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[data grid] MUI: useResizeContainer - The parent DOM element of the data grid has an empty width. #7215

2 tasks done
Mattc1221 opened this issue Dec 15, 2022 · 6 comments
2 tasks done
component: data grid This is the name of the generic UI component, not the React module! status: waiting for author Issue with insufficient information support: commercial Support request from paid users


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In our application, our DataGridPro component works well but I am getting the following error for every DataGrid component when I empty cache and hard reload the page:
Screen Shot 2022-12-15 at 11 29 05 AM

If I'm understanding correctly, the issue is that the container around DataGrid needs some set size as the DataGrid component expands to fill that size. In my case, we have a vertical scrollable container with many DataGrid components inside. The width for each DataGrid component is based on its content. Following this #1241 (comment) comment to implement dynamic column widths. We calculate the width of each column based on content length (max of 500px), sum all column widths together and then set the width property of the container around the DataGrid component to that summed width. We also have a table header that has a dynamic min width and we want the DataGrids min width to be bound by that as well

Note, I have also tried inserting the example code from your doc's site (here) into the project and the issue was still present.

This is also a very tricky issue to reproduce in a sandbox. I will keep trying to create a repro, but for now, I'll add the DOM tree.

DOM tree
<div class="ChartContainer fit-content false" id="chartContainer-2">
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                     <input type="text" step="10" min="5" readonly="" value="2">
                  of 2 rows
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         <div class="ChartHeader-Button" aria-label="View Workflow" data-mui-internal-clone-element="true">
            <svg class="MuiSvgIcon-root MuiSvgIcon-fontSizeMedium css-xtuuzo-MuiSvgIcon-root" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true" viewBox="0 0 24 24" data-testid="AccountTreeRoundedIcon">
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         <div class="ChartHeader-Button" aria-label="View in a larger window" data-mui-internal-clone-element="true">
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   <div class="Chart " id="chart-2" data-context-id="2" style="background-color: white;">
      <div class="Table-Container">
         <div class="Table-Resize-Container" style="width: 372px;">
            <div class="MuiDataGrid-root MuiDataGrid-autoHeight MuiDataGrid-root--densityStandard css-mykdg9-MuiDataGrid-root" role="grid" aria-colcount="3" aria-rowcount="3" aria-multiselectable="true">
               <div class="MuiDataGrid-main css-204u17-MuiDataGrid-main">
                  <div class="MuiDataGrid-columnHeaders css-f3jnds-MuiDataGrid-columnHeaders" style="min-height: 40px; max-height: 40px; line-height: 40px;">
                     <div class="MuiDataGrid-columnHeadersInner css-gl260s-MuiDataGrid-columnHeadersInner" role="rowgroup" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px);">
                        <div role="row" aria-rowindex="1" class="css-yrdy0g-MuiDataGrid-columnHeaderRow">
                           <div class="MuiDataGrid-columnHeader MuiDataGrid-columnHeader--alignRight MuiDataGrid-columnHeader--numeric" role="columnheader" tabindex="0" aria-colindex="1" aria-sort="none" data-field="ColumnOne" style="height: 40px; width: 119px; min-width: 119px; max-width: 119px;">
                              <div class="MuiDataGrid-columnHeaderDraggableContainer" draggable="true">
                                 <div class="MuiDataGrid-columnHeaderTitleContainer">
                                    <div class="MuiDataGrid-columnHeaderTitleContainerContent">
                                       <div class="">
                                 <div class="MuiDataGrid-menuIcon">
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                                       <span class="MuiTouchRipple-root css-8je8zh-MuiTouchRipple-root">
                              <div class="MuiDataGrid-columnSeparator MuiDataGrid-columnSeparator--sideRight" style="min-height: 40px; opacity: 1;">
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                                    <path d="M11 19V5h2v14z"></path>
                           <div class="MuiDataGrid-columnHeader MuiDataGrid-columnHeader--alignRight MuiDataGrid-columnHeader--numeric" role="columnheader" tabindex="-1" aria-colindex="2" aria-sort="none" data-field="ColumnTwo" style="height: 40px; width: 121px; min-width: 121px; max-width: 121px;">
                              <div class="MuiDataGrid-columnHeaderDraggableContainer" draggable="true">
                                 <div class="MuiDataGrid-columnHeaderTitleContainer">
                                    <div class="MuiDataGrid-columnHeaderTitleContainerContent">
                                       <div class="">
                                 <div class="MuiDataGrid-menuIcon">
                                    <button class="MuiButtonBase-root MuiIconButton-root MuiIconButton-sizeSmall MuiDataGrid-menuIconButton css-1pe4mpk-MuiButtonBase-root-MuiIconButton-root" tabindex="-1" type="button" aria-label="Menu" title="Menu" aria-haspopup="true" aria-controls="mui-138" id="mui-139">
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                                       <span class="MuiTouchRipple-root css-8je8zh-MuiTouchRipple-root">
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                                    <path d="M11 19V5h2v14z"></path>
                           <div class="MuiDataGrid-columnHeader MuiDataGrid-columnHeader--alignRight MuiDataGrid-columnHeader--numeric" role="columnheader" tabindex="-1" aria-colindex="3" aria-sort="none" data-field="ColumnThree" style="height: 40px; width: 132px; min-width: 132px; max-width: 132px;">
                              <div class="MuiDataGrid-columnHeaderDraggableContainer" draggable="true">
                                 <div class="MuiDataGrid-columnHeaderTitleContainer">
                                    <div class="MuiDataGrid-columnHeaderTitleContainerContent">
                                       <div class="">
                                 <div class="MuiDataGrid-menuIcon">
                                    <button class="MuiButtonBase-root MuiIconButton-root MuiIconButton-sizeSmall MuiDataGrid-menuIconButton css-1pe4mpk-MuiButtonBase-root-MuiIconButton-root" tabindex="-1" type="button" aria-label="Menu" title="Menu" aria-haspopup="true" aria-controls="mui-140" id="mui-141">
                                       <svg class="MuiSvgIcon-root MuiSvgIcon-fontSizeSmall css-ptiqhd-MuiSvgIcon-root" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true" viewBox="0 0 24 24" data-testid="TripleDotsVerticalIcon">
                                          <path d="M12 8c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2s-.9-2-2-2-2 .9-2 2 .9 2 2 2zm0 2c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2s.9 2 2 2 2-.9 2-2-.9-2-2-2zm0 6c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2s.9 2 2 2 2-.9 2-2-.9-2-2-2z"></path>
                                       <span class="MuiTouchRipple-root css-8je8zh-MuiTouchRipple-root">
                              <div class="MuiDataGrid-columnSeparator MuiDataGrid-columnSeparator--sideRight" style="min-height: 40px; opacity: 1;">
                                 <svg class="MuiSvgIcon-root MuiSvgIcon-fontSizeMedium MuiDataGrid-iconSeparator css-i4bv87-MuiSvgIcon-root" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true" viewBox="0 0 24 24" data-testid="SeparatorIcon">
                                    <path d="M11 19V5h2v14z"></path>
                  <div style="overflow: visible; width: 0px;">
                     <div class="MuiDataGrid-virtualScroller css-1w5m2wr-MuiDataGrid-virtualScroller" style="width: 462px; height: auto; margin-top: 40px; overflow: hidden;">
                        <div class="MuiDataGrid-virtualScrollerContent css-1kwdphh-MuiDataGrid-virtualScrollerContent" style="width: auto; height: 76.875px; min-height: calc((100% - 0px) - 0px);">
                           <div class="MuiDataGrid-virtualScrollerRenderZone css-s1v7zr-MuiDataGrid-virtualScrollerRenderZone" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px);">
                              <div data-id="0" data-rowindex="0" role="row" class="MuiDataGrid-row MuiDataGrid-row--dynamicHeight" aria-rowindex="2" aria-selected="false" style="max-height: none; min-height: auto;">
                                 <div class="MuiDataGrid-cell--withRenderer MuiDataGrid-cell MuiDataGrid-cell--textRight" role="cell" data-field="ColumnOne" data-colindex="0" aria-colindex="1" aria-colspan="1" tabindex="-1" style="min-width: 119px; max-width: 119px; min-height: auto; max-height: none;">
                                    <span style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis;">
                                 <div class="MuiDataGrid-cell--withRenderer MuiDataGrid-cell MuiDataGrid-cell--textRight" role="cell" data-field="ColumnTwo" data-colindex="1" aria-colindex="2" aria-colspan="1" tabindex="-1" style="min-width: 121px; max-width: 121px; min-height: auto; max-height: none;">
                                    <span style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis;">
                                 <div class="MuiDataGrid-cell--withRenderer MuiDataGrid-cell MuiDataGrid-cell--textRight" role="cell" data-field="ColumnThree" data-colindex="2" aria-colindex="3" aria-colspan="1" tabindex="-1" style="min-width: 132px; max-width: 132px; min-height: auto; max-height: none;">
                                    <span style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis;">
                                 <div class="MuiDataGrid-cell" style="width: 90px;"></div>
                              <div data-id="1" data-rowindex="1" role="row" class="MuiDataGrid-row MuiDataGrid-row--lastVisible MuiDataGrid-row--dynamicHeight" aria-rowindex="3" aria-selected="false" style="max-height: none; min-height: auto;">
                                 <div class="MuiDataGrid-cell--withRenderer MuiDataGrid-cell MuiDataGrid-cell--textRight" role="cell" data-field="ColumnOne" data-colindex="0" aria-colindex="1" aria-colspan="1" tabindex="-1" style="min-width: 119px; max-width: 119px; min-height: auto; max-height: none;">
                                    <span style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis;">
                                 <div class="MuiDataGrid-cell--withRenderer MuiDataGrid-cell MuiDataGrid-cell--textRight" role="cell" data-field="ColumnTwo" data-colindex="1" aria-colindex="2" aria-colspan="1" tabindex="-1" style="min-width: 121px; max-width: 121px; min-height: auto; max-height: none;">
                                    <span style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis;">
                                 <div class="MuiDataGrid-cell--withRenderer MuiDataGrid-cell MuiDataGrid-cell--textRight" role="cell" data-field="ColumnThree" data-colindex="2" aria-colindex="3" aria-colspan="1" tabindex="-1" style="min-width: 132px; max-width: 132px; min-height: auto; max-height: none;">
                                    <span style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis;">
                                 <div class="MuiDataGrid-cell" style="width: 90px;"></div>
                  <div class="Mui-resizeTriggers">
                     <div class="expand-trigger">
                        <div style="width: 463px; height: 118px;"></div>
                     <div class="contract-trigger"></div>
Table Styling
.Table-Container {
  width: 100%;
  max-width: -webkit-fill-available;
  border: 5px solid white;

  .Table-Resize-Container {
    min-width: -webkit-fill-available;
    max-width: -webkit-fill-available;

    .MuiDataGrid-root {
      border: none;

      .MuiDataGrid-columnHeader {
        padding: 0 8px;

        .MuiDataGrid-columnHeaderTitleContainerContent {
          font-size: 14px;
          color: gray;

        .MuiDataGrid-columnSeparator {
          width: 0;
          visibility: hidden;

        .MuiDataGrid-menuIcon {
          margin-left: -6px !important;

      .MuiDataGrid-row {
        &.odd {
          background: #f5f5f5;

        &:hover {
          background: #f0f0f0;

        .MuiDataGrid-cell {
          font-size: 15px;
          color: #2e2f3e;

        &.expanded {
          min-height: auto !important;
          max-height: none !important;

          .MuiDataGrid-cell {
            min-height: auto !important;
            max-height: none !important;
            overflow: visible;
            text-overflow: unset;
            white-space: break-spaces;

            span {
              width: 100%;
              overflow: visible !important;
              text-overflow: unset !important;
              overflow-wrap: break-word;

      .MuiDataGrid-footerContainer {
        justify-content: start;

  ::-webkit-scrollbar {
    appearance: none;
    height: 0.45rem;

  ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
    height: 3px;
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
    border: 2px solid white;
    border-radius: 16px;

Your environment 🌎

`npx @mui/envinfo`

- OS: macOS 12.2.1
- CPU: (10) arm64 Apple M1 Max
- Memory: 676.78 MB / 32.00 GB
- Shell: 3.2.57 - /bin/bash
- Node: 16.15.1 - /usr/local/bin/node
- npm: 8.1.2 - /usr/local/bin/npm
- Homebrew: 3.6.6 - /usr/local/bin/brew
- pip3: 22.3.1 - ~/.pyenv/shims/pip3
- RubyGems: - /usr/bin/gem
- Make: 3.81 - /usr/bin/make
- GCC: 12.3. - /usr/bin/gcc
- Git: 2.37.0 - /usr/local/bin/git
- Clang: 13.0.0 - /usr/bin/clang
- Apache: 2.4.51 - /usr/sbin/apachectl
- Docker: 20.10.17 - /usr/local/bin/docker
- Nano: 2.0.6 - /usr/bin/nano
- Vim: 8.2 - /usr/bin/vim
- Xcode: /undefined - /usr/bin/xcodebuild
- Bash: 3.2.57 - /bin/bash
- Go: 1.19.1 - /usr/local/go/bin/go
- Perl: 5.30.3 - /usr/bin/perl
- Python: 3.8.13 - /Users/mattc1221/.pyenv/shims/python
- Python3: 3.8.13 - /Users/mattc1221/.pyenv/shims/python3
- R: 4.2.1 - /usr/local/bin/R
- Ruby: 2.6.8 - /usr/bin/ruby
- PostgreSQL: 14.4 - /usr/local/bin/postgres
- SQLite: 3.36.0 - /usr/bin/sqlite3
- Chrome: 108.0.5359.98
- Safari: 15.3

@Mattc1221 Mattc1221 added status: waiting for maintainer These issues haven't been looked at yet by a maintainer support: commercial Support request from paid users labels Dec 15, 2022
@MBilalShafi MBilalShafi added the component: data grid This is the name of the generic UI component, not the React module! label Dec 16, 2022
@m4theushw m4theushw removed the status: waiting for maintainer These issues haven't been looked at yet by a maintainer label Dec 16, 2022
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Dynamic column width is for when you don't know the width of the content beforehand but knows that maximum width of the container = possible horizontal scrollbar. It seems that in your application you want dynamic column width but also to have the width of the grid equals to the sum of all columns = no horizontal scrollbar. I'm correct? If yes, then it more or less the behavior of autoHeight, but for width, which is not supported yet.

@m4theushw m4theushw changed the title MUI: useResizeContainer - The parent DOM element of the datagird has an empty width. [data grid] MUI: useResizeContainer - The parent DOM element of the data grid has an empty width. Dec 16, 2022
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Mattc1221 commented Dec 16, 2022


You are correct. However, I have also tried removing that logic and setting a fixed width in the parent component of the DataGrid and am still getting this error message.

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martin-mael commented Oct 19, 2023

In my case, I had this issue when I was passing a sortModel to initialState with columns that were not defined (I have multiple DataGrid scenarios, with different columns, so i was passing multiple columns to the initialState). After removing the missing columns, the error was gone !

Before :

  sorting: {
    sortModel: [
      { field: 'account', sort: 'asc' },
      { field: 'counterpart', sort: 'asc' },
      { field: 'date', sort: 'asc' },

After (initialSortModel passed as prop, with type GridSortItem) :

  sorting: {
    sortModel: initialSortModel && [initialSortModel],

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Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 16 32 02

the problem can be the testing environment and the way how MUI detects it — see the /jsdom/ regex on the screenshot above.
In my case, the issue was caused by using HappyDOM instead of JSDOM in vitest (it's faster), but it has to pretend something in config — that fixed it

    environmentOptions: {
      happyDOM: {
        width: 1280,
        height: 1024,
        settings: {
          // @see
          navigator: {
            userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 HappyDOM/jsdom/compatible", // <— this

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romgrk commented Jul 25, 2024

For the record, having the grid work in jsdom/happy-dom is somewhat hard, those are completely emulated environments that lack some standard browser APIs and features. Those are fine for simple testing, but for real production testing I would recommend playwright or any other headless browser runner.

@Mattc1221 Could you confirm if this issue is still relevant to you? If so, we would need a clear reproduction case to assist with the error.

@romgrk romgrk added the status: waiting for author Issue with insufficient information label Jul 25, 2024
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github-actions bot commented Aug 2, 2024

The issue has been inactive for 7 days and has been automatically closed.

@github-actions github-actions bot closed this as completed Aug 2, 2024
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component: data grid This is the name of the generic UI component, not the React module! status: waiting for author Issue with insufficient information support: commercial Support request from paid users
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