One of the key ingredients to online success are company blogs. They are quite the versatile tool. A blog can be used as a customer support tool by providing detailed documentation on a given subject. It may also be used to break out product news. Or even to interact with the community.
But a test to run is one blog per subject. Test a blog that only features product tutorials. Test a blog for product news. Test a blog for customer service.
Why test this?
If you have a product that has an above average learning curve (meaning that people will need training) a separate blog will allow you to track what areas people are having difficulty with. Its true that you can track this in a general blog, but having it in a separate blog has shown[1] to provide one advantage.
Blogs that cover one subject allow for greater information discovery
by users.
Think about it. If you are a customer searching for answers. Do you want to search through a bunch of non-related information? Or do you want to search through related information?
You might say this is what tags are for. Sure, they do work. But tags are for more specific subjects. Mixing too much tags sometimes overwhelms people.
Do link to your other blogs in your sidebar. But test this.
Another positive result is that you can run more specific tests with each blog. You can test new potential product offerings, pricing, and regional availability. Many things can be tested with better accuracy.
I know this is more work, and requires more time commitment plus all the overhead of maintaining more code. But my results have proved positive most of the time. Test it.
[1]From my own tests.