- Creating a Kubernetes cluster with CPU and GPU nodes.
- Installing the necessary Nvidia tools for running GPU workloads.
- Installing Grafana.
- Installing Prometheus.
- Installing Loki.
- Installing Promtail.
Install Nebius CLI:
curl -sSL https://storage.ai.nebius.cloud/nebius/install.sh | bash
Reload your shell session:
exec -l $SHELL
source ~/.bashrc
Configure Nebius CLI (it's recommended to use service account for configuration):
nebius init
Install JQuery (example for Debian-based distros):
sudo apt install jq -y
To deploy the Kubernetes cluster, follow the steps below:
- Load environment variables:
source ./environment.sh
- Initialize Terraform:
terraform init
- Replace the placeholder content
with actual configuration values that meet your specific requirements. See the details below. - Preview the deployment plan:
terraform plan
- Apply the configuration:
Wait for the operation to complete.
terraform apply
These are the basic configurations needed to deploy Kubernetes for Inference in Nebius AI. Edit in the configurations that you need in the file terraform.tfvars
There are additional configurable variables in variables.tf
# Cloud environment and network
parent_id = "" # The project-id in this context
subnet_id = "" # Use the command "nebius vpc v1alpha1 network list" to see the subnet id
region = "" # The project region.
ssh_user_name = "" # Username you want to use to connect to the nodes
ssh_public_key = {
key = "put your public ssh key here" OR
path = "put path to ssh key here"
# K8s modes
cpu_nodes_count = 3 # Number of CPU nodes
cpu_nodes_preset = "16vcpu-64gb" # The CPU node preset
gpu_nodes_count = 1 # Number of GPU nodes
gpu_nodes_preset = "1gpu-16vcpu-200gb" # The GPU node preset. Set to "8gpu-128vcpu-1600gb", to deploy nodes with 8 GPUs.
# Observability
enable_grafana = true # Enable or disable Grafana deployment with true or false
enable_prometheus = true # Enable or disable Prometheus deployment with true or false
enable_loki = true # Enable or disable Loki deployment with true or false
enable_dcgm = true # Enable or disable NVIDIA DCGM Exporter Dashboard and Alerting deployment with true or false
## Loki
loki_access_key_id = "" # See the instruction in README.md on how to create this. Leave empty if you are not deploying Loki.
loki_secret_key = "" # See the instruction in README.md on how to create this. Leave empty if you are not deploying Loki.
Check the details below for more information on Grafana, Prometheus, Loki and NVIDIA DCGM.
Deploying Loki will require you to create a service account! Please check the instructions here to create a serice account to access to the storage and here to create the access key. You can refer to the access key creation command here.
# Storage
## Filestore - recommended
enable_filestore = true # Enable or disable Filestore integration with true or false
filestore_disk_size = 100 * (1024 * 1024 * 1024) #Set Filestore disk size in bytes. The multiplication makes it easier to set the size in GB. This would set the size as 100GB
filestore_block_size = 4096 # Set Filestore block size in bytes
## GlusterFS - legacy
enable_glusterfs = false # Enable or disable GlusterFS integration with true or false
glusterfs_storage_nodes = 3 # Set amount of storage nodes in GlusterFS cluster
glusterfs_disk_count_per_vm = 2 # Set amount of disks per storage node in GlusterFS cluster
glusterfs_disk_size = 100 * (1024 * 1024 * 1024) #Set disk size in bytes. The multiplication makes it easier to set the size in GB. This would set the size as 100GB
There are two options available for adding external storage to k8s clusters:
- Filestore (recommended, enabled by default)
- GlusterFS (legacy)
Both would allow creating a Read-Write-Many HostPath PVCs in k8s cluster. Path for Filestore is /mnt/filestore
, for
GlusterFS it is /mnt/glusterfs
Check here how to access storage in K8S.
- Install kubectl (instructions)
- Install Nebius AI CLI (instructions) - also required for deploying the cluster
- Install JQ (instructions) - also required for deploying the cluster
Run the following command from the Terraform deployment folder:
nebius mk8s v1 cluster get-credentials --id $(cat terraform.tfstate | jq -r '.resources[] | select(.type == "nebius_mk8s_v1_cluster") | .instances[].attributes.id') --external
Check the kubectl configuration after adding the credentials:
kubectl config view
The output should be as follows:
apiVersion: v1 clusters: - cluster: certificate-authority-data: DATA+OMITTED ...
Show cluster information:
kubectl cluster-info
Get pods:
kubectl get pods -A
Observability stack is enabled by default. It includes the following components:
- Grafana
- Prometheus
- Loki
Can be disabled by setting the enable_grafana
variable to false
in the terraform.tfvars
To access Grafana:
Port-forward to the Grafana service: Run the following command to port-forward to the Grafana service:
kubectl --namespace o11y port-forward service/grafana 8080:80
Access Grafana dashboard: Open your browser and go to
. -
Log in: To log in, use the default credentials:
- Username:
- Password:
- Username:
Log aggregation with the Loki is enabled by default. To disable it, set enable_loki
variable to false
To access logs, go to Loki dashboard http://localhost:8080/d/o6-BGgnnk/loki-kubernetes-logs
Prometheus server is enabled by default. To disable it, set enable_prometheus
variable to false
terraform.tfvarsfile. Since
DCGM exporter` uses Prometheus as its data source, it will also be disabled.
To access logs, go to Node exporter folder http://localhost:8080/f/e6acfbcb-6f13-4a58-8e02-f780811a2404/
The DCGM-Exporter dashboard and alerting rules are enabled by default. To disable it, set enable_dcgm
variable to false
in terraform.tfvars
Alerting rules are created for node groups with GPUs by default.
To access NVIDIA DCGM Exporter Dashboard: http://localhost:8080/d/Oxed_c6Wz/nvidia-dcgm-exporter-dashboard
To enable alert messages for Slack, see this article
There are two ways to add external storage to k8s clusters:
- Filestore (recommended and enabled by default)
- GlusterFS (legacy)
Both would allow the creation of Read-Write-Many HostPath PVCs in a K8s cluster. Use /mnt/filestore
path for Filestore and /mnt/glusterfs
for GlusterFS.
To configure Filestore integration, set the following variables in terraform.tfvars
enable_filestore = true # Enable or disable Filestore integration
filestore_disk_size = 107374182400 # Set Filestore disk size in bytes
filestore_block_size = 4096 # Set Filestore block size in bytes
To configure GlusterFS integration, set the following variables in terraform.tfvars
enable_glusterfs = true # Enable or disable GlusterFS integration
glusterfs_storage_nodes = 3 # Set amount of storage nodes in GlusterFS cluster
glusterfs_disk_count_per_vm = 2 # Set amount of disks per storage node in GlusterFS cluster
glusterfs_disk_size = 107374182400 # Set disk size in bytes
To use mounted storage, Persistent Volumes must be created manually. Here is a template for creating a Persistent Volume (PV) and Persistent Volume Claim (PVC); replace <HOST-PATH>
and <SIZE>
variables with the actual values:
kind: PersistentVolume
apiVersion: v1
name: external-storage-persistent-volume
storageClassName: csi-mounted-fs-path-sc
storage: "<SIZE>"
- ReadWriteMany
path: "<HOST-PATH>" # "/mnt/data/<sub-directory>" or "/mnt/glusterfs/<sub-directory>"
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
name: external-storage-persistent-volumeclaim
storageClassName: csi-mounted-fs-path-sc
- ReadWriteMany
storage: "<SIZE>"
- FS should be mounted to all NodeGroups, because PV attachmend to pod runniing on Node without FS will fail
- One PV may fill up to all common FS size
- FS size will not be autoupdated if PV size exceed it spec size
- FS size for now can't be updated through API, only through NEBOPS. (thread)
- volumeMode: Block - is not possible
- read-write many mode PV will work
- MSP started testing that solution to enable early integration with mk8s.