Standard Project Flow Procedures
== SOP ==
- Establish the development process at a high level (This document)
== Enhancement Queue ==
- Anyone may place bugs and enhancement ideas in the enhancement backlog
- Agree on How to write a change request
- Grooming the enhancement backlog ** How often: 1 hour a week ** Who: *** The product owner *** At least 1 developer *** At least 1 business person *** At least 1 QA/Tester
- Process ** Read each item, oldest first ** Does the enhancement make sense? *** Can it be recreated? *** Does the Product Owner understand the enhancement? *** Does it make business sense? (ie: profitable, broad need, or sensitive customer) *** Does it have a different resolution? *** If it's lacking info, then work with requester to provide the proper context ** If it makes sense, create a new tracker item. Include *** Summary of change *** Description of problem *** Steps to create / Recreate *** Office who reported the problem *** Due date -- if any ** The item will be prioritized, packaged up with a project, or deferred during the Tracker Review
== Product Management (PPT) ==
- Products are initiated, packaged prioritized by the [Product%20Planning%20Team.doc Product Planning Team].
- The [Project%20Inventory.doc Project inventory] is a list of possible future projects
- Optionally maintain a [Project%20History.doc Project history] to track what was done
== Project Management ==
- Vision ** The Project Vision describes at a high level the set of features for a project. The goal is for everyone involved to share their vision of the end result. ** sample Vision template (Vision%20Template.doc)
- Define the methodology ** This is when you'd decide whether to use agile or waterfall or some other hybrid ** Agile is better for projects where the requirements and scope are uncertain, but the resources and time frame are fixed ** Waterfall is better for projects where the requirements are known and fixed, and the time frame is flexible ** Depending on the size of the project, develop Project Plan ** In agile projects the team also writes a Definition of Done and a Release Plan. *** DefinitionofDone.docx Definition of Done *** Release%20Plan.docx Release Plan
- Generating the feature backlog, and backlog grooming ** At the start of the project, the team and stakeholders will create a set of features based on the vision. ** One way to generate these features is through [[User_story_mapping | User story mapping]] ** After the project starts, the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and possibly other stakeholders will meet once a week to groom and align the features as the project evolves.
- Feature Prioritization ** List of uniquely prioritized features ** Set of Release points (minimum viable feature set)
- Feature Estimation ** Development's best estimate for the time required to implement a story or feature
- Specification ** When using a waterfall project methodology, the development team will create the following documents: *** User requirement Specification (URS). There may be multiple URS documents depending on the number of features. [One-Page%20URS.doc Here is an example] *** URS may also be developed using the IBM Rational Requisite Pro tool *** Software Requirements Specification (SRS). This document describes the code changes for the project. [Software%20Requirement%20Specification.doc Here is an example]. *** SRS may also be developed using the IBM Rational Requisite Pro tool ** Agile Stories *** Sticky Notes *** Excel Spreadsheet *** [ Trello] *** [JIRA]
- Development (see below)
- Integration and Build
- QA ** SOP ** Test environments
- Alpha testing ** Retrospective ** In-house review
- Beta testing ** Beta Site Checklist ** Release to beta
- Feature Documentation ** What's New ** User Guide ** Release Notes template
- Release to production ** Release checklists ** Release automated tests ** Dry run ** General release
== Development Process ==
- Team Roles ** Product Owner / System Expert / Analyst ** Project Lead / Scrum Master ** Developer ** QA
- Development Technologies ** Development language(s) - Front end/ back end ** Database repository
- Revision Control ** Repository ** Branching strategy
- Unit testing ** Manually test the changes ** Manually baseline test existing functionality ** Or, optimally, automate unit tests for the changes
- Acceptance Testing
- End-to-end testing ** Testing Guidelines ** Automated regression testing
- Printed Report Design Guidelines
- Agile philosophy ** Scrum ** Local implementation ** Scrum Cheat Sheet
- Waterfall process ** Some projects, usually maintenance projects due to changes in regulations, may require a waterfall process. In that case we use this a waterfall method
- Retrospectives ** Sprint retrospective ** Project retrospective ** Interim retrospectives *** Beta release *** Dry run release *** Other ad hoc milestones ** dialogsheets for facilitating retrospectives