diff --git a/barcode_validator/daemon.py b/barcode_validator/daemon.py
index 994d20a..e1efe5f 100644
--- a/barcode_validator/daemon.py
+++ b/barcode_validator/daemon.py
@@ -2,284 +2,272 @@
import requests
import time
import os
-import subprocess
import logging
import sqlite3
import traceback
from datetime import datetime
-from config import Config
-from barcode_validator.core import BarcodeValidator
-from barcode_validator.result import result_fields
+from typing import Optional
+from .config import Config
+from .core import BarcodeValidator
+from .github import GitHubClient
GITHUB_TOKEN = os.environ.get('GITHUB_TOKEN')
POLL_INTERVAL = 300 # 5 minutes
-headers = {
- 'Authorization': f'token {GITHUB_TOKEN}',
- 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'
+class ValidationDaemon:
-def setup_database(config):
- conn = sqlite3.connect(config.get('pr_db_file'))
- c = conn.cursor()
- c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS prs
- (pr_number INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, status TEXT, last_updated TIMESTAMP)''')
- conn.commit()
- return conn
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.bv: Optional[BarcodeValidator] = None
+ self.gc: Optional[GitHubClient] = None
+ self.conn: Optional[sqlite3.Connection] = None
-def get_open_prs(config):
- """
- Get a list of open pull requests for the repository from the remote location on GitHub via its API. The location
- of the pull requests endpoint is constructed from information held by the Config object.
- :return: A list of pull request
- """
- url = f'https://api.github.com/repos/{config.get("repo_owner")}/{config.get("repo_name")}/pulls'
- response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
- return response.json()
-def get_pr_files(config, pr_number):
- """
- Get a list of files for a given pull request. The location of the files-for-this-pull-request endpoint is
- constructed from the repository owner and name (which are held by the Config object) as well as the pull request
- number, which is passed as an argument.
- :param config: The Config object
- :param pr_number: The pull request number
- :return: A list of file objects
- """
- url = f'https://api.github.com/repos/{config.get("repo_owner")}/{config.get("repo_name")}/pulls/{pr_number}/files'
- response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
- return response.json()
-def run_validation(config, pr_number, branch, validator):
- """
- Run the validation process for a given pull request.
- :param config: The Config object
- :param pr_number: The pull request number
- :param branch: The branch name
- :param validator: A BarcodeValidator object
- :return: A list of validation results
- """
- logging.info(f"Starting validation for PR {pr_number}")
- # Go to local clone and fetch the PR
- repo_location = config.get('repo_location')
- logging.info(f"Changing directory to {repo_location}")
- os.chdir(repo_location)
- # Fetch the latest changes
- logging.info(f"Fetching latest changes for PR {pr_number}")
- run_git_command(['git', 'fetch', 'origin'], "Failed to fetch from origin")
- # Create or reset the PR branch
- pr_branch = f"pr-{pr_number}"
- logging.info(f"Creating/resetting branch {pr_branch}")
- run_git_command(['git', 'checkout', '-B', pr_branch, f'origin/{branch}'],
- f"Failed to create/reset branch {pr_branch}")
- # Get the FASTA files from the PR
- logging.info(f"Getting files for PR {pr_number}")
- files = get_pr_files(config, pr_number)
- fasta_files = [f for f in files if f['filename'].endswith(('.fasta', '.fa', '.fas'))]
- logging.info(f"Found {len(fasta_files)} FASTA files in PR {pr_number}")
- # Run the validation process for each FASTA file
- all_results = []
- for file in fasta_files:
- logging.info(f"Processing file: {file['filename']}")
- # Fetch file content
- file_url = file['raw_url']
- logging.info(f"Fetching file from {file_url}")
- response = requests.get(file_url, headers=headers)
- if response.status_code == 200:
- # Create directory if it doesn't exist
- os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file['filename']), exist_ok=True)
- # Save file content
- logging.info(f"Saving file content to {file['filename']}")
- with open(file['filename'], 'wb') as f:
- f.write(response.content)
- # Validate file
- logging.info(f"Validating {file['filename']}...")
- results = validator.validate_fasta(file['filename'])
- logging.info(f"Validation complete for {file['filename']}")
- all_results.extend([(file['filename'], result) for result in results])
- else:
- logging.error(f"Failed to fetch file {file['filename']}: {response.status_code}")
- logging.info(f"Validation complete for PR {pr_number}")
- return all_results
-def commit_file(filename, message):
- """
- Commit a file to the local git repository.
- :param filename: The name of the file to commit
- :param message: The commit message
- :return: None
- """
- run_git_command(['git', 'add', filename], f"Failed to add {filename}")
- run_git_command(['git', 'commit', '-m', message], f"Failed to commit {filename}")
-def post_results(config, pr_number, results):
- """
- Post a comment to a pull request with the validation results.
- :param config: The Config object
- :param pr_number: The pull request number
- :param results: A list of validation results
- :return: None
- """
- comment = "# Validation Results\n\n"
- current_file_handle = None
- current_file_name = None
- for file, r in results:
- # If this is true, then current_file_name is None or previous file
- if file != current_file_name:
- # Close the previous file handle if it exists, i.e. current_file_name was not None
- if current_file_handle:
- # Finalize the file and commit it
- current_file_handle.close()
- tsv_name = f"{current_file_name}.tsv"
- commit_file(current_file_name, f"Add validated FASTA file {current_file_name}")
- commit_file(tsv_name, f"Add validation results for {current_file_name}")
- # Open the new file and write the header, happens both when current_file_name is None or previous file
- current_file_handle = open(f"{file}.tsv", 'w', buffering=1)
- hlist = result_fields(config.get('level'))
- hlist.append('fasta_file')
- current_file_handle.write('\t'.join(hlist) + '\n')
- current_file_name = file
- # Generate the TSV file, with an extra column ('fasta_file') for the analyzed file name
- # and a specificaton of the taxonomic level ('identification_rank')
- r.level = config.get('level')
- rlist = r.get_values()
- rlist.append(file)
- current_file_handle.write('\t'.join(map(str, rlist)) + '\n')
- # Generate the comment to post
- comment = generate_markdown(comment, config, file, r)
- # Post the markdown comment and push the TSV files
- post_comment(config, pr_number, comment)
- current_file_handle.close()
- commit_file(current_file_name, f"Add validated FASTA file {current_file_name}")
- commit_file(f"{current_file_name}.tsv", f"Add validation results for {current_file_name}")
- run_git_command(['git', 'push', 'origin', f"pr-{pr_number}"], f"Failed to push branch pr-{pr_number}")
-def generate_markdown(comment, config, file, r):
- """
- Generate a markdown comment for a validation result.
- :param comment: The current comment string
- :param config: The Config object
- :param file: The file name
- :param r: A DNAAnalysisResult object
- :return: The updated comment string
- """
- barcode_rank, full_rank, messages = r.calculate_ranks(verbosity=3)
- status_emoji = "✅" if r.passes_all_checks() else "❗"
- obs_taxon_names = "\n".join(f" - {taxon.name}" for taxon in r.obs_taxon)
- comment += f"""
- {status_emoji} Process ID: {r.process_id}
-- File: {file}
-- {"✅ No errors" if r.error is None else f"⛔{r.error}"}
-- {"✅" if r.check_taxonomy() else "❗"} **Taxonomic check**
- - Expected species as registered at BOLD: {r.species}
- - Expected {config.get('level')} as registered at BOLD: {r.exp_taxon}
- - Observed BLAST hits at {config.get('level')} level:
-- {"✅" if r.check_length() else "❗"} **Sequence length**
- - Net length aligned to marker region: {r.seq_length}
- - Full sequence length: {r.full_length}
-- {"✅" if r.check_seq_quality() else "❗"} **Sequence quality**
- - Ambiguities in marker region: {r.ambiguities}
- - Ambiguities in full sequence: {r.full_ambiguities}
- - Stop codons: {len(r.stop_codons)}
-- Rankings:
- - Barcode rank: {barcode_rank}
- - Full rank: {full_rank}
- - Messages:
- {messages}
- return comment
-def post_comment(config, pr_number, comment):
- """
- Post a comment to a pull request.
- :param config: The Config object
- :param pr_number: The pull request number
- :param comment: The comment to post
- :return: None
- """
- url = f'https://api.github.com/repos/{config.get("repo_owner")}/{config.get("repo_name")}/issues/{pr_number}/comments'
- payload = {'body': comment}
- requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=payload)
-def run_git_command(command, error_message):
- """Run a git command and log any errors."""
- result = subprocess.run(command, capture_output=True, text=True)
- if result.returncode != 0:
- logging.error(f"{error_message}: {result.stderr}")
- raise RuntimeError(f"Git command failed: {' '.join(command)}")
- return result.stdout
-def process_pr(config, validator, conn, pr_number, branch):
- c = conn.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT status FROM prs WHERE pr_number = ?", (pr_number,))
- row = c.fetchone()
- if row is None or row[0] == 'pending':
+ def initialize(self, config: Config):
+ self.bv = BarcodeValidator()
+ self.bv.initialize(config.get('ncbi_taxonomy'), config.get('bold_sheet_file'))
+ self.gc = GitHubClient(config.get('repo_owner'), config.get('repo_name'), GITHUB_TOKEN,
+ config.get('repo_location'))
- # Start processing the PR
- c.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO prs (pr_number, status, last_updated) VALUES (?, 'processing', ?)",
- (pr_number, datetime.now()))
- conn.commit()
- logging.info(f"Changed status of PR {pr_number} to 'processing'")
- post_comment(config, pr_number, "\U0001F916 - Hi! This is an automated message from the barcode validation "
- "robot. I'm going to validate the FASTA files in your request. Please wait "
- "while I process the files. This takes about two minutes per "
- "sequence.")
- # Run the validation process
- results = run_validation(config, pr_number, branch, validator)
- post_results(config, pr_number, results)
- # Update the PR status
- c.execute("UPDATE prs SET status = 'completed', last_updated = ? WHERE pr_number = ?",
- (datetime.now(), pr_number))
- conn.commit()
- logging.info(f"Changed status of PR {pr_number} to 'completed'")
- post_comment(config, pr_number, "\U0001F916 - Validation complete. If all looks good, "
- "notify @rvosa to merge this PR.")
+ logging.info(f"Going to initialize PR database at {config.get('pr_db_file')}")
+ self.conn = self.setup_database(config.get('pr_db_file'))
+ logging.info("Database initialized")
except Exception as e:
- error_msg = f"Error processing PR {pr_number}: {str(e)}\n"
- error_msg += "Stack trace:\n"
- error_msg += traceback.format_exc()
- logging.error(error_msg)
- c.execute("UPDATE prs SET status = 'error', last_updated = ? WHERE pr_number = ?",
- (datetime.now(), pr_number))
- conn.commit()
- post_comment(config, pr_number, f"\U0001F916 - {error_msg}")
+ logging.error(f"Error setting up database: {str(e)}")
+ exit(1)
+ @classmethod
+ def setup_database(cls, db_file):
+ """
+ Set up the SQLite database for storing PR status.
+ :param db_file: The path to the database file
+ :return: A connection object
+ """
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS prs
+ (pr_number INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, status TEXT, last_updated TIMESTAMP)''')
+ conn.commit()
+ return conn
+ def process_pr(self, config, pr_number, branch):
+ """
+ Process a pull request:
+ - Initialize the PR by changing status to 'processing' and notifying the user
+ - Validate the PR by fetching its FASTA files and running the validation process
+ - Post the validation results to the PR and push the results to the PR branch
+ - Finalize the PR by changing status to 'completed' and notifying the user
+ :param config: The Config object
+ :param pr_number: The pull request number
+ :param branch: The branch name
+ """
+ c = self.conn.cursor()
+ c.execute("SELECT status FROM prs WHERE pr_number = ?", (pr_number,))
+ row = c.fetchone()
+ if row is None or row[0] == 'pending':
+ try:
+ # Change pending => processing, notify user
+ self.initialize_pr(pr_number)
+ # Run the validation process
+ results = self.validate_pr(config, pr_number, branch)
+ self.post_pr_results(config, pr_number, results)
+ # Change processing => completed, notify user
+ self.finalize_pr(pr_number)
+ except Exception as e:
+ error_msg = f"Error processing PR {pr_number}: {str(e)}\n"
+ error_msg += "Stack trace:\n"
+ error_msg += traceback.format_exc()
+ logging.error(error_msg)
+ c.execute("UPDATE prs SET status = 'error', last_updated = ? WHERE pr_number = ?",
+ (datetime.now(), pr_number))
+ self.conn.commit()
+ self.gc.post_comment(pr_number, f"\U0001F916 - {error_msg}")
+ def initialize_pr(self, pr_number):
+ """
+ Initialize a pull request by changing its status to 'processing' and notifying the user.
+ :param pr_number: The pull request number
+ """
+ # Start processing the PR
+ c = self.conn.cursor()
+ c.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO prs (pr_number, status, last_updated) VALUES (?, 'processing', ?)",
+ (pr_number, datetime.now()))
+ self.conn.commit()
+ logging.info(f"Changed status of PR {pr_number} to 'processing'")
+ self.gc.post_comment(pr_number, "\U0001F916 - Hi! This is an automated message from the barcode validation "
+ "robot. I'm going to validate the FASTA files in your request. Please wait "
+ "while I process the files. This takes about two minutes per sequence.")
+ def finalize_pr(self, pr_number):
+ """
+ Finalize a pull request by changing its status to 'completed' and notifying the user.
+ :param pr_number: The pull request number
+ """
+ # Update the PR status
+ c = self.conn.cursor()
+ c.execute("UPDATE prs SET status = 'completed', last_updated = ? WHERE pr_number = ?",
+ (datetime.now(), pr_number))
+ self.conn.commit()
+ logging.info(f"Changed status of PR {pr_number} to 'completed'")
+ self.gc.post_comment(pr_number, "\U0001F916 - Validation complete. If all looks good, notify @rvosa to merge.")
+ def validate_pr(self, config, pr_number, branch):
+ """
+ Run the validation process for a given pull request.
+ :param config: The Config object
+ :param pr_number: The pull request number
+ :param branch: The branch name
+ :return: A list of validation results
+ """
+ logging.info(f"Starting validation for PR {pr_number}")
+ fasta_files = self.fetch_pr_fastas(branch, pr_number)
+ # Run the validation process for each FASTA file
+ all_results = []
+ for file in fasta_files:
+ logging.info(f"Processing file: {file['filename']}")
+ # Fetch file content
+ file_url = file['raw_url']
+ logging.info(f"Fetching file from {file_url}")
+ response = requests.get(file_url, headers=self.gc.headers)
+ if response.status_code == 200:
+ # Create directory if it doesn't exist
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file['filename']), exist_ok=True)
+ # Save file content
+ logging.info(f"Saving file content to {file['filename']}")
+ with open(file['filename'], 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(response.content)
+ # Validate file
+ logging.info(f"Validating {file['filename']}...")
+ results = self.bv.validate_fasta(file['filename'], config)
+ logging.info(f"Validation complete for {file['filename']}")
+ all_results.extend([(file['filename'], result) for result in results])
+ else:
+ logging.error(f"Failed to fetch file {file['filename']}: {response.status_code}")
+ logging.info(f"Validation complete for PR {pr_number}")
+ return all_results
+ def fetch_pr_fastas(self, branch, pr_number):
+ """
+ Fetch the FASTA files from a pull request.
+ :param branch: The branch name
+ :param pr_number: The pull request number
+ :return: A list of FASTA files
+ """
+ # Fetch the latest changes
+ logging.info(f"Fetching latest changes for PR {pr_number}")
+ self.gc.run_git_command(['git', 'fetch', 'origin'], "Failed to fetch from origin")
+ # Create or reset the PR branch
+ pr_branch = f"pr-{pr_number}"
+ logging.info(f"Creating/resetting branch {pr_branch}")
+ self.gc.run_git_command(['git', 'checkout', '-B', pr_branch, f'origin/{branch}'],
+ f"Failed to create/reset branch {pr_branch}")
+ # Get the FASTA files from the PR
+ logging.info(f"Getting files for PR {pr_number}")
+ files = self.gc.get_pr_files(pr_number)
+ fasta_files = [f for f in files if f['filename'].endswith(('.fasta', '.fa', '.fas'))]
+ logging.info(f"Found {len(fasta_files)} FASTA files in PR {pr_number}")
+ return fasta_files
+ def post_pr_results(self, config, pr_number, results):
+ """
+ Post a comment to a pull request with the validation results.
+ :param config: The Config object
+ :param pr_number: The pull request number
+ :param results: A list of validation results
+ :return: None
+ """
+ comment = "# Validation Results\n\n"
+ current_file_handle = None
+ current_file_name = None
+ for file, r in results:
+ # If this is true, then current_file_name is None or previous file
+ if file != current_file_name:
+ # Close the previous file handle if it exists, i.e. current_file_name was not None
+ if current_file_handle:
+ # Finalize the file and commit it
+ current_file_handle.close()
+ tsv_name = f"{current_file_name}.tsv"
+ self.gc.commit_file(current_file_name, f"Add validated FASTA file {current_file_name}")
+ self.gc.commit_file(tsv_name, f"Add validation results for {current_file_name}")
+ # Open the new file and write the header, happens both when current_file_name is None or previous file
+ current_file_handle = open(f"{file}.tsv", 'w', buffering=1)
+ hlist = r.result_fields(config.get('level'))
+ hlist.append('fasta_file')
+ current_file_handle.write('\t'.join(hlist) + '\n')
+ current_file_name = file
+ # Generate the TSV file, with an extra column ('fasta_file') for the analyzed file name
+ # and a specificaton of the taxonomic level ('identification_rank')
+ r.level = config.get('level')
+ rlist = r.get_values()
+ rlist.append(file)
+ current_file_handle.write('\t'.join(map(str, rlist)) + '\n')
+ # Generate the comment to post
+ comment = self.generate_markdown(comment, config, file, r)
+ # Post the markdown comment and push the TSV files
+ self.gc.post_comment(pr_number, comment)
+ current_file_handle.close()
+ self.gc.commit_file(current_file_name, f"Add validated FASTA file {current_file_name}")
+ self.gc.commit_file(f"{current_file_name}.tsv", f"Add validation results for {current_file_name}")
+ self.gc.run_git_command(['git', 'push', 'origin', f"pr-{pr_number}"], f"Failed to push branch pr-{pr_number}")
+ @classmethod
+ def generate_markdown(cls, comment, config, file, r):
+ """
+ Generate a markdown comment for a validation result.
+ :param comment: The current comment string
+ :param config: The Config object
+ :param file: The file name
+ :param r: A DNAAnalysisResult object
+ :return: The updated comment string
+ """
+ barcode_rank, full_rank, messages = r.calculate_ranks(verbosity=3)
+ status_emoji = "✅" if r.passes_all_checks() else "❗"
+ obs_taxon_names = "\n".join(f" - {taxon.name}" for taxon in r.obs_taxon)
+ comment += f"""
+ {status_emoji} Process ID: {r.process_id}
+ - File: {file}
+ - {"✅ No errors" if r.error is None else f"⛔{r.error}"}
+ - {"✅" if r.check_taxonomy() else "❗"} **Taxonomic check**
+ - Expected species as registered at BOLD: {r.species}
+ - Expected {config.get('level')} as registered at BOLD: {r.exp_taxon}
+ - Observed BLAST hits at {config.get('level')} level:
+ {obs_taxon_names}
+ - {"✅" if r.check_length() else "❗"} **Sequence length**
+ - Net length aligned to marker region: {r.seq_length}
+ - Full sequence length: {r.full_length}
+ - {"✅" if r.check_seq_quality() else "❗"} **Sequence quality**
+ - Ambiguities in marker region: {r.ambiguities}
+ - Ambiguities in full sequence: {r.full_ambiguities}
+ - Stop codons: {len(r.stop_codons)}
+ - Rankings:
+ - Barcode rank: {barcode_rank}
+ - Full rank: {full_rank}
+ - Messages:
+ {messages}
+ """
+ return comment
def main(config_file, verbosity):
@@ -290,25 +278,13 @@ def main(config_file, verbosity):
:return: None
- # Initialize the Config object and setup logging
+ # Initialize the Config object, setup logging
config = Config()
logging.info("*** Barcode Validator Daemon starting ***")
- # Set up the database connection for tracking PRs
- try:
- logging.info(f"Going to initialize PR database at {config.get('pr_db_file')}")
- conn = setup_database(config)
- logging.info("Database initialized")
- except Exception as e:
- logging.error(f"Error setting up database: {str(e)}")
- exit(1)
- # Initialize the BarcodeValidator object
- logging.info("Initializing BarcodeValidator...")
- validator = BarcodeValidator(config)
- validator.initialize()
+ daemon = ValidationDaemon()
+ daemon.initialize(config)
# Start the main loop
logging.info("Starting main loop")
@@ -316,21 +292,20 @@ def main(config_file, verbosity):
# Get a list of open PRs and iterate over them
logging.info("Checking for open PRs...")
- prs = get_open_prs(config)
+ prs = daemon.gc.get_open_prs()
logging.info(f"Found {len(prs)} open PRs")
for pr in prs:
# Process PRs that contain FASTA files
pr_number = pr['number']
logging.info(f"Inspecting files from PR {pr['number']}...")
- files = get_pr_files(config, pr_number)
+ files = daemon.gc.get_pr_files(pr_number)
logging.info(f"Found {len(files)} files in PR {pr['number']}")
# Iterate over the files in the PR and process if any are FASTA files
if any(f['filename'].endswith(('.fasta', '.fa', '.fas')) for f in files):
logging.info(f"Processing PR {pr['number']}")
- process_pr(config, validator, conn, pr_number, pr['head']['ref'])
+ daemon.process_pr(config, pr_number, pr['head']['ref'])
# Clean up old completed PRs
# c = conn.cursor()