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ARM-8 Puppet Bindings


REQUIRED -- Provide a one-paragraph summary of the proposal, no more than a few sentences. This summary will be rolled up into feature lists and other documents, so please take the time to make it short and sweet.


TODO: Tenative goals below - to be defined/edited (@eric0)
What are the goals of this proposal?

  • Provide injection capabilities at par with or exceeding the capabilities of current Hiera directly in the Puppet Language that can be the foundation for all injection like behavior in Puppet.
  • Be backwards compatible with Hiera to protect users investment and offer a migration path.
  • Offer as much backwards compatibility as possible when introduced (exception: behavior that it is undesirable) where users can gradually opt-in to use new features.
  • Provide a mechanism that makes it possible to plugin functionality to defined extension points to aid in the process of breaking up the monolithic puppet into separate pieces, and to define internal APIs.
  • Provide injection like behavior that can operate with different configuration per environment
  • Clearly define the chain of responsibilities for processing a request wrt. environment selection.
  • Make selection of environment in Puppet Language possible.
  • Be backwards compatible with ENC and node declarations.
  • Provide an extension point for ENC (new API).
  • Implement support for current ENC as an extension.
  • Provide the foundation for x-node injection.
  • Solution should allow users to be able to define a review/authorization process of configuration - manual or via CI.
  • Provide a richer set of user organization business driven configuration selection criteria than the current node / ENC mechanism.
  • Data structures interchanged via APIs should be made in a fashion that is transferable between different implementation languages with preservation of a high degree of semantics.


Describe any goals you wish to identify specifically as being out of scope for this proposal.

Data Transformations

Whenever data is processed there is usually also the need to perform data transformations; all data is simply not in perfect form for all use cases all the time. Although tempting to bake data transformations into the injector/binding framework this makes it less extensible. It is therefore not a goal for Hiera2 to also define such data transformations - instead Hiera2 defines ways in which existing data transformation can be called upon when needed. If data transformation power is lacking for a particular use case, this should be added as specific functions.

Review/Authorization Process

It is the goal of this ARM to offer a solution that is easily integrated into a review and authorization process defined by a user organization. It is not the goal to define any such processes - only the basic mechanisms on which it is based.

Secure Facts

It is not a goal for this ARM to define how secure facts may be handled/implemented. (This ARM does not depend on such facts to be available, but discusses their importance and where they surface).

Success Metrics

If the success of this work can be gauged by specific numerical metrics and associated goals then describe them here.


TODO: The goals need motivation - W.I.P
(There are issues reported for many of these...)
Why should this work be done? What are its benefits? Who's asking for it? How does it compare to the competition, if any?

Cleanup of Environment selection

  • Dynamic environments:
    • not possible to enumerate them
    • ...
  • Fuzzy rules in the chain to determine environment
  • Security issues
  • Inefficient and error prone / fuzzy handling of pluginsync (may require expensive iterations)
  • Not possible to get indication/error if requested environment becomes the effective environment
  • Not possible to base environment selection on facts (except by cheating, which is done in the wild)

Clear rules regarding environment selection are essential in order to have a solid process for the next level of configuration since it is environment specific (per the environment itself and the modules on its modulepath).

Provide a mechanism that makes it possible to plugin functionality to defined extension points

Lack of definition of runtime extension points makes it difficult to plugin behavior (in Ruby) other that functions and types/providers which have reasonably well-defined APIs (internal DSLs). One example of a simple extension point (used as an example in this ARM) is the support for syntax checkers that is proposed in ARM-4 Heredoc where the only reasonable option was to implement the syntax checker as a function; in this case not terribly bad since it may be of value to also call such a function from user code. But other such plugins would not make sense to expose to users - several examples are presented in this ARM.

This feature is important as it offers distinct APIs for extensions that can be delivered in modules with a minimum of effort. Having clear APIs allows shipment of basic functionality in the open source version while making it possible to offer commercial alternatives, as well as the possibility for partners to provide integration.


Hiera2 is an injection service catering to a variety of needs related to "dependency injection", ranging from simple lookup of data to advanced cases of implicit bindings, mappings, and binding of runtime services. The principles for the Hiera2 implementation are:

  • to provide a common injection mechanism that can replace the current disjunct handling of injection-like behavior
  • to express all configuration in the Puppet DSL language to provide a consistent user experience
  • to base the technology on a common Model-Driven Engineering approach for robustness and interoperability.

An Introduction to Dependency Injection

The term "Dependency Injection" (or just "Injection") means that constructs which form static/hard dependencies between logical parts of a system are broken out to form a separate concern. A basic example is data injection: a module needs a piece of data passed to it as a parameter, but it can not define exactly how this data is obtained -- if it did, that would form a hard dependency on the behavior how to obtain the data (which would be brittle), not simply on the data (which is desirable). Likewise, another module that makes use of the first module may also be used by a top level construct like a node declaration which needs to influence how an intermediate module passed parameters to the first module. As you can imagine, if this were implemented with only parameter passing, the amount of parameters that would need to be exposed at the top level would be staggeringly complex.

When we separate the concern and break the dependencies into the various aspects of the system we can use a "divide and conquer" strategy where we are given powerful control of the system's composition in terms of its data and behavior ranging from the most general (common/global) to the most specific (a specific point in the logic).

An injection system consists of bindings, which attach a key to data and/or behavior; a mechanism to compose such bindings with regard to scopes, precedence, and transactions; and a mechanism to obtain the bound data/behavior when it is needed. The basic injection framework is then used to build higher order services.

At the core, the binding system binds a key that consists of a Type/Name combination that uniquely identifies a point of injection. The system defines certain "special" names (typically for implicit injections done automatically if a binding exists for that key), and a user may define other keys for implicit injection. As an example of implicit injection, Puppet 3's "Data Bindings" provide such a service today by automatically looking up the parameter ipaddress for a class named ntp::server in a hiera data store as the key ntp::server::ipaddress.

Further, the binding system binds the key to a producer of the bound value; the simplest producer handles literal values such as numbers, strings and other simple data types as well as structures (arrays and hashes) of data types. Other types of producers may do early or late binding to more advanced data objects, create connectors to other systems, allow parameters to be passed and much more.

To carry on the example above, the current injection system uses Hiera's configurable backends to determine how, and in which order, a particular binding ought to be resolved; many users search first in the encrypted hiera-gpg backend for secure data like database passwords, then fall through to an unencrypted YAML backend if no encrypted key is found. In contrast Hiera2 separates the concepts "backend" (see Bindings Provider) and "producer" (see Producer).

Examples of Current Injection-Like Behavior in Puppet

Puppet already has some injection like mechanisms, some (like hiera) perform "true injection", and others deal with similar problems with varying degree of success in separating caller and called logic and providing detailed control of the mechanism:

  • Hiera 1 -- injects data, classes and parameters for parameterized classes, and does explicit injection.
  • puppet.conf and command line settings -- inject data configured per environment.
  • Resource defaults -- inject values to resources which don't provide more closely-scoped overrides.
  • ENC -- injects environment, classes with or without parameters, and top-scope variables.
  • site.pp -- "injection" of classes and variables based on node name matching (a form of categorization).
  • Spaceship operators that query virtual or exported resources and "inject" results.


Hiera2 is a new implementation based on the ideas in Hiera and general injection frameworks such as Google Guice, which is the leading injection framework for Java.

Hiera2 consists of the following parts:

Categorization of Requests

The Puppet System needs to be able to create and configure an injector at the start of processing a request (and here we mean a request in the most general sense: asking the system to do something). This injector is then used throughout the servicing of that request.

Since we want to be able to express bindings hierarchically (searching for something specific first, then falling back to more generally applicable defaults), and we want users to be able to define their hierarchy based on their organization's needs, we require a flexible, user-configurable framework. In Hiera2 this is called Categorization and it is expressed using the Puppet DSL. Before jumping into the details, examples of categories are "data_center", "rack", "physical_hw", "security_zone", as well as the built in categories for "node", "environment", and "common".

Before explaining categorization (which may vary per environment) we must first define how the system establishes which environment to use, and so we'll first look at the sequence of processing for a catalog request.

Request Sequence

In Puppet 3.x the sequence of setting up and processing a catalog request to the point where evaluation in the root (site.pp) manifest takes place is somewhat complex and includes murky areas. As a side effect of implementing Hiera 2 it is of great value to also clean this up. The proposed sequence is as follows:

  • Request reaches new node terminus.
  • All facts are turned into top scope variables (or, optionally, put into a $facts[] hash).
  • The $environment variable if set is renamed to $agent_environment (it is unsafe in its current form) - see Environment from Agents for the specifics.
  • If the request contains trusted data (from cert or encrypted facts), these are made available using a mechanism that is to be specified separately (i.e. via a different mechanism than just setting $environment in top scope).
  • If an external (current API) ENC is configured it is called to obtain environment, top scope variables, class parameters and classes data, these are processed a special way - see Integration with Existing ENC.
  • Settings refer to a single manifest that enumerates the available environments, and for each environment the modulepath and environment root manifest.
  • The entry point manifest can set $environment.
  • If $environment is not set, it defaults to "production".
  • If the entry point manifest is not present, the environment defaults to "production".
  • If nothing else was specified, the execution delegates to the site.pp in the same location as the entry point manifest.


The entry point manifest is named environments.pp and is placed in a directory appointed by puppet.conf (defaults to $confdir)

Use hardcoded environments?

Decision: Should environments.pp be a hard-coded name, or be configurable in puppet-conf? Pro hard-coded: less confusion Pro configurable: easier to test different overriding configuration (dev/test)

The concrete syntax for an environment is specified by borrowing the resource syntax. It is made special by being placed inside of a site { } expression (these environment resources are not placed in the catalog). All paths except envdir may be relative (this is explained in more detail below).

site {
  # Environment defaults
  Environment {
    envdir      => ... # absolute path to environment's root, defaults to '$confdir'
    modulepath  => ... # colon separated paths, may mix absolute and relative paths, defaults to '<envdir>/modules'
    manifestdir => ... # path to directory containing manifests, may be relative, defaults to 'manifests/'
    manifest    => ... # path to environment root manifest, may be relative, defaults to '<manifestdir>/site.pp'
    templatedir => ... # path to templates directory, may be relative, defaults to 'templates/'
    bindingsdir => --- # path to root of bindings directory, may be relative, defaults to '<envdir>/bindings'

  # A static environment
  environment { 'production':
    # ...
  # Additional static environment
  environment { '...':
  # Allowing dynamic environments, and specifying defaults if different than Environment defaults
  dynamic_environments { '/etc/puppet/environments':
    # envdir is automatically set and cannot be changed (error if attempted)

$environment = 'production'

Here is an example where dynamic environments are turned on and then put to use. A dynamic environment comes into existence by a user checking out a branch; e.g. /etc/puppet/environments/test36 becomes the environment called test36 with the configuration shown below). The selection of environment sets the envdir to either the static $confdir/master if "production" was selected, or one of the dynamic environments if the selected environment name matches a a name of a subdirectory of the dynamic_environments specified directory; e.g. test36 The relative paths are resolved against the effective envdir. (A relative path in manifest is however first resolved against manifestdir which in turn is resolved against envdir if relative. This is done to enable just specifying the name of the manifest). For the statically declared production environment the envdir must be specified (if it should be something other than the default $confdir).

site {
  Environment {
    modulepath => 'modules/dist:modules/site:/opt/puppet/share/puppet/modules',
  dynamic_environments { "$confdir/environments":
  environment { 'production':
    envdir     => "$confdir/master",
    modulepath => '$confdir/modules:modules/site:modules/dist',

Note: The rationale for things inside the new top level keyword site borrowing syntax, but being special kinds of resource, and that the site top level keyword contains other new keywords that are not special outside of "site". This reduces potential clashes with existing logic. It also logically relates these kinds of statements with other statements about the "site" (as you will see in later sections). (Remember that we want one parser to be able to parse older versions of the puppet language.)

The following rules apply:

  • It is no longer possible to introduce stanzas in puppet.conf for environments.
  • Restriction on environment names is lifted
  • Any number of environments may be used; statically declared or (if enabled) dynamically placed under one directory specified by the environment resource dynamic_environments.
  • Environment resources are not placed in the catalog.
  • The --environment flag is by default ignored from agents. See Environment from Agents, Integration with existing ENC and Request Sequence for details and discussion.
  • Environments incorporate Environment resource-defaults from environments.pp in addition to default puppet values for all parameters derived from puppet.conf (i.e. where defaults/defaults are set if factory settings are not wanted - but this is really not needed since user has full control in environments.pp).
  • If environments.pp is absent, a default "production" environment is automatically defined.
  • If environments.pp is present but does not define a "production" environment and an environment by the name of "production" is not available (and allowed) as a dynamic environment then one is automatically defined.
  • If execution reaches the end of the environments.pp and $environment has not been defined, it is set to "production".
  • A dynamic_environments environments resource may be defined with a title of an absolute directory path. This allows dynamic environments to be used and specifies that additional environments are available in its sub-directories named after the environment they represent.
  • If $environment is set to a value other than one of the statically-defined environments in environments.pp, or (if allowed) a subdirectory of dynamic_environments, an error is raised ("unknown environment") and processing stops.
  • In case $environment is successfully resolved against an existing directory the envdir parameter is determined; it must be explicitly set in a statically environment (or set from Environment defaults), and it is automatically set when $environment is successfully resolved to a dynamic environment.
  • Then $manifest is resolved against the selected environment resource (relative paths resolved against envdir)
  • The $modulepath is resolved against the selected environment resource (relative paths resolved against envdir)
  • (Absolute paths remain absolute).
  • The RHS parameter values may be any non top level puppet expression (just as for regular resources), but may not use injection
  • Facts and secure data have been bound to variables when evaluation of environments.pp starts
  • With the exception of $environment, any variables set in environments.pp are set in a local scope not visible to the rest of the system.
  • The environments.pp may contain other puppet expressions - the use case is to support data manipulation, common definitions reused in several environment specifications, etc.
  • Only functionality available in puppet core may be used (functions and plugins/extensions) since the environment has not been setup, and hence no module-path.
  • environments.pp is reevaluated on each request (if changed) as the master would otherwise need to be restarted.
Use magical return?

Discuss: Since the new evaluator will return the value of the last executed expression as the result, we could simply return a value that way, but it is slightly magical in this context.
Likely resolution : $environment is picked up, no magic.

Use literal default for environment parameters?

Discuss: A parameter value of default could be used to initiate the parameter to a sane/typical default in an environment.

Discuss: Is $envdir of value later in the process?

Or should it simply be used internally when resolving relative paths in environments.pp?

Environment from Agents

It is of value to be able to set the environment on an agent using --environment <env>. There are however issues with this approach:

  • The setting is not secure
  • The setting is not authoritative (an ENC may override it)
  • If overridden by the master (ENC or environments.pp), there is no warning (or error).

For those that use classic node statements (no ENC) the environment set on an agent will not be overridden.

It is proposed that the environment set using --environment on an agent should be made available when evaluating environments.pp under a different name e.g. $agent_environment. If --environment has not been specified, the value of $agent_environment is undef. The logic in environments.pp can then resolve the various cases:

  • ignore the $agent_environment completely
  • compare it against $environment and if different issue a warning or raise an error
  • use it if there is a desire to override the decision in an ENC
  • use it in combination with other data supplied from the agent to determine the environment to use.

In simple terms: the environment set on an agent does not automatically become the $environment that will be used, while giving a user full freedom to do what they want.

Integration with existing ENC

The use of the current ENC API requires special handling as it is believed that users that have an ENC will want to use it in parallel with the new functionality until they have completely migrated. The current ENC may be deprecated, or re-purposed.

The ENC can return a list of classes, parameters for classes, top scope variables, and the environment to use. If these are produced, a local scope is created, and the ENC provided data that are of value during the evaluation of environments.pp are bound to corresponding variables (e.g. any given top scope variables, $classes, and $environment). Yet another local scope (with visibility into the local scope created for the ENC (if any)) is created where the evaluation of the environments.pp body takes place. It is thus possible to refer to the ENC set top scope variables and $environment or set them to a new value. The resulting $environment is the visible value at the end of the evaluation of environments.pp (before the two scopes are abandoned), all other local variable values are discarded.

The new implementation is best made as an extension point that defines a new API for ENC (enables a new ENC to be written that has access to facts). An implementation (adapter) is made that adapts to the existing ENC.

How to have bindings before evaluating envbironments.pp?

Discuss: There should be a mechanism that allows bindings to be in effect before getting to the environment specific bindings - these bindings are internal, and should be expressed in a .pp file that is evaluated before environments.pp. (The boot sequence is indeed complicated). Should environments.pp contain two things? i.e. a stanza that is first evaluated even before having access to facts and secure variables, and before an environment is selected; i.e prior to calling any external service.

Provide access to $classes and $parameters in environments.pp?

Discuss: It is probably of questionable value to have access to the defined classes since environments.pp only influences the selection of an environment. Likewise, class parameters are of little value.

The binding of classes to nodes are done using the Hiera2 Layering mechanism; see Composition of Bindings and Enc Bindings Provider.

Top scope variables - how?

Discuss: Inject them from vars set in environements.pp, as named bindings, provide other mechanism (bind variables using bind operations)? The handling of top scope variables needs further thought/discussion. Top scope variables are bad in general because they may be introduced without being declared in Puppet Logic which makes static analysis of code referencing top scope variables impossible. We can continue in this style - say by making all variable assignments in environments.pp be top scope assignments (not so good), and simply mix in variables from the ENC, or change them into named bindings allowing them to be composed (see Named Bindings), or have concrete syntax (probably the best).


When the system has finished computing environments.pp it delegates to the manifest specified by the selected environment's manifest property. This allows further configuration of the injector that will be created for use when servicing the request.

The categorization syntax looks like this:

site {
  categories {
    node    => "$::fqdn",
    virtual => "$::is_virtual"

The list of categories specifies two things; the order defines the precedence (in descending order, first has highest precedence), and for each category, a Puppet DSL category value expression. Any non top scope puppet expression may be used (conditional logic, loops, function calls, etc.) and should result in a Literal value (String, Boolean, Number) or empty string/undef (if the category does not apply).

The categories node, environment and common are always bound with default values. The user may alter the expression for node, but not the expressions for common and environment. Since everything is in the common category and it is always has the lowest precedence, it should never be specified by the user.


  • If user specifies the category common, an error is raised
  • If user specifies the category environment (for the purpose of defining precedence), it should always be set to true. If set to something else, an error is raised. (Internally it is always set to "$::environment", but this is a nuisance to have to repeat).
  • If node is given lower precedence than environment an error is raised
  • If environment is missing it is automatically added with the precedence just above common.
  • The environment category always evaluates to $environment (this can not be changed).
  • If node is missing it is added with the highest precedence and its value is set to $::fqdn.
  • It is not allowed to perform injection since the injector has not yet been set up (this rule may be modified to allow injection of system level services that are setup by the puppet runtime - to be designed).
  • It is illegal to evaluate more than one site { categories {} } expression and an error is raised if this is attempted.

Thus, node, environment and common are always guaranteed to be present, in that precedence order, and always with sane defaults.

Example: Adding a Virtual Category Below Environment

site {
  categories {
    node        => "$::fqdn",
    environment => true,
    virtual     => "$::is_virtual"
Conditional categories, or not?

Discuss: We have the option to allow categories to be specified in conditional logic. This may be of value if the user wants to share the same site.pp across environments, and only need a small change to the setup.
Pro: Flexible for users
Con: Potentially more complex to read/understand, and makes static analysis harder, also adds a point of indirection that may lead users to choose the path of least resistance and thus end up with bad design.

Summary of Categorization

The above design should be powerful enough to deal with:

  • An existing ENC that determines the environment
  • Blocking unsafe $environment from facts
  • Allowing user logic to determine what $environment should be set to since the logic can consider:
    • An $environment set by an ENC
    • An environment passed as secure data via mechanism defined in a future ARM
    • Logic involving other facts/fqdn/certname, using general puppet logic such as case/if/pattern matching that results in the $environment to use.
  • Provides a sane consistent set of categories and precedence semantics that can be used across modules and organizations (node, environment and common).
  • Provides categorization that allows general bindings as well as specific bindings using categories suitable for user organization's business needs.

In essence, the "power of an ENC" moves into the Puppet language and is given a richer set of data as the basis for the decision than what is currently available in the ENC API.

As you will see in Bindings, and Composition of Bindings, the categories are used when expressing bindings, and the composition section defines how overrides and shadowing of bindings can be made.


A binding associates a Type/Name key with a producer of an object (i.e. something that produces a value, or a provider of behavior).

This section defines how bindings are made using concrete Puppet language syntax. The Puppet syntax hides almost all of the internal details; in most cases the actual internally used Type and Name are not visible as bindings are expressed in terms of Puppet syntax elements where type and name are inferred.

The internal representation in general is really only a concern when adding extensions, but advanced users need to be aware of the Naming Scheme, as certain Type/name keys have special meaning.

How and Where are Bindings Defined

Bindings are either defined in .pp files or provided by a Bindings Provider that consults some external source.

A (set of) bindings defined in a .pp file must have a filename that reflects the symbolic name of these bindings. The keyword bindings is added to the language, and it denotes a first order named object (similar to class and defined resource type) i.e. something that is symbolically referenced via its name (rather that its location; which may be somewhere other than in the file system). Note that this is however not a named scope like that created for a class.

Here are some examples:

# $confdir/bindings/default.pp
bindings default {
  # bindings in categories

# $confdir/bindings/mybindings.pp
bindings mybindings { 
  # bindings in categories

The name should be the fully qualified name, a bindings named default in module mymodule is named mymodule::default and must reside in a file called default.pp under the module's directory called bindings or it will not be found by the default loader.

# <modulepath>/modules/mymodule/bindings/default.pp
bindings mymodule::default {
  # bindings in categories

As you will see later in Composition of Bindings, there are semantics associated with the name default.

The rationale for using symbolic names is to separate the concerns of identity, representation/encoding/format, and storage.

Category Specific Bindings

Bindings are category specific. If not nested inside an explicit category the bindings are in the common category.

The keyword when states the categorization and the category the current state should be in for the bindings to be in effect.

bindings default {
  bind ...   # a common binding
  when node '' {
    bind ... # a binding in the node category ''

The same categorization can be used multiple times, i.e. when node 'kermit' can occur multiple times to allow logical grouping of bindings related to some common concern.

Explicit when common{}, or not?

Discuss: We can allow when common {} to be used as well to bind in the common category (or require that global bindings are always done this way and that bindings are not allowed outside of a when declaration) - in both cases the internal representation would be one and the same).

Nesting of Categorized Bindings

It is allowed to nest when clauses. Although categorizations are placed in a precedence order, some categorizations will describe disjunct sets (virtual / non virtual, in data center x or y, etc.) rather than some containment hierarchy (e.g. rack / data-center). Some concepts may have a natural association with "containment", but this is not required. It does not matter if a category of higher precedence is nested in one that is lower or vice versa since the state has to be in all of them (i.e. an and operation) to have effect. This makes it very flexible to chose what is done in "general" and what is "special".

bindings x {
  when virtual true {
    when node '' {
      # when kermit is virtual bind something special than for all other virtual
   # for anything else that is virtual

Nesting is an and operation. Internally, this results in one binding with the precedence of the highest precedented category in the nesting - see discussion below as this simple rule may break 'the law of least surprise'.

Since (as you will see later) it is possible to use an or operator it is symmetrical to also allow and to have the same effect as a simple nesting - using the same example as above:

bindings x {
  when virtual true and node '' {
      # when kermit is virtual bind something special than for all other virtual
Precedence score - how?

Discuss: One could argue that a nested binding should have higher precedence than a non-nested since it is "more specific" (compare CSS), but this leads to the need to also use tricks like CSS "important" to raise the precedence. Since we are not dealing with extremely general constructs (like a "letter in a document") the simplified rule will probably pose no practical problems and should be easier to understand, reason-about, and debug. OTOH, users have to be aware that bindings for 'kermit' and 'virtual kermit' must not be in conflict which seems quit unnatural.

Alternative: A simple CSS mechanism where precedence is a score (sum of precedences) has the odd effect that say 'environment' + 'virtual' gets a higher precedence than 'node'. The scoring must instead add a fraction to the highest precedence so that the score does not pass the ceiling. Thus combinations increase the precedence like numbered paragraphs: 'environment' (2) and 'virtual' (3) is given the score '3.2' which is lower than 'node' (4). The segments are ordered in descending precedence order.

It is also allowed to declare multiple categories using or:

when virtual true or node '' {
  # bindings when virtual or when node is kermit

Internally, this results in two bindings with different precedence. This is of value to avoid repetition. (If overused there is probably something wrong with how the user defined the categorizations).

This may lead to hard to understand error messages as one of the precedented bindings may cause a conflict - it should however be possible to explain the issue well enough to the user to make it understandable

  • e.g. "The binding of x (on line n, file f) in category 'virtual true' is in conflict with the same binding in..."

Bind Operations

Bind operations are used to define the individual bindings (binding one or several Type/Name keys to a corresponding producer of an object). The expressive power of bindings is achieved with a relatively small syntax that offers support for:

  • abstract bindings -- that must be overridden with a concrete binding
  • override bindings -- bindings that must override an existing (abstract or concrete) binding
  • multi bindings -- binding multiple producers to a common multi-valued key
  • parameter bindings -- binding one or several parameters to the various parameterized puppet types
  • query bindings -- binding the result of a query
  • named bindings -- binding type/name combination
  • anonymous binding -- binding using only type
  • rebinding -- re-binding an already bound key (alias or rename)
  • binding of parameter mapping -- allows mappings of parameters between types
  • binding of variables -- allows binding of top scope variables

You probably wonder what all of these mean, and if a user really need to learn all these different terms. But as you will see, the concrete syntax makes specification of all these kinds of bindings quite natural as you only have to consider; Where do I want an injection to take place, and what should be injected, and in some cases how should it be injected.

Bind Operations Syntax

To explain the expressive power of binding operations it is easiest to first show a pseudo grammar (i.e. the real grammar will be more complex).

(You can safely skip to the detailed explanations of each concept and examples and return to this grammar if you want to look at details).

# Syntax

bind : binding_kind options

  : BIND      bindargs bind_key to_producer
  | BIND      bindargs bind_key to_producer IN STRING
  | BIND MAP  bindargs type TO type options
  | MULTIBIND bindargs bind_key AS STRING to_producer
  | BIND ALIAS bind_key AS bindargs bind_key
  | BIND RENAMED bind_key AS bindargs bind_key
  | REBIND    bind_key
  | INCLUDE   name_list
  | EXCLUDE   name_list


name_list: NAME | '[' names ']'
names: NAME | names ',' NAME

   : # empty if inferrable or not applicable
   | TO producer
   | TO OPTIONAL producer

  : # empty if inferrable
  | VAR
  | VAR type
  | type
  | type ',' STRING

  : literal
  | PRODUCER type
  | type

options      : nil | '{' option_list '}'
option_list  : NAME '=>' expression | option_list ',' option_list

  | CLASSREF '[' expression ']'

TODO: Query is missing

Note: All capital names are keyword tokens except NAME and CLASSREF which corresponds to the Puppet language tokens (lower case, initial letter names, and capitlized '::' separated class references), lower case names are rules, quoted characters are punctuation tokens. The rule expression is the general expression rule in the egrammar, and literal refers to literal strings, numbers, booleans, arrays and hashes.

Use of term Literal?

Discuss: The term 'literal' is a misnomer, but that is what it is currently called in the grammar; interpolated strings are not really literals as they require interpolation - it also clashes with the defined Literal defined in the Type System where Data means a structure, and Literal is a leaf. The terms used for these should be unified to avoid confusion (even if some are invisible to users they make it difficult to talk about them among the developers).

Also Note: The simplified grammar is only for illustration - it is not a correct grammar as it has many illegal invariants, and requirements that elements are required when they are not. Example; a multibinding requires the id option to be set. Most abstract bindings can not have a producer (nor options). This is explained in detail in the following sections.

Binding and Multibinding

A binding is one of:

  • bind -- (binds one or multiple keys)
  • bind parameters -- binds one or multiple parameters
  • bind variables -- binds one or multiple top scope variables
  • multibind -- binds one key to which other (fragment) bindings contribute
  • bind map -- binds a parameter map from one type to another
  • bind alias -- creates a copy binding under a new name
  • bind renamed -- create a copy binding under a new name and removes the original
  • rebind -- bind existing binding with higher precedence
  • include -- binds inclusion of classes
  • exclude -- binds exclusion of classes

Each form of binding is explained separately in the following sections. The explanations of the general concepts are illustrated with simple named bindings; binding a value to a name. These are not the most powerful and useful kinds of bindings, but they are simple in form which makes it easier to explain the concepts. Also when Named Bindings are discussed in more detail, you may find that they are indeed quite useful.

Abstract Bindings

A binding may optionally be declared to be abstract. (It may be combined with the keyword override). A binding that is not abstract is said to be concrete (but there is no keyword for that).

Modules can not always provide default values for bindings that will make them work and it is required by a user to configure a concrete binding. In order to do this, a binding needs to be able to express that it is abstract in such a fashion that it is an error if an abstract binding is not overridden by a concrete binding.

bind abstract "the meaning of life"

As you can see, an abstract binding does not bind any value (or producer to be more precise), it is simply a declaration that a binding must exist.

In the example above, if a concrete binding is not provided that overrides this binding, an error is raised (when the injector is created) telling the user that a binding must be provided for the key Data, "the meaning of life". The user may do so like this:

bind "the meaning of life" to 42

An explicit injection calling inject("the meaning of life") will then produce the value 42.

See Named Binding and Type System for details about type (in case you wonder why the error message contains the text Data and what it means).

Invariants of Abstract Bindings

Some combination are not meaninful, specifically abstract bindings of parameters - they are already declared to exist - it would not be meaninful to also specify that a parameter must be bound. (The real grammar/validation rules will enforce this).

Abstract binding of variables is however meaningful, it declares the requirement that a top scope variable must be set. See Binding Variables for an example.

Is abstract too abstract?

Discuss: If the Computer Science term 'abstract' is to abstract [sic] a more populistic name like placeholder could be used, but this would probably alienate developers.

Override Bindings

A binding may optionally be declared with override which indicates that the given key must be an override of an existing key with lower precedence, or an error is raised. (What happens when two bindings have the same precedence is explained in the section Composition of Bindings).

When composing a system out of pieces, where the pieces are glued together via names it is easy to end up with bindings to names that have no meaning -- e.g. binding "bananas" to 42 is probably meaningless. In order to handle this, it is of value to declare that something must be an override of something that is declared/exists. This helps catch spelling errors as well as errors introduced by API changes.

Using the same example as before, our override of the abstract meaning of life can thus be written:

bind override "the meaning of life" to 42

Which protects us if the original abstract binding is changed to say "the meaning of love", which would make a binding to "the meaning of life" as meaningless as injecting "my hovercraft is full of eels". In the abstract case, we would naturally get an error that "the meaning of love" is abstract, but we are also told that the "the meaning of life" does not override something that exists. The value is even greater when overriding something that is not abstract as that would just be silently ignored.

Note: This is similar to how the Java @Override annotation works.

Is override too overloaded?

Discuss: If deemed that the term 'override' is too overloaded (one binding overrides another because of categorization and layering) another term that suggests 'in error if not bound elsewhere' should be invented. This type of protection may seem too sophisticated at first, but is really a great help in maintaining sanity in an evolving system.

Combining Override and Abstract

It is possible to combine override and abstract which has the effect that an existing binding (typically concrete or this type of binding would be pointless) must instead be supplied by someone else. This is useful when there are errors or conflicts among used modules and the user wants to author a set of bindings that can be reused to solve these problems. Naturally, the author can not know the concrete value to bind but can help downstream usage as they are helped by an "abstract missing" error instead of a faulty binding that needs resolution.

Assume that in a composition of bindings, this binding would become effective if nothing else was stated:

bind "the meaning of life" to 43

This is then easily modified to be abstract and passed on:

bind abstract override "the meaning of life"

You can think of this as a statement of "You are all wrong, someone needs to set the record straight". Also see Rebinding which solves a similar problem.

Named Binding

It is possible to bind to almost any name except that names may not conflict with the internal naming rules as expressed in Naming Scheme. Naturally, there are no implicit injection points for such bindings, they are always injected using explicit injection. By convention, these names should be based on the fully qualified name of the module/place they are defined to avoid name-space conflicts.

Since a human readable string can be used, named bindings can be self descriptive, as in this example:

# Bind literal value to a string
bind "main site URL for blogs" to ''

With this binding in effect, a call to inject("main site URL for blogs") results in the value ''.

Named bindings are very useful for constants as they, in contrast to variables, can be composed/overridden.

Binding to a name without specifying the type, is the same as binding Data/name where Data may be a subtype of Data when the type can be inferred from the bound value. In the example above, the binding would be String/main site URL for blogs.

In general the names are unique per type, but special rules apply to all subtypes of Data where the name must be unique across all bindings to any such subtype. This means it is not possible to bind say an Integer and a String to the same name.

An injection using inject('main site URL for blogs') means lookup any Data compatible type with the given name. A user concerned with type safety would instead call inject(String, 'main site URL for blogs'). For more details about types see Type System.

Typed, Named Binding

A typed, named binding is primarily used to ensure type safety. Rather than just binding to a name, the produced type is also declared.

Type binding is a bit of a misnomer since all bindings are typed, a better term would perhaps be explicitly typed binding.

Examples using explicit type:

bind Integer, "mymodule::size" to 42
bind Hash, "mymodule::stuff" to {'a' => 10, 'b' => [1,2,3]}

Explicit type is typically not needed for data as the type can be inferred from the bound object.

Typed bindings become more important when doing more advanced bindings. As an example, here is an abstract binding where a module wants to be able to inject an array of class ntp instances.

bind abstract Array[class ntp], "ntp resources"

At some point, someone adds a binding that results in an array of such resources; as a static list, as a query or a function, a Ruby extension, etc.

And here is an example binding a syntax checker to a puppet extension point:

bind Type[SyntaxChecker], "xml" to Type[MyXmlSyntaxChecker]

See Type System for more information about how to write references to type.

Typed, Anonymous Binding

A typed binding that is not named is said to be anonymous. The idea is that whenever an instance of the given type is requested, the caller receives the object from the bound producer.

This is typically used to bind a concrete implementation of an interface, or to replace a null/simple implementation with a more specialized. This type of binding is of value when type alone provides a unique key.

bind Type[Logger] to Type[SpecialLogger]

This can also apply to Puppet types. This would enable instantiation of a specialized class instead of the original. This can be useful where there is a desire to not modify the source.

bind class ntp to class ntp2
bind MyResourceType to MyBetterResourceType

The bound type must be compatible (i.e. be a subtype). This type of binding can not be applied to bindings that address an instance (e.g.. it is impossible to change the type of an already existing resource; File['foo'] can not be changed to BetterFile['foo']).

Note: In case you wonder, if inject(SomeType) is called and there is no binding for SomeType the injector will then create an instance of the given type.


Rebinding comes in three forms (examplified):

rebind "the meaning of life"
bind alias "the meaning of life" AS "the meaning of love
bind renamed "the meaning of life" AS "the meaning of love"

Rebinding, as you may guess re-binds an already bound key's producer in a higher precedence (If it is not higher, the operation is meaningless).

A bind alias creates a new binding with the name given after the as bound to the original producer. The original binding remains in effect (if it surfaces).

A bind renamed is the same as bind alias, but the original key is erased.

The rebound key must naturally exist or an error is raised. This means that an override has no effect. An abstract makes the re-bound key abstract. None of the three rebind operations accepts a producer.

Rebinding is valuable when adapting old bindings to new and there is a desire to continue using what was originally bound but under a new key. This also makes it possible to rebind in a category of higher precedence.

# create an alias
bind alias "the meaning of life" as "the meaning of love"

# rename
bind renamed "the meaning of life" as "the meaning of love"


A multi binding is a specialized binding that collects binding fragments into a structure. The bound type must be a Hash or Array with a type argument that specifies the data type of values in the structure. A multi-binding may also specify the identity of the multibind itself using an as-clause. If no as clause is used, the binding id is the same as the name in the multibind's key.

Here are two examples showing the essential parts:

multibind Array[String], "names" AS "mymodule::list-of-names"
bind to 'Mary' in 'mymodule::list-of-names'
bind to 'John' in 'mymodule::list-of-names'

This example collects fragment bindings that contribute to the multibinding id 'mymodule::list-of-names'. The result is an Array of Strings. The fragments do not need to declare the type, and since the collected result is an Array it is not meaningful to name these bindings (they may be, but the names are not used). Since type is inferred, and name is not required it is possible to simply state bind to 'Mary' instead of bind String to 'Mary'.

multibind Hash[Data], 'names-with-data' AS 'mymodule::names-with-data'
bind 'Mary' to 'engineering' in 'mymoduyle::list-of-names
bind 'John' to 'support' in 'mymodule::list-of-names'
bind 'Fred' to ['support', 'sales'] in 'mymodule::list-of-names'

The second example collects fragment bindings that contribute to the multibinding id 'mymodule::names-with-data'. The result is a Hash of Data. In this case the contributions must be named, but type can be omitted since it can be inferred. As you can see, since the Hash is allowed to contain any Data, it is possible to bind things like an Array to the key 'Fred'.

Overriding Multibindings

The reason for the dual keys (the multibind's key, and its binding identity given after the as) is that it would otherwise not be possible to differentiate between fragment associations to one specific multibinding and an overriding multibinding that does not want to accept a completely different set of multibindings.

If a new multibinding is made with the exact same key and identity it would still be getting the same fragments.

The binding id must be unique across all effective bindings and by convention these should include the module name as a suffix.

As an example, given these bindings:

multibind Hash[TypeValidatorService]], 'syntax' AS 'syntax-validators'
bind "xml" to Type[MyXmlValidator] IN 'syntax-validators'

And there is a desire to override the multibind with an empty Hash, this is stated as:

multibind override Hash[TypeValidatorService]], 'syntax'

Since no identity is given, it is impossible for fragments to attach (the id is unknown). Had the same identity (i.e. 'syntax-validators') been used the result would have been the same as in the original (i.e. the "xml" binding will be contributed to it).

Array Multibind Example

We want to collect strings in an array where each string is a user name.

In this example, a multibind is created. It is declared that each contribution should be of type String. Contributions should be made using the key 'included_users', and the result of the collection is of Array type. Thus a call to inject('users') results in an Array with the content ['anna', 'akuna', 'ries'].

multibind Array[String], 'users' AS 'included_users' 
bind to 'anna' in 'included_users'
bind to ['akuna', 'ries'] in 'included_users'

A multibind is used (in addition to the obvious reason to enable collection) to allow the entire result to be overridden with a binding of 'users' if so desired.

Multibind -- to Merge or not to Merge

There is an obvious issue when hashes are collected/combined. The order of fragment collection is undefined and thus a regular merge will arbitrarily overwrite keys in the resulting hash if keys are not unique. The same happens with deeper nested values if hashes indeed where to be merged.

A similar problem occurs for arrays. The default rule appends any non array value and concatenates array. But what if the desired result is instead to always append, or flatten and append, or convert arrays into hashes that are appended?

Instead of solving all such problems and turning Hiera2 into also being a Swiss Army Knife of data transformations a general combinator option allows a lambda to be given that performs any non standard data transformation. This lambda can then use other data transformation functions to produce the wanted result.

(It would be very good if the standard lib functions where cleaned up and improved in this area. There is no deep merge function and available functions have varying power and flexibility). This should not be used as an excuse to instead build such functionality into Hiera2.

Lambda or Type reference (to get an instance), or support both?

Discuss: A lambda is convenient, it could also be allowed to use a Type reference to a subclass of Combinator to allow a runtime class to be plugged in.

Multibind Array Combinator Option

When performing a multibind of Array type, all contributions are by default concatenated. A non array contribution is converted to array and then concatenated. If something else is wanted, a lambda can be assigned to the binding option combinator. The lambda is passed the already combined result and the new value to concat/add/combine.

Here is an example where the combinator concatenates flattened arrays (using the standard lib function flatten). The example produces [1,2,3,4,5,6]:

multibind Array[Data], 'flattened-data' AS 'example' {
  combinator => |$memo, $x| { $memo + flatten($x) }
bind to [1,2,[3]] in 'example'
bind to [4,[[5,6]]] in 'example'

Multibind Hash Combinator Option

When performing a multibind of Hash type, all contributions must have unique keys or an error is raised. If something else is wanted, a lambda can be assigned to the binding option combinator. The lambda is passed the key, and the existing value for the key (or undef if no value) and the new value. The lambda should produce the new value for the key.

Here is an example that concatenates arrays for the same key:

multibind Hash[Data], 'merged-hash' AS 'example' {
  combinator => | $key, $current, $value| {
    unless !$current
      { $value }
      { $current + $value }
bind 'fruits' to ['apple', 'orange'] in 'example'
bind 'fruits' to ['pear', 'mango'] in 'example'
bind 'berries' to ['strawberry', 'blueberry'] in 'example'

The result when calling inject('merged-hash') is:

{ fruits => ['apple', 'orange', 'pear', 'mango'],
  berries => ['strawberry', 'blueberry']

(Unfortunately there is no suitable function in puppet standardlib that does this). A deep merge function would be a welcome addition to the standard lib, and that is more flexible and handling an undef start value.

Multibinding Rules

  • A Hash multibinding requires fragments to have a key with a name or an error is raised.
  • All Array multibinds concatenates contributions by default (non array values are appended), if something else is wanted a combinator should be defined.
  • Array multibinds ignore the names of contributed fragments
  • All Hash multibinds require that fragment names are unique or an error is raised. If something else is wanted a combinator should be defined that either overrides or merges the result.
  • Fragment collection order is undefined (if the order matters, the result should be sorted by the user)

Binding Classes

Classes (or rather, class inclusion) is performed with (examplified):

include name
include [name1, name2, ...]

It is also possible to bind exclusion, and it is otherwise difficult to erase/replace a faulty binding.

exclude name
exclude [name1, name2, ...]

The list of classes is injected with inject('/classes'). Also see Naming Scheme. Internally, this is handled as multibindings to 'included_classes' and 'excluded_classes'.

An include wins over an exclude if the exclude has lower precedence. Eclude of a non-existing included class is a no-op.

Use keywords include (and exclude) for class inclusion (and erasure)?

Discuss: Class inclusion (and exclusion) was given concrete syntax rather than being multibind contributions. Both forms will naturally work, but the multibind contribution style is primarly for external services that act as a bindings provider. The rationale for the concrete syntax is that inclusion is one of the first things someone wants to do, and having to learn about multibindings upfront it not nice. Also, instead of using something like bind classes, it felt more natural to use the keyword include used in regular logic. As a consequence this makes it more difficult to erase/replace and the exclude was also needed.

Binding Parameters

Binding parameters is done in this form:

bind parameters <instantiateable-type> to <parameter-producer>

Where <instantiateable-type> is a reference to:

  • a classname (starts with a lower case character)
  • a type
  • a resource instance

and <parameter-producer> is one of:

  • a literal hash
  • a type
  • resource instance
  • a producer

See Type System for more detail.

It is possible to bind any object that supports keyed access to values. If the bound object has incompatible parameter names it is possible to bind a mapping from the expected name to the name in the bound object. The following sections explains this in more detail.

Binding Parameters using a Literal Hash

When binding parameters, it is possible to bind to a Hash where the hash contains parameter name to value associations.

bind parameters ntp to {
      autoupdate  => false,
      enable      => true,
      servers     => [
        " iburst",
        " iburst",
        " iburst",
        " iburst"

Internally, each parameter is bound separately and can thus be individiaully overridden (or overridden by a binding of higher precedence hash which contains the same keys).

bind parameters ntp to { autoupdate => false }
bind parameters ntp to { enable => true }

The last two examples bind a single parameter respectively.

Binding Parameters using Instance Reference

It is possible to bind to any instance of any type (provided that a) the type exists, or there is a binding to a producer b) it is possible to refer to an instance of this type using a name.

The injector will search for a parameter binding, and if it finds a binding to an instance of some type, it will try to find this instance (or if there is a producer, create it). If the instance is not of the same type as the LHS side a search is made of a Hash[String, String]/Type[ParamMap[LHSType, RHSType]] binding. If no such binding is found the operation fails unless parameters happen to have equal names in the two types. If a mapping is found, it is used to translate an LHS parameter to an RHS parameter and the mapped parameter is then used to lookup a value in the object bound as producer of the parameter value.

# bind the parameters of Web[one] resource to the resource Sql[one]
# and map the parameters from Sql[one].
bind parameters Web[one] to Sql[one] {
  map => {dbuser => user, ... }

Binding Parameter with Map per Type

It is possible to bind a parameter map for a pair of types by using a type on the RHS and specifying a map as in the following example:

bind map Web to Sql {
  key_in_Web => key_in_Sql

This means if a parameter binding of type Sql is made to a Web, then map this way.

With the binding above in effect, the mapping can now be skipped when the instance bind takes place:

bind parameters Web[one] to Sql[one]

In this example, the map bound for the combination Web/Sql will be in effect, and parameters will be mapped without having to be specified where such a binding is made.

Advanced Parameter Bindings

There are many cases where parameters for a given type should come from multiple source (e.g. some given in user logic, other from a bound type, and lastly from bound parameters (a hash with name value associations).

In order for this to work, the bound producers can not produce overlapping parameters (or the result is undefined as the lookup order is undefined).

Thus, the bound producers of parameter values must either produce values for disjunct parameters, or there must be bound parameter maps that contain mappings for the parameters to make them disjunct.

As an example, for a bound hash it is easy to break it into individual parameter bindings based on the given parameter names in the hash, but for a binding of an arbitrary object this becomes more complex. Should all of its parameters be used? What about parameters that do not exists in the target, should they be skipped or mapped, is it an error if there is no map entry, or does this indicate that it should be skipped - etc.

It is not allowed to bind a type more than once as a parameters producer; i.e. this is illegal:

bind parameters Web[one] to Sql[one]
bind parameters Web[one] to Sql[two] # error, an Sql is already bound.

Different types may however be bound:

bind parameters Web[one] to Sql[one]
bind parameters Web[one] to DbUserInfo[general]

The proposed solution is to use the following rules:

  • When constructiong the effective bindings, maps are processed first
  • For each effective binding of non hash based parameters, obtain the map, and bind the mapped parameters
  • If no map is found; compute the join of the two types' parameter name sets - bind these names as mapped
  • If the join of parameter names is empty an error is raised ("map required")

Also note that:

  • A map option in a parameter binding overrides a default binding (at type level) - i.e. it acts as if it was a separate bind map with the same precedence as the parameter binding.

Here is an example showing how to ensure non overlapping parameter mappings when binding parameters from multiple objects:

bind map X to Y {
  a => a
bind map X to Z {
  b => b,
  c => c
bind parameters X to Y[some_y]
bind parameters X to Z[some_z]

Here we resolve the issue that both Y and Z have parameters a, b, and c. By defining the maps it is clear what to pick from the respective type.

Binding Variables

The binding of top scope variables is similar to binding of parameters, but here no mapping is offered. Each variable is internally bound separatly (and may thus, just like parameters be individually shadowed by a binding with higher precedence).

Here is an example:

bind variables to {
  myvar => 42,
  my_other_var => 44

Rationale: We could simply handle these bindings as variable assignments among the other binding operations - i.e. $a = 10 is the equivalence of bind variables to { a => 10 }. Although straight forward it will probably cause confusion over parse/evaluation order, and would not be symmetrical with other types of bindings (How is the assignment then made abstract?

Variable binding keys must be unique across all types (i.e. variable names are unique).

Typing Variables

The simplest form of binding variables binds variables (as shown in the example in Binding Variables, with type determined by inference. If a type is specified and a literal producer is used, the bound literals must comply with the declared type.

bind variables Integer to { 
  a => 10, # ok
  b => 'bananas' # error

Although perhaps not valuable on its own it is of value when declaring abstract variable bindings.

Abstract Binding of Variables

It is worth noting that it is possible to specify what a module expects in terms of defined top scope variables by declaring them as abstract. This makes it possible to give errors upfront (and tools can perform this analysiz statically) without having to wait until the moment in logic where such a variable may be referenced.

Arguably, depending on the precence of top scope variables is not the recommended approach given that parameters can be specified in more precise ways. It is however of value when dealing with older code / existing modules where this style is used. An external source can now declare variables to be abstract in a helper module (say a helper module that adapts an older module for use in a more modern puppet).

Examples # A module wants to ensure that the variable $::mainurl is set bind variables abstract to 'mainurl'

# Declaring multiple variables at once as abstract
bind abstract varibles to ['must_be_set', 'this_too']

This is (probably) the only exception to the rule that an abstract binding does not have a "producer"; in this case a producer of the names to bind abstractly. It is farfetched that someone would need a construct where the set of abstract variables is determined by a non literal producer (i.e. ruby logic) - hence that will not be allowed.

Typing a variable in combination with abstract is a valuable way of constraining the variable's type:

bind abstract variable Array[String] to ['blog_administrators']

Abstract untyped variable bindings are made using the type Any.

Binding Dependencies

Since the bindings system is used to compose the content of a catalog, it is important to also be able to compose dependencies that define the order.

While it is possible to bind to the meta-parameters before, require, notify and subscribe it is possible to define the order using parameter bindings.

I is naturally also possible to define concrete syntax. (This is not included in the proposed grammar, as the topic needs to be discussed). Here are some examples what it could look like:

bind dependency File['/etc/ssh/sshd_config'] ~> Service['sshd']

Syntax should support -> and ~> (but not right to left arrows). Syntax should also support an array of references. The semantics are: if both left and right side are in the catalog, then add the dependency.

How should dependencies/ordering be handled?

Discuss: Is it enough to only bind order using meta parameters? Are the semantics the correct semantics? (i.e. ignored if not both sides are present)

Summary of Binding Options

The concrete syntax for bind operations allows options to be declared in { } at the end of the clause. The options are related to different types of binding operations, and they are discussed in detail for the respective binding type.

Here is asummary of the available options:

Options Type Applicable Where Description
combinator lambda multimap defines the behavior of combining contributions to a multimap
producer_args hash producer a hash of parameter name/value to pass to the producer's constructor.
map hash parameters a hash with name to name mapping

TODO: select_result from handling a query (lambda when there is > 1 result) (note optional defines what happens if there is no result from a query.


A Producer is responsible for returning the resulting object when an injection takes place. There are several producer subtypes in Hiera2, and additional producers can be added via an extension. The simplest producer is the ConstantProducer that produces constant values of Data type (see Type System) i.e. String, Integer, Boolean, Array, Hash etc.

In the concrete Puppet syntax the producer is implicit in statements like:

bind "the meaning of life" to 42

Which internally is the same as if the user had written:

bind "the meaning of life" to producer Type[ConstantProducer] {
  producer_args => { 'value' => 42 },
  singleton     => true

Other implementations of Producer are similarily used for other types of bindings.

A user can bind specialized producers written in Ruby using a Puppet extension. As an example a user writes a UUID producer. It would be be bound (a completely typesafe way) with something like:

bind Type[Producer[String]], "mymodule::uuid" to Type[MyUUIDProducer] in "producers"

With such a producer bound, UUID values can then be bound with early typesafety:

typesafe binding (type problem detected when creating injector)

bind String, "request-id" to producer "mymodule::uuid"

Or without binding a registration, just binding the provider class directly:

also typesafe, but type problem detected when producer returns value

bind String, "request-id" to producer Type[MyUUIDProducer]

The rationale to always use a producer is that there is no question whether a value or something procedural that produces a value is bound - it is always a Producer. (The Binding is thus free from this concern).

Optional Producer

Normally it is expected that a producer always produce a value (other than undef/nil). By placing the keyword optional after the to this requirement is removed, and a producer that produces nothing is silently ignored.

The use of optional is of value in cases when parameters should be bound from some cross node object, or named resource in the catalog if this object exists. Placing such a binding at a higher precedence level makes it optionally override others.

bind parameters Web[one] to optional LimitedServices[web]

This binds parameters of Web[one] to parameters from an (also imaginary) LimitedServices called 'web'. If there is no LimitedServices[web] included in the catalog the binding is silently ignored.

Query Result Producer

TODO: This is in an odd place in the ARM; part of this is about a general purpose query mechanism, some about binding, and some about a query producer. It should either be a separate section, or the parts should be moved to their respective category (text needs to be revised to ensure readability and explain/link future references).

It has been discussed if the existing query (spaceship) operators should be modified to be general purpose queries, but there are several issues associated with doing this. The operators <| |> and <|| ||> imply local virtual and external exported resources, a distinction that is not needed (or even wanted) in a general purpose query. Also, changing the semntics of spaceship operators would break existing users, and will cause confusion.

Instead, it is proposed that a new query operation is introduced:

??<query expression>

Which may be used like this to query a resource of some type:

ResourceType[?? <query expression> ]

The result is always an array of resources. The works the same way as the query for the ufo operators, but is extended to the full set of expected operators and, not, or, ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=, ~= and ~!.

Handling a richer query in a generic way in the Puppet Language opens up for many possibilities; such as passing the query to a function (the function receives a parsed query model rather than having to do the parsing itself. Tooling knows about the syntax and validate etc.

Binding the Result of a Query

A general purpose query is very useful in Hiera2. Concrete syntax was therefore added that allows a query expression to be used as an expression that is recognized when performing a bind. This means that a QueryProducer is internally being used, and it gets the query expression to execute when the producer is asked to produce the result. (This was favored over explicitly selecting a query producer and giving it the query as an argument).

To bind the result of a query, simply write the query in the bindings to clause.

bind parameters Web[one] to Sql[?? name == one]

In addition to just binding the result, the use of the bound result is recorded in a way that makes it possible to see the resulting cross node graph. This has not yet been explored, but should be doable if the returned result has enough information included that allows recognition that they are remote and require special treatment.

The query is (naturally) executed by a service that is bound via injection. One such service queries the Puppet DB.

Note: The result never includes resources from the catalog under compilation because of parse order dependencies.

Subcatalogs, workflows - implications on Hiera2, if any?

Discuss: R.I. suggests it would be of great value to be able to break a catalog into "sub catalogs" and compose them, when doing so, the order between the parts is known, and it should be allowed to query already processed subcatalog. (This is concern for the future and is an implementation detail outside of the scope for Hiera2.

Handling Multiple Query Results

One issue when binding a query is what to do in case zero or more than one object is returned by the query. In all cases except the parameter binding case, it is up to the receiver/user to transform the produced array.

The simplest is naturally to let the QueryProducer have a standard behavior where a result of 0 or > 1 raises an error, and a match of one unfolds the one object from the array and produces this object. This is however not always a good strategy if a user wants to be able to pick the best, or do something more advanced).

In order to solve this issue in an open ended way, it is proposed that a lambda is assigned to the option select_result. The lambda has one parameter and is expected to return an instance of the type at hand.

Composition of Bindings

It is important to remember that Modules can come with default bindings and abstract bindings that need to be overridden. The modules can come from a variety of sources and the available name space in which they can bind things is not divided/reserved. As an example module A binds color to blue and module B binds it to red. Both bindings are in the common category. In our configuration we want to be able to define that in general color should be green as we want to reserve the higher precedence categories to define other colors in these divisions. In order to compose these we need a mechanism to place bindings in a higher layer where all its bindings shadow those in lower levels.

To keep things simple, it is proposed that bindings are arranged into layers where bindings in a higher layer shadows bindings in a lower layer. (The alternative would be to have a directed graph - but this finer grained control is probably not needed).

The stratas/layers are specified in the site statement where the layers are listed from highest to lowest precedence. By default there are two such layers, one for all the modules, and one for the site. Here is an example of what the default configuration looks like if spelled out:

bindings => [
   layer { 'site':    include => "confdir:/default" },
   layer { 'modules': include => "module:/*::default"}

This specifies that there are two layers; 'site' and 'modules' - these names have no semantics, they are simply used as labels so humans can talk about them, when there are errors, and when explaining which statements resulted in a particular injected value.

Here is an example where bindings from an ENC is given higher precedence than modules, but lower than what is in the confdir/default.

bindings => [
   layer { 'site':    include => "confdir:/default" },
   layer { 'enc':     include => "enc:" },
   layer { 'modules': include => "module:/*::default"}

The references to named bindings use URIs where the scheme part is mapped to an implementation of a Bindings Provider (via injection).

Selecting Bindings with include and exclude

If we want to select a different set of bindings (e.g. one named load_balanced) for one module (called MySpecial) instead of its default bindings the config could be:

bindings => [
   layer { 'site': include => "confdir:/default" },
   layer { 'modules':
     include => [
     exclude => [
Are Include/Exclude as keywords overloaded - use something else?

Discuss: include and exclude are overloaded; elsewhere 'include' means include class in catalog. Include is also a bind operation (to bind class inclusion). Maybe use other terms in layers?

Bindings Provider

A Bindings Provider is responsible for producing an instance of a Bindings Model - an ecore model. Three such providers are supplied with Hiera2 corresponding to the schemes confdir, module and enc. An extension point is also offered for 3d party plugins.

Confdir Bindings Provider

The confdir scheme refers to the root of the configuration, the final part of the path is a symbolic name that should correspond to a file name in the $confdir/bindings directory.

If there is a desire to create a structure below the confidir, say bindings for windows::default, these should be placed in $confdir/bindings/windows/default.pp and referenced like this:


An asterisk wildcard may be used to match a single missing segment, and two asterisk may be used to indicate recursive expansion.

Module Bindings Provider

The module scheme is similar to confdir. It is capable of searching the modules on the modulepath.

Enc Bindings Provider

The enc scheme refers to the data produced by the ENC. The implementation creates a binding model from the classes, parameters and top scope variables set aside at the start of the request processing (as described in Request Sequence).

If there is the need to refer to only part of what is produced by the ENC (say classes), these are individually addressed as a path - e.g:

  • enc:, enc:/, or enc:/*, -- everything produced by the ENC
  • enc:/classes -- only the classes bound to node categories
  • enc:/parameters -- only the parameters bound in node categories
  • enc:/variables -- only the variables (TODO: Needs discussion)

The rationale for allowing selection of parts would be to aid in migration (but may be of limited value).

Is it of value to pick parts from an ENC to Hiera2 transformation?

Discuss: Are these detailed selection of value? Should it always be just enc: ?

Custom Bindings Provider

You have already seen three bindings providers; the confidir-, module-, and enc- schemes. This set of schemes can be extended by binding additional bindings scheme providers. Examples could be providers that maps existing hiera yaml/json data, connects to an inventory system, makes use of LDAP, etc.

Example, adding ldap layer

In this example, a layer is added where bindings are obtained from an external (custom) service. We add this layer below the site layer because we want to be able to override the external bindings.

bindings => [
   layer { 'site':     include => "confdir:/default" },
   layer { 'external': include => "my_ldap:" },
   layer { 'modules':  include => "modules:/*::default" }

Bindings providers are added like other Puppet extensions; they are written in Ruby, and are bound to the configuration - as an example, the my_ldap could be bound like this:

bind "my_ldap" to Type[MyLdapProvider] in 'bindings_providers'

The API for a BindingsProvider has methods that are called when a bindings model is requested, and these are given access to the URIs and the include/exclude information given by the user. The provider receives one call per layer where the scheme is used. (Naturally, the instantiation of such a provider is via injection to allow it in turn to inject what it needs).

Resolution of Inconsistencies

If there is an inconsistency between bindings in a strata/layer, it needs to be resolved. We can resolve by simply stating a binding in a higher strata, but we may want to declare these separately. There are several options depending on the type of issue, and if it is meaningful to create something that is reusable.

We could place a resolution in the site layer as a separate inclusion or even in the site::default bindings, but if we are dealing with an override that we may want to reuse across puppet installations, or that is a fix when using a particular combination of modules, we may want to keep this fix in a reusable module (perhaps only containing this fix), or we may want to keep it in our module that makes use of the conflicting modules (i.e. it is stored close to the "source of the problem").

Lets say we place this as a source file in the module "X" that requires modules that cause conflicts. We could add it to module X's default, but then we need to place the default segment in a higher strata (since it would otherwise just add further conflicts), and we don't want this because if something else is in conflict we want to know about it. Instead we add a segment that we name "resolutions" (name does not matter). If we have several such resolutions, we can place them in the same strata (and since they are in the same strata we would be told if we introduced new problems by adding an inconsistent set of fixes).

It looks like this:

bindings => [
   { 'site':        include => "confdir:/default" },
   { 'resolutions': include => "module:/X::resolutions",
   { 'modules':     include => "module:/*::default" }

Type System

Hiera2 assumes that ARM-7 Puppet Types will be implemented in the future, but does not directly depend on it. The type system that is proposed for Hiera2 will work with ARM-7, and is of value in general.

The design principle for the type system is to provide reasonable type safety with minimal explicit type specification.

Here is a list of references to types and instances using concrete syntax, and their meaning:

Puppet Meaning
Class[x] Reference to the puppet host class 'x'
class x Same as Class[x]
Array An Array containing Data
Hash A Hash with Literal key, and Data value
Boolean A boolean value
Integer An integer number
Float A floating point number
Number Integer of Float
String A string (no interpolation)
Pattern A regular expression pattern
Data Array, Hash, Boolean, Integer, Float, or String (recursive)
Literal Boolean, Integer, Float, or String
Type[x] Runtime type x (i.e. runtime classname x)
Array[x] Array with values of type x
Hash[x] Hash with Literal key, and value of type x
FQN A Fully Qualified Puppet type (see below)

References to Instances:

Puppet Meaning
FQN[x] Reference to instance of FQN type with id x (see below)
Pattern[x] A regular expression pattern x (in string form)

The type names always start with an uppercase name. The names are all in the same name space, i.e. it is not possible to define resoure types called Array, Hash, Boolean, Integer, Float, Number, String, Pattern, Data, Literal, or Type. The name Enum is also reserved (it is defined in ARM-7). The type Class is already reserved for classes in Puppet. (This implies that 3.x feature that the classname 'class' is allowed is revoked).

The FQN (Fully Qualified Name) contains one or several :: separated name segments where each segment starts with an upper case letter. Such a name is a reference to a Puppet Type. The abstract type name Resource is a reference to any puppet resource type. In the proposed puppet type system all resource types are directly or indirectly derived from this abstract type. All other types introduced by the user using the extension proposed by ARM-7 Puppet Types are also referenced this way.

Note. Currently it is only possible to have resource types that are in the top name space. The rules in Hiera2 are flexible to handle name spaced resource types if/when added.

As you may have figured out, the global namespace is split into three; Puppet Host Classes, Puppet Types, and Runtime type. This is required since the current system allows classes and types to have the same name as well as allowing classes and/or types to have the same name as that of a runtime (Ruby) class.

The rationale for placing Integer, Float, the top namespace in the type reference scheme is that it is expected that these are used more frequently and if they were placed in the Type namespace users would have to use Type[Integer] instead of just Integer.

The rationale for the abstract data types; Number, Data, and Literal is that these are the most frequently used (semi-typed) objects in current use. When used as sane type argument defaults for say Hash, a user that does not care about explit typing still has reasonable type safety (keys are Literal and values are Data), this way they are guaranteed that such objects can be safely represented as JSON while still avoiding to add explicit and detailed type information.

Hashes always have Literal key (i.e. it is not possible to use a hash, array, or some runtime object as a hash key) in the Puppet Language. Keys of different literal type are different even if their string representation is the same - i.e. "1" and 1 are different keys.

The type argument feature allows a single type arg for Array and Hash. If deeper typed structures are needed they should be declared as separate types as defined in ARM-7 Puppet Types. An example would be if a user wanted to declare a Hash with values that in turn are Hashes of Integer value type.

Puppet Functions

The following puppet functions are envisioned:

# args is type and/or name, and an optional hash of parameters
# passed to an instantiator (if required by the provider).

Injects an instance compatible with given type (or type bound to name if no type is given), and passes an optional hash to the provider to produce an instance (if required by provider).

Not sure inject_provider() is needed in puppet, it returns an object that may be used to obtain an instance by calling yet another function (get). This can probably be skipped in the puppet language, but it is useful in Ruby when each "use" requires a new instance (e.g. a new connection, a transaction) etc.

The normal case is that injections should always produce the desired value or raise an exception. It is however useful to support optional injections, this could be made via a different function, optionally_inject() w ith the same signature as inject, or by passing a lambda to inject() that is invoked with either a value, or undef/nil if nothing was bound.

Modus Operandi

(TODO: Simplify and move to introduction) The model is far from everything that is needed - it describes the possible input to an injection mechanism, not how it is obtained, or operated on.


An Injector is created by giving it a "binding model" (as described above). The injector then constructs the resulting effective bindings, reporting conflicts and other errors as soon as possible. The injector creation must be given the data required to compute the current set of scopes (these are Pops::Expressions in the binding model).

Technically there may exist more than one injector in one Puppet Runtime; it is easy to imagine one that is applicable to the Puppet runtime itself; binding different kinds of services that cannot vary by environment and that is puppet's internal wiring; i.e. it deals with separation of completely internal concerns. It may be giving users too much power if this internal wiring is exposed in a UI. However for services/settings that may be allowed to vary (the user could control them via settings), these should naturally be mixed into the binding model available to users. It is also possible to build the final binding model by placing any internal Puppet segments in a strata of highest precedence.

This also makes it possible to turn settings into injection. Puppet[somekey] is actually the same as requesting injection by name.

For the sake of simplicity assume that each request triggers the full processing of all required steps to produce an Injector (there are plenty of opportunities to cache intermediate steps later to speed this up).

A created Injector is bound to an environment.

Naming Scheme

Internally some bindings results in bindings where the name is based on puppet language elements/types. As a consequence regular names used by users should not start with a '/'.


A parameter binding uses names that include a reference to the type/instance as well as the name of the parameter.


Parameter Maps

Parameter maps are mapped as:


As an example, if the binding is a mapping from parameters in a type/instance Sql to a type Web, the resulting key is:


Instance names

When instance names are used in a /map or /param named binding the name needs to be escaped as there is a (small) risk that the name may lead to overlapping keys. Internally, instance names are URL encoded (wrt. the characters that needs escaping /, [, ´]´, and %) e.g:


Is encoded as:


Note that this takes place internally, and is only a concern in Ruby extensions.


The key Array[String], '/classes' is the name of the binding that provides a list of classes. It has a producer that performs an set operation of inject('included_classes') - inject('excluded_classes')


Top scope variables are bound using:


Ruby API

Testing and Evaluation

This ARM does not have any special testing needs. It consists of rich functionality and naturally requires a substantial test suite.

Users evaluating the ARM should focus on a) feature completeness -- does it meet expectations/requirements b) usability -- how easy/difficult it is to achieve the wanted result.

Alternatives and Recommendation

There are currently many discussion points througout the document with open design issues.

There were never any real alternatives to the main feature; use of injection. This since injection or injection like behavior is already in Puppet.

Unifying these and at the same time offering new possibilities for future services (like better cross node dependencies (than the simple but useful query mechanism proposed as a starting point)), and a simpler mechanism for handling extensions/plugins than having to write them as functions, lead to the conclusion that a unified and powerful injection framework would suit the needs best.

The recommendation to use the Puppet language to describe data, and bindings, and to use better typing is a step in the direction of providing users with a higher quality service; reasonable error messages instead of mysterious or erroneous behavior.

A search for injection frameworks for Ruby did not turn up anything of substance.

Risks and Assumptions

No known possible derailing events. At this point, since there is yet no exploratory implementation some of the proposals may need to be adjusted or new ideas prove to be better. Such discoveries during an exploratory implementation phase will naturally be reflected in this ARM before its final publication.


This ARM does not directly depend on any other ARM, but will be easier to implement when ARM-7 Types in Puppet has been implemented, and the evaluator compiler has transitioned to technology similar to that used in eparser.

Also, this ARM proposed a general purpose Query mechanism that is currently available in a module by Dalén. That functionality should probably be described in a separate ARM (based on Daléns work).

This arm suggests improvements to the standard lib; e.g. a deep merge function for hashes. Such an implementation may be based on one of the deep merge implementations available as a Gem. Hiera2 does not directly depend on such a function being added.

The implementation of this ARM will use RGen.


How will this work impact other parts of the platform, the product, and the contributors working on them? Omit any irrelevant items.

  • Other Puppet components:
    • standardlib function in the family (is_xxx), can be replaced with a general is_a(type) since types can now be used as references e.g. $x.is_a(String)
  • Compatibility:
    • Removes the possibility to have a class named 'class'
    • Reserves type names
  • Security:
    • Should be an improvement over directly accepting yaml data
  • Performance/scalability:
    • Expected to be on par with Hiera1 (a lot less file loading that is costly - but this is a speculation).
  • User experience:
    • This depends on documentation and good communication on how to use the powerful features of Hiera2 rather than showing all the features in an academic way.
    • The hope is that common use cases where Hiera1 is used today should be easier to understand when done with Hiera 2. Naturally, since Hiera2 addresses issues that either just does not work in Puppet 3, or has mysterious concequences a user may wish long for the perceived "simpler times".
  • I18n/L10n:
    • Neutral to improved, since logic moves from JSON where there is little that can be done, whereas if I18n, L10n is needed somewhere in the puppet logic this should be easier to handle.
  • Accessibility:
    • Neutral
  • Portability:
    • The proposal means moving logic/data into the puppet language as this is portable.
    • The proposal is based on modeling which makes it easier to integrate with implementation in other languages
    • The type system is designed to deal with "runtime classes" in a manner that should map to language such as Java
  • Packaging/installation:
    • Care has been taken to not introduce functionality that requires additional packages.
  • Documentation:
    • Hiera2 requies good documentation - it is a powerful framework and users will need to see examples since the basic mechanism are quite abstract. It is a new vocabulary for many.
  • Spin-offs/Future work:
    • Opens for retirement of current node expression
    • Opens for retirement of resource defaults in puppet logic
    • Makes it possible to migrate certain settings to instead be composable injections
    • Opens for (current) ENC removal


Abstract Binding

A binding that must be overridden with a concrete binding. Marked with the keyword abstract

Binding Fragment

A binding that contributes to a multibinding is said to be a fragment.

Category Value Expression

An expression that determines the current state's value in a categorization. If there exists a categorization called color, the category value expression may return strings such as ´red, or blue`.

Concrete Binding

A binding that is not an abstract binding.

Current State

The categorized current state of the system - i.e. after a request to do some processing has been categorized.


A metamodel industry standard for metamodel and model interchange. Implementations exists for multiple language such as RGen for Ruby, and EMF for Java. (is also available for C, Lua, and GWT (java to gwt javascript)).

<a id="term-explicit-injection> Explicit Injection

An injection that takes place in user logic by calling a function (or similar) to perform injection.


The mechanism that is responsible for configuring a set of effective bindings given a state, categorization rules, and layered bindings, and then servicing request to lookup/produce objects to "inject".

<a id="term-implicit-injection> Implicit Injection

An injection that takes place on the initiative of the runtime.

Implicit Injection Point

A point in the puppet logic where automatic injection takes place; e.g. missing parameters for a parameterized class are looked up using an internal key of Data/<unqiue name of parameter> using a unique parameter name as explained in Naming Scheme


A multibinding binds multiple producers to the same key. The result is a Hash or an Array depending on the type of multibinding used.

Override Binding

A binding that must override an existing abstract or concrete binding. Used to provide name safety when overriding bindings of lower precedence.

Parameter Binding

A binding of a parameter of a parameterized class/resource/type.

Query Binding

A binding of a result that is obtain via querying.


There should be documentation in the model elements.

model, needs to group multiple parameter bindings using the same mapping

Write example where X has parameters a, b, c, these should come from two different injected objects.

TODO: To bind custom ruby code there is probably also the need to specify what to require in order to load the code (or maybe this is part of some underlying registration of "plugins").

One to One Map

Since a map both defines mapping of names as well as which names to map it may be of value to allow binding an array of names as a 1:1 map.

One could imagine the syntax:

bind map T1 to T2 [a, b, c]

But this is not possible using the proposed grammar as an options hash is expected after T2, and this hash doubles as the mapping hash in a bind map expression. This could be solved by making the options map requiring a map=> key also for bind map and accept an array as a "unit map".

Uncertain if it is of great value to make bind map worse to gain the unit ability. It can be done with an explicit unit map { a => a, b => b }. Since the use case is both advanced and esotheric it seems not worth the cost as it is possible to achieve the result with a bit more typing.