Mark | Description |
✅ | Public functions, mixins, placeholders, and variables |
❌ | Private items - not supported outside package's build |
Deprecated items - may not be available in future releases |
- @carbon/themes
- ❌custom-property-prefix [variable]
- ❌custom-property [mixin]
- ❌should-emit [function]
- ✅carbon--theme [mixin]
- ✅carbon--theme--white [variable]
- ✅carbon--theme--g10 [variable]
- ✅carbon--theme--g90 [variable]
- ✅carbon--theme--g100 [variable]
- ✅carbon--theme--v9 [variable]
- ✅carbon--theme [variable]
- ✅interactive-01 [variable]
- ✅interactive-02 [variable]
- ✅interactive-03 [variable]
- ✅interactive-04 [variable]
- ✅ui-background [variable]
- ✅ui-01 [variable]
- ✅ui-02 [variable]
- ✅ui-03 [variable]
- ✅ui-04 [variable]
- ✅ui-05 [variable]
- ✅text-01 [variable]
- ✅text-02 [variable]
- ✅text-03 [variable]
- ✅text-04 [variable]
- ✅text-05 [variable]
- ✅icon-01 [variable]
- ✅icon-02 [variable]
- ✅icon-03 [variable]
- ✅link-01 [variable]
- ✅inverse-link [variable]
- ✅field-01 [variable]
- ✅field-02 [variable]
- ✅inverse-01 [variable]
- ✅inverse-02 [variable]
- ✅support-01 [variable]
- ✅support-02 [variable]
- ✅support-03 [variable]
- ✅support-04 [variable]
- ✅inverse-support-01 [variable]
- ✅inverse-support-02 [variable]
- ✅inverse-support-03 [variable]
- ✅inverse-support-04 [variable]
- ✅overlay-01 [variable]
- ✅danger [variable]
- ✅focus [variable]
- ✅inverse-focus-ui [variable]
- ✅hover-primary [variable]
- ✅active-primary [variable]
- ✅hover-primary-text [variable]
- ✅hover-secondary [variable]
- ✅active-secondary [variable]
- ✅hover-tertiary [variable]
- ✅active-tertiary [variable]
- ✅hover-ui [variable]
- ✅active-ui [variable]
- ✅selected-ui [variable]
- ✅hover-selected-ui [variable]
- ✅inverse-hover-ui [variable]
- ✅hover-danger [variable]
- ✅active-danger [variable]
- ✅hover-row [variable]
- ✅visited-link [variable]
- ✅disabled-01 [variable]
- ✅disabled-02 [variable]
- ✅disabled-03 [variable]
- ✅highlight [variable]
- ✅skeleton-01 [variable]
- ✅skeleton-02 [variable]
- ✅
⚠️ brand-01 [variable] - ✅
⚠️ brand-02 [variable] - ✅
⚠️ brand-03 [variable] - ✅
⚠️ active-01 [variable] - ✅
⚠️ hover-field [variable] - ✅caption-01 [variable]
- ✅label-01 [variable]
- ✅helper-text-01 [variable]
- ✅body-short-01 [variable]
- ✅body-long-01 [variable]
- ✅body-short-02 [variable]
- ✅body-long-02 [variable]
- ✅code-01 [variable]
- ✅code-02 [variable]
- ✅heading-01 [variable]
- ✅productive-heading-01 [variable]
- ✅heading-02 [variable]
- ✅productive-heading-02 [variable]
- ✅productive-heading-03 [variable]
- ✅productive-heading-04 [variable]
- ✅productive-heading-05 [variable]
- ✅productive-heading-06 [variable]
- ✅productive-heading-07 [variable]
- ✅expressive-heading-01 [variable]
- ✅expressive-heading-02 [variable]
- ✅expressive-heading-03 [variable]
- ✅expressive-heading-04 [variable]
- ✅expressive-heading-05 [variable]
- ✅expressive-heading-06 [variable]
- ✅expressive-paragraph-01 [variable]
- ✅quotation-01 [variable]
- ✅quotation-02 [variable]
- ✅display-01 [variable]
- ✅display-02 [variable]
- ✅display-03 [variable]
- ✅display-04 [variable]
Source code
$custom-property-prefix: 'cds';
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Used by:
Source code
@mixin custom-property() {
@if type-of($value) == map {
@each $property, $property-value in $value {
// Only support one-level of depth for values that are maps. This is to
// avoid bringing properties like `breakpoints` on type tokens
@if type-of($property-value) != map {
@include custom-property('#{$name}-#{$property}', $property-value);
} @else {
--#{$prefix}-#{$name}: #{$value};
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Used by:
Source code
@function should-emit() {
@if $emit-difference == false {
@return true;
@return map-get($theme-a, $token) != map-get($theme-b, $token);
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Used by:
Define theme variables from a map of tokens
Source code
@mixin carbon--theme($theme: $carbon--theme, $emit-custom-properties: false) {
$interactive-01: map-get($theme, 'interactive-01') !global;
$interactive-02: map-get($theme, 'interactive-02') !global;
$interactive-03: map-get($theme, 'interactive-03') !global;
$interactive-04: map-get($theme, 'interactive-04') !global;
$ui-background: map-get($theme, 'ui-background') !global;
$ui-01: map-get($theme, 'ui-01') !global;
$ui-02: map-get($theme, 'ui-02') !global;
$ui-03: map-get($theme, 'ui-03') !global;
$ui-04: map-get($theme, 'ui-04') !global;
$ui-05: map-get($theme, 'ui-05') !global;
$text-01: map-get($theme, 'text-01') !global;
$text-02: map-get($theme, 'text-02') !global;
$text-03: map-get($theme, 'text-03') !global;
$text-04: map-get($theme, 'text-04') !global;
$text-05: map-get($theme, 'text-05') !global;
$icon-01: map-get($theme, 'icon-01') !global;
$icon-02: map-get($theme, 'icon-02') !global;
$icon-03: map-get($theme, 'icon-03') !global;
$link-01: map-get($theme, 'link-01') !global;
$inverse-link: map-get($theme, 'inverse-link') !global;
$field-01: map-get($theme, 'field-01') !global;
$field-02: map-get($theme, 'field-02') !global;
$inverse-01: map-get($theme, 'inverse-01') !global;
$inverse-02: map-get($theme, 'inverse-02') !global;
$support-01: map-get($theme, 'support-01') !global;
$support-02: map-get($theme, 'support-02') !global;
$support-03: map-get($theme, 'support-03') !global;
$support-04: map-get($theme, 'support-04') !global;
$inverse-support-01: map-get($theme, 'inverse-support-01') !global;
$inverse-support-02: map-get($theme, 'inverse-support-02') !global;
$inverse-support-03: map-get($theme, 'inverse-support-03') !global;
$inverse-support-04: map-get($theme, 'inverse-support-04') !global;
$overlay-01: map-get($theme, 'overlay-01') !global;
$danger: map-get($theme, 'danger') !global;
$focus: map-get($theme, 'focus') !global;
$inverse-focus-ui: map-get($theme, 'inverse-focus-ui') !global;
$hover-primary: map-get($theme, 'hover-primary') !global;
$active-primary: map-get($theme, 'active-primary') !global;
$hover-primary-text: map-get($theme, 'hover-primary-text') !global;
$hover-secondary: map-get($theme, 'hover-secondary') !global;
$active-secondary: map-get($theme, 'active-secondary') !global;
$hover-tertiary: map-get($theme, 'hover-tertiary') !global;
$active-tertiary: map-get($theme, 'active-tertiary') !global;
$hover-ui: map-get($theme, 'hover-ui') !global;
$active-ui: map-get($theme, 'active-ui') !global;
$selected-ui: map-get($theme, 'selected-ui') !global;
$hover-selected-ui: map-get($theme, 'hover-selected-ui') !global;
$inverse-hover-ui: map-get($theme, 'inverse-hover-ui') !global;
$hover-danger: map-get($theme, 'hover-danger') !global;
$active-danger: map-get($theme, 'active-danger') !global;
$hover-row: map-get($theme, 'hover-row') !global;
$visited-link: map-get($theme, 'visited-link') !global;
$disabled-01: map-get($theme, 'disabled-01') !global;
$disabled-02: map-get($theme, 'disabled-02') !global;
$disabled-03: map-get($theme, 'disabled-03') !global;
$highlight: map-get($theme, 'highlight') !global;
$skeleton-01: map-get($theme, 'skeleton-01') !global;
$skeleton-02: map-get($theme, 'skeleton-02') !global;
$brand-01: map-get($theme, 'brand-01') !global;
$brand-02: map-get($theme, 'brand-02') !global;
$brand-03: map-get($theme, 'brand-03') !global;
$active-01: map-get($theme, 'active-01') !global;
$hover-field: map-get($theme, 'hover-field') !global;
$caption-01: map-get($theme, 'caption-01') !global;
$label-01: map-get($theme, 'label-01') !global;
$helper-text-01: map-get($theme, 'helper-text-01') !global;
$body-short-01: map-get($theme, 'body-short-01') !global;
$body-long-01: map-get($theme, 'body-long-01') !global;
$body-short-02: map-get($theme, 'body-short-02') !global;
$body-long-02: map-get($theme, 'body-long-02') !global;
$code-01: map-get($theme, 'code-01') !global;
$code-02: map-get($theme, 'code-02') !global;
$heading-01: map-get($theme, 'heading-01') !global;
$productive-heading-01: map-get($theme, 'productive-heading-01') !global;
$heading-02: map-get($theme, 'heading-02') !global;
$productive-heading-02: map-get($theme, 'productive-heading-02') !global;
$productive-heading-03: map-get($theme, 'productive-heading-03') !global;
$productive-heading-04: map-get($theme, 'productive-heading-04') !global;
$productive-heading-05: map-get($theme, 'productive-heading-05') !global;
$productive-heading-06: map-get($theme, 'productive-heading-06') !global;
$productive-heading-07: map-get($theme, 'productive-heading-07') !global;
$expressive-heading-01: map-get($theme, 'expressive-heading-01') !global;
$expressive-heading-02: map-get($theme, 'expressive-heading-02') !global;
$expressive-heading-03: map-get($theme, 'expressive-heading-03') !global;
$expressive-heading-04: map-get($theme, 'expressive-heading-04') !global;
$expressive-heading-05: map-get($theme, 'expressive-heading-05') !global;
$expressive-heading-06: map-get($theme, 'expressive-heading-06') !global;
$expressive-paragraph-01: map-get($theme, 'expressive-paragraph-01') !global;
$quotation-01: map-get($theme, 'quotation-01') !global;
$quotation-02: map-get($theme, 'quotation-02') !global;
$display-01: map-get($theme, 'display-01') !global;
$display-02: map-get($theme, 'display-02') !global;
$display-03: map-get($theme, 'display-03') !global;
$display-04: map-get($theme, 'display-04') !global;
@if global-variable-exists('feature-flags') and
map-get($feature-flags, 'enable-css-custom-properties')
$interactive-01: var(
map-get($theme, 'interactive-01')
) !global;
$interactive-02: var(
map-get($theme, 'interactive-02')
) !global;
$interactive-03: var(
map-get($theme, 'interactive-03')
) !global;
$interactive-04: var(
map-get($theme, 'interactive-04')
) !global;
$ui-background: var(
map-get($theme, 'ui-background')
) !global;
$ui-01: var(
map-get($theme, 'ui-01')
) !global;
$ui-02: var(
map-get($theme, 'ui-02')
) !global;
$ui-03: var(
map-get($theme, 'ui-03')
) !global;
$ui-04: var(
map-get($theme, 'ui-04')
) !global;
$ui-05: var(
map-get($theme, 'ui-05')
) !global;
$text-01: var(
map-get($theme, 'text-01')
) !global;
$text-02: var(
map-get($theme, 'text-02')
) !global;
$text-03: var(
map-get($theme, 'text-03')
) !global;
$text-04: var(
map-get($theme, 'text-04')
) !global;
$text-05: var(
map-get($theme, 'text-05')
) !global;
$icon-01: var(
map-get($theme, 'icon-01')
) !global;
$icon-02: var(
map-get($theme, 'icon-02')
) !global;
$icon-03: var(
map-get($theme, 'icon-03')
) !global;
$link-01: var(
map-get($theme, 'link-01')
) !global;
$inverse-link: var(
map-get($theme, 'inverse-link')
) !global;
$field-01: var(
map-get($theme, 'field-01')
) !global;
$field-02: var(
map-get($theme, 'field-02')
) !global;
$inverse-01: var(
map-get($theme, 'inverse-01')
) !global;
$inverse-02: var(
map-get($theme, 'inverse-02')
) !global;
$support-01: var(
map-get($theme, 'support-01')
) !global;
$support-02: var(
map-get($theme, 'support-02')
) !global;
$support-03: var(
map-get($theme, 'support-03')
) !global;
$support-04: var(
map-get($theme, 'support-04')
) !global;
$inverse-support-01: var(
map-get($theme, 'inverse-support-01')
) !global;
$inverse-support-02: var(
map-get($theme, 'inverse-support-02')
) !global;
$inverse-support-03: var(
map-get($theme, 'inverse-support-03')
) !global;
$inverse-support-04: var(
map-get($theme, 'inverse-support-04')
) !global;
$overlay-01: var(
map-get($theme, 'overlay-01')
) !global;
$danger: var(
map-get($theme, 'danger')
) !global;
$focus: var(
map-get($theme, 'focus')
) !global;
$inverse-focus-ui: var(
map-get($theme, 'inverse-focus-ui')
) !global;
$hover-primary: var(
map-get($theme, 'hover-primary')
) !global;
$active-primary: var(
map-get($theme, 'active-primary')
) !global;
$hover-primary-text: var(
map-get($theme, 'hover-primary-text')
) !global;
$hover-secondary: var(
map-get($theme, 'hover-secondary')
) !global;
$active-secondary: var(
map-get($theme, 'active-secondary')
) !global;
$hover-tertiary: var(
map-get($theme, 'hover-tertiary')
) !global;
$active-tertiary: var(
map-get($theme, 'active-tertiary')
) !global;
$hover-ui: var(
map-get($theme, 'hover-ui')
) !global;
$active-ui: var(
map-get($theme, 'active-ui')
) !global;
$selected-ui: var(
map-get($theme, 'selected-ui')
) !global;
$hover-selected-ui: var(
map-get($theme, 'hover-selected-ui')
) !global;
$inverse-hover-ui: var(
map-get($theme, 'inverse-hover-ui')
) !global;
$hover-danger: var(
map-get($theme, 'hover-danger')
) !global;
$active-danger: var(
map-get($theme, 'active-danger')
) !global;
$hover-row: var(
map-get($theme, 'hover-row')
) !global;
$visited-link: var(
map-get($theme, 'visited-link')
) !global;
$disabled-01: var(
map-get($theme, 'disabled-01')
) !global;
$disabled-02: var(
map-get($theme, 'disabled-02')
) !global;
$disabled-03: var(
map-get($theme, 'disabled-03')
) !global;
$highlight: var(
map-get($theme, 'highlight')
) !global;
$skeleton-01: var(
map-get($theme, 'skeleton-01')
) !global;
$skeleton-02: var(
map-get($theme, 'skeleton-02')
) !global;
$brand-01: var(
map-get($theme, 'brand-01')
) !global;
$brand-02: var(
map-get($theme, 'brand-02')
) !global;
$brand-03: var(
map-get($theme, 'brand-03')
) !global;
$active-01: var(
map-get($theme, 'active-01')
) !global;
$hover-field: var(
map-get($theme, 'hover-field')
) !global;
@if $emit-custom-properties == true {
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'interactive-01', $emit-difference)
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'interactive-01')
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'interactive-02', $emit-difference)
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'interactive-02')
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'interactive-03', $emit-difference)
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'interactive-03')
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'interactive-04', $emit-difference)
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'interactive-04')
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'ui-background', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'ui-background')
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'ui-01', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('ui-01', map-get($theme, 'ui-01'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'ui-02', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('ui-02', map-get($theme, 'ui-02'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'ui-03', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('ui-03', map-get($theme, 'ui-03'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'ui-04', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('ui-04', map-get($theme, 'ui-04'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'ui-05', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('ui-05', map-get($theme, 'ui-05'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'text-01', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('text-01', map-get($theme, 'text-01'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'text-02', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('text-02', map-get($theme, 'text-02'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'text-03', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('text-03', map-get($theme, 'text-03'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'text-04', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('text-04', map-get($theme, 'text-04'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'text-05', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('text-05', map-get($theme, 'text-05'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'icon-01', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('icon-01', map-get($theme, 'icon-01'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'icon-02', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('icon-02', map-get($theme, 'icon-02'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'icon-03', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('icon-03', map-get($theme, 'icon-03'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'link-01', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('link-01', map-get($theme, 'link-01'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'inverse-link', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('inverse-link', map-get($theme, 'inverse-link'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'field-01', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('field-01', map-get($theme, 'field-01'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'field-02', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('field-02', map-get($theme, 'field-02'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'inverse-01', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('inverse-01', map-get($theme, 'inverse-01'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'inverse-02', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('inverse-02', map-get($theme, 'inverse-02'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'support-01', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('support-01', map-get($theme, 'support-01'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'support-02', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('support-02', map-get($theme, 'support-02'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'support-03', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('support-03', map-get($theme, 'support-03'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'support-04', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('support-04', map-get($theme, 'support-04'));
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'inverse-support-01')
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'inverse-support-02')
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'inverse-support-03')
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'inverse-support-04')
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'overlay-01', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('overlay-01', map-get($theme, 'overlay-01'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'danger', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('danger', map-get($theme, 'danger'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'focus', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('focus', map-get($theme, 'focus'));
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'inverse-focus-ui')
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'hover-primary', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'hover-primary')
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'active-primary', $emit-difference)
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'active-primary')
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'hover-primary-text')
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'hover-secondary', $emit-difference)
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'hover-secondary')
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'active-secondary')
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'hover-tertiary', $emit-difference)
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'hover-tertiary')
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'active-tertiary', $emit-difference)
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'active-tertiary')
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'hover-ui', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('hover-ui', map-get($theme, 'hover-ui'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'active-ui', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('active-ui', map-get($theme, 'active-ui'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'selected-ui', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('selected-ui', map-get($theme, 'selected-ui'));
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'hover-selected-ui')
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'inverse-hover-ui')
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'hover-danger', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('hover-danger', map-get($theme, 'hover-danger'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'active-danger', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'active-danger')
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'hover-row', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('hover-row', map-get($theme, 'hover-row'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'visited-link', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('visited-link', map-get($theme, 'visited-link'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'disabled-01', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('disabled-01', map-get($theme, 'disabled-01'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'disabled-02', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('disabled-02', map-get($theme, 'disabled-02'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'disabled-03', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('disabled-03', map-get($theme, 'disabled-03'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'highlight', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('highlight', map-get($theme, 'highlight'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'skeleton-01', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('skeleton-01', map-get($theme, 'skeleton-01'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'skeleton-02', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('skeleton-02', map-get($theme, 'skeleton-02'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'brand-01', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('brand-01', map-get($theme, 'brand-01'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'brand-02', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('brand-02', map-get($theme, 'brand-02'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'brand-03', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('brand-03', map-get($theme, 'brand-03'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'active-01', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('active-01', map-get($theme, 'active-01'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'hover-field', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('hover-field', map-get($theme, 'hover-field'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'caption-01', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('caption-01', map-get($theme, 'caption-01'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'label-01', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('label-01', map-get($theme, 'label-01'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'helper-text-01', $emit-difference)
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'helper-text-01')
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'body-short-01', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'body-short-01')
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'body-long-01', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('body-long-01', map-get($theme, 'body-long-01'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'body-short-02', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'body-short-02')
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'body-long-02', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('body-long-02', map-get($theme, 'body-long-02'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'code-01', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('code-01', map-get($theme, 'code-01'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'code-02', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('code-02', map-get($theme, 'code-02'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'heading-01', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('heading-01', map-get($theme, 'heading-01'));
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'productive-heading-01')
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'heading-02', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('heading-02', map-get($theme, 'heading-02'));
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'productive-heading-02')
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'productive-heading-03')
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'productive-heading-04')
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'productive-heading-05')
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'productive-heading-06')
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'productive-heading-07')
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'expressive-heading-01')
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'expressive-heading-02')
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'expressive-heading-03')
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'expressive-heading-04')
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'expressive-heading-05')
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'expressive-heading-06')
@if should-emit(
@include custom-property(
map-get($theme, 'expressive-paragraph-01')
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'quotation-01', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('quotation-01', map-get($theme, 'quotation-01'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'quotation-02', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('quotation-02', map-get($theme, 'quotation-02'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'display-01', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('display-01', map-get($theme, 'display-01'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'display-02', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('display-02', map-get($theme, 'display-02'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'display-03', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('display-03', map-get($theme, 'display-03'));
@if should-emit($theme, $carbon--theme, 'display-04', $emit-difference) {
@include custom-property('display-04', map-get($theme, 'display-04'));
// Reset to default theme after apply in content
@if $theme != $carbon--theme {
@include carbon--theme();
- Parameters:
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
$theme |
Map of theme tokens | Map |
$carbon--theme |
$emit-custom-properties |
Output CSS Custom Properties for theme tokens | Bool |
false |
Example code
// Default usage
@include carbon--theme();
// Alternate styling (not white theme)
@include carbon--theme($carbon--theme--g90) {
// declarations...
// Inline styling
@include carbon--theme($carbon--theme--g90) {
.my-dark-theme {
// declarations...
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Content: Pass in your custom declaration blocks to be used after the token maps set theming variables.
- Requires:
- custom-property [mixin]
- should-emit [function]
- interactive-01 [variable]
- interactive-02 [variable]
- interactive-03 [variable]
- interactive-04 [variable]
- ui-background [variable]
- ui-01 [variable]
- ui-02 [variable]
- ui-03 [variable]
- ui-04 [variable]
- ui-05 [variable]
- text-01 [variable]
- text-02 [variable]
- text-03 [variable]
- text-04 [variable]
- text-05 [variable]
- icon-01 [variable]
- icon-02 [variable]
- icon-03 [variable]
- link-01 [variable]
- inverse-link [variable]
- field-01 [variable]
- field-02 [variable]
- inverse-01 [variable]
- inverse-02 [variable]
- support-01 [variable]
- support-02 [variable]
- support-03 [variable]
- support-04 [variable]
- inverse-support-01 [variable]
- inverse-support-02 [variable]
- inverse-support-03 [variable]
- inverse-support-04 [variable]
- overlay-01 [variable]
- danger [variable]
- focus [variable]
- inverse-focus-ui [variable]
- hover-primary [variable]
- active-primary [variable]
- hover-primary-text [variable]
- hover-secondary [variable]
- active-secondary [variable]
- hover-tertiary [variable]
- active-tertiary [variable]
- hover-ui [variable]
- active-ui [variable]
- selected-ui [variable]
- hover-selected-ui [variable]
- inverse-hover-ui [variable]
- hover-danger [variable]
- active-danger [variable]
- hover-row [variable]
- visited-link [variable]
- disabled-01 [variable]
- disabled-02 [variable]
- disabled-03 [variable]
- highlight [variable]
- skeleton-01 [variable]
- skeleton-02 [variable]
- brand-01 [variable]
- brand-02 [variable]
- brand-03 [variable]
- active-01 [variable]
- hover-field [variable]
- caption-01 [variable]
- label-01 [variable]
- helper-text-01 [variable]
- body-short-01 [variable]
- body-long-01 [variable]
- body-short-02 [variable]
- body-long-02 [variable]
- code-01 [variable]
- code-02 [variable]
- heading-01 [variable]
- productive-heading-01 [variable]
- heading-02 [variable]
- productive-heading-02 [variable]
- productive-heading-03 [variable]
- productive-heading-04 [variable]
- productive-heading-05 [variable]
- productive-heading-06 [variable]
- productive-heading-07 [variable]
- expressive-heading-01 [variable]
- expressive-heading-02 [variable]
- expressive-heading-03 [variable]
- expressive-heading-04 [variable]
- expressive-heading-05 [variable]
- expressive-heading-06 [variable]
- expressive-paragraph-01 [variable]
- quotation-01 [variable]
- quotation-02 [variable]
- display-01 [variable]
- display-02 [variable]
- display-03 [variable]
- display-04 [variable]
- custom-property-prefix [variable]
- carbon--theme [variable]
Carbon's white color theme
Source code
$carbon--theme--white: (
interactive-01: #0f62fe,
interactive-02: #393939,
interactive-03: #0f62fe,
interactive-04: #0f62fe,
ui-background: #ffffff,
ui-01: #f4f4f4,
ui-02: #ffffff,
ui-03: #e0e0e0,
ui-04: #8d8d8d,
ui-05: #161616,
text-01: #161616,
text-02: #393939,
text-03: #a8a8a8,
text-04: #ffffff,
text-05: #6f6f6f,
icon-01: #161616,
icon-02: #525252,
icon-03: #ffffff,
link-01: #0f62fe,
inverse-link: #78a9ff,
field-01: #f4f4f4,
field-02: #ffffff,
inverse-01: #ffffff,
inverse-02: #393939,
support-01: #da1e28,
support-02: #24a148,
support-03: #f1c21b,
support-04: #0043ce,
inverse-support-01: #fa4d56,
inverse-support-02: #42be65,
inverse-support-03: #f1c21b,
inverse-support-04: #4589ff,
overlay-01: rgba(22, 22, 22, 0.5),
danger: #da1e28,
focus: #0f62fe,
inverse-focus-ui: #ffffff,
hover-primary: #0353e9,
active-primary: #002d9c,
hover-primary-text: #0043ce,
hover-secondary: #4c4c4c,
active-secondary: #6f6f6f,
hover-tertiary: #0353e9,
active-tertiary: #002d9c,
hover-ui: #e5e5e5,
active-ui: #c6c6c6,
selected-ui: #e0e0e0,
inverse-hover-ui: #4c4c4c,
hover-selected-ui: #cacaca,
hover-danger: #ba1b23,
active-danger: #750e13,
hover-row: #e5e5e5,
visited-link: #8a3ffc,
disabled-01: #f4f4f4,
disabled-02: #c6c6c6,
disabled-03: #8d8d8d,
highlight: #d0e2ff,
skeleton-01: #e5e5e5,
skeleton-02: #c6c6c6,
brand-01: #0f62fe,
brand-02: #393939,
brand-03: #0f62fe,
active-01: #c6c6c6,
hover-field: #e5e5e5,
caption-01: (
font-size: 0.75rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1rem,
letter-spacing: 0.32px,
label-01: (
font-size: 0.75rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1rem,
letter-spacing: 0.32px,
helper-text-01: (
font-size: 0.75rem,
line-height: 1rem,
letter-spacing: 0.32px,
body-short-01: (
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.125rem,
letter-spacing: 0.16px,
body-long-01: (
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.25rem,
letter-spacing: 0.16px,
body-short-02: (
font-size: 1rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.375rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
body-long-02: (
font-size: 1rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.5rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
code-01: (
font-family: unquote("'IBM Plex Mono', 'Menlo', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', Courier, monospace"),
font-size: 0.75rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1rem,
letter-spacing: 0.32px,
code-02: (
font-family: unquote("'IBM Plex Mono', 'Menlo', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', Courier, monospace"),
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.25rem,
letter-spacing: 0.32px,
heading-01: (
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.125rem,
letter-spacing: 0.16px,
productive-heading-01: (
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.125rem,
letter-spacing: 0.16px,
heading-02: (
font-size: 1rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.375rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
productive-heading-02: (
font-size: 1rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.375rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
productive-heading-03: (
font-size: 1.25rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.625rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
productive-heading-04: (
font-size: 1.75rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 2.25rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
productive-heading-05: (
font-size: 2rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 2.5rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
productive-heading-06: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 3.125rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
productive-heading-07: (
font-size: 3.375rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 4rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
expressive-heading-01: (
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.125rem,
letter-spacing: 0.16px,
expressive-heading-02: (
font-size: 1rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.375rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
expressive-heading-03: (
font-size: 1.25rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 130%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
xlg: (
font-size: 1.25rem,
line-height: 125%,
max: (
font-size: 1.5rem,
expressive-heading-04: (
font-size: 1.75rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 129%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
xlg: (
font-size: 1.75rem,
line-height: 125%,
max: (
font-size: 2rem,
expressive-heading-05: (
font-size: 2rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 125%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 2.25rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 122%,
letter-spacing: 0,
lg: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 119%,
letter-spacing: 0,
xlg: (
font-size: 3rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 117%,
letter-spacing: 0,
max: (
font-size: 3.75rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 4.375rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
expressive-heading-06: (
font-size: 2rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 125%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 2.25rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 122%,
letter-spacing: 0,
lg: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 119%,
letter-spacing: 0,
xlg: (
font-size: 3rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 117%,
letter-spacing: 0,
max: (
font-size: 3.75rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 4.375rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
expressive-paragraph-01: (
font-size: 1.5rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 125%,
letter-spacing: 0,
lg: (
font-size: 1.75rem,
line-height: 129%,
max: (
font-size: 2rem,
line-height: 125%,
quotation-01: (
font-size: 1.25rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 130%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 1.25rem,
font-weight: 400,
letter-spacing: 0,
lg: (
font-size: 1.5rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 125%,
letter-spacing: 0,
xlg: (
font-size: 1.75rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 129%,
letter-spacing: 0,
max: (
font-size: 2rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 125%,
letter-spacing: 0,
quotation-02: (
font-size: 2rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 125%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 2.25rem,
line-height: 122%,
lg: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
line-height: 119%,
xlg: (
font-size: 3rem,
line-height: 117%,
max: (
font-size: 3.75rem,
display-01: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 119%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
lg: (
font-size: 3.375rem,
xlg: (
font-size: 3.75rem,
line-height: 117%,
max: (
font-size: 4.75rem,
line-height: 113%,
display-02: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 119%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
lg: (
font-size: 3.375rem,
xlg: (
font-size: 3.75rem,
line-height: 116%,
max: (
font-size: 4.75rem,
line-height: 113%,
display-03: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 119%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 4.25rem,
line-height: 115%,
lg: (
font-size: 5.75rem,
line-height: 111%,
letter-spacing: -0.64px,
xlg: (
font-size: 7.625rem,
line-height: 107%,
max: (
font-size: 9.75rem,
line-height: 105%,
letter-spacing: -0.96px,
display-04: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 119%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 4.25rem,
line-height: 115%,
lg: (
font-size: 5.75rem,
line-height: 111%,
letter-spacing: -0.64px,
xlg: (
font-size: 7.625rem,
line-height: 107%,
letter-spacing: -0.64px,
max: (
font-size: 9.75rem,
line-height: 105%,
letter-spacing: -0.96px,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Aliased:
Carbon's g10 color theme
Source code
$carbon--theme--g10: (
interactive-01: #0f62fe,
interactive-02: #393939,
interactive-03: #0f62fe,
interactive-04: #0f62fe,
ui-background: #f4f4f4,
ui-01: #ffffff,
ui-02: #f4f4f4,
ui-03: #e0e0e0,
ui-04: #8d8d8d,
ui-05: #161616,
text-01: #161616,
text-02: #393939,
text-03: #a8a8a8,
text-04: #ffffff,
text-05: #6f6f6f,
icon-01: #161616,
icon-02: #525252,
icon-03: #ffffff,
link-01: #0f62fe,
inverse-link: #78a9ff,
field-01: #ffffff,
field-02: #f4f4f4,
inverse-01: #ffffff,
inverse-02: #393939,
support-01: #da1e28,
support-02: #24a148,
support-03: #f1c21b,
support-04: #0043ce,
inverse-support-01: #fa4d56,
inverse-support-02: #42be65,
inverse-support-03: #f1c21b,
inverse-support-04: #4589ff,
overlay-01: rgba(22, 22, 22, 0.5),
danger: #da1e28,
focus: #0f62fe,
inverse-focus-ui: #ffffff,
hover-primary: #0353e9,
active-primary: #002d9c,
hover-primary-text: #0043ce,
hover-secondary: #4c4c4c,
active-secondary: #6f6f6f,
hover-tertiary: #0353e9,
active-tertiary: #002d9c,
hover-ui: #e5e5e5,
active-ui: #c6c6c6,
selected-ui: #e0e0e0,
inverse-hover-ui: #4c4c4c,
hover-selected-ui: #cacaca,
hover-danger: #ba1b23,
active-danger: #750e13,
hover-row: #e5e5e5,
visited-link: #8a3ffc,
disabled-01: #ffffff,
disabled-02: #c6c6c6,
disabled-03: #8d8d8d,
highlight: #d0e2ff,
skeleton-01: #e5e5e5,
skeleton-02: #c6c6c6,
brand-01: #0f62fe,
brand-02: #393939,
brand-03: #0f62fe,
active-01: #c6c6c6,
hover-field: #e5e5e5,
caption-01: (
font-size: 0.75rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1rem,
letter-spacing: 0.32px,
label-01: (
font-size: 0.75rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1rem,
letter-spacing: 0.32px,
helper-text-01: (
font-size: 0.75rem,
line-height: 1rem,
letter-spacing: 0.32px,
body-short-01: (
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.125rem,
letter-spacing: 0.16px,
body-long-01: (
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.25rem,
letter-spacing: 0.16px,
body-short-02: (
font-size: 1rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.375rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
body-long-02: (
font-size: 1rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.5rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
code-01: (
font-family: unquote("'IBM Plex Mono', 'Menlo', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', Courier, monospace"),
font-size: 0.75rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1rem,
letter-spacing: 0.32px,
code-02: (
font-family: unquote("'IBM Plex Mono', 'Menlo', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', Courier, monospace"),
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.25rem,
letter-spacing: 0.32px,
heading-01: (
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.125rem,
letter-spacing: 0.16px,
productive-heading-01: (
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.125rem,
letter-spacing: 0.16px,
heading-02: (
font-size: 1rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.375rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
productive-heading-02: (
font-size: 1rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.375rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
productive-heading-03: (
font-size: 1.25rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.625rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
productive-heading-04: (
font-size: 1.75rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 2.25rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
productive-heading-05: (
font-size: 2rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 2.5rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
productive-heading-06: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 3.125rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
productive-heading-07: (
font-size: 3.375rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 4rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
expressive-heading-01: (
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.125rem,
letter-spacing: 0.16px,
expressive-heading-02: (
font-size: 1rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.375rem,
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- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
Carbon's g90 color theme
Source code
$carbon--theme--g90: (
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font-size: 9.75rem,
line-height: 105%,
letter-spacing: -0.96px,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
Carbon's g100 color theme
Source code
$carbon--theme--g100: (
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interactive-04: #4589ff,
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font-size: 2.625rem,
lg: (
font-size: 3.375rem,
xlg: (
font-size: 3.75rem,
line-height: 116%,
max: (
font-size: 4.75rem,
line-height: 113%,
display-03: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 119%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 4.25rem,
line-height: 115%,
lg: (
font-size: 5.75rem,
line-height: 111%,
letter-spacing: -0.64px,
xlg: (
font-size: 7.625rem,
line-height: 107%,
max: (
font-size: 9.75rem,
line-height: 105%,
letter-spacing: -0.96px,
display-04: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 119%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 4.25rem,
line-height: 115%,
lg: (
font-size: 5.75rem,
line-height: 111%,
letter-spacing: -0.64px,
xlg: (
font-size: 7.625rem,
line-height: 107%,
letter-spacing: -0.64px,
max: (
font-size: 9.75rem,
line-height: 105%,
letter-spacing: -0.96px,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
Carbon's v9 color theme
Source code
$carbon--theme--v9: (
interactive-01: #3d70b2,
interactive-02: #5a6872,
interactive-03: #5a6872,
interactive-04: #3d70b2,
ui-background: #f4f7fb,
ui-01: #ffffff,
ui-02: #f4f7fb,
ui-03: #dfe3e6,
ui-04: #8897a2,
ui-05: #5a6872,
text-01: #152935,
text-02: #5a6872,
text-03: #cdd1d4,
text-04: #ffffff,
text-05: #5a6872,
icon-01: #3d70b2,
icon-02: #5a6872,
icon-03: #ffffff,
link-01: #3d70b2,
inverse-link: #5596e6,
field-01: #ffffff,
field-02: #f4f7fb,
inverse-01: #ffffff,
inverse-02: #272d33,
support-01: #e0182d,
support-02: #5aa700,
support-03: #efc100,
support-04: #5aaafa,
inverse-support-01: #ff5050,
inverse-support-02: #8cd211,
inverse-support-03: #fdd600,
inverse-support-04: #5aaafa,
overlay-01: rgba(223, 227, 230, 0.5),
danger: #da1e28,
focus: #3d70b2,
inverse-focus-ui: #3d70b2,
hover-primary: #30588c,
active-primary: #30588c,
hover-primary-text: #294c86,
hover-secondary: #4d5b65,
active-secondary: #414f59,
hover-tertiary: #5a6872,
active-tertiary: #414f59,
hover-ui: #eef4fc,
active-ui: #dfeafa,
selected-ui: #eef4fc,
inverse-hover-ui: #4c4c4c,
hover-selected-ui: #dfeafa,
hover-danger: #c70014,
active-danger: #ad1625,
hover-row: #eef4fc,
visited-link: #294c86,
disabled-01: #fafbfd,
disabled-02: #dfe3e6,
disabled-03: #cdd1d4,
highlight: #f4f7fb,
skeleton-01: rgba(61, 112, 178, 0.1),
skeleton-02: rgba(61, 112, 178, 0.1),
brand-01: #3d70b2,
brand-02: #5a6872,
brand-03: #5a6872,
active-01: #dfeafa,
hover-field: #eef4fc,
caption-01: (
font-size: 0.75rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1rem,
letter-spacing: 0.32px,
label-01: (
font-size: 0.75rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1rem,
letter-spacing: 0.32px,
helper-text-01: (
font-size: 0.75rem,
line-height: 1rem,
letter-spacing: 0.32px,
body-short-01: (
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.125rem,
letter-spacing: 0.16px,
body-long-01: (
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.25rem,
letter-spacing: 0.16px,
body-short-02: (
font-size: 1rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.375rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
body-long-02: (
font-size: 1rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.5rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
code-01: (
font-family: unquote("'IBM Plex Mono', 'Menlo', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', Courier, monospace"),
font-size: 0.75rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1rem,
letter-spacing: 0.32px,
code-02: (
font-family: unquote("'IBM Plex Mono', 'Menlo', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', Courier, monospace"),
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.25rem,
letter-spacing: 0.32px,
heading-01: (
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.125rem,
letter-spacing: 0.16px,
productive-heading-01: (
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.125rem,
letter-spacing: 0.16px,
heading-02: (
font-size: 1rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.375rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
productive-heading-02: (
font-size: 1rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.375rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
productive-heading-03: (
font-size: 1.25rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.625rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
productive-heading-04: (
font-size: 1.75rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 2.25rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
productive-heading-05: (
font-size: 2rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 2.5rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
productive-heading-06: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 3.125rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
productive-heading-07: (
font-size: 3.375rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 4rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
expressive-heading-01: (
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.125rem,
letter-spacing: 0.16px,
expressive-heading-02: (
font-size: 1rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.375rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
expressive-heading-03: (
font-size: 1.25rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 130%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
xlg: (
font-size: 1.25rem,
line-height: 125%,
max: (
font-size: 1.5rem,
expressive-heading-04: (
font-size: 1.75rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 129%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
xlg: (
font-size: 1.75rem,
line-height: 125%,
max: (
font-size: 2rem,
expressive-heading-05: (
font-size: 2rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 125%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 2.25rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 122%,
letter-spacing: 0,
lg: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 119%,
letter-spacing: 0,
xlg: (
font-size: 3rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 117%,
letter-spacing: 0,
max: (
font-size: 3.75rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 4.375rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
expressive-heading-06: (
font-size: 2rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 125%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 2.25rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 122%,
letter-spacing: 0,
lg: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 119%,
letter-spacing: 0,
xlg: (
font-size: 3rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 117%,
letter-spacing: 0,
max: (
font-size: 3.75rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 4.375rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
expressive-paragraph-01: (
font-size: 1.5rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 125%,
letter-spacing: 0,
lg: (
font-size: 1.75rem,
line-height: 129%,
max: (
font-size: 2rem,
line-height: 125%,
quotation-01: (
font-size: 1.25rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 130%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 1.25rem,
font-weight: 400,
letter-spacing: 0,
lg: (
font-size: 1.5rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 125%,
letter-spacing: 0,
xlg: (
font-size: 1.75rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 129%,
letter-spacing: 0,
max: (
font-size: 2rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 125%,
letter-spacing: 0,
quotation-02: (
font-size: 2rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 125%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 2.25rem,
line-height: 122%,
lg: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
line-height: 119%,
xlg: (
font-size: 3rem,
line-height: 117%,
max: (
font-size: 3.75rem,
display-01: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 119%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
lg: (
font-size: 3.375rem,
xlg: (
font-size: 3.75rem,
line-height: 117%,
max: (
font-size: 4.75rem,
line-height: 113%,
display-02: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 119%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
lg: (
font-size: 3.375rem,
xlg: (
font-size: 3.75rem,
line-height: 116%,
max: (
font-size: 4.75rem,
line-height: 113%,
display-03: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 119%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 4.25rem,
line-height: 115%,
lg: (
font-size: 5.75rem,
line-height: 111%,
letter-spacing: -0.64px,
xlg: (
font-size: 7.625rem,
line-height: 107%,
max: (
font-size: 9.75rem,
line-height: 105%,
letter-spacing: -0.96px,
display-04: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 119%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 4.25rem,
line-height: 115%,
lg: (
font-size: 5.75rem,
line-height: 111%,
letter-spacing: -0.64px,
xlg: (
font-size: 7.625rem,
line-height: 107%,
letter-spacing: -0.64px,
max: (
font-size: 9.75rem,
line-height: 105%,
letter-spacing: -0.96px,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
Carbon's default theme
Source code
$carbon--theme: (
interactive-01: if(global-variable-exists('interactive-01'), $interactive-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'interactive-01')),
interactive-02: if(global-variable-exists('interactive-02'), $interactive-02, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'interactive-02')),
interactive-03: if(global-variable-exists('interactive-03'), $interactive-03, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'interactive-03')),
interactive-04: if(global-variable-exists('interactive-04'), $interactive-04, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'interactive-04')),
ui-background: if(global-variable-exists('ui-background'), $ui-background, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'ui-background')),
ui-01: if(global-variable-exists('ui-01'), $ui-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'ui-01')),
ui-02: if(global-variable-exists('ui-02'), $ui-02, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'ui-02')),
ui-03: if(global-variable-exists('ui-03'), $ui-03, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'ui-03')),
ui-04: if(global-variable-exists('ui-04'), $ui-04, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'ui-04')),
ui-05: if(global-variable-exists('ui-05'), $ui-05, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'ui-05')),
text-01: if(global-variable-exists('text-01'), $text-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'text-01')),
text-02: if(global-variable-exists('text-02'), $text-02, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'text-02')),
text-03: if(global-variable-exists('text-03'), $text-03, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'text-03')),
text-04: if(global-variable-exists('text-04'), $text-04, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'text-04')),
text-05: if(global-variable-exists('text-05'), $text-05, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'text-05')),
icon-01: if(global-variable-exists('icon-01'), $icon-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'icon-01')),
icon-02: if(global-variable-exists('icon-02'), $icon-02, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'icon-02')),
icon-03: if(global-variable-exists('icon-03'), $icon-03, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'icon-03')),
link-01: if(global-variable-exists('link-01'), $link-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'link-01')),
inverse-link: if(global-variable-exists('inverse-link'), $inverse-link, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'inverse-link')),
field-01: if(global-variable-exists('field-01'), $field-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'field-01')),
field-02: if(global-variable-exists('field-02'), $field-02, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'field-02')),
inverse-01: if(global-variable-exists('inverse-01'), $inverse-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'inverse-01')),
inverse-02: if(global-variable-exists('inverse-02'), $inverse-02, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'inverse-02')),
support-01: if(global-variable-exists('support-01'), $support-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'support-01')),
support-02: if(global-variable-exists('support-02'), $support-02, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'support-02')),
support-03: if(global-variable-exists('support-03'), $support-03, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'support-03')),
support-04: if(global-variable-exists('support-04'), $support-04, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'support-04')),
inverse-support-01: if(global-variable-exists('inverse-support-01'), $inverse-support-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'inverse-support-01')),
inverse-support-02: if(global-variable-exists('inverse-support-02'), $inverse-support-02, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'inverse-support-02')),
inverse-support-03: if(global-variable-exists('inverse-support-03'), $inverse-support-03, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'inverse-support-03')),
inverse-support-04: if(global-variable-exists('inverse-support-04'), $inverse-support-04, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'inverse-support-04')),
overlay-01: if(global-variable-exists('overlay-01'), $overlay-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'overlay-01')),
danger: if(global-variable-exists('danger'), $danger, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'danger')),
focus: if(global-variable-exists('focus'), $focus, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'focus')),
inverse-focus-ui: if(global-variable-exists('inverse-focus-ui'), $inverse-focus-ui, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'inverse-focus-ui')),
hover-primary: if(global-variable-exists('hover-primary'), $hover-primary, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'hover-primary')),
active-primary: if(global-variable-exists('active-primary'), $active-primary, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'active-primary')),
hover-primary-text: if(global-variable-exists('hover-primary-text'), $hover-primary-text, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'hover-primary-text')),
hover-secondary: if(global-variable-exists('hover-secondary'), $hover-secondary, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'hover-secondary')),
active-secondary: if(global-variable-exists('active-secondary'), $active-secondary, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'active-secondary')),
hover-tertiary: if(global-variable-exists('hover-tertiary'), $hover-tertiary, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'hover-tertiary')),
active-tertiary: if(global-variable-exists('active-tertiary'), $active-tertiary, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'active-tertiary')),
hover-ui: if(global-variable-exists('hover-ui'), $hover-ui, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'hover-ui')),
active-ui: if(global-variable-exists('active-ui'), $active-ui, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'active-ui')),
selected-ui: if(global-variable-exists('selected-ui'), $selected-ui, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'selected-ui')),
hover-selected-ui: if(global-variable-exists('hover-selected-ui'), $hover-selected-ui, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'hover-selected-ui')),
inverse-hover-ui: if(global-variable-exists('inverse-hover-ui'), $inverse-hover-ui, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'inverse-hover-ui')),
hover-danger: if(global-variable-exists('hover-danger'), $hover-danger, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'hover-danger')),
active-danger: if(global-variable-exists('active-danger'), $active-danger, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'active-danger')),
hover-row: if(global-variable-exists('hover-row'), $hover-row, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'hover-row')),
visited-link: if(global-variable-exists('visited-link'), $visited-link, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'visited-link')),
disabled-01: if(global-variable-exists('disabled-01'), $disabled-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'disabled-01')),
disabled-02: if(global-variable-exists('disabled-02'), $disabled-02, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'disabled-02')),
disabled-03: if(global-variable-exists('disabled-03'), $disabled-03, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'disabled-03')),
highlight: if(global-variable-exists('highlight'), $highlight, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'highlight')),
skeleton-01: if(global-variable-exists('skeleton-01'), $skeleton-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'skeleton-01')),
skeleton-02: if(global-variable-exists('skeleton-02'), $skeleton-02, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'skeleton-02')),
brand-01: if(global-variable-exists('brand-01'), $brand-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'brand-01')),
brand-02: if(global-variable-exists('brand-02'), $brand-02, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'brand-02')),
brand-03: if(global-variable-exists('brand-03'), $brand-03, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'brand-03')),
active-01: if(global-variable-exists('active-01'), $active-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'active-01')),
hover-field: if(global-variable-exists('hover-field'), $hover-field, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'hover-field')),
caption-01: if(global-variable-exists('caption-01'), $caption-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'caption-01')),
label-01: if(global-variable-exists('label-01'), $label-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'label-01')),
helper-text-01: if(global-variable-exists('helper-text-01'), $helper-text-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'helper-text-01')),
body-short-01: if(global-variable-exists('body-short-01'), $body-short-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'body-short-01')),
body-long-01: if(global-variable-exists('body-long-01'), $body-long-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'body-long-01')),
body-short-02: if(global-variable-exists('body-short-02'), $body-short-02, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'body-short-02')),
body-long-02: if(global-variable-exists('body-long-02'), $body-long-02, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'body-long-02')),
code-01: if(global-variable-exists('code-01'), $code-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'code-01')),
code-02: if(global-variable-exists('code-02'), $code-02, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'code-02')),
heading-01: if(global-variable-exists('heading-01'), $heading-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'heading-01')),
productive-heading-01: if(global-variable-exists('productive-heading-01'), $productive-heading-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'productive-heading-01')),
heading-02: if(global-variable-exists('heading-02'), $heading-02, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'heading-02')),
productive-heading-02: if(global-variable-exists('productive-heading-02'), $productive-heading-02, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'productive-heading-02')),
productive-heading-03: if(global-variable-exists('productive-heading-03'), $productive-heading-03, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'productive-heading-03')),
productive-heading-04: if(global-variable-exists('productive-heading-04'), $productive-heading-04, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'productive-heading-04')),
productive-heading-05: if(global-variable-exists('productive-heading-05'), $productive-heading-05, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'productive-heading-05')),
productive-heading-06: if(global-variable-exists('productive-heading-06'), $productive-heading-06, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'productive-heading-06')),
productive-heading-07: if(global-variable-exists('productive-heading-07'), $productive-heading-07, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'productive-heading-07')),
expressive-heading-01: if(global-variable-exists('expressive-heading-01'), $expressive-heading-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'expressive-heading-01')),
expressive-heading-02: if(global-variable-exists('expressive-heading-02'), $expressive-heading-02, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'expressive-heading-02')),
expressive-heading-03: if(global-variable-exists('expressive-heading-03'), $expressive-heading-03, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'expressive-heading-03')),
expressive-heading-04: if(global-variable-exists('expressive-heading-04'), $expressive-heading-04, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'expressive-heading-04')),
expressive-heading-05: if(global-variable-exists('expressive-heading-05'), $expressive-heading-05, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'expressive-heading-05')),
expressive-heading-06: if(global-variable-exists('expressive-heading-06'), $expressive-heading-06, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'expressive-heading-06')),
expressive-paragraph-01: if(global-variable-exists('expressive-paragraph-01'), $expressive-paragraph-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'expressive-paragraph-01')),
quotation-01: if(global-variable-exists('quotation-01'), $quotation-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'quotation-01')),
quotation-02: if(global-variable-exists('quotation-02'), $quotation-02, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'quotation-02')),
display-01: if(global-variable-exists('display-01'), $display-01, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'display-01')),
display-02: if(global-variable-exists('display-02'), $display-02, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'display-02')),
display-03: if(global-variable-exists('display-03'), $display-03, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'display-03')),
display-04: if(global-variable-exists('display-04'), $display-04, map-get($carbon--theme--white, 'display-04')),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Alias:
- Used by:
Primary interactive color; Primary buttons
Source code
$interactive-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'interactive-01'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Aliased:
- Used by:
Secondary interactive color; Secondary button
Source code
$interactive-02: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'interactive-02'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Aliased:
- Used by:
4.5:1 AA contrast; Tertiary button
Source code
$interactive-03: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'interactive-03'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Aliased:
- Used by:
3:1 AA contrast; Selected elements; Active elements; Accent icons
Source code
$interactive-04: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'interactive-04'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Default page background
Source code
$ui-background: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'ui-background'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Primary container background; Secondary page background
Source code
$ui-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'ui-01'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Primary page background; Secondary container background
Source code
$ui-02: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'ui-02'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Subtle border; Tertiary background color
Source code
$ui-03: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'ui-03'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
3:1 AA element contrast; Medium contrast border
Source code
$ui-04: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'ui-04'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
4.5:1 AA element contrast; High contrast border; Emphasis elements
Source code
$ui-05: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'ui-05'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Primary text; Body copy; Headers; Hover text color for $text-02
Source code
$text-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'text-01'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Secondary text; Input labels; Help text
Source code
$text-02: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'text-02'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Placeholder text
Source code
$text-03: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'text-03'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Text on interactive colors
Source code
$text-04: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'text-04'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$text-05: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'text-05'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Primary icons
Source code
$icon-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'icon-01'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Secondary icons
Source code
$icon-02: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'icon-02'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Tertiary icons; Icons on interactive colors; Icons on non-ui colors
Source code
$icon-03: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'icon-03'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Primary links; Ghost button
Source code
$link-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'link-01'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$inverse-link: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'inverse-link'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Default input fields; Field color on $ui-backgrounds
Source code
$field-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'field-01'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Input field color on $ui-02
Source code
$field-02: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'field-02'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Inverse text color; Inverse icon color
Source code
$inverse-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'inverse-01'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
High contrast backgrounds; High contrast elements
Source code
$inverse-02: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'inverse-02'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$support-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'support-01'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$support-02: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'support-02'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$support-03: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'support-03'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$support-04: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'support-04'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Error on high contrast backgrounds
Source code
$inverse-support-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'inverse-support-01'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Success on high contrast backgrounds
Source code
$inverse-support-02: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'inverse-support-02'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Warning on high contrast backgrounds
Source code
$inverse-support-03: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'inverse-support-03'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Information on high contrast backgrounds
Source code
$inverse-support-04: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'inverse-support-04'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Background overlay
Source code
$overlay-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'overlay-01'),
rgba(22, 22, 22, 0.5)
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$danger: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'danger'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Focus border; Focus underline
Source code
$focus: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'focus'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$inverse-focus-ui: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'inverse-focus-ui'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$hover-primary: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'hover-primary'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$active-primary: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'active-primary'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
text hover
Source code
$hover-primary-text: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'hover-primary-text'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$hover-secondary: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'hover-secondary'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
active; $inverse-01
Source code
$active-secondary: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'active-secondary'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
hover; $inverse-01
Source code
$hover-tertiary: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'hover-tertiary'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$active-tertiary: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'active-tertiary'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
hover; $ui-02
hover; Transparent background hover
Source code
$hover-ui: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'hover-ui'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Aliased:
- Used by:
active; $ui-02
Source code
$active-ui: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'active-ui'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Aliased:
- Used by:
Selected UI elements
Source code
$selected-ui: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'selected-ui'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Data table selected row hover
Source code
$hover-selected-ui: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'hover-selected-ui'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$inverse-hover-ui: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'inverse-hover-ui'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Danger hover; $support-01
Source code
$hover-danger: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'hover-danger'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Danger active; $support-01
Source code
$active-danger: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'active-danger'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Row hover
Source code
$hover-row: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'hover-row'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Visited links
Source code
$visited-link: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'visited-link'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Disabled fields; Disabled backgrounds; Disabled border
Source code
$disabled-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'disabled-01'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Disabled elements on $disabled-01
; Disabled label; Disabled text on
; Disabled icons; Disabled border
Source code
$disabled-02: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'disabled-02'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Disabled text on $disabled-02
; Disabled icons on $disabled-02
Source code
$disabled-03: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'disabled-03'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
high light
Source code
$highlight: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'highlight'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Skeleton state of graphics
Source code
$skeleton-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'skeleton-01'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Skeleton state of text
Source code
$skeleton-02: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'skeleton-02'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$brand-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'brand-01'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Alias:
- Used by:
- Deprecated: This may not be available in future releases
Source code
$brand-02: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'brand-02'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Alias:
- Used by:
- Deprecated: This may not be available in future releases
Source code
$brand-03: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'brand-03'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Alias:
- Used by:
- Deprecated: This may not be available in future releases
Source code
$active-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'active-01'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Alias:
- Used by:
- Deprecated: This may not be available in future releases
Source code
$hover-field: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'hover-field'),
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Alias:
- Used by:
- Deprecated: This may not be available in future releases
Source code
$caption-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'caption-01'),
font-size: 0.75rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1rem,
letter-spacing: 0.32px,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$label-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'label-01'),
font-size: 0.75rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1rem,
letter-spacing: 0.32px,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$helper-text-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'helper-text-01'),
font-size: 0.75rem,
line-height: 1rem,
letter-spacing: 0.32px,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$body-short-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'body-short-01'),
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.125rem,
letter-spacing: 0.16px,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$body-long-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'body-long-01'),
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.25rem,
letter-spacing: 0.16px,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$body-short-02: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'body-short-02'),
font-size: 1rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.375rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$body-long-02: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'body-long-02'),
font-size: 1rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.5rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$code-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'code-01'),
font-family: unquote("'IBM Plex Mono', 'Menlo', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', Courier, monospace"),
font-size: 0.75rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1rem,
letter-spacing: 0.32px,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$code-02: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'code-02'),
font-family: unquote("'IBM Plex Mono', 'Menlo', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', Courier, monospace"),
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.25rem,
letter-spacing: 0.32px,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$heading-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'heading-01'),
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.125rem,
letter-spacing: 0.16px,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$productive-heading-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'productive-heading-01'),
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.125rem,
letter-spacing: 0.16px,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$heading-02: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'heading-02'),
font-size: 1rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.375rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$productive-heading-02: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'productive-heading-02'),
font-size: 1rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.375rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$productive-heading-03: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'productive-heading-03'),
font-size: 1.25rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 1.625rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$productive-heading-04: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'productive-heading-04'),
font-size: 1.75rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 2.25rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$productive-heading-05: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'productive-heading-05'),
font-size: 2rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 2.5rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$productive-heading-06: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'productive-heading-06'),
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 3.125rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$productive-heading-07: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'productive-heading-07'),
font-size: 3.375rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 4rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$expressive-heading-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'expressive-heading-01'),
font-size: 0.875rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.125rem,
letter-spacing: 0.16px,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$expressive-heading-02: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'expressive-heading-02'),
font-size: 1rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 1.375rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$expressive-heading-03: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'expressive-heading-03'),
font-size: 1.25rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 130%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
xlg: (
font-size: 1.25rem,
line-height: 125%,
max: (
font-size: 1.5rem,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$expressive-heading-04: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'expressive-heading-04'),
font-size: 1.75rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 129%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
xlg: (
font-size: 1.75rem,
line-height: 125%,
max: (
font-size: 2rem,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$expressive-heading-05: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'expressive-heading-05'),
font-size: 2rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 125%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 2.25rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 122%,
letter-spacing: 0,
lg: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 119%,
letter-spacing: 0,
xlg: (
font-size: 3rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 117%,
letter-spacing: 0,
max: (
font-size: 3.75rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 4.375rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$expressive-heading-06: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'expressive-heading-06'),
font-size: 2rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 125%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 2.25rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 122%,
letter-spacing: 0,
lg: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 119%,
letter-spacing: 0,
xlg: (
font-size: 3rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 117%,
letter-spacing: 0,
max: (
font-size: 3.75rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 4.375rem,
letter-spacing: 0,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$expressive-paragraph-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'expressive-paragraph-01'),
font-size: 1.5rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 125%,
letter-spacing: 0,
lg: (
font-size: 1.75rem,
line-height: 129%,
max: (
font-size: 2rem,
line-height: 125%,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$quotation-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'quotation-01'),
font-size: 1.25rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 130%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 1.25rem,
font-weight: 400,
letter-spacing: 0,
lg: (
font-size: 1.5rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 125%,
letter-spacing: 0,
xlg: (
font-size: 1.75rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 129%,
letter-spacing: 0,
max: (
font-size: 2rem,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 125%,
letter-spacing: 0,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$quotation-02: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'quotation-02'),
font-size: 2rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 125%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 2.25rem,
line-height: 122%,
lg: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
line-height: 119%,
xlg: (
font-size: 3rem,
line-height: 117%,
max: (
font-size: 3.75rem,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$display-01: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'display-01'),
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 119%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
lg: (
font-size: 3.375rem,
xlg: (
font-size: 3.75rem,
line-height: 117%,
max: (
font-size: 4.75rem,
line-height: 113%,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$display-02: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'display-02'),
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 119%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 2.625rem,
lg: (
font-size: 3.375rem,
xlg: (
font-size: 3.75rem,
line-height: 116%,
max: (
font-size: 4.75rem,
line-height: 113%,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$display-03: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'display-03'),
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 300,
line-height: 119%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 4.25rem,
line-height: 115%,
lg: (
font-size: 5.75rem,
line-height: 111%,
letter-spacing: -0.64px,
xlg: (
font-size: 7.625rem,
line-height: 107%,
max: (
font-size: 9.75rem,
line-height: 105%,
letter-spacing: -0.96px,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by:
Source code
$display-04: if(
global-variable-exists('carbon--theme') and map-has-key(
map-get($carbon--theme, 'display-04'),
font-size: 2.625rem,
font-weight: 600,
line-height: 119%,
letter-spacing: 0,
breakpoints: (
md: (
font-size: 4.25rem,
line-height: 115%,
lg: (
font-size: 5.75rem,
line-height: 111%,
letter-spacing: -0.64px,
xlg: (
font-size: 7.625rem,
line-height: 107%,
letter-spacing: -0.64px,
max: (
font-size: 9.75rem,
line-height: 105%,
letter-spacing: -0.96px,
- Group: @carbon/themes
- Type:
- Used by: