shut up: silence (one synth) / hush (everything)
orbit: orbit { orbit channel }
waves: sine, cosine, square, tri, saw, isaw { output 0 to 1 }
random: rand { 0 to 1 }, irand { 0 to N, int }
smooth random: perlin, perlinWith (val), perlin2 (val), perlin2With (val) (val)
choose: choose [0,1,..], chooseBy "0 0.25 0.5" [0, 2, 3], wchoose [(0,0.25),(2,0.5),(3,0.25)], wchooseBy "0 0.4 0.7" [(0,0.25),(2,0.5),(3,0.25)]}
basic: imp, psin, pmsin, gabor, cyclo
input: in, inr
drumkit: superkick, superhat, supersnare, superclap, super808
physical: supermandolin, supergong, superpiano, superhex
analogue: supersquare, supersaw, superpwm, supercomparator
digital: superchip, supernoise
asr/ahr: attack { time }, release { time }, sustain { time }, hold { time }
bin scrambling: scram { level }
bin shifting: binshift { level }
bitcrush: crush { level [0:15] }
delay (del'): delay { level }, delayt { level }, delayfb { level }
distortion: shape { level }, distort { level }, triode { level }
frequency shifter (fshi'): fshift { freqHz }, fshiftnote { note }, fshiftphase { phase }
krush (kru'): krush { level[0:inf] }, kcutoff { freq }
leslie (lesl'): leslie { level }, lrate { rate }, lsize { size }
magnitude freeze: freeze { [0,1] }
magnitude smearing: smear { level }
octer (oct'): octer { level }, octersub { level }, octersubsub { level }
reverb (rvb'): room { level }, size { level}, dry { level }
ring modulator (rmod'): ring { level }, ringf { freq }, ringdf { slide }
sample rate: coarse { factor }
squiz: squiz { level [0:inf] }
vowel: vowel { [a,e,i,o,u] }
waveloss: waveloss { level [0:100] }
spectral comb: comb { level }
spectral delay (sdel'): xsdelay { level }, tsdelay { level }
spectral hpass: hbrick { level }
spectral lpass: lbrick { level }
spectral conformer (scon'): real { level }, imag { level }
spectral enhancer: enhance { level }
gain: gain { level }
amp: amp { level }
pan: pan { level }
- (list scales) scaleList
- (get notes from scale) n (scale "major" "0..7")
- (load a sample) s "bd"
- (change sample ordinality) n 2
- (convert midi to note) midinote 62
- (change start time of sample) begin "<0 0.25 0.5>"
- (change finish time of sample) end "<0 0.25 0.5>"
- (play sample N times in loop) loop "2.3"
- (tell a pattern when it should play with true or false) struct "t ~ f t"
- (convert a number to binary, 8 bit) binary 132
- (convert a number to binary, n bit) binaryN n 132
- (convert an ascii char to binary, 8 bit each char) ascii "hey"
lowpass: lpf { freq }, lpq { resonance }
hipass: hpf { freq }, hpq { resonance }
bandpass: bpf { freq }, bpq { q-factor }
djfilter: djf { level }
- (change tempo, factor) cps "<1 0.5 2>"
- (change sample speed) speed "<1 -1>"
- (speed up or down sample) accelerate "<0 1 -1>"
- (give swing feel, 0 human, 1 machine) nudge 0.7
- (multiplies pattern speed) spaceOut [1, 0.5, 2.5] $ s "bd*4"
- (change pitch, in semitones) up "<0 1 5>"
- (change how speed parameter is considered):
- "r" (default): multiplies sample playback rate
- "c": playback rate relative to cycle length
- "s": playback length in seconds
- (cut sample when another starts on same cutgroup) cut "1"
- (cut only sample when it recours) cut "-1"
- (creative use of cut) sound "bev(3,8)" # cut "[1 2 4]*2"
- (handle duration of the space 1 is until next note) # legato "1"
- (apply another function conditionally) every 3 (fun)
- (add offset to every) every' 3 1 (fun)
- (apply a function according to the boolean pattern) while "[f t]/2" (# crush 3) $ s "bd"
- (apply function to some cycles) whenmod 4 3 (fast 4) $ s "bd sn"
- (applies another function to matching events in a pattern) fix (# crush 3) (n "[1,4]")
- (run every with different arguments) foldEvery [3,4,5] (fast 2)
- (apply one or another function conditionally) ifp (rand > 0.7) (striate 4) (# coarse "24 48")
- (applies stereo effects with a function) jux (rev)
- (parametrize pan of jux with values from 0 to 1) juxBy 0.5 (rev)
- (apply a function over the same pattern) superimpose (fast 2)
- (apply different functions to same pattern) layer [id, rev, fast 2]
- (superimpose but with an offset in cycle time) off 0.25 (# crush 2)
- (apply different functions for every cycle) spread ($) [rev, fast 2]
- (apply different functions for every cycle, randomly) spreadr ($) [rev, fast 2]
- (apply different functions in a single cycle) fastspread (s) [(# speed 2), striate 3]
- (run pattern of patterns) ur
- (apply one control pattern to list of patterns) weave 4 (pan sine) [s "bd", s "casio"]
- (apply a list of functions to a pattern) weaveWith 3 (s "bd sn") [fast 2, chop 16]
- (apply a function only on a part of a pattern) within (0, 0.5) (fast 2)
- (repeats each event the given number of times) ply 3 $ s "bd sn"
- (add a sort of delay to pattern elements with reduction and time) stut 4 0.5 0.1 $ s "bd sn"
- (like stut by applying a function every step) stutWith 4 0.5 (|* speed 1.5) $ s "bd sn"
Apply function to a pattern with different possibility
- (100%) always (# crush 2)
- (90%) almostAlways (fast 2)
- (75%) often (slow 3)
- (50%) sometimes (rev)
- (25%) rarely (# speed 2)
- (10%) almostNever (# accelerate 2)
- (0%) never (# cut 1)
- (can choose percentual) sometimesBy 0.93 (jux (rev))
- (as sometimes but on cycles) someCycles (# crush 3)
- (as sometimes but with probabilty) someCyclesBy 0.64 (# speed 3)
- (randomly remove events from a pattern, 50% of the time) degrade
- (randomly remove events from a pattern with probability) degradeBy 0.7
- (play pattern randomly) randcat [s "bd2 sn", sound "jvbass3"]
- (chop the sample into pieces and play a random one each cycle) randslice 32
- (repeat each cycle a given number of times) repeatCycles 3
- (divide the pattern into number of parts and combine them radomly) scramble 3
- (divide the pattern into number of parts and combine without replacement) shuffle 3
- (repeat a pattern at random speeds) stripe 2
- (repeat a pattern at random speeds but also slow down by n) slowstripe 3
- (make pattern sound a bit like breakbeat) brak "bd sn"
- (divides a pattern into a number of pats then cycles apply function) chunk 4 (# speed 2)
- (chunk in reverse direction) chunk'
- (speed up pattern) fast 2
- (slow down pattern) slow 2
- (make sample fit the given number of cycles) loopAt 4
- (shift pattern backward in time) every 4 (0.25 <~)
- (shift pattern foreward in time) every 4 (0.25 ~>)
- (speed up pattern and increase speed control) hurry 3
- (divide a pattern, play the subdivisions and increment them each cycle) iter 4
- (iter in reverse direction) iter' 3
- (truncate a pattern) trunc 0.75
- (like truncate but fill the cycle) linger 0.25
- (applies rev to a pattern every other cycle) palindrome
- (reverse the pattern) rev
- (breaks each cycles and then delay every piece by n) swingBy (1/4)
- (alias for swingBy (1/3)) swing
- (play a portion of a pattern) zoom (0.25, 0.75)
- (turn a continuous pattern into a discrete one) segment 2 $ irand 23
- (round a floating point value into an integer) quantise 1 $ range 0 7 $ sine
- (cuts each sample into parts) chop 16
- (like cuts but bits organized differently) striate 8
- (specify the length of the parts) striate' 16 (1/4)
- (granulate every sample but every other grain is silent) gap 8
- (cuts sample into pieces and rearrange into pattern) slice 8 "7 2 4 1 2 [0..4]"
- (append two patterns) append (s "bd sn") (s "arpy jvbass")
- (append two patterns into single cycle) fastAppend (s "bd sn") (s "arpy jvbass")
- (trigger a pattern at the specified number of cycles) anticipate 1
- (trigger a pattern at the specified number of cycles with time) anticipate 1 4
- (degrade the current pattern to while another undegrading next) ** clutch 1
- (degrade the current pattern to while another undegrading next with time) ** clutchIn 1 7
- (pan the last n version of the pattern across the field) histpan 3
- (interpolate between patterns) interpolate 2
- (interpolate between patterns in time) interpolateIn 2 8
- (jump directly into given pattern without transitions) jump
- (jump after number of cycles) jumpIn 3
- (jump after at least the specified number of cycles passed) jumpIn' 4
- (jump after cycle count mod given integer is zero) jumpMod 5
- (degrade pattern until ends in silence) mortal 1
- (wash away the current pattern applying a function then switching to next) wash (chop 8) 4
- (washes away the current pattern after a certain delay by applying a function to it over time then switching over to the next pattern) superwash (# accelerate "4 2") (striate 2) 1 4 6
- (stop a bit before playing new pattern) wait 2
- (crossfade between old and new pattern over the next two cycles) xfade 1
- (crossfade between old and new pattern over the next n cycles) xfadeIn 1 16