Latest updates include: registry premium domain name pricing and TLD price sync (sync ALL TLD price with one click inside WHMCS)
Features in next release in September: Domain sync and Transfer sync
NameSilo's WHMCS 8.x Registrar Module
Installing the NameSilo module for WHMCS is easy and only takes a few minutes. This module allows WHMCS to interface with NameSilo’s API to provide Registration, Transfer, Renewal, EPP Authcodes, DNS management and domain updates to be processed in real-time. In addition, we have included a script to sync Expiry and Due Dates for domains to ensure even if something changes outside of WHMCS that it will remain up-to-date.
Upload the “namesilo” folder to your WHMCS Registrar Modules Directory with a standard FTP client. (e.g.
Log in to WHMCS, under "Setup" click on "Domain Registrars" select “NameSilo” from the list.
Fill in the details. *NOTE: Only your live API key is required. All other fields are optional at this time
Upload and overwrite the existing “namesilo” folder in your WHMCS Registrar Modules Directory with a standard FTP client (e.g.
Log in to WHMCS and under "Setup" click on "Domain Registrars" select "NameSilo" from the list.
Update any details that are still blank.
**To enbale premium domain pricing support select NameSilo as the default lookup provider (Setup > Products/Services > Domain Pricing > Lookup Providers).
**Premium domain orders need to be completed manually, premium pricing and customer ordering work as normal
**TLD Sync support was added, to use it go to Utilities > Registrar TLD Sync (requires at least WHMCS 7.10).
If you have any questions, suggestions, or bug issues please feel free to email [email protected].