This is a port of the Javascript version of a plugin, you can find it here: agp-npm
Package agp-php
is a gene parsing package for Axie Infinity.
The name agp stands for "Axie Gene Parser" which decodes the hex representation of an Axie's gene into a human readable format.
Composer, PHP 8.0 or later.
Install using Composer:
composer require ndarproj/agp-php
To get started, you'll first need to get the gene of an Axie in hex. You may use
the Axie Infinity GraphQL endpoint to get this detail. For this example, let's use the
hex 0x11c642400a028ca14a428c20cc011080c61180a0820180604233082
Let us create an AxieGene object from the hex string that we have.
256 Bit Genes
use Ndarproj\AxieGeneParser\AxieGene;
$axieGene = new AxieGene(
512 Bit Genes
use Ndarproj\AxieGeneParser\AxieGene;
use Ndarproj\AxieGeneParser\HexType;
$axieGene = new AxieGene(
You may also get the quality of the genes directly through the AxieGene object.
This object automatically handles the parsing of the hex value for you. You may simply use the accessors of the class to get the gene information that you want.
Here are the properties that you can get from the AxieGene object.
- getGenes()
- getCls()
- getRegion()
- getTag()
- getBodySkin()
- getPattern()
- getColor()
- getEyes()
- getMouth()
- getEars()
- getHorn()
- getBack()
- getTail()