Releases: mundipagg/ecommerce-module-core
Adds as gateway
✨ New Features
Adds as gateway
Now is possible create credit card and boleto orders using as payment gateway.
🐛 Bug fixes
Cancel charge.paid webhook processing if the order is already canceled
Cancel charge.paid webhook processing if the order is already canceled. It was setting up the order status as processing again.
Fixes charge capture
Every time that there was a charge capture order we were throwing an error, breaking the code execution.
Checks the secret Key
Now we check if there's a secret key set before execute the Module Core's bootstrap.
🚀 Improvements
No Improvements
Sanitize JSON configuration and adds additional information
✨ New Features
No Features
🐛 Bug fixes
Sanitize JSON configuration
Remove special characters from the json that contains module's settings before inserting it in the database.
Adds missing payment information in the order object
We added "NSU", "TID" and "our number' to payment information inside the order object.
🚀 Improvements
No Improvements
Create order even with failed payments
✨ New Features
Create order even with failed payments
Create order even with failed payments
🐛 Bug fixes
Fix installment Voucher and Debit
Makes override on set Installments methods to avoid the class use the parent method
🚀 Improvements
No Improvements
Create method that get order by Plataform Id
✨ New Features
No Features
🐛 Bug fixes
No bug fixes
🚀 Improvements
Create method that get order by Plataform Id
Create method that get order by Plataform Id
Fix Bug allow creates recurrence with virtual product
✨ New Features
No Features
🐛 Bug fixes
Allow creates recurrence with virtual product
Fixed bug that could not create or finalize orders with product of the virtual type in the recurrence
🚀 Improvements
Create a card service to return brands available
Now has a service that returns brands available from the configuration
Voucher holder document number
Pass the holder document when creating a voucher order
Save Debit card and Voucher card
✨ New Features
Allow save Debit card
Now it's possible to save Debit card for use in another order
Allow save Voucher debit card
Now it's possible to save Voucher card for use in another order
🐛 Bug fixes
No bug fixes
🚀 Improvements
No Improvements
Bug fix voucher installments
✨ New Features
No Features
🐛 Bug fixes
Voucher Installments
When there was no card configuration previously, the voucher ended up breaking.
🚀 Improvements
No improvements
Create debit pinless
✨ New Features
Debit Pinless
We've added the debit pinless payment method
🐛 Bug fixes
No Bug Fixes
🚀 Improvements
No improvements
Inventory management on recurrence and bug fix annotation Swagger
✨ New Features
Inventory management on recurrence
It is now possible to manage your subscription and plan inventory
🐛 Bug fixes
Fixing swagger api
Adding docblock to aggregates classes to be compatible with the Swagger
🚀 Improvements
No improvements
Plan's subscription
✨ New Features
Plan's subscription
From this version you can create subscriptions using plans
🐛 Bug fixes
Recreate voucher as payment method
We implemented Voucher cards as credit card's payment method brands and it was not working.
Now we have created a new payment method especifically for Vouchers, allowing configure it separetadly and create especific rules for it.