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File metadata and controls

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In this article we create an AWS MSK Kafka resource using AWS IAM Roles and Policies to authenticate user access. We then create an Aerospike Database cluster and insert some sample messages which in turn get shipped to AWS Kafka via the Aerospike Kafka Source connector. The article is focused around using IAM to authenticate clients and will guide the reader step by step on how to achieve this.

. . . .



In this section we setup a simple 3 node Kafka cluster.

  • From the AWS Console select MSK service, then create a new cluster, selecting Quick Create
  • Select the Provisioned cluster type and select instance type kafka.t3.small
  • Select the EBS storage and a size of 10 GB
  • Make a note of the VPC, Subnets and the Security group ID as you will need these later.

Next create the IAM Policy and Roles

  • Again from the AWS Console, select the IAM service.
    • Create a new IAM Policy by opening the JSON tab and pasting in the following, replacing region:Account-ID.

    • Save the policy and name it: msk-tutorial-policy

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
  • Create the IAM Role
    • Under Common Use Cases, select EC2 and then next.
    • Under permissions, select the policy named msk-tutorial-policy and then next.
    • Give the role a name like msk-tutorial-role and click the Create Role button.

Kafka Client Machine

Next we create a client machine where we install the necessary Kafka tools to access our MSK cluster.

  • Create a new ec2 instance type t2.micro

  • Use the default AMI: Amazon Linux 2023 AMI 2023.0.20230322.0 x86_64 HVM kernel-6.1

    • The AMI may be different depending on your region.
  • Create a key pair if required

  • Under [Advanced Options.IAM instance profile], select the IAM Role created earlier

  • Launch the instance.

  • Under instances launched, choose the instance you just created. Click on the security tab and make a note of the security group associated with this instance.

    • e.g.: sg-0914e6271c97ae4c9 (launch-wizard-1)
  • Open the VPC section

    • Then click on Security Groups on the left-hand menu

    • Find the security group from the MSK cluster and click on it.

    • e.g.: sg-e5f51dfb

    • Choose edit Inbound Rules

    • Create a new rule to allow all traffic from the new ec2 instance


Kafka Topics

So you've successfully created your first Kafka cluster and Kafka client machine. Now go ahead and test you can access the MSK cluster by creating a topic, producing and consuming some sample messages confirming everything is working as expected.

  • From the MSK Cluster make a note of the Kafka version being used.

    • In this example we are using 2.8.1
  • From the Kafka client machine install Java 11+

    • sudo yum -y install java-11
  • Download and untar Apache Kafka

    • wget
    • tar -xzf kafka_2.12-2.8.1.tgz
  • To use IAM we will need the MSK IAM Auth jar file. Download the jar to the Kafka libs folder

    • cd kafka_2.12-2.8.1/libs/

    • wget

    • cd ../bin/

    • Create a file to use when authenticating to MSK. It will define the SASL mechanism to use and reference the Java class file that will handle the IAM callbacks.

cat <<EOF>
sasl.mechanism=AWS_MSK_IAM required;

Creating Topics

Go to the AWS Console and view the MSK Cluster Client Information. See the screenshot below. There will be 3 endpoints to choose from, for this illustration we only require one.

  • Example choose:



From the kafka/bin folder run the command to create a topic. Lets call it aerospike-airforce-1

export BootstrapServerString=""
./ --create --bootstrap-server $BootstrapServerString --command-config --replication-factor 3 --partitions 1 --topic aerospike-airforce-1

Listing Topics

To list the topics run the following. Notice our latest topic called aerospike-airforce-1 just showed up.

./ --bootstrap-server $BootstrapServerString --command-config --list

Produce and Consumer

I agree this is Kafka-101 and not quite Hello-World but it makes sense to test our setup by sending and receiving messages from the designated Kafka topic.

Produce some message by opening a new window and running the following Kafka producer command. Type 3 or 4 messages hitting the 'return' key after each message.

./ --broker-list $BootstrapServerString --producer.config --topic aerospike-airforce-1
>Instrument Check
>Pre flight checks confirmed
>Ready for takeoff

You're now ready to start a client consumer app. Open a new window and type the following. You should see the same messages you published earlier.

./ --bootstrap-server $BootstrapServerString --consumer.config --topic aerospike-airforce-1 --from-beginning
Instrument Check
Pre flight checks confirmed
Ready for takeoff

Aerospike Database Source

So just a quick recap on what you have done so far. You created a Kafka 3 node cluster in AWS using MSK with IAM Roles and IAM Permissions. You then successfully created topics, produced and consumed messages using the IAM credentials created during the setup.

The next stage of your journey is to install the Aerospike Database and insert some messages. Set up a simple XDR (Cross Data Centre Replication) component to send data from the Aerospike Database to the Aerospike Kafka Source Connector. This will in turn send the messages to AWS MSK.

Create the Aerospike Database.

Start by creating a new ec2 instance.

  • For this demo you can use Linux Centos 8

    • Rocky 8 AMI: ami-043ceee68871e0bb5 ( us-east-1 )


  • Select the instance type as t2.medium

    • Use t2.medium for e.g.


  • Add the extra volume for the Aerospike data storage layer

    • Simple EBS volume is all that is required for now


  • Launch the instance and ssh onto the host.
  • If you have an Aerospike License feature file upload it to the instance.
  • Install the Aerospike Database Server
export VER=""
sudo yum install java python3 openssl-devel wget git gcc maven bind-utils sysstat nc -y
wget -O aerospike-tools.tgz ''
tar -xvf aerospike-tools.tgz
cd aerospike-tools_8.1.0_el8_x86_64
sudo ./dep-check
sudo ./asinstall
wget -O aerospike.tgz$VER/artifact/el8
tar -xvf aerospike.tgz
cd aerospike-server-enterprise-$VER-el8
sudo ./asinstall
sudo mkdir -p /var/log/aerospike/
sudo systemctl enable aerospike

  • Confirm the storage disk for Aerospike data is available.
xvda    202:0    0  10G  0 disk
└─xvda1 202:1    0  10G  0 part /
xvdb    202:16   0  10G  0 disk   <<----------------- This one!
  • Replace the Aerospike configuration file under /etc/aerospike/aerospike.conf with the following.

    • Under heartbeat.address add in your internal 172.x.x.x address.
    • For xdr.dc.node-address-port enter the {kafka-client-machine-address}:8080
# Aerospike database configuration file for use with systemd.

service {
  # paxos-single-replica-limit 1 # Number of nodes where the replica count is automatically
  proto-fd-max 15000
  service-threads 10
  feature-key-file /etc/aerospike/features.conf
  node-id A1
  cluster-name CLA

logging {
  file /var/log/aerospike/aerospike.log {
    context any info

# public and private addresses
network {
  service {
    address any
    port 3000

  heartbeat {
    mode mesh
    port 3002 # Heartbeat port for this node.
    interval 150 # controls how often to send a heartbeat packet
    timeout 10 # number of intervals after which a node is considered to be missing

  fabric {
    port 3001

  info {
    port 3003

namespace test {
  replication-factor 2
  memory-size 40G
  default-ttl 0
  index-type shmem
  high-water-disk-pct 50
  high-water-memory-pct 60
  stop-writes-pct 90
  nsup-period 0

  storage-engine device {
    device /dev/xvdb
    data-in-memory false
    write-block-size 128K
    min-avail-pct 5

xdr {
  # Change notification XDR block that round-robins between two connector nodes
  dc aerospike-kafka-source {
    connector true
    node-address-port 8080
    namespace test {
  • Start the Aerospike Service
sudo cp features.conf /etc/aerospike/
sudo systemctl start aerospike
sudo systemctl status aerospike

Aerospike Kafka Source Connector

From the Kafka Client ec2 instance go ahead an install the Aerospike Kafka Source Connector. This is uour outbound connector to send data from the Aerospike database to MSK.

sudo yum install java #( install 11+ JDK )
sudo rpm -i aerospike-kafka-outbound-5.0.0-1.noarch.rpm

Configure the outbound connector.

The terms outbound and source connector are used interchangeably in this article.

Add the following contents to the file /etc/aerospike-kafka-outbound/aerospike-kafka-outbound.yml. Replacing the broker address for one of the nodes in the Kafka cluster under producer-props.bootstrap.servers

# Change the configuration for your use case.
# Refer to
# for details.

# The connector's listening ports, TLS and network interface.
  port: 8080

# Format of the Kafka destination message.
  mode: flat-json
  metadata-key: metadata

# Aerospike record routing to a Kafka destination.
  mode: static
  destination: aerospike

# Kafka producer initialization properties.
  ssl.truststore.location: /etc/aerospike-kafka-outbound/kafka.client.truststore.jks
  ssl.truststore.password: changeit
  security.protocol: SASL_SSL
  sasl.mechanism: AWS_MSK_IAM
  sasl.jaas.config: required awsProfileName=default;

# The logging properties.
  file: /var/log/aerospike-kafka-outbound/aerospike-kafka-outbound.log
  enable-console-logging: true
    root: debug
    record-parser: debug
    server: debug
    com.aerospike.connect: debug
  ticker-interval: 3600

Create the ca certificate trust store for use in the config kafaka outbound connector config.

sudo cp /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-amazon-corretto/lib/security/cacerts /etc/aerospike-kafka-outbound/kafka.client.truststore.jks
sudo chmod 755 /etc/aerospike-kafka-outbound/kafka.client.truststore.jks

You will need a copy the AWS IAM Kafka Auth Jar file to be made available to the Aerospike Outbound Kafka Connector. If you recall you downloaded this earlier and added the jar to the kafka/libs folder.

sudo cp kafka_2.12-2.8.1/libs/aws-msk-iam-auth-1.1.1-all.jar /opt/aerospike-kafka-outbound/lib/aws-msk-iam-auth-1.1.1-all.jar

Start the service

sudo systemctl enable aerospike-kafka-outbound
sudo systemctl start aerospike-kafka-outbound

Sending Data from Aerospike to Kafka

Open a separate window so you can list all messages on the aerospike kafka topic. Start by adding one of the private endpoint bootstrap servers as an environment variable for ease of use.

export BootstrapServerString=""

Run the consumer client as follows

./ --bootstrap-server $BootstrapServerString --consumer.config --topic aerospike --from-beginning

In a new window start the aql command line client which connects to your Aerospike Database.

aql -U auser -P a-secret-pwd

Insert some data

insert into test (pk,a) values(400,"Your winning lottery ticket")

Check to see if the message appears in the Kafka Consumer window.

{"metadata":{"namespace":"test","userKey":400,"digest":"W7eGav2hKfOU00xx7mnOPYa2uCo=","msg":"write","gen":1,"lut":1681488437767,"exp":0},"a":"Your winning lottery ticket"}


In this article you successfully looked at how easy it is to send data from Aerospike to AWS MSK Kafka while authenticating clients via AWS IAM permissions. We created an Aerospike Database from scratch, setup our AWS MSK Kafka cluster and also used the Aerospike Outbound Kafka Connector to easily build a realtime streaming data pipeline.