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Books, Articles, Screencasts, and Presentations

Dmytro Yarmak edited this page Feb 6, 2014 · 2 revisions

Are you writing blog posts that cover Marionette? Are you building presentations for user groups that introduce or discuss Marionette? List them here and let the world know!


Backbone Fundamentals (Developing Backbone.js Applications) - Addy Osmani's intro to Backbone book now contains a full chapter on Marionette, including a basic introduction to views, regions and the event binding. It also shows a complete re-write of the classic TodoMVC app in three variations with Marionette. This is a great place to get started if you're not familiar with Marionette.

Backbone.Marionette.js: A Gentle Introduction - David Sulc builds a complete app by gradually introducing Marionette components, along with when/why to use them, and how to structure/refactor your code so it stays manageable even for large applications. The book includes exercises with solutions, so you can check for yourself if you've properly understood the functionality that was covered in a given chapter. After you've made it through the book, you'll be comfortable writing a Marionette application on your own. Read a free sample.


Blog Posts

Backbone Marionette: Better Backbone Apps - @joezimjs

Backbone.Marionette Blog Posts - Derick Bailey

A Simple Backbone.Marionette Tutorial - David Sulc

Tutorial: A Full Backbone.Marionette Application - David Sulc

Nested views using CompositeView - David Sulc

Skeleton of a JavaScript web application

Preloading Templates - One simple call to load all a module’s templates and cache them! by John Mathis.

A Visual Guide to Marionette.js Views - by mbajoras.


  • Derick Bailey's Hands-on Backbone.js series from - Episode 3 briefly introduces Marionette's regions and Application object.

  • Tuts+ Advanced Backbone Patterns - a 10 minute intro to Marionette

  • - Brian Mann's screencast series on building scalable applications with Marionette and Rails. Lots of animations and advanced material covered while exploring Marionette's components in detail.

  • Tekpub's Playing With Backbone series - the "Refactor 1" episode talks a bit about Marionette and shows how to build your own version of a collection view, item view and layout. A future episode in this series will use Marionette directly.


Marionette Pieces and Intro from Atlanta Javascript Meetup - Brian Mann @backbonerails

Backbone.Marionette slides from sandiego.js - Jarrod Overson

Application Frameworks On Top Of Backbone.js - Mathias Schäfer

A Table Editor With Marionette - Matt Briggs

  • source code - This was a talk Matt Briggs did for an extended lunch and learn on building a generic table editor component with backbone.marionette. See the backbone-talk.key file for the slides (Keynote).

Little Opinions, Big Possibilities: The Tools and Patterns for Building Large-Scale Backbone Applications from Backboneconf 2013 - Brian Mann @backbonerails

Articles On Marionette's Pieces

Example applications with tutorials

Contact Manager by Dmytro Yarmak