From 4d61371ecac22ea383a1bb4d37e8eda17b321b15 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthew Somerville <>
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2023 16:26:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 01/11] [Brent] Clinical collection tickboxes.

 perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/Brent/ | 3 +++
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)

diff --git a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/Brent/ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/Brent/
index 034b7f070..59b9406ea 100644
--- a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/Brent/
+++ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/Brent/
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ around process_service_request_args => sub {
         } elsif ($service_id == 317) {
             $args->{attributes}{"Garden_BIN"} = 1;
             $args->{attributes}{"Garden_BAG"} = 1;
+        } elsif ($service_id == 274) {
+            $args->{attributes}{"Clinical_BIN"} = 1;
+            $args->{attributes}{"Clinical_BOX"} = 1;
     } elsif ($request->{event_type} == 1159) {
         if ($args->{attributes}{Paid_Collection_Container_Type} == 2) {

From 51d08d1cda002164163331ca920c9a177b904429 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nik Gupta <>
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2023 14:42:18 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 02/11] [Central Beds] Move to a multi integration.

 .../Integration/UK/     | 81 +++---------------
 .../UK/CentralBedfordshire/        | 84 +++++++++++++++++++
 ...shire.t => centralbedfordshire_symology.t} | 10 +--
 t/open311/endpoint/uk.t                       |  5 +-
 4 files changed, 103 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/
 rename t/open311/endpoint/{centralbedfordshire.t => centralbedfordshire_symology.t} (97%)

diff --git a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/
index 01963f8c0..d78b131e2 100644
--- a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/
+++ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/
@@ -1,84 +1,23 @@
 package Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire;
-# use SOAP::Lite +trace => [ qw/method debug/ ];
 use Moo;
-extends 'Open311::Endpoint::Integration::Symology';
+extends 'Open311::Endpoint::Integration::Multi';
-use Open311::Endpoint::Service::UKCouncil::Symology::CentralBedfordshire;
+use Module::Pluggable
+    search_path => ['Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire'],
+    instantiate => 'new';
 has jurisdiction_id => (
     is => 'ro',
+    # Using 'centralbedfordshire_symology' to be consistent with jurisdiction
+    # before becoming a multi integration.
+    # Will want to migrate to just 'centralbedfordshire' at some point.
     default => 'centralbedfordshire_symology',
-has service_class  => (
+has integration_without_prefix => (
     is => 'ro',
-    default => 'Open311::Endpoint::Service::UKCouncil::Symology::CentralBedfordshire'
+    default => 'Symology',
-sub process_service_request_args {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $location = (delete $_[0]->{attributes}->{title}) || '';
-    delete $_[0]->{attributes}->{description};
-    delete $_[0]->{attributes}->{report_url};
-    my $area_code = (delete $_[0]->{attributes}->{area_code}) || '';
-    my @args = $self->SUPER::process_service_request_args(@_);
-    my $response = $args[0];
-    my $lookup = $self->endpoint_config->{area_to_username};
-    $response->{NextActionUserName} ||= $lookup->{$area_code};
-    $response->{Location} = $location;
-    # Send the first photo to the appropriate field in Symology
-    # (these values are specific to Central Beds and were divined by
-    # inspecting the GetRequestAdditionalGroup output for an existing
-    # enquiry that had a photo.)
-    if ( my $photo_url = $_[0]->{media_url}->[0] ) {
-        $args[2] = [
-            [ FieldLine => 15, ValueType => 8, DataValue => $photo_url ],
-        ];
-    }
-    return @args;
-# Unlike Bexley, the CSV from the SFTP doesn't have everything we need to
-# build the ServiceRequestUpdates. We can get the full picture from the
-# Symology API by calling the GetRequestAdditionalGroup method for each
-# enquiry mentioned in the CSVs and looking at the history entries there.
-sub post_process_files {
-    my ($self, $updates) = @_;
-    my @updates;
-    push(@updates, @{ $self->_updates_for_crno($_) }) for @$updates;
-    @$updates = @updates;
-sub _process_csv_row {
-    my ($self, $row, $dt) = @_;
-    return ($row->{CRNo}, $row->{CRNo});
-sub _updates_for_crno {
-    my ($self, $crno) = @_;
-    my $response = $self->get_integration->get_request(
-        "SERV",
-        $crno
-    );
-    if (($response->{StatusCode}//-1) != 0) {
-        my $error = $response->{StatusMessage};
-        $self->logger->warn("Couldn't call GetRequestAdditionalGroup for CRNo $crno: $error");
-        return [];
-    }
-    return $self->_process_request_history($response, 'full');
diff --git a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b64beaa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+package Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire::Symology;
+# use SOAP::Lite +trace => [ qw/method debug/ ];
+use Moo;
+extends 'Open311::Endpoint::Integration::Symology';
+use Open311::Endpoint::Service::UKCouncil::Symology::CentralBedfordshire;
+has jurisdiction_id => (
+    is => 'ro',
+    default => 'centralbedfordshire_symology',
+has service_class  => (
+    is => 'ro',
+    default => 'Open311::Endpoint::Service::UKCouncil::Symology::CentralBedfordshire'
+sub process_service_request_args {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $location = (delete $_[0]->{attributes}->{title}) || '';
+    delete $_[0]->{attributes}->{description};
+    delete $_[0]->{attributes}->{report_url};
+    my $area_code = (delete $_[0]->{attributes}->{area_code}) || '';
+    my @args = $self->SUPER::process_service_request_args(@_);
+    my $response = $args[0];
+    my $lookup = $self->endpoint_config->{area_to_username};
+    $response->{NextActionUserName} ||= $lookup->{$area_code};
+    $response->{Location} = $location;
+    # Send the first photo to the appropriate field in Symology
+    # (these values are specific to Central Beds and were divined by
+    # inspecting the GetRequestAdditionalGroup output for an existing
+    # enquiry that had a photo.)
+    if ( my $photo_url = $_[0]->{media_url}->[0] ) {
+        $args[2] = [
+            [ FieldLine => 15, ValueType => 8, DataValue => $photo_url ],
+        ];
+    }
+    return @args;
+# Unlike Bexley, the CSV from the SFTP doesn't have everything we need to
+# build the ServiceRequestUpdates. We can get the full picture from the
+# Symology API by calling the GetRequestAdditionalGroup method for each
+# enquiry mentioned in the CSVs and looking at the history entries there.
+sub post_process_files {
+    my ($self, $updates) = @_;
+    my @updates;
+    push(@updates, @{ $self->_updates_for_crno($_) }) for @$updates;
+    @$updates = @updates;
+sub _process_csv_row {
+    my ($self, $row, $dt) = @_;
+    return ($row->{CRNo}, $row->{CRNo});
+sub _updates_for_crno {
+    my ($self, $crno) = @_;
+    my $response = $self->get_integration->get_request(
+        "SERV",
+        $crno
+    );
+    if (($response->{StatusCode}//-1) != 0) {
+        my $error = $response->{StatusMessage};
+        $self->logger->warn("Couldn't call GetRequestAdditionalGroup for CRNo $crno: $error");
+        return [];
+    }
+    return $self->_process_request_history($response, 'full');
diff --git a/t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire.t b/t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire_symology.t
similarity index 97%
rename from t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire.t
rename to t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire_symology.t
index 9f12d2c01..f2980b81e 100644
--- a/t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire.t
+++ b/t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire_symology.t
@@ -121,15 +121,15 @@ $soap_lite->mock(call => sub {
-my $centralbeds_integ = Test::MockModule->new('Integrations::Symology');
-$centralbeds_integ->mock(config => sub {
+my $centralbeds_symology_integ = Test::MockModule->new('Integrations::Symology');
+$centralbeds_symology_integ->mock(config => sub {
         endpoint_url => '',
-my $centralbeds_end = Test::MockModule->new('Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire');
-$centralbeds_end->mock(endpoint_config => sub {
+my $centralbeds_symology_end = Test::MockModule->new('Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire::Symology');
+$centralbeds_symology_end->mock(endpoint_config => sub {
         username => 'FMS',
         nsgref_to_action => {},
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ $centralbeds_end->mock(endpoint_config => sub {
         external_id_prefix => "FMS",
-$centralbeds_end->mock(config_file => sub { path('t')->absolute });
+$centralbeds_symology_end->mock(config_file => sub { path('t')->absolute });
 use Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire;
diff --git a/t/open311/endpoint/uk.t b/t/open311/endpoint/uk.t
index a02d0964f..c10316452 100644
--- a/t/open311/endpoint/uk.t
+++ b/t/open311/endpoint/uk.t
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ test_multi(0, 'Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK',
     'Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::Buckinghamshire' => 'buckinghamshire_confirm',
     'Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::BuckinghamshireAlloy' => 'buckinghamshire_alloy',
     'Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::Camden' => 'camden_symology',
-    'Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire' => 'centralbedfordshire_symology',
     'Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CheshireEast' => 'cheshireeast_confirm',
     'Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::EastSussex' => 'eastsussex_salesforce',
     'Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::Hounslow' => 'hounslow_confirm',
@@ -58,6 +57,10 @@ test_multi(1, 'Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::Hackney',
     'Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::Hackney::Environment' => 'hackney_environment_alloy_v2',
+test_multi(1, 'Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire',
+    'Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire::Symology' => 'centralbedfordshire_symology',
 sub test_multi {

From c579b36b39138f757c23d75ca6e728e667894e92 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nik Gupta <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2023 18:02:20 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 03/11] Fix multivaluelist attribute handling.

 perllib/Open311/                   | 17 ++++++++++++++++-
 perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Service/ |  3 ++-
 2 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/perllib/Open311/ b/perllib/Open311/
index e3066de16..ee0f01b03 100644
--- a/perllib/Open311/
+++ b/perllib/Open311/
@@ -302,8 +302,23 @@ sub dispatch_request {
         $self->call_api( GET_Service_Definition => $service_id, $args );
-    sub (POST + /requests + %:@media_url~&* + **) {
+    sub (POST + /requests + %:@media_url~&@* + **) {
         my ($self, $args, $uploads) = @_;
+        # We use '@*' to capture parameters as multiple in the hashref to handle attributes with multiple values.
+        # This puts every value in array, regardless of whether it's singleton or empty, which we don't want.
+        # The following block 'un-arrays' the value in these cases.
+        while (my ($key, $value) = each %$args) {
+            next if $key eq 'media_url';
+            my $length = scalar @$value;
+            if ($length == 1) {
+                $args->{$key} = $value->[0];
+            } elsif ($length == 0) {
+                $args->{$key} = "";
+            }
+        }
         my @files = grep {
         } values %$uploads;
diff --git a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Service/ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Service/
index 9fef6ce55..9745912cb 100644
--- a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Service/
+++ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Service/
@@ -95,7 +95,8 @@ sub schema_definition {
         datetime => '//str', # TODO
         text => '//str',
         singlevaluelist => { type => '//any', of => [@values] },
-        multivaluelist  => { type => '//arr', of => [@values] },
+        # Either a single value or a non-empty list of values.
+        multivaluelist => { type => '//any', of => [{ type => '//any', of => [@values]}, { type => '//arr', contents => { type => '//any', of => [@values] }, length => { min => 1 } }] },
     return $schema_types{ $self->datatype };

From f6e9574bbf6ff07425ae9534e684774c208921a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nik Gupta <>
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2023 11:21:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 04/11] [Central Beds] Add Jadu endpoint.

 bin/centralbedfordshire/jadu/gather_updates   |  16 +
 .../jadu/init_update_gathering_files          |  28 +
 ...uncil-centralbedfordshire_jadu.yml-example |  22 +
 cpanfile                                      |   2 +
 cpanfile.snapshot                             | 554 ++++++++++++++++++
 perllib/Integrations/                  | 171 ++++++
 .../UK/CentralBedfordshire/            | 506 ++++++++++++++++
 .../          | 125 ++++
 t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire_jadu.t | 280 +++++++++
 .../endpoint/centralbedfordshire_symology.t   |   2 +
 t/open311/endpoint/uk.t                       |   1 +
 11 files changed, 1707 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 bin/centralbedfordshire/jadu/gather_updates
 create mode 100755 bin/centralbedfordshire/jadu/init_update_gathering_files
 create mode 100644 conf/council-centralbedfordshire_jadu.yml-example
 create mode 100644 perllib/Integrations/
 create mode 100644 perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/
 create mode 100644 perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Service/UKCouncil/
 create mode 100644 t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire_jadu.t

diff --git a/bin/centralbedfordshire/jadu/gather_updates b/bin/centralbedfordshire/jadu/gather_updates
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..3a7ff9d3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/centralbedfordshire/jadu/gather_updates
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# Gathers status updates from Jadu for Central Bedfordshire and stores
+# these in a file ready for use in future 'GET service request updates' calls.
+# See 'gather_updates' in the centralbedfordshire/Jadu endpoint for more information.
+    use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+    use File::Spec;
+    my $d = dirname(File::Spec->rel2abs($0));
+    require "$d/../../../";
+use Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire::Jadu;
+my $endpoint = Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire::Jadu->new();
diff --git a/bin/centralbedfordshire/jadu/init_update_gathering_files b/bin/centralbedfordshire/jadu/init_update_gathering_files
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..029ac829b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/centralbedfordshire/jadu/init_update_gathering_files
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# Initialises the files needed for the 'gather_updates' script.
+# Requires a number of lookback-days to be specied which is the number of days
+# in the past to start update collection from.
+# See 'init_update_gathering_files' in the centralbedfordshire/Jadu endpoint for more information.
+    use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+    use File::Spec;
+    my $d = dirname(File::Spec->rel2abs($0));
+    require "$d/../../../";
+use DateTime;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire::Jadu;
+my $lookback_days;
+GetOptions("lookback-days=i" => \$lookback_days);
+if (!$lookback_days) {
+    print "Please specify a number of days to look back for updates via --lookback-days";
+    exit 1;
+my $start_from = DateTime->now->subtract(days => $lookback_days);
+my $endpoint = Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire::Jadu->new();
diff --git a/conf/council-centralbedfordshire_jadu.yml-example b/conf/council-centralbedfordshire_jadu.yml-example
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f804eb0a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conf/council-centralbedfordshire_jadu.yml-example
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+api_base_url: ''
+api_key: ''
+username: ''
+password: ''
+case_type: ''
+sys_channel: ''
+most_recently_updated_cases_filter: ''
+    'case status': 'fms_status'
+    'case status 2':
+        fms_status: 'fms_status'
+        days_to_wait: 1
+case_status_tracking_file: ''
+case_status_tracking_max_age_days: 365
+update_storage_file: ''
+update_storage_max_age_days: 365
+    'Town': 'officer'
diff --git a/cpanfile b/cpanfile
index 559c2a4d3..6dd1b93b7 100644
--- a/cpanfile
+++ b/cpanfile
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ requires 'Crypt::JWT';
 requires 'Data::Dumper';
 requires 'Data::Rx';
 requires 'DateTime', '1.38';
+requires 'DateTime::Format::ISO8601';
 requires 'DateTime::Format::Oracle';
 requires 'DateTime::Format::W3CDTF', '>= 0.07';
 # requires 'DBD::Oracle';
@@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ requires 'Module::Loaded';
 requires 'Object::Tiny';
 requires 'Test::Exception';
 requires 'Test::LongString';
+requires 'Test::MockFile';
 requires 'Test::MockModule';
 requires 'Test::MockTime';
 requires 'Test::More';
diff --git a/cpanfile.snapshot b/cpanfile.snapshot
index 1d924cb04..e08f8a610 100644
--- a/cpanfile.snapshot
+++ b/cpanfile.snapshot
@@ -494,6 +494,13 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
       parent 0
       perl 5.012
       warnings 0
+  Data-UUID-1.226
+    pathname: R/RJ/RJBS/Data-UUID-1.226.tar.gz
+    provides:
+      Data::UUID 1.226
+    requirements:
+      Digest::MD5 0
+      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
     pathname: D/DR/DROLSKY/DateTime-1.59.tar.gz
@@ -553,6 +560,25 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
       parent 0
       strict 0
       warnings 0
+  DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.16
+    pathname: D/DR/DROLSKY/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.16.tar.gz
+    provides:
+      DateTime::Format::ISO8601 0.16
+      DateTime::Format::ISO8601::Types 0.16
+    requirements:
+      Carp 0
+      DateTime 1.45
+      DateTime::Format::Builder 0.77
+      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+      Params::ValidationCompiler 0.26
+      Specio 0.18
+      Specio::Declare 0
+      Specio::Exporter 0
+      Specio::Library::Builtins 0
+      namespace::autoclean 0
+      parent 0
+      strict 0
+      warnings 0
     pathname: K/KO/KOLIBRIE/DateTime-Format-Oracle-0.06.tar.gz
@@ -1214,6 +1240,20 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
       perl 5.006
       strict 0
       warnings 0
+  File-Slurper-0.014
+    pathname: L/LE/LEONT/File-Slurper-0.014.tar.gz
+    provides:
+      File::Slurper 0.014
+    requirements:
+      Carp 0
+      Encode 2.11
+      Exporter 5.57
+      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+      PerlIO::encoding 0
+      constant 0
+      perl 5.008
+      strict 0
+      warnings 0
     pathname: M/MI/MIYAGAWA/Filesys-Notify-Simple-0.14.tar.gz
@@ -1438,6 +1478,13 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
       Mozilla::CA 0
       Net::SSLeay 1.46
       Scalar::Util 0
+  Importer-0.026
+    pathname: E/EX/EXODIST/Importer-0.026.tar.gz
+    provides:
+      Importer 0.026
+    requirements:
+      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+      perl 5.008001
     pathname: I/IS/ISHIGAKI/JSON-4.10.tar.gz
@@ -1624,6 +1671,13 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
       File::Path 2.07
       File::Spec 0.82
       perl 5.006
+  Long-Jump-0.000001
+    pathname: E/EX/EXODIST/Long-Jump-0.000001.tar.gz
+    provides:
+      Long::Jump 0.000001
+    requirements:
+      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+      perl 5.008001
     pathname: H/HA/HAARG/MRO-Compat-0.15.tar.gz
@@ -1891,6 +1945,13 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
       ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
       perl 5.006
       strict 0
+  Overload-FileCheck-0.013
+    pathname: A/AT/ATOOMIC/Overload-FileCheck-0.013.tar.gz
+    provides:
+      Overload::FileCheck 0.013
+    requirements:
+      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+      perl 5.010
     pathname: K/KA/KAZEBURO/POSIX-strftime-Compiler-0.44.tar.gz
@@ -2217,6 +2278,14 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
       Sub::Identify 0.03
       Test::Simple 0.61
       perl v5.6.2
+  Scope-Guard-0.21
+    pathname: C/CH/CHOCOLATE/Scope-Guard-0.21.tar.gz
+    provides:
+      Scope::Guard 0.21
+    requirements:
+      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+      Test::More 0
+      perl 5.006001
     pathname: D/DR/DROLSKY/Specio-0.48.tar.gz
@@ -2458,6 +2527,23 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
       File::Spec 0.8
       File::Temp 0.12
       Scalar::Util 0
+  Term-Table-0.016
+    pathname: E/EX/EXODIST/Term-Table-0.016.tar.gz
+    provides:
+      Term::Table 0.016
+      Term::Table::Cell 0.016
+      Term::Table::CellStack 0.016
+      Term::Table::HashBase 0.016
+      Term::Table::LineBreak 0.016
+      Term::Table::Spacer 0.016
+      Term::Table::Util 0.016
+    requirements:
+      Carp 0
+      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+      Importer 0.024
+      List::Util 0
+      Scalar::Util 0
+      perl 5.008001
     pathname: R/RJ/RJBS/Test-Deep-1.204.tar.gz
@@ -2555,6 +2641,29 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
       ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
       Test::Builder 0.12
       Test::Builder::Tester 1.04
+  Test-MockFile-0.035
+    pathname: T/TO/TODDR/Test-MockFile-0.035.tar.gz
+    provides:
+      Test::MockFile 0.035
+      Test::MockFile::DirHandle 0.035
+      Test::MockFile::FileHandle 0.035
+      Test::MockFile::Plugin 0.035
+      Test::MockFile::Plugin::FileTemp 0.035
+      Test::MockFile::Plugins 0.035
+    requirements:
+      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+      File::Basename 0
+      File::Slurper 0
+      File::Temp 0
+      Overload::FileCheck 0.013
+      Test2::Bundle::Extended 0.000084
+      Test2::Harness::Util::IPC 0
+      Test2::Plugin::NoWarnings 0
+      Test2::Tools::Explain 0
+      Test::MockModule 0
+      Test::More 1.302133
+      Text::Glob 0
+      perl 5.006
     pathname: G/GF/GFRANKS/Test-MockModule-v0.177.0.tar.gz
@@ -2598,6 +2707,89 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
       Test::Builder::Module 0
       Test::More 0.88
       perl 5.008_001
+  Test-Simple-1.302195
+    pathname: E/EX/EXODIST/Test-Simple-1.302195.tar.gz
+    provides:
+      Test2 1.302195
+      Test2::API 1.302195
+      Test2::API::Breakage 1.302195
+      Test2::API::Context 1.302195
+      Test2::API::Instance 1.302195
+      Test2::API::InterceptResult 1.302195
+      Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event 1.302195
+      Test2::API::InterceptResult::Facet 1.302195
+      Test2::API::InterceptResult::Hub 1.302195
+      Test2::API::InterceptResult::Squasher 1.302195
+      Test2::API::Stack 1.302195
+      Test2::Event 1.302195
+      Test2::Event::Bail 1.302195
+      Test2::Event::Diag 1.302195
+      Test2::Event::Encoding 1.302195
+      Test2::Event::Exception 1.302195
+      Test2::Event::Fail 1.302195
+      Test2::Event::Generic 1.302195
+      Test2::Event::Note 1.302195
+      Test2::Event::Ok 1.302195
+      Test2::Event::Pass 1.302195
+      Test2::Event::Plan 1.302195
+      Test2::Event::Skip 1.302195
+      Test2::Event::Subtest 1.302195
+      Test2::Event::TAP::Version 1.302195
+      Test2::Event::V2 1.302195
+      Test2::Event::Waiting 1.302195
+      Test2::EventFacet 1.302195
+      Test2::EventFacet::About 1.302195
+      Test2::EventFacet::Amnesty 1.302195
+      Test2::EventFacet::Assert 1.302195
+      Test2::EventFacet::Control 1.302195
+      Test2::EventFacet::Error 1.302195
+      Test2::EventFacet::Hub 1.302195
+      Test2::EventFacet::Info 1.302195
+      Test2::EventFacet::Info::Table 1.302195
+      Test2::EventFacet::Meta 1.302195
+      Test2::EventFacet::Parent 1.302195
+      Test2::EventFacet::Plan 1.302195
+      Test2::EventFacet::Render 1.302195
+      Test2::EventFacet::Trace 1.302195
+      Test2::Formatter 1.302195
+      Test2::Formatter::TAP 1.302195
+      Test2::Hub 1.302195
+      Test2::Hub::Interceptor 1.302195
+      Test2::Hub::Interceptor::Terminator 1.302195
+      Test2::Hub::Subtest 1.302195
+      Test2::IPC 1.302195
+      Test2::IPC::Driver 1.302195
+      Test2::IPC::Driver::Files 1.302195
+      Test2::Tools::Tiny 1.302195
+      Test2::Util 1.302195
+      Test2::Util::ExternalMeta 1.302195
+      Test2::Util::Facets2Legacy 1.302195
+      Test2::Util::HashBase 1.302195
+      Test2::Util::Trace 1.302195
+      Test::Builder 1.302195
+      Test::Builder::Formatter 1.302195
+      Test::Builder::IO::Scalar 2.114
+      Test::Builder::Module 1.302195
+      Test::Builder::Tester 1.302195
+      Test::Builder::Tester::Color 1.302195
+      Test::Builder::Tester::Tie 1.302195
+      Test::Builder::TodoDiag 1.302195
+      Test::More 1.302195
+      Test::Simple 1.302195
+      Test::Tester 1.302195
+      Test::Tester::Capture 1.302195
+      Test::Tester::CaptureRunner 1.302195
+      Test::Tester::Delegate 1.302195
+      Test::use::ok 1.302195
+      ok 1.302195
+    requirements:
+      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+      File::Spec 0
+      File::Temp 0
+      Scalar::Util 1.13
+      Storable 0
+      perl 5.006002
+      utf8 0
     pathname: M/MI/MIYAGAWA/Test-TCP-2.22.tar.gz
@@ -2623,6 +2815,346 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
       Test::Builder 0.13
       Test::Builder::Tester 1.02
       perl 5.006
+  Test2-Harness-1.000152
+    pathname: E/EX/EXODIST/Test2-Harness-1.000152.tar.gz
+    provides:
+      App::Yath 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::abort 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::auditor 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::collector 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::do 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::failed 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::help 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::init 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::kill 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::projects 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::ps 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::reload 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::replay 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::resources 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::run 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::runner 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::spawn 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::speedtag 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::start 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::status 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::stop 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::test 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::times 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::watch 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Command::which 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Converting 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Option 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Options 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Options::Collector 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Options::Debug 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Options::Display 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Options::Finder 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Options::Logging 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Options::Persist 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Options::PreCommand 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Options::Run 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Options::Runner 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Options::Workspace 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Plugin 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Plugin::Cover 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Plugin::Git 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Plugin::Notify 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Plugin::SelfTest undef
+      App::Yath::Plugin::SysInfo 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Plugin::YathUI 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Tester 1.000152
+      App::Yath::Util 1.000152
+      Test2::Formatter::QVF 1.000152
+      Test2::Formatter::Stream 1.000152
+      Test2::Formatter::Test2 1.000152
+      Test2::Formatter::Test2::Composer 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Auditor 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Auditor::TimeTracker 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Auditor::Watcher 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Collector 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Collector::JobDir 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Collector::TapParser 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Event 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Finder 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::IPC 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::IPC::Process 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Log 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Log::CoverageAggregator 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Log::CoverageAggregator::ByRun 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Log::CoverageAggregator::ByTest 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Plugin 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Renderer 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Renderer::Formatter 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Run 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Runner 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Runner::Constants 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Runner::DepTracer 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Runner::Job 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Runner::Preload 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Runner::Preload::Stage 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Runner::Preloader 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Runner::Preloader::Stage 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Runner::Reloader 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Runner::Resource 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Runner::Resource::JobCount 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Runner::Resource::SharedJobSlots 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Runner::Resource::SharedJobSlots::Config 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Runner::Resource::SharedJobSlots::State 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Runner::Run 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Runner::Spawn 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Runner::Spawn::Run 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Runner::State 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Settings 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Settings::Prefix 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::TestFile 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Util 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Util::File 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Util::File::JSON 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Util::File::JSONL 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Util::File::Stream 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Util::File::Value 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Util::HashBase 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Util::IPC 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Util::JSON 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Util::Queue 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Util::Term 1.000152
+      Test2::Harness::Util::UUID 1.000152
+      Test2::Tools::HarnessTester 1.000152
+    requirements:
+      Carp 0
+      Config 0
+      Cwd 0
+      Data::Dumper 0
+      Data::UUID 0
+      Exporter 0
+      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+      Fcntl 0
+      File::Find 0
+      File::Path 2.11
+      File::Spec 0
+      File::Temp 0
+      Filter::Util::Call 0
+      IO::Compress::Bzip2 0
+      IO::Compress::Gzip 0
+      IO::Handle 1.27
+      IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2 0
+      IO::Uncompress::Gunzip 0
+      IPC::Cmd 0
+      Importer 0.025
+      JSON::PP 0
+      List::Util 1.44
+      Long::Jump 0.000001
+      POSIX 0
+      Scalar::Util 0
+      Scope::Guard 0
+      Symbol 0
+      Sys::Hostname 0
+      Term::Table 0.015
+      Test2 1.302170
+      Test2::API 1.302170
+      Test2::Bundle::Extended 0.000127
+      Test2::Event 1.302170
+      Test2::Event::V2 1.302170
+      Test2::Formatter 1.302170
+      Test2::Plugin::MemUsage 0.002003
+      Test2::Plugin::UUID 0.002001
+      Test2::Tools::AsyncSubtest 0.000127
+      Test2::Tools::Subtest 0.000127
+      Test2::Util 1.302170
+      Test2::Util::Term 0.000127
+      Test2::V0 0.000127
+      Test::Builder 1.302170
+      Test::Builder::Formatter 1.302170
+      Test::More 1.302170
+      Text::ParseWords 0
+      Time::HiRes 0
+      YAML::Tiny 0
+      base 0
+      constant 0
+      goto::file 0.005
+      parent 0
+      perl 5.010000
+  Test2-Plugin-MemUsage-0.002003
+    pathname: E/EX/EXODIST/Test2-Plugin-MemUsage-0.002003.tar.gz
+    provides:
+      Test2::Plugin::MemUsage 0.002003
+    requirements:
+      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+      Test2::API 1.302165
+      Test2::Event::V2 1.302165
+      perl 5.008009
+  Test2-Plugin-NoWarnings-0.09
+    pathname: D/DR/DROLSKY/Test2-Plugin-NoWarnings-0.09.tar.gz
+    provides:
+      Test2::Event::Warning 0.09
+      Test2::Plugin::NoWarnings 0.09
+    requirements:
+      Carp 0
+      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+      Test2 1.302167
+      Test2::API 0
+      Test2::Event 0
+      Test2::Util::HashBase 0
+      parent 0
+      strict 0
+      warnings 0
+  Test2-Plugin-UUID-0.002001
+    pathname: E/EX/EXODIST/Test2-Plugin-UUID-0.002001.tar.gz
+    provides:
+      Test2::Plugin::UUID 0.002001
+    requirements:
+      Data::UUID 1.148
+      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+      Test2::API 1.302165
+      perl 5.008009
+  Test2-Suite-0.000155
+    pathname: E/EX/EXODIST/Test2-Suite-0.000155.tar.gz
+    provides:
+      Test2::AsyncSubtest 0.000155
+      Test2::AsyncSubtest::Event::Attach 0.000155
+      Test2::AsyncSubtest::Event::Detach 0.000155
+      Test2::AsyncSubtest::Formatter 0.000155
+      Test2::AsyncSubtest::Hub 0.000155
+      Test2::Bundle 0.000155
+      Test2::Bundle::Extended 0.000155
+      Test2::Bundle::More 0.000155
+      Test2::Bundle::Simple 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::Array 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::Bag 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::Base 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::Bool 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::Custom 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::DeepRef 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::Delta 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::Event 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::EventMeta 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::Float 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::Hash 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::Isa 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::Meta 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::Negatable 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::Number 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::Object 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::OrderedSubset 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::Pattern 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::Ref 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::Regex 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::Scalar 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::Set 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::String 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::Undef 0.000155
+      Test2::Compare::Wildcard 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Anatomy 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Anatomy::API 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Anatomy::Context 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Anatomy::EndToEnd 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Anatomy::Event 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Anatomy::Hubs 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Anatomy::IPC 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Anatomy::Utilities 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Concurrency 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Contributing 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Testing 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Testing::Introduction 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Testing::Migrating 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Testing::Planning 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Testing::Todo 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Tooling 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Tooling::FirstTool 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Tooling::Formatter 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Tooling::Nesting 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::TestExit 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::TestingDone 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::ToolCompletes 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::ToolStarts 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Tooling::Subtest 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Tooling::TestBuilder 0.000155
+      Test2::Manual::Tooling::Testing 0.000155
+      Test2::Mock 0.000155
+      Test2::Plugin 0.000155
+      Test2::Plugin::BailOnFail 0.000155
+      Test2::Plugin::DieOnFail 0.000155
+      Test2::Plugin::ExitSummary 0.000155
+      Test2::Plugin::SRand 0.000155
+      Test2::Plugin::Times 0.000155
+      Test2::Plugin::UTF8 0.000155
+      Test2::Require 0.000155
+      Test2::Require::AuthorTesting 0.000155
+      Test2::Require::EnvVar 0.000155
+      Test2::Require::Fork 0.000155
+      Test2::Require::Module 0.000155
+      Test2::Require::Perl 0.000155
+      Test2::Require::RealFork 0.000155
+      Test2::Require::Threads 0.000155
+      Test2::Suite 0.000155
+      Test2::Todo 0.000155
+      Test2::Tools 0.000155
+      Test2::Tools::AsyncSubtest 0.000155
+      Test2::Tools::Basic 0.000155
+      Test2::Tools::Class 0.000155
+      Test2::Tools::ClassicCompare 0.000155
+      Test2::Tools::Compare 0.000155
+      Test2::Tools::Defer 0.000155
+      Test2::Tools::Encoding 0.000155
+      Test2::Tools::Event 0.000155
+      Test2::Tools::Exception 0.000155
+      Test2::Tools::Exports 0.000155
+      Test2::Tools::GenTemp 0.000155
+      Test2::Tools::Grab 0.000155
+      Test2::Tools::Mock 0.000155
+      Test2::Tools::Ref 0.000155
+      Test2::Tools::Refcount 0.000155
+      Test2::Tools::Spec 0.000155
+      Test2::Tools::Subtest 0.000155
+      Test2::Tools::Target 0.000155
+      Test2::Tools::Tester 0.000155
+      Test2::Tools::Warnings 0.000155
+      Test2::Util::Grabber 0.000155
+      Test2::Util::Guard 0.000155
+      Test2::Util::Importer 0.000155
+      Test2::Util::Ref 0.000155
+      Test2::Util::Stash 0.000155
+      Test2::Util::Sub 0.000155
+      Test2::Util::Table 0.000155
+      Test2::Util::Table::Cell 0.000155
+      Test2::Util::Table::LineBreak 0.000155
+      Test2::Util::Term 0.000155
+      Test2::Util::Times 0.000155
+      Test2::V0 0.000155
+      Test2::Workflow 0.000155
+      Test2::Workflow::BlockBase 0.000155
+      Test2::Workflow::Build 0.000155
+      Test2::Workflow::Runner 0.000155
+      Test2::Workflow::Task 0.000155
+      Test2::Workflow::Task::Action 0.000155
+      Test2::Workflow::Task::Group 0.000155
+    requirements:
+      B 0
+      Carp 0
+      Data::Dumper 0
+      Exporter 0
+      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+      Scalar::Util 0
+      Term::Table 0.013
+      Test2::API 1.302176
+      Time::HiRes 0
+      overload 0
+      perl 5.008001
+      utf8 0
+  Test2-Tools-Explain-0.02
+    pathname: P/PE/PETDANCE/Test2-Tools-Explain-0.02.tar.gz
+    provides:
+      Test2::Tools::Explain 0.02
+    requirements:
+      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+      Test2::Suite 0
+      parent 0
+      perl 5.008001
     pathname: I/IS/ISHIGAKI/Text-CSV-2.02.tar.gz
@@ -3028,6 +3560,20 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
       ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
       Test::More 0
       perl 5.006
+  YAML-Tiny-1.74
+    pathname: E/ET/ETHER/YAML-Tiny-1.74.tar.gz
+    provides:
+      YAML::Tiny 1.74
+    requirements:
+      B 0
+      Carp 0
+      Exporter 0
+      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+      Fcntl 0
+      Scalar::Util 0
+      perl 5.008001
+      strict 0
+      warnings 0
     pathname: I/IL/ILMARI/bareword-filehandles-0.007.tar.gz
@@ -3042,6 +3588,14 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
       perl 5.008001
       strict 0
       warnings 0
+  goto-file-0.005
+    pathname: E/EX/EXODIST/goto-file-0.005.tar.gz
+    provides:
+      goto::file 0.005
+    requirements:
+      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+      Filter::Util::Call 0
+      perl 5.008001
     pathname: V/VP/VPIT/indirect-0.39.tar.gz
diff --git a/perllib/Integrations/ b/perllib/Integrations/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f56700b05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perllib/Integrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+package Integrations::Jadu;
+use v5.14;
+use warnings;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use HTTP::Request;
+use HTTP::Request::Common;
+use JSON::MaybeXS qw(decode_json encode_json);
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use Moo;
+with 'Role::Config';
+with 'Role::Logger';
+with 'Role::Memcached';
+has base_url => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub { $_[0]->config->{api_base_url}  }
+has api_key => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub { $_[0]->config->{api_key}  }
+has username => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub { $_[0]->config->{username}  }
+has password => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub { $_[0]->config->{password}  }
+has ua => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub { LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => "FixMyStreet/open311-adapter") }
+has api_token => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub {
+        my $self = shift;
+        my $token = $self->memcache->get('jadu_api_token');
+        unless ($token) {
+            $token = $self->sign_in_and_get_token;
+            $self->memcache->set('jadu_api_token', $token, time() + $self->api_token_expiry_seconds);
+        }
+        return $token;
+    },
+has api_token_expiry_seconds => (
+    is => 'ro',
+    default => sub { 60 * 30 },
+has api_key_header_name => (
+    is => 'ro',
+    default => 'X-API-KEY',
+has api_token_header_name => (
+    is => 'ro',
+    default => 'X-API-TOKEN',
+sub _fail {
+    my ($self, $request, $response, $message) = @_;
+    my $log = sprintf(
+        "%s
+        Sent: %s
+        Got: %s",
+        $message, Dumper($request), Dumper($response)
+    );
+    $self->logger->error($log);
+    die $message;
+sub sign_in_and_get_token {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $request = HTTP::Request->new(
+        'POST',
+        $self->base_url . "sign-in",
+        [
+            $self->api_key_header_name => $self->api_key,
+            "Content-Type" => "application/json",
+        ],
+        encode_json({
+            username => $self->username,
+            password => $self->password,
+        })
+    );
+    my $response = $self->ua->request($request);
+    if (!$response->is_success) {
+        $self->_fail($request, $response, "sign-in failed");
+    }
+    my $response_json = decode_json($response->content);
+    if (!$response_json->{token}) {
+        $self->_fail($request, $response, "token not found in sign-in response");
+    }
+    return $response_json->{token};
+sub create_case_and_get_reference {
+    my ($self, $case_type, $payload) = @_;
+    my $url = $self->base_url . $case_type . "/case/create";
+    my $request = HTTP::Request::Common::POST(
+        $url,
+        $self->api_key_header_name => $self->api_key,
+        $self->api_token_header_name => $self->api_token,
+        "Content-Type" => "application/json",
+        Content => encode_json($payload)
+    );
+    $self->logger->debug($url . " sending:\n" . Dumper($payload));
+    my $response = $self->ua->request($request);
+    if (!$response->is_success) {
+        $self->_fail($request, $response, "create case failed");
+    }
+    my $response_json = decode_json($response->content);
+    if (!$response_json->{reference}) {
+        $self->_fail($request, $response, "case reference not found in create case response");
+    }
+    $self->logger->debug($url . " got:\n" . Dumper($response_json));
+    return $response_json->{reference};
+sub attach_file_to_case {
+    my ($self, $case_type, $case_reference, $filepath, $filename) = @_;
+    my $url = $self->base_url . "case/" . $case_reference . "/attach";
+    my $content = [
+        json => encode_json({name => $filename}),
+        file => [$filepath]
+    ];
+    my $request = HTTP::Request::Common::POST(
+        $url,
+        $self->api_key_header_name => $self->api_key,
+        $self->api_token_header_name => $self->api_token,
+        "Content-Type" => "form-data",
+        Content => $content
+    );
+    $self->logger->debug($url . " sending:\n" . Dumper($content));
+    my $response = $self->ua->request($request);
+    if (!$response->is_success) {
+        $self->_fail($request, $response, "failed to attach file to case");
+    }
+    $self->logger->debug($url . " got:\n" . Dumper(decode_json($response->content)));
+sub get_case_summaries_by_filter {
+    my ($self, $case_type, $filter_name, $page_number) = @_;
+    my $url = $self->base_url . "filters/" . $filter_name . "/summaries?page=" . $page_number;
+    my $request = HTTP::Request::Common::GET(
+        $url,
+        $self->api_key_header_name => $self->api_key,
+        $self->api_token_header_name => $self->api_token,
+    );
+    my $response = $self->ua->request($request);
+    if (!$response->is_success) {
+        $self->_fail($request, $response, "failed to get case summaries by filter");
+    }
+    my $response_json = decode_json($response->content);
+    $self->logger->debug($url . " got: " . Dumper($response_json));
+    return $response_json;
diff --git a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce8865901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+package Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire::Jadu;
+=head1 NAME
+Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire::Jadu -
+A Jadu integration specifically for Central Bedfordshire's Fly Tipping service.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This integration provides a 'Fly Tipping' service.
+Posted service requests have cases created in Jadu.
+FMS relevant case status changes in Jadu are returned as service request updates.
+Posted updates are not sent to Jadu.
+use v5.14;
+use warnings;
+use Moo;
+extends 'Open311::Endpoint';
+with 'Open311::Endpoint::Role::mySociety';
+with 'Role::EndpointConfig';
+with 'Role::Logger';
+use DateTime::Format::ISO8601;
+use DateTime::Format::W3CDTF;
+use Fcntl qw(:flock);
+use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
+use Integrations::Jadu;
+use JSON::MaybeXS qw(decode_json encode_json);
+use LWP::Simple;
+use Open311::Endpoint::Service::Attribute;
+use Open311::Endpoint::Service::UKCouncil::CentralBedfordshireFlytipping;
+use Open311::Endpoint::Service::Request::Update::mySociety;
+use Path::Tiny;
+use Try::Tiny;
+has jurisdiction_id => (
+    is => 'ro',
+    default => 'centralbedfordshire_jadu',
+has jadu => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub { Integrations::Jadu->new(config_filename => $_[0]->jurisdiction_id) }
+has flytipping_service => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub {
+        Open311::Endpoint::Service::UKCouncil::CentralBedfordshireFlytipping->new(
+            # TODO: Will be renamed to just "Fly Tipping" when ready to replace existing category.
+            service_name => "Fly Tipping (Jadu)",
+            group => "Flytipping, Bins and Graffiti",
+            service_code => "fly-tipping",
+            description => "Fly Tipping",
+        );
+    }
+sub get_integration {
+    return $_[0]->jadu;
+=head2 sys_channel
+This is the value to set for the 'sys-channel' field when creating a new Fly Tipping case.
+has sys_channel => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub { $_[0]->endpoint_config->{sys_channel} }
+=head2 case_type
+This is the name of the type of case to use when creating a new Fly Tipping case.
+has case_type => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub { $_[0]->endpoint_config->{case_type} }
+=head2 town_to_officer
+This is a mapping from any town associated with an address in Central Bedfordshire to
+the value that should be set in the 'eso-officer' field when creating a new Fly Tipping case.
+has town_to_officer => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub { $_[0]->endpoint_config->{town_to_officer} }
+=head2 most_recently_updated_cases_filter
+This is the name of a filter in Jadu that has been configured to return the most recently
+updated Fly Tipping cases.
+has most_recently_updated_cases_filter => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub { $_[0]->endpoint_config->{most_recently_updated_cases_filter} }
+=head2 case_status_to_fms_status
+This is a mapping from Jadu Fly Tipping case status labels to a corresponding status in FMS.
+has case_status_to_fms_status => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub { $_[0]->endpoint_config->{case_status_to_fms_status} }
+=head2 case_status_to_fms_status_timed
+Similiar to C<case_status_to_fms_status> but additionally specifies a number of days to wait
+before the FMS status is transitioned.
+Maps from the Jadu case status to a mapping including 'fms_status' and 'days_to_wait'.
+has case_status_to_fms_status_timed => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub { $_[0]->endpoint_config->{case_status_to_fms_status_timed} }
+=head2 case_status_tracking_file
+The path to a file used by C<gather_updates> to track current case statuses.
+has case_status_tracking_file => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub { $_[0]->endpoint_config->{case_status_tracking_file}  }
+=head2 update_storage_file
+The path to a file containing a sorted JSON list of updates, maintained by C<gather_updates> and consumed by C<get_service_request_updates>.
+has update_storage_file => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub { $_[0]->endpoint_config->{update_storage_file}  }
+=head2 case_status_tracking_max_age_days
+The maximum age of a case to track status updates for. Used by C<gather_updates>.
+has case_status_tracking_max_age_days => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub { $_[0]->endpoint_config->{case_status_tracking_max_age_days}  }
+=head2 update_storage_max_age_days
+The maximum age of an update to to keep in C<update_storage_file>. Used by C<gather_updates>.
+has update_storage_max_age_days => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub { $_[0]->endpoint_config->{update_storage_max_age_days}  }
+sub services {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return ($self->flytipping_service,);
+=head2 post_service_request
+A new Fly Tipping case is created using C<case_type>.
+The town is looked up in C<town_to_officer> to determine which value to set for the 'eso-officer' field.
+Files provided as uploads or URLs are added as attachments to the created case.
+sub post_service_request {
+    my ($self, $service, $args) = @_;
+    my $attributes = $args->{attributes};
+    my $officer = $self->town_to_officer->{$attributes->{town}};
+    if (!$officer) {
+        die "No officer found for town " . $attributes->{town};
+    }
+    my $google_street_view_url = sprintf(
+        ",%s",
+        $args->{lat}, $args->{long}
+    );
+    my $type_of_waste = $attributes->{type_of_waste};
+    if (ref $type_of_waste eq 'ARRAY') {
+        $type_of_waste = join ",", @$type_of_waste;
+    }
+    my $fly_tip_datetime = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime($attributes->{fly_tip_date_and_time}) if $attributes->{fly_tip_date_and_time};
+    my %payload = (
+        'coordinates' => $args->{lat} . ',' . $args->{long},
+        'ens-latitude' => $args->{lat},
+        'ens-longitude' => $args->{long},
+        'ens-google-street-view-url' => $google_street_view_url,
+        'usrn' => $attributes->{usrn},
+        'ens-street' => $attributes->{street},
+        'sys-town' => $attributes->{town},
+        'eso-officer' => $officer,
+        'ens-location-description' => $attributes->{title},
+        'ens-land-type' => $attributes->{land_type},
+        'ens-type-of-waste-fly-tipped' => $type_of_waste,
+        'ens-description-of-fly-tipped-waste' => $attributes->{description},
+        'ens-fly-tip-witnessed' => $attributes->{fly_tip_witnessed},
+        'ens-description-of-alleged-offender' => $attributes->{description_of_alleged_offender},
+        'sys-first-name' => $args->{first_name},
+        'sys-last-name' => $args->{last_name},
+        'sys-email-address' => $args->{email},
+        'sys-telephone-number' => $args->{phone},
+        'fms-reference' => $attributes->{report_url},
+        'sys-channel' => $self->sys_channel
+    );
+    $payload{'ens-fly-tip-date'} = $fly_tip_datetime->ymd if $fly_tip_datetime;
+    $payload{'ens-fly-tip-time'} = $fly_tip_datetime->strftime('%H:%M') if $fly_tip_datetime;
+    my $case_reference = $self->jadu->create_case_and_get_reference($self->case_type, \%payload);
+    foreach my $url (@{$args->{media_url}}) {
+        # Capture file extension from URL.
+        $url =~ /(\.\w+)(?:\?.*)?$/;
+        my $file_ext = $1;
+        my (undef, $tmp_file) = tempfile( SUFFIX => $file_ext );
+        my $code = getstore($url, $tmp_file);
+        if ($code != 200) {
+            $self->logger->warn("Unable to download file from " . $url . " with code " . $code . ".");
+            next;
+        }
+        try {
+            $self->jadu->attach_file_to_case($self->case_type, $case_reference, $tmp_file, $url);
+        } catch {
+            $self->logger->warn("Failed to attach file from " . $url . " to case.");
+        }
+    }
+    foreach my $file (@{$args->{uploads}}) {
+        try {
+            $self->jadu->attach_file_to_case($self->case_type, $case_reference, $file->{tempname}, $file->{filename});
+        } catch {
+            $self->logger->warn("Failed to attach uploaded file " . $file->{filename} . " to case.");
+        }
+    }
+    return $self->new_request(
+        service_request_id => $case_reference
+    );
+sub get_service_requests {
+    my ($self, $args) = @_;
+    die "uninmplemented";
+sub get_service_request {
+    my ($self, $service_request_id, $args) = @_;
+    die "uninmplemented";
+=head2 post_service_request_update
+This is not supported but is implemented as blank to avoid errors when called as part of the Multi integration.
+sub post_service_request_update {}
+=head2 init_update_gathering_files
+Initialises C<case_status_tracking_file> and C<update_storage_file> ready for use by C<gather_updates>.
+sub init_update_gathering_files {
+    my ($self, $start_from) = @_;
+    if (-e $self->case_status_tracking_file && ! -z $self->case_status_tracking_file) {
+        die $self->case_status_tracking_file . " already exists and is not empty. Aborting.";
+    }
+    if (-e $self->update_storage_file && ! -z $self->update_storage_file) {
+        die $self->update_storage_file . " already exists and is not empty. Aborting.";
+    }
+    path($self->case_status_tracking_file)->spew_raw(encode_json({
+        latest_update_seen_time => $start_from->epoch,
+        cases => {}
+    }));
+    path($self->update_storage_file)->spew_raw('[]');
+=head2 gather_updates
+Uses C<most_recently_updated_cases_filter>, C<case_status_to_fms_status> and state tracking in C<case_status_tracking_file>
+to calculate updates to report, which are stored in C<update_storage_file> for consumption by C<get_service_request_updates>.
+Also applies C<case_status_to_fms_status_timed> for timed transitions e.g. "closed if in state A for 10 days."
+Limits size of tracking files via C<update_storage_max_age_days> and C<case_status_tracking_max_age_days>.
+sub gather_updates {
+    my $self = shift;
+    # Keeping this lock for whole duration to prevent interleaving runs.
+    my $case_status_tracking_fh = path($self->case_status_tracking_file)->openrw_raw({ locked => 1 });
+    read $case_status_tracking_fh, my $tracked_case_statuses_raw, -s $case_status_tracking_fh;
+    my $tracked_case_statuses = decode_json($tracked_case_statuses_raw);
+    my $update_storage_raw = path($self->update_storage_file)->slurp_raw;
+    my $updates = decode_json($update_storage_raw);
+    my $case_cutoff = DateTime->now->subtract(days => $self->case_status_tracking_max_age_days)->epoch;
+    $self->_delete_old_cases($tracked_case_statuses, $case_cutoff);
+    my $update_cutoff = DateTime->now->subtract(days => $self->update_storage_max_age_days)->epoch;
+    $self->_delete_old_updates($updates, $update_cutoff);
+    push @$updates, @{$self->_apply_time_based_transitions($tracked_case_statuses)};
+    push @$updates, @{$self->_fetch_and_apply_updated_cases_info($tracked_case_statuses, $case_cutoff)};
+    # Descending time.
+    @$updates = sort { $b->{time} <=> $a->{time} } @$updates;
+    my $new_tracked_case_statuses_raw = encode_json($tracked_case_statuses);
+    my $new_updates_storage_raw = encode_json($updates);
+    path($self->update_storage_file)->spew_raw($new_updates_storage_raw);
+    seek $case_status_tracking_fh, 0, 0;
+    truncate $case_status_tracking_fh, 0;
+    print $case_status_tracking_fh $new_tracked_case_statuses_raw;
+    close $case_status_tracking_fh;
+sub _delete_old_cases {
+    my ($self, $tracked_case_statuses, $cutoff) = @_;
+    while (my ($case_reference, $state) = each %{$tracked_case_statuses->{cases}}) {
+        if ($state->{created_time} < $cutoff) {
+            delete $tracked_case_statuses->{cases}{$case_reference};
+        }
+    }
+sub _delete_old_updates {
+    my ($self, $updates, $cutoff) = @_;
+    @$updates = grep { $_->{time} > $cutoff } @$updates;
+sub _apply_time_based_transitions {
+    my ($self, $tracked_case_statuses) = @_;
+    my @updates;
+    while (my ($case_reference, $state) = each %{$tracked_case_statuses->{cases}}) {
+        my $timed_status_mapping = $self->case_status_to_fms_status_timed->{$state->{jadu_status}};
+        if ($timed_status_mapping && $timed_status_mapping->{fms_status} ne $state->{fms_status}) {
+            my $cutoff = DateTime->now()->subtract(days => $timed_status_mapping->{days_to_wait})->epoch;
+            if ($state->{jadu_status_update_time} < $cutoff) {
+                push @updates, {
+                    fms_status => $timed_status_mapping->{fms_status},
+                    jadu_status => $state->{jadu_status},
+                    case_reference => $case_reference,
+                    time => $state->{jadu_status_update_time} + 60 * 60 * 24 * $timed_status_mapping->{days_to_wait},
+                };
+                $state->{fms_status} = $timed_status_mapping->{fms_status};
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return \@updates;
+sub _fetch_and_apply_updated_cases_info {
+    my ($self, $tracked_case_statuses, $cutoff) = @_;
+    my @case_summaries_in_descending_time;
+    my $new_latest_update_seen_time = $tracked_case_statuses->{latest_update_seen_time};
+    my $all_new_updates_seen = 0;
+    my $page_number = 1;
+    my $page_items = 1;
+    # Case summaries are given in descending time order (i.e most recent first).
+    # Iterate through these and collect the ones we need to process.
+    while (!$all_new_updates_seen && $page_items > 0) {
+        my $case_summaries = $self->jadu->get_case_summaries_by_filter($self->case_type, $self->most_recently_updated_cases_filter, $page_number);
+        $page_items = $case_summaries->{num_items};
+        foreach my $case_summary (@{ $case_summaries->{items} }) {
+            my $update_time = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime($case_summary->{updated_at})->epoch;
+            if ($update_time < $tracked_case_statuses->{latest_update_seen_time}) {
+                $all_new_updates_seen = 1;
+                last
+            }
+            if ($update_time > $new_latest_update_seen_time) {
+                $new_latest_update_seen_time = $update_time;
+            }
+            push @case_summaries_in_descending_time, $case_summary;
+        }
+        $page_number++;
+    }
+    $tracked_case_statuses->{latest_update_seen_time} = $new_latest_update_seen_time;
+    # Process the collected case summaries in ascending time order (i.e. chronologically).
+    my @updates;
+    while (my $case_summary = pop @case_summaries_in_descending_time) {
+        my $update_time = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime($case_summary->{updated_at})->epoch;
+        my $case_created_time = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime($case_summary->{created_at})->epoch;
+        next if $case_created_time < $cutoff;
+        my $case_reference = $case_summary->{reference};
+        my $jadu_status = $case_summary->{status}->{title};
+        my $fms_status = $self->case_status_to_fms_status->{$jadu_status};
+        my $existing_state = $tracked_case_statuses->{cases}->{$case_reference};
+        next if $existing_state && $jadu_status eq $existing_state->{jadu_status};
+        if ($fms_status && ($existing_state && $fms_status ne $existing_state->{fms_status} || !$existing_state)) {
+            push @updates, {
+                fms_status => $fms_status,
+                jadu_status => $jadu_status,
+                case_reference => $case_reference,
+                time => $update_time
+            };
+        }
+        $tracked_case_statuses->{cases}->{$case_reference} = {
+            fms_status => $fms_status ? $fms_status : ( $existing_state ? $existing_state->{fms_status} : '' ),
+            jadu_status => $jadu_status,
+            jadu_status_update_time => $update_time,
+            created_time => $case_created_time
+        };
+    }
+    return \@updates;
+=head2 get_service_request_updates
+Reads updates from C<update_storage_file>.
+sub get_service_request_updates {
+    my ($self, $args) = @_;
+    my $w3c = DateTime::Format::W3CDTF->new;
+    my $start_time = $w3c->parse_datetime($args->{start_date})->epoch;
+    my $end_time = $w3c->parse_datetime($args->{end_date})->epoch;
+    my $update_storage_raw = path($self->update_storage_file)->slurp_raw;
+    my $updates = decode_json($update_storage_raw);
+    my @updates_to_send;
+    foreach my $update (@$updates) {
+        next if $update->{time} > $end_time;
+        # Assuming in descending time order.
+        last if $update->{time} < $start_time;
+        my %args = (
+            status => $update->{fms_status},
+            external_status_code => $update->{jadu_status},
+            update_id => $update->{case_reference} . '_' . $update->{time},
+            service_request_id => $update->{case_reference},
+            description => "",
+            updated_datetime => DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $update->{time}),
+        );
+        push @updates_to_send, Open311::Endpoint::Service::Request::Update::mySociety->new( %args );
+    }
+    return @updates_to_send;
diff --git a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Service/UKCouncil/ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Service/UKCouncil/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4a2f1393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Service/UKCouncil/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+package Open311::Endpoint::Service::UKCouncil::CentralBedfordshireFlytipping;
+use Moo;
+extends 'Open311::Endpoint::Service';
+use Open311::Endpoint::Service::Attribute;
+sub _build_attributes {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my @attributes = (
+        @{ $self->SUPER::_build_attributes() },
+        Open311::Endpoint::Service::Attribute->new(
+            code => "title",
+            description => "Title",
+            datatype => "string",
+            required => 1,
+            automated => 'server_set',
+        ),
+        Open311::Endpoint::Service::Attribute->new(
+            code => "description",
+            description => "Description",
+            datatype => "text",
+            required => 1,
+            automated => 'server_set',
+        ),
+        Open311::Endpoint::Service::Attribute->new(
+            code => "report_url",
+            required => 1,
+            datatype => "string",
+            description => "Report URL",
+            automated => 'server_set'
+        ),
+        Open311::Endpoint::Service::Attribute->new(
+            code => "usrn",
+            description => "USRN",
+            datatype => "string",
+            required => 1,
+            automated => 'server_set'
+        ),
+        Open311::Endpoint::Service::Attribute->new(
+            code => "street",
+            description => "Street",
+            datatype => "string",
+            required => 1,
+            automated => 'server_set'
+        ),
+        Open311::Endpoint::Service::Attribute->new(
+            code => "town",
+            description => "Town",
+            datatype => "string",
+            required => 1,
+            automated => 'server_set'
+        ),
+        Open311::Endpoint::Service::Attribute->new(
+            code => "land_type",
+            variable => 1,
+            required => 1,
+            datatype => "singlevaluelist",
+            description => "The flytip is located on:",
+            "values" => {
+                "Roadside / verge" => "Roadside / verge",
+                "Footpath" => "Footpath",
+                "Private land" => "Private land",
+                "Public land" => "Public land",
+            }
+        ),
+        Open311::Endpoint::Service::Attribute->new(
+            code => "type_of_waste",
+            variable => 1,
+            required => 1,
+            datatype => "multivaluelist",
+            description => "What type of waste is it?",
+            "values" => {
+                "Asbestos" => "Asbestos",
+                "Black bags" => "Black bags",
+                "Building materials" => "Building materials",
+                "Chemical / oil drums" => "Chemical / oil drums",
+                "Construction waste" => "Construction waste",
+                "Electricals" => "Electricals",
+                "Fly posting" => "Fly posting",
+                "Furniture" => "Furniture",
+                "Green / garden waste" => "Green / garden waste",
+                "Household waste / black bin bags" => "Household waste / black bin bags",
+                "Mattress or bed base" => "Mattress or bed base",
+                "Trolleys" => "Trolleys",
+                "Tyres" => "Tyres",
+                "Vehicle parts" => "Vehicle parts",
+                "White goods - fridge, freezer, washing matchine etc" => "White goods - fridge, freezer, washing matchine etc",
+                "Other" => "Other",
+            }
+        ),
+        Open311::Endpoint::Service::Attribute->new(
+            code => "fly_tip_witnessed",
+            variable => 1,
+            required => 1,
+            datatype => "singlevaluelist",
+            description => "Did you observe this taking place?",
+            "values" => {
+                "Yes" => "Yes",
+                "No" => "No",
+            }
+        ),
+        Open311::Endpoint::Service::Attribute->new(
+            code => "fly_tip_date_and_time",
+            variable => 1,
+            # Only required when fly tip witnessed, expecting client to enforce this.
+            required => 0,
+            datatype => "datetime",
+            description => "When did this take place?"
+        ),
+        Open311::Endpoint::Service::Attribute->new(
+            code => "description_of_alleged_offender",
+            variable => 1,
+            # Only required when fly tip witnessed, expecting client to enforce this.
+            required => 0,
+            datatype => "text",
+            description => "Please provide any futher information which may help identify the alleged offender"
+        ),
+    );
+    return \@attributes;
diff --git a/t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire_jadu.t b/t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire_jadu.t
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..420af9f1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire_jadu.t
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::MockFile qw< nostrict >;
+use Test::MockModule;
+use Test::MockTime qw( :all );
+use DateTime;
+use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
+use JSON::MaybeXS;
+use Test::More;
+use Moo;
+use Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire::Jadu;
+use Path::Tiny;
+my (undef, $status_tracking_file) = tempfile(EXLOCK => 0);
+my (undef, $update_storage_file) = tempfile(EXLOCK => 0);
+my $config_string = '
+    sys_channel: "test_sys_channel"
+    case_status_to_fms_status:
+        "Action Scheduled 1": "action_scheduled"
+        "Action Scheduled 2": "action_scheduled"
+        "Investigating": "investigating"
+    case_status_to_fms_status_timed:
+        "Closed":
+            fms_status: "closed"
+            days_to_wait: 1
+    case_status_tracking_file: "%s"
+    case_status_tracking_max_age_days: 365
+    update_storage_file: "%s"
+    update_storage_max_age_days: 365
+    town_to_officer:
+        "Chicksands": "area_1"';
+my $config = Test::MockFile->file( "/config.yml", sprintf($config_string, $status_tracking_file, $update_storage_file));
+my $integration = Test::MockModule->new('Integrations::Jadu');
+my $centralbedfordshire_jadu = Test::MockModule->new('Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire::Jadu');
+$centralbedfordshire_jadu->mock('_build_config_file', sub { '/config.yml' });
+my $endpoint = Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire::Jadu->new;
+subtest "POST service request" => sub {
+    my @sent_payloads;
+    $integration->mock('create_case_and_get_reference', sub {
+        my ($self, undef, $payload) = @_;
+        push @sent_payloads, $payload;
+        return "test_case_reference";
+    });
+    my $res = $endpoint->run_test_request(
+        POST => '/requests.json',
+        jurisdiction_id => 'centralbedfordshire_jadu',
+        api_key => 'test',
+        service_code => 'fly-tipping',
+        first_name => 'John',
+        last_name => 'Smith',
+        email => '',
+        lat => 52.035536,
+        long => -0.360673,
+        phone => '07700900077',
+        'attribute[title]' => 'Near the junction.',
+        'attribute[description]' => 'Black bags of asbestos.',
+        'attribute[easting]' => 12548,
+        'attribute[northing]' => 238727,
+        'attribute[fixmystreet_id]' => 1,
+        'attribute[report_url]' => '',
+        'attribute[land_type]' => 'Footpath',
+        'attribute[type_of_waste]' => 'Asbestos',
+        'attribute[type_of_waste]' => 'Black bags',
+        'attribute[fly_tip_witnessed]' => 'Yes',
+        'attribute[fly_tip_date_and_time]' => '2023-07-03T14:30:36Z',
+        'attribute[description_of_alleged_offender]' => 'Stealthy.',
+        'attribute[usrn]' => '25202550',
+        'attribute[street]' => "Monk's Walk",
+        'attribute[town]' => "Chicksands",
+    );
+    ok $res->is_success, 'valid request'
+        or diag $res->content;
+    my $sent_payload = pop @sent_payloads;
+    my $expected_payload = {
+        'sys-channel' => 'test_sys_channel',
+        'ens-latitude' => '52.035536',
+        'ens-longitude' => '-0.360673',
+        'coordinates' => '52.035536,-0.360673',
+        'usrn' => '25202550',
+        'sys-town' => 'Chicksands',
+        'eso-officer' => 'area_1',
+        'ens-street' => "Monk's Walk",
+        'sys-first-name' => 'John',
+        'sys-last-name' => 'Smith',
+        'sys-email-address' => '',
+        'sys-telephone-number' => '07700900077',
+        'ens-google-street-view-url' => ',-0.360673',
+        'ens-location-description' => 'Near the junction.',
+        'ens-land-type' => 'Footpath',
+        'ens-type-of-waste-fly-tipped' => 'Asbestos,Black bags',
+        'ens-description-of-fly-tipped-waste' => 'Black bags of asbestos.',
+        'ens-fly-tip-date' => '2023-07-03',
+        'ens-fly-tip-time' => '14:30',
+        'ens-description-of-alleged-offender' => 'Stealthy.',
+        'fms-reference' => '',
+        'ens-fly-tip-witnessed' => 'Yes',
+    };
+    is_deeply $sent_payload, $expected_payload;
+    is_deeply decode_json($res->content),
+        [ {
+            "service_request_id" => "test_case_reference"
+        } ], 'correct response returned';
+subtest "GET service request updates" => sub {
+    set_fixed_time('2023-01-31T00:00:00Z');
+    my $start_from = DateTime->now()->subtract(days => 1);
+    $endpoint->init_update_gathering_files($start_from);
+    $integration->mock('get_case_summaries_by_filter', sub {
+        my ($self, undef, undef, $page_number) = @_;
+        if ($page_number == 1) {
+            return {
+                num_items => 3,
+                items => [
+                    {   # Should only result in a closed update after a day.
+                        reference => "case_1",
+                        updated_at => "2023-01-31T00:00:00+0000",
+                        created_at => "2023-01-30T16:00:00+0000",
+                        status => {
+                            title => 'Closed'
+                        },
+                    },
+                    {   # Shouldn't result in an update as already in action_scheduled.
+                        reference => "case_1",
+                        updated_at => "2023-01-30T18:00:00+0000",
+                        created_at => "2023-01-30T16:00:00+0000",
+                        status => {
+                            title => 'Action Scheduled 2'
+                        },
+                    },
+                    {   # Should result in an action_scheduled update.
+                        reference => "case_1",
+                        updated_at => "2023-01-30T17:00:00+0000",
+                        created_at => "2023-01-30T16:00:00+0000",
+                        status => {
+                            title => 'Action Scheduled 1'
+                        },
+                    },
+                    {   # Should result in an investigating update.
+                        reference => "case_1",
+                        updated_at => "2023-01-30T16:00:00+0000",
+                        created_at => "2023-01-30T16:00:00+0000",
+                        status => {
+                            title => 'Investigating'
+                        },
+                    },
+                    {   # Shouldn't result in an update - unmapped case status.
+                        reference => "case_unmapped_status",
+                        updated_at => "2023-01-30T15:00:00+0000",
+                        created_at => "2023-01-30T00:00:00+0000",
+                        status => {
+                            title => 'Unmapped'
+                        },
+                    },
+                    {   # Shouldn't result in an update - case too old.
+                        reference => "case_too_old",
+                        updated_at => "2023-01-30T14:00:00+0000",
+                        created_at => "2022-01-30T00:00:00+0000",
+                        status => {
+                            title => 'Open'
+                        },
+                    }
+                ]
+            };
+        } elsif ($page_number == 2) {
+            return {
+                num_items => 1,
+                items => [
+                    {   # Update too old, should stop querying.
+                        reference => "case_update_too_old",
+                        updated_at => "2023-01-29T23:59:59+0000",
+                        status => {
+                            title => 'Closed'
+                        },
+                    },
+                ]
+            }
+        }
+        die "unexpected page number: " . $page_number;
+    });
+    $endpoint->gather_updates();
+    my $start_date = '2023-01-01T00:00:00Z';
+    my $end_date = '2023-02-28T00:00:00Z';
+    my $res = $endpoint->run_test_request(
+        GET => sprintf('/servicerequestupdates.json?start_date=%s&end_date=%s', $start_date, $end_date),
+        jurisdiction_id => 'centralbedfordshire_jadu',
+        api_key => 'test',
+        service_code => 'fly-tipping',
+    );
+    ok $res->is_success, 'valid request'
+        or diag $res->content;
+    my $expected_updates = [
+        {
+            'service_request_id' => 'case_1',
+            'description' => '',
+            'external_status_code' => 'Action Scheduled 1',
+            'status' => 'action_scheduled',
+            'media_url' => '',
+            'updated_datetime' => '2023-01-30T17:00:00Z',
+            'update_id' => 'case_1_1675098000'
+        },
+        {
+            'description' => '',
+            'service_request_id' => 'case_1',
+            'external_status_code' => 'Investigating',
+            'status' => 'investigating',
+            'update_id' => 'case_1_1675094400',
+            'updated_datetime' => '2023-01-30T16:00:00Z',
+            'media_url' => ''
+        }
+    ];
+    is_deeply decode_json($res->content), $expected_updates, "correct updates returned";
+    # Two days later...
+    set_fixed_time('2023-02-02T00:00:00Z');
+    $endpoint->gather_updates();
+    $integration->mock('get_case_summaries_by_filter', sub {
+        my ($self, undef, undef, $page_number) = @_;
+        if ($page_number == 1) {
+            return {
+                num_items => 0,
+                items => []
+            };
+        }
+        die "unexpected page number: " . $page_number;
+    });
+    my $next_day_expected_updates = [
+        {
+            'service_request_id' => 'case_1',
+            'description' => '',
+            'external_status_code' => 'Closed',
+            'status' => 'closed',
+            'media_url' => '',
+            'updated_datetime' => '2023-02-01T00:00:00Z',
+            'update_id' => 'case_1_1675209600'
+        },
+    ];
+    push @$next_day_expected_updates, @$expected_updates;
+    $res = $endpoint->run_test_request(
+        GET => sprintf('/servicerequestupdates.json?start_date=%s&end_date=%s', $start_date, $end_date),
+        jurisdiction_id => 'centralbedfordshire_jadu',
+        api_key => 'test',
+        service_code => 'fly-tipping',
+    );
+    ok $res->is_success, 'valid request'
+        or diag $res->content;
+    is_deeply decode_json($res->content), $next_day_expected_updates, "correct updates returned";
diff --git a/t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire_symology.t b/t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire_symology.t
index f2980b81e..be6f71bde 100644
--- a/t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire_symology.t
+++ b/t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire_symology.t
@@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ subtest "GET services" => sub {
     my $content = decode_json($res->content);
     my $services = [ sort { $a->{service_code} cmp $b->{service_code} } @$content ];
+    # Filter out services belonging to the Jadu integration.
+    @$services = grep { $_->{service_code} !~ m/Jadu/ } @$services;
     is_deeply $services,
diff --git a/t/open311/endpoint/uk.t b/t/open311/endpoint/uk.t
index c10316452..2aa76a9a2 100644
--- a/t/open311/endpoint/uk.t
+++ b/t/open311/endpoint/uk.t
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ test_multi(1, 'Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::Hackney',
 test_multi(1, 'Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire',
     'Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire::Symology' => 'centralbedfordshire_symology',
+    'Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire::Jadu' => 'centralbedfordshire_jadu',

From 2ee6ad192baddca1422f10e918cc2a4ebc8a3cca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nik Gupta <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2023 13:23:39 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 05/11] [Central Beds] Use Singlepoint to find the nearest

 ...uncil-centralbedfordshire_jadu.yml-example | 12 ++-
 perllib/Geocode/                | 79 +++++++++++++++++++
 perllib/Integrations/                  |  8 +-
 .../UK/CentralBedfordshire/            | 66 ++++++++++++++--
 .../          | 23 +-----
 ...earch_by_easting_and_northing_response.xml | 39 +++++++++
 t/geocode/singlepoint.t                       | 39 +++++++++
 t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire_jadu.t | 16 +++-
 8 files changed, 242 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 perllib/Geocode/
 create mode 100644 t/geocode/files/singlepoint/spatial_radial_search_by_easting_and_northing_response.xml
 create mode 100644 t/geocode/singlepoint.t

diff --git a/conf/council-centralbedfordshire_jadu.yml-example b/conf/council-centralbedfordshire_jadu.yml-example
index f804eb0a4..b0df3921b 100644
--- a/conf/council-centralbedfordshire_jadu.yml-example
+++ b/conf/council-centralbedfordshire_jadu.yml-example
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
-api_base_url: ''
-api_key: ''
-username: ''
-password: ''
+jadu_api_base_url: ''
+jadu_api_key: ''
+jadu_username: ''
+jadu_password: ''
+singlepoint_api_base_url: ''
+singlepoint_api_key: ''
+reverse_geocode_radius_meters: 100
 case_type: ''
 sys_channel: ''
diff --git a/perllib/Geocode/ b/perllib/Geocode/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8043b7631
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perllib/Geocode/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+package Geocode::SinglePoint;
+use v5.14;
+use warnings;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use Moo;
+use XML::Simple qw(:strict);
+with 'Role::Config';
+with 'Role::Logger';
+has base_url => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub { $_[0]->config->{singlepoint_api_base_url}  }
+has api_key => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub { $_[0]->config->{singlepoint_api_key}  }
+has ua => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub { LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => "FixMyStreet/open311-adapter") }
+sub _fail {
+    my ($self, $message, $url, $response) = @_;
+    my $log = sprintf(
+        "%s
+        Requested: %s
+        Got: %s",
+        $message, $url, $response->content
+    );
+    $self->logger->error($log);
+    die $message;
+sub _get_field_value_for_tag {
+    my ($self, $dom, $tag) = @_;
+    return $self->xml_path_context->findvalue('./x:FieldItems/x:FieldInfo/x:Value[../x:Tag="'. $tag . '"]', $dom);
+sub get_nearest_addresses {
+    my ($self, $easting, $northing, $radius_meters, $address_field_tags) = @_;
+    my $url = sprintf(
+        "%sSpatialRadialSearchByEastingNorthing?apiKey=%s&adapterName=LLPG&easting=%s&northing=%s&unit=Meter&distance=%s",
+        $self->base_url,
+        $self->api_key,
+        $easting,
+        $northing,
+        $radius_meters,
+    );
+    my $response = $self->ua->get($url);
+    if (!$response->is_success) {
+        $self->_fail("Request failed.", $url, $response);
+    }
+    my $x = XML::Simple->new(ForceArray => ["SearchResultItem", "FieldInfo"], NoAttr => 1, SuppressEmpty => "", KeyAttr => ["Tag"]);
+    my $xml = $x->XMLin($response->content);
+    my $results = $xml->{Results}{Items}{SearchResultItem};
+    my @addresses;
+    # Results are already ordered nearest-first.
+    foreach my $result (@$results) {
+        my %address;
+        foreach my $address_field_tag (@$address_field_tags) {
+            my $field = $result->{FieldItems}{FieldInfo}{$address_field_tag};
+            $address{$address_field_tag} = $field->{Value} if $field;
+        }
+        push @addresses, \%address if %address;
+    }
+    return \@addresses;
diff --git a/perllib/Integrations/ b/perllib/Integrations/
index f56700b05..6194a54e6 100644
--- a/perllib/Integrations/
+++ b/perllib/Integrations/
@@ -16,22 +16,22 @@ with 'Role::Memcached';
 has base_url => (
     is => 'lazy',
-    default => sub { $_[0]->config->{api_base_url}  }
+    default => sub { $_[0]->config->{jadu_api_base_url}  }
 has api_key => (
     is => 'lazy',
-    default => sub { $_[0]->config->{api_key}  }
+    default => sub { $_[0]->config->{jadu_api_key}  }
 has username => (
     is => 'lazy',
-    default => sub { $_[0]->config->{username}  }
+    default => sub { $_[0]->config->{jadu_username}  }
 has password => (
     is => 'lazy',
-    default => sub { $_[0]->config->{password}  }
+    default => sub { $_[0]->config->{jadu_password}  }
 has ua => (
diff --git a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/
index ce8865901..319ecc8ea 100644
--- a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/
+++ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ use DateTime::Format::ISO8601;
 use DateTime::Format::W3CDTF;
 use Fcntl qw(:flock);
 use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
+use Geocode::SinglePoint;
 use Integrations::Jadu;
 use JSON::MaybeXS qw(decode_json encode_json);
 use LWP::Simple;
@@ -46,6 +47,11 @@ has jurisdiction_id => (
     default => 'centralbedfordshire_jadu',
+has singlepoint => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub { Geocode::SinglePoint->new(config_filename => $_[0]->jurisdiction_id) }
 has jadu => (
     is => 'lazy',
     default => sub { Integrations::Jadu->new(config_filename => $_[0]->jurisdiction_id) }
@@ -68,6 +74,17 @@ sub get_integration {
     return $_[0]->jadu;
+=head2 reverse_geocode_radius_meters
+This is the radius in meters of the area around the report location to search for addresses.
+has reverse_geocode_radius_meters => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub { $_[0]->endpoint_config->{reverse_geocode_radius_meters} }
 =head2 sys_channel
 This is the value to set for the 'sys-channel' field when creating a new Fly Tipping case.
@@ -94,6 +111,7 @@ has case_type => (
 This is a mapping from any town associated with an address in Central Bedfordshire to
 the value that should be set in the 'eso-officer' field when creating a new Fly Tipping case.
+Towns must be specified in lowercase.
@@ -204,9 +222,45 @@ sub post_service_request {
     my ($self, $service, $args) = @_;
     my $attributes = $args->{attributes};
-    my $officer = $self->town_to_officer->{$attributes->{town}};
-    if (!$officer) {
-        die "No officer found for town " . $attributes->{town};
+    my $addresses = $self->singlepoint->get_nearest_addresses(
+        $attributes->{easting},
+        $attributes->{northing},
+        $self->reverse_geocode_radius_meters,
+        ['STREET', 'TOWN', 'USRN'],
+    );
+    if ($addresses == 0) {
+        die sprintf(
+            "No addresses found within %dm of easting: %d northing: %d",
+            $self->reverse_geocode_radius_meters,
+            $attributes->{easting},
+            $attributes->{northing},
+        );
+    }
+    my $officer;
+    my $nearest_valid_address;
+    foreach my $address (@$addresses) {
+        my $usrn = $address->{USRN};
+        my $street = $address->{STREET};
+        my $town = $address->{TOWN};
+        unless ($usrn && $street && $town) {
+            $self->logger->warn("Skipping address missing one or more of USRN, STREET and TOWN");
+            next;
+        }
+        $officer = $self->town_to_officer->{lc $town};
+        if (!$officer) {
+            $self->logger->warn("Skipping address with unmapped town: " . $town);
+            next;
+        }
+        $nearest_valid_address = $address;
+        last;
+    }
+    if (!$nearest_valid_address) {
+        die "None of the addresses found were valid.";
     my $google_street_view_url = sprintf(
@@ -226,9 +280,9 @@ sub post_service_request {
         'ens-latitude' => $args->{lat},
         'ens-longitude' => $args->{long},
         'ens-google-street-view-url' => $google_street_view_url,
-        'usrn' => $attributes->{usrn},
-        'ens-street' => $attributes->{street},
-        'sys-town' => $attributes->{town},
+        'usrn' => $nearest_valid_address->{USRN},
+        'ens-street' => $nearest_valid_address->{STREET},
+        'sys-town' => $nearest_valid_address->{TOWN},
         'eso-officer' => $officer,
         'ens-location-description' => $attributes->{title},
         'ens-land-type' => $attributes->{land_type},
diff --git a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Service/UKCouncil/ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Service/UKCouncil/
index b4a2f1393..4a1c5be1f 100644
--- a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Service/UKCouncil/
+++ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Service/UKCouncil/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 package Open311::Endpoint::Service::UKCouncil::CentralBedfordshireFlytipping;
 use Moo;
-extends 'Open311::Endpoint::Service';
+extends 'Open311::Endpoint::Service::UKCouncil';
 use Open311::Endpoint::Service::Attribute;
@@ -31,27 +31,6 @@ sub _build_attributes {
             description => "Report URL",
             automated => 'server_set'
-        Open311::Endpoint::Service::Attribute->new(
-            code => "usrn",
-            description => "USRN",
-            datatype => "string",
-            required => 1,
-            automated => 'server_set'
-        ),
-        Open311::Endpoint::Service::Attribute->new(
-            code => "street",
-            description => "Street",
-            datatype => "string",
-            required => 1,
-            automated => 'server_set'
-        ),
-        Open311::Endpoint::Service::Attribute->new(
-            code => "town",
-            description => "Town",
-            datatype => "string",
-            required => 1,
-            automated => 'server_set'
-        ),
             code => "land_type",
             variable => 1,
diff --git a/t/geocode/files/singlepoint/spatial_radial_search_by_easting_and_northing_response.xml b/t/geocode/files/singlepoint/spatial_radial_search_by_easting_and_northing_response.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f2bed5d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/geocode/files/singlepoint/spatial_radial_search_by_easting_and_northing_response.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<SearchResultData xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
+  <Results>
+    <Items>
+      <SearchResultItem>
+        <FieldItems>
+          <FieldInfo>
+            <Tag>USRN</Tag>
+            <Value>25202550</Value>
+          </FieldInfo>
+          <FieldInfo>
+            <Tag>STREET</Tag>
+            <Value>Monks Walk</Value>
+          </FieldInfo>
+          <FieldInfo>
+            <Tag>TOWN</Tag>
+            <Value>Chicksands</Value>
+          </FieldInfo>
+        </FieldItems>
+      </SearchResultItem>
+      <SearchResultItem>
+        <FieldItems>
+          <FieldInfo>
+            <Tag>USRN</Tag>
+            <Value>25201736</Value>
+          </FieldInfo>
+          <FieldInfo>
+            <Tag>STREET</Tag>
+            <Value>Northwood End Road</Value>
+          </FieldInfo>
+          <FieldInfo>
+            <Tag>TOWN</Tag>
+            <Value>Haynes</Value>
+          </FieldInfo>
+        </FieldItems>
+      </SearchResultItem>
+    </Items>
+  </Results>
diff --git a/t/geocode/singlepoint.t b/t/geocode/singlepoint.t
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ecdb48d94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/geocode/singlepoint.t
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::MockModule;
+use Test::More;
+use Geocode::SinglePoint;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use Moo;
+use Path::Tiny;
+subtest "get_nearest_addresses" => sub {
+    my $ua = Test::MockModule->new('LWP::UserAgent');
+    $ua->mock('get', sub {
+        my $resp = HTTP::Response->new(200);
+        $resp->content(path(__FILE__)->sibling("files/singlepoint/spatial_radial_search_by_easting_and_northing_response.xml")->slurp);
+        return $resp;
+    });
+    my $singlepoint = Geocode::SinglePoint->new();
+    # Call with arbitrary easting, northing and radius.
+    my $addresses = $singlepoint->get_nearest_addresses(0, 0, 0, ["STREET", "USRN", "TOWN"]);
+    is_deeply $addresses, [
+          {
+            'TOWN' => 'Chicksands',
+            'STREET' => 'Monks Walk',
+            'USRN' => '25202550'
+          },
+          {
+            'TOWN' => 'Haynes',
+            'STREET' => 'Northwood End Road',
+            'USRN' => '25201736'
+          },
+    ];
diff --git a/t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire_jadu.t b/t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire_jadu.t
index 420af9f1e..b23e21d54 100644
--- a/t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire_jadu.t
+++ b/t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire_jadu.t
@@ -33,11 +33,12 @@ my $config_string = '
     update_storage_file: "%s"
     update_storage_max_age_days: 365
-        "Chicksands": "area_1"';
+        "chicksands": "area_1"';
 my $config = Test::MockFile->file( "/config.yml", sprintf($config_string, $status_tracking_file, $update_storage_file));
 my $integration = Test::MockModule->new('Integrations::Jadu');
+my $geocode = Test::MockModule->new('Geocode::SinglePoint');
 my $centralbedfordshire_jadu = Test::MockModule->new('Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire::Jadu');
 $centralbedfordshire_jadu->mock('_build_config_file', sub { '/config.yml' });
@@ -52,6 +53,16 @@ subtest "POST service request" => sub {
         return "test_case_reference";
+    $geocode->mock('get_nearest_addresses', sub {
+        return [
+            {
+                USRN => 25202550,
+                STREET => "Monk's Walk",
+                TOWN => "Chicksands",
+            }
+        ]
+    });
     my $res = $endpoint->run_test_request(
         POST => '/requests.json',
         jurisdiction_id => 'centralbedfordshire_jadu',
@@ -75,9 +86,6 @@ subtest "POST service request" => sub {
         'attribute[fly_tip_witnessed]' => 'Yes',
         'attribute[fly_tip_date_and_time]' => '2023-07-03T14:30:36Z',
         'attribute[description_of_alleged_offender]' => 'Stealthy.',
-        'attribute[usrn]' => '25202550',
-        'attribute[street]' => "Monk's Walk",
-        'attribute[town]' => "Chicksands",
     ok $res->is_success, 'valid request'

From a16f4599c6176d2a6e71164d569c8384ed7208b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nik Gupta <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 14:41:50 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 06/11] [Central Beds] Rename Fly Tipping (Jadu) to just Fly

 .../Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/        | 3 +--
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/
index 319ecc8ea..a5c4c8e42 100644
--- a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/
+++ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/
@@ -61,8 +61,7 @@ has flytipping_service => (
     is => 'lazy',
     default => sub {
-            # TODO: Will be renamed to just "Fly Tipping" when ready to replace existing category.
-            service_name => "Fly Tipping (Jadu)",
+            service_name => "Fly Tipping",
             group => "Flytipping, Bins and Graffiti",
             service_code => "fly-tipping",
             description => "Fly Tipping",

From c77a70bf0b28f8e770451c7a533052548f634681 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nik Gupta <>
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 16:31:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 07/11] [Central Beds] Vary Jadu case sys_channel depending on
 staff vs self-report.

 ...uncil-centralbedfordshire_jadu.yml-example |  3 ++-
 .../UK/CentralBedfordshire/            | 23 +++++++++++++++----
 .../          | 11 +++++++++
 t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire_jadu.t |  6 +++--
 4 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/conf/council-centralbedfordshire_jadu.yml-example b/conf/council-centralbedfordshire_jadu.yml-example
index b0df3921b..7e5bb4d84 100644
--- a/conf/council-centralbedfordshire_jadu.yml-example
+++ b/conf/council-centralbedfordshire_jadu.yml-example
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ singlepoint_api_key: ''
 reverse_geocode_radius_meters: 100
 case_type: ''
-sys_channel: ''
+sys_channel_self_reported: ''
+sys_channel_reported_by_staff: ''
 most_recently_updated_cases_filter: ''
diff --git a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/
index a5c4c8e42..bba5e4b54 100644
--- a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/
+++ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/
@@ -84,15 +84,26 @@ has reverse_geocode_radius_meters => (
     default => sub { $_[0]->endpoint_config->{reverse_geocode_radius_meters} }
-=head2 sys_channel
+=head2 sys_channel_self_reported
-This is the value to set for the 'sys-channel' field when creating a new Fly Tipping case.
+This is the value to set for the 'sys-channel' field when creating a new self-reported Fly Tipping case.
-has sys_channel => (
+has sys_channel_self_reported => (
     is => 'lazy',
-    default => sub { $_[0]->endpoint_config->{sys_channel} }
+    default => sub { $_[0]->endpoint_config->{sys_channel_self_reported} }
+=head2 sys_channel_reported_by_staff
+This is the value to set for the 'sys-channel' field when creating a new Fly Tipping case reported by staff.
+has sys_channel_reported_by_staff => (
+    is => 'lazy',
+    default => sub { $_[0]->endpoint_config->{sys_channel_reported_by_staff} }
 =head2 case_type
@@ -274,6 +285,8 @@ sub post_service_request {
     my $fly_tip_datetime = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime($attributes->{fly_tip_date_and_time}) if $attributes->{fly_tip_date_and_time};
+    my $sys_channel = $attributes->{reported_by_staff} eq 'Yes' ? $self->sys_channel_reported_by_staff : $self->sys_channel_self_reported;
     my %payload = (
         'coordinates' => $args->{lat} . ',' . $args->{long},
         'ens-latitude' => $args->{lat},
@@ -294,7 +307,7 @@ sub post_service_request {
         'sys-email-address' => $args->{email},
         'sys-telephone-number' => $args->{phone},
         'fms-reference' => $attributes->{report_url},
-        'sys-channel' => $self->sys_channel
+        'sys-channel' => $sys_channel,
     $payload{'ens-fly-tip-date'} = $fly_tip_datetime->ymd if $fly_tip_datetime;
     $payload{'ens-fly-tip-time'} = $fly_tip_datetime->strftime('%H:%M') if $fly_tip_datetime;
diff --git a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Service/UKCouncil/ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Service/UKCouncil/
index 4a1c5be1f..c36e42430 100644
--- a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Service/UKCouncil/
+++ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Service/UKCouncil/
@@ -31,6 +31,17 @@ sub _build_attributes {
             description => "Report URL",
             automated => 'server_set'
+        Open311::Endpoint::Service::Attribute->new(
+            code => "reported_by_staff",
+            required => 1,
+            datatype => "singlevaluelist",
+            description => "Reported by staff",
+            automated => 'server_set',
+            "values" => {
+                "Yes" => "Yes",
+                "No" => "No",
+            }
+        ),
             code => "land_type",
             variable => 1,
diff --git a/t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire_jadu.t b/t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire_jadu.t
index b23e21d54..b897c1141 100644
--- a/t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire_jadu.t
+++ b/t/open311/endpoint/centralbedfordshire_jadu.t
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ my (undef, $status_tracking_file) = tempfile(EXLOCK => 0);
 my (undef, $update_storage_file) = tempfile(EXLOCK => 0);
 my $config_string = '
-    sys_channel: "test_sys_channel"
+    sys_channel_reported_by_staff: "sys_channel_reported_by_staff"
+    sys_channel_self_reported: "sys_channel_self_reported"
         "Action Scheduled 1": "action_scheduled"
         "Action Scheduled 2": "action_scheduled"
@@ -80,6 +81,7 @@ subtest "POST service request" => sub {
         'attribute[northing]' => 238727,
         'attribute[fixmystreet_id]' => 1,
         'attribute[report_url]' => '',
+        'attribute[reported_by_staff]' => 'Yes',
         'attribute[land_type]' => 'Footpath',
         'attribute[type_of_waste]' => 'Asbestos',
         'attribute[type_of_waste]' => 'Black bags',
@@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ subtest "POST service request" => sub {
     my $sent_payload = pop @sent_payloads;
     my $expected_payload = {
-        'sys-channel' => 'test_sys_channel',
+        'sys-channel' => 'sys_channel_reported_by_staff',
         'ens-latitude' => '52.035536',
         'ens-longitude' => '-0.360673',
         'coordinates' => '52.035536,-0.360673',

From b76c79b536461eb94352491f91515e9a79fa79be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nik Gupta <>
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2023 15:10:04 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 08/11] [Central Beds] Fix typo in fly tipping waste type.

 .../Endpoint/Service/UKCouncil/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Service/UKCouncil/ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Service/UKCouncil/
index c36e42430..ddf29eec2 100644
--- a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Service/UKCouncil/
+++ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Service/UKCouncil/
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ sub _build_attributes {
                 "Trolleys" => "Trolleys",
                 "Tyres" => "Tyres",
                 "Vehicle parts" => "Vehicle parts",
-                "White goods - fridge, freezer, washing matchine etc" => "White goods - fridge, freezer, washing matchine etc",
+                "White goods - fridge, freezer, washing machine etc" => "White goods - fridge, freezer, washing machine etc",
                 "Other" => "Other",

From d523d5fcb0002a7297b1f2d73ef28f3220443112 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nik Gupta <>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2023 12:44:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 09/11] [open311-adapter] [Central Beds] Allow zero
 lookback-days when initialising Jadu state gathering files.

 bin/centralbedfordshire/jadu/init_update_gathering_files | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/bin/centralbedfordshire/jadu/init_update_gathering_files b/bin/centralbedfordshire/jadu/init_update_gathering_files
index 029ac829b..5022d41e2 100755
--- a/bin/centralbedfordshire/jadu/init_update_gathering_files
+++ b/bin/centralbedfordshire/jadu/init_update_gathering_files
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ use Open311::Endpoint::Integration::UK::CentralBedfordshire::Jadu;
 my $lookback_days;
 GetOptions("lookback-days=i" => \$lookback_days);
-if (!$lookback_days) {
+if (!defined($lookback_days)) {
     print "Please specify a number of days to look back for updates via --lookback-days";
     exit 1;

From 6c0886088ccc9b255c7fbde215f19af8e2f436ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthew Somerville <>
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2023 11:59:24 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 10/11] [Central Beds] Couple of test warnfixes.

 .../Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/ | 2 ++
 t/geocode/singlepoint.t                                         | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/
index bba5e4b54..c3f3fa160 100644
--- a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/
+++ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/CentralBedfordshire/
@@ -548,6 +548,8 @@ sub get_service_request_updates {
     my $start_time = $w3c->parse_datetime($args->{start_date})->epoch;
     my $end_time = $w3c->parse_datetime($args->{end_date})->epoch;
+    return unless $self->update_storage_file;
     my $update_storage_raw = path($self->update_storage_file)->slurp_raw;
     my $updates = decode_json($update_storage_raw);
     my @updates_to_send;
diff --git a/t/geocode/singlepoint.t b/t/geocode/singlepoint.t
index ecdb48d94..f9c8421d0 100644
--- a/t/geocode/singlepoint.t
+++ b/t/geocode/singlepoint.t
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ subtest "get_nearest_addresses" => sub {
         return $resp;
-    my $singlepoint = Geocode::SinglePoint->new();
+    my $singlepoint = Geocode::SinglePoint->new( base_url => '', api_key => '' );
     # Call with arbitrary easting, northing and radius.
     my $addresses = $singlepoint->get_nearest_addresses(0, 0, 0, ["STREET", "USRN", "TOWN"]);

From dc0ab1ca3720580731a88879e52815c902a8ee4e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthew Somerville <>
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2023 11:59:45 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 11/11] [SLWP] Store cheque payment type separately.

 perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/ | 1 +
 perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/   | 1 +
 t/open311/endpoint/sutton.t                         | 8 ++++++++
 3 files changed, 10 insertions(+)

diff --git a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/
index 068e9c266..dfa88d56f 100644
--- a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/
+++ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ around check_for_data_value => sub {
     my $method = $args->{attributes}{LastPayMethod} || '';
     return 2 if $name eq 'Payment Type' && $method eq 3; # DD
+    return 3 if $name eq 'Payment Type' && $method eq 4; # 'cheque' (or phone)
     return $class->$orig($name, $args, $request, $parent_name);
diff --git a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/
index 2e33da706..17853ba27 100644
--- a/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/
+++ b/perllib/Open311/Endpoint/Integration/UK/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ around check_for_data_value => sub {
     my $method = $args->{attributes}{LastPayMethod} || '';
     return 2 if $name eq 'Payment Type' && $method eq 3; # DD
+    return 3 if $name eq 'Payment Type' && $method eq 4; # 'cheque' (or phone)
     return $class->$orig($name, $args, $request, $parent_name);
diff --git a/t/open311/endpoint/sutton.t b/t/open311/endpoint/sutton.t
index 7229e1443..fedd51042 100644
--- a/t/open311/endpoint/sutton.t
+++ b/t/open311/endpoint/sutton.t
@@ -70,6 +70,13 @@ $soap_lite->mock(call => sub {
             my @type = ${$data[1]->value}->value;
             is $type[0]->value, 1009;
             is $type[1]->value, 1;
+        } elsif ($client_ref eq 'LBS-2000123') {
+            is $event_type, EVENT_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE;
+            is $service_id, 409;
+            my @data = ${$params[0]->value}->value->value;
+            my @paper = ${$data[0]->value}->value;
+            is $paper[0]->value, 1009;
+            is $paper[1]->value, 3;
         return SOAP::Result->new(result => {
             EventGuid => '1234',
@@ -116,6 +123,7 @@ subtest "POST subscription request OK" => sub {
         'attribute[Subscription_Details_Containers]' => 26, # Garden Bin
         'attribute[Subscription_Details_Quantity]' => 1,
         'attribute[Request_Type]' => 1,
+        'attribute[LastPayMethod]' => 4,
     ok $res->is_success, 'valid request'
         or diag $res->content;