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jieba-rs binding to Node.js

Without node-gyp

node-rs/jieba was prebuilt into binary already, so you don't need fighting with node-gyp and c++ toolchain.


Due to jieba-rs is 33% faster than cppjieba, and N-API is faster than v8 C++ API, @node-rs/jieba is faster than nodejieba.

@node-rs/jieba x 3,763 ops/sec ±1.18% (92 runs sampled)
nodejieba x 2,783 ops/sec ±0.67% (91 runs sampled)
Cut 1184 words bench suite: Fastest is @node-rs/jieba

@node-rs/jieba x 16.10 ops/sec ±1.58% (44 runs sampled)
nodejieba x 9.81 ops/sec ±2.39% (29 runs sampled)
Cut 246568 words bench suite: Fastest is @node-rs/jieba

@node-rs/jieba x 1,739 ops/sec ±0.87% (92 runs sampled)
nodejieba x 931 ops/sec ±1.31% (89 runs sampled)
Tag 1184 words bench suite: Fastest is @node-rs/jieba

@node-rs/jieba x 6.19 ops/sec ±2.01% (20 runs sampled)
nodejieba x 3.06 ops/sec ±5.39% (12 runs sampled)
Tag 246568 words bench suite: Fastest is @node-rs/jieba

Support matrix

node12 node14 node16 node18
Windows x64
Windows x32
Windows arm64
macOS x64
macOS arm64
Linux x64 gnu
Linux x64 musl
Linux arm gnu
Linux arm64 gnu
Linux arm64 musl
Android arm64
Android armv7
FreeBSD x64


const { load, cut } = require('@node-rs/jieba')

// loadDict(fs.readFileSync(...))
// loadTFIDFDict(fs.readFileSync(...))

cut('我们中出了一个叛徒', false)

// ["我们", "中", "出", "了", "一个", "叛徒"]
const { load, cut } = require('@node-rs/jieba')



// [
//   { keyword: '北京烤鸭', weight: 1.3904870323222223 },
//   { keyword: '纽约', weight: 1.121759684755 },
//   { keyword: '天气', weight: 1.0766573240983333 }
// ]

Load custom dictionaries

const { loadDict, cut } = require('@node-rs/jieba')
const customDict = ['哪行 50', '干一行 51', '行一行 52', '行行 53']

const dictBuffer = Buffer.from(customDict.join('\n'), 'utf-8')
// loadDict doc:

const text = '人要是行干一行行一行,一行行行行行,行行行干哪行都行'
const output = cut(text, false)
console.log('分词结果⤵️\n', output.join('/'))
// Before: 人/要是/行/干/一行行/一行/,/一行行/行/行/行/,/行/行/行/干/哪/行/都行
// After:  人/要是/行/干一行/行一行/,/一行行/行行/行/,/行行/行/干/哪行/都行
// Pinyin: rén yào shi xíng gàn yì háng xíng yì háng , yì háng xíng háng háng xíng , háng háng xíng gàn nǎ háng dōu xíng