scatter(x, y) generates a scatter plot by placing circular markers at the coordinates defined by the vectors x and y.
+If you intend to display a single dataset, ensure that both x and y are vectors of the same length.
+To visualize multiple datasets on a shared set of axes, you can achieve this by using a matrix for either x or y, while keeping the other as a vector.
+This allows you to overlay or compare multiple datasets within the same plot.
+ +marker specifies the symbol to be drawn at each data point:
+'o': Circle symbol
+'x': Times symbol
+'+': Plus symbol
+'*': Asterisk symbol
+'.': Dot symbol
+'s': Square symbol
+'d': Diamond symbol
+'v': Downward-pointing triangle symbol
+'^': Upward-pointing triangle symbol
+'>': Left-pointing triangle symbol
+'<': Right-pointing triangle symbol
+ + +The ColorSpec specifies the marker color to use for each data series:
+'k': Color Black
+'y': Color Yellow
+'m': Color Magenta
+'c': Color Cyan
+'r': Color Red
+'b': Color Blue
+'g': Color Green
+ +see line for more information about properties