diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6c36d42..919c1ab 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ Please read [Pubsub.md](./doc/Pubsub.md).
RediStick supports [Redis Streams](https://redis.io/docs/data-types/streams/) - distributed event streaming API.
-(Basic usage will be documented soon).
+Please read [Stream.md](./doc/Stream.md).
### Using Search
diff --git a/doc/Stream.md b/doc/Stream.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c5c0c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/Stream.md
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# Data Stream Processing with RediStick
+[RediStick](https://github.com/mumez/RediStick) provides high-level streaming data API which is based on [Redis Streams](https://redis.io/docs/latest/develop/data-types/streams/).
+## Installation
+You can easily install StreamObjects packages into Pharo (or GemStone/S).
+Metacello new
+ baseline: 'RediStick';
+ repository: 'github://mumez/RediStick/repository';
+ load: #('StreamObjects').
+If you need tests:
+Metacello new
+ baseline: 'RediStick';
+ repository: 'github://mumez/RediStick/repository';
+ load: #('StreamObjects' 'StreamObjectsTests').
+## Basic Usage
+### Writing Stream Data
+"Prepare a stream named 'chat-room-0001'"
+strm := RsStream new.
+strm name: 'chat-room-0001'.
+"Append data to the stream"
+strm << { #message -> 'Root 0001 created'. #user -> 'system' }.
+strm << { #message -> 'Hello'. #user -> 'john' }.
+strm << { #message -> 'Hi'. #user -> 'lily' }.
+strm << { #message -> 'Nice to meet you'. #user -> 'john' }.
+strm << { #message -> 'Nice to meet you, too'. #user -> 'lily' }.
+"Note: You can also use #nextPut:, #nextPutAssociations:, etc. #<< is just a shortcut"
+strm nextPut: #time -> Time now printString.
+### Reading stream data
+#### Read all data in the stream (not recommended for large streams)
+reader1 := RsStream new.
+reader1 name: 'chat-room-0001'.
+contents := reader1 contents.
+an OrderedCollection(1725711950457-0:{'message'->'Root 0001 created'.
+'user'->'system'} 1725711950458-0:{'message'->'Hello'. 'user'->'john'}
+1725711950459-0:{'message'->'Hi'. 'user'->'lily'}
+1725711950460-0:{'message'->'Nice to meet you'. 'user'->'john'}
+1725712771881-0:{'message'->'Nice to meet you, too'. 'user'->'lily'}
+1725715484466-0:{'time'->'10:24:44.465 pm'})"
+#### Read data in chunks
+reader2 := RsStream new.
+reader2 name: 'chat-room-0001'.
+"Read first three entries from the stream"
+contents := reader2 first: 3.
+messageId := contents last id. "pick the message id for further reading"
+"You can read the next chunk of messages after the message ID"
+moreContents := reader2 nextAtMost: 10 after: messageId.
+"an OrderedCollection(1725711950460-0:{'message'->'Nice to meet you'.
+'user'->'john'} 1725712771881-0:{'message'->'Nice to meet you, too'.
+'user'->'lily'} 1725715484466-0:{'time'->'10:24:44.465 pm'})