Boilerplate of react-native app with usefull libraries.
Project with:
- Node: "10.16.3" (Dynatrace/react-native-plugin not suport 12 yet)
- React: "16.8.3"
- React Native: "0.59.9"
To use demo version, use the API above to test login (Auth):
- Hooks
- @dynatrace/react-native-plugin
- @react-native-community/async-storage
- react-navigation
- react-native-config
- react-native-firebase
- react-native-code-push
- react-native-device-info
- react-native-i18n
- react-native-cached-images
- react-native-camera
- react-native-video
- react-native-webview
- react-native-maps
- react-native-elements
- axios
- jetifier
- prop-types
- jest-enzyme
- eslint
- test (jest)
- codacy-coverage
Pending samples:
- upload files progress
- get current position (navigation.geolocation)
- use Design System
App Center build de .env file using script "" The ".env.sample" file is a sample of ".env" generate by APP Center and is used to run local. Create the ".env" file and fill parameters.
Create accounts:
- Create the files on Firebase console and put the files in DATA folder
- Create Google Maps Key in GCP and put de Key at .env file.
This version has Dynatrace Integration. If you don't need this, remove the module "@dynatrace/react-native-plugin".
// Optional to remove Dynatrace
npm uninstall --save @dynatrace/react-native-plugin
react-native unlink @dynatrace/react-native-plugin
Create the folder "DATA" next to the project folder:
- react-native-start (project folder)
- src
- android
- ios
- ...
_ certificates
- ios
- .p12 and .mobileprovision certificates
- android
- .keystore file
- dev (ENV: environment folder)
- google-services.json
- GoogleService-Info.plist
- master
Install Dependences
yarn install
cd ios && pod install
After prepare DATA folder, run code to prepare the project
//Dynatrace Instrumentation
npm run instrumentDynatrace
Finally, run the application:
npm run android
npm run ios
Before commit your changes, run code below to reset Local configurations
Or commit only your changes
To use AppCenter, there are configuration:
- Pre-build (
To use the script, create the environment variables as:
- RN_<VAR_NAME>: create .env file with variables with RN_ at the beginning of the name
- GOOGLE_CONFIG_ANDROID = base64 of google-services.json
- GOOGLE_CONFIG_IOS = base64 of GoogleService-Info.plist
- GOOGLE_MAPS_KEY = Google Maps Key from GCP
- CODEPUSH_KEY = Key of Appcenter Codepush
- CODACY_PROJECT_TOKEN = Key of Codacy to sync test
- DYNATRACE_APP_ID = Get from Dynatrace account
- DYNATRACE_IOS_ENVIRONMENT = Get from Dynatrace account
- DYNATRACE_IOS_CLUSTER_URL = Get from Dynatrace account
- DYNATRACE_ANDROID_BEACON_URL = Get from Dynatrace account
Example of environment in AppCenter backoffice RN_<VAR_NAME>=value
Example of final .ENV file: <VAR_NAME>=value
npm run test
npm run coverage
npm run coverage:codacy -- --token <TOKEN> //to send report to Codacy
Use the packege to rename your project name and bundle: