All notable changes to the "nelson" extension will be documented in this file.
Check Keep a Changelog for recommendations on how to structure this file.
- node dependencies regenerated/updated.
- The NELSON_RUNTIME_PATH environment variable is now used to invoke Nelson. No additional configuration is required on Windows with version 1.11.0
- Package bundle included.
- Keywords (macro, builtin) updated for 1.11.0 version.
- Terminal profile with Nelson instance. Nelson executable path must be in your PATH environment variable.
- Requires Nelson v1.10.0 as minimal version.
- Completion on macros and builtins of Nelson.
- Use Nelson's icon when a Nelson file is opened.
- Autocompletion for macros and built-in functions in Nelson.
- Keywords (macro, builtin) updated for 1.10.0 version.
- Snippets updated.
- Dependencies updated for VS Code >= 1.96.
file extension managed (Nelson 0.5.6 or more).- Keywords (macro, builtin) updated for 0.5.6 version.
- Requires Nelson v0.5.5 as minimal version.
- Default comment symbol is '%'.
- Keywords (macro, builtin) updated for 0.5.5 version.
- Fix some warnings with last VS Code versions.
- Initial public version.