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Natural Language Aspects

Natural language describes "the world". Similarly the language of mathematics describes a "mathematical universe", inhabited by "mathematical objects" which have certain properties and are in certain relations to each other. Certain categories of words like nouns, verbs, or adjectives are used for different kinds of entities and properties in "the world" as well as in the "mathematical universe".

Nouns and Notions

In natural language

  • nouns

are used as names for specific objects or sets of objects. One distinguishes between proper nouns, which represent unique entities, and common nouns which describe a class of entities. Venus is a proper noun naming a specific planet, whereas planet is a common noun. In mathematics, corresponding examples would be "Zero" and "natural number".

Signature. A planet is a notion.
Signature. Venus is a star.

or, in mathematics:

Signature. An integer is a notion.
Signature. Zero is an integer.

A characteristic feature of mathematical language is the use of symbolic notation to make statements concise and exact. One can use symbols like \(e, \pi, \mathbb{N}\) as identifiers for certain mathematical "mathematical nouns".

In the ASCII format of ForTheL we can introduce symbolic constants by:

Signature. A real number is a notion.
Signature. e is a real number.
Signature. pi is a real number.
Signature. NAT is a notion.

It is also possible to use ASCII symbols like:

Signature. A binary relation is a notion.
Signature. < is a binary relation.
Signature. << is a binary relation.
Signature. | is a binary relation.

Since backslashes \ and braces { } are acceptable in identifiers, we can also use LaTeX like names:

Signature. A real is a notion.
Signature. \pi is a real.
Signature. \mathbb{N} is a real.

Indeed we shall later encounter a LaTeX dialect of ForTheL.


  1. Explore which which kinds of identifiers are accepted by Naproche. Note that there are some ForTheL keywords and inbuilt identifiers that should not be used as user-defined identifiers.

Noun Patterns

Mathematics also uses fixed combinations of several words as identifiers: "complex number", "topological space", "neutral element", ... that we call noun patterns. In natural language noun phrases can be interpreted by analysing how they are built from nouns, adjectives and other words. In mathematics, however, noun patterns are usally interpreted as indivisible basic entities: the technical meaning of "complex number" cannot be reconstructed from separate meanings of "complex" and "number".

With noun patterns one uses articles "a" or "the" to distinguish "proper" and "common" usage. "A complex number" denotes the "common" class of complex numbers of which "the imaginary unit" is a specific element.

Signature. A complex number is a notion.
Signature. The imaginary unit is a complex number.

Naproche Natural Language Processing

Naproche translates the ForTheL input language into a completely formal internal representation which is adequate for further processing and proof-checking. In the web interface one can view (a pretty-printed version of) the translation by pressing the Translate button. The following definition of a language for addition on \(\mathbb{N}\)

[synonym number/numbers]
Signature. A natural number is a notion.
Signature. 0 is a natural number.
Signature. 1 is a natural number.
Signature. Assume that k,l are natural numbers.
k + l is a natural number.

translates to

[Translation] hypothesis.
  assume forall v0 ((HeadTerm :: aNaturalNumber(v0)) implies truth.
[Translation] hypothesis.
  assume forall v0 ((HeadTerm :: v0 = 0) implies aNaturalNumber(v0)).
[Translation] hypothesis.
  assume forall v0 ((HeadTerm :: v0 = 1) implies aNaturalNumber(v0)).
[Translation] hypothesis.
  assume (aNaturalNumber(k) and aNaturalNumber(l)).
  assume forall v0 ((HeadTerm :: v0 = k+l) implies aNaturalNumber(v0)).

We can see that the phrase "natural number" is internally represented by a unary predicate aNaturalNumber( ) and that the symbols 0,1, and + have also been accepted. The translations expresses ontological properties of the newly introduced symbols, e.g., that the result of applying + to two natural numbers k,l is again a natural number. These properties are marked as assumptions (assume) for future use.

A Naproche user is supposed to write a ForTheL text which naturally expresses the intended mathematical content and which at the same time is faithfully translated into Naproche's internal representation. Sometimes our natural language intuitions may flexibly accept formulations which are not translated adequately by the schematic procedures of Naproche. In case of doubt it is therefore advisable to check the formal translations. We shall later give more information on the internal logic format.

Naproche Parsing

Naproche tries to algorithically model a human reader who reads text sequentially from left to right. The text is processed as a list of tokens, i.e., a tokenizer separates it into words and symbols, ignoring whitespace. The text

Signature. A natural number is a notion.

is separated into the token list

["signature", ".", "a", "natural", "number", "is", "a", "notion", "."]

The parser, starting from its initial state, reads "signature", which lets it expect a fullstop "." and a subsequent signature specification. Such specifications have to be in certain prescribed shapes or patterns like

["a", _ , "is", "a", _ , "."]


[ _ , "is", "a", _ , "."]

The underscores _ indicate holes where other patterns of certain kinds can be inserted; in our example, this is the pattern ["natural", "number"] for a new notion and the keyword pattern ["notion"]. After successfully parsing the sentence the unary predicate symbol aNaturalNumber( ) is generated and an assumption

assume forall v0 ((HeadTerm :: aNaturalNumber(v0)) implies truth.

is recorded for further use (note that in this simple case the statement is logically trivial since a formula ... implies truth is always true).

Formal Grammar

We see that Naproche treats ForTheL as a pattern-based language whose sentence are built by iteratively inserting patterns into patterns. The allowed patterns are specified in the grammar of ForTheL. An excerpt of the ForTheL grammar which pertains to our example is given by the following rules in Backus-Naur form (BNF):

text → { toplevel | ... }
toplevel → axiom | definition | signature | proposition
signature → sigHeader { assume } sigAffirm
sigHeader → Signature [ label ] .
sigAffirm → sigStatement .
sigStatement → notionSig | ...
notionSig → notionHead is [ a | an ] ( classNoun | notion )
notionHead → [ a | an ] primClassNoun
notionPattern → (a | an) pattern
pattern → token { token } [ variable { token { token } variable } ]

The grammar shows that there are some alternatives for the formulation of our Signature statement. We recommend to experiment with Naproche and use the translation option.


  1. Try to find more grammatical alternatives to the above Signature statements and compare their logic translations.

  2. Make experiments to find out the range of possible phrases that can be used for notions. Can one introduce the notion of a p-group, a group of order p, or an mxn-matrix? Can "a" or "A" be used as identifiers for constants? Explain!

  3. What is wrong with the Lemma:
    Lemma. Every natural number is a number.

  4. Toplevel commands can be labeled like
    Axiom Associativity. Let x,y,z be natural numbers. Then (x + y) +z = x + (y + z).
    The label "Associativity" serves as a comment, and it can later be used to invoke specific premisses: "(by Associativity)". Find out, which kinds of labels are accepted by Naproche.

Further Aspects

Some grammatical phrases may have different meanings in similar but different environments. "is a" is part of Signature commands, but it may also be interpreted as equality, e.g., in Definition commands. The following text is checked correct:

[synonym number/numbers]
Signature. A natural number is a notion.

Signature. 1 is a natural number.

Definition. 2 is a natural number.

Lemma. 1 = 2.

The reason lies with the Definition: it translates to the equivalence

assume forall v0 ((HeadTerm :: v0 = 2) iff aNaturalNumber(v0)).

which identifies all natural numbers with 2. Admittedly, the phrasing of the definition does not sound quite right, but the best way to check is by inspecting the translation.

In natural language one often uses alternative phrases for some notion to achieve grammatical correctness or some flexibility of expression. One can identify tokens by synonym commands. After

[synonym number/numbers]

the tokens "number" and "numbers" are the same with respect to tokenizing and parsing. So we can (and should!) use correct grammatical (singular/plural) forms in the formalization.

One can also introduce alternative patterns for existing patterns by Let ... stand for ... . or Let ... denote ... . commands.

[synonym number/numbers]
Signature. A natural number is a notion.
Let an integer stand for a natural number.

Signature. 1 is an integer.

Let ONE stand for 1.

Lemma. ONE = 1.

Again, experimentation and translation of this text shows that its grammatical correctness and its semantics depend subtly on single words, in particular on the use of the inconspicuous but very ambiguous token "a".


Note that Naproche allows completely nonsensical identifiers since Naproche does not have an English vocabulary and mathematical intuitions. Therefore it is possible to postulate, following a quote ascribed to Hilbert

Man muß jederzeit an Stelle von 'Punkte, Geraden, Ebenen', 'Tische, Stühle, Bierseidel' sagen können:

Signature. A Bierseidel is a notion. 

Since ForTheL texts are intended for human readability and understanding, choosing fitting identifiers is a question of good style and writing.