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This repository contains various 3rd-party device implementations for use with the python-based labscript suite experiment control system.

Devices include:

  • Novatech 409B, 409B-AC, & 440A DDS
  • Stanford Research 865 Lockin Amplifier
  • Tektronix TDS series oscilloscopes
  • Keysight MSO/DSO X series oscilloscopes
  • Various CW RF Signal Generators
    • Rohde & Schwarz SMF 100A
    • Rohde & Schwarz SMA 100B
    • Rohde & Schwarz SMHU
    • HP 8642A
    • HP 8643A
    • HP 8648A/B/C/D
    • Keysight E8257N
    • Keysight/Agilent DC Power Supplies
      • E364x series tested

The above code is designed to be modular allowing for easy addition of other models, particularly oscilloscopes and CW Signal Generators.

How do I get set up?

Clone this repository into the labscript suite directory.

Valid since labscript_devices version 2.6.0

Add the following line to the labconfig.ini file under the [DEFAULT] section.

user_devices = naqslab_devices

For labscript_devices post version 2.2.0.

As of now BLACS will only look in the labscript_devices repository for device classes. A quick workaround for this until a more permanant solution is implemented is this diff applied to in labscript_devices

@@ -68,6 +68,9 @@
 The old method may be deprecated in the future.
+lab_repo = 'naqslab_devices'
+lab_repo_dir = os.path.join(labscript_suite_install_dir,lab_repo)
 class ClassRegister(object):
     """A register for looking up classes by module name.  Provides a
@@ -105,18 +108,21 @@
             # Ensure the module's code has run (this does not re-import it if it is already in sys.modules)
             importlib.import_module('.' + name, __name__)
         except ImportError:
-            msg = """No %s registered for a device named %s. Ensure that there is a file
-                '' with a call to
-                labscript_devices.register_classes() for this device, with the device
-                name passed to register_classes() matching the name of the device class.
+            try: # hack to use local repo
+                importlib.import_module('.' + name, lab_repo)
+            except ImportError:
+                msg = """No %s registered for a device named %s. Ensure that there is a file
+                    '' with a call to
+                    labscript_devices.register_classes() for this device, with the device
+                    name passed to register_classes() matching the name of the device class.
-                Fallback method of looking for and importing a module in
-                labscript_devices with the same name as the device also failed. If using
-                this method, check that the module exists, has the same name as the
-                device class, and can be imported with no errors. Import error
-                was:\n\n"""
-            msg = dedent(msg) % (self.instancename, name) + traceback.format_exc()
-            raise ImportError(msg)
+                    Fallback method of looking for and importing a module in
+                    labscript_devices with the same name as the device also failed. If using
+                    this method, check that the module exists, has the same name as the
+                    device class, and can be imported with no errors. Import error
+                    was:\n\n"""
+                msg = dedent(msg) % (self.instancename, name) + traceback.format_exc()
+                raise ImportError(msg)
         # Class definitions in that module have executed now, check to see if class is in our register:
             return self.registered_classes[name]
@@ -250,6 +256,17 @@
             module_name = 'labscript_devices._register_classes_script_%d' % module_num
             _ = imp.load_module(module_name, fp, pathname, desc)
             module_num += 1
+    # hack for lab repo to use new arbitrary subfolders        
+    for folder, _, filenames in os.walk(lab_repo_dir):
+        if '' in filenames:
+            # The module name is the path to the file, relative to the labscript suite
+            # install directory:
+            # Open the file using the import machinery, and import it as module_name.
+            fp, pathname, desc = imp.find_module('register_classes', [folder])
+            module_name = 'naqslab_devices._register_classes_script_%d' % module_num
+            _ = imp.load_module(module_name, fp, pathname, desc)
+            module_num += 1
 if __name__ == '__main__':


Invoke in labscript scripts like other labscript_devices

from naqslab_devices import ScopeChannel
from naqslab_devices.KeysightXSeries.labscript_device import KeysightXScope

Usage of individual devices varies somewhat. Here is an example connectiontable showing some of their instantiation with labscript_devices > 2.2.0.

from labscript import *
from naqslab_devices.PulseBlasterESRPro300.labscript_device import PulseBlasterESRPro300
from naqslab_devices.NovaTechDDS.labscript_device import NovaTech409B, NovaTech409B_AC, NovaTech440A
from labscript_devices.NI_DAQmx import NI_DAQmx
from naqslab_devices.SignalGenerator.Models import RS_SMF100A, RS_SMHU
from naqslab_devices.SR865.labscript_device import SR865
from naqslab_devices import ScopeChannel, StaticFreqAmp
from naqslab_devices.KeysightXSeries.labscript_device import KeysightXScope

PulseBlasterESRPro300(name='pulseblaster_0', board_number=0, programming_scheme='pb_start/BRANCH')
ClockLine(name='pulseblaster_0_clockline_fast', pseudoclock=pulseblaster_0.pseudoclock, connection='flag 0')
ClockLine(name='pulseblaster_0_clockline_slow', pseudoclock=pulseblaster_0.pseudoclock, connection='flag 1')
NI_DAQmx(name='ni_6343', parent_device=pulseblaster_0_clockline_fast, clock_terminal='/ni_usb_6343/PFI0',
	    num_AO = 4,
	    sample_rate_AO = 700e3,
	    num_DO = 32,
	    sample_rate_DO = 1e6,
	    num_AI = 32,
	    clock_terminal_AI = '/ni_usb_6343/PFI0',
	    mode_AI = 'labscript',
	    sample_rate_AI = 250e3, # 500 kS/s max aggregate

NovaTech409B(name='novatech_static', com_port="com4", baud_rate = 115200, phase_mode='aligned')
NovaTech409B_AC(name='novatech', parent_device=pulseblaster_0_clockline_slow, com_port="com3", update_mode='asynchronous', phase_mode='aligned', baud_rate = 115200)
NovaTech440A(name='HFnovatech', com_port='com6', baud_rate = 19200)
StaticDDS('HFDDS', HFnovatech, 'channel 0')

# using NI-MAX alias instead of full VISA name
RS_SMF100A(name='SMF100A', VISA_name='SMF100A')

# add Lock-In Amplifier
SR865(name='LockIn', VISA_name='SR865')

# call the scope, use NI-MAX alias instead of full name
	trigger_device=pulseblaster_0.direct_outputs,trigger_connection='flag 3',
ScopeChannel('Heterodyne',Scope,'Channel 1')
#ScopeChannel('Absorption',Scope,'Channel 2')
#ScopeChannel('Modulation',Scope,'Channel 4')

# Define the Wait Monitor for the AC-Line Triggering
# note that connections used here cannot be used elsewhere
# 'connection' needs to be physically connected to 'acquisition_connection'
# for M-Series DAQs, ctr0 gate is on PFI9
WaitMonitor(name='wait_monitor', parent_device=ni_6343, connection='port0/line0', acquisition_device=ni_6343, acquisition_connection='ctr0', timeout_device=ni_6343, timeout_connection='PFI1')

DigitalOut( 'AC_trigger_arm', pulseblaster_0.direct_outputs, 'flag 2')

# define the PB digital outputs
DigitalOut( 'probe_AOM', pulseblaster_0.direct_outputs, 'flag 4')
DigitalOut( 'blue_AOM', pulseblaster_0.direct_outputs, 'flag 5')
#DigitalOut( 'PB_6', pulseblaster_0.direct_outputs, 'flag 6')
#DigitalOut( 'PB_7', pulseblaster_0.direct_outputs, 'flag 7')
#DigitalOut( 'PB_8', pulseblaster_0.direct_outputs, 'flag 8')
DigitalOut( 'PB_9', pulseblaster_0.direct_outputs, 'flag 9')
DigitalOut( 'PB_10', pulseblaster_0.direct_outputs, 'flag 10')
DigitalOut( 'PB_11', pulseblaster_0.direct_outputs, 'flag 11')
DigitalOut( 'PB_12', pulseblaster_0.direct_outputs, 'flag 12')
DigitalOut( 'PB_13', pulseblaster_0.direct_outputs, 'flag 13')
DigitalOut( 'PB_14', pulseblaster_0.direct_outputs, 'flag 14')
DigitalOut( 'PB_15', pulseblaster_0.direct_outputs, 'flag 15')
DigitalOut( 'PB_16', pulseblaster_0.direct_outputs, 'flag 16')
DigitalOut( 'PB_17', pulseblaster_0.direct_outputs, 'flag 17')
DigitalOut( 'PB_18', pulseblaster_0.direct_outputs, 'flag 18')
DigitalOut( 'PB_19', pulseblaster_0.direct_outputs, 'flag 19')
DigitalOut( 'PB_20', pulseblaster_0.direct_outputs, 'flag 20')

# short pulse control channels
DigitalOut(  'bit21', pulseblaster_0.direct_outputs, 'flag 21')
DigitalOut(  'bit22', pulseblaster_0.direct_outputs, 'flag 22')
DigitalOut(  'bit23', pulseblaster_0.direct_outputs, 'flag 23')

AnalogOut( 'ProbeAmpLock', ni_6343, 'ao0')
AnalogOut( 'PSK', ni_6343, 'ao1')
AnalogOut( 'BlueAmpLock', ni_6343, 'ao2')
AnalogOut( 'ni_6343_ao3', ni_6343, 'ao3')

AnalogIn( 'LockIn_X', ni_6343, 'ai0')
AnalogIn( 'LockIn_Y', ni_6343, 'ai1')
AnalogIn( 'PSK_Phase', ni_6343, 'ai2')
AnalogIn( 'AI3', ni_6343, 'ai3')

# this dummy line necessary to balance the digital out for the wait monitor
DigitalOut( 'P0_1', ni_6343, 'port0/line1')

StaticDDS( 'blueAOM', novatech_static, 'channel 0')
StaticDDS( 'ProbeBeatNote', novatech_static, 'channel 1')
StaticDDS( 'ProbeAOM', novatech_static, 'channel 2')
StaticDDS( 'LO', novatech_static, 'channel 3')

DDS( 'dds0', novatech, 'channel 0')
DDS( 'dds1', novatech, 'channel 1')
StaticDDS( 'dds2', novatech, 'channel 2')
StaticDDS( 'dds3', novatech, 'channel 3')

StaticFreqAmp( 'blueEOM', SMHU, 'channel 0', freq_limits=(0.1,4320), amp_limits=(-140,13))
StaticFreqAmp( 'uWaves', SMF100A, 'channel 0', freq_limits=(100e-6,22), amp_limits=(-26,18))



Contribution guidelines

  • Submitted code should follow labscript_suite style and guidelines
  • Submitted code should also be backwards compatible where possible