
+ default = {left=1;right=1;bottom=1;color=0xFF008000}
+ };
+ }
+tbs.onSelchange = function(idx,strip,form){
+ winform.btnUpdateSsrCore.hide = idx!=2;
+ winform.btnUpdateV2RayCore.hide = idx!=2;
+ winform.btnUpdateXrayCore.hide = idx!=2;
+ winform.btnUpdateRules.hide = idx!=2;
+ winform.btnUpdateNaiveCore.hide = idx!=2;
+ winform.editCoreConfig.hide = idx!=2;
+ winform.editOutbounds.hide = idx!=1;
+ winform.subscription.hide = idx!=3;
+ winform.advancedConfig.hide = idx!=4;
+ winform.btnUpdate.hide = idx>2;
+ winform.lbTip.hide = idx!=1;
+ winform.lbTipForCoreJson.hide = true;
+ if(idx==1){
+ winform.btnUpdate.text = "更新服务器配置";
+ }
+ elseif(idx==2) {
+ winform.btnUpdate.text = "更新内核配置 "
+ }
+ elseif(idx==3) {
+ winform.subscription.loadSubscriptionsOnce();
+ }
+tbs.selIndex = 1;
+import style;
+winform.btnUpdate.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'};
+ if(tbs.selIndex==1){
+ if(..string.match(winform.editOutbounds.text,"%\[\]")){
+ var cfg,err = web.json.tryParse(winform.editOutbounds.text);
+ if(!cfg){
+ winform.editOutbounds.showErrorTip(,string.concat("JSON语法错误 ",err));
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(cfg){
+ cfg = v2ray.outbounds.validAll(cfg)
+ }
+ config.proxy.outbounds = cfg : ..table.array();
+ }
+ else {
+ var outbounds = v2ray.outbounds.importFromString(winform.editOutbounds.text);
+ config.proxy.outbounds = outbounds : ..table.array();
+ winform.editOutbounds.text = web.json.stringifyArray(outbounds,true,false,true);
+ }
+ config.proxy.save();
+ winform.editOutbounds.modified = false;
+ publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore",cfg)
+ }
+ elseif(tbs.selIndex==2) {
+ var cfg,err = web.json.tryParse(winform.editCoreConfig.text);
+ if(type(cfg)!==type.table){
+ winform.editCoreConfig.showErrorTip(,string.concat("JSON语法错误 ",err));
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ var proxyOutboundInCore;
+ for(k,ob in cfg.outbounds){
+ if(ob.tag == "proxy"){
+ proxyOutboundInCore = ob;
+ }
+ }
+ if( type(proxyOutboundInCore) !="table" ){
+ winform.msgErr(`outbounds 数组中未找到默认出站节点 {tag:"proxy"}`);
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ var socksInbounds,httpInbounds;
+ for(k,ib in cfg.inbounds){
+ if(ib.tag == "proxy"){
+ socksInbounds = ib;
+ }
+ elseif(ib.tag == "http_proxy"){
+ httpInbounds = ib;
+ }
+ }
+ if( type(socksInbounds) !="table" ){
+ winform.msgErr(`inbounds 数组中未找到SOCKS协议入站节点 {tag:"proxy"}`);
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ if( type(httpInbounds) !="table" ){
+ winform.msgErr(`inbounds 数组中未找到HTTP协议入站节点 {tag:"http_proxy"}`);
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(type(socksInbounds[["listen"]])!="string"){
+ winform.msgErr(`出站节点 {tag:"proxy"} listen字段必须指定IP或0.0.0.0`);
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(type(socksInbounds[["port"]])!="number"){
+ winform.msgErr(`出站节点 {tag:"proxy"} port字段必须用数值指定监听端口`);
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(type(httpInbounds[["listen"]])!="string"){
+ winform.msgErr(`出站节点 {tag:"http_proxy"} listen字段必须指定IP或0.0.0.0`);
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(type(httpInbounds[["port"]])!="number"){
+ winform.msgErr(`出站节点 {tag:"http_proxy"} port字段必须用数值指定监听端口`);
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ config.core.default = cfg;
+ config.core.save();
+ publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore",cfg);
+ publish("config.core.changed");
+ }
+ win.delay(500);
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = null;
+ winform.msgOk("配置已更新",1200);
+import v2ray.outbounds;
+ if(tbs.selIndex==1){
+ var strEditBounds = string.trim(winform.editOutbounds.text);
+ var menu = {
+ { /*---分隔线---*/ };
+ { "自剪贴板导入 vmess/vless/trojan/ss 链接或订阅源";
+ function(id){
+ var outbounds = v2ray.outbounds.importFromClipboard();
+ if(#outbounds){
+ var json = strEditBounds;
+ if( (!#json) || ..string.match(json,"%\[\]")){
+ var cfgOutbounds,err = ..table.array();
+ if(#json){
+ cfgOutbounds,err= web.json.tryParse(strEditBounds);
+ if(!cfgOutbounds){
+ winform.editOutbounds.showErrorTip(,string.concat("当前配置存在JSON语法错误 ",err));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ var subscribeUrl = outbounds[1].subscribeUrl;
+ if(subscribeUrl){
+ for(i=#cfgOutbounds;1;-1){
+ var outbound = cfgOutbounds[i]
+ if(outbound.subscribeUrl==url){
+ ..table.remove( cfgOutbounds,i );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ..table.append(cfgOutbounds,outbounds);
+ winform.editOutbounds.text = ..web.json.stringifyArray(cfgOutbounds,true,false,true);
+ }
+ else {
+ var str = v2ray.outbounds.exportSharedLinks(outbounds);
+ if(#strEditBounds){
+ winform.editOutbounds.text = strEditBounds+ '\r\n' + str;
+ }
+ else {
+ winform.editOutbounds.text = str;
+ }
+ }
+ winform.msgOk("已成功导入" + #outbounds + "个服务器,请点击「更新设置」启用新配置。",1200);
+ winform.editOutbounds.modified = true;
+ winform.editOutbounds.setFocus();
+ return;
+ }
+ winform.msgFrown('未导入服务器!\r\n请先复制以下格式文本(自动清除其中的无效内容):\r\n\r\n1、一行或多行(忽略无效行)分享链接或服务器JSON配置。\r\n支持 vmess://,vless://,ss://,ssr://,trojan://, trojan-go:// 等通用分享链接。\r\n\r\n2、包含多个服务器配置的JSON数组。\r\n\r\n3、单个 http:// 或 https:// 开头的通用订阅源地址。\r\n订阅源地址支持直接使用github项目文件地址(网址含raw或blob目录名)。\r\n订阅源可以BASE64编码或明文返回以上1、2条规定的配置或分享链接。')
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ if( (!#strEditBounds) || ..string.match(strEditBounds,"%\[\]")){
+ menu[3] = { "更新当前配置内订阅源";
+ function(id){
+ var cfg,err = ..table.array();
+ var json = strEditBounds;
+ if(#json){
+ cfg,err = web.json.tryParse(strEditBounds);
+ if(!cfg){
+ winform.editOutbounds.showErrorTip(,string.concat("JSON语法错误 ",err));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ var subscribeUrls = {}
+ for(i=#cfg;1;-1){
+ var outbound = cfg[i]
+ if(outbound.subscribeUrl){
+ subscribeUrls[outbound.subscribeUrl] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!table.count(subscribeUrls)){
+ import win.clip;
+ var clibStr = win.clip.read();
+ if( ..string.startWith(clibStr,"http://") || ..string.startWith(clibStr,"https://") ){
+ subscribeUrls[clibStr] = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ winform.msgWarn('当前配置不包含来自订阅源的服务器,\n请先复制订阅源网址到剪贴板!');
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ var count = 0;
+ for(url,v in subscribeUrls){
+ var outbounds = v2ray.outbounds.importFromString(url);
+ if(#outbounds){
+ for(i=#cfg;1;-1){
+ var outbound = cfg[i]
+ if(outbound.subscribeUrl==url){
+ ..table.remove( cfg,i );
+ }
+ }
+ count = count + #outbounds;
+ ..table.append(cfg,outbounds);
+ }
+ }
+ winform.editOutbounds.text = ..web.json.stringifyArray(cfg,true,false,true);
+ winform.msgOk("已成功刷新" + count + "个服务器,请点击「更新设置」启用新配置。",1200);
+ winform.editOutbounds.modified = true;
+ winform.editOutbounds.setFocus();
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ if(..string.match(strEditBounds,"%\[\]")){
+ menu[4] = {}
+ menu[5] = { "转换为 vmess、vless、trojan、trojan-go、ss 分享链接";
+ function(id){
+ var cfgOutbouds,err = web.json.tryParse(strEditBounds);
+ if(!cfgOutbouds){
+ winform.editOutbounds.showErrorTip(,string.concat("JSON语法错误 ",err));
+ return;
+ }
+ for(i,ob in cfgOutbouds){
+ if(ob.subscribeUrl){
+ if(!winform.msgAsk('当前配置包含订阅源,\n转换为分享链接所有服务器与订阅源将解除关联,\n按确定继续操作,按取消中止。')){
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ var str = v2ray.outbounds.exportSharedLinks(cfgOutbouds);
+ if(str){
+ winform.editOutbounds.text = str;
+ winform.editOutbounds.modified = true;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ menu[6] = { "转换为 Base64 订阅源";
+ function(id){
+ var cfg,err = web.json.tryParse(strEditBounds);
+ if(!cfg){
+ winform.editOutbounds.showErrorTip(,string.concat("JSON语法错误 ",err));
+ return;
+ }
+ var str = v2ray.outbounds.exportSharedLinks(cfg);
+ if(str){
+ import crypt;
+ winform.editOutbounds.text = ..crypt.encodeBin(str);
+ winform.editOutbounds.modified = true;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ elseif( #strEditBounds ) {
+ menu[3] = {}
+ menu[4] = { "转换为 JSON";
+ function(id){
+ import web.json;
+ var outbounds = v2ray.outbounds.importFromString(strEditBounds);
+ if(outbounds){
+ winform.editOutbounds.text = web.json.stringifyArray(outbounds,true,false,true);
+ winform.editOutbounds.modified = true;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ table.push(menu,{ /*---分隔线---*/ });
+ table.push(menu,{ "打开配置文件(JSON)";
+ function(id){
+ import fsys.dlg;
+ var path = fsys.dlg.open("*.json|*.json||","打开 json 文件",,winform)
+ if(path){
+ winform.editOutbounds.text = string.load(path);
+ winform.editOutbounds.modified = true;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ table.push(menu,{ "另存为配置文件(JSON)";
+ function(id){
+ import fsys.dlg;
+ var path = fsys.dlg.save("*.json|*.json||","另存为 json 文件",,winform)
+ if(path){
+ var str = web.json.stringifyArray(
+ config.proxy.outbounds,true,false,true
+ )
+ string.save(path,str )
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ table.push(menu,{ "另存为默认服务器列表(JSON)";
+ function(id){
+ var str = web.json.stringifyArray(
+ config.proxy.outbounds,true,false,true
+ )
+ string.save("/v2ray-core/winXray-default-servers.json",str );
+ winform.msgOk("已存为默认服务器列表 /v2ray-core/winXray-default-servers.json",1000)
+ }
+ });
+ table.push(menu,{ /*---分隔线---*/ });
+ if(winform.editOutbounds.modified){
+ table.push(menu,{ "恢复为当前使用的服务器列表(JSON)";
+ function(id){
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'}
+ winform.editOutbounds.text = web.json.stringifyArray(
+ config.proxy.outbounds,true,false,true
+ )
+ winform.editOutbounds.modified = false;
+ win.delay(500);
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = null;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ table.push(menu,{ "重置为默认服务器列表(JSON)";
+ function(id){
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'}
+ ..config.__loadDefaultOutbounds();
+ winform.editOutbounds.modified = false;
+ publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore",cfg);
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = null;
+ }
+ });
+ table.push(menu,{ "清空服务器列表";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editOutbounds.text = "[]";
+ winform.editOutbounds.modified = true;
+ }
+ });
+ if( ..string.match(winform.editOutbounds.text,"%\[\]")){
+ table.push(menu,{ /*---分隔线---*/ });
+ table.push(menu,{ "插入配置字段";{
+ { "代理服务协议:protocol";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editOutbounds.selText = '"protocol":"vless",'
+ }
+ };
+ { "SSH管理端口:sshPort";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editOutbounds.selText = '"sshPort":22,'
+ }
+ };
+ { "代理服务器地址:address";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editOutbounds.selText = '"address":"",'
+ }
+ };
+ { "端口:port";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editOutbounds.selText = '"port":443,'
+ }
+ };
+ { "网络协议:network";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editOutbounds.selText = '"network":"tcp",'
+ }
+ };
+ { "服务器密码:id";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editOutbounds.selText = '"id":"",'
+ }
+ };
+ { "加密方式:security";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editOutbounds.selText = '"security":"auto",'
+ }
+ };
+ { "允许忽略证书:allowInsecure";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editOutbounds.selText = '"allowInsecure":true,'
+ }
+ };
+ { "TLS服务器名:sni";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editOutbounds.selText = '"sni":"",'
+ }
+ };
+ { "启用TLS:tls";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editOutbounds.selText = '"tls":"tls",'
+ }
+ };
+ { "流控:flow";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editOutbounds.selText = '"flow":"xtls-rprx-direct",'
+ }
+ };
+ { "多路复用最大连接:concurrency";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editOutbounds.selText = '"concurrency":4,'
+ }
+ };
+ { "伪装类型:type";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editOutbounds.selText = '"type":"http",'
+ }
+ };
+ { "备注:ps";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editOutbounds.selText = '"ps":"",'
+ }
+ };
+ { "请求主机名:host";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editOutbounds.selText = '"host":"",'
+ }
+ };
+ { "请求路径:path";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editOutbounds.selText = '"path":"/",'
+ }
+ };
+ { "HTTP请求方法:httpMethod";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editOutbounds.selText = '"httpMethod":"GET",'
+ }
+ };
+ { "HTTP请求头:headers";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editOutbounds.selText = '"headers":{"method":"GET"},'
+ }
+ };
+ { "绑定的订阅网址:subscribeUrl";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editOutbounds.selText = '"subscribeUrl":"https://",'
+ }
+ };
+ { "允许自动测试并连接:autoConnect";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editOutbounds.selText = '"autoConnect":false,'
+ }
+ };
+ { "备注:ps";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editOutbounds.selText = '"ps":"",'
+ }
+ };
+ }});
+ }
+ return menu;
+ }
+ { /*---分隔线---*/ };
+ { "重置为默认内核配置";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editCoreConfig.text = string.crlf( string.load("\forms\main\config\coreConfigs\default.json") )
+ winform.editCoreConfig.msgOk('已重置为默认内核配置。\n请在下面点击:『更新内核配置』启用新的配置。',1300)
+ }
+ };
+ { "重置为启用路由规则默认内核配置";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editCoreConfig.text = string.crlf( string.load("\forms\main\config\coreConfigs\v2ray.rules.json") )
+ import v2ray.core.rules;
+ var versionTag = v2ray.core.rules.check();
+ if(versionTag) winform.editCoreConfig.msgOk('已重置为启用路由规则默认内核配置,\n已下载路由规则数据最新版本:' + versionTag+ '\n\n请在下面点击:『更新内核配置』启用新的配置。',2000)
+ else winform.msgOk('已重置为启用路由规则默认内核配置,\n请在下面点击:『更新内核配置』启用新的配置。',1300)
+ }
+ };
+ { "恢复到当前正在使用的内核配置";
+ function(id){
+ winform.editCoreConfig.text = web.json.stringify(
+ config.core.default,true
+ )
+ winform.editCoreConfig.msgOk('已恢复到当前正在使用的内核配置',1300)
+ }
+ };
+} )
+ if(winform.editOutbounds.modified){
+ return;
+ }
+ winform.editOutbounds.text = web.json.stringifyArray(
+ config.proxy.outbounds,true,false,true
+ )
+ winform.editOutbounds.modified = false;
+} )
+winform.editOutbounds.text = web.json.stringifyArray(
+ config.proxy.outbounds,true,false,true
+) : "[]"
+winform.editOutbounds.modified = false;
+ if(winform.editCoreConfig.modified){
+ return;
+ }
+ winform.editCoreConfig.text = web.json.stringify(
+ config.core.default,true
+ )
+ winform.editCoreConfig.modified = false;
+} )
+winform.editCoreConfig.text = web.json.stringify(
+ config.core.default,true
+var editOutboundsTip = {
+ address = {"代理服务器地址";"值可以是域名或者IP地址"};
+ alterId = {"额外ID";"仅用于VMESS协议,与服务器一致即可"};
+ aid = {"额外ID(alterId)";"数值,仅用于VMESS协议,与服务器一致即可"};
+ network = {"传输协议(network)";"可选值为tcp,ws等,也可以放 SSR 的 protocol 值"};
+ net = {"传输协议(network)";"可选值为tcp,ws等"};
+ type = {"伪装类型";"默认的可选值为none,http等,kcp或quic此字段表示header.type,可选值为 none,srtp,utp,wechat-video,dtls,wireguard"};
+ ps = {"备注";"备注"};
+ tls = {"是否启用TLS";"可选值为tls,xtls或空值,vless协议省略时默认值为tls"};
+ path = {"请求路径";"用于ws,http等协议指定请求路径"};
+ httpMethod = {"HTTP请求方法";"用于http协议指定请求方法"};
+ headers = {"HTTP请求头";"用于ws,http等协议指定请求头"};
+ id = {"密码";"服务器密码"};
+ host = {"主机名";"用于指定http,ws等协议请求头中的主机名"};
+ protocol = {"协议";"可选值为 vmess,vless,shadowsocks,trojan,trojan-go 之一"};
+ port = {"端口";"服务器端口,数值"};
+ security = {"加密方式";"可省略,vmess协议默认为auto,vless协议默认为none"};
+ sni = {"TLS服务器名";"TLS客户端请求中的服务器名字段,如果不指定则默认取host或address字段值。"};
+ flow = {"流控";"目前仅用于选择 XTLS 的算法,省略时默认值为xtls-rprx-direct"};
+ obfs = {"混淆插件";"可选值:plain,http_simple,http_post,tls1.2_ticket_auth ..."};
+ obfsParam = {"混淆参数";"SSR 里的 obfs_param"};
+ networkParam = {"SSR网络协议参数";"SSR 里的 protocol_param"};
+ concurrency = {"Mux多路复用:最大并发连接数";"最小值1,最大值1024,特殊值-1,不加载mux模块。缺省由winXray根据连接协议自动设定此值。"};
+winform.editOutbounds.wndproc = function(hwnd,message,wParam,lParam){
+ if(message == 0x202/*_WM_LBUTTONUP*/){
+ var lineIndex = winform.editOutbounds.lineFromChar();
+ if(lineIndex == winform.editOutbounds.preLineIndex){
+ return;
+ }
+ winform.editOutbounds.preLineIndex = lineIndex;
+ var line = winform.editOutbounds.lineText();
+ var n,v = string.match(line,`^\s*\"(\w+)\"\s*\:\s*(%"")[\,\s]*$`);
+ if( !n ) n,v = string.match(line,`^\s*\"(\w+)\"\s*\:\s*(\d+)[\,\s]*$`);
+ if( !n ) n,v = string.match(line,`^\s*\"(\w+)\"\s*\:\s*\{`);
+ if(editOutboundsTip[n]){
+ winform.editOutbounds.showInfoTip(editOutboundsTip[n][1],editOutboundsTip[n][2])
+ }
+ }
+winform.editCoreConfig.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ if( event === 0x100/*_EN_SETFOCUS*/){
+ winform.lbTipForCoreJson.hide = false;
+ }
+winform.editOutbounds.limit = 0;
+winform.editCoreConfig.limit = 0;
+winform.btnUpdateSsrCore.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ winform.btnUpdateSsrCore.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'};
+ import v2ray.core.ssr;
+ var versionTag = v2ray.core.ssr.updateCore();
+ if( versionTag ){
+ publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore");
+ winform.btnUpdateSsrCore.disabledText = null;
+ winform.msgOk("SSR Core( ShadowsocksR-native ) 已更新到:" + versionTag,1500)
+ }
+ else {
+ winform.btnUpdateSsrCore.disabledText = null;
+ }
+winform.btnUpdateV2RayCore.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ winform.btnUpdateXrayCore.disabled = true;
+ winform.btnUpdateV2RayCore.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'};
+ import v2ray.core;
+ var versionTag = v2ray.core.updateCore();
+ if( versionTag ){
+ publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore");
+ winform.btnUpdateV2RayCore.disabledText = null;
+ winform.msgOk("已下载最新 V2Ray Core 版本:" + versionTag + '\nV2Ray 内核已切换为: V2Ray Core',1500)
+ }
+ else {
+ winform.btnUpdateV2RayCore.disabledText = null;
+ winform.msgErr("V2Ray Core 下载失败!");
+ }
+ winform.btnUpdateXrayCore.disabled = false;
+winform.btnUpdateXrayCore.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ winform.btnUpdateV2RayCore.disabled = true;
+ winform.btnUpdateXrayCore.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'};
+ import v2ray.core.xray;
+ var versionTag = v2ray.core.xray.updateCore();
+ if( versionTag ){
+ publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore");
+ winform.btnUpdateXrayCore.disabledText = null;
+ winform.msgOk("已下载最新 XRay Core 版本:" + versionTag+ '\nV2Ray 内核已切换为:XRay Core',1500)
+ }
+ else {
+ winform.btnUpdateXrayCore.disabledText = null;
+ winform.msgErr("XRay Core 下载失败!");
+ }
+ winform.btnUpdateV2RayCore.disabled = false;
+winform.btnUpdateRules.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ winform.btnUpdateRules.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'};
+ import v2ray.core.rules;
+ var versionTag = v2ray.core.rules.update();
+ if( versionTag ){
+ publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore");
+ winform.btnUpdateRules.disabledText = null;
+ winform.msgOk('已下载路由规则到最新版本:' + versionTag+ '\n请在下面的配置编辑器点击右键,然后点击:\n『重置为启用路由规则默认内核配置』',2000)
+ }
+ else {
+ winform.btnUpdateRules.disabledText = null;
+ winform.msgErr("路由规则下载失败!");
+ }
+winform.btnUpdateNaiveCore.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ winform.btnUpdateNaiveCore.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'};
+ import v2ray.core.naive;
+ var versionTag = v2ray.core.naive.updateCore();
+ if( versionTag ){
+ publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore");
+ winform.btnUpdateNaiveCore.disabledText = null;
+ winform.msgOk("NaÏveProxy Core 已更新到:" + versionTag,1500)
+ }
+ else {
+ winform.btnUpdateNaiveCore.disabledText = null;
+ winform.msgErr("NaÏveProxy Core 下载失败!");
+ }
+ winform.navUwpExemption.close();
+else {
+ winform.navUwpExemption.skin(style.plainButton)
+ winform.navUwpExemption.oncommand = function( id,event ){
+ winform.msgErr("请先发布为 EXE!");
+ return;
+ }
+ import process;
+ process.execute(io._exepath,"/uwp","runas")
+ }
+return winform;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/forms/main/config/subscription.aardio b/forms/main/config/subscription.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2318224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forms/main/config/subscription.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+import fonts.fontAwesome;
+import win.ui;
+var winform = win.form(text="aardio form";right=892;bottom=564;bgcolor=16777215)
+btnAdd={cls="plus";text="添加订阅";left=10;top=4;right=143;bottom=31;align="left";dl=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-15);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-13;name='FontAwesome');padding={left=12}};iconText='\uF196 ';notify=1;textPadding={left=30};z=5};
+import style;
+winform.listview.checkbox = true;
+winform.listview.gridLines = 0;
+import win.ui.grid;
+var grid = win.ui.grid(winform.listview);//创建数据视图
+grid.readonlyColums = { [1] = true;[2] = true };
+import config;
+import inet.url;
+var reloadSubscriptions = function(){
+ winform.chkAutoRefreshSubscription.checked = config.proxy.autoRefreshSubscription;
+ config.proxy.subscribeUrls.fields = {"";"checked";"ps";"url";}
+ var outbounds = ..config.proxy.outbounds : ..table.array();
+ var outbondSubscribeUrlMap = {};
+ for(i=#outbounds;1;-1){
+ var outbound = outbounds[i]
+ if(outbound.subscribeUrl){
+ outbondSubscribeUrlMap[outbound.subscribeUrl] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ var cfgSubscribeUrls = config.proxy.subscribeUrls;
+ for(i=#cfgSubscribeUrls;1;-1){
+ var sub = cfgSubscribeUrls[i]
+ if(outbondSubscribeUrlMap[sub.url]){
+ outbondSubscribeUrlMap[sub.url] = null;
+ }
+ else{
+ sub.checked = "禁用";
+ }
+ }
+ var count = 0;
+ for(url,v in outbondSubscribeUrlMap){
+ var tUrl = ..inet.url.split(subscribeUrl);
+ ..table.push(cfgSubscribeUrls,{url=url;ps=tUrl ? tUrl.host : "";checked="启用"})
+ }
+ var chkAll = true;
+ var checked = {}
+ for(i=#cfgSubscribeUrls;1;-1){
+ var sub = cfgSubscribeUrls[i]
+ if(sub.checked=="启用"){
+ table.push(checked,i)
+ }
+ else {
+ chkAll = false;
+ }
+ }
+ winform.chkAll.checked = chkAll;
+ grid.setTable( cfgSubscribeUrls );
+ winform.listview.checked = checked;
+winform.loadSubscriptionsOnce = function(){
+ reloadSubscriptions();
+ winform.loadSubscriptionsOnce = function(){};
+ if(existIndex){
+ winform.listview.setItemText(subItem.url,existIndex,4);
+ winform.listview.setChecked(existIndex,true);
+ return;
+ }
+ var item = winform.listview.addItem({"",subItem.checked,subItem.ps,subItem.url});
+ winform.listview.setChecked(item,true);
+} )
+grid.onEditChanged = function(text,iItem,iSubItem){
+ var name = config.proxy.subscribeUrls.fields[iSubItem]
+ var sub = config.proxy.subscribeUrls[iItem];
+ if( name==="url" ){
+ if( text[1]=='/'#) {
+ text = "https://github.com"+text;
+ }
+ if(sub && sub.ps=="订阅源"){
+ import inet.url;
+ var tUrl = inet.url.split(text);
+ if(tUrl&tUrl.host){
+ sub.ps = tUrl.host;
+ winform.listview.setItemText(sub.ps,iItem,3);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(sub){
+ sub[name] = text;
+ config.proxy.save();
+ }
+ else {
+ winform.msgErr("错误的订阅索引")
+ }
+winform.popmenu = win.ui.popmenu(winform);//创建弹出菜单
+ winform.btnRemove.oncommand();
+ for(i=1; winform.listview.count) winform.listview.setSelected(i,true);
+ winform.btnRemove.oncommand();
+ winform.btnAdd.oncommand();
+winform.btnUpdate.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'}
+ config.proxy.autoRefreshSubscription = winform.chkAutoRefreshSubscription.checked;
+ var outbondSubscribeUrlMap = {};
+ var cfgSubscribeUrls = config.proxy.subscribeUrls;
+ for(i=#cfgSubscribeUrls;1;-1){
+ var sub = cfgSubscribeUrls[i]
+ outbondSubscribeUrlMap[sub.url] = sub.checked=="启用";
+ }
+ var removed = 0;
+ var outbounds = ..config.proxy.outbounds : ..table.array();
+ for(i=#outbounds;1;-1){
+ var outbound = outbounds[i]
+ if(outbound.subscribeUrl){
+ if(!outbondSubscribeUrlMap[outbound.subscribeUrl]){
+ table.remove(outbounds,i);
+ removed++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(removed) config.proxy.save();
+ import v2ray.outbounds;
+ if(!v2ray.outbounds.updateSubscription()){
+ if(removed) publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore",outbounds)
+ }
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = null;
+winform.chkAll.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ var checked = winform.chkAll.checked
+ for hItem in winform.listview.each(){
+ winform.listview.setChecked(hItem,checked)
+ }
+winform.btnRemove.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ var outboundRemoved = 0;
+ var subscribeUrls = config.proxy.subscribeUrls;
+ var items = winform.listview.selected;
+ if(!#items){
+ return winform.msgWarn("未选中任何订阅项( 请用鼠标单击订阅链接,不是指「勾选」 )")
+ }
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'}
+ for(i=#items;1;-1){
+ var url = subscribeUrls[items[i]].url;
+ table.remove(subscribeUrls,items[i]);
+ winform.listview.delItem(items[i]);
+ var outbounds = ..config.proxy.outbounds : ..table.array();
+ for(i=#outbounds;1;-1){
+ var outbound = outbounds[i]
+ if(outbound.subscribeUrl===url){
+ table.remove(outbounds,i);
+ outboundRemoved++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ config.proxy.save();
+ if(outboundRemoved){
+ publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore")
+ }
+ else {
+ win.delay(200);
+ }
+ publish("outbounds.updateConfigJson");
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = null;
+winform.btnAdd.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ import inet.url;
+ import win.clip;
+ var ps = "订阅源";
+ var url = win.clip.read();
+ url = url ? string.trim(url,'"\'\s\t\r\n ');
+ if(url && url[1]=='/'#){
+ url = "http://github.com" + url;
+ }
+ if(!inet.url.is(url)){
+ url = "";
+ }
+ else {
+ var tUrl = inet.url.split(url);
+ if(tUrl && tUrl.host){
+ ps = tUrl.host
+ }
+ }
+ config.proxy.subscribeUrls[winform.listview.count+1] = {checked="启用";ps="订阅源";url=url}
+ var item = winform.listview.addItem({
+ "";"启用";ps;url
+ })
+ winform.listview.setChecked(item,true);
+ grid.beginEdit(item,4);
+winform.listview.onnotify = function(id,code,ptr){
+ if( code == 0xFFFFFF9B/*_LVN_ITEMCHANGED*/ ){
+ var nmListView = winform.listview.getNotifyMessage(code,ptr);
+ if( !nmListView )
+ return;
+ if( nmListView.uNewState & 0xF000/*_LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK*/){
+ var selIndex = nmListView.iItem;
+ if( winform.listview.getChecked( selIndex ) ){
+ config.proxy.subscribeUrls[selIndex].checked = "启用";
+ config.proxy.save();
+ winform.listview.setItemText("启用",selIndex,2);
+ }
+ else {
+ config.proxy.subscribeUrls[selIndex].checked = "禁用";
+ config.proxy.save();
+ winform.listview.setItemText("禁用",selIndex,2);
+ }
+ var chkAll = true;
+ for(i=#config.proxy.subscribeUrls;1;-1){
+ var sub = config.proxy.subscribeUrls[i]
+ if(sub.checked!="启用"){
+ chkAll = false;
+ }
+ }
+ winform.chkAll.checked = chkAll;
+ }
+ }
+ elseif( code == 0xFFFFFFF4/*_NM_CUSTOMDRAW*/ ) {
+ var lvcd = winform.listview.getNotifyCustomDraw(code,ptr);
+ if( lvcd.nmcd.dwDrawStage == 0x10001/*_CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT*/)
+ elseif( lvcd.nmcd.dwDrawStage == 1/*_CDDS_PREPAINT*/ ){
+ return 0x20/*_CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW*/;
+ }
+ elseif( lvcd.nmcd.dwDrawStage == ( 0x10001/*_CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT*/ | 0x20000/*_CDDS_SUBITEM*/) ){
+ //注意这里 iSubItem 的索引自0开始( 其他函数通常自1开始 )
+ lvcd.clrText = lvcd.nmcd.dwItemSpec % 2 ? 0x373737 : 0;
+ lvcd.clrTextBk = lvcd.nmcd.dwItemSpec % 2 ? 0xFFFFFF : 0xF5F5F5;
+ lvcd.update();
+ return 0/*_CDRF_DODEFAULT*/
+ }
+ }
+ elseif( code == 0xFFFFFFFB/*_NM_RCLICK*/ ) {
+ var x,y = win.getCursorPos();
+ winform.popmenu.popup(x,y,true);//弹出菜单
+ }
+return winform;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/forms/main/outbound.aardio b/forms/main/outbound.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77af6a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forms/main/outbound.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+import web.json;
+import win.dlg.message;
+import fonts.fontAwesome;
+import win.ui;
+var winform = win.form(text="winXray - 代理服务器配置";right=999;bottom=504;bgcolor=16777215;exmode="none";min=false;mode="popup")
+btnAddOutbound={cls="plus";text="新 增";left=705;top=410;right=808;bottom=446;align="left";bgcolor=14935259;db=1;dr=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-13);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-13;name='FontAwesome');padding={left=22}};iconText='\uF067';notify=1;textPadding={left=40};z=17};
+btnInsertField={cls="plus";text="插入更多配置字段";left=10;top=0;right=191;bottom=24;align="left";dl=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-13);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-13;name='FontAwesome');padding={left=12}};iconText='\uF196 ';notify=1;textPadding={left=30};z=18};
+btnSaveOutbound={cls="plus";text="保 存";left=826;top=410;right=929;bottom=446;align="left";bgcolor=11580047;db=1;disabled=1;dr=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-13);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-13;name='FontAwesome');padding={left=22}};iconText='\uF0C7';notify=1;textPadding={left=40};z=16};
+btnUpdateCore={cls="plus";text="下载 / 更新 NaÏveProxy Core";left=637;top=61;right=979;bottom=89;align="left";color=3947580;dr=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-13);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-17;name='FontAwesome');padding={left=18}};iconText='\uF0AB';notify=1;textPadding={left=50};z=23};
+lbId={cls="static";text="登录用户( id ):";left=492;top=262;right=641;bottom=288;align="right";bgcolor=16777215;dr=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);transparent=1;z=6};
+lbSecurity={cls="static";text="加密方式( security ):";left=473;top=136;right=641;bottom=162;align="right";bgcolor=16777215;dl=1;dr=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);transparent=1;z=10};
+static={cls="static";text="服务器( address ):";left=481;top=178;right=641;bottom=204;align="right";bgcolor=16777215;dl=1;dr=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);transparent=1;z=3};
+static10={cls="static";text="代理协议( protocol ):";left=473;top=26;right=641;bottom=52;align="right";bgcolor=16777215;dl=1;dr=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);transparent=1;z=11};
+static2={cls="static";text="服务端口( port ):";left=498;top=220;right=641;bottom=246;align="right";bgcolor=16777215;dr=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);transparent=1;z=5};
+static4={cls="static";text="备注( ps ):";left=498;top=304;right=641;bottom=330;align="right";bgcolor=16777215;dr=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);transparent=1;z=8};
+static5={cls="static";text="传输协议( network ):";left=473;top=94;right=641;bottom=126;align="right";bgcolor=16777215;dl=1;dr=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);transparent=1;z=9}
+winform.outboundConfig = {};
+winform.addOutboundField = function(k,v){
+ if(winform.outboundConfig[k] !== null){
+ return winform.msgInfo("该字段已经存在,不需要添加!");
+ }
+ winform.outboundConfig[k] = v;
+ winform.editOutbound.text = web.json.stringify(winform.outboundConfig,true,false);
+ winform.updateSharedLink();
+winform.cmbProtocol.onProtocolChange = function(){
+ var sel = winform.cmbProtocol.selText;
+ if(sel=="vmess"){
+ winform.cmbSecurity.items = {
+ "auto";"none";"chacha20-poly1305";"aes-128-gcm"
+ }
+ winform.cmbSecurity.selIndex = 1;
+ winform.outboundConfig.security = "auto";
+ winform.cmbNetwork.items = {
+ "tcp";"kcp";"h2";"quic";
+ }
+ winform.cmbNetwork.selIndex = 1;
+ winform.outboundConfig.network = "tcp";
+ winform.btnUpdateCore.text = '下载 / 更新支持组件: V2Ray Core';
+ winform.editId.setCueBannerText("请输入 GUID");
+ }
+ elseif(sel=="shadowsocks"){
+ winform.cmbSecurity.items = {
+ "aes-256-gcm";"aes-128-gcm";"chacha20-poly1305";"chacha20-ietf-poly1305";"none"
+ }
+ winform.cmbSecurity.selIndex = 1;
+ winform.outboundConfig.security = "aes-256-gcm";
+ winform.cmbNetwork.items = {"tcp";}
+ winform.cmbNetwork.selIndex = 1;
+ winform.outboundConfig.network = "tcp";
+ winform.btnUpdateCore.text = '下载 / 更新支持组件: V2Ray Core';
+ winform.editId.setCueBannerText("请输入密码");
+ }
+ elseif(sel=="ssr"){
+ winform.cmbNetwork.items = {
+ "origin";"plain";"auth_sha1_v4";"http_simple";"auth_aes128_sha1";"http_post";"auth_aes128_md5";"http_mix";"auth_chain_a";"tls1.2_ticket_auth";"auth_chain_b";"tls1.2_ticket_fastauth";"auth_chain_c/d/e/f";
+ }
+ winform.cmbNetwork.selIndex = 1;
+ winform.outboundConfig.network = "origin";
+ winform.cmbSecurity.items = {
+ "none";"table";"rc4";"rc4-md5-6";"rc4-md5";"aes-128-cfb";"aes-192-cfb";"aes-256-cfb";"aes-128-ctr";"aes-192-ctr";"aes-256-ctr";"camellia-128-cfb";"camellia-192-cfb";"camellia-256-cfb";"bf-cfb";"cast5-cfb";"des-cfb";"idea-cfb";"rc2-cfb";"seed-cfb";"salsa20";"chacha20";"chacha20-ietf";
+ }
+ winform.cmbSecurity.selIndex = 1;
+ winform.outboundConfig.security = "none";
+ winform.btnUpdateCore.text = '下载 / 更新支持组件: SSR Core';
+ winform.editId.setCueBannerText("请输入密码");
+ }
+ elseif(sel=="vless"){
+ winform.cmbSecurity.items = {
+ "none";
+ }
+ winform.cmbSecurity.selIndex = 1;
+ winform.outboundConfig.security = "none";
+ winform.cmbNetwork.items = {
+ "tcp";"kcp";"h2";"quic";
+ }
+ winform.cmbNetwork.selIndex = 1;
+ winform.outboundConfig.network = "tcp";
+ winform.btnUpdateCore.text = '下载 / 更新支持组件: Xray Core';
+ winform.editId.setCueBannerText("请输入 GUID");
+ }
+ elseif(sel=="naive"){
+ winform.cmbNetwork.items = {
+ "https";"quic";
+ }
+ winform.cmbNetwork.selIndex = 1;
+ winform.outboundConfig.network = "https";
+ winform.cmbSecurity.items = {}
+ winform.outboundConfig.security = null;
+ winform.btnUpdateCore.text = '下载 / 更新支持组件: NaïveProxy Core';
+ winform.editId.setCueBannerText("请输入 用户名:密码");
+ }
+ elseif(sel=="socks"){
+ winform.cmbSecurity.items = { }
+ winform.outboundConfig.security = null;
+ winform.cmbNetwork.items = {"tcp";}
+ winform.cmbNetwork.selIndex = 1;
+ winform.outboundConfig.network = "tcp";
+ winform.btnUpdateCore.text = '下载 / 更新支持组件: V2Ray Core';
+ winform.editId.setCueBannerText("请输入 用户名:密码");
+ }
+ elseif(sel=="http" || sel=="https"){
+ winform.cmbSecurity.items = { }
+ winform.outboundConfig.security = null;
+ winform.cmbNetwork.items = {"tcp";}
+ winform.cmbNetwork.selIndex = 1;
+ winform.outboundConfig.network = "tcp";
+ winform.btnUpdateCore.text = '下载 / 更新支持组件: V2Ray Core';
+ winform.editId.setCueBannerText("请输入 用户名:密码");
+ }
+ else {
+ winform.cmbSecurity.items = { }
+ winform.outboundConfig.security = null;
+ winform.cmbNetwork.items = {"tcp";}
+ winform.cmbNetwork.selIndex = 1;
+ winform.outboundConfig.network = "tcp";
+ winform.btnUpdateCore.text = '下载 / 更新支持组件: V2Ray Core';
+ winform.editId.setCueBannerText("请输入密码");
+ }
+winform.cmbProtocol.onListChange = function(){
+ winform.cmbProtocol.onProtocolChange();
+ table.define(winform.outboundConfig);
+ winform.outboundConfig.protocol = winform.cmbProtocol.selText;;
+ winform.editOutbound.text = web.json.stringify(winform.outboundConfig,true,false);
+ winform.updateSharedLink();
+winform.cmbNetwork.onListChange = function(){
+ var sel = winform.cmbNetwork.selText;
+ winform.outboundConfig.network = sel;
+ winform.editOutbound.text = web.json.stringify(winform.outboundConfig,true,false);
+ winform.updateSharedLink();
+winform.cmbSecurity.onListChange = function(){
+ var sel = winform.cmbSecurity.selText;
+ winform.outboundConfig.security = sel;
+ winform.editOutbound.text = web.json.stringify(winform.outboundConfig,true,false);
+ winform.updateSharedLink();
+winform.editId.editBox.onChange = function(){
+ if( winform.outboundConfig.id == winform.editId.text ){
+ return;
+ }
+ winform.outboundConfig.id = winform.editId.text;
+ winform.editOutbound.text = web.json.stringify(winform.outboundConfig,true,false);
+ winform.updateSharedLink();
+winform.editPort.editBox.onChange = function(){
+ winform.outboundConfig.port = tonumber(owner.text):443;
+ winform.editOutbound.text = web.json.stringify(winform.outboundConfig,true,false);
+ winform.updateSharedLink();
+winform.editAddress.editBox.onChange = function(){
+ winform.outboundConfig.address = owner.text;
+ winform.editOutbound.text = web.json.stringify(winform.outboundConfig,true,false);
+ winform.updateSharedLink();
+winform.editPs.editBox.onChange = function(){
+ winform.outboundConfig.ps = owner.text;
+ winform.editOutbound.text = web.json.stringify(winform.outboundConfig,true,false);
+ winform.updateSharedLink();
+var editOutboundTip = {
+ address = {"代理服务器地址";"值可以是域名或者IP地址"};
+ alterId = {"额外ID";"仅用于VMESS协议,与服务器一致即可"};
+ aid = {"额外ID(alterId)";"数值,仅用于VMESS协议,与服务器一致即可"};
+ network = {"传输协议(network)";"可选值为tcp,ws等,也可以放 SSR 的 protocol 值"};
+ net = {"传输协议(network)";"可选值为tcp,ws等"};
+ type = {"伪装类型";"默认的可选值为none,http等,kcp或quic此字段表示header.type,可选值为 none,srtp,utp,wechat-video,dtls,wireguard"};
+ ps = {"备注";"备注"};
+ tls = {"是否启用TLS";"可选值为tls,xtls或空值,vless协议省略时默认值为tls"};
+ path = {"请求路径";"用于ws,http等协议指定请求路径"};
+ httpMethod = {"HTTP请求方法";"用于http协议指定请求方法"};
+ headers = {"HTTP请求头";"用于ws,http等协议指定请求头"};
+ id = {"密码";"服务器密码"};
+ host = {"主机名";"用于指定http,ws等协议请求头中的主机名"};
+ protocol = {"协议";"可选值为 vmess,vless,shadowsocks,trojan,trojan-go 之一"};
+ port = {"端口";"服务器端口,数值"};
+ security = {"加密方式";"可省略,vmess协议默认为auto,vless协议默认为none"};
+ sni = {"TLS服务器名";"TLS客户端请求中的服务器名字段,如果不指定则默认取host或address字段值。"};
+ flow = {"流控";"目前仅用于选择 XTLS 的算法,省略时默认值为xtls-rprx-direct"};
+ obfs = {"混淆插件";"可选值:plain,http_simple,http_post,tls1.2_ticket_auth ..."};
+ obfsParam = {"混淆参数";"SSR 里的 obfs_param"};
+ networkParam = {"SSR网络协议参数";"SSR 里的 protocol_param"};
+ concurrency = {"Mux多路复用:最大并发连接数";"最小值1,最大值1024,特殊值-1,不加载mux模块。缺省由winXray根据连接协议自动设定此值。"};
+winform.editOutbound.wndproc = function(hwnd,message,wParam,lParam){
+ if(message == 0x202/*_WM_LBUTTONUP*/){
+ var lineIndex = winform.editOutbound.lineFromChar();
+ if(lineIndex == winform.editOutbound.preLineIndex){
+ return;
+ }
+ winform.editOutbound.preLineIndex = lineIndex;
+ var line = winform.editOutbound.lineText();
+ var n,v = string.match(line,`^\s*\"(\w+)\"\s*\:\s*(%"")[\,\s]*$`);
+ if( !n ) n,v = string.match(line,`^\s*\"(\w+)\"\s*\:\s*(\d+)[\,\s]*$`);
+ if( !n ) n,v = string.match(line,`^\s*\"(\w+)\"\s*\:\s*\{`);
+ if(editOutboundTip[n]){
+ winform.editOutbound.showInfoTip(editOutboundTip[n][1],editOutboundTip[n][2])
+ }
+ }
+import win.ui.menu;
+var insertFieldMenu = {
+ { "允许忽略证书:allowInsecure";
+ function(id){
+ winform.addOutboundField("allowInsecure",true);
+ }
+ };
+ { "TLS服务器名:sni";
+ function(id){
+ winform.addOutboundField("sni","");
+ }
+ };
+ { "启用TLS:tls";
+ function(id){
+ winform.addOutboundField("tls","xtls");
+ }
+ };
+ { "流控:flow";
+ function(id){
+ winform.addOutboundField("flow","xtls-rprx-direct");
+ }
+ };
+ { "多路复用最大连接:concurrency";
+ function(id){
+ winform.addOutboundField("concurrency",4);
+ }
+ };
+ { "伪装类型:type";
+ function(id){
+ winform.addOutboundField("type","http");
+ }
+ };
+ { "备注:ps";
+ function(id){
+ winform.addOutboundField("ps","");
+ }
+ };
+ { "请求主机名:host";
+ function(id){
+ winform.addOutboundField("host","");
+ }
+ };
+ { "请求路径:path";
+ function(id){
+ winform.addOutboundField("path","/");
+ }
+ };
+ { "HTTP请求方法:httpMethod";
+ function(id){
+ winform.addOutboundField("httpMethod","GET");
+ }
+ };
+ { "HTTP请求头:headers";
+ function(id){
+ winform.addOutboundField("headers",{method="GET"});
+ }
+ };
+ { "SSR混淆插件:obfs";
+ function(id){
+ winform.addOutboundField("obfs","plain");
+ }
+ };
+ { "SSR混淆参数:obfsParam";
+ function(id){
+ winform.addOutboundField("obfsParam","");
+ }
+ };
+ { "SSR网络协议参数:networkParam";
+ function(id){
+ winform.addOutboundField("networkParam","");
+ }
+ };
+ { "绑定的订阅网址:subscribeUrl";
+ function(id){
+ winform.addOutboundField("subscribeUrl","https://");
+ }
+ };
+ { "允许自动测试并连接:autoConnect";
+ function(id){
+ winform.addOutboundField("autoConnect",false);
+ }
+ };
+ { "SSH管理端口:sshPort";
+ function(id){
+ winform.addOutboundField("sshPort",22);
+ }
+ };
+ { "插入配置字段";insertFieldMenu}
+import style;
+winform.btnInsertField.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ var popInsertFieldMenu = win.ui.popmenu(winform);
+ popInsertFieldMenu.addTable(insertFieldMenu);
+ var x,y,cx,cy = winform.btnInsertField.getPos();
+ popInsertFieldMenu.popup(x,y+cy);
+import win.debounce;
+var onEditChange = win.debounce(
+ function(){
+ var data,err = web.json.tryParse(winform.editOutbound.text);
+ if(!data){
+ if(err){
+ return winform.editOutbound.showErrorTip("JSON 语法错误",err)
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ var editPortChange = winform.editPort.editBox.onChange;
+ var editIdChange = winform.editId.editBox.onChange;
+ var editAddressChange = winform.editAddress.editBox.onChange;
+ var editPsChange = winform.editPs.editBox.onChange;
+ winform.editPort.editBox.onChange = null;
+ winform.editId.editBox.onChange = null;
+ winform.editAddress.editBox.onChange = null;
+ winform.editPs.editBox.onChange = null;
+ winform.editPort.text = data.port;
+ winform.editId.text = data.id;
+ winform.editAddress.text = data.address;
+ winform.editPs.text = data.ps;
+ winform.editPort.editBox.onChange = editPortChange;
+ winform.editId.editBox.onChange = editIdChange;
+ winform.editAddress.editBox.onChange = editAddressChange;
+ winform.editPs.editBox.onChange = editPsChange;
+ var cmbNetworkChange = winform.cmbNetwork.onListChange;
+ var cmbProtocolChange = winform.cmbProtocol.onListChange;
+ var cmbSecurityChange = winform.cmbSecurity.onListChange;
+ winform.cmbNetwork.onListChange = null;
+ winform.cmbProtocol.onListChange = null;
+ winform.cmbSecurity.onListChange = null;
+ winform.cmbNetwork.selText = data.network;
+ winform.cmbProtocol.selText = data.protocol;
+ winform.cmbProtocol.onProtocolChange();
+ winform.cmbSecurity.selText = data.security;
+ winform.cmbNetwork.onListChange = cmbNetworkChange;
+ winform.cmbProtocol.onListChange = cmbProtocolChange;
+ winform.cmbSecurity.onListChange = cmbSecurityChange;
+ winform.updateSharedLink();
+ },500
+winform.editOutbound.onChange = function(){
+ onEditChange();
+winform.btnSaveOutbound.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ if(!#winform.editAddress.text){
+ return winform.editAddress.editBox.showErrorTip("配置错误","服务器地址不能为空")
+ }
+ if(!#winform.editPort.text){
+ return winform.editPort.editBox.showErrorTip("配置错误","端口不能为空")
+ }
+ if( !#winform.editId.text ){
+ var protocol = winform.outboundConfig.protocol;
+ if((protocol!="socks") && (protocol!="http") && (protocol!="https")){
+ return winform.editId.editBox.showErrorTip("配置错误","当前代理协议密码不能为空")
+ }
+ }
+ table.assign(winform.origOutboundConfig,winform.outboundConfig);
+ winform.endModal();
+ publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore");
+ publish("outbounds.updateConfigJson");
+import config;
+winform.btnAddOutbound.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ if(!#winform.editAddress.text){
+ return winform.editAddress.editBox.showErrorTip("配置错误","服务器地址不能为空")
+ }
+ if(!#winform.editPort.text){
+ return winform.editPort.editBox.showErrorTip("配置错误","端口不能为空")
+ }
+ if(!#winform.editId.text ){
+ var protocol = winform.outboundConfig.protocol
+ if( (protocol!="socks") && (protocol!="http") && (protocol!="https") ){
+ return winform.editId.editBox.showErrorTip("配置错误","当前代理协议密码不能为空")
+ }
+ }
+ table.push(config.proxy.outbounds,winform.outboundConfig);
+ winform.endModal();
+ publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore");
+ publish("outbounds.updateConfigJson");
+import win.guid;
+winform.btnGenGuid.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ var sel = winform.cmbProtocol.selText;
+ if(sel=="socks" || sel=="http" || sel=="https" || sel=="naive" ){
+ winform.editId.text = "user:" + string.random(16);
+ }
+ elseif(sel=="shadowsocks" || sel=="ssr" ){
+ winform.editId.text = string.random(22,"/@0123456abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ");
+ }
+ else {
+ var guid = win.guid.create();
+ winform.editId.text = string.lower( tostring(guid) );
+ }
+winform.btnSaveOutbound.disabled = true;
+import qrencode.bitmap;
+import v2ray.outbounds;
+winform.updateSharedLink = function(modified){
+ var cfg = winform.outboundConfig;
+ var link = "";
+ if(#cfg.address && (cfg.port!==null) && #cfg.protocol){
+ link = v2ray.outbounds.exportSharedLinks({winform.outboundConfig});
+ }
+ winform.editSharedLink.text = link;
+ if(#link){
+ var qrBmp = qrencode.bitmap(link,0,0);
+ if(qrBmp){
+ winform.qrPicture.setBackground(qrBmp.copyBitmap(winform.qrPicture.width));
+ }
+ }
+import win.clip;
+winform.btnImportSharedLink.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ var str = ..win.clip.read();
+ if(str){
+ var outbounds = v2ray.outbounds.importFromString(str);
+ if(#outbounds){
+ var cfg = winform.outboundConfig;
+ table.clear(cfg);
+ table.assign(cfg,outbounds[1]);
+ winform.editOutbound.text = web.json.stringify(winform.outboundConfig,true,false);
+ onEditChange();
+ winform.msgOk("已成功导入服务器",1000);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ winform.msgFrown('未导入服务器!\r\n请先复制以下格式文本(自动清除其中的无效内容):\r\n\r\n1、分享链接或服务器JSON配置。\r\n支持 vmess://,vless://,ss://,ssr://,trojan://, trojan-go:// 等通用分享链接。\r\n\r\n2、服务器配置的JSON数组,支持winXray格式以及通用格式JSON。\r\n其他 BASE64 编码或明文返回以上1、2条规定的配置或分享链接。')
+winform.btnCopySharedLink.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ var lnk = winform.editSharedLink.text;
+ if(!#lnk){
+ winform.msgErr("分享链接不能为空",1500);
+ }
+ else {
+ win.clip.write(lnk);
+ winform.msgOk("分享链接已复制到剪贴板",1500);
+ }
+winform.setOutboundConfig = function(cfg){
+ winform.cmbProtocol.selText = cfg.protocol;
+ winform.cmbProtocol.onListChange();
+ winform.btnAddOutbound.skin(style.button);
+ winform.btnSaveOutbound.skin(style.primaryButton);
+ winform.btnSaveOutbound.disabled = false;
+ winform.origOutboundConfig = cfg;
+ winform.outboundConfig = table.clone(cfg);
+ winform.editOutbound.text = web.json.stringify(winform.outboundConfig,true,false);
+ onEditChange();
+ port = 443;
+ protocol = "vmess";
+ network = "tcp";
+winform.btnSaveOutbound.disabled = true;
+winform.btnUpdateCore.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ winform.btnUpdateCore.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'};
+ var sel = winform.cmbProtocol.selText;
+ if(sel=="ssr"){
+ import v2ray.core.ssr;
+ var versionTag = v2ray.core.ssr.updateCore();
+ if( versionTag ){
+ publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore");
+ winform.btnUpdateCore.disabledText = null;
+ winform.msgOk("SSR Core( ShadowsocksR-native ) 已更新到:" + versionTag,1500)
+ }
+ else {
+ winform.btnUpdateCore.disabledText = null;
+ }
+ }
+ elseif(sel=="vless"){
+ import v2ray.core.xray;
+ var versionTag = v2ray.core.xray.updateCore();
+ if( versionTag ){
+ publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore");
+ winform.btnUpdateCore.disabledText = null;
+ winform.msgOk("已下载最新 XRay Core 版本:" + versionTag+ '\nV2Ray 内核已切换为:XRay Core',1500)
+ }
+ else {
+ winform.btnUpdateCore.disabledText = null;
+ winform.msgErr("XRay Core 下载失败!");
+ }
+ }
+ elseif(sel=="naive"){
+ import v2ray.core.naive;
+ var versionTag = v2ray.core.naive.updateCore();
+ if( versionTag ){
+ publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore");
+ winform.btnUpdateCore.disabledText = null;
+ winform.msgOk("NaÏveProxy Core 已更新到:" + versionTag,1500)
+ }
+ else {
+ winform.btnUpdateCore.disabledText = null;
+ winform.msgErr("NaÏveProxy Core 下载失败!");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ import v2ray.core;
+ var versionTag = v2ray.core.updateCore();
+ if( versionTag ){
+ publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore");
+ winform.btnUpdateCore.disabledText = null;
+ winform.msgOk("已下载最新 V2Ray Core 版本:" + versionTag + '\nV2Ray 内核已切换为: V2Ray Core',1500)
+ }
+ else {
+ winform.btnUpdateCore.disabledText = null;
+ winform.msgErr("V2Ray Core 下载失败!");
+ }
+ }
+ foreground = {
+ hover = 0x10FFFF00;
+ active = 0x20EEEE00;
+ }
+winform.qrPicture.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ var lnk = string.trim(winform.editSharedLink.text);
+ if(#lnk){
+ var frmChild = winform.loadForm("\forms\main\tools\qr.aardio");
+ frmChild.createQrCode(lnk);
+ frmChild.show();
+ }
+return winform;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/forms/main/pac.aardio b/forms/main/pac.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e27acb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forms/main/pac.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+import win.ui;
+import win.ui.atom;
+import fonts.fontAwesome;
+var winform = win.form(text="winXray - 代理自动配置文件(PAC)";right=912;bottom=802;bgcolor=16777215)
+lbTip={cls="plus";text="以下域名通过代理连接( 点域名绑定上面选项,点击右键菜单可批量导入域名 )。";left=10;top=66;right=898;bottom=92;align="left";color=3947580;dl=1;dr=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-13);notify=1;transparent=1;z=13};
+navDirect={cls="plus";text="直连域名( JSON )";left=184;top=750;right=315;bottom=782;border={top=1;color=-16744448};db=1;dl=1;z=8};
+navProxy={cls="plus";text="代理域名( JSON )";left=53;top=750;right=184;bottom=782;border={top=1;color=-16744448};db=1;dl=1;z=5};
+import config;
+import style;
+winform.radioProxy.checked = true;
+import config;
+import web.json;
+import win.ui.tabs;
+var tbs = win.ui.tabs(winform.navProxy,winform.navDirect,winform.nav06,winform.nav091,winform.navZhengMa,winform.navTxt)
+tbs.margin = 0;
+ foreground={
+ active=0xFFFFFFFF;
+ default=0x00FFFFFF;
+ hover=0xFFCCCCCC;
+ };
+ checked={
+ foreground={
+ default=0x00FFFFFF;
+ };
+ border = {
+ default = {left=1;right=1;bottom=1;color=0xFF008000}
+ };
+ }
+tbs.onSelchange = function(idx,strip,form){
+ if(idx==1){
+ winform.currentEditPac = winform.editPacProxy;
+ winform.editPacProxy.hide = false;
+ winform.editPacDirect.hide = true;
+ winform.lbTip.text = `以下域名通过代理连接( 点域名绑定上面选项,点击右键菜单可批量导入代理域名 ):`
+ }
+ else {
+ winform.currentEditPac = winform.editPacDirect;
+ winform.editPacProxy.hide = true;
+ winform.editPacDirect.hide = false;
+ winform.lbTip.text = `以下域名不使用代理( 点域名绑定上面选项,点击右键菜单可批量导入直连域名 ): `
+ }
+tbs.selIndex = 1;
+import win.dlg.message;
+winform.loadPacToEdit = function(str,fromUpdater){
+ var rules = string.match(str,"var\s+rules\s*=\s*(%\[\])")
+ if(!rules) return winform.msgErr("PAC文件格式错误");
+ rules = web.json.parse(rules);
+ if(!(rules && table.isArray(rules) && type(rules[1][1])==type.table)) return winform.msgErr("PAC文件格式错误");
+ var proxy,direct = table.array(),table.array()
+ for(i=1;#rules){
+ table.append(direct,rules[i][1]);
+ table.append(proxy,rules[i][2]);
+ }
+ if(fromUpdater && !..table.find(proxy,"") ){
+ // https://ipinfo.io/AS44907 https://ipinfo.io/AS59930 https://ipinfo.io/AS62041
+ table.push(proxy,
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ ""
+ )
+ }
+ winform.editPacProxy.text = web.json.stringify(proxy,true)
+ winform.editPacDirect.text = web.json.stringify(direct,true)
+winform.btnUpdate.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'};
+ thread.invoke(
+ function(winform){
+ import web.rest.github;
+ var result = web.rest.github.getContent("petronny","gfwlist2pac","gfwlist.pac");
+ if( result ){
+ var jsTestHost = /***
+function testHost(host, index) {
+ if( /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/.test(host) && ( typeof isInNetEx !== "undefined" ) ){
+ for (var i = 0; i < rules[index].length; i++) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < rules[index][i].length; j++) {
+ lastRule = rules[index][i][j];
+ if(host == lastRule || host.endsWith('.' + lastRule) || ( lastRule.indexOf("/") && isInNetEx(host, lastRule) ) ){
+ return i % 2 == 0 ? 'DIRECT' : proxy;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < rules[index].length; i++) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < rules[index][i].length; j++) {
+ lastRule = rules[index][i][j];
+ if (host == lastRule || host.endsWith('.' + lastRule))
+ return i % 2 == 0 ? 'DIRECT' : proxy;
+ }
+ }
+ lastRule = '';
+ var result = string.replace(result,"function\s*testHost\s*%\(\)\s*%\{\}",jsTestHost);
+ winform.loadPacToEdit( result,true );
+ winform.editPacDirect.modified = true;
+ winform.btnSave.disabled = false;
+ winform.btnReset.disabled = false;
+ winform.msgOk("PAC 已同步到最新版本,请点击「保存 PAC」按钮");
+ }
+ else {
+ winform.msgFrown("PAC 更新失败,建议开启全局代理后重试。")
+ }
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabledText = null;
+ },winform
+ )
+import sysProxy;
+import string.conv;
+import v2ray.pacServer;
+winform.savePacToFile = function(){
+ var proxy = web.json.tryParse(string.conv.fromWide(winform.editPacProxy.text))
+ var direct = web.json.tryParse(string.conv.fromWide(winform.editPacDirect.text))
+ if(!(table.isArray(proxy))) {
+ winform.btnSave.disabledText = null;
+ return winform.msgErr("代理域名配置格式错误");
+ }
+ if(!(table.isArray(direct))) {
+ winform.btnSave.disabledText = null;
+ return winform.msgErr("直连域名配置格式错误");
+ }
+ v2ray.pacServer.savePacText(web.json.stringify({{direct;proxy}},true));
+ winform.editPacDirect.modified = false;
+ winform.editPacProxy.modified = false;
+ sysProxy.reset(true);
+ winform.msgOk("已保存 PAC 文件",1200);
+ winform.btnSave.disabledText = null;
+ winform.btnSave.disabled = true;
+ winform.btnReset.disabled = true;
+winform.btnSave.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ winform.btnSave.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'};
+ thread.invoke(
+ function(winform){
+ sleep(300)
+ winform.savePacToFile();
+ },winform
+ )
+winform.btnReset.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ winform.btnReset.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'};
+ thread.invoke(
+ function(winform){
+ import v2ray.pacServer;
+ winform.loadPacToEdit(v2ray.pacServer.loadPacText());
+ winform.btnReset.disabledText = null;
+ winform.btnSave.disabled = true;
+ winform.btnReset.disabled = true;
+ winform.msgOk("已恢复到当前 PAC 配置")
+ },winform
+ )
+import v2ray.pacServer;
+winform.loadPacToEdit( v2ray.pacServer.loadPacText() );
+winform.editPacProxy.modified = false;
+winform.editPacDirect.modified = false;
+winform.btnSave.disabled = true;
+winform.btnReset.disabled = true;
+winform.editPacDirect.limit = -1;
+winform.editPacDirect.onChange = function(){
+ winform.btnSave.disabled = false;
+ winform.btnReset.disabled = false;
+winform.editPacProxy.limit = -1;
+winform.editPacProxy.onChange = function(){
+ winform.btnSave.disabled = false;
+ winform.btnReset.disabled = false;
+import process;
+winform.lbTip.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ process.openUrl("https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/HTTP/Proxy_servers_and_tunneling/Proxy_Auto-Configuration_(PAC)_file")
+winform.editPacDirect.wndproc = function(hwnd,message,wParam,lParam){
+ if(message == 0x202/*_WM_LBUTTONUP*/){
+ var lineIndex = winform.editPacDirect.lineFromChar();
+ if(lineIndex == winform.editPacDirect.preLineIndex){
+ return;
+ }
+ winform.editPacDirect.preLineIndex = lineIndex;
+ var line = winform.editPacDirect.lineText();
+ var domain = string.match(line,`\"(.+)\"`);
+ if(domain){
+ winform.editPacDomain.text = domain;
+ winform.radioDirect.checked = true;
+ }
+ }
+winform.editPacProxy.wndproc = function(hwnd,message,wParam,lParam){
+ if(message == 0x202/*_WM_LBUTTONUP*/){
+ var lineIndex = winform.editPacProxy.lineFromChar();
+ if(lineIndex == winform.editPacProxy.preLineIndex){
+ return;
+ }
+ winform.editPacProxy.preLineIndex = lineIndex;
+ var line = winform.editPacProxy.lineText();
+ var domain = string.match(line,`\"(.+)\"`);
+ if(domain){
+ winform.editPacDomain.text = domain;
+ winform.radioProxy.checked = true;
+ }
+ }
+import win.dlg.findReplace;
+var findDlgDirect = win.dlg.findReplace(winform);
+findDlgDirect.onSearch = function(findWhat,down,matchCase,wholeWord){
+ winform.currentEditPac.findText(findWhat,findDlgDirect.flags);
+findDlgDirect.onReplace = function(findWhat,replaceWith,down,matchCase,wholeWord){
+ winform.currentEditPac.replaceText(findWhat,replaceWith,findDlgDirect.flags);
+findDlgDirect.onReplaceAll = function(findWhat,replaceWith,down,matchCase,wholeWord){
+ winform.currentEditPac.replaceAll(findWhat,replaceWith,findDlgDirect.flags)
+ var items = {
+ { "查找 Ctrl + F";
+ function(id){
+ findDlgDirect.find(winform.editPacDirect.selText)
+ }
+ };
+ { "替换 Ctrl + H";
+ function(id){
+ findDlgDirect.replace(winform.editPacDirect.selText);
+ }
+ };
+ {};
+ { "自剪贴板导入直连域名或 CIDR 格式 IP 段";
+ function(id){
+ var proxy = web.json.tryParse(string.conv.fromWide(winform.editPacProxy.text))
+ var direct = web.json.tryParse(string.conv.fromWide(winform.editPacDirect.text))
+ if(!(proxy)) return winform.msgErr("代理域名配置格式错误");
+ if(!(direct)) return winform.msgErr("直连域名配置格式错误");
+ import win.clip;
+ var str = win.clip.read();
+ if(!str){
+ return winform.msgWarn("请先复制域名或CIDR格式IP段到剪贴板(支持任意空白分隔符)");
+ }
+ var count,ignored = 0,0;
+ for domain in string.gmatch(str,"\w<[\w-_]*\.>+\w{1,8}") {
+ if(!table.indexOf(proxy,domain) && table.indexOf(direct,domain) ){
+ ignored++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ proxy = table.filter(proxy,lambda(v) v!=domain);
+ if(!table.indexOf(direct,domain)){
+ table.unshift(direct,domain)
+ }
+ count++;
+ }
+ for cidrIp in string.gmatch(str,"\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+<\/\d+>*") {
+ if(!table.indexOf(direct,cidrIp) && table.indexOf(proxy,cidrIp) ){
+ ignored++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ direct = table.filter(direct,lambda(v) v!=cidrIp);
+ if(!table.indexOf(proxy,cidrIp)){
+ table.unshift(proxy,cidrIp)
+ }
+ count++;
+ }
+ winform.editPacProxy.text = web.json.stringify(proxy,true)
+ winform.editPacDirect.text = web.json.stringify(direct,true)
+ winform.editPacProxy.modified = true;
+ winform.editPacDirect.modified = true;
+ winform.msgInfo('已成功导入 '+count+' 个直连域名或 IP 段,\r\n'
+ + ignored + '个域名已经是直连域名无需添加。\r\n下一步请点下面的「保存PAC」按钮。',1500);
+ }
+ };
+ { "重置为默认 PAC";
+ function(id){
+ import v2ray.pacServer;
+ v2ray.pacServer.resetPac();
+ winform.loadPacToEdit(v2ray.pacServer.loadPacText());
+ }
+ };
+ { "恢复为当前使用的 PAC";
+ function(id){
+ import v2ray.pacServer;
+ winform.loadPacToEdit(v2ray.pacServer.loadPacText());
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ return items;
+ var items = {
+ { "查找 Ctrl + F";
+ function(id){
+ findDlgDirect.find(winform.editPacProxy.selText)
+ }
+ };
+ { "替换 Ctrl + H";
+ function(id){
+ findDlgDirect.replace(winform.editPacProxy.selText);
+ }
+ };
+ {};
+ { "自剪贴板导入代理域名或 CIDR 格式 IP 段";
+ function(id){
+ var proxy = web.json.tryParse(string.conv.fromWide(winform.editPacProxy.text))
+ var direct = web.json.tryParse(string.conv.fromWide(winform.editPacDirect.text))
+ if(!(proxy)) return winform.msgErr("代理域名配置格式错误");
+ if(!(direct)) return winform.msgErr("直连域名配置格式错误");
+ import win.clip;
+ var str = win.clip.read();
+ if(!str){
+ return winform.msgWarn("请先复制域名或 CIDR 格式 IP 段到剪贴板(支持任意空白分隔符)");
+ }
+ var count,ignored = 0,0;
+ for domain in string.gmatch(str,"\w<[\w-_]*\.>+\w{1,8}") {
+ if(!table.indexOf(direct,domain) && table.indexOf(proxy,domain) ){
+ ignored++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ direct = table.filter(direct,lambda(v) v!=domain);
+ if(!table.indexOf(proxy,domain)){
+ table.unshift(proxy,domain)
+ }
+ count++;
+ }
+ for cidrIp in string.gmatch(str,"\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+<\/\d+>*") {
+ if(!table.indexOf(direct,cidrIp) && table.indexOf(proxy,cidrIp) ){
+ ignored++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ direct = table.filter(direct,lambda(v) v!=cidrIp);
+ if(!table.indexOf(proxy,cidrIp)){
+ table.unshift(proxy,cidrIp)
+ }
+ count++;
+ }
+ winform.editPacProxy.text = web.json.stringify(proxy,true)
+ winform.editPacDirect.text = web.json.stringify(direct,true)
+ winform.editPacProxy.modified = true;
+ winform.editPacDirect.modified = true;
+ winform.msgInfo('已成功导入 '+count+' 个代理域名或 IP 段,\r\n'
+ + ignored + '个域名已经是代理域名无需添加。\r\n下一步请点下面的「保存PAC」按钮。',1500);
+ }
+ };
+ { "导入所有 Telegram IP";
+ function(id){
+ var proxy = web.json.tryParse(string.conv.fromWide(winform.editPacProxy.text))
+ if(!(proxy)) return winform.msgErr("代理域名配置格式错误");
+ if( !..table.find(proxy,"") ){
+ // https://ipinfo.io/AS44907 https://ipinfo.io/AS59930 https://ipinfo.io/AS62041
+ table.push(proxy,
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ ""
+ )
+ winform.editPacProxy.text = web.json.stringify(proxy,true)
+ winform.msgOk('已成功导入所有 Telegram IP\r\n下一步请点下面的「保存PAC」按钮。')
+ }
+ else {
+ winform.msgWarn("代理 IP 段已包含所有 Telegram IP,不需要重复导入!")
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ { /*分隔符*/ };
+ { "重置为默认 PAC";
+ function(id){
+ import v2ray.pacServer;
+ v2ray.pacServer.resetPac();
+ winform.loadPacToEdit(v2ray.pacServer.loadPacText());
+ }
+ };
+ { "恢复为当前使用的 PAC";
+ function(id){
+ import v2ray.pacServer;
+ winform.loadPacToEdit(v2ray.pacServer.loadPacText());
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ return items;
+import win.ui.accelerator;
+var accelerator = win.ui.accelerator({
+ {
+ ctrl = true; vkey = 'F'#;
+ oncommand = function() findDlgDirect.find(winform.currentEditPac.selText);
+ };
+ {
+ ctrl = true; vkey = 'H'#;
+ oncommand = function() findDlgDirect.replace(winform.currentEditPac.selText);
+ };
+},winform );
+winform.btnDeleteDomain.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ var domain = winform.editPacDomain.text;
+ if(!#domain){
+ return winform.editPacDomain.editBox.showErrorTip(,"请先指定域名")
+ }
+ var proxy = web.json.tryParse(string.conv.fromWide(winform.editPacProxy.text))
+ var direct = web.json.tryParse(string.conv.fromWide(winform.editPacDirect.text))
+ if(!(table.isArray(proxy))) return winform.msgErr("代理域名配置格式错误:不是有效的 JSON 数组。");
+ if(!(table.isArray(direct))) return winform.msgErr("直连域名配置格式错误:不是有效的 JSON 数组");
+ if(!table.indexOf(proxy,domain) && !table.indexOf(direct,domain) ){
+ winform.editPacDomain.editBox.showInfoTip(,"PAC 配置不包含此域名")
+ return;
+ }
+ direct = table.filter(direct,lambda(v) v!=domain);
+ proxy = table.filter(proxy,lambda(v) v!=domain);
+ winform.editPacProxy.text = web.json.stringify(proxy,true);
+ winform.editPacDirect.text = web.json.stringify(direct,true);
+ winform.editPacProxy.modified = true;
+ winform.editPacDirect.modified = true;
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabled = false;
+ winform.editPacDomain.editBox.showInfoTip(,"已移除此域名");
+winform.btnAddDomain.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ var proxy = web.json.tryParse(string.conv.fromWide(winform.editPacProxy.text))
+ var direct = web.json.tryParse(string.conv.fromWide(winform.editPacDirect.text))
+ if(!(table.isArray(proxy))) return winform.msgErr("代理域名配置格式错误:不是有效的JSON数组。");
+ if(!(table.isArray(direct))) return winform.msgErr("直连域名配置格式错误:不是有效的JSON数组");
+ var domain = winform.editPacDomain.text;
+ if(!#domain){
+ return winform.editPacDomain.editBox.showErrorTip(,"请先指定域名")
+ }
+ if(winform.radioProxy.checked){
+ if(!table.indexOf(direct,domain) && table.indexOf(proxy,domain) ){
+ winform.editPacDomain.editBox.showWarningTip(,"此域名已经是代理域名,无需添加")
+ return;
+ }
+ direct = table.filter(direct,lambda(v) v!=domain);
+ if(!table.indexOf(proxy,domain)){
+ table.unshift(proxy,domain)
+ }
+ winform.editPacDomain.editBox.showInfoTip(,"已添加到代理域名");
+ }
+ else {
+ if(table.indexOf(direct,domain) && !table.indexOf(proxy,domain) ){
+ winform.editPacDomain.editBox.showWarningTip(,"此域名已经是直连域名,无需添加")
+ return;
+ }
+ proxy = table.filter(proxy,lambda(v) v!=domain);
+ if(!table.indexOf(direct,domain)){
+ table.unshift(direct,domain)
+ }
+ winform.editPacDomain.editBox.showInfoTip(,"已添加到直连域名");
+ }
+ winform.editPacProxy.text = web.json.stringify(proxy,true)
+ winform.editPacDirect.text = web.json.stringify(direct,true)
+ winform.editPacProxy.modified = true;
+ winform.editPacDirect.modified = true;
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabled = false;
+winform.onClose = function(hwnd,message,wParam,lParam){
+ if(winform.editPacDirect.modified||winform.editPacProxy.modified){
+ winform.btnUpdate.disabled = true;
+ if(!winform.msgAsk("PAC 配置已修改但尚未保存,确定要退出并放弃更改吗?")){
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+winform.onDestroy = function(){
+ if(mainForm){
+ win.setActive(mainForm.hwnd);
+ win.setForeground(mainForm.hwnd);
+ }
+import win.clip;
+winform.onActivate = function(state,hwndOther,minimized){
+ if(state){
+ if(#winform.editPacDomain.text){
+ return;
+ }
+ var str = win.clip.read();
+ if(str){
+ var domain = string.match(str,"\w<[\w-_]*\.>+\w{1,8}");
+ if(domain){
+ winform.editPacDomain.text = domain;
+ var proxy = web.json.tryParse(string.conv.fromWide(winform.editPacProxy.text))
+ if( (proxy)) {
+ winform.radioProxy.checked = table.indexOf(proxy,domain);
+ winform.radioDirect.checked = !winform.radioProxy.checked;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+import inet.url;
+winform.editPacDomain.editBox.onChange = function(){
+ var url = owner.text;
+ if(string.startWith(url,"http:",true) || string.startWith(url,"https:",true) ){
+ var tUrl = inet.url.split(url);
+ if(tUrl && #tUrl.host){
+ owner.text = tUrl.host;
+ owner.setFocus();
+ }
+ }
+return winform;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/forms/main/tools/github.aardio b/forms/main/tools/github.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb7b218
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forms/main/tools/github.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+import fonts.fontAwesome;
+import win.ui;
+var winform = win.form(text="github.com 网速优化工具";right=655;bottom=281;bgcolor=16777215;border="none";max=false)
+plusExploreHosts={cls="plus";text='\uF07C 编辑hosts文件';left=450;top=204;right=607;bottom=235;bgcolor=-6371181;font=LOGFONT(h=-15;name='FontAwesome';charset=0);notify=1;z=7};
+plusUpdateDns={cls="plus";text='\uF0AD 更改github.com解析到选定IP / 并更新图像等服务器IP';left=77;top=158;right=563;bottom=189;bgcolor=-6371181;font=LOGFONT(h=-15;name='FontAwesome';charset=0);notify=1;z=3};
+plusUpdateIps={cls="plus";text='\uF021 获取最新IP列表 / 测速';left=345;top=108;right=607;bottom=139;bgcolor=-6371181;font=LOGFONT(h=-15;name='FontAwesome';charset=0);notify=1;z=2};
+static={cls="static";text="本工具优化无代理时直连 Github 官网访问当前速度最快的服务器,
+可解决无法下载更新 V2Ray Core / SSR Core ,无法显示 Github 上的图像等问题。";left=49;top=45;right=635;bottom=93;font=LOGFONT(h=-13);transparent=1;z=4};
+winform.cmbIpCidrs.onListChange = function(){
+ winform.setTimeout(
+ function(){
+ var ip = string.match(winform.cmbIpCidrs.selText,"\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+");
+ if(!ip){
+ return ;
+ }
+ winform.plusUpdateDns.text = "更改 github.com 域名解析到:" + ip
+ }
+ );
+import wsock;
+import fsys.config;
+config = fsys.config( io.appData("/aardio/github-ip-tools/") );
+winform.plusUpdateIps.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ winform.editIpCurrent.text = wsock.getIp("www.github.com")
+ winform.plusUpdateIps.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'}
+ winform.text = "请稍候,正在测试github.com所有可用IP的响应速度"
+ var metaInfo = win.invoke(
+ function(){
+ import win;
+ import web.rest.jsonClient;
+ var http = web.rest.jsonClient();
+ var github = http.api("https://api.github.com/")
+ return github.meta.get() : { git = {
+ "";
+ "";
+ "";
+ "";
+ "";
+ "";
+ "";
+ "";
+ "";
+ "";
+ "";
+ "";
+ "";
+ "";
+ "";
+ "";
+ "";
+ "";
+ ""
+ } };
+ }
+ )
+ if(metaInfo[["git"]]){
+ config.meta.data = table.map(metaInfo.git,lambda(v)..string.match(v,"^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+"))
+ }
+ elseif(!config.meta.data){
+ winform.msgboxErr("您的操作系统版本过低")
+ }
+ var pingThread = function( ip ) {
+ import wsock.tcp.client;
+ var result = 0;
+ for(i=1;4;1){
+ var beginTick = ..time.tick()
+ var tcp = wsock.tcp.client()
+ tcp.setTimeouts(1000,1000);
+ if( ! tcp.connectTimeout(ip,80,2) ){
+ return;
+ };
+ sendData =/***********
+GET / HTTP/1.1
+Host: www.github.com
+Connection: close
+User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64)
+Accept: */*;
+Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;
+ tcp.write( sendData + '\r\n\r\n' )
+ var rep = tcp.readAll();
+ tcp.close();
+ if( rep && ..string.startWith(rep,"HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently") ){
+ result = result + ((..time.tick() - beginTick)/1000);
+ }
+ else {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ return ip,math.round(result/4,2);
+ }
+ import thread.manage;
+ manage = thread.manage(#config.meta.data)
+ var ipData = {}
+ for(k,ip in config.meta.data){
+ manage.createSuspended(pingThread,ip).onEnd = function(ip,sec){
+ if(ip && sec!==null ) {
+ table.push(ipData,ip + " 响应速度:" + sec + "秒");
+ winform.cmbIpCidrs.items = ipData;
+ winform.cmbIpCidrs.selIndex = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ manage.resume();
+ manage.waitClose();
+ winform.cmbIpCidrs.items = ipData;
+ winform.cmbIpCidrs.selIndex = 1;
+ winform.cmbIpCidrs.onListChange();
+ winform.text = "github.com 网速优化工具"
+ winform.plusUpdateIps.disabledText = null;
+import fsys.hosts;
+winform.plusUpdateDns.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ var ip = winform.cmbIpCidrs.text;
+ if(!#ip){
+ winform.msgboxErr("请选选择IP地址")
+ return;
+ }
+ ip = string.match(ip,"\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+");
+ if( ip == winform.editIpCurrent.text ) return winform.msgboxErr("域名之前已经解析到该IP地址")
+ winform.plusUpdateDns.disabledText = "正在更新IP"
+ var githubIps = {
+ ["www.github.com"] = ip;
+ ["github.com"] = ip;
+ }
+ import web.rest.jsonLiteClient;
+ var http = web.rest.jsonLiteClient();
+ var ipApi = http.api("http://ip-api.com/json");
+ var data = ipApi["raw.githubusercontent.com"].get();
+ if(data[["query"]]){
+ githubIps["raw.github.com"] = data[["query"]];
+ githubIps["assets-cdn.github.com"] = data[["query"]];
+ githubIps["raw.githubusercontent.com"] = data[["query"]];
+ githubIps["gist.githubusercontent.com"] = data[["query"]];
+ githubIps["cloud.githubusercontent.com"] = data[["query"]];
+ githubIps["camo.githubusercontent.com"] = data[["query"]];
+ githubIps["avatars0.githubusercontent.com"] = data[["query"]];
+ githubIps["avatars1.githubusercontent.com"] = data[["query"]];
+ githubIps["avatars2.githubusercontent.com"] = data[["query"]];
+ githubIps["avatars3.githubusercontent.com"] = data[["query"]];
+ githubIps["avatars4.githubusercontent.com"] = data[["query"]];
+ githubIps["avatars5.githubusercontent.com"] = data[["query"]];
+ githubIps["avatars6.githubusercontent.com"] = data[["query"]];
+ githubIps["avatars7.githubusercontent.com"] = data[["query"]];
+ githubIps["avatars8.githubusercontent.com"] = data[["query"]];
+ githubIps["marketplace-screenshots.githubusercontent.com"] = data[["query"]];
+ githubIps["repository-images.githubusercontent.com"] = data[["query"]];
+ githubIps["user-images.githubusercontent.com"] = data[["query"]];
+ githubIps["desktop.githubusercontent.com"] = data[["query"]];
+ }
+ fsys.hosts.ownCacls();
+ fsys.hosts.update(githubIps);
+ win.delay(1000);
+ winform.editIpCurrent.text = wsock.getIp("www.github.com");
+ winform.plusUpdateDns.disabledText = null;
+ if( ip != winform.editIpCurrent.text ){
+ winform.msgboxErr("修改hosts文件失败,如果hosts文件被其他软件锁定时请先解除锁定,也可以搜索网上教程试试设置文件权限")
+ }
+ background = {
+ hover = "/res/images/btn-hover.png";
+ focus = "/res/images/btn-focus.jpg";
+ active = "/res/images/btn-active.png";
+ disabled = "/res/images/btn-disabled.png";
+ }
+winform.plusExploreHosts.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ import process;
+ process.execute("notepad.exe",fsys.hosts.path,"runas")
+ background={
+ default=0xFF93C89E;
+ hover=0xFF928BB3
+ }
+ background={
+ default=0xFF93C89E;
+ hover=0xFF928BB3
+ }
+ background={
+ default=0xFF93C89E;
+ hover=0xFF928BB3
+ }
+import win.ui.simpleWindow2;
diff --git a/forms/main/tools/qr.aardio b/forms/main/tools/qr.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82db4fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forms/main/tools/qr.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+import win.ui;
+import win.ui.atom;
+import fonts.fontAwesome;
+var winform = win.form(text="winXray - 二维码生成工具";right=730;bottom=678;bgcolor=16777215;border="none";exmode="none";mode="popup")
+lbErrLevel={cls="static";text=" 0:L 可纠错7%数据码字";left=104;top=656;right=272;bottom=679;db=1;dl=1;transparent=1;z=6};
+static3={cls="static";text="winXray - 二维码生成工具";left=17;top=4;right=230;bottom=24;color=3947580;transparent=1;z=11};
+import style;
+winform.tbErrLevel.oncommand = function(id,event,pos){
+ if( event == 0x8/*_TB_ENDTRACK*/ ){
+ pos = winform.tbErrLevel.pos;
+ var v = {[0]="L 可纠错7%数据码字";[1]="M 可纠错15%的数据码字";[2]="Q 可纠错25%的数据码字";[3]="H 可纠错30%的数据码字";}
+ winform.lbErrLevel.text = pos +":"+ v[pos];
+ }
+winform.tbVersion.oncommand = function(id,event,pos){
+ if( event == 0x8/*_TB_ENDTRACK*/ ){
+ pos = winform.tbVersion.pos;
+ if(!pos)winform.lbVersion.text = "自动选择版本";
+ else {
+ var width = ((pos-1)*4)+21;
+ winform.lbVersion.text = string.format("版本:%d 二维码数据大小:%d x %d",pos,width,width );
+ }
+ }
+import win.dlg.message;
+import qrencode.bitmap;
+winform.btnQrEnode.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ if(!#winform.editUrl.text){
+ return winform.msgErr("请先输入内容")
+ }
+ winform.plus.hide = true;
+ var qrBmp = qrencode.bitmap(winform.editUrl.text,winform.tbVersion.pos,winform.tbErrLevel.pos );
+ if(!qrBmp){
+ return winform.msgErr("请先输入内容")
+ }
+ winform.plus.setBackground(qrBmp.copyBitmap(winform.plus.width));
+ winform.plus.hide = false;
+ winform.plus.redraw()
+winform.createQrCode = function(url){
+ winform.editUrl.text = url;
+ winform.btnQrEnode.oncommand();
+import win.ui.simpleWindow2;
diff --git a/forms/main/tools/tools.aardio b/forms/main/tools/tools.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e606548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forms/main/tools/tools.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+import fonts.fontAwesome;
+import win.ui;
+var winform = win.form(text="aardio form";right=938;bottom=638;bgcolor=16777215)
+btnAardio={cls="plus";text="aardio 桌面软件快速开发( 开发环境仅 6.5MB )";left=26;top=533;right=460;bottom=575;align="left";color=3947580;dl=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-27;name='FontAwesome');padding={left=18}};iconText='\uF17A';notify=1;textPadding={left=50};z=3};
+btnDnsFlush={cls="plus";text="清空 DNS 缓存";left=26;top=155;right=412;bottom=197;align="left";color=3947580;dl=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-27;name='FontAwesome');padding={left=18}};iconText='\uF021';notify=1;textPadding={left=50};z=5};
+btnGitHub={cls="plus";text="Github 网速优化";left=26;top=250;right=262;bottom=292;align="left";color=3947580;dl=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-27;name='FontAwesome');padding={left=18}};iconText='\uF09B';notify=1;textPadding={left=50};z=2};
+btnSshInstall={cls="plus";text="一键安装 V2Ray 服务端";left=393;top=14;right=601;bottom=56;align="left";color=3947580;dl=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-27;name='FontAwesome');padding={left=11}};iconText='\uF17C';notify=1;textPadding={left=40};z=9};
+btnUpdateSystemTime={cls="plus";text="同步系统时间( 修正 V2Ray 连接报错 )";left=26;top=108;right=412;bottom=150;align="left";color=3947580;dl=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-27;name='FontAwesome');padding={left=18}};iconText='\uF017';notify=1;textPadding={left=50};z=4};
+btnUuid={cls="plus";text="UUID 生成工具";left=26;top=344;right=262;bottom=386;align="left";color=3947580;dl=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-27;name='FontAwesome');padding={left=18}};iconText='\uF13E';notify=1;textPadding={left=50};z=15};
+btnWubiLex={cls="plus";text="WIN10 五笔助手(仅830KB,自带五笔86、98、091、新世纪、郑码……)";left=26;top=486;right=661;bottom=528;align="left";color=3947580;dl=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-24;name='FontAwesome');padding={left=18}};iconText='\uF11C';notify=1;textPadding={left=50};z=6};
+btnYoutube={cls="plus";text="Youtube 视频下载工具";left=26;top=203;right=262;bottom=245;align="left";color=3947580;dl=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-27;name='FontAwesome');padding={left=18}};iconText='\uF167';notify=1;textPadding={left=50};z=1};
+lbTip={cls="static";text="友情提醒:winXray 不会注册任何域名,谨防冒充官网的钓鱼网站!!!";left=227;top=603;right=918;bottom=630;align="right";color=5921370;db=1;dr=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-13);transparent=1;z=17};
+import style;
+var frmYoutube;
+winform.btnYoutube.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ if(frmYoutube&&win.isWindow(frmYoutube.hwnd)){
+ if(win.isIconic(frmYoutube.hwnd)){
+ frmYoutube.show(9/*_SW_RESTORE*/);
+ }
+ frmYoutube.show();
+ return;
+ }
+ frmYoutube = winform.loadForm("\forms\main\tools\youtube.aardio");
+ frmYoutube.show();
+import process;
+winform.btnGitHub.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ winform.msgboxErr("请在发布后运行此功能");
+ return;
+ }
+ process.execute(io._exepath,"/github","runas");
+winform.btnAardio.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ process.openUrl("http://www.aardio.com")
+winform.btnUpdateSystemTime.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ winform.msgboxErr("请在发布后运行此功能");
+ return;
+ }
+ winform.btnUpdateSystemTime.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'}
+ if( process.executeWait(io._exepath,"/updateTime","runas") ){
+ winform.btnUpdateSystemTime.disabledText = null;
+ winform.btnUpdateSystemTime.text = '时间已同步'
+ winform.setTimeout(
+ function(){
+ winform.btnUpdateSystemTime.text = '同步系统时间( 修正 v2ray 连接报错 )'
+ },2000)
+ }
+ else {
+ winform.btnUpdateSystemTime.disabledText = null;
+ }
+winform.btnDnsFlush.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ winform.btnDnsFlush.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'}
+ import process.popen;
+ var prcs = process.popen(,"ipconfig /flushdns");
+ var str = prcs.read(-1)
+ var dnsapi = ..raw.loadDll("dnsapi.dll");
+ dnsapi.DnsFlushResolverCacheB();
+ winform.msgInfo(str);
+ winform.btnDnsFlush.disabledText = null;
+import process;
+winform.btnWubiLex.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ process.openUrl("http://wubi.aardio.com/");
+winform.btnSshInstall.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ winform.msgErr("请在发布后运行此功能");
+ return;
+ }
+ config.ui.sshServer = winform.editSshHost.text;
+ config.ui.save();
+ winform.btnSshInstall.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'}
+ var server = winform.editSshHost.text;
+ if( ! ..string.indexOf(server,"@") ){
+ server = "root@" + server;
+ }
+ process.execute(io._exepath,"/sshInstall " + server);
+ win.delay(1000);
+ winform.btnSshInstall.disabledText = null;
+import config;
+ winform.editSshHost.text = config.ui.sshServer;
+winform.btnSshInstallKey.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ winform.msgErr("请在发布后运行此功能");
+ return;
+ }
+ config.ui.sshServer = winform.editSshHost.text;
+ config.ui.save();
+ winform.btnSshInstall.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'}
+ var server = winform.editSshHost.text;
+ if( ! ..string.indexOf(server,"@") ){
+ server = "root@" + server;
+ }
+ process.execute(io._exepath,"/sshInstallKey " + server);
+ win.delay(1000);
+ winform.btnSshInstall.disabledText = null;
+winform.btnCreateLnk.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ return winform.msgboxErr("请在发布后使用此功能")
+ }
+ import fsys.lnk;
+ var lnk = fsys.lnk();
+ lnk.description = "winXray(V2Ray/V2Ray、Shadowsocks、Trojan通用客户端 )"
+ lnk.path = io._exepath //设置目标路径
+ lnk.setIcon(io._exepath,0); //设置图标
+ lnk.save(
+ io.getSpecial(0/*_CSIDL_DESKTOP*/,"winXray.lnk" )
+ )
+ ::Shell32.SHChangeNotify(0x8000000/*_SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED*/,0,0,0);
+ import com;
+ com.CreateObject("Shell.Application").MinimizeAll();
+winform.btnTestSpeed.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ import chrome.path;
+ var chromePath = chrome.path();
+ if(!chromePath){
+ winform.msgFrown('抱歉,\r\n测速工具需要调用Chrome或兼容浏览器才能运行,\r\n但是当前系统未找到任何Chrome兼容浏览器!');
+ return;
+ }
+ import v2ray.core;
+ if(!v2ray.core.socksProxyPort){
+ winform.msgFrown('抱歉,当前未连接到任何代理服务器!');
+ return;
+ }
+ winform.btnTestSpeed.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'}
+ var ipip = win.invoke(
+ function(port){
+ import web.rest.client;
+ var restClient = web.rest.client(,"SOCKS="+port);
+ restClient._http.setTimeouts(1000,2000,2000);
+ restClient.get("https://www.google.com/generate_204");
+ var lastStatusCode = restClient.lastStatusCode;
+ if( lastStatusCode == 204 ){
+ var ipip,err = restClient.get("http://myip.ipip.net");
+ if(ipip){
+ ipip = ..string.match(ipip,"\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\A+");
+ if(ipip) {
+ restClient.close();
+ return "当前代理服务器:"+ipip;
+ }
+ }
+ restClient.close();
+ return null;
+ }
+ restClient.close();
+ },v2ray.core.socksProxyPort
+ )
+ if(!ipip){
+ winform.msgFrown('抱歉,当前未连接到任何代理服务器!');
+ winform.btnTestSpeed.disabledText = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ winform.lbCurrentProxyLocation.text = ipip;
+ import process
+ process.execute(chromePath,` --proxy-server="SOCKS5://`+v2ray.core.socksProxyPort
+ +`" --user-data-dir="` +io.appData("winXray/chrome-socks5")+ `" --app="https://speed.cloudflare.com/"`);
+ winform.btnTestSpeed.disabledText = null;
+onActiveOutbound = function(address){
+ winform.btnTestSpeed.disabled = !address;
+ if(type.isString(address)){
+ winform.lbCurrentProxyLocation.text = "当前活动的代理服务器:" + address;
+ }
+ onActiveOutbound(address)
+} )
+ onActiveOutbound(globalActiveOutbound)
+winform.btnQrCode.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ var frmChild = winform.loadForm("\forms\main\tools\qr.aardio");
+ frmChild.show();
+winform.btnUuid.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ var frmChild = winform.loadForm("\forms\main\tools\uuid.aardio");
+ frmChild.show();
+winform.btnDeleteIconCache.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ import fsys;
+ import process;
+ var explorerPath = process.kill("explorer.exe")
+ if( explorerPath ) {
+ fsys.delete(io.appData("iconcache.db"));
+ process.execute(explorerPath);
+ ::Shell32.SHChangeNotify(0x8000000/*_SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED*/,0,0,0);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/forms/main/tools/uuid.aardio b/forms/main/tools/uuid.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a59218a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forms/main/tools/uuid.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import win.ui;
+import win.ui.menu;
+import win.guid;
+import win.clip;
+var winform = win.form(text="UUID 生成器 - 已生成新的UUID";right=550;bottom=91;border="dialog frame";exmode="none";max=false;parent=...)
+winform.btnCpy.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ win.clip.write(winform.txtGuid.text)
+winform.btnGenerant.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ winform.txtGuid.text = string.lower( tostring(win.guid.create() ));
+return winform;
diff --git a/forms/main/tools/uwpExemption.aardio b/forms/main/tools/uwpExemption.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffa60de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forms/main/tools/uwpExemption.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+import win.ui;
+import win.ui.atom;
+import win.ui.menu;
+import fonts.fontAwesome;
+var winform = win.form(text="UWP 应用 - 本机网络隔离工具";right=1150;bottom=666;bgcolor=16777215)
+btnAllowLocalhostLoopback={cls="plus";text='\uF13E 允许所有应用访问本机网络';left=562;top=625;right=818;bottom=661;bgcolor=14609886;db=1;dr=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16;name='FontAwesome');notify=1;tabstop=1;z=5};
+btnDisableLocalhostLoopback={cls="plus";text='\uF023 禁止所有应用访问本机网络';left=825;top=625;right=1081;bottom=661;bgcolor=14147583;db=1;dr=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-16;name='FontAwesome');notify=1;tabstop=1;z=6};
+var atom,hwnd = winform.atom("winXray.762C7E32-3E75-42BE-8F4A-4B0E8AAC4EF0");
+if(!atom && hwnd){
+ win.showForeground(hwnd);
+ win.quitMessage(); return;
+uiLanguage = {
+ displayName = "显示名称";
+ packageName = "完整包名";
+ localhost = "本机";
+ enabled = "允许";
+ disabled = "禁止";
+ searchCueBannerText = "输入应用名(支持模式匹配)";
+ exemptAll = '\uF13E 允许所有应用访问本机网络';
+ exemptNone = '\uF023 禁止所有应用访问本机网络';
+ allowLocalhostLoopback = "允许访问本机网络";
+ disableLocalhostLoopback = "禁止访问本机网络";
+ requiredWin10 = "本程序仅支持 WIN10";
+ run = "启动应用";
+ tip = "单击列标题可排序,双击列表项可复制,右键点列表项可弹出菜单,回车搜索或刷新";
+ title = "UWP 应用 - 本机网络隔离工具";
+import win.ui.grid;
+var grid = win.ui.grid(winform.listview);
+var reloadItemData = function(){
+ thread.invoke(
+ function(uiLanguage,winform,grid){
+ winform.plusLoading.hide = false;
+ winform.plusSearch.hide = true;
+ winform.listview.hide = true;
+ winform.plusLoading.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'}
+ import sys.networkIsolation;
+ var exemptApps = sys.networkIsolation.getLoopbackState();
+ var dataTable = sys.networkIsolation.getAppContainers();
+ var word = string.trim(winform.plusSearch.text);
+ if(#word){
+ word = "@@" + word;
+ dataTable = table.filter(dataTable
+ ,lambda(v) string.find(v.displayName,word) || string.find(v.appContainerName,word)|| string.find(v.description,word) )
+ }
+ for(k,app in dataTable){
+ app.loopback = exemptApps[app.sid]?uiLanguage.enabled:uiLanguage.disabled;
+ }
+ dataTable.fields = {"displayName","appContainerName","loopback","sid"}
+ if(grid.sortCloumn){
+ var name = dataTable.fields[grid.sortCloumn];
+ if(name){
+ if(!grid.sortDesc){
+ table.sort(dataTable,function(b){
+ return owner[name] < b[name]
+ })
+ }
+ else {
+ table.sort(dataTable,function(b){
+ return owner[name] > b[name]
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ grid.setTable( dataTable )
+ sleep(300);
+ winform.plusLoading.disabledText = null;
+ winform.plusLoading.hide = true;
+ winform.listview.hide = false;
+ winform.plusSearch.hide = false;
+ winform.resize();
+ },uiLanguage,winform,grid
+ )
+grid.onSortColumn = function(cloumn,desc){
+ grid.sortDesc = desc;
+ grid.sortCloumn = cloumn ;
+ reloadItemData();
+ return true;
+grid.onEditChanged = function(text,iItem,iSubItem){
+ return false; //禁止编辑
+winform.adjust = function( cx,cy,wParam ) {
+ winform.listview.fillParent();
+import win.debounce;
+winform.plusSearch.editBox.onChange = win.debounce(function(){
+ if(#winform.plusSearch.text) reloadItemData();
+import sys.networkIsolation
+var exemptUwpApp = function(exempted){
+ var sidConfigs = {};
+ for item,sid in winform.listview.eachSelected(4){
+ sidConfigs[sid] = exempted;
+ }
+ sys.networkIsolation.enableLoopback(sidConfigs);
+ var exemptApps = sys.networkIsolation.getLoopbackState();
+ for item,sid in winform.listview.eachSelected(4){
+ winform.listview.setItemText( exemptApps[sid]?uiLanguage.enabled:uiLanguage.disabled,item,3);
+ }
+import com.shell;
+winform.listview.onnotify = function(id,code,ptr){
+ select(code) {
+ case 0xFFFFFFFB/*_NM_RCLICK*/ {
+ var x,y = win.getCursorPos();
+ winform.popmenu = win.ui.popmenu(winform);
+ if(1===#winform.listview.selected){
+ var item,path = winform.listview.getSelection(,2);
+ winform.popmenu.add(uiLanguage.run,function(id){
+ import com.shell;
+ com.shell.activateApp(path+"!App");
+ });
+ }
+ winform.popmenu.add(uiLanguage.allowLocalhostLoopback,function(id){
+ exemptUwpApp(true);
+ });
+ winform.popmenu.add(uiLanguage.disableLocalhostLoopback,function(id){
+ exemptUwpApp(false);
+ });
+ winform.popmenu.popup(x,y,true);
+ }
+ }
+ background={
+ default=0x669BCC9B;
+ hover=0xFF928BB3;
+ disabled=0xFFCCCCCC;
+ }
+winform.btnAllowLocalhostLoopback.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ var sidConfigs = {};
+ for item,sid in winform.listview.each(0,0,4){
+ sidConfigs[sid] = true;
+ }
+ sys.networkIsolation.enableLoopback(sidConfigs);
+ reloadItemData();
+ background={
+ default=0x66FFA07D;
+ hover=0xFF928BB3;
+ disabled=0xFFCCCCCC;
+ }
+winform.btnDisableLocalhostLoopback.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ var sidConfigs = {};
+ for item,sid in winform.listview.each(0,0,4){
+ sidConfigs[sid] = false;
+ }
+ sys.networkIsolation.enableLoopback(sidConfigs);
+ reloadItemData();
+winform.onOk = function(){
+ winform.plusSearch.setFocus()
+var setUiLanguage = function(lang){
+ uiLanguage = lang;
+ winform.text = uiLanguage.title;
+ winform.btnAllowLocalhostLoopback.text = uiLanguage.exemptAll;
+ winform.btnDisableLocalhostLoopback.text = uiLanguage.exemptNone;
+ winform.tip.text = uiLanguage.tip;
+ winform.listview.clear(true);
+ winform.listview.insertColumn(uiLanguage.displayName,300)
+ winform.listview.insertColumn(uiLanguage.packageName,300)
+ winform.listview.insertColumn(uiLanguage.localhost,80)
+ winform.listview.insertColumn("SID",-2)
+ winform.plusSearch.setCueBannerText(uiLanguage.searchCueBannerText)
+var lcid = ::Kernel32.GetUserDefaultLCID()
+if( lcid==1028 || lcid == 3076 || lcid == 5124 ){
+ import string.conv;
+ setUiLanguage(table.map(uiLanguage,lambda(v) string.conv.traditionalized(v)) )
+else {
+ setUiLanguage(uiLanguage);
+winform.plusSearch.editBox.onOk = function(){
+ reloadItemData();
+ return true;
+import win.dlg.message;
+ winform.msgWarn(uiLanguage.requiredWin10)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/forms/main/tools/youtube.aardio b/forms/main/tools/youtube.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fe7587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forms/main/tools/youtube.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+import fonts.fontAwesome;
+import win.ui;
+import win.ui.atom;
+var winform = win.form(text="youtube 视频下载工具(点击视频链接即可下载)";right=759;bottom=469)
+winform.btnVideoInfo.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ var url = winform.editVideoUrl.text;
+ var vid = string.match(url,"v=([\w\-]+)");
+ if(!vid){
+ return winform.editVideoUrl.showErrorTip(,"请输入正确的视频地址");
+ }
+ winform.btnVideoInfo.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'}
+ thread.invoke(
+ function(winform,vid){
+ import web.rest.jsonLiteClient;
+ var http = web.rest.jsonLiteClient();
+ var videoApi = http.api("https://www.youtube.com/get_video_info?video_id={video_id}");
+ var info = videoApi[vid].get();
+ if(!info){
+ winform.editInfo.text = "网络错误";
+ winform.btnVideoInfo.disabledText = null;
+ }
+ winform.editInfo.text = "";
+ winform.editInfo.print( "视频作者:",info.player_response.videoDetails.author);
+ winform.editInfo.print( "视频标题:",info.player_response.videoDetails.title);
+ winform.editInfo.print( "视频说明:",info.player_response.videoDetails.shortDescription);
+ winform.videoTitle = info.player_response.videoDetails.title;
+ for(i,v in info.player_response.streamingData.adaptiveFormats){
+ if(!string.indexOf(v.mimeType,"audio/mp4")){
+ continue;
+ }
+ winform.editInfo.print();
+ winform.editInfo.print("音频质量:",v.quality);
+ winform.editInfo.print("音频地址:",v.url);
+ }
+ for(i,v in info.player_response.streamingData.formats){
+ if(!string.indexOf(v.mimeType,"video/mp4")){
+ continue;
+ }
+ winform.editInfo.print();
+ winform.editInfo.print("视频质量:",v.qualityLabel);
+ winform.editInfo.print("视频地址(含音频):",v.url);
+ }
+ var captionTracks = info.player_response.captions[["playerCaptionsTracklistRenderer"]][["captionTracks"]];
+ if(info.captions[["playerCaptionsTracklistRenderer"]][["captionTracks"]]){
+ if(#captionTracks){
+ for(k,v in captionTracks){
+ if(v.languageCode=="en"){
+ var str = http.get(v.baseUrl)
+ winform.editInfo.print(str);
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ winform.editInfo.setFocus();
+ winform.btnVideoInfo.disabledText = null;
+ },winform,vid
+ )
+import fsys.dlg;
+import inet.downBox;
+ if( message = 0x202/*_WM_LBUTTONUP*/ ) {
+ var path = fsys.dlg.open("*.mp4|*.mp4","请选择下载路径",,winform,,fsys.path.validName(winform.videoTitle))
+ if(!path) return;
+ var downBox = inet.downBox(winform,"下载视频");
+ downBox.download(href,path);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/forms/main/v2ray.aardio b/forms/main/v2ray.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5548495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forms/main/v2ray.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,1058 @@
+import win.ui;
+import fonts.fontAwesome;
+var frmXray = win.form(text="winXray ";right=959;bottom=591;bgcolor=16777215)
+btnImportServerFromClipBd={cls="plus";text="批量导入链接";left=459;top=367;right=592;bottom=397;align="left";db=1;dr=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-13);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-13;name='FontAwesome');padding={left=12}};iconText='\uF196 ';notify=1;textPadding={left=30};z=8};
+chkAutoTest={cls="plus";text="异常自动重连 ";left=598;top=367;right=729;bottom=397;align="left";db=1;dr=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-13);iconStyle={align="left";font=LOGFONT(h=-13;name='FontAwesome');padding={left=12}};iconText='\uF0C8';notify=1;textPadding={left=30};z=9};
+import config;
+import v2ray.core;
+var currentOutboundIndex,currentOutboundAddress;
+var activeOutbound = function(outboundIndex,outboundAddress,enableRetry,timerTesting){
+ if(!outboundIndex && !outboundAddress){
+ outboundIndex,outboundAddress = currentOutboundIndex,currentOutboundAddress;
+ if(!outboundIndex && !outboundAddress) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ var outbound = config.proxy.outbounds[outboundIndex];
+ if(!outbound){
+ return ;
+ }
+ var startTesting = timerTesting;
+ if(!startTesting){
+ ..publish("activeOutbound",false);
+ var started,err = v2ray.core.restart(frmXray.edit,outbound);
+ startTesting = started;
+ if(!started){
+ frmXray.edit.print("启动 V2Ray 错误",err:"");
+ frmXray.btnTcping.disabledText = null;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if( startTesting ){
+ currentOutboundIndex,currentOutboundAddress = outboundIndex,outboundAddress;
+ frmXray.autoTesting = true;
+ ..thread.invoke(
+ function(frmXray,outboundIndex,outboundAddress,sockProxyPort,httpProxyAddress,enableRetry,timerTesting){
+ import web.rest.client;
+ var restClient = web.rest.client(,httpProxyAddress);
+ restClient._http.setTimeouts(1000,2000,2000);
+ var ret = restClient.get("https://www.google.com/generate_204");
+ var lastStatusCode = restClient.lastStatusCode;
+ if( lastStatusCode == 204 ){
+ frmXray.onStartXrayComplete(outboundIndex,timerTesting,outboundAddress);
+ return;
+ }
+ restClient.close();
+ if(timerTesting){
+ sleep(100);
+ }
+ import inet.http;
+ var http = inet.http(,httpProxyAddress);
+ http.setTimeouts(1000,1000,1000);
+ var isAlive = http.get("http://www.msftconnecttest.com/connecttest.txt")=="Microsoft Connect Test";
+ http.close();
+ if(isAlive){
+ frmXray.onStartXrayComplete(outboundIndex,timerTesting,outboundAddress);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(timerTesting){
+ sleep(100);
+ }
+ import wsock.tcp.socks5Client;
+ var client;
+ for(i=1;2;1){
+ sleep(200);
+ client = wsock.tcp.socks5Client("",sockProxyPort);
+ if(client)break;
+ }
+ if(client){
+ client.setTimeouts(1000,1000);
+ if(client.connect("www.google.com",80) ){
+ var sendData =/***********
+GET / HTTP/1.1
+Host: www.google.com
+Connection: close
+User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64)
+Accept: */*;
+Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;
+ client.write( sendData + '\r\n\r\n' )
+ var rep = client.read(9);
+ client.close();
+ if( rep && ..string.startWith(rep,"HTTP/1.1 ") ){
+ frmXray.onStartXrayComplete(outboundIndex,timerTesting,outboundAddress);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ frmXray.onStartXrayFailed(outboundIndex,enableRetry,outboundAddress);
+ },frmXray,outboundIndex,outboundAddress,
+ v2ray.core.socksProxyPort,v2ray.core.getSystemProxyConfig(),enableRetry,timerTesting
+ )
+ return true;
+ }
+var autoUpdateSubscriptionTimerId;
+frmXray.autoUpdateSubscription = function(timeout){
+ ..win.clearTimeout(autoUpdateSubscriptionTimerId);
+ if(timeout===-1){
+ autoUpdateSubscriptionTimerId = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(config.proxy.autoRefreshSubscription){
+ autoUpdateSubscriptionTimerId = ..win.setTimeout(function(){
+ autoUpdateSubscriptionTimerId = null;
+ import v2ray.outbounds;
+ v2ray.outbounds.autoUpdateSubscription();
+ },timeout:10000)
+ }
+frmXray.onStartXrayComplete = function(outboundIndex,timerTesting,outboundAddress){
+ frmXray.autoUpdateSubscription(-1);
+ var outbound = config.proxy.outbounds[outboundIndex];
+ var outbound = ..config.proxy.outbounds[outboundIndex];
+ if(!(outbound && (outbound.address == outboundAddress))){
+ return;
+ }
+ var listview = frmXray.listview;
+ listview.ensureVisible(outboundIndex);
+ for b,v in table.eachIndex(config.proxy.outbounds){
+ listview.setItemText("",b,8);
+ }
+ frmXray.autoTesting = false;
+ listview.setItemText("活动服务器:正常",outboundIndex,8);
+ listview.activeOutboundIndex = outboundIndex;
+ var address = listview.getItemText(outboundIndex,2);
+ if(!timerTesting) frmXray.edit.print("已切换到服务器:",address);
+ listview.activeOutboundAddress = address;
+ if(listview.getItemText(outboundIndex,7)=="不可用"){
+ listview.setItemText("",outboundIndex,7);
+ }
+ frmXray.onTcpingReturn = function(outboundIndex,address,succeeded,speedText){
+ if(address==listview.getItemText(outboundIndex,2)){
+ listview.setItemText(speedText,outboundIndex,7);
+ }
+ };
+ frmXray.validOutbounds = {};
+ frmXray.btnTcping.disabledText = null;
+ ..publish("activeOutbound",address);
+ ..globalActiveOutbound = address;
+} )
+frmXray.onStartXrayFailed = function(outboundIndex,enableRetry,outboundAddress){
+ ..publish("activeOutbound",false);
+ var outbound = ..config.proxy.outbounds[outboundIndex];
+ if(!(outbound && (outbound.address == outboundAddress))){
+ return;
+ }
+ if(outbound.subscribeUrl){
+ frmXray.autoUpdateSubscription();
+ }
+ var listview = frmXray.listview;
+ listview.ensureVisible(outboundIndex);
+ if(listview.activeOutboundIndex==outboundIndex){
+ listview.activeOutboundIndex=null;
+ listview.activeOutboundAddress = null;
+ }
+ listview.setItemText("不可用",outboundIndex,7);
+ if(enableRetry){
+ if(#frmXray.validOutbounds){
+ var next = table.shift(frmXray.validOutbounds);
+ activeOutbound(next[1],next[2],#frmXray.validOutbounds);
+ listview.setItemText("异常,测试下一个...",outboundIndex,8);
+ frmXray.edit.print("服务器异常:",listview.getItemText(outboundIndex,2));
+ frmXray.edit.print("正在尝试连接:",next[2]);
+ }
+ else {
+ frmXray.btnTcping.oncommand();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ listview.setItemText("活动服务器:异常",outboundIndex,8);
+ frmXray.edit.print("已切换到服务器:",listview.getItemText(outboundIndex,2));
+ frmXray.autoTesting = false;
+ }
+ frmXray.btnTcping.disabledText = null;
+var tcping = function(frmXray,outboundIndex,outbound){
+ import wsock.tcp.client;
+ var timeout = 0;
+ var failed = 0;
+ for(i=1;8;1){
+ sleep(1);
+ var client = wsock.tcp.client();
+ var tickBegin = time.tick();
+ if(client.connectTimeout(outbound.address,tonumber(outbound.port),3)){
+ var ret = client.send(".");
+ client.close();
+ if( ret != 1){
+ frmXray.onTcpingReturn(outboundIndex,outbound.address,false,"不可用");
+ return;
+ }
+ timeout = timeout + (time.tick() - tickBegin);
+ }
+ else {
+ client.close();
+ failed++;
+ if(failed>1){
+ frmXray.onTcpingReturn(outboundIndex,outbound.address,false,"不可用");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ frmXray.onTcpingReturn(outboundIndex,outbound.address,true,math.round(timeout / (8-failed) / 1000,2)+"秒");
+var retryOnNetworkAliveTimerId;
+frmXray.onTcpingFailed = function(){
+ frmXray.autoTesting = false;
+ frmXray.btnTcping.disabledText = null;
+ ..publish("activeOutbound",false);
+ if(retryOnNetworkAliveTimerId){
+ frmXray.clearTimeout(retryOnNetworkAliveTimerId);
+ }
+ if(inet.http.isAlive(,false)){
+ frmXray.autoUpdateSubscription(1000);
+ }
+ else {
+ retryOnNetworkAliveTimerId = frmXray.setInterval(
+ 1000,function(){
+ if(frmXray.listview.activeOutboundIndex){
+ retryOnNetworkAliveTimerId = null;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(inet.http.isAlive(,false)){
+ frmXray.btnTcping.oncommand();
+ retryOnNetworkAliveTimerId = null;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ }
+import sysProxy;
+import style;
+frmXray.btnTcping.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ frmXray.listview.activeOutboundIndex = null;
+ frmXray.listview.activeOutboundAddress = null;
+ frmXray.listview.clearColumnImage();
+ var items = frmXray.listview.items;
+ if(#items){
+ frmXray.btnTcping.disabledText = {'\uF254';'\uF251';'\uF252';'\uF253';'\uF250'}
+ v2ray.core.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = false;
+ if(!v2ray.core.getPath()){
+ frmXray.btnTcping.disabledText = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ var failedCount = 0;
+ frmXray.onTcpingReturn = function(outboundIndex,address,succeeded,speedText){
+ if(address!=frmXray.listview.getItemText(outboundIndex,2)){
+ return;
+ }
+ frmXray.listview.setItemText(speedText,outboundIndex,7);
+ if(succeeded){
+ frmXray.listview.setItemText(speedText,outboundIndex,7);
+ frmXray.validOutbounds = {}
+ frmXray.onTcpingReturn = function(outboundIndex,address,succeeded,speedText){
+ if(address!=frmXray.listview.getItemText(outboundIndex,2)){
+ return;
+ }
+ frmXray.listview.setItemText(speedText,outboundIndex,7);
+ if(succeeded) {
+ table.push(frmXray.validOutbounds,{outboundIndex;address});
+ }
+ else{
+ failedCount++;
+ if(failedCount==#items) {
+ frmXray.onTcpingFailed();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ activeOutbound(outboundIndex,address,#items>1);
+ }
+ else{
+ failedCount++;
+ if(failedCount==#items) {
+ frmXray.onTcpingFailed();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ thread.createSuspended(true);
+ var handles = {};
+ var outbounds = config.proxy.outbounds;
+ var lenPing = 0;
+ var listview = frmXray.listview;
+ for(i=1;#items;1){
+ if(outbounds[i].autoConnect===false){
+ listview.setItemText("禁止测速",i,7);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(lenPing>config.proxy.maxTestServers){
+ frmXray.edit.print("测速服务器数超出设定上限:"+config.proxy.maxTestServers + ",您可在「配置 / 高级设置」中修改此值。")
+ break;
+ }
+ lenPing++;
+ listview.setItemText("...",i,7);
+ listview.setItemText("",i,8);
+ var h = thread.create(tcping,frmXray,i,config.proxy.outbounds[i]);
+ table.push(handles,h);
+ }
+ thread.createSuspended(false);
+ for(i=1;#handles;1){
+ var h = handles[i];
+ thread.resume(h);
+ raw.closehandle(h);
+ }
+ if(#handles) ..thread.waitOne(handles);
+ }
+ else {
+ if(id) frmXray.msgWarn("请先添加服务器")
+ v2ray.core.stop();
+ frmXray.btnTcping.disabledText = null;
+ frmXray.autoTesting = false;
+ frmXray.onTcpingReturn = function(outboundIndex,address,succeeded,speedText){};
+ }
+import v2ray.core;
+import v2ray.pacServer;
+frmXray.onDestroy = function(){
+ v2ray.core.stop();
+ v2ray.pacServer.stop();
+var pingThread = function( ip,frmXray ) {
+ import icmp.ping;
+ var ping = icmp.ping();
+ for(i=1;4;1){
+ if( ping.perform(ip) ){
+ frmXray.edit.print(ip,string.format( "Reply from %s: bytes=%d time=%dms TTL=%d"
+ , ping.ip , #ping.requestData , ping.echoReply.roundTripTime , ping.echoReply.options.ttl ) );
+ }
+ else {
+ frmXray.edit.print(ip,"Request timed out");
+ }
+ }
+var removeOutbounds = function(selectedItems){
+ //避免后台线程改变activeIndex
+ frmXray.onTcpingReturn = function(outboundIndex,address,succeeded,speedText){};
+ frmXray.btnTcping.disabledText = null;
+ frmXray.autoTesting = false;
+ var activeIndex = frmXray.listview.activeOutboundIndex;
+ var outbounds = config.proxy.outbounds;
+ for(i=#outbounds;1;-1){
+ var ob = outbounds[i];
+ if(activeIndex==i){
+ ob.active = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(#selectedItems){
+ for(i=#selectedItems;1;-1){
+ var item = selectedItems[i]
+ frmXray.listview.delItem(item);
+ ..table.remove(config.proxy.outbounds,item);
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ for(i=#outbounds;1;-1){
+ if(frmXray.listview.getItemText(i,7)=="不可用"){
+ ..table.remove(outbounds,i);
+ frmXray.listview.delItem(i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ frmXray.listview.activeOutboundIndex = null;
+ for(i=1;#outbounds;1){
+ if(outbounds[i].active){
+ frmXray.listview.activeOutboundIndex = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ publish("outbounds.updateConfigJson");
+ if(activeIndex && (!frmXray.listview.activeOutboundIndex) ){
+ if(!v2ray.core.lastDownloadingCoreFailed) frmXray.btnTcping.oncommand();
+ }
+import v2ray.outbounds;
+frmXray.listview.onnotify = function(id,code,ptr){
+ select(code) {
+ var lvcd = frmXray.listview.getNotifyCustomDraw(code,ptr);
+ if( lvcd.nmcd.dwDrawStage == 0x10001/*_CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT*/)
+ elseif( lvcd.nmcd.dwDrawStage == 1/*_CDDS_PREPAINT*/ ){
+ return 0x20/*_CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW*/;
+ }
+ elseif( lvcd.nmcd.dwDrawStage == ( 0x10001/*_CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT*/ | 0x20000/*_CDDS_SUBITEM*/) ){
+ //注意这里 iSubItem 的索引自0开始( 其他函数通常自1开始 )
+ lvcd.clrText = lvcd.nmcd.dwItemSpec % 2 ? 0x373737 : 0;
+ lvcd.clrTextBk = lvcd.nmcd.dwItemSpec % 2 ? 0xFFFFFF : 0xF5F5F5;
+ var item = lvcd.nmcd.dwItemSpec+1;
+ if(lvcd.iSubItem==7){
+ if(frmXray.listview.activeOutboundIndex=item){
+ lvcd.clrTextBk = 0x8AFFC3
+ }
+ }
+ elseif(lvcd.iSubItem==6){
+ if(..config.proxy.outbounds[item].autoConnect===false){
+ lvcd.clrText = 0xCCCCCC;
+ }
+ }
+ lvcd.update()
+ return 0/*_CDRF_DODEFAULT*/
+ }
+ }
+ case 0xFFFFFFFD/*_NM_DBLCLK*/ {
+ var nm = frmXray.listview.getNotifyMessage(code,ptr);
+ if( nm ){
+ v2ray.core.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = false;
+ frmXray.onTcpingReturn = function(outboundIndex,address,succeeded,speedText){
+ if(address==frmXray.listview.getItemText(outboundIndex,2)){
+ frmXray.listview.setItemText(speedText,outboundIndex,7);
+ }
+ }
+ frmXray.btnTcping.disabledText = null;
+ for b,v in table.eachIndex(config.proxy.outbounds){
+ frmXray.listview.setItemText("",b,8);
+ }
+ activeOutbound(nm.iItem,frmXray.listview.getItemText(nm.iItem,2),false);
+ }
+ }
+ case 0xFFFFFFFB/*_NM_RCLICK*/ {
+ var x,y = win.getCursorPos();
+ var nm = frmXray.listview.getNotifyMessage(code,ptr);
+ if(!nm) return;
+ var currentIdx = nm.iItem;
+ if(!currentIdx){
+ var popmenu = win.ui.popmenu(frmXray);
+ popmenu.add("新增代理服务器",function(id){
+ var frmOutbound = frmXray.loadForm("\forms\main\outbound.aardio");
+ frmOutbound.doModal()
+ });
+ popmenu.add("自剪贴板批量导入分享链接、订阅源",function(id){
+ frmXray.btnImportServerFromClipBd.oncommand();
+ });
+ popmenu.add('立即更新所有订阅源',function(id){
+ v2ray.outbounds.updateSubscription();
+ });
+ popmenu.add();
+ popmenu.add('清空服务器列表',function(id){
+ config.proxy.outbounds = ..table.array();
+ frmXray.listview.clear();
+ frmXray.btnTcping.disabledText = null;
+ frmXray.autoTesting = false;
+ frmXray.onTcpingReturn = function(outboundIndex,address,succeeded,speedText){}
+ publish("outbounds.updateConfigJson");
+ });
+ popmenu.add('清除「不可用」服务器',function(id){
+ removeOutbounds();
+ });
+ popmenu.add("重置为默认服务器列表",
+ function(id){
+ ..config.__loadDefaultOutbounds();
+ publish("outbounds.updateConfigJson");
+ publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore");
+ }
+ );
+ popmenu.add();
+ if(!frmXray.btnTcping.disabledText){
+ popmenu.add('按「响应速度」排序服务器',function(id){
+ frmXray.listview.sortBySpeed();
+ });
+ popmenu.add();
+ };
+ popmenu.popup(x,y,true);
+ return;
+ }
+ var selectedItems = frmXray.listview.selected;
+ var popmenu = win.ui.popmenu(frmXray);
+ if(#selectedItems==1){
+ popmenu.add('设为活动服务器( 鼠标双击 )',function(id){
+ if(currentIdx){
+ v2ray.core.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = false;
+ frmXray.onTcpingReturn = function(outboundIndex,address,succeeded,speedText){
+ if(address==frmXray.listview.getItemText(outboundIndex,2)){
+ frmXray.listview.setItemText(speedText,outboundIndex,7);
+ }
+ }
+ frmXray.btnTcping.disabledText = null;
+ for b,v in table.eachIndex(config.proxy.outbounds){
+ frmXray.listview.setItemText("",b,8);
+ }
+ activeOutbound(currentIdx,frmXray.listview.getItemText(currentIdx,2),false)
+ }
+ });
+ popmenu.add();
+ }
+ popmenu.add("编辑 / 新增代理服务器",function(id){
+ var frmOutbound = frmXray.loadForm("\forms\main\outbound.aardio");
+ frmOutbound.setOutboundConfig(config.proxy.outbounds[currentIdx]);
+ frmOutbound.doModal()
+ });
+ popmenu.add("自剪贴板批量导入分享链接、订阅源",function(id){
+ frmXray.btnImportServerFromClipBd.oncommand();
+ });
+ var subscribeUrl = config.proxy.outbounds[currentIdx][["subscribeUrl"]];
+ if(#selectedItems=1 && subscribeUrl){
+ var ps;
+ var cfgSubscribeUrls = ..config.proxy.subscribeUrls;
+ for(i=#cfgSubscribeUrls;1;-1){
+ var sub = cfgSubscribeUrls[i]
+ if(sub.url===subscribeUrl) {
+ ps = sub.ps;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(#ps){
+ ps = ": "+ps;
+ }
+ popmenu.add('更新当前订阅源'+ps,function(id){
+ if(currentIdx){
+ v2ray.outbounds.updateSubscription({[subscribeUrl]=true});
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ popmenu.add('更新所有订阅源',function(id){
+ if(currentIdx){
+ v2ray.outbounds.updateSubscription();
+ }
+ });
+ popmenu.add()
+ var autoConnect = config.proxy.outbounds[currentIdx].autoConnect!==false;
+ var id = popmenu.add('允许自动测速并连接',function(id){
+ if(currentIdx){
+ for(i=#selectedItems;1;-1){
+ var item = selectedItems[i];
+ if(autoConnect === false){
+ config.proxy.outbounds[item].autoConnect = null;
+ frmXray.listview.setItemText("",item,7);
+ }
+ else {
+ config.proxy.outbounds[item].autoConnect = false;
+ frmXray.listview.setItemText("禁止测速",item,7);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ popmenu.check(id,autoConnect,0/*_MF_BYCOMMAND*/);
+ popmenu.add()
+ popmenu.add('删除服务器',function(id){
+ removeOutbounds(selectedItems);
+ });
+ popmenu.add('清空服务器列表',function(id){
+ if(currentIdx){
+ config.proxy.outbounds = ..table.array();
+ frmXray.listview.clear();
+ publish("outbounds.updateConfigJson");
+ }
+ });
+ popmenu.add('清除「不可用」服务器',function(id){
+ removeOutbounds();
+ });
+ popmenu.add("重置为默认服务器列表",
+ function(id){
+ ..config.__loadDefaultOutbounds();
+ publish("outbounds.updateConfigJson");
+ publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore");
+ }
+ );
+ if(#selectedItems==1){
+ popmenu.add();
+ popmenu.add('生成二维码',function(id){
+ if(currentIdx){
+ import v2ray.outbounds;
+ import win.clip;
+ var str = v2ray.outbounds.exportSharedLinks({config.proxy.outbounds[currentIdx]});
+ if(str){
+ var frmChild = frmXray.loadForm("\forms\main\tools\qr.aardio");
+ frmChild.createQrCode(str);
+ frmChild.show();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ popmenu.add('复制服务器分享链接',function(id){
+ if(currentIdx){
+ import v2ray.outbounds;
+ import win.clip;
+ var str = v2ray.outbounds.exportSharedLinks({config.proxy.outbounds[currentIdx]});
+ if(str){
+ win.clip.write(str);
+ frmXray.edit.print("已复制链接:",str);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ popmenu.add();
+ var toolMenu = win.ui.popmenu(frmXray)
+ toolMenu.add('本机 Ping 检测',function(id){
+ if(currentIdx){
+ thread.invoke(pingThread,config.proxy.outbounds[currentIdx].address,frmXray)
+ }
+ });
+ toolMenu.add('全球范围 Ping 检测 ...',function(id){
+ if(currentIdx){
+ process.openUrl("http://ping.pe/" + config.proxy.outbounds[currentIdx].address)
+ }
+ });
+ toolMenu.add('全球范围端口检测 ...',function(id){
+ if(currentIdx){
+ process.openUrl("http://port.ping.pe/" + config.proxy.outbounds[currentIdx].address + ":" + config.proxy.outbounds[currentIdx].port)
+ }
+ });
+ toolMenu.add('在线路由跟踪检测 ...',function(id){
+ if(currentIdx){
+ process.openUrl("https://www.boce.com/traceroute/" + config.proxy.outbounds[currentIdx].address)
+ }
+ });
+ toolMenu.add('本机路由检测',function(id){
+ if(currentIdx){
+ import process;
+ process.execute("cmd.exe","/k tracert " + config.proxy.outbounds[currentIdx].address);
+ }
+ });
+ if(config.proxy.outbounds[currentIdx].port == 443 && config.proxy.outbounds[currentIdx].tls){
+ toolMenu.add('浏览 HTTPS 主页 ...',function(id){
+ if(currentIdx){
+ process.openUrl("https" ++ "://" + config.proxy.outbounds[currentIdx].address);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ popmenu.add("服务器工具",toolMenu)
+ popmenu.add('SSH 登录服务器',function(id){
+ if(currentIdx){
+ frmXray.msgErr("请在发布后运行此功能");
+ return;
+ }
+ import process;
+ process.execute(io._exepath,"/sshLogin root@"
+ + config.proxy.outbounds[currentIdx].address + ":"
+ + (config.proxy.outbounds[currentIdx].sshPort||22));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ popmenu.popup(x,y,true);
+ }
+ var nm = frmXray.listview.getNotifyMessage(code,ptr)
+ if(nm.iSubItem==7){
+ frmXray.listview.sortBySpeed();
+ }
+ else {
+ frmXray.msgWarn("排序请点击「响应速度」列")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// 排序函数
+frmXray.listview.sortBySpeed = function () {
+ if(frmXray.btnTcping.disabledText){
+ frmXray.msgWarn("请等待测速完成,然后再点击此排序列。");
+ return;
+ }
+ var outbounds = ..table.clone(config.proxy.outbounds);
+ var activeIndex = frmXray.listview.activeOutboundIndex;
+ frmXray.onTcpingReturn = function(outboundIndex,address,succeeded,speedText){}; //避免后台线程改变activeIndex
+ for(i=#outbounds;1;-1){
+ var ob = outbounds[i];
+ if(type(ob)!="table"){
+ table.remove(outbounds,i);
+ continue;
+ }
+ ob.speed = frmXray.listview.getItemText(i,7);
+ if(ob.speed=="不可用"){
+ ob.speedNum = 0xFFFE;
+ }
+ elseif(ob.speed==""){
+ ob.speedNum = 0xFFFF;
+ }
+ elseif(ob.speed=="..."){
+ frmXray.msgWarn("请等待检测速度完成,然后再点击此排序列。")
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ ob.speedNum = tonumber(ob.speed):-3;
+ }
+ if(activeIndex==i){
+ ob.active = true;
+ }
+ }
+ var hasStatus;
+ for(i=1;#outbounds;1){
+ if(#outbounds[i].speed){
+ hasStatus = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!hasStatus){
+ frmXray.msgWarn("请先点击「检测并连接服务器」获取服务器响应速度!");
+ return;
+ }
+ var desc = frmXray.listview.getColumnImage(7) == 0;
+ if(desc){
+ table.sort(outbounds,function(b){
+ return owner.speedNum > b.speedNum;
+ })
+ }
+ else {
+ table.sort(outbounds,function(b){
+ return owner.speedNum < b.speedNum;
+ })
+ }
+ frmXray.listview.activeOutboundIndex = null;
+ for(i=1;#outbounds;1){
+ if(outbounds[i].active){
+ frmXray.listview.activeOutboundIndex = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ outbounds.fields = {"protocol";"address";"port";"security";"network";"ps";"speed"}
+ config.proxy.outbounds = outbounds;
+ frmXray.listview.setTable(outbounds);
+ outbounds.fields = {"protocol";"address";"port";"security";"network";"ps"}
+ //清理用于排序的临时字段
+ for(i=1;#outbounds;1){
+ var ob = outbounds[i];
+ ob.speedNum = null;
+ ob.speed = null;
+ ob.active = null;
+ }
+ if(frmXray.listview.activeOutboundIndex){
+ frmXray.listview.setItemText("活动服务器:正常",frmXray.listview.activeOutboundIndex,8)
+ }
+ frmXray.listview.setColumnImage(7, desc ? 1 : 0);
+import win.imageList;
+var iml = win.imageList(16, 15);
+iml.add('GIF\56\57a \0\15\0\x80\0\0\x80\x80\x80\xff\0\xff\33\xf9\4\0\0\0\0\0\44\0\0\0\0 \0\15\0\0\2\31\x8c\x8f\xa9\xcb\xed\15\xa3\x9c\xb4N\xf0\x80\xde\56k\xbfA\\\xd7\x84 \x97Y\xea\xca\xb6\xee\11\xc7F\1\0;', 0xff00ff);
+ config.proxy.outbounds.fields = {"protocol";"address";"port";"security";"network";"ps";}
+ var outbounds = config.proxy.outbounds;
+ for(i=#outbounds;1;-1){
+ if(type(outbounds[i])!="table"){
+ table.remove(outbounds,i);
+ }
+ }
+ frmXray.listview.setTable(outbounds);
+ if(!v2ray.core.lastDownloadingCoreFailed) frmXray.btnTcping.oncommand();
+} )
+import process;
+ config.proxy.outbounds.fields = {"protocol";"address";"port";"security";"network";"ps";}
+ var outbounds = config.proxy.outbounds;
+ for(i=#outbounds;1;-1){
+ if(type(outbounds[i])!="table"){
+ table.remove(outbounds,i);
+ }
+ }
+ frmXray.listview.setTable(outbounds);
+ frmXray.setTimeout(
+ function(){
+ publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore");
+ },1000
+ );
+ frmXray.radioProxyPac.checked = false;
+ frmXray.radioProxy.checked = false;
+ frmXray.radioProxyDirect.checked = false;
+ if(mode = "pac"){
+ frmXray.radioProxyPac.checked = true;
+ if(_WIN10_LATER) frmXray.btnEditPacOrUwp.text = "编辑 PAC";
+ }
+ elseif(mode = "proxy"){
+ frmXray.radioProxy.checked = true;
+ if(_WIN10_LATER) frmXray.btnEditPacOrUwp.text = "配置 UWP";
+ }
+ else{
+ frmXray.radioProxyDirect.checked = true;
+ }
+} )
+import sysProxy;
+var switchProxyMode = function(){
+ if(frmXray.radioProxyPac.checked){
+ sysProxy.switchToPacMode();
+ }
+ elseif(frmXray.radioProxy.checked){
+ sysProxy.switchToGlobalMode();
+ }
+ else {
+ sysProxy.switchToDirectMode();
+ }
+frmXray.radioProxyPac.oncommand = switchProxyMode;
+frmXray.radioProxy.oncommand = switchProxyMode;
+frmXray.radioProxyDirect.oncommand = switchProxyMode;
+import win.dlg.message;
+frmXray.btnEditPacOrUwp.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ if(frmXray.radioProxy.checked && _WIN10_LATER ){
+ frmXray.msgErr("请先发布为 EXE!");
+ return;
+ }
+ import process;
+ process.execute(io._exepath,"/uwp","runas")
+ return;
+ }
+ if(frmPac && win.isWindow(frmPac.hwnd)){
+ if( win.isIconic(frmPac.hwnd) ) win.show(frmPac.hwnd,9/*_SW_RESTORE*/ );
+ if( !win.isVisible(frmPac.hwnd) ) win.show(frmPac.hwnd,0x1/*_SW_NORMAL*/ );
+ win.setForeground(frmPac.hwnd)
+ return;
+ }
+ frmPac = ..mainForm.loadForm("\forms\main\pac.aardio");
+ frmPac.show();
+ frmXray.btnEditPacOrUwp.oncommand();
+} )
+ frmXray.edit.print(...);
+} )
+import v2ray.outbounds;
+frmXray.btnImportServerFromClipBd.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ var str = ..win.clip.read();
+ if(str){
+ str = ..string.trim(str,'"\'\t\r\n ');
+ if( ..string.startWith(str,"http://")
+ || ..string.startWith(str,"https://")
+ || ..string.match(str,"^\s*/\N+\s*$") ){
+ if(..string.match(str,"^\s*/\N+\s*$")){
+ str = "https://github.com" + str;
+ }
+ v2ray.outbounds.updateSubscription({[str]=true});
+ return;
+ }
+ var outbounds = v2ray.outbounds.importFromString(str);
+ if(#outbounds){
+ ..table.append(config.proxy.outbounds,outbounds);
+ publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore");
+ publish("outbounds.updateConfigJson");
+ frmXray.msgOk("已成功导入" + #outbounds + "个服务器",1200);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ frmXray.msgFrown('未导入服务器!\r\n请先复制以下格式文本(自动清除其中的无效内容):\r\n\r\n1、一行或多行(忽略无效行)分享链接或服务器JSON配置。\r\n支持 vmess://,vless://,ss://,ssr://,trojan://, trojan-go:// 等通用分享链接。\r\n\r\n2、包含多个服务器配置的JSON数组,支持winXray格式以及通用格式JSON。\r\n\r\n3、单个 http:// 或 https:// 开头的通用订阅源地址。\r\n可直接使用浏览器地址栏的github文件地址(含blob或raw目录名)。\r\n也可以仅复制单斜杆开始的github文件路径。\r\n\r\n订阅源可用BASE64编码或明文返回以上1、2条规定的配置或分享链接。')
+var testTimerId;
+frmXray.chkAutoTest.oncommand = function(id,event){
+ if(testTimerId){
+ frmXray.clearInterval(testTimerId);
+ }
+ config.proxy.test = frmXray.chkAutoTest.checked;
+ if(!config.proxy.test) return;
+ import inet.http;
+ testTimerId = frmXray.setInterval(
+ config.proxy.testInterval*1000,function(){
+ if(frmXray.btnTcping.disabled) return;
+ if( frmXray.autoTesting ) return;
+ var idx = frmXray.listview.activeOutboundIndex;
+ var address = frmXray.listview.activeOutboundAddress;
+ if( !( idx&&address) ){
+ if(!inet.http.isAlive(,false)){
+ return config.proxy.testInterval*1000;
+ }
+ if(!v2ray.core.lastDownloadingCoreFailed) frmXray.btnTcping.oncommand();
+ return;
+ }
+ frmXray.autoTesting = true;
+ activeOutbound(idx,address,true,true);
+ return config.proxy.testInterval*1000;
+ }
+ )
+ frmXray.chkAutoTest.checked = true;
+ frmXray.chkAutoTest.oncommand();
+frmXray.edit.print("友情提醒:WinXray 未注册任何域名,谨防钓鱼网站")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/config.aardio b/lib/config.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b3eecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/config.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+//config 配置文件
+import fsys.config;
+config = fsys.config( io.appData("/winXray/") );
+namespace config {
+ __appName = "winXray";
+ __loadDefaultOutbounds = function(){
+ import v2ray.outbounds;
+ var serverData = ..string.load("/v2ray-core/winXray-default-servers.json")
+ : $"/v2ray-core/winXray-default-servers.json"
+ proxy.outbounds = ..v2ray.outbounds.importFromString(..string.removeBom(serverData));
+ ..publish("outbounds.updateConfigJson",)
+ }
+ if(!proxy.outbounds){
+ __loadDefaultOutbounds();
+ }
+if(!config.proxy.mode) config.proxy.mode = "pac";
+if(!config.proxy.pacPort) config.proxy.pacPort = 0;
+ config.proxy.useHttpGlobal = true;
+ config.proxy.useSocksPac = _WIN10_LATER;
+ config.proxy.enableGitConfigGithub = true;
+if(config.proxy.test === null){
+ config.proxy.test = true;
+if(config.proxy.autoRefreshSubscription === null){
+ config.proxy.autoRefreshSubscription = true;
+ config.proxy.testInterval = 15;
+ config.proxy.maxTestServers = 100;
+ config.proxy.subscribeUrls = {
+ fields = {"";"checked";"ps";"url";}
+ }
+ config.proxy.hotkey = {1/*_MOD_ALT*/|2/*_MOD_CONTROL*/|4/*_MOD_SHIFT*/;'P'#}
+config.__resetDefaultCore = function(){
+ config.core.default = {
+ inbounds={
+ {
+ listen="";
+ port=0;
+ protocol="socks";
+ settings={
+ auth="noauth";
+ udp=true;
+ };
+ sniffing={
+ destOverride={
+ "http";
+ "tls"
+ };
+ enabled=true
+ };
+ tag="proxy";
+ };
+ {
+ listen="";
+ port=0;
+ protocol="http";
+ settings={};
+ sniffing={
+ destOverride={
+ "http";
+ "tls"
+ };
+ enabled=true
+ };
+ tag="http_proxy"
+ }
+ };
+ log={
+ access="";
+ error="";
+ loglevel="warning"
+ };
+ outbounds={
+ {
+ tag="proxy"
+ };
+ {
+ protocol="freedom";
+ settings={};
+ tag="direct";
+ };
+ {
+ protocol="blackhole";
+ settings={
+ response={
+ type="http"
+ };
+ };
+ tag="block";
+ }
+ };
+ routing={
+ domainStrategy="IPIfNonMatch";
+ rules={
+ {
+ inboundTag={
+ "api"
+ };
+ outboundTag="api";
+ type="field";
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ config.__resetDefaultCore();
+ config.core.default.inbounds[2] = {
+ listen="";
+ port=0;
+ protocol="http";
+ settings={};
+ sniffing={
+ destOverride={
+ "http";
+ "tls"
+ };
+ enabled=true
+ };
+ tag="http_proxy"
+ }
+__appName = 应用程序名
+? = 配置文件名,\n读写配置并序列化为一个表对象,\n表的成员值可以是支持序列化的普通变量,支持table对象\n配置文件在首次使用时自动加载,退出程序时自动保存\n!fsys_table.
+end intellisense**/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/dnsApi.aardio b/lib/dnsApi.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3530d6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dnsApi.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//dnsApi 域名解析
+namespace dnsApi
+_dll = ..raw.loadDll("dnsapi.dll");
+flush = function(domain){
+ return domain ? _dll.DnsFlushResolverCacheB() : _dll.DnsFlushResolverCacheEntry_A(domain);
+flush(.(domain) = 清空指定域名的DNS缓存,\n如果参数不指定域名则清空所有DNS缓存
+end intellisense**/
diff --git a/lib/style.aardio b/lib/style.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42e0c0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/style.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+//style 外观样式
+namespace style{
+ primaryButton = {
+ background={
+ default=0xFF8FB2B0;
+ hover=0xFF928BB3;
+ disabled=0xFFCCCCCC;
+ }
+ };
+ button = {
+ background={
+ default=0x668FB2B0;
+ hover=0xFF928BB3;
+ disabled=0xFFCCCCCC;
+ }
+ };
+ transButton = {
+ background={
+ default=0;
+ hover=0xFF928BB3;
+ disabled=0xFFCCCCCC;
+ }
+ };
+ checkBox = {
+ color = {
+ hover = 0xFFFF0000;
+ active = 0xFF00FF00;
+ disabled = 0xEE666666;
+ }
+ checked = {
+ color = {
+ hover = 0xFFFF0000;
+ active = 0xFF00FF00;
+ disabled = 0xEE666666;
+ }
+ iconText = '\uF14a'/*_FA_CHECK_SQUARE*/
+ }
+ };
+ radio ={
+ group = "default";
+ color = {
+ hover = 0xFFFF0000;
+ active = 0xFF00FF00;
+ }
+ checked = {
+ iconText = '\uF058'/*_FA_CHECK_CIRCLE*/
+ }
+ };
+ link = {
+ color = {
+ default = 0xFF000080;
+ hover = 0xFFFF0000;
+ active = 0xFF00FF00;
+ }
+ };
+ plainButton = {
+ color = {
+ default = 0xFF3C3C3C;
+ hover = 0xFFFF0000;
+ active = 0xFF00FF00;
+ disabled = 0xFFCCCCCC;
+ }
+ };
+ key = {
+ foreground={
+ default = 0x00FFFFFF;
+ hover= 0xFF8ADBAF;
+ };
+ };
+ dropdown = {
+ background={
+ default=0xFF68CC95;
+ disabled=0xFFC4CCC8;
+ hover=0xFF4A522F;
+ };
+ color={
+ default=0xFF000000;
+ disabled=0xFF8A8A8A;
+ hover=0xFFFFFFFF
+ };
+ checked = {
+ foreground={
+ default = 0xFFDB8A8E;
+ hover= 0xFF8ADBAF;
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ edit = {
+ border={
+ default={bottom=1;color=0xFF808080};
+ disabled={bottom=1;color=0xFFCCCCCC}
+ }
+ };
+ trackbar = {
+ background={
+ default=0xFF23ABD9
+ };
+ foreground={
+ default=0xFFFF771C;
+ hover=0xFFFF6600
+ };
+ color={
+ default=0xFFFF5C00;
+ hover=0xFFFF6600
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/lib/sysProxy.aardio b/lib/sysProxy.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..016c3fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sysProxy.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+//sysProxy 系统代理
+import config;
+import inet.conn;
+import v2ray.github;
+import v2ray.pacServer;
+namespace sysProxy;
+switch = function(mode){
+ ..config.proxy.mode = mode : "direct";
+ ..config.proxy.save();
+ if(mode=="pac"){
+ var pacUrl = ..v2ray.pacServer.getUrl();
+ if(pacUrl){
+ ..inet.conn.setProxyAutoConfig(,pacUrl );
+ }
+ else {
+ ..v2ray.pacServer.restart();
+ }
+ ..v2ray.github.setProxy(true);
+ }
+ elseif(mode=="proxy"){
+ import v2ray.core;
+ var address = v2ray.core.getSystemProxyConfig();
+ if(address){
+ ..inet.conn.setProxy(,address);
+ ..v2ray.github.setProxy(true);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ..inet.conn.setProxy();
+ ..v2ray.github.setProxy(false);
+ }
+ ..publish("sysProxy.modeChanged",mode)
+switchToGlobalMode = function(){
+ switch("proxy")
+switchToPacMode = function(){
+ switch("pac")
+switchToDirectMode = function(){
+ switch("direct")
+switchHotkey = function(){
+ var mode = ..config.proxy.mode;
+ if( mode != "pac"){
+ switch("pac")
+ }
+ else {
+ switch("proxy")
+ }
+ return ..config.proxy.mode;
+reset = function(proxy){
+ if(proxy===false){
+ if(..config.proxy.mode != "direct"){
+ ..inet.conn.setProxy();
+ ..v2ray.github.setProxy(false);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ ..inet.conn.setProxy();
+ switch(..config.proxy.mode);
+ if(..config.proxy.mode == "pac"){
+ switchToPacMode();
+ }
+} )
+ if(..config.proxy.mode != "direct"){
+ reset(true);
+ }
+} )
+switch(.(mode) = 切换代理模式,同步修改配置文件。\n可选参数:"proxy","pac","direct"
+switchToGlobalMode() = 设为全局代理,同步修改配置文件。
+switchToPacMode() = 设为PAC自动代理,同步修改配置文件。
+switchToDirectMode() = 设为禁用代理,同步修改配置文件。
+reset(.(是否启用代理)) = 重置系统代理设置,不修改配置文件。\n省略参数时默认值为true。
+end intellisense**/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/v2ray/core/_.aardio b/lib/v2ray/core/_.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19e9f4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/v2ray/core/_.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+import v2ray.core.ssr;
+import v2ray.core.naive;
+import wsock.tcp.server;
+import process.popen;
+import config;
+namespace v2ray.core;
+socksProxyPort = null;
+httpProxPort = null;
+getSystemProxyConfig = function(){
+ if(!(socksProxyPort&&httpProxPort)){ return null; }
+ return ..config.proxy.useHttpGlobal ? ("" + httpProxPort ): ("SOCKS="+socksProxyPort)
+isInboundPortChanged = function(){
+ var inbounds = ..config.core.default.inbounds;
+ if(! (..table.isArray(inbounds) && inbounds[1] && inbounds[2]) ){
+ return true;
+ }
+ return (inbounds[1].port!=socksProxyPort) || (inbounds[2].port!=httpProxPort)
+var prcsV2Ray,v2RayStarting;
+import process.job.limitKill;
+restart = function(editor,outbound){
+ if(!outbound){ return null,"错误的出站代理服务器配置" }
+ if(_WINXP){
+ return null,"抱歉!V2Ray Core 不支持 Windows XP, 仅支持 Windows 7, Windows 10 以及更新操作系统。";
+ }
+ var inbounds = ..config.core.default[["inbounds"]];
+ if(! (..table.isArray(inbounds) && inbounds[1] ) ){
+ return null,"错误的入站SOCKS代理服务器配置"
+ }
+ if(! ( inbounds[2] ) ){
+ return null,"错误的入站HTTP代理服务器配置"
+ }
+ if(v2RayStarting){ return null,"不能重复启动 V2Ray Core" }
+ v2RayStarting = true;
+ var corePath = getPath(editor.hwnd);
+ if(!corePath){
+ v2RayStarting = false;
+ return false,"启动失败,未找到 v2ray.exe";
+ }
+ // 先不要断开当前代理,使用当前代理下载会更快。
+ if( outbound.protocol == "ssr" ){
+ if(!..v2ray.core.ssr.getPath(editor.hwnd)){
+ v2RayStarting = false;
+ return false,"启动失败,未找到 SSR Core";
+ }
+ }
+ if( outbound.protocol == "naive" ){
+ if(!..v2ray.core.naive.getPath(editor.hwnd)){
+ v2RayStarting = false;
+ return false,"启动失败,未找到 NaïveProxy Core";
+ }
+ }
+ ..publish("activeOutbound",false);
+ import sysProxy;
+ ..sysProxy.reset(false);
+ socksProxyPort = inbounds[1].port;
+ httpProxPort = inbounds[2].port;
+ if( (! socksProxyPort) || socksProxyPort >= 49152 ){ socksProxyPort = ..wsock.tcp.server.getFreePort("",1081,10801,10811,44821) }
+ if( (! httpProxPort) || httpProxPort >= 49152 ){ httpProxPort = ..wsock.tcp.server.getFreePort("",1082,10802,10812,44822) }
+ if(prcsV2Ray){
+ prcsV2Ray.terminate();
+ prcsV2Ray = null;
+ }
+ ..v2ray.core.ssr.stop();
+ ..v2ray.core.naive.stop();
+ var nexCore;
+ if( outbound.protocol == "ssr" ){
+ var nextProxyPort = ..wsock.getFreePort();
+ if(!..v2ray.core.ssr.restart(editor,outbound,nextProxyPort)){
+ v2RayStarting = false;
+ return false,"SSR Core 启动失败";
+ }
+ outbound = {
+ protocol = "socks";
+ address = "";
+ port = nextProxyPort;
+ }
+ nexCore = ..v2ray.core.ssr;
+ }
+ elseif( outbound.protocol == "naive" ){
+ var nextProxyPort = ..wsock.getFreePort();
+ if(!..v2ray.core.naive.restart(editor,outbound,nextProxyPort)){
+ v2RayStarting = false;
+ return false,"SSR Core 启动失败";
+ }
+ outbound = {
+ protocol = "socks";
+ address = "";
+ port = nextProxyPort;
+ }
+ nexCore = ..v2ray.core.naive;
+ }
+ if( ! prcsV2Ray ){
+ import v2ray.core.configJson;
+ var jsonPath,err = ..v2ray.core.configJson.write(
+ ..io.joinpath(..io.splitpath(corePath).dir,"config.json")
+ ,outbound,socksProxyPort,httpProxPort);
+ if(!jsonPath){
+ if( nexCore ){ nexCore.stop(); }
+ v2RayStarting = false;
+ return false,err:"启动失败,写入配置文件遇到错误!";
+ }
+ var err;
+ prcsV2Ray,err = ..process.popen(corePath,"-c=config.json" );
+ if(!prcsV2Ray){
+ if( nexCore ){ nexCore.stop(); }
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print",err:"启动 V2Ray Core 时遇到未知错误!");
+ if(!..process().isWow64()){
+ if(..process.isExe(corePath)!="PE32"){
+ ..io.remove(corePath);
+ if(!..io.exist(corePath)){
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print","当前操作系统是32位,已删除无效的64位 V2Ray Core,正在下载32位 V2Ray Core");
+ v2RayStarting = false;
+ return restart(editor,outbound)
+ }
+ else {
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print","当前操作系统是32位,但是找到的 V2Ray Core 是64位,请重新下载32位 V2Ray Core");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ v2RayStarting = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ prcsV2Ray.assignToJobObject(process.job.limitKill);
+ prcsV2Ray.codepage = 65001;
+ prcsV2Ray.logResponse(editor);
+ inbounds[1].port = socksProxyPort;
+ inbounds[2].port = httpProxPort;
+ ..config.core.save();
+ }
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print","已启动代理服务器,SOCKS端口:" + socksProxyPort + " HTTP端口:" + httpProxPort)
+ ..publish("v2RayCore.restarted",socksProxyPort,httpProxPort);
+ v2RayStarting = false;
+ return true;
+stop = function(){
+ ..v2ray.core.ssr.stop();
+ if(prcsV2Ray){
+ prcsV2Ray.terminate();
+ prcsV2Ray = null;
+ }
+ ..sysProxy.reset(false);
+ import v2ray.github;
+ v2ray.github.setProxy(false);
+var getV2RayCoreUrl = function(){
+ var msgDlg = ..win.dlg.message(..mainForm);
+ var form = msgDlg.create('正在获取 V2Ray Core 最新版本',,true)
+ form.icon = '\uF1D8';
+ form.progress.startProgress(50);
+ var url,tag = ..win.invoke(function(){
+ import process;
+ import inet.http;
+ var http = ..inet.http();
+ var url = http.location("https://github.com/v2fly/v2ray-core/releases/latest");
+ http.close();
+ if(!url) return;
+ var tag = ..string.match(url,"[^/]+$")
+ if(!tag || (tag=="latest")) return;;
+ return "https://github.com/v2fly/v2ray-core/releases/download/"
+ + tag + "/v2ray-windows-" + (..process().isWow64() ? "64" : "32") + ".zip",tag
+ });
+ form.close();
+ return url,tag;
+getPath = function(hwnd){
+ var path = ..io.fullpath("/v2ray-core/v2ray.exe");
+ if(..io.exist(path)){
+ return path;
+ }
+ var path = ..io.appData("/winXray/core/v2ray.exe");
+ if(..io.exist(path)){
+ return path;
+ }
+ var path = ..io.fullpath("/xray-core/xray.exe");
+ if(..io.exist(path)){
+ ..io.rename("/xray-core/","/v2ray-core/")
+ }
+ var path = ..io.fullpath("/v2ray-core/xray.exe");
+ if(..io.exist(path)){
+ ..io.rename("/v2ray-core/xray.exe","/v2ray-core/v2ray.exe")
+ return ..io.fullpath("/v2ray-core/v2ray.exe");
+ }
+ if(self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed){
+ return;
+ }
+ ..mainForm.disabled = true;
+ var url,versionTag = getV2RayCoreUrl();
+ if(!url) {
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print","请下载 V2Rary Core 到以下路径:");
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print",path);
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = true;
+ return null;
+ }
+ import zlib.httpFile;
+ if( ..zlib.httpFile.download(url,"正在下载 V2Ray Core"
+ ,..io.appData("/winXray/download/")
+ ,..io.appData("/winXray/core/"),,..mainForm.hwnd) ){
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = null;
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ return ..io.exist(path);
+ }
+ else {
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = true;
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print","请到以下网址下载 V2Ray Core:");
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print",url);
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print","下载后请解压到以下目录内:");
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print",..io.appData("/winXray/core/"));
+ //import process;
+ //process.execute(..io._exepath,"/github","runas");
+ }
+getCoreDir = function(hwnd){
+ var path = ..io.fullpath("/v2ray-core/v2ray.exe");
+ if(..io.exist(path)){
+ return ..io.fullpath("/v2ray-core/");
+ }
+ var path = ..io.appData("/winXray/core/v2ray.exe");
+ if(..io.exist(path)){
+ return ..io.appData("/winXray/core/");;
+ }
+ var path = ..io.fullpath("/v2ray-core/");
+ if(..io.exist(path)){
+ return path;
+ }
+ return ..io.appData("/winXray/core/");
+updateCore = function(){
+ ..mainForm.disabled = true;
+ var coreDir = getCoreDir();
+ var url,versionTag = getV2RayCoreUrl();
+ if(!url){
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = true;
+ return null;
+ }
+ import fsys;
+ fsys.delete( ..io.appData("/winXray/temp/v2ray/") );
+ import zlib.httpFile;
+ if( ..zlib.httpFile.download(url,"正在下载 V2Ray Core,版本:" + versionTag
+ ,..io.appData("/winXray/download/")
+ ,..io.appData("/winXray/temp/v2ray/"),,..mainForm.hwnd) ){
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ if(..io.exist(..io.appData("/winXray/temp/v2ray/v2ray.exe"))){
+ import sysProxy;
+ sysProxy.reset(false);
+ import process.file;
+ process.file.terminate(..io.joinpath(coreDir,"v2ray.exe"));
+ process.file.terminate(..io.joinpath(coreDir,"v2ctl.exe"));
+ ..io.createDir(coreDir);
+ fsys.copy(..io.appData("/winXray/temp/v2ray/v2ray.exe"),..io.joinpath(coreDir,"v2ray.exe"));
+ fsys.copy(..io.appData("/winXray/temp/v2ray/v2ctl.exe"),..io.joinpath(coreDir,"v2ctl.exe"));
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = null;
+ return versionTag;
+ }
+ else {
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = true;
+ }
+socksProxyPort = SOCKS代理端口
+httpProxPort = HTTP代理端口
+isInboundPortChanged() = 是否已变更代理端口配置
+restart(.(editor,outbound) = 重启启动 V2Ray 服务进程
+lastDownloadingCoreFailed = 上次下载 Core 是否失败,如果希望重新下载请重新赋值为 null
+end intellisense**/
diff --git a/lib/v2ray/core/configJson.aardio b/lib/v2ray/core/configJson.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adbef4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/v2ray/core/configJson.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+//configJson 内核配置
+import config;
+import web.json;
+import inet.url;
+import crypt;
+namespace v2ray.core.configJson;
+write = function(jsonPath,outbound,sockPort,httpPort){
+ if(!outbound){ return; }
+ if(type(outbound.port)!=type.number){
+ outbound.port = tonumber(outbound.port);
+ }
+ var currentCore = ..table.clone(..config.core.default);
+ if(! ..table.isArray(currentCore.outbounds) ){
+ return null,"错误的出站代理服务器配置"
+ }
+ var inboundsInCore = currentCore.inbounds;
+ if(! ..table.isArray(inboundsInCore) ){
+ return null,"错误的入站代理服务器配置"
+ }
+ var proxyOutboundInCore;
+ for(k,ob in currentCore.outbounds){
+ if(ob.tag == "proxy"){
+ proxyOutboundInCore = ob;
+ }
+ }
+ if( type(proxyOutboundInCore) !="table" ){
+ return null,"未找到默认出站代理服务器配置节点"
+ }
+ var socksInbounds,httpInbounds;
+ for(k,ib in currentCore.inbounds){
+ if(ib.tag == "proxy"){
+ socksInbounds = ib;
+ socksInbounds.port = sockPort;
+ }
+ elseif(ib.tag == "http_proxy"){
+ httpInbounds = ib;
+ httpInbounds.port = httpPort;
+ }
+ }
+ if( type(socksInbounds) !="table" ){
+ return null,"未找到默认 SOCKS 入站代理服务器配置节点"
+ }
+ if( type(httpInbounds) !="table" ){
+ return null,"未找到默认 HTTP 入站代理服务器配置节点"
+ }
+ if(#outbound.tls && !outbound.sni){
+ var host = outbound.host;
+ if(..table.isArray(host)){ host = host[1] }
+ outbound.sni = host ? host : outbound.address
+ }
+ if(outbound.protocol=="vless"){
+ if(!outbound.tls && outbound.port==443) outbound.tls = "tls";
+ if(!outbound.tls) outbound.tls = "tls";
+ var mux = (outbound.concurrency !== null) ? {
+ concurrency=outbound.concurrency;
+ enabled=outbound.concurrency ? ( outbound.concurrency > 0)
+ } : {
+ concurrency=8;
+ enabled=true
+ };
+ var ob = {
+ mux = outbound.tls != "xtls" ? mux : null;
+ protocol="vless";
+ settings={
+ vnext={
+ {
+ address=outbound.address;
+ port=tonumber(outbound.port);
+ users={
+ {
+ id=outbound.id;
+ flow=outbound.flow : (outbound.tls == "xtls" ? "xtls-rprx-direct" : null);
+ encryption=( (!#outbound.security) || outbound.security=="auto") ? "none" : outbound.security;
+ level=outbound.level : 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ streamSettings={
+ network=outbound.network : "tcp";
+ security=#outbound.tls ? outbound.tls : null;
+ tlsSettings = (#outbound.tls && outbound.tls != "xtls") ? {
+ allowInsecure = !!outbound.allowInsecure;
+ serverName = outbound.sni : outbound.address;
+ alpn = outbound.alpn;
+ disableSessionResumption = outbound.disableSessionResumption;
+ } : null;
+ xtlsSettings = outbound.tls == "xtls" ? {
+ allowInsecure = !!outbound.allowInsecure;
+ serverName = outbound.sni : outbound.address;
+ alpn = outbound.alpn;
+ disableSessionResumption = outbound.disableSessionResumption;
+ } : null;
+ };
+ tag="proxy"
+ };
+ if( outbound.network == "ws" ){
+ ob.streamSettings.wsSettings = {
+ path = outbound.path;
+ headers = outbound.headers;
+ }
+ if( outbound.host ) {
+ if(!ob.streamSettings.wsSettings.headers){
+ ob.streamSettings.wsSettings.headers = {}
+ }
+ ob.streamSettings.wsSettings.headers.Host = outbound.host;
+ }
+ }
+ elseif( (outbound.network == "http") || (outbound.network == "h2") ){
+ var host = outbound.host;
+ if(type.isString(host)){host = {host}};
+ ob.streamSettings.httpSettings = {
+ path = outbound.path;
+ host = host;
+ }
+ }
+ elseif( outbound.network == "tcp" ){
+ if( outbound.type == "http" ){
+ ob.streamSettings.tcpSettings = {
+ header = {
+ request={
+ headers=..table.assign({
+ Connection={
+ "keep-alive"
+ };
+ Host=outbound.host;
+ Pragma="no-cache";
+ ["Accept-Encoding"]={
+ "gzip, deflate"
+ };
+ ["User-Agent"]={
+ "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.75 Safari/537.36";
+ "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_0_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/53.0.2785.109 Mobile/14A456 Safari/601.1.46"
+ }
+ },outbound.headers);
+ method = outbound.httpMethod : "GET";
+ path = outbound.path;
+ version="1.1"
+ };
+ type="http";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elseif( outbound.network == "kcp" ){
+ ob.streamSettings.kcpSettings = {
+ congestion = outbound.congestion;
+ seed = outbound.seed;
+ mtu = outbound.mtu;
+ tti = outbound.tti;
+ uplinkCapacity = outbound.uplinkCapacity;
+ downlinkCapacity = outbound.downlinkCapacity;
+ readBufferSize = outbound.readBufferSize;
+ writeBufferSize = outbound.writeBufferSize;
+ header = {
+ type = outbound.type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elseif( outbound.network == "quic" ){
+ ob.streamSettings.kcpSettings = {
+ key = outbound.key;
+ security = outbound.security ? outbound.security : "none";
+ header = {
+ type = outbound.type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ..table.assign(proxyOutboundInCore,ob);
+ }
+ elseif(outbound.protocol=="vmess"){
+ if(!#outbound.security) outbound.security = "auto";
+ var ob = {
+ mux = (outbound.concurrency !== null) ? {
+ concurrency=outbound.concurrency;
+ enabled=outbound.concurrency ? ( outbound.concurrency > 0)
+ } : {
+ concurrency=8;
+ enabled=true
+ };
+ protocol="vmess";
+ settings={
+ vnext={
+ {
+ address=outbound.address;
+ level=outbound.level : null;
+ port=tonumber(outbound.port);
+ users={
+ {
+ alterId=tonumber(outbound.alterId) : 0;
+ email=outbound.email : "t@t.tt";
+ id=outbound.id;
+ security=outbound.security;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ streamSettings={
+ network=outbound.network : "tcp";
+ security=#outbound.tls ? outbound.tls : null;
+ tlsSettings = #outbound.tls ? {
+ allowInsecure = !!outbound.allowInsecure;
+ serverName = outbound.sni;
+ } : null
+ };
+ tag="proxy"
+ };
+ if( outbound.network == "ws" ){
+ ob.streamSettings.wsSettings = {
+ path = outbound.path;
+ headers = outbound.headers;
+ }
+ if( outbound.host ) {
+ if(!ob.streamSettings.wsSettings.headers){
+ ob.streamSettings.wsSettings.headers = {}
+ }
+ ob.streamSettings.wsSettings.headers.Host = outbound.host;
+ }
+ }
+ elseif( (outbound.network == "http") || (outbound.network == "h2") ){
+ var host = outbound.host;
+ if(type.isString(host)){host = {host}};
+ ob.streamSettings.httpSettings = {
+ path = outbound.path;
+ host = host;
+ }
+ }
+ elseif( outbound.network == "tcp" ){
+ if( outbound.type == "http" ){
+ ob.streamSettings.tcpSettings = {
+ header = {
+ request={
+ headers=..table.assign({
+ Connection={
+ "keep-alive"
+ };
+ Host=outbound.host;
+ Pragma="no-cache";
+ ["Accept-Encoding"]={
+ "gzip, deflate"
+ };
+ ["User-Agent"]={
+ "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.75 Safari/537.36";
+ "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_0_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/53.0.2785.109 Mobile/14A456 Safari/601.1.46"
+ }
+ },outbound.headers);
+ method=outbound.httpMethod : "GET";
+ path = outbound.path;
+ version="1.1"
+ };
+ type="http";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elseif( outbound.network == "kcp" ){
+ ob.streamSettings.kcpSettings = {
+ congestion = outbound.congestion;
+ seed = outbound.seed;
+ mtu = outbound.mtu;
+ tti = outbound.tti;
+ uplinkCapacity = outbound.uplinkCapacity;
+ downlinkCapacity = outbound.downlinkCapacity;
+ readBufferSize = outbound.readBufferSize;
+ writeBufferSize = outbound.writeBufferSize;
+ header = {
+ type = outbound.type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elseif( outbound.network == "quic" ){
+ ob.streamSettings.kcpSettings = {
+ key = outbound.key;
+ security = outbound.security ? outbound.security : "none";
+ header = {
+ type = outbound.type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ..table.assign(proxyOutboundInCore,ob);
+ }
+ elseif(outbound.protocol=="trojan" || outbound.protocol=="trojan-go"){
+ outbound.tls = #outbound.tls ? outbound.tls : "tls";
+ var ob = {
+ mux = (outbound.concurrency !== null) ? {
+ concurrency=outbound.concurrency;
+ enabled=outbound.concurrency ? ( outbound.concurrency > 0)
+ } : {
+ concurrency=-1;
+ enabled=false
+ };
+ protocol="trojan";
+ settings={
+ servers={
+ {
+ address=outbound.address;
+ email=outbound.email;
+ password=outbound.id;
+ port=outbound.port;
+ level=outbound.level : 0;
+ encryption=outbound.security;
+ flow=outbound.flow : (outbound.tls == "xtls" ? "xtls-rprx-direct" : null);
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ streamSettings={
+ network = outbound.network : "tcp";
+ security = #outbound.tls ? outbound.tls : "tls";
+ tlsSettings = (outbound.tls === "tls") ? {
+ allowInsecure = !!outbound.allowInsecure;
+ serverName = outbound.sni;
+ } : null
+ };
+ tag="proxy"
+ };
+ if( outbound.network == "ws" ){
+ ob.streamSettings.wsSettings = {
+ path = outbound.path;
+ headers = outbound.headers;
+ }
+ if( outbound.host ) {
+ if(!ob.streamSettings.wsSettings.headers){
+ ob.streamSettings.wsSettings.headers = {}
+ }
+ ob.streamSettings.wsSettings.headers.Host = outbound.host;
+ }
+ }
+ ..table.assign(proxyOutboundInCore,ob);
+ }
+ elseif(outbound.protocol=="shadowsocks"){
+ var ob = {
+ mux = (outbound.concurrency !== null) ? {
+ concurrency=outbound.concurrency;
+ enabled=outbound.concurrency ? ( outbound.concurrency > 0)
+ } : {
+ concurrency=-1;
+ enabled=false
+ };
+ protocol="shadowsocks";
+ settings={
+ servers={
+ {
+ address=outbound.address;
+ level=outbound.level : 0;
+ method=outbound.security;
+ ota=!!outbound.ota;
+ password=outbound.id;
+ port=outbound.port;
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ streamSettings={
+ network = outbound.network : "tcp";
+ };
+ tag="proxy"
+ };
+ ..table.assign(proxyOutboundInCore,ob);
+ }
+ elseif(outbound.protocol=="socks"){
+ var ob = {
+ mux = (outbound.concurrency !== null) ? {
+ concurrency=outbound.concurrency;
+ enabled=outbound.concurrency ? ( outbound.concurrency > 0)
+ } : {
+ concurrency=-1;
+ enabled=false
+ };
+ protocol="socks";
+ settings={
+ servers={
+ {
+ address=outbound.address;
+ port=outbound.port;
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ streamSettings={
+ network = outbound.network : "tcp";
+ };
+ tag="proxy"
+ };
+ if(#outbound.id){
+ var user,password = ..string.match(outbound.id,"([^\:]+)\:(.+)");
+ if(user && password){
+ ob.settings.servers[1].users = {
+ user = user;
+ password = password;
+ level = outbound.level : 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ ob.settings.servers[1].users = {
+ user = outbound.id;
+ level = outbound.level : 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ..table.assign(proxyOutboundInCore,ob);
+ }
+ elseif(outbound.protocol=="https" || outbound.protocol=="http"){
+ var ob = {
+ protocol="http";
+ settings={
+ servers={
+ {
+ address=outbound.address;
+ port=outbound.port;
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ streamSettings={
+ security = outbound.protocol=="https" ? "tls" : "none";
+ tlsSettings = (outbound.protocol=="https") ? {
+ allowInsecure = !!outbound.allowInsecure;
+ } : null;
+ };
+ tag="proxy"
+ };
+ if(#outbound.id){
+ var user,password = ..string.match(outbound.id,"([^\:]+)\:(.+)");
+ if(user && password){
+ ob.settings.servers[1].users = {
+ user = user;
+ password = password;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ ob.settings.servers[1].users = {
+ user = outbound.id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ..table.assign(proxyOutboundInCore,ob);
+ }
+ ..string.save(jsonPath,..web.json.stringify(currentCore) );
+ return jsonPath;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/v2ray/core/naive.aardio b/lib/v2ray/core/naive.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a461b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/v2ray/core/naive.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+//naive 内核进程(NaïveProxy)
+import fsys;
+import wsock.tcp.server;
+import process.popen;
+import config;
+namespace v2ray.core.naive;
+var prcsNaive;
+import process.job.limitKill;
+restart = function(editor,outbound,naiveSocksPort){
+ if(prcsNaive){
+ prcsNaive.terminate();
+ prcsNaive = null;
+ }
+ var corePath = getPath(editor.hwnd);
+ if(!corePath){ return false,"启动失败,未找到 naive.exe"; }
+ var extraHeaders=null;
+ if(outbound.headers){
+ extraHeaders = ..web.joinHeaders(outbound.headers);
+ if(extraHeaders){
+ extraHeaders = "--extra-headers=" + extraHeaders;
+ }
+ }
+ var urlInfo = {
+ host = outbound.address;
+ port = outbound.port;
+ scheme = outbound.network;
+ }
+ if(outbound.id){
+ var u,p = ..string.match(outbound.id,"([^\:]+)\:([^\:]+)")
+ if(u && p){
+ urlInfo.user = u;
+ urlInfo.password = p;
+ }
+ else {
+ urlInfo.user = outbound.id;
+ }
+ }
+ var err;
+ prcsNaive,err = ..process.popen(corePath
+ ,corePath //必须补上这个参数
+ ,"--listen=socks://"+naiveSocksPort
+ ,"--proxy="+ ..inet.url.stringify(urlInfo)
+ ,extraHeaders
+ );
+ if(!prcsNaive){
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print",err:"启动 NaïveProxy Core 时遇到未知错误!");
+ return;
+ }
+ else{
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print","NaïveProxy Core 已启动,端口:" + naiveSocksPort);
+ }
+ prcsNaive.assignToJobObject(process.job.limitKill);
+ prcsNaive.codepage = 65001;
+ prcsNaive.logResponse(editor);
+ return true;
+stop = function(){
+ if(prcsNaive){
+ prcsNaive.terminate();
+ prcsNaive = null;
+ }
+var getNaiveCoreUrl = function(){
+ var msgDlg = ..win.dlg.message(..mainForm);
+ var form = msgDlg.create('正在获取 NaïveProxy 最新版本',,true)
+ form.icon = '\uF1D8';
+ form.progress.startProgress(50);
+ var url,versionTag = ..win.invoke(function(){
+ import process;
+ import inet.http;
+ var http = ..inet.http();
+ var url = http.location("https://github.com/klzgrad/naiveproxy/releases/latest");
+ http.close();
+ if(!url)return;
+ var tag = ..string.match(url,"[^/]+$")
+ if(!tag || (tag=="latest")) return;
+ return "https://github.com/klzgrad/naiveproxy/releases/download/"
+ + tag + "/naiveproxy-"+tag+"-win-" + (..process().isWow64() ? "x64" : "x86") + ".zip",tag
+ });
+ form.close();
+ return url,versionTag;
+downloadCore = function(){
+ ..mainForm.disabled = true;
+ var url,versionTag = getNaiveCoreUrl();
+ var coreDir = getCoreDir();
+ if(!url) {
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print","请下载 NaïveProxy 解压到以下目录内:");
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print",coreDir);
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = true;
+ return null;
+ }
+ import zlib.httpFile;
+ if( ..zlib.httpFile.download(url,"正在下载 NaïveProxy "
+ ,..io.appData("/winXray/download/naive")
+ ,coreDir,,..mainForm.hwnd) ){
+ ..fsys.enum( coreDir, "naive.exe",
+ function(dir,filename,fullpath,findData){
+ if(filename){
+ ..fsys.copy(fullpath,..io.joinpath(coreDir, "naive.exe") )
+ ..fsys.delete( ..fsys.getParentDir(fullpath) )
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = null;
+ return ..io.exist(..io.joinpath(coreDir,"naive.exe"));
+ }
+ else {
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = true;
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print","请到以下网址下载 NaïveProxy:");
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print",url);
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print","下载后请解压到以下目录内:");
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print",coreDir);
+ }
+getPath = function(hwnd){
+ var path = ..io.fullpath("/v2ray-core/naive-core/naive.exe");
+ if(..io.exist(path)){
+ return path;
+ }
+ var path = ..io.appData("/winXray/naive-core/naive.exe");
+ if(..io.exist(path)){
+ return path;
+ }
+ if(self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed){
+ return;
+ }
+ return downloadCore();
+getCoreDir = function(hwnd){
+ var path = ..io.fullpath("/v2ray-core/naive-core/naive.exe");
+ if(..io.exist(path)){
+ return ..io.fullpath("/v2ray-core/naive-core/");
+ }
+ var path = ..io.appData("/winXray/naive-core/naive.exe");
+ if(..io.exist(path)){
+ return ..io.appData("/winXray/naive-core/");;;
+ }
+ var path = ..io.fullpath("/v2ray-core/v2ray.exe");
+ if(..io.exist(path)){
+ return ..io.fullpath("/v2ray-core/naive-core/");
+ }
+ var path = ..io.appData("/winXray/core/v2ray.exe");
+ if(..io.exist(path)){
+ return ..io.appData("/winXray/naive-core/");
+ }
+ var path = ..io.fullpath("/v2ray-core/");
+ if(..io.exist(path)){
+ return ..io.fullpath("/v2ray-core/naive-core/");
+ }
+ return ..io.appData("/winXray/naive-core/");
+updateCore = function(){
+ ..mainForm.disabled = true;
+ var coreDir = getCoreDir();
+ var url,versionTag = getNaiveCoreUrl();
+ if(!url){
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = true;
+ return null;
+ }
+ import fsys;
+ fsys.delete(..io.appData("/v2ray/temp/naive/"))
+ import zlib.httpFile;
+ if( ..zlib.httpFile.download(url,"正在下载 NaïveProxy,版本:" + versionTag
+ ,..io.appData("/winXray/download/naive/")
+ ,..io.appData("/winXray/temp/naive/"),,..mainForm.hwnd) ){
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ var naivePath;
+ fsys.enum( ..io.appData("/winXray/temp/naive/"), "naive.exe",
+ function(dir,filename,fullpath,findData){
+ if(filename){
+ naivePath = fullpath;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ if(naivePath){
+ import sysProxy;
+ sysProxy.reset(false);
+ import process.file;
+ process.file.terminate(..io.joinpath(coreDir,"naive.exe"));
+ ..io.createDir(coreDir);
+ fsys.copy(naivePath,..io.joinpath(coreDir,"naive.exe"));
+ return versionTag;
+ }
+ else {
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = true;
+ }
+restart(.(editor,outbound) = 重启启动 NaïveProxy 服务进程
+lastDownloadingCoreFailed = 上次下载 Core 是否失败,如果希望重新下载请重新赋值为 null
+end intellisense**/
diff --git a/lib/v2ray/core/rules.aardio b/lib/v2ray/core/rules.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02dbfa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/v2ray/core/rules.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+//rules 路由规则
+import v2ray.core;
+namespace v2ray.core.rules;
+var getRulesUrl = function(){
+ var msgDlg = ..win.dlg.message(..mainForm);
+ var form = msgDlg.create('正在获取路由规则最新版本',,true)
+ form.icon = '\uF1D8';
+ form.progress.startProgress(50);
+ var url,tag = ..win.invoke(function(){
+ import process;
+ import inet.http;
+ var http = ..inet.http();
+ var url = http.location("https://github.com/Loyalsoldier/v2ray-rules-dat/releases/latest");
+ http.close();
+ if(!url) return;
+ var tag = ..string.match(url,"[^/]+$")
+ if(!tag || (tag=="latest")) return;;
+ return "https://github.com/Loyalsoldier/v2ray-rules-dat/releases/download/"
+ + tag + "/rules.zip",tag
+ });
+ form.close();
+ return url,tag;
+update = function(){
+ ..mainForm.disabled = true;
+ var coreDir = ..v2ray.core.getCoreDir();
+ var url,versionTag = getRulesUrl();
+ if(!url){
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ return null;
+ }
+ import fsys;
+ fsys.delete( ..io.appData("/winXray/temp/rules/") );
+ import zlib.httpFile;
+ if( ..zlib.httpFile.download(url,"正在下载最新路由规则,版本:" + versionTag
+ ,..io.appData("/winXray/download/")
+ ,..io.appData("/winXray/temp/rules/"),,..mainForm.hwnd) ){
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ if(..io.exist(..io.appData("/winXray/temp/rules/geoip.dat"))){
+ ..io.createDir(coreDir);
+ fsys.copy(..io.appData("/winXray/temp/rules/*.*"),coreDir);
+ return versionTag;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ }
+check = function(){
+ var coreDir = ..v2ray.core.getCoreDir();
+ if(!..io.exist( ..io.joinpath(coreDir,"geoip.dat") ) ) return update();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/v2ray/core/ssr.aardio b/lib/v2ray/core/ssr.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..281b882
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/v2ray/core/ssr.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+//ssr 内核进程(SSR)
+import wsock.tcp.server;
+import v2ray.core.ssrJson;
+import process.popen;
+import config;
+namespace v2ray.core.ssr;
+var prcsSsr;
+import process.job.limitKill;
+restart = function(editor,outbound,ssrSocksPort){
+ if(prcsSsr){
+ prcsSsr.terminate();
+ prcsSsr = null;
+ }
+ var corePath = getPath(editor.hwnd);
+ if(!corePath){ return false,"启动失败,未找到 ssr-client.exe"; }
+ import v2ray.core.ssrJson;
+ var jsonPath,err = ..v2ray.core.ssrJson.write(
+ ..io.joinpath(..io.splitpath(corePath).dir,"config.json")
+ ,outbound,ssrSocksPort);
+ if(!jsonPath){
+ return false,err:"启动失败,写入 SSR 配置文件遇到错误!";
+ }
+ var err;
+ prcsSsr,err = ..process.popen(corePath," -c=config.json" );
+ if(!prcsSsr){
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print",err:"启动 SSR Core 时遇到未知错误!");
+ return;
+ }
+ else{
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print","SSR Core 已启动,端口:" + ssrSocksPort);
+ }
+ prcsSsr.assignToJobObject(process.job.limitKill);
+ prcsSsr.codepage = 65001;
+ prcsSsr.logResponse(editor);
+ return true;
+stop = function(){
+ if(prcsSsr){
+ prcsSsr.terminate();
+ prcsSsr = null;
+ }
+var getSsrCoreUrl = function(){
+ var msgDlg = ..win.dlg.message(..mainForm);
+ var form = msgDlg.create('正在获取SSR Core(ShadowsocksR-native)最新版本',,true)
+ form.icon = '\uF1D8';
+ form.progress.startProgress(50);
+ var url,versionTag = ..win.invoke(function(){
+ import process;
+ import inet.http;
+ var http = ..inet.http();
+ var url = http.location("https://github.com/ShadowsocksR-Live/shadowsocksr-native/releases/latest");
+ http.close();
+ if(!url)return;
+ var tag = ..string.match(url,"[^/]+$")
+ if(!tag || (tag=="latest")) return;
+ return "https://github.com/ShadowsocksR-Live/shadowsocksr-native/releases/download/"
+ + tag + "/ssr-native-windows-" + (..process().isWow64() ? "x64" : "x86") + ".zip",tag
+ });
+ form.close();
+ return url,versionTag;
+downloadCore = function(){
+ ..mainForm.disabled = true;
+ var url,versionTag = getSsrCoreUrl();
+ var coreDir = getCoreDir();
+ if(!url) {
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print","请下载 SSR Core(ShadowsocksR-native)解压到以下目录内:");
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print",coreDir);
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = true;
+ return null;
+ }
+ import zlib.httpFile;
+ if( ..zlib.httpFile.download(url,"正在下载 SSR Core(ShadowsocksR-native)"
+ ,..io.appData("/winXray/download/ssr")
+ ,coreDir,,..mainForm.hwnd) ){
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = null;
+ return ..io.exist(..io.joinpath(coreDir,"ssr-client.exe"));
+ }
+ else {
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = true;
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print","请到以下网址下载 SSR Core:");
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print",url);
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print","下载后请解压到以下目录内:");
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print",coreDir);
+ }
+getPath = function(hwnd){
+ var path = ..io.fullpath("/v2ray-core/ssr-core/ssr-client.exe");
+ if(..io.exist(path)){
+ return path;
+ }
+ var path = ..io.appData("/winXray/ssr-core/ssr-client.exe");
+ if(..io.exist(path)){
+ return path;
+ }
+ if(self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed){
+ return;
+ }
+ return downloadCore();
+getCoreDir = function(hwnd){
+ var path = ..io.fullpath("/v2ray-core/ssr-core/ssr-client.exe");
+ if(..io.exist(path)){
+ return ..io.fullpath("/v2ray-core/ssr-core/");
+ }
+ var path = ..io.appData("/winXray/ssr-core/ssr-client.exe");
+ if(..io.exist(path)){
+ return ..io.appData("/winXray/ssr-core/");;;
+ }
+ var path = ..io.fullpath("/v2ray-core/v2ray.exe");
+ if(..io.exist(path)){
+ return ..io.fullpath("/v2ray-core/ssr-core/");
+ }
+ var path = ..io.appData("/winXray/core/v2ray.exe");
+ if(..io.exist(path)){
+ return ..io.appData("/winXray/ssr-core/");
+ }
+ var path = ..io.fullpath("/v2ray-core/");
+ if(..io.exist(path)){
+ return ..io.fullpath("/v2ray-core/ssr-core/");
+ }
+ return ..io.appData("/winXray/ssr-core/");
+updateCore = function(){
+ ..mainForm.disabled = true;
+ var coreDir = getCoreDir();
+ var url,versionTag = getSsrCoreUrl();
+ if(!url){
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = true;
+ return null;
+ }
+ import fsys;
+ fsys.delete(..io.appData("/v2ray/temp/ssr/"))
+ import zlib.httpFile;
+ if( ..zlib.httpFile.download(url,"正在下载 SSR Core(ShadowsocksR-native),版本:" + versionTag
+ ,..io.appData("/winXray/download/ssr/")
+ ,..io.appData("/winXray/temp/ssr/"),,..mainForm.hwnd) ){
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ if(..io.exist(..io.appData("/winXray/temp/ssr/ssr-client.exe"))){
+ import sysProxy;
+ sysProxy.reset(false);
+ import process.file;
+ process.file.terminate(..io.joinpath(coreDir,"ssr-client.exe"));
+ ..io.createDir(coreDir);
+ fsys.copy(..io.appData("/winXray/temp/ssr/*.*"),coreDir);
+ return versionTag;
+ }
+ else {
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = true;
+ }
+restart(.(editor,outbound) = 重启启动 SSR 服务进程
+lastDownloadingCoreFailed = 上次下载 Core 是否失败,如果希望重新下载请重新赋值为 null
+end intellisense**/
diff --git a/lib/v2ray/core/ssrJson.aardio b/lib/v2ray/core/ssrJson.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b76ccc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/v2ray/core/ssrJson.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+//ssrJson 内核配置(SSR)
+import web.json;
+namespace v2ray.core.ssrJson;
+write = function(jsonPath,outbound,ssrSocksPort){
+ if(!outbound){ return; }
+ if(type(outbound.port) != type.number){
+ outbound.port = tonumber(outbound.port);
+ }
+ var current = {
+ client_settings = {
+ listen_address = "";
+ listen_port = ssrSocksPort;
+ server = outbound.address;
+ server_port = outbound.port
+ };
+ connect_timeout = 6;
+ idle_timeout = 300;
+ method = outbound.security;
+ obfs = outbound.obfs : "plain";
+ obfs_param = outbound.obfsParam:"";
+ over_tls_settings = {
+ enable = outbound.tls == "tls";
+ path = outbound.path: "/abcd1234/";
+ server_domain = outbound.sni : "";
+ };
+ password = outbound.id;
+ protocol = outbound.network : "origin";
+ protocol_param = outbound.networkParam:"";
+ udp= outbound.udp === null? true : outbound.udp;
+ udp_timeout=6
+ }
+ ..string.save(jsonPath,..web.json.stringify(current) );
+ return jsonPath;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/v2ray/core/xray.aardio b/lib/v2ray/core/xray.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a12b09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/v2ray/core/xray.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+//xray 内核
+import v2ray.core;
+namespace v2ray.core.xray;
+var getXrayCoreUrl = function(){
+ var msgDlg = ..win.dlg.message(..mainForm);
+ var form = msgDlg.create('正在获取 XRay Core 最新版本',,true)
+ form.icon = '\uF1D8';
+ form.progress.startProgress(50);
+ var url,tag = ..win.invoke(function(){
+ import process;
+ import inet.http;
+ var http = ..inet.http();
+ var url = http.location("https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/latest");
+ http.close();
+ if(!url) return;
+ var tag = ..string.match(url,"[^/]+$")
+ if(!tag || (tag=="latest")) return;;
+ return "https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/download/"
+ + tag + "/Xray-windows-" + (..process().isWow64() ? "64" : "32") + ".zip",tag
+ });
+ form.close();
+ return url,tag;
+updateCore = function(){
+ ..mainForm.disabled = true;
+ var coreDir = ..v2ray.core.getCoreDir();
+ var url,versionTag = getXrayCoreUrl();
+ if(!url){
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = true;
+ return null;
+ }
+ import fsys;
+ fsys.delete( ..io.appData("/winXray/temp/xray/") );
+ import zlib.httpFile;
+ if( ..zlib.httpFile.download(url,"正在下载 Xray Core,版本:" + versionTag
+ ,..io.appData("/winXray/download/")
+ ,..io.appData("/winXray/temp/xray/"),,..mainForm.hwnd) ){
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ if(..io.exist(..io.appData("/winXray/temp/xray/xray.exe"))){
+ import sysProxy;
+ sysProxy.reset(false);
+ import process.file;
+ process.file.terminate(..io.joinpath(coreDir,"v2ray.exe"));
+ process.file.terminate(..io.joinpath(coreDir,"v2ctl.exe"));
+ fsys.delete(..io.joinpath(coreDir,"v2ctl.exe"));
+ ..io.createDir(coreDir);
+ fsys.copy(..io.appData("/winXray/temp/xray/xray.exe"),..io.joinpath(coreDir,"v2ray.exe"));
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = null;
+ return versionTag;
+ }
+ else {
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ..mainForm.disabled = false;
+ self.lastDownloadingCoreFailed = true;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/v2ray/github.aardio b/lib/v2ray/github.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f94965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/v2ray/github.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+//github 代理设置
+import v2ray.core;
+import process.popen;
+namespace v2ray.github;
+setProxy = function(enableProxy){
+ if(enableProxy===null){
+ enableProxy = (..config.proxy.mode === "pac") || (..config.proxy.mode === "proxy")
+ if(!..config.proxy.enableGitConfigGithub){
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ var socksPort = ..v2ray.core.socksProxyPort;
+ if(!socksPort && enableProxy) return;
+ var git;
+ if(enableProxy){
+ git = ..process.popen("git config --global http.https://github.com.proxy socks5://" + socksPort)
+ var path = ..io.getSpecial(0x28/*_CSIDL_PROFILE*/,".ssh/config")
+ var str = ..string.load(path):"";
+ if(..string.find(str,"Host\s+github.com" ) ){
+ if(!..string.find(str,"Host\s+github.com\s+ProxyCommand\s+connect\s+\-S\s+127\.0\.0\.1\:\d+ \-a none \%h \%p" )){
+ str = ..string.replace(str,"Host\s+github.com",'Host github.com\r\n ProxyCommand connect -S' + socksPort + ' -a none %h %p')
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ str = str + '\r\n\r\nHost github.com\r\n ProxyCommand connect -S' + socksPort + ' -a none %h %p'
+ }
+ ..string.save(path,str)
+ }
+ else {
+ git = ..process.popen("git config --global --unset http.https://github.com.proxy")
+ var path = ..io.getSpecial(0x28/*_CSIDL_PROFILE*/,".ssh/config")
+ var str = ..string.load(path):"";
+ if(..string.find(str,"Host\s+github.com" ) ){
+ if(..string.find(str,"Host\s+github.com\s+ProxyCommand\s+connect\s+\-S\s+127\.0\.0\.1\:\d+ \-a none \%h \%p" )){
+ str = ..string.replace(str,"Host\s+github.com\s+ProxyCommand\s+connect\s+\-S\s+127\.0\.0\.1\:\d+ \-a none \%h \%p",'Host github.com')
+ ..string.save(path,str)
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/v2ray/outbounds.aardio b/lib/v2ray/outbounds.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..032b56e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/v2ray/outbounds.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,1148 @@
+//outbounds 出站代理
+import web.json;
+import inet.url;
+import win.clip;
+import crypt;
+import crypt.bin;
+namespace v2ray.outbounds;
+exportSharedLinks = function(outbounds){
+ var outString = {};
+ for i,outbound in ..table.eachIndex(outbounds){
+ if(outbound.protocol == "vmess"){
+ var json = ..web.json.stringify({
+ v = 2;
+ add = outbound.address;
+ aid = outbound.alterId;
+ id = outbound.id;
+ port = outbound.port;
+ net = outbound.network;
+ type = outbound.type;
+ path = outbound.path;
+ host = outbound.host;
+ tls = outbound.tls;
+ ps = outbound.ps;
+ })
+ var vmess = "vmess://" + ..crypt.encodeBin(json);
+ ..table.push(outString,vmess);
+ }
+ elseif(outbound.protocol == "shadowsocks"){
+ var ss = "ss://" + ..crypt.encodeBin( outbound.security + ":" + outbound.id + "@" + outbound.address + ":" + outbound.port) + "#" + outbound.address + ":" + outbound.port;
+ ..table.push(outString,ss);
+ }
+ elseif(outbound.protocol == "socks"){
+ var ss;
+ if(outbound.id) ss = outbound.protocol + "://" + ..inet.url.encode(outbound.id) + "@" + outbound.address + ":" + outbound.port;
+ else ss = outbound.protocol + "://" + outbound.address + ":" + outbound.port;
+ ..table.push(outString,ss);
+ }
+ elseif(outbound.protocol == "ssr" ){
+ var ssrUrl = outbound.address + ":" + outbound.port
+ + ":" + (outbound.network:"origin")+ ":" + (outbound.security:"")+ ":" + (outbound.obfs:"plain")
+ + ":" + ..crypt.bin.encodeUrlBase64(outbound.id:"");
+ var info = {};
+ if(#outbound.ps)info.remarks = ..crypt.bin.encodeUrlBase64(outbound.ps);
+ if(#outbound.obfsParam)info.obfsparam = ..crypt.bin.encodeUrlBase64(outbound.obfsParam);
+ if(#outbound.networkParam)info.protoparam = ..crypt.bin.encodeUrlBase64(outbound.networkParam);
+ if(#outbound.path)info.ot_path = ..crypt.bin.encodeUrlBase64(outbound.path);
+ if(#outbound.sni)info.ot_domain = ..crypt.bin.encodeUrlBase64(outbound.sni);
+ if(outbound.tls=="tls"){ info.ot_enable = "1"; }
+ if(..table.count(info)){
+ ssrUrl = ssrUrl +"/?"+ ..inet.url.stringifyParameters(info)
+ }
+ ..table.push(outString,outbound.protocol + "://" + ..crypt.encodeBin(ssrUrl) );
+ }
+ elseif(outbound.protocol == "trojan" || outbound.protocol == "trojan-go"){
+ var trojan;
+ if(outbound.id) trojan = outbound.protocol + "://" + ..inet.url.encode(outbound.id) + "@" + outbound.address + ":" + outbound.port;
+ else trojan = outbound.protocol + "://" + outbound.address + ":" + outbound.port;
+ var info = {};
+ if(outbound.network!="tcp") info.type = outbound.network;
+ if(outbound.sni){ info.sni = outbound.sni;}
+ info.host = outbound.host;
+ info.path = outbound.path;
+ if(..table.count(info)){
+ trojan = ..inet.url.appendExtraInfo(trojan,info)
+ }
+ if(outbound.ps){
+ trojan = trojan + "#" + ..inet.url.encode(outbound.ps);
+ }
+ ..table.push(outString,trojan);
+ }
+ elseif(outbound.protocol == "vless"){
+ var vless;
+ if(outbound.id) vless = "vless://" + ..inet.url.encode(outbound.id) + "@" + outbound.address + ":" + outbound.port;
+ else vless = "vless://" + outbound.address + ":" + outbound.port;
+ var info = {};
+ if(outbound.network!="tcp") info.type = outbound.network ;
+ if(outbound.security!="none") info.encryption = outbound.security;
+ if(outbound.tls) info.security = outbound.tls;
+ if(outbound.flow) info.flow = outbound.flow;
+ if(outbound.allowInsecure) info.allowInsecure = outbound.allowInsecure;
+ if(outbound.alpn) info.alpn = outbound.alpn;
+ if(outbound.disableSessionResumption) info.disableSessionResumption = outbound.disableSessionResumption;
+ if(outbound.sni){ info.sni = outbound.sni;}
+ info.host = outbound.host;
+ info.path = outbound.path;
+ info.seed = info.seed;
+ info.key = info.key;
+ info.headerType = info.type;
+ if(..table.count(info)){
+ vless = ..inet.url.appendExtraInfo(vless,info)
+ }
+ if(outbound.ps){
+ vless = vless + "#" + ..inet.url.encode(outbound.ps);
+ }
+ ..table.push(outString,vless);
+ }
+ elseif(outbound.protocol == "naive"){
+ var urlInfo = {
+ host = outbound.address;
+ port = outbound.port;
+ scheme = "naive+"+outbound.network;
+ location = outbound.ps;
+ }
+ if(outbound.headers){
+ urlInfo.extraInfo ={
+ ["extra-headers"] = outbound.headers
+ }
+ }
+ if(outbound.id){
+ var u,p = ..string.match(outbound.id,"([^\:]+)\:([^\:]+)")
+ if(u && p){
+ urlInfo.user = u;
+ urlInfo.password = p;
+ }
+ else {
+ urlInfo.user = outbound.id;
+ }
+ }
+ ..table.push(outString,..inet.url.stringify(urlInfo));
+ }
+ elseif((outbound.protocol == "https") || (outbound.protocol == "http")){
+ var urlInfo = {
+ host = outbound.address;
+ port = outbound.port;
+ scheme = "proxy";
+ location = outbound.ps;
+ }
+ if(outbound.protocol == "http"){
+ urlInfo.extraInfo ={
+ ["tls"] = "none"
+ }
+ }
+ elseif(outbound.allowInsecure){
+ urlInfo.extraInfo ={
+ ["allowInsecure"] = 1
+ }
+ }
+ if(outbound.id){
+ var u,p = ..string.match(outbound.id,"([^\:]+)\:([^\:]+)")
+ if(u && p){
+ urlInfo.user = u;
+ urlInfo.password = p;
+ }
+ else {
+ urlInfo.user = outbound.id;
+ }
+ }
+ ..table.push(outString,..inet.url.stringify(urlInfo));
+ }
+ }
+ return ..string.join(outString,'\r\n');
+var _subscriptionResponseCache = {
+ @{_weak="kv"}
+importFromString = function(str,subscribeUrl){
+ if(!str){ return; }
+ str = ..string.trim(str);
+ var jsonData;
+ if(..string.match(str,"%\[\]") || (
+ ..string.match(str,"%\{\}") && !..string.match(str,"%\{\}.+%\{\}")
+ ) ){
+ if(subscribeUrl){
+ var crc32 = ..string.crc32(str);
+ _subscriptionResponseCache[subscribeUrl] = crc32;
+ }
+ jsonData = ..web.json.tryParse(str);
+ }
+ if( ..table.isArray(jsonData) ){
+ for(i=#jsonData;1;-1){
+ if( !validOutbound(jsonData[i]) ) {
+ ..table.remove(jsonData,i);
+ }
+ if(subscribeUrl)jsonData[i].subscribeUrl = subscribeUrl;
+ }
+ return jsonData;
+ }
+ elseif( type(jsonData) == type.table ){
+ if( jsonData[["servers"]] ){
+ var servers = jsonData[["servers"]]
+ var outbounds = ..table.array();
+ for i,v in ..table.eachIndex(servers){
+ var outbound = ..table.assign(,v);
+ if(outbound.protocol === null){
+ outbound.protocol = (outbound.server_port&&outbound.password) ? "shadowsocks":"vless"
+ }
+ if(outbound.remarks){
+ outbound.ps = outbound.remarks;
+ outbound.remarks = null;
+ }
+ if(outbound.server){
+ outbound.address = outbound.server;
+ outbound.server = null;
+ }
+ if(outbound.server_port){
+ outbound.port = outbound.server_port;
+ outbound.server_port = null;
+ }
+ if(outbound.password){
+ if(outbound.id){
+ outbound.serverId = outbound.id;
+ }
+ outbound.id = outbound.password;
+ outbound.password = null;
+ }
+ if(outbound.method){
+ outbound.security = outbound.method;
+ outbound.method = null;
+ }
+ if(subscribeUrl)outbound.subscribeUrl = subscribeUrl;
+ ..table.push(outbounds,outbound);
+ }
+ return outbounds;
+ }
+ else {
+ if( validOutbound(jsonData) ) {
+ if(subscribeUrl)jsonData.subscribeUrl = subscribeUrl;
+ return {jsonData};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( ..string.startWith(str,"http://")
+ || ..string.startWith(str,"https://")
+ || ..string.match(str,"^\s*/\N+\s*$") ){
+ import win.dlg.message;
+ var msgDlg = win.dlg.message(..mainForm);
+ var title = '正在获取订阅源 ... ';
+ var cfgSubscribeUrls = ..config.proxy.subscribeUrls;
+ for(i=#cfgSubscribeUrls;1;-1){
+ var sub = cfgSubscribeUrls[i]
+ if( (sub.url === str) ){
+ if(#sub.ps) title = '正在获取订阅源: ' + sub.ps;
+ ..config.proxy.save();
+ }
+ }
+ var form = msgDlg.create(title,,true)
+ form.progress.startProgress(50);
+ subscribeUrl = str;
+ if(..string.match(subscribeUrl,"^\s*/\N+\s*$") ){
+ if(!..string.find(subscribeUrl,"/|")){
+ subscribeUrl = ..inet.url.append("https://raw.githubusercontent.com",subscribeUrl);
+ }
+ else {
+ subscribeUrl = ..inet.url.append("https://github.com",subscribeUrl);
+ }
+ }
+ str = ..win.invoke(
+ function(subscribeUrl){
+ import inet.http;
+ import web.rest.github;
+ if( string.indexOf(subscribeUrl,"github.com")
+ || string.indexOf(subscribeUrl,"raw.githubusercontent.com")
+ ){
+ var ret = web.rest.github.getContent(subscribeUrl)
+ if(ret) return ret;
+ }
+ return inet.http().get(subscribeUrl);
+ },subscribeUrl
+ )
+ form.close();
+ if(!str){
+ return;
+ }
+ var existIndex;
+ var cfgSubscribeUrls = ..config.proxy.subscribeUrls : ..table.array();
+ for(i=#cfgSubscribeUrls;1;-1){
+ var sub = cfgSubscribeUrls[i]
+ if(sub.url==subscribeUrl){
+ sub.checked="启用";
+ existIndex=i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!existIndex){
+ var tUrl = ..inet.url.split(subscribeUrl);
+ ..table.push(cfgSubscribeUrls,{url=subscribeUrl;ps=tUrl ? tUrl.host : "";checked="启用"})
+ ..publish("uiCommand.subscriptionNew",cfgSubscribeUrls[#cfgSubscribeUrls]);
+ }
+ else{
+ ..publish("uiCommand.subscriptionNew",cfgSubscribeUrls[existIndex],existIndex);
+ }
+ ..config.proxy.subscribeUrls = cfgSubscribeUrls;
+ ..config.proxy.save();
+ var jsonData;
+ if(..string.match(str,"%\[\]") || ..string.match(str,"%\{\}")){
+ jsonData = ..web.json.tryParse(str);
+ }
+ if( type(jsonData) === type.table ){
+ return importFromString(str,subscribeUrl);
+ }
+ }
+ if(subscribeUrl){
+ var crc32 = ..string.crc32(str);
+ _subscriptionResponseCache[subscribeUrl] = crc32;
+ }
+ if(..string.match(str,"^\s*[\w=+/-_]+\s*$")){
+ str = ..crypt.decodeBin(str);
+ if(!str) return;
+ }
+ var outbounds = ..table.array();
+ for(line in ..string.lines(str) ){
+ if(#outbounds>=1500){
+ import win.dlg.message;
+ var msgDlg = win.dlg.message(..mainForm);
+ var form = msgDlg.warn("导入的节点数目过多,已导入1500个节点并中止操作!")
+ return outbounds;
+ }
+ if(line[1]=='/'# && line[2]=='/'#){
+ continue;
+ }
+ var vmess2 = ..string.match(line,`vmess\:\/\/[^\@\s]+\@[^\?\#\s\:]+<\:\d+>*\S*`);
+ if( vmess2 ) {
+ var vmessUrl = ..inet.url.split(vmess2)
+ if(vmessUrl.user && vmessUrl.host && vmessUrl.port){
+ var outbound = {
+ address = vmessUrl.host;
+ port = tonumber(vmessUrl.port) : 443;
+ id = vmessUrl.user;
+ network = "tcp";
+ protocol = "vmess";
+ tls = "tls";
+ };
+ if(vmessUrl.extraInfo){
+ var info = ..inet.url.splitParameters(vmessUrl.extraInfo);
+ outbound.sni = info.sni;
+ outbound.host = info.host;
+ outbound.path = info.path;
+ outbound.security = info.encryption;
+ outbound.seed = info.seed;
+ outbound.key = info.key;
+ outbound.network = info.type;
+ outbound.type = info.headerType; //kcp || quic
+ if(info.security) outbound.tls = info.security;
+ if(info.flow) outbound.flow = info.flow;
+ if(info.allowInsecure!==null) {
+ outbound.allowInsecure = (info.allowInsecure!=="0" ||info.allowInsecure!=="false" )
+ }
+ if(info.disableSessionResumption) outbound.disableSessionResumption = info.disableSessionResumption;
+ if(info.alpn) outbound.alpn = info.alpn;
+ }
+ if(vmessUrl.location){
+ outbound.ps = ..inet.url.decode(vmessUrl.location);
+ }
+ outbound.subscribeUrl = subscribeUrl;
+ ..table.push(outbounds,outbound);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ var vmess = ..string.match(line,`vmess\:\/\/([\w=+/-_]+)`);
+ if( vmess ) {
+ var json = ..crypt.decodeBin(vmess);
+ var outbound = ..web.json.tryParse(json);
+ if(type(outbound)=="table"){
+ ..table.clear(outbound@._defined);
+ outbound.protocol = "vmess";
+ outbound.address = outbound.add;
+ outbound.alterId = tonumber(outbound.aid);
+ outbound.security = "auto";
+ outbound.network = outbound.net : "tcp";
+ outbound.net = null;
+ outbound.add = null;
+ outbound.aid = null;
+ outbound.v = null;
+ outbound.subscribeUrl = subscribeUrl;
+ if(outbound.ps){
+ var u,h,p = ..string.match(outbound.ps,"(.+)\@(.+)\:(\d+)")
+ if(u&&h&&p){
+ if(h && ..string.endWith(h,"jamjams.net") && subscribeUrl && ..string.match(subscribeUrl,"justmysocks\d+\.net")){
+ if(..string.match(outbound.address,"^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$") ){
+ outbound.address = h;
+ }
+ }
+ outbound.ps = h;
+ }
+ }
+ ..table.push(outbounds,outbound);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ var vless = ..string.match(line,`vless\:\/\/\S+`);
+ if( vless ) {
+ var vlessUrl = ..inet.url.split(vless)
+ if(vlessUrl.user && vlessUrl.host && vlessUrl.port){
+ var outbound = {
+ address = vlessUrl.host;
+ port = tonumber(vlessUrl.port) : 443;
+ id = vlessUrl.user;
+ network = "tcp";
+ protocol = "vless";
+ tls = "tls";
+ };
+ if(vlessUrl.extraInfo){
+ var info = ..inet.url.splitParameters(vlessUrl.extraInfo);
+ outbound.sni = info.sni;
+ outbound.host = info.host;
+ outbound.path = info.path;
+ outbound.security = info.encryption;
+ outbound.seed = info.seed;
+ outbound.key = info.key;
+ outbound.network = info.type;
+ outbound.type = info.headerType; //kcp || quic
+ if(info.security) outbound.tls = info.security;
+ if(info.flow) outbound.flow = info.flow;
+ if(info.allowInsecure!==null) {
+ outbound.allowInsecure = (info.allowInsecure!=="0" ||info.allowInsecure!=="false" )
+ }
+ if(info.disableSessionResumption) outbound.disableSessionResumption = info.disableSessionResumption;
+ if(info.alpn) outbound.alpn = info.alpn;
+ }
+ if(vlessUrl.location){
+ outbound.ps = ..inet.url.decode(vlessUrl.location);
+ }
+ outbound.subscribeUrl = subscribeUrl;
+ ..table.push(outbounds,outbound);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ var ss,comment = ..string.match(line,`ss\:\/\/([^\s\#]+)(<#\S+>?)`);
+ if( ss ) {
+ var userinfo,address,port = ..string.match(ss,"^([^:]+)\@(.+)\:(\d+)")
+ if(!(userinfo&&address&&port)){
+ var str = ..crypt.bin.decodeUrlBase64(ss);
+ if(str){ ss = str; }
+ method,password,address,port = ..string.match(ss,"^(.+)\:(.+)\@(.+)\:(\d+)")
+ }
+ else {
+ userinfo = ..crypt.bin.decodeUrlBase64(userinfo);
+ if(userinfo){
+ method,password = ..string.match(userinfo,"^(.+)\:(.+)$")
+ }
+ }
+ if(address && password && port){
+ var outbound = {
+ address = address;
+ port = tonumber(port);
+ security = method;
+ id = password;
+ network = "tcp";
+ protocol = "shadowsocks"
+ };
+ if(comment){
+ comment = ..string.right(comment,-2);
+ comment = ..inet.url.decode(comment);
+ var u,h,p = ..string.match(comment,"(.+)\@(.+)\:(\d+)")
+ if(u&&h&&p){
+ if(h && ..string.endWith(h,"jamjams.net") && subscribeUrl && ..string.match(subscribeUrl,"justmysocks\d+\.net")){
+ if(..string.match(outbound.address,"^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$") ){
+ outbound.address = h;
+ }
+ }
+ comment = h;
+ }
+ outbound.ps = comment;
+ }
+ outbound.subscribeUrl = subscribeUrl;
+ ..table.push(outbounds,outbound);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ var trojan = ..string.match(line,`trojan\:\/\/\S+`);
+ if( trojan ) {
+ var trojanUrl = ..inet.url.split(trojan)
+ if(trojanUrl.user && trojanUrl.host){
+ var outbound = {
+ address = trojanUrl.host;
+ port = tonumber(trojanUrl.port) : 443;
+ id = trojanUrl.user;
+ network = "tcp";
+ protocol = "trojan"
+ };
+ if(trojanUrl.extraInfo){
+ var info = ..inet.url.splitParameters(trojanUrl.extraInfo);
+ outbound.sni = info.sni || info.peer;
+ outbound.host = info.host;
+ outbound.path = info.path;
+ if(info.type && info.type!=="original"){
+ outbound.network = info.type;
+ if(outbound.network=="h2"){
+ outbound.network="http"
+ }
+ }
+ outbound.security = info.encryption;
+ }
+ if(trojanUrl.location){
+ outbound.ps = ..inet.url.decode(trojanUrl.location);
+ }
+ outbound.subscribeUrl = subscribeUrl;
+ ..table.push(outbounds,outbound);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ var trojan = ..string.match(line,`trojan-go\:\/\/\S+`);
+ if( trojan ) {
+ var trojanUrl = ..inet.url.split(trojan)
+ if(trojanUrl.user && trojanUrl.host){
+ var outbound = {
+ address = trojanUrl.host;
+ port = tonumber(trojanUrl.port) : 443;
+ id = trojanUrl.user;
+ network = "tcp";
+ protocol = "trojan-go"
+ };
+ if(trojanUrl.extraInfo){
+ var info = ..inet.url.splitParameters(trojanUrl.extraInfo);
+ outbound.sni = info.sni || info.peer;
+ outbound.host = info.host;
+ outbound.path = info.path;
+ if(info.allowInsecure!==null) {
+ outbound.allowInsecure = (info.allowInsecure!=="0" ||info.allowInsecure!=="false" )
+ }
+ if(info.type && info.type!=="original"){
+ outbound.network = info.type;
+ if(outbound.network=="h2"){
+ outbound.network="http"
+ }
+ }
+ outbound.security = info.encryption;
+ }
+ if(trojanUrl.location){
+ outbound.ps = ..inet.url.decode(trojanUrl.location);
+ }
+ outbound.subscribeUrl = subscribeUrl;
+ ..table.push(outbounds,outbound);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ var ssrBase64 = ..string.match(line,`ssr\:\/\/([\w=+/-_]+)`);
+ if( ssrBase64 ) {
+ var ssrUrl = ..crypt.bin.decodeUrlBase64(ssrBase64);
+ if(ssrUrl){
+ var ssrInfo,ssrParam = ..string.match(ssrUrl,"(.+)\/\?(.+)")
+ var info = ..string.split(ssrInfo:ssrUrl,':');
+ var outbound = {
+ address = info[1];
+ port = info[2];
+ network = info[3];
+ security = info[4];
+ obfs = info[5];
+ protocol = "ssr";
+ }
+ outbound.id = ..crypt.bin.decodeUrlBase64(info[6]:"");
+ if(ssrParam){
+ var params = ..inet.url.splitParameters(ssrParam);
+ if(params){
+ outbound.ps = ..crypt.bin.decodeUrlBase64(params.remarks);
+ outbound.obfsParam = ..crypt.bin.decodeUrlBase64(params.obfsparam);
+ outbound.protoParam = ..crypt.bin.decodeUrlBase64(params.protoparam);
+ if(params.group){
+ //outbound.subscribeGroup = ..crypt.bin.decodeUrlBase64(params.group);
+ }
+ if(params.ot_enable && (params.ot_enable!="0")){ outbound.tls = "tls"; }
+ outbound.path = ..crypt.bin.decodeUrlBase64(params.ot_path);
+ outbound.sni = ..crypt.bin.decodeUrlBase64(params.ot_domain);
+ }
+ }
+ outbound.subscribeUrl = subscribeUrl;
+ if(outbound.address && outbound.port){
+ ..table.push(outbounds,outbound);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var socks = ..string.match(line,`socks\:(\/\/\S+)`);
+ if( socks ) {
+ var socksUrl = ..inet.url.split("socks5:"+socks)
+ if( socksUrl.host && socksUrl.port){
+ var outbound = {
+ address = socksUrl.host;
+ port = tonumber(socksUrl.port);
+ network = "tcp";
+ protocol = "socks"
+ };
+ if(socksUrl.user && socksUrl.password){
+ outbound.id = socksUrl.user +":"+ socksUrl.password
+ }
+ if(socksUrl.location){
+ outbound.ps = ..inet.url.decode(socksUrl.location);
+ }
+ outbound.subscribeUrl = subscribeUrl;
+ ..table.push(outbounds,outbound);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ var proxy = ..string.match(line,`proxy\:\/\/\S+`);
+ if( proxy ) {
+ var proxyUrl = ..inet.url.split(proxy)
+ if( proxyUrl.host && proxyUrl.port){
+ var outbound = {
+ address = proxyUrl.host;
+ port = tonumber(proxyUrl.port);
+ network = "tcp";
+ protocol = "https"
+ };
+ if(proxyUrl.user && proxyUrl.password){
+ outbound.id = proxyUrl.user +":"+ proxyUrl.password
+ }
+ if(proxyUrl.extraInfo){
+ var info = ..inet.url.splitParameters(proxyUrl.extraInfo);
+ if(info.tls==="none") {
+ outbound.protocol = "http";
+ }
+ if(info.allowInsecure){
+ outbound.allowInsecure = (info.allowInsecure!=="0" ||info.allowInsecure!=="false" )
+ }
+ }
+ if(proxyUrl.location){
+ outbound.ps = ..inet.url.decode(proxyUrl.location);
+ }
+ outbound.subscribeUrl = subscribeUrl;
+ ..table.push(outbounds,outbound);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ var naive,naiveNetwork = ..string.match(line,`(naive\+(\w+)\:\/\/\S+)`);
+ if( naive ) {
+ var naiveUrl = ..inet.url.split(naive)
+ if( naiveUrl.host ){
+ var outbound = {
+ address = naiveUrl.host;
+ port = tonumber(naiveUrl.port) : 443;
+ id = naiveUrl.user;
+ network = naiveNetwork;
+ protocol = "naive"
+ };
+ if(naiveUrl.user && naiveUrl.password){
+ outbound.id = naiveUrl.user +":"+ naiveUrl.password
+ }
+ if(naiveUrl.extraInfo){
+ var info = ..inet.url.splitParameters(naiveUrl.extraInfo);
+ if(info["extra-headers"]){
+ outbound.headers = info["extra-headers"];
+ }
+ }
+ if(naiveUrl.location){
+ outbound.ps = ..inet.url.decode(naiveUrl.location);
+ }
+ outbound.subscribeUrl = subscribeUrl;
+ ..table.push(outbounds,outbound);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ var clashJson = ..string.match(line,`^\s*-\s*(%\{\})\s*$`);
+ if( clashJson ) {
+ var outbound = ..web.json.tryParse(clashJson)
+ if(type(outbound)=="table"){
+ if(outbound.type){
+ if(outbound.type=="ssr"){
+ outbound.network = outbound.protocol;
+ outbound.protocol = "ssr";
+ outbound.networkParam = outbound.protocol_param;
+ outbound.protocol_param = null;
+ outbound.sni = outbound.ot_domain;
+ outbound.path = outbound.ot_path;
+ outbound.tls = outbound.ot_enable ? "tls" : null;
+ }
+ if(outbound.type=="ss"){
+ outbound.type = "shadowsocks";
+ outbound.network = "tcp";
+ }
+ outbound.protocol = outbound.type;
+ outbound.type = null;
+ }
+ if( validOutbound(outbound) ){
+ outbound.subscribeUrl = subscribeUrl;
+ ..table.push(outbounds,outbound );
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ var json = ..string.match(line,`^\s*%\{\}\s*$`);
+ if( json ) {
+ var outbound = ..web.json.tryParse(json)
+ if(type(outbound)=="table"){
+ if( validOutbound(outbound) ) ..table.push(outbounds,outbound );
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return outbounds;
+importFromClipboard = function(){
+ var str = ..win.clip.read();
+ if(!str){ return; }
+ str = ..string.trim(str,'"\'\t\r\n ');
+ return importFromString(str);
+validAll = function(outbounds){
+ for(i=#outbounds;1;-1){
+ if(!validOutbound(outbounds[i])){
+ ..table.remove(outbounds,i);
+ }
+ }
+ return outbounds;
+validOutbound = function(outbound){
+ if(type(outbound)!="table"){ return; }
+ outbound.obfsParam = outbound.obfs_param;
+ outbound.obfs_param = null;
+ if(outbound.aid){
+ outbound.alterId = outbound.aid;
+ outbound.aid = null;
+ }
+ if(outbound.add){
+ outbound.address = outbound.add;
+ outbound.add = null;
+ ..table.define(outbound);
+ }
+ if(outbound.net){
+ outbound.network = outbound.net;
+ outbound.net = null;
+ ..table.define(outbound);
+ }
+ if(outbound.peer ){
+ if(#outbound.peer) outbound.sni = outbound.peer;
+ outbound.peer = null;
+ ..table.define(outbound);
+ }
+ if(!outbound.security){
+ if(outbound.method && outbound.method!="none"){
+ outbound.security = outbound.method;
+ }
+ if(outbound.cipher && outbound.cipher!="none" && outbound.cipher!="auto"){
+ outbound.security = outbound.cipher;
+ }
+ outbound.cipher = null;
+ outbound.method = null;
+ }
+ if(!outbound.address){
+ if(outbound.server){
+ outbound.address = outbound.server;
+ outbound.server = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!outbound.ps){
+ if(outbound.remarks){
+ outbound.ps = outbound.remarks;
+ outbound.remarks = null;
+ }
+ elseif(outbound.name){
+ outbound.ps = outbound.name;
+ outbound.name = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!outbound.port){
+ if(outbound.server_port){
+ outbound.port = outbound.server_port;
+ outbound.server_port = null;
+ if(!outbound.protocol && outbound.password){
+ outbound.protocol = "shadowsocks";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ outbound.port=443;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!outbound.protocol){
+ outbound.protocol = "vmess";
+ if(outbound.ps && (..string.find(outbound.ps,"@@vless") || ..string.find(outbound.ps,"@@xtls"))){
+ outbound.protocol = "vless";
+ }
+ }
+ if(!outbound.id){
+ if(outbound.password){
+ outbound.id = outbound.password;
+ outbound.password = null;
+ }
+ if(outbound.uuid){
+ outbound.id = outbound.uuid;
+ outbound.uuid = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if(outbound["skip-cert-verify"]){
+ outbound.allowInsecure = outbound["skip-cert-verify"];
+ outbound["skip-cert-verify"] = null;
+ }
+ if(outbound["ws-path"]){
+ outbound.path = outbound["ws-path"];
+ outbound["ws-path"] = null;
+ }
+ if(outbound["ws-headers"]){
+ outbound.headers = outbound["ws-headers"];
+ outbound["ws-headers"] = null;
+ }
+ if(type(outbound.tls)!="string"){
+ if(outbound.tls) outbound.tls = "tls";
+ else outbound.tls = "";
+ }
+ if(outbound.servername){
+ outbound.host = outbound.servername;
+ outbound.servername = null;
+ }
+ var httpOpts = outbound["http-opts"];
+ if(httpOpts){
+ if(!..table.count(httpOpts)){
+ httpOpts = outbound["h2-opts"] : httpOpts;
+ }
+ if(httpOpts.method){
+ outbound.httpMethod = httpOpts.method;
+ }
+ if(httpOpts.path){
+ outbound.path = httpOpts.path;
+ }
+ if(httpOpts.headers){
+ outbound.headers = httpOpts.headers;
+ }
+ if(httpOpts.host){
+ outbound.host = httpOpts.host;
+ }
+ }
+ if(outbound.headers){
+ var headers = {};
+ for k,v in ..table.eachName(outbound.headers){
+ var k = ..string.replace("HOST","(\a)(\a+)",lambda(a,b) ..string.upper(a) + ..string.lower(b) );
+ headers[k] = v;
+ }
+ outbound.headers = headers;
+ if(outbound.headers.Host){
+ if(outbound.headers.Host==outbound.host){
+ outbound.headers.Host = null;
+ }
+ elseif(!outbound.host){
+ outbound.host = outbound.headers.Host;
+ outbound.headers.Host = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!..table.count(outbound.headers)){
+ outbound.headers = null;
+ }
+ }
+ outbound["http-opts"] = null;
+ outbound["h2-opts"] = null;
+ outbound.country = null;
+ outbound.v = null;
+ ..table.define(outbound);
+ if(outbound.address){
+ return outbound;
+ }
+updateSubscription = function(outbondSubscribeUrlMap){
+ var cfgOutbounds = ..config.proxy.outbounds : ..table.array();
+ if(!outbondSubscribeUrlMap) {
+ outbondSubscribeUrlMap = {}
+ for(i=#cfgOutbounds;1;-1){
+ var outbound = cfgOutbounds[i]
+ if(outbound.subscribeUrl){
+ outbondSubscribeUrlMap[outbound.subscribeUrl] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ var cfgSubscribeUrls = ..config.proxy.subscribeUrls;
+ for(i=#cfgSubscribeUrls;1;-1){
+ var sub = cfgSubscribeUrls[i]
+ if(sub.checked === "启用") {
+ outbondSubscribeUrlMap[sub.url] = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ outbondSubscribeUrlMap[sub.url] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!..table.count(outbondSubscribeUrlMap)){
+ ..mainForm.msgWarn('当前未启用任何订阅源,\n请先复制订阅源网址到剪贴板然后点击「批量导入链接」!');
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ var count = 0;
+ for(url,data in outbondSubscribeUrlMap){
+ var impOutbounds = ..v2ray.outbounds.importFromString(url);
+ if(#impOutbounds){
+ for(i=#cfgOutbounds;1;-1){
+ var outbound = cfgOutbounds[i]
+ if(outbound.subscribeUrl==url){
+ ..table.remove( cfgOutbounds,i );
+ }
+ }
+ ..table.append(cfgOutbounds,impOutbounds);
+ count = count + #impOutbounds;
+ }
+ }
+ ..config.proxy.save();
+ ..publish("outbounds.updateConfigJson");
+ ..publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore",cfgOutbounds)
+ ..mainForm.msgOk("已刷新" + count + "个订阅服务器。",1500);
+ return count;
+autoUpdateSubscription = function(){
+ var outbondSubscribeUrlMap = {}
+ var cfgSubscribeUrls = ..config.proxy.subscribeUrls;
+ for(i=#cfgSubscribeUrls;1;-1){
+ var sub = cfgSubscribeUrls[i]
+ if(!#sub.url){
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(sub.checked === "启用") {
+ outbondSubscribeUrlMap[sub.url] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!..table.count(outbondSubscribeUrlMap)){
+ return;
+ }
+ ..thread.invoke(
+ function(winform,outbondSubscribeUrlMap,responseCache){
+ import inet.http;
+ import web.rest.github;
+ var http = inet.http();
+ for(url,v in outbondSubscribeUrlMap){
+ if( string.indexOf(url,"github.com")
+ || string.indexOf(url,"raw.githubusercontent.com")
+ ){
+ outbondSubscribeUrlMap[url] = web.rest.github.getContent(url)
+ }
+ else{
+ outbondSubscribeUrlMap[url] = http.get(url);
+ }
+ if(!outbondSubscribeUrlMap[url]){
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(responseCache){
+ if(responseCache[url] && responseCache[url]===..string.crc32(outbondSubscribeUrlMap[url])){
+ outbondSubscribeUrlMap[url] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ winform.publish("thread.subscriptionUpdated",outbondSubscribeUrlMap)
+ },..mainForm,outbondSubscribeUrlMap,_subscriptionResponseCache
+ )
+var currentActiveOutbound = ..globalActiveOutbound;
+ currentActiveOutbound = address;
+} )
+ if(currentActiveOutbound){
+ return;
+ }
+ var cfgOutbounds = ..config.proxy.outbounds : ..table.array();
+ var count = 0;
+ for(url,data in outbondSubscribeUrlMap){
+ var impOutbounds = ..v2ray.outbounds.importFromString(data,url);
+ if(#impOutbounds){
+ for(i=#cfgOutbounds;1;-1){
+ var outbound = cfgOutbounds[i]
+ if(outbound.subscribeUrl==url){
+ ..table.remove( cfgOutbounds,i );
+ }
+ }
+ ..table.append(cfgOutbounds,impOutbounds);
+ count = count + #impOutbounds;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!count){
+ return;
+ }
+ ..config.proxy.outbounds = cfgOutbounds;
+ ..config.proxy.save();
+ ..publish("outbounds.updateConfigJson");
+ ..publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore")
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print","已自动刷新" + count + "个订阅服务器。")
+} )
+exportSharedLinks(.(outbounds) = 导出分享链接
+importFromString(.(str,subscribeUrl) = 导入分享链接
+importFromClipboard() = 自剪贴板导入分享链接
+autoUpdateSubscription() = 自动并静默更新订阅源
+updateSubscription() = 更新或自剪贴板导入订阅源\n可选在参数中用一个表自定义要更新的订阅地址,\n参数表中键为url,值为true
+end intellisense**/
diff --git a/lib/v2ray/pacServer.aardio b/lib/v2ray/pacServer.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad61015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/v2ray/pacServer.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+//pacServer 自动代理服务
+import config;
+import wsock.tcp.simpleHttpServer;
+import inet.http;
+import inet.url;
+namespace v2ray.pacServer;
+$serverMain = ..wsock.tcp.simpleHttpServer.mainThread(
+ function(response,request,session){
+ if(request.path=="/proxy.pac"){
+ var pacData = ..string.load(pacPath);
+ var proxPorts = inboundPort.get();
+ if(!proxPorts[["socksProxy"]]){
+ response.errorStatus(404);
+ return;
+ }
+ var reps = ..string.replace(pacData,"var\s+proxy\s+=\s+%''","var proxy = 'SOCKS5 "+ request.environ.SERVER_NAME +":"+proxPorts.socksProxy
+ +";SOCKS "+ request.environ.SERVER_NAME +":"+proxPorts.socksProxy
+ +";PROXY "+ request.environ.SERVER_NAME +":"+proxPorts.httpProxy +"'");
+ var useHttp = useHttpProxy.get();
+ if(!useHttp){
+ var ua = request.headers["user-agent"];
+ if( ua && ..string.find(ua,"WinHttp-Autoproxy-Service/")){
+ useHttp = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(useHttp){
+ reps = ..string.replace(pacData,"var\s+proxy\s+=\s+%''","var proxy = 'PROXY "+ request.environ.SERVER_NAME +":"+proxPorts.httpProxy +"'");
+ }
+ response.contentType = "application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig";
+ response.write(reps);
+ }
+ }
+$serverMain.threadNum = 50;
+var pacPath = ..io.appData("/winXray/pac.txt");
+resetPac = function(){
+ ..string.save(pacPath,$"/pac.txt" )
+if( ! ..io.exist(pacPath) ){
+ resetPac();
+loadPacText = function(){
+ return ..io.exist(pacPath) ? ..string.load(pacPath) || $"/pac.txt";
+savePacText = function(json){
+ var str = ..string.replace($"/pac.txt","var\s+rules\s*=\s*%\[\]","var rules = " + json);
+ ..string.save(pacPath,str );
+var inboundPort = ..thread.var();
+var useHttpProxy = ..thread.var();
+restart = function(){
+ useHttpProxy.set(!..config.proxy.useSocksPac);
+ $serverMain.threadGlobal = {
+ inboundPort = inboundPort;
+ pacPath = pacPath;
+ useHttpProxy = useHttpProxy;
+ }
+ var pacPort = ..config.proxy.pacPort;
+ if( (! pacPort) || pacPort >= 49152 ){ pacPort = ..wsock.tcp.server.getFreePort("",1083,10803,10813,44823) }
+ var currentIp,currentPort = $serverMain.getLocalIp();
+ if(currentIp!==..config.core.default.inbounds[[1]][["listen"]]
+ || currentPort != pacPort ){
+ $serverMain.stop();
+ var ok,err = $serverMain.start(
+ ..config.core.default.inbounds[[1]][["listen"]] : "",pacPort );
+ if(!ok){
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print","启动PAC服务器失败",err)
+ return false,err;
+ }
+ ..publish("uiCommand.print","PAC服务器已启动",getUrl())
+ ..publish("pacServer.restarted",pacPort);
+ }
+ return true;
+stop = function(){
+ if($serverMain){
+ $serverMain.stop();
+ }
+updateUseHttpProxy = function(httpProxy){
+ useHttpProxy.set(httpProxy);
+updateConfig = function(socksProxyPort,httpProxyPort){
+ if(socksProxyPort && httpProxyPort){
+ inboundPort.set( {socksProxy=socksProxyPort;httpProxy=httpProxyPort} );
+ }
+ updateConfig(socksProxyPort,httpProxyPort);
+} )
+getUrl = function(localIp){
+ var url = $serverMain.getUrl("/proxy.pac?" + ..time.tick() )
+ if(!url){ return }
+ var tUrl = ..inet.url.split(url);
+ if(!localIp){
+ tUrl.host = ""
+ }
+ else {
+ tUrl.host = ..wsock.tcp.client.getLocalIp("www.baidu.com");
+ }
+ return tostring(tUrl);
+getPort = function(){
+ var ip,port = $serverMain.getLocalIp();
+ return port;
+stop() = 停止PAC服务器
+restart() = 重启PAC服务器
+getUrl(.(localIp) = 返回PAC服务地址
+getPort() = 返回PAC端口
+updateConfig(.(socksProxyPort,httpProxPort) = 更新代理端口或PAC数据
+resetPac() = 重置为默认PAC
+end intellisense**/
diff --git a/main.aardio b/main.aardio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..522c488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.aardio
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+ loadcodex("\forms\main\tools\github.aardio");
+ return;
+ loadcodex("\forms\main\tools\uwpExemption.aardio");
+ return;
+ import fsys.wow64;
+ import process;
+ import console;
+ console.open();
+ var prcs;
+ fsys.wow64.disableRedirection(
+ function(){
+ var dest,port = string.match(_ARGV.sshInstall,"(.+)\:(\d+)");
+ if(dest&&port){
+ _ARGV.sshInstall = "-p" + port +" " + dest;
+ }
+ prcs = process("ssh","-t " +_ARGV.sshInstall + ` "echo -e '安装完成以后,您可以一次性复制所有服务器账号配置 - 然后在 winXray 主界面点击\e[1;31m「批量导入链接」\e[0m即可,winXray将逐行识别有效的服务器分享链接或通用JSON配置,并忽略无效的行。如果 CentOS 8安装失败 - 可尝试更换为 CentOS 7 并重新安装。\n';firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp;firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=443/tcp;firewall-cmd --reload;iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT;iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT;wget -P /root -N --no-check-certificate ""https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/master/install.sh"" && chmod 700 /root/install.sh && /root/install.sh"`)
+ if(!prcs){
+ if(_WIN10_LATER){
+ import process.control;
+ process.control("ms-settings:optionalfeatures");
+ console.log("请检查是否指定了正确的SSH端口,或尝试重新安装 OpenSSH.Client");
+ }
+ else {
+ console.log("此功能仅支持 Windows 10 系统");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ import process.job.limitKill;
+ prcs.assignToJobObject(process.job.limitKill);
+ prcs.wait();
+ }
+ console.pause();
+ }
+ )
+ return;
+ import fsys.wow64;
+ import process;
+ import console;
+ console.open();
+ var prcs;
+ fsys.wow64.disableRedirection(
+ function(){
+ var dest,port = string.match(_ARGV.sshLogin,"(.+)\:(\d+)");
+ if(dest&&port){
+ _ARGV.sshLogin = "-p" + port +" " + dest;
+ }
+ prcs = process("ssh","-t " +_ARGV.sshLogin + ``)
+ if(!prcs){
+ if(_WIN10_LATER){
+ import process.control;
+ process.control("ms-settings:optionalfeatures");
+ console.log("请检查是否指定了正确的SSH端口,或尝试重新安装 OpenSSH.Client");
+ }
+ else {
+ console.log("此功能仅支持 Windows 10 系统");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ import process.job.limitKill;
+ prcs.assignToJobObject(process.job.limitKill);
+ prcs.wait();
+ }
+ console.pause();
+ }
+ )
+ return;
+ import fsys.wow64;
+ import process;
+ import console;
+ console.open();
+ var prcs;
+ fsys.wow64.disableRedirection(
+ function(){
+ var sshKeyPath = io.getSpecial(0x28/*_CSIDL_PROFILE*/,"/.ssh/id_rsa.pub") ;
+ var keyData = string.load(sshKeyPath);
+ if(!keyData){
+ var prcs = process.popen("ssh-keygen",` -t rsa -f "`+io.getSpecial(0x28/*_CSIDL_PROFILE*/,"/.ssh/id_rsa")+`" -y`);
+ keyData = prcs? prcs.read(-1);
+ }
+ if(!keyData){
+ if(_WIN10_LATER){
+ import process.control;
+ process.control("ms-settings:optionalfeatures");
+ console.log("请检查是否指定了正确的SSH端口,或尝试重新安装 OpenSSH.Client");
+ }
+ else {
+ console.log("此功能仅支持 Windows 10 系统");
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ var dest,port = string.match(_ARGV.sshInstallKey,"(.+)\:(\d+)");
+ if(dest&&port){
+ _ARGV.sshInstallKey = "-p" + port +" " + dest;
+ }
+ prcs = process("ssh","-t " +_ARGV.sshInstallKey + ` "mkdir -p ~/.ssh;chmod 700 ~/.ssh;chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys;echo '`+keyData+`' > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"`)
+ if(!prcs){
+ if(_WIN10_LATER){
+ import process.control;
+ process.control("ms-settings:optionalfeatures");
+ console.log("请检查是否指定了正确的SSH端口,或尝试重新安装 OpenSSH.Client");
+ }
+ else {
+ console.log("此功能仅支持 Windows 10 系统");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ import process.job.limitKill;
+ prcs.assignToJobObject(process.job.limitKill);
+ prcs.wait();
+ }
+ }
+ console.pause();
+ }
+ )
+ return;
+ import time.ntp;
+ time.ntp.updateSystemTime();
+ return;
+else {
+ /*
+ import process;
+ import fsys.update.#simpleMain;
+ if( fsys.update.simpleMain(
+ "winXray(V2Ray/V2Ray、Shadowsocks、Trojan通用客户端 )",
+ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/win-xray/win-xray/master/release/update/version.txt",
+ ..io.appData("/winXray/update"),
+ function(version,description,status){}
+ ,,false)){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ */
+import fonts.fontAwesome;
+import win.ui;
+mainForm = win.form(text="winXray";right=1019;bottom=679;bgcolor=15793151;border="none")
+caption={cls="bkplus";text="WinXray 3.8";left=67;top=9;right=727;bottom=27;align="left";color=6052956;dl=1;dt=1;font=LOGFONT(h=-14);z=7};
+import win.ui.atom;
+var atom,hwnd = mainForm.atom("DFA5667E-1D8C-49C0-8918-C6FEC2DECCF8");
+ win.showForeground(hwnd);
+ win.quitMessage();
+ return;
+import win.ui.simpleWindow;
+win.ui.simpleWindow( mainForm );
+import win.dlg.message;
+import win.ui.tabs;
+var tbs = win.ui.tabs(
+ mainForm.navStart,
+ mainForm.navJsonConfig,
+ mainForm.navTools
+ background={
+ active=0xFFFFFFFF;
+ default=0x00FFFFFF;
+ hover=0x38FFFFFF
+ };
+ color={
+ default=0xFFFFFFFF;
+ };
+ checked={
+ background={default=0xFFFFFFFF;};
+ color={default=0xff86a543;};
+ }
+tbs.loadForm(1,"\forms\main\v2ray.aardio" );
+tbs.loadForm(2,"\forms\main\config\jsonConfig.aardio" );
+tbs.selIndex = 1;
+import v2ray.core;
+import win.ui.menu;
+mainForm.wndproc = {
+ [0xACCF/*_WM_TRAYMESSAGE*/ ] = function(hwnd,message,wParam,lParam){
+ if( lParam = 0x205/*_WM_RBUTTONUP*/ ){
+ win.setForeground(mainForm.hwnd)
+ mainForm.popmenu = win.ui.popmenu(mainForm);
+ mainForm.popmenu.add('自动切换到最快的服务器',function(id){
+ publish("uiCommand.restartV2RayCore",)
+ });
+ mainForm.popmenu.add('立即更新所有订阅源',function(id){
+ v2ray.outbounds.updateSubscription();
+ });
+ mainForm.popmenu.add();
+ import v2ray.core;
+ var id = mainForm.popmenu.add('不使用代理',function(id){
+ sysProxy.switch("direct");
+ });
+ mainForm.popmenu.check(id,config.proxy.mode=="direct",0/*_MF_BYCOMMAND*/);
+ var id = mainForm.popmenu.add('使用全局代理',function(id){
+ sysProxy.switch("proxy");
+ });
+ mainForm.popmenu.check(id,config.proxy.mode=="proxy",0/*_MF_BYCOMMAND*/);
+ var id = mainForm.popmenu.add('使用 PAC 自动代理',function(id){
+ sysProxy.switch("pac");
+ });
+ mainForm.popmenu.check(id,config.proxy.mode=="pac",0/*_MF_BYCOMMAND*/);
+ mainForm.popmenu.add();
+ mainForm.popmenu.add('编辑 PAC 配置',function(id){
+ publish("uiCommand.showPacForm");
+ });
+ if(_WIN10_LATER){
+ mainForm.popmenu.add('UWP 应用代理配置',function(id){
+ mainForm.msgErr("请先发布为 EXE!");
+ return;
+ }
+ import process;
+ process.execute(io._exepath,"/uwp","runas")
+ });
+ }
+ mainForm.popmenu.add();
+ if(_WIN10_LATER){
+ mainForm.popmenu.add('打开系统代理设置',function(id){
+ import process.control;
+ process.control("ms-settings:network-proxy")
+ });
+ mainForm.popmenu.add('打开 Internet 代理选项',function(id){
+ import process.control;
+ process.control("inetcpl.cpl",,4);
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ mainForm.popmenu.add('打开系统代理设置',function(id){
+ import process.control;
+ process.control("inetcpl.cpl",,4);
+ });
+ }
+ mainForm.popmenu.add('打开网卡连接',function(id){
+ import process;
+ process.explore("shell:::{7007ACC7-3202-11D1-AAD2-00805FC1270E}");
+ });
+ mainForm.popmenu.add();
+ mainForm.popmenu.add('获取 winXray 最新源代码',function(id){
+ import process;
+ process.openUrl("https://www.github.com/win-xray/win-xray")
+ });
+ import chrome.path;
+ var chromePath = chrome.path();
+ if(chromePath && v2ray.core.socksProxyPort){
+ mainForm.popmenu.add('使用 SOCKS5 代理打开浏览器',function(id){
+ import process
+ process.execute(chromePath,` --proxy-server="SOCKS5://`+v2ray.core.socksProxyPort
+ +`" --user-data-dir="` +io.appData("winXray/chrome-socks5")+ `" https://www.google.com`);
+ });
+ }
+ mainForm.popmenu.add();
+ mainForm.popmenu.add('退出',function(id){
+ mainForm.onClose = null;
+ mainForm.close()
+ });
+ var pt = ::POINT();
+ ::User32.GetCursorPos(pt);
+ mainForm.popmenu.popup(pt.x,pt.y,true)
+ }
+ elseif( lParam = 0x203/*_WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK*/) {
+ if(win.isIconic(mainForm.hwnd)){
+ mainForm.show(9/*_SW_RESTORE*/);
+ }
+ else {
+ mainForm.show();
+ }
+ win.setForeground(mainForm.hwnd);
+ }
+ }
+mainForm.onDestroy = function(){
+ mainForm.tray.delete();
+import win.util.tray;
+mainForm.onClose = function(hwnd,message,wParam,lParam){
+ if(!mainForm.tray){
+ mainForm.tray = win.util.tray(mainForm);
+ }
+ else {
+ mainForm.tray.reset();
+ }
+ mainForm.show(false);
+ return true;
+mainForm.tray = win.util.tray(mainForm)
+ mainForm.show();
+import win.image;
+var trayIcons = {
+ direct = win.image.loadIconFromFile("\forms\ico\app-direct.ico");
+ pac = win.image.loadIconFromFile("\forms\ico\app-pac.ico");
+ proxy = _HAPPICON
+ mainForm.tray.icon = trayIcons[config.proxy.mode] ;
+ if(#config.proxy.hotkey){
+ if(mainForm.hkProxyId){
+ mainForm.unreghotkey(mainForm.hkProxyId)
+ mainForm.hkProxyId = null;
+ }
+ mainForm.hkProxyId = mainForm.reghotkey( function(id,mod,vk){
+ import sysProxy;
+ var mode = sysProxy.switchHotkey();
+ var dlg = win.dlg.message(win.getForeground())
+ dlg.ok(mode=="pac"?"已切换到 PAC 代理模式":"已切换到全局代理模式",1200);
+ },config.proxy.hotkey[1],config.proxy.hotkey[2])
+ }
+} )
+return win.loopMessage();
diff --git a/pac.txt b/pac.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a63f623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pac.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5694 @@
+ * genpac 2.1.0 https://github.com/JinnLynn/genpac
+ * GFWList Last-Modified: 2020-10-21 00:11:38
+ */
+var proxy = 'SOCKS5';
+var rules = [
+ [
+ [
+ "aftygh.gov.tw",
+ "aide.gov.tw",
+ "aliyun.com",
+ "arte.gov.tw",
+ "baidu.com",
+ "chinaso.com",
+ "chinaz.com",
+ "chukuang.gov.tw",
+ "cycab.gov.tw",
+ "dbnsa.gov.tw",
+ "df.gov.tw",
+ "eastcoast-nsa.gov.tw",
+ "erv-nsa.gov.tw",
+ "gravatar.com",
+ "grb.gov.tw",
+ "haosou.com",
+ "haygo.com",
+ "hchcc.gov.tw",
+ "hsinchu-cc.gov.tw",
+ "iner.gov.tw",
+ "ip.cn",
+ "jike.com",
+ "jpush.cn",
+ "klsio.gov.tw",
+ "kmseh.gov.tw",
+ "locql.com",
+ "lungtanhr.gov.tw",
+ "maolin-nsa.gov.tw",
+ "matsu-news.gov.tw",
+ "matsu-nsa.gov.tw",
+ "matsucc.gov.tw",
+ "moe.gov.tw",
+ "nankan.gov.tw",
+ "ncree.gov.tw",
+ "necoast-nsa.gov.tw",
+ "ner.gov.tw",
+ "nmmba.gov.tw",
+ "nmp.gov.tw",
+ "nmvttc.gov.tw",
+ "northguan-nsa.gov.tw",
+ "npm.gov.tw",
+ "nstm.gov.tw",
+ "ntdmh.gov.tw",
+ "ntl.gov.tw",
+ "ntsec.gov.tw",
+ "ntuh.gov.tw",
+ "nvri.gov.tw",
+ "nyc.gov.tw",
+ "penghu-nsa.gov.tw",
+ "post.gov.tw",
+ "qq.com",
+ "simplecd.me",
+ "sina.cn",
+ "sina.com.cn",
+ "siraya-nsa.gov.tw",
+ "sl-reverse.com",
+ "so.com",
+ "sogou.com",
+ "soso.com",
+ "stdtime.gov.tw",
+ "sunmoonlake.gov.tw",
+ "syniumsoftware.com",
+ "taitung-house.gov.tw",
+ "taoyuan.gov.tw",
+ "tphcc.gov.tw",
+ "trimt-nsa.gov.tw",
+ "uluai.com.cn",
+ "vghks.gov.tw",
+ "vghtc.gov.tw",
+ "vghtpe.gov.tw",
+ "wallproxy.com.cn",
+ "wanfang.gov.tw",
+ "weibo.com",
+ "yahoo.cn",
+ "yatsen.gov.tw",
+ "yda.gov.tw",
+ "youdao.com",
+ "zhongsou.com"
+ ],
+ [
+ "realtimesupport.clients6.google.com",
+ "apis.google.com",
+ "fonts.gstatic.com",
+ "play.google.com",
+ "ssl.gstatic.com",
+ "csi.gstatic.com",
+ "khmdb.google.com",
+ "www.google-analytics.com",
+ "www.gstatic.com",
+ "support.google.com",
+ "mw2.google.com",
+ "mw1.google.com",
+ "kh.google.com",
+ "geoauth.google.com",
+ "maps.google.com",
+ "030buy.com",
+ "0rz.tw",
+ "1-apple.com.tw",
+ "10.tt",
+ "1000giri.net",
+ "100ke.org",
+ "10conditionsoflove.com",
+ "10musume.com",
+ "123rf.com",
+ "12bet.com",
+ "12vpn.com",
+ "12vpn.net",
+ "138.com",
+ "141hongkong.com",
+ "141jj.com",
+ "141tube.com",
+ "1688.com.au",
+ "173ng.com",
+ "177pic.info",
+ "17t17p.com",
+ "18board.com",
+ "18board.info",
+ "18onlygirls.com",
+ "18p2p.com",
+ "18virginsex.com",
+ "1949er.org",
+ "1984.city",
+ "1984bbs.com",
+ "1984bbs.org",
+ "1991way.com",
+ "1998cdp.org",
+ "1bao.org",
+ "1dumb.com",
+ "1e100.net",
+ "1eew.com",
+ "1mobile.com",
+ "1mobile.tw",
+ "1pondo.tv",
+ "2-hand.info",
+ "2000fun.com",
+ "2008xianzhang.info",
+ "2017.hk",
+ "21andy.com",
+ "21join.com",
+ "21pron.com",
+ "21sextury.com",
+ "228.net.tw",
+ "233abc.com",
+ "24hrs.ca",
+ "24smile.org",
+ "25u.com",
+ "2lipstube.com",
+ "2shared.com",
+ "2waky.com",
+ "3-a.net",
+ "30boxes.com",
+ "315lz.com",
+ "32red.com",
+ "36rain.com",
+ "3a5a.com",
+ "3arabtv.com",
+ "3boys2girls.com",
+ "3d-game.com",
+ "3proxy.ru",
+ "3ren.ca",
+ "3tui.net",
+ "43110.cf",
+ "466453.com",
+ "4bluestones.biz",
+ "4chan.com",
+ "4dq.com",
+ "4everproxy.com",
+ "4irc.com",
+ "4mydomain.com",
+ "4pu.com",
+ "4rbtv.com",
+ "4shared.com",
+ "4sqi.net",
+ "50webs.com",
+ "51.ca",
+ "51jav.org",
+ "51luoben.com",
+ "5278.cc",
+ "5299.tv",
+ "5aimiku.com",
+ "5i01.com",
+ "5isotoi5.org",
+ "5maodang.com",
+ "63i.com",
+ "64museum.org",
+ "64tianwang.com",
+ "64wiki.com",
+ "66.ca",
+ "666kb.com",
+ "6park.com",
+ "6parker.com",
+ "6parknews.com",
+ "7capture.com",
+ "7cow.com",
+ "8-d.com",
+ "85cc.net",
+ "85cc.us",
+ "85st.com",
+ "881903.com",
+ "888.com",
+ "888poker.com",
+ "89-64.org",
+ "8news.com.tw",
+ "8z1.net",
+ "9001700.com",
+ "908taiwan.org",
+ "91porn.com",
+ "91vps.club",
+ "92ccav.com",
+ "991.com",
+ "99btgc01.com",
+ "99cn.info",
+ "9bis.com",
+ "9bis.net",
+ "9gag.com",
+ "a-normal-day.com",
+ "aamacau.com",
+ "abc.com",
+ "abc.net.au",
+ "abc.xyz",
+ "abchinese.com",
+ "abclite.net",
+ "abebooks.com",
+ "ablwang.com",
+ "aboluowang.com",
+ "about.google",
+ "aboutgfw.com",
+ "abs.edu",
+ "accim.org",
+ "aceros-de-hispania.com",
+ "acevpn.com",
+ "acg18.me",
+ "acgkj.com",
+ "acgnx.se",
+ "acmedia365.com",
+ "acmetoy.com",
+ "acnw.com.au",
+ "actfortibet.org",
+ "actimes.com.au",
+ "activpn.com",
+ "aculo.us",
+ "adcex.com",
+ "addictedtocoffee.de",
+ "adelaidebbs.com",
+ "admob.com",
+ "adpl.org.hk",
+ "ads-twitter.com",
+ "adsense.com",
+ "adult-sex-games.com",
+ "adultfriendfinder.com",
+ "adultkeep.net",
+ "advanscene.com",
+ "advertfan.com",
+ "ae.org",
+ "aenhancers.com",
+ "aex.com",
+ "af.mil",
+ "afantibbs.com",
+ "agnesb.fr",
+ "agoogleaday.com",
+ "agro.hk",
+ "ai-kan.net",
+ "ai-wen.net",
+ "ai.google",
+ "aiph.net",
+ "airasia.com",
+ "airconsole.com",
+ "aircrack-ng.org",
+ "airvpn.org",
+ "aisex.com",
+ "ait.org.tw",
+ "aiweiwei.com",
+ "aiweiweiblog.com",
+ "ajsands.com",
+ "akademiye.org",
+ "akamai.net",
+ "akamaihd.net",
+ "akamaistream.net",
+ "akamaized.net",
+ "akiba-online.com",
+ "akiba-web.com",
+ "akow.org",
+ "al-islam.com",
+ "al-qimmah.net",
+ "alabout.com",
+ "alanhou.com",
+ "alarab.qa",
+ "alasbarricadas.org",
+ "alexlur.org",
+ "alforattv.net",
+ "alhayat.com",
+ "alicejapan.co.jp",
+ "aliengu.com",
+ "alkasir.com",
+ "all4mom.org",
+ "allcoin.com",
+ "allconnected.co",
+ "alldrawnsex.com",
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+ "xiongpian.com",
+ "xiuren.org",
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+ "yunchao.net",
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+ "yyii.org",
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+ "zaozon.com",
+ "zapto.org",
+ "zattoo.com",
+ "zb.com",
+ "zdnet.com.tw",
+ "zello.com",
+ "zengjinyan.org",
+ "zenmate.com",
+ "zeronet.io",
+ "zeutch.com",
+ "zfreet.com",
+ "zgsddh.com",
+ "zgzcjj.net",
+ "zhanbin.net",
+ "zhangboli.net",
+ "zhangtianliang.com",
+ "zhanlve.org",
+ "zhenghui.org",
+ "zhengjian.org",
+ "zhengwunet.org",
+ "zhenlibu.info",
+ "zhenlibu1984.com",
+ "zhenxiang.biz",
+ "zhinengluyou.com",
+ "zhongguo.ca",
+ "zhongguorenquan.org",
+ "zhongguotese.net",
+ "zhongmeng.org",
+ "zhoushuguang.com",
+ "zhreader.com",
+ "zhuangbi.me",
+ "zhuanxing.cn",
+ "zhuatieba.com",
+ "zhuichaguoji.org",
+ "zi5.me",
+ "ziddu.com",
+ "zillionk.com",
+ "zim.vn",
+ "zinio.com",
+ "ziporn.com",
+ "zippyshare.com",
+ "zkaip.com",
+ "zkiz.com",
+ "zmw.cn",
+ "zodgame.us",
+ "zoho.com",
+ "zomobo.net",
+ "zonaeuropa.com",
+ "zonghexinwen.com",
+ "zonghexinwen.net",
+ "zoogvpn.com",
+ "zootool.com",
+ "zoozle.net",
+ "zorrovpn.com",
+ "zozotown.com",
+ "zpn.im",
+ "zspeeder.me",
+ "zsrhao.com",
+ "zuo.la",
+ "zuobiao.me",
+ "zuola.com",
+ "zvereff.com",
+ "zynaima.com",
+ "zynamics.com",
+ "zyns.com",
+ "zyzc9.com",
+ "zzcartoon.com",
+ "zzcloud.me",
+ "zzux.com",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ ""
+ ]
+ ]
+var lastRule = '';
+function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
+ ret = testHost(host, i);
+ if (ret != undefined)
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return 'DIRECT';
+function testHost(host, index) {
+ if( /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/.test(host) && ( typeof isInNetEx !== "undefined" ) ){
+ for (var i = 0; i < rules[index].length; i++) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < rules[index][i].length; j++) {
+ lastRule = rules[index][i][j];
+ if(host == lastRule || host.endsWith('.' + lastRule) || ( lastRule.indexOf("/") && isInNetEx(host, lastRule) ) ){
+ return i % 2 == 0 ? 'DIRECT' : proxy;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < rules[index].length; i++) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < rules[index][i].length; j++) {
+ lastRule = rules[index][i][j];
+ if (host == lastRule || host.endsWith('.' + lastRule))
+ return i % 2 == 0 ? 'DIRECT' : proxy;
+ }
+ }
+ lastRule = '';
+// REF: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/endsWith
+if (!String.prototype.endsWith) {
+ String.prototype.endsWith = function(searchString, position) {
+ var subjectString = this.toString();
+ if (typeof position !== 'number' || !isFinite(position) || Math.floor(position) !== position || position > subjectString.length) {
+ position = subjectString.length;
+ }
+ position -= searchString.length;
+ var lastIndex = subjectString.indexOf(searchString, position);
+ return lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === position;
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/release/winXray.7z b/release/winXray.7z
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a1139f
Binary files /dev/null and b/release/winXray.7z differ
diff --git a/release/winXray32.7z b/release/winXray32.7z
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ebcf13
Binary files /dev/null and b/release/winXray32.7z differ
diff --git a/screenshots/config.advanced.png b/screenshots/config.advanced.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2149235
Binary files /dev/null and b/screenshots/config.advanced.png differ
diff --git a/screenshots/config.json.png b/screenshots/config.json.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e0dba3
Binary files /dev/null and b/screenshots/config.json.png differ
diff --git a/screenshots/outbound.png b/screenshots/outbound.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4600f43
Binary files /dev/null and b/screenshots/outbound.png differ
diff --git a/screenshots/pac.png b/screenshots/pac.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd670de
Binary files /dev/null and b/screenshots/pac.png differ
diff --git a/screenshots/telegram.gif b/screenshots/telegram.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b99d158
Binary files /dev/null and b/screenshots/telegram.gif differ
diff --git a/screenshots/winXray.png b/screenshots/winXray.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85be3ba
Binary files /dev/null and b/screenshots/winXray.png differ
diff --git a/sub/introduce.md b/sub/introduce.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4e9b62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sub/introduce.md
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# winXray 小技巧
+### 一、批量导入链接技巧
+winXray 可通过【批量导入链接】功能导入以下格式的分享链接、订阅源、或JSON配置:
+ 1、一行或多行(忽略无效行)分享链接或服务器JSON配置。
+ 支持 vmess://,vless://,ss://,ssr://,trojan://, trojan-go://,native+http://,socks://, proxy:// 等通用分享链接。
+ 2、包含多个服务器配置的JSON数组,支持winXray格式以及通用格式JSON。
+ 3、单个 http:// 或 https:// 开头的通用订阅源地址。
+ 可直接使用浏览器地址栏的github文件地址(含blob或raw目录名)。
+ 也可以仅复制单斜杆开始的github文件路径。
+ 订阅源可用BASE64编码或明文返回以上1、2条规定的配置或分享链接。
+[网络免费 vmess 服务器订阅链接](https://proxypool.ga/vmess/sub)
+[网络免费 Shadowsocks 服务器订阅链接](https://proxypool.ga/ss/sub)
+[网络免费 clash 服务器订阅链接](https://proxypoolss.tk/clash/proxies?speed=100&type=vmess,trojan)
+可复制上面各种格式订阅链接,在 winXray 中点击【批量导入链接】体验 winXray 有强大的兼容性。
+支持以下格式的 Github 项目文件地址作为订阅源( 可省略域名并以斜杆开头 ):
+### 二、使用新增、编辑服务器配置的对话框
+winXray 新版已经添加了新增、编辑服务器配置的对话框,请直接在 winXray 首页服务器列表点右键菜单,然后点【新增、编辑代理服务器】即可。
+### 三、使用JSON配置服务器
+JSON配置界面里点击任意字段都会显示该字段的用法说明。个人认为做很多对话框来配置服务器的参数其实是把简单的事搞复杂了,winXray已经把各种代理协议的配置简化为几个统一命名的JSON字段( **也可以作为一种标准的、统一的、通用的订阅响应格式使用** ),只要稍加学习就可以非常熟练的添加、修改各种代理协议的配置。而且对于大多数用户根本不需要改配置 - 简单的复制导入分享链接就可以,我们不必要把简单的事搞复杂。
+### 四、使用 PAC 编辑器
+可以直接复制网址( 不需要去截取域名 ) ,然后打开 PAC 编辑器,这时候 winXray 会自动从剪贴板把域名取出来并且输入好,只要点一下设为代理,然后添加域名就可以了。也可以一次复制多个域名,域名可以任何空白字符(或者换行)分隔,然后点右键菜单,再点批量导入域名即可。
+winXray 里的 PAC 支持 CIDR 格式的 IP 地址段, 使用此功能可以轻松的让 PAC 代理支持 Telegram。
+![使用 PAC 编辑器](./../screenshots/pac.png)
+### 五、Telegram 代理设置
+有很多软件的 PAC 代理不支持 Telegram,但 winXray 的 PAC 代理有良好的兼容性 - 可以完美支持 Telegram IP 地址库( 旧版本升级请在 PAC 编辑器右键添加 Telegram IP 地址库 ) 。
+当然我们也可以直接告诉 Telegram 他要使用的代理服务器地址的操作非常简单,请看下面的动画:
+![Telegram 代理设置](./../screenshots/telegram.gif)
diff --git a/sub/sample.json b/sub/sample.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7ab7e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sub/sample.json
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ {
+ "address":"www.aech.cc",
+ "alterId":64,
+ "host":"",
+ "id":"ef3c6aa0-e5f2-4332-bad8-17c0438dfaa3",
+ "network":"ws",
+ "path":"/ray",
+ "port":443,
+ "protocol":"vmess",
+ "ps":"香港4",
+ "security":"auto",
+ "tls":"tls",
+ "type":"none"
+ },
+ {
+ "address":"",
+ "alterId":64,
+ "host":"www.56626173.xyz",
+ "id":"8fb921c0-564d-4d5a-9b13-384c01820126",
+ "network":"ws",
+ "path":"/footers",
+ "port":443,
+ "protocol":"vmess",
+ "ps":"美国4",
+ "security":"auto",
+ "tls":"tls",
+ "type":"none"
+ },
+ {
+ "address":"",
+ "alterId":2,
+ "host":"freeus.mcan.tech",
+ "id":"9e6ceeff-2546-3690-ac00-6fcdf31dec94",
+ "network":"ws",
+ "path":"/y284",
+ "port":443,
+ "protocol":"vmess",
+ "ps":"美国4",
+ "security":"auto",
+ "sni":"freeus.mcan.tech",
+ "tls":"tls",
+ "type":"none"
+ },
+ {
+ "address":"llajv.rebldp.tech",
+ "alterId":64,
+ "host":"llajv.rebldp.tech",
+ "id":"3b5e258e-8c5e-45d3-b7d2-02c8f5fc0bb2",
+ "network":"ws",
+ "path":"/",
+ "port":443,
+ "protocol":"vmess",
+ "ps":"德国4",
+ "security":"auto",
+ "tls":"tls",
+ "type":"none"
+ },
+ {
+ "address":"",
+ "alterId":64,
+ "host":"",
+ "id":"2a7349d6-994a-434b-9589-c0020685e528",
+ "network":"tcp",
+ "path":"/",
+ "port":54671,
+ "protocol":"vmess",
+ "ps":"荷兰4",
+ "security":"auto",
+ "tls":"",
+ "type":"none"
+ },
+ {
+ "address":"consum2.cukee.cc",
+ "alterId":64,
+ "host":"consum2.cukee.cc",
+ "id":"02914F25-41C8-3114-50F3-19359B631C77",
+ "network":"ws",
+ "path":"/",
+ "port":443,
+ "protocol":"vmess",
+ "ps":"法国4",
+ "security":"auto",
+ "tls":"tls",
+ "type":"none"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/v2ray-core-32/LICENSE b/v2ray-core-32/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac130ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v2ray-core-32/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/v2ray-core-32/v2ctl.exe b/v2ray-core-32/v2ctl.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afcf69b
Binary files /dev/null and b/v2ray-core-32/v2ctl.exe differ
diff --git a/v2ray-core-32/v2ray.exe b/v2ray-core-32/v2ray.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec6e01a
Binary files /dev/null and b/v2ray-core-32/v2ray.exe differ
diff --git a/v2ray-core-32/winXray-default-servers.json b/v2ray-core-32/winXray-default-servers.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a52ea5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v2ray-core-32/winXray-default-servers.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// 号开头为注释行。
+// 本文件用于指定默认服务器列表。
+// 本文件可以直接输入json格式的服务器数组( 服务器可以使用subscribeUrl字段指定订阅源地址,可以指定"autoConnect":false字段禁止自动连接 )
+// 也可以每行一个 vless://、vmess://、trojan、trojan-go、ss://、ssr://, 等分享链接
+ {
+ "address":"服务器地址",
+ "port":443, // 服务器端口
+ "id":"UUID或密码", // v2ray就指定UUID,shadowsocks在这里指定密码
+ "network":"tcp", // 网络协议可以改为 "tcp", "ws" 等
+ "security":"none", // 加密方法,vmess 默认为 auto, vless 默认为 none, shadowsocks也可以在这里指定加密方法,例如:"aes-256-gcm",
+ "protocol":"vless", // 协议可以更换为 "vless","vmess","shadowsocks","trojan","trojan-go" 等
+ "host":"伪装主机域名", // 例如ws协议通过这个指定HTTP头里的host字段。
+ "sni":"TLS域名", // 不指定使用host的值,如果host也没指定就使用 address的值
+ "tls":"xtls", // 可以不写,值可以指定为 "","tls","xtls" 等
+ "flow":"流控", // xtls需要用到的字段,可以不指定使用默认值 "xtls-rprx-direct"
+ "ps":"描述文本"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/v2ray-core/LICENSE b/v2ray-core/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac130ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v2ray-core/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/v2ray-core/v2ctl.exe b/v2ray-core/v2ctl.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79e4316
Binary files /dev/null and b/v2ray-core/v2ctl.exe differ
diff --git a/v2ray-core/v2ray.exe b/v2ray-core/v2ray.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5095f88
Binary files /dev/null and b/v2ray-core/v2ray.exe differ
diff --git a/v2ray-core/winXray-default-servers.json b/v2ray-core/winXray-default-servers.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a52ea5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v2ray-core/winXray-default-servers.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// 号开头为注释行。
+// 本文件用于指定默认服务器列表。
+// 本文件可以直接输入json格式的服务器数组( 服务器可以使用subscribeUrl字段指定订阅源地址,可以指定"autoConnect":false字段禁止自动连接 )
+// 也可以每行一个 vless://、vmess://、trojan、trojan-go、ss://、ssr://, 等分享链接
+ {
+ "address":"服务器地址",
+ "port":443, // 服务器端口
+ "id":"UUID或密码", // v2ray就指定UUID,shadowsocks在这里指定密码
+ "network":"tcp", // 网络协议可以改为 "tcp", "ws" 等
+ "security":"none", // 加密方法,vmess 默认为 auto, vless 默认为 none, shadowsocks也可以在这里指定加密方法,例如:"aes-256-gcm",
+ "protocol":"vless", // 协议可以更换为 "vless","vmess","shadowsocks","trojan","trojan-go" 等
+ "host":"伪装主机域名", // 例如ws协议通过这个指定HTTP头里的host字段。
+ "sni":"TLS域名", // 不指定使用host的值,如果host也没指定就使用 address的值
+ "tls":"xtls", // 可以不写,值可以指定为 "","tls","xtls" 等
+ "flow":"流控", // xtls需要用到的字段,可以不指定使用默认值 "xtls-rprx-direct"
+ "ps":"描述文本"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file