- L.L
- Clodius
- tr.
- tribunus
- pl.
- plebis
- deignatu
- valde
- me
- diligit
- uel,
- ut
- ἐμφατικώτερον
- exssius
- expressius
- dicam, valde
- me
- amat. quod
- quom
- mihi
- ita
- persuasum
- sit, non
- dubito
- :
- (
- bene
- enim
- me
- noi
- :
- )
- quin
- illum
- quoque
- iudice
- a
- me
- amari.
- Nihil
- enim
- minu
- uidetur
- quam
- non
- repondere
- in
- amore
- ii
- a
- quibu
- prouocere.
- is
- mihi
- viu
- e
- upicari,
- nec
- ine
- magno
- quidem
- dolore,
- aliquid
- a
- ui
- uel
- per
- uo
- potiu
- inimico
- ad
- te
- ee
- delatum
- quo
- tuu
- animu
- a
- e
- eet
- alienior.
- Non
- oleo,
- mi
- Brute,
- quod
- tibi
- notum
- ee
- arbitror
- :
- ,
- temere
- adfirmare
- de
- altero.
- e
- enim
- iculosum
- periculosum
- propter
- occulta
- hominum
- uoluntate
- multiplicique
- natura.
- Clodii
- animum
- spectum
- perspectum
- habeo
- .
- ,
- cognitum
- .
- ,
- iudicatum.
- multa
- eiu
- iudicia
- ,
- ed
- ad
- cribendum
- non
- necearia.
- Volo
- enim
- teimonium
- hoc
- tibi
- uideri.
- potiu
- quam
- epistolam:
- auctu
- Anton
- beneficio
- e
- .
- (
- Eiu
- ipiu
- benefici
- magna
- par
- a
- te
- e).
- Itaque
- eum
- alui
- nobi
- uellet
- aluum.
- in
- eum
- autem
- locum
- rem
- adductam
- intellegit
- .
- (
- e
- enim,
- ut
- ci,
- minime
- ultu)
- .
- )
- ut
- utrique
- alui
- ee
- non
- point;
- itaque
- no
- mauult.
- De
- te
- uero
- amiciime
- et
- loquitur
- et
- entit.
- Quare
- i
- qui
- ecu
- ad
- te
- de
- ips
- e
- o
- cripit
- aut
- i
- coram
- locutus
- e, peto
- a
- te
- et
- iam
- atque
- et
- iam
- mihi
- ut
- potiu
- credas
- qui
- et
- faciliu
- iudicare
- poum
- quam
- ille
- necio
- qui:
- et
- te
- plus
- diligo.
- Clodium
- tibi
- amiciimum
- exiima
- .
- ,
- ciuemque
- talem
- quali
- et
- prudentiimu
- et
- fortuna
- optima
- ee
- debet.
- Scripta
- et
- obsignata
- iam
- epiola
- :
- ,
- littere
- litterae
- mihi
- reddite
- redditae
- sunt
- a
- te
- plenae
- rerum
- nouarum, maximeque
- mirabile
- dolobellam
- Dolabellam
- quinque
- cohorte
- miie
- in
- cheroneum
- Cheroneum
- .
- adeo
- ne
- copiis
- abundat
- :
- ,
- ut
- i
- qui
- ex
- aia
- Aia
- fugere
- dicebatur:
- europam
- Europam
- petere
- conetur?
- quinque
- autem
- cohortibu
- quid nam
- quidnam
- faurum
- arbitratu
- e
- :
- ,
- quom
- tu
- eo
- quinq:
- quinque
- legione
- optimum
- equitatum
- maxima
- auxilia:
- habere
- :
- ?
- qua
- quidem
- cohorte
- pero
- iam
- tua
- ee
- :
- ,
- quoniam
- latro
- ille
- tam
- fuit
- demes
- demens
- . tuum
- consilium
- uehementer
- laudo
- :
- ,
- quod
- non
- prius
- exercitum
- appollonia
- Apollonia
- dyrachioque
- Dyrrachioque
- mouii
- :
- ,
- quam
- de
- Anton
- fuga
- audii
- :
- ,
- bruti
- Bruti
- eruptione
- :
- ,
- P.
- populi
- R.
- Romani
- vioria. Itaque
- quod
- cribi
- potea
- atuie
- te
- ducere
- exercitum
- in
- cheroneum
- Cheroneum
- nec
- pati
- celeratiimo
- hoi
- ludibrio
- ee
- imperium
- P.
- populi
- R.
- Romani
- facis
- ex
- tua
- dignitate
- et
- ex
- r.
- re
- p.
- publica
- .
- Quod
- scribis
- de
- seditione
- i
- quae
- faa
- e
- in
- legione
- quarta
- de
- Catoniis
- C. Antonii
- (
- in
- bonam
- partem
- accipie
- .
- )
- magi
- mihi
- probatur
- militum
- euerita
- :
- ,
- quam
- quam
- tua.
- beneuolentiam
- exercitu
- equitumque
- expertum
- uehementer
- gaudeo.
- De
- dolobella
- Dolabella
- ut
- cribi
- .
- ,
- iquid
- noui
- habe
- ,
- facie
- me
- certiorem:
- in
- quo
- deleor
- me
- ante
- prouidie
- ut
- tuum
- iudicium
- liberum
- eet
- cum
- dolobella
- Dolabella
- belli
- gerendi.
- id
- ualde
- pertinuit
- .
- ,
- ut
- ego
- tum
- intellegebam
- .
- ,
- ad
- r.
- rem
- p.
- publicam
- nunc
- iudico
- ad
- dignitatem
- tuam.
- Quod
- cribi
- me
- maximo
- egisseut
- inectarer
- antonio
- Antonio
- .
- ,
- idque
- lauda
- .
- ,
- credo
- ita
- uideri
- tibi.
- ed
- illam
- diinctionem
- tuam
- nullo
- pao
- probo
- ;
- cribi
- i
- enim
- acriu
- hibenda
- prohibenda
- bella
- ciuilia
- esse
- :
- ,
- quam
- in
- superatos
- iracundiam
- exercendam. Vehementer
- a
- te,
- brute
- Brute
- ,
- dissentio
- .
- ;
- nec
- clementiae
- tue
- tuae
- concedo
- .
- ,
- ed
- alutari
- eueritas
- vincit
- inanem
- peciem
- clementie
- clementiae
- . quod
- i
- clemente
- ee
- volumus, numquam
- deerunt
- bella
- ciuilia.
- Sed
- de
- hoc
- tu
- uideri.
- de
- me
- possum
- idem
- quod
- Plautinu
- pater
- in
- Trinummo
- .
- :
- 'mihi
- quidem
- aetas
- acta
- ferme
- e:
- tua
- iuc
- refert
- maxime.'
- opprimemini,
- mihi
- crede,
- brute
- Brute
- ,
- nii
- prouideti.
- neque
- enim
- populum
- emper
- eundem
- habebiti
- .
- ,
- neque
- enatum
- :
- ,
- neque
- enatu
- ducem.
- haec
- ex
- oraculo
- apollini
- Apollini
- pyth
- Pyth
- edita
- tibi
- puta.
- nihil
- pote
- ee
- ueriu. XII
- K.
- Kalendas
- maias
- ;
- .
- Nore
- Norae
- res
- meliore
- loco
- uidebantur.
- Scripta
- enim
- ad
- te
- certo
- scio
- quae
- gea
- sint.
- quales
- tibi
- sepe
- saepe
- scripsi
- consules,
- tales
- extiterunt.
- Csaris
- Caesaris
- uero
- pueri
- mirifica
- indoles
- uirtutis.
- Utinam
- tam
- facile
- eum
- florentem
- et
- honoribus
- et
- gratia
- regere
- ac
- tenere
- possimus:
- quam
- facile
- ad huc
- adhuc
- tenuimus
- :
- !
- e
- omnino
- illud
- difficilius,
- sed
- tamen
- non
- diffidimus. persuasum
- enim
- adulescenti
- et
- maxime
- per
- per
- me
- :
- ,
- eius
- opera
- nos
- esse
- saluos
- :
- ;
- et
- certe,
- nisi
- is
- antonium
- Antonium
- ab
- urbe
- auertisset
- perissent
- omnia
- :
- .
- triduo
- uero
- enim
- aut
- quadriduo
- ante
- hanc
- rem
- pulcherrimam
- timore
- quodam
- perculsa
- ciuitas
- .
- tota
- ad
- te
- se
- cum
- coniugibus
- et
- liberis
- effundebat.
- eadem
- recreata
- ad
- K.
- Kalendas
- maias.
- te
- huc
- uenire
- quam
- se
- ad
- te
- ire
- malebat.
- quo
- quidem
- die
- magnorum
- meorum
- laborum
- multarumque
- uigiliarum
- fructum
- cepi
- maximum,
- si
- modo
- e
- aliquis
- fruus
- ex
- solida
- ueraque
- gloria.
- Nam
- tante
- tantae
- multitudinis
- quantam
- capit
- urbs
- nora
- concursus
- e
- ad
- me
- factus
- eacum
- usq:
- usque
- in
- capitolium
- Capitolium
- deduus,
- maximo
- clamore
- atque
- plausu
- in
- rostris
- collocatus
- sum.
- nihil
- e
- in
- me
- inane
- neq:
- neque
- enim
- enim
- debet
- sed
- tamen
- omnium
- ordinum
- consensus,
- gratiarum
- actio.
- gratulatioque
- me
- commou
- commouet
- .
- ,
- propterea
- quod
- me
- popularem
- esse
- in
- populi
- salute
- praeclarum
- e. Sed
- haec
- te
- malo
- ab
- aliis. me
- uelim
- de
- tuis
- rebus
- conuils
- que
- conuilsque
- facias
- diligentissime
- certiorem,
- illud que
- illudque
- consideres
- ne
- tua
- liberalitas
- dissolutior
- uideatur.
- sic
- sentit
- senatus
- .
- ,
- sic
- populus
- ro
- Romanus
- .
- ,
- nullos
- unquam
- hostis
- digniores
- omni
- supplicio
- fuisse
- quam
- eos
- civis
- :
- ,
- qui
- hoc
- bello
- contra
- patriam
- arma
- coeperunt
- ceperunt
- :
- .
- quos
- quidem
- ego
- omnib
- omnibus
- sententiis
- ulciscor
- et
- sequor
- persequor
- oni
- omni
- bus
- bonis
- approbantibus.
- Tu
- quid
- de
- hac
- re
- sentias,
- tui
- iudic
- e. Ego
- sic
- sentio,
- trium
- fratrum
- unam
- et
- eandem
- esse
- causam.
- duos,
- bonos
- amisimus.
- hirtius
- Hirtius
- quidem
- cons
- in
- ipsa
- uioria
- occidit
- .
- ,
- cum
- paucis
- diebus
- magno
- proelio
- ante
- uiciss
- uicisset
- .
- Nam
- pansa
- Pansa
- fugerat
- uulneribus
- acceptis
- :
- ,
- que
- quae
- ferre
- non
- potuit.
- reliquias
- hoium
- brutus
- Brutus
- persequitur
- et
- caesar
- Caesar
- .
- hoes
- autem
- omnes
- iudicati
- :
- ,
- qui
- M.
- Anton
- sectam
- secuti
- sunt.
- Itaque
- id
- senatus
- consultum
- pleriq:
- plerique
- interpretantur
- am
- etiam
- ad
- tuos
- siue
- captiuos.
- siue
- dedititios
- dediticios
- tinere
- pertinere
- .
- equidem
- nihil
- disserui
- durius
- .
- ,
- cum
- nominatim
- de
- C.
- antonio
- Antonio
- decernerem.
- Quod
- ita
- atueram
- a
- te
- cognoscere
- causa
- causam
- eius
- senatum
- oportere.
- V.
- K.
- Kalendas
- maias.
- QVanta
- sim
- letitia
- laetitia
- adfectus
- cognitis
- rebus
- bruti
- Bruti
- nori
- et
- consulum
- facilius
- e
- tibi
- exiimare
- quam
- mihi
- scribere.
- cum
- alia
- laudo
- et
- gaudeo
- accidisse
- tum
- quod
- bruti
- Bruti
- eruptio
- non
- solum
- ipsi
- salutaris
- fuit
- .
- ,
- sed
- am
- etiam
- maximo
- ad
- uictoriam
- adiumento. Quod
- scribis
- mihi
- trium
- antoniorum
- Antoniorum
- unam
- atq:
- atque
- eandem
- causam
- esse
- quid
- ego
- sentiam
- mei
- iudici
- esse
- atuo
- nihil
- nisi
- hoc
- .
- ,
- Senatus
- aut
- P.
- populi
- R.
- Romani
- iudicium
- esse
- de
- iis
- ciuibus
- :
- ,
- qui
- pugnantes
- non
- interierint.
- 'At
- hoc
- ipsum'
- iniquies
- 'inique
- facis:
- qui
- hoilis
- animi
- in
- re.
- rem
- p.
- publicam
- homines
- ciues
- appelles'.
- Immo
- iuissime.
- Quod
- enim
- nondum
- senatus
- censuit
- nec
- P.
- populus
- R.
- Romanus
- iussit
- :
- ,
- id
- adroganter
- non
- preiudico
- praeiudico
- neque
- reuoco
- ad
- arbitrium
- meum.
- illud
- quidem
- non
- muto
- .
- ,
- quod
- ei
- quem
- me
- occidere
- res
- non
- coegit
- neq:
- neque
- quicquam
- crudeliter
- eripui
- neque
- dissolute
- quicquam
- remisi
- habuiq:
- habuique
- in
- mea
- potestate.
- quod
- ad
- bellum
- fuit. multo
- quidem
- honeius
- iudico
- magisque
- concedere
- quod
- possit
- res
- rei
- p.
- publicae
- miserorum
- fortunam
- non
- insectari
- .
- ,
- quam
- infinite
- tribuere
- potentibus
- .
- ,
- que
- quae
- cupiditatem
- et
- adrogantiam
- incendere
- possint.
- Qua
- in
- re,
- Cicero,
- uir
- optime
- ac
- fortissime
- mihi que
- mihique
- merito
- et
- meo
- nomine
- et
- rei
- p.
- publicae
- carissime,
- nimis
- credere
- uideris
- spei
- tue
- tuae
- :
- ,
- statimque,
- ut
- quisq:
- quisque
- aliquid
- ree
- fecerit
- :
- ,
- omnia
- dare
- ac
- permittere
- quasi
- non
- liceat
- traduci
- ad
- mala
- consilia
- corruptum
- largitionibus
- animum.
- Que
- Quae
- tua
- e
- humanitas
- equo
- aequo
- animo
- te
- moneri
- patieris
- .
- ,
- praesertim
- de
- communi
- salute.
- facies
- tamen
- quod
- tibi
- uisum
- fuerit. etiam
- ego,
- cum
- me
- docueris
- nunc,
- cicero
- Cicero
- ,
- nunc
- agendum
- est.
- ne
- frura
- oppressum
- esse
- antonium
- Antonium
- gauisi
- simus
- :
- ,
- neu
- sem
- semper
- primi
- cuiusque
- mali
- excidendi
- causa
- sit
- :
- ,
- ut
- aliud
- renascatur
- illo
- peius.
- nihil
- iam
- neq:
- neque
- opinantibus
- aut
- patientibus
- nobis
- aduersi
- euenire
- pote.
- in
- quo
- non
- cum
- omnium
- culpa
- :
- ,
- tum
- precipue
- praecipue
- tua
- futura
- sit
- :
- ,
- cuius
- tantam
- auctoritatem
- senatus
- ac
- P.
- populus
- R.
- Romanus
- > non
- solum
- esse
- patitur
- sed
- iam
- etiam
- cupit
- quanta
- maxime
- in
- libera
- ciuitate
- unius
- esse
- pote
- :
- .
- Qu
- Quam
- tu
- non
- solum
- bene
- sentiendo
- sed
- iam
- etiam
- prudenter
- tueri
- debes;
- prudentia
- porro, quae
- tibi
- superest,
- nulla
- abs
- te
- desideratur
- nisi
- modus
- in
- tribuendis
- honoribus.
- omnia
- alia
- sic
- adsunt
- ut
- cum
- quolib
- quolibet
- antiquorum
- comparari
- possint
- tu
- uirtutes.
- unum
- hoc
- grato
- animo
- liberalique
- eum
- profeum
- :
- ,
- cautiorem
- ac
- moderatiorem
- liberalitatem
- desiderant.
- Nihil
- enim
- senatus
- cui
- cuiquam
- dare
- debet
- quod
- male
- cogitantibus
- exemplum
- aut
- presidio
- praesidio
- sit.
- Itaq:
- Itaque
- timeo
- de
- consulatu
- .
- ,
- ne
- csar
- Csar
- tuus
- altius
- se
- ascendisse
- putet
- decretis
- tuis
- quam
- inde
- consul
- si
- faus
- sit,
- excensurum
- escensurum
- .
- quod
- si
- antonius
- Antonius
- ab
- alio
- relictum
- regni
- inrumentum
- occasionem
- regnandi
- habuit,
- quo nam
- quonam
- animo
- fore
- putas:
- siquis
- auctore
- non
- tyrno
- tyranno
- interfecto
- :
- ,
- sed
- ipso
- senatu
- put
- putet
- se
- imperia
- quelibet
- quaelibet
- concupiscere
- posse
- .
- ?
- Quare
- tum
- et
- felicitatem
- et
- prouidentiam
- laudabo
- tuam
- cum
- exploratum
- habere
- cepero
- coepero
- cesarem
- caesarem
- honoribus
- quos
- acceperit
- extraordinars
- fore
- conttum
- contentum
- .
- '
- aliene
- alienae
- igitur
- culpe
- culpae
- '
- inquies
- :
- 'me
- reum
- subicies?'
- prors
- aliene
- alienae
- ,
- si
- prouideri
- potuit
- ne
- exier
- exieret
- .
- quod
- utinam
- inspectare
- possis
- posses
- timorem
- de
- illo
- meum.
- his
- litteris
- scriptis
- consulem
- te
- factum
- audiuimus.
- tum
- uero
- incipiam
- onere
- proponere
- mihi
- r.
- rem
- p.
- publicam
- iuam
- et
- iam
- suis
- nitentem
- uiribus
- si
- iuc
- uidero.
- filius
- ualet
- et
- in
- macedoniam
- Macedoniam
- cum
- equitatu
- premissus
- praemissus
- e. Idibus
- mas
- ex
- caris
- :
- .
- A.
- d.
- dies
- V
- K.
- Kalendas
- maias
- Maias
- ,
- cum
- de
- iis
- qui
- hoes
- iudicati
- sunt.
- bello
- sequendis
- persequendis
- sententie
- sententiae
- dicerentur
- :
- ,
- dixit
- Seruilius
- et
- cetera
- de
- uentidio
- .
- et
- ut
- cassius
- Cassius
- persequeretur
- dolobellam
- Dolabellam
- :
- .
- cui
- cum
- essem
- adsensus,
- decreui
- hoc
- amplius
- ut
- tu, si
- arbitrarere
- utile
- ex que
- exque
- re
- ..
- publica
- esse
- .
- ,
- persequerer
- persequere
- bello
- dolabellam; si
- minus
- id
- commodo
- rei
- ..
- publicae
- facere
- posses
- siue
- non
- existimares
- ex
- re
- ..
- publica
- esse
- ut
- in
- iisdem
- locis
- exercitum
- contineres.
- nihil
- honorificentius
- potuit
- facere
- senatus:
- quam
- ut
- tu
- tuum
- esset
- iudicium:
- quid
- maxime
- conducere
- rei
- ..
- publicae
- sibi
- uideretur. equidem
- sic
- sentio,
- si
- man
- manum
- hab
- habet
- .
- ,
- si
- cara,
- si
- ubi
- consiat
- uspiam
- dolobella
- Dolabella
- .
- ,
- ad
- fidem
- et
- ad
- dignitatem
- tuam
- pertinere
- eum
- persequi. de
- cassii
- Cassii
- nori
- copiis
- nihil
- sciebamus.
- neque
- enim
- ab
- ipso
- ulle
- ullae
- littere
- litterae
- neque
- nuntiabatur
- quicquam
- quod
- pro
- certo
- haberemus.
- quantopere
- autem
- intersit
- opprimi
- dolobellam
- Dolabellam
- profecto
- intellegis
- :
- ,
- cum
- ut
- sceleris
- poenas
- soluat
- persoluat
- :
- ,
- tum
- ne
- sit
- latronum
- duces
- ex
- quo
- se
- mutinensi
- fuga
- conferant,
- atque
- hoc
- mihi
- iam
- ante
- placuisse
- potes
- ex
- superioribus
- meis
- litteris
- recordari
- :
- .
- quamquam
- tum
- et
- fuge
- fugae
- portus
- erat
- in
- tuis
- caris
- et
- subsidium
- salutis
- in
- tuo
- exercitu.
- quo
- magis
- nunc
- liberati,
- ut
- spero,
- periculis
- in
- dolobella
- Dolabella
- opprimendo
- occupati
- esse
- debemus.
- Sed
- hoc
- cogitabis
- diligentius
- :
- ,
- atues
- sapienter
- :
- ,
- facies
- nos
- quod
- conitueris
- et
- quid
- agas
- si,
- tibi
- uidebitur,
- certiores.
- Ciceronem
- norum
- norum
- in
- uestrum
- collegium
- cooptari
- uolo.
- exiimo
- omnino
- absentium
- rationem
- sacerdotum:
- comitiis
- posse
- haberi.
- nam
- et
- faum
- e
- antea.
- gaius
- Gaius
- enim
- marius
- Marius
- ,
- cum
- in
- capadocia
- Cappadocia
- esset,
- lege
- dmitia
- faus
- e
- augur
- :
- ,
- nec
- quominus
- id
- poea
- licer
- liceret
- ulla
- lex
- sanxit.
- e
- iam
- etiam
- in
- lege
- iulia
- .
- ,
- que
- quae
- lex
- e
- de
- sacerdotiis
- proxima,
- his
- uerbs:
- 'qui
- pet
- petet
- cuiusue
- ratio
- habebitur'
- :
- .
- aperte
- iudicat
- posse
- rationem
- haberi.
- etiam
- non
- petentis. hac
- de
- re
- scripsi
- ad
- eum
- ut
- tuo
- iudicio
- uteretur
- sicut
- in
- rebus
- omnibus
- :
- .
- tibi
- autem
- statuendum
- est
- de
- Domitio
- :
- ,
- de
- Catone
- noro. Sed
- quamvis
- liceat
- absentis
- rationem
- haberi
- :
- ,
- tamen
- omnia
- sunt
- presentibus
- praesentibus
- faciliora.
- Quod
- si
- atueris
- in
- asiam
- Asiam
- tibi
- eundum
- ,
- nulla
- erit
- ad
- comitia
- noros
- accersendi
- facultas.
- omnino
- Pansa
- uiuo
- celeriora
- omnia
- putabamus.
- atim
- enim
- colleg
- collegam
- sibi
- subrogauisset
- :
- ;
- deinde
- ante
- pretoria
- praetoria
- sacerdotum
- comitia
- fuisseut
- fuissent
- :
- .
- nunc
- per
- auspicia
- longam
- moram
- uideo.
- dum
- enim
- unus
- erit
- patricius
- magiratus,
- auspicia
- ad
- patres
- redire
- non
- possunt.
- magna
- sane
- turbatio
- perturbatio
- .
- tu
- tota
- de
- re
- quid
- sentias
- uelim
- me
- facias
- certiorem.
- nonas
- maias.
- Noli
- expeare
- dum
- tibi
- gratias
- agam.
- iam
- pridem
- hoc
- ex
- nora
- necessitudine,
- que
- quae
- ad
- summam
- beneuolentiam
- peruenit
- :
- ,
- sublatum
- esse
- deb
- debet
- .
- filius
- tuus
- a
- me
- abe.
- in
- macedonia
- Macedonia
- congrediemur.
- Iussus
- e
- enim
- ambrachia
- Ambracia
- ducere
- equites
- per
- thessaliam
- Thessssaliam
- .
- Scripsi
- ad
- eum
- ut
- mihi
- heracleam
- Heracleam
- occreret
- occurreret
- .
- cum
- e
- eum
- uidero
- .
- ,
- quoniam
- nobis
- mittis
- permittis
- .
- ,
- communiter
- conituemus
- de
- reditu
- eius
- ad
- petitionem
- aut
- commendation
- commendationem
- honoris
- :
- .
- Tibi
- glycona
- Glycona
- ,
- medicum
- panse
- Pansae
- qui
- sororem
- Achilleos
- nostri
- in
- matrimonio
- habet, diligentissime
- commendo. audimus
- eum
- venisse
- in
- suspicionem
- Torquato
- de
- morte
- Pansae
- cuodiri que
- cuodirique
- ut
- parricidam.
- nihil
- minus
- credendum
- e.
- quis
- enim
- maiorem
- calamitatem
- morte
- panse
- Pansae
- accepit
- .
- ?
- prterea
- e
- modeus
- homo
- et
- frugi
- .
- ,
- quem
- ne
- utilitas
- quidem
- uideatur
- impulsura
- fuisse
- ad
- facinus.
- rogo
- te,
- et
- quidem
- ualde
- rogo
- (nam
- achilleus
- Achilleus
- noer
- non
- minus
- quam
- equum
- aequum
- e
- laborat)
- .
- ,
- eripias
- eum
- ex
- cuodia.
- conseruesque.
- hoc
- ego
- ad
- meum
- officium
- priuatarum
- rerum
- eque
- aeque
- atque
- ullam
- aliam
- rem
- pertinere
- arbitror. Cum
- has
- ad
- te
- scriberem
- litteras,
- a
- Satrio, legato
- C.
- trebonii
- Trebonii
- , reddita
- est
- epiula
- mihi
- a
- tillio
- Tillio
- et
- deiotaro
- Deiotaro
- dolobellam
- Dolabellam
- cesum
- caesum
- fugatumque
- esse.
- grcam
- epiulam
- tibi
- misi
- cicerei
- Cicerei
- cuiusdam
- ad
- Satrium
- missam. Flauius
- noer
- de
- controuersia
- quam
- habet
- cum
- dyrrachinis
- hereditariam:
- sumpsit
- te
- iudicem.
- rogo
- te,
- cicero
- Cicero
- ,
- et
- flauius
- Flauius
- rogat
- rem
- conficias.
- quin
- ei
- qui
- flauium
- Flauium
- fecit
- heredem
- pecuniam
- debuerit
- ciuitas
- non
- e
- dubium
- :
- ;
- neque
- dyrachini
- inficiantur,
- sed
- sibi
- donatum
- s
- aes
- lienum
- a
- csare
- Csare
- dicunt.
- noli
- pati
- a
- necessariis
- tuis
- necessario
- meo
- iniuriam
- fieri.
- Kal.
- iunias
- ex
- caris
- adimam
- ad
- imam
- candauiam
- Candauiam
- .
- Bibulus
- quam
- carus
- mihi
- esse
- debeat
- nemo
- melius
- iudicare
- pote
- quam
- tu
- :
- ,
- cuius
- tante
- tantae
- pro
- re
- .p.
- publica
- contentiones
- sollicitudines que
- sollicitudinesque
- fuerunt.
- Itaque
- uel
- ipsius
- uirtus
- uel
- nora
- necessitudo
- debet
- conciliare
- te
- illi.
- quominus
- multa
- mihi
- scribenda
- esse
- arbitror.
- uoluntas
- enim
- te
- mouere
- debet
- nora,
- si
- modo
- iua
- e
- aut
- pro
- officio
- necessario
- suscipitur.
- In
- panse
- Pansae
- locum
- petere
- conituit.
- eam
- nominationem
- a
- te
- petimus.
- neque
- coniuniori
- dare
- beneficium
- quam
- nos
- tibi
- simus
- neque
- digniorem
- nominare
- potes
- quam
- sit
- bibulus
- Bibulus
- .
- de
- Domitio
- et
- Apuleio
- quid
- attinet
- me
- scribere
- .
- ,
- cum
- ipsi
- per
- se
- tibi
- commendatissimi
- sint
- .
- ?
- Apuleium
- uero
- tua
- auoritate
- suinere
- debes.
- sed
- apuleius
- Apuleius
- in
- sua
- epiula
- celebrabitur.
- bibulum
- Bibulum
- noli
- dimittere
- e
- sinu
- tuo,
- tantum
- iam
- uirum
- ex
- quanto,
- crede
- mihi,
- pote
- euadere
- qui
- ueris
- paucorum
- respondeat
- laudibus.
- Multos
- tibi
- commendaui
- et
- commendem
- necesse
- est
- :
- .
- optimus
- enim
- quisque
- uir
- et
- ciuis
- maxime
- sequitur
- tuum
- iudicium
- tibique
- omnes
- fortes
- uiri
- nauare
- operam
- et
- udium
- uolunt.
- nec
- quisquam
- e
- quin
- ita
- exiimetmeam
- apud
- te
- et
- auoritatem
- et
- gratiam
- ualere
- plurimum.
- sed
- .C.
- C.
- Nassennium,
- municipem
- suessanum,
- tibi
- ita
- commendo:
- ut
- neminem
- diligentius
- :
- .
- Cretensi
- bello
- metello
- Metello
- imperatore
- oaui
- oauium
- in
- principem
- duxit
- .
- ,
- poea
- in
- re
- familiari
- occupatus
- fuit.
- hoc
- tempore
- cum
- rei
- publicae
- partibus
- .
- ,
- tum
- tua
- excellenti
- dignitate
- commotus
- uoluit
- per
- te
- aliquid
- auoritatis
- assumere.
- fortem
- uirum,
- brute
- Brute
- ,
- tibi
- commendo,
- frugi
- hominem
- :
- ,
- et
- ,
- siquid
- ad
- rem
- tin
- pertinet
- .
- ,
- iam
- etiam
- locupletem.
- per
- gratiam
- mihi
- erit
- si
- eum
- ita
- tractaris
- ut
- merito
- tuo
- mihi
- gratias
- agere
- possit.
- Funereo
- officio
- :
- ,
- quo
- tu
- funus
- es
- in
- meo
- luu
- te
- per
- litteras
- consolarer,
- nisi
- scirem
- hi
- s
- remeds
- b
- quibus
- meum
- dolorem
- tum
- leuasses
- :te
- in
- tuo
- non
- egere;
- ac
- uelim
- facilius
- quam
- mihi
- :
- nunc
- tibi
- tute
- medeare.
- est
- autem
- alienum
- tanto
- uiro
- ut
- es
- tu
- .
- ,
- quod
- alteri
- preceperit
- praeceperit
- ,
- id
- ipsum
- facere
- non
- posse.
- me
- quidem
- cum
- rationes
- quas
- collegeras:
- tum
- auoritas
- tua
- a
- nimio
- moerore
- maerore
- deterruit.
- cum
- enim
- mollius
- tibi
- ferre
- uiderer:
- quam
- deceret
- uirum
- .
- ,
- praesertim
- eum
- qui
- alios
- consolari
- uide
- soleret
- .
- ,
- accusai
- me
- per
- litteras
- grauioribus
- uerbis
- quam
- tua
- consuetudo
- ferat
- .
- itaque
- iudicium
- tuum
- magni
- aestimans
- idque
- ueritus
- me
- ipse
- collegi:
- et
- ea
- que
- quae
- didiceram
- legeram
- .
- .
- acceperam
- grauiora
- duxi
- tua
- auoritate
- addita.
- Ac
- mihi
- tum,
- brute
- Brute
- ,
- officio
- solum
- erat
- et
- nature
- naturae
- :
- ,
- tibi
- nunc
- populo
- et
- scene
- scaenae
- ,
- ut
- dicitur,
- serviendum
- est.
- Nam
- cum
- in
- te
- non
- solum
- exercitus
- tui
- sed
- omni
- omnium
- ciuium
- ac
- poene
- paene
- gentium
- coniei
- oculi
- sint
- :
- ,
- minime
- dec
- decet
- propter
- quem
- caeteri
- ceteri
- fortiores
- sumus:
- eum
- ipsum
- animo
- debilitatum
- uideri.
- Quam
- ob
- rem
- accepii
- tu
- quidem
- dolorem.
- Id
- enim
- amisii
- cui
- simile
- nihil
- fuit
- in
- terris
- .
- Et
- e
- dolendum
- in
- tam
- graui
- vuulnere
- .
- ,
- ne
- id
- ipsum,
- carere
- omni
- sensu
- doloris,
- sit
- miserius
- quam
- dolere.
- sed
- ut
- modice
- ceteris
- utile
- e,
- tibi
- necesse
- e.
- Scriberem
- plura
- nisi
- ad
- te
- ipsa
- nimis
- multa
- haec
- essent.
- Noe
- Nos
- te
- tuumque
- exercitum
- exeamus,
- sine
- qo
- quo
- ,
- ut
- reliqua
- et
- ex
- sententia
- succedant
- .
- ,
- vix
- satis
- liberi
- nisi
- uidemur
- fore.
- De
- tota
- re
- ..
- publica
- plura
- scribam
- et
- fortasse
- iam
- certiora
- his
- litteris
- quas
- ueteri
- noro
- cogitabam
- dare.
- adhuc
- a
- te
- litteras
- habebamus
- :
- ,
- ne
- famam
- quidem
- que
- quae
- declarar
- declararet
- te:
- cognita
- senatus
- auoritate
- in
- italiam
- Italiam
- adducere
- exercitum:
- quod
- ut
- faceres
- idque
- maturares
- magnopere
- desiderabat
- res
- ..
- publica
- .
- Ingrauescit
- enim
- in
- dies
- inteinum
- malum
- .
- ,
- nec
- exterius
- hoibus
- magis
- quam
- domesticis:
- laboramus
- .
- ,
- qui
- erant
- omnino
- ab
- initio
- belli.
- sed
- facilius
- frangebantur.
- ereior
- senatus
- i
- erat
- non
- sentents
- solum
- noris
- sed
- iam
- etiam
- cohortationibus
- excitatus. erat
- in
- senatu
- satis
- vehemens
- et
- acer
- pansa
- Pansa
- cum
- in
- ceteros
- huius
- generis
- tum
- maxime
- in
- socerum;
- cui
- consuli
- non
- animus
- ab
- initio
- .
- ,
- non
- fides.
- ad
- extremum
- defuit.
- bellum
- ad
- mutinam
- Mutinam
- gerebatur:
- nihil
- ut
- in
- csare
- Csare
- reprehenderes,
- non
- nulla
- in
- hirtio
- Hirtio
- .
- huius
- belli
- fortuna
- 'ut
- in
- secundis
- fluxa,
- ut
- in
- aduersis
- bona'.
- erat
- uirix
- res
- ..
- publica
- cesis
- caesis
- anton
- Anton
- cops
- .
- ,
- ipso
- expulso.
- bruto
- Bruto
- .
- deinde
- ita
- multa
- peccata
- ut
- quodam
- modo
- uioria
- excider
- excideret
- manib
- manibus
- .
- perterritos,
- inermis,
- saucios
- non
- sunt
- nori
- duces
- secuti
- persecuti
- ,
- datumq:
- datumque
- lepido
- Lepido
- tempus
- e
- in
- quo
- leuitatem
- eius
- sepe
- saepe
- speam
- perspeam
- maioribus
- in
- malis
- experiremur.
- sunt
- exercitus
- brut
- Brut
- iboni
- sed
- rudes
- et
- planci
- Planci
- .
- Sunt
- fidelissima
- et
- maxima
- auxilia
- gallorum.
- sed
- cesarem
- Caesarem
- meis
- consiliis
- adhuc
- gubernat
- gubernatum
- prclara
- ipsum
- indole:
- admirabilique
- in constantia,
- imbissimis
- improbissimis
- litteris
- quidam
- fallacibusque
- interpretibus
- ac
- nunts
- impulerunt
- in
- spem
- certissimam
- consulatus.
- quod
- simulatque
- sensi
- neq:
- neque
- ego
- illum
- absentem
- litteris
- monere
- deiti
- .
- ,
- nec
- accussare
- presentes
- praesentes
- eius
- necessarios.
- qui
- eius
- cupiditati
- suffragari
- uidebantur
- .
- nec
- in
- senatu
- sceleratissimorum
- consiliorum
- fontes
- aperire
- dubitaui.
- nec
- uero
- ulla
- in
- re
- memini
- aut
- senatum
- meliorem
- aut
- magistratus.
- nquam
- numquam
- enim
- in
- honore
- extraordinario
- potentis
- hominis
- uel
- potentissimi
- potius,
- quando
- quidem
- potentia
- iam
- in
- ui
- posita
- e
- et
- armis,
- accidit
- ut
- nemo
- tr.
- tribunus
- l.
- plebis
- ,
- nemo
- alio
- magistratu
- .
- ,
- nemo
- priuatus
- auor
- exsisteret.
- Sed
- in
- hac
- conantia
- atque
- uirtute
- erat
- tamen
- solicita
- sollicita
- ciuitas,
- illudimur
- enim,
- brute
- Brute
- , tum
- militum
- delits
- delics
- , tum
- imatorum
- imperatorum
- insolentia.
- tantum
- quisque
- se
- in
- re
- publica
- posse
- postulat
- quantum
- hab
- habet
- uirium.
- non
- ratio
- .
- ,
- n
- non
- modus
- :
- ,
- non
- lex, non
- mos, non
- offitium
- officium
- ual
- ualet
- .
- ,
- non
- iudicium
- .
- ,
- non
- exiimatio
- ciuium,
- non
- poeritatis
- uerecundia.
- hec
- haec
- ego
- multo
- ante
- prospiciens
- fugiebam.
- ex
- italia
- tum
- cum
- me
- uerorum
- ediorum
- fama
- revocauit.
- Incitauisti
- uero
- tu
- me,
- brute
- Brute
- ,
- uelie
- Veliae
- .
- quamquam
- .n.
- enim
- dolebam
- in
- eam
- me
- urbem
- ire
- Ve
- quam
- tu
- fugeres
- .
- ,
- qui
- eam
- liberauisses
- .
- ,
- quod
- mihi
- quoque
- quondam
- acciderat
- periculo
- simili
- .
- ,
- casu
- triiore,
- perrexi
- tamen.
- romam
- Romam
- que
- romamque
- Romamque
- ueni
- nullo
- que
- presidio
- praesidio
- quatefeci
- quate
- antonium
- Antonium
- contraque
- eius
- arma
- nefanda
- presidia
- praesidia
- que
- quae
- oblata
- sunt
- cesaris
- Caesaris
- consilio
- et
- auoritate
- firmaui.
- qui
- si
- eterit
- idem
- mihique
- paruerit
- .
- ,
- satis
- uidemur
- habituri
- presidi
- praesidi
- ;
- sin
- autem
- impiorum
- consilia
- plus
- ualuerint
- quam
- nora
- aut
- imbecillitas
- tatis
- non
- potuerit
- grauitatem
- rerum
- suinere
- :
- ,
- spes
- omnis
- e
- in
- te.
- Quam
- ob
- rem
- aduola,
- obsecro
- .
- ,
- atq:
- atque
- eam
- rem
- ..
- publicam
- ,
- quam
- uirtute
- atq:
- atque
- animi
- magnitudine
- magis
- quam
- euentis
- rerum
- liberauisti,
- exitu
- libera.
- omnis
- omnium
- concursus
- ad
- te
- futurus
- e.
- hortare
- idem
- per
- litteras
- cassium
- Cassium
- . spes
- Cassius
- libertatis
- nusquam
- nisi
- in
- uerorum
- carorum
- presidiis
- praesidiis
- e.
- firmos
- omnino
- et
- duces
- habemus
- ab
- occidente
- et
- exercit
- exercitus
- .
- hoc
- adulescentis
- presidium
- praesidium
- equidem
- adhuc
- firmum
- esse
- confido,
- sed
- ita
- multi
- labefaant
- ut
- ne
- moveatur
- interdum
- extimescam.
- habes
- totum
- rei
- ..
- publicae
- atum,
- qui
- quidem
- tum
- erat
- cum
- has
- litteras
- dabam.
- velim
- deinceps
- meliora
- sint;
- sin
- aliter
- fuerit
- (quod
- d
- omen
- auertant!),
- rei
- ..
- publicae
- vicem
- dolebo, quae
- immortalis
- esse
- debebat;
- mihi
- quidem
- quantulum
- reliqui
- e!
- antii
- Antii
- talis
- animus
- e
- in
- rem
- ..
- publicam
- ut
- non
- dubitem
- quin
- et
- in
- cesare
- Caesare
- et
- in
- Antonio
- se
- aturus
- praeaturus
- fuerit
- acerrim
- acerrimum
- pugnatorem
- propugnatorem
- communis
- libertatis,
- si
- occasioni
- potuisset
- occurrere.
- nam
- qui
- in
- achaia
- Achaia
- congressus
- .p.o
- Publio
- dolobella
- Dolabella
- milites
- atq:
- atque
- equites
- habente
- quoduis
- adire
- periculum
- ex
- insids
- paratissimi
- ad
- omnia
- latronis
- maluerit
- quam
- uideri
- aut
- coaus
- esse
- pecuniam
- dare
- aut
- libenter
- dedisse
- homini
- neqissimo
- nequissimo
- atque
- imbissimo
- improbissimo
- .
- ,
- is
- nobis
- ultro
- et
- pollicitus
- e
- et
- dedit
- sextertia:
- xx.
- ex
- sua
- pecunia
- et,
- quod
- multo
- carius
- e,
- seipsum
- obtulit
- et
- coniunxit.
- huic
- suadere
- persuadere
- cupimus
- ut
- imperator
- in
- caris
- remaneret
- remq:
- remque
- ..
- publicam
- defender
- defenderet
- .
- atuit
- id
- sibi
- non
- faciendum
- quoniam
- exercitum
- dimisiss
- dimisisset
- .
- atim
- uero
- ad
- rediturum
- nos
- confirmauit
- legatione
- suscepta,
- nisi
- pretorum
- praetorum
- comitia
- habituri
- essent
- consules.
- nam
- illi
- ita
- sentienti
- de
- re
- .pu.
- publica
- magnopere
- auor
- fui
- ne
- differr
- differret
- tempus
- petitionis
- suae.
- cuius
- faum
- omnib
- omnibus
- gratum
- esse
- deb
- debet
- qui
- modo
- iudicant
- hunc
- exercitum
- esse
- rei
- ..
- publicae
- deb
- debet
- ,
- tibi
- tto
- tanto
- esse
- gratius
- quanto
- maiore
- et
- animo
- gloriaque
- libertatem
- noram
- defendis.
- et
- digitate
- dignitate
- ,
- si
- contigerit
- noris
- consils
- exitus
- quem
- optamus,
- funurus
- perfunurus
- es.
- ego
- etiam,
- mi
- Cicero,
- prie
- proprie
- familiariterq:
- familiariterque
- rogo
- ut
- te
- veterem
- Veterem
- ames
- uelisq:
- uelisque
- esse
- quam
- amplissimum.
- qui
- si
- etsi
- nulla
- re
- deterreri
- a
- proposito
- potest, tamen
- excitari
- tuis
- laudibus
- indulgentia
- que
- indulgentiaque
- poterit
- quo
- magis
- amplexetur
- ac
- tueatur
- iudicium
- suum. id
- mihi
- gratissimum
- erit.
- Etsi
- daturus
- eram
- messale
- Messallae
- coruino
- Coruino
- continuo
- litteras
- .
- ,
- tamen
- veter
- u
- e m
- Veterem
- norum
- ad
- te
- sine
- litteris
- meis
- uenire
- nolui
- :
- .
- Maximo
- in
- discrimine
- res
- ..
- publica
- ,
- brute
- Brute
- ,
- uersatur
- uioresque
- rursus
- decertare
- cogimur.
- id
- accidit
- ..
- M.
- Lepidi
- scelere
- et
- amentia.
- quo
- tpore
- tempore
- cum
- multa
- propter
- eam
- curam
- quam
- pro
- re
- ..
- publica
- suscepi
- grauiter
- ferrem
- .
- ,
- tum
- nihil
- tuli
- grauius
- qu
- quam
- me
- non
- posse
- matris
- tue
- tuae
- precibus
- cedere,
- non
- sororis.
- nam
- tibi,
- quod
- plurimi
- mihi
- est,
- facile
- me
- satis
- facturum
- arbitrabar. nullo
- enim
- modo
- poterat
- causa
- lepidi
- Lepidi
- Lepidi
- caus
- quam
- Anton
- diingui
- ab
- antonio
- Antonio
- .
- omnium
- que
- omniumque
- iuditio
- iudicio
- etiam
- durior
- erat
- .
- ,
- quod,
- quom
- honoribus
- amplissimis
- a
- senatu
- ess
- esset
- lepidus
- Lepidus
- ornatus
- .
- ,
- tum
- iam
- etiam
- paucis
- ante
- dieb
- diebus
- preclaras
- praeclaras
- litteras
- ad
- senatum
- misiss
- misisset
- ,
- repente
- non
- solum
- recepit
- reliquias
- hoium
- sed
- bellum
- acerrime
- terra
- marique
- gerit,
- cuius
- exitus
- qui
- futurus
- sit
- incertum
- e.
- Ita
- quom
- rogamur
- ut
- misericordiam
- liberis
- eius
- impertiamus
- :
- ,
- nihil
- affertur
- quominus
- summa
- supplicia,
- si
- (quod
- iupiter
- Iupiter
- omen
- avertat!)
- pater
- si
- puerorum
- uicerit,
- subeunda
- nobis
- sint.
- nec
- uero
- me
- fugit
- quam
- sit
- acerbum.
- parentum
- scelera
- filiorum
- penis
- poenis
- lui.
- Sed
- hoc
- preclare
- praeclare
- legibus
- comparatum
- e
- ut
- caritas
- liberorum
- amiciores
- parentes
- rei
- ..
- publicae
- redderet.
- Itaq:
- Itaque
- Lepidus
- crudelis
- in
- liberos,
- non
- is
- qui
- Lepidum
- hoem
- iudicat.
- atque
- ille
- si
- armis
- posituis
- de
- ui
- damnatus
- ess
- esset
- ,
- quo
- in
- iudicio
- certe
- defensionem
- non
- haber
- haberet
- ,
- eandem
- calamitatem
- subirent
- liberi
- bonis
- publicatis.
- quamqu
- quamquam
- quamquam
- ,
- quod
- tua
- mater
- et
- soror
- deprecatur
- pro
- pueris,
- id
- ipsu
- ipsum
- et
- multa
- alia
- crudeliora
- nobis
- omnibus
- lepidus
- Lepidus
- et
- antonius
- Antonius
- et
- reliqui
- hoes
- denuntiant.
- Itaque
- maxim
- maximam
- spem
- hoc
- tempore
- habemus
- in
- te
- atque
- exercitu
- tuo.
- tum
- cum
- ad
- rei
- rem
- .p.
- publicam
- summam
- .
- ,
- tum
- ad
- gloriam
- et
- dignitatem
- tuam
- uehementer
- tin
- pertinet
- te,
- ut
- ante
- scripsi,
- in
- italiam
- Italiam
- uenire
- qu
- quam
- primum.
- eg
- eget
- enim
- uehementer
- cum
- uiribus
- tuis
- tum
- etiam
- etiam
- consilio
- res
- .p.
- publica
- .
- Veterem
- pro
- eius
- erga
- te
- beniuolentia
- beneuolentia
- singularique
- officio:
- libenter
- ex
- tuis
- litteris
- cplex
- complexus
- sum.
- eumque
- quom
- tui
- .
- ,
- tum
- rei
- .p.
- publicae
- udiosissimum
- amtissimumque
- amantissimumque
- cognoui.
- ciceronem
- Ciceronem
- meum
- propediem
- .
- ,
- ut
- spero
- .
- ,
- videbo.
- tecum
- enim
- illum
- et
- te
- in
- italiam
- Italiam
- celeriter
- venturum
- esse
- confido.
- De
- ..
- Lepido
- uereri
- me
- cogit
- reliquorum
- timor.
- qi
- qui
- si
- eripuerit
- se
- nobis
- quod
- uelim
- temere
- atq:
- atque
- iniuriose
- de
- illo
- suspicati
- sint
- homines
- .
- ,
- oro
- atq:
- atque
- obsecro
- te,
- cicero
- Cicero
- ,
- necessitudinem
- noram
- tuamque
- in
- me
- beniuolentiam
- beneuolentiam
- obteans
- .
- ,
- sororis
- mee
- meae
- liberos
- obliuiscaris
- esse
- lepidi
- Lepidi
- filios
- meque
- s
- in
- patris
- locum
- successisse
- exiimes
- :
- .
- hoc
- si
- a
- te
- impetro
- .
- ,
- nihil
- feo
- profeo
- dubitabis
- pro
- hiss
- iis
- suscipere.
- Aliter
- al
- cum
- suis
- uiuunt:
- nihil
- ego
- possum
- facere
- in
- sororis
- mee
- meae
- liberis
- :
- quo
- possit
- expleri
- uoluntas
- mea
- aut
- officium. quid
- vero
- aut
- mihi
- tribuere
- boni
- possunt,
- si
- modo
- digni
- sumus
- quibus
- aliquid
- tribuatur
- :
- ,
- aut
- ego
- matri
- ac
- sorori
- puerisque
- illis
- preaturus
- praeaturus
- sum
- .
- ,
- si
- nihil
- ualuerit
- apud
- te
- reliquumque
- senatum
- contra
- patrem
- lepidum
- Lepidum
- brutuss
- Brutus
- auunculus
- :
- ?
- Scribere
- multa
- ad
- te
- neque
- possum
- pre
- prae
- solicitudine
- ac
- omacho
- neque
- debeo.
- nam
- si
- in
- tanta
- re
- tanque
- tamque
- necessaria
- uerbis
- mihi
- opus
- e
- ad
- te
- excitandum
- et
- confirmadum
- confirmandum
- ,
- nulla
- spes
- e
- faurum
- te
- quod
- uolo
- et
- quod
- oport
- oportet
- .
- Quare
- noli
- expeare
- longas
- preces.
- Intuere
- me
- ipsum
- .
- ,
- qui
- hoc
- a
- te, uel
- a
- cicerone
- Cicerone
- , coniunissimo
- homine,
- privatim
- vel
- a
- consulari, tali
- viro, remota
- necessitudine
- priuata,
- debeo
- impetrare.
- Quid
- sis
- faurus
- uelim
- mihi
- quam
- primum
- rescribas.
- K+
- Kal
- . quintilibus
- ex
- caris.
- Breues
- litter
- tu
- –
- breues
- dico?
- immo
- nulle
- nullae
- .
- tribusne
- uersiculis
- his
- temibus
- temporibus
- brutus
- Brutus
- ad
- me?
- nihil
- scripsisses
- potius.
- et
- requiris
- meas!
- quis
- unquam
- umquam
- ad
- te
- tuorum
- sine
- meis
- uenit
- qu
- autem
- epiola
- non
- pond
- pondus
- habuit
- que
- quae
- si
- ad
- te
- perlate
- perlatae
- non
- sunt
- .
- ,
- ne
- domeicas
- quidem
- tuas
- perlatas
- arbitror.
- ciceroni
- te
- scribis
- longiorem
- daturum
- epiolam
- .
- ,
- recte
- id
- quidem.
- Sed
- hc
- quoq:
- quoque
- debuit
- esse
- plenior.
- ego
- autem,
- quom
- ad
- me
- de
- ciceronis
- Ciceronis
- abs
- te
- discessu
- scripsisses,
- atim
- extrusi
- tabellarios
- litterasque
- ad
- ciceronem
- Ciceronem
- .
- ut,
- iam
- etiam
- si
- in
- italiam
- Italiam
- uenisset,
- ad
- te
- rediret.
- nihil
- enim
- mihi
- iocundius,
- nihil
- illi
- honeius.
- quan
- quanquam
- aliquotiens
- ei
- scripseram
- sacerdotum
- comitia
- mea
- summa
- contentione
- in
- alterum
- annum
- esse
- reiea.
- Quod
- ego
- cum
- ciceronis
- Ciceronis
- causa
- elaboraui.
- tum
- domit
- Domit
- .
- ,
- catonis
- Catonis
- ,
- Lentuli,
- bibulorum
- Bibulorum
- .
- quod
- ad
- te
- iam
- etiam
- scripseram
- sed
- videlic
- videlicet
- ,
- quom
- illam
- pusillam
- epiolam
- tuam
- ad
- me
- dabas
- .
- ,
- nondum
- erat
- tibi
- id
- notum.
- Quare
- omni
- udio
- a
- te,
- mi
- brute
- Brute
- ,
- contendo
- ut
- ciceronem
- Ciceronem
- meum
- ne
- dimittas
- tecumque
- deducas.
- quod
- ipsum,
- si
- rem
- .p.
- publicam
- ,
- cui
- susceptus
- es,
- respicis
- .
- ,
- tibi
- iam
- iamque
- faciendum
- e.
- renatum
- enim
- bellum
- e
- .
- ,
- idque
- non
- paruum
- scelere
- lepidi
- Lepidi
- .
- exercitus
- autem
- csaris
- Csaris
- ,
- qui
- erat
- optimus
- .
- ,
- non
- modo
- nihil
- prode,
- sed
- iam
- etiam
- cogit
- exercitum
- tuum
- flagitari:
- qui
- si
- italiam
- Italiam
- attigerit
- .
- ,
- erit
- cius
- nemo
- quem
- quid
- quidem
- ciuem
- appellari
- fas
- sit
- :
- ,
- qui
- se
- non
- in
- tua
- cara
- se
- conferat
- .
- etsi
- brutum
- Brutum
- prclare
- cum
- planco
- Planco
- coniunum
- habem
- habemus
- .
- Sed
- non
- ignoras
- quam
- sint
- incerti
- animi
- hominum
- et
- infei
- partibus
- et
- /w> exitus
- preliorum
- proeliorum
- .
- quin
- iam
- etiam
- si,
- ut
- spero,
- uicerimus
- .
- ,
- tamen
- magnam
- gubernationem
- tui
- consil
- tueque
- tuaeque
- auoritatis
- res
- desiderabit.
- Subueni
- igitur,
- per
- deos
- :
- ,
- idque
- quam
- tibi
- primum
- suade
- persuade
- n
- non
- te
- idibus
- Idibus
- marts
- Marts
- :
- ,
- quibus
- seruitutem
- a
- tuis
- ciuibus
- repulii,
- plus
- profuisse
- patrie
- patriae
- quam,
- si
- mature
- ueneris,
- futurum
- profuturum
- .
- ii
- II
- idus
- Idus
- quintiles
- Quintiles
- .
- Messalam
- Messallam
- habes.
- quibus
- igitur
- litteris
- tam
- accurate
- scriptis
- adsequi
- possum
- subtilius
- ut
- explicem
- quae
- gerantur
- queque
- quaeque
- sint
- in
- re
- .p.
- publica
- quam
- tibi
- is
- exponet:
- qui
- et
- optime
- omnia
- novit
- et
- elegantissime
- expedire
- et
- t
- deferre
- pote
- ad
- te
- :
- ?
- Caue
- enim
- exiimes
- Brute
- (quamquam
- non
- necesse
- e
- ea
- me
- ad
- te
- qu
- tibi
- nota
- sunt
- scribere
- :
- ;
- sed
- tamen
- tantam
- omnium
- laudum
- excellentiam
- non
- queo
- silentio
- preterire
- praeterire
- )
- .
- ,
- caue
- putes
- probitate,
- contia
- conantia
- .
- ,
- cura
- .
- ,
- udio
- rei
- .p.
- publicae
- quicquam
- illi
- esse
- simile
- :
- ,
- ut
- eloqutia
- eloquentia
- ,
- qua
- mirabiliter
- excellit,
- uix
- in
- eo
- locum
- ad
- laudandum
- habere
- uideatur.
- quanquam
- in
- hac
- ipsa
- sapientia
- plus
- apparet.
- Ita
- graui
- iudicio
- multaque
- arte
- se
- exercuit
- in
- uerissimo
- genere
- dicendi.
- tanta
- autem
- industria
- e.
- tantumque
- euigilat
- in
- udio
- .
- ,
- ut
- non
- maxa
- maxima
- ingenio
- .
- ,
- quod
- in
- eo
- summum
- e,
- gratia
- habenda
- uideatur.
- sed
- prouehor
- amore.
- non
- enim
- id
- propositum
- est
- huic
- epiole
- epiolae
- messalam
- Messallam
- ut
- laudem
- :
- ,
- presertim
- praesertim
- ad
- brut
- brutum
- Brut
- Brutum
- :
- ,
- cui
- et
- virtus
- illius.
- non
- minus
- quam
- mihi
- nota
- e
- et
- hc
- ipsa
- udia
- .
- ,
- qu
- laudo
- notiora
- :
- .
- quem
- quom
- a
- me
- dimittens
- grauiter
- ferrem
- .
- ,
- hoc
- leuabar
- uno
- .
- ,
- quod
- ad
- te
- tanquam
- ad
- alterum
- me.
- proficiscens
- et
- officio
- fungebatur
- et
- laudem
- maximam
- sequebatur.
- Sed
- hc
- haenus.
- Venio
- nunc
- sane
- longo
- intervallo
- ad
- quandam
- epiolam:
- qua:
- mihi
- multa
- tribuens
- unum
- reprehendebas:
- quod
- in
- honoribus
- decernendis
- essem
- nimius
- et
- tanquam
- prodigus.
- tu
- hoc,
- alius
- fortasse
- quod
- in
- animadversione
- poenaque
- durior
- :
- ,
- nisi
- fortasse
- utrq:
- utrumque
- tu.
- quod
- si
- ita
- e,
- utriusque
- rei
- meum
- iudicium
- udeo
- tibi
- esse
- notissimum
- .
- ,
- neque
- solum
- ut
- solonis
- Solonis
- dium
- Solon
- usurpem
- :
- ,
- qui
- et
- sapiens
- unus
- fuit
- ex
- septem
- et
- legum
- scriptor
- solus
- ex
- septem.
- Is
- rem
- .p.
- publicam
- contineri
- duabus
- rebus
- dixit, praemio
- et
- poena. e
- scilicet
- utriusque
- rei
- modus,
- sicut
- reliquarum,
- et
- quedam
- quaedam
- in
- utroque
- genere
- mediocritas.
- Sed
- non
- tanta
- de
- re
- propositum
- e.
- hoc
- loco
- disputare.
- quid
- ego
- autem
- secutus
- hoc
- bello
- sim.
- in
- sentents
- dicendis
- dicendis
- aperire
- non
- alienum
- puto.
- Po
- interitum
- csaris
- Csaris
- et
- ueras
- memorabiles
- idus
- Idus
- martias
- Martias
- ,
- brute
- Brute
- :
- ,
- quid
- ego
- pretermissum
- praetermiss
- praetermissum
- a
- uobis
- quantamq:
- quantamque
- impendere
- rei
- .p.
- publicae
- tempeatem
- dixer
- dixerim
- non
- es
- oblitus.
- magna
- peis
- erat
- depulsa
- per
- uos,
- magna
- P.
- populi
- R.
- Romani
- macula
- deleta,
- uobis
- uero
- parta
- diuina
- gloria,
- sed
- inrumtum
- inrumentum
- diuini
- regni
- delatum
- ad
- lepidum
- Lepidum
- et
- antonium
- Antonium
- :
- ,
- qo
- quorum
- alter
- inconantior
- .
- ,
- alter
- impurior
- :
- ,
- uterque
- pacem
- metuens
- .
- ,
- inimicus
- ot.
- s
- ardentibus
- perturband
- rei
- .p.
- publicae
- cupiditate
- quod
- opponi
- posset
- prsidium.
- non
- habebamus.
- erexerat
- enim
- se
- ciuitas
- in
- retinenda
- libertate
- consentiens.
- nos
- tum
- nimis
- acres,
- uos
- forte
- sapientius
- excesiis
- excessiis
- urbe
- ea.
- quam
- liberaratis
- :
- ,
- italie
- Italiae
- sua
- uobis
- udia
- profitenti
- sua
- remisiis.
- Itaque
- cum
- teneri
- urbem
- a
- parricidis
- uiderem.
- nc
- nec
- te
- in
- ea
- nec
- cassium
- Cassium
- tuto
- esse
- posse
- eamque
- armis
- oppressam
- ab
- antonio
- Antonio
- .
- ,
- mihi
- quoq:
- quoque
- excedendum
- esse
- putaui.
- ii
- ipsi
- tetrum
- taetrum
- enim
- spectaculum
- oppressa
- ab
- impiis
- ciuuitas
- opitulandi
- poteate
- precisa
- praecisa
- .
- Sed
- animus
- idem
- qui
- semper
- infixus
- in
- patrie
- patriae
- caritate
- discessum
- ab
- eius
- periculis
- ferre
- non
- potuit.
- Itaque
- in
- medio
- achaico
- Achaico
- cursu
- cum
- ethesiarum
- etesiarum
- diebus
- auer
- me
- in
- italiam
- Italiam
- quasi
- dissuasor
- mei
- consil
- rectulisset
- rettulisset
- ,
- te
- uidi
- uelie
- Veliae
- .
- ,
- doluique
- uehementer.
- Cedebas
- fue
- funge
- Stoice
- enim,
- brute
- Brute
- reg>, cedebas,
- quoniam
- oici
- Stoici
- nori
- negant
- fugere
- sapientis.
- Romam
- ut
- ueni,
- atim
- me
- obtuli
- nii sceleri
- antoni
- Antoni
- sceleri
- atque
- dementiae
- :
- .
- quem
- cum
- in
- me
- incitavissem
- consilia
- inire
- cepi
- coepi
- brutina
- Brutina
- plane.
- (veri
- enim
- haec
- sunt
- propria
- sanguinis)
- rei
- .p.
- publicae
- liberand.
- longa
- sunt
- que
- quae
- reant,
- pretereunda
- praetereunda
- ;
- sunt
- enim.
- de
- me.
- tantum
- dico
- .
- ,
- csarem
- Csarem
- hunc
- adulescentem,
- per
- quem
- adhuc
- sumus
- .
- ,
- si
- uerum
- fateri
- uolumus,
- fluxisse
- ex
- fonte
- consiliorum
- meorum.
- Cs
- huic
- habiti
- a
- me
- honores.
- nulli
- quidem,
- brute
- Brute
- ,
- nisi
- debiti
- .
- ,
- nulli
- nisi
- necessar.
- ut
- enim
- primum
- libertatem
- reuocare
- coepimus
- .
- ,
- cum
- se
- nondum
- ne
- decumi
- Decimi
- quidem
- bruti
- Bruti
- diuina
- Dec.
- Decimus
- brut
- uirtus
- ita
- commouiss
- commouisset
- ut
- iam
- scire
- id
- possemus:
- atq:
- atque
- omne
- presidium
- praesidium
- esset
- in
- puero
- qui
- a
- ceruicib
- ceruicibus
- noris
- auertiss
- auertisset
- antonium
- Antonium
- :
- ,
- quis
- honos
- ei
- non
- fuit
- decernendus
- ?
- quanquam
- ego
- illi
- tum
- uerborum
- laudem
- tribui
- eamque
- modicam,
- decreui
- iam
- etiam
- imperium.
- quod
- quanquam
- uidebatur
- illi
- tati
- honorificum
- .
- ,
- tamen
- erat
- exercitum
- habenti
- necessarium.
- quid
- enim
- e
- sine
- imperio
- exercitus
- ?
- atuam
- philippus
- Philippus
- decreuit
- .
- ,
- celeritatem
- petitionis
- primo
- seruius
- Seruius
- ,
- po
- maiorem
- iam
- etiam
- seruilius
- Seruilius
- .
- nihil
- tum
- nimium
- uideba
- uidebatur
- .
- Sed
- nescio
- quo
- modo
- facilius
- in
- timore
- benigni
- quam
- in
- victoria
- grati
- reperiuntur.
- ego
- enim
- decumo
- Decimo
- bruto
- Bruto
- liberato,
- c
- cum
- Decimus
- Brutus
- letissimus
- laetissimus
- ille
- ciuitati
- dies
- illuxisset.
- idemque
- casu
- bruti
- Bruti
- natalis
- esset
- .
- ,
- decreui
- ut
- in
- fais
- ad
- eum
- diem
- bruti
- Bruti
- nom
- nomen
- ascriberetur,
- in
- eoque
- sum
- maiorum
- exemplum
- secutus,
- qui
- hunc
- honorem
- mulieri
- laurenti
- Laurenti
- tribuerunt
- uis
- cui
- cuius
- Larentia
- pontifices
- ad
- aram
- in
- uelabro
- Velabro
- sacrificium
- facere
- soletis.
- quod
- ego
- cum
- dabam
- bruto
- Bruto
- .
- ,
- notam
- esse
- in
- fais
- gratissime
- gratissimae
- uiorie
- uiolb n="26"/>riae
- sempiternam
- uolebam.
- Atque
- illo
- die
- cognoui
- paulo
- pluris
- in
- senatu
- maleuolos
- esse
- quam
- gratos.
- eos
- per
- ipsos
- dies
- effudi,
- si
- ita
- uis
- :
- ,
- honores
- in
- mortuos,
- hirtium
- Hirtium
- et
- pansam
- Pansam
- ,
- aquilam
- Aquilam
- iam
- etiam
- :
- .
- quod
- quis
- reprehendit
- nisi
- qui
- deposito
- metu
- prteriti
- periculi
- fuerit
- oblitus
- ?
- accedebat
- ad
- benefic
- memoriam
- gratam.
- ratio
- illa
- quae
- iam
- etiam
- poeris
- esset
- salutaris.
- extare
- enim
- uolebam
- in
- crudelissimos
- hoes
- monumenta
- od
- publici
- sempiterna.
- suspicor
- illud
- tibi
- minus
- probari
- :
- ,
- quod
- a
- tuis
- familiaribus,
- optimis
- illis
- quidem
- uiris.
- sed
- in
- re
- .p.
- publica
- rudibus
- .
- ,
- ouatio
- non
- probabatur
- .
- ,
- quod
- ut
- ouanti
- introire
- csari
- Csari
- li
- liceret
- decreuerim.
- ego
- autem
- .
- (
- sed
- erro
- fortasse
- :
- ,
- nec
- tamen
- is
- sum
- ut
- mea
- me
- maxime
- delectent)
- nihil
- mihi
- uideor
- hoc
- bello
- sensisse
- prudentius.
- cur
- autem
- ita
- sit
- aperiendum
- non
- e
- .
- ,
- ne
- magis
- uidear
- prouidus
- fuisse
- quam
- gratus.
- hoc
- ipsum
- nimium.
- Quare
- alia
- uideamus.
- D.
- Bruto
- decreui
- honores
- .
- ,
- decreui
- L.
- Planco.
- prclara
- illa
- quidem
- ingenia
- .
- ,
- que
- quae
- gloria
- inuittur
- inuitantur
- :
- ,
- sed
- senatus
- iam
- etiam
- sapiens
- qui,
- qua
- quenque
- reputat
- re
- putat
- ,
- modo
- honea,
- ad
- rem
- .p.
- publicam
- iuuandam
- posse
- adduci,
- hac
- utitur.
- at
- in
- lepido
- Lepido
- reprehendimur,
- cui
- quom
- Statua
- lepido
- Lepido
- et
- erecta
- et
- derecta
- atuam
- in
- roris
- atuissemus,
- idem
- illam
- euertimus.
- nos
- illum
- honorem
- uduimus
- affurore
- reuocare
- .
- :
- Vicit
- amentia
- leuissimi
- hominis
- noram
- prudentiam.
- nec
- tamen
- tantum
- in
- atuenda
- lepidi
- Lepidi
- atua
- faum
- e
- mali
- quantum
- in
- euertenda
- boni.
- Satis
- multa
- de
- honorib
- honoribus
- .
- nunc
- de
- poena
- pauca
- dicenda
- sunt.
- intellexi
- enim
- ex
- tuis
- spe
- litteris
- te
- in
- iis
- quos
- bello
- deuicii
- clementiam
- tuam
- uelle
- laudari.
- exiimo
- equidem
- nihil
- a
- te
- nisi
- sapienter.
- sed
- sceleris
- poenam
- prtermittere
- (id
- enim
- est
- quod
- uocatur
- ignoscere)
- .
- ,
- iam
- etiam
- si
- in
- cteris
- ceteris
- rebus
- tolerabile
- e, in
- hoc
- bello
- niciosum
- perniciosum
- puto.
- nullum
- enim
- bellum
- ciuile
- fuit
- nora
- re
- .p.
- publica
- omnium
- que
- quae
- memoria
- fuit
- mea
- fuerunt,
- in
- quo
- bello
- non,
- utracunq:
- utracunque
- pars
- uicisset
- .
- ,
- tamen
- aliqua
- forma
- esset
- futura
- rei
- .p.
- publicae
- :
- hoc
- bello
- uiores
- Diuina
- quam
- rem
- .P.
- publicam
- simus
- habituri
- non
- facile
- adfirmarim
- .
- ,
- uiis
- certe
- nulla
- unquam
- erit
- :
- .
- dixi
- igitur
- sententias
- in
- antonium
- Antonium
- .
- ,
- dixi
- in
- lepidum
- Lepidum
- seueras,
- neque
- tam
- ulciscendi
- causa
- quam
- ut
- et
- in
- presens
- praesens
- sceleratos
- ciues.
- timore
- ab
- impugnanda
- patria
- deterrerem:
- et
- in
- poerum
- documentum
- atuerem.
- nequis
- ne
- quis
- talem
- amentiam
- uell
- uellet
- imitari.
- quanquam
- hc
- quidem
- sententia
- non
- magis
- mea
- fuit
- quam
- omnium.
- in
- qua
- uidetur
- illud
- esse
- crudele
- .
- ,
- quod
- ad
- liberos,
- qui
- nihil
- meruerunt,
- poena
- uenit
- peruenit
- .
- Patres
- comederunt
- uuas
- acerbas
- Sed
- et
- id
- antiquum
- e
- et
- omnium
- ciuitatum,
- siquid
- siquidem
- iam
- etiam
- themiocli
- Themiocli
- liberi
- eguerunt.
- et
- si
- iudicio
- damnatos
- Themiocles
- eadem
- poena
- sequitur
- ciues
- .
- ,
- qui
- potuimus
- leniores
- esse
- in
- hoes
- ?
- quid
- autem
- queri
- quisquam
- pote
- de
- me
- .
- ,
- qui
- si
- uiciss
- uicisset
- acerbiorem
- se
- in
- me
- futurum
- fuisse
- confiteatur
- necesse
- e
- ?
- habes
- rationem
- mearum
- sententiarum
- de
- hoc
- genere
- dumtaxat
- honoris
- et
- poenae.
- nam
- de
- ceteris
- rebus
- quid
- senserim.
- quidque
- censuerim
- audisse
- te
- arbitror.
- Sed
- hc
- quidem
- non
- necessaria
- :
- ,
- illud
- ita
- ualde
- necessarium
- :
- ,
- brute
- Brute
- ,
- te
- in
- italiam
- Italiam
- cum
- exercitu
- uenire.
- quam
- primum.
- summa
- e
- expeatio
- tui.
- qod
- quod
- Spes
- in
- bruto
- Bruto
- si
- Italiam
- attigeris
- .
- ,
- ad
- te
- concursus
- fiet
- omnium.
- siue
- enim
- vicerimus
- .
- ,
- qui
- quidem
- pulcherrime
- uiceramus
- nisi
- Lepid
- Lepidus
- dere
- perdere
- omnia
- et
- perire
- ipse
- cum
- suis
- concupiuisset
- .
- ,
- tua
- nobis
- auoritate
- opus
- e
- ad
- collocandum
- aliquem
- ciuitatis
- atum.
- siue
- iam
- etiam
- nunc
- certamen
- reliquum
- e
- .
- ,
- maxima
- spes
- e
- cum
- in
- auoritate
- tua
- tum
- in
- exercitus
- tui
- uiribus.
- Sed
- propera,
- per
- deos!
- scis
- quantum
- sit
- in
- temporibus
- .
- ,
- quantum
- in
- celeritate.
- Sororis
- tue
- tuae
- filiis
- quam
- diligenter
- consulam.
- spero
- te
- ex
- matris
- et
- ex
- sororis
- litteris
- cogniturum.
- qua
- in
- causa
- maiorem
- habeo
- rationem
- tue
- tuae
- uoluntatis
- :
- ,
- que
- quae
- mihi
- carissima
- e,
- quam,
- ut
- quibusdam
- uideor,
- conanti
- mee
- meae
- .
- sed
- ego
- nulla
- in
- re
- malo
- quam
- te
- amando
- conans
- et
- esse
- et
- uideri.
- Particulam
- litterarum
- tuarum
- quas
- misii
- oauio
- Oauio
- .
- ,
- legi
- missam
- ab
- attico
- Attico
- mihi.
- udium
- tuum
- curaque
- de
- salute
- mea
- nulla
- me
- noua
- uoluptate
- adfecit.
- non
- solum
- enim
- usitatum
- :
- ,
- sed
- iam
- etiam
- quotidianum
- e
- aliquid
- audire
- de
- te
- :
- ,
- quod
- pro
- nora
- dignitate
- fideliter
- atque
- honorifice
- dixeris
- aut
- feceris
- :
- .
- at
- dolore
- quantum
- maximum
- capere
- animo
- possum:
- eadem
- illa
- pars
- epiole
- epiolae
- scripta
- ad
- oauium
- Oauium
- de
- nobis
- adfecit.
- sic
- enim
- illi
- gratias
- as
- de
- re
- .p.
- publica
- , tam
- suppliciter
- ac
- demisse
- .
- (
- quid
- scribam
- ?
- pudet
- conditionis
- ac
- fortune
- fortunae
- .
- ,
- sed
- tamen
- scribendum
- e
- .
- )
- cmendas
- commendas
- noram
- salutem
- illi
- .
- (
- qu
- morte
- qua
- niciosior
- perniciosior
- ?
- )
- non
- ut
- prorsus
- pre
- prae
- te
- feras
- non
- sublatam
- dominationem
- :
- ,
- sed
- dominum
- communitatum
- esse.
- uerba
- tua
- recognosce
- .
- ,
- et
- aude
- negare
- seruientis
- aduersus
- regem
- ias
- esse
- preces. unum
- ais
- esse
- quod
- ab
- eo
- pouletur
- et
- expectetur
- .
- ,
- ut
- eos
- civis
- de
- quibus
- uiri
- boni
- PQ
- populusque
- R.
- Romanus
- bene
- exiim
- exiimet
- saluos
- uelit.
- quid
- si
- noluerit
- :
- ?
- non
- erimus
- :
- ?
- atqui
- non
- esse
- quam
- esse
- per
- illum
- preat
- praeat
- .
- Ego
- me
- dius
- fidius
- non
- exiimo
- tam
- omnes
- deos
- aduersos
- esse
- a
- P.
- Populi
- R.
- Romani
- salute
- ut
- oauius
- Oauius
- orandus
- sit
- pro
- salute
- cuiusquam
- ciuis
- .
- ,
- non
- dicam
- pro
- liberatoribus
- orbis
- terrarum.
- iuuat
- enim
- magnifice
- loqui.
- et
- certe
- dec
- decet
- aduersus
- ignorantes
- quid
- pro
- quoque
- timendum
- aut
- a
- quoque
- petendum
- sit.
- hoc
- tu,
- Cicero,
- posse
- fateris
- oauium
- Oauium
- et
- illi
- amicus
- es
- .
- ?
- aut
- si
- me
- carum
- habes
- .
- ,
- uis
- rome
- Romae
- uideri
- .
- ,
- cum
- ut
- ibi
- esse
- possem
- commendandus
- puero
- illi
- fuerim
- ?
- cui
- quid
- agis
- gratias,
- si
- ut
- nos
- saluos
- esse
- uelit
- et
- patiatur
- rogand
- rogandum
- putas
- ?
- an
- hoc
- pro
- beneficio
- habendum
- e
- quod
- se
- quam
- antonium
- Antonium
- esse
- maluerit
- a
- quo
- ia
- petenda
- essent
- ?
- uindici
- quidem
- aliene
- alienae
- dominationis
- .
- ,
- non
- uicario
- .
- ,
- Et
- quis
- ecquis
- supplicat
- ut
- optime
- meritis
- de
- re
- .p.
- publica
- liceat
- esse
- salvis
- ?
- ia
- uero
- imbecillitas
- et
- desperatio
- .
- ,
- cuius
- culpa
- non
- magis
- in
- te
- resid
- residet
- quam
- in
- omnibus
- aliis
- et
- csarem
- Csarem
- in
- cupiditatem
- regni
- impulit.
- et
- antonio
- Antonio
- po
- interitum
- illius
- suasit
- persuasit
- ut
- interfei
- locum
- occupare
- conaretur.
- et
- nunc
- puerum
- ium
- extulit
- ut
- tu
- iudicare
- precibu
- Antoni regni cupid
- esse
- impetrandam
- salutem
- talibus
- uiris.
- misericordia
- unius
- uix
- etiam
- nunc
- uiri
- tutos
- fore
- nos
- aut
- nulla
- alia
- re
- :
- .
- quod
- si
- romanos
- Romanos
- nos
- esse.
- meminissemus,
- non
- audatius
- audacius
- dominari
- cuperent
- poremi
- homines
- quam
- id
- nos
- prohiberemus
- :
- ,
- neque
- magis
- irritatus
- ess
- esset
- antonius
- Antonius
- regno
- Caesaris
- quaam
- ob
- eiusdem
- mortem
- deterritus.
- tu
- qdeʒ
- quidem
- ,
- consularis
- et
- tantorum
- scelerum
- uindexreg>, quibus
- oppressis
- uereor
- ne
- in
- breue
- tempus
- dilata
- sit
- abs
- te
- abste
- nicies
- pernicies
- :
- ,
- qui
- potes
- intueri:
- que
- quae
- gesseris
- .
- ,
- simul
- et
- ia
- uel
- probare:
- uel
- ita
- demisse
- ac
- facile
- pati
- ut
- probantis
- speciem
- habeas
- :
- ?
- quod
- autem
- tibi
- cum
- antonio
- Antonio
- priuatim
- odium
- ?
- nempe
- quia
- poulabat
- hc
- :
- ,
- salutem
- ab
- se
- peti,
- precariam
- nos
- incolumitatem
- habere
- a
- quibus
- ipsse
- libertatem
- accepiss
- accepisset
- ,
- esse
- arbitrium
- suum
- de
- re
- .p.
- publica
- ,
- qurenda
- esse
- arma
- putai
- .
- ,
- quibus
- dominari
- hiberetur
- prohiberetur
- :
- ,
- scilic
- scilicet
- ut
- illo
- hibito
- prohibito
- rogaremus
- alterum
- qui
- se
- in
- eius
- locum
- reponi
- pateretur
- :
- ,
- non
- ut
- ess
- esset
- sui
- iuris
- ac
- mancip
- res
- .p.
- publica
- ? nisi
- forte
- non
- de
- seruitute
- .
- ,
- sed
- de
- conditione
- seruidi
- seruiendi
- recusatum
- e
- a
- nobis.
- atqui
- non
- solum
- bono
- domino
- potuimus
- antonio
- Antonio
- tolerare
- noram
- fortun
- fortunam
- .
- ,
- sed
- etiam
- benefics
- atq:
- atque
- honoribus
- ut
- participes
- frui
- qutis
- quantis
- uellemus.
- quid
- enim
- neg
- neget
- s
- quorum
- patienti
- patientiam
- uider
- uideret
- maximum
- dominationis
- sue
- suae
- presidium
- praesidium
- esse
- .
- ?
- sed
- nihil
- tanti
- fuit
- .
- ,
- quo
- uenderemus
- fidem
- noram
- et
- libertatem.
- hic
- ipse
- puer
- quem
- csaris
- Csaris
- nomen
- incitare
- uidetur
- in
- csaris
- Csaris
- interfectores
- .
- ,
- quanti
- eimet
- aeimet
- ,
- si
- sit
- commertio
- commercio
- locus
- .
- ,
- posse
- nobis
- auoribus
- tantum
- quantum
- profeo
- poterit
- ,
- quoniam
- uiuere
- et
- pecunias
- habere.
- et
- dici
- consulares
- uolumus
- .
- !
- ceterum
- neqcquam
- nequicquam
- perierit
- ille
- (cuius
- interitu
- quid
- gauisi
- sumus
- si
- mortuo
- nihilominus
- seruituri
- eramus
- ?
- )
- nulla
- cura
- mimose
- Brutus
- adhibetur.
- sed
- mihi
- prius
- omnia
- d
- deeq:
- deeque
- deaeq:
- deaeque
- eripuerint
- quam
- illud
- iudicium
- quo
- non
- modo
- heredi
- eius
- quem
- occidi
- non
- concesserim
- quod
- in
- illo
- non
- tuli
- sed
- ne
- patri
- quidem
- meo,
- si
- reuiuiscat,
- ut
- patiente
- me
- plus
- legibus
- ac
- senatu
- possit.
- an
- hoc
- tibi
- suasum
- persuasum
- e,
- fore
- ceteros
- ab
- eo
- liberos
- quo
- inuito
- nobis
- in
- ia
- ciperitate
- locus
- non
- sit
- ?
- qui
- porro
- id
- quod
- petis
- fieri
- pote
- ut
- impetres
- ?
- rogas
- eniim
- uelit
- nos
- saluos
- esse
- .
- :
- uidemur
- ergo
- tibi
- salutem
- accepturi
- cum
- uitam
- acceperimus?
- quam,
- si
- prius
- dimittimus
- dignitatem
- et
- libertatem,
- qui
- possumus
- accipere
- ?
- an
- tu
- romae
- Romae
- habitare,
- id
- putas
- esse
- incolumem
- esse
- ?
- res,
- non
- locus,
- oport
- oportet
- preet
- praeet
- iuc
- mi
- mihi
- .
- neq:
- neque
- incolumis
- csare
- Csare
- uiuo
- fui,
- nisi
- poea
- quam
- illud
- conscivui
- facinus
- :
- ,
- neque
- usquam
- exul
- esse
- possum
- .
- ,
- dum
- servire
- et
- pati
- contumelias
- peius
- odero
- malis
- ombus
- omnibus
- aliis.
- nonne
- hoc
- e
- in
- easdem
- tenebras
- recidisse
- .
- ,
- ab
- eo
- qui
- tyranni
- nomen
- adscivit
- sibi
- ,
- quom
- in
- Graecis
- ciuitatibus
- liberi
- tyrannorum
- oppressis
- illis.
- eodem
- Poena in tyranno filio
- supplicio
- afficiantur,
- petitur
- ut
- uindices
- atq:
- atque
- oppressores
- dominationis
- salui
- sint
- .
- ?
- hanc
- ego
- ciuitatem
- uidere
- uelim
- aut
- putem
- ullam
- quae
- nec
- traditam
- quidem
- atque
- inculcatam
- libertatem
- recipere
- possit
- .
- ,
- plusque
- timeat
- in
- puero
- nomen
- sublati
- regis:
- quam
- confidat
- sibi
- :
- ,
- cum
- illum
- ipsum
- qui
- maximas
- opes
- habuerit.
- paucorum
- uirtute
- sublatum
- uideat.
- me
- uero
- pohac
- ne
- commendaueris
- csari
- Csari
- tuo,
- ne
- te
- quidem
- ipsum,
- si
- me
- audies.
- ualde
- care
- eimas
- aeimas
- tot
- annos
- quot
- tas
- ia
- recipit
- si
- propter
- eam
- causam
- puero
- ii
- supplicaturus
- es. deinde, quod
- pulcherrime
- fecii
- ac
- facis
- in
- antonio
- Antonio
- ,
- vide
- ne
- convertatur
- a
- laude
- maximi
- animi
- ad
- opinionem
- formidinis.
- nam
- si
- oauius
- Oauius
- tibi
- plac
- placet
- a
- quo
- de
- nora
- salute
- petendum
- sit
- .
- ,
- non
- dominum
- fugisse
- .
- ,
- sed
- amitiorem
- amiciorem
- dominum
- quesisse
- quaesisse
- uideberis.
- quem
- quod
- laudass
- ob
- ea
- que
- quae
- adhuc
- fecit
- plane
- probo.
- sunt
- enim
- laudanda,
- si
- modo
- contra
- alienam
- potentiam
- .
- ,
- non
- pro
- sua,
- suscepit
- eas
- aiones.
- quom
- uero
- iudicas
- tantum
- illi
- non
- modo
- licere
- .
- ,
- sed
- iam
- etiam
- a
- te
- ipso
- tribuend
- a
- u
- m
- esse:
- ut
- rogandus
- sit
- ne
- nolit
- nos
- esse
- saluos
- .
- ,
- nimium
- magn
- magnam
- mercedem
- atuis
- .
- (
- id
- enim
- ipsum
- illi
- largiris
- .
- ,
- quod
- per
- illum
- habere
- uidebatur
- res
- .p.
- publica
- ),
- neque
- hoc
- tibi
- in
- mentem
- uenit,
- si
- oauius
- Oauius
- illis
- dignus
- sit
- honoribus.
- quia
- cum
- antonio
- Antonio
- bellum
- gerat,
- iis
- qui
- illud
- malum
- exciderint
- cuius
- ie
- iae
- reliquie
- reliquiae
- sunt
- nihil.
- quo
- expleri
- poss
- un
- i
- t
- eorum
- meritum
- tributurum
- numquam
- populus
- Romanus
- :
- ,
- si
- omnia
- simul
- congesserit.
- At
- Ac
- uide
- quanto
- diligentius
- homines
- metuant
- quam
- meminerint
- .
- :
- quia
- antonius
- Antonius
- uiuat
- ac
- in
- armis
- sit.
- De
- Csare
- uero
- quod
- fieri
- potuit
- ac
- debuit,
- id
- trans
- it
- ac
- tum
- e.
- neque
- iam
- rouocari
- reuocari
- in
- integrum
- pote
- .
- ,
- Oauius
- is
- e
- qui
- quid
- de
- nobis
- iudicaturus
- sit
- expe
- expeet
- populus
- Romanus
- ,
- nos
- ii
- sumus
- de
- quorum
- salute
- unus
- homo
- rogandus
- uideatur
- .
- ego
- uero,
- ut
- iuc
- reuertar
- .
- ,
- is
- sum
- qui
- non
- modo
- non
- supplicem
- .
- ,
- sed
- iam
- etiam
- coerceam
- poulantes:
- ut
- sibi
- supplicetur.
- aut
- longe
- a
- seruientibus
- abero
- mihique
- esse
- Dignm
- Dignum
- Bruto
- uerb
- uerbum
- Vbi
- libertas
- :
- ,
- ibi
- Roma
- iudicabo
- romam
- Romam
- ubicunq:
- ubicunque
- liberum
- esse
- licebit
- .
- ,
- ac
- ueri
- miserebor
- quibus
- nec
- etas
- aetas
- neque
- honores
- nec
- uirtus
- aliena
- dulcedinem
- uiuendi
- minuere
- potuerit. mihi
- quidem
- ita
- beatus
- esse
- uidebor
- .
- ,
- si
- modo
- conanter
- ac
- perpetuo
- placebit
- hoc
- consili
- consilium
- :
- ,
- ut
- relatam
- putem
- grati
- gratiam
- pietati
- mee
- meae
- .
- quid
- enim
- e
- meliu
- s
- s
- :
- quam
- memoria
- ree
- faorum
- et
- libertate
- contentum:
- negligere
- hana
- humana
- ?
- Sed
- certe
- non
- succumbam
- succumbentibus
- nec
- uincar
- ab
- iis
- qui
- se
- uinci
- uolunt
- .
- ,
- experiarque
- et
- tentabo
- temptabo
- omnia
- neq:
- neque
- desiam
- abrahere
- a
- seruitio
- ciuitatem
- noram.
- si
- secuta
- fuerit
- que
- quae
- deb
- debet
- fortuna
- .
- ,
- gaudebimus
- o
- omnes;
- si
- minus,
- ego
- tamen
- gaudebo.
- quibus
- enim
- potius
- hec
- haec
- uita
- fais
- aut
- cogitationibus
- traducatur.
- quam
- his
- que
- quae
- tinuer
- u
- i
- nt
- pertinuer
- u
- i
- nt
- ad
- liberandos
- ciuis
- meos
- .
- ?
- Te,
- cicero
- Cicero
- ,
- rogo
- atq:
- atque
- hortor
- ne
- defatigere
- neu
- diffidas,
- semper
- semper
- malis
- prohibendis
- futura
- quoque,
- nisi
- ante
- sit
- occursum, explorares
- ne
- se
- insinuent.
- fortem
- et
- liberum
- animum,
- quo
- et
- consul
- et
- nunc
- consularis
- .r.
- rem
- .p.
- publicam
- vindicai,
- sine
- conantia
- et
- equabilitate
- aequabilitate
- nullum
- esse
- putaris.
- fateor
- enim
- durior
- duriorem
- esse
- condicionem
- speatae
- uirtutis:
- quam
- incognitae.
- bene
- faa
- pro
- debitis
- exigimus;
- que
- quae
- aliter
- eueniunt, ut
- decepti
- ab
- his,
- infeo
- animo
- reprehendimus.
- itaque
- resiere
- antonio
- Antonio
- ciceronem
- Ciceronem
- ,
- et
- si
- maxima
- laude
- dignum
- e,
- tamen,
- quia
- ille
- consul
- hunc
- consularem
- merito
- praeare
- uidetur
- nemo
- admiratur;
- idem
- cicero
- Cicero
- ,
- si
- flexerit
- aduersus
- alios
- iuditium
- iudicium
- suum
- .
- ,
- quod
- tanta
- firmitate
- ac
- magnitudine
- direxit
- in
- exturbando
- antonio
- Antonio
- .
- ,
- non
- modo
- reliqui
- temis
- temporis
- gloriam
- eripuerit
- sibi
- sed
- iam
- etiam
- preterita
- praeterita
- euanescere
- cog
- coget
- .
- nihil
- enim
- per
- se
- amplum
- e
- .
- ,
- nisi
- in
- quo
- iudici
- ratio
- exat. quia
- neminem
- magis
- dec
- decet
- rem
- .p.
- publicam
- amare
- libertatisque
- defensorem
- esse
- uel
- ingenio.
- uel
- reb
- rebus
- geis
- uel
- udio
- uel
- efflagitatione
- omnium.
- Quare
- non
- oauius
- Oauius
- e
- rogandus
- ut
- uel
- u
- i
- t
- nos
- esse
- saluos.
- magis
- tute
- te
- exsuscita
- :
- ,
- ut
- eam
- ciuitatem
- in
- qua
- maxa
- maxima
- gessii
- liberam
- atque
- honeam
- fore
- putes
- .
- ,
- si
- modo
- st
- sint
- populo
- duces
- ad
- resiendum
- improborum
- consils.
- mihi
- mirari
- Ciceronem.
- quod
- nihil
- un
- unquam
- significem
- de
- suis
- ais.
- quoniam
- me
- flagitas
- .
- ,
- coau
- tuo
- scribam
- que
- quae
- sentio
- .
- omnia
- fecisse
- ciceronem
- Ciceronem
- optimo
- animo
- scio.
- quid
- enim
- mihi
- exploratius
- esse
- pote:
- quam
- illius
- animus
- in
- rem
- .p.
- publicam
- ?
- sed
- qued
- quedam
- quaedam
- mihi
- uidetur
- .
- –
- quid
- dicam?
- imperite.
- uir
- omnium
- prudentissimus:
- an
- ambitiose
- fecisse
- :
- ,
- qui
- ualentissim
- ualentissimum
- ani
- antonium
- Antonium
- suscipere
- pro
- re
- .p.
- publica
- non
- dubitarit
- inimicum
- .
- ?
- nescio
- quid
- scribam
- tibi
- .
- ,
- nisi
- un
- unum
- :
- pueri
- et
- cupiditatem
- et
- licentiam
- potius
- esse
- irritatam
- quam
- repressam
- a
- Cicerone
- .
- ,
- tantumque
- tribuere
- e
- eum
- huic
- indulgentie
- indulgentiae
- :
- ut
- se
- malediis
- abineat
- non
- qidem
- quidem
- que
- quae
- in
- ipsum
- dupliciter
- recidunt,
- quod
- et
- plures
- occidit
- uno
- seque
- prius
- oport
- oportet
- fateatur
- sicarium
- quam
- obiciat
- casc
- Casc
- quod
- obicit
- et
- imitetur
- in
- casca
- Casca
- beiam
- Beiam
- .
- an
- quia
- non
- omnibus
- horis
- iaamus
- idus
- Idus
- martias
- Martias
- .
- ssimiliter
- atque
- ille
- .nn.
- Nonas
- decemb.
- Decembris
- suas
- in ore
- in
- ore
- habet
- ,
- casca.
- beia
- idus
- Marti
- Non
- decbres
- Decembres
- eo
- meliore
- condicione
- cicero
- Cicero
- pulcherrimum
- faum
- uituperauit
- quam
- beia
- Beia
- et
- clodius
- Clodius
- reprehdere
- reprehendere
- illius
- ciceronis
- consulatum
- soliti
- sunt? Suinuisse
- mihi
- gloriatur
- bellum
- anton
- Anton
- Togatus
- togatus
- cicero
- Cicero
- noer.
- quid
- hoc
- mihi
- prode
- si
- merces
- anton
- Anton
- oppressi
- poscitur
- in
- antonii
- Antonii
- locum
- successio.
- et
- si
- uindex
- illius
- mali
- auor
- extitit
- alterius
- fundamentum
- et
- radices
- habituri
- alt
- e
- io
- r
- iu
- e
- s
- .
- ,
- sic
- patiamur
- ut
- iam
- ia
- qu
- facit.
- dominationem
- an
- dominum
- an
- antonium
- Antonium
- timentis
- sint
- .
- ?
- Ego
- autem
- gratiam
- non
- habeo
- siquis,
- dum
- ne
- irato
- seruiat,
- rem
- ipsam
- non
- deprecatur
- :
- .
- immo
- triumphus
- et
- ipendium
- decernitur
- et
- omnibus
- decretis
- hortatur
- .
- ,
- cum
- pudeat
- concupiscere
- fortunam
- cuius
- nomen
- susceperit,
- consularis
- aut
- ciceronis
- Ciceronis
- e
- ?
- quoniam
- mihi
- tacere
- non
- licuit,
- leges
- que
- quae
- tibi
- necesse
- e
- molea
- esse.
- Et
- enim
- Etenim
- ipse
- sentio
- quanto
- cum
- dolore
- hc
- ad
- te
- scripser>
- scripserim>
- nec
- ignoro
- quid
- sentias
- in
- re
- .p.
- publica
- et
- quam
- desperatam
- quoque
- sanari
- putes
- posse.
- nec
- me
- hercule
- mehercule
- te,
- Attice,
- reprehendo.
- etas
- aetas
- enim
- .
- ,
- mores
- .
- ,
- liberi
- segnem
- efficiunt,
- Unde
- segnes
- s
- homines
- quod
- quidem
- iam
- etiam
- ex
- flauio
- Flauio
- noro
- spexi
- perspexi
- .
- Sed
- redeo
- ad
- Ciceronem.
- quid
- autem
- amplius
- ille
- decerneret
- ?
- 'timet'
- inqies
- inquies
- '
- iam
- etiam
- nunc
- reliquias
- belli
- civilis.'
- quisquam
- ergo
- ita
- timet
- profligatum
- .
- ,
- ut
- neque
- potentiam
- eius
- qui
- exercitum
- uiorem
- habeat
- neque
- temeritatem
- pueri
- putet
- extimescendam
- esse
- ?
- an
- hoc
- ipsum
- eas
- re
- facit
- quod
- illi
- propter
- amplitudinem
- omnia
- iam
- ultroque
- deferenda
- putat
- .
- ?
- O.
- magnam
- ultitiam
- timoris,
- idipsum
- id
- ipsum
- quod
- uerearis
- ita
- cauere.
- ut,
- cum
- uitare
- fortasse
- potueris, ultro
- accersas
- et
- attrahas!
- nimium
- timemus
- mortem
- et
- exilium
- et
- paupertatem
- .
- .
- hec
- haec
- mihi
- uidentur
- ciceroni
- Ciceroni
- ultima
- esse
- in
- malis.
- et
- ,
- dum
- habeat
- a
- quibus
- impetret
- qu
- uelit
- et
- a
- quibus
- laud
- a
- e
- tur
- ac
- colatur
- .
- ,
- seruitutem,
- honorificam
- modo,
- non
- aspernatur
- .
- ,
- si
- quicquam
- in
- extrema
- ac
- miserrima
- contumelia
- pote
- honorificum
- esse.
- lic
- licet
- ergo
- patrem
- appell
- appellet
- oauius
- Oauius
- ciceronem
- Ciceronem
- .
- ,
- omnia
- referat.
- omnia,
- laudet
- .
- ,
- gratiass
- agat
- .
- ,
- tamen
- illud
- apparebit,
- uerba
- rebus
- esse
- contraria.
- quid
- enim
- si
- Brutum
- tu
- tuum
- Cicero
- tam
- alienum
- ab
- humanis
- sensibus
- e
- quam
- eum
- patris
- habere
- loco.
- qui
- ne
- liberi
- quidem
- hominis
- numero
- sit
- ?
- atqui
- eo
- tendit
- .
- ,
- id
- agit,
- ad
- eum
- exitum
- perat
- properat
- uir
- optimus:
- ut
- sit
- illi
- oauius
- Oauius
- propitius.
- ego
- uero
- iam
- his
- artibus
- nihil
- tribuo:
- quibus
- ciceronem
- Ciceronem
- scio
- inruissim
- inruissimum
- esse.
- quid
- enim
- illi
- prosunt
- que
- quae
- pro
- libertate
- patrie
- patriae
- ,
- de
- dignitate,
- que
- quae
- de
- morte,
- exilio,
- paupertate
- scripsit
- copio
- scripsit
- cicero
- Cicero
- sissime
- ?
- quanto
- autem
- magis
- illa
- callere
- uidetur
- philippus
- Philippus
- ,
- qui
- pr
- e
- i
- uigno
- minus
- tribuerit
- quam
- cicero
- Cicero
- ,
- qui
- alieno
- tribuat.
- dessinat
- igitur
- gloriando
- etiam
- inseari
- dolores
- noros.
- quid
- enim
- nora
- refert
- uium
- esse
- antonium
- Antonium
- ,
- si
- uius
- e
- ut
- alii
- uacaret
- quod
- ille
- obtinuit
- .
- ?
- tamsi
- tametsi
- tu
- litter
- dubia
- iam
- etiam
- nunc
- significant.
- uiuat
- hercule
- cicero
- Cicero
- .
- ,
- qui
- pote,
- supplex
- et
- obnoxius,
- si
- neque
- etatis
- aetatis
- neque
- honorum
- neque
- rerum
- gearum
- pudet.
- ego
- certe
- quin
- cum
- ipsa
- re
- bellum
- geram
- .
- ,
- hoc
- e
- cum
- regno
- et
- impers.
- et
- dominatione.
- et
- potentia
- tus
- libraus
- am
- amor
- qu
- supra
- leges
- esse
- se
- uelit
- .
- ,
- nulla
- erit
- tam
- bona
- conditio
- condicio
- seruiendi
- qua
- deterrear, quamvis
- sit
- vir
- bonus,
- ut
- scribis
- scribit
- ,
- antonius
- Antonius
- .
- ,
- quod
- ego
- numquam
- exiimaui.
- sed
- dominum
- ne
- parentem
- quidem
- maiores
- nori
- uoluerunt
- esse.
- te
- nisi
- tantum
- amarem
- quantum
- ciceroni
- Ciceroni
- persuasum
- e
- diligi
- ab
- oauio
- Oauio
- .
- ,
- hc
- ad
- te
- non
- scripsissem.
- dol
- dolet
- mihi
- quod
- tu
- nunc
- omacharis
- amantissimus
- cum
- tuorum
- omnium.
- tum
- ciceronis
- Ciceronis
- .
- sed
- suade
- persuade
- tibi
- de
- uoluntate
- propria
- mea
- nihil
- esse
- remissum,
- de
- iudicio
- Largiter
- largiter
- .
- neque.
- enim
- impetrari
- pote
- quin,
- quale
- quidque
- uideatur
- ei
- :
- ,
- talem
- quisque
- de
- illo
- opinionem
- habe
- at
- t
- .
- Vellem
- mihi
- scripsisses
- qu
- conditiones
- condiciones
- essent
- attic
- Attic
- nor
- :
- .
- potuissem
- aliquid
- tibi
- de
- meo
- sensu
- scribere
- perscribere
- .
- ualetudinem
- porti
- Porci
- mee
- meae
- tibi
- Portia
- cur
- esse
- non
- miror.
- denique
- quod
- petis
- faciam
- libter
- libenter
- .
- nam
- et
- sorores
- me
- rogant.
- et
- hominem
- noro.
- et
- quid
- sibi
- uoluit.
- sepe
- saepe
- te
- litteris
- hortatus
- essem:
- ut
- qu
- quam
- primum
- rei
- .p.
- publicae
- subuenires
- in
- italiam
- que
- Italiamque
- exercit
- exercitum
- adduceres
- :
- ,
- neque
- id
- arbitrarer
- dubitare
- tuos
- necessarios
- .
- ,
- rogatus
- sum
- a
- prudentissima
- et
- diligentissima
- femina,
- matr
- e
- tua,
- cuius
- omnes
- cur
- ad
- te
- referuntur
- et
- in
- te
- consumuntur,
- ut
- uenirem
- ad
- se
- ad.
- a.
- d.
- Kal.
- sextil..
- quod
- ego,
- ut
- debui,
- sine
- mora
- feci.
- Cum
- aut
- autem
- uenissem,
- casca
- Casca
- aderat
- et
- labeo
- Labeo
- et
- scaptius
- Scaptius
- .
- at
- illa
- rettulit
- qusiuitque
- quid
- nam
- quidnam
- mihi
- uideretur
- .
- ,
- accerseremusne
- te.
- atque
- quid
- tibi
- conducere
- putarem
- putaremus
- .
- an
- tardare
- et
- commorari
- te
- melius
- esset.
- respondi
- id
- quod
- sentiebam,
- et
- dignitati.
- et
- exiimationi
- tu
- maxime
- conducere.
- te
- primo
- quoque
- tempore
- ferre
- presidium
- praesidi
- praesidium
- labenti
- et
- inclinate
- inclinatae
- p
- o
- a
- ene
- rei
- .p.
- publicae
- .
- quid
- abesse
- censes
- mali
- in
- eo
- bello.
- in
- quo
- uiores
- exercitus
- fugientem
- hos/em
- persequi
- noluerunt
- et
- in
- quo
- incolumis
- imperator
- honoribus
- amplissimis
- fortunisque
- maximis
- :
- ,
- coniuge
- .
- ,
- liberis
- .
- ,
- nobis
- affinibus
- ornatus
- rei
- .p.
- publicae
- bellum
- rei
- .p.
- publicae
- indixerit
- .
- ?
- quid
- dicam
- 'in
- tanto
- senatus
- populiq:
- populique
- Ro.
- Romani
- csensu
- consensu
- '
- .
- ,
- quom
- tantum
- resideat
- intra
- muros
- mali
- .
- ?
- maximo
- autem
- dolore,
- quom
- hc
- scribebam,
- afficiebar
- qod
- quod
- ,
- quom
- me
- pro
- adulescentulo
- ac
- pene
- paene
- puero
- res
- .p.
- publica
- accepisset
- uadem
- .
- ,
- uix
- uidebar
- quod
- promiseram
- preare
- praeare
- posse.
- E
- autem
- grauior
- et
- difficilior
- animi
- et
- sententie
- sententiae
- ,
- maximis
- prsertim
- in
- rebus,
- pro
- altero
- quam
- pecunie
- pecuniae
- Obligatio
- duplex
- obligatio.
- hc
- enim
- solui
- pote
- et
- e
- rei
- iaura
- tolerabilis:
- rei
- .p.
- publicae
- quod
- spoponderis
- quem
- admodum
- soluas,
- si
- is
- dependi
- non
- facile
- patitur
- pro
- quo
- spoponderis
- ?
- quamquam
- et
- hunc,
- ut
- spero,
- tenebo
- mulsis
- repugnantibus.
- De
- oauio
- Oauio
- cse
- csare
- puero
- uidetur
- enim
- esse
- indoles
- .
- ,
- sed
- flexibilis
- etas
- aetas
- multique
- ad
- deprauandum
- parati
- .
- ,
- qui
- splendore
- falsi
- honoris
- obieo
- aciem
- boni
- ingen
- praeringi
- posse
- confidunt.
- itaque
- ad
- reliquos
- hic
- quoq:
- quoque
- mihi
- labor
- accessit,
- ut
- omnes
- adhibeam
- machinas
- ad
- tenendum
- adolescentem,
- ne
- famam
- subeam
- temeritatis.
- quamquam
- qu
- temeritas
- e
- ?
- magis
- enim
- illum
- pro
- quo
- spopondi
- qu
- quam
- me
- ipsum
- obligaui.
- nec
- uero
- paenitere
- poenitere
- pote
- rem
- .p.
- publicam
- me
- pro
- eo
- spopondisse
- qui
- fuit
- in
- rebus
- gerendis
- cum
- suo
- ingenio
- tum
- mea
- promissione
- conantior.
- maximus
- autem,
- nisi
- forte
- me
- fallit,
- in
- re
- .p.
- publica
- nodus
- e
- inopia
- rei
- pecuniari.
- obdurescunt
- enim
- quotidie
- magis
- boni
- uiri
- ad
- uocem
- tributi.
- quod
- ex
- centesima
- collatum
- Treb
- impudenti
- censu
- locupletum
- induarum
- in
- duarum
- legionum
- premiis
- praemiis
- omne
- consumitur.
- impend
- u
- e
- nt
- autem
- infiniti
- sumptus
- quom
- in
- hos
- exercitus
- quibus
- nunc
- defendimur
- tum
- uero
- in
- tuum.
- nam
- cassius
- Cassius
- noer
- uidetur
- posse
- satis
- ornat
- e
- us
- uenire.
- sed
- hc
- et
- multa
- alia
- coram
- cupio
- idque
- quam
- primum.
- de
- sororis
- tue
- tuae
- filiis
- non
- exspeaui,
- brute
- Brute
- ,dum
- scriberes
- :
- .
- omnino
- ipsa
- tempora(bellum
- enim
- ducetur
- .
- )
- integram
- tibi
- causam
- reseruant.
- sed
- ego
- a
- principio
- .
- ,
- cum
- diuinare
- de
- belli
- diuturnitate
- possem,ita
- causam
- egi
- puerorum
- in
- senatu:
- ut
- te
- arbitror
- e
- matris
- litteris
- potuisse
- cognoscere.nec
- uero
- ulla
- res
- erit
- umquam
- in
- qua
- ego
- non
- uel
- uit
- periculo
- ea
- dicam
- aeaque
- eaque
- faciam
- qu
- te
- uelle
- quque
- ad
- te
- tinere
- pertinere
- arbitrer.VI
- Kl.sextiles.
Published as an example of 3DHOP - EVT integration, but actually a part of the Visionary Cross
- project (https://zenodo.org/communities/visionarycrossproject/).
- East Face (now South Face)
- North Face (now East Face)
- West Face (now North Face)
- South Face (now West Face)
- Northumbrian crosses of the pre-Norman age
- William GershomCollingwood
- Faber & Gwyer
- 1927
- An apocalypse panel on the Ruthwell Cross
- PaulMeyvaert
- Medieval and Renaissance Studies
- 9
- 3-32
- 1982
- http://bibliography.kakelbont.ca/PDF/meyvaert1982
- The Inscriptions of the Ruthwell and Bewcastle Crosses and the Bridekirk Font
- 10.2307/859679
- M. D.Forbes
- BruceDickins
- The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs
- 09510788
- 25
- 133
- 24-29
- 1914
- 2011-03-23T09:12:42Z
- http://www.jstor.org/stable/859679
- Fusæ in the Runic Inscription on the Ruthwell Cross
- 10.1093/notesj/gjn206
- AlfredBammesberger
- Notes and Queries
- 56
- 1
- 7 -9
- 2009
- 2011-09-19T14:59:19Z
- http://nq.oxfordjournals.org/content/56/1/7.short
- The Bewcastle and Ruthwell Crosses
- MartinConway
- The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs
- 09510788
- 21
- 112
- 193-195
- 1912
- 2011-03-23T09:12:31Z
- http://www.jstor.org/stable/859039
- The Bowman and the Bird on the Ruthwell Cross and Other Works: The Interpretation of
- Secular Themes in Early Mediaeval Religious Art
- 10.2307/3048115
- The Bowman and the Bird on the Ruthwell Cross and Other Works
- MeyerSchapiro
- The Art Bulletin
- 00043079
- 45
- 4
- 351-355
- 1963
- 2011-03-23T09:12:46Z
- http://www.jstor.org/stable/3048115
- The Ruthwell Cross
- 10.2307/750418
- F.Saxl
- Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes
- 00754390
- 6
- 1-19
- 1943
- 2011-03-23T09:12:26Z
- http://www.jstor.org/stable/750418
- Notes on the Ruthwell Cross
- 10.2307/456472
- Albert S.Cook
- 00308129
- 17
- 3
- 367-390
- 1902
- 2011-03-23T09:12:49Z
- http://www.jstor.org/stable/456472
- The Ruthwell Cross
- W. R.Lethaby
- The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs
- 09510788
- 21
- 111
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- 1912
- 2011-03-23T09:12:37Z
- http://www.jstor.org/stable/859018
- The Religious Meaning of the Ruthwell Cross
- 10.2307/3046964
- MeyerSchapiro
- The Art Bulletin
- 00043079
- 26
- 4
- 232-245
- 1944
- 2011-03-23T09:12:35Z
- http://www.jstor.org/stable/3046964
- The Ruthwell Cross, "The Dream of the Rood" and the Vita Contemplativa
- Robert B.Burlin
- Studies in Philology
- 00393738
- 65
- 1
- 23-43
- 1968
- http://www.jstor.org/stable/4173589
- The John the Baptist Panel on the Ruthwell Cross
- 10.2307/766928
- GeorgeHenderson
- Gesta
- 0016920X
- 24
- 1
- 3-12
- 1985
- 2011-03-23T09:12:25Z
- http://www.jstor.org/stable/766928
- The Bewcastle and Ruthwell Crosses
- G. BaldwinBrown
- W. R.Lethaby
- The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs
- 09510788
- 23
- 121
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- 1913
- 2011-03-23T09:12:59Z
- http://www.jstor.org/stable/859370
- The Archer in the Ruthwell Cross
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- Ernst H.Kantorowicz
- The Art Bulletin
- 00043079
- 42
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- 1960
- 2011-03-23T09:12:33Z
- http://www.jstor.org/stable/3047875
- Caedmon and the Ruthwell Cross
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- Albert S.Cook
- Modern Language Notes
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- 1890
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- D. R.Howlett
- Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes
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- The Linguistic Evidence for the Date of the "Ruthwell Cross"
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- Alan S. C.Ross
- The Modern Language Review
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- 1933
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- Medieval images, icons, and illustrated English literary texts : from Ruthwell Cross to
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- Medieval images, icons, and illustrated English literary texts
- 0-7546-3178-8 978-0-7546-3178-1
- MaidieHilmo
- Aldershot, Hampshire, England; Burlington, VT
- Ashgate
- 2004
- The date of the Ruthwell and Bewcastle crosses
- Albert StanburroughCook
- Yale university press
- 1912
- Die Runeninschrift auf dem Ruthwellkreuz
- AlfredBammesberger
- Anglia: Zeitschrift für englische Philologie
- 0340-5222
- 121
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- 265-273
- 2003
- 'A pillar curiously engraven; with some inscription upon it': what is the Ruthwell
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- 'A pillar curiously engraven with some inscription upon it'
- 978-1-84171-867-5
- PamelaO'Neill
- Oxford
- Archaeopress
- 2005
- http://books.google.it/books?id=jDtmAAAAMAAJ
- BAR British series
- The Ruthwell Cross and the Dream of the Rood
- Calvin B.Kendall
- The Place of the Cross in Anglo-Saxon England
- Woodbridge
- Boydell Press
- 2006
- The Archer and Associated Figures on the Ruthwell Cross - A Reconsideration
- R.T.Farrell
- Bede and Anglo-Saxon England
- Oxford
- 96-117
- British Archaeological Reports
- 1978
- Excavations at Ruthwell, Dumfries, 1980 and 1984
- ChrisCrowe
- Transactions of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquitarian Society,
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- 62
- 40-47
- 1987
- Transactions of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquitarian
- Society, Third Series
- The Ruthwell Cross in its Relation to other Monuments of Early Christian Age
- W. G.Collingwood
- The Ruthwell Cross
- 34-52
- 1916
- The Ancient Cross Shafts at Bewcastle and Ruthwell
- G. F.Browne
- Cambridge
- Cambridge university press
- 1916
- The Date of the Ruthwell Cross Inscription
- AndrewBreeze
- 16
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- 3-5
- 2003
- Northumbrian Identity in the Eighth Century: The Ruthwell and Bewcastle Monuments; Style,
- Classification, Class, and the Form of Ideology - Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
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- FredOrton
- Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
- 2004
- http://muse.jhu.edu.ezproxy.lib.ucalgary.ca/journals/journal_of_medieval_and_early_modern_studies/v034/34.1orton.html
- A Corrected Form of the Reconstructed Ruthwell Crucifixion Poem
- 10.1080/00393270802493225
- David R.Howlett
- Studia Neophilologica: A Journal of Germanic and Romance Languages and
- Literature,
- 00393274
- 0000
- 80
- 2
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- 2008
- http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2003&xri:pqil:res_ver=0.2&res_id=xri:lion-us&rft_id=xri:lion:rec:mla:R04362998
- Notes on medial and final vowels in the Ruthwell Cross runic inscription. Includes a
- transcription of the runic inscriptions on the side panels.
- AlfredBammesberger
- Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Runes and Runic Inscriptions,
- Grindaheim, Norway, 8-12 August 1990. Ed. James E. KNIRK (Runrön: Runologiska bidrag utgivna av
- Institutionen för nordiska språk vid Uppsala universitet, 9). Pp. 303. Uppsala: Institutionen för
- nordiska språk, Uppsala universitet.
- 91-506-1094-5
- 139-148
- 1994
- -
- The Ruthwell Cross. Papers from the Colloquium Sponsored by the Index of Christian Art,
- Princeton University, 8 December 1989
- The Ruthwell Cross
- 978-0-691-00038-1
- BrendanCassidy
- Princeton
- Princeton University Press
- 1992
- Index of Christian Art
- Some Eighteenth-Century Drawings of the Ruthwell Cross
- 10.1017/S0003581500071201
- BrendanCassidy
- David R.Howlett
- Antiquaries Journal: Journal of the Society of Antiquaries of London
- 0003-5815
- 72
- 102-117
- 1992
- http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0003581500071201
- A bibliography of the Ruthwell Cross.
- BrendanCassidy
- KatherineKiefer
- The Ruthwell Cross: Papers from the Colloquium Sponsored by the Index of Christian Art,
- Princeton University, 8 December 1989. Ed. Brendan CASSIDY (Index of Christian Art, Occasional Papers,
- 1). Pp. xiv, 205. Princeton, N.J.: Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University.
- 0-691-03211-4
- 167-199
- 1992
- -
- Inconsistencies in the main runic inscriptions on the Ruthwell Cross.
- ChristopherBall
- Old English Runes and their Continental Background. Ed. Alfred BAMMESBERGER (Anglistische
- Forschungen, 217). Pp. 632. Heidelberg: Winter
- 107-123
- 1991
- -
- Reculver, Ruthwell and Bewcastle.
- JohnBeckwith
- Kolloquium über frühmittelalterliche Skulptur. Ed. V. MILOJČiĆ. Mainz: Philip von
- Zabern
- 17-19
- 1970
- -
- Two archaic forms in the Ruthwell Cross inscription.
- 10.1080/00138389408598901
- AlfredBammesberger
- English Studies
- 0013-838X
- 75
- 2
- 97-103
- 1994
- 2013-05-23T16:25:33Z
- http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00138389408598901
- The Ruthwell Monument Runic Poem in a Tenth-Century Context
- 10.1093/res/hgm124
- Patrick W.Conner
- The Review of English Studies
- 0034-6551
- 59
- 238
- 25-51
- 2008
- 2014-05-07T10:02:16Z
- http://www.jstor.org/stable/20184634
- New Series
- Conversion, Justice, and Mercy at the Parousia: Liturgical Apocalypses from
- Eighth-Century Northumbria, on the Ruthwell and Bewcastle Crosses
- 10.1093/litthe/frs054
- Conversion, Justice, and Mercy at the Parousia
- Éamonn ÓCarragáin
- Literature and Theology
- 0269-1205, 1477-4623
- 26
- 4
- 367-383
- 2012
- 2015-04-02T13:34:16Z
- http://litthe.oxfordjournals.org/content/26/4/367
- Rethinking the Ruthwell Monument: Fragments and Critique; Tradition and History; Tongues
- and Sockets
- 10.1111/1467-8365.00093
- Rethinking the Ruthwell Monument
- FredOrton
- Art History
- 1467-8365
- 21
- 1
- 65-106
- 1998
- 2015-05-20T10:33:45Z
- http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1467-8365.00093/abstract
- The Ruthwell Cross: Papers from the Colloquium Sponsored by the Index of Christian Art,
- Princeton University, 8 December 1989
- The Ruthwell Cross
- 978-0-691-03211-5
- Princeton University Dept of Art and Archaeology Index of
- ChristianArt
- Princeton University Press
- 1992
- The Ruthwell Crucifixion Poem
- 10.1093/notesj/gjq081
- AlfredBammesberger
- Notes and Queries
- 0029-3970, 1471-6941
- 57
- 3
- 290-292
- 2010
- http://nq.oxfordjournals.org/content/57/3/290
- The runic roods of Ruthwell and Bewcastle, with a short history of the cross and crucifix
- in Scotland
- CC315.R8 H5
- James KingHewison
- contributor
- Cornell University Library
- Glasgow
- J. Smith
- 1914
- 2017-09-23T09:47:02Z
- http://archive.org/details/cu31924029809070
- A Doubtful Reconstruction in the Old English Ruthwell Crucifixion Poem
- 10.1080/003932702321116163
- AlfredBammesberger
- Studia Neophilologica
- 0039-3274
- 74
- 2
- 143-145
- 2002
- 2017-09-23T10:50:33Z
- http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/003932702321116163
- Swanton, M.J.
- The Dream of the Rood
- Exeter
- Exeter University Press
- 1987
- f
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- k
- ᛣ
- The Ruthwell Cross and The Dream of the Rood
The purpose of the Visionary Cross project (https://zenodo.org/communities/visionarycrossproject/) is to create a digital edition of a group of
- important objects related to
The Dream of the Rood and to the Cult of the Cross in
- general. The goal is to create a multimedia presentation putting together not only the critical edition of the
- poem, linked to the digitized images of the Vercelli Book, but also the three-dimensional data related to the
- Crosses. The strong link between the poem and the objects, also from a spatial point of view, should be
- preserved to fully describe the messages and interaction between visual and poetic art.
The final version of this multimedia presentation system, now presented in a very experimental form, will
- employ a highly detailed 3D model acquired with active 3D scanning technology, together with the transcription
- and translation of the runes that can be found on its surface, and a detailed description of the carving of the
- cross. The textual and spatial information will be linked through a system of bi-directional links called spots,
- which allow the users to freely navigate the data, supporting a synchronized browsing and analysis of the 3D
- model, the textual data and the digital editions of the poem.
- The Ruthwell poemText derived from Swanton 1987, verse lines
- correspond to the Vercelli version.
- East Side
- [+Ond]geredæ hinæ Ḡod almehttig
- þā hē walde on ḡalḡu gistīḡa,
- [m]odig f[ore allæ] men.
- [B]ūḡ[a] ic ni dorstæ…………..]
- [Āhōf] ic riicnæ K̄yniŋc
- heafunæs H[l]afard, hælda ic ni dorstæ.
- [B]ismærædu uŋk̄et men bā æt[ḡ]ad[re]; ic [wæs] miþ blōdæ [b]ist[ē]mi[d],
- bi[goten of……………………………………….]
- West Side
- [+] Krist wæs on rōdi.
- Hweþræ þēr fūsæ fearran kwōmu
- æþþilæ til ānum. Ic þæt al bih[ēald]
- Sār[æ] ic wæs mi[þ] sorḡum gidroe[f]id, h[n]aḡ [ic………]
- miþ strēlum giwundad.
- Ālegdun hiæ hinæ limwoērignæ, gistōddun him […….] līcæs [hea]f[du]m;
- [bi]hēa[l]du[n] hi[æ] þē[r……………………]
Not to ricirculate. Contact the Digital Vercelli Project researchers for more information.
- Italy
- Vercelli
- Biblioteca e Archivio Capitolare di Vercelli
- Vercelli Book
- Codex Vercellensis
- The Codex Vercellensis, or Vercelli Book, as it is known in the Anglo-Saxon world and now also in
- Italy, is a manuscript dating back to the end of the 10th century, containing miscellaneous religious
- works, in verse and prose: 23 homilies in prose and 6 poetic works following the Anglo-Saxon alliterative metrics.
- The primary language in this manuscript is Old English, with a few isolated Latin
- words and phrases.
- 1r - 9r
- Homily I
- ſceaþe for þan ne meaht ðu þa þrowunge gelettan
- ain ecneꞅꞅe þurh eallra woruld aworuld AmeN abutan ende
- 9v - 12r
- Homily II
- MENÐALE OFESTAN. þæꞅ myclan dóm dægeꞅ worc bið ſwiðe egeꞅ lic ⁊andryꞅ
- þurh ealra woruld aworuld aabutan ende am̄
- 12v - 16r
- Homily III
- BRoðor þa leofestan ic cyðe þæt þreo þing ſynt ærest
- á in ecneꞅꞅe þurh ealra woruld aworuld aabutan ende AMEN.
- 16v - 24v
- Homily IV
- Men þa leofestan, ıc eow bidde ⁊eaðmodlice lære
- þær he leofað ⁊ricꞅað ın ealra worulda woruld abutan ende amen;
- 25r - 29r
- Homily V
- to middan wintra Oſtende nob̄ dne
- we ureꞅ dryhtneꞅ naman hælendeꞅ criſteꞅ he leofað ⁊ricꞅað áábutan ende ;
- 29v - 52v
- Andreas
- Hwæt! We gefrunan on fyrndagum
- ece mid englum. þæt is æðele cyning!
- 52v - 54r
- Fates of the Apostles
- Hwæt! Ic þysne sang siðgeomor fand
- ece ond edgiong, ofer ealle gesceaft.
- 54v - 56r
- Homily VI
- INcipit narrare miracula quefacta fuerant ante aduentum saluatoris
- gyldeð uꞅ god ece mede æt uꞅꞅum ende;
- 56v - 59r
- Homily VII
- BUTAN tweon lar iꞅ halig domeꞅ dæl ⁊ealleꞅ ſwiðoſt
- ꞅynt onþã toweardan rice mid þam hælendan criſte. ⁊midþã halegan gaſte ınealra worulda woruld;
- 59r - 61r
- Homily VIII
- MENĐA leofeꞅtan manað uꞅ ⁊myngað onþyꞅꞅum bocum
- ⁊ mid ðam godeꞅ ꞅuna ðam þe aliofað ⁊rixaþ mid fæder ⁊mid ꞅuna ato widan feore ameN
- 61r - 65r
- Homily IX
- MEN ðaleofestan manað uꞅ ⁊mingaþ þeoꞅ halige boc þæt
- we mid him ⁊mid hiꞅ þam halegan gæꞅte wunigean ınealra worulda woruld ameN ;
- 65r - 71r
- Homily X
- HERsagað on þyꞅꞅum halegũ bocum be ælmihtigeꞅ
- drihten criſt wunaþ ⁊rixað mid eallũ halegum abutan ende ameN
- 71v - 73v
- Homily XI
- ſpelto forman gang dæge. MEN ðaleofestan þiꞅ ꞅindon halige dagaꞅ ⁊halwendlice
- gefultumige þe ofer uꞅ ealle liofað ⁊rixað. ameN
- 73v - 75v
- Homily XII
- ſpeltoðam oðrum gang dæge GIR ꞅan dæg we wæron manode menþa leofestan þiꞅꞅa haliga
- midhim ⁊mid hiꞅ halgum ainealra worulda woruld on ecnesse
- 75v - 76v
- Homily XIII
- ſpelto þriddan gangdæge ÐISISꞅe þridda dæg men þa leofeſtan þyꞅꞅe halgan tide þe uꞅ
- world to widan feore midfæder ⁊mid ꞅuna ⁊midþam halgan gaſte in ecneꞅꞅe ameN
- 76v - 80v
- Homily XIV
- lar ſpel to ſwylcere tide ſwa man wile . MEN ða leofestan þiꞅꞅynt halige dagaꞅ ⁊gaſtlice ⁊uꞅꞅũ
- odeꞅ halgum onþone heofen lican eðel ⁊þæꞅ ꞅiððan brucan onecneꞅꞅe amen ;
- 80v - 85v
- Homily XV
- ALIA OMELIADEDI E IVDICII. M sægð us onþyꞅꞅum bocum huꞅe halga thomas godes apsł
- ece gefean abutan ende ı scl̄a scl̄orum in secula seculorum ameN
- 85v - 90v
- Homily XVI
- OMELIA EPYFFANIA DNI M̄ sceolon we nú hwylcum hwegm wordum secgan be
- rixað nú áþurh eallra woruld áworuld ábutan ende ın ꞅclā sclōrum ameN.
- 90v - 94v
- Homily XVII
- DEPURIFICATIO SCAMIA M[Men þa leofestan] sægeð uꞅ ⁊myngaþ þiꞅ halige god ſpel be þysse arwyrðan
- aworuld abutan ende ınsca scorum am̄;in sæcula sæculorum, amen.
- 94v - 101r
- Homily XVIII
- DE SCO MARTINO CONF. M̄ magon we nu hwylcum hwego wordum asecgan
- leofaþ ⁊rixaþ á ıneallra woruld aworld abutan ende ameN;
- 101v - 103v
- Soul and Body I
- Huru, ðæs behofað hæleða æghwylc
- geþungen þrymlice þysses
- 104r - 104v
- Homiletic Fragment I
- sorh cymeð / manig ond mislic in manna dream.
- eorðan lifes ende gewyrcan!
- 104v - 106r
- The Dream of the Rood
- Hwæt! Ic swefna cyst secgan wylle
- ælmihtig god, þær his eðel wæs
- 106v - 109v
- Homily XIX
- MENða leofestan uꞅ gedafenaþ æreꞅt
- ꞅuna . ⁊mid þam haligan gaſte . ábutan ende amen :,
- 109v - 112r
- Homily XX
- MMEMENNÐA leofestan þiſ ꞅyndon halige dagaꞅ ⁊hal
- efen ecan haligan gafre abutan ende :,
- 112r - 116v
- Homily XXI
- MENĐALEOfestan usys mycel þearf þæt we god lufien of eallre
- haligan gaſte onwuldre ⁊onwyrð mynde áábutan ende onecneꞅꞅe;
- 116v - 120v
- Homily XXII
- hER ſægð hu sc̄s isodorus spræc be ðære sawle gedale ⁊be
- her on worulde ⁊on þære toweardan. seðe leofað ⁊ricsað aabutan ende in ecnesse
- 121r - 133v
- Elene
- þa wæs agangen geara hwyrftum
- wuldorcyninges to widan feore. Amen.
- 133v - 135v
- Homily XXIII
- Wæꞅ þær inþam ſprecenan iglande sum mycel hlæw of eorþan ge
- fona riceꞅ wuldre abutan ende onecneꞅꞅe amen fiat:,
- codex with leather binding.
- 135+1 leaves
- 31
- 20
The Vercelli Book consists of 19 quires, marked with Roman numerals at the beginning of each quire,
- and with letters at the end. Originally the quires were based on eight leaves of parchment, but many
- leafs are missing and a few single leaves have been added sporadically.
- 1(10,-7),
- 2(12,-4,-8,-11), 3(8,-6,-8), 4(10,-3,-7), 5(10,-4,-8), 6(8,-3), 7(10,-4,-8), 8(12,-4,-8),
- 9(10,-4,-8), 10(10,-5,-9), 11(10,-4,-6,-8,-10), 12(6), 13(10,-3,-7,-9), 14(8,-3,-7), 15(8,-6),
- 16(10,-1,-4,-8), 17(4,-3,-4), 18(8), 19(8,-8)
- None Quires begin on fols. 1(1), [...]
Text is written in a single column per parchment leaf.
In the opinion of many scholars, the manuscript was written by a single scribe, who has been
- particularly diligent and meticulous in using the writing of that period, the Anglo-Saxon square
- minuscule.
The Vercelli Book is very simple in appearance, in fact only three initials are decorated (H on f. 49r,
- M on ff. 106v and 112r) with new texts usually beginning with a larger, undecorated initial.
- The manuscript was written in England, presumably in the South-Eastern area, and seems to have never
- have left the country until the end of the eleventh century, since some notes in Old English were written into
- the margins and can be dated back to that time.
- It is still unclear how and when it came to Italy, a Latin verse of Psalm XXVI in neumatic
- notation written in Italian handwriting can be dated to the early XII century and is then a reasonable
- post-quem term.
Physical line breaks are rigidly observed.
- U+0131
- ı
- i
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- Ā
- A
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- a
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- e
- i
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- a
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- ó
- o
- U+0101
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- a
- U+0113
- ē
- e
- U+012B
- ī
- i
- U+014D
- ō
- o
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- ū
- u
- U+0233
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- y
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- y
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- ẹ
- e
- U+F233
- y
- ḡ
- g
- Ḡ
- G
- U+F23A
- h
- U+F110
- H
- U+A785
- ꞅ
- s
- U+017F
- ſ
- s
- U+204A
- ⁊
- U+F1E5
- U+00B7
- ·
- Latin
- Moved from entity-based markup to use of the Gaiji module elements; replaced ms
- and ss entities with choice-based element groups; cleaned up punctuation markup
- Added element facsimile and all necessary stuff to do image-text
- linking
- First cross-revision
- Conversion to the TEI P5 DTD
- Experimental transcription using the Digital Scriptorium DTD
- The Dream of the Rood
- The Dream of the Rood, dating back to the first half of the 8th Century in its earliest
- version, is one of the first Christian poems in the corpus of Old English literature and one of the main
- examples of the genre of dream poetry in English. Due to its artistic qualities and overall relevance for
- Anglo-Saxon studies it is considered one of the most important achievements of Old English poetry; it is also
- one of the very few texts in this tradition that has been preserved in more than one witness. The complete
- poem can be found in the late 10th Century Vercelli Book codex, but a fragment was carved in runes on the 8th
- Century Ruthwell Stone Cross (Dumfriesshire, Scotland), and a small excerpt can be found also on the Brussels
- Cross (St. Michael and St. Gudula Cathedral, Brussels, Belgium), an Anglo-Saxon cross-reliquary of the early
- 11th century.
In the Vercelli Book the poem starts with the with the narrator having a dream: in this dream a wonderful
- object, which is later to be identified with the Holy Cross, stands in the air and tells the story of the
- crucifixion of Christ to the narrator.
- Swanton, M.J.
- Ambiguity and anticipation in The Dream of the Rood
- Neuphilologische Mitteilungen
- 70.3
- 1969
- 407-425
- Studio sulla natura e sulla complessità linguistica del Sogno della Croce.
- Tale, George S.
- Chiasmus as metaphor: the figura crucis tradition and The Dream of the Rood
- Neuphilologische Mitteilungen
- 79.2
- 1978
- 114-125
- Wolf, Carol J.
- Christ as hero in The Dream of the Rood
- Neuphilologische Mitteilungen
- 71.2
- 1970
- 203-210
- Woolf, Rosemary
- Doctrinal Influences on The Dream of the Rood
- Medium Ævum
- 27.3
- 1958
- 137-153
- Bammesberger, Alfred
- A Doubtful Reconstruction of the Old English Ruthwell Crucifixion Poem
- Studia Neophilologica
- 74
- 2002
- 143-45
- Response to David Howlett.
- Gvozdetskaya, N. Yu
- Semantika drevneangliyskoy poeticheskoy formuly (na materiale Beovul'fa i Videniya kresta) (The Semantics of the Old English
- Poetic Formula, Based on Beowulf and The Dream of the Rood)
- Lingvistika na rubezhe epoh. Idei i toposy. Sbornik statey: ( = Linguistics at the Turn of the Millennium: Ideas and Topoi: Essay
- Collection)
- Moscow
- n.p.
- 2001
- 245-62
- Conti, Aidan
- An Anonymous Homily for Palm Sunday, The Dream of the Rood, and the Progress of Ælfric's Reform
- Notes and Queries n.s.
- 48
- 2001
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- The Word Made Flesh: 'engel dryhtnes' in The Dream of the Rood
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- Word Alchemy: a Window on Anglo-Saxon Culture
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- The Annunciation of the Lord and His Passion: a Liturgical Topos from St Peter's on the Vatican in The Dream of the
- Rood, Thomas Cranmer and John Donne
- Essays on Anglo-Saxon and Related Themes in Memory of Lynne Grundy
- Jane Roberts and Janet Nelson
- London
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- The Vision of the Cross
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- Imitatio in Early Medieval Spirituality: The Dream of the Rood, Anselm, and Militant
- Christology
- Christina M.Heckman
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- 1538-4608
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- La Croce nella tradizione poetica anglosassone (sec. VIII-IX)
- Romanobarbarica: Contributi allo studio dei rapporti culturali tra mondo latino e mondo
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- 0391-285X
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- Gift Giving as a Vital Element of Salvation in "The Dream of the Rood"
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- http://www.jstor.org/stable/518491
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- 00346551
- 45
- 180
- 475-485
- 1994
- 2011-03-23 13:42:07
- http://www.jstor.org/stable/517806
- New Series
- Wæt ic wefna ct secgan wylle
- hæt
- hwæt
- mege mætte
- me gemætte
- to midre nihte
- syðþan
- reord brnd
- reordberend
- reste wunedon.
- þuhte me þæt ic
- ge awe
- gesawe
- yllicre treow
- onlyft
- on lyft
- lædan leohte
- be wunden
- bewunden
- beama beorhtot eall
- þætbeacen wæ
- be goten
- begoten
- mid golde gimma
- todon
- fægereæt foldan ceatum
- .
- wylce þær fife wæron
- uppe
- onþam
- on þam
- eaxle ge panne
- eaxlegespanne
- be heoldon
- beheoldon
- þær engel
- drhtne
- ealle
- fægere þurh
- forð ge sceaft
- forðgesceaft
- newæ
- ne wæs
- ðærhuru
- ðær huru
- fracode gealga
- .
- chine
- ac hine
- þær beheoldon halige gata
- men ofer moldan
- eall
- and eall
- þeo mære
- ge ceaft
- gesceaft
- Syllic wæ
- e
- ige beam
- sigebeam
- c
- and ic
- ynn
- synnum
- fh
- for wunded
- forwunded
- mid
- womm
- wommum
- ge seah
- geseah
- ic wuldre treow.
- wædum geweorðode
- wynn
- wynnum
- scinan
- ge gyred
- gegyred
- mid golde gimma hæfdon
- be wrigene
- bewrigene
- weorðlice
- wealdes
- wealdendes
- treow
- hwæðre icþurh þæt
- gold ongytan meahte
- earmra ærgewinþæt hit ærest ongan
- wætan on þa wiðran healfe
- eallic
- eall ic
- wæ mid
- urgum
- sorgum
- gedrefed
- .
- Forht
- icwæ
- ic wæs
- forþære fægran
- ge yhðe
- gesyhðe
- ge eah
- geseah
- ic þæt fue beacen.
- XV
- 105.
- wendan wædum
- bleom
- and bleom
- hwilum hit wæ mid wætan
- be temed
- bestemed
- .
- bewyledmid
- wate gange
- .
- wilum mid ince gegyrwed
- .
- wæðre
- icþær
- ic þær
- licgende lange hwile.
- beheold
- hreow cearig
- hreowcearig
- . hælende treow.
- oððæt
- icgehyrde
- ic gehyrde
- þæt hit hleoðrode
- ongan þa word precanwudu
- elesta
- þæt wæs geara iu
- .
- cþæt
- ic þæt
- gyta
- ge man
- geman
- .
- þæt ic
- wæheawen holte
- onende
- on ende
- atyred of tefne
- min
- minum
- .genaman
- meðær
- me ðær
- trange feonda
- ge worhton
- geworhton
- him þær to
- wæfer yne
- wæfersyne
- heton me heora werga hebban
- .
- bæron
- meðær
- me ðær
- beornaon eaxlum oððæt hie
- me
- onbeorg
- on beorg
- aetton
- gefæt nodon
- gefæstnodon
- meþær feonda genoge
- .
- ge eah
- geseah
- ic þa frean
- man cynnes
- mancynnes
- eftanelne mycle
- .
- þæt he me wolde
- onge tigan
- on gestigan
- .
- þær
- icþa
- ic þa
- nedorte
- ne dorste
- ofer
- drhtne word
- bugan oððe bertan .þa
- icbifian
- ic bifian
- geeah
- eorðan
- ceata ealle ic mihte
- feonda gefyllan hwæðre
- icfæste
- ic fæste
- tod.
- Ongyrede hine þa geong hæleð þæt wæ
- godælmihtig
- trang
- tið mod
- and stiðmod
- .
- ge tah
- gestah
- he
- ongealgan
- on gealgan
- heanne
- modig
- onmanigra
- on manigra
- ge yhðe
- gesyhðe
- . þa he wolde
- man cyn
- mancyn
- lyan
- .
- ifode
- icþa
- ic þa
- me e beorn
- mb clpte
- ymbclypte
- . ne dorte ic
- hwæðrebugan to eorðan
- feallan
- tofoldan
- to foldan
- ceat
- sceatum
- .
- c
- icceolde
- ic sceolde
- fæstetandan.
- Rod wæ
- icaræred
- ic aræred
- .
- hof ic ricne cyning
- heofonahlaford. hyldan me ne dorte
- .
- þurh drifan
- þurhdrifan
- hime
- hi me
- middeorcan
- nægl
- næglum
- . on me yndon þa dolg
- geiene
- gesiene
- opene
- nwidhlemma
- .
- ne dorte ic hira
- nænig
- nænigum
- ceððan
- bymeredon hieunc butu
- ætgædre eall ic wæ mid blode bestemed
- .begoten
- ofþæ guman idan
- .
- iððan he hæfde hi gat
- onended.
- fealaic
- onþam
- on þam
- beorge gebiden hæbbe
- wraðra wyrda
- .
- ge eah
- geseah
- ic werudagod
- þearle þenian þytro hæfdon
- be wrigen
- bewrigen
- mid wolcnumwealdende
- hræw.
- cirne ciman ceadu
- forð eode
- forðeode
- .
- wannunder wolcnum weop
- ealge ceaft
- eal gesceaft
- cwiðdon cyninge
- fyllcrit wæ
- onrode
- on rode
- hwæðere þær fue feorran cwoman
- toþam æðelinge
- icþæt
- ic þæt
- eall
- be heold
- beheold
- .
- Sare ic wæ mid sorgum
- gdrefedhnag ic hwæðre þam
- ecg
- secgum
- to handa
- eað mod
- eaðmod
- elne mcle
- ge namon
- genamon
- hie þær ælmihtigne
- god
- God
- hofon hine of ðam
- hefian wite forleton
- me þa
- hilde rinca
- hilderincas
- tandan teame
- be drifnne
- bedrifenne
- eall ic wæ mid trælum
- for wundod
- forwundod
- ledon
- hieðær
- lim werigne
- limwerigne
- ge stodon
- gestodon
- him æt hi lice
- heafd
- heafdum
- be heoldon
- beheoldon
- hieðær heofene
- drhten
- he
- and he
- hine ðær hwile reste
- meðe æfterðam
- miclan gewinne , Ongunnon him þa mold
- æ
- e
- rn wyrcan
- beorna on banan
- geyhðe curfon hie ðæt
- ofbeorhtan
- of beorhtan
- tane
- geetton hie ðær on sigora
- wealdend ongunnon him þa
- orhleoð galan
- earme
- onþa
- on þa
- æfen tide
- æfentide
- þa hie woldon eft iðian
- meðe fram þam mæran þeodne reste he ðær mæte
- weorode
- hwæðere
- weðær
- we ðær
- reotende
- greotende
- gode hwile
- .
- todon on taðole
- yððanstefn
- upge wat
- up ge wat
- hilderinca
- . hræw colode
- fæger
- feorg bold
- feorgbold
- þa uman fyllan ongan
- .
- ealle to eorðan þæt wæ eglic wyrd
- be dealf
- bedealf
- u man
- ondeopan
- on deopan
- eaþe hwæðre me þær
- drhtneþegna
- freonda gefrunon
- ond gyredon me golde
- eolfre
- and seolfre
- ,
- .
- Nuðu
- Nu ðu
- miht
- ge hyran
- gehyran
- hæleð min e leofa
- þæt ic bealuwaraweorc
- ge biden
- gebiden
- hæbbe
- sarra orga i nu æl cumn
- þæt meweorðiað wide
- ide
- and side
- menn ofer moldan
- eall
- and eall
- þeo mæregeceaft
- .
- ge biddaþ
- gebiddaþ
- him
- toþy
- toþyssum
- beacne on me
- bearngode
- bearn godes
- þrowode hwile forþan ic
- þrm fæst
- þrymfæst
- nu.
- hlifige under
- heofen
- heofenum
- .
- ic
- and ic
- hælan mæg
- .
- æg hwlcne
- æghwylcne
- anra þara þe
- himbið
- him bið
- ega
- tome
- to me
- iu
- icwæ
- icwæs
- geworden wita heardot
- .
- leodum laðot ærþan
- ichim
- ic him
- lif weg
- rihtne germde
- reord
- berend
- reordberendum
- hwæt me
- þageweorðode
- þa geweorðode
- wuldre ealdor
- oferholmwudu
- ofer holmwudu
- heofon rice
- heofon rices
- weard,
- wylce
- wahe
- swa he
- hi modor eacmarian
- ylfe
- ælmihtig
- god
- God
- . for ealle menn
- geweorðodeofer eall wifa cynn.
- Nu
- icþe
- ic þe
- hate hæleð
- .
- min
- seleofa
- se leofa
- .
- þæt ðu þa
- ge yhðe
- gesyhðe
- ecge
- mann
- mannum
- onwreoh
- word
- wordum
- þæt hit
- iwuldre beam
- eðe
- se ðe
- ælmihtig
- god
- God
- onþrowode
- on þrowode
- .
- formancynn
- for mancynnes
- maneg
- manegum
- ynn
- synnum
- .
- and
- adome
- Adames
- ealdge wyrht
- ealdgewyrhtum
- deað heþær byrigde hwæðere eft
- drhtn ara
- mid hi miclanmihte
- mann
- mannum
- tohelpe
- to helpe
- heða
- he ða
- on heofena atag .
- hidereft fundaþ
- onþyne
- on þy
- middan geard
- middangeard
- man cynn
- mancynn
- ecan
- on
- 106.
- dom dæge
- domdæge
- drhten lfa
- ælmihtig
- god
- God
- hi
- and his
- engla mid
- .
- þæt heþonne wile deman e ah
- dome geweald
- anra
- ge hwylc
- gehwylcum
- wa hehim ærur her
- onþyum
- on þyssum
- lænum life
- ge earnaþ
- geearnaþ
- .
- ne mæg þærænig unforht wean
- .
- forþam
- for þam
- worde
- . þe e wealdend cwyð.
- frineð he
- forþære
- for þære
- mænige hwær e man ie
- eðe
- se ðe
- for
- dr
- htne
- dryhtnes
- naman deaðe
- wo,lde
- wolde
- bitere onbyrigan wa he ær
- onðam beame dyde
- .
- c hie þonne forhtiað
- .
- fea þencaþ
- hwæt
- hieto
- hie to
- crite
- Criste
- cweðan onginnen
- .
- Neþearf
- Ne þearf
- ðær þonne ænig
- unforhtwean
- þe him ær
- inbreot
- in breostum
- bereð beacna elest
- .
- Acðurh
- Ac ðurh
- ða rode ceal rice
- geecan
- of
- eorð wege
- eorðwege
- æg hwylc
- æghwylc
- sawl
- eo þemid wealdende wunian
- þnceð
- ge bæd
- gebæd
- ic me þa
- toþan
- to þan
- beamebliðe
- mode
- elne mycle
- þæric
- þær ic
- ana wæ
- mæte wrede wæ
- mod efa
- modsefa
- afyed
- onforð wege
- on forðwege
- feala ealra
- ge bad
- gebad
- langunghwila i me
- nu life hyht
- þæt,icþone
- þæt ic þone
- ige beam
- sigebeam
- ecan mote
- ana oftor þonne ealle men
- well weorþian me i willa
- toðam
- to ðam
- mycel
- onmode
- on mode
- min
- and min
- mundbyrd
- mund byrd
- i
- geriht
- toþære
- to þære
- rode .Nah ic ricra
- feala
- freonda
- onfoldan
- on foldan
- on
- chie
- ac hie
- forð heonon
- gewiton of worulde dreamum
- ohton him wuldre cyning
- lifiaþ nu
- onheofen
- on heofenum
- mid
- heah fædere
- heahfædere
- wuniaþ
- onwuldre
- on wuldre
- icwne
- and ic wene
- me
- daga
- ge hwylce
- gehwylce
- hwænne me drhtnes rd
- þe
- icher
- ic her
- oneorðan
- on eorðan
- ær ceawode
- onþyon
- on þysson
- lænan life
- ge fetige
- gefetige
- me
- and me
- þn
- þonne
- gebrinþær
- i bli mcel
- dream on
- heofon
- heofonum
- þær i drhtne folc
- geeted to
- mle þær i
- ingal bli
- he
- ond me
- þn
- þonne
- aette þær
- icyþþan mot
- wunian
- onwuldre
- on wuldre
- well
- midþam
- mid þam
- halg
- halgum
- dreamebrucan
- ime
- si me
- drhten frond
- eðe
- se ðe
- her on eorþan
- ærþrowode
- ær þrowode
- onþ
- onþam
- gealg treowe
- gealgtreowe
- forguman
- for guman
- ynn
- synnum
- he u onlyde
- u
- and us
- lif
- for geaf
- forgeaf
- heofonlicne ham hiht wæ
- ge niwad
- geniwad
- mid
- bled
- bledum
- midblie
- and mid blisse
- þ þe þær bryne þolodan.
- eunu
- se Sunu
- wæ
- igor fæst
- sigorfæst
- on þ
- iðfate
- mihtig
- pedig
- and spedig
- .
- þa he mid manigeo com
- gata weorodeo
- ongode
- on godes
- rice
- anwealda ælmihtig
- engl
- englum
- toblie
- to blisse
- .
- eall
- and eallum
- ðam
- halg
- halgum
- þamþe
- þam þe
- onheofon
- on heofonum
- ær
- wunedon
- onwuldre
- on wuldre
- þa heorawealdnd cwom
- ælmihtig
- god
- God
- þær hi eðel wæ
The scribe here wrote a word, 'þrowode', that he later corrected in 'wolde' by erasing the first three
- letters and adding an 'l'. In this image you can see the contours of the erased letters.
diff --git a/data/text/analogues.xml b/data/text/analogues.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d564722..0000000
--- a/data/text/analogues.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- A sample collection of bibliographic citations for analogue and parallel texts.
- Created by
- Chiara Martignano
This document is meant only for testing purposes inside of the EVT demo and the EVT release package.
Do not copy nor publish.
Born digital.
- Parallel passages
- Avicenna
- Burhān
- II, 7, p. 165, 7-10
- Avicenna
- Burhān
- II, 9, p. 178, 17-19
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/text/avicenna.xml b/data/text/avicenna.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 250c19f..0000000
--- a/data/text/avicenna.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1206 +0,0 @@
- Edizione Logica Avicennae(2)
- Avicenna
- Edited by
- Silvia Di Vincenzo
- Text Encoding by
- Daniele Marotta
- Changes for EVT testing purposes by
- Chiara Martignano
- Recensio 1
- Recensio 2
- Recensio 3
- Witnesses of version A
- Città del Vaticano
- Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
- Vat.lat.2186
- Seconda mano su Vat. lat. 2186. Gotica, con tratti forse francesi (e.g. taglio del segno tachigrafico per "et").
- Paris
- Bibliothèque nationale de France
- Latin 6443
- Napoli
- Biblioteca Nazionale
- VIII.E.33
- Seconda mano su N; si tratta di una mano scrivente con inchiostro differente (nero) e scrittura differente.
- Oxford
- Merton Coll.
- 282
- Witnesses of version B
- Graz, Universitaetsbibl. 482
- Cordoba, Bibl. capit.52
- Roma, Bibl. Angelica 242 (C.4.10)
- Paris. BnF lat. 16096
- Dubrovnik, Dominik. Samostan 63 (36-V-6)
- Oxford, Bodl. Libr. Digby 217
- Witnesses of version C
- Oxford, Oriel Coll. 7
- M5mg.
- Bruges
- Sted. Openb. Bibl.
- 510
- Aristotele
- Aristotle
- Arist.
- 384/383 a.C.
- 322 a.C.
- Avicenna
- Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn Al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Sīnā
- Ibn Sīnā
- Sharaf al-Mulk
- Hujjat al-Haq
- 22 agosto 980 d.C.
- 21 giugno 1037 d.C.
- Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius
- Anicio Manlio Severino Boezio
- Boezio
- Boethius
- Sharaf al-Mulk
- Boetius
- 480 d.C.
- 524 d.C.
- Works
- Metafisica
- Metaphysics
- Metaph.
- Aristotele
- Kitab al-Šifāʾ
- Libro della guarigione
- Ibn Sīnā
- Kitāb al-Nafs
- Nafs
- Ibn Sīnā
- Kitāb al-Burhān
- Burhān
- Ibn Sīnā
- In Porphyrii Isagogen
- In Porph. Isag.
- Boethius
- Porphyrii Isagoge translatio
- Porph. Isag. translatio.
- Boethius
- Aristotelis Topicorum translatio
- Arist. Top. translatio.
- Boethius
- Logica
- Logica
- Ibn Sīnā
- Editions and Manuscripts
- Aristotle, Metaphysics (greek), in Perseus Digital Library, ed. Gregory R. Crane, Tufts University, http://www.perseus.tufts.edu
- Avicenna's De Anima (Arabic Text), being the psychological part of the Kitab_al-Šifāʾ, ed. by F. Rahman, London 1959
- Al-Šifāʾ, al-Manṭiq, al-Burhān, ed. by A. F. ʿAfīfī, Al-Maṭbaʿa al-amīriyya, Cairo 1956
- Manoscritto arabo
- Manoscritto arabo del traduttore latino
- An. Manl. Sev. BoetiiCommentaria in Porphyrium a se translatum, in Patrologia latina. The full text database, versione elettronica di Patrologiae cursus completus. Series Latina, a cura di Jacques-Paul Migne, ProQuest-CSA, 1996-2017, http://pld.chadwyck.co.uk/.
- Topicorum Aristoteli libri octo, An. Manl. Sev. Boetii interprete, in Patrologia latina. The full text database, versione elettronica di Patrologiae cursus completus. Series Latina, a cura di Jacques-Paul Migne, ProQuest-CSA, 1996-2017, http://pld.chadwyck.co.uk/.
- ed. G. Roper
- World Survey of Islamic Manuscripts
- London
- Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation
- 1992-1994
- A. Q. Ahmed
- “The Shifāʾ in India I: Reflections on the Evidence of the Manuscripts”
- Oriens, 40
- 2012
- J. J. Witkam
- “Avicenna’s Copyists at Work: Codicological Features of the Two Leiden Manuscripts of the Kitāb al-Shifāʾ”
- Oriens, 40
- 2012
- S. H. Rizvi,
- “Mīr Dāmād in India: Islamic Philosophical Traditions and the Problem of Creation”
- Journal of the American Oriental Society
- 2011
- Impossibile est
- animum moveri
- animu moveri
- moveri animum
- ab uno solo intellectu ad credendum aliquid. Hic enim intellectus non est iudicium
- faciendi
- fidem
- essendi
- rem
- vel non
- essendi
- existendi
- existendiessendi
- . Si enim fides esset, licet intellectus poneret rem esse
- vel
- fel
- iam
- non esse. Tunc ipse
- intellectus
- non
- valeret
- vaseret
- valet
- ad faciendum
- ullam
- illam
- fidem ullomodo. Quod enim facit fidem
- causa est
- est causa
- fidei, sed impossibile est
- aliquid
- aliqua
- esse
- esse aliquid
- causam
- causa
- causam
- alterius sive
- habeat
- hanc
- esse, sive non.
- Intellectus
- Intelligendum
- IntelligendumIntellectus
- autem
- non enim
- saepe habetur ex uno solo verbo.
- Intellectus autem saepe habetur ex uno solo verbo
- Il ms.
- ar. del trad. lat.
- disloca qui, in corrispondenza dell'
- ar.
- 21.6
- il passo
- ar.
- 21.10
- و أما التصور فإنه كثيرا ما يقع بمعنى مفرد
- ("la concettualizzazione spesso occorre per mezzo di una nozione semplice").
- Il passo è poi omesso nel luogo in cui avrebbe dovuto essere (cf. infra).
- Si autem
- unum
- non sufficit
- unum
- ad
- unum
- intelligendum illud esse, vel non esse, in essentia sua,
- aut
- ut
- dispositione,
- nec
- non
- faciet
- facit
- fidem de
- alio
- aliquo
- . Cum vero addideris
- intellectui
- intellectum
- esse vel non esse, iam
- addidisti
- addisti
- addidisti
- ei
- al
- alium
- aliquando
- intellectum
- intellectum
- Qui l’ar.
- 21.10
- colloca il segmento trasposto dall’esemplare del traduttore lat.
- , sicut postea declarabitur
- in
- suo loco. Hoc autem, scilicet
- ex
- uno verbo intelligere,
- in
- ita
- paucis contingit, et
- praeter
- post
- hoc in plerisque
- est
- secundum
- hoc
- diminutum et malum.
- Quod
- oratio
- autem
- intelligere
- in plerisque dat
- intelligi
- intelligere
- et credere
- sunt
- sui
- in plerisque dat intelligi et credere sunt
- in plurimis dat intelligi et credere sunt
- intellectus
- intellectum
- compositi. Omne
- autem
- outem
- compositum componitur ex multis et inter multa sunt una.
- Ergo in omni composito sunt una
- . Unum autem in omni composito vocatur «simplex», et quia
- eius
- egoeo
- quod componitur ex multis
- quod
- impossibile est
- sciri
- siri
- scire
- naturam
- causam
- ignoratis eius simplicibus, ideo convenientius est prius cognoscere simplices quam compositos.
- item
- Cognitio autem
- autem cognitio
- simplicium
- compositorumsimplicium
- simplicium
- compositorum
- fit duobus modis, quia aut cognoscuntur
- secundum
- hoc
- quod
- apti
- sunt
- sunt
- sunt apti
- nati
- ut ex eis
- fiat
- compositio
- praedicta
- praedicta compositio
- , aut cognoscuntur
- secundum
- ex
- hoc
- quod sunt
- quod sunt
- naturae et
- res
- res res
- quibus accidit hic intellectus, ad similitudinem domus, quae componitur ex lignis et aliis,
- compositori cuius opus est cognoscere simplicia domus, scilicet ligna et lateres et lutum,
- sed ligna et lateres et lutum habent dispositiones
- in
- propter quas
- quas propter
- fiunt apta domui, et eius constructioni, et alias dispositiones praeter has, sicut hoc quod ligna sunt
- haec
- huiusmodi
- substantiae in qua fuit anima vegetabilis aut quod natura eorum est calida aut frigida,
- aut quod comparatio eorum inter ea quae sunt est talis vel talis. Hoc autem scire non est necesse
- artifici domorum, sed an trabes sit mollis vel dura,
- aut
- an
- sit
- si
- sana vel putrida aut huiusmodi, necesse est scire domorum artifici.
- Similiter est doctrina logica: non enim considerat incomplexa harum
- rerum
- rerum
- scientiarum
- scientiarum fort. etiam V a.c.
- secundum quod sunt alicuius duorum modorum esse, scilicet quod est in his
- sensibilibus
- sensibilibus
- aut in intellectu, nec etiam in essentia harum rerum ex hoc quod sunt essentiae,
- sed secundum quod sunt praedicata aut subiecta, et universalia aut particularia,
- aut huiusmodi quae non accidunt his
- intellectibus
- intellectibus
- nisi ex hoc quod diximus in praemissis.
- Ad considerationem autem dictionum ducit nos necessitas: logicus enim,
- ex hoc quod est logicus, non habet primo occupari circa verba prima,
- nisi quantum ad loquendum et agendum.
- Si enim possibile esset logicam discere solo intellectu, ita ut non
- considerarentur
- consisideraretur
- considerentur
- consisideretur
- aliqua eius nisi soli intellectus, tunc sufficeret.
- item
- Si
- etiam
- enim
- doctor artis posset revelare id quod est in animo eius alio modo, supersederet semper
- Averrois
- a verbis,
- a verbis
- sed quia necessitas ducit nos ad agendum cum verbis praecipue
- - non enim potest ratio
- componere intellectus quin cum illis proferat verba, immo quia cogitatio quasi locutio est
- inter ipsum hominem et cogitatum suum verbis imaginatis - sequitur ut verba habeant diversas
- dispositiones propter quas differant dispositiones intentionum quae comitantur eas in anima,
- ita quod fiant eis iudicia
- quae non haberent nisi propter verba.
- Albert Schachter
- Iolaos
- Herakles to Poseidon
- 1986
- 64-70
- Cults of Boiotia
- London
- 4 vols.
- 2
- Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplements
- 38
- Et ideo necessarium fuit
- in doctrina logica ut una pars eius esset consideratio de dispositionibus verborum.
- Nisi enim esset quod diximus, non esset ei necesse etiam habere hanc partem cum hac necessitate.
- Loqui enim de verbis comitantibus intellectus est tamquam loqui de eorum intellectibus.
- Congruum est ergo prius loqui de verbis.
- Sed, praeter hoc, non valet quod ille dixit, scilicet quod logica instituta est ad considerandum
- dictiones secundum hoc quod significant intellectus, et quod doctrina logicae est loqui de verbis
- secundum hoc quod significant intellectus. Oportet autem intelligi hoc ad modum quo diximus.
- Ille autem non deliravit sic, nisi quia non apprehendit certissime subiectum logicae et modum
- essendi eius proprium. Invenit enim esse duobus modis, scilicet esse rerum extrinsecus et esse
- quod habent in intellectu, et ideo posuit quod considerare esse quod est extra spectat ad doctrinam
- vel ad doctrinas philosophicas.
- Bibliographic references for the quotation.
- Aristotle
- Metaphysics
- Boethius
- In Porph. Isag.
- Considerare vero esse quod est in intellectu et quomodo intelligitur in eo spectat ad doctrinam aliam
- vel partem doctrinae.
- Dicemus quod verbum graece significans intentionem generis, prius apud eos, secundum primam impositionem, significabat aliud, et deinde, per impositionem secundam, translatum est ad significandam intentionem quae apud logicos vocatur «genus».
- Avicenna
- Burhān
- II, 9, p. 178, 17-19
- Non distinguens nec sciens quod ea quae sunt in intellectu, aut sunt res formatae
- in intellectu apprehensae extrinsecus, aut sunt res accidentes eis secundum hoc quod sunt in intellectu,
- quae non fuerunt representatae in aliquo extrinseco. Cognitio autem horum duorum spectat ad unam doctrinam,
- quorum unum est subiectum doctrinae logicae, secundum accidens quod accidit ei.
- Quod autem duum est hoc, pars scilicet secunda, et quod est etiam accidens quod accidit ei, hoc scilicet
- quod fit deducens nos ad habendum aliam formam intelligibilem quam non habebamus, vel utilis ad deducendum
- om.:
- أو ما يعاوق ذلك الوصول
- (“oppure è ciò che impedisce di ottenere quel risultato”). L’om. potrebbe essere avvenuta
- per salto da pari a pari nel ms. ar. del traduttore.
- .
- Et quoniam isti vere non cognoverunt subiectum logicae, nec partem ad quam instituta est,
- ideo deliraverunt.
- Tu
- Ego
- autem postea
- clarius
- clare
- scies,
- quod omnis doctrina speculativa habet subiectum,
- Tu
- Ego
- autem postea scies,
- quod omnis doctrina speculativa habet subiectum,
- Proin urna neque, pulvinar id egestas id,tempus quis risus.
- Aenean dictum ornare diam, sed imperdiet purus consequat nec.
- Nullam vel imperdiet velit.
- et quod non tractat nisi de dispositionibus eius et de accidentibus, et scies quod tractatus de
- essentia subiecti est unius dotrinae, et tractatus de eius accidentibus est alterius doctrinae.
- Similiter debes scire de dispositione logicae.
- Cap. I.5
- Capitulum docendi verbum incomplexum et complexum et docendi universale et particulare
- et essentiale et accidentale et id quod respondetur ad quid et quod non respondetur
- Postquam in docendo et discendo necessario indigemus verbis, dicemus quod verbum aut est
- incomplexum, aut complexum. Complexum autem est in quo invenitur pars significativa
- intellectus qui est pars intellectus significati a toto significatione essentiali, sicut
- est hoc quod dicimus « homo » vel « scriptor », huius quod dicimus « homo est scriptor ».
- Hoc enim verbum « homo » significat unum intellectum, et hoc verbum « scriptor » significat
- alium, quorum unumquodque est pars huius quod dicimus « homo est scriptor ». Sed eius
- intellectus est pars intellectus totius, qui fit ex hoc quod dicimus « homo est scriptor »
- significatione requisita ex verbo.
- .
- Incomplexum autem est cuius pars non significat partem intellectus totius significatione
- essentiali, sicut hoc quod dicimus « homo », quia « ho » et « mo » non significant partes
- intentionis quam significat homo
- .
- In hac autem doctrina non debet considerari compositio quae est secundum auditum, quoniam
- pars eius non significat partem intellectus, sicut hoc quod dicimus « dominus », cum non
- intendimus significare vel « dare » vel « minus ». Hoc enim et similia non sunt de verbis
- complexis, sed de incomplexis.
- Quod autem invenitur in doctrina antiquorum de descriptione verborum incomplexorum hoc
- est, scilicet quod incomplexa sunt quorum partes non significant aliquid.
- Quam descriptionem
- multi reprehenderunt,
- Multi reprehenderunt,
- quam descriptionem
- dicentes debere addi ei, scilicet incomplexa esse
- quorum partes non significant aliquid de intellectu totius, quia contingit aliquando
- partes incomplexorum significare aliquos intellectus, sed non sunt partes intellectus
- totius. Ego autem teneo quod haec reprehensio error fuit, et haec additio non est
- necessaria ad supplendum, sed ad exponendum. Verbum enim ex seipso nihil significat
- omnino, alioquin omni verbo esset debita significatio quam numquam variaret. Non autem
- significat nisi ad placitum loquentis, sicut cum quis imponit verbum ad significandum
- aliquem intellectum,
- ut « canis » cum dicitur pro « latrabili », et haec est eius significatio, deinde imponat ad
- significandum aliud, sicut « pisci »
- ,
- et haec est eius significatio, sic etiam cum in impositione fuerit vacuum a significatione
- remanebit non significans, et, secundum multos auctorum, nec etiam verbum. Verbum etenim et
- vox, secundum meum intellectum, non est secundum placitum multorum logicorum verbum nisi sit
- significativum.
- Et quandoquidem ita est et qui protulit verbum incomplexum non voluit parte
- illius significare partem intellectus totius, nec etiam voluit parte illius significare aliquid
- aliud quod significare solet, et ita placuit, tunc pars illa non est significativa ullo modo,
- cum sit pars eius in effectu.
- Deinde est hic tractandum si oportet ut intentio verbi substantialis sit continens intentionem verbi significantis quid est sicut commune continet proprium, aut non. Hoc enim quod dicimus verbum essentiale significat verbum cuius intentio
- habet comparationem ad substantiam rei.
- Si autem fuerit in potentia, fortasse significabit aliquid, cum
- addiderint relationem aliquam designatam, hoc est ut sit ibi voluntas loquentis aliquid
- significandi per illam. Omnino autem non significabit dum fuerit pars verbi incomplexi,
- sed cum fuerit verbum per se; cum autem fuerit pars non significabit aliquid ullo modo.
- Verbum autem aut est incomplexum aut complexum. Iam autem scis quod prius est considerare
- incomplexum quam complexum. Deinde intentio incomplexi aut talis erit quod non prohibetur
- in intellectu ex hoc quod intelligitur multa convenire in ea aequaliter ut unumquodque
- eorum dicatur ipsum esse equaliter, sicut hoc quod dicimus « homo » habet intentionem in
- anima quae comitatur Socratem et Platonem et reliquos uno modo quorum unusquisque est homo;
- immo sicut verbum Solis et Lunae unumquodque significat intentionem in qua non prohibet
- intellectus multa convenire, quamvis non sint in actu
- .
- Prohibetur autem hoc ex alia causa, non ex hoc quod intelligitur de verbo ipso, vel sicut
- Luna, aut eius una intentio est, sic quod prohibetur in intellectu multa convenire in ea,
- scilicet in eo uno quod intelligitur de eo, sicut in hoc quod dicimus Socrates. Quia quamvis
- in hoc multi conveniant non conveniunt nisi secundum auditum. Eius autem una intentio
- impossibile est ut ponatur una in qua multi conveniunt. Una etenim suarum intentionum est
- substantia huius singularis. Sed substantiam huius singularis prohibet intellectus attribui
- alii.
- Aliquando autem cum dicitur
- Socrates
- Socrate
- non quaeritur eius substantia
- Oxford
- Bodleian Library
- MS. Add. A. 61
- 28843
- In Latin, on parchment: written in more than one hand of the 13th cent. in
- England: 7¼ x 5⅜ in., i + 55 leaves, in double columns: with a few coloured
- capitals.
- 'Hic incipit Bruitus Anglie,' the De origine et gestis Regum Angliae of
- Geoffrey of Monmouth (Galfridus Monumetensis: beg. 'Cum mecum multa & de
- multis.'
- On fol. 54v very faint is 'Iste liber est fratris guillelmi de buria de ...
- Roberti ordinis fratrum Pred[icatorum],' 14th cent. (?): 'hanauilla' is written
- at the foot of the page (15th cent.). Bought from the rev. W. D. Macray on March
- 17, 1863, for £1 10s.
- ,
- sed aliqua suarum
- proprietatum in qua multi conveniunt. In hac autem parte divisionis, quamvis non prohibetur
- multa convenire quantum ad auditum eius, tamen prohibetur esse in eius una intentione
- communio in qua conveniant. Prima autem pars divisionis vocatur universalis, secunda vero
- vocatur particularis.
- Ad modum partis primae et in intellectibus multos qui sunt ad modum intellectus primae
- partis, et hoc est intentio de qua id quod intelligitur in anima non prohibetur habere
- comparationem similitudinis ad multa.
- Et quoniam haec intentio quae nunc vocatur apud logicos «genus» est unum intellectum quod habet
- comparationem ad multa quae conveniunt in eo, sed in lingua non erat ei nomen quo appellarentur
- ea quae sunt inter se similia, transtulerunt ad hoc et vocaverunt «genus» hoc, scilicet de quo
- loquuntur dialectici, et describunt dicentes quod est
- id quod praedicatur de pluribus differentibus specie in eo quod quid est.
- Non cures autem, secundum hoc quod es logicus, qualiter sit haec comparatio et an hic intellectus
- ex hoc quod est unus in quo multa conveniunt habeat esse in ipsis rebus quae in ipso conveniunt,
- scilicet esse separatum extra per se, praeter esse quod habet in tuo intellectu, an qualiter
- habet esse in tuo intellectu. Consideratio enim horum alterius doctrinae est aut duarum doctrinarum.
- Iam igitur
- nosti
- nostri
- quod verbum aut est
- incomplexum aut complexum
- Aliquam sit amet varius eros.
- et quod incomplexum aut est
- universale aut particulare. Nosti etiam quod debemus post ponere tractatum de complexis. Scias etiam
- nos non occupari circa tractatum verborum singularium et intentionum ipsorum: infinita enim sunt,
- nec numerari possunt.
- Here versions B and C of the text differ from version A, which is the default version.
- Quae etiam si essent finita, scire eas secundum quod sunt particularia non conferret nobis
- perfectionem sapientiae, nec perveniremus per illas ad finem sapientiae, sicut postea scies in libro
- sapientiae. Sed quod debemus considerare est cognitio verbi universalis.
- Scis enim quod verbum universale non fit
- universale
- univesale
- nisi habeat comparationem aliquam aut in esse
- aut in nostra opinione ad particularia de quibus praedicatur. Praedicatio autem fit duobus modis, quia
- aut univoce, sicut hoc quod dicimus quod Socrates est homo: homo enim praedicatur de Socrate vere
- et univoce aut denominative, ut albedo de homine: dicitur enim homo albus et habens albedinem nec
- dicitur esse albedo. Si autem contingitur dici corpus album et color albus diffinitio praedicationis
- huiusmodi non praedicatur de subiectis aequaliter. Nostra autem intentio non est hic nisi de eo
- quod praedicatur univoce.
- Quae etiam si essent finita, scire eas secundum quod sunt particularia non conferret nobis
- perfectionem sapientiae, nec perveniremus per illas ad finem sapientiae,
- sicut postea scies in libro sapientiae. Sed
- quod debemus considerare est cognitio verbi universalis
- .
- Scis enim quod verbum universale non fit universale nisi habeat comparationem aliquam
- aut in esse aut in nostra opinione ad particularia de quibus praedicatur.
- Praedicatio autem fit duobus modis, quia aut univoce, sicut hoc quod dicimus
- quod Socrates est homo: homo enim praedicatur de Socrate vere et univoce aut denominative,
- ut albedo de homine: dicitur enim homo albus et habens albedinem nec dicitur esse albedo.
- Si autem contingitur dici corpus album et color albus
- diffinitio praedicationis huiusmodi non praedicatur de subiectis aequaliter.
- Nostra autem intentio non est hic nisi de eo quod praedicatur univoce. Enumerabimus ergo partes
- universalis, quod comparatur ad particularia univoce, et dat eis nomen et diffinitionem.
- Multa autem quae invenimus faciunt necesse primo non incedere solita via in divisione verborum,
- sed postea redibimus ad illam.
- Dicemus ergo quia omne quod est, substantiam habet qua est id quod est et quae est veritas eius,
- quia est eius substantia. Substantia autem uniuscuiusque rei una est, sed quod est unum absolutum
- non est id quod est ex multis intellectibus ex quibus coniunctis provenit una essentia.
- Exemplum autem huius non invenitur in rebus sensibilibus, debes ergo nunc credere eius esse.
- Aliquando autem erit unum aliquid non absolutum, cuius esse veritas composita est ex rebus
- et intentionibus ex quibus coniunctis provenit essentia rei.
- Cuius exemplum est homo:
- necesse est enim ut homo sit substantia habens dimensiones in spatiis in quibus fiat longitudo et latitudo et spissitudo
- , et praeter hoc necesse est ut sit habens animam
- qua vegetetur et sentiat et moveatur voluntate, et praeter hoc sit aptus etiam intelligere
- intelligibilia et scire artes et docere eas, nisi fuerit prohibens extrinsecum non ex parte humanitatis.
- Quae omnia cum conveniunt ex conventu omnium provenit substantia una quae est substantia hominis.
Iam etiam audisti quod scientia divina est in qua quaerunt de primis causis naturalis esse et doctrinalis esse et de eo quod pendet ex his, et de causa causarum et de principio principiorum, quod est Deus excelsus. Et hoc est quod potuisti attingere ex libris transactis...
- Sources
- Arist.
- Metaph.
- Α, 2, 982b28-983a11
- Arist.
- Metaph.
- Γ, 1, 1003a31-32
- Arist.
- Metaph.
- Ε, 1, 1025b1-2
- Arist.
- Metaph.
- Ε, 1, 1026a16-21
- Boethius
- In Porph. Isag.
- I, coll. 80A-B
- Rursus divisio est quoties vox plura significans aperitur, et quam multa sint quae ab ea voce signantur ostenditur, ut si quis dicat: nomen canis plura significat, et hunc latrabilem quadrupedemque, et coeleste sidus, et marinam bestiam, quae omnia a se diffinitione disjuncta sunt.
- Boethius
- Porph. Isag. translatio
- II, coll. 91A
- Tripliciter igitur cum genus dicatur, de tertio apud philosophos est sermo, quod etiam describentes assignaverunt, dicentes genus esse quod de pluribus et differentibus specie in eo quod quid sit praedicatur, ut animal.
- Boethius
- Porph. Isag. translatio
- I, 4, coll. 913B
- Genus autem est, quod de pluribus et differentibus specie in eo quod quid est praedicatur.
- Parallel passages
- Avicenna
- Burhān
- II, 7, p. 165, 7-10
- Avicenna
- Burhān
- II, 9, p. 178, 17-19
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- The Tragedie of Doctor Faustus (B text)
- Christopher Marlowe
- Hilary Binda
- Perseus Project, Tufts University
- Gregory Crane
- Prepared under the supervision of
- Lisa Cerrato
- William Merrill
- Elli Mylonas
- David Smith
- Tufts University
- Trustees of Tufts University
- Medford, MA
- Perseus Project
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- Greek
- Italian
- $Log: marl.faustb.xml,v $ Revision 1.2 2004/04/22 14:24:57 cwulfman *** empty log message *** Revision 1.1 2004/04/22 13:55:24 cwulfman Making xml files the canonical ones. Revision 1.11 2003/07/01 22:14:53 yorkc Updated texts to TEI P4 and Perseus P4 extensions; minor cleanup (esp. character encodings and typos.) Revision 1.10 2000/04/27 23:22:22 dasmith Hopperized TEI header. Fixed typos. Revision 1.9 1999/09/01 17:15:34 dasmith Fixed preamble and added encodingDesc. Revision 1.8 1997/09/11 16:00:37 textgod Updated for nsgmls. Revision 1.7 1997/07/02 21:57:11 textgod Added CASTLIST HEAD Revision 1.6 1997/06/30 21:57:09 textgod Added group for the prologue. Revision 1.5 1997/06/25 14:51:39 textgod Fixed broken NAME tag. Revision 1.4 1997/06/25 14:40:00 textgod Added log messages to file.
- Complete Works, ed. Bowers, 1973
- Quarto 1, 1594
- Quarto 2, 1598
- Quarto 3, 1612
- Quarto 4, 1622
- Old Plays, ed. Dodsley, 1744
- Old Plays, ed. Dodsley, ed. Reed,1780
- Ancient British Drama, ed. Sir Walter Scott,
- 1810
- Edward the Second, sold by J. Chappell, Jr.,
- 1818
- Edward the Second, ed. William Oxberry, 1818
- Old Plays, Dodsley, ed. Collier, 1825
- Works, Robinson, 1826
- Works, Dyce 1, 1850
- Works, Dyce 2, 1858
- Works, Cunningham, 1870
- Works, Bullen, 1885
- Works, Tucker Brooke, 1910
- Edward the Second, Briggs, 1914
- Edward the Second, Malone Society Reprints, ed. W. W.
- Greg, 1925
- Edward the Second, Methuen, ed. Charlton and Waller,
- 1933
- Plays, ed. Kirschbaum, 1962
- Plays, ed. Ribner, 1963
- Edward the Second, ed. Gill, 1967
- transcript in Dyce copy of Q2
- Broughton in BM copy of Robinson
- Collier in BM copy of Dyce1
- Act Four, Scene Two
- Enter the Queene and her sonne.
- Queene
- A boye, our friends do faile us all in Fraunce,
- The lords are cruell, and the king unkinde,
- What shall we
- doe
- goe
- ?
- Prince
- Madam, returne to England,
- And please my father well, and then a Fig
- For all my unckles frienship here in Fraunce
- .
- ,
- I warrant you, ile winne his highnes quicklie,
- A
- He Dd1-
- loves me better than a thousand Spencers.
- Queene
- A boye, thou art deceivde at least in this,
- To thinke that we can yet be tun'd together,
- No, no, we jarre too
- farre. Unkinde
- , unkinde
- Valoys,
- Unhappie Isabell, when Fraunce rejects,
- whether
- whither
- , O
- whether
- whither
- doost
- must
- thou bend thy steps
- ?
- .
- Enter sir John of
- Henolt.
- Sir John
- Madam, what cheere?
- Queene
- A good sir John of Henolt,
- Never so cheereles, nor so farre distrest.
- Sir John
- I heare sweete lady of the kings unkindenes,
- But droope not madam, noble mindes contemne
- Despaire: will your grace with me to Henolt,
- And there stay times advantage with your sonne?
- How say you my Lord, will you go with your friends,
- And shake off all
- our
- your
- fortunes equallie
- ?
- .
- Prince
- So pleaseth the Queene my mother, me it likes
- .
- ,
- The king of England,
- nor
- not
- the court of Fraunce,
- Shall
- have
- heave
- me from my gratious mothers side,
- Till I be strong enough to breake a staffe,
- And then have at the proudest Spencers head.
- Sir John
- Well said my lord.
- Queene
- Oh my sweet hart, how do I mone thy
- wrongs
- wrong
- ,
- Yet triumphe in the hope of thee my joye?
- Ah sweete sir John, even to the utmost verge
- of Europe,
- or
- on
- the shore of Tanaise,
- Will we
- We will
- with thee to Henolt, so we will
- .
- ,
- The Marques is a noble Gentleman,
- His grace I
- dare
- presume will welcome me,
- But
- who
- what
- are these?
- Enter Edmund [earle of Kent]
- and Mortimer.
- Kent
- Edm
- Madam, long may you live,
- Much happier then your friends in
- England
- England
- do.
- Queene
- Lord Edmund and lord Mortimer alive
- ?
- ,
- Welcome to Fraunce: the newes was heere my lord,
- That you were dead, or very neare your death.
- Mortimer
- ju.
- Lady, the last was truest of the twaine,
- But Mortimer reservde for better hap,
- Hath shaken off the thraldome of the tower,
- And lives
- t'
- to
- advance your standard good my lord.
- Prince
- How meane you, and the king my father lives ?
- No my lord Mortimer,
- not I
- not so
- , I trow.
- Queene
- Not sonne, why not? I would it were no worse,
- But gentle lords, friendles we are in Fraunce.
- Mortimer
- ju.
- Mounsier
- le Grand
- le Grand
- , a noble friend of yours,
- Tould us at our arrivall all the newes,
- How hard the nobles, how unkinde the king
- Hath shewed himself: but madam, right makes roome,
- Where weapons
- a
- so Dd1-
- want
- won't
- wont
- , and though a many friends
- Are made away, as Warwick, Lancaster,
- And others of our
- partie
- part
- and
- faction
- our faction
- ,
- Yet have we friends, assure your grace
- ,
- in
- England
- England
- ,
- Would cast up cappes, and clap their hands for joy,
- To see us there appointed for our foes.
- Kent
- Edm
- Would all were well, and Edward well reclaimd,
- For Englands honor, peace, and quietnes.
- Mortimer
- ju.
- But by the sword, my lord, it must be
- deserv'd
- earn'd
- .
- The king will nere forsake his flatterers.
- Sir John
- My Lords of England, sith the ungentle king
- Of Fraunce refuseth to give aide of armes,
- To this distressed Queene his sister heere,
- Go you with her to Henolt
- :
- ,
- doubt yee not,
- We will finde comfort, money, men, and friends
- Ere long, to bid the English king
- a base
- abase
- .
- ,
- How say
- How say'st
- Now say
- Now say
- yong
- you
- Prince, what thinke you of the
- match
- march
- ?
- Prince
- I thinke king Edward will out-run us all.
- Queene
- Nay
- sonne
- soune
- , not so, and you must not discourage
- Your friends that are so forward in your aide.
- Kent
- Edm
- Sir John of Henolt, pardon us I pray,
- These comforts that you give our wofull queene,
- Binde us in kindenes all at your commaund.
- Queene
- Yea gentle brother, and the God of heaven,
- Prosper your happie motion good sir John.
- Mortimer
- ju.
- This noble gentleman, forward in armes,
- Was borne I see to be our anchor hold
- .
- ,
- Sir John of Henolt, be it thy renowne,
- That Englands Queene, and nobles in distresse,
- Have beene by thee restored and comforted.
- Sir John
- Madam along, and you my
- lord
- lords
- ,
- with me,
- That Englands peeres may Henolts welcome
- see.
- [Exeunt.]
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- Codice Pelavicino
- Edizione Digitale
- Edizione critica di:
- Enrica Salvatori
- Edilio Riccardini
- Franco Bonatti
- Laura Balletto
- Codifica di:
- Alessio Miaschi
- Chiara Alzetta
- Revisione alla codifica di:
- Roberto Rosselli Del Turco
- Enrica Salvatori
- Università di Pisa
- Pisa
- Da definire
Il progetto è realizzato per la libera consultazione. Tutti i contenuti sono
- riproducibili a patto che se ne indichi la fonte.
- Sarzana
- Archivio del Capitolo della cattedrale
- Codice Pelavicino
- Latino
- Il codice si compone di 426 cc. numerate e 20 cc. non numerate;
- contiene diversi testi tra cui il Liber Iurium della Chiesa di
- Luni. Principale responsabile della sua redazione
- fu il vescovo di Luni Enrico da Fucecchio, che salì al
- soglio episcopale nel 1273 e vi rimase fino al 1289. Al fine di
- salvaguardare i beni e i diritti della Chiesa di
- Luni, il vescovo Enrico
- riorganizzò infatti gli uffici della curia, fece compilare un inventario
- generale dell’archivio ecclesiastico e attivò uno scrittorio nel quale
- lavorarono diversi amanuensi, da cui uscì appunto buona parte del codice. Il
- nome di Codice Pelavicino deriva da una piccola parte del
- codice stesso, il cosìddetto Liber Magister, cioè il libro dei
- redditi e dei proventi della Chiesa di Luni, che è
- riportato nel codice nella copia tardoduecentesca, ma che originariamente
- venne compilato al tempo di Uberto Pelavicino, vicario
- in Lunigiana dell’imperatore Federico II nel quarto
- decennio del secolo XIII. Il nome tuttavia si impose presto nell’uso per
- indicare l’intero codice, compreso il Liber Iurium, come
- testimonia un documento del 1487 trascritto nello stesso
- manoscritto.
Il volume è rilegato in pelle con piatti in legno
- (360 * 255 * 5mm); il
- fondello presenta cinque nervature; la chiusura è data da una correggia
- con fibbia in metallo. La guardia anteriore è formata da due fogli di
- carta relativi al restauro del 1984, operato presso l’Istituto
- centrale per la patologia del libro “Alfonso Gallo” di Roma
- (ACS Corrispondenza 1982-1987, n.6). Seguono 5 fogli di
- carta (10 cc.) con una fine vergellatura e filigrana a mezzaluna databile
- alla seconda metà XVI-inizio XVII secolo. La risguardia è di un foglio di
- carta di epoca recente incollato sulla coperta.
La guardia posteriore è formata da due fogli di carta recente e la
- risguardia da un foglio di carta recente incollato alla coperta.
- Precedono tre fogli di carta identici a quelli della guardia anteriore (6
- cc.) recanti la medesima filigrana, preceduti da un foglio irregolare di
- pergamena con un crittogramma del secolo XVI numerato a matita 426. I
- fogli cartacei del XVI-XVII secolo misurano 475 *
- 335 mm.
Il codice conta 37 fascicoli. Molti fascicoli sono numerati con numeri
- romani sia cardinali che ordinali.
Il 1° fascicolo è privo di indicazioni che ne stabiliscano la posizione
- nel codice; il 2° non presenta indicazioni, ma originariamente possedeva
- probabilmente la numerazione I(us) scomparsa in
- seguito alla rifilatura; il 3° e il 4° presentano nel margine inferiore,
- nel verso dell’ultima carta, II(us) e III(us) in inchiosto nero; il 5° fascicolo non
- presenta indicazioni, ma possedeva probabilmente la numerazione IIII(us), scomparsa in seguito alla rifilatura.
La numerazione dei 6° al 20° è in inchiostro rosso, a cui segue dal 21 in
- poi una numerazione in inchiostro nero. Il 21° fascicolo (XVI) presenta
- una nota, probabilmente della medesima mano che ha numerato i fascicoli
- del liber iurium, in cui si avverte di una lacuna: hic deficiunt
- quatuor quinterni (in realtà sesterni) qui perpere ablati
- fuerunt. A questo una mano più tarda ha aggiunto: in
- quibus continebantur instrumenta n(umer)o 58 ut colligitur ex rubrica
- precedente 158 et seguente 217, utcumque cartarum sive foliorum series
- continuato numero currat. Vide retro carta 201 a t(ergo) in margine.
- Vide etiam ante carta 401 postposita quedam instrumenta.
- Effettivamente si registra un salto nella numerazione interna dei
- documenti del liber da CLVIIII a CCXVII. La numerazione del
- fascicolo seguente (il 22°) non è visibile così come quella successiva
- (23°). Dato tuttavia che la numerazione dei documenti presenti all’inizio
- del fascicolo 22° prosegue senza salti e che il fascicolo 24° presenta il
- numero XXIII, se ne deduce che i fascicoli 22° e 23° recassero
- originariamente la numerazione XXI e XXII. La lacuna riguarda quindi i
- fascicoli un tempo contrassegnati dai numeri XVII – XX. Il 35° fascicolo
- non è numerato e reca in calce la chiusura del liber iurium
- con la sottoscrizione di maestro Egidio. Seguono i tre fogli centrali (6
- cc.) di uno dei fascicoli mancanti, quasi certamente il XVII della
- primitiva redazione. Segue l’ultimo fascicolo (il 37°) composto di 6
- fogli (11 carte di cui la prima mancante) e contenente una altra versione
- del liber magister.
Le carte dei fascicoli dal 1° al 36° misurano 345 *
- 245 mm, ma presentano mozzature e rifilature; il 37°
- fascicolo ha dimensioni maggiori 345 * 255
- mm, ritagliato irregolarmente nel margine inferiore.
I fogli di pergamena sono collocati dorso contro dorso e interno contro
- interno.
Il codice non è un volume unitario, ma risulta composto di 4 parti, che
- in origine formavano unità distinte e che sono state rilegate insieme in
- età moderna:
La 1a parte (cc. 1r-8v), su supporto pergamenaceo, è
- composta da un Indice e da una Memoria, in
- pratica l’inventario dell’archivio vescovile lunense così come si
- presentava all’epoca del vescovo Enrico da Fucecchio (fine XIII secolo).
- Numerata in cifre romane da I a VIII. Copre interamente il primo
- fascicolo.
La 2a parte (cc. 9r-56v), su supporto pergamenaceo,
- è costituito in parte dal cosiddetto Liber Magister, cioè un
- lungo elenco ricognitivo di beni, diritti, censi in denaro o in natura
- spettanti al vescovo di Luni e in parte da altri documenti che sono in
- corso di studio. Questa parte è numerata in crifre romane a partire da I;
- la numerazione continua poi nella 3a parte senza soluzione di continuità
- da I a CCCCVI. Copre interamente i fascicoli 2-5. Nella parte finale del
- fascicolo 5, le ultime 3 cc. contengono ta trascrizione di un documento
- del secolo XV (il n. 26, del 1487 agosto 9 e 30), il più recente
- dell’intero codice.
La 3a parte (cc. 57r-414v.), su supporto
- pergamenaceo, è la più consistente ed è costituita dal Liber
- Iurium, dove sono trascritti 510 documenti di natura pubblica o
- privata che al compilatore parvero importanti come prova della
- legittimità dei diritti feudali e dei possessi patrimoniali della Chiesa
- lunense. Una numerazione progressiva, in cifre romane, contrassegna i
- documenti nel margine esterno ed è dovuta, molto probabilmente, allo
- scriba che compilò l’indice della 1a parte.
La 4a ed ultima parte (cc.415r.-425v.) su supporto
- cartaceo, è costituita da una seconda e più tarda redazione del
- Liber Magister, databile alla fine del XIV secolo in base
- alla scrittura. Le carte non sono state numerate.
Nel manoscritto sono riconoscibili diversi scrittori. Si elencano qui i
- principali fino ad ora (ottobre 2015) riconosciuti. L’elenco definitivo
- verrà pubblicato al termine del lavoro di trascrizione ed edizione
- critica.
(1) Un amanuense di cui ignoriamo il nome ha iniziato a
- scrivere il 12 dicembre 1287 e ha redatto i primi 22 documenti del
- Liber Iurium (nn. 27-48, cc. 57r.-70r)., dopodiché il lavoro
- fu interrotto; la scrittura di questo primo amanuense è riconducibile al
- tipo della rotunda italiana, avvicinabile alla littera
- bononiensis, propria dei manoscritti universitari bolognesi, ma
- diffusa anche in molti altri centri italiani; è più tondeggiante, la
- caratteristica del tratto spezzato, tipica della gotica, è poco avvertibile,
- mentre le lettere sono più addossate l’una all’altra. Le principali
- differenze rispetto alla scrittura n° 2 (di magister Egidio)
- sono così riassumibili:
- la g rotonda, assomigliante ad un 8, l’occhiello
- inferiore è rotondo anziché schiacciato a formare un triangolo;
- la p con il significato di per reca il
- taglio orizzontale alla base e non a metà dell’asta;
- il segno tachigrafico per et è sempre a forma di 7, ma
- non reca il taglio orizzontale; non compare mai il segno a forma di 9
- con significato di cum/con;
- le i non presentano apici;
- la y è priva di puntino al centro della
- biforcazione;
- accanto alla d onciale, con asta abbattuta e quasi
- orizzontale, lo scriba adopera sovente la d diritta
- pressoché assente in Egidio.
Ignoriamo i motivi per cui questo amanuense abbia interrotto il lavoro di
- trascrizione poco tempo dopo averlo intrapreso. Dovette comunque trattarsi
- di un’interruzione brusca, imputabile a cause di forza maggiore, perché non
- ebbe neppure tempo e modo di apporre la propria sottoscrizione che valesse
- come autentica globale dei documenti trascritti sino a quel momento.
(2) Il secondo amanuense era di origine e cultura
- francese, il magister Egidio di Bligny sur Ouche, nella diocesi
- di Autun (Borgogna). Ne conosciamo il nome grazie alla sottoscrizione che
- egli appose a chiusura del suo lavoro durato dalla fine del 1288 alla fine
- del 1289 (doc n. 531, c. 408v.) e al termine del Liber Magister
- (c. 48r.). A maestro Egidio si deve quindi la parte più consistente del
- Liber Iurium e la copia del Liber Magister. La
- sua scrittura appartiene al tipo delle littere scholasticae
- elaborate in ambiente universitario.
Tra le caratteristiche salienti della grafia di magister Egidio
- meritano di essere segnalate:
- il largo, per non dire larghissimo, ricorso alle abbreviazioni, sia
- per troncamento sia per contrazione;
- la d è quasi sempre di tipo onciale con l’asta
- ripiegata, talvolta con un trattino finale che gira verso
- destra;
- la g presenta l’occhiello inferiore schiacciato a
- formare una sorta di triangolo;
- la m e la n a fine di parola presentano
- l’asta terminale cosiddetta “a proboscide”;
- l’asta finale della h si prolunga sotto il rigo con
- uno svolazzo a sinistra;
- la l, la b, la h iniziano
- con un tratto complementare a sinistra assai pronunciato;
- la i è segnalata dalla presenza di segni diacritici
- per differenziarla dalle aste di m e di n,
- altrimenti non distinguibili;
- la y presenta un puntino al centro della
- biforcazione;
- le aste delle lettere maiuscole raddoppiate;
- frequenti nessi tra le lettere di forma rotonda (de,
- po);
- uso pressoché costante del segno tachigrafico di et,
- che si presenta nella tipica forma a 7 con l’asta discendente tagliata
- a metà altezza da un breve tratto orizzontale;
- uso costante del segno tachigrafico a forma di 9 con il significato
- di cum / con.
Via via che il copista procede con il suo lavoro lo specchio scrittorio
- della pagina si dilata e si riduce lo spazio interlineare, aumenta il numero
- di righe per ogni carta; viene meno l’uso dell’inchiostro rosso a scopo
- ornamentale sino a scomparire nella seconda metà del codice, così come
- diminuisce la cura del riprodurre i signa tabellionis dei notai
- che avevano a suo tempo autenticato la copia trascritta.
Come detto, sempre alla mano sicura di Egidio da Bligny si deve l’intero
- Liber magister, la cui redazione, sebbene non databile con
- esattezza, dovette seguire a breve distanza di tempo – quasi una sorta di
- logico complemento – la compilazione del Liber Iurium. Qui, in
- verità, la scrittura appare più ariosa e meno compressa lateralmente, il
- ductus palesa la tendenza ad una maggiore rotondità.
- Tuttavia grafismi come la g acuta, il segno tachigrafico per
- et, la l con trattino iniziale verso sinistra,
- la y con puntino centrale, non lasciano spazio a dubbi circa
- l’identità dello scriba.
(3) L’indice del Liber Iurium (cc.
- 1r.-5r.) e la Memoria cartarum Lunensis curie (cc. 5v.-8v.)
- sono invece riconducibili alla fatica di un terzo scriba, di cui purtroppo
- ignoriamo il nome. Egli utilizza una minuscola di tipo italiano, piuttosto
- accurata, dal ductus regolare e con un accentuato contrasto di
- chiaroscuro. Tra le particolarità grafiche più significative spiccano:
- la g con occhiello inferiore non chiuso;
- la s sigmatica;
- la v acuta, anzi acutissima, ad inizio di
- parola;
- le aste in evidenza rispetto al corpo della scrittura (il che non
- avviene né in Egidio né per l’anonimo scriba che ha copiato i primi 22
- documenti del Liber Iurium).
(4) Una quarta mano ha vergato una seconda e più tarda
- versione del Liber Magister (cc.415r.-425v.). Siamo qui di
- fronte ad una scrittura notarile tendente al corsivo, di corpo più minuto,
- ricca di svolazzi, distribuita su due o tre colonne, databile forse ai
- decenni finali del XIV secolo.
(5) Una quinta mano, anch’essa tarda, ha trascritto un
- documento del 1297 dopo la chiusura del Liber Magister fatta da
- maestro Egidio, utilizzando le carte rimaste bianche del fascicolo 5 (doc.
- n. 25 cc. 49r-54r.).
(6) Una sesta mano, della fine del secolo XV, ha infine
- trascritto il documento n. 26 del 1487, contenente l’autenticazione del
- codice (cc. 54v-56v, n. 26), sempre nelle pagine finali del fascicolo 5.
Sono presenti le riproduzioni dei timbri notarili a volte con scopi
- decorativi. Alcuni capilettera sono in rosso.
Si compone di 426 carte e contiene in copia documenti dall’anno
- 900 (diploma di Berengario re d’Italia a favore del vescovo
- lunense) fino al 1289.
La maggior parte del manoscritto risale alla seconda metà XIII secolo.
Le diverse parti in cui ora è composto il codice vennero assemblate in una
- prima rilegatura plausibilmente conservata nella sede del vescovo di Luni,
- ossia nel castrum Sarzane, attuale
- Sarzanello, prima del 1487.
Come ci informa un documento trascritto nello stesso codice (CP cc. 54v-56v,
- n. 26), a quell’epoca il vescovo di Luni risiedeva temporameamente a
- Pontremoli, presso la chiesa di S. Colombano, a causa della guerra di
- Sarzana, 49-52). Da qui il vescovo Tommaso aveva indirizzato una supplica a
- papa Innocenzo VIII affinché attribuisse ai documenti trascritti nel codice
- valore di prova nelle contestazioni giudiziarie. Dietro mandato papale il
- giureconsulto Tomaso Amadeo di Ferrara, in Modena, autenticò il
- liber, già detto all’epoca Pelavicinus, il 9
- agosto 1487. In quest’atto il codice è detto composto di 408 carte, che
- iniziano con l’indice (attuale c. 1, fascicolo 1) e terminano con un
- documento del 1289 (attuale c. 408v., fascicolo 35): questo significa che
- già nel 1487 mancavano dal volume i fascicoli dal XVII al XX. In un momento
- successivo, non noto, furono recuperati alcuni fogli di un fascicolo
- perduto, quasi certamente il XVII (attuali cc. 409r-414v. del fascicolo 36)
- e quindi inseriti in una nuova rilegatura. In questa nuova composizione al
- codice vennero probabilmente aggiunte le carte perdute che ora formano il
- fascicolo 37 contenenti una redazione del Liber Magister
- differente da quella copiata da maestro Egidio.
A una terza rilegatura dovrebbero appartenere i fogli di carta della guardia
- anteriore e posteriore dotati di una filigrana databile a cavallo tra i
- secoli XVI e XVII.
- Lista Persone
- Abraçalene
- de Barbazano
- M
- Abraciator
- quondam Armannini
- M
- Abraciatus
- de Ponzano
- M
- Acaritus
- M
- Acciliana
- F
- Accursetus
- quondam Vitalis de castro Sarzane
- M
- Acursus
- quondam Petri
- M
- syndicus et procurator communium et universitatum de Marola et de
- Matrono
- Accursus / Acursus
- filius Sermonuti
- M
- Acoltus
- quondam Bonavite de Trebiano
- M
- Actocani
- de Bibola
- M
- nobiles
- Actocaninus
- Actocaninus de Masio
- M
- Actocaninus
- quondam domini Parentis de Terrarossola
- M
- Adalasia
- quondam Lommannete
- F
- Adalgrinus
- F
- Adalbertinus
- M
- Adalbertinus
- quondam Bonaiuti de Puleca
- M
- Adalbertinus
- de Sarzana
- M
- Adiutus / Aiutus
- M
- Adiutus / Aiutus
- M
- presbiter, capellanus domini Guilielmi
- Adiutus / Aiutus
- de Lune
- M
- Adiutus / Aiutus
- M
- sacri palatii notarius
- attestato dal 1230 al 1260
- Adiutus / Aiutus
- M
- presbiter
- Adiutus / Aiutus
- de valle Ylioli
- M
- presbiter
- Adiutus / Aiutus
- quondam Dominici
- M
- Adornellus
- domini Tranchedi comitis de Advocatis de Luca
- M
- iudex ordinarius, notarius
- attestato nel 1281
- Adornetus
- de Balognano
- M
- Advocatus
- M
- Advocatus
- de Sarzana
- M
- Afflorata
- filia Belmese
- F
- Agnellus
- de Sarzana
- M
- calçolarius
- Agnesia
- uxor Gerardi
- F
- domina de Falcinello
- Agnesia
- uxor Guidonis
- F
- domina de Falcinello
- Agnesia
- filia quondam Iacopini, uxor Rollandi quondam Guilielmi de
- Valdonega
- F
- Aicardellus
- quondam Bosi
- M
- Aicardellus
- quondam Venture Brageri
- M
- Aicardinus
- M
- Aidans
- quondam Aimeline de Ponzanello
- M
- Aidans
- de Amelia
- M
- Aidans
- quondam Bottoni /quondam Botonis
- M
- Aidans
- quondam Gondeti de Ponzanello
- M
- consul de Ponzanello
- Aidans
- quondam Meliorati
- M
- Aidans
- quondam Pellini
- M
- syndicus et procurator communium et universitatum de Marola et de
- Matrono
- Aidans
- de Ponzanello
- M
- Aidans
- de castro Sarzane
- M
- Aidans
- de Serra
- M
- Aidelina
- F
- Aimelina / Aymelina
- F
- Aimelina / Aymelina
- quondam Bonfilioli
- F
- Aimelina / Aymelina
- de Castronovo
- F
- Aimellus
- M
- Aimericus
- M
- Aitantellus
- <filiius Aidantis de Ponzanello>
- M
- Aiutellus
- Bonaiuti
- M
- Alamannus
- de Malliola
- M
- Albanensis
- F
- Albercellus
- M
- Albergucius
- quondam Formenti de castro Sarzane
- M
- Albergus
- M
- Albergus
- de Fontenella
- M
- Albergus
- de Valdonica
- M
- Albertellus
- Albertellus de Pignoto
- M
- Albertinellus
- M
- Albertinellus
- de Berzola
- M
- Albertinellus
- frater Mauricii de la Cala
- M
- Albertinellus
- de Supravia
- M
- Albertinucius / Albertinutius
- M
- Albertinus
- M
- Albertinus
- M
- magister
- Albertinus
- quondam Bernardi
- M
- dominus de Falcinello
- Albertinus
- de Castronovo
- M
- Albertinus
- Ceolaschi
- M
- Albertinus
- quondam Compagni
- M
- Albertinus
- Cornachini
- M
- Albertinus
- quondam Gerardini Veroni de Soleria
- M
- Albertinus
- de Monte Franzo
- M
- Albertinus
- de Orbagnano
- M
- Albertinus
- de Piçolo
- M
- Albertinus
- de donna Rossa
- M
- Albertolda
- de Certiola
- M
- Albertonus
- M
- Albertonus
- quondam Guidonis
- M
- Albertosca
- filia quondam Petri olim domini Alberti
- F
- Albertus
- M
- Albertus
- M
- magister, canonicus Lunensis, presbiter,
- subdiaconus
- Albertus
- M
- consul
- Albertus
- M
- episcopus Lunensis
- Alberto, vescovo di Luni, di cui non esistono testimonianze dirette; viene
- detto successore di Gottifredo II (1129-1156) in un documento del 1181 e predecessore di Pietro
- (1178-1190) in un documento del 1212;
- viene poi citato in un documento del 1230. Il Podestà (PODESTÀ
- 1895, pp. 38-42) lo pone tra l'ultima attestazione di Gottifredo II
- (1156) e la prima di Andrea II (1160),
- ma quest'ultima indicazione non è certa in quanto il prelato vi è indicato
- dalla sola cifra iniziale.
- Albertus
- M
- magister
- Albertus
- M
- marchio
- Alberto/Adelberto, III marchese di questo nome della stirpe obertenga,
- figlio di Alberto/Adelberto II è attestato dal 1033 (CALLERI 1993 doc. 38, p. 66-67)
- al 1077 ( FALCO 1916 XXIV).
- Probabilmente già defunto nel 1080 (
- FALCO 1916 XXVI).
- Albertus
- M
- notarius invictissimi Frederici imperatoris
- attestato dal 1180 al 1200
- Albertus
- M
- presbiter
- Albertus
- filius Albini
- M
- Albertus
- de Amelia
- M
- Albertus
- quondam Barendini
- M
- Albertus
- Bellonis
- M
- Albertus
- quondam filio Benedicti
- M
- Albertus
- de Buiano
- M
- Albertus
- de Calvo
- M
- Albertus
- de Cruce
- M
- Albertus
- quondam Ferri de Lacala
- M
- Albertus
- de Formicoso
- M
- Albertus
- filio Frederici de Carraria
- M
- Albertus
- quondam Gandulphini / de Gandulfino
- M
- Albertus
- quondam Gerardi
- M
- nobilis, vicedominus episcopi
- Albertus
- filius Gerardi de Carraria
- M
- Albertus
- quondam domini Guidonis
- M
- Albertus
- quondam Guilielmini de Lune
- Albertus
- filius quondam domini Opiçoni marchionis Malaspine
- M
- Alberto marchese Malaspina, figlio di Opizzino capostipite dello Spino
- Fiorito, fratello di Bernabò e Isnardo; è attestato dal 1255 (ASFi DM, n. 155), nel 1257 (FERRETTO 1909, n. DCCCCLV) è
- ancora minorenne; già defunto nel 1281 (ASFi DM, n. 280).
- Albertus
- Malvicinus
- M
- vicarius Lunisiane pro communi Pisano
- Albertus
- dictus Mascardus de Trebiano
- M
- Albertus
- quondam Nobelini
- M
- Albertus
- quondam Parentini de castro Sarzane / de Balzano
- M
- Albertus
- quondam Parentis
- M
- Albertus
- quondam Passarini / de Passarino de Sarzana
- M
- Albertus
- de Rainerio
- M
- Albertus
- de Carraria filius quondam Rodulfini
- M
- Albertus
- qui dicor Ruffus, filius quondam Alberti marchionis
- M
- marchio
- Alberto Rufo, IV marchese di questo nome della stipe obertenga, figlio di
- Alberto III. Nel 1080 risulta sposato a Iolicta, figlia di Uberto conte di
- Parma (FALCO_1916, XXVI); è
- menzionato l’ultima volta da vivo nel 1084 (doc. 184. Forse morto già nel 1085 (BERNOLDUS, pp. 443–444), lo è
- certamente nel 1094 (FALCO_1916,
- 1984 XXVI, 1.
- Albertus
- filius quondam Ubaldi de Parente
- M
- Albertus
- quondam Ubaldi de Valechia
- M
- Albertus
- de Valle
- M
- Albertus
- de Valle
- M
- Albertus
- de Valle Stephani
- M
- Albertus
- de Valporcara
- M
- Albizellus
- de Veçale
- M
- Albizi
- de Cazano
- M
- Alzadellus / Alçadellus
- quondam Araldi
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Alzadellus / Alçadellus
- de castro Sarzane
- M
- Alcarinus
- quondam Folcerii
- M
- Alcherius
- de Luca
- M
- notarius
- attestato in numerose autentiche non datate ma ascrivibili alla seconda metà
- del XIII secolo; probabilmente da identificare con il notaio Alcherius
- Pagani
- Alcherius
- Pagani
- M
- vicarius province Lunisiane, imperialis aule iudex et
- notarius
- attestato dal 1271 al 1272; probabilmente da identificare con il notaio
- Alcherius de Luca
- Aldebertinus
- M
- Aldebertinus
- quondam Aliardi
- M
- Aldebertinus
- quondam Armannini
- M
- Aldebertinus
- de Bonafide
- M
- Aldebertinus
- de Bursello
- M
- Aldebertus
- nepos Çanforni
- M
- Aldebrandetus /Aldeprandetus
- fiulius Aldeprandi vicedomini
- M
- Aldebrandetus / Aldeprandetus
- de Soleria filius Guidolini de Fossato
- M
- Aldebrandetus /Aldeprandetus
- de burgo Sarzane
- M
- Aldebrandinus / Aldeprandinus
- M
- vicedominus
- Aldebrandinus / Aldeprandinus
- de Castello Radaldo
- M
- forse figlio di domina Diamante, certo fratello dei figli di lei
- Aldebrandinus / Aldeprandinus
- quondam Catti de Trebiano / quondam Gatti
- M
- Aldebrandinus / Aldeprandinus
- <filius Iohannini quondam Aldeprandi de Rapugnana>
- M
- Aldebrandinus / Aldeprandinus
- Malanaca
- M
- Aldebrandinus / Aldeprandinus
- de Miselia
- M
- Aldebrandinus / Aldeprandinus
- de Oletto
- M
- Aldebrandinus / Aldeprandinus
- filius Symoneti notarii
- M
- notarius
- Attivo nel 1279
- Aldebrandinus / Aldeprandinus
- Talliamelo
- M
- dominus, vicarius provincie Lunisiane
- Aldebrandinus / Aldeprandinus
- Veltri de Corvaria
- M
- Aldebrandus /Aldeprandus
- M
- vicedominus
- Aldebrandus / Aldeprandus
- filius quondam Alberti vicedomini
- M
- vicedominus
- Aldebrandus / Aldeprandus
- de Antiquo
- M
- Aldebrandus / Aldeprandus / Aldibrandus / Aldevrandus
- quondam Azo, filius quondam Rodolfi quondam Bonizoni de loco
- Ponzano
- M
- Aldebrandus / Aldeprandus / Aldibrandus / Aldevrandus
- quondam Brici/quodam Berci
- M
- consul Sancti Terencii
- Aldebrandus / Aldeprandus / Aldibrandus / Aldevrandus
- quondam Oliverii de castro Sarzane
- M
- Aldebrandutius
- quondam Vinciguerre
- M
- Aldeitrandinus
- <de Soleria>
- M
- Aldisia
- uxor Vivaldi de Capriola
- F
- Aldoinus / Aldonus / Alduinus
- M
- Aldoinus / Aldonus / Alduinus
- filius quondam domini Gibertini <de Herberia>
- M
- Aldoinus / Aldonus / Alduinus
- quondam Guidi de Ubaldo
- M
- Aldoinus / Aldonus / Alduinus
- quondam Petri
- M
- Alegranza / Alegrança
- F
- Alegretus
- M
- Alegretus
- <de Apognana quondam Alberti>
- M
- Alegretus
- filius quondam Cyceris de Magnano
- M
- Alegretus
- quondam Tiniosi Barencini
- M
- Alexander
- M
- episcous, servus servorum Dei
- Papa Alessandro IV, eletto il 21 maggio 1254 e consacrato il 20 dicembre
- successivo. Muore a Viterbo il 25 maggio 1261 come da scheda di Raul Manselli
- nel Dizionario Biografico degli italiani, vol. 2
- (1960.)
- Aliottus / Aliotus
- Marrontinus / quindam Marroncini de Luca
- M
- notarius, scriba
- attestato nel 1269
- Alsaldellus
- quondam Vitalis de Valmoro
- M
- Amatus
- M
- Amatus
- de Orbagnano
- M
- Ambrosinus
- de Orbagnano
- Ambrosius
- M
- episcopus Bergamensis
- Ambrogio II, vescovo di Bergamo attestato dal 1023 e morto nel 1058 (SCHWARTZ 1913, p. 101).
- Amica
- F
- Amica
- quondam Guidoli
- F
- Amezetus / Amizetus / Amigetus
- M
- Amezetus/Amizetus/Amigetus
- de Sporliano
- M
- Amicus
- M
- Amicus
- quondam Aicardini
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Amicus
- quondam Angelerii
- M
- Amicus
- de Beduçano
- M
- Amicus
- de Colle
- M
- Amicus
- quondam Gerardi de Mezana
- M
- Amicus
- quondam Gerardini
- M
- consul comunis de Ponzanello
- Amicus
- Martignoni de Barbaçano / de Barbaçano
- M
- Amicus
- de Çugnaco
- M
- Amiliarinus
- filius Parluntii
- M
- Andrea
- M
- Andrea
- M
- episcopus Lunensis
- Andrea II, vescovo di Luni, attestato in maniera non certa - perché indicato
- con la sola iniziale del nome proprio - dal 26 gennaio 1160 al 3 aprile
- 1164.
- Andrea
- M
- massarius
- Andrea
- M
- marchio de Massa
- si tratta probabilmente di Andrea Bianco, marchese di Parodi e di
- Massa-Corsica, figlio di Moruello
- Andrea
- de Balognano
- M
- Andrea
- Calvo
- M
- Andriolus
- de Sancto Stephano
- M
- Androinus
- M
- Andrucius / Andrecius
- M
- Andrucius / Andrecius
- Caciaguerra
- M
- Andrucius / Andrecius
- de Poppio
- M
- Angelellus
- M
- Antonius
- M
- canonicus Lunensis, presbiter, subdiaconus
- Antonius
- Tursaccus
- M
- Anselmus
- M
- Anselmo vescovo di Como attestato per la prima volta nel 1170 e morto
- il 1° di aprile del 1193 o del 1194 come da scheda nel Dizionario Biografico degli italiani, vol. 3
- (1961).
- Aprile
- quondam Sabrini
- M
- Ardengus
- M
- Arditio / Ardicio
- M
- Arditio / Ardicio
- quondam Aicardi
- M
- Arditus
- M
- Arduinus
- M
- Arduinus
- M
- consul Carrarie
- Arduinus
- M
- ferrarius
- Arduinus
- Çuffus
- M
- Arduinus
- filius Guideti
- M
- Arduinus
- de Herberia filius quondam Giberti de Herberia
- M
- Arduinus
- de Petrognano
- M
- dominus
- Arduinus
- de Vallecla filio quondam Bononi
- M
- Arengus
- filius Bonafidei de Castronovo quondam Aldebertini
- M
- Argunnitosus
- de Moneta
- M
- Armannina
- uxor Gibertini
- F
- domina de Falcinello
- Armanninus
- M
- Armanninus
- quondam Gibertini de Soleria
- M
- Armanninus
- quondam Iacobini
- M
- Armanninus
- quondam Michaelis
- M
- Armanninus
- de Plebe
- M
- Armanninus
- quondam Sabbatini de castro Sarzane
- M
- Armanninus
- de Soleria
- M
- Armanninus
- de Trebiano
- M
- Armannus
- M
- diaconus, plebanus de Amelia
- Armannus
- M
- imperialis aule iudex, notarius
- attestato nel 1219
- Armannus
- de Iovello
- M
- Armingardina
- F
- Armniardula
- F
- Arnaldus
- M
- Arnaldus
- quondam Ugolini
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Arnaldus
- de Castello
- M
- Arrigus
- quondam Aldibertini
- M
- Assalitus
- quondam Tiniosi de Sancto Stephano
- M
- Astexanus
- de Torano
- M
- Atto / Azo
- M
- Atto / Azo
- M
- iudex, advocatus
- Atto / Azo
- Burgundius
- M
- Atto / Azo
- de Cerro Alto
- M
- Atto / Azo
- filius quondam Compagni
- M
- Atto / Azo
- de Faucenova
- M
- Atto / Azo
- filius Gerardi de Carraria
- M
- Atto / Azo
- de Grangnano
- M
- Atto / Azo
- filius Villani
- M
- Attolinus
- M
- Attolinus
- M
- castaldus
- Attolinus
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Attolinus
- M
- sacri palatii notarius
- attestato dal 1231 al 1265
- Attolinus
- quondam domini Alberti dicti Mascardi de Trebiano
- M
- Attolinus
- quondam Armannini de Carraria
- M
- Attolinus
- quondam Bandini
- M
- consiliarius castri Sarzane
- Attolinus
- quondam Belloti de Miselia
- M
- Attolinus
- Cactii de Sarzana/quondam Catii de Sarzana/quondam Caccii /quondam
- Caccii de burgo Sarzane
- M
- dominus
- Attolinus
- Frandalonis
- M
- Attolinus
- de Gualdo
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Attolinus
- quondam Iuxtamontis
- M
- Attolinus
- de Malliola
- M
- Attolinus
- quondam Opiçonis de Pilodericio de Soleria
- M
- Attolinus
- quondam Symonis de Soleria
- M
- sacri palatii notarius
- attestato nel 1197
- Audixia
- uxor Vivaldeti
- F
- Augustinus / Agustinus
- M
- Augustinus / Agustinus
- de loco dicto Peretolo filius quondam Guilicionis
- M
- Augustinus / Agustinus
- quondam Martinelli
- M
- Augustinus / Agustinus
- Termeselli / Tremecellus
- M
- Augustus
- M
- correrius
- Avitellus
- quondam Bonaiuti
- M
- Avitus
- de Sancto Vitali
- M
- castaldus curie marchionis Sardi
- Azoansaldus
- M
- Badinus
- M
- Baisa Casium
- M
- Balzanus
- Bottacungo
- M
- dominus de Falcinello
- Balzanus
- de castro Sarzani
- M
- Baldancia
- M
- canonicus Lunensis, cantor
- Baldancia
- de Torano quondam Micheleti / quondam Michilleti
- M
- Baldicio
- de Ponzanello
- M
- Baldiçonus filius Mandriani de castro Sarzane
- M
- Baldinellus
- M
- Baldinellus
- M
- castaldus
- Baldinellus
- de Amelia
- M
- Baldinetus
- M
- Baldinotus
- M
- notarius
- attetstato nel 1269
- Baldinotus
- Caldovillanus / Caldovillanus de Porticu civitatis Lucane
- M
- imperii Romanorum iudex, notarius provincie Lunisiane, scriba
- episcopi
- Attestato nel 1269.
- Baldinotus
- de Moneta
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Baldinotus
- de Pulica
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Balditio
- M
- Balditio
- de Colle
- M
- Baldoinus
- quondam Guilielmi
- M
- Baldoinus / Balduinus
- M
- Baldoinus / Balduinus
- filius Facii
- M
- Baldolinus / Baldulinus
- M
- Balianus
- M
- Ballionus
- filius Gibertini Coalimi
- M
- Balognanus
- M
- Balzanus
- M
- Balzanus
- de Sarzana
- M
- Bambetus
- M
- Bambolus
- M
- Bandinetus
- de Castro Sarzane
- M
- Bandinetus
- quondam Guilielmi
- M
- consiliarius castri Sarzane
- Bandinetus
- quondam Guilielmi Rubei
- M
- Bandinus / Bamdinus
- M
- Bandinus / Bamdinus
- Crassus de Pisis
- M
- Bandinus / Bamdinus
- de Torgnano
- M
- Banicus
- M
- Bardellinus
- de Viano
- M
- Bardiranus
- de Cornilione
- M
- Barellus
- de Aciliano
- M
- Barletus
- de Sarzana
- M
- Baroccus
- M
- Baroncellus
- quondam Nobelini
- M
- Barosellus / Barotellus
- M
- Bartholomeus
- M
- notarius
- attivo sotto il vescovo di Luni Pipino
- Bartholomeus
- M
- presbiter, monacus
- Barus
- M
- Bastardus
- quondam Guilielmi
- M
- Bastardus
- quondam Guilielmi Blanci
- M
- Bastardus
- de Cignano
- M
- Bastardus
- de Valentino
- M
- Bastardus
- de Veçano
- M
- Baudeçonus
- M
- Bazuchus
- M
- Beatrix
- de Barbazano
- F
- domina
- Beatrix
- quondam Martini
- F
- Becatus
- M
- Beccus
- M
- Becotus
- M
- Befulketus
- M
- Begolus
- M
- Beivinum
- M
- Belerçus
- F
- Beliana
- F
- Bella
- de Balognano
- F
- Bella
- de Colle
- F
- Bella
- de la Serra
- F
- Bellacrosa
- F
- Bellandellus
- M
- Bellandinus
- filius quondam Cyceris de Magnano
- M
- Bellandus
- M
- Bellandus
- quondam Vitalis escarii
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Bellaserra
- F
- Bellenzonus
- M
- Belleronus
- M
- magister
- Belletus
- M
- Bellinus
- M
- clericus
- Bellomus
- M
- Bellomus
- Cyte
- M
- Bellomus
- quondam Pastenelli
- M
- Bellomus
- de Torano
- M
- Bellomus
- Tosabechi
- M
- Bellone
- Codesorbolo
- M
- Bellonus / Bellon
- M
- Bellonus / Bellon
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Bellonus / Bellon
- M
- sacri palacii notarius
- attestato in un autentica non datata
- Bellonus / Bellon
- de Abate
- M
- Bellonus / Bellon
- Belleti
- M
- Bellonus / Bellon
- Betus
- M
- Bellonus / Bellon
- de Columpnata
- M
- Bellonus / Bellon
- de Helena
- M
- Bellonus / Bellon
- quondam Guicciardi de Gragnana de Carraria
- M
- Bellonus / Bellon
- filius Guilielmi
- M
- Bellonus / Bellon
- de Lara
- M
- Bellonus / Bellon
- de Lato
- M
- Bellonus / Bellon
- de Valle Stephani
- M
- Bellosa
- F
- Bellosus
- M
- Bellotus
- M
- Bellotus
- de Aciliano
- M
- Bellucius / Bellutius
- M
- Bellucius / Bellutius
- M
- consiliarius comunis de Ponzanello
- Bellucius / Bellutius
- de Moneta
- M
- Bellucius / Bellutius
- de Stabuo
- M
- Bellus
- M
- Belmese
- quondam Girardini de Castilione de Varese
- F
- Benarellus
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Benedellus
- M
- Benedictus
- M
- abbas de Avula
- Benedictus
- M
- domnus
- Benedictus
- M
- domnus, monacus monasterii de Capparana
- Benedictus
- quondam Bono de Ponçano
- M
- Benedictus
- de Monte Bello
- M
- notarius
- attestato nel 1236
- Benedictus
- de Toreclo
- M
- Benencasa
- de Area
- M
- Benencasa
- quondam Boneti de Ara
- M
- consul de Micoarra
- Benencasa
- <quondam Rodulfini de Vico>
- F
- Benesia
- M
- Benesia
- M
- consiliarius de Ortonovo
- Benesia
- quondam Benencase
- M
- Benesia
- dictus Maccangnano
- M
- consiliarius de Ortonovo
- Benesia
- de Sorgnano
- M
- Benesia
- quondam Ugolini
- M
- Benesia
- de Vechio
- M
- consiliarius de Ortonovo
- Benetinus
- M
- ioculator
- Benevenus
- quondam Castellani
- M
- Benfatta
- F
- Bennatus
- M
- magister, archipresbiter de Marnasco
- Bennatus
- de Spedizano
- M
- mariscalcus
- Bennatus
- de Spuliçano / de Speluçano de Garfagnanoa
- M
- Bentevegna / Bentevenia
- M
- Bentevegna / Bentevenia
- de Sancto Stephano
- M
- archipresbiter
- Bentevegna / Bentevenia
- de Lacanova
- M
- Bentevegna / Bentevenia
- de Lutignana
- M
- Benvenuta
- <filia quondam Castellani>
- F
- Benvenutus
- M
- Benvenutus
- M
- clericus Sancti Vitalis
- Benvenutus
- M
- domini Ottonis quarti Romanorum imperatoris
- notarius
- attestato dal 1214 al 1226
- Benvenutus
- M
- notarius sacri palacii
- attestato nel 1229
- Benvenutus
- quondam Beloti de Iuccano
- M
- Benvenutus
- quondam Borgheri
- M
- Benvenutus
- quondam Bonfilioli de Soleria de Luna
- M
- calzolarius
- Benvenutus
- de Codano
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Benvenutus
- de Pectenato
- M
- Benvenutus
- de Oliveto
- M
- Benvenutus
- de Rainerio
- M
- Benvenutus
- de Stazone
- M
- Benvenutus
- de Turolo
- M
- Benzus
- M
- Beraimus
- M
- Berardus
- M
- notarius sacri palacii, notarius et iudex sacri
- palacii
- attivo nel 998
- Bercalitius
- M
- Berizus
- M
- Bernabos
- filius quondam domini Opiçoni marchionis Malaspine / marchio
- Malaspina
- M
- marchio
- Bernabò Malaspina, marchese, figlio del capostipite dello Spino Fiorito
- Opizzino, è attestato dal 1247 (Annali
- Placentini Gibellini, p. 495) all'agosto 1264 (ASFi DM, n. 190). Il Codice Pelavicino conserva un
- estratto del suo testamento dell'8 settembre 1265, redatto quasi certamente in prossimità della morte,
- certamente già avvenuta nel 1267 (ASFi
- DM, n. 207).
- Bernardinus
- M
- Bernardinus
- M
- consul
- Bernardinus
- de Castro Sarzane
- M
- Bernardinus
- de Fornoro
- M
- Bernardinus
- de Gragnano
- M
- Bernardinus
- filius Guidonis de Herberia
- M
- Bernarduccius
- filius Maineti
- M
- Bernarduccius
- de Sarzana
- M
- Bernardus
- M
- Bernardus
- M
- massarius
- Bernardus
- M
- notarius, iudex sacri palacii
- attivo nel 1021
- Bernardus
- M
- imperialis aule notarius
- attivo in un autentica non datata ma riconducibile alla prima metà del XIII
- secolo
- Bernardus
- quondam domini Bertoldi de Dallo
- M
- Bernardus
- de la Cala
- M
- Bernardus
- quondam Guiscardelli
- M
- Bernardus
- de Lucio
- M
- Bernardus
- quondam Moregnoli
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Bernardus
- M
- mulinarius
- Bernardus
- quondam Rafanini
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Bernardus
- quondam Rollandini
- M
- Bernardus
- de Summo Vico
- M
- Bernardus
- de Tedisio
- M
- Bernardus
- de Vallecla
- M
- Bernaçonus
- M
- Bernaçonus
- filii Guilielmini Pilloti
- M
- Bernerius
- de Verricula
- M
- notarius sacri palacii
- attivo nel 1265
- Bernutius
- M
- Berra
- de Tavola
- M
- Berta
- F
- Berta
- Grassa
- F
- Bertola
- F
- Bertoldus
- M
- marchio Istrie
- Bertoldo IV d'Andechs, conte di Andechs, primo duca di Merania e marchese
- d'Istria (dal 1175). Muore nel 1204. Si veda scheda di Heinrich Appelt su Neue Deutsche
- Biographie , Band 2 (1955).
- Bertolotus
- M
- Bertolotus
- Gilii
- M
- dominus, iudex vicarii province Lunisiane
- Bertolotus
- quondam Oliverii
- M
- Bertolus
- M
- canonicus Lunensis
- Bertramus
- M
- presbiter de Sancto Mauricio
- Bertucia
- M
- Bettus
- Betti filii ser Castilionis quondam Betti de Correlia
- M
- publicus imperiali autoritate notarius
- attivo nel 1346
- Biatella
- Biliolus
- olim Bremonis
- M
- Billa
- filia quondam Galosnini
- F
- Binamonte
- quondam Attolini de Sischia
- M
- Bisanus
- M
- Bius
- M
- Blanci
- de Herberia
- M
- Blancus
- M
- Blancus
- quondam Belloni de Codesorbo
- M
- Blancus
- de Flumine
- M
- Blancus
- de Posa
- M
- Blancus
- quondam Sabrini
- M
- Blancus
- quondam Ugolini
- M
- Blasius
- quondam Viviani de Soleria
- M
- Blonda
- quondam Giberti
- F
- Boccadecanis
- quondam Codargollii de castro Sarzane
- M
- Boiccaccius
- de Falcinello
- M
- Bolanetus
- de Cuna
- M
- Bolanetus
- de la Cobia
- M
- Boldroncinus
- de burgo Sancti Stephani
- M
- Boldroncinus
- de burgo Sarzane
- M
- Bolgarinus
- de Guerceto
- M
- BonaGuidonis
- quondam Guidonis
- F
- Bona
- quondam Martini
- F
- Bona
- de Serra
- F
- Bonabroca
- M
- notarius sacri palacii
- attivo dal novembre 1120 (Archivio di Stato di Lucca, Diplomatico S.
- Frediano) al 1160 (n. 479-DXVI)
- Bonacaptus / Bonacattus
- M
- Bonacaptus
- de Brasile
- M
- Bonacaptus
- de castro Sarzane
- M
- Bonacaptus
- filius Girardetti de castro Sarzane
- M
- notarius
- attivo nel 1269
- Bonacaptus
- quondam Girardi de Braisile
- M
- Bonaccoltus
- quondam Benvenuti
- M
- Bonacursellus
- quondam Bendicase de Sarzana
- M
- Bonacursetus
- filius Bonfancelli
- M
- Bonacursus
- M
- Bonacursus
- M
- castaldus
- Bonacursus
- M
- notarius sacri palacii
- attivo dal 1243 al 1260
- Bonacursus
- M
- domini Frederici serenissimi Romanorum imperatoris
- notarius
- attivo nel 1273
- Bonacursus
- M
- notarius, sacri palacii notarius
- attestato nel 1235 fino al 1241
- Bonacursus
- M
- sacri palacii notarius
- attestato nel 1214
- Bonacursus
- filius Albertini de Nobelino
- M
- Bonacursus
- quondam Alcarini
- M
- Bonacursus
- filius Aldebrandi vicedomini
- M
- Bonacursus
- de Arenano
- M
- Bonacursus
- de Biduçano
- M
- Bonacursus
- quondam Bontempi de Veçale
- M
- notarius
- attivo nel 1260
- Bonacursus
- de Buiano
- M
- Bonacursus
- quondam Burgensis
- m
- sindicus generalis de Nicola
- Bonacursus
- quondam Carandi
- M
- Bonacursus
- de Carrara
- M
- Bonacursus
- de Factore
- M
- Bonacursus
- de Ficola
- M
- Bonacursus
- Fosse / Folle
- M
- Bonacursus
- quondam Guilielmini de Germagnano
- M
- Bonacursus
- quondam Guilielmini de la Padule
- M
- Bonacursus
- de Lanigra
- M
- Bonacursus
- quondam Levacastelli de Buçano
- M
- Bonacursus
- quondam Longi de Avencia
- M
- Bonacursus
- quondam Martini de Losio
- M
- Bonacursus
- de Marzasio
- M
- Bonacursus
- Muculi
- M
- Bonacursus
- de la Padule
- M
- Bonacursus
- filius Petri notarii de castro Sarzane / filio Petri quondam Gentis de
- castro Sarzane
- M
- notarius sacri palacii
- attivo nel 1283
- Bonacursus
- quondam Rollandini de Yliolo
- M
- Bonacursus
- M
- scario
- Bonacursus
- Tascacinta
- M
- Bonacursus
- de Veçale
- M
- Bonacursus
- quondam Vitalis
- M
- molendinarius
- Bonacursus
- quondam Vivelli
- M
- Bonafemina
- F
- Bonafemina
- filia quondam Amati
- F
- Bonafesta
- M
- Bonafesta
- de Debia
- M
- Bonafesta
- quondam Durantis
- M
- Bonafesta
- quondam Pellini de Marola
- M
- Bonafesta
- de Ponzanello
- M
- Bonafesta
- de castro Sarzane
- M
- Bonafides / Bonafe
- M
- Bonafides / Bonafe
- de Castronovo quondam Aldebertini
- M
- Bonafides / Bonafe
- quondam Buce
- M
- Bonafides / Bonafe
- de Donna quondam Aldebertini
- M
- Bonafides / Bonafe
- de Fonti
- M
- Bonafides / Bonafe
- de Lasoro
- M
- Bonafides / Bonafe
- quondam Molinarii de Posticio
- M
- Bonafides / Bonafe
- quondam Molinarii de Monteçanne
- M
- Bonafides / Bonafe
- dictus Pappaciçia de Castronovo
- M
- Bonagratia
- quondam Thedeschi
- M
- Bonaiuncta
- M
- Bonaiuncta
- M
- archipresbiter Lunensis, canonicus Lunensis
- Bonaiuncta
- M
- presbiter de castro Sarzane
- Bonaiuncta
- filius quondam Bonaiuti de Sarzana
- M
- auctoritate imperiali notarius
- attivo nel 1262
- Bonaiuncta
- quondam Bonosi de Germagnano
- M
- Bonaiuncta
- de Cervarolo
- M
- Bonaiuncta
- quondam Ferrucci
- M
- Bonaiuncta
- quondam Iuvenelli
- M
- Bonaiuncta
- de Luna
- M
- Bonaiuncta
- quondam Machagnagni
- M
- Bonaiuncta
- de Monti
- M
- diaconus
- Bonaiuncta
- dicto Pesticio / Pisticio / Pesticio de Luca
- M
- Bonaiuncta
- de Podio de Luca
- M
- iudex, dominus
- attestato dal 1270 al 1272
- Bonaiuncta
- de Puleca
- M
- consul de Puleca
- Binaiuncta
- de Sorgnano
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Binaiuncta
- de Summo Fonti
- M
- Bonaiuncta
- quondam Tancredi
- M
- Bonaiuncta
- quondam Ubertini
- M
- Bonaiuncta
- quondam Veçii de Veçale
- M
- Bonaiutus
- M
- Bonaiutus
- filius Bonfilioli de Sorgnano
- M
- Bonaiutus
- de Camtellino
- M
- Bonaiutus
- de Ciçerano
- M
- Bonaiutus
- Maiesta
- M
- Bonaiutus
- de Miselia
- Bonaiutus
- de Barbaçano quondam Paganelli
- M
- Bonaiutus
- de Castillione de Varese quondam Porcarii
- M
- Bonalbergus
- M
- Bonalbergus
- M
- castaldus episcopi
- Bonalbergus
- M
- consul Carrarie
- Bonalbergus
- M
- iudex
- attestato nel 1217
- Bonalbergus
- M
- notarius
- attestato nel 1235
- Bonalbergus
- M
- iudex ordinarius et notarius domini Ottonis
- imperatoris
- attivo nel 1215
- Bonalbergus
- filium quondam Gerardoni de castro Sarzane
- M
- notarius
- attivo prima del 1279
- Bonalbergus
- quondam Alberti
- M
- Bonalbergus
- filius Bonaiuncte
- M
- Bonalbergus
- quondam Calderone
- M
- Bonalbergus
- quondam Iohannis de Torano, de Carraria
- M
- notarius
- attestato dal 1263 al 1273.
- Bonalbergus
- de Carraria
- M
- domini Frederici invictissimi Romanorum imperatoris
- notarius
- attestato dal 1253 al 1255, padre di Tadeus de Carraria, apostolice
- sedis auctoritate notarius
- Bonalbergus
- de la Cobia
- M
- Bonalbergus
- de monte Xanne
- M
- Bonalbergus
- quondam Ogerini
- M
- Bonalbergus
- de Prato
- M
- Bonalbergus
- de Sancto Stephano
- M
- Bonamicus
- de Cannovo
- M
- Bonamicus
- de Covaclo
- M
- Bonandinus
- M
- Bonandinus
- de Castello
- M
- Bonandus
- de Butracanca
- M
- Bonannus
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Bonaora
- de Veçale
- M
- Bonaparte
- de Sarzana
- M
- notarius
- attivo nel 1269
- Bonaparte
- M
- presbiter
- Bonaparte
- quondam Bonafidei
- M
- Bonaparte
- de Ponchano
- M
- correrius
- Bonardellus
- M
- Bonardinus
- quondam Albertini de Arcula
- M
- Bonattus
- de Capanna quondam Duranti
- M
- Bonaventura
- M
- Bonaventura
- M
- notarius
- presente in autentiche non datate
- Bonaventura
- M
- vicarius Lucani episcopi, plebanus de Cropale
- presente in autentiche non datate
- Bonaventura
- de Iovello
- M
- Bonaventura
- Luchese
- M
- Bonaventura
- de Monte
- M
- Bonaventura
- quondam Occletti
- M
- Bonaventura
- quondam Ogerini
- M
- Bonaventura
- de Roasia
- M
- Bonaventura
- de la Treguana de Carcandula
- M
- Bonaventura
- quondam Ubaldini de Felecta
- M
- Bonavere
- M
- Bonavere
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Bonavere
- quondam Aimeline de Castronovo
- M
- Bonavere
- quondam Benencase
- M
- Bonavere
- quondam Bonfilieti
- M
- Bonavere
- quondam Cepelli
- M
- consul de Marola
- Bonavere
- quondam Grimandi
- M
- Bonavere
- quondam Macognani
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Bonavere
- de Portasione
- M
- Bonavere
- de castro Sarzane
- M
- Bonavia
- quondam Dominici de Montedarmo
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Bonavia
- de Serra
- M
- Bonavita
- M
- Bonavita
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Bonavita
- M
- presbiter, rector de Ponzanello
- Bonavita
- de Balognano, filio quondam Iohannis
- M
- Bonavita
- quondam Guidonis
- M
- Bonavita
- quondam Guilielmi Tancredi / quondam Guilielmini de Tancredo
- M
- Bonburgensis
- quondam Mançeti filius
- M
- Boncadosa
- F
- Bonconsellus
- M
- Bondeccia
- de burgo Sarzane
- M
- Bondies
- M
- castaldus
- Bondies
- quondam Alberti de Factore
- M
- Bondies
- quondam Charistoli de castro Sarzane
- M
- Bondies
- de Cirisolo
- M
- Bondies
- de Ciserano
- M
- Bondies
- de Orbagnano
- Bondies
- Petorialis
- M
- Bondies
- filius domini Rubei de burgo Sarzane
- M
- iudex de Sarzana, sacri palacii notarius, iudex
- ordinarius
- attestato dal 1275 al 1283
- Bonifacius
- de Ardano
- M
- Bonifacius
- de Castello Novo
- M
- Bonefacte
- de Paterno
- F
- Bonellus
- M
- Bonencasa
- M
- Bonencasa
- de Ara
- M
- Bonencontrinus
- M
- Bonencontrus
- M
- Bonencontrus
- M
- magister
- Bonencontrus
- M
- senescalcus
- Bonencontrus
- quondam Bosonis de Montevallese
- M
- Bonencontrus
- de Miselia
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Bonencontrus
- Ottoboni
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Bonencontrus
- de Sarzana
- M
- Bonencontrus
- quondam Sarzanelli
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Bonencontrus
- de Soleria
- M
- imperialis aule notarius, sacri palacii notarius
- attivo dal 1219 al 1237
- Bonensegna
- M
- consiliarius comunis de Ponçanello
- Bonensegna
- de Cruce
- Bonensegna
- de Porreto
- M
- Bonensegna
- de Quaragiota
- M
- Bonensegna
- quondam Rainerii de Cortiola
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Bonensegna
- quondam Venutelli
- M
- Bonensegna
- de Villiano
- M
- Bonetellus
- M
- Bonezetus
- M
- Bonfancellus / Bonusfancellus
- M
- Bonfancellus
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Bonfancellus
- quondam Bernoli de Yliolo
- M
- Bonfancellus
- quondam Pagani
- M
- Bonfante
- de Amelia
- M
- Bonfante
- quondam Martini
- M
- Bonfante
- de Plazio
- M
- Bonfiletus
- M
- Bonfiletus
- quondam Bonencase
- M
- consiliarius comunis de Ponçanello
- Bonfiletus
- de Iovello
- M
- Bonfiletus
- de Ponzanello
- M
- Bonfiletus
- quondam Ubertini de Boccognano
- M
- Bonfiliolus
- M
- Bonfiliolus
- de Cornilione
- M
- Bonfiliolus
- quondam Messerendi / quondam Messerandi de Apiola
- M
- Bonfiliolus
- de Molino
- M
- Bonfiliolus
- Uberti
- M
- Bonfiliolus
- filius Uberti de Soleria
- M
- Bonfiliolus
- de Veciale
- M
- Bonfilius
- M
- archipresbiter Lunensis
- Bonfilius
- M
- archipresbiter de Soleria
- Bonfilius
- de Acola
- M
- Bonfilius
- de Cervaria
- M
- Bonfilius
- de Cruce
- Bonfilius
- de Morechello
- Bonfivilla
- F
- Bonguido
- M
- Bonzannis / Boniannis
- de Lune
- M
- Bonicinus
- M
- Bonifacius
- M
- canonicus Lunensis
- Bonifacius
- Gottoni
- M
- iudex
- Bonifacius
- de Herberia
- M
- Boniohannis
- M
- Boniornus
- de Luca
- M
- Boniovannus
- M
- Bonissima
- de Capagnana
- F
- Bonicus
- de Mezana
- M
- Bonizo / Bonicio / Boniço / Boneço
- M
- Bonizo / Bonicio / Boniço / Boneço
- M
- massarius
- Bonizo / Bonicio / Boniço / Boneço
- filius quondam Eldeberti
- M
- Bonizo / Bonicio / Boniço / Boneço
- de Furno
- M
- Bonizo / Bonicio / Boniço / Boneço
- filius quondam Martini
- M
- presbiter
- Bonizo / Bonicio / Boniço / Boneço
- de Moneta
- M
- Bonomus / Bonommo / Bonomo
- M
- Bonomus / Bonommo / Bonomo
- Antognolo / de Antognolo
- M
- Bonomus / Bonommo / Bonomo
- de plebe Carrarie
- M
- calzolarius
- Bonomus / Bonommo / Bonomo
- de Occara
- M
- Bonomus / Bonommo / Bonomo
- de Fontana
- M
- Bonomus / Bonommo / Bonomo
- de Nichola
- M
- Bonone
- M
- Bonora
- M
- Bonsegnus / Bonsignus
- quondam Gerardini de Bonfante
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Bonsegnus / Bonsignus
- quondam Annoboni
- M
- Bonsenior / Bonsengnore
- M
- Bonsenior / Bonsengnore
- filius Bonaiuncte
- M
- Bonsenior / Bonsengnore
- de Via
- M
- Bontempus
- frater Bonacursi de Veçale
- M
- Bontempus
- de Veçale
- M
- Bonus
- M
- Bonus
- M
- prior sancti Fridiani
- Bonus
- quondam Minoeti
- M
- Bonus
- de Montexello
- M
- Bonus
- de Sorgnano
- M
- Bondies
- de Plaça
- M
- Bonusfilius / Bonusfiliolus
- M
- Bonusfilius / Bonusfiliolus
- Ninnolus
- M
- Bonusinfans
- M
- Bonusiohannes
- M
- Bonusiohannes
- de Montale
- M
- Bonussenior
- M
- Bonuzolus
- M
- Bonvalligus
- de donno Nobilino
- M
- Bonvicinus
- de Alamanno
- M
- Bonvicinus
- M
- discipulus Conforti notarii
- Bonvicinus
- quondam Bellandi de Monteçangni
- M
- Bonvicinus
- filio Bonvicini
- M
- Bonvicinus
- filius Calderoni de Castronovo
- M
- Bonvillanus / Bonusvillanus
- M
- Bonvillanus / Bonusvillanus
- quondam Acursi, dicti Pape
- M
- Bonvillanus / Bonusvillanus
- quondam Anniboni
- M
- Bordanus
- de Bolano
- M
- Bordanus
- de Quaroçola
- M
- Borgensis / Burgensis / Borgesius
- M
- Borgensis / Burgensis / Borgesius
- quondam Bellotti
- M
- consul de Micoarra
- Borgensis / Burgensis / Borgesius
- de Capagnano
- M
- consul de Micoarra
- Borgensis / Burgensis / Borgesius
- de Nichola
- Borgensis / Burgensis
- de Pulica
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Borgensis / Burgensis / Borgesius
- de castro Sarzane
- M
- Borgese
- uxor quondam Amati
- F
- consiliarius castri Sarzane
- Borgesellus
- M
- imperiali auctoritate notarius
- attestato nel 1279; forse da identificare con il notaio Borgesetus de
- Sarzana
- Borgesetus
- quondam Manceti
- M
- Borgesetus
- quondam Hubertini
- M
- consiliarius castri Sarzane
- Borgesetus
- de Sarzana
- M
- notarius
- attestato nel 1269; forse da identificare col notaio Borgesellus
- Borgetus
- M
- Borlengus
- de Falcinello
- M
- consul de Falcinello
- Borrelus
- filius Ugonis
- M
- Borthesella
- F
- Boso
- M
- Boso
- M
- archipresbiter de Amelia
- Boso
- de Castello Novo
- M
- Boso
- quondam Cicoli de Colle
- M
- Boso
- quondam Gerardi de Casine
- M
- Boso
- de Ortonovo
- M
- Boso
- de la Torsella
- M
- Boso
- de Viano
- M
- Boso
- de Ugeto
- M
- Boso
- filius Ugolini
- M
- Bosulinus / Bosulinus / Bosolinus
- M
- Botellus
- M
- Botrigellus
- quondam Fantinelli de Monçolono
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Botrigellus
- de Gragnana
- M
- Bottaccius
- filio Gerardi de Falcinello
- M
- Bottacungi
- M
- Nome collettivo derivato probabilmente da Bottaccio, padre di Carbone, del
- doc. 151.
- Bovesia
- de Furno
- M
- Bozano
- de
- M
- domini
- nome collettivo
- Boçarellus
- M
- Bozus
- quondam Raimundini Marchodoro
- M
- Branchetus
- M
- Brendellus
- M
- Brescianus
- quondam Iacopini, frater Agnesie
- F
- Bricaldus
- M
- Brictius
- M
- Brisiolus
- de Ara
- Bruna
- F
- Bruna
- quondam Fortini
- F
- Bruna
- quondam Venuti de Panicali et filia Belle de la Serra
- F
- Brunetus
- M
- Brunetus
- de Monte
- M
- Bruniconus
- Bruniconus
- quondam Gerardini Labromeci
- Brunus
- M
- Bucadecanis
- M
- Buconcus
- M
- Buiardus
- quondam Gerardini de castro Sarzane
- M
- Buiardus
- quondam Gerardini de Bonfante
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Bulgarinus
- de Sarzana
- M
- Bullionus / Bullione
- M
- Bullionus / Bullione
- filio Rugerini de Sarzano
- M
- Bullionus / Bullione
- de Sarzana
- M
- Burdonis
- de Sarzana quondam Prefecti de Campiza
- M
- Burgisius
- de Capagnano
- M
- Burgo
- M
- iudex
- Burgundius
- Malabura
- M
- Burnengi
- de Cazano
- Bursinus
- M
- Buscalinus
- M
- Buscallanus
- M
- Busimannus
- M
- Bussetus
- quondam Martini de Tilia
- M
- Bussus
- de Balognano
- M
- Buttafava
- M
- Buttafava
- M
- episcopus Lunensis
- Buttafava, vescovo di Luni. Forse già canonico lunense - dato che troviamo
- un Buttafava in quel ruolo il 31 marzo
- del 1206 - è attestato la prima volta il 14 luglio 1224 e l’ultima il 31 gennaio 1226.
- Buttafava
- de Arcula
- M
- Buttafava
- nepos domini Saladini
- M
- Butarellus
- M
- Buterus
- M
- Butrigellus
- M
- Buxus
- filius quondam Tipi
- M
- Cacciaguerra / Cacia Werra
- M
- Cacciaguerra
- quondam Rollandini
- M
- Caccius
- M
- Caçialeta
- M
- Cafadiolus
- M
- Çafferrus
- M
- Cagnola
- quondam Boccadecanis
- M
- Cagnolus
- M
- Cagonus
- de Collecchio
- M
- Calandrinus
- quondam Pagani de Brina
- M
- Calderolus
- M
- Calandronus
- M
- Calderonus
- de Castronovo
- M
- Calderonus
- de Marçano
- M
- Calvinus
- M
- Calvinus
- M
- castaldus domini Lambertucii de Illano Pontis
- Calvucius / Calvutius
- M
- Campus
- M
- Cancellerius / Cancellarius
- M
- Cancellerius / Cancellarius
- Mercadus de donna Roasia
- M
- Cancellinus
- de Falcinello
- M
- Cancius
- M
- Cancius / Cançus
- quondam Paganni / de Castronovo quondam Pagani
- M
- Canetus
- M
- Canorus
- M
- canonicus Lunensis
- Cantillina
- F
- domina de Falcinello
- Zapironellus
- qui prenominatur Pirolus, quondam Actocanini de Masio
- M
- Carabona
- MF
- Caracosa
- F
- Caraita
- F
- Carandus
- M
- Caravita
- M
- Caravita
- quondam Bonaçunte Parteconi
- M
- Carbo / Carbonus
- M
- Carbo / Carbonus
- M
- massarius
- Carbo / Carbonus
- de Falcinello /quondam Bottaccii
- M
- dominus de Falcinello
- Carbuncellus
- M
- Carentionus
- M
- Carenutus
- M
- Caretus
- filius Bernardi
- M
- Carinbonus
- Gerardini quondam Burnengii de Cazano
- M
- Carlaxarius
- M
- Carlinus
- M
- Carrarese
- F
- Carrerius
- M
- Carcedonius
- M
- iudex de Vallecla
- Carus Amicus
- M
- notarius sacri palacii
- attestato dal 1075 al 1084
- Carus
- Vassallus
- M
- Casalinus
- M
- Casavetranus
- quondam Martinelli de Casavetri
- M
- Casolinus
- M
- Castagnola / Castangnola
- F
- Castagnola / Castangnola
- de Castronovo
- F
- Castagnolus
- M
- Castagnolus
- de Summo Tranci quondam Talamelli
- M
- Castaldus
- de Ficola
- M
- Castellana
- filia quondam Fancelli
- F
- Castellanus
- M
- Castellanus
- quondam Gerardini de Veiano
- M
- Castellanus
- de Monti
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Castilio
- de Castilione
- M
- Castilio
- quondam Bondineti de castro Sarzane
- M
- Catenacius / Catenatius
- F
- Catia
- Regis
- F
- domina de Bozano
- Caudasius
- qui prenominatur Albertus, quondam Actocanini de Masio
- M
- Cavallinus
- M
- correrius, publicus nuntius
- Cecius
- M
- Çenepria / Zenepria
- F
- Çente / Zente
- gener Iohannini de Agina
- M
- Ceredanus
- M
- presbiter
- Cereolus
- M
- cocus
- Ceretus
- de Tendola
- M
- Cerrus
- de Balano
- M
- Çica
- F
- Cichignolus
- M
- Cichinellus / Çikinellus
- M
- Cicolinus / Çicolinus
- M
- Cicolinus
- filius quondam Tipi
- M
- Cicolus / Çicolus
- M
- Cicolinus / Çicolinus
- de Cannebiano
- M
- Cicolus / Çicolus
- de Conano
- M
- Ciconus
- de Vallecla
- M
- Cita
- quondam Compagni
- Citellus
- M
- Citellus
- <filius Ubaldini de Nichola>
- M
- Citus / Çitus
- M
- Citus / Çitus
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Citus / Çitus
- de Campagnano
- M
- Clericus
- M
- Cobolus / Çobolus
- M
- Codargogius
- quondam Biancheti
- M
- consul castri Sarzane
- Codorgollius / Codorgollius / Codorgollus
- M
- Codorgollius / Codorgollius / Codorgollus
- de castro Sarzane
- M
- castaldus de Supra Luna
- Codevilla
- M
- Colin...
- M
- Collis
- de Brusco
- M
- Çolombardo
- M
- archiprebiter de Amelia
- Comes
- M
- notarius
- attestato nel 1234
- Compagnola
- quondam Compagni, uxor Valentini quondam Favalini
- F
- Compagnolus
- M
- Compagnonus
- M
- consiliarius de Ponzanello
- Compagnonus
- de Bertoloto
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Compagnonus
- de Lano
- M
- Compagnonus
- Magistri
- M
- Compagnonus
- de Malliola
- M
- Compangnonus
- de Provinchale
- M
- Compagnus
- M
- Compagnus
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Compagnus
- de Favale
- M
- Conagettinus
- M
- Conettus / Conetus
- M
- Conettus / Conetus
- de Casalechio
- M
- sacri palacii notarius
- Confalonerius
- M
- sacri palacii notarius
- attestato nel 1231
- Confortinus
- Deteaide
- M
- Confortus
- M
- Confortus
- M
- notarius, sacri palatii et Lunensis curie notarius, sacri
- palatii iudex et notarius
- attestato dal 1195 al 1212 (forse 1223)
- Confortus
- de Cepparana
- M
- notarius
- attestato nel 1237
- Confortus
- de Fosdenova
- M
- notarius
- attestato nel 1230
- Coniator
- M
- Corradina
- F
- Corradinus
- M
- notarius illustris et summi Henrici regis
- attestato nel 1275
- Conradus / Corradus / Curradus
- presbytero ecclesie de Serravalle
- Conradus / Corradus / Curradus
- presbytero ecclesie de Serravalle
- Conradus / Corradus / Curradus
- domini Çapironi de Terrarossola
- M
- Conradus / Corradus / Curradus
- domini Çapironi de Terrarossola
- M
- dominus
- forse appartenente agli Obertenghi, figlio di Palodino e nipote di Guglielmo
- Saraceno
- Conradus / Corradus / Curradus
- de Tivegna
- M
- Contebonus
- Contiatore
- de Marola
- M
- syndicus et procurator communium et universitatum de Marola et de
- Matrono
- Corbellarius
- M
- Corsus
- M
- Corsus
- de Amelia
- M
- Corsus
- de Balognano
- M
- Corvarinus
- Cosa
- quondam Cançii de Castro Novo
- M
- Cosone
- M
- Costantinus
- M
- notarius domini Frederici imperatoris
- attestato nel 1178
- Cothanellus
- M
- Cottivechia
- M
- Çuchanus
- quondam domini Saladini de Fosdenova
- M
- Çukinus
- M
- Çucketus
- M
- Çucus
- M
- Çuffettus
- M
- Cumçaferrus
- de Marçasio
- M
- magister
- Çunta
- de Maruco
- M
- Cuffus
- de Malunto
- M
- Cunimundus
- filius quondam Benzoni
- M
- Cunimundus
- de Verazano
- M
- Cursus
- quondam Alberti
- M
- consul castri Sarzane
- Cursus
- de Donnisia de castro Sarzane
- M
- Cursus
- de Vezano quondam Vitalis de Campola
- M
- Curtis
- de Carnea
- M
- Dainense
- M
- Dalfinetus
- M
- Dallindusius
- M
- Damianus
- de Camua
- M
- Daninus
- M
- calzolarius
- Datius
- gener quondam Rodolfini
- M
- Datus
- M
- minister hospitalis Sanctissime Crucis siti iuxta ripam et iuxta
- faucem Sarni
- Datus
- M
- rector et minister ecclesie Sancti Mauricii
- Datus
- filius quondam Bonacursi de Limite
- M
- imperialis aule notarius
- attestato nel 1270
- Datus
- filius Conforti
- M
- iurisperitus, iudex
- Datus
- quondam Guidonis de Montedarmo
- M
- Davinus
- M
- Declara
- filia Ugerini de Petro
- F
- Delfinellus
- M
- cocus
- Demeldede
- de Balognano
- M
- Diamante
- F
- domina
- Deotisalvi / Detesalve
- M
- Deotisalvi / Detesalve
- de Portuveneris
- M
- Detefe
- quondam Moreschi
- M
- Diamante
- filia quondam Guiscardelli
- F
- Dido
- de Carame
- M
- Divicia
- F
- Divicia
- quondam Martini
- F
- Dolceamata
- quondam Guirisii de Torano
- F
- Dolcebonus / Dulcebonus
- M
- Dolcebonus / Dulcebonus
- de Miselia
- M
- Dolcebonus / Dulcebonus
- quondam Pasqualini
- M
- Domalfollus
- de Terrarossola
- M
- Dominicus
- M
- Dominicus
- M
- presbiter
- Dominicus
- de Area
- M
- Dominicus
- de Biduçano
- M
- Dominicus
- de Castagnetulo
- M
- Dominicus
- Peraboche
- M
- Dominicus
- Peralloca
- M
- Dominicus
- de Ponzanello
- M
- Dominicus
- Secatelli
- M
- Dominicus
- de Serravalle
- M
- Dominicus
- quondam Viviani de Functi
- M
- Donamenta
- quondam Veçi
- F
- Donatus
- M
- Donna
- Donna
- de Apiola
- F
- Donnellus
- M
- massarius
- Donnetola
- F
- Dux
- M
- Dundetus
- de Ponzanello
- M
- Durans / Durantus
- M
- Durans / Durantus
- quondam Benencase
- M
- Durans / Durantus
- quondam Bonaiute de Castronovo
- M
- Durans / Durantus
- quondam Bonevite
- M
- Durans / Durantus
- de Carame
- M
- Durans / Durantus
- de Cepparana
- M
- Durans / Durantus
- de Colle
- M
- Durans / Durantus
- de Fornolo
- M
- Durans / Durantus
- quondam Guilielmi
- M
- Durans / Durantus
- quondam Porroneti de Porreto/quondam Pontonetti de Poreto
- M
- Durans / Durantus
- de la Ripa
- M
- Durans / Durantus
- quondam Rubaldi de la Caneva de Petroçuca
- M
- Durans / Durantus
- de Posticio
- M
- Durans / Durantus
- Simonis
- M
- Durans / Durantus
- de Testa
- M
- Durans
- quondam Ugolini de Rofiano
- M
- Durans / Durantus
- de Valle
- M
- Durans / Durantus
- de Valmoro
- M
- Durans / Durantus
- de Veçale
- M
- Durans / Durantus
- de Vitea
- M
- Dutius / Dusius
- M
- presbiter, rector Sancti Terencii
- Dionisus
- M
- episcopus Placentinus
- Dionigi, vescovo di Piacenza, attestato a partire dall'inizio del 1049,
- venne deposto nel 1075 (SCHWARTZ
- 1913, p. 191).
- Egalinus
- de la Ferrata
- M
- Egidius
- de Cremona
- M
- frater
- Egidius
- quondam Durantis de Valle
- M
- Egidius
- filius Rodulfi de Cervaria
- M
- Eldezo
- M
- Enulis
- de Funti
- M
- Eugenius
- M
- episcopus, servus servorum Dei
- Papa Eugenio III, eletto il 15 febbraio 1145, muore a Tivoli l'8 luglio 1153
- come da scheda di Harald Zimmermann nel Dizionario Biografico degli italiani, vol. 43
- (1993)
- Ezo
- de Bibola
- M
- Facius
- quondam Garmignoni
- M
- Fancinellus
- quondam Sinibaldi de Prato
- M
- Falco
- M
- presbiter
- Fancellus
- M
- Fancinellus
- quondam Rafanini
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Fasianus
- M
- presbiter, plabanus de Amelia
- Fatorensis
- M
- Fatennançus
- M
- Favalinus
- M
- Fellolus
- M
- Femenella
- filia quondam Gerarducii de la Serra
- F
- Festa
- filius Detesalve
- M
- Festa
- quondam Pellini
- M
- Filimannus
- M
- Flobertus
- de Ponçanello
- M
- Fortinus
- de Ponçanello
- M
- Foscolus
- M
- Federicus / Fredericus
- M
- castaldus de Carrara
- Federicus / Fredericus
- M
- dux Suevie
- Federico VI di Hohenstaufen, figlio di Federico Barbarossa, duca di Svevia
- dal 1170 fino alla morte intervenuta nel 1191 durante l'assedio di S. Giovanni
- d'Acri come da scheda di Hansmartin Schwarzmaier in Neue Deutsche Biographie, Band 5 (1961)
- Federicus / Fredericus
- M
- imperator
- Federico I imperatore, incoronato il 18 giugno 1155, morto il 10 giugno 1190
- come da CAPPELLI 1988, pp. 257-260.
- Federicus / Fredericus
- M
- imperator
- Federico II imperatore, incoronato il 22 novembre 1220, morto il 13 dicembre
- 1250 come da scheda di Norbert Kamp nel Dizionario Biografico degli italiani, vol. 45
- (1995)
- Federicus / Fredericus
- M
- sacri palacii notarius, iudex ordinarius
- attestato in una autentica senza data
- Federicus / Fredericus
- filis Comitis de Vezano
- M
- Federicus / Fredericus
- filius Pelegrini de Carraria
- M
- castaldus
- Feminella
- filia quondam Amati de Orbagnano
- F
- Fercinus
- M
- Ferettus / Ferretus
- M
- Ferettus / Ferretus
- de Ponzanello
- M
- consul de Ponzanello
- Ferrarius
- M
- Ferrinus
- M
- Ferrinus
- quondam Vivaldi de Donnisia
- M
- Ferrus
- M
- Ferrus
- de Aventia
- M
- Ferrus
- Bonaiuti de castro Sarzane
- M
- Ferrus
- de Carrara
- M
- Ferrus
- Dolcebene de Veçiali
- M
- Ferrus
- quondam Dolcebene de Monteserino
- M
- Festa
- quondam Venture
- M
- Festa
- Vitalis
- M
- Fidancia
- de Valporcara
- M
- Fidanzetus
- M
- Florentia
- quondam Gualteroni de Carcandula
- F
- Floreta
- F
- Floretus
- M
- Fluminellus
- F
- Fluminellus
- Pitecus
- F
- Focerius
- de Cervara
- M
- Folbertinus
- M
- Folbertus
- M
- Folbertus
- M
- consul comunis de Ponzanello
- Folcerius
- quondam Cervaroli
- M
- Forinus
- quondam Ugolini de Pilato
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Forçore
- de Sancta Maria Monte
- M
- dominus
- Formentinus
- M
- Formentinus
- de Calmesana
- M
- Formentinus
- quondam Rafanini
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Formentinus
- de castro Sarzane
- M
- Formentinus
- Tranpulii
- M
- Fornarius
- M
- Fornarius
- de Furno
- M
- Fornarius
- quondam Ianelli de Ponzanello
- M
- Fortinus
- de Torano
- M
- consul comunis Carrarie
- Fortis
- quondam Gerardi de Picolo
- M
- Foscherius
- de Fosdenova quondam Rustichelli
- M
- Foscolinus
- M
- Fosdenoctus
- filius ipsius Guidonis
- M
- Francesca
- quondam Bonefacte de Paterno
- F
- Franciscus
- M
- castaldus de Carraria
- Franciscus
- filius quondam domini Bernabovis <Malaspina>
- M
- marchio
- Francesco Malaspina, figlio di Bernabò, ramo dello Spino Fiorito, attestato
- dal 1267 (ASFi DM, n. 207) al 1312
- (MGH CONST IV, II, pp.
- 904-905).
- Francolus
- F
- Frandina
- F
- domina de Falcinello
- Frolinus
- M
- Fruminellus
- Pitetus quondam Pugneti
- M
- Fromundinus
- M
- Fulcus
- M
- Fusca
- filia quondam Galosnini
- F
- Fuscolinus / Foscolinus
- de Nave quondam Balduini
- M
- Fuscolinus / Foscolinus
- de Valle Stephani
- M
- Fuscolus / Fusculus
- M
- Fuscolus
- de Yliolo
- M
- Fusculus
- de Susano
- M
- Fuscus
- Berte de Castronovo
- M
- Fuscus
- quondam Cançii
- M
- Fuscus
- de Ferrino de castro Sarzane
- M
- Fuscus
- Guidi / quondam Guidi
- M
- Fuscus
- quondam Guidonis Sagine
- M
- G.
- M
- presbiter de Ciserano
- G.
- de Braçano
- M
- Gabardus
- de Sarzana
- M
- Gabriel
- marchio Malaspina, filius quondam domini Ysnardi marchionis
- Malaspina
- M
- marchio
- Gabriele Malaspina, marchese, figlio di Isnardo dello Spino Fiorito,
- attestato dal 1272 (ASFi DM, n. 238) al 1286 (ASFi DM, n. 311) è probabilmente già defunto nel
- giugno del 1288 (ASFi DM, n. 318).
- Gaforetidus
- M
- Gaforius
- M
- Gaforius / Igaforius
- de Faucenova
- M
- Gaideferus
- M
- Gaideferus
- filius Guilielmi de Sancto Stephano
- M
- Gaideferus
- quondam Pasqueti de Falcinello
- M
- Gaitanus
- Pisanus
- M
- iudex
- Galardus
- quondam Homodei de Luca
- M
- iudex, notarius
- attestato nel 1260
- Galeardus
- filius Rapalli de Veraxano
- M
- Galganus
- M
- Galganus
- quondam Bonosi de Germagnano
- M
- Galimarus
- de Sarzana
- M
- Gallascus
- de Summo Tranci
- M
- Galletus
- M
- Gallus
- de Miselia
- M
- Gallicus
- M
- Gallicus
- filius Michaelis
- M
- Galopinus
- quondam Ricii de Montedarmo
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Gandulfinus / Gandolfinus
- M
- Gandulfinus / Gandolfinus
- de Carraria
- M
- Gandulfinus / Gandolfinus
- quondam Gerardeti de Fontana
- M
- Gandulfus
- filius quondam Henrici de Luca
- M
- Gandulfus
- frater Stephani de la Crosa
- M
- Garindonus
- M
- Garminella
- ?
- Gavarrus
- de Castronovo
- M
- Gedaldus
- M
- Genetius
- quondam Rolandi
- M
- Genetius
- quondam Rolandi
- M
- Georgius
- M
- Georgius
- M
- sacri palacii notarius
- presente in un autentica non datata ma attribuibile alla prima metà del XIII
- secolo
- Gerardetus
- M
- Gerardetus
- M
- diaconus
- Gerardetus
- de Amelia
- M
- Gerardetus
- dictus Capellus quondam Boccadecanis de castro Sarzane
- M
- Gerardetus
- de Carraria
- M
- Gerardetus
- quondam Dimandi de castro Sarzane
- M
- Gerardetus
- quandam Gandolfini
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Gerardetus
- filius Gibertini de Ponzanello
- M
- Gerardetus
- de Monte Vallese
- M
- Gerardetus
- qui nominor Montonus / Muntoni
- M
- sacri palacii notarius, consiliarius castri Sarzane
- Gerardetus
- Rossus
- M
- escarius
- Gerardina
- F
- Gerardinellus / Girardinellus
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- M
- castaldus Lunensis curie
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- quondam Bettotii
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- Bifulci
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Boiardo
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Bona
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Bucciliano
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- quondam Burnengii de Cazano
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Butrone
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Carola
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Cazacane
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Cobiata
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Çobolo
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- Comitis
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- quondam Coneti de Mommio
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- filius quondam Cyceris de Magnano
- M
- Gerardinus
- quondam Ferreti de Ponzanello / Feretti de Ponzanello
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Fontana
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Graçano
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- quondam Guilielmoti de Viano
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Guitone
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Loran
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Mandrola
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Miselia
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Mommio
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Montione
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Moritiola
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Oliva
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Ortonovo
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Padule
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- Pecagnosus
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Pilloto
- M
- consiliarius de Ortonovo
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Poncisone
- M
- consiliarius de Ortonovo
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Posticio
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Roza
- M
- consiliarius de Micoarra
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de San Martino
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Traversara
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- filius quondam Ugolini de Ponçano
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- Veronus quondam Gerardini Veroni de Soleria
- M
- Gerardinus / Girardinus
- de Via
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- de Marnasco
- M
- magister, archipresbiter de Marnasco
- Gerardus / Girardus
- M
- canonicus Lunensis
- Gerardus / Girardus
- M
- clericus de Viano
- Gerardus / Girardus
- M
- magister
- Gerardus / Girardus
- M
- massarius
- Gerardus / Girardus
- M
- presbiter
- Gerardus / Girardus
- M
- presbiter de Sancto Venerio
- Gerardus / Girardus
- quondam Acursi
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- filii Aimonis de Bolano
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- filius quondam Alberti vicedomini
- M
- vicedominus episcopi
- Gerardus / Girardus
- quondam Alberti
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- quondam Alberti de Gandulfino
- M
- dominus
- Gerardus / Girardus
- quondam domini Aldebrandi
- M
- vicedominus de Trebiano
- Gerardus / Girardus
- Aletrine
- M
- dominus
- Gerardus / Girardus
- Beaigue de castro Sarzane
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- de la Bella
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- quondam Bellandini de Oliveto
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- quondam Bonensingne
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- filius Bonfilioli de Sorgnano
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- quondam Borgeti
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- quondam Bosi de Falcinello
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- de Colle quondam Bosolini
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- quondam Bottaccii
- M
- dominus de Falcinello
- Gerardus / Girardus
- de Bruscaliano
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- de Carrara
- M
- dominus
- Gerardus / Girardus
- Carbonis
- M
- consiliarius de Ponzanello
- Gerardus / Girardus
- quondam Cicoli / Çicoli
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- de Colle
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- de Codesorbo
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- de Cornilio
- M
- presbyter Parmensis dyocesis, familiare ipsius domini
- episcopi
- Gerardus / Girardus
- filius domine Dyamantis
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- quondam domini Gandulfini
- M
- dominus
- Gerardus / Girardus
- quondam domini Henrici de Trebiano
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- dicto Ferro de Fosdenova
- M
- nobilis
- Gerardus / Girardus
- quondam Gerardini
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Gerardus / Girardus
- filius Guidictionis Morellini
- M
- magister
- Gerardus / Girardus
- quondam Guilielmini
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- quondam Guiscardelli
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- filius Imelle de Luca
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- quondam Lealis de Sarzana
- M
- Gerardus
- quondam Levacastelli de Bozano
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- Lucanus
- M
- magister
- Gerardus / Girardus
- de Munzone
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- de Pannesa
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- de Petrognano
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Gerardus / Girardus
- quondam Rollandini de Masio
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- Rubei
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- de Carraria filius quondam Rodulfini
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- Russus
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- Rursus
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- de Sarzana
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- de la Serra
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- de Traversara
- M
- castaldus Lunensis
- Gerardus / Girardus
- de Trebiano
- M
- vicedominus
- Gerardus / Girardus
- de Ulmeto
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- Vernaccii / de Vernaccio de castro Sarzane
- M
- Gerardus
- de Vezano
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- quondam Villani /quondam Villani de Sarzana
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- quondam Viviani de Gragnana
- M
- Gerardus / Girardus
- Wulpilionis
- M
- Gerardutius
- Maluso
- M
- vicarius Lunisiane pro communi Lucano
- Gervasinus
- M
- Getreducius
- Malusii
- M
- vicarius pro communi Lucano et domini episcopi in provincia
- Lunisiane
- Gibertina
- filia quondam Bonacursi de Fontenella
- F
- Gibertinus
- M
- Gibertinus
- de Bernaçone
- M
- Gibertinus
- de Carpena / Bottacungo
- M
- dominus
- Gibertinus
- Coalimi
- M
- Gibertinus
- quondam Code Iudei / Bottacungo/ quondam Codeindei de
- Burcione
- M
- dominus
- Gibertinus
- de Fosdenova
- M
- Gibertinus
- filius Hardunini <de Herberia>
- M
- Gibertinus
- filius Henrici Blanci de Herberia
- M
- Gibertinus
- de Mabilia quondam Butafabe
- M
- Gibertinus
- de Porencario
- M
- Gibertus
- M
- diaconus
- Gibertus
- Fancellus Adorneti
- M
- Gibertus
- quondam Bosi de Falcinello
- M
- Giliensis
- quondam Vivaldi Parre
- M
- Giliola
- F
- Giliolus
- M
- dominus
- Giliolus
- quondam domini Alberti dicti Mascardi de Trebiano
- M
- Giliolus
- quondam domini Parentis de Terrarossola
- M
- Giliolus
- quondam Riçoli
- M
- Gislitiono
- de Iovello, habitator burgi Sarzane
- M
- Gilius
- quondam Ricioli
- M
- Giofredus
- M
- Giovagallus/ Çiovagallus
- de Fonti
- M
- Girreus
- M
- Gircus
- M
- Girus
- M
- Gisla
- F
- Gisla
- quondam Iohannis de la Fontana
- F
- Gislana
- F
- Gisleta
- F
- Gislucia
- F
- Giso
- M
- Giunta / Çunta
- de laSerra
- F
- Glunus
- de Verucola
- M
- Goggus
- M
- Gomitanus
- M
- rector ecclesie Sancti Mauricii
- Gondetus
- M
- Gondetus
- de Bolano
- M
- castaldus
- Gordianus
- M
- Gordianus
- quondam Dominici
- M
- Gordianus
- quondam Gerardeti
- M
- Gordianus
- de castro Sarzane
- M
- Gordianus
- de la Serra
- M
- Gotefredus
- M
- episcopus Lunensis
- Gotifredo, vescovo di Luni, attestato per la prima volta in un privilegio di
- Ottone II del 18 luglio 981 a
- l'ultima in un documento del 14 ottobre
- 998.
- Gotefredus
- M
- episcopus Lunensis
- Gotifredo II, vescovo di Luni, attestato probabilmente nel 1129 (FREGGIA 1989 p. 166), con
- certezza dal 19 marzo 1134 fino al 13
- marzo 1156 (ASLu SF).
- Gotefredus / Gotifredus
- M
- iudex, assessor pro communi Pisano in provincia
- Lunisiane
- Gotefredus / Gotifredus
- M
- imperialis aule cancellarius
- Si tratta molto probabilmente di Goffredo da Viterbo, cappellano, notaio del
- Sacro Palazzo e cancelliere con Corrado III, Federico I Barbarossa ed Enrico
- VI, esponente di rilievo dell'entourage imperiale svevo, autore di compilazioni
- storiche universali. Nacque probabilmente a Viterbo intorno al 1125 e morì
- nell'ultimo decennio del XII secolo come da scheda di Gian Maria Varanini nel
- Dizionario Biografico degli italiani, vol. 57
- (2001).
- Gotefredus / Gotifredus
- frater Veltri quondam Guilielmi de donna Emma
- M
- Gotolus / Gottolus / Gotulus
- M
- Gotolus / Gottolus / Gotulus
- quondam Bonensegne
- M
- Gotolus / Gottolus / Gotulus
- filius quondam Amati de Ascletulo
- M
- Gotolus / Gottolus / Gotulus
- de Sarzana
- M
- Gracianus
- M
- Graganellus
- M
- Grassus
- M
- canonicus Lunensis
- Grecus
- de Carraria
- M
- Grecus
- de donna Gallitia
- M
- Grecus
- de Petrognano
- M
- Gregorius
- M
- Gregorius
- M
- vitrarius
- Gregorius
- de Bozano
- M
- Grillus
- M
- Grillus
- de Beriola
- M
- Grillus
- M
- potestas Carrarie
- Grimaldus
- M
- Grimaldus
- dela Trina
- M
- Grimaldus
- de Vezano
- M
- potestas dominorum de Vezano
- Grimaldus
- frater Buconci
- M
- Grimolus
- M
- Grislus
- M
- Griutus
- M
- Grongnutus
- M
- Gromone
- quondam Rollandini
- M
- Groppinus
- M
- Grugnus
- M
- Grumpus
- de Vallecla
- M
- Guadagninus
- M
- Guadagnus
- M
- sacri palacii notarius
- attestato in una autentica non datata
- Gualandus
- de Sporliano
- M
- Gualanginus
- filius Opiçonis de Soleria
- M
- Gualardus
- Melanense
- M
- notarius
- attestato nel 1260
- Gualdus
- M
- potestas Bolani
- Gualdus
- de Sancto Stephano
- M
- Gualdus
- de Verugula
- M
- Gualterius / Walterius
- M
- Gualterius
- M
- episcopus Lunensis
- Gualtiero II, vescovo di Luni, attestato la prima volta il 5 novembre 1193 e l'ultima il 2 aprile 1212.
- Gualterius
- de Carcandula
- M
- Gualterone / Gualteronus
- M
- Gualterone / Gualteronus
- de Barbaçano
- M
- Gualterone / Gualteronus
- frater Hengerami
- M
- Gualterotus
- M
- Gualterotus
- M
- canonicus Lucanus
- Gualterotus
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Gualterotus
- <frater Peregrini archipresbyteri>
- M
- Gualterotus
- quondam Mançeti
- M
- Gualterotus
- de Soleria
- M
- Gualterotus
- de Veçale
- M
- Guastapanis
- quondam Gerardoni
- M
- Guelfus
- M
- canonicus Lunensis, arcidiaconus
- Guercius
- M
- episcous Lucanus
- Guercio Tebalducci, di origine senese, vescovo di Lucca dal 1236 al 1255.
- , p. 326
- Guerinus / Werinus
- M
- Guerinus / Werinus
- de Cobiata
- M
- Guerinus / Werinus
- de Sarzana
- M
- Guerisius / Werisius
- M
- Guerrisietus
- M
- Guerrolus
- M
- Guibertus
- M
- Guibertus
- de Burcione, quondam Gotezonis de Burzone
- M
- Guicardus
- quondam Favalini
- M
- Guicholinus / Guiçolinus
- M
- Guicholinus / Guiçolinus
- M
- hescarius, consiliarius de Micoarra
- Guicholinus / Guiçolinus
- quondam Rusticoni de castro Sarzane
- M
- Guicholinus / Guiçolinus
- Strivane
- M
- Guicholinus / Guiçolinus
- quondam Surni
- M
- Guicholinus / Guiçolinus
- quondam Iuncte de Lacapanna
- M
- Guicholinus / Guiçolinus
- de Nichola
- Guiçolus
- M
- Guiçolus
- quondam Çunte
- M
- Guiçolus
- de Cuscugnano
- M
- Guiconis
- M
- Guidarellus
- quondam Bonacursi
- M
- Guidetus
- M
- Guidetus
- M
- camparius
- Guidetus
- de Amelia
- M
- Guidetus
- de Miliaciola
- M
- Guidetus
- Ymilia
- M
- Guidetus
- Rubeus quondam Venture
- M
- Guido
- M
- Guido
- M
- archiepiscopus Mediolanesis
- Guido da Velate, arcivescovo di Milano dal 1045 al 1068, morto nel 1071 (si
- veda Guido da Velate nel Dizionario Biografico degli
- Italiani).
- Guido
- M
- abbas abbatie de Caparana
- Guido
- M
- archipresbiter Lunensis
- Guido
- M
- archipresbiter de Santo Stephano
- Guido
- M
- episcopus Lunensis
- Guido, vescovo di Luni, primo con questo nome, attestato la prima volta nel
- gennaio 1021 e l'ultima il 7 aprile 1027
- Guido
- M
- episcopus Lunensis
- Guido, secondo vescovo di Luni a portare questo nome. Attestato la prima
- volta il 5 maggio 1055 e l'ultima
- il 14 giugno 1078.
- Guido
- M
- marchio
- Guido, primo marchese di questo nome della stipe obertenga, figlio di
- Alberto III. Attestato dal 1051 (FALCO
- 1916, III) al luglio 1060 (FALCO 1916, XVIII).
- Guido
- M
- sacri palacii notarius
- attestato in due autentiche non datate
- Guido
- M
- presbiter de Ponzanello
- Guido
- Alberti
- M
- Guido
- de li Albizi
- M
- Guido
- de Bibula
- M
- Guido
- Biteccio
- M
- Guido
- quondam Bonacursi de Veçale
- M
- Guido
- Bulgius / Bulçius de Aventia
- M
- Guido
- de Burgo
- M
- ferrarius
- Guido
- de Cassano
- M
- Guido
- de Cergnano
- M
- Guido
- quondam Dominici Lucano
- M
- Guido
- de Donna de Vezano quondam Franciescini
- M
- arbiter
- Guido
- filius Fancelli
- M
- Guido
- de Ficario
- M
- Guido
- frater Guilliemi episcopi
- M
- Guido
- filius Gerardi de Tancredino / Bottacungo
- M
- dominus de Falcinello
- Guido
- de Herberia quondam Gerardi Blanki
- M
- Guido
- de Canneto quondam Guilielmi
- M
- Guido
- filius Guilielmini marchionis de Massa
- M
- Guido
- de Henricino
- M
- Guido
- Henrigeti / quondam Henrigeti
- M
- Guido
- de Herberia
- M
- dominus
- Guido
- quondam Iacopini
- M
- Guido
- Lucanus quondam Dominici
- M
- dominus
- Guido
- de Lucia
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Guido
- de Montedarmo quondam Dominici
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Guido
- Muri
- M
- Guido
- de Nizola
- M
- Guido
- filius quondam Oliverii
- M
- Guido
- quondam Pandulfini
- M
- consiliarius comunis de Ponzanello
- Guido
- de Petrognano
- M
- Guido
- de Piculo
- M
- Guido
- de Ponçanello
- M
- Guido
- de Porta
- M
- Guido
- de Puzolo
- M
- Guido
- de Riolo
- M
- Guido
- quondam Rolandi
- M
- Guido
- Runtius
- M
- Guido
- Ringus filius Gerardi de Vexana / Runcius quondam Gerardi de
- Vafana
- M
- Guido
- Saçine / Sazine, filio Boti de Minizano
- M
- Guido
- de Soleria
- M
- Guido
- quondam Tiniosi
- M
- Guido
- Ugolinus quondam Brancii
- M
- Guido
- de Valle Stephani
- M
- Guido
- de Vallechia
- M
- Guido
- quondam Venture de Codesorbo
- M
- Guido
- de Vexano
- M
- Guidobonus
- M
- Guidobonus
- M
- consul comunis de Ponzanello
- Guidobotus
- M
- Guidolinus
- M
- Guidolinus
- de Foscherio
- M
- Guidolinus
- de Malliola
- M
- Guidolinus
- de Peravulpe
- M
- Guidolinus
- de Peretolo
- M
- Guidolinus
- Pretelli de Cazano
- M
- Guidolinus
- de Tancredo
- M
- Guidolinus
- de Via
- M
- Guidolinus
- Zanza
- M
- Guidolotus
- M
- Guidolotus
- quondam Ioboli de Miselia
- M
- Guidolus
- de Loiso
- M
- Guidolus
- de Popio
- M
- Guiducius
- filio Rubei de Carpina
- M
- Guilia
- F
- Guilicionellus
- de Scoriso
- M
- Guiliecio / Guilicio
- M
- Guiliecio / Guilicio
- de Amelia
- M
- Guilielmetus
- M
- Guilielmina
- F
- Guilielmina
- quondam Bonaiuncte de Castronovo
- F
- Guilielminus
- M
- Guilielminus
- quondam Accursi
- M
- Guilielmus
- Albus de Vezano
- M
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- de Annobono
- M
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- Barbadegati
- M
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- quondam Bastardi de Amelia
- M
- da identificarsi con Guilielmus quondam Bastardi de Amelia
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- quondam Belli de Columnata
- M
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- dictus Boscus
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- quondam Burriani
- M
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- de la Cala
- M
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- de Carraria
- M
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- de Clarella
- M
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- Ferri de Ortonovo
- M
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- de Fontana
- M
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- de Gragnano
- M
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- quondam Lumbardi
- M
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- marchio de Massa
- M
- Guglielmo marchese di Massa, obertengo, figlio di Alberto Corso, attestato
- dal 1173 (LIBRI IURIUM, I.3, n.
- 562) al 1202.
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- de Moneta
- M
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- de Oletulo
- M
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- de Capannara quondam Picerii
- M
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- Pilloti
- M
- scarius
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- de Povici
- M
- Guilielminus
- de Rivo
- M
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- de Rivo
- M
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- de Tedesca
- M
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- de Tilloia
- M
- Guilielminus / Wilielminus
- filius Ugolini quondam Armannini
- M
- Guilielmolus
- M
- Guilielmus
- M
- Guilielmus
- M
- archipresbiter de Viano
- Guilielmus
- M
- archipresbiter, canonicus Lunensis
- Guilielmus
- M
- castaldus
- Guilielmus
- M
- episcopus Lunensis
- Guglielmo vescovo di Luni, attestato dal
- 17 maggio 1228 al 3 aprile
- 1272.
- Guilielmus
- M
- episcopus Lucensis
- Guglielmo II di Monte Albano, vescovo di Lucca dal 1330 al 1349 MANSI BARSOCCHINI 1836
- , p. 327.
- Guilielmus
- M
- episcopus Astensis
- Guglielmo da Capriano, nato intorno all 1130-1135, fu secondo vescovo di
- Asti con questo nome dal 1173 al 1191 e in seguito arcivescovo di Ravenna, come
- da scheda di Giuseppe Mazzanti nel Dizionario Biografico degli italiani, vol. 60
- (2003)
- Guilielmus
- M
- magister, fisicus
- Guilielmus
- quondam Symonis Asinelli
- M
- iudex
- Guilielmus
- quondam Guidonis Pisani
- M
- notarius sacri palacii
- attestato dal 1233 al 1252
- Guilielmus
- M
- notarius sacri palacii
- attestato nel 1055
- Guilielmus
- M
- notarius sacri palacii
- attestato nel 1168
- Guilielmus
- M
- notarius sacri palacii, scriba publicus communis
- Carrarie
- attestato nel 1260
- Guilielmus
- M
- sacri palacii et Lunensis curie notarius
- attestato nel 1198
- Guilielmus
- M
- prepositus Lunensis, canonicus Lunensis
- Guilielmus
- M
- presbiter de Pegaçano
- Guilielmus
- M
- presbiter de Pegaçano
- Guilielmus
- M
- vicedominus episcopi
- Guilielmus
- Acorseti
- M
- Guilielmus
- quondam domini Alberti dicti Mascardi de Trebiano
- M
- Guilielmus
- de Albrico
- M
- Guilielmus
- quondam Attolini de Gragnana
- M
- Guilielmus
- Baldineti
- M
- Guilielmus
- quondam Bastardi de Amelia / filio quondam Bastardi de Guilielmo
- Blanco de Vezano
- M
- da identificarsi con Guilielminus quondam Bastardi de Amelia
- Guilielmus
- de Bianca
- M
- Guilielmus
- de Bleccoe
- M
- Guilielmus
- quondam Bonacursi Tascacincte de Sorgnano
- M
- Guilielmus
- quondam Bonensigne
- M
- Guililemus
- quondam Bonfilioli
- M
- Guilielmus
- Brancasicce
- M
- vicarius
- Guilielmus
- dicto Canuto quondam Bordoni
- M
- Guilielmus
- de Cafazo
- M
- Guilielmus
- de Codano
- M
- magister
- Guilielmus
- Cornachie/Corvachie
- M
- Guilielmus
- Corsus
- M
- forse appartenente ai marchesi di Massa-Corsica, identificazione possibile
- in Guglielmo Bianco figlio di Opizzino
- Guilielmus
- quondam Dainensis de Burçone
- M
- Guilielmus
- de donna Emma
- M
- Guilielmus
- de Factore
- M
- Guilielmus
- Ferri de Ortonovo
- M
- Guilielmus
- de Fosdenova
- M
- nobilis
- Guilielmus
- frater Gerardi Russi
- M
- Guilielmus
- de Gragnano
- M
- Guilielmus
- quondam Gerardi de Monzone
- M
- Guilielmus
- filius quondam Gerardini de Monçone
- M
- Guilielmus
- Graffi
- M
- Guilielmus
- de Groppollo
- M
- Guilielmus / Guillermus
- de Gragnana
- M
- Guilielmus
- quondam Gualteroni
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Guilielmus
- quondam Guidonis Pisani de la Plebe
- M
- Guilielmus
- de Gragnana
- M
- donnus, monacus
- Guilielmus
- de Lamura
- M
- Guilielmus
- Lombardus
- M
- Guilielmus
- de Luna
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Guilielmus
- Ma...
- M
- Guilielmus
- de Marcucio
- M
- Guilielmus
- quondam Martinelli de Rafanino
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Guilielmus
- Mascardus filius quondam domini Alberti vicedomini de Trebiano
- M
- Guilielmus
- de Mezana
- M
- Guilielmus
- Nigro de Castello
- M
- dominus
- Guilielmus
- Parentini
- M
- Guilielmus
- quondam Patiti de Ortale
- M
- Guilielmus
- Pisani de Ponte de Carraria
- M
- Guilielmus
- de la Plebe
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Guilielmus
- de Poncellana
- M
- Guilielmus
- quondam Ramundini / domine Emme
- M
- consul comunis Carrarie
- Guilielmus
- de Renario
- M
- Guilielmus
- quondam Rolandi
- M
- Guilielmus
- de Sarrevallo
- M
- Guilielmus
- de Sorgnano
- M
- consiliarius castri Sarzane
- Guilielmus
- quondam Testafortis / Testaforte
- M
- consiliarius castri Sarzane
- Guilielmus
- de Torano, filius quondam Spinelli
- M
- dominus de Carrara
- Si veda RICCI 2012, pp.
- 42-45
- Guilielmus
- de la Trina
- M
- Guilielmus
- Ugolini de Nichola
- M
- Guilielmus
- de Vallechia
- M
- Guilielmus
- de Veçale
- M
- iudex
- Guilielmus
- de Viano
- M
- Guilielmus
- Guilielmi de Vicino
- M
- Guilielmus
- quondam Vidaleti
- M
- Guilielmus
- quondam Vitaleti
- M
- Guilieta
- F
- Guirisecta
- quondam Guirisii de Torano
- F
- Guirisius
- M
- presbiter, canonicus Lunensis
- Guirisius
- M
- notarius sacri palacii
- attestato nel 1161
- Guiscardellus
- M
- Guiscardellus
- de Ysembardo Befulki de Soleria
- M
- Guiscardus / Wiscardus
- M
- Guiterninus
- de Trebiano
- M
- Guitholinus
- Schivane de castro Sarzane
- M
- Guizolus
- de Monciculo
- M
- Guizolus
- quondam Paganini de Stazone
- M
- Guizolus
- Rusticoni de castro Sarzane
- M
- Gumpulus
- de Pegazana
- M
- Gunforutus
- M
- Guntardus
- de Caricino
- M
- Gunsmaretus
- M
- Hengeramus
- M
- Hengeramus / Hengeramutius
- M
- notarius sacri palacii
- attestato nel 1267, fratello di Tignoso
- Hengeramus
- M
- rector hospitalis de Ponte Tecto
- Hengeramus
- filio Attolini de Cacio
- M
- Hengeramus
- frater Gualteroni
- M
- Hengeramus
- quondam Parentis de castro Sarzane
- M
- notarius sacri palacii
- attetstato nel 1274, quasi certamente da identificare con Hengeramus
- notarius, fratello di Tignoso, attestato nel 1267
- Hengeramus
- de Padule
- M
- Hengeramus
- filio Attolini de Caço
- M
- Hengolins
- M
- Henricolus
- de Soleria
- M
- Henricolus
- filius Ysembardi de Soleria,
- M
- Henricus
- M
- Henricus
- M
- becarius
- Henricus
- M
- castaldus episcopi
- Henricus
- M
- Enrico da Fucecchio, vescovo di Luni, nominato da Gregorio X poco prima del
- 4 aprile 1273, resignò la carica
- tra il 24 ottobre 1296 e l’inizio del 1297 (cfr. VECCHI 2011, p. 70 nota 3).
- Henricus
- M
- imperator
- Enrico II imperatore, detto il Santo (Hildesheim 973 -Göttingen,
- 1024).
- Henricus
- M
- imperator
- Enrico III detto il Nero assunse il titolo di tertius rex; alla
- morte del padre il 4 giugno 1039; venne poi incoronato imperatore a Roma il 25
- dicembre 1046 e da quel momento lo troviamo citato come tercius rex,
- secundus Romanorum imperator augustus; (MGH DD HIII, pp. XXII-XXXI). Muore nel 1056 (si veda
- Enrico III su l’Enciclopedia Treccani ).
- Henricus
- M
- presbiter, plebanus de Monte Libero
- Henricus
- M
- prior de Carraria / domnus
- Henricus
- M
- vicedominus episcopi
- Henricus
- quondam Ardoini
- M
- Henricus
- de Balzano
- M
- Henricus
- Blancus quondam Ardoini <de Herberia>
- M
- potestas
- Henricus
- quondam Boni de Vignola
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Henricus
- de Dies
- M
- comes
- Forse da identificare con Enrico II conte di Diez (Rheinland-Pfalz) nato
- intorno al 1142 e morto nel 1189. Si veda SCHIEFFER 2001
- Henricus
- de Falcinello
- M
- legum doctor, notarius
- Henricus
- filius Gerardi
- M
- Henricus
- quondam Guerini
- M
- Henricus
- filius Guiterni
- M
- Henricus
- quondam domini Henrici vicedomini de Trebiano
- M
- Henricus
- de castro Sarzane
- M
- notarius sacri palacii
- attestato in numerose autentiche non datate
- Henricus
- filius Sorete / Sorecte
- M
- Henruicus
- de Ysembardo
- M
- Henrigenus
- <de Debicoe> / <de Debbice>
- M
- Henrigetus
- M
- Henrigetus
- M
- correrius
- Henrigetus
- quondam Guidonis
- M
- Henrigetus
- de Prato
- M
- medicus, castellanus Amelie
- Henrigucius
- quondam Henrici de Canneto
- M
- Hermannus
- M
- episcopus Monasteriensis
- Ermanno II di Katzenelnbogen, vescovo di Münster dal 1173 al 1203 come da
- scheda di Hugo Stehkämper in Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB), 8 (1969)
- Herbellus
- filius quondam Trebianelli de la Cala
- M
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- M
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus / Iacominus / Iacopus
- M
- archipresbiter de Amelia
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- M
- clericus de Monte
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- M
- consiliarius
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- M
- ferrarius
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- M
- presbiter, cappellanus Lunensis capituli
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- quondam Albertini
- M
- consul
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- de Ara
- M
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- filio quondam Bernardi
- M
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- quondam Bonvisi Lucanus
- M
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- de Boso / quondam Bosi
- M
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- de Caçano
- M
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- de Carraria
- M
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- quondam Curadeti de Tivegna
- M
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- de donna Diamante
- M
- iudex
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- Donnisi curie Lucane
- M
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- de donna Faina / quondam Faine
- M
- castaldus de Supraluna
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- quondam Formentini de Cepparana
- M
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- de Fosdenova
- M
- Iacopinus
- de Sarzana quondam Ienuini calçolarii de Felegaria
- M
- magister, fisico
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- Lucanus
- M
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- dictus Maledice
- M
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- domini Noradini
- Dei gratia Lunensis curie iudex
- M
- attivo nel 1223
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- de la Padule
- M
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- quondam Pegolotti
- M
- sindicus de Nicola
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- domini Salomonis
- M
- Iacopellus
- Santeno
- M
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- de Soleria
- M
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- Talliavacha
- M
- notarius, sindicus, actor, procurator episcopi
- Iacopinus / Iacobinus
- de Veçale
- M
- iudex
- Iacopellus
- quondam Bonvassalli de S..ano
- M
- Iacopinellus
- M
- Iacobucius / Iacopucius
- M
- potestas Carrarie
- Iacobucius / Iacopucius
- quondam domini Alberti de Carraria / de Gandulfino
- M
- dominus
- Iacobucius / Iacopucius
- dictus Piçofridus
- M
- Iacopus / Iacobus
- M
- medicus
- Iacobus / Iacopus
- M
- presbiter rector ecclesie sancti Terentii
- Iacobus / Iacopus
- M
- dominus, vicedominus de Trebiano
- Iacobus / Iacopus
- quondam domini Aldebrandi de Trebiano
- M
- Iacobus / Iacopus
- quondam Curadi de Brina
- M
- Iacopus / Iacobus
- Finuccij de sancto Miniate
- M
- publicus imperiali autoritate notarius
- attestato nel 1346
- Iacopus / Iacobus
- de Prato
- M
- frater de ordine Fratrum Minorum / frater de ordine Minorum
- Ianninus
- de Gropo
- M
- Iannis
- de Roberto
- M
- Iannonus
- de Burgonovo
- M
- notarius sacri palacii
- attestato nel 1253
- Ianuensis
- de Ylice
- M
- Ieronimus
- M
- domnus
- Imiliola
- F
- ...inerius
- quondam Bonaiuti
- M
- Incuntro
- quondam Monteseni de Monte
- M
- Ingelese
- M
- Ingo
- filius Otberti
- M
- Ingolinus
- de Miselia
- M
- Innocentius
- M
- episcous, servus servorum Dei
- Papa Innocenzo IV, al secolo Sinibaldo Fieschi, eletto il 25 giugno 1243;
- muore a Napoli il 7 dicembre 1254 come da scheda di Agostino Paravicini
- Bagliani nel Dizionario Biografico degli italiani, vol. 62
- (2004)
- Iocolus
- M
- massarius
- Iohannellus
- de Colle
- M
- Iohannellus
- de Valcava
- M
- Iohannes
- M
- Iohannes
- M
- abbas monasterii de Cepparana
- Iohannes
- M
- custos episcopi
- Iohannes
- M
- massarius
- Iohannes
- M
- prepositus
- Iohannes
- M
- prepositus, subdiaconus
- Iohannes
- qui est Amezo seu Gotezo
- M
- Iohannes
- Iohanni, qui est Amizoni
- M
- Iohannes
- Anagninus
- M
- presbyter cardinalis tituli Sancti Marci
- Giovanni d'Anagni, nato poco dopo il primo quarto del secolo XII dalla
- famiglia dei conti di Segni. Alessandro III lo elevò al titolo presbiteriale di
- S. Marco alla fine del 1167 o agli inizi del 1168. Attestato l'ultima volta il
- 22 marzo 1196 come da scheda di Gabriele Archetti nel Dizionario Biografico degli italiani, vol. 55
- (2001).
- Iohannes
- de Bithazano
- Iohannes
- filius quondam Bonezi
- M
- Iohannes
- Bonus
- M
- Iohannes
- Bonus
- M
- consul de Ponzanello
- Iohannes
- de Collichia
- M
- Iohannes
- Formichella de Luca
- M
- Iohannes
- quondam Francisci de Flammis
- M
- publicus imperiali autoritate notarius
- attestato nel 1346
- Iohannes
- Lombardus
- M
- Iohannes
- filius quondam Parentini de Mançeto
- M
- Iohannes
- de Pisis
- M
- priorem capituli et conventus S. Fridiani
- attestato nel 1346
- Iohannes
- Ricio de Sorgnano
- M
- Iohannes
- de Sancto Martino
- M
- Iohannes
- Scocosagolli
- M
- vicarius potestatis Carrarie
- Iohannes
- Stado
- M
- Iohannetus / Iohanetus
- M
- Iohannetus / Iohanetus
- de Montale
- M
- Iohanninellus
- M
- Iohanninus
- M
- Iohanninus
- M
- magister
- Iohanninus
- de Sancto Martino filius quondam Alberti
- M
- Iohanninus
- quondam Aldeprandi de Rapugnana
- M
- Iohanninus
- de Gropo
- M
- Iohanninus
- de Quaroçola
- M
- stiparius
- Iohanninus
- de Piciolo
- M
- Ionas
- de Portuveneris
- M
- sacri palacii notarius
- attestato nel 1235
- Iordanellus
- M
- Iordanus / Iordanis
- M
- Iordanus / Iordanis
- de Balognano
- M
- Iordanus / Iordanis
- M
- frater, monacus monasterii de Capparana
- Iovenetus
- M
- correrius
- Isa
- F
- Itta
- filia quondam Cari Amici de Sarzana
- F
- Iulita
- F
- Iulita
- de Sarzana
- F
- Iuncta
- M
- Iuncta
- M
- notarius
- attestato nel 1258
- Iuncta
- quondam Brunete
- M
- Iuncta
- quondam Cerri de Beriola
- M
- castaldus domini Curradi Corsi
- Iuncta
- quondam Guilielmini de Serraursi
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Iuncta
- filius Madii
- M
- Iuncta
- quondam Malagonelle de Vezano
- M
- Iuncta
- quondam Petri de Montemarcello
- M
- Iuncta
- de Terria
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Iuncta
- Ugolini de Soleria
- M
- Iuncta
- de Vallerano
- M
- Iunctarellus
- quondam Gerardi Cacciarute de Torano
- M
- Iunctus
- quondam Alineti
- M
- Iuncuncellus
- de Stabio
- M
- Iurnis
- M
- Iuso
- M
- Iustamonte
- quondam Ruffinelli de Marçano
- M
- Iustamons / Iuxtamons / Iustamonte / Iuxtamonte
- M
- Iustamons / Iuxtamons / Iustamonte / Iuxtamonte
- M
- correrius vicarie, nuncius
- Iustus
- quondam Guidi
- M
- Laborans
- M
- Laborans
- quondam Borgeti
- M
- Laborans
- quondam Pancie
- M
- Labrutus
- M
- Lazarellus
- quondam Calderoni
- M
- Lambernonus
- de Vallecla
- M
- Lambertucius
- M
- Lambertucius
- de Illano Pontis
- M
- dominus
- probabilmente legato per via familiare ai marchesi di Massa Corsica, ma si
- ignora come
- Lamberzonus
- M
- consiliarius de Ortonovo
- Landus
- quondam Gerardini de Gualterono de Luca
- M
- sindicus
- Lanfranchetus
- M
- Lanfranchinus / Lanfrankinus
- M
- Lanfranchinus / Lanfrankinus
- M
- calzolarius
- Lanfranchinus / Lanfrankinus
- quondam Albertini de Levacastello
- M
- Lanfranchinus / Lanfrankinus
- de Colle
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Lanfranchinus / Lanfrankinus
- quondam Guidonis Sagine
- M
- Lanfranchinus / Lanfrankinus
- quondam Ugonis de Herberia / de Herberia
- M
- Lanfranchinus / Lanfrankinus
- quondam Meliorati
- M
- Lanfranchinus / Lanfrankinus
- de Petrognano nepos <Bonacursi>
- M
- Lanfranchinus / Lanfrankinus
- de Sancto Terencio
- M
- Lanfranchinus / Lanfrankinus
- de Stabulo
- M
- Lanfrancus
- M
- Lanfrancus
- M
- clericus
- Lanfrancus
- de Herberia
- M
- Lanfreducius
- M
- Lanfredus
- Bonacursi
- M
- vicarius in provincia Lunisiane
- Lanfredus
- quondam domini Bonacursi Lanfredi de Luca
- M
- vicarius in provincia Lunisiane, dominus
- Laurentius / Lorencius
- de Bona
- M
- Laurentius / Lorencius
- de Via
- M
- Laurentius / Lorencius
- quondam Vitalis
- M
- Lazarellus
- de Castro Novo
- M
- Lazarinus
- quondam Bonsegnori de castro Sarzane
- M
- Lealis
- de Ara
- M
- Leo
- de Buto
- M
- castaldus domini Andree marchionis de Massa
- Leo
- de Torano
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Likese
- M
- Lillus
- M
- Lingus
- de Torano
- M
- Litelda
- M
- Lombardellus
- de Soleria, filius quondam Ubertini
- M
- Lombardellus
- quondam Guilielmi
- M
- dominus de Falcinello
- Lombardetus
- de Blecce
- M
- Lombardia
- F
- Lombardinus
- M
- Lombardinus
- de Ciserano
- M
- Lombardus / Lumbardus
- M
- Lombardus / Lumbardus
- M
- domini imperatoris et Lunensis curie notarius
- in attività dal 1180 al 1190
- Lombardus / Lumbardus
- de Aventia
- M
- Lombardus / Lumbardus
- de Corfezano
- M
- Lombardus / Lumbardus
- quondam Ugolini de Ticçano
- M
- Losignolus
- M
- Losius
- M
- Losus
- de Rivo
- M
- Lucanus
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Lucanus
- quondam Bonacursi
- M
- Luciana
- de Paxano
- F
- Lusiardus
- M
- Maccius
- de Rio
- M
- Machetus
- M
- Machetus
- de Quaroçola
- M
- Macionus
- de Castro
- M
- Madonina
- F
- Magister
- de Albano
- M
- Magistrellus
- M
- Magnetus
- de Amelia
- M
- castaldus
- Mainardus
- M
- Mainelda
- F
- Mainetus
- M
- Maior
- filia quondam Amorosi de Arcula
- F
- Malabranca
- M
- Malabranca
- de Petrognano quondam Tiniosi
- M
- Malabuca
- de Treblano
- M
- Malamensis
- M
- Melanese
- M
- senescalcus episcopi
- Malrasus
- Ritius
- M
- Mançetinus
- de Amelia / quondam Panigacii de Amelia
- M
- Mançetus / Manzetus / Mangetus / Mangettus
- M
- castaldus
- Mançetus / Manzetus / Mangetus / Mangettus
- de Miliaciola
- M
- Mançetus / Manzetus / Mangetus / Mangettus
- de Tivenia / de Tivegna
- M
- Mançolinus
- M
- Manehesellis
- M
- Manfredinus
- M
- Manfredus
- de Luca
- M
- potestas Carrarie
- Manfredus
- olim principis Tarentini
- M
- Mangenus / Mançetus / Manzetus
- M
- castaldus / castaldus curie de Sarzana
- Mannolus
- M
- Mannutius
- M
- Mansilius
- quondam Baldeçonis de Barbaçano
- M
- frater
- Mansuetus
- de Sarzana
- M
- frater
- Mantectus
- de Amelia
- M
- castaldus
- Mantignonus
- M
- Manzetinus
- M
- Manzetus
- M
- Maorus
- M
- massarius
- Marabotus
- M
- Marabotinus
- de Petrognano
- M
- Marapicus
- M
- Marcellus
- de Cisirano
- M
- Marchese / Markese
- M
- Marchese / Markese
- filius Alberti quondam Hengolini de Miselia
- M
- Marchesellus / Markesellus
- M
- Marchesellus - Markesellus
- quondam Rusticelli de Utilia
- Marchesellus - Markesellus
- de Turano
- Marchesellus - Markesellus
- de Carraria quondam Venture Batigiati
- Marchesina / Markesina
- F
- Marchesinus / Markesinus
- M
- Marchesinus / Markesinus
- de Colinezolo
- Marchesinus / Markesinus
- filius Gibertini
- Marchesinus / Markesinus
- de Vallecla
- M
- Marchetus / Marketus
- M
- Marcollinus
- M
- Marcus
- de la Via
- M
- Maria
- F
- Maria
- quondam Gerardini de Ruffino
- F
- Marinellus
- M
- Marinus
- de Placentia
- M
- iudex
- Marrucius
- M
- Martellus
- M
- Martignonus
- quondam Bonacursi de Veçale
- M
- Martignonus
- de Barbazano quondam Bonaventure
- M
- Martignonus
- Corsi de Amelia
- M
- Martignonus
- quondam Martini
- M
- Martignonus
- de Miliaciola
- M
- Martinella
- quondam Martini de Pera
- F
- Martinellus
- Martinellus
- de Ara
- Martinellus
- Cavallus
- M
- Martinellus
- Martinellus de Orbagnano
- Martinellus
- de Plano
- M
- Martinellus
- de Rio
- M
- Martinellus
- de Robiano
- Martinetus
- Martinetus
- de Valporcara
- Martinoçus
- Martinonus
- Martinus
- M
- Martinus
- M
- massarius
- Martinus
- M
- presbiter
- Martinus
- quondam Acursi
- M
- Martinus
- quondam Alegre
- M
- Martinus
- quondam Alineti
- M
- Martinus
- de Ara
- M
- Martinus
- Becone
- M
- Martinus
- Bondonnus
- M
- Martinus
- filius quondam Bonezi
- M
- Martinus
- quondam Buce
- M
- Martinus
- Cerrianus
- M
- Martinus
- de Codena
- M
- Martinus
- de Colle
- M
- Martinus
- de Corano
- M
- Martinus
- Drago de Codana
- M
- Martinus
- Durans
- M
- Martinus
- Fantonus
- M
- Martinus
- de Foravino / de Foravino de Monteçanne
- M
- Martinus
- Gerardini quondam Burnengii de Cazano
- M
- Martinus
- de Gezo
- M
- Martinus
- de donna Greca
- M
- castaldus episcopi
- Martinus
- quondam Guerini
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Martinus
- de Losio
- M
- Martinus
- de Maliola
- M
- Martinus
- quondam Marcheselli
- M
- Martinus
- de Mezana
- M
- Martinus
- de Miselia
- M
- Martinus
- quondam Molinarii de Posticio
- M
- Martinus
- de Pera
- Martinus
- de Peroza
- M
- consiliarius
- Martinus
- de la Plaça
- M
- Martinus
- de lo Podio
- Martinus
- de Porcilliola
- M
- Martinus
- de Oliveto
- M
- Martinus
- de Ravenna
- M
- Martinus
- de Sancto Paulo
- M
- magister, fisicus
- Martinus
- de la Serra
- M
- Martinus
- quondam Soboli de Montechio
- M
- Martinus
- de Stabio
- M
- Martinus
- Tinellus
- M
- Martinus
- Venture
- M
- Martinus
- quondam Vitaleti
- M
- Matronis
- M
- canonicus Lucensis
- Marzericolus
- M
- Marzuccus
- M
- episcopus Lunensis
- Marzucco, vescovo di Luni, attestato la prima volta il 26 marzo 1214, anche se un documento
- del 5 febbraio 1213 (ASLu SF) fa
- pensare che l’avvicendamento fosse già avvenuto a quella data o poco dopo;
- l'ultima attestatzione è del 25 marzo
- 1220.
- Marzuccus
- Pisanus
- M
- Mascarius
- de Panicale
- M
- Masnerius
- M
- Masnerius
- de Trebiano
- M
- Massaria
- F
- Matelda
- quondam uxori Oliverii de canale Ianni
- F
- Matelda
- de Orbagnano
- F
- Matelda
- quondam Pagani de Balognano, uxor quondam Gregorii vitrarii, uxor
- Faime quondm Sinibaldi de Prato
- F
- Matolinus
- M
- Mattolus
- de Aciliano
- M
- Mauricius
- de la Cala
- M
- Maurus
- M
- Mazarasius
- de Rezola
- M
- Mazencollus
- M
- Mectarellus
- quondam Bernardi
- M
- Mediuslombardus
- M
- archipresbiter de Amelia
- Melanese
- M
- Melanese
- M
- senescalcus episcopi
- Melanese
- Brixiolini, civis Lucano
- M
- Melanese
- quondam Grossoli de Platia
- M
- Meldeprata
- F
- Melioratus / Melioretus
- M
- Melioratus / Melioretus
- de Amelia
- M
- Melioratus / Melioretus
- de Fornoro
- M
- Melioratus / Melioretus
- de Moneta
- M
- Meliore
- F
- Meliore
- quondam Aiuti de Serravalle
- M
- Meliore
- quondam Bonaiute de Castronovo
- M
- Meliore
- quondam Bonensingne
- M
- Meliore
- quondam Bonevite
- M
- Meliore
- M
- consul
- Meliore
- de Roncio
- M
- Meliore
- quondam Venuti de Ortonovo
- M
- sindicus generalis
- Melioretus
- quondam Richeti
- M
- sindicus generalis
- Meliorinus
- M
- Mellodia
- mulier Ugolini Marzoli
- F
- Menabos
- M
- Mercadante / Mercadantus / Mercatantus
- M
- Mercadante / Mercadantus / Mercatantus
- quondam Armannini
- M
- Mercadante / Mercadantus / Mercatantus
- de Carraria
- M
- Mercadante / Mercadantus / Mercatantus
- de la Felecta
- M
- Mercadante / Mercadantus / Mercatantus
- filio Gerardini de Panicali
- M
- Mercadante / Mercadantus / Mercatantus
- quondam Rainaldini de Fosdenova
- M
- Mercadante / Mercadantus / Mercatantus
- de Sancto Stephano
- M
- Mercadellus
- M
- Mercadellus
- filius Benvenuti
- M
- Mercadellus
- de la Via
- M
- Mercadus
- Bonnannus
- M
- Mercadus
- filius Rose
- M
- Mercator
- quondam Rollandini dicti Pecçamecçane de Sarzana
- M
- Mercadus
- de Valdonica
- M
- Mercadus
- de Via
- M
- Messandinus
- M
- Messeretus
- M
- Messerotus
- de la Serra
- M
- Messerus
- M
- Messerus
- de Casaposi
- M
- Michael
- quondam Albertoni de Balognano
- M
- Michael
- de Pozolo
- M
- Micheletus
- M
- Miletus
- de valle Stephani
- M
- Milium
- M
- Mimonus
- de Vallecla
- M
- Minicucius
- M
- Molinarius
- M
- Molinarius
- de Campilia
- M
- Molinarius
- de Veciale
- M
- Molioretus
- M
- Monachellus
- M
- Montaninus
- M
- Montaninus
- Muçagallina
- M
- Montaninus
- de Sporliano
- M
- Montecellus
- de Capagnano
- M
- Monteclese
- M
- Montesanus
- M
- Morandus
- de Arcula
- M
- Morectus / Moretus
- M
- Morectus / Moretus
- de Sarzana
- M
- Moregnanus
- M
- Morengnolus
- quondam Gerardini de Terria
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Morescus
- de Bracelli
- M
- Morruellus
- Malaspina
- M
- vicarius, marchio
- Moroello marchese Malaspina, figlio di Corrado l’Antico, capostipite del
- ramo di Mulazzo (Spino Secco). La prima attestazione certa è del 1266 (FERRETTO 1901, p. 39, doc. CX);
- nel 1269 è vicario del vescovo Guglielmo in provincia Lunisiane;
- (Codice Pelavicino 140 e 141). Muore nel 1285 in Sardegna
- (FHP, col. 693).
- Mulinarius
- M
- Muscius
- M
- Musus
- M
- Muzeconus
- M
- Natalicius
- M
- Nicholaus
- M
- advocatus Lunensis curie
- Nicholaus
- M
- iudex domini episcopi
- Nicholaus
- M
- presbyter, cappellanus plebis Sancti Michelis de
- Trebiano
- Nicholaus
- de Flisco
- M
- comite Lavanie
- Niccolò Fieschi, appartenente al ramo ligure dei conti di Lavagna, è
- attestato dal 1247 al 1307 (si veda Niccolò Fieschi nel Dizionario Biografico degli
- Italiani).
- Nicholaus
- filius Gerardini Mercati
- M
- imperialis aule iudex et notarius et scriba publicus
- Nicholaus
- Maconis
- M
- notarius, locum tenens absentis vicarii et iudicis provincie
- Lunisiane
- attestato nel 1271
- Nicholaus
- Plontodoris
- M
- iudex ordinarius et notarius
- attestato nel 1277
- Nicholaus
- Vinciguerre filius de Sancto Stephano
- M
- iudex ordinarius, notarius sacri palacii
- attestato nel 1261
- Nicholetus
- M
- Nicholetus
- quondam Martini Grassi
- M
- Nicholetus
- de castro Sarzane
- M
- castaldus episcopi
- Nicholetus
- quondam Ugolini Blanci de Soleria
- M
- procurator, castaldus
- Nicholosius
- M
- Nicholosius
- M
- notarius
- Nicholosius
- de Castro Sarzane
- M
- Nicholosius
- Bonaccursi de Biana
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Nicholosius
- quondam Claramici de Orto
- M
- Nigronus
- quondam Bonomi
- M
- consul
- Nigrus / Niger
- M
- Nigrus / Niger
- de Capriliola
- M
- Nigrus / Niger
- de la Serra
- M
- Nobilinus
- M
- Norandinus
- M
- episcopus Lunensis
- Norandino, vescovo di Luni, attestato da pochissimi documenti, uno del gennaio 1222, uno del maggio successivo e uno non datato, forse redatto nel
- 1221.
- Normanninus
- M
- iudex, assessor, vicarius pro episcopo
- Normanninus
- de Bernanduccis de Luca
- M
- iudex
- Normanninus
- de Luca
- M
- iudex
- Nuvelonus
- M
- Nux
- de Lune
- M
- Ochetus
- de Avencia
- M
- Octoflos
- filius quondam Domalfolli
- M
- Octonellus
- natus Ponçanini quondam Folberti
- M
- consul comunis de Ponzanello
- Octonellus
- de Noceto
- M
- Odecio
- de Ysola
- M
- Odo
- M
- Odo
- M
- presbiter del Calesa
- Odo
- de Bibola
- M
- Odo
- de Casapoci
- M
- Odo
- filius Mascari
- M
- Odo
- de Sarzana
- M
- Odolinus
- M
- Ogerius
- de Contebono
- M
- Ogerius
- de Cuna
- M
- Ogerius
- de Propezo
- M
- Olgerius
- de Pontremulo quondam Aldeberti
- M
- arbiter
- Oliverius / Uliverius
- M
- Oliverius / Uliverius
- M
- presbiter, cappellanus Lunensis episcopi
- Oliverius / Uliverius
- de Barbazano de Lamica
- M
- Oliverius / Uliverius
- de Blarono
- M
- Oliverius / Uliverius
- de la Cala
- M
- Oliverius / Uliverius
- de Canale Iannis
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Oliverius / Uliverius
- filius Gervaseti, qui fuit de Gassano
- M
- Oliverius / Uliverius
- de Milliacia
- M
- Oliverius / Uliverius
- de Puleca
- M
- Oliverius / Uliverius
- filius quondam Tesi
- M
- Oliverius / Uliverius
- de Valdonica
- M
- Omodeus
- quondam Aldebertini
- M
- Oncomus
- M
- magister, canonicus Lunensis
- Opecinus / Opicinus / Opizinus
- M
- balistarius
- Opecinus / Opicinus / Opizinus
- M
- balistarius
- Opecinus / Opicinus / Opizinus
- M
- iudex
- Opicellus
- de Silva Maiori
- M
- Opizus / Oppizus / Opeçus
- M
- Opizus / Oppizus / Opeçus
- M
- custos, canonicus Lunensis
- Opizus / Oppizus / Opeçus
- de Seravalle
- M
- notarius
- attivo nel XIII secolo
- Opizus / Oppizus / Opeçus
- qui moratur Selvaricie
- M
- presbiter
- Opizus / Oppizus / Opeçus
- dictus Bastardo de Olivola
- M
- Opizus / Oppizus / Opeçus
- Gerardi Lealis
- M
- iudex
- Opizus / Oppizus / Opeçus
- quondam Peregrini de la Padule
- M
- Opizus / Oppizus / Opeçus
- filius Pili
- M
- Opizus / Oppizus / Opeçus
- de Sarzana
- M
- dominus, iudex
- Opizus / Oppizus / Opeçus
- de Soleria
- M
- Opizus / Oppizus / Opeçus
- de Vernatio
- M
- canonicus Lunensis
- Oradinus
- quondam Bellomi/quondam Bellomi de Fonci
- M
- Obertus
- filius quondam item Otberti, itemque marchio
- M
- marchio
- Oberto II marchese della stirpe obertenga, figlio di Oberto I e capostipite
- della linea detta Obertina. Attestato dal 975 (MURATORI 1773, I, coll. 631-636) al 1014 (CALLERI 1997, n. 21).
- Otto
- M
- Otto
- imperator
- Ottone III, imperatore e re di Germania (Kessel, Cleve, 980 - Castel Paterno
- 1002).
- Otto
- dux Bawarie
- Ottone I di Wittelsbach, duca di Baviera, nato intorno al 1120, conte
- palatino, fedele partigiano di Federico I imperatore. Morì a Pfullendorf l'11
- luglio 1183 come da scheda di Ludwig Holzfurtner nel Neue Deutsche Biographie, Band 19 (1999).
- Otto
- de Ronciliolo
- M
- Ozegnolus
- de Sancto Stephano
- M
- Paganella
- filia quondam Amati / filia quondam Amati de Orbagnano
- F
- Paganellus
- M
- Paganellus
- quondam Bernardi de Valmori
- M
- Paganellus
- de Padule
- M
- Paganellus
- quondam Petri
- M
- Paganellus
- Çaccangni
- M
- Paganetus
- de Cornilione
- M
- Paganetus
- filius quondam Paganelli de Linario
- M
- Paganinus
- de Antognolo
- M
- Paganinus
- quondam Boni
- M
- Paganinus
- quondam Boni de Oliveto
- M
- operarius
- Paganinus
- quondam Dannacini
- M
- Paganinus
- quondam Iohannis
- M
- consuls de Marola
- Paganinus
- quondam Mainardi
- M
- Paganinus
- de Oliva
- M
- Paganinus
- de Piazo
- M
- Paganinus
- de Ponçano
- M
- Paganucius
- de Padule
- M
- Paganinus
- de Sancto Stephano
- M
- notarius; syndicu, actor et procurator ac negociorum gestor
- episcopi Lunensis
- attestato dal 1253 al 1255
- Paganinus
- M
- domini Frederici secundi Romanorum imperatoris
- notarius
- attestato in una autentica non datata
- Paganus
- M
- Paganus
- M
- notarius sacri palacii
- presente in diverse autentiche non datate, posteriori al 1230
- Paganus
- de rivo de Armo
- M
- Paganus
- de Balognano
- M
- Paganus
- filius Matelde de Balognano et Faime quondam Sinibaldi de
- Prato
- M
- Paganus
- Ramundini
- M
- Palmeria
- quondam Bonfilioli
- F
- Palmerinus
- de Avula quondam Çanni
- M
- Palmerinus
- filius Guidonis de Herberia
- M
- Palmerius
- M
- Palmerius
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Palmerius
- quondam Acursi
- M
- Palmerius
- de Savia
- M
- Palmerolus
- de Fontana
- M
- Pançera
- M
- Panicacius
- de Vallecla
- M
- Panicia
- Panicolus
- M
- Panigacius
- M
- Paninus
- M
- Pansutus
- M
- Papa
- M
- Parcis
- M
- correrius
- Parens
- M
- Parens
- M
- iudex de Vallecla
- Parens
- M
- magister
- Parens
- de Capriliola
- M
- Parens
- quondam Pasqualini / quondam Pasqualini de castro Sarzane
- M
- castaldus
- Parens
- quondam Patrisii de Bibola
- M
- Parens
- quondam Pellini
- M
- castaldus
- Parens
- de Terrarossa
- M
- Parens
- quondam Upecini de castro Sarzane
- M
- Parens
- de Vallecla
- M
- Parenstina
- de Terrarossola
- F
- Parentinus
- M
- Parentinus
- M
- domini Frederici Dei gratia Romanorum imperatoris
- notarius
- attivo nel 1253
- Parentinus
- de Balzano
- M
- Parentinus
- quondam Guilielmini de Serravalle
- M
- Parentinus
- quondam Mançeti / quondam Manceti / quondam Manzeti
- M
- castaldus curie Amelie
- Parentinus
- frater Peregrini
- M
- Parentinus
- Todeschie
- M
- Parisius
- de Regnano
- M
- Pasquale
- quondam Acursi de Barbaçano
- M
- Pasqualinus
- M
- notarius sacri palacii, scriba publicus provincie
- Lunisiane
- attestato dal 1260 al 1272
- Pasqualinus
- de Brasile
- M
- operarius
- Pasqualinus
- de castro Sarzane
- M
- notarius
- Pasqualinus
- filius Parentis de Pasqualino de castro Sarzane
- M
- Passador
- M
- Passaventus
- quondam Bonsengni de castro Sarzane
- M
- Pastor
- M
- pastor Lunensis ecclesie
- Paulus
- M
- Paulus
- M
- frater, minister hospitalis Sancte Crucis ad Faucem Arni
- Paulus
- M
- frater, monacus monasterii de Capparana
- Paunessa
- F
- Pedone
- quondam Bonaventure de Cepparana
- M
- Pegolotus
- M
- Pelerinus
- filius Uberti de Soleria
- M
- Peradellus
- M
- Perasonus
- de Aventia
- M
- Percival
- quondam Guilielmi
- M
- Percival
- Guilielmini de Portoverio
- M
- Peregrinus
- M
- archipresbiter de Soleria
- Peregrinus
- M
- canonicus Lunensis
- Peregrinus
- M
- castaldus
- Peregrinus
- filius Bonalbergi notarii / filius Bonalbergi de Carraria
- notarii
- M
- summi pontificis auctoritate notarius, iudex
- ordinarius
- attestato nel 1267
- Peregrinus
- de Apognana quondam Alberti
- M
- Peregrinus
- filio Capreti de Popellano
- M
- Peregrinus
- de Caria
- M
- canonicus Lunensis
- Peregrinus
- de Carraria
- M
- castaldus
- Peregrinus
- de Cotto
- M
- Peregrinus
- de Burcione, filius quondam Gotezonis
- M
- Peregrinus
- de Palude / de la Padule
- M
- castaldus
- Peregrinus
- de Puleca
- M
- Peregrinus
- de Torano
- M
- Perosius
- de castro Sarzane
- M
- notarius
- Persona
- de castro Sarzane
- M
- Persona
- quondam Ubertini de Seraursi
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Personeta
- de castro Sarzane
- M
- Pesellus
- M
- Petrus
- M
- dominus, canonicus Sancti Fridiani
- Petrus
- M
- consiliarius
- Petrus
- M
- episcopus Lunensis
- Pietro vescovo di Luni, attestato probabilmente la prima volta nell'ottobre 1178; con certezza nell'aprile 1179 e l'ultima nel febbraio 1190. In un documento del
- novembre 1180 è detto vescovo e
- conte (Dei gratia Lunensi episcopo et eiusdem comitatus
- comite).
- Petrus
- M
- iudex domini imperatoris
- roga alla metà del XII secolo
- Petrus
- M
- iudex sacri palacii
- roga alla metà del XII secolo
- Petrus
- M
- massarius
- Petrus
- M
- magister, medicus
- Petrus
- M
- notarius sacri palacii
- attestato dal 1209 al 1229
- Petrus
- M
- presbiter de Soleria
- Petrus
- Adalaxie de Sarravalle
- Petrus
- quondam Alberti
- M
- Petrus
- de Ançelina
- M
- Petrus
- de Arcula
- M
- iudex de Vallecla
- Petrus
- quondam domini Bernardini de Herberia
- M
- Petrus
- quondam Blanci de Marçano
- M
- Petrus
- <filius Bonacursi>
- M
- Petrus
- de Brancheto
- M
- Petrus
- de Capagno
- M
- Petrus
- de Capriliola
- M
- Petrus
- Cibiliani
- M
- Petrus
- M
- presbiter de Cuscugnano
- Petrus
- Dalportone
- M
- Petrus
- de Donata
- M
- Petrus
- de Florino
- M
- Petrus
- filius quondam Gentis de castro Sarzane
- M
- notarius sacri palacii
- attestato nel 1267
- Petrus
- quondam Gibertini
- M
- Petrus
- quondam domini Girardini <de Herberia>
- M
- Petrus
- quondam Gualteroti de Soleria
- M
- notarius sacri palacii
- attestato dal 1255 al 1278
- Petrus
- quondam Henrigoli
- M
- Petrus
- de Herberia
- M
- Petrus
- Iordani
- M
- consiliarius
- Petrus
- de Lamusca de Soleria
- M
- Petrus
- quondam Macchangnani de Canaleçensi
- M
- Petrus
- de Orbagnano
- Petrus
- quondam Panicacii
- M
- Petrus
- filius quondam Petri
- M
- Petrus
- de Pontremulo
- M
- Petrus
- de Porreto
- M
- Petrus
- de Pullola
- M
- Petrus
- quondam Sabrini
- M
- Petrus
- de la Serra
- M
- Petrus
- de Soleria
- M
- notarius sacri palacii
- attestato nel 1267
- Petrus
- de Summo Vico
- M
- Petrus
- de Valdonnica
- M
- Petrus
- de Valença
- M
- Petrus
- quandam Villaneti de Soleriade Luna
- M
- Pettenarius
- de Cervaria
- M
- Philamannus
- M
- Philippinus
- M
- Philippucius
- de Sarzana
- M
- Philippus
- M
- Philippus
- M
- episcopus Lunensis
- Fiippo vescovo di Luni, secondo con questo nome, attestato un'unica volta
- nel marzo 1096.
- Philippus
- M
- domini Ottonis quarti Romanorum serenissimi imperatoris
- notarius
- attestato dal 1215 al 1225
- Philippus
- filius Maccii
- M
- Philippus
- de Prato
- M
- Philippus
- de Soleria
- M
- Philippus
- de Viciale
- M
- Picus
- M
- Piciolbonus / Piçolbonus / Pizolbonus
- M
- Piciolbonus / Piçolbonus / Pizolbonus
- M
- archipresbiter
- Piciolbonus / Piçolbonus / Pizolbonus
- quondam Ugolini de Arcula, de loco dicto Monte
- M
- Piçolus
- M
- Pildiritius
- filius Opiçonis de Soleria
- M
- Pilinketus
- M
- Pilius
- de Susano
- M
- Pillitius
- M
- Pillotus
- de Ortonovo
- M
- Pilosus
- M
- Piluchus
- filius Guidonis de la Feletta
- M
- Pilus
- M
- Pilus
- de Campagnano
- M
- Pilus
- Ricii
- M
- Pina
- filia quondam Rogerini de Maretima
- F
- Pinus
- Compagneti
- M
- Pinosius
- nomine Iacopinus
- M
- Romanorum imperatoris notarius
- attestato nel 1231
- Pipinus
- M
- episcopus Lunensis
- Pipino, vescovo di Luni, attestato la prima volta nell'agosto 1970 e l'ultima nel febbraio 1176.
- Pisanella
- F
- Pisanus
- M
- Pisanus
- de Monteclo
- M
- Piscialaqua
- M
- Pizolus
- filius Albertide Follis de Barzi
- M
- Pizus
- Iordanis
- M
- Placentia / Plasentia
- F
- Placentinus
- de Vallecla
- M
- Plebanetus
- quondam Aldebertini
- M
- consul castri Sarzane
- Plebanus
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Plebanus
- quondam Ugolini de Veçale
- M
- Pocobella
- de Molino
- F
- Podestas
- de Fliolino
- M
- Poletus
- de Polo
- Polletus
- frater Mellodie
- M
- Ponçaninus
- M
- Ponçius / Pontius
- M
- Ponçius / Pontius
- quondam Albertinelli pecciatoris
- M
- Pontremulus
- M
- domnus, clericus monasterii de Capparana
- Porcarinus
- M
- Portenarius / Portonarius
- M
- presbiter
- Portenarius / Portonarius
- de Tivegna
- M
- Prebosus
- M
- Prefectus
- M
- domini imperatoris atque Lunensis curie notarius
- attivo dal 1198 al 1227
- Prefectus
- notarius domini Henrici imperatoris invictissimi
- attestato in attività nel 1197
- Proculus
- de Amelia
- M
- Prodominus
- M
- Prodomus / Prodohomo
- M
- Prodomus / Prodohomo
- quondam Alcarini
- M
- Prodomus
- M
- Pucius
- de Soleria
- M
- Pugnetus
- de Orbagnano
- Rafiolus
- M
- Rafiolus
- quondam Guidonis Calmangarii
- M
- Raimençus
- M
- Raimondus
- M
- episcopus Lunensis
- Raimondo, vescovo di Luni, attestato la prima e ultima volta nel febbraio
- 1168 come electus, ossia eletto ma non ancora consacrato.
- Raimundinus / Raimondinus / Ramondinus
- M
- Raimundinus / Raimondinus / Ramondinus
- quondam Formentini de Corciola
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Raimundinus / Raimondinus / Ramondinus
- Gerardini
- M
- Raimundinus / Raimondinus / Ramondinus
- quondam Guidonis de Opizo
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Raimundinus / Raimondinus / Ramondinus
- de Petrognano
- M
- Rainardus
- M
- presbiter
- Rainerius / Raynerius/ Reinerius
- M
- pelliciarius
- Rainerius / Raynerius/ Reinerius
- M
- presbiter Sancti Mauricii
- Rainerius / Raynerius/ Reinerius
- M
- scarius
- Rainerius / Raynerius/ Reinerius
- quondam Aicardini de Orto
- M
- Rainerius / Raynerius/ Reinerius
- filius Bottomini de Rofianus
- M
- Rainerius / Raynerius/ Reinerius
- de Castronovo
- M
- Rainerius / Raynerius/ Reinerius
- de Corvaria
- M
- Rainerius / Raynerius/ Reinerius
- de Fosdenova
- M
- Rainerius / Raynerius/ Reinerius
- Gualteroti
- M
- vicarius pro comuni Pisano in provincia Lunisiane
- Rainerius
- quondam Guilielmini de Guertio
- M
- Rainerius / Raynerius/ Reinerius
- quondam Rustichini
- M
- Rainerius / Raynerius/ Reinerius
- filius quondam Salli de Ripa Arni
- M
- domini Henrici serenissimi Romanorum imperatoris iudex et
- notarius
- attestato in autentica non datata
- Rainerius / Raynerius/ Reinerius
- quondam Tancredi
- M
- Rainerius / Raynerius/ Reinerius
- de Terençoliis
- M
- Ramanenseus
- de Sarzana
- M
- Ramengus
- M
- Ramengus
- de Casapoci
- M
- Ramundetus
- M
- Ramundetus
- de Iovello
- M
- Rainaldus
- Franciscus
- M
- Rangolellus
- de Lacanova
- Rangone
- M
- Ranucinus
- de Carraria
- M
- miles
- Ranucinus
- <filius Henricoli>
- M
- Ranucius
- quondam Iacobi Quiviquii
- M
- Rapallus
- quondam Barçi de Guaraçano
- M
- Rapallus
- de Veraxano
- M
- Ravanellus
- M
- Rapestra
- F
- Recordatus
- de Sarzana
- M
- Reigetus / Rigettus
- M
- Remburça
- F
- Renanus
- M
- frater de ordine Fratrum Predicatorum
- Retondalus
- de Castronovo quondam Gerardini
- M
- Retondolus
- de Colle
- M
- Retondolus
- de Vallecla
- M
- Retondus
- de Castronovo quondam Gerardini de Colle
- M
- Ribellus
- M
- Ricandus
- M
- notarius
- attestato nel 1236
- Ricardellus
- de Castello Novo
- M
- Riccadonna
- F
- Riccadonna
- filia quondam Bonacapti
- F
- Riccadonna
- quondam Henrici de castro Sarzane
- F
- Riccius
- de Montemarcello
- M
- Riccolus
- M
- Riccomannus
- quondam Monaci de Ponzanello
- M
- Riccomannus
- quondam Vitaleti
- M
- Riccomannus
- Bolgarini de Luca
- M
- vicarius in provincia Lunisiane
- Riccovillanus
- de Veçale
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Riccus
- de castro Sarzane
- M
- Richelda / Richalda
- F
- Richelda
- filia Amate
- F
- Richelda
- quondam Bonici
- F
- Richelda
- magistri Fancelli
- F
- Richelda
- de Minuçano
- F
- Richelda
- <quondam Rodulfini de Vico>
- F
- Richelda
- filia quondam Vicini de Vico
- F
- Ricius
- quondam Bottocii de Oliveto
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Ricobaldus
- M
- Ricolus
- de Trebiano
- M
- Ricomannus
- M
- consiliarius
- Ricomannus
- de Colle
- M
- Ricourus
- Gaberthus quondam Oradini de Avula
- M
- Rigalporus
- de Amelia
- M
- Rippellus
- M
- Ripus
- M
- Robertus
- de Sarzana
- M
- Rodulfinus
- M
- Rodulfinus
- de Carersto
- M
- Rodulfinus
- de Vico
- M
- Rodulfus
- M
- Rodulfus
- M
- arcidiaconus Lunensis
- Rodulfus
- M
- camemarius
- Da indentificarsi probabilmente con Rodolfo di Castelmur, sul quale CASTELMUR_1978
- Rodulfus
- M
- domini imperatoris notarius
- attestato tra 1139 e 1141
- Rodulfus
- de Panzano / Ponzano
- M
- Rodulfus
- de Sancto Stephano
- M
- castaldus domini Gualterii Lunensis episcopi
- Rodulfus
- de Torano
- M
- Rodulfus
- quondam Ugolini
- M
- consiliarius
- Roffinellus
- de Marzano
- M
- Rofinellus
- de Colle
- M
- Rofinus
- M
- dominus de Bozano
- Rogerinus
- M
- Rogerinus
- quondam Advocati
- M
- Rogerinus
- Sinischie de castro Sarzane
- M
- Rogerius
- M
- Rognosus / Rongnosus
- M
- Rolandetus
- de Fosdenova quondam Gerardi
- M
- Rolandinus / Rollandinus
- quondam Guilielmi de Folo
- M
- Rolandinus / Rollandinus
- M
- Rolandinus / Rollandinus
- M
- canonicus Lunensis
- Rolandinus / Rollandinus
- <quondam Bonadoni>
- M
- Rolandinus / Rollandinus
- quondam Code Iudei / Bottacungo
- M
- dominus de Falcinello
- Rolandinus / Rollandinus
- quondam Gualdi
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Rolandinus / Rollandinus
- quondam Guilielmini
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Rolandinus / Rollandinus
- de Marola
- M
- Rolandinus / Rollandinus
- de Montecello
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Rolandinus / Rollandinus
- de Monteclaro
- M
- Rolandinus / Rollandinus
- de la Padule
- M
- Rolandinus / Rollandinus
- de Portesone
- M
- Rolandinus / Rollandinus
- filio quondam Torselli
- M
- Rollandus
- M
- Rollandus
- M
- abbas de Cepparana
- Rollandus
- M
- canonicus Lunensis, diaconus
- Rollandus
- M
- castaldus
- Rollandus
- M
- diaconus
- Rollandus
- M
- diaconus, monacus
- Rollandus
- M
- ferrarius
- Rollandus
- M
- presbiter de Castro Novo
- Rollandus
- M
- vicecomes
- Rollandus
- de Carraria
- M
- miles
- Rollandus
- <frater Peregrini archipresbyteri>
- M
- Rollandus
- filius quondam Gerardini de Monçone
- M
- Rollandus
- quondam Guilielmi de Valdonega
- M
- Rollandus
- quondam domini Henrici Blanci de Herberia
- M
- Rollandus
- de Panigale
- M
- clericus
- Rollandus
- de Soleria
- M
- castaldus
- Rollandus
- quondam Ugolini de Veçale
- M
- Rollandus
- quondam Tebaldini de Soleria
- M
- Rollandus
- de Torano
- M
- Rollandus
- filius Ugolini de Valcava
- M
- Rolandus
- Vagus de Luca / Vagus / Vagus Lucanus / Vagi
- M
- Rolandinus / Rollandinus
- de Vezano
- M
- Rollandutius
- M
- Romanus
- F
- abbas abbatie Sancti Venantii Cepparane
- Romea
- F
- Romea
- filiam quondam Gerardini de Sorbo
- F
- Romeus
- M
- Romeus
- quondam Brancheti
- M
- Romeus
- M
- consul de Falcinello
- Romeus
- Lazarelli de Castronovo
- M
- Romeus
- Morsellere de burgo Sarzane
- M
- Romeus
- de Soleria
- M
- Romeus
- quondam Vitalis escarii
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Rondarella
- quondam Formenti de castro Sarzane
- F
- Rosa
- F
- Rosa
- de Balognano
- F
- Rosada
- mater filiorum quondam Alberti
- F
- Rubeus / Rossus
- M
- Rubeus / Rossus
- M
- iudex, assessor in provincia Lunisiane
- Rubeus / Rossus
- quondam Philippi
- M
- consiliarius Sancti Terencii
- Rubeus / Rossus
- de Fosdenova
- M
- Rubeus / Rossus
- quondam Iacomini
- M
- iudex
- Rubeus / Rossus
- de Sarzana
- M
- iudex, dominus
- Probabilmente da identificarsi con Rossus iurisperitus presente
- in diversi altri documenti nella seconda metà del XIII secolo.
- Rubeus / Rossus
- quondam Gerardi
- M
- Rubeus / Rossus
- de Sarzana
- M
- iurisperitus
- Probabilmente da identificarsi con Rubeus / Rossus iudex presente in diversi
- altri documenti nella seconda metà del XIII secolo.
- Rubeus / Rossus
- de Ysola
- M
- Rossolus
- de Favale
- M
- Rustichinus
- de Orbagnanno
- M
- Rubbertus
- M
- pistor
- Ruffaldus
- M
- Ruffinus
- M
- Rugelettus
- M
- Rundanellus
- M
- Rustegonus
- M
- Rustichellus / Rusticellus / Rustigellus
- M
- Rustichellus / Rusticellus / Rustigellus
- de loco dicto Peretolo filius quondam Guilicionis
- M
- Rustichellus / Rusticellus / Rustigellus
- Rogete Stiporto
- M
- Rustichellus / Rusticellus / Rustigellus
- de Sanctomeniaco
- M
- Rustichellus / Rusticellus / Rustigellus
- de Vignola
- M
- Rustichellus / Rusticellus / Rustigellus
- quondam Vitalis escarii
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Rustichinus / Rustiginus
- M
- Rustichinus / Rustiginus
- de Castro Novo
- M
- Rustichinus / Rustiginus
- de Gisla
- M
- Rusticus
- M
- Rusticus
- M
- magister Sancte Crucis de ripa Sarni
- Rusticus
- M
- presbiter, cappellanus domini episcopi
- Sabbatinus
- M
- Sabbatinus
- quondam Albertacii
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Sabbatinus
- de Apiola filius quondam Donne de Apiola
- M
- Sabbatinus
- quondam Durantis Ravolati
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Sabbatinus
- de Monteçanne
- M
- Sabbatinus
- de Plaza
- M
- Sabbatinus
- de castro Sarzane
- M
- Sabbatinus
- de Seraursi
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Sabbatellus
- <filius Bonguidi>
- M
- Sachinus
- quondam domini Gualdi de Sancto Stephano
- M
- Sachinus
- filius Nuveloni
- M
- notarius
- attivo nel 1279
- Saconus
- M
- Safarone
- Picialboni
- M
- Saladinellus
- filius quondam Iacopini Malaraice
- M
- Saladinus
- M
- magister, archipresbiter de Viano
- Saladinus
- M
- magister
- Saladinus
- de Fosdenova
- M
- Saladinus
- quondam domini Saladini de Fosdenova
- M
- Saladus
- quondam Actocanini de Masio
- M
- Salamoncellus/Salomone
- Baratella
- M
- dominus
- Probabilemnte da identificare con Salamone Lucano presente in numerosi
- documenti
- Salicia
- M
- domina
- Salomon
- Lucanus
- M
- dominus, nobilis
- Probabilemnte da identificare con Salamone o Salamoncellus Baratella Lucano
- presente in altri documenti
- Salvagius
- de Marciasio
- M
- dominus
- Salve
- quondam Alberti
- M
- Salve
- de Fontenella
- M
- Salve
- de Montia
- M
- Salvetus / Salvettus
- M
- Salvetus / Salvettus
- de Castronovo
- M
- Salvetus / Salvettus
- de Fontenella
- M
- Salvetus / Salvettus
- de Petrognano
- M
- Salvetus / Salvettus
- quondam Ugolini de Ortonovo
- M
- Salvus
- quondam Carençoli
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Samuel
- quondam Blanci de Marçano
- M
- Samuellus
- quondam Blanci
- M
- Saracinus
- Colmezano
- M
- Saracina
- F
- Sarda
- F
- Sardus
- M
- Sardus
- M
- marchio
- da identificare col marchese di Massa attestato nel 1213 come detentore di
- Castello Aghinolfi e poi ancora nel 1216
- Saricinus
- M
- Sarzanensis
- quondam Gandolfi
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Sarzanensis
- de castro Sarzane
- M
- Savarisius
- M
- consul de Ponzanello
- Scoita
- F
- Segnorellus / Seniorellus
- M
- Segnoretus / Senioretus
- M
- Segnoretus / Senioretus
- M
- consiliarius
- Segnoretus / Senioretus
- de Ponzano
- M
- consiliarius
- Segnoretus / Senioretus
- quondam Rainerii de Cortiola
- M
- Segnoretus / Senioretus
- de Vallecla
- M
- Segnorinus
- M
- Segnorinus / Seniorinus
- de Vallecla
- M
- Selveradus
- filius quondam Enzoni
- M
- Sembardus
- M
- Sensus
- M
- Septembrina
- F
- Septembrina
- filia quondam Guilielmi de la Trina
- F
- Septembrina
- de castro Sarzane
- F
- Sibilia
- F
- Sibilia
- quondam Mansi
- F
- Sibilia
- quondam Venture
- F
- Sifredus
- M
- Sygenaldus
- de Orbagnano
- M
- Sikinus
- M
- Sigezo
- M
- Simona
- F
- Simon / Symon
- quondam Iuncte de Sancto Stephano
- M
- Simon/Symon
- M
- scarius
- Simon / Symon
- Asinellus de Carraria
- M
- Simon / Symon
- de Porta
- M
- Simonetus / Symonetus
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Simonetus / Symonetus
- M
- notarius, sacri palacii notarius
- attestato dal 1255 al 1279
- Simonetus / Symonetus
- quondam Gerardini de Terriola
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Simonetus / Symonetus
- quondam Sabrini
- M
- Simonetus / Symonetus
- de Serra
- M
- Simonetus / Symonetus
- quondam Vite
- M
- Sismundus
- M
- camerlengus
- Sismundus
- M
- canonicus Lunensis, custos
- Soldanus
- frater Norandini episcopi
- M
- Spagnolus
- Bonfantis
- M
- Spinelli
- M
- nome collettivo
- Spinellus
- M
- Spinellus
- quondam Baldicioni de Ponzanello
- M
- Spinellus
- filius Caruccii
- M
- Squasius
- M
- Stancius
- M
- massarius
- Statius
- M
- Stephanellus
- de Summo Tranci quondam Bessi
- M
- Stephanetus
- de Cepparana
- M
- Stephanus / Stevanus
- M
- Stephanus / Stevanus
- de la Crosa
- M
- Stephanus / Stevanus
- de Guerceto
- M
- Stephanus / Stevanus
- de Ponzanello
- M
- Sticius
- Conforti de Mulathuso
- M
- Stoplius
- de burgo Sarzane
- M
- Stoppus
- quondam Alberti de burgo Sarzane/ filio Alberti Corbellarii
- M
- corbellarius
- Stoppus
- de Sarzana
- M
- speciarius
- Strapatus
- M
- Strapatus
- de Padule
- M
- Suscarius
- de Trebiano
- M
- T.
- M
- presbiter de Biliolo
- Taddeus
- de Carraria Bonalbergi notarii filius
- M
- apostolice sedis auctoritate notarius
- attestato in una autentica non datata
- Tancredinus
- M
- Tancredinus
- quondam Bernardi
- M
- dominus de Falcinello
- Tancredinus
- filius Gerardi de Tancredino / Bottacungo
- M
- dominus de Falcinello
- Tancredinus
- de Vallechia
- M
- Tancredus
- M
- Tancredus
- Lucanus
- M
- iurisperitus
- Tancredus
- de Padule
- M
- Tegrinus
- filio Albertini de Nirono
- M
- Tedaldinus
- M
- Tedaldus
- quondam Pagani
- M
- Tedora
- F
- Tedora
- F
- domina de Falcinello
- Tedora
- de Ficola quondam Franceschini
- F
- molendinaria
- Tegrinus
- M
- iudex
- Tempanellus
- M
- iudex provincie Lunisiane
- Temus
- M
- cantor
- Terraforte
- M
- Testa
- M
- Testa
- de plano Carrarie
- M
- Testaforte
- de Sarzana
- M
- imperii sacri iudex, notarius, syndico et procuratori episcopi
- Lunensis
- attestato nel 1255
- Teuzo
- M
- presbiter
- Thebaldinus
- M
- Thebaldinus
- de Debicoe / de Debbice /de Bobice
- M
- Thebaldinus
- de Padule
- M
- Thebaldinus
- quondam Robertini
- M
- Thebaldinus
- de Soleria
- M
- castaldus
- Thodescus
- quondam Beccafabe
- M
- Theopoldus
- de Leschemunde
- M
- comes
- Forse identificabile con Diepold conte di Lechsgemünd, nato intorno al 1140
- e morto nel 1192 come da scheda di Doris Pfister pubblicata il 14.05.2012 nel
- Historisches Lexikon Bayerns
- Thodescus
- quondam Bonizi
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Tholomeus
- M
- archipresbiter de Castello
- Tholomeus
- de Congia
- presbiter
- Tholomeus
- de Fonticlo
- Thomas
- de Ponçano
- M
- Tillora
- F
- Timpus
- Tiniosus / Tignosus / Tigniosus
- M
- Tiniosus / Tignosus / Tigniosus
- de Baldolino
- M
- Tiniosus / Tignosus / Tigniosus
- Buraio
- M
- Tiniosus / Tignosus / Tigniosus
- de Fontanella
- M
- Tiniosus / Tignosus / Tigniosus
- quondam Gerardini
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Tiniosus / Tignosus / Tigniosus
- de Maroalco
- M
- Tiniosus / Tignosus / Tigniosus
- M
- consuli de Moncicolo
- Tiniosus / Tignosus / Tigniosus
- quondam Parentis de castro Sarzane
- M
- castaldus episcopi
- Tiniosus / Tignosus / Tigniosus
- de Ripola
- M
- castaldus episcopi
- Tinnisius
- M
- Tiralducius
- M
- Todescha
- quondam Gualteroni de Carcandula
- F
- Todeschinus
- M
- Todeschus / Todescus
- M
- Todeschus / Todescus
- M
- rector ecclesie Sancti Mauricii
- Todeschus / Todescus
- quondam Guilielmi
- M
- Torisendus
- filius quondam domini Gibertini <de Herberia>
- M
- Torreculus
- M
- Torsellero
- de Sarzana
- M
- Tosus
- de Calesana
- M
- consul de Marola
- Trafanellus
- quondam Gerardini de Ysola
- M
- Trampulius
- quondam Dominici cortesiani
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Trapedecinus
- quondam Gonforuti de Beduçano
- M
- Trebaldinus
- M
- Trumbolus
- de Amelia
- M
- Tudiscus
- quondam Bonapartis
- M
- Turchius / Turcus
- M
- Turpha
- M
- Tursaccus
- M
- Lunensis canonicus
- Tursus
- M
- magister
- Tursus
- de Tivennia
- M
- Tuscanus
- M
- Tutobonus
- M
- Ubaldettus
- M
- Ubaldinus
- M
- Ubaldinus
- de Nichola
- M
- Ubaldus
- M
- cantor, canonicus Lunensis
- Ubaldus
- filius Guidonis de la Feletta
- M
- Ubaldus
- de Parente / quondam Parentis
- M
- Ubertellus
- M
- Ubertinus
- M
- Ubertinus
- de la Cala
- M
- Ubertinus
- Grassus de Sarzana / Crassi / Crassus
- M
- Ubertinus
- de Rio
- M
- Ubertinus
- de la Serra
- M
- Ubertinus
- de Thufara
- M
- Ubertinus
- de Valmoro
- M
- Ubertus
- M
- Ubertus
- M
- magister
- Ubertus
- de Boiano, Pagani filius
- M
- magister
- Ubertus
- de Formicoso
- M
- Ubertus
- Rossus
- M
- Ubertus
- de Soleria
- M
- Ubertus
- de Torano, filius quondam Spinelli
- M
- dominus de Carrara
- Si veda RICCI 2012, pp.
- 42-45
- Ubertus
- quondam Çurri / Çurri Lucano
- M
- Uguicius
- de Fano
- M
- Ugerinus
- M
- Ugerinus
- de Petro
- M
- Ugetus
- M
- Ugitius
- M
- Ugitius
- M
- archipresbter ecclesie sancti Stephani
- Ugitius
- M
- camerarius
- Ugo
- M
- Ugo
- M
- archidiaconus
- Ugo
- M
- archipresbyter de Colognola
- Ugo
- M
- presbiter de Ponzanello
- Ugo
- < filius quondam Alberti marchionis>
- M
- marchio
- Ugo, marchese della stipe obertenga, figlio di Alberto III; risulta già
- defunto nel 1080 (FALCO 1916,
- XXVI).
- Ugo
- filius quondam Azonis
- M
- Ugo
- de Casapoli
- M
- Ugo
- de Herberia
- M
- Ugo
- Machetus filio quondam Guidonis Rubei
- M
- Ugo
- Melice
- M
- Ugo
- de Pilato
- M
- Ugolinus
- M
- Ugolinus
- M
- canonicus Lunensis, subdiaconus
- Ugolinus
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Ugolinus
- M
- sacri palacii et Lunensis curie notarius
- sacri palacii notarius
- ativo dal 1204 al 1230
- Ugolinus
- de Amelia
- M
- Ugolinus
- quondam Annoboni
- M
- Ugolinus
- Armannini /quondam Armannini
- M
- Ugolinus
- dictus Bellapença de Castronovo
- M
- Ugolinus
- de Bellosa
- M
- Ugolinus
- Bicus de Vezano
- M
- Ugolinus
- de Bonaora
- M
- Ugolinus
- quondam Bonfilioli
- M
- Ugolinus
- quondam Bonusii
- M
- consiliarius
- Ugolinus
- de Carraria
- M
- Ugolinus
- de Columba
- M
- Ugolinus
- quondam domini Dati iudicis, olim filii Conforti notarii /quondam
- domini Dati iudicis de Sarzana
- M
- Ugolinus
- Dominice
- M
- consiliarius
- Ugolinus
- de Ficaro, quondam Falconi
- M
- Ugolinus
- frater Botrigellus quondam Fantinelli de Monçolono
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Ugolinus
- de Ficolungo
- M
- Ugolinus
- de Genestulo
- M
- Ugolinus
- filium Girardi de Saleceto
- M
- Ugolinus
- quondam Gualteronis de Petrognano
- castaldus
- M
- Ugolinus
- quondam Grilli
- M
- Ugolinus
- quondam domini Guidonis
- M
- Ugolinus
- quondam Guilielmi de Carboncello de castro Sarzane
- M
- Ugolinus
- quondam Henrigeti
- M
- Ugolinus
- quondam Lanfranchini / filio Lanfranchini / quondam Lanfranchini de
- Ponzanello
- M
- consiliarius
- Ugolinus
- <Lucanus>
- M
- Ugolinus
- de castro Sarzane quondam Macchangnani de Canaleçensi
- M
- Ugolinus
- de Marciasio quondam He....i
- M
- Ugolinus
- de Marzeno
- M
- Ugolinus
- Marzolus
- M
- Ugolinus
- de Monte
- M
- forse da identificarsi con Ugolinus Sambucus
- Ugolinus
- de Padule
- M
- Ugolinus
- Philippi
- M
- Ugolinus
- Recçani
- M
- Ugolinus
- de Rizola
- M
- Ugolinus
- de Roselmino
- M
- Ugolinus
- quondam Sabbatini
- M
- Ugolinus
- dictus Sambucus de Monte
- M
- frse da identificarsi con Ugolinus de Monte
- Ugolinus
- de Valechia
- M
- Ugolinus
- quondam Venuti
- M
- consul de Ponzanello
- Ugolinus
- de Veçale
- M
- Ugolinus
- de Vexana
- M
- Ugolinus
- Ymelde
- M
- consiliarius
- Ugolinus
- de Zucheto
- M
- Uguito
- M
- Urdidio
- quondam Arcardi
- M
- Ursettus
- filius quondam Bellucii de Cacano
- M
- Ursolus/Urçolus
- de Burçono
- M
- Ursus
- de Drivi
- M
- notarius
- Ursus
- quondam Durantis
- M
- Ursus
- filius quondam Gerarducii de la Serra
- F
- Ursus
- quondam Laçarelli
- M
- Ursus
- quondam Marsilii
- M
- Ursus
- quondam Ruffinelli de Marçano
- M
- Valentina
- F
- Valentinus
- M
- Valentinus
- de Carpeneto
- M
- Valentinus
- de Castegneto
- M
- Valentinus
- filius Descaltii de castro Sarzane
- M
- Valentinus
- quondam Favalini
- M
- Valentinus
- de La Fontana
- M
- cocus
- Valletus
- M
- Vassallus
- de Ficaro, quondam Falconi
- M
- Veçale
- quondam Ugonis Rubei de Veçale / quondam Guidonis Rubei de
- Veçale
- M
- Veçalinus
- M
- Veclus
- M
- Veltrus
- quondam Guilielmi de donna Emma
- M
- Vegnante
- M
- Vegnutus / Venutus
- M
- Vegnutus / Venutus
- de Torano
- scarius
- M
- Vegnutus / Venutus
- Basiadore de Torano
- M
- forse da identificarsi con Venutus de Torano
- Vegnutus / Venutus
- filio Bellutii de Moneta
- M
- Vegnutus / Venutus
- quondam Bianchi de castro Sarzane
- M
- Vegnutus / Venutus
- filius Bonaiuncte
- M
- Vegnutus / Venutus
- quondam Carentani de Puleca
- M
- Vegnutus / Venutus
- Corroçatus
- M
- Vegnutus / Venutus
- qui nuncupor Gallotollus de Beriola
- M
- Vegnutus / Venutus
- quondam Musini
- M
- consiliarius
- Vegnutus / Venutus
- de Ponzanello
- M
- Vegnutus / Venutus
- quondam Ramondini de castro Sarzane
- M
- Vegnutus / Venutus
- de Torano
- M
- forse da identificarsi con Venutus Basiadore
- Vegnutus / Venutus
- quondam Viviani
- M
- Veido / Guido
- M
- Veltro
- de Avencia
- M
- Veltro
- de castello Aginulfi
- M
- Veltro
- quondam Guilielmi de donna Hemina
- M
- Veltro
- de Corvaria quondam Guilielmi
- M
- Veltro
- de Petrognano
- M
- Venacius
- M
- abbas Sancti Caprasii
- Venenus
- filius quondam Martini
- M
- Ventitus
- de Torano
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Ventralinus
- quondam Monaci de Ponzanello
- M
- Ventura
- M
- Ventura
- quondam Alberti
- M
- Ventura
- filius Aldeberadi
- M
- Ventura
- de Aventia
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Ventura
- de Balognano
- M
- Ventura
- Basiadore
- M
- Ventura
- Batigiati
- M
- Ventura
- quondam Bellomi de Codena
- M
- Ventura
- quondam Benedicti
- M
- Ventura
- quondam Bernardi
- M
- Ventura
- de Biduçano
- M
- magister
- Ventura
- de Ciserano
- M
- Ventura
- de Colle de Gragnana
- M
- Ventura
- quondam Gandolfini
- Ventura
- quondam Guilielmi de Codesorbo
- M
- Ventura
- quondam Martini Brageri
- M
- Ventura
- quondam Molinarii de Posticio
- M
- Ventura
- quondam Monteseni de Monte
- M
- Ventura
- de Oratorio
- M
- domini Frederici Romanorum imperatoris notarius et postea
- excellentissimi Henrici imperatoris iudex
- attestato in autentica non datata
- Ventura
- de Plaça
- M
- Ventura
- de Puleca
- M
- consul de Puleca
- Ventura
- quondam Rollandini
- M
- Ventura
- de Sarzana
- M
- Ventura
- de Thufara / de Tufara
- M
- Venturellus
- M
- Venturellus
- quondam Bonaiuti
- M
- Venturentus
- de Fontanella
- M
- Venturolus
- quondam Portonarii
- M
- Verdilia
- F
- Verdilia
- de Castronovo
- F
- Vernacius
- M
- archipresbiter de Offiano
- Vernacius
- M
- presbiter, canonicus Lunensis
- Vernacius
- quondam Guilielmi de Cantio
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Verrinus
- M
- Versavinus
- M
- Versus
- quondam Gordiani de Castronovo
- Vescontinus
- quondam Bonencontri de Trebiano
- M
- Vesina
- filia Bonissime de Capagnana
- F
- Vessosa
- quondam Petri de Florino
- F
- Vestitus
- M
- Vetius
- M
- Viciale
- quondam Ugolini de Ventura
- Vicina
- F
- Vicinus
- quondam Agustini de Casapoci
- M
- Vicinus
- de Vico
- M
- Vidalis
- de Busco
- M
- Vidalnus
- M
- Villana
- F
- Villanellus
- de Vallecla
- M
- Villanetus
- filius quondam Attolini de Soleria
- M
- Villanus
- M
- Villanus
- quondam Alioti Lucanus
- M
- Villanus
- M
- archipresbiter
- Villanus
- M
- massarius
- Villanus
- Lucanus
- M
- Villanus
- filius Philippi de Prato
- M
- Villanus
- Pitiani
- M
- Villanus
- quondam Porroneti de Porreto/quondam Pontonetti de Poreto
- M
- Villanus
- de Portu Veneris
- M
- Villanus
- de Sarzana
- M
- Villanus
- quondam Tancredi de la Sala
- M
- Villanus
- de Vallecla
- M
- Vincentius
- de Carraria Proyni filius
- M
- Sancte Romane Sedis auctoritate notarius ac iudex
- ordinarius
- attivo nel 1272
- Vinciguerra
- <filius Aldeprandi vicedomini>
- M
- Viridis
- F
- domina de Falcinello
- Vita
- Sicco
- M
- Vitale
- de Martinella
- M
- Vitaletus
- M
- Vitaletus
- de Bonno
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Vitaletus
- Capusoli
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Vitaletus
- de Perbeçola
- M
- Vitaletus
- de Pira
- M
- Vitaletus
- de Plaça
- M
- Vitalis
- M
- Vitalis
- de Beagua
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Vitalis
- quondam Belseris
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Vitalis
- quondam Benedicti
- M
- Vitalis
- quondam Bernardi
- M
- Vitalis
- quondam Boneti
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Vitalis
- de Donnolina
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Vitalis
- frater Martini de lo Podio
- Vitalis
- de Gragnano
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Vitalis
- quondam Lumbardi
- M
- Vitalis
- quondam Oliverii
- M
- Vitalis
- quondam Oliverii de castro Sarzane
- M
- Vitalis
- de Plaça
- M
- Vitalis
- de Porta
- M
- Vitalis
- de Torano
- M
- Vitalis
- quondam Vindemioli de Tortiliano
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Vita
- quondam Piçolboni
- M
- Vitarellus
- de Galisingna
- M
- Vitus
- M
- Vivalda
- filia quondam Anselmi de Antoxuolo
- F
- Vivaldetus
- M
- Vivaldetus
- filius Bonvisini de Caprilliola
- M
- Vivaldus / Wivaldus
- M
- Vivaldus / Wivaldus
- M
- consiliarius Carrarie
- Vivaldus / Wivaldus
- M
- notarius
- atttivo prima del 1263
- Vivaldus / Wivaldus
- Adiuti
- M
- Vivaldus / Wivaldus
- quondam Ardoini Mignochia de Veçale
- M
- Vivaldus / Wivaldus
- de Avencia
- M
- Vivaldus / Wivaldus
- de Capriola
- M
- Vivaldus / Wivaldus
- M
- consul de Ponzanello
- Vivaldus / Wivaldus
- quondam Ferreti de Ponzanello / Ferreti
- M
- Vivaldus / Wivaldus
- filius Ferrini
- M
- Vivaldus / Wivaldus
- M
- consiliarius de Ponzanello
- Vivaldus / Wivaldus
- quondam Pagani de Balognano
- M
- Vivaldus / Wivaldus
- de Polverara quondam Pugneti
- M
- Vivaldus / Wivaldus
- quondam Rollandina de Agina
- M
- Vivasinus
- M
- Lunensis canonicus
- Vivasinus
- de Cepparana
- M
- Vivasinus
- M
- Lunensis cumcanonicus
- Vivelda
- quondam Salveti uxor Nicholosii
- F
- Vivianus
- M
- Vivianus
- M
- notarius sacri palacii
- attivo nel 1263
- Vivianus
- Boniçi de Ortonovo
- M
- Vivianus
- de Bidiçano
- M
- Vivianus
- quondam Bosi
- M
- operarius de curte Sarzane
- Vivianus
- de Ficula
- M
- Vivianus
- filio Prodomi de Ponzanello
- M
- Vivolus
- de Puzolo
- M
- Volta
- de castro Sarzane
- M
- Vualcausus
- M
- Guibertus
- M
- Wçeronus
- M
- Yliolo
- de Yliolo
- M
- Ymelda / Ymeldina
- F
- Ymelda / Ymeldina
- quondam Dominici
- F
- Ymelda / Ymeldina
- F
- Ymelda / Ymeldina
- quondam Tancredi de Miselia
- F
- Ymeldola
- de Noceto
- F
- Isnardus
- filius quondam domini Opiçoni marchionis Malaspine
- M
- Isnardo marchese Malaspina, figlio di Opizzino capostipite dello Spino
- fiorito, fratello di Bernabò e Alberto, è attestato dal 1250 (ASFi DM, n. 135) al 1271 (ASFi DM 235); nel 1257 (FERRETTO 1909, n. DCCCCLV) è
- ancora minorenne; già defunto nell'agosto del 1276 (ASFi DM 238).
- Zanbonus
- M
- Zazon
- M
- Zencius
- de Boiano
- M
- Zikinus
- M
- Zitus
- de li Albizi
- M
- Zugnus
- de Balognano
- M
- Lista dei luoghi
- Aciliano
- Si propone in via ipotetica l'identificazione con l’attuale località
- Argigliano (Casola di Lunigiana, MS), come da REPETTI 1846, I, p. 132, col. 2 e dalla Cartografia
- topografica conservata presso l'Archivio di Stato di Genova, in particolare
- ASGe Topographia, Toponimi, Massa (MS) 25: La Lunigiana (ca.
- 1770); ASGe Topographia, Toponimi, Pontremolese (MS), pagina 3 di 3, 1:
- La Riviera di Levante, Stato di Genova ed altri.... Altra forma
- antica attestata: Arziliano nel 1748. Il paese è situato a circa 3
- km. a sud-est di Casola. Segnalazione di Sergio Mussi.
- Acola
- Agina
- Aguto
- Luni
- Aitenetulo
- Albano
- Albrico
- Alione
- Aglione
- Castelnuovo Magra
- Si può identificare nella attuale località Aglione, oggi parte del comune di
- Castelnuovo Magra (SP), situata a nord di Luni Mare, a nord-ovest di
- Colombiera-Molicciara. Cfr. SALVATORI 2007,
- p. 9. Segnalazione di Sergio Mussi.
- Alpes
- Alpi Apuane
- Amelia
- Ameglia
- Ameglia
- Amola
- Amola o Falcinello, torrente che nasce dal monte Boscoleto (m590); affluente
- di sinistra del fiume Magra nel piano di Ponzano.
- Anagni
- Anagni
- Anagni
- Antognolo
- Antoniolo
- Fosdinovo
- Sebbene il contesto dei documenti non consenta una localizzazione certa, è
- molto probabile che si tratti della attuale località di Antoniolo, a sud-est di
- Carignano e a nord-ovest di Giucano (comune di Fosdinovo, MS). Cfr. BALDASSARRI - ANDREAZZOLI 2007,
- p. 9, r.10. Segnalazione di Sergio Mussi.
- Antoniano
- Antoniano
- La Spezia
- Si tratta molto probabilmente dell'area dove sorge la pieve di S. Venerio
- detta appunto in Antoniano a La Spezia. Cfr. VECCHI 1986.
- Antoxuolo
- Apiola
- Apognana
- Pognana
- Fivizzano
- Ipotesi di identificazione in Pognana, frazione di Fivizzano di Sergio
- Mussi.
- Aqua Fredola
- Aquavivola
- Aque Nigre
- Fosdinovo
- Angarecia
- Ara/Area
- Fosdinovo
- ala Valentina/Ara Valentina
- Fosdinovo
- Aramonte
- Arenale
- Arcinasia
- Arcola/Arcula
- Arcola
- Arcola
- Ardano
- Arena
- Luni
- Armo / rivo Armo
- Arno
- Arno
- L'Arno è il principale fiume della Toscana.
- Ascletulo
- Assento
- Asta
- Asti
- Asti
- Atilliano
- Avula
- Aulla
- Aulla
- Avencia/Avenza
- Avenza
- Carrara
- Balano
- Balognano
- Ameglia
- Banco
- Balzano
- Bantiola
- Barbaçano
- Barbazzano
- Lerici
- Barci/Barzi
- Fivizzano
- Secondo FORMENTINI 1970,
- p.10 la villa di Barci si trovava tra l’attuale Collecchia e il santuario di
- Santa Maria dei Colli, dove è attestato ancora il toponimo
- Bargia.
- Bardano
- Fosdinovo
- Bargi
- Basano
- Bawaria
- Baviera / Bayerns
- Baviera / Bayerns
- Beagua
- Bebulo
- Becarolo
- Carrara
- Beduçano
- Bergamo
- Bergamo
- Bergamo
- Beriola
- Carrara
- nei pressi di Carrara come da documento n. 274. Probabilmente da identificarsi con l'attuale Bergiola
- Foscalina, sopra Carrara (suggerimento di Stefano Landini)
- Berzola
- Bertrame/Bertemme/Bertani
- Lago di Porta
- Montignoso
- località oggi identificabile con Lago di Porta, come si evince da REPETTI_1846. La torre detta
- Porta Betrame o Porta Bertrami, oggi scomparsa, si
- trovava in località Salto della Cervia (oggi comune di
- Pietrasanta), segnalata come ancora esistente alla data del 1810 dal Repetti.
- La torre era situata sull'antico confine che correva tra il Lago di Porta e
- Monte della Rocca di Montignoso, precisamente nel distretto di Castel
- Aghinolfi, sulla strada romana che da Massa conduceva a Lucca. La prima
- attestatazione del toponimo si trova in un placito di Enrico III emanato il 15
- maggio 1055 a favore del vescovo di Luni che rivendicava alcuni possedimenti in
- quella zona. Si ringrazia Sergio Mussi per le precisazioni.
- Betigna
- Biana
- Bianca
- Bibola
- Bibola
- Aulla
- Bicarro
- Biduçano/Biduzzano
- Carrara
- Nei pressi di Carrara come da documento in ASLU_DA, 1393 agosto 27.
- Bifurca
- Fosdinovo
- Biliolo
- Bigliolo
- Aulla
- Bioran
- Bistioleta
- Sarzana
- Bithazano / Bitusanum
- Blecce/Deblecce/Bleccoe
- Bocco
- Boccognano
- Boinaculo
- Fosdinovo
- Bolano
- Bolano
- Bolano
- Bollesne
- Bonaco
- La costa di Bonaco / Bonacho è situata a ovest di Carignano di Ponzano e
- detta anche Costa di Carlassaro del Pianza; nominata costa di Benaco dagli
- abitanti di Fosdinovo ASGe_MAPPA_33. Segnalazione di Sergio Mussi.
- Bonasculo
- Carrara
- Burgonuovo
- Bostiola
- Botognano
- Bovetulo
- Bradia
- Branzoli
- Bracellis
- Bracelli
- Beverino
- Brasile
- Brina
- Sarzana
- Brissiana
- Broilo / Brolo
- Carrara
- Bruscaliano
- Buçano / Buzano / Bozano
- Buiano, Boiano
- Buggiano
- Pistoia
- Burcione Burçone
- Burcione
- Aulla
- Burçono
- Burculum/Burculo
- Fosdinovo
- Bursello
- Busco
- Butracanca
- Butracanca
- Caço / Cacio
- Cafaçaro
- Fosdinovo
- Cafaçola
- Cafadio
- Cafadio Baruçoli
- Fosdinovo
- Cafazo
- Fosdinovo
- Cafilectata
- Cala
- Calasobtana
- Lerici
- Calesa
- Calesana
- Calmesana
- Calvo
- Camisiano
- Campacolle
- Campilia
- Campiza
- Parma
- Campo Honeste
- Campo de la Stella
- Campo de la Plata
- Campodonico
- Campola
- Vezzano
- Campolo
- Camporaqua
- Campotendoli
- Camtellino
- Camua
- Canale
- Canale Iannis
- Canapariolo
- Caneva
- Caneva de Petroçuca
- Cannebiano
- Canneto
- Ameglia
- Capagnana
- Capagnano
- Fosdinovo
- Capagno
- Capanella
- Fosdinovo
- Capanna
- Capanna Martina
- Fosdinovo
- Capannara
- Caporaqua
- Capo Corvo
- nei pressi di Ameglia e Lerici
- detta anche punta Corvo, è la propaggine sul mar Ligure del monte Marcello
- tra Bocca di Magra e il golfo della Spezia. Il promontorio costituisce il
- limite orientale della Riviera Ligure, andando a dividerla geograficamente
- dalla costa apuana.
- Caprilliola
- Caprigliola
- Aulla
- Capriola
- Fosdinovo
- Caprione
- Capranello
- Carrara
- nei pressi di Carrara come da doc. n.
- 274
- Caprognano
- Carame
- Carbonara
- Fosdinovo
- Carbovario
- Carcandola / Carcandula
- Sarzana
- Carersto
- Caria
- Caricino
- Carnea
- Carnea
- Follo
- Carola
- Carpena/Carpina
- Carpena
- Bolano
- Carpeneta
- Carpeneto
- Carpenetulo
- Carraria
- Carrara
- Carrara
- Casalechio
- Carrara
- nei pressi di Carrara come da doc. n.
- 274
- Casaliclo / Casaleclum
- Casapoci/Casaposi/Casapoli
- Castelpoggio
- Carrara
- Identificazione con Castelpoggio proposta sulla base del REPETTI_1846, I, p. 580.
- Segnalazione di Sergio Mussi.
- Casavetri
- Casella
- Casine
- Cassiola
- Castagneto
- Sarzana
- Castagneto Plano
- Castagnetulo
- Castagno
- Castellano
- Castello
- Castellum Aginulfi/castrum Aginulfi
- Castello Aghinolfi
- Montignoso
- Castello Radaldo
- Castelnuovo
- Castrum Novum de Barci/de Barzi
- Fivizzano
- Castelnuovo/Castrum Novum
- Castelnuovo Magra
- Castelnuovo Magra
- Castilione
- Castillione de Varese
- Capanana
- Castangna Robbia
- Carrara
- Cavallo
- Cazacane
- Cazano / Caçano / Cacano
- Cepparana
- Ceparana
- Bolano
- Ceppata
- Ceppato
- Cergnano
- Cernetorio/Cernitoris
- Fosdinovo
- Cernitere
- Cerreto
- Cerro Alto
- Cerro Suvero
- Cervaria/Cervara
- Cervarolo
- Sarzana
- Cesari
- Cisirano/Ciçerano
- Ceserano
- Fivizzano
- Cetulo
- Chisicto
- Cignano
- Cirisolo
- Clarella
- la Cobia
- Cobiata
- Codena / Codano / Codana
- Codena
- Carrara
- Codesorbo
- Fosdinovo
- Codesorbolo
- Colignolo
- Fosdinovo
- Colimento/Colintenti
- Fosdinovo
- forse identificabile con l'attuale Colletto, nel comune di Fosdinovo
- Colinezolo
- Coliusciola
- Colla
- Fosdinovo
- Colle
- Fosdinovo
- Collecchia/Collicclum/Collechio
- Fivizzano
- Colle de Gragnana
- Colle de Marci
- Colle Mezaitum
- Collentento
- Colli
- Colmezano
- Colognola
- Colognola
- Fivizzano
- Columnata
- Colonnata
- Carrara
- Comum
- Como
- Como
- Conano
- Concula
- Congia
- Consi
- Contebono
- Corano
- Corchiola
- Corfeciano/Corfezano
- Cornilio
- Cornilione
- Corsetula
- Cortiola / Certiola
- Corvaia
- Serravezza
- Corvaxana
- Fosdinovo
- Toponimo collocabile tra Falcinello e Ponzanello, da legarsi probabilmente
- alla curte de Curvasano nominata nel diploma di Ottone I del 963 (GENTILE 2000, p. 7-8).
- Corvo
- Ameglia
- Costa
- Costancia
- Kostanz
- Baden-Württemberg
- Cothalo
- Cremona
- Cremona
- Cropale
- Groppoli
- Pistoia
- Cruce
- Fosdinovo
- Çuchi
- Cuna
- Çunseto
- Cuscugnano
- Cute
- Fosdinovo
- Dallo
- Debia
- Debicoe / Debbice / Debioce
- forse Debicò nei pressi di Soliera (suggerimento di Stefano Landini)
- Deblola
- Fosdinovo
- Dies
- Diez
- Rheinland-Pfalz
- Draggiare
- Dremone
- Ecclesia Nova
- Chiesanuova
- Levanto
- Erberia/Herberia
- Fabiano
- La Spezia
- Falcinello
- Sarzana
- Fano
- Fatorense
- Faucem de Montorbolo
- Favale
- Fayto
- Fosdinovo
- Façeto
- Fosdinovo
- Felegaria
- Felicina/Filicina
- Felicta/Feletta/Felecta
- Ferrata
- Feschalino
- Ficaro / Ficario
- Ficola / Ficula
- Ficolungo
- Ficortiçola
- Fosdinovo
- Figadia
- Finili
- Fivizano/Fiveçano
- Fivizzano
- Fivizzano
- Fliolino
- Florino
- Flumine
- Flumeneço
- Carrara
- Follo
- Follo
- Follo
- Fontana
- fontana Romana
- Fontanella
- Fonte
- Fontenella
- Fonti/Fonci/Functi
- Carrara
- nei pressi di Carrara come da documento n. 274
- Fonticlo
- Fontola
- Forano
- Foravino
- Foresto
- Formicoso / Formicosa
- Fornoro
- Fornolo
- Sarzana
- Fosdinovo/Fosdenova/Fauce Nova/Faucenova
- Fosdinovo
- Fosdinovo
- Fossa Ceca
- Fosdinovo
- Fossa Lupara
- Fosdinovo
- Fossato
- Fotigero
- Frederciana
- Fridiano
- Carrara
- Furno
- Garfagnana
- Garfagnana
- Gassano
- Gassano
- Fivizzano
- Genestitulo
- Genestulo
- Germagnano
- Gezo
- Iuccano
- Giuncano
- Fosdinovo
- Gnaulo
- Graçano
- Gragnana
- Carrara
- Gragnano
- Gragnola
- Fivizzano
- Grazano / Graçano
- Carrara
- Gropario
- Sarzana
- Gropo
- Groppino de Lutignano
- Carrara
- nei pressi di Carrara come da doc. n.
- 274
- Groppo Talliato
- Carrara
- nei pressi di Carrara come da doc. n.
- 274
- Groppolo
- Groppolo
- Bolano
- Gropolo
- Guaraçano
- Guado de Insula
- Guardia
- Guecçola
- Fosdinovo
- Guerceta
- Guercia
- Carrara
- Ianua
- Genova
- Genova
- Illano Pontis
- Iovello
- Isola / Ysola / Insula
- Nei documenti medievali della Lunigiana si trovano più luoghi chiamati
- Isola - Ysola ad esempio presso Ortonovo, vicino ad Ameglia e
- sulle colline della Spezia.
- Isolella
- Istria
- Istria
- Istria
- Lacanova
- Lacapanna
- Lamura
- Langolo
- Lanigra
- La Sallica
- Lasoro
- Lavadarium
- Carrara
- Leschemunde
- Burgstall Lechsend / Lechsgemünd
- Donau-Ries
- Levacastello
- Lignaro
- Legnaro
- Levanto
- Lilice
- Lerici
- Lerici
- Limite
- Linari
- Lintignana
- Lorano
- Losio
- Lotignano / Lutignana / Lotignana /
- Lutignano
- Luca
- Lucca
- Lucca
- Lucia
- Lucio
- Luna/Luni
- Luni
- Ortonovo
- Lunesana
- Lunigiana
- Lupura
- Magnano
- Macra / Magra
- Magra
- La Magra è il principale fiume della Liguria per portata media alla foce,
- nasce tra il Monte Borgognone ed il Monte Tavola e scorre tra Toscana e Liguria
- bagnando le province della Spezia e di Massa-Carrara.
- Malliano
- Magliano
- Fivizzano
- Malliola
- Bolano
- Mandria
- Mandriale
- Fosdinovo
- Mandrola
- Matiçola
- Marciano
- Fosdinovo
- Marciaso/Marçasio
- Marciaso
- Fosdinovo
- Maretema / Maretima
- Margubio
- Marlamoça
- Lerici
- Marmore
- Marola
- Marola
- La Spezia
- Marola de Predore
- La Spezia
- Marnasco
- Marossa
- Marzano/Marçano
- Marzeno
- Maruco
- Masio
- Massa
- Massa
- Massa
- Materia
- Matrono / Mathono
- La Spezia
- Mediolano
- Milano
- Milano
- Melaro
- Carrara
- Mezana
- Mezana
- Lerici
- Micoria/Micoarria
- Ortonovo
- Miliaciola / Milliacia
- Minizano
- Minuçano
- Minucciano
- Minucciano
- Miro
- Sarzana
- Miselia
- Miseglia
- Carrara
- Mitifoci
- Molino
- Mommio
- Mommio
- Fivizzano
- Monasterium
- Münster
- Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Moncigoli / Monciculi / Monciculo / Monte
- Ciculo
- Moncigoli
- Fivizzano
- Moneta
- Moeta
- Castelnuovo Magra
- Montale
- Monte
- Sarzana
- Montexello
- Monte Bello
- Montebello
- Bolano
- Monteclo / Montecchio / Monceto
- Montecchio
- Castelnuovo Magra
- Montedarmo
- Monte Franci
- Monte Franzo
- Monte Forca
- Il Monte Forca, già citato dal REPETTI
- 1846, I p. 486, va identificato con l'attuale Monte Pizzacuto secondo il
- CONTI 1976.
- Monte Ianni/Monteçanne
- Monte Iudice
- Monte Leone/Monleone
- Fosdinovo
- Monte Libero
- Monte Olivero
- Carrara
- Montemarcello
- Montemarcello
- Ameglia
- Monte Martili
- Monte Orbulo
- Monte Raso
- Monte Rossolo
- Monteserino
- Montevallese/Monte Vallese
- Monteverde
- Carrara
- Monti
- Montia
- Montirone
- Sarzana
- Montorbo
- Fosdinovo
- Montorbolo
- Monçolono
- Monzone/Munzone/Monçone
- Monzone
- Fivizzano
- Moritiola
- Mulathuso
- Mulnato
- Carrara
- nei pressi di Carrara come da doc. n.
- 274
- Neapolis
- Napoli
- Napoli
- Natara
- Nava/Nave
- Nave
- Sarzana
- Navola
- Fosdinovo
- Naçano
- Carrara
- Neblone/Nibiono
- Fosdinovo
- Nicola
- Nicola
- Ortonovo
- Micoarra-Nicola. Nel VII secolo Giorgio di Cipro nella Descriptio
- orbis romani, trattando delle fortificazioni della zona nella pianura
- lunense e aree limitrofe, cita il kastron di
- Mikaurìa, che Ubaldo Formentini (FORMENTINI 1936) ha identificato nell’attuale abitato di
- Nicola (Ortonovo). Nel Codice Pelavicino il toponimo Micoria - Micoarra si
- trova in due atti, rispettivamente del (1096 e del (1226, mentre il
- toponimo Nicola è già attestato in uso nel 1219: questa apparente
- contraddizione ha spinto Mario Niccolò Conti (CONTI 1960) ha criticare l’ipotesi, che tuttavia è stata
- confremata da ulteriori studi (GENTILI 1988 e ZOPPI
- 2008).
- Niça
- Nirono
- Nizola
- la Noce
- Noceto
- Noceto
- Carrara
- nei pressi di Carrara come da documento n. 274.
- Occara
- Oletto/Oleto
- Oletulo
- Oliveto
- Olivetoaimo Sopoçio
- Sarzana
- Olivola
- Olivola
- Aulla
- Oratorio
- Oratoio
- Pisa
- Orbagnanno/Orbagnano
- Ortale
- Fosdinovo
- Orto
- Ortomorano
- Carrara
- Ortonovo
- Ortonovo
- Ortonovo
- Ortoriano/Toriano
- Oserone/Isolone
- Si tratta probabilente dell'attuale torrente Isolone (MS-SP), che nasce dal
- monte La Foce presso Fosdinovo e affluisce nel Magra a sinistra presso la
- foce.
- Padule/Palude
- Palanceta
- Pallaroso/Palleroso
- Palmerie
- la Palmia
- Ameglia
- Pannesa
- Panicale / Panigale
- Panicale
- Licciana Nardi
- Pantaleo
- Parentore
- Parma
- Parma
- Parma
- Parmignola
- Torrente, scorre nelle province di Massa Carrara e La Spezia. Nasce dal
- monte Pizzacuto col nome di torrente Iara. Sfocia nel Tirreno a
- Marinella.
- Parsano
- Passana
- Passano / Paxano
- Passano
- Deiva Marina
- Pastena
- Paternulo/Paterno
- Paterno
- Sarzana
- PecteCavallino
- Fosdinovo
- Pectenato
- Pegaçano
- Pegazana
- Paghezzana
- Fosdinovo
- L'identificazione tra Pegazana e Paghezzana è stata suggerita da Giorgio
- Saporiti (che ringraziamo), sulla base della seguente bibliografia: FORMENTINI 1953, p. 7; PISTARINO 1961, p. 112.
- Pera
- Peravulpe
- Perbeçola
- Peretolo
- Peroza
- Pesiola
- Petra Cava
- Fosdinovo
- Petrognano/Perrognano
- Petrognano di Carrara
- Carrara
- Placentia
- Piacenza
- Piacenza
- Piazo
- Picaro
- Picceta
- Piculo / Piçolo / Piciolo
- Pignoto
- Pilla
- Pilloto
- Pira
- Pisa
- Pisa
- Pisa
- Pistoria
- Pistoia
- Pistoia
- Pizone
- Plaça/Plaza
- Planello de Casalina
- Plano
- Platia
- Platula
- Plaula
- Plastra
- Plazio
- la Plebe
- Plolo
- Poçio de Castronovo
- Podio
- Podio de Luca
- Lucca
- Pogio
- Polo
- Polverara
- Ponciano
- Poncisone
- Ponte di Carrara
- Ponte Cimatico
- Pontecimato
- Carrara
- Pontesella
- Pontesella
- Ponte Tecto Lucano
- Pontetetto
- Lucca
- Pontremulo
- Pontremoli
- Pontremoli
- Ponzanello/Ponçanello
- Ponzanello
- Fosdinovo
- Ponchano / Ponzano / Ponciano
- Ponzano Magra
- Santo Stefano
- Poppio/ Popio
- Porcaria
- Porchano
- Porcilliola
- Porencario
- Porreto/Poreto
- Porta
- Portesone / Portasione / Portexono
- Portoverio / Portus Veneris
- Portovenere
- Porto Venere
- Pasa
- Posticio
- Fosdinovo
- Posticio de Fontola
- Povici
- Pozio
- Pozzo
- Prata
- Fosdinovo
- Prato
- Pratesiana
- Preiutese
- Propezo
- Puleca
- Pulica
- Fosdinovo
- Pullola
- Pugliola
- Lerici
- Pusterla/Pustella
- Puzolo
- Quaragiota / Quaroçola
- Quarrapane
- Querca
- Querceto / Guerceto
- Querçola
- Fosdinovo
- Raboi
- Ramaro
- Rapugnana
- Regnano
- Regnano
- Casola di Lunigiana
- Rezola
- Ripa d'Arno
- Pisa
- Rio
- Riolo
- RiodeVeste
- Rivo
- Rizola
- Roasia
- Robbiano/Robiano
- Rofiano
- Roma
- Roma
- Roma
- Romola
- Fosdinovo
- Ronciliolo
- Roncio
- Rosarolo
- Roselmino
- Rosetulo/Rosseculo
- Fosdinovo
- Rosiano
- Roza
- Roncaglia
- Ruffino
- Sala
- Saleceto
- Saletto
- Salungnolo
- Sancto Miniato
- San Miniato
- San Miniato
- Sancto Terencio
- Bardine di San Terenzo
- Fivizzano
- Sancto Vitale
- Santa Maria Monte
- Sancto Martino
- Sancto Paolo
- Sancto Petro
- Sancto Stephano
- Santo Stefano
- Santo Stefano
- Saniconcula
- Sansile
- Santomeniaco
- Sarzana
- Sarzana
- Sarzana
- castrum Sarzane
- Sarzanello
- Sarzana
- Savia
- Scara
- Schiaretulo
- Sclogneto Veclo
- Scoriso
- Scusia
- Secalaro Subtano
- Fosdinovo
- Segalaria
- Selvaricia
- Serra
- la Serra
- Lerici
- Serra
- Fosdinovo
- Serram Treçanam
- Fosdinovo
- Serraursi
- Serravalle / Seravalle
- Serrade Vecheto
- Fosdinovo
- Sertulo
- Fosdinovo
- Setalaro
- Fosdinovo
- Sevino
- Silva Maiori
- Sischia
- Solario
- Soleria
- Soliera
- Fivizzano
- Soleria de Luna
- Somo Foresto
- Montemarcello
- Surano
- Sorbolo
- Sorbolo Suprano
- Sorgnano
- Sorolo
- Spedizano
- Sporliano
- Spuliçano
- Stanca Caballo / Stancavallo
- Fosdinovo
- Stabio / Stabulo
- Stazone
- Strata Romea
- Succisa
- Santo Stefano
- Suevia
- Svevia / Schwaben
- Svevia / Schwaben
- Summo Fonti
- Summo Lama
- Summo Prato
- Fosdinovo
- Summo Tranci
- Summo Vico
- Supra Luna
- Supravia
- Susano
- Suvero
- Tapillionica
- Fosdinovo
- Tavola
- Fosdinovo
- Tebiola
- Fosdinovo
- Tendola
- Terrachium / Torrachium
- Luni
- Terrarossola
- Terre dei Bianchi
- Terria
- Thufara / Tufara
- Ticçano
- Tillia
- Tilloia
- Tivenia
- Tivegna
- Follo
- Torano / Turano
- Torano
- Carrara
- Toreclo
- Torgnano
- Torrecla
- Torsella
- Tortiliano
- Traversara
- Trebiano
- Trebiano
- Arcola
- Treponçum/Trepuncio
- Carrara
- localiotà oggi scomparsa ma posta tra la zone di Marinella (Ortonovo) e
- Carrara, presso la costa, come si vede da una mappa databile tra i secoli XVII
- e XVIII conservata nell'Archivio di Stato di Genova (Pianta o sia tipo
- per i confini fra Ortonuovo e Castelnuovo fra i territori di Massa e Sarzana
- (XVII - XVIII) dove si vede un fabbricato e il toponimo
- l'antiqua Traponcio.. Si ringrazia Sergio Mussi per la
- segnalazione.
- La Trina
- Trulliano
- Fontana
- Ulmeta
- Rometta
- Fivizzano
- Ulmeto
- Urciola
- Utiola
- Valcava
- Valdonica/Valdonega
- Valença
- Valerano / Vallerano
- Valeriano Lunense
- Vezzano Ligure
- Valle
- Valle Stephani
- Valechia/Vallecla
- Vallecchia
- Pietrasanta
- Valechia/Vallecla
- Vallecchia
- Castelnuovo Magra
- Valentino
- Valli / Valle
- Valmaiore
- Fosdinovo
- Valmori
- Valmoro
- Valpata
- Valporcara
- Vechieta Suprana
- Velleia
- Lugagnano Val d'Arda
- Venelia
- Venelia Monti
- Licciana Nardi
- Ventura
- Verazano
- Lerici
- Vernaccio / Vernatio
- Venicula Bosorum/Verrucola
- Bosorum/Verrugula
- Verrucola de'Bosi
- Fivizzano
- Veçale
- Vezzala
- Carrara
- Vexana/Vafana
- Vexano/Vezano
- Vezzano
- Vezzano Ligure
- Via
- Viano/Veiano
- Viano
- Fivizzano
- Viciale / Veçiali / Veçiale
- Vico
- Vignola
- Vignola
- Fivizzano
- Villiano
- Virgareto
- Vitea
- Voldano
- Volpara
- Volpilione
- Volpiglione
- Ortonovo
- Vulporio
- Xago
- Xerbio
- Ylice
- Lerici
- Lerici
- Yliolo
- Zucheto
- Çugnaco
- Istituti religiosi
- Cappella di Caprognano
- Chiesa di cui non si conosce titolazione né collocazione. A Caprognano
- (comune di Fosdinovo, provincia di Massa Carrara) è attestato un oratorio
- dedicato a S. Lucia, ma edificato nel XVII secolo. Bibliografia: FRANCHI LALLAI 2000, II, p.
- 65.
- Cappella di Vallecchia
- Chiesa di cui non si conosce titolazione né collocazione entro l'abitato di
- Vallecchia (comune di Castelnuovo Magra, provincia di La Spezia)
- S. Andrea Apostolo di Carrara
- Chiesa plebana di Carrara attestata per la prima volta nel maggio 1099 (ASLU SF). Bibliografia: FRANCHI LALLAI 2000, I, pp.
- 177-185; BUSELLI 1972; BERTOZZI 1989.
- S. Andrea diFabiano
- ***
- S. Andrea di Sarzana
- Chiesa attestata con certezza la prima volta il 3 giugno 1137 (ASLU SF), poi elencata come pieve nella
- bolla di Egugenio III del 1148 e nelle bolle
- successive. Gli studiosi non sono concordi nello stabilire quando la chiesa
- avrebbe assunto il ruolo di pieve ripsetto alla vicina pieve di S. Maria di
- Sarzana. Bibliografia: FRANCHI
- LALLAI 2000, I, pp. 187-194; FORMENTINI 1951; CONTI 1963; PISTARINO
- 1961a, p.25; BONATTI
- RATTI 1991, p. 14.
- S. Bartolomeo di Ceserano
- Chiesa attestata per la prima volta nelle Decime Bonifaciane del 1296/97
- (PISTARINO 1961a , p. 81)
- come cappella de Cisirano sotto la pieve di Soliera; non è chiaro
- quando sia attestata per la prima volta la titolatura (FRANCHI LALLAI 2000, II, p.
- 151).
- S. Basilio di Sarzana
- Chiesa cattedrale e pieve attestata per la prima volta nella bolla di Egugenio III del 1148 e nelle bolle
- successive. Gli studiosi non sono concordi nello stabilire quando la chiesa
- avrebbe assunto il ruolo di pieve rispetto alla vicina pieve di S. Andrea di
- Sarzana. Nel 1204 vi si trasferì la sede episcopale, fatto che determinò
- probabilmente la titolazione alla Madonna e la progressiva decadenza della
- titolazione a S. Basilio. Bibliografia: FRANCHI LALLAI 2000, I, pp. 187-194; FORMENTINI 1951; CONTI 1963; PISTARINO 1961a, p.25; BONATTI RATTI 1991, p.
- 14.
- S. Caprasio di Aulla
- Monastero di S. Maria e S. Caprasio ad Aulla (MS) fondato nell'884 con la
- titolatura alla Madonna a cui si aggiunse quella a Caprasio probabilmente tra X
- e XI secolo. Nel 378 venne trasformato in commenda secolare di collazione dei
- Malaspina. Trasformato nel 1817 in parrocchia col titolo di prepositura.
- Bibliografia: BASSI 1927; MUSSI 1946; FORMENTINI 1955; PISTARINO 1983; PISTARINO 1986; RICCIG 1986
- pp.291-294.
- S. Croce del Corvo
- Monastero fondato dal vescovo di Luni Pipino nel luogo in cui sarebbe
- approdato il Volto Santo; venne ceduto nel 1186 dal vescovo Pietro
- al monastero di S. Michele di Orticaria di Pisa. I monaci lo abbandonarono alla
- metà del XIV secolo per trasferirsi nella cappella dipendente di S. Croce. Nel
- 1453 papa Niccolò V annesse la chiesa di S. Croce e S. Nicodemo del Corvo con
- tutti i suoi bene al Capitolo della cattedrale di Sarzana. Bibliografia: MAZZINI 1970; FRANCHI LALLAI 2000,
- pp.192, 202.
- S. Croce alla Foce dell'Arno
- Ospedale e monastero cistercense presso Pisa, alla foce dell'Arno.
- Bibliografia: COLOMBINI
- 2010.
- S. Frediano a Lucca
- Chiesa oggi in stile romanico ma edificata su un luogo di culto precedente
- che la tradizione fa risalire allo stesso San Frediano, presbitero irlandese
- eletto vescovo di Lucca tra il 560 e il 588. Intorno all chiesa si raccolse una
- comunità di canonici. Nel 1104 papa Pasquale II confermò i canonici affidandoli
- al clero di San Giovanni in Laterano. Bibliografia: COTURRI 1974
- S. Leonardo al Figido
- Sorto nel luogo dove più autori collocano la stazione di età antica di
- Taberne frigide o Taberna frigida nella
- Tavola Peutingeriana si veda REPETTI 1846, I, pp. 346, 680; SFORZA
- 1878; FORMENTINI 1949, pp.
- 16-189). Nel 1950 alcune ricerche archeologiche hanno portato al rinvenimento,
- nell’area antistante l’attuale chiesa di S. Leonardo, di tre selciati romani
- sovrapposti, fondazioni murarie e frammenti di lapidi romane e medioevali
- ( LEVEROTTI 1982, p. 112), l’ospedale
- medievale serviva di appoggio all’unico ponte che attraversava il fiume
- Frigido in pianura (LEVEROTTI 1982, p.
- 111). È ricordato per la prima volta da una cronaca inglese che descrive il
- ritorno dalla terza crociata di Filippo Augusto nel 1191 (per Seint
- Leonard; MGH_SS_XXVII p. 131).
- Nel XIV secolo è di pertinenza dell’Ordine di S. Giovanni di Gerusalemme, ma
- non è certo se agli stessi cavalieri gerosolimitani si debba ascrivere anche
- la sua fondazione. Per Ubaldo Formentini la risposta al quesito deve essere
- positiva: lo proverebbe il fatto che le sculture del portale della chiesa
- annessa all’edificio ospedaliero, oggetti attualmente conservati al
- Metropolitan Museum of Art di New York, sono opera di maestro
- Biduino, artista della seconda metà del XII secolo, che ha decorato con le
- medesime scene scolpite a S. Leonardo (in particolare l’entrata trionfante
- di Cristo a Gerusalemme) un bassorilievo della pieve di san Casciano nel Val
- d’Arno pisano. Formentini suppone che le murature della chiesa possano essere
- state ordinate direttamente dal priorato degli Ospitalieri di Pisa a questo
- stimato artista. Si deve tuttavia notare che secondo Bertozzi le sculture del
- portale, databili intorno al 1175-1180, stridono con l'impianto
- architettonico della chiesa, che sembra anticipare a prima del X la sua
- edificazione, mentre secondo l'archeologo Quiros Castillo queste potrebbero
- appartenere all'XI (AMBROSI
- BERTOZZI MANFREDI 1989 , p. 42; Juan Antonio Quiros Castillo, che
- ringraziamo, ha espresso la sua opinione verbalmente, in forza della sua
- ormai lunga esperienza di scavi medievali nell'area lucchese e lunigianese).
- Entrambe le datazioni, comunque, precedono uno o due secoli gli anni di
- attività di maestro Biduino: quindi si deve ritenre che la fondazione
- dell'ospedale sia da anteporsi a quella della decorazione del portale. Quanto
- alla committenza gerosolimitana è solo ipotetica. L'ospedale di S. Leonardo,
- tuttavia, è attestato nelle decime bonifaciane, nell’estimo di Massa Lunense
- del 1398-1401, fino all’estimo della Chiesa di Luni del 1470-71 come ente
- esente, quindi era indubbiamente gestito, fin dalla fine del XIII secolo, da
- un ente diverso dal vescovato o dalla canonica di Luni. Dal punto di vista
- documentario solo un testo del 1333, frammento di un catasto dei beni
- dell’Ordine ospitaliero di Gerusalemme, fornisce la prima prova certa
- dell’appartenenza della struttura ai gerosolimitani. Il frammento elenca
- tutte le pertinenze dell'ospedale, beni che trovianmo ancora numerosi
- nell'estimo della vicaria di Massa del 1398-1401 (LEVEROTTI 1974, III, pp. 626-635; le
- proprietà del 1333 sono state esaminate da POGGI
- 1957). Nel 1433 la chiesa e l’ospedale di S. Leonardo e la cappella di
- S. Margherita di Montignoso ad esso pertinente, erano amministrati da frate
- Ludovico degli Enrighini dell’Ordine gerosolimitano della commenda di
- Pontremoli, sottoposto al priorato di Pisa. Nel corso del XV secolo la
- giurisdizione dell’Ordine sull’ospedale e le due chiese di Massa e di
- Montignoso fu contestata dai monaci olivetani di san Venerio del Tino, che
- identificarono erroneamente S. Leonardo con il loro distrutto ospedale di S.
- Maria Maddalena de Cerbaria. I monaci vinsero la causa e ottennnero il
- controllo della struttura e dei suoi beni fino al 1773 quando li cedettero a
- Domenico Ricci di Sarzana, provvisioniere dei soldati modenesi (SALVATORI 2001).
- S. Leonardo in Padule
- Ospedale ai piedi del colle di Castelnuovo, tra Luni e Sarzana, nella
- località detta ancora oggi Ospedale. Attestato per la prima volta
- nel marzo 1151 quando il vescovo di Luni donò l’ospedale in capite
- paludis, con la cappella di san Leonardo, ai canonici di S. Frediano
- a Lucca, insieme all'ospedale di Monte Forca (ASLU SF 11 marzo 1151). Entrambi gli ospedali rimasero
- alle dipendenze di S. Frediano fino al 1204, dopo di cui le loro vicende si
- diversificarono. Nel 1204 il vescovo di Luni cedette la chiesa di S. Pietro di
- Avenza ai canonici di san Frediano per recuperare l’ospedale di S. Leonardo
- (ASLU SF 1204 agosto 23). Anche se
- nel documento in questione l’ente è detto semplicemente ecclesia Sancti
- Leonardi de Padule l’ospedale doveva ancora sussistere: lo prova il documento di un solo anno anteriore in cui
- il vescovo di Luni affittava terre presso l’hospitale de Palude.
- Bibliografia: FERRARI 1912, p.
- 25; PISTARINO 1961a, p. 50;
- CONTI 1976 ; FRANCHI LALLAI 2000, I, pp.
- 141-142 e 180-181.
- S. Lorenzo di Paghezzana
- Secondo PISTARINO 1961a la
- cappella di Paghezzana è citata nelle collette del 1269 come capella de
- Pegaciana e in quelle del 1298/99 come capella de
- Pegaçiana. La prima attestazione pare sia de 1211 (LUPO GENTILE 1912, n. 504.
- Apparteneva al Capitolo della Cattedrale. Dovrebbe corrispondere all’odierno
- oratorio di Santa Burlanda, nella valle della Calcandola. Bibliografia: FORMENTINI 1953 a p.7); PISTARINO 1961a, p.146 nota 3).
- Contributo di Giorgio Saporiti che ringraziamo.
- S. Maria Assunta di Soliera
- Chiesa plebana attestata per la prima volta nel
- 998, si trovava nel centro dell'abitato dio Soliera ma venne demolita
- alla metà del XX secolo e ricostruita in posizione diversa. Bibliografia: FORMENTINI 1970; MANFREDI 1989; RICCI G. 1989; FRANCHI LALLAI 2000,
- pp.272-275.
- S. Maria di Luni
- La cattedrale di Luni, matrice di tutte le chiese dell'omonima diocesi, ha
- lasciato tracce archeologiche di età paelocristiana e bizantina; la notizia
- documentaria più antica risale tuttavia all'879; nel 1204 la sede episcopale si
- trasferì nella chiesa di S. Maria di Sarzana. Bibliografia: FRANCHI LALLAI 2000, I, pp.
- 2003
- S. Maria Assunta di Parma
- ***
- S. Maria di Pontetetto
- Ospedale suburbano di Lucca. Si veda REPETTI 1946, I, p. 538.
- S. Maria di Sarzana
- Chiesa cattedrale e pieve sorta sull'area e sulle strutture dell'antica
- pieve di San Basilio. In quanto pieve è attestata per la prima volta nella bolla di Egugenio III del 1148 e nelle bolle
- successive. Gli studiosi non sono concordi nello stabilire quando la chiesa
- avrebbe assunto il ruolo di pieve rispetto alla vicina pieve di S. Andrea di
- Sarzana. Nel 1204 vi si trasferì la sede episcopale, fatto che determinò
- probabilmente la titolazione alla Madonna e la progressiva decadenza della
- titolazione a S. Basilio. Bibliografia: FRANCHI LALLAI 2000, I, pp. 187-194; FORMENTINI 1951; CONTI 1963; PISTARINO 1961a, p.25; BONATTI RATTI 1991, p.
- 14.
- S. Martino di Iliolo
- Cappella dipendente dal capitolo della Cattedrale, oggi S. Martino di Casano
- nel comune di Ortonovo. Si veda FRANCHI LALLAI 2000, I, pp.50, 141, 144, 337, 375 e II pp.
- 54-56.
- S. Martino di Ponzanello
- cappella attestata per la prima volta nel 1255come ecclesia nova, ossia costruita o ricostruita da
- poco; poi nelle Decime Bonifaciane della fine del XIII secolo. Bibliografia:
- II, p. 67.
- S. Martino di Viano
- La pieve di Viano, intitolata a san Martino, è attestata per la prima nel
- 1140 e poi nelle bolle pontificie di conferma al vescovo di Luni. sorge isolata
- nel comune di Fivizzano in località Pieve di Viano. Bibliografia:
- I, pp. 268-271.
- S. Maurizio
- Cappella e ospedale posti alla foce del Magra, prima appartenenti
- alL’abbazia di San Venanzio di Ceparana e poi donati nel 1189 all'ospedale
- pisano di Santa Croce a Bocca d’Arno. Bibliografia: AMBROSI 1992; FRANCHI LALLAI 2000, pp. 48., 51, 139-140.
- S. Michele di Montecchio
- Chiesa oggi scomparsa nell'abitato di Montecchio, ora comune di Castelnuovo
- Magara (SP).
- S. Michele di Trebiano
- Pieve di Trebiano, attestata per la prima volta dalla bolla di Eugenio III
- del 1148. Bibliografia: FRANCHI
- LALLAI 2000, I, p. 201-205.
- Ospedale di Monte Forca
- Ospedale posto circa un chilometro sopra Castelpoggio vicino al valico detto
- La Maestà sulla via che congiungeva la valle del torrente Carrione con quella
- del Bardine.Dipendente inizialmente dal vescovo di Luni, nel 1151 venne da
- questo ceduto a S. Frediano di Lucca insieme all’ospedale di S. Leonardo
- in capite paludis. Rimase alle dipendenze del monastero lucchese fino
- al 1204. pare attestato ancora nel 1218. Bibliografia: FRANCHI LALLAI 2000, I, p.
- 180; CONTI 1976
- S. Pacrazio
- cappella dipendente dall'ospedale di Monte Furca, localizzazione
- ignota.
- S. Paolo a Ripa d'Arno
- Chiesa, monastero e ospedale a Pisa. Bibliografia: STIAFFINI 1983.
- S. Paolo
- Pieve attestata per la prima volta nella bolla di Eugenio III del 1148, si
- trova anche oggi in posizione isolata nella località Pieve di San
- Paolo nel comune di Fivizzano presso il borgo di Vendaso
- Bibliografia: FRANCHI LALLAI
- 2000, I, pp. 276-279.
- S. Pietro
- ente religioso non identificato, forse S. Pietro di Luni.
- S. Pietro di Luni
- Chiesa oggi scomparsa ubicata fuori dalle mura settentrionali di Luni, nella
- località oggi detta San Pero. Bibliografia: DADA 2012, pp. 69-75
- S. Pietro di Avenza
- cappella attestata per la prima volta nel 1187. Bibliografia: FRANCHI LALLAI 2000, II, p.
- 39.
- S. Sebastiano alle Fabbriche Maggiori
- chiesa pisana, attestata dal 1074, si trovava nell'attuale piazza dei
- Cavalieri. Bibliografia: GARZELLA
- 1991, pp.***
- S. Sila
- ente religioso non identificato
- S. Sisto di Monte Forca
- cappella dipendente dall'ospedale di Monte Furca, localizzazione
- ignota.
- S. Stefano di Magra
- ***
- S. Terenzo
- Cappella dell'omonima località di S. Terenzo al Bardine, pieve di Viano,
- oggi comune di Fivizzano. La prima attestazione è incerta: un tale Transualdo
- nel 728 o 729 fonda una chiesa dedicata a San Terenzio in Vico
- Coloniensis, che Pier Maria Conti (CONTIP 1967, p. ***) identifica con San Terenzo nella
- valle del Bardine; nel 981 Ottone II conferma al vescovo di Luni
- ecclesiam Sancti Terentii in loco qui dicitur Carrellia che Ubaldo
- Fomentini identifica con S. Terenzo al Bardine, ma che Romeo Pavoni ritiene
- essere la cappella di Careola, presso Pontremoli (PAVONI 1987, p. 33).
- S. Venanzio di Ceparana
- Abbazia benedettina di S. Venanzio di Ceparana, i cui resti sono attualmente
- inglobati nel complesso architettonico del palazzo Giustiniani, edificato nel
- XVIII secolo. Bibliografia: CAVALLI GHERARDI 1975-76, POLONIO 1979, BONATTI 1984, BONATTI
- 2005.
- S. Venerio
- ***
- S. Vincenzo di Ameglia
- chiesa plebana di Ameglia, nominata per la prima volta nella bolla di
- Eugenio III del 1148. Bibliografia: FRANCHI LALLAI 2000, I, pp. 201-203.
- S. Vitale
- ente religioso non identificato, forse pieve di S. Vitale presso
- Massa.
- S. Vto di Marola
- ***
- 118
- CI
- 1212 aprile 2-3,
- Sarzanello (in palatio castri de
- Sarzana).
Il vescovo di Luni Gualtiero, col consiglio di Gerardo visdomino del fu Alberto,
- conferma e rinnova agli operarii della corte di
- Sarzana - nominalmente elencati - alcune concessioni fatte dai suoi predecessori
- Alberto e Pipino. Nella concessione precedente, fatta dal vescovo Pipino e
- redatta dal notaio Bartolomeo, si stabiliva che nessuno fosse costretto a
- ricevere le tasse relative alla caneva, alla castaldia e alla iscaria, a meno che non lo desiderasse e a patto che uno di loro
- fosse una volta all’anno iscarius, ricevendone in
- cambio un feudo. I diritti di placitum, districtum, offensiones e amasiamenta rimanevano
- del vescovo e gli operarii erano tenuti a dare
- venti moggi di frumento all’anno alla caneva o al
- granaio e cento congi di vino al palmento e lavorare le bradie e il cafadium, dando metà dei
- frutti alla curia e consegnandoli alla caneva. Il
- vescovo doveva dare agli operarii gli animali in
- soccida e, nel caso non avesse bestie, doveva concedere solo la terza parte
- delle bradie, col patto che, se ne facevano le
- stoppie, dovevano consegnarne la terza parte. Gli operarii dovevano inoltre portare il fieno del prato al fienile,
- mangiando due volte al giorno pane di frumento, vino e formaggio, e dovevano
- prendere pane e vino, carne, granaglie e biade dalle corti di Soliera, Bolano,
- Carrara, Luni per portarle a Sarzana o ad Ameglia, mangiando una volta al
- giorno. In casi peculiari dovevano fare questa raccolta per tutta la diocesi e,
- nel caso fossero fatte richieste alle comunità, anch’esse dovevano
- parteciparvi.
A differenza del patto precedente Gualtiero stabilisce che gli obblighi relativi
- al fieno e al recupero di beni dalle corti sopra elencate vengano meno. Il
- pagamento annuale viene modificato in ventitre moggi, calcolando venti staia per
- moggio alla misura corrente dello staio, da consegnarsi nel mese di agosto; i
- congi di vino rimangono cento, ma alla misura corrente del congio. Se qualche
- straniero si insedia nel podere di un operario
- deve giurare di dare al vescovo quanto dovuto e di abitare nel castrum di Sarzana. Per la conferma del patto il
- vescovo riceve un pagamento di venti lire di imperiali, a seguito del quale
- libera dal pignoramento la curia di Bolano, che
- era stata presa a pegno da Iuncta de
- Vallerano.
Copia di copia autentica [C] CP c. 214v. - 216r., c. CCVIv.- CCVIIIr. secondo
- la numerazione originale.
Edizione pressoché integrale in: LUPO
- GENTILE, 1912, n. 101, pp. 132-134.
Nel margine esterno, di mano moderna: Obligazione che gli operari di
- Sarzana debbano pagare ogni anno vinti moggi di grano mondi e cento
- condi (condi corretto su precedente scrittura) di vino al vescovo lunese pro tempore. Un’altra
- mano ha aggiunto: È equivoco di chi non ha ben capito.
De castro
- SarzaneDe castro Sarzane
- in inchiostro rosso..
In eterni
- Dei nomine, amen. Quemadmodum in instrumento publico manu Bartholomei notarii
- confecto, quod ego Confortus
- notarius vidi et legi, continebatur,
- dominus Pipinus, Dei gratia olim Lunensis
- episcopus, renovellavit, fecit et firmavit per se
- et successores suos, consilio curie, tale pactum et talem constitutionem quale
- et qualem fecerat dominus Albertus, bone memorie
- Lunensis episcopus, predecessor suus, cum
- operariis omnibus de curte Sarzanei Sarzanei: così
- nel testo.. Uterque enim eorum, velut in
- eodem instrumento legebatur, condonavit et remisit per se et suos successores
- omnibus suprascriptis operariis dona et opera atque quod nullus eorum cogatur ad
- canevam recipiendam nec ad castaldiam neque ad iscariam, nisi per voluntatem,
- excepto quod omni anno debet unus eorum esse iscarius, si
- fuerit voluntas episcopi, et debet suum feudum habere. Placita, districta,
- offensiones, amasiamenta omnia retinuerunt in se et successores suos predicti
- domini episcopi et pro suprascripto pacto et conventione debent suprascripti
- operarii omni anno dare viginti modia frumenti mundi et deferre usque ad canevam
- vel ad granarium et centum congia vini ad palmentum et deferre usque in canevam
- et debent laborare bradias et cafadium et reddere medietatem curie et portare
- usque in canevam. Et episcopus debet eis dare bestias ad socerandum et ipsi
- debent socerare; et, si non habuerint bestias ad socerandum, non debent dare
- nisi terciam partem bradiarum, et si restopplaverint, terciam partem reddere
- debent; fenum de prato debent portare ad fenile et debent bis in die comedere
- panem frumenti et vinum, caseum, et episcopus debet facere coadunare fenum in
- prato; et alios attractus debent facere, scilicet panem et vinum, carnes et
- annonam et fruges, de curte de Soleria, de
- curte de Bolano, de curte de Carraria, de curte de Luna ad Sarzanam
- vel ad Ameliam, et semel in die comedere.
- Pro facto pape vel imperatoris vel cardinalis vel cancellarii debent facere
- attractus, si opus fuerit, per totum episcopatum; si pro facto pape vel
- imperatoris vel guerre alii homines communiter dederint, atque ipsi dare debent.
- Cum autem hec omnia suprascripta in predicto instrumento continerentur:
§ Nos Gualterius, Dei
- gratia Lunensis episcopus, consilio
- Gerardi, vicedomini
- nostri, quondam Alberti vicedomini, nobiscum presentis,
- renovamus, facimus et confirmamus predicta
- pacta et conventiones et constitutiones, addendo tamen et minuendo et mutando
- seu commutando quedam ex ipsis, prout dicetur inferius, pro bono et utilitate
- atque melioramento nostri episcopatus et nostre curie. Et hanc renovationem
- atque confirmationem et commutationem et hec omnia que infra leguntur, facimus
- infrascriptis et cum infrascriptis operariis, recipientibus pro se et omnibus
- aliis operariis de curte
- Sarzane et suo et eorum nomine per nos et nostros
- successores. Quorum operariorum nomina sunt hec: Vernacius quondam Guilielmi de Cantio,
- Ramundinus quondam Guidonis de
- Opizo, Bonavere quondam
- Macognani, Compagnonus de
- Bertoloto, Formentinus
- quondam Rafanini, Ricius quondam
- Bottocii de Oliveto,
- Sabbatinus quondam
- Albertacii, Vitalis quondam
- Boneti, Baldinotus de
- Pulica, Compagnus, Sarzanensis quondam Gandolfi, Ramondinus quondam Formentini de Corciola, Thodescus quondam Bonizi, Martinus quondam Guerini, Symonetus quondam Gerardini de Terriola, Gerardinus quondam Bettotii, Bonencontrus Ottoboni, Vitalis de Donnolina, Vitalis de Beagua, Burgensis
- de Pulica, Oliverius de Canale Iannis, Vitaletus de Bonno, Amicus
- quondam Aicardini, Attolinus de
- Gualdo, Morengnolus quondam
- Gerardini de Terria,
- Buiardus quondamquondam: nel
- testo segue depennato ed espunto
- de Gerardini de
- Bonfante, Paganinus quondam
- Boni de Oliveto, Fancinellus quondam Rafanini,
- Guilielmus quondam Martinelli de
- Rafanino, Vitalis quondam
- Vindemioli de Tortiliano, Bernardus
- quondam Rafanini, Bellandus
- quondam Vitalis escarii, Vitalis
- quondam Belseris, Guido de
- Montedarmo quondam
- Dominici, Galopinus quondam Ricii
- de Montedarmo, TrampuliusTrampulius: T
- corretta su precedente B quondam Dominici
- cortesiani, Salvus quondam Carençoli, Bonensegna quondam Rainerii de Cortiola, Botrigellus quondam Fantinelli de Monçolono, Ugolinusfrater eius, Bernardus quondam Moregnoli, Rollandinus quondam Gualdi, Arnaldus quondam Ugolini, Rollandinus de Montecello, Iuncta de Terria, Iuncta
- quondam Guilielmini de Serraursi, Forinus
- quondam Ugolini de Pilato, Persona quondam Ubertini de Seraursi, Romeus
- quondam Vitalis escarii, Sabbatinus de Serraursi,
- Rollandinus quondam
- Guilielmini, Vivianus quondam
- Bosi, Bonavia quondam Dominici
- de Montedarmo, Bonencontrus quondam Sarzanelli,
- Bonsegnus quondam Gerardini de
- Bonfante, Sabbatinus quondam
- Durantis Ravolati, Henricus quondam
- Boni de Vignola, Alçadellus quondam Araldi, Rustigellus quondam Vitalis escarii,
- Gerardus quondam Gerardini,
- Tiniosus frater eius,
- Pasqualinus de Brasile, Castellanus de Monti,
- Gerardinus de Guitone.
§ Remittimus enim nos suprascriptus episcopus
- atque condonamus omnibus suprascriptis hominibus, recipientibus pro se et
- omnibus aliis operariis de curte
- Sarzane et suis et eorum heredibus suoque et
- eorum nomine, per nos et successores nostros, de hiis que in prefacto
- instrumento manu Bartholomei notarii
- scripto continebantur, ut de cetero non debeant nec teneantur portare fenum ad
- fenile neque facere attractusattractus: nel
- testo la terza t corretta su l, scilicet
- panem aut vinum vel carnes vel annonam seu fruges, de curte de Soleria vel de curte de
- Bolano aut de curte de
- Carraria seu de curte de Luna
- ad Sarzanam vel ad Ameliam, set pro facto pape et imperatoris vel
- cardinalis vel cancellarii debeant facere attractus, si opus fuerit, per totum
- episcopatum de pane, vino, carne, annona et frugibus tantum; et insuper pro
- facto pape et imperatoris vel guerre debent dare, si alii homines communiter
- dederint. Placita vero et districta, offensiones et amasiamenta omnia retinemus
- in nos et nostros successores, sicut fecerunt predecessores nostri. De facto
- vero bradiarum et cafagii et iscarie et castaldie sit sicut in predicto
- instrumento continebatur. Verumptamen pro predictis omnibus que eis remittimus
- et condonamus et facimus debeant dare curie nostre annuatim illud affictum quod
- in dicto instrumento continebatur et soliti fuerant, et tantum amplius quod
- frumentum sit modia viginti tria, ad staria viginti per modium ad starium quod
- nunc currit, et vinum debeat esse congia centum, ad congium quod nunc currit,
- atque ordeum debeat esse
- tantum quantum erat prius, set debet dari de cetero ad starium quod nunc currit,
- et starium vel congium quod nunc currit numquam crescere debeat nec minui, set
- sicut in eodem statu perpetuo permanere, et totum hoc affictum deferatur ad
- granarium et ad canevam nostram de Sarzana; frumentum detur per totum augustum mundum et siccum omni
- anno et vinum ad palmentum. Omnes suprascripti homines ad sancta Dei evangelia
- iuraverunt dare annuatim curie totum illud quod additum est in predicto afficto
- secundum quod cuilibet pro sua contingerit portione. Et si aliquis foretanus de
- cetero intraverit in aliquo podere alicuius operariorum, debeat iurare dare
- curie semper totum affictum illius poderis ad voluntatem domini episcopi atque
- stare precise habitator in castro
- Sarzani. Ad horum quoque omnium confirmationem confitemur nos
- recepisse ab omnibus predictis operariis bonorum imperialium libras viginti, renuntiando
- exceptioni non numerate pecunie, quos et nos et dictus Gerardus, vicedominus
- noster, atque ipsimet operarii predicti confitemur fore
- datos et spenditos in expignoranda curia de
- Bolano, que cuidam Iuncte de
- Vallerano fuerat nomine pignoris obligata. Sub pena centum librarum
- imperialium. Promiserunt sibi ad invicem contrahentes hec omnia
- rata habere, attendere et observare et in nullo contravenire, rato manente
- pacto, post penam solutam parti fidem servanti ab altera parte, obligando
- dominus episcopus se et suos successores et predicti
- operarii se atque alios pro quibus hec faciebant et
- suos et eorum heredes, et ita sibi ad invicem, ut supra legitur, per omnia et in
- omnibus sunt stipulantistipulanti: così nel testo.
- antedicti contrahentes.
Acta sunt hec omnia in palatio castri de Sarzana, anno a nativitate Domini M°CCXII, indictione XV, die lune, secundo intrante
- mense aprilis, sollempniter. Ibi fuerunt rogati testes presbyter Bonaiuncta de
- eodem castro,
- Armanus dyaconus atque
- plebanus de Amelia, Gibertinus quondam CodeindeiCodeindei
- così nel testo per
- Code Iudei (cfr. doc. 160-CXXXIV).
- de Burtione, Aldebrandetus de
- Soleria filius Guidolini de Fossato, Assalitus quondam Tiniosi de sancto
- Stephano et Vescontinus quondam Bonencontri de Trebiano.
- Sequenti proximo die martis, tercio eiusdem
- mensis, in eodem castro, in
- domo Ferrini, in presentia Vivaldi filii Ferrini et Bonacursi filii Albertini de Nobelino,
- rogatorum testium. Alcarinus quondam
- Folcerii, pro se et investitus a Gerardo quondam Bellandini de Oliveto, Alberto quondam Nobelini, Baroncello fratre eius, Nicolosio quondam Claramici de Orto, Rainerio quondam Aicardini de Orto, Datio
- genero quondam Rodolfini, Gerardo quondam Rollandini de Masio, Segnoreto
- quondam Rainerii de Cortiola, Spinello quondam Baldicioni de Ponzanello, Guilielmo quondam Patiti de Ortale, Melanesi
- quondam Grossoli de Platia
- et Amiliarino filio Parluntii,
- et supra suam et eorum animam iuravit et pariter cum omnibus eis promisit
- Tinioso de Maroalco et
- Ferrino, recipientibus pro dicto domino
- episcopo et suis successoribus, omnia que superius leguntur, prout suprascripti
- omnes alii operarii iuraverunt et promiserunt, perpetuo
- rata habere, attendere et observare atque in nullo contravenire simul atque
- quisque pro se, approbantes totum et quicquid predicti fecerant cum dicto domino
- episcopo, ut supra legitur, obligando etiam se suosque heredes, sicut predicti
- fecerant et ad eamdem penam. Ego Confortus,
- sacri palatii et Lunensis curie
- notarius, hiis omnibus interfui rogatus et de voluntate
- contrahentium de isto contractu plures cartas uno tenore scripsi.
- Pinosius nomine Iacopinus,
- Romanorum imperatoris notarius,
- auttenticum huius exempli vidi et legi et ut in eo continebatur in hoc scripsi,
- nichil addens vel minuens quod mutet sensum vel minuat intellectum.
- Ego Prefectus, domini imperatoris atque Lunensis curie
- notarius, huius exempli autenticum vidi atque legi
- et in eo subscripsi, signum proprium apponendo.
- Bonencontrus de Soleria, aule sacre
- notarius, auttenticum huius exempli vidi et legi,
- in quo continetur ut in isto legitur, atque rogatus subscripsi, signum proprium
- apponendo.
Convenzioni tra il vescovo di Luni Guglielmo, tre consoli e cinque rappresentanti
- del consiglio del castrum di Sarzana. Si
- stabiliscono: le norme per l’elezione dei consoli, del gastaldo e dei
- consiglieri; il contenuto del giuramento dei consoli e dei consiglieri e le
- relative tempistiche; le pene e le multe (banna)
- in caso di omicidio premeditato (excogitatum) e
- non premeditato (non excogitatum), incendio,
- tradimento, furto, mancata denuncia di furto, inosservanza dei mandati e dei
- doveri, insulti, violenze, danni alla proprietà o contrarie al decoro;
- l’ammontare delle tasse per fuoco (fumum); le
- regole in caso di eredità con e senza testamento, di debito insoluto, di
- richiesta di appello e di partecipazione alle adunate pubbliche o alle
- compagnie. Nel corso del presente mandato i consoli devono porre le fondamenta
- della porta in monte Iudicis e costruire le mura
- da qui per la lunghezza di quattro braccia e l’altezza di un ponte, e poi
- procedere al completamento dell’opera costruendo un ponte all’anno.
Copia [C] CP cc. 216v.- 218r., cc. CCVIIIv-CCXr. secondo la numerazione
- originale
Edizione in LUPO GENTILE 1912 n. 102,
- pp. 135-138; CONTI 1979-1988, I, doc.
- XV, pp. 71-78.
- Nel margine esterno, di mano moderna: Eletione di
- consoli e numero, da farsi per gli homini di Sarzanello ogni anno il
- giorno di Santo Martino. Alle convenzioni, stabilite nel novembre
- 1234, è stata fatta una breve aggiunta nel marzo successivo: il notaio
- Gerardeto la data con la frase eodem anno et
- indictione, ma più correttamente, usandosi lo stile della
- natività, avrebbe dovuto scrivere sequenti
- anno. Essendo marzo, l’indizione era comunque la medesima del
- novembre precedente. Il testo delle delle additiones inizia verso la fine di c. 218r. e prosegue, con
- segno di richiamo a forma di croce, nel margine inferiore di c. 217v. Una
- parte del documento è stata letta con l’ausilio della lampada di
- Wood.
In Ihesu Christi eterni nomine, amen.
- Anno a nativitate ipsius M°CC trigesimo quarto, indictione VII.
- Infrascripte constitutiones statute sunt de voluntate et consensu venerabilis
- patris domini Guilielmi, Dei gratia
- Lunensis episcopi, atque voluntate
- Plebaneti quondam
- Aldebertini, Codargogii
- quondam Biancheti et Cursi quondam
- Alberti, consulum castri
- Sarzane, Attolini quondam Bandini, Guilielmi quondam Testafortis,
- Borgeseti quondam Hubertini,
- Bandineti quondam Guilielmi
- et Gerardetti Muntoni
- notarii, electorum a consilio
- ipsius castri,
- perpetuo valiture, ita videlicet quod nec mutari vel removeri nec addi vel
- adiungi seu minui non possint, in toto vel parte, sine consensu et voluntate
- episcopi et sine consensu et voluntate
- consulum et consiliariorum, qui
- pro tempore fuerint. Et si quid diminutum, mutatum fuerit vel additum secundum
- predictum modum, de addito teneantur atque de diminuto absolvantur.
§ Tres consules annis
- singulis, per VIII dies ante festum sancti Martini, eligantur per illos
- consules qui tunc fuerint, cum consilio et consensu et
- voluntate dicti domini episcopi et successorum eius, qui pro tempore fuerint,
- vel castaldionis eius, si episcopus presens non fuerit. Et
- tales consules eligantur qui iuramento fidelitatis domino
- episcopo sint astricti contra omnes homines, et hoc sine fraude. Et electi
- consules, facto iuramento istius brevis secundum quod
- inferius continetur, a festo sancti Martini usque ad unum annum dominentur,
- secundum formam istius brevis. Et nullus eligatur in
- consulem, qui fuerit consul infra
- tres annos preteritos.
§ Item nullus eligatur in
- consulem qui sit pater vel filius, patruus vel
- avunculus vel nepos, frater, cognatus ex uxore vel sorore, vel consobrinus in
- secundo gradu vel socer consulum, qui debent eligere cum episcopo pro sequenti
- anno.
- Castaldio sit semper quartus consul et
- dominetur ut unus aliorum consulum et nullum feudum habeat pro consulatu,
- excepta quarta parte datie et de IIIIor denariis pro
- lamentatione ut unus aliorum consulum, ita tamen quod, si
- non fuerit ipse castaldio castellanus suprascripti castri, non sit consul, vacante
- sede episcopali. Et quandocumque intraverit vel mutatus fuerit
- castaldio, iuret pro toto tempore sui castaldionatus,
- sicut iuraverint consules suprascripti, ad istud breve.
§ Veteres consules et
- castaldio eligant quindecim
- consiliarios, qui per totum annum debeant esse
- consiliarii suprascripti castri cum
- novis consulibus electis, ut dictum est supra. Et mutentur
- consiliarii anno quolibet, sicut melius videbitur veteribus
- consulibus et castaldioni, in
- eorum arbitrio.
§ Iuramentum autem consulum
- hoc erit: iurabunt enim bona fide, sine fraude, ad honorem Dei et Domini Ihesu
- Christi et gloriose matris eius Virginis Marie, sancti Martini et omnium
- sanctorum, et ad honorem suprascripti venerabilis patris domini Guilielmi, Lunensis
- episcopi, et successorum eius, tam nominicetam nominice: così nel
- testo., quod ab hac festivitate sancti Martini usque ad aliam
- festivitatem eiusdem confessoris, revoluto anno, regent consulatum castri Sarzane ad
- salvamentum hominum eiusdem castri et
- curtis qui sub nostro consulatu consistunt, secundum quod melius
- cognoverint, dominante Deo, sine fraude atque secundum has constitutiones. Et quod
- eligent consiliarios meliores et utiliores quos cognoverint pro ipso episcopo et commune suprascripti castri, secundum predictum modum.
- Et facient de lamentatiis, que ad eos devenerint, iusticiam, ita parvo sicut
- magnoita
- parvo sicut magn: così nel testo., absque
- personarum acceptione. Et quod non recipient aliquod precium vel aliquid loco
- precii pro aliqua causa
- que vertatur coram ipsis, excepta datia, videlicet uno denario de quolibet soldo ab eo qui
- perdet causam tantum et IIIIor denariis pro reclamo: et
- ipsi IIIIor denarii et datia non accipiantur
- nisi post litem contestatemcontestatem: così nel testo per contestatam per negationem.
- Passim, ante litem contestatam et post sententiam, liceat cuilibet appellare
- atque consules, quocumque modo fuerit appellatio, non se intromittant; set, a
- lite contestata usque ad sententiam latam, nulli liceat appellare. Et quod
- eligent consules omni anno per VIII dies antequam exeant,
- secundum modum superius denotatum. Et quod accipient banna inferius denotata et
- non restituent, et medietatem assignabunt curie et aliam medietatem communi vel
- sibi retinebunt pro communi. Et teneantur facere banniri per totum castrum
- quolibet mense quod, si quis voluerit dicere et probare quod consules iniuste
- abstulerint sibi pignus, per mensem sequentem debeat id probare coram
- episcopo, si presens fuerit, vel coram
- castaldione, si fuerit absens
- episcopus; et si infra mensem hoc non probaverit, non
- audiatur postea, set solvatsolvat: segue depennato con inchiostro
- rosso pignus bannum pro quo
- pignus fuerit ablatum.
§ Iurabunt consiliarii consulere
- consulibus; de hiis, de quibus ab eis fuerint
- requisiti, dare rectum consilium, sicut melius cognoverint, ad honorem et
- salvamentum suprascripti domini episcopi
- et hominum dicti castri.
- Consules veteres, per IIIIor
- dies ante festum sancti Martini, teneantur facere parlamentum et publicent
- consules in communi qui electi fuerint secundum
- predictum modum atque precipiant per sacramentum ut omnes iurent sequimentum
- omnium consulum, de quibus dictum est supra in precedentibus capitulis.
§ Banna sunt hec:
§ Quicumque fecerit excogitatum homicidium de
- aliqua persona suprascripti castri sit perpetuo banno subpositus, de quo non
- possit exire nisi concordaverit cum heredibus vel proximis propinquis defuncti
- et cum episcopo, qui pro tempore fuerit, atque preterea
- nisi solverit soldos C
- imperialium, quorum medietas erit domini episcopi et alia medietas
- consulum vel communis. Item totum mobile confiscetur et
- per medium dividatur inter dominum episcopum et consules
- vel commune. Et melior domus, quam habuerit in castro, funditus eradicetur,
- excepto muro castellano, et lignamen et copertura extra castrum comburantur. Et
- hec omnia fiant, non obstante aliquo debito dotis vel alterius cuiuslibet
- obligationis. Item uxor eius et filii non habitent infra castrum predictum, nisi
- prius fuerit pax et concordia homicidii suprascripti. Si alias de aliqua persona
- suprascripti castri fieret homicidium non excogitatum, puniatur arbitrio domini
- episcopi et consulum, qui pro tempore fuerint.
§ Item si aliquis fecerit vel facere fecerit
- excogitatum incendium alicuius domus vel capanne alicuius castellani suprascripti castri, emendet dampnum ad
- deffensionem prestiti iuramenti eius cui factum fuerit incendium, et perdat
- soldos XL
- imperialium pro banno. Et si non habuerit unde dampnum emendet et
- solvat penam, sit in banno, sicut homicida, quousque satisfecerit de dampno et
- pena.
§ Traditores domini episcopi et loci puniantur
- secundum leges.
§ Quicumque fecerit nocte furtum ad valorem sex
- imperialium vel ultra, furtum emendet in quadruplumquadruplum: qua aggiunto in
- sopralinea., et perdat soldos X imperialium pro banno. Si in
- die fecerit furtum, emendet in duplum furtum, et perdat soldos V
- imperialiumsoldos V imperialium: nel testo
- soldos imperialium V
- con segno di richiamo per invertire l’ordine delle
- parole. pro banno. Si autem valuerit furtum infra sex
- imperialium, perdat soldos
- II imperialium pro banno, et emendet furtum de nocte in quadruplum
- et de die in duplum.
§ Quilibet iuratus teneatur iuramento
- manifestare furem, si viderit vel invenerit; et si non manifestaverit et fuerit
- inde convictus, puniatur ut latro.
§ Quicumque non obedierit mandato
- consulum vel eorum nuncii, quando
- factum ei fuerit sub debito iuramenti, perdat soldos V imperialium atque iterato
- reficiat iuramentum.
§ Item quicumque percusserit aliquem excogitate,
- ita quod ex percussione illa perdat membra magna corpulentia, id est manum vel
- pedem vel decoredecore: così nel testo, forse errore per
- aurem vel oculum vel nasum, perdat
- soldos XL
- imperialium pro banno; si vero os ex percussione fregerit vel
- cassale vulnus fecerit, perdat soldos XX imperialium pro banno. Si alias excogitate
- vulneraverit aliquo genere armorum et ex illo vulnere percussus perdiderit
- operas quas facere non possit, perdat soldos V imperialium pro banno, atque si alias
- fecerit perdat soldos III
- imperialium pro banno. Si vero fecerit lividum, perdat soldos II imperialium
- pro banno; si aliter percusserit excogitate, non faciendo lividum vel sanguinem,
- perdat soldos II
- imperialium pro banno. Preter hec banna suprascripta, quicumque
- fecerit excogitate suprascriptas percussiones emendet operas percusso, solvat
- medicaturam et iniuriam
- emendet ad estimationem domini episcopi et consulum, qui
- pro tempore erunt.
§ Quicumque fecerit assaltum ad domum alicuius
- cum armis, capitaneus soldos X, et sequentes cum armis et sine armis pro ipso malo
- faciendo soldos III
- imperialium pro bannoQuicumque ... banno: alla frase manca
- un predicato verbale come perdat o solvat..
§ Quicumque arma excogitate acceperit contra
- iuratum vel iuratos suos pro malo faciendo perdat soldos II imperialium pro banno.
§ Item quicumque excogitatum assaltum fecerit
- contra iuratum vel iuratos suos perdat II imperialium pro banno.
§ Quicumque improperaverit alicui suo iurato vel
- iuratis homicidium, unde pax fuerit vel pacem homicidii, perdat soldos V imperialium
- pro banno; qui de alio malo improperavit perdat soldum I pro banno.
§ Quicumque percusserit excogitate alicuius
- uxorem, absque sanguine vel livido, perdat soldos V imperialium pro banno; si
- fecerit sanguinem vel lividum, puniatur ut supra de omnibus percussionibus
- dictum est, preter suprascriptos soldos V.
§ Quicumque vel quecumque dixerit alicui: cucurbita vel spernitus, perdat imperialium XII.
§ Quicumque vel quecumque dixerit alicui mulieri
- maritatePotrebbe mancare
- l’indicazione dell’ingiuria, ma si può anche intendere il termine maritate come imperativo. vel
- consimile verbum iniuriosum perdat denarios imperialium XII.
§ Quicumque vel quecumque excogitatum vastum
- fecerit, de die vel de nocte, a sex denariis infra vel ultra puniatur ut fur, et
- quicumque viderit vastantem et non manifestaverit, et inde convictus fuerit,
- puniatur ut latro, sicut determinatum est supra.
§ Quicumque traxerit aliquem de tenuta rei
- immobilis et contempserit coram consulibus, dicens ad se pertinere, soldos V perdat pro
- banno, in clam vel precario.
§ Quicumque habet facere murum castellanum et
- non fecerit unum pontem per annum, infra mensem
- septembris, perdat soldos V imperialium pro banno; et si fecerit duos
- pontes vel plures uno anno, non cadat in bannum sequentis vel sequentium annorum
- secundum numerum factorum pontium muri faciendi et facti.
- Consules teneantur iuramento suo facere solvi per
- unumquemque fumum suorum iuratorum capellano sancti Martini
- de suprascripto castro unam minam boni,
- mundi et sicci frumenti infra mensem septembris, annis
- singulis, eodem capellano mittente ad domum singulorum pro
- ipso frumento, exceptis omnibus consulibus et duobus nunciis Communis, qui non
- debeant illud solvere.
§ Si autem consules vel
- eorum aliquis incurrerint excogitate maleficia suprascripta, puniantur ut
- supra.
§ Si autem minores XII annorum incurrerint
- excogitate maleficia suprascripta, puniantur arbitrio
- episcopi et consulum.
§ Si autem pauperes incurrerint ipsa maleficia
- excogitate et non habuerint unde solvant dicta banna, puniantur extraordinarie
- arbitrio episcopi et consulum,
- exceptis homicidiihomicidiis: così nel testo,
- incendiariis et traditoribus, super quorum pena non habeatur remedium, preter quod superius
- est notatum.
§ Si quis incurrerit aliquod maleficium, quod in
- hoc breve non sit scriptum, puniatur arbitrio domini
- episcopi et consulum.
§ Quicumque perdiderit vel fraudem commiserit in
- perdendo statutum istud, perdat soldos XX pro banno, et breve reficiat suis
- expensis.
§ Super omnibus iniuriis et dampnis
- suprascriptis, si querimonia delata fuerit ad dominum
- episcopum vel eius vicarium, ipse puniat
- secundum suprascripta statuta; et si delata fuerit apud
- consules, puniant secundum suprascripta statuta, nisi
- per appellationem ad episcopum devenerint, ita tamen quod
- si episcopus punierit, consules non puniant, atque si
- consules punierint, non puniat
- episcopus.
§ Medietas omnium suprascriptorum bannorum sit
- domini episcopi et alia medietas sit consulum vel communis; preterea medietas
- omnium bonorum, que consules habuerint preter hec et sine
- scriptis, sit episcopi et alia medietas consulum vel
- communis.
§ Quicumque advena obierit in suprascripto castro vel eius districtu sine
- legitimis heredibus et ab intestato, eius mobilia dividantur per medium inter
- episcopum et commune vel consules; si autem fecerit
- testamentum, teneatur iudicare denarios XII episcopo et totidem consulibus vel
- communi et eius teneat testamentum.
- Consul teneatur precipere ei qui confessus fuerit in iure
- debitum ut infra XV dies illud solvat et, si non solverit et querimonia relata
- fuerit consuli, faciat pro banno dari de quolibet soldo denarius I atque,
- quamdiu steterit ad solvendum, in qualibet octava solvat eodem modo de quolibet
- soldo denarium
- I, ita tamen quod, si creditor prorogaverit terminum, inde non cadant
- in bannum; consul tamen terminum prorogare tertium non possit.
§ Si dominus domus non venerit ad parlamentum
- quando sonaverit, perdat denarios IIII pro banno, nisi steterit parabola consulum.
§ Si consiliarius non venerit ad consilium
- quando sonaverit, perdat denarios sex, nisi steterit parabola consulum.
§ Quicumque non redierit ad castrum vel ad
- rumorem traxerit quando sonaverit ad sturmum, perdat soldos II, et si traxerit ad rumorem et
- erit discordia inter iuratos, teneatur bona fide partiri discordes et non
- accipere partem quod, si partem acceperit vel non diviserit, perdat soldos II; si autem
- fuerit discordia inter iuratos et alios, teneatur adiuvare iuratos, ita quod non
- possit habere iniuriam bona fide, et si non adiuveritadiuverit: nel testo
- adiuvaverit con va depennato ed
- espunto., perdat soldos II pro banno.
§ Quicumque intra castrum fuerit et audierit tintinnabulum pro mortuis pulsare,
- teneatur ire ad locum ubi fuerit corpus defuncti et ire cum ipso defuncto ad
- sepeliendum; atque, si non iverit, perdat denarios IIII, nisi steterit parabola
- consulum.
§ Nullus faciat iuramentum compagnie, nisi
- fuerit de mercadancia, nec iuram nec obligationem iure, preter iuramentum
- communis, atque quicumque fecerit perdat soldos XX, capitaneus et ceteri perdant
- soldos XI et
- iura destruantur.
§ Nullus dominus vel domina intret in ortum
- alterius pro dampno faciendo; atque, si intraverit, perdat soldum I, et alia
- familia perdat denarios
- sex et emendet dampnum, ut de furto superius dictum est.
§ Nullus deportet ultra sex cervatinas et, si
- aportaverit, perdat denarios VI, excepto quando ligantur vinee, et tunc non portet nisi proprias.
§ Quicumque inciderit remondantosremondantos: così nel testo. malo modo, nisi
- faceret retortas ad boves vel vernale, perdat denarios VI pro banno.
§ Si ficus vel alia arbor pependerit super
- terrenum alterius, ille cuius erit terra super qua pependerit colligatur de sua
- terra quod poterit et sit suum quod collegerit; si vero per debatituram
- ceciderint fructus in alterius terrenum, dividantur per medium inter eum cuius
- est arbor et terrenum in quo ceciderint; et si per ventum vel per maturitatem
- ceciderint in terrenum alterius, sint eius in cuius terra ceciderint.
§ Nemo de suprascripto castro, qui accusatus fuerit de dictis
- offensionibus, possit appellare ad episcopum, nisi prius
- dederit pignora vel cautiones fecerit coram consulibus de dictis bannis, salvo
- iudicio eorumdem episcopum. In aliis autem et super aliis
- mandatis que non sunt in hoc breve expressa, si consules
- fecerint seu preceperint alicui et visum fuerit quod gravetur, liceat cuilibet
- appellare et consules ab appellatione facta non contra
- procedant, excepto quod si per sacramentum preceperint, teneanturteneantur:
- così nel testo per
- teneatur dare pignus soldorum V ille qui
- appellaverit et iudicium appellationis salvum sit domino episcopo
- suprascripto.
§ Nullus ponat linum ad macerandum in rivo
- Pucio, a via de Fracta supra in aliquo loco rivi; et quicumque posuerit perdat
- denarios
- XII pro banno et non teneat ultra et, si tenuerit, per quemlibet
- diem quo tenuerit perdat denarios sex.
§ Teneantur etiam consules
- iuramento hoc anno fundamentum facere porte in monte Iudicis et murare hinc inde
- per brachia IIIIor murum ad unum pontem super terram
- atque bonum murum ad calcinam factum, et donec compleatur opus fiat unus pons
- boni muri annis singulis.
§ Nullum aliud statutum fiat preter communem
- voluntatem domini episcopi, consulum et consilii dicti loci.
<§> Confirmatum est et approbatum istud
- breve per omnes consiliarios
- dicti castri
- XII kalendas decembris, in palatio castri Sarzane, presentibus Salamoncello Baratella, Rolando Vago de Luca, Hugolino
- Philippi et multis aliis.
- Eodem anno et indictione, in camera suprascripti episcopi apud
- suprascriptum castrum, X kalendas
- aprilis, coram Bonafesta quondam
- Durantis et Iacopino
- Talliavacha notario, decretio eodemdecretio
- eodem: lettura incerta. suprascriptorum
- quorumdam capitulorum et additum hoc factum de voluntate et consensu
- suprascripti episcopi et consulum et consilii dicti
- loci.
§ Quando pulsaverint tintinnabula pro mortuis,
- si fuerit mortuus in Gropario, vadant
- tantum illi de Gropario cum eo ad
- sepeliendum; si fuerit de Miro, vadant illi
- de Miro; si in Monte, vadant illi de Monte; et, si alii voluerint ire, vadant ad voluntatem suam. Item
- consules, elapsis XV diebus, super debito confesso in
- iure dominiidominii: inchiostro sbiadito. eis precipiant
- per iuramentum debenti ut ab inde ad octo dies id solvat. Item cuilibet de
- castro incidenti ficum suam liceat, quandocumque inciderit, proprias deportare
- cervatinas. Item nullus faciat fossatum in aliquo ponte Parola illeggibile a
- causa dell’inchiostro sbiadito. tocius castri iuxta viam
- per quod via possit corrui; et, si fecerit, perdat soldos III et infra duos dies repleat
- ipsum fossatum et viam reficiat.
Item nullus faciat stallam vel aliud excogitatum
- impedimentum in viis tocius districtus
- suprascripti castri atque, si fecerit, perdat denarios XII;
- verumptamen tempore messis, quando in estate tondetur triticum, ordeum atque
- similia, a kalendis iulii usque ad kalendas septembris liceat hiis, qui habent aras
- et capannas iuxta vias, propter necessitatem deicere paleas et ruscum in
- viam, ita tamen quod infra dictos duos menses paleam, ruscum et letamen de
- via removeant et deportent; et si non fecerint et si dimiserint, perdant denarios XII.
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- gennaio-giugno 1951, pp. 12-13; II.3/4, luglio-dicembre 1951, pp. 31-32; III.1/2,
- gennaio-giugno 1952, pp. 10-11; III.3/4, luglio-dicembre 1952, pp. 24-28; IV.1/2,
- gennaio-giugno 1953, pp. 9-11; IV.3/4, luglio-dicembre 1953, pp. 29-31 (ediz.
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- p. 29.
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This document is being made available for demonstration and testing purposes
- only.
The base text is the beginning of Augustines
Confessiones, as
- found here: http://faculty.georgetown.edu/jod/latinconf/1.html. But please make
- notice that the critical apparatus is purely invented for testing purpose and
- reflects in no way the tradition of this text. This document is being made
- available for demonstration and testing purposes only.
The apparatus of this document is meant to illustrate various cases, including
- some mistakes. Details about each apparatus entry are listed in a note following
- each entry.
- Manuscript A
- Example of group
- Manuscript B
- Manuscript C
- Manuscript D
- Manuscript E
- Manuscript G
- Liber I
Magnus es, domine, et laudabilis valde:
- magna
- magma
- maga
- laudabilis
- laudablis
- In this apparatus entry...
- virtus
- tua, et sapientiae tuae non est numerus et laudare te vult homo, aliqua
- portio
- creature tue
- creatr ae tuae
- creaturas tuas
- creaturarum tuarum
- This is a note
- , et homo circumferens
- mortalitem
- fragilitatem
- In this apparatus entry, the editor has not decided yet which lectio
- should be considered the lemma. The app contains only rdg elements. They
- are therefore displayed in a different way from the other apparatus
- entries. suam, circumferens testimonium peccati sui et
- testimonium, quia superbis resistis: et tamen laudare te vult homo,
- aliqua
- aliquando
- aliquo
- This is a note inside the apparatus
- portio creaturae tuae. Tu excitas, ut laudare te delectet, quia fecisti nos
- ad te et inquietum est cor nostrum, donec requiescat in te. Da
- mihi
- nobis
- A most banal apparatus entry. domine, scire et
- intellegere, utrum sit prius invocare te an laudare te, et scire te prius
- sit an invocare te. sed quis te invocat nesciens te? Aliud enim
- pro alio
- A most banal apparatus entry. potest invocare nesciens. An
- potius
- invocaris
- invocatis
- A most banal apparatus entry. ut sciaris?
- In
- Quomodo
- Qui
- Qua
- Quando
- This apparatus entry is nested within the lemma of another apparatus entry.
- autem invocabunt,
- in quem non crediderunt? Aut quomodo credent sine praedicante?
- This apparatus entry contains another apparatus entry.
- Et
- laudabunt dominum qui requirunt eum. Quaerentes enim inveniunt eum et
- invenientes
- laudabunt
- laudabant
- In this apparatus entry, all the @wit have been forgotten, so there is
- no indication where to find each reading. eum. Quaeram te,
- domine, invocans te, et invocem te credens in te: praedicatus enim es nobis.
- Invocat te, domine, fides mea, quam dedisti mihi, quam inspirasti mihi per
- humanitatem
- humilitatem
- In this apparatus entry, I have introduced two mistakes: witness B is
- not mentioned, while witness E is mentionned two times, in the @wit of
- the lemma and of a reading. filii tui, per
- ministerium
- mysterium
- A most banal apparatus entry.
- praedicatoris tui
- praedicatorum tuorum
- praedicatorum tuorum
- . In this apparatus entry, the editor has not decided yet which
- lectio should be considered the lemma. The app contains only rdg
- elements. They are therefore displayed in a different way from the other
- apparatus entries. I have also introduced two mistakes: there is no
- mention of witness B, while witness C is mentioned twice.
- Et quomodo invocabo deum meum, deum et dominum meum, quoniam utique inme
- ipsum eum invocabo, cum invocabo eum? Et quis locus est in me, quoveniat in
- me deus meus? quo deus veniat in me, deus, qui fecit caelum et terram?
- itane, domine deus meus, est quiquam in me, quod capiat te? An vero caelum
- et terra, quae fecisti et in quibus me fecisti, capiuntte? An quia sine te
- non esset
- quidquid est, fit, ut quidquid est capiat te?
- quoniam itaque et ego sum, quid peto, ut venias in me, quinon essem, nisi
- esses in me?
- Non enim ego iam in
- inferis
- infernis
- infernis
- ,A most banal apparatus entry et tamen etiam ibi es. Nam
- etsi descendero in infernum, ades. non ergo essem, deus meus, non omnino
- essem, nisi esses in me. An potius non essem, nisi essem in te, ex quo
- omnia, per quem omnia, in quo omnia?
- A lacuna in witness C starts here.
- Etiam sic, domine, etiam sic. quo te
- invoco, cum in te sim? aut unde venias in me?
- Quo
- Quomodo
- A most banal apparatus entry. Note that since this entry occurs within a lacuna in witness C, this witness is not mentioned in this entry, and this is not an error. enim recedam extra caelum et
- terram, ut inde in me veniat deus meus, qui dixit: caelum et terram ego
- impleo?
Capiunt ergone te caelum
et terra, quoniam tu imples ea? An imples et restat,
- quoniam non te capiunt? et quo refundis quidquid impleto caeloet terra restat ex te? An non opus habes, ut quoquam
- continearis, qui contines omnia, quoniam quae imples continendo
- imples
- implebis
- ?
- In this apparatus entry, the lemma bears no @wit. This is a
- perfectly acceptable form of encoding, implying that all witnesses not
- listed in the rdg bear by default the reading of the lemma. But since in
- this document the apparatus is elsewhere recorded in a "positive"
- fashion, listing each reading of each manuscript explicitly, it might be
- useful to point out that this entry does not follow the same practice,
- which could be a mistake in the context. Non enim vasa, quae te
- plena sunt, stabilem te faciunt, quia etsi frangantur non effunderis. Et cum
- effunderis super nos, non tu iaces, sed erigis nos, nec tu dissiparis, sed colligis nos. sed quae imples omnia, te toto imples
- omnia. An quia non possunt te totum capere omnia, partem tui capiunt et
- eandem partem simul omnia capiunt?
- An singulas singula et maiores maiora,
- minores
- minora
- maio maiora
- maiora
- A most banal apparatus entry capiunt? Ergo est aliqua pars tua
- maior, aliqua minor? An ubique totus es et res nulla te totum capit?
- A lacuna in witness C ends here.
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-# 16th September 2014, revision 13036
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- ## indicates the person, or group of people, to whom the element content is ascribed.
- attribute who {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.canonical.attributes =
- att.canonical.attribute.key, att.canonical.attribute.ref
-att.canonical.attribute.key =
- ## provides an externally-defined means of identifying the entity (or entities) being named, using a coded value of some kind.
- attribute key { data.text }?
-att.canonical.attribute.ref =
- ## (reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition for the entity being named by means of one or more URIs.
- attribute ref {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.ranging.attributes =
- att.ranging.attribute.atLeast,
- att.ranging.attribute.atMost,
- att.ranging.attribute.min,
- att.ranging.attribute.max,
- att.ranging.attribute.confidence
-att.ranging.attribute.atLeast =
- ## gives a minimum estimated value for the approximate measurement.
- attribute atLeast { data.numeric }?
-att.ranging.attribute.atMost =
- ## gives a maximum estimated value for the approximate measurement.
- attribute atMost { data.numeric }?
-att.ranging.attribute.min =
- ## where the measurement summarizes more than one observation or a range, supplies the minimum value observed.
- attribute min { data.numeric }?
-att.ranging.attribute.max =
- ## where the measurement summarizes more than one observation or a range, supplies the maximum value observed.
- attribute max { data.numeric }?
-att.ranging.attribute.confidence =
- ## specifies the degree of statistical confidence (between zero and one) that a value falls within the range specified by min and max, or the proportion of observed values that fall within that range.
- attribute confidence { data.probability }?
-att.dimensions.attributes =
- att.ranging.attributes,
- att.dimensions.attribute.unit,
- att.dimensions.attribute.quantity,
- att.dimensions.attribute.extent,
- att.dimensions.attribute.precision,
- att.dimensions.attribute.scope
-att.dimensions.attribute.unit =
- ## names the unit used for the measurement
- ## Suggested values include: 1] cm(centimetres) ; 2] mm(millimetres) ; 3] in(inches) ; 4] lines; 5] chars(characters)
- attribute unit {
- ## (centimetres)
- "cm"
- |
- ## (millimetres)
- "mm"
- |
- ## (inches)
- "in"
- |
- ## lines of text
- "lines"
- |
- ## (characters) characters of text
- "chars"
- | xsd:Name
- }?
-att.dimensions.attribute.quantity =
- ## specifies the length in the units specified
- attribute quantity { data.numeric }?
-att.dimensions.attribute.extent =
- ## indicates the size of the object concerned using a project-specific vocabulary combining quantity and units in a single string of words.
- attribute extent { data.text }?
-att.dimensions.attribute.precision =
- ## characterizes the precision of the values specified by the other attributes.
- attribute precision { data.certainty }?
-att.dimensions.attribute.scope =
- ## where the measurement summarizes more than one observation, specifies the applicability of this measurement.
- ## Sample values include: 1] all; 2] most; 3] range
- attribute scope { data.enumerated }?
-att.damaged.attributes =
- att.dimensions.attributes,
- att.damaged.attribute.hand,
- att.damaged.attribute.agent,
- att.damaged.attribute.degree,
- att.damaged.attribute.group
-att.damaged.attribute.hand =
- ## in the case of damage (deliberate defacement, inking out, etc.) assignable to a distinct hand, signifies the hand responsible for the damage by pointing to one of the hand identifiers declared in the document header (see section ).
- attribute hand { data.pointer }?
-att.damaged.attribute.agent =
- ## categorizes the cause of the damage, if it can be identified.
- ## Sample values include: 1] rubbing; 2] mildew; 3] smoke
- attribute agent { data.enumerated }?
-att.damaged.attribute.degree =
- ## provides a coded representation of the degree of damage, either as a number between 0 (undamaged) and 1 (very extensively damaged), or as one of the codes high, medium, low, or unknown. The damage element with the degree attribute should only be used where the text may be read with some confidence; text supplied from other sources should be tagged as supplied.
- attribute degree { data.probability | data.certainty }?
-att.damaged.attribute.group =
- ## assigns an arbitrary number to each stretch of damage regarded as forming part of the same physical phenomenon.
- attribute group { data.count }?
-att.breaking.attributes = att.breaking.attribute.break
-att.breaking.attribute.break =
- ## indicates whether or not the element bearing this attribute should be considered to mark the end of an orthographic token in the same way as whitespace.
- attribute break { data.enumerated }?
-att.cReferencing.attributes = att.cReferencing.attribute.cRef
-att.cReferencing.attribute.cRef =
- ## (canonical reference) specifies the destination of the pointer by supplying a canonical reference expressed using the scheme defined in a refsDecl element in the TEI header
- attribute cRef { data.text }?
-att.datable.w3c.attributes =
- att.datable.w3c.attribute.when,
- att.datable.w3c.attribute.notBefore,
- att.datable.w3c.attribute.notAfter,
- att.datable.w3c.attribute.from,
- att.datable.w3c.attribute.to
-att.datable.w3c.attribute.when =
- ## supplies the value of the date or time in a standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- attribute when { data.temporal.w3c }?
-att.datable.w3c.attribute.notBefore =
- ## specifies the earliest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- attribute notBefore { data.temporal.w3c }?
-att.datable.w3c.attribute.notAfter =
- ## specifies the latest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- attribute notAfter { data.temporal.w3c }?
-att.datable.w3c.attribute.from =
- ## indicates the starting point of the period in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- attribute from { data.temporal.w3c }?
-att.datable.w3c.attribute.to =
- ## indicates the ending point of the period in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- attribute to { data.temporal.w3c }?
-att.datable.attributes =
- att.datable.w3c.attributes,
- att.datable.iso.attributes,
- att.datable.custom.attributes,
- att.datable.attribute.calendar,
- att.datable.attribute.period
-att.datable.attribute.calendar =
- ## indicates the system or calendar to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
- attribute calendar { data.pointer }?
-sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-att.datable-calendar-calendar-constraint-1"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:*[@calendar]"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "string-length(.) gt 0"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "@calendar indicates the system or calendar to which the date represented by the content of this element\x{a}" ~
- "belongs, but this "
- sch:name [ ]
- " element has no textual content."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
-att.datable.attribute.period =
- ## supplies a pointer to some location defining a named period of time within which the datable item is understood to have occurred.
- attribute period { data.pointer }?
-att.datcat.attributes =
- att.datcat.attribute.datcat, att.datcat.attribute.valueDatcat
-att.datcat.attribute.datcat =
- ## contains a PID (persistent identifier) that aligns the given element with the appropriate Data Category (or categories) in ISOcat.
- attribute ns1:datcat {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.datcat.attribute.valueDatcat =
- ## contains a PID (persistent identifier) that aligns the content of the given element or the value of the given attribute with the appropriate simple Data Category (or categories) in ISOcat.
- attribute ns1:valueDatcat {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.declarable.attributes = att.declarable.attribute.default
-att.declarable.attribute.default =
- ## indicates whether or not this element is selected by default when its parent is selected.
- [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
- attribute default {
- ## This element is selected if its parent is selected
- "true"
- |
- ## This element can only be selected explicitly, unless it is the only one of its kind, in which case it is selected if its parent is selected.
- "false"
- }?
-att.declaring.attributes = att.declaring.attribute.decls
-att.declaring.attribute.decls =
- ## identifies one or more declarable elements within the header, which are understood to apply to the element bearing this attribute and its content.
- attribute decls {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.fragmentable.attributes = att.fragmentable.attribute.part
-att.fragmentable.attribute.part =
- ## specifies whether or not its parent element is fragmented in some way, typically by some other overlapping structure: for example a speech which is divided between two or more verse stanzas, a paragraph which is split across a page division, a verse line which is divided between two speakers.
- [ a:defaultValue = "N" ]
- attribute part {
- ## (yes) the element is fragmented in some (unspecified) respect
- "Y"
- |
- ## (no) either the element is not fragmented, or no claim is made as to its completeness.
- "N"
- |
- ## (initial) this is the initial part of a fragmented element
- "I"
- |
- ## (medial) this is a medial part of a fragmented element
- "M"
- |
- ## (final) this is the final part of a fragmented element
- "F"
- }?
-att.divLike.attributes =
- att.fragmentable.attributes,
- att.divLike.attribute.org,
- att.divLike.attribute.sample
-att.divLike.attribute.org =
- ## (organization) specifies how the content of the division is organized.
- [ a:defaultValue = "uniform" ]
- attribute org {
- ## no claim is made about the sequence in which the immediate contents of this division are to be processed, or their inter-relationships.
- "composite"
- |
- ## the immediate contents of this element are regarded as forming a logical unit, to be processed in sequence.
- "uniform"
- }?
-att.divLike.attribute.sample =
- ## indicates whether this division is a sample of the original source and if so, from which part.
- [ a:defaultValue = "complete" ]
- attribute sample {
- ## division lacks material present at end in source.
- "initial"
- |
- ## division lacks material at start and end.
- "medial"
- |
- ## division lacks material at start.
- "final"
- |
- ## position of sampled material within original unknown.
- "unknown"
- |
- ## division is not a sample.
- "complete"
- }?
-att.docStatus.attributes = att.docStatus.attribute.status
-att.docStatus.attribute.status =
- ## describes the status of a document either currently or, when associated with a dated element, at the time indicated.
- ## Sample values include: 1] approved; 2] candidate; 3] cleared; 4] deprecated; 5] draft; 6] embargoed; 7] expired; 8] frozen; 9] galley; 10] proposed; 11] published; 12] recommendation; 13] submitted; 14] unfinished; 15] withdrawn
- [ a:defaultValue = "draft" ] attribute status { data.enumerated }?
-att.responsibility.attributes =
- att.source.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attribute.cert,
- att.responsibility.attribute.resp
-att.responsibility.attribute.cert =
- ## (certainty) signifies the degree of certainty associated with the intervention or interpretation.
- attribute cert { data.certainty }?
-att.responsibility.attribute.resp =
- ## (responsible party) indicates the agency responsible for the intervention or interpretation, for example an editor or transcriber.
- attribute resp {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.editLike.attributes =
- att.dimensions.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- att.editLike.attribute.evidence,
- att.editLike.attribute.instant
-att.editLike.attribute.evidence =
- ## indicates the nature of the evidence supporting the reliability or accuracy of the intervention or interpretation.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] internal; 2] external; 3] conjecture
- attribute evidence {
- list {
- (
- ## there is internal evidence to support the intervention.
- "internal"
- |
- ## there is external evidence to support the intervention.
- "external"
- |
- ## the intervention or interpretation has been made by the editor, cataloguer, or scholar on the basis of their expertise.
- "conjecture"
- | xsd:Name)+
- }
- }?
-att.editLike.attribute.instant =
- ## indicates whether this is an instant revision or not.
- [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute instant { data.xTruthValue }?
-att.global.attributes =
- att.global.linking.attributes,
- att.global.analytic.attributes,
- att.global.facs.attributes,
- att.global.change.attributes,
- att.global.attribute.xmlid,
- att.global.attribute.n,
- att.global.attribute.xmllang,
- att.global.attribute.rend,
- att.global.attribute.style,
- att.global.attribute.rendition,
- att.global.attribute.xmlbase,
- att.global.attribute.xmlspace
-att.global.attribute.xmlid =
- ## (identifier) provides a unique identifier for the element bearing the attribute.
- attribute xml:id { xsd:ID }?
-att.global.attribute.n =
- ## (number) gives a number (or other label) for an element, which is not necessarily unique within the document.
- attribute n { data.text }?
-att.global.attribute.xmllang =
- ## (language) indicates the language of the element content using a tag generated according to BCP 47.
- attribute xml:lang { data.language }?
-att.global.attribute.rend =
- ## (rendition) indicates how the element in question was rendered or presented in the source text.
- attribute rend {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?
-att.global.attribute.style =
- ## contains an expression in some formal style definition language which defines the rendering or presentation used for this element in the source text
- attribute style { data.text }?
-att.global.attribute.rendition =
- ## points to a description of the rendering or presentation used for this element in the source text.
- attribute rendition {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.global.attribute.xmlbase =
- ## provides a base URI reference with which applications can resolve relative URI references into absolute URI references.
- attribute xml:base { data.pointer }?
-att.global.attribute.xmlspace =
- ## signals an intention about how white space should be managed by applications.
- attribute xml:space {
- ## signals that the application's default white-space processing modes are acceptable
- "default"
- |
- ## indicates the intent that applications preserve all white space
- "preserve"
- }?
-att.handFeatures.attributes =
- att.handFeatures.attribute.scribe,
- att.handFeatures.attribute.scribeRef,
- att.handFeatures.attribute.script,
- att.handFeatures.attribute.scriptRef,
- att.handFeatures.attribute.medium,
- att.handFeatures.attribute.scope
-att.handFeatures.attribute.scribe =
- ## gives a name or other identifier for the scribe believed to be responsible for this hand.
- attribute scribe { data.name }?
-att.handFeatures.attribute.scribeRef =
- ## points to a full description of the scribe concerned, typically supplied by a person element elsewhere in the description.
- attribute scribeRef {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.handFeatures.attribute.script =
- ## characterizes the particular script or writing style used by this hand, for example secretary, copperplate, Chancery, Italian, etc.
- attribute script {
- list { data.name+ }
- }?
-att.handFeatures.attribute.scriptRef =
- ## points to a full description of the script or writing style used by this hand, typically supplied by a scriptNote element elsewhere in the description.
- attribute scriptRef {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.handFeatures.attribute.medium =
- ## describes the tint or type of ink, e.g. brown, or other writing medium, e.g. pencil
- attribute medium {
- list { data.enumerated+ }
- }?
-att.handFeatures.attribute.scope =
- ## specifies how widely this hand is used in the manuscript.
- attribute scope {
- ## only this hand is used throughout the manuscript
- "sole"
- |
- ## this hand is used through most of the manuscript
- "major"
- |
- ## this hand is used occasionally in the manuscript
- "minor"
- }?
-att.internetMedia.attributes = att.internetMedia.attribute.mimeType
-att.internetMedia.attribute.mimeType =
- ## (MIME media type) specifies the applicable multimedia internet mail extension (MIME) media type
- attribute mimeType {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?
-att.media.attributes =
- att.internetMedia.attributes,
- att.media.attribute.width,
- att.media.attribute.height,
- att.media.attribute.scale
-att.media.attribute.width =
- ## Where the media are displayed, indicates the display width
- attribute width { data.outputMeasurement }?
-att.media.attribute.height =
- ## Where the media are displayed, indicates the display height
- attribute height { data.outputMeasurement }?
-att.media.attribute.scale =
- ## Where the media are displayed, indicates a scale factor to be applied when generating the desired display size
- attribute scale { data.numeric }?
-att.resourced.attributes = att.resourced.attribute.url
-att.resourced.attribute.url =
- ## (uniform resource locator) specifies the URL from which the media concerned may be obtained.
- attribute url { data.pointer }
-att.interpLike.attributes =
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- att.interpLike.attribute.type,
- att.interpLike.attribute.inst
-att.interpLike.attribute.type =
- ## indicates what kind of phenomenon is being noted in the passage.
- ## Sample values include: 1] image; 2] character; 3] theme; 4] allusion
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?
-att.interpLike.attribute.inst =
- ## (instances) points to instances of the analysis or interpretation represented by the current element.
- attribute inst {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.measurement.attributes =
- att.measurement.attribute.unit,
- att.measurement.attribute.quantity,
- att.measurement.attribute.commodity
-att.measurement.attribute.unit =
- ## indicates the units used for the measurement, usually using the standard symbol for the desired units.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] m(metre) ; 2] kg(kilogram) ; 3] s(second) ; 4] Hz(hertz) ; 5] Pa(pascal) ; 6] Ω(ohm) ; 7] L(litre) ; 8] t(tonne) ; 9] ha(hectare) ; 10] Å(ångström) ; 11] mL(millilitre) ; 12] cm(centimetre) ; 13] dB(decibel) ; 14] kbit(kilobit) ; 15] Kibit(kibibit) ; 16] kB(kilobyte) ; 17] KiB(kibibyte) ; 18] MB(megabyte) ; 19] MiB(mebibyte)
- attribute unit {
- ## (metre) SI base unit of length
- "m"
- |
- ## (kilogram) SI base unit of mass
- "kg"
- |
- ## (second) SI base unit of time
- "s"
- |
- ## (hertz) SI unit of frequency
- "Hz"
- |
- ## (pascal) SI unit of pressure or stress
- "Pa"
- |
- ## (ohm) SI unit of electric resistance
- "Ω"
- |
- ## (litre) 1 dm³
- "L"
- |
- ## (tonne) 10³ kg
- "t"
- |
- ## (hectare) 1 hm²
- "ha"
- |
- ## (ångström) 10⁻¹⁰ m
- "Å"
- |
- ## (millilitre)
- "mL"
- |
- ## (centimetre)
- "cm"
- |
- ## (decibel) see remarks, below
- "dB"
- |
- ## (kilobit) 10³ or 1000 bits
- "kbit"
- |
- ## (kibibit) 2¹⁰ or 1024 bits
- "Kibit"
- |
- ## (kilobyte) 10³ or 1000 bytes
- "kB"
- |
- ## (kibibyte) 2¹⁰ or 1024 bytes
- "KiB"
- |
- ## (megabyte) 10⁶ or 1 000 000 bytes
- "MB"
- |
- ## (mebibyte) 2²⁰ or 1 048 576 bytes
- "MiB"
- | xsd:Name
- }?
-att.measurement.attribute.quantity =
- ## specifies the number of the specified units that comprise the measurement
- attribute quantity { data.numeric }?
-att.measurement.attribute.commodity =
- ## indicates the substance that is being measured
- attribute commodity {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?
-att.naming.attributes =
- att.canonical.attributes,
- att.naming.attribute.role,
- att.naming.attribute.nymRef
-att.naming.attribute.role =
- ## may be used to specify further information about the entity referenced by this name in the form of a set of whitespace-separated values, for example the occupation of a person, or the status of a place.
- attribute role {
- list { data.enumerated+ }
- }?
-att.naming.attribute.nymRef =
- ## (reference to the canonical name) provides a means of locating the canonical form (nym) of the names associated with the object named by the element bearing it.
- attribute nymRef {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.placement.attributes = att.placement.attribute.place
-att.placement.attribute.place =
- ## specifies where this item is placed
- ## Suggested values include: 1] below; 2] bottom; 3] margin; 4] top; 5] opposite; 6] overleaf; 7] above; 8] end; 9] inline; 10] inspace
- attribute place {
- list {
- (
- ## below the line
- "below"
- |
- ## at the foot of the page
- "bottom"
- |
- ## in the margin (left, right, or both)
- "margin"
- |
- ## at the top of the page
- "top"
- |
- ## on the opposite, i.e. facing, page
- "opposite"
- |
- ## on the other side of the leaf
- "overleaf"
- |
- ## above the line
- "above"
- |
- ## at the end of e.g. chapter or volume.
- "end"
- |
- ## within the body of the text.
- "inline"
- |
- ## in a predefined space, for example left by an earlier scribe.
- "inspace"
- | xsd:Name)+
- }
- }?
-att.typed.attributes =
- att.typed.attribute.type, att.typed.attribute.subtype
-att.typed.attribute.type =
- ## characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?
-att.typed.attribute.subtype =
- ## provides a sub-categorization of the element, if needed
- attribute subtype { data.enumerated }?
-sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-att.typed-subtypeTyped-constraint-2"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "*[@subtype]"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "@type"
- "The "
- sch:name [ ]
- " element should not be categorized in detail with @subtype\x{a}" ~
- " unless also categorized in general with @type"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
-att.pointing.attributes =
- att.pointing.attribute.targetLang,
- att.pointing.attribute.target,
- att.pointing.attribute.evaluate
-att.pointing.attribute.targetLang =
- ## specifies the language of the content to be found at the destination referenced by target, using a language tag generated according to BCP 47.
- attribute targetLang { data.language }?
-sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-att.pointing-targetLang-targetLang-constraint-3"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:*[not(self::tei:schemaSpec)][@targetLang]"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "count(@target)"
- "@targetLang can only be used if @target is specified."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
-att.pointing.attribute.target =
- ## specifies the destination of the reference by supplying one or more URI References
- attribute target {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.pointing.attribute.evaluate =
- ## specifies the intended meaning when the target of a pointer is itself a pointer.
- attribute evaluate {
- ## if the element pointed to is itself a pointer, then the target of that pointer will be taken, and so on, until an element is found which is not a pointer.
- "all"
- |
- ## if the element pointed to is itself a pointer, then its target (whether a pointer or not) is taken as the target of this pointer.
- "one"
- |
- ## no further evaluation of targets is carried out beyond that needed to find the element specified in the pointer's target.
- "none"
- }?
-att.pointing.group.attributes =
- att.pointing.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.pointing.group.attribute.domains,
- att.pointing.group.attribute.targFunc
-att.pointing.group.attribute.domains =
- ## optionally specifies the identifiers of the elements within which all elements indicated by the contents of this element lie.
- attribute domains {
- list { data.pointer, data.pointer, data.pointer* }
- }?
-att.pointing.group.attribute.targFunc =
- ## (target function) describes the function of each of the values of the target attribute of the enclosed link, join, or alt tags.
- attribute targFunc {
- list { data.word, data.word, data.word* }
- }?
-att.segLike.attributes =
- att.datcat.attributes,
- att.fragmentable.attributes,
- att.segLike.attribute.function
-att.segLike.attribute.function =
- ## characterizes the function of the segment.
- attribute function { data.enumerated }?
-att.sortable.attributes = att.sortable.attribute.sortKey
-att.sortable.attribute.sortKey =
- ## supplies the sort key for this element in an index, list or group which contains it.
- attribute sortKey { data.word }?
-att.edition.attributes =
- att.edition.attribute.ed, att.edition.attribute.edRef
-att.edition.attribute.ed =
- ## (edition) supplies a sigil or other arbitrary identifier for the source edition in which the associated feature (for example, a page, column, or line break) occurs at this point in the text.
- attribute ed {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?
-att.edition.attribute.edRef =
- ## (edition reference) provides a pointer to the source edition in which the associated feature (for example, a page, column, or line break) occurs at this point in the text.
- attribute edRef {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.spanning.attributes = att.spanning.attribute.spanTo
-att.spanning.attribute.spanTo =
- ## indicates the end of a span initiated by the element bearing this attribute.
- attribute spanTo { data.pointer }?
-sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-att.spanning-spanTo-spanTo-2-constraint-4"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:*[@spanTo]"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test =
- "id(substring(@spanTo,2)) and following::*[@xml:id=substring(current()/@spanTo,2)]"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "The element indicated by @spanTo ("
- sch:value-of [ select = "@spanTo" ]
- ") must follow the current element "
- sch:name [ ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
-att.styleDef.attributes =
- att.styleDef.attribute.scheme, att.styleDef.attribute.schemeVersion
-att.styleDef.attribute.scheme =
- ## identifies the language used to describe the rendition.
- attribute scheme {
- ## Cascading Stylesheet Language
- "css"
- |
- ## Extensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects
- "xslfo"
- |
- ## Informal free text description
- "free"
- |
- ## A user-defined rendition description language
- "other"
- }?
-att.styleDef.attribute.schemeVersion =
- ## supplies a version number for the style language provided in scheme.
- attribute schemeVersion { data.versionNumber }?
-sch:pattern [
- id =
- "tei-vbd-att.styleDef-schemeVersion-schemeVersionRequiresScheme-constraint-5"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:*[@schemeVersion]"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "@scheme and not(@scheme = 'free')"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " @schemeVersion can only be used if @scheme is specified.\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
-att.tableDecoration.attributes =
- att.tableDecoration.attribute.role,
- att.tableDecoration.attribute.rows,
- att.tableDecoration.attribute.cols
-att.tableDecoration.attribute.role =
- ## indicates the kind of information held in this cell or in each cell of this row.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] label; 2] data
- [ a:defaultValue = "data" ]
- attribute role {
- ## labelling or descriptive information only.
- "label"
- |
- ## data values.
- "data"
- | xsd:Name
- }?
-att.tableDecoration.attribute.rows =
- ## indicates the number of rows occupied by this cell or row.
- [ a:defaultValue = "1" ] attribute rows { data.count }?
-att.tableDecoration.attribute.cols =
- ## (columns) indicates the number of columns occupied by this cell or row.
- [ a:defaultValue = "1" ] attribute cols { data.count }?
-att.timed.attributes =
- att.timed.attribute.start, att.timed.attribute.end
-att.timed.attribute.start =
- ## indicates the location within a temporal alignment at which this element begins.
- attribute start { data.pointer }?
-att.timed.attribute.end =
- ## indicates the location within a temporal alignment at which this element ends.
- attribute end { data.pointer }?
-att.transcriptional.attributes =
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attribute.hand,
- att.transcriptional.attribute.status,
- att.transcriptional.attribute.cause,
- att.transcriptional.attribute.seq
-att.transcriptional.attribute.hand =
- ## indicates the hand of the agent which made the intervention.
- attribute hand { data.pointer }?
-att.transcriptional.attribute.status =
- ## indicates the effect of the intervention, for example in the case of a deletion, strikeouts which include too much or too little text, or in the case of an addition, an insertion which duplicates some of the text already present.
- ## Sample values include: 1] duplicate; 2] duplicate-partial; 3] excessStart; 4] excessEnd; 5] shortStart; 6] shortEnd; 7] partial; 8] unremarkable
- [ a:defaultValue = "unremarkable" ]
- attribute status { data.enumerated }?
-att.transcriptional.attribute.cause =
- ## documents the presumed cause for the intervention.
- attribute cause {
- ## repeated for the purpose of fixation
- "fix"
- |
- ## repeated to clarify a previously illegible or badly written text or mark
- "unclear"
- }?
-att.transcriptional.attribute.seq =
- ## (sequence) assigns a sequence number related to the order in which the encoded features carrying this attribute are believed to have occurred.
- attribute seq { data.count }?
-att.translatable.attributes = att.translatable.attribute.versionDate
-att.translatable.attribute.versionDate =
- ## specifies the date on which the source text was extracted and sent to the translator
- attribute versionDate { data.temporal.w3c }?
-att.citing.attributes =
- att.citing.attribute.unit,
- att.citing.attribute.from,
- att.citing.attribute.to
-att.citing.attribute.unit =
- ## identifies the unit of information conveyed by the element, e.g. columns, pages, volume.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] volume; 2] issue; 3] page; 4] line; 5] chapter; 6] part; 7] column
- attribute unit {
- ## the element contains a volume number.
- "volume"
- |
- ## the element contains an issue number, or volume and issue numbers.
- "issue"
- |
- ## the element contains a page number or page range.
- "page"
- |
- ## the element contains a line number or line range.
- "line"
- |
- ## the element contains a chapter indication (number and/or title)
- "chapter"
- |
- ## the element identifies a part of a book or collection.
- "part"
- |
- ## the element identifies a column.
- "column"
- | xsd:Name
- }?
-att.citing.attribute.from =
- ## specifies the starting point of the range of units indicated by the unit attribute.
- attribute from { data.word }?
-att.citing.attribute.to =
- ## specifies the end-point of the range of units indicated by the unit attribute.
- attribute to { data.word }?
-model.nameLike.agent = name | orgName | persName
-model.nameLike.agent_alternation = name | orgName | persName
-model.nameLike.agent_sequence = name, orgName, persName
-model.nameLike.agent_sequenceOptional = name?, orgName?, persName?
-model.nameLike.agent_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- name*, orgName*, persName*
-model.nameLike.agent_sequenceRepeatable = name+, orgName+, persName+
-model.segLike = seg | s | cl | phr | w | m | c | pc
-model.hiLike = hi
-model.hiLike_alternation = hi
-model.hiLike_sequence = hi
-model.hiLike_sequenceOptional = hi?
-model.hiLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = hi*
-model.hiLike_sequenceRepeatable = hi+
-model.emphLike =
- foreign
- | emph
- | distinct
- | mentioned
- | soCalled
- | gloss
- | term
- | title
-model.emphLike_alternation =
- foreign
- | emph
- | distinct
- | mentioned
- | soCalled
- | gloss
- | term
- | title
-model.emphLike_sequence =
- foreign, emph, distinct, mentioned, soCalled, gloss, term, title
-model.emphLike_sequenceOptional =
- foreign?,
- emph?,
- distinct?,
- mentioned?,
- soCalled?,
- gloss?,
- term?,
- title?
-model.emphLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- foreign*,
- emph*,
- distinct*,
- mentioned*,
- soCalled*,
- gloss*,
- term*,
- title*
-model.emphLike_sequenceRepeatable =
- foreign+,
- emph+,
- distinct+,
- mentioned+,
- soCalled+,
- gloss+,
- term+,
- title+
-model.highlighted = model.hiLike | model.emphLike
-model.dateLike = date | time
-model.dateLike_alternation = date | time
-model.dateLike_sequence = date, time
-model.dateLike_sequenceOptional = date?, time?
-model.dateLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = date*, time*
-model.dateLike_sequenceRepeatable = date+, time+
-model.dimLike = height | depth | width
-model.measureLike =
- num | measure | measureGrp | geo | dim | height | depth | width
-model.measureLike_alternation =
- num | measure | measureGrp | geo | dim | height | depth | width
-model.measureLike_sequence =
- num, measure, measureGrp, geo, dim, height, depth, width
-model.measureLike_sequenceOptional =
- num?, measure?, measureGrp?, geo?, dim?, height?, depth?, width?
-model.measureLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- num*, measure*, measureGrp*, geo*, dim*, height*, depth*, width*
-model.measureLike_sequenceRepeatable =
- num+, measure+, measureGrp+, geo+, dim+, height+, depth+, width+
-model.egLike = notAllowed
-model.egLike_alternation = notAllowed
-model.egLike_sequence = empty
-model.egLike_sequenceOptional = empty
-model.egLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = empty
-model.egLike_sequenceRepeatable = notAllowed
-model.graphicLike = media | graphic | binaryObject | formula
-model.offsetLike = offset | geogFeat
-model.offsetLike_alternation = offset | geogFeat
-model.offsetLike_sequence = offset, geogFeat
-model.offsetLike_sequenceOptional = offset?, geogFeat?
-model.offsetLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = offset*, geogFeat*
-model.offsetLike_sequenceRepeatable = offset+, geogFeat+
-model.pPart.msdesc =
- catchwords
- | dimensions
- | heraldry
- | locus
- | locusGrp
- | material
- | objectType
- | origDate
- | origPlace
- | secFol
- | signatures
- | stamp
- | watermark
-model.pPart.editorial = choice | abbr | expan | ex | am | subst
-model.pPart.editorial_alternation =
- choice | abbr | expan | ex | am | subst
-model.pPart.editorial_sequence = choice, abbr, expan, ex, am, subst
-model.pPart.editorial_sequenceOptional =
- choice?, abbr?, expan?, ex?, am?, subst?
-model.pPart.editorial_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- choice*, abbr*, expan*, ex*, am*, subst*
-model.pPart.editorial_sequenceRepeatable =
- choice+, abbr+, expan+, ex+, am+, subst+
-model.pPart.transcriptional =
- sic
- | corr
- | reg
- | orig
- | add
- | del
- | unclear
- | damage
- | handShift
- | restore
- | supplied
- | surplus
- | mod
- | redo
- | retrace
- | undo
- | app
-model.pPart.transcriptional_alternation =
- sic
- | corr
- | reg
- | orig
- | add
- | del
- | unclear
- | damage
- | handShift
- | restore
- | supplied
- | surplus
- | mod
- | redo
- | retrace
- | undo
- | app
-model.pPart.transcriptional_sequence =
- sic,
- corr,
- reg,
- orig,
- add,
- del,
- unclear,
- damage,
- handShift,
- restore,
- supplied,
- surplus,
- mod,
- redo,
- retrace,
- undo,
- app
-model.pPart.transcriptional_sequenceOptional =
- sic?,
- corr?,
- reg?,
- orig?,
- add?,
- del?,
- unclear?,
- damage?,
- handShift?,
- restore?,
- supplied?,
- surplus?,
- mod?,
- redo?,
- retrace?,
- undo?,
- app?
-model.pPart.transcriptional_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- sic*,
- corr*,
- reg*,
- orig*,
- add*,
- del*,
- unclear*,
- damage*,
- handShift*,
- restore*,
- supplied*,
- surplus*,
- mod*,
- redo*,
- retrace*,
- undo*,
- app*
-model.pPart.transcriptional_sequenceRepeatable =
- sic+,
- corr+,
- reg+,
- orig+,
- add+,
- del+,
- unclear+,
- damage+,
- handShift+,
- restore+,
- supplied+,
- surplus+,
- mod+,
- redo+,
- retrace+,
- undo+,
- app+
-model.pPart.edit = model.pPart.editorial | model.pPart.transcriptional
-model.linePart =
- model.segLike
- | model.hiLike
- | model.pPart.transcriptional
- | choice
- | zone
- | line
-model.ptrLike = ptr | ref
-model.lPart = notAllowed
-model.global.meta =
- index
- | link
- | linkGrp
- | timeline
- | join
- | joinGrp
- | alt
- | altGrp
- | substJoin
- | listTranspose
- | span
- | spanGrp
- | interp
- | interpGrp
-model.milestoneLike = milestone | gb | pb | lb | cb | anchor | fw
-model.gLike = g
-model.oddDecl = notAllowed
-model.oddDecl_alternation = notAllowed
-model.oddDecl_sequence = empty
-model.oddDecl_sequenceOptional = empty
-model.oddDecl_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = empty
-model.oddDecl_sequenceRepeatable = notAllowed
-model.phrase.xml = notAllowed
-model.specDescLike = notAllowed
-model.biblLike = bibl | biblStruct | listBibl | biblFull | msDesc
-model.biblLike_alternation =
- bibl | biblStruct | listBibl | biblFull | msDesc
-model.biblLike_sequence = bibl, biblStruct, listBibl, biblFull, msDesc
-model.biblLike_sequenceOptional =
- bibl?, biblStruct?, listBibl?, biblFull?, msDesc?
-model.biblLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- bibl*, biblStruct*, listBibl*, biblFull*, msDesc*
-model.biblLike_sequenceRepeatable =
- bibl+, biblStruct+, listBibl+, biblFull+, msDesc+
-model.headLike = head
-model.headLike_alternation = head
-model.headLike_sequence = head
-model.headLike_sequenceOptional = head?
-model.headLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = head*
-model.headLike_sequenceRepeatable = head+
-model.labelLike = desc | label
-model.labelLike_alternation = desc | label
-model.labelLike_sequence = desc, label
-model.labelLike_sequenceOptional = desc?, label?
-model.labelLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = desc*, label*
-model.labelLike_sequenceRepeatable = desc+, label+
-model.listLike =
- \list
- | listOrg
- | listEvent
- | listPerson
- | listPlace
- | listNym
- | listApp
- | listWit
- | table
-model.listLike_alternation =
- \list
- | listOrg
- | listEvent
- | listPerson
- | listPlace
- | listNym
- | listApp
- | listWit
- | table
-model.listLike_sequence =
- \list,
- listOrg,
- listEvent,
- listPerson,
- listPlace,
- listNym,
- listApp,
- listWit,
- table
-model.listLike_sequenceOptional =
- \list?,
- listOrg?,
- listEvent?,
- listPerson?,
- listPlace?,
- listNym?,
- listApp?,
- listWit?,
- table?
-model.listLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- \list*,
- listOrg*,
- listEvent*,
- listPerson*,
- listPlace*,
- listNym*,
- listApp*,
- listWit*,
- table*
-model.listLike_sequenceRepeatable =
- \list+,
- listOrg+,
- listEvent+,
- listPerson+,
- listPlace+,
- listNym+,
- listApp+,
- listWit+,
- table+
-model.noteLike = note | witDetail
-model.lLike = l
-model.lLike_alternation = l
-model.lLike_sequence = l
-model.lLike_sequenceOptional = l?
-model.lLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = l*
-model.lLike_sequenceRepeatable = l+
-model.pLike = p | ab
-model.pLike_alternation = p | ab
-model.pLike_sequence = p, ab
-model.pLike_sequenceOptional = p?, ab?
-model.pLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = p*, ab*
-model.pLike_sequenceRepeatable = p+, ab+
-model.stageLike = stage
-model.stageLike_alternation = stage
-model.stageLike_sequence = stage
-model.stageLike_sequenceOptional = stage?
-model.stageLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = stage*
-model.stageLike_sequenceRepeatable = stage+
-model.entryPart = notAllowed
-model.global.edit = gap | addSpan | damageSpan | delSpan | space
-model.divPart = model.lLike | model.pLike | lg | sp
-model.persStateLike =
- persName
- | affiliation
- | age
- | education
- | faith
- | floruit
- | langKnowledge
- | nationality
- | occupation
- | residence
- | sex
- | socecStatus
- | state
- | trait
-model.persEventLike = birth | death | event | listEvent
-model.personLike = org | person | personGrp
-model.personPart =
- model.biblLike | model.persStateLike | model.persEventLike | idno
-model.placeNamePart =
- placeName | bloc | country | region | district | settlement | geogName
-model.placeNamePart_alternation =
- placeName | bloc | country | region | district | settlement | geogName
-model.placeNamePart_sequence =
- placeName, bloc, country, region, district, settlement, geogName
-model.placeNamePart_sequenceOptional =
- placeName?,
- bloc?,
- country?,
- region?,
- district?,
- settlement?,
- geogName?
-model.placeNamePart_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- placeName*,
- bloc*,
- country*,
- region*,
- district*,
- settlement*,
- geogName*
-model.placeNamePart_sequenceRepeatable =
- placeName+,
- bloc+,
- country+,
- region+,
- district+,
- settlement+,
- geogName+
-model.placeStateLike =
- model.placeNamePart
- | climate
- | location
- | population
- | state
- | terrain
- | trait
-model.placeStateLike_alternation =
- model.placeNamePart_alternation
- | climate
- | location
- | population
- | state
- | terrain
- | trait
-model.placeStateLike_sequence =
- model.placeNamePart_sequence,
- climate,
- location,
- population,
- state,
- terrain,
- trait
-model.placeStateLike_sequenceOptional =
- model.placeNamePart_sequenceOptional?,
- climate?,
- location?,
- population?,
- state?,
- terrain?,
- trait?
-model.placeStateLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- model.placeNamePart_sequenceOptionalRepeatable*,
- climate*,
- location*,
- population*,
- state*,
- terrain*,
- trait*
-model.placeStateLike_sequenceRepeatable =
- model.placeNamePart_sequenceRepeatable+,
- climate+,
- location+,
- population+,
- state+,
- terrain+,
- trait+
-model.placeEventLike = event
-model.orgPart = listOrg | listPerson | listPlace
-model.publicationStmtPart.agency = publisher | distributor | authority
-model.publicationStmtPart.detail = date | pubPlace | idno | availability
-model.availabilityPart = licence
-model.certLike = notAllowed
-model.descLike = desc
-model.glossLike = gloss
-model.quoteLike = quote | cit
-model.quoteLike_alternation = quote | cit
-model.quoteLike_sequence = quote, cit
-model.quoteLike_sequenceOptional = quote?, cit?
-model.quoteLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = quote*, cit*
-model.quoteLike_sequenceRepeatable = quote+, cit+
-model.qLike = model.quoteLike | said | q | floatingText
-model.qLike_alternation =
- model.quoteLike_alternation | said | q | floatingText
-model.qLike_sequence = model.quoteLike_sequence, said, q, floatingText
-model.qLike_sequenceOptional =
- model.quoteLike_sequenceOptional?, said?, q?, floatingText?
-model.qLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- model.quoteLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable*, said*, q*, floatingText*
-model.qLike_sequenceRepeatable =
- model.quoteLike_sequenceRepeatable+, said+, q+, floatingText+
-model.respLike =
- author | editor | respStmt | meeting | sponsor | funder | principal
-model.divWrapper =
- meeting
- | byline
- | dateline
- | argument
- | epigraph
- | salute
- | docAuthor
- | docDate
-model.divTopPart = model.headLike | opener | signed
-model.divTop = model.divWrapper | model.divTopPart
-model.frontPart.drama = notAllowed
-model.pLike.front =
- head
- | byline
- | argument
- | epigraph
- | docTitle
- | titlePart
- | docAuthor
- | docEdition
- | docImprint
- | docDate
-model.divBottomPart = trailer | closer | signed | postscript
-model.divBottom = model.divWrapper | model.divBottomPart
-model.titlepagePart =
- graphic
- | binaryObject
- | byline
- | argument
- | epigraph
- | docTitle
- | titlePart
- | docAuthor
- | imprimatur
- | docEdition
- | docImprint
- | docDate
-model.msQuoteLike =
- title | colophon | explicit | finalRubric | incipit | rubric
-model.msItemPart =
- model.biblLike
- | model.quoteLike
- | model.respLike
- | model.msQuoteLike
- | textLang
- | idno
- | filiation
- | msItem
- | msItemStruct
- | decoNote
-model.choicePart =
- sic | corr | reg | orig | unclear | abbr | expan | seg | ex | am
-model.imprintPart = publisher | biblScope | pubPlace | distributor
-model.catDescPart = notAllowed
-model.physDescPart_sequenceOptional =
- objectDesc?,
- handDesc?,
- typeDesc?,
- scriptDesc?,
- musicNotation?,
- decoDesc?,
- additions?,
- bindingDesc?,
- sealDesc?,
- accMat?
-model.addressLike = email | affiliation
-model.addressLike_alternation = email | affiliation
-model.addressLike_sequence = email, affiliation
-model.addressLike_sequenceOptional = email?, affiliation?
-model.addressLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = email*, affiliation*
-model.addressLike_sequenceRepeatable = email+, affiliation+
-model.nameLike =
- model.nameLike.agent
- | model.offsetLike
- | model.placeStateLike
- | rs
- | idno
- | model.persNamePart
-model.nameLike_alternation =
- model.nameLike.agent_alternation
- | model.offsetLike_alternation
- | model.placeStateLike_alternation
- | rs
- | idno
- | model.persNamePart_alternation
-model.nameLike_sequence =
- model.nameLike.agent_sequence,
- model.offsetLike_sequence,
- model.placeStateLike_sequence,
- rs,
- idno,
- model.persNamePart_sequence
-model.nameLike_sequenceOptional =
- model.nameLike.agent_sequenceOptional?,
- model.offsetLike_sequenceOptional?,
- model.placeStateLike_sequenceOptional?,
- rs?,
- idno?,
- model.persNamePart_sequenceOptional?
-model.nameLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- model.nameLike.agent_sequenceOptionalRepeatable*,
- model.offsetLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable*,
- model.placeStateLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable*,
- rs*,
- idno*,
- model.persNamePart_sequenceOptionalRepeatable*
-model.nameLike_sequenceRepeatable =
- model.nameLike.agent_sequenceRepeatable+,
- model.offsetLike_sequenceRepeatable+,
- model.placeStateLike_sequenceRepeatable+,
- rs+,
- idno+,
- model.persNamePart_sequenceRepeatable+
-model.global =
- model.global.meta
- | model.milestoneLike
- | model.noteLike
- | model.global.edit
- | metamark
- | notatedMusic
- | figure
-model.biblPart =
- model.respLike
- | model.imprintPart
- | series
- | citedRange
- | bibl
- | relatedItem
- | textLang
- | edition
- | extent
- | availability
- | listRelation
- | msIdentifier
-model.frontPart = model.frontPart.drama | divGen | titlePage
-model.pPart.data =
- model.dateLike
- | model.measureLike
- | model.addressLike
- | model.nameLike
-model.inter =
- model.egLike
- | model.oddDecl
- | model.biblLike
- | model.labelLike
- | model.listLike
- | model.stageLike
- | model.qLike
-model.common = model.divPart | model.inter
-model.phrase =
- model.segLike
- | model.highlighted
- | model.graphicLike
- | model.pPart.msdesc
- | model.pPart.edit
- | model.ptrLike
- | model.lPart
- | model.phrase.xml
- | model.specDescLike
- | model.pPart.data
-model.limitedPhrase =
- model.hiLike
- | model.emphLike
- | model.pPart.msdesc
- | model.pPart.editorial
- | model.ptrLike
- | model.phrase.xml
- | model.pPart.data
-model.divLike = \div
-model.divGenLike = divGen
-model.div1Like = div1
-model.div2Like = div2
-model.div3Like = div3
-model.div4Like = div4
-model.div5Like = div5
-model.div6Like = div6
-model.div7Like = div7
-model.applicationLike = application
-model.teiHeaderPart = encodingDesc | profileDesc
-model.sourceDescPart = notAllowed
-model.encodingDescPart =
- projectDesc
- | samplingDecl
- | editorialDecl
- | tagsDecl
- | styleDefDecl
- | refsDecl
- | listPrefixDef
- | classDecl
- | geoDecl
- | appInfo
- | charDecl
- | variantEncoding
-model.editorialDeclPart =
- correction
- | normalization
- | quotation
- | hyphenation
- | segmentation
- | stdVals
- | interpretation
- | punctuation
-model.profileDescPart =
- abstract
- | creation
- | langUsage
- | textClass
- | calendarDesc
- | handNotes
- | listTranspose
-att.source.attributes = att.source.attribute.source
-att.source.attribute.source =
- ## provides a pointer to the bibliographical source from which a quotation or citation is drawn.
- attribute source {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-model.resourceLike = facsimile | sourceDoc
-att.personal.attributes =
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.personal.attribute.full,
- att.personal.attribute.sort
-att.personal.attribute.full =
- ## indicates whether the name component is given in full, as an abbreviation or simply as an initial.
- [ a:defaultValue = "yes" ]
- attribute full {
- ## the name component is spelled out in full.
- "yes"
- |
- ## (abbreviated) the name component is given in an abbreviated form.
- "abb"
- |
- ## (initial letter) the name component is indicated only by one initial.
- "init"
- }?
-att.personal.attribute.sort =
- ## specifies the sort order of the name component in relation to others within the name.
- attribute sort { data.count }?
-model.placeLike = place
-att.milestoneUnit.attributes = att.milestoneUnit.attribute.unit
-att.milestoneUnit.attribute.unit =
- ## provides a conventional name for the kind of section changing at this milestone.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] page; 2] column; 3] line; 4] book; 5] poem; 6] canto; 7] speaker; 8] stanza; 9] act; 10] scene; 11] section; 12] absent; 13] unnumbered
- attribute unit {
- ## physical page breaks (synonymous with the pb element).
- "page"
- |
- ## column breaks.
- "column"
- |
- ## line breaks (synonymous with the lb element).
- "line"
- |
- ## any units termed book, liber, etc.
- "book"
- |
- ## individual poems in a collection.
- "poem"
- |
- ## cantos or other major sections of a poem.
- "canto"
- |
- ## changes of speaker or narrator.
- "speaker"
- |
- ## stanzas within a poem, book, or canto.
- "stanza"
- |
- ## acts within a play.
- "act"
- |
- ## scenes within a play or act.
- "scene"
- |
- ## sections of any kind.
- "section"
- |
- ## passages not present in the reference edition.
- "absent"
- |
- ## passages present in the text, but not to be included as part of the reference.
- "unnumbered"
- | xsd:Name
- }
-p =
- ## (paragraph) marks paragraphs in prose. [3.1. 7.2.5. ]
- element p {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.fragmentable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-foreign =
- ## identifies a word or phrase as belonging to some language other than that of the surrounding text. [ ]
- element foreign { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-emph =
- ## (emphasized) marks words or phrases which are stressed or emphasized for linguistic or rhetorical effect. [ 3.3.2. ]
- element emph { macro.paraContent, att.global.attributes, empty }
-hi =
- ## (highlighted) marks a word or phrase as graphically distinct from the surrounding text, for reasons concerning which no claim is made. [ 3.3.2. ]
- element hi { macro.paraContent, att.global.attributes, empty }
-distinct =
- ## identifies any word or phrase which is regarded as linguistically distinct, for example as archaic, technical, dialectal, non-preferred, etc., or as forming part of a sublanguage. [ ]
- element distinct {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## specifies the sublanguage or register to which the word or phrase is being assigned
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?,
- ## specifies how the phrase is distinct diachronically
- attribute time { data.text }?,
- ## specifies how the phrase is distinct diatopically
- attribute space { data.text }?,
- ## specifies how the phrase is distinct diastatically
- attribute social { data.text }?,
- empty
- }
-said =
- ## (speech or thought) indicates passages thought or spoken aloud, whether explicitly indicated in the source or not, whether directly or indirectly reported, whether by real people or fictional characters. [3.3.3. ]
- element said {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.ascribed.attributes,
- ## may be used to indicate whether the quoted matter is regarded as having been vocalized or signed.
- [ a:defaultValue = "unknown" ]
- attribute aloud { data.xTruthValue }?,
- ## may be used to indicate whether the quoted matter is regarded as direct or indirect speech.
- [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute direct { data.xTruthValue }?,
- empty
- }
-quote =
- ## (quotation) contains a phrase or passage attributed by the narrator or author to some agency external to the text. [3.3.3. 4.3.1. ]
- element quote {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.msExcerpt.attributes,
- att.source.attributes,
- empty
- }
-q =
- ## (quoted) contains material which is distinguished from the surrounding text using quotation marks or a similar method, for any one of a variety of reasons including, but not limited to: direct speech or thought, technical terms or jargon, authorial distance, quotations from elsewhere, and passages that are mentioned but not used. [3.3.3. ]
- element q {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.ascribed.attributes,
- att.source.attributes,
- ## may be used to indicate whether the offset passage is spoken or thought, or to characterize it more finely.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] spoken; 2] thought; 3] written; 4] soCalled; 5] foreign; 6] distinct; 7] term; 8] emph; 9] mentioned
- attribute type {
- ## representation of speech
- "spoken"
- |
- ## representation of thought, e.g. internal monologue
- "thought"
- |
- ## quotation from a written source
- "written"
- |
- ## authorial distance
- "soCalled"
- |
- ##
- "foreign"
- |
- ## linguistically distinct
- "distinct"
- |
- ## technical term
- "term"
- |
- ## rhetorically emphasized
- "emph"
- |
- ## refering to itself, not its normal referent
- "mentioned"
- | xsd:Name
- }?,
- empty
- }
-cit =
- ## (cited quotation) contains a quotation from some other document, together with a bibliographic reference to its source. In a dictionary it may contain an example text with at least one occurrence of the word form, used in the sense being described, or a translation of the headword, or an example. [3.3.3. 4.3.1. ]
- element cit {
- (model.qLike
- | model.egLike
- | model.biblLike
- | model.ptrLike
- | model.global
- | model.entryPart)+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-mentioned =
- ## marks words or phrases mentioned, not used. [3.3.3. ]
- element mentioned { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-soCalled =
- ## contains a word or phrase for which the author or narrator indicates a disclaiming of responsibility, for example by the use of scare quotes or italics. [3.3.3. ]
- element soCalled { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-desc =
- ## (description) contains a brief description of the object documented by its parent element, including its intended usage, purpose, or application where this is appropriate. [22.4.1. ]
- element desc {
- macro.limitedContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.translatable.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-gloss =
- ## identifies a phrase or word used to provide a gloss or definition for some other word or phrase. [3.3.4. 22.4.1. ]
- element gloss {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.translatable.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- att.cReferencing.attributes,
- empty
- }
-term =
- ## contains a single-word, multi-word, or symbolic designation which is regarded as a technical term. [3.3.4. ]
- element term {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- att.cReferencing.attributes,
- empty
- }
-sic =
- ## (Latin for thus or so
- ## ) contains text reproduced although apparently incorrect or inaccurate. [3.4.1. ]
- element sic {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- empty
- }
-corr =
- ## (correction) contains the correct form of a passage apparently erroneous in the copy text. [3.4.1. ]
- element corr {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-choice =
- ## groups a number of alternative encodings for the same point in a text. [3.4. ]
- element choice {
- (model.choicePart | choice)*, att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-reg =
- ## (regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense. [3.4.2. 12. ]
- element reg {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-orig =
- ## (original form) contains a reading which is marked as following the original, rather than being normalized or corrected. [3.4.2. 12. ]
- element orig {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- empty
- }
-gap =
- ## indicates a point where material has been omitted in a transcription, whether for editorial reasons described in the TEI header, as part of sampling practice, or because the material is illegible, invisible, or inaudible. [3.4.3. ]
- element gap {
- (model.descLike | model.certLike)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- ## gives the reason for omission. Sample values include sampling, inaudible, irrelevant, cancelled.
- attribute reason {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?,
- ## in the case of text omitted from the transcription because of deliberate deletion by an identifiable hand, indicates the hand which made the deletion.
- attribute hand { data.pointer }?,
- ## in the case of text omitted because of damage, categorizes the cause of the damage, if it can be identified.
- ## Sample values include: 1] rubbing; 2] mildew; 3] smoke
- attribute agent { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-add =
- ## (addition) contains letters, words, or phrases inserted in the source text by an author, scribe, or a previous annotator or corrector. [3.4.3. ]
- element add {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attributes,
- att.placement.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-del =
- ## (deletion) contains a letter, word, or passage deleted, marked as deleted, or otherwise indicated as superfluous or spurious in the copy text by an author, scribe, or a previous annotator or corrector. [3.4.3. ]
- element del {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-unclear =
- ## contains a word, phrase, or passage which cannot be transcribed with certainty because it is illegible or inaudible in the source. [ 3.4.3. ]
- element unclear {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- ## indicates why the material is hard to transcribe.
- attribute reason {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?,
- ## Where the difficulty in transcription arises from action (partial deletion, etc.) assignable to an identifiable hand, signifies the hand responsible for the action.
- attribute hand { data.pointer }?,
- ## Where the difficulty in transcription arises from damage, categorizes the cause of the damage, if it can be identified.
- ## Sample values include: 1] rubbing; 2] mildew; 3] smoke
- attribute agent { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-name =
- ## (name, proper noun) contains a proper noun or noun phrase. [3.5.1. ]
- element name {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.personal.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-rs =
- ## (referencing string) contains a general purpose name or referring string. [13.2.1. 3.5.1. ]
- element rs {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- empty
- }
-email =
- ## (electronic mail address) contains an email address identifying a location to which email messages can be delivered. [3.5.2. ]
- element email { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-num =
- ## (number) contains a number, written in any form. [3.5.3. ]
- element num {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.ranging.attributes,
- ## indicates the type of numeric value.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] cardinal; 2] ordinal; 3] fraction; 4] percentage
- attribute type {
- ## absolute number, e.g. 21, 21.5
- "cardinal"
- |
- ## ordinal number, e.g. 21st
- "ordinal"
- |
- ## fraction, e.g. one half or three-quarters
- "fraction"
- |
- ## a percentage
- "percentage"
- | xsd:Name
- }?,
- ## supplies the value of the number in standard form.
- attribute value { data.numeric }?,
- empty
- }
-measure =
- ## contains a word or phrase referring to some quantity of an object or commodity, usually comprising a number, a unit, and a commodity name. [3.5.3. ]
- element measure {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.measurement.attributes,
- ## specifies the type of measurement in any convenient typology.
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-measureGrp =
- ## (measure group) contains a group of dimensional specifications which relate to the same object, for example the height and width of a manuscript page. [10.3.4. ]
- element measureGrp {
- (text | model.gLike | model.measureLike)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.measurement.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-date =
- ## contains a date in any format. [3.5.4. 2.2.4. 2.5. 15.2.3. 13.3.6. ]
- element date {
- (text | model.gLike | model.phrase | model.global)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-time =
- ## contains a phrase defining a time of day in any format. [3.5.4. ]
- element time {
- (text | model.gLike | model.phrase | model.global)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-abbr =
- ## (abbreviation) contains an abbreviation of any sort. [3.5.5. ]
- element abbr {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- att.typed.attribute.subtype,
- ## allows the encoder to classify the abbreviation according to some convenient typology.
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-expan =
- ## (expansion) contains the expansion of an abbreviation. [3.5.5. ]
- element expan {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- empty
- }
-ptr =
- ## (pointer) defines a pointer to another location. [3.6. 16.1. ]
- element ptr {
- empty
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-ptr-ptrAtts-constraint-1"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:ptr"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "@target and @cRef"
- "Only one of the\x{a}" ~
- "attributes @target and @cRef may be supplied on "
- sch:name [ ]
- "."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- att.internetMedia.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.cReferencing.attributes,
- empty
- }
-ref =
- ## (reference) defines a reference to another location, possibly modified by additional text or comment. [3.6. 16.1. ]
- element ref {
- macro.paraContent
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-ref-refAtts-constraint-2"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:ref"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "@target and @cRef"
- "Only one of the\x{a}" ~
- " attributes @target' and @cRef' may be supplied on "
- sch:name [ ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- att.internetMedia.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.cReferencing.attributes,
- empty
- }
-\list =
- ## contains any sequence of items organized as a list. [3.7. ]
- element list {
- ((model.divTop | model.global)*,
- ((item, model.global*)+
- | (headLabel?,
- headItem?,
- (label, model.global*, item, model.global*)+)),
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- att.typed.attribute.subtype,
- ## describes the nature of the items in the list.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] gloss; 2] index; 3] instructions; 4] litany; 5] syllogism
- attribute type {
- ## each list item glosses some term or concept, which is given by a label element preceding the list item.
- "gloss"
- |
- ## each list item is an entry in an index such as the alphabetical topical index at the back of a print volume.
- "index"
- |
- ## each list item is a step in a sequence of instructions, as in a recipe.
- "instructions"
- |
- ## each list item is one of a sequence of petitions, supplications or invocations, typically in a religious ritual.
- "litany"
- |
- ## each list item is part of an argument consisting of two or more propositions and a final conclusion derived from them.
- "syllogism"
- | xsd:Name
- }?,
- empty
- }
-item =
- ## contains one component of a list. [3.7. 2.5. ]
- element item {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-label =
- ## contains any label or heading used to identify part of a text, typically but not exclusively in a list or glossary. [3.7. ]
- element label {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.placement.attributes,
- empty
- }
-head =
- ## (heading) contains any type of heading, for example the title of a section, or the heading of a list, glossary, manuscript description, etc. [4.2.1. ]
- element head {
- (text
- | lg
- | model.gLike
- | model.phrase
- | model.inter
- | model.lLike
- | model.global)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-headLabel =
- ## (heading for list labels) contains the heading for the label or term column in a glossary list or similar structured list. [3.7. ]
- element headLabel { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-headItem =
- ## (heading for list items) contains the heading for the item or gloss column in a glossary list or similar structured list. [3.7. ]
- element headItem { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-note =
- ## contains a note or annotation. [3.8.1. 2.2.6. ]
- element note {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.placement.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- ## indicates whether the copy text shows the exact place of reference for the note.
- [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute anchored { data.truthValue }?,
- ## points to the end of the span to which the note is attached, if the note is not embedded in the text at that point.
- attribute targetEnd {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-index =
- ## (index entry) marks a location to be indexed for whatever purpose. [3.8.2. ]
- element index {
- (term, index?)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- ## a single word which follows the rules defining a legal XML name (see ), supplying a name to specify which index (of several) the index entry belongs to.
- attribute indexName { data.name }?,
- empty
- }
-media =
- ## indicates the location of any form of external media such as an audio or video clip etc. [3.9. ]
- element media {
- model.descLike*,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.media.attribute.width,
- att.media.attribute.height,
- att.media.attribute.scale,
- att.resourced.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.timed.attributes,
- ## (MIME media type) specifies the applicable multimedia internet mail extension (MIME) media type
- attribute mimeType {
- list { data.word+ }
- },
- empty
- }
-graphic =
- ## indicates the location of an inline graphic, illustration, or figure. [3.9. ]
- element graphic {
- model.descLike*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.media.attributes,
- att.resourced.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-binaryObject =
- ## provides encoded binary data representing an inline graphic, audio, video or other object. [3.9. ]
- element binaryObject {
- text,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.media.attributes,
- att.timed.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- ## The encoding used to encode the binary data. If not specified, this is assumed to be Base64.
- attribute encoding {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-milestone =
- ## marks a boundary point separating any kind of section of a text, typically but not necessarily indicating a point at which some part of a standard reference system changes, where the change is not represented by a structural element. [3.10.3. ]
- element milestone {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.milestoneUnit.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.edition.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- att.breaking.attributes,
- empty
- }
-gb =
- ## (gathering begins) marks the point in a transcribed codex at which a new gathering or quire begins. [3.10.3. ]
- element gb {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- att.breaking.attributes,
- empty
- }
-pb =
- ## (page break) marks the start of a new page in a paginated document. [3.10.3. ]
- element pb {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.edition.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- att.breaking.attributes,
- empty
- }
-lb =
- ## (line break) marks the start of a new (typographic) line in some edition or version of a text. [3.10.3. 7.2.5. ]
- element lb {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.edition.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- att.breaking.attributes,
- empty
- }
-cb =
- ## (column break) marks the beginning of a new column of a text on a multi-column page. [3.10.3. ]
- element cb {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.edition.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- att.breaking.attributes,
- empty
- }
-analytic =
- ## (analytic level) contains bibliographic elements describing an item (e.g. an article or poem) published within a monograph or journal and not as an independent publication. [ ]
- element analytic {
- (author
- | editor
- | respStmt
- | title
- | model.ptrLike
- | date
- | textLang
- | idno
- | availability)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-monogr =
- ## (monographic level) contains bibliographic elements describing an item (e.g. a book or journal) published as an independent item (i.e. as a separate physical object). [ ]
- element monogr {
- ((((author | editor | meeting | respStmt),
- (author | editor | meeting | respStmt)*,
- title+,
- (model.ptrLike | idno | textLang | editor | respStmt)*)
- | ((title | model.ptrLike | idno)+,
- (textLang | author | editor | meeting | respStmt)*)
- | (authority, idno))?,
- availability*,
- model.noteLike*,
- (edition,
- (idno | model.ptrLike | editor | sponsor | funder | respStmt)*)*,
- imprint,
- (imprint | extent | biblScope)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-series =
- ## (series information) contains information about the series in which a book or other bibliographic item has appeared. [ ]
- element series {
- (text
- | model.gLike
- | title
- | model.ptrLike
- | editor
- | respStmt
- | biblScope
- | idno
- | textLang
- | model.global
- | availability)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-author =
- ## in a bibliographic reference, contains the name(s) of an author, personal or corporate, of a work; for example in the same form as that provided by a recognized bibliographic name authority. [ 2.2.1. ]
- element author {
- macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, att.naming.attributes, empty
- }
-editor =
- ## contains a secondary statement of responsibility for a bibliographic item, for example the name of an individual, institution or organization, (or of several such) acting as editor, compiler, translator, etc. [ ]
- element editor {
- macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, att.naming.attributes, empty
- }
-respStmt =
- ## (statement of responsibility) supplies a statement of responsibility for the intellectual content of a text, edition, recording, or series, where the specialized elements for authors, editors, etc. do not suffice or do not apply. May also be used to encode information about individuals or organizations which have played a role in the production or distribution of a bibliographic work. [ 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.5. ]
- element respStmt {
- ((resp+, model.nameLike.agent+) | (model.nameLike.agent+, resp+)),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- empty
- }
-resp =
- ## (responsibility) contains a phrase describing the nature of a person's intellectual responsibility, or an organization's role in the production or distribution of a work. [ 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.5. ]
- element resp {
- macro.phraseSeq.limited,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-title =
- ## contains a title for any kind of work. [ 2.2.1. 2.2.5. ]
- element title {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- att.typed.attribute.subtype,
- ## classifies the title according to some convenient typology.
- ## Sample values include: 1] main; 2] sub(subordinate) ; 3] alt(alternate) ; 4] short; 5] desc(descriptive)
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?,
- ## indicates the bibliographic level for a title, that is, whether it identifies an article, book, journal, series, or unpublished material.
- attribute level {
- ## (analytic) the title applies to an analytic item, such as an article, poem, or other work published as part of a larger item.
- "a"
- |
- ## (monographic) the title applies to a monograph such as a book or other item considered to be a distinct publication, including single volumes of multi-volume works
- "m"
- |
- ## (journal) the title applies to any serial or periodical publication such as a journal, magazine, or newspaper
- "j"
- |
- ## (series) the title applies to a series of otherwise distinct publications such as a collection
- "s"
- |
- ## (unpublished) the title applies to any unpublished material (including theses and dissertations unless published by a commercial press)
- "u"
- }?,
- empty
- }
-meeting =
- ## contains the formalized descriptive title for a meeting or conference, for use in a bibliographic description for an item derived from such a meeting, or as a heading or preamble to publications emanating from it. [ ]
- element meeting {
- macro.limitedContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- empty
- }
-imprint =
- ## groups information relating to the publication or distribution of a bibliographic item. [ ]
- element imprint {
- ((classCode | catRef)*,
- ((model.imprintPart | model.dateLike), respStmt*, model.global*)+),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-publisher =
- ## provides the name of the organization responsible for the publication or distribution of a bibliographic item. [ 2.2.4. ]
- element publisher { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-biblScope =
- ## (scope of bibliographic reference) defines the scope of a bibliographic reference, for example as a list of page numbers, or a named subdivision of a larger work. [ ]
- element biblScope {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.citing.attributes,
- ## identifies the type of information conveyed by the element, e.g. columns, pages, volume.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] vol(volume) ; 2] issue; 3] pp(pages) ; 4] ll(lines) ; 5] chap(chapter) ; 6] part
- attribute type {
- ## (volume) the element contains a volume number.
- "vol"
- |
- ## the element contains an issue number, or volume and issue numbers.
- "issue"
- |
- ## (pages) the element contains a page number or page range.
- "pp"
- |
- ## (lines) the element contains a line number or line range.
- "ll"
- |
- ## (chapter) the element contains a chapter indication (number and/or title)
- "chap"
- |
- ## the element identifies a part of a book or collection.
- "part"
- | xsd:Name
- }?,
- empty
- }
-citedRange =
- ## (cited range) defines the range of cited content, often represented by pages or other units [ ]
- element citedRange {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- att.citing.attributes,
- empty
- }
-pubPlace =
- ## (publication place) contains the name of the place where a bibliographic item was published. [ ]
- element pubPlace {
- macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, att.naming.attributes, empty
- }
-bibl =
- ## (bibliographic citation) contains a loosely-structured bibliographic citation of which the sub-components may or may not be explicitly tagged. [3.11.1. 2.2.7. 15.3.2. ]
- element bibl {
- (text
- | model.gLike
- | model.highlighted
- | model.pPart.data
- | model.pPart.edit
- | model.segLike
- | model.ptrLike
- | model.biblPart
- | model.global)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- att.docStatus.attributes,
- empty
- }
-biblStruct =
- ## (structured bibliographic citation) contains a structured bibliographic citation, in which only bibliographic sub-elements appear and in a specified order. [3.11.1. 2.2.7. 15.3.2. ]
- element biblStruct {
- (analytic*,
- (monogr, series*)+,
- (model.noteLike
- | idno
- | model.ptrLike
- | relatedItem
- | citedRange)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- att.docStatus.attributes,
- empty
- }
-listBibl =
- ## (citation list) contains a list of bibliographic citations of any kind. [3.11.1. 2.2.7. 15.3.2. ]
- element listBibl {
- (model.headLike*,
- (model.biblLike | model.milestoneLike)+,
- (relation | listRelation)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-relatedItem =
- ## contains or references some other bibliographic item which is related to the present one in some specified manner, for example as a constituent or alternative version of it. [ ]
- element relatedItem {
- ((model.biblLike | model.ptrLike)?)
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-relatedItem-targetorcontent1-constraint-3"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:relatedItem"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "@target and count( child::* ) > 0"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "If the @target attribute on "
- sch:name [ ]
- " is used, the\x{a}" ~
- "relatedItem element must be empty"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-relatedItem-targetorcontent1-constraint-6"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:relatedItem"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "@target or child::*"
- "A relatedItem element should have either a 'target' attribute\x{a}" ~
- " or a child element to indicate the related bibliographic item"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- ## points to the related bibliographic element by means of an absolute or relative URI reference
- attribute target { data.pointer }?,
- empty
- }
-l =
- ## (verse line) contains a single, possibly incomplete, line of verse. [3.12.1. 3.12. 7.2.5. ]
- element l {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.fragmentable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-lg =
- ## (line group) contains one or more verse lines functioning as a formal unit, e.g. a stanza, refrain, verse paragraph, etc. [3.12.1. 3.12. 7.2.5. ]
- element lg {
- ((model.divTop | model.global)*,
- (model.lLike | model.stageLike | model.labelLike | lg),
- (model.lLike
- | model.stageLike
- | model.labelLike
- | model.global
- | lg)*,
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*)
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-lg-atleast1oflggapl-constraint-7"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:lg"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test =
- "count(descendant::tei:lg|descendant::tei:l|descendant::tei:gap) > 0"
- "An lg element\x{a}" ~
- " must contain at least one child l, lg or gap element."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.divLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-sp =
- ## (speech) contains an individual speech in a performance text, or a passage presented as such in a prose or verse text. [3.12.2. 3.12. 7.2.2. ]
- element sp {
- (model.global*,
- (speaker, model.global*)?,
- ((lg
- | model.lLike
- | model.pLike
- | model.listLike
- | model.stageLike
- | model.qLike),
- model.global*)+),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.ascribed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-speaker =
- ## contains a specialized form of heading or label, giving the name of one or more speakers in a dramatic text or fragment. [3.12.2. ]
- element speaker { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-stage =
- ## (stage direction) contains any kind of stage direction within a dramatic text or fragment. [3.12.2. 3.12. 7.2.4. ]
- element stage {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.ascribed.attributes,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.placement.attributes,
- ## indicates the kind of stage direction.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] setting; 2] entrance; 3] exit; 4] business; 5] novelistic; 6] delivery; 7] modifier; 8] location; 9] mixed
- attribute type {
- ## describes a setting.
- "setting"
- |
- ## describes an entrance.
- "entrance"
- |
- ## describes an exit.
- "exit"
- |
- ## describes stage business.
- "business"
- |
- ## is a narrative, motivating stage direction.
- "novelistic"
- |
- ## describes how a character speaks.
- "delivery"
- |
- ## gives some detail about a character.
- "modifier"
- |
- ## describes a location.
- "location"
- |
- ## more than one of the above
- "mixed"
- | xsd:Name
- }?,
- empty
- }
-teiCorpus =
- ## contains the whole of a TEI encoded corpus, comprising a single corpus header and one or more TEI elements, each containing a single text header and a text. [4. 15.1. ]
- element teiCorpus {
- (teiHeader,
- ((model.resourceLike+, (TEI | teiCorpus)*)
- | (TEI | teiCorpus)+)),
- att.global.attributes,
- ## The version of the TEI scheme
- [ a:defaultValue = "5.0" ] attribute version { data.version }?,
- empty
- }
-divGen =
- ## (automatically generated text division) indicates the location at which a textual division generated automatically by a text-processing application is to appear. [3.8.2. ]
- element divGen {
- model.headLike*,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## specifies what type of generated text division (e.g. index, table of contents, etc.) is to appear.
- ## Sample values include: 1] index; 2] toc; 3] figlist; 4] tablist
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-textLang =
- ## (text language) describes the languages and writing systems identified within the bibliographic work being described, rather than its description. [ 10.6.6. ]
- element textLang {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## (main language) supplies a code which identifies the chief language used in the bibliographic work.
- attribute mainLang { data.language }?,
- ## (other languages) one or more codes identifying any other languages used in the bibliographic work.
- attribute otherLangs {
- list { data.language* }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-att.patternReplacement.attributes =
- att.patternReplacement.attribute.matchPattern,
- att.patternReplacement.attribute.replacementPattern
-att.patternReplacement.attribute.matchPattern =
- ## specifies a regular expression against which the values of other attributes can be matched.
- attribute matchPattern { data.pattern }
-att.patternReplacement.attribute.replacementPattern =
- ## specifies a replacement pattern, that is, the skeleton of a relative or absolute URI containing references to groups in the matchPattern which, once subpattern substitution has been performed, complete the URI.
- attribute replacementPattern { data.replacement }
-teiHeader =
- ## (TEI header) supplies the descriptive and declarative information making up an electronic title page for every TEI-conformant document. [2.1.1. 15.1. ]
- element teiHeader {
- (fileDesc, model.teiHeaderPart*, revisionDesc?),
- att.global.attributes,
- ## specifies the kind of document to which the header is attached, for example whether it is a corpus or individual text.
- ## Sample values include: 1] text; 2] corpus
- [ a:defaultValue = "text" ] attribute type { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-fileDesc =
- ## (file description) contains a full bibliographic description of an electronic file. [2.2. 2.1.1. ]
- element fileDesc {
- ((titleStmt,
- editionStmt?,
- extent?,
- publicationStmt,
- seriesStmt?,
- notesStmt?),
- sourceDesc+),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-titleStmt =
- ## (title statement) groups information about the title of a work and those responsible for its content. [2.2.1. 2.2. ]
- element titleStmt {
- (title+, model.respLike*), att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-sponsor =
- ## specifies the name of a sponsoring organization or institution. [2.2.1. ]
- element sponsor {
- macro.phraseSeq.limited,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- empty
- }
-funder =
- ## (funding body) specifies the name of an individual, institution, or organization responsible for the funding of a project or text. [2.2.1. ]
- element funder {
- macro.phraseSeq.limited,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- empty
- }
-principal =
- ## (principal researcher) supplies the name of the principal researcher responsible for the creation of an electronic text. [2.2.1. ]
- element principal {
- macro.phraseSeq.limited,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- empty
- }
-editionStmt =
- ## (edition statement) groups information relating to one edition of a text. [2.2.2. 2.2. ]
- element editionStmt {
- (model.pLike+ | (edition, model.respLike*)),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-edition =
- ## describes the particularities of one edition of a text. [2.2.2. ]
- element edition { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-extent =
- ## describes the approximate size of a text stored on some carrier medium or of some other object, digital or non-digital, specified in any convenient units. [2.2.3. 2.2. 10.7.1. ]
- element extent { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-publicationStmt =
- ## (publication statement) groups information concerning the publication or distribution of an electronic or other text. [2.2.4. 2.2. ]
- element publicationStmt {
- ((model.publicationStmtPart.agency,
- model.publicationStmtPart.detail*)+
- | model.pLike+),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-distributor =
- ## supplies the name of a person or other agency responsible for the distribution of a text. [2.2.4. ]
- element distributor { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-authority =
- ## (release authority) supplies the name of a person or other agency responsible for making a work available, other than a publisher or distributor. [2.2.4. ]
- element authority {
- macro.phraseSeq.limited, att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-idno =
- ## (identifier) supplies any form of identifier used to identify some object, such as a bibliographic item, a person, a title, an organization, etc. in a standardized way. [2.2.4. 2.2.5. ]
- element idno {
- (text | model.gLike | idno)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- ## categorizes the identifier, for example as an ISBN, Social Security number, etc.
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-availability =
- ## supplies information about the availability of a text, for example any restrictions on its use or distribution, its copyright status, any licence applying to it, etc. [2.2.4. ]
- element availability {
- (model.availabilityPart | model.pLike)+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- ## supplies a code identifying the current availability of the text.
- [ a:defaultValue = "unknown" ]
- attribute status {
- ## the text is freely available.
- "free"
- |
- ## the status of the text is unknown.
- "unknown"
- |
- ## the text is not freely available.
- "restricted"
- }?,
- empty
- }
-licence =
- ## contains information about a licence or other legal agreement applicable to the text. [2.2.4. ]
- element licence {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-seriesStmt =
- ## (series statement) groups information about the series, if any, to which a publication belongs. [2.2.5. 2.2. ]
- element seriesStmt {
- (model.pLike+
- | (title+, (editor | respStmt)*, (idno | biblScope)*)),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-notesStmt =
- ## (notes statement) collects together any notes providing information about a text additional to that recorded in other parts of the bibliographic description. [2.2.6. 2.2. ]
- element notesStmt {
- (model.noteLike | relatedItem)+, att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-sourceDesc =
- ## (source description) describes the source from which an electronic text was derived or generated, typically a bibliographic description in the case of a digitized text, or a phrase such as "born digital" for a text which has no previous existence. [2.2.7. ]
- element sourceDesc {
- (model.pLike+
- | (model.biblLike | model.sourceDescPart | model.listLike)+),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-biblFull =
- ## (fully-structured bibliographic citation) contains a fully-structured bibliographic citation, in which all components of the TEI file description are present. [3.11.1. 2.2. 2.2.7. 15.3.2. ]
- element biblFull {
- ((titleStmt,
- editionStmt?,
- extent?,
- publicationStmt,
- seriesStmt?,
- notesStmt?),
- sourceDesc*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- att.docStatus.attributes,
- empty
- }
-encodingDesc =
- ## (encoding description) documents the relationship between an electronic text and the source or sources from which it was derived. [2.3. 2.1.1. ]
- element encodingDesc {
- (model.encodingDescPart | model.pLike)+,
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-projectDesc =
- ## (project description) describes in detail the aim or purpose for which an electronic file was encoded, together with any other relevant information concerning the process by which it was assembled or collected. [2.3.1. 2.3. 15.3.2. ]
- element projectDesc {
- model.pLike+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-samplingDecl =
- ## (sampling declaration) contains a prose description of the rationale and methods used in sampling texts in the creation of a corpus or collection. [2.3.2. 2.3. 15.3.2. ]
- element samplingDecl {
- model.pLike+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-editorialDecl =
- ## (editorial practice declaration) provides details of editorial principles and practices applied during the encoding of a text. [2.3.3. 2.3. 15.3.2. ]
- element editorialDecl {
- (model.pLike | model.editorialDeclPart)+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-correction =
- ## (correction principles) states how and under what circumstances corrections have been made in the text. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
- element correction {
- model.pLike+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- ## indicates the degree of correction applied to the text.
- [ a:defaultValue = "unknown" ]
- attribute status {
- ## the text has been thoroughly checked and proofread.
- "high"
- |
- ## the text has been checked at least once.
- "medium"
- |
- ## the text has not been checked.
- "low"
- |
- ## the correction status of the text is unknown.
- "unknown"
- }?,
- ## indicates the method adopted to indicate corrections within the text.
- [ a:defaultValue = "silent" ]
- attribute method {
- ## corrections have been made silently
- "silent"
- |
- ## corrections have been represented using markup
- "markup"
- }?,
- empty
- }
-normalization =
- ## indicates the extent of normalization or regularization of the original source carried out in converting it to electronic form. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
- element normalization {
- model.pLike+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- ## indicates a bibliographic description or other resource documenting the principles underlying the normalization carried out.
- attribute source { data.pointer }?,
- ## indicates the method adopted to indicate normalizations within the text.
- [ a:defaultValue = "silent" ]
- attribute method {
- ## normalization made silently
- "silent"
- |
- ## normalization represented using markup
- "markup"
- }?,
- empty
- }
-quotation =
- ## specifies editorial practice adopted with respect to quotation marks in the original. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
- element quotation {
- (model.pLike*)
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-quotation-quotationContents-constraint-4"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:quotation"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "not(@marks) and not (tei:p)"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "On "
- sch:name [ ]
- ", either the @marks attribute should be used, or a paragraph of description provided"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- ## (quotation marks) indicates whether or not quotation marks have been retained as content within the text.
- attribute marks {
- ## no quotation marks have been retained
- "none"
- |
- ## some quotation marks have been retained
- "some"
- |
- ## all quotation marks have been retained
- "all"
- }?,
- empty
- }
-hyphenation =
- ## summarizes the way in which hyphenation in a source text has been treated in an encoded version of it. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
- element hyphenation {
- model.pLike+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- ## (end-of-line) indicates whether or not end-of-line hyphenation has been retained in a text.
- [ a:defaultValue = "some" ]
- attribute eol {
- ## all end-of-line hyphenation has been retained, even though the lineation of the original may not have been.
- "all"
- |
- ## end-of-line hyphenation has been retained in some cases.
- "some"
- |
- ## all soft end-of-line hyphenation has been removed: any remaining end-of-line hyphenation should be retained.
- "hard"
- |
- ## all end-of-line hyphenation has been removed: any remaining hyphenation occurred within the line.
- "none"
- }?,
- empty
- }
-segmentation =
- ## describes the principles according to which the text has been segmented, for example into sentences, tone-units, graphemic strata, etc. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
- element segmentation {
- model.pLike+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-stdVals =
- ## (standard values) specifies the format used when standardized date or number values are supplied. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
- element stdVals {
- model.pLike+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-interpretation =
- ## describes the scope of any analytic or interpretive information added to the text in addition to the transcription. [2.3.3. ]
- element interpretation {
- model.pLike+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-punctuation =
- ## specifies editorial practice adopted with respect to punctuation marks in the original. [2.3.3. 3.2. ]
- element punctuation {
- model.pLike*,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## indicates whether or not punctation marks have been retained as content within the text.
- attribute marks {
- ## no punctuation marks have been retained
- "none"
- |
- ## some punctuation marks have been retained
- "some"
- |
- ## all punctuation marks have been retained
- "all"
- }?,
- ## indicates whether punctation marks have been captured inside or outside of an adjacent element.
- attribute placement {
- ## punctuation marks are captured inside adjacent elements
- "internal"
- |
- ## punctuation marks are captured outside adjacent elements
- "external"
- }?,
- empty
- }
-tagsDecl =
- ## (tagging declaration) provides detailed information about the tagging applied to a document. [2.3.4. 2.3. ]
- element tagsDecl {
- (rendition*, \namespace*), att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-tagUsage =
- ## supplies information about the usage of a specific element within a text. [2.3.4. ]
- element tagUsage {
- macro.limitedContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## (generic identifier) specifies the name (generic identifier) of the element indicated by the tag, within the namespace indicated by the parent namespace element.
- attribute gi { data.name },
- ## specifies the number of occurrences of this element within the text.
- attribute occurs { data.count }?,
- ## (with unique identifier) specifies the number of occurrences of this element within the text which bear a distinct value for the global xml:id attribute.
- attribute withId { data.count }?,
- ## specifies the identifier of a rendition element which defines how this element was rendered in the source text.
- attribute render {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-\namespace =
- ## supplies the formal name of the namespace to which the elements documented by its children belong. [2.3.4. ]
- element namespace {
- tagUsage+,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## specifies the full formal name of the namespace concerned.
- attribute name { data.namespace },
- empty
- }
-rendition =
- ## supplies information about the rendition or appearance of one or more elements in the source text. [2.3.4. ]
- element rendition {
- macro.limitedContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.styleDef.attributes,
- ## where CSS is used, provides a way of defining pseudo-elements, that is, styling rules applicable to specific sub-portions of an element.
- ## Sample values include: 1] first-line; 2] first-letter; 3] before; 4] after
- attribute scope { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-styleDefDecl =
- ## (style definition language declaration) specifies the name of the formal language in which style or renditional information is supplied elsewhere in the document. The specific version of the scheme may also be supplied. [2.3.5. ]
- element styleDefDecl {
- model.pLike*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.styleDef.attributes,
- empty
- }
-refsDecl =
- ## (references declaration) specifies how canonical references are constructed for this text. [ 2.3. 2.3.6. ]
- element refsDecl {
- (model.pLike+ | cRefPattern+ | refState+),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-cRefPattern =
- ## (canonical reference pattern) specifies an expression and replacement pattern for transforming a canonical reference into a URI. [ 2.3.6. ]
- element cRefPattern {
- model.pLike*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.patternReplacement.attributes,
- empty
- }
-prefixDef =
- ## (prefixing scheme used in data.pointer values) defines a prefixing scheme used in data.pointer values, showing how abbreviated URIs using the scheme may be expanded into full URIs. [16.2.3. ]
- element prefixDef {
- model.pLike*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.patternReplacement.attributes,
- ## supplies a name which functions as the prefix for an abbreviated pointing scheme such as a private URI scheme. The prefix constitutes the text preceding the first colon.
- attribute ident { data.name },
- empty
- }
-listPrefixDef =
- ## (list of prefix definitions) contains a list of definitions of prefixing schemes used in data.pointer values, showing how abbreviated URIs using each scheme may be expanded into full URIs. [16.2.3. ]
- element listPrefixDef {
- (prefixDef | listPrefixDef)+, att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-refState =
- ## (reference state) specifies one component of a canonical reference defined by the milestone method. [ 2.3.6. ]
- element refState {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.milestoneUnit.attributes,
- att.edition.attributes,
- ## specifies the fixed length of the reference component.
- attribute length { data.count }?,
- ## (delimiter) supplies a delimiting string following the reference component.
- attribute delim { data.text }?,
- empty
- }
-classDecl =
- ## (classification declarations) contains one or more taxonomies defining any classificatory codes used elsewhere in the text. [2.3.7. 2.3. ]
- element classDecl { taxonomy+, att.global.attributes, empty }
-taxonomy =
- ## defines a typology either implicitly, by means of a bibliographic citation, or explicitly by a structured taxonomy. [2.3.7. ]
- element taxonomy {
- ((model.glossLike | model.descLike)*
- | category+
- | (model.biblLike, category*)),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-category =
- ## contains an individual descriptive category, possibly nested within a superordinate category, within a user-defined taxonomy. [2.3.7. ]
- element category {
- ((catDesc+ | (model.descLike | model.glossLike)*),
- category*),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-catDesc =
- ## (category description) describes some category within a taxonomy or text typology, either in the form of a brief prose description or in terms of the situational parameters used by the TEI formal textDesc. [2.3.7. ]
- element catDesc {
- (text | model.limitedPhrase | model.catDescPart)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-geoDecl =
- ## (geographic coordinates declaration) documents the notation and the datum used for geographic coordinates expressed as content of the geo element elsewhere within the document. [2.3.8. ]
- element geoDecl {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- ## supplies a commonly used code name for the datum employed.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] WGS84(World Geodetic System) ; 2] MGRS(Military Grid Reference System) ; 3] OSGB36(ordnance survey great britain) ; 4] ED50(European Datum coordinate system)
- [ a:defaultValue = "WGS84" ]
- attribute datum {
- ## (World Geodetic System) a pair of numbers to be interpreted as latitude followed by longitude according to the World Geodetic System.
- "WGS84"
- |
- ## (Military Grid Reference System) the values supplied are geospatial entity object codes, based on
- "MGRS"
- |
- ## (ordnance survey great britain) the value supplied is to be interpreted as a British National Grid Reference.
- "OSGB36"
- |
- ## (European Datum coordinate system) the value supplied is to be interpreted as latitude followed by longitude according to the European Datum coordinate system.
- "ED50"
- | xsd:Name
- }?,
- empty
- }
-appInfo =
- ## (application information) records information about an application which has edited the TEI file. [2.3.10. ]
- element appInfo {
- model.applicationLike+, att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-application =
- ## provides information about an application which has acted upon the document. [2.3.10. ]
- element application {
- (model.labelLike+, (model.ptrLike* | model.pLike*)),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- ## supplies an identifier for the application, independent of its version number or display name.
- attribute ident { data.name },
- ## supplies a version number for the application, independent of its identifier or display name.
- attribute version { data.versionNumber },
- empty
- }
-profileDesc =
- ## (text-profile description) provides a detailed description of non-bibliographic aspects of a text, specifically the languages and sublanguages used, the situation in which it was produced, the participants and their setting. [2.4. 2.1.1. ]
- element profileDesc {
- model.profileDescPart*, att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-handNote =
- ## (note on hand) describes a particular style or hand distinguished within a manuscript. [10.7.2. ]
- element handNote {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.handFeatures.attributes,
- empty
- }
-abstract =
- ## contains a summary or formal abstract prefixed to an existing source document by the encoder. [2.4.4. ]
- element abstract {
- (model.pLike | model.listLike)+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- empty
- }
-creation =
- ## contains information about the creation of a text. [2.4.1. 2.4. ]
- element creation {
- (text | model.limitedPhrase | listChange)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-langUsage =
- ## (language usage) describes the languages, sublanguages, registers, dialects, etc. represented within a text. [2.4.2. 2.4. 15.3.2. ]
- element langUsage {
- language+, att.global.attributes, att.declarable.attributes, empty
- }
-language =
- ## characterizes a single language or sublanguage used within a text. [2.4.2. ]
- element language {
- macro.phraseSeq.limited,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## (identifier) Supplies a language code constructed as defined in BCP 47 which is used to identify the language documented by this element, and which is referenced by the global xml:lang attribute.
- attribute ident { data.language },
- ## specifies the approximate percentage (by volume) of the text which uses this language.
- attribute usage {
- xsd:nonNegativeInteger { maxInclusive = "100" }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-textClass =
- ## (text classification) groups information which describes the nature or topic of a text in terms of a standard classification scheme, thesaurus, etc. [2.4.3. ]
- element textClass {
- (classCode | catRef | keywords)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-keywords =
- ## contains a list of keywords or phrases identifying the topic or nature of a text. [2.4.3. ]
- element keywords {
- (term+ | \list),
- att.global.attributes,
- ## identifies the controlled vocabulary within which the set of keywords concerned is defined identifies the classification scheme within which the set of categories concerned is defined, for example by a taxonomy element, or by some other resource.
- attribute scheme { data.pointer }?,
- empty
- }
-classCode =
- ## (classification code) contains the classification code used for this text in some standard classification system. [2.4.3. ]
- element classCode {
- macro.phraseSeq.limited,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## identifies the classification system in use, as defined by for example by a taxonomy element, or some other resource..
- attribute scheme { data.pointer },
- empty
- }
-catRef =
- ## (category reference) specifies one or more defined categories within some taxonomy or text typology. [2.4.3. ]
- element catRef {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- ## identifies the classification scheme within which the set of categories concerned is defined, for example by a taxonomy element, or by some other resource.
- attribute scheme { data.pointer }?,
- empty
- }
-calendarDesc =
- ## (calendar description) contains a description of the calendar system used in any dating expression found in the text. [2.4. 2.4.5. ]
- element calendarDesc { calendar+, att.global.attributes, empty }
-calendar =
- ## describes a calendar or dating system used in a dating formula in the text. [2.4.5. ]
- element calendar {
- model.pLike+, att.global.attributes, att.pointing.attributes, empty
- }
-revisionDesc =
- ## (revision description) summarizes the revision history for a file. [2.5. 2.1.1. ]
- element revisionDesc {
- (\list | listChange | change+),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.docStatus.attributes,
- empty
- }
-change =
- ## documents a change or set of changes made during the production of a source document, or during the revision of an electronic file. [2.5. 2.4.1. 11.7. ]
- element change {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.ascribed.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.docStatus.attributes,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- ## points to one or more elements that belong to this change.
- attribute target {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-typeNote =
- ## describes a particular font or other significant typographic feature distinguished within the description of a printed resource. [10.7.2. ]
- element typeNote {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.handFeatures.attributes,
- empty
- }
-scriptNote =
- ## describes a particular script distinguished within the description of a manuscript or similar resource. [10.7.2. ]
- element scriptNote {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.handFeatures.attributes,
- empty
- }
-listChange =
- ## groups a number of change descriptions associated with either the creation of a source text or the revision of an encoded text. [2.5. 11.7. ]
- element listChange {
- (listChange | change)+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- ## indicates whether the ordering of its child change elements is to be considered significant or not
- [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute ordered { data.truthValue }?,
- empty
- }
-att.global.linking.attributes =
- att.global.linking.attribute.corresp,
- att.global.linking.attribute.synch,
- att.global.linking.attribute.sameAs,
- att.global.linking.attribute.copyOf,
- att.global.linking.attribute.next,
- att.global.linking.attribute.prev,
- att.global.linking.attribute.exclude,
- att.global.linking.attribute.select
-att.global.linking.attribute.corresp =
- ## (corresponds) points to elements that correspond to the current element in some way.
- attribute corresp {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.global.linking.attribute.synch =
- ## (synchronous) points to elements that are synchronous with the current element.
- attribute synch {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.global.linking.attribute.sameAs =
- ## points to an element that is the same as the current element.
- attribute sameAs { data.pointer }?
-att.global.linking.attribute.copyOf =
- ## points to an element of which the current element is a copy.
- attribute copyOf { data.pointer }?
-att.global.linking.attribute.next =
- ## points to the next element of a virtual aggregate of which the current element is part.
- attribute next { data.pointer }?
-att.global.linking.attribute.prev =
- ## (previous) points to the previous element of a virtual aggregate of which the current element is part.
- attribute prev { data.pointer }?
-att.global.linking.attribute.exclude =
- ## points to elements that are in exclusive alternation with the current element.
- attribute exclude {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.global.linking.attribute.select =
- ## selects one or more alternants; if one alternant is selected, the ambiguity or uncertainty is marked as resolved. If more than one alternant is selected, the degree of ambiguity or uncertainty is marked as reduced by the number of alternants not selected.
- attribute select {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-link =
- ## defines an association or hypertextual link among elements or passages, of some type not more precisely specifiable by other elements. [16.1. ]
- element link {
- empty
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-link-linkTargets3-constraint-8"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:link"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "contains(normalize-space(@target),' ')"
- "You must supply at least two values for @target or on "
- sch:name [ ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-linkGrp =
- ## (link group) defines a collection of associations or hypertextual links. [16.1. ]
- element linkGrp {
- (link | ptr)+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.group.attributes,
- empty
- }
-ab =
- ## (anonymous block) contains any arbitrary component-level unit of text, acting as an anonymous container for phrase or inter level elements analogous to, but without the semantic baggage of, a paragraph. [16.3. ]
- element ab {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.fragmentable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-anchor =
- ## (anchor point) attaches an identifier to a point within a text, whether or not it corresponds with a textual element. [8.4.2. 16.4. ]
- element anchor {
- empty, att.global.attributes, att.typed.attributes, empty
- }
-seg =
- ## (arbitrary segment) represents any segmentation of text below the chunk level. [16.3. 6.2. 7.2.5. ]
- element seg {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.segLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- empty
- }
-when =
- ## indicates a point in time either relative to other elements in the same timeline tag, or absolutely. [16.5.2. ]
- element when {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## supplies an absolute value for the time.
- attribute absolute { data.temporal.w3c }?,
- ## specifies the unit of time in which the interval value is expressed, if this is not inherited from the parent timeline.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] d(days) ; 2] h(hours) ; 3] min(minutes) ; 4] s(seconds) ; 5] ms(milliseconds)
- attribute unit {
- ## (days)
- "d"
- |
- ## (hours)
- "h"
- |
- ## (minutes)
- "min"
- |
- ## (seconds)
- "s"
- |
- ## (milliseconds)
- "ms"
- | xsd:Name
- }?,
- ## specifies a time interval either as a number or as one of the keywords defined by the datatype data.interval
- attribute interval { data.interval }?,
- ## identifies the reference point for determining the time of the current when element, which is obtained by adding the interval to the time of the reference point.
- attribute since { data.pointer }?,
- empty
- }
-timeline =
- ## provides a set of ordered points in time which can be linked to elements of a spoken text to create a temporal alignment of that text. [16.5.2. ]
- element timeline {
- when+,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## designates the origin of the timeline, i.e. the time at which it begins.
- attribute origin { data.pointer }?,
- ## specifies the unit of time corresponding to the interval value of the timeline or of its constituent points in time.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] d(days) ; 2] h(hours) ; 3] min(minutes) ; 4] s(seconds) ; 5] ms(milliseconds)
- attribute unit {
- ## (days)
- "d"
- |
- ## (hours)
- "h"
- |
- ## (minutes)
- "min"
- |
- ## (seconds)
- "s"
- |
- ## (milliseconds)
- "ms"
- | xsd:Name
- }?,
- ## specifies a time interval either as a positive integral value or using one of a set of predefined codes.
- attribute interval { data.interval }?,
- empty
- }
-join =
- ## identifies a possibly fragmented segment of text, by pointing at the possibly discontiguous elements which compose it. [16.7. ]
- element join {
- ((model.descLike | model.certLike)*)
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-join-joinTargets3-constraint-9"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:join"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "contains(@target,' ')"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "You must supply at least two values for @target on "
- sch:name [ ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- ## specifies the name of an element which this aggregation may be understood to represent.
- attribute result { data.name }?,
- ## indicates whether the targets to be joined include the entire element indicated (the entire subtree including its root), or just the children of the target (the branches of the subtree).
- [ a:defaultValue = "root" ]
- attribute scope {
- ## the rooted subtrees indicated by the target attribute are joined, each subtree become a child of the virtual element created by the join
- "root"
- |
- ## the children of the subtrees indicated by the target attribute become the children of the virtual element (i.e. the roots of the subtrees are discarded)
- "branches"
- }?,
- empty
- }
-joinGrp =
- ## (join group) groups a collection of join elements and possibly pointers. [16.7. ]
- element joinGrp {
- (model.glossLike*, (join | ptr)+),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.group.attributes,
- ## supplies the default value for the result on each join included within the group.
- attribute result { data.name }?,
- empty
- }
-alt =
- ## (alternation) identifies an alternation or a set of choices among elements or passages. [16.8. ]
- element alt {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.attribute.targetLang,
- att.pointing.attribute.evaluate,
- att.typed.attributes,
- ## specifies the destination of the reference by supplying one or more URI References
- attribute target {
- list { data.pointer, data.pointer, data.pointer* }
- }?,
- ## states whether the alternations gathered in this collection are exclusive or inclusive.
- attribute mode {
- ## (exclusive) indicates that the alternation is exclusive, i.e. that at most one of the alternatives occurs.
- "excl"
- |
- ## (inclusive) indicates that the alternation is not exclusive, i.e. that one or more of the alternatives occur.
- "incl"
- }?,
- ## If mode is , each weight states the probability that the corresponding alternative occurs. If mode is incl each weight states the probability that the corresponding alternative occurs given that at least one of the other alternatives occurs.
- attribute weights {
- list { data.probability, data.probability, data.probability* }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-altGrp =
- ## (alternation group) groups a collection of alt elements and possibly pointers. [16.8. ]
- element altGrp {
- (alt | ptr)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.group.attributes,
- ## states whether the alternations gathered in this collection are exclusive or inclusive.
- [ a:defaultValue = "excl" ]
- attribute mode {
- ## (exclusive) indicates that the alternation is exclusive, i.e. that at most one of the alternatives occurs.
- "excl"
- |
- ## (inclusive) indicates that the alternation is not exclusive, i.e. that one or more of the alternatives occur.
- "incl"
- }?,
- empty
- }
-TEI =
- ## (TEI document) contains a single TEI-conformant document, comprising a TEI header and a text, either in isolation or as part of a teiCorpus element. [4. 15.1. ]
- element TEI {
- (teiHeader,
- ((model.resourceLike+, \text?) | \text))
- >> sch:ns [ prefix = "tei" uri = "http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" ]
- >> sch:ns [ prefix = "xs" uri = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" ]
- >> sch:ns [
- prefix = "rng"
- uri = "http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- ## specifies the major version number of the TEI Guidelines against which this document is valid.
- attribute version { data.version }?,
- empty
- }
-\text =
- ## contains a single text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, for example a poem or drama, a collection of essays, a novel, a dictionary, or a corpus sample. [4. 15.1. ]
- element text {
- (model.global*,
- (front, model.global*)?,
- (body | group),
- model.global*,
- (back, model.global*)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-body =
- ## (text body) contains the whole body of a single unitary text, excluding any front or back matter. [4. ]
- element body {
- (model.global*,
- (model.divTop, (model.global | model.divTop)*)?,
- (model.divGenLike, (model.global | model.divGenLike)*)?,
- ((model.divLike, (model.global | model.divGenLike)*)+
- | (model.div1Like, (model.global | model.divGenLike)*)+
- | ((model.common, model.global*)+,
- ((model.divLike, (model.global | model.divGenLike)*)+
- | (model.div1Like, (model.global | model.divGenLike)*)+)?)),
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-group =
- ## contains the body of a composite text, grouping together a sequence of distinct texts (or groups of such texts) which are regarded as a unit for some purpose, for example the collected works of an author, a sequence of prose essays, etc. [4. 4.3.1. 15.1. ]
- element group {
- ((model.divTop | model.global)*,
- ((\text | group), (\text | group | model.global)*),
- model.divBottom*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-floatingText =
- ## contains a single text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, which interrupts the text containing it at any point and after which the surrounding text resumes. [4.3.2. ]
- element floatingText {
- (model.global*,
- (front, model.global*)?,
- (body | group),
- model.global*,
- (back, model.global*)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-\div =
- ## (text division) contains a subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1. ]
- element div {
- ((model.divTop | model.global)*,
- ((((model.divLike | model.divGenLike), model.global*)+
- | ((model.common, model.global*)+,
- ((model.divLike | model.divGenLike), model.global*)*)),
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.divLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-div1 =
- ## (level-1 text division) contains a first-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- element div1 {
- ((model.divTop | model.global)*,
- ((((model.div2Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)+
- | ((model.common, model.global*)+,
- ((model.div2Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)*)),
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.divLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-div2 =
- ## (level-2 text division) contains a second-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- element div2 {
- ((model.divTop | model.global)*,
- ((((model.div3Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)+
- | ((model.common, model.global*)+,
- ((model.div3Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)*)),
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.divLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-div3 =
- ## (level-3 text division) contains a third-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- element div3 {
- ((model.divTop | model.global)*,
- ((((model.div4Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)+
- | ((model.common, model.global*)+,
- ((model.div4Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)*)),
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.divLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-div4 =
- ## (level-4 text division) contains a fourth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- element div4 {
- ((model.divTop | model.global)*,
- ((((model.div5Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)+
- | ((model.common, model.global*)+,
- ((model.div5Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)*)),
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.divLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-div5 =
- ## (level-5 text division) contains a fifth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- element div5 {
- ((model.divTop | model.global)*,
- ((((model.div6Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)+
- | ((model.common, model.global*)+,
- ((model.div6Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)*)),
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.divLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-div6 =
- ## (level-6 text division) contains a sixth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- element div6 {
- ((model.divTop | model.global)*,
- ((((model.div7Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)+
- | ((model.common, model.global*)+,
- ((model.div7Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)*)),
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.divLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-div7 =
- ## (level-7 text division) contains the smallest possible subdivision of the front, body or back of a text, larger than a paragraph. [4.1.2. ]
- element div7 {
- ((model.divTop | model.global)*,
- ((model.common, model.global*)+,
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.divLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-trailer =
- ## contains a closing title or footer appearing at the end of a division of a text. [4.2.4. 4.2. ]
- element trailer {
- (text
- | lg
- | model.gLike
- | model.phrase
- | model.inter
- | model.lLike
- | model.global)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-byline =
- ## contains the primary statement of responsibility given for a work on its title page or at the head or end of the work. [4.2.2. 4.5. ]
- element byline {
- (text | model.gLike | model.phrase | docAuthor | model.global)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-dateline =
- ## contains a brief description of the place, date, time, etc. of production of a letter, newspaper story, or other work, prefixed or suffixed to it as a kind of heading or trailer. [4.2.2. ]
- element dateline {
- (text | model.gLike | model.phrase | model.global | docDate)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-argument =
- ## contains a formal list or prose description of the topics addressed by a subdivision of a text. [4.2. 4.6. ]
- element argument {
- ((model.global | model.headLike)*, (model.common, model.global*)+),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-epigraph =
- ## contains a quotation, anonymous or attributed, appearing at the start or end of a section or on a title page. [4.2.3. 4.2. 4.6. ]
- element epigraph {
- (model.common | model.global)*, att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-opener =
- ## groups together dateline, byline, salutation, and similar phrases appearing as a preliminary group at the start of a division, especially of a letter. [4.2. ]
- element opener {
- (text
- | model.gLike
- | model.phrase
- | argument
- | byline
- | dateline
- | epigraph
- | salute
- | signed
- | model.global)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-closer =
- ## groups together salutations, datelines, and similar phrases appearing as a final group at the end of a division, especially of a letter. [4.2.2. 4.2. ]
- element closer {
- (text
- | model.gLike
- | signed
- | dateline
- | salute
- | model.phrase
- | model.global)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-salute =
- ## (salutation) contains a salutation or greeting prefixed to a foreword, dedicatory epistle, or other division of a text, or the salutation in the closing of a letter, preface, etc. [4.2.2. ]
- element salute { macro.paraContent, att.global.attributes, empty }
-signed =
- ## (signature) contains the closing salutation, etc., appended to a foreword, dedicatory epistle, or other division of a text. [4.2.2. ]
- element signed { macro.paraContent, att.global.attributes, empty }
-postscript =
- ## contains a postscript, e.g. to a letter. [4.2. ]
- element postscript {
- ((model.global | model.divTopPart)*,
- model.common,
- (model.global | model.common)*,
- (model.divBottomPart, model.global*)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-titlePage =
- ## (title page) contains the title page of a text, appearing within the front or back matter. [4.6. ]
- element titlePage {
- (model.global*,
- model.titlepagePart,
- (model.titlepagePart | model.global)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- ## classifies the title page according to any convenient typology.
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-docTitle =
- ## (document title) contains the title of a document, including all its constituents, as given on a title page. [4.6. ]
- element docTitle {
- (model.global*, (titlePart, model.global*)+),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- empty
- }
-titlePart =
- ## contains a subsection or division of the title of a work, as indicated on a title page. [4.6. ]
- element titlePart {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## specifies the role of this subdivision of the title.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] sub(subordinate) ; 3] alt(alternate) ; 4] short; 5] desc(descriptive)
- [ a:defaultValue = "main" ]
- attribute type {
- ## main title of the work
- "main"
- |
- ## (subordinate) subtitle of the work
- "sub"
- |
- ## (alternate) alternative title of the work
- "alt"
- |
- ## abbreviated form of title
- "short"
- |
- ## (descriptive) descriptive paraphrase of the work
- "desc"
- | xsd:Name
- }?,
- empty
- }
-docAuthor =
- ## (document author) contains the name of the author of the document, as given on the title page (often but not always contained in a byline). [4.6. ]
- element docAuthor {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- empty
- }
-imprimatur =
- ## contains a formal statement authorizing the publication of a work, sometimes required to appear on a title page or its verso. [4.6. ]
- element imprimatur { macro.paraContent, att.global.attributes, empty }
-docEdition =
- ## (document edition) contains an edition statement as presented on a title page of a document. [4.6. ]
- element docEdition { macro.paraContent, att.global.attributes, empty }
-docImprint =
- ## (document imprint) contains the imprint statement (place and date of publication, publisher name), as given (usually) at the foot of a title page. [4.6. ]
- element docImprint {
- (text
- | model.gLike
- | model.phrase
- | pubPlace
- | docDate
- | publisher
- | model.global)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-docDate =
- ## (document date) contains the date of a document, as given on a title page or in a dateline. [4.6. ]
- element docDate {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## gives the value of the date in standard form, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD.
- attribute when { data.temporal.w3c }?,
- empty
- }
-front =
- ## (front matter) contains any prefatory matter (headers, title page, prefaces, dedications, etc.) found at the start of a document, before the main body. [4.6. 4. ]
- element front {
- ((model.frontPart
- | model.pLike
- | model.pLike.front
- | model.global)*,
- (((model.div1Like,
- (model.div1Like | model.frontPart | model.global)*)
- | (model.divLike,
- (model.divLike | model.frontPart | model.global)*)),
- (model.divBottom, (model.divBottom | model.global)*)?)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-back =
- ## (back matter) contains any appendixes, etc. following the main part of a text. [4.7. 4. ]
- element back {
- ((model.frontPart
- | model.pLike.front
- | model.pLike
- | model.listLike
- | model.global)*,
- ((model.div1Like,
- (model.frontPart | model.div1Like | model.global)*)
- | (model.divLike,
- (model.frontPart | model.divLike | model.global)*))?,
- (model.divBottomPart, (model.divBottomPart | model.global)*)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-att.datable.custom.attributes =
- att.datable.custom.attribute.when-custom,
- att.datable.custom.attribute.notBefore-custom,
- att.datable.custom.attribute.notAfter-custom,
- att.datable.custom.attribute.from-custom,
- att.datable.custom.attribute.to-custom,
- att.datable.custom.attribute.datingPoint,
- att.datable.custom.attribute.datingMethod
-att.datable.custom.attribute.when-custom =
- ## supplies the value of a date or time in some standard form.
- attribute when-custom {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?
-att.datable.custom.attribute.notBefore-custom =
- ## specifies the earliest possible date for the event in some custom standard form.
- attribute notBefore-custom {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?
-att.datable.custom.attribute.notAfter-custom =
- ## specifies the latest possible date for the event in some custom standard form.
- attribute notAfter-custom {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?
-att.datable.custom.attribute.from-custom =
- ## indicates the starting point of the period in some standard form.
- attribute from-custom {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?
-att.datable.custom.attribute.to-custom =
- ## indicates the ending point of the period in some standard form.
- attribute to-custom {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?
-att.datable.custom.attribute.datingPoint =
- ## supplies a pointer to some location defining a named point in time with reference to which the datable item is understood to have occurred
- attribute datingPoint { data.pointer }?
-att.datable.custom.attribute.datingMethod =
- ## supplies a pointer to a calendar element or other means of interpreting the values of the custom dating attributes.
- attribute datingMethod { data.pointer }?
-model.persNamePart =
- surname | forename | genName | nameLink | addName | roleName
-model.persNamePart_alternation =
- surname | forename | genName | nameLink | addName | roleName
-model.persNamePart_sequence =
- surname, forename, genName, nameLink, addName, roleName
-model.persNamePart_sequenceOptional =
- surname?, forename?, genName?, nameLink?, addName?, roleName?
-model.persNamePart_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- surname*, forename*, genName*, nameLink*, addName*, roleName*
-model.persNamePart_sequenceRepeatable =
- surname+, forename+, genName+, nameLink+, addName+, roleName+
-att.datable.iso.attributes =
- att.datable.iso.attribute.when-iso,
- att.datable.iso.attribute.notBefore-iso,
- att.datable.iso.attribute.notAfter-iso,
- att.datable.iso.attribute.from-iso,
- att.datable.iso.attribute.to-iso
-att.datable.iso.attribute.when-iso =
- ## supplies the value of a date or time in a standard form.
- attribute when-iso { data.temporal.iso }?
-att.datable.iso.attribute.notBefore-iso =
- ## specifies the earliest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- attribute notBefore-iso { data.temporal.iso }?
-att.datable.iso.attribute.notAfter-iso =
- ## specifies the latest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- attribute notAfter-iso { data.temporal.iso }?
-att.datable.iso.attribute.from-iso =
- ## indicates the starting point of the period in standard form.
- attribute from-iso { data.temporal.iso }?
-att.datable.iso.attribute.to-iso =
- ## indicates the ending point of the period in standard form.
- attribute to-iso { data.temporal.iso }?
-orgName =
- ## (organization name) contains an organizational name. [13.2.2. ]
- element orgName {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.personal.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-persName =
- ## (personal name) contains a proper noun or proper-noun phrase referring to a person, possibly including one or more of the person's forenames, surnames, honorifics, added names, etc. [13.2.1. ]
- element persName {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.personal.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-surname =
- ## contains a family (inherited) name, as opposed to a given, baptismal, or nick name. [13.2.1. ]
- element surname {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.personal.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-forename =
- ## contains a forename, given or baptismal name. [13.2.1. ]
- element forename {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.personal.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-genName =
- ## (generational name component) contains a name component used to distinguish otherwise similar names on the basis of the relative ages or generations of the persons named. [13.2.1. ]
- element genName {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.personal.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-nameLink =
- ## (name link) contains a connecting phrase or link used within a name but not regarded as part of it, such as van der or of. [13.2.1. ]
- element nameLink {
- macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, att.typed.attributes, empty
- }
-addName =
- ## (additional name) contains an additional name component, such as a nickname, epithet, or alias, or any other descriptive phrase used within a personal name. [13.2.1. ]
- element addName {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.personal.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-roleName =
- ## contains a name component which indicates that the referent has a particular role or position in society, such as an official title or rank. [13.2.1. ]
- element roleName {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.personal.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-placeName =
- ## contains an absolute or relative place name. [13.2.3. ]
- element placeName {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.personal.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-bloc =
- ## contains the name of a geo-political unit consisting of two or more nation states or countries. [13.2.3. ]
- element bloc {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-country =
- ## contains the name of a geo-political unit, such as a nation, country, colony, or commonwealth, larger than or administratively superior to a region and smaller than a bloc. [13.2.3. ]
- element country {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-region =
- ## contains the name of an administrative unit such as a state, province, or county, larger than a settlement, but smaller than a country. [13.2.3. ]
- element region {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-district =
- ## contains the name of any kind of subdivision of a settlement, such as a parish, ward, or other administrative or geographic unit. [13.2.3. ]
- element district {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-settlement =
- ## contains the name of a settlement such as a city, town, or village identified as a single geo-political or administrative unit. [13.2.3. ]
- element settlement {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-offset =
- ## marks that part of a relative temporal or spatial expression which indicates the direction of the offset between the two place names, dates, or times involved in the expression. [13.2.3. ]
- element offset {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-geogName =
- ## (geographical name) identifies a name associated with some geographical feature such as Windrush Valley or Mount Sinai. [13.2.3. ]
- element geogName {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-geogFeat =
- ## (geographical feature name) contains a common noun identifying some geographical feature contained within a geographic name, such as valley, mount, etc. [13.2.3. ]
- element geogFeat {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-affiliation =
- ## contains an informal description of a person's present or past affiliation with some organization, for example an employer or sponsor. [15.2.2. ]
- element affiliation {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- empty
- }
-age =
- ## specifies the age of a person. [ ]
- element age {
- macro.phraseSeq.limited,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- ## supplies a numeric code representing the age or age group
- attribute value { data.count }?,
- empty
- }
-birth =
- ## contains information about a person's birth, such as its date and place. [15.2.2. ]
- element birth {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- empty
- }
-climate =
- ## contains information about the physical climate of a place. [ ]
- element climate {
- (model.headLike*,
- (model.pLike+ | model.labelLike+),
- (model.noteLike | model.biblLike)*,
- climate*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-death =
- ## contains information about a person's death, such as its date and place. [15.2.2. ]
- element death {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- empty
- }
-education =
- ## contains a description of the educational experience of a person. [15.2.2. ]
- element education {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- empty
- }
-event =
- ## contains data relating to any kind of significant event associated with a person, place, or organization. [13.3.1. ]
- element event {
- (model.headLike*,
- (model.pLike+ | model.labelLike+),
- (model.noteLike | model.biblLike | linkGrp | link)*,
- event*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- ## indicates the location of an event by pointing to a place element
- attribute where { data.pointer }?,
- empty
- }
-faith =
- ## specifies the faith, religion, or belief set of a person. [ ]
- element faith {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- empty
- }
-floruit =
- ## contains information about a person's period of activity. [ ]
- element floruit {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- empty
- }
-geo =
- ## (geographical coordinates) contains any expression of a set of geographic coordinates, representing a point, line, or area on the surface of the earth in some notation. [ ]
- element geo {
- text, att.global.attributes, att.declaring.attributes, empty
- }
-langKnowledge =
- ## (language knowledge) summarizes the state of a person's linguistic knowledge, either as prose or by a list of langKnown elements. [ ]
- element langKnowledge {
- (model.pLike | langKnown+),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- ## supplies one or more valid language tags for the languages specified
- attribute tags {
- list { data.language+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-langKnown =
- ## (language known) summarizes the state of a person's linguistic competence, i.e., knowledge of a single language. [15.2.2. ]
- element langKnown {
- macro.phraseSeq.limited,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- ## supplies a valid language tag for the language concerned.
- attribute tag { data.language },
- ## a code indicating the person's level of knowledge for this language
- attribute level { data.word }?,
- empty
- }
-listOrg =
- ## (list of organizations) contains a list of elements, each of which provides information about an identifiable organization. [13.2.2. ]
- element listOrg {
- (model.headLike*, (org | listOrg)+, (relation | listRelation)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-listEvent =
- ## (list of events) contains a list of descriptions, each of which provides information about an identifiable event. [13.3.1. ]
- element listEvent {
- (model.headLike*, (event | listEvent)+, (relation | listRelation)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-listPerson =
- ## (list of persons) contains a list of descriptions, each of which provides information about an identifiable person or a group of people, for example the participants in a language interaction, or the people referred to in a historical source. [13.3.2. 15.2. 2.4. 15.3.2. ]
- element listPerson {
- (model.headLike*,
- (model.personLike | listPerson)+,
- (relation | listRelation)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-listPlace =
- ## (list of places) contains a list of places, optionally followed by a list of relationships (other than containment) defined amongst them. [2.2.7. 13.3.4. ]
- element listPlace {
- (model.headLike*,
- (model.placeLike | listPlace)+,
- (relation | listRelation)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-location =
- ## defines the location of a place as a set of geographical coordinates, in terms of other named geo-political entities, or as an address. [13.3.4. ]
- element location {
- (model.labelLike
- | model.placeNamePart
- | model.offsetLike
- | model.measureLike
- | model.addressLike
- | model.noteLike
- | model.biblLike)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- empty
- }
-nationality =
- ## contains an informal description of a person's present or past nationality or citizenship. [15.2.2. ]
- element nationality {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- empty
- }
-occupation =
- ## contains an informal description of a person's trade, profession or occupation. [15.2.2. ]
- element occupation {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- ## indicates the classification system or taxonomy in use, for example by supplying the identifier of a taxonomy element, or pointing to some other resource.
- attribute scheme { data.pointer }?,
- ## identifies an occupation code defined within the classification system or taxonomy defined by the scheme attribute.
- attribute code { data.pointer }?,
- empty
- }
-org =
- ## (organization) provides information about an identifiable organization such as a business, a tribe, or any other grouping of people. [13.2.2. ]
- element org {
- (model.headLike*,
- (model.pLike*
- | (model.labelLike
- | model.nameLike
- | model.placeLike
- | model.orgPart)*),
- (model.noteLike | model.biblLike | linkGrp | link)*,
- model.personLike*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- ## specifies a primary role or classification for the organization.
- attribute role {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-listRelation =
- ## provides information about relationships identified amongst people, places, and organizations, either informally as prose or as formally expressed relation links. [ ]
- element listRelation {
- (model.headLike*,
- (model.pLike | (relation | listRelation)+)),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-person =
- ## provides information about an identifiable individual, for example a participant in a language interaction, or a person referred to in a historical source. [13.3.2. 15.2.2. ]
- element person {
- (model.pLike+ | (model.personPart | model.global)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- ## specifies a primary role or classification for the person.
- attribute role {
- list { data.enumerated+ }
- }?,
- ## specifies the sex of the person.
- attribute sex {
- list { data.sex+ }
- }?,
- ## specifies an age group for the person.
- attribute age { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-personGrp =
- ## (personal group) describes a group of individuals treated as a single person for analytic purposes. [15.2.2. ]
- element personGrp {
- (model.pLike+ | (model.personPart | model.global)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- ## specifies the role of this group of participants in the interaction.
- attribute role { data.enumerated }?,
- ## specifies the sex of the participant group.
- attribute sex {
- list { data.sex+ }
- }?,
- ## specifies the age group of the participants.
- attribute age { data.enumerated }?,
- ## describes informally the size or approximate size of the group for example by means of a number and an indication of accuracy e.g. approx 200.
- attribute size {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-place =
- ## contains data about a geographic location [13.3.4. ]
- element place {
- (model.headLike*,
- (model.pLike*
- | (model.labelLike
- | model.placeStateLike
- | model.placeEventLike)*),
- (model.noteLike | model.biblLike | idno | linkGrp | link)*,
- (model.placeLike | listPlace)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-population =
- ## contains information about the population of a place. [ ]
- element population {
- (model.headLike*,
- ((model.pLike+ | model.labelLike+),
- (model.noteLike | model.biblLike)*)?,
- population*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-relation =
- ## (relationship) describes any kind of relationship or linkage amongst a specified group of places, events, persons, objects or other items. [ ]
- element relation {
- (desc?)
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-relation-reforkeyorname-constraint-10"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:relation"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "@ref or @key or @name"
- "One of the attributes 'name', 'ref' or 'key' must be supplied"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-relation-activemutual-constraint-5"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:relation"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "@active and @mutual"
- "Only one of the attributes\x{a}" ~
- "@active and @mutual may be supplied"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-relation-activepassive-constraint-6"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:relation"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "@passive and not(@active)"
- "the attribute 'passive'\x{a}" ~
- " may be supplied only if the attribute 'active' is\x{a}" ~
- " supplied"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- ## supplies a name for the kind of relationship of which this is an instance.
- attribute name { data.enumerated }?,
- (
- ## identifies the active participants in a non-mutual relationship, or all the participants in a mutual one.
- attribute active {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
- |
- ## supplies a list of participants amongst all of whom the relationship holds equally.
- attribute mutual {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?),
- ## identifies the passive participants in a non-mutual relationship.
- attribute passive {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-residence =
- ## describes a person's present or past places of residence. [15.2.2. ]
- element residence {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- empty
- }
-sex =
- ## specifies the sex of a person. [ ]
- element sex {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- ## supplies a coded value for sex
- attribute value {
- list { data.sex+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-socecStatus =
- ## (socio-economic status) contains an informal description of a person's perceived social or economic status. [15.2.2. ]
- element socecStatus {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- ## identifies the classification system or taxonomy in use, for example by pointing to a locally-defined taxonomy element or by supplying a URI for an externally-defined system.
- attribute scheme { data.pointer }?,
- ## identifies a status code defined within the classification system or taxonomy defined by the scheme attribute.
- attribute code { data.pointer }?,
- empty
- }
-state =
- ## contains a description of some status or quality attributed to a person, place, or organization often at some specific time or for a specific date range. [13.3.1. ]
- element state {
- (state+
- | (model.headLike*,
- model.pLike+,
- (model.noteLike | model.biblLike)*)
- | (model.labelLike | model.noteLike | model.biblLike)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- empty
- }
-terrain =
- ## contains information about the physical terrain of a place. [ ]
- element terrain {
- (model.headLike*,
- (model.pLike+ | model.labelLike+),
- (model.noteLike | model.biblLike)*,
- terrain*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-trait =
- ## contains a description of some status or quality attributed to a person, place, or organization typically, but not necessarily, independent of the volition or action of the holder and usually not at some specific time or for a specific date range. [13.3.1. ]
- element trait {
- (trait+
- | (model.headLike*,
- model.pLike+,
- (model.noteLike | model.biblLike)*)
- | (model.labelLike | model.noteLike | model.biblLike)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-nym =
- ## (canonical name) contains the definition for a canonical name or name component of any kind. [13.3.5. ]
- element nym {
- (model.entryPart*, model.pLike*, nym*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- ## points to constituent nyms
- attribute parts {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-listNym =
- ## (list of canonical names) contains a list of nyms, that is, standardized names for any thing. [13.3.5. ]
- element listNym {
- (model.headLike*, (nym | listNym)+, (relation | listRelation)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-att.global.facs.attributes = att.global.facs.attribute.facs
-att.global.facs.attribute.facs =
- ## (facsimile) points to all or part of an image which corresponds with the content of the element.
- attribute facs {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.global.change.attributes = att.global.change.attribute.change
-att.global.change.attribute.change =
- ## points to one or more change elements documenting a state or revision campaign to which the element bearing this attribute and its children have been assigned by the encoder.
- attribute change {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.coordinated.attributes =
- att.coordinated.attribute.start,
- att.coordinated.attribute.ulx,
- att.coordinated.attribute.uly,
- att.coordinated.attribute.lrx,
- att.coordinated.attribute.lry,
- att.coordinated.attribute.points
-att.coordinated.attribute.start =
- ## indicates the element within a transcription of the text containing at least the start of the writing represented by this zone or surface.
- attribute start { data.pointer }?
-att.coordinated.attribute.ulx =
- ## gives the x coordinate value for the upper left corner of a rectangular space.
- attribute ulx { data.numeric }?
-att.coordinated.attribute.uly =
- ## gives the y coordinate value for the upper left corner of a rectangular space.
- attribute uly { data.numeric }?
-att.coordinated.attribute.lrx =
- ## gives the x coordinate value for the lower right corner of a rectangular space.
- attribute lrx { data.numeric }?
-att.coordinated.attribute.lry =
- ## gives the y coordinate value for the lower right corner of a rectangular space.
- attribute lry { data.numeric }?
-att.coordinated.attribute.points =
- ## identifies a two dimensional area within the bounding box specified by the other attributes by means of a series of pairs of numbers, each of which gives the x,y coordinates of a point on a line enclosing the area.
- attribute points {
- list { data.point, data.point, data.point, data.point* }
- }?
-facsimile =
- ## contains a representation of some written source in the form of a set of images rather than as transcribed or encoded text. [11.1. ]
- element facsimile {
- (front?, (model.graphicLike | surface | surfaceGrp)+, back?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-sourceDoc =
- ## contains a transcription or other representation of a single source document potentially forming part of a dossier génétique or collection of sources. [11.1. 11.2.2. ]
- element sourceDoc {
- (model.global | model.graphicLike | surface | surfaceGrp)+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-surface =
- ## defines a written surface as a two-dimensional coordinate space, optionally grouping one or more graphic representations of that space, zones of interest within that space, and transcriptions of the writing within them. [11.1. 11.2.2. ]
- element surface {
- ((model.global | model.labelLike | model.graphicLike)*,
- ((zone | line | surface | surfaceGrp), model.global*)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.coordinated.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- ## describes the method by which this surface is or was connected to the main surface
- ## Sample values include: 1] glued; 2] pinned; 3] sewn
- attribute attachment { data.enumerated }?,
- ## indicates whether the surface is attached and folded in such a way as to provide two writing surfaces
- attribute flipping { data.truthValue }?,
- empty
- }
-surfaceGrp =
- ## defines any kind of useful grouping of written surfaces, for example the recto and verso of a single leaf, which the encoder wishes to treat as a single unit. [11.1. ]
- element surfaceGrp {
- (model.global | surface | surfaceGrp)+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-zone =
- ## defines any two-dimensional area within a surface element. [11.1. 11.2.2. ]
- element zone {
- (text
- | model.graphicLike
- | model.global
- | surface
- | model.linePart)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.coordinated.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- ## indicates the amount by which this zone has been rotated clockwise, with respect to the normal orientation of the parent surface element as implied by the dimensions given in the msDesc element or by the coordinates of the surface itself. The orientation is expressed in arc degrees.
- [ a:defaultValue = "0" ] attribute rotate { data.count }?,
- empty
- }
-addSpan =
- ## (added span of text) marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text added by an author, scribe, annotator or corrector (see also add). [ ]
- element addSpan {
- empty
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-addSpan-spanTo-constraint-11"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:addSpan"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "@spanTo"
- "The @spanTo attribute of "
- sch:name [ ]
- " is required."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-addSpan-spanTo_fr-constraint-12"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:addSpan"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "@spanTo"
- "L'attribut spanTo est requis."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attributes,
- att.placement.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- empty
- }
-damage =
- ## contains an area of damage to the text witness. [ ]
- element damage {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.damaged.attributes,
- empty
- }
-damageSpan =
- ## (damaged span of text) marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text which is damaged in some way but still legible. [ ]
- element damageSpan {
- empty
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-damageSpan-spanTo-constraint-13"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:damageSpan"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "@spanTo"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "The @spanTo attribute of "
- sch:name [ ]
- " is required."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-damageSpan-spanTo_fr-constraint-14"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:damageSpan"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "@spanTo"
- "L'attribut spanTo est requis."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.damaged.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- empty
- }
-delSpan =
- ## (deleted span of text) marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text deleted, marked as deleted, or otherwise signaled as superfluous or spurious by an author, scribe, annotator, or corrector. [ ]
- element delSpan {
- empty
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-delSpan-spanTo-constraint-15"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:delSpan"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "@spanTo"
- "The @spanTo attribute of "
- sch:name [ ]
- " is required."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-delSpan-spanTo_fr-constraint-16"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:delSpan"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "@spanTo"
- "L'attribut spanTo est requis."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- empty
- }
-ex =
- ## (editorial expansion) contains a sequence of letters added by an editor or transcriber when expanding an abbreviation. [ ]
- element ex {
- macro.xtext, att.global.attributes, att.editLike.attributes, empty
- }
-fw =
- ## (forme work) contains a running head (e.g. a header, footer), catchword, or similar material appearing on the current page. [11.6. ]
- element fw {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.placement.attributes,
- ## classifies the material encoded according to some useful typology.
- ## Sample values include: 1] header; 2] footer; 3] pageNum(page number) ; 4] lineNum(line number) ; 5] sig(signature) ; 6] catch(catchword)
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-handNotes =
- ## contains one or more handNote elements documenting the different hands identified within the source texts. [ ]
- element handNotes { handNote+, att.global.attributes, empty }
-handShift =
- ## marks the beginning of a sequence of text written in a new hand, or the beginning of a scribal stint. [ ]
- element handShift {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.handFeatures.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- ## indicates a handNote element describing the hand concerned.
- attribute new { data.pointer }?,
- empty
- }
-am =
- ## (abbreviation marker) contains a sequence of letters or signs present in an abbreviation which are omitted or replaced in the expanded form of the abbreviation. [ ]
- element am {
- (text | model.gLike | model.pPart.transcriptional)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- empty
- }
-restore =
- ## indicates restoration of text to an earlier state by cancellation of an editorial or authorial marking or instruction. [ ]
- element restore {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-space =
- ## indicates the location of a significant space in the copy text. [11.5.1. ]
- element space {
- (model.descLike | model.certLike)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.dimensions.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attribute.cert,
- att.source.attribute.source,
- ## (responsible party) (responsible party) indicates the individual responsible for identifying and measuring the space
- attribute resp {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- ## (dimension) indicates whether the space is horizontal or vertical.
- attribute dim {
- ## the space is horizontal.
- "horizontal"
- |
- ## the space is vertical.
- "vertical"
- }?,
- empty
- }
-subst =
- ## (substitution) groups one or more deletions with one or more additions when the combination is to be regarded as a single intervention in the text. [ ]
- element subst {
- ((add | del | model.milestoneLike)+)
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-subst-substContents1-constraint-17"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:subst"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "child::tei:add and child::tei:del"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:name [ ]
- " must have at least one child add and at least one child del"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attributes,
- empty
- }
-substJoin =
- ## (substitution join) identifies a series of possibly fragmented additions, deletions or other revisions on a manuscript that combine to make up a single intervention in the text [ ]
- element substJoin {
- (model.descLike | model.certLike)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attributes,
- empty
- }
-supplied =
- ## signifies text supplied by the transcriber or editor for any reason, typically because the original cannot be read because of physical damage or loss to the original. [ ]
- element supplied {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- ## one or more words indicating why the text has had to be supplied, e.g. overbinding, faded-ink, lost-folio, omitted-in-original.
- attribute reason {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-surplus =
- ## marks text present in the source which the editor believes to be superfluous or redundant. [ ]
- element surplus {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- ## one or more words indicating why this text is believed to be superfluous, e.g. repeated, interpolated etc.
- attribute reason {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-line =
- ## contains the transcription of a topographic line in the source document [11.2.2. ]
- element line {
- (text | model.global | model.gLike | model.linePart)*,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.coordinated.attributes,
- empty
- }
-listTranspose =
- ## supplies a list of transpositions, each of which is indicated at some point in a document typically by means of metamarks. [ ]
- element listTranspose { transpose+, att.global.attributes, empty }
-metamark =
- ## contains or describes any kind of graphic or written signal within a document the function of which is to determine how it should be read rather than forming part of the actual content of the document. [ ]
- element metamark {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- att.placement.attributes,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## describes the function (for example status, insertion, deletion, transposition) of the mark.
- attribute function { data.word }?,
- ## identifies one or more elements to which the function indicated by the metamark applies.
- attribute target {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-mod =
- ## represents any kind of modification identified within a single document. [ ]
- element mod {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- empty
- }
-redo =
- ## indicates one or more cancelled interventions in a document which have subsequently been marked as reaffirmed or repeated. [ ]
- element redo {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attributes,
- ## points to one or more elements representing the interventions which are being reasserted.
- attribute target {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-retrace =
- ## contains a sequence of writing which has been retraced, for example by over-inking, to clarify or fix it. [ ]
- element retrace {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attributes,
- empty
- }
-transpose =
- ## describes a single textual transposition as an ordered list of at least two pointers specifying the order in which the elements indicated should be re-combined. [ ]
- element transpose { (ptr, ptr+), att.global.attributes, empty }
-undo =
- ## indicates one or more marked-up interventions in a document which have subsequently been marked for cancellation. [ ]
- element undo {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attributes,
- ## points to one or more elements representing the interventions which are to be reverted or undone.
- attribute target {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-att.msExcerpt.attributes = att.msExcerpt.attribute.defective
-att.msExcerpt.attribute.defective =
- ## indicates whether the passage being quoted is defective, i.e. incomplete through loss or damage.
- [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute defective { data.xTruthValue }?
-msDesc =
- ## (manuscript description) contains a description of a single identifiable manuscript or other text-bearing object. [10.1. ]
- element msDesc {
- (msIdentifier,
- model.headLike*,
- (model.pLike+
- | (msContents?, physDesc?, history?, additional?, msPart*))),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-catchwords =
- ## describes the system used to ensure correct ordering of the quires making up a codex or incunable, typically by means of annotations at the foot of the page. [10.3.7. ]
- element catchwords { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-dimensions =
- ## contains a dimensional specification. [10.3.4. ]
- element dimensions {
- ((dim | model.dimLike)*)
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-dimensions-duplicateDim-constraint-7"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:dimensions"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "count(tei:width)> 1"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "The element "
- sch:name [ ]
- " may appear once only\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-dimensions-duplicateDim-constraint-8"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:dimensions"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "count(tei:height)> 1"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "The element "
- sch:name [ ]
- " may appear once only\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-dimensions-duplicateDim-constraint-9"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:dimensions"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "count(tei:depth)> 1"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "The element "
- sch:name [ ]
- " may appear once only\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.dimensions.attributes,
- ## indicates which aspect of the object is being measured.
- ## Sample values include: 1] leaves; 2] ruled; 3] pricked; 4] written; 5] miniatures; 6] binding; 7] box
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-dim =
- ## contains any single measurement forming part of a dimensional specification of some sort. [10.3.4. ]
- element dim {
- macro.xtext,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.dimensions.attributes,
- empty
- }
-height =
- ## contains a measurement measured along the axis at right angles to the bottom of the written surface, i.e. parallel to the spine for a codex or book. [10.3.4. ]
- element height {
- macro.xtext, att.global.attributes, att.dimensions.attributes, empty
- }
-depth =
- ## contains a measurement measured across the spine of a book or codex, or (for other text-bearing objects) perpendicular to the measurement given by the width element. [10.3.4. ]
- element depth {
- macro.xtext, att.global.attributes, att.dimensions.attributes, empty
- }
-width =
- ## contains a measurement measured along the axis parallel to the bottom of the written surface, i.e. perpendicular to the spine of a book or codex. [10.3.4. ]
- element width {
- macro.xtext, att.global.attributes, att.dimensions.attributes, empty
- }
-heraldry =
- ## contains a heraldic formula or phrase, typically found as part of a blazon, coat of arms, etc. [10.3.8. ]
- element heraldry { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-locus =
- ## defines a location within a manuscript or manuscript part, usually as a (possibly discontinuous) sequence of folio references. [10.3.5. ]
- element locus {
- macro.xtext,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- ## identifies the foliation scheme in terms of which the location is being specified by pointing to some foliation element defining it, or to some other equivalent resource.
- attribute scheme { data.pointer }?,
- ## specifies the starting point of the location in a normalized form, typically a page number.
- attribute from { data.word }?,
- ## specifies the end-point of the location in a normalized form, typically as a page number.
- attribute to { data.word }?,
- empty
- }
-locusGrp =
- ## groups a number of locations which together form a distinct but discontinuous item within a manuscript or manuscript part, according to a specific foliation. [10.3.5. ]
- element locusGrp {
- locus+,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## identifies the foliation scheme in terms of which all the locations contained by the group are specified by pointing to some foliation element defining it, or to some other equivalent resource.
- attribute scheme { data.pointer }?,
- empty
- }
-material =
- ## contains a word or phrase describing the material of which the object being described is composed. [10.3.2. ]
- element material {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- empty
- }
-objectType =
- ## contains a word or phrase describing the type of object being referred to. [10.3.2. ]
- element objectType {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- empty
- }
-origDate =
- ## (origin date) contains any form of date, used to identify the date of origin for a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.3.1. ]
- element origDate {
- (text | model.gLike | model.phrase | model.global)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-origPlace =
- ## (origin place) contains any form of place name, used to identify the place of origin for a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.3.1. ]
- element origPlace {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-secFol =
- ## (second folio) marks the word or words taken from a fixed point in a codex (typically the beginning of the second leaf) in order to provide a unique identifier for it. [10.3.7. ]
- element secFol { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-signatures =
- ## contains discussion of the leaf or quire signatures found within a codex. [10.3.7. ]
- element signatures { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-stamp =
- ## contains a word or phrase describing a stamp or similar device. [10.3.3. ]
- element stamp {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-watermark =
- ## contains a word or phrase describing a watermark or similar device. [10.3.3. ]
- element watermark { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-msIdentifier =
- ## (manuscript identifier) contains the information required to identify the manuscript being described. [10.4. ]
- element msIdentifier {
- ((model.placeNamePart_sequenceOptional,
- institution?,
- repository?,
- collection*,
- idno?),
- (msName | altIdentifier)*)
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-msIdentifier-msId_minimal-constraint-10"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:msIdentifier"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test =
- "not(parent::tei:msPart) and (local-name(*[1])='idno' or local-name(*[1])='altIdentifier' or normalize-space(.)='')"
- "An msIdentifier must contain either a repository or location of some type, or a manuscript name"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-institution =
- ## contains the name of an organization such as a university or library, with which a manuscript is identified, generally its holding institution. [10.4. ]
- element institution {
- macro.xtext, att.global.attributes, att.naming.attributes, empty
- }
-repository =
- ## contains the name of a repository within which manuscripts are stored, possibly forming part of an institution. [10.4. ]
- element repository {
- macro.xtext, att.global.attributes, att.naming.attributes, empty
- }
-collection =
- ## contains the name of a collection of manuscripts, not necessarily located within a single repository. [10.4. ]
- element collection {
- macro.xtext,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-altIdentifier =
- ## (alternative identifier) contains an alternative or former structured identifier used for a manuscript, such as a former catalogue number. [10.4. ]
- element altIdentifier {
- (model.placeNamePart_sequenceOptional,
- institution?,
- repository?,
- collection?,
- idno,
- note?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-msName =
- ## (alternative name) contains any form of unstructured alternative name used for a manuscript, such as an ocellus nominum, or nickname. [10.4. ]
- element msName {
- macro.xtext, att.global.attributes, att.typed.attributes, empty
- }
-colophon =
- ## contains the colophon of a manuscript item: that is, a statement providing information regarding the date, place, agency, or reason for production of the manuscript. [10.6.1. ]
- element colophon { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-explicit =
- ## contains the explicit of a manuscript item, that is, the closing words of the text proper, exclusive of any rubric or colophon which might follow it. [10.6.1. ]
- element explicit {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.msExcerpt.attributes,
- empty
- }
-filiation =
- ## contains information concerning the manuscript's filiation, i.e. its relationship to other surviving manuscripts of the same text, its protographs, antigraphs and apographs. [10.6.1. ]
- element filiation {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-finalRubric =
- ## contains the string of words that denotes the end of a text division, often with an assertion as to its author and title, usually set off from the text itself by red ink, by a different size or type of script, or by some other such visual device. [10.6.1. ]
- element finalRubric {
- macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, att.typed.attributes, empty
- }
-incipit =
- ## contains the incipit of a manuscript item, that is the opening words of the text proper, exclusive of any rubric which might precede it, of sufficient length to identify the work uniquely; such incipits were, in former times, frequently used a means of reference to a work, in place of a title. [10.6.1. ]
- element incipit {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.msExcerpt.attributes,
- empty
- }
-msContents =
- ## (manuscript contents) describes the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part, either as a series of paragraphs or as a series of structured manuscript items. [10.6. ]
- element msContents {
- (model.pLike+
- | (summary?, textLang?, titlePage?, (msItem | msItemStruct)*)),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.msExcerpt.attributes,
- ## identifies the text types or classifications applicable to this object by pointing to other elements or resources defining the classification concerned.
- attribute class {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-msItem =
- ## (manuscript item) describes an individual work or item within the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.6.1. ]
- element msItem {
- ((locus | locusGrp)*,
- (model.pLike+
- | (model.titlepagePart | model.msItemPart | model.global)+)),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.msExcerpt.attributes,
- ## identifies the text types or classifications applicable to this item by pointing to other elements or resources defining the classification concerned.
- attribute class {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-msItemStruct =
- ## (structured manuscript item) contains a structured description for an individual work or item within the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.6.1. ]
- element msItemStruct {
- ((locus | locusGrp)?,
- (model.pLike+
- | (author*,
- respStmt*,
- title*,
- rubric?,
- incipit?,
- msItemStruct*,
- explicit?,
- finalRubric?,
- colophon*,
- decoNote*,
- listBibl*,
- (bibl | biblStruct)*,
- model.noteLike*,
- textLang?))),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.msExcerpt.attributes,
- ## identifies the text types or classifications applicable to this item by pointing to other elements or resources defining the classification concerned.
- attribute class {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-rubric =
- ## contains the text of any rubric or heading attached to a particular manuscript item, that is, a string of words through which a manuscript signals the beginning of a text division, often with an assertion as to its author and title, which is in some way set off from the text itself, usually in red ink, or by use of different size or type of script, or some other such visual device. [10.6.1. ]
- element rubric {
- macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, att.typed.attributes, empty
- }
-summary =
- ## contains an overview of the available information concerning some aspect of an item (for example, its intellectual content, history, layout, typography etc.) as a complement or alternative to the more detailed information carried by more specific elements. [10.6. ]
- element summary { macro.specialPara, att.global.attributes, empty }
-physDesc =
- ## (physical description) contains a full physical description of a manuscript or manuscript part, optionally subdivided using more specialized elements from the model.physDescPart class. [10.7. ]
- element physDesc {
- (model.pLike*, model.physDescPart_sequenceOptional),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-objectDesc =
- ## contains a description of the physical components making up the object which is being described. [10.7.1. ]
- element objectDesc {
- (model.pLike+ | (supportDesc?, layoutDesc?)),
- att.global.attributes,
- ## a short project-specific name identifying the physical form of the carrier, for example as a codex, roll, fragment, partial leaf, cutting etc.
- attribute form { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-supportDesc =
- ## (support description) groups elements describing the physical support for the written part of a manuscript. [10.7.1. ]
- element supportDesc {
- (model.pLike+
- | (support?, extent?, foliation*, collation?, condition?)),
- att.global.attributes,
- ## a short project-defined name for the material composing the majority of the support
- ## Suggested values include: 1] paper; 2] parch(parchment) ; 3] mixed
- attribute material {
- ##
- "paper"
- |
- ## (parchment)
- "parch"
- |
- ##
- "mixed"
- | xsd:Name
- }?,
- empty
- }
-support =
- ## contains a description of the materials etc. which make up the physical support for the written part of a manuscript. [10.7.1. ]
- element support { macro.specialPara, att.global.attributes, empty }
-collation =
- ## contains a description of how the leaves or bifolia are physically arranged. [10.7.1. ]
- element collation { macro.specialPara, att.global.attributes, empty }
-foliation =
- ## describes the numbering system or systems used to count the leaves or pages in a codex. [ ]
- element foliation { macro.specialPara, att.global.attributes, empty }
-condition =
- ## contains a description of the physical condition of the manuscript. [ ]
- element condition { macro.specialPara, att.global.attributes, empty }
-layoutDesc =
- ## (layout description) collects the set of layout descriptions applicable to a manuscript. [10.7.2. ]
- element layoutDesc {
- (model.pLike+ | (summary?, layout+)),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-layout =
- ## describes how text is laid out on the page, including information about any ruling, pricking, or other evidence of page-preparation techniques. [10.7.2. ]
- element layout {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## specifies the number of columns per page
- attribute columns {
- list { data.count, data.count? }
- }?,
- ## specifies the number of ruled lines per column
- attribute ruledLines {
- list { data.count, data.count? }
- }?,
- ## specifies the number of written lines per column
- attribute writtenLines {
- list { data.count, data.count? }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-handDesc =
- ## (description of hands) contains a description of all the different kinds of writing used in a manuscript. [10.7.2. ]
- element handDesc {
- (model.pLike+ | (summary?, handNote+)),
- att.global.attributes,
- ## specifies the number of distinct hands identified within the manuscript
- attribute hands { data.count }?,
- empty
- }
-typeDesc =
- ## contains a description of the typefaces or other aspects of the printing of an incunable or other printed source. [ ]
- element typeDesc {
- (model.pLike+ | (summary?, typeNote+)),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-scriptDesc =
- ## contains a description of the scripts used in a manuscript or similar source. [ ]
- element scriptDesc {
- (model.pLike+ | (summary?, scriptNote+)),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-musicNotation =
- ## contains description of type of musical notation. [10.7.2. ]
- element musicNotation {
- macro.specialPara, att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-decoDesc =
- ## (decoration description) contains a description of the decoration of a manuscript, either as a sequence of paragraphs, or as a sequence of topically organized decoNote elements. [10.7.3. ]
- element decoDesc {
- (model.pLike+ | (summary?, decoNote+)),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-decoNote =
- ## (note on decoration) contains a note describing either a decorative component of a manuscript, or a fairly homogenous class of such components. [10.7.3. ]
- element decoNote {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-additions =
- ## contains a description of any significant additions found within a manuscript, such as marginalia or other annotations. [10.7.2. ]
- element additions { macro.specialPara, att.global.attributes, empty }
-bindingDesc =
- ## (binding description) describes the present and former bindings of a manuscript, either as a series of paragraphs or as a series of distinct binding elements, one for each binding of the manuscript. [ ]
- element bindingDesc {
- ((model.pLike | decoNote | condition)+ | binding+),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-binding =
- ## contains a description of one binding, i.e. type of covering, boards, etc. applied to a manuscript. [ ]
- element binding {
- (model.pLike | condition | decoNote)+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- ## specifies whether or not the binding is contemporary with the majority of its contents
- attribute contemporary { data.xTruthValue }?,
- empty
- }
-sealDesc =
- ## (seal description) describes the seals or other external items attached to a manuscript, either as a series of paragraphs or as a series of distinct seal elements, possibly with additional decoNotes. [ ]
- element sealDesc {
- (model.pLike+
- | (summary?, (decoNote | seal | condition)+)),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-seal =
- ## contains a description of one seal or similar attachment applied to a manuscript. [ ]
- element seal {
- (model.pLike | decoNote)+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- ## specifies whether or not the seal is contemporary with the item to which it is affixed
- attribute contemporary { data.xTruthValue }?,
- empty
- }
-accMat =
- ## (accompanying material) contains details of any significant additional material which may be closely associated with the manuscript being described, such as non-contemporaneous documents or fragments bound in with the manuscript at some earlier historical period. [ ]
- element accMat {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-history =
- ## groups elements describing the full history of a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.8. ]
- element history {
- (model.pLike+ | (summary?, origin?, provenance*, acquisition?)),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-origin =
- ## contains any descriptive or other information concerning the origin of a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.8. ]
- element origin {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-provenance =
- ## contains any descriptive or other information concerning a single identifiable episode during the history of a manuscript or manuscript part, after its creation but before its acquisition. [10.8. ]
- element provenance {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- empty
- }
-acquisition =
- ## contains any descriptive or other information concerning the process by which a manuscript or manuscript part entered the holding institution. [10.8. ]
- element acquisition {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-additional =
- ## groups additional information, combining bibliographic information about a manuscript, or surrogate copies of it with curatorial or administrative information. [10.9. ]
- element additional {
- (adminInfo?, surrogates?, listBibl?), att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-adminInfo =
- ## (administrative information) contains information about the present custody and availability of the manuscript, and also about the record description itself. [10.9.1. ]
- element adminInfo {
- (recordHist?, availability?, custodialHist?, model.noteLike?),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-recordHist =
- ## (recorded history) provides information about the source and revision status of the parent manuscript description itself. [10.9.1. ]
- element recordHist {
- (model.pLike+ | (source, change*)),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-source =
- ## describes the original source for the information contained with a manuscript description. [ ]
- element source { macro.specialPara, att.global.attributes, empty }
-custodialHist =
- ## (custodial history) contains a description of a manuscript's custodial history, either as running prose or as a series of dated custodial events. [ ]
- element custodialHist {
- (model.pLike+ | custEvent+), att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-custEvent =
- ## (custodial event) describes a single event during the custodial history of a manuscript. [ ]
- element custEvent {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-surrogates =
- ## contains information about any representations of the manuscript being described which may exist in the holding institution or elsewhere. [10.9. ]
- element surrogates { macro.specialPara, att.global.attributes, empty }
-msPart =
- ## (manuscript part) contains information about an originally distinct manuscript or part of a manuscript, now forming part of a composite manuscript. [10.10. ]
- element msPart {
- ((altIdentifier | msIdentifier),
- model.headLike*,
- (model.pLike+
- | (msContents?, physDesc?, history?, additional?, msPart*)))
- >> sch:pattern [
- id =
- "tei-vbd-msPart-deprecate-altIdentifier-child-constraint-11"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:msPart"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- role = "nonfatal"
- test = "child::tei:altIdentifier"
- "WARNING: use of deprecated method — the use of the altIdentifier element as a direct child of the msPart element will be removed from the TEI on 2016-09-09"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-g =
- ## (character or glyph) represents a glyph, or a non-standard character. [5. ]
- element g {
- text,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- ## points to a description of the character or glyph intended.
- attribute ref { data.pointer }?,
- empty
- }
-char =
- ## (character) provides descriptive information about a character. [5.2. ]
- element char {
- (charName?,
- model.descLike*,
- charProp*,
- mapping*,
- figure*,
- model.graphicLike*,
- model.noteLike*),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-charName =
- ## (character name) contains the name of a character, expressed following Unicode conventions. [5.2. ]
- element charName { text, att.global.attributes, empty }
-charProp =
- ## (character property) provides a name and value for some property of the parent character or glyph. [5.2. ]
- element charProp {
- ((unicodeName | localName), value),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-charDecl =
- ## (character declarations) provides information about nonstandard characters and glyphs. [5.2. ]
- element charDecl {
- (desc?, (char | glyph)+),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-glyph =
- ## (character glyph) provides descriptive information about a character glyph. [5.2. ]
- element glyph {
- (glyphName?,
- model.descLike*,
- charProp*,
- mapping*,
- figure*,
- model.graphicLike*,
- model.noteLike*),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-glyphName =
- ## (character glyph name) contains the name of a glyph, expressed following Unicode conventions for character names. [5.2. ]
- element glyphName { text, att.global.attributes, empty }
-localName =
- ## (locally-defined property name) contains a locally defined name for some property. [5.2.1. ]
- element localName { text, att.global.attributes, empty }
-mapping =
- ## (character mapping) contains one or more characters which are related to the parent character or glyph in some respect, as specified by the type attribute. [5.2. ]
- element mapping {
- macro.xtext, att.global.attributes, att.typed.attributes, empty
- }
-unicodeName =
- ## (unicode property name) contains the name of a registered Unicode normative or informative property. [5.2.1. ]
- element unicodeName {
- text,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## specifies the version number of the Unicode Standard in which this property name is defined.
- attribute version { data.version }?,
- empty
- }
-value =
- ## contains a single value for some property, attribute, or other analysis. [5.2.1. ]
- element value { macro.xtext, att.global.attributes, empty }
-att.global.analytic.attributes = att.global.analytic.attribute.ana
-att.global.analytic.attribute.ana =
- ## (analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears.
- attribute ana {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-s =
- ## (s-unit) contains a sentence-like division of a text. [17.1. 8.4.1. ]
- element s {
- ((text
- | model.gLike
- | model.global
- | binaryObject
- | formula
- | graphic
- | media
- | distinct
- | emph
- | foreign
- | gloss
- | mentioned
- | soCalled
- | term
- | title
- | hi
- | affiliation
- | email
- | date
- | time
- | depth
- | dim
- | geo
- | height
- | measure
- | measureGrp
- | num
- | width
- | name
- | orgName
- | persName
- | geogFeat
- | offset
- | addName
- | forename
- | genName
- | nameLink
- | roleName
- | surname
- | bloc
- | country
- | district
- | geogName
- | placeName
- | region
- | settlement
- | climate
- | location
- | population
- | state
- | terrain
- | trait
- | idno
- | rs
- | abbr
- | am
- | choice
- | ex
- | expan
- | subst
- | add
- | app
- | corr
- | damage
- | del
- | handShift
- | mod
- | orig
- | redo
- | reg
- | restore
- | retrace
- | sic
- | supplied
- | surplus
- | unclear
- | undo
- | catchwords
- | dimensions
- | heraldry
- | locus
- | locusGrp
- | material
- | objectType
- | origDate
- | origPlace
- | secFol
- | signatures
- | stamp
- | watermark
- | ptr
- | ref
- | c
- | cl
- | m
- | pc
- | phr
- | seg
- | w)*)
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-s-noNestedS-constraint-12"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:s"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "tei:s"
- "You may not nest one s element within\x{a}" ~
- " another: use seg instead"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.segLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-cl =
- ## (clause) represents a grammatical clause. [17.1. ]
- element cl {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.segLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-phr =
- ## (phrase) represents a grammatical phrase. [17.1. ]
- element phr {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.segLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-w =
- ## (word) represents a grammatical (not necessarily orthographic) word. [17.1. ]
- element w {
- (text
- | model.gLike
- | seg
- | w
- | m
- | c
- | pc
- | model.global
- | model.lPart
- | model.hiLike
- | model.pPart.edit)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.segLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- ## provides a lemma for the word, such as an uninflected dictionary entry form.
- attribute lemma { data.text }?,
- ## provides a pointer to a definition of the lemma for the word, for example in an online lexicon.
- attribute lemmaRef { data.pointer }?,
- empty
- }
-m =
- ## (morpheme) represents a grammatical morpheme. [17.1. ]
- element m {
- (text | model.gLike | seg | m | c | model.global)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.segLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- ## supplies the morpheme's base form.
- attribute baseForm { data.word }?,
- empty
- }
-c =
- ## (character) represents a character. [17.1. ]
- element c {
- macro.xtext,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.segLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-pc =
- ## (punctuation character) contains a character or string of characters regarded as constituting a single punctuation mark. [17.1. ]
- element pc {
- (text | model.gLike | c | model.pPart.edit)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.segLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- ## indicates the extent to which this punctuation mark conventionally separates words or phrases
- attribute force {
- ## the punctuation mark is a word separator
- "strong"
- |
- ## the punctuation mark is not a word separator
- "weak"
- |
- ## the punctuation mark may or may not be a word separator
- "inter"
- }?,
- ## provides a name for the kind of unit delimited by this punctuation mark.
- attribute unit { data.enumerated }?,
- ## indicates whether this punctuation mark precedes or follows the unit it delimits.
- attribute pre { data.truthValue }?,
- empty
- }
-span =
- ## associates an interpretative annotation directly with a span of text. [17.3. ]
- element span {
- macro.phraseSeq.limited
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-span-targetfrom-constraint-13"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:span"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "@from and @target"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "Only one of the attributes @target and @from may be supplied on "
- sch:name [ ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-span-targetto-constraint-14"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:span"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "@to and @target"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "Only one of the attributes @target and @to may be supplied on "
- sch:name [ ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-span-tonotfrom-constraint-15"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:span"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "@to and not(@from)"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "If @to is supplied on "
- sch:name [ ]
- ", @from must be supplied as well"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-span-tofrom-constraint-16"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:span"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test =
- "contains(normalize-space(@to),' ') or contains(normalize-space(@from),' ')"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "The attributes @to and @from on "
- sch:name [ ]
- " may each contain only a single value"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.interpLike.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- ## gives the identifier of the node which is the starting point of the span of text being annotated; if not accompanied by a to attribute, gives the identifier of the node of the entire span of text being annotated.
- attribute from { data.pointer }?,
- ## gives the identifier of the node which is the end-point of the span of text being annotated.
- attribute to { data.pointer }?,
- empty
- }
-spanGrp =
- ## (span group) collects together span tags. [17.3. ]
- element spanGrp {
- span*, att.global.attributes, att.interpLike.attributes, empty
- }
-interp =
- ## (interpretation) summarizes a specific interpretative annotation which can be linked to a span of text. [17.3. ]
- element interp {
- (text | model.gLike | model.descLike | model.certLike)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.interpLike.attributes,
- empty
- }
-interpGrp =
- ## (interpretation group) collects together a set of related interpretations which share responsibility or type. [17.3. ]
- element interpGrp {
- (model.descLike*, interp+),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.interpLike.attributes,
- empty
- }
-model.rdgLike = rdg
-model.rdgPart = wit | witStart | witEnd | lacunaStart | lacunaEnd
-att.rdgPart.attributes = att.rdgPart.attribute.wit
-att.rdgPart.attribute.wit =
- ## (witness or witnesses) contains a space-delimited list of one or more sigla indicating the witnesses to this reading beginning or ending at this point.
- attribute wit {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.witnessed.attributes = att.witnessed.attribute.wit
-att.witnessed.attribute.wit =
- ## (witness or witnesses) contains a space-delimited list of one or more pointers indicating the witnesses which attest to a given reading.
- attribute wit {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.textCritical.attributes =
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- att.textCritical.attribute.type,
- att.textCritical.attribute.cause,
- att.textCritical.attribute.varSeq,
- att.textCritical.attribute.hand
-att.textCritical.attribute.type =
- ## classifies the reading according to some useful typology.
- ## Sample values include: 1] substantive; 2] orthographic
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?
-att.textCritical.attribute.cause =
- ## classifies the cause for the variant reading, according to any appropriate typology of possible origins.
- ## Sample values include: 1] homeoteleuton; 2] homeoarchy; 3] paleographicConfusion; 4] haplography; 5] dittography; 6] falseEmendation
- attribute cause { data.enumerated }?
-att.textCritical.attribute.varSeq =
- ## (variant sequence) provides a number indicating the position of this reading in a sequence, when there is reason to presume a sequence to the variants.
- attribute varSeq { data.count }?
-att.textCritical.attribute.hand =
- ## indicates the hand responsible for a particular reading in the witness.
- attribute hand { data.pointer }?
-app =
- ## (apparatus entry) contains one entry in a critical apparatus, with an optional lemma and usually one or more readings or notes on the relevant passage. [12.1.1. ]
- element app {
- (model.global*,
- (lem, model.global*, (wit, model.global*)?)?,
- ((model.rdgLike, model.global*, (wit, model.global*)?)
- | (rdgGrp, model.global*, (wit, model.global*)?))*),
- att.global.attributes,
- ## classifies the variation contained in this element according to some convenient typology.
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?,
- ## identifies the beginning of the lemma in the base text.
- attribute from { data.pointer }?,
- ## identifies the endpoint of the lemma in the base text.
- attribute to { data.pointer }?,
- ## (location) indicates the location of the variation, when the location-referenced method of apparatus markup is used.
- attribute loc {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-listApp =
- ## (list of apparatus entries) contains a list of apparatus entries. [12.2. ]
- element listApp {
- (model.headLike*, (app | listApp)+),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-lem =
- ## (lemma) contains the lemma, or base text, of a textual variation. [12.1. ]
- element lem {
- (text
- | model.gLike
- | model.phrase
- | model.inter
- | model.global
- | model.rdgPart)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.textCritical.attributes,
- att.witnessed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-rdg =
- ## (reading) contains a single reading within a textual variation. [12.1. ]
- element rdg {
- (text
- | model.gLike
- | model.phrase
- | model.inter
- | model.global
- | model.rdgPart)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.textCritical.attributes,
- att.witnessed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-rdgGrp =
- ## (reading group) within a textual variation, groups two or more readings perceived to have a genetic relationship or other affinity. [12.1. ]
- element rdgGrp {
- (((rdgGrp, wit?)
- | ((lem, wit?)?, (model.rdgLike, wit?))*)+)
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei-vbd-rdgGrp-only1lem-constraint-18"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:rdgGrp"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "count(tei:lem) < 2"
- "Only one element may appear within a "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.textCritical.attributes,
- empty
- }
-witDetail =
- ## (witness detail) gives further information about a particular witness, or witnesses, to a particular reading. [12.1. ]
- element witDetail {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.placement.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- ## (witnesses) indicates the sigil or sigla identifying the witness or witnesses to which the detail refers.
- attribute wit {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- },
- ## describes the type of information given about the witness.
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-wit =
- ## contains a list of one or more sigla of witnesses attesting a given reading, in a textual variation. [12.1.4. ]
- element wit {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.rdgPart.attributes,
- empty
- }
-listWit =
- ## (witness list) lists definitions for all the witnesses referred to by a critical apparatus, optionally grouped hierarchically. [12.1. ]
- element listWit {
- (model.headLike?, (witness | listWit)+),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-witness =
- ## contains either a description of a single witness referred to within the critical apparatus, or a list of witnesses which is to be referred to by a single sigil. [12.1. ]
- element witness {
- macro.limitedContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-witStart =
- ## (fragmented witness start) indicates the beginning, or resumption, of the text of a fragmentary witness. [12.1.5. ]
- element witStart {
- empty, att.global.attributes, att.rdgPart.attributes, empty
- }
-witEnd =
- ## (fragmented witness end) indicates the end, or suspension, of the text of a fragmentary witness. [12.1.5. ]
- element witEnd {
- empty, att.global.attributes, att.rdgPart.attributes, empty
- }
-lacunaStart =
- ## indicates the beginning of a lacuna in the text of a mostly complete textual witness. [12.1.5. ]
- element lacunaStart {
- empty, att.global.attributes, att.rdgPart.attributes, empty
- }
-lacunaEnd =
- ## indicates the end of a lacuna in a mostly complete textual witness. [12.1.5. ]
- element lacunaEnd {
- empty, att.global.attributes, att.rdgPart.attributes, empty
- }
-variantEncoding =
- ## declares the method used to encode text-critical variants. [12.1.1. ]
- element variantEncoding {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## indicates which method is used to encode the apparatus of variants.
- attribute method {
- ## apparatus uses line numbers or other canonical reference scheme referenced in a base text.
- "location-referenced"
- |
- ## apparatus indicates the precise locations of the beginning and ending of each lemma relative to a base text.
- "double-end-point"
- |
- ## alternate readings of a passage are given in parallel in the text; no notion of a base text is necessary.
- "parallel-segmentation"
- },
- ## indicates whether the apparatus appears within the running text or external to it.
- attribute location {
- ## apparatus appears within the running text.
- "internal"
- |
- ## apparatus appears outside the base text.
- "external"
- }
- >> sch:pattern [
- id =
- "tei-vbd-variantEncoding-location-variantEncodingLocation-constraint-6"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:variantEncoding"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test =
- "(@location != 'external') or (@method != 'parallel-segmentation')"
- "\x{a}" ~
- ' The @location value "external" is inconsistent with the\x{a}' ~
- " parallel-segmentation method of apparatus markup."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- empty
- }
-table =
- ## contains text displayed in tabular form, in rows and columns. [14.1.1. ]
- element table {
- ((model.headLike | model.global)*,
- ((row, model.global*)+ | (model.graphicLike, model.global*)+),
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- ## indicates the number of rows in the table.
- attribute rows { data.count }?,
- ## (columns) indicates the number of columns in each row of the table.
- attribute cols { data.count }?,
- empty
- }
-row =
- ## contains one row of a table. [14.1.1. ]
- element row {
- cell+, att.global.attributes, att.tableDecoration.attributes, empty
- }
-cell =
- ## contains one cell of a table. [14.1.1. ]
- element cell {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.tableDecoration.attributes,
- empty
- }
-formula =
- ## contains a mathematical or other formula. [14.2. ]
- element formula {
- (text | model.graphicLike | model.hiLike)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## names the notation used for the content of the element.
- attribute notation { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-notatedMusic =
- ## encodes the presence of music notation in a text [14.3. ]
- element notatedMusic {
- (model.labelLike | model.ptrLike | graphic | binaryObject)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.placement.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-figure =
- ## groups elements representing or containing graphic information such as an illustration, formula, or figure. [14.4. ]
- element figure {
- (model.headLike
- | model.common
- | figDesc
- | model.graphicLike
- | model.global
- | model.divBottom)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.placement.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-figDesc =
- ## (description of figure) contains a brief prose description of the appearance or content of a graphic figure, for use when documenting an image without displaying it. [14.4. ]
- element figDesc { macro.limitedContent, att.global.attributes, empty }
-start = TEI | teiCorpus
diff --git a/data/text/schema/tei-vbd.rng b/data/text/schema/tei-vbd.rng
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b919a4..0000000
--- a/data/text/schema/tei-vbd.rng
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12048 +0,0 @@
- high
- medium
- low
- unknown
- 0
- 1
- (\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)
- 0
- regular
- irregular
- unknown
- unknown
- inapplicable
- [\-+]?\d+(\.\d+)?(%|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|em|ex|gd|rem|vw|vh|vm)
- (\-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*,\-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)
- [\d]+(\.[\d]+){0,2}
- [\d]+[a-z]*[\d]*(\.[\d]+[a-z]*[\d]*){0,3}
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- [0-9.,DHMPRSTWYZ/:+\-]+
- indicates the person, or group of people, to whom the element content is ascribed.
- provides an externally-defined means of identifying the entity (or entities) being named, using a coded value of some kind.
- (reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition for the entity being named by means of one or more URIs.
- gives a minimum estimated value for the approximate measurement.
- gives a maximum estimated value for the approximate measurement.
- where the measurement summarizes more than one observation or a range, supplies the minimum value observed.
- where the measurement summarizes more than one observation or a range, supplies the maximum value observed.
- specifies the degree of statistical confidence (between zero and one) that a value falls within the range specified by min and max, or the proportion of observed values that fall within that range.
- names the unit used for the measurement
-Suggested values include: 1] cm(centimetres) ; 2] mm(millimetres) ; 3] in(inches) ; 4] lines; 5] chars(characters)
- cm
- (centimetres)
- mm
- (millimetres)
- in
- (inches)
- lines
- lines of text
- chars
- (characters) characters of text
- specifies the length in the units specified
- indicates the size of the object concerned using a project-specific vocabulary combining quantity and units in a single string of words.
- characterizes the precision of the values specified by the other attributes.
- where the measurement summarizes more than one observation, specifies the applicability of this measurement.
-Sample values include: 1] all; 2] most; 3] range
- in the case of damage (deliberate defacement, inking out, etc.) assignable to a distinct hand, signifies the hand responsible for the damage by pointing to one of the hand identifiers declared in the document header (see section ).
- categorizes the cause of the damage, if it can be identified.
-Sample values include: 1] rubbing; 2] mildew; 3] smoke
- provides a coded representation of the degree of damage, either as a number between 0 (undamaged) and 1 (very extensively damaged), or as one of the codes high, medium, low, or unknown. The damage element with the degree attribute should only be used where the text may be read with some confidence; text supplied from other sources should be tagged as supplied.
- assigns an arbitrary number to each stretch of damage regarded as forming part of the same physical phenomenon.
- indicates whether or not the element bearing this attribute should be considered to mark the end of an orthographic token in the same way as whitespace.
- (canonical reference) specifies the destination of the pointer by supplying a canonical reference expressed using the scheme defined in a refsDecl element in the TEI header
- supplies the value of the date or time in a standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- specifies the earliest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- specifies the latest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- indicates the starting point of the period in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- indicates the ending point of the period in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- indicates the system or calendar to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
-@calendar indicates the system or calendar to which the date represented by the content of this element
-belongs, but this element has no textual content.
- supplies a pointer to some location defining a named period of time within which the datable item is understood to have occurred.
- contains a PID (persistent identifier) that aligns the given element with the appropriate Data Category (or categories) in ISOcat.
- contains a PID (persistent identifier) that aligns the content of the given element or the value of the given attribute with the appropriate simple Data Category (or categories) in ISOcat.
- indicates whether or not this element is selected by default when its parent is selected.
- true
- This element is selected if its parent is selected
- false
- This element can only be selected explicitly, unless it is the only one of its kind, in which case it is selected if its parent is selected.
- identifies one or more declarable elements within the header, which are understood to apply to the element bearing this attribute and its content.
- specifies whether or not its parent element is fragmented in some way, typically by some other overlapping structure: for example a speech which is divided between two or more verse stanzas, a paragraph which is split across a page division, a verse line which is divided between two speakers.
- Y
- (yes) the element is fragmented in some (unspecified) respect
- N
- (no) either the element is not fragmented, or no claim is made as to its completeness.
- I
- (initial) this is the initial part of a fragmented element
- M
- (medial) this is a medial part of a fragmented element
- F
- (final) this is the final part of a fragmented element
- (organization) specifies how the content of the division is organized.
- composite
- no claim is made about the sequence in which the immediate contents of this division are to be processed, or their inter-relationships.
- uniform
- the immediate contents of this element are regarded as forming a logical unit, to be processed in sequence.
- indicates whether this division is a sample of the original source and if so, from which part.
- initial
- division lacks material present at end in source.
- medial
- division lacks material at start and end.
- final
- division lacks material at start.
- unknown
- position of sampled material within original unknown.
- complete
- division is not a sample.
- describes the status of a document either currently or, when associated with a dated element, at the time indicated.
-Sample values include: 1] approved; 2] candidate; 3] cleared; 4] deprecated; 5] draft; 6] embargoed; 7] expired; 8] frozen; 9] galley; 10] proposed; 11] published; 12] recommendation; 13] submitted; 14] unfinished; 15] withdrawn
- (certainty) signifies the degree of certainty associated with the intervention or interpretation.
- (responsible party) indicates the agency responsible for the intervention or interpretation, for example an editor or transcriber.
- indicates the nature of the evidence supporting the reliability or accuracy of the intervention or interpretation.
-Suggested values include: 1] internal; 2] external; 3] conjecture
- internal
- there is internal evidence to support the intervention.
- external
- there is external evidence to support the intervention.
- conjecture
- the intervention or interpretation has been made by the editor, cataloguer, or scholar on the basis of their expertise.
- indicates whether this is an instant revision or not.
- (identifier) provides a unique identifier for the element bearing the attribute.
- (number) gives a number (or other label) for an element, which is not necessarily unique within the document.
- (language) indicates the language of the element content using a tag generated according to BCP 47.
- (rendition) indicates how the element in question was rendered or presented in the source text.
- contains an expression in some formal style definition language which defines the rendering or presentation used for this element in the source text
- points to a description of the rendering or presentation used for this element in the source text.
- provides a base URI reference with which applications can resolve relative URI references into absolute URI references.
- signals an intention about how white space should be managed by applications.
- default
- signals that the application's default white-space processing modes are acceptable
- preserve
- indicates the intent that applications preserve all white space
- gives a name or other identifier for the scribe believed to be responsible for this hand.
- points to a full description of the scribe concerned, typically supplied by a person element elsewhere in the description.
- characterizes the particular script or writing style used by this hand, for example secretary, copperplate, Chancery, Italian, etc.
- points to a full description of the script or writing style used by this hand, typically supplied by a scriptNote element elsewhere in the description.
- describes the tint or type of ink, e.g. brown, or other writing medium, e.g. pencil
- specifies how widely this hand is used in the manuscript.
- sole
- only this hand is used throughout the manuscript
- major
- this hand is used through most of the manuscript
- minor
- this hand is used occasionally in the manuscript
- (MIME media type) specifies the applicable multimedia internet mail extension (MIME) media type
- Where the media are displayed, indicates the display width
- Where the media are displayed, indicates the display height
- Where the media are displayed, indicates a scale factor to be applied when generating the desired display size
- (uniform resource locator) specifies the URL from which the media concerned may be obtained.
- indicates what kind of phenomenon is being noted in the passage.
-Sample values include: 1] image; 2] character; 3] theme; 4] allusion
- (instances) points to instances of the analysis or interpretation represented by the current element.
- indicates the units used for the measurement, usually using the standard symbol for the desired units.
-Suggested values include: 1] m(metre) ; 2] kg(kilogram) ; 3] s(second) ; 4] Hz(hertz) ; 5] Pa(pascal) ; 6] Ω(ohm) ; 7] L(litre) ; 8] t(tonne) ; 9] ha(hectare) ; 10] Å(ångström) ; 11] mL(millilitre) ; 12] cm(centimetre) ; 13] dB(decibel) ; 14] kbit(kilobit) ; 15] Kibit(kibibit) ; 16] kB(kilobyte) ; 17] KiB(kibibyte) ; 18] MB(megabyte) ; 19] MiB(mebibyte)
- m
- (metre) SI base unit of length
- kg
- (kilogram) SI base unit of mass
- s
- (second) SI base unit of time
- Hz
- (hertz) SI unit of frequency
- Pa
- (pascal) SI unit of pressure or stress
- Ω
- (ohm) SI unit of electric resistance
- L
- (litre) 1 dm³
- t
- (tonne) 10³ kg
- ha
- (hectare) 1 hm²
- Å
- (ångström) 10⁻¹⁰ m
- mL
- (millilitre)
- cm
- (centimetre)
- dB
- (decibel) see remarks, below
- kbit
- (kilobit) 10³ or 1000 bits
- Kibit
- (kibibit) 2¹⁰ or 1024 bits
- kB
- (kilobyte) 10³ or 1000 bytes
- KiB
- (kibibyte) 2¹⁰ or 1024 bytes
- MB
- (megabyte) 10⁶ or 1 000 000 bytes
- MiB
- (mebibyte) 2²⁰ or 1 048 576 bytes
- specifies the number of the specified units that comprise the measurement
- indicates the substance that is being measured
- may be used to specify further information about the entity referenced by this name in the form of a set of whitespace-separated values, for example the occupation of a person, or the status of a place.
- (reference to the canonical name) provides a means of locating the canonical form (nym) of the names associated with the object named by the element bearing it.
- specifies where this item is placed
-Suggested values include: 1] below; 2] bottom; 3] margin; 4] top; 5] opposite; 6] overleaf; 7] above; 8] end; 9] inline; 10] inspace
- below
- below the line
- bottom
- at the foot of the page
- margin
- in the margin (left, right, or both)
- top
- at the top of the page
- opposite
- on the opposite, i.e. facing, page
- overleaf
- on the other side of the leaf
- above
- above the line
- end
- at the end of e.g. chapter or volume.
- inline
- within the body of the text.
- inspace
- in a predefined space, for example left by an earlier scribe.
- characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
- provides a sub-categorization of the element, if needed
- The element should not be categorized in detail with @subtype
- unless also categorized in general with @type
- specifies the language of the content to be found at the destination referenced by target, using a language tag generated according to BCP 47.
- @targetLang can only be used if @target is specified.
- specifies the destination of the reference by supplying one or more URI References
- specifies the intended meaning when the target of a pointer is itself a pointer.
- all
- if the element pointed to is itself a pointer, then the target of that pointer will be taken, and so on, until an element is found which is not a pointer.
- one
- if the element pointed to is itself a pointer, then its target (whether a pointer or not) is taken as the target of this pointer.
- none
- no further evaluation of targets is carried out beyond that needed to find the element specified in the pointer's target.
- optionally specifies the identifiers of the elements within which all elements indicated by the contents of this element lie.
- (target function) describes the function of each of the values of the target attribute of the enclosed link, join, or alt tags.
- characterizes the function of the segment.
- supplies the sort key for this element in an index, list or group which contains it.
- (edition) supplies a sigil or other arbitrary identifier for the source edition in which the associated feature (for example, a page, column, or line break) occurs at this point in the text.
- (edition reference) provides a pointer to the source edition in which the associated feature (for example, a page, column, or line break) occurs at this point in the text.
- indicates the end of a span initiated by the element bearing this attribute.
-The element indicated by @spanTo () must follow the current element
- identifies the language used to describe the rendition.
- css
- Cascading Stylesheet Language
- xslfo
- Extensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects
- free
- Informal free text description
- other
- A user-defined rendition description language
- supplies a version number for the style language provided in scheme.
- @schemeVersion can only be used if @scheme is specified.
- indicates the kind of information held in this cell or in each cell of this row.
-Suggested values include: 1] label; 2] data
- label
- labelling or descriptive information only.
- data
- data values.
- indicates the number of rows occupied by this cell or row.
- (columns) indicates the number of columns occupied by this cell or row.
- indicates the location within a temporal alignment at which this element begins.
- indicates the location within a temporal alignment at which this element ends.
- indicates the hand of the agent which made the intervention.
- indicates the effect of the intervention, for example in the case of a deletion, strikeouts which include too much or too little text, or in the case of an addition, an insertion which duplicates some of the text already present.
-Sample values include: 1] duplicate; 2] duplicate-partial; 3] excessStart; 4] excessEnd; 5] shortStart; 6] shortEnd; 7] partial; 8] unremarkable
- documents the presumed cause for the intervention.
- fix
- repeated for the purpose of fixation
- unclear
- repeated to clarify a previously illegible or badly written text or mark
- (sequence) assigns a sequence number related to the order in which the encoded features carrying this attribute are believed to have occurred.
- specifies the date on which the source text was extracted and sent to the translator
- identifies the unit of information conveyed by the element, e.g. columns, pages, volume.
-Suggested values include: 1] volume; 2] issue; 3] page; 4] line; 5] chapter; 6] part; 7] column
- volume
- the element contains a volume number.
- issue
- the element contains an issue number, or volume and issue numbers.
- page
- the element contains a page number or page range.
- line
- the element contains a line number or line range.
- chapter
- the element contains a chapter indication (number and/or title)
- part
- the element identifies a part of a book or collection.
- column
- the element identifies a column.
- specifies the starting point of the range of units indicated by the unit attribute.
- specifies the end-point of the range of units indicated by the unit attribute.
- provides a pointer to the bibliographical source from which a quotation or citation is drawn.
- indicates whether the name component is given in full, as an abbreviation or simply as an initial.
- yes
- the name component is spelled out in full.
- abb
- (abbreviated) the name component is given in an abbreviated form.
- init
- (initial letter) the name component is indicated only by one initial.
- specifies the sort order of the name component in relation to others within the name.
- provides a conventional name for the kind of section changing at this milestone.
-Suggested values include: 1] page; 2] column; 3] line; 4] book; 5] poem; 6] canto; 7] speaker; 8] stanza; 9] act; 10] scene; 11] section; 12] absent; 13] unnumbered
- page
- physical page breaks (synonymous with the pb element).
- column
- column breaks.
- line
- line breaks (synonymous with the lb element).
- book
- any units termed book, liber, etc.
- poem
- individual poems in a collection.
- canto
- cantos or other major sections of a poem.
- speaker
- changes of speaker or narrator.
- stanza
- stanzas within a poem, book, or canto.
- act
- acts within a play.
- scene
- scenes within a play or act.
- section
- sections of any kind.
- absent
- passages not present in the reference edition.
- unnumbered
- passages present in the text, but not to be included as part of the reference.
- (paragraph) marks paragraphs in prose. [3.1. 7.2.5. ]
- identifies a word or phrase as belonging to some language other than that of the surrounding text. [ ]
- (emphasized) marks words or phrases which are stressed or emphasized for linguistic or rhetorical effect. [ 3.3.2. ]
- (highlighted) marks a word or phrase as graphically distinct from the surrounding text, for reasons concerning which no claim is made. [ 3.3.2. ]
- identifies any word or phrase which is regarded as linguistically distinct, for example as archaic, technical, dialectal, non-preferred, etc., or as forming part of a sublanguage. [ ]
- specifies the sublanguage or register to which the word or phrase is being assigned
- specifies how the phrase is distinct diachronically
- specifies how the phrase is distinct diatopically
- specifies how the phrase is distinct diastatically
- (speech or thought) indicates passages thought or spoken aloud, whether explicitly indicated in the source or not, whether directly or indirectly reported, whether by real people or fictional characters. [3.3.3. ]
- may be used to indicate whether the quoted matter is regarded as having been vocalized or signed.
- may be used to indicate whether the quoted matter is regarded as direct or indirect speech.
- (quotation) contains a phrase or passage attributed by the narrator or author to some agency external to the text. [3.3.3. 4.3.1. ]
- (quoted) contains material which is distinguished from the surrounding text using quotation marks or a similar method, for any one of a variety of reasons including, but not limited to: direct speech or thought, technical terms or jargon, authorial distance, quotations from elsewhere, and passages that are mentioned but not used. [3.3.3. ]
- may be used to indicate whether the offset passage is spoken or thought, or to characterize it more finely.
-Suggested values include: 1] spoken; 2] thought; 3] written; 4] soCalled; 5] foreign; 6] distinct; 7] term; 8] emph; 9] mentioned
- spoken
- representation of speech
- thought
- representation of thought, e.g. internal monologue
- written
- quotation from a written source
- soCalled
- authorial distance
- foreign
- distinct
- linguistically distinct
- term
- technical term
- emph
- rhetorically emphasized
- mentioned
- refering to itself, not its normal referent
- (cited quotation) contains a quotation from some other document, together with a bibliographic reference to its source. In a dictionary it may contain an example text with at least one occurrence of the word form, used in the sense being described, or a translation of the headword, or an example. [3.3.3. 4.3.1. ]
- marks words or phrases mentioned, not used. [3.3.3. ]
- contains a word or phrase for which the author or narrator indicates a disclaiming of responsibility, for example by the use of scare quotes or italics. [3.3.3. ]
- (description) contains a brief description of the object documented by its parent element, including its intended usage, purpose, or application where this is appropriate. [22.4.1. ]
- identifies a phrase or word used to provide a gloss or definition for some other word or phrase. [3.3.4. 22.4.1. ]
- contains a single-word, multi-word, or symbolic designation which is regarded as a technical term. [3.3.4. ]
- (Latin for thus or so
- ) contains text reproduced although apparently incorrect or inaccurate. [3.4.1. ]
- (correction) contains the correct form of a passage apparently erroneous in the copy text. [3.4.1. ]
- groups a number of alternative encodings for the same point in a text. [3.4. ]
- (regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense. [3.4.2. 12. ]
- (original form) contains a reading which is marked as following the original, rather than being normalized or corrected. [3.4.2. 12. ]
- indicates a point where material has been omitted in a transcription, whether for editorial reasons described in the TEI header, as part of sampling practice, or because the material is illegible, invisible, or inaudible. [3.4.3. ]
- gives the reason for omission. Sample values include sampling, inaudible, irrelevant, cancelled.
- in the case of text omitted from the transcription because of deliberate deletion by an identifiable hand, indicates the hand which made the deletion.
- in the case of text omitted because of damage, categorizes the cause of the damage, if it can be identified.
-Sample values include: 1] rubbing; 2] mildew; 3] smoke
- (addition) contains letters, words, or phrases inserted in the source text by an author, scribe, or a previous annotator or corrector. [3.4.3. ]
- (deletion) contains a letter, word, or passage deleted, marked as deleted, or otherwise indicated as superfluous or spurious in the copy text by an author, scribe, or a previous annotator or corrector. [3.4.3. ]
- contains a word, phrase, or passage which cannot be transcribed with certainty because it is illegible or inaudible in the source. [ 3.4.3. ]
- indicates why the material is hard to transcribe.
- Where the difficulty in transcription arises from action (partial deletion, etc.) assignable to an identifiable hand, signifies the hand responsible for the action.
- Where the difficulty in transcription arises from damage, categorizes the cause of the damage, if it can be identified.
-Sample values include: 1] rubbing; 2] mildew; 3] smoke
- (name, proper noun) contains a proper noun or noun phrase. [3.5.1. ]
- (referencing string) contains a general purpose name or referring string. [13.2.1. 3.5.1. ]
- (electronic mail address) contains an email address identifying a location to which email messages can be delivered. [3.5.2. ]
- (number) contains a number, written in any form. [3.5.3. ]
- indicates the type of numeric value.
-Suggested values include: 1] cardinal; 2] ordinal; 3] fraction; 4] percentage
- cardinal
- absolute number, e.g. 21, 21.5
- ordinal
- ordinal number, e.g. 21st
- fraction
- fraction, e.g. one half or three-quarters
- percentage
- a percentage
- supplies the value of the number in standard form.
- contains a word or phrase referring to some quantity of an object or commodity, usually comprising a number, a unit, and a commodity name. [3.5.3. ]
- specifies the type of measurement in any convenient typology.
- (measure group) contains a group of dimensional specifications which relate to the same object, for example the height and width of a manuscript page. [10.3.4. ]
- contains a date in any format. [3.5.4. 2.2.4. 2.5. 15.2.3. 13.3.6. ]
- contains a phrase defining a time of day in any format. [3.5.4. ]
- (abbreviation) contains an abbreviation of any sort. [3.5.5. ]
- allows the encoder to classify the abbreviation according to some convenient typology.
- (expansion) contains the expansion of an abbreviation. [3.5.5. ]
- (pointer) defines a pointer to another location. [3.6. 16.1. ]
- Only one of the
-attributes @target and @cRef may be supplied on .
- (reference) defines a reference to another location, possibly modified by additional text or comment. [3.6. 16.1. ]
- Only one of the
- attributes @target' and @cRef' may be supplied on
- contains any sequence of items organized as a list. [3.7. ]
- describes the nature of the items in the list.
-Suggested values include: 1] gloss; 2] index; 3] instructions; 4] litany; 5] syllogism
- gloss
- each list item glosses some term or concept, which is given by a label element preceding the list item.
- index
- each list item is an entry in an index such as the alphabetical topical index at the back of a print volume.
- instructions
- each list item is a step in a sequence of instructions, as in a recipe.
- litany
- each list item is one of a sequence of petitions, supplications or invocations, typically in a religious ritual.
- syllogism
- each list item is part of an argument consisting of two or more propositions and a final conclusion derived from them.
- contains one component of a list. [3.7. 2.5. ]
- contains any label or heading used to identify part of a text, typically but not exclusively in a list or glossary. [3.7. ]
- (heading) contains any type of heading, for example the title of a section, or the heading of a list, glossary, manuscript description, etc. [4.2.1. ]
- (heading for list labels) contains the heading for the label or term column in a glossary list or similar structured list. [3.7. ]
- (heading for list items) contains the heading for the item or gloss column in a glossary list or similar structured list. [3.7. ]
- contains a note or annotation. [3.8.1. 2.2.6. ]
- indicates whether the copy text shows the exact place of reference for the note.
- points to the end of the span to which the note is attached, if the note is not embedded in the text at that point.
- (index entry) marks a location to be indexed for whatever purpose. [3.8.2. ]
- a single word which follows the rules defining a legal XML name (see ), supplying a name to specify which index (of several) the index entry belongs to.
- indicates the location of any form of external media such as an audio or video clip etc. [3.9. ]
- (MIME media type) specifies the applicable multimedia internet mail extension (MIME) media type
- indicates the location of an inline graphic, illustration, or figure. [3.9. ]
- provides encoded binary data representing an inline graphic, audio, video or other object. [3.9. ]
- The encoding used to encode the binary data. If not specified, this is assumed to be Base64.
- marks a boundary point separating any kind of section of a text, typically but not necessarily indicating a point at which some part of a standard reference system changes, where the change is not represented by a structural element. [3.10.3. ]
- (gathering begins) marks the point in a transcribed codex at which a new gathering or quire begins. [3.10.3. ]
- (page break) marks the start of a new page in a paginated document. [3.10.3. ]
- (line break) marks the start of a new (typographic) line in some edition or version of a text. [3.10.3. 7.2.5. ]
- (column break) marks the beginning of a new column of a text on a multi-column page. [3.10.3. ]
- (analytic level) contains bibliographic elements describing an item (e.g. an article or poem) published within a monograph or journal and not as an independent publication. [ ]
- (monographic level) contains bibliographic elements describing an item (e.g. a book or journal) published as an independent item (i.e. as a separate physical object). [ ]
- (series information) contains information about the series in which a book or other bibliographic item has appeared. [ ]
- in a bibliographic reference, contains the name(s) of an author, personal or corporate, of a work; for example in the same form as that provided by a recognized bibliographic name authority. [ 2.2.1. ]
- contains a secondary statement of responsibility for a bibliographic item, for example the name of an individual, institution or organization, (or of several such) acting as editor, compiler, translator, etc. [ ]
- (statement of responsibility) supplies a statement of responsibility for the intellectual content of a text, edition, recording, or series, where the specialized elements for authors, editors, etc. do not suffice or do not apply. May also be used to encode information about individuals or organizations which have played a role in the production or distribution of a bibliographic work. [ 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.5. ]
- (responsibility) contains a phrase describing the nature of a person's intellectual responsibility, or an organization's role in the production or distribution of a work. [ 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.5. ]
- contains a title for any kind of work. [ 2.2.1. 2.2.5. ]
- classifies the title according to some convenient typology.
-Sample values include: 1] main; 2] sub(subordinate) ; 3] alt(alternate) ; 4] short; 5] desc(descriptive)
- indicates the bibliographic level for a title, that is, whether it identifies an article, book, journal, series, or unpublished material.
- a
- (analytic) the title applies to an analytic item, such as an article, poem, or other work published as part of a larger item.
- m
- (monographic) the title applies to a monograph such as a book or other item considered to be a distinct publication, including single volumes of multi-volume works
- j
- (journal) the title applies to any serial or periodical publication such as a journal, magazine, or newspaper
- s
- (series) the title applies to a series of otherwise distinct publications such as a collection
- u
- (unpublished) the title applies to any unpublished material (including theses and dissertations unless published by a commercial press)
- contains the formalized descriptive title for a meeting or conference, for use in a bibliographic description for an item derived from such a meeting, or as a heading or preamble to publications emanating from it. [ ]
- groups information relating to the publication or distribution of a bibliographic item. [ ]
- provides the name of the organization responsible for the publication or distribution of a bibliographic item. [ 2.2.4. ]
- (scope of bibliographic reference) defines the scope of a bibliographic reference, for example as a list of page numbers, or a named subdivision of a larger work. [ ]
- identifies the type of information conveyed by the element, e.g. columns, pages, volume.
-Suggested values include: 1] vol(volume) ; 2] issue; 3] pp(pages) ; 4] ll(lines) ; 5] chap(chapter) ; 6] part
- vol
- (volume) the element contains a volume number.
- issue
- the element contains an issue number, or volume and issue numbers.
- pp
- (pages) the element contains a page number or page range.
- ll
- (lines) the element contains a line number or line range.
- chap
- (chapter) the element contains a chapter indication (number and/or title)
- part
- the element identifies a part of a book or collection.
- (cited range) defines the range of cited content, often represented by pages or other units [ ]
- (publication place) contains the name of the place where a bibliographic item was published. [ ]
- (bibliographic citation) contains a loosely-structured bibliographic citation of which the sub-components may or may not be explicitly tagged. [3.11.1. 2.2.7. 15.3.2. ]
- (structured bibliographic citation) contains a structured bibliographic citation, in which only bibliographic sub-elements appear and in a specified order. [3.11.1. 2.2.7. 15.3.2. ]
- (citation list) contains a list of bibliographic citations of any kind. [3.11.1. 2.2.7. 15.3.2. ]
- contains or references some other bibliographic item which is related to the present one in some specified manner, for example as a constituent or alternative version of it. [ ]
-If the @target attribute on is used, the
-relatedItem element must be empty
- A relatedItem element should have either a 'target' attribute
- or a child element to indicate the related bibliographic item
- points to the related bibliographic element by means of an absolute or relative URI reference
- (verse line) contains a single, possibly incomplete, line of verse. [3.12.1. 3.12. 7.2.5. ]
- (line group) contains one or more verse lines functioning as a formal unit, e.g. a stanza, refrain, verse paragraph, etc. [3.12.1. 3.12. 7.2.5. ]
- An lg element
- must contain at least one child l, lg or gap element.
- (speech) contains an individual speech in a performance text, or a passage presented as such in a prose or verse text. [3.12.2. 3.12. 7.2.2. ]
- contains a specialized form of heading or label, giving the name of one or more speakers in a dramatic text or fragment. [3.12.2. ]
- (stage direction) contains any kind of stage direction within a dramatic text or fragment. [3.12.2. 3.12. 7.2.4. ]
- indicates the kind of stage direction.
-Suggested values include: 1] setting; 2] entrance; 3] exit; 4] business; 5] novelistic; 6] delivery; 7] modifier; 8] location; 9] mixed
- setting
- describes a setting.
- entrance
- describes an entrance.
- exit
- describes an exit.
- business
- describes stage business.
- novelistic
- is a narrative, motivating stage direction.
- delivery
- describes how a character speaks.
- modifier
- gives some detail about a character.
- location
- describes a location.
- mixed
- more than one of the above
- contains the whole of a TEI encoded corpus, comprising a single corpus header and one or more TEI elements, each containing a single text header and a text. [4. 15.1. ]
- The version of the TEI scheme
- (automatically generated text division) indicates the location at which a textual division generated automatically by a text-processing application is to appear. [3.8.2. ]
- specifies what type of generated text division (e.g. index, table of contents, etc.) is to appear.
-Sample values include: 1] index; 2] toc; 3] figlist; 4] tablist
- (text language) describes the languages and writing systems identified within the bibliographic work being described, rather than its description. [ 10.6.6. ]
- (main language) supplies a code which identifies the chief language used in the bibliographic work.
- (other languages) one or more codes identifying any other languages used in the bibliographic work.
- specifies a regular expression against which the values of other attributes can be matched.
- specifies a replacement pattern, that is, the skeleton of a relative or absolute URI containing references to groups in the matchPattern which, once subpattern substitution has been performed, complete the URI.
- (TEI header) supplies the descriptive and declarative information making up an electronic title page for every TEI-conformant document. [2.1.1. 15.1. ]
- specifies the kind of document to which the header is attached, for example whether it is a corpus or individual text.
-Sample values include: 1] text; 2] corpus
- (file description) contains a full bibliographic description of an electronic file. [2.2. 2.1.1. ]
- (title statement) groups information about the title of a work and those responsible for its content. [2.2.1. 2.2. ]
- specifies the name of a sponsoring organization or institution. [2.2.1. ]
- (funding body) specifies the name of an individual, institution, or organization responsible for the funding of a project or text. [2.2.1. ]
- (principal researcher) supplies the name of the principal researcher responsible for the creation of an electronic text. [2.2.1. ]
- (edition statement) groups information relating to one edition of a text. [2.2.2. 2.2. ]
- describes the particularities of one edition of a text. [2.2.2. ]
- describes the approximate size of a text stored on some carrier medium or of some other object, digital or non-digital, specified in any convenient units. [2.2.3. 2.2. 10.7.1. ]
- (publication statement) groups information concerning the publication or distribution of an electronic or other text. [2.2.4. 2.2. ]
- supplies the name of a person or other agency responsible for the distribution of a text. [2.2.4. ]
- (release authority) supplies the name of a person or other agency responsible for making a work available, other than a publisher or distributor. [2.2.4. ]
- (identifier) supplies any form of identifier used to identify some object, such as a bibliographic item, a person, a title, an organization, etc. in a standardized way. [2.2.4. 2.2.5. ]
- categorizes the identifier, for example as an ISBN, Social Security number, etc.
- supplies information about the availability of a text, for example any restrictions on its use or distribution, its copyright status, any licence applying to it, etc. [2.2.4. ]
- supplies a code identifying the current availability of the text.
- free
- the text is freely available.
- unknown
- the status of the text is unknown.
- restricted
- the text is not freely available.
- contains information about a licence or other legal agreement applicable to the text. [2.2.4. ]
- (series statement) groups information about the series, if any, to which a publication belongs. [2.2.5. 2.2. ]
- (notes statement) collects together any notes providing information about a text additional to that recorded in other parts of the bibliographic description. [2.2.6. 2.2. ]
- (source description) describes the source from which an electronic text was derived or generated, typically a bibliographic description in the case of a digitized text, or a phrase such as "born digital" for a text which has no previous existence. [2.2.7. ]
- (fully-structured bibliographic citation) contains a fully-structured bibliographic citation, in which all components of the TEI file description are present. [3.11.1. 2.2. 2.2.7. 15.3.2. ]
- (encoding description) documents the relationship between an electronic text and the source or sources from which it was derived. [2.3. 2.1.1. ]
- (project description) describes in detail the aim or purpose for which an electronic file was encoded, together with any other relevant information concerning the process by which it was assembled or collected. [2.3.1. 2.3. 15.3.2. ]
- (sampling declaration) contains a prose description of the rationale and methods used in sampling texts in the creation of a corpus or collection. [2.3.2. 2.3. 15.3.2. ]
- (editorial practice declaration) provides details of editorial principles and practices applied during the encoding of a text. [2.3.3. 2.3. 15.3.2. ]
- (correction principles) states how and under what circumstances corrections have been made in the text. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
- indicates the degree of correction applied to the text.
- high
- the text has been thoroughly checked and proofread.
- medium
- the text has been checked at least once.
- low
- the text has not been checked.
- unknown
- the correction status of the text is unknown.
- indicates the method adopted to indicate corrections within the text.
- silent
- corrections have been made silently
- markup
- corrections have been represented using markup
- indicates the extent of normalization or regularization of the original source carried out in converting it to electronic form. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
- indicates a bibliographic description or other resource documenting the principles underlying the normalization carried out.
- indicates the method adopted to indicate normalizations within the text.
- silent
- normalization made silently
- markup
- normalization represented using markup
- specifies editorial practice adopted with respect to quotation marks in the original. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
-On , either the @marks attribute should be used, or a paragraph of description provided
- (quotation marks) indicates whether or not quotation marks have been retained as content within the text.
- none
- no quotation marks have been retained
- some
- some quotation marks have been retained
- all
- all quotation marks have been retained
- summarizes the way in which hyphenation in a source text has been treated in an encoded version of it. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
- (end-of-line) indicates whether or not end-of-line hyphenation has been retained in a text.
- all
- all end-of-line hyphenation has been retained, even though the lineation of the original may not have been.
- some
- end-of-line hyphenation has been retained in some cases.
- hard
- all soft end-of-line hyphenation has been removed: any remaining end-of-line hyphenation should be retained.
- none
- all end-of-line hyphenation has been removed: any remaining hyphenation occurred within the line.
- describes the principles according to which the text has been segmented, for example into sentences, tone-units, graphemic strata, etc. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
- (standard values) specifies the format used when standardized date or number values are supplied. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
- describes the scope of any analytic or interpretive information added to the text in addition to the transcription. [2.3.3. ]
- specifies editorial practice adopted with respect to punctuation marks in the original. [2.3.3. 3.2. ]
- indicates whether or not punctation marks have been retained as content within the text.
- none
- no punctuation marks have been retained
- some
- some punctuation marks have been retained
- all
- all punctuation marks have been retained
- indicates whether punctation marks have been captured inside or outside of an adjacent element.
- internal
- punctuation marks are captured inside adjacent elements
- external
- punctuation marks are captured outside adjacent elements
- (tagging declaration) provides detailed information about the tagging applied to a document. [2.3.4. 2.3. ]
- supplies information about the usage of a specific element within a text. [2.3.4. ]
- (generic identifier) specifies the name (generic identifier) of the element indicated by the tag, within the namespace indicated by the parent namespace element.
- specifies the number of occurrences of this element within the text.
- (with unique identifier) specifies the number of occurrences of this element within the text which bear a distinct value for the global xml:id attribute.
- specifies the identifier of a rendition element which defines how this element was rendered in the source text.
- supplies the formal name of the namespace to which the elements documented by its children belong. [2.3.4. ]
- specifies the full formal name of the namespace concerned.
- supplies information about the rendition or appearance of one or more elements in the source text. [2.3.4. ]
- where CSS is used, provides a way of defining pseudo-elements, that is, styling rules applicable to specific sub-portions of an element.
-Sample values include: 1] first-line; 2] first-letter; 3] before; 4] after
- (style definition language declaration) specifies the name of the formal language in which style or renditional information is supplied elsewhere in the document. The specific version of the scheme may also be supplied. [2.3.5. ]
- (references declaration) specifies how canonical references are constructed for this text. [ 2.3. 2.3.6. ]
- (canonical reference pattern) specifies an expression and replacement pattern for transforming a canonical reference into a URI. [ 2.3.6. ]
- (prefixing scheme used in data.pointer values) defines a prefixing scheme used in data.pointer values, showing how abbreviated URIs using the scheme may be expanded into full URIs. [16.2.3. ]
- supplies a name which functions as the prefix for an abbreviated pointing scheme such as a private URI scheme. The prefix constitutes the text preceding the first colon.
- (list of prefix definitions) contains a list of definitions of prefixing schemes used in data.pointer values, showing how abbreviated URIs using each scheme may be expanded into full URIs. [16.2.3. ]
- (reference state) specifies one component of a canonical reference defined by the milestone method. [ 2.3.6. ]
- specifies the fixed length of the reference component.
- (delimiter) supplies a delimiting string following the reference component.
- (classification declarations) contains one or more taxonomies defining any classificatory codes used elsewhere in the text. [2.3.7. 2.3. ]
- defines a typology either implicitly, by means of a bibliographic citation, or explicitly by a structured taxonomy. [2.3.7. ]
- contains an individual descriptive category, possibly nested within a superordinate category, within a user-defined taxonomy. [2.3.7. ]
- (category description) describes some category within a taxonomy or text typology, either in the form of a brief prose description or in terms of the situational parameters used by the TEI formal textDesc. [2.3.7. ]
- (geographic coordinates declaration) documents the notation and the datum used for geographic coordinates expressed as content of the geo element elsewhere within the document. [2.3.8. ]
- supplies a commonly used code name for the datum employed.
-Suggested values include: 1] WGS84(World Geodetic System) ; 2] MGRS(Military Grid Reference System) ; 3] OSGB36(ordnance survey great britain) ; 4] ED50(European Datum coordinate system)
- WGS84
- (World Geodetic System) a pair of numbers to be interpreted as latitude followed by longitude according to the World Geodetic System.
- (Military Grid Reference System) the values supplied are geospatial entity object codes, based on
- OSGB36
- (ordnance survey great britain) the value supplied is to be interpreted as a British National Grid Reference.
- ED50
- (European Datum coordinate system) the value supplied is to be interpreted as latitude followed by longitude according to the European Datum coordinate system.
- (application information) records information about an application which has edited the TEI file. [2.3.10. ]
- provides information about an application which has acted upon the document. [2.3.10. ]
- supplies an identifier for the application, independent of its version number or display name.
- supplies a version number for the application, independent of its identifier or display name.
- (text-profile description) provides a detailed description of non-bibliographic aspects of a text, specifically the languages and sublanguages used, the situation in which it was produced, the participants and their setting. [2.4. 2.1.1. ]
- (note on hand) describes a particular style or hand distinguished within a manuscript. [10.7.2. ]
- contains a summary or formal abstract prefixed to an existing source document by the encoder. [2.4.4. ]
- contains information about the creation of a text. [2.4.1. 2.4. ]
- (language usage) describes the languages, sublanguages, registers, dialects, etc. represented within a text. [2.4.2. 2.4. 15.3.2. ]
- characterizes a single language or sublanguage used within a text. [2.4.2. ]
- (identifier) Supplies a language code constructed as defined in BCP 47 which is used to identify the language documented by this element, and which is referenced by the global xml:lang attribute.
- specifies the approximate percentage (by volume) of the text which uses this language.
- 100
- (text classification) groups information which describes the nature or topic of a text in terms of a standard classification scheme, thesaurus, etc. [2.4.3. ]
- contains a list of keywords or phrases identifying the topic or nature of a text. [2.4.3. ]
- identifies the controlled vocabulary within which the set of keywords concerned is defined identifies the classification scheme within which the set of categories concerned is defined, for example by a taxonomy element, or by some other resource.
- (classification code) contains the classification code used for this text in some standard classification system. [2.4.3. ]
- identifies the classification system in use, as defined by for example by a taxonomy element, or some other resource..
- (category reference) specifies one or more defined categories within some taxonomy or text typology. [2.4.3. ]
- identifies the classification scheme within which the set of categories concerned is defined, for example by a taxonomy element, or by some other resource.
- (calendar description) contains a description of the calendar system used in any dating expression found in the text. [2.4. 2.4.5. ]
- describes a calendar or dating system used in a dating formula in the text. [2.4.5. ]
- (revision description) summarizes the revision history for a file. [2.5. 2.1.1. ]
- documents a change or set of changes made during the production of a source document, or during the revision of an electronic file. [2.5. 2.4.1. 11.7. ]
- points to one or more elements that belong to this change.
- describes a particular font or other significant typographic feature distinguished within the description of a printed resource. [10.7.2. ]
- describes a particular script distinguished within the description of a manuscript or similar resource. [10.7.2. ]
- groups a number of change descriptions associated with either the creation of a source text or the revision of an encoded text. [2.5. 11.7. ]
- indicates whether the ordering of its child change elements is to be considered significant or not
- (corresponds) points to elements that correspond to the current element in some way.
- (synchronous) points to elements that are synchronous with the current element.
- points to an element that is the same as the current element.
- points to an element of which the current element is a copy.
- points to the next element of a virtual aggregate of which the current element is part.
- (previous) points to the previous element of a virtual aggregate of which the current element is part.
- points to elements that are in exclusive alternation with the current element.
- selects one or more alternants; if one alternant is selected, the ambiguity or uncertainty is marked as resolved. If more than one alternant is selected, the degree of ambiguity or uncertainty is marked as reduced by the number of alternants not selected.
- defines an association or hypertextual link among elements or passages, of some type not more precisely specifiable by other elements. [16.1. ]
- You must supply at least two values for @target or on
- (link group) defines a collection of associations or hypertextual links. [16.1. ]
- (anonymous block) contains any arbitrary component-level unit of text, acting as an anonymous container for phrase or inter level elements analogous to, but without the semantic baggage of, a paragraph. [16.3. ]
- (anchor point) attaches an identifier to a point within a text, whether or not it corresponds with a textual element. [8.4.2. 16.4. ]
- (arbitrary segment) represents any segmentation of text below the chunk level. [16.3. 6.2. 7.2.5. ]
- indicates a point in time either relative to other elements in the same timeline tag, or absolutely. [16.5.2. ]
- supplies an absolute value for the time.
- specifies the unit of time in which the interval value is expressed, if this is not inherited from the parent timeline.
-Suggested values include: 1] d(days) ; 2] h(hours) ; 3] min(minutes) ; 4] s(seconds) ; 5] ms(milliseconds)
- d
- (days)
- h
- (hours)
- min
- (minutes)
- s
- (seconds)
- ms
- (milliseconds)
- specifies a time interval either as a number or as one of the keywords defined by the datatype data.interval
- identifies the reference point for determining the time of the current when element, which is obtained by adding the interval to the time of the reference point.
- provides a set of ordered points in time which can be linked to elements of a spoken text to create a temporal alignment of that text. [16.5.2. ]
- designates the origin of the timeline, i.e. the time at which it begins.
- specifies the unit of time corresponding to the interval value of the timeline or of its constituent points in time.
-Suggested values include: 1] d(days) ; 2] h(hours) ; 3] min(minutes) ; 4] s(seconds) ; 5] ms(milliseconds)
- d
- (days)
- h
- (hours)
- min
- (minutes)
- s
- (seconds)
- ms
- (milliseconds)
- specifies a time interval either as a positive integral value or using one of a set of predefined codes.
- identifies a possibly fragmented segment of text, by pointing at the possibly discontiguous elements which compose it. [16.7. ]
-You must supply at least two values for @target on
- specifies the name of an element which this aggregation may be understood to represent.
- indicates whether the targets to be joined include the entire element indicated (the entire subtree including its root), or just the children of the target (the branches of the subtree).
- root
- the rooted subtrees indicated by the target attribute are joined, each subtree become a child of the virtual element created by the join
- branches
- the children of the subtrees indicated by the target attribute become the children of the virtual element (i.e. the roots of the subtrees are discarded)
- (join group) groups a collection of join elements and possibly pointers. [16.7. ]
- supplies the default value for the result on each join included within the group.
- (alternation) identifies an alternation or a set of choices among elements or passages. [16.8. ]
- specifies the destination of the reference by supplying one or more URI References
- states whether the alternations gathered in this collection are exclusive or inclusive.
- excl
- (exclusive) indicates that the alternation is exclusive, i.e. that at most one of the alternatives occurs.
- incl
- (inclusive) indicates that the alternation is not exclusive, i.e. that one or more of the alternatives occur.
- If mode is , each weight states the probability that the corresponding alternative occurs. If mode is incl each weight states the probability that the corresponding alternative occurs given that at least one of the other alternatives occurs.
- (alternation group) groups a collection of alt elements and possibly pointers. [16.8. ]
- states whether the alternations gathered in this collection are exclusive or inclusive.
- excl
- (exclusive) indicates that the alternation is exclusive, i.e. that at most one of the alternatives occurs.
- incl
- (inclusive) indicates that the alternation is not exclusive, i.e. that one or more of the alternatives occur.
- (TEI document) contains a single TEI-conformant document, comprising a TEI header and a text, either in isolation or as part of a teiCorpus element. [4. 15.1. ]
- specifies the major version number of the TEI Guidelines against which this document is valid.
- contains a single text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, for example a poem or drama, a collection of essays, a novel, a dictionary, or a corpus sample. [4. 15.1. ]
- (text body) contains the whole body of a single unitary text, excluding any front or back matter. [4. ]
- contains the body of a composite text, grouping together a sequence of distinct texts (or groups of such texts) which are regarded as a unit for some purpose, for example the collected works of an author, a sequence of prose essays, etc. [4. 4.3.1. 15.1. ]
- contains a single text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, which interrupts the text containing it at any point and after which the surrounding text resumes. [4.3.2. ]
- (text division) contains a subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1. ]
- (level-1 text division) contains a first-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- (level-2 text division) contains a second-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- (level-3 text division) contains a third-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- (level-4 text division) contains a fourth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- (level-5 text division) contains a fifth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- (level-6 text division) contains a sixth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- (level-7 text division) contains the smallest possible subdivision of the front, body or back of a text, larger than a paragraph. [4.1.2. ]
- contains a closing title or footer appearing at the end of a division of a text. [4.2.4. 4.2. ]
- contains the primary statement of responsibility given for a work on its title page or at the head or end of the work. [4.2.2. 4.5. ]
- contains a brief description of the place, date, time, etc. of production of a letter, newspaper story, or other work, prefixed or suffixed to it as a kind of heading or trailer. [4.2.2. ]
- contains a formal list or prose description of the topics addressed by a subdivision of a text. [4.2. 4.6. ]
- contains a quotation, anonymous or attributed, appearing at the start or end of a section or on a title page. [4.2.3. 4.2. 4.6. ]
- groups together dateline, byline, salutation, and similar phrases appearing as a preliminary group at the start of a division, especially of a letter. [4.2. ]
- groups together salutations, datelines, and similar phrases appearing as a final group at the end of a division, especially of a letter. [4.2.2. 4.2. ]
- (salutation) contains a salutation or greeting prefixed to a foreword, dedicatory epistle, or other division of a text, or the salutation in the closing of a letter, preface, etc. [4.2.2. ]
- (signature) contains the closing salutation, etc., appended to a foreword, dedicatory epistle, or other division of a text. [4.2.2. ]
- contains a postscript, e.g. to a letter. [4.2. ]
- (title page) contains the title page of a text, appearing within the front or back matter. [4.6. ]
- classifies the title page according to any convenient typology.
- (document title) contains the title of a document, including all its constituents, as given on a title page. [4.6. ]
- contains a subsection or division of the title of a work, as indicated on a title page. [4.6. ]
- specifies the role of this subdivision of the title.
-Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] sub(subordinate) ; 3] alt(alternate) ; 4] short; 5] desc(descriptive)
- main
- main title of the work
- sub
- (subordinate) subtitle of the work
- alt
- (alternate) alternative title of the work
- short
- abbreviated form of title
- desc
- (descriptive) descriptive paraphrase of the work
- (document author) contains the name of the author of the document, as given on the title page (often but not always contained in a byline). [4.6. ]
- contains a formal statement authorizing the publication of a work, sometimes required to appear on a title page or its verso. [4.6. ]
- (document edition) contains an edition statement as presented on a title page of a document. [4.6. ]
- (document imprint) contains the imprint statement (place and date of publication, publisher name), as given (usually) at the foot of a title page. [4.6. ]
- (document date) contains the date of a document, as given on a title page or in a dateline. [4.6. ]
- gives the value of the date in standard form, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD.
- (front matter) contains any prefatory matter (headers, title page, prefaces, dedications, etc.) found at the start of a document, before the main body. [4.6. 4. ]
- (back matter) contains any appendixes, etc. following the main part of a text. [4.7. 4. ]
- supplies the value of a date or time in some standard form.
- specifies the earliest possible date for the event in some custom standard form.
- specifies the latest possible date for the event in some custom standard form.
- indicates the starting point of the period in some standard form.
- indicates the ending point of the period in some standard form.
- supplies a pointer to some location defining a named point in time with reference to which the datable item is understood to have occurred
- supplies a pointer to a calendar element or other means of interpreting the values of the custom dating attributes.
- supplies the value of a date or time in a standard form.
- specifies the earliest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- specifies the latest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- indicates the starting point of the period in standard form.
- indicates the ending point of the period in standard form.
- (organization name) contains an organizational name. [13.2.2. ]
- (personal name) contains a proper noun or proper-noun phrase referring to a person, possibly including one or more of the person's forenames, surnames, honorifics, added names, etc. [13.2.1. ]
- contains a family (inherited) name, as opposed to a given, baptismal, or nick name. [13.2.1. ]
- contains a forename, given or baptismal name. [13.2.1. ]
- (generational name component) contains a name component used to distinguish otherwise similar names on the basis of the relative ages or generations of the persons named. [13.2.1. ]
- (name link) contains a connecting phrase or link used within a name but not regarded as part of it, such as van der or of. [13.2.1. ]
- (additional name) contains an additional name component, such as a nickname, epithet, or alias, or any other descriptive phrase used within a personal name. [13.2.1. ]
- contains a name component which indicates that the referent has a particular role or position in society, such as an official title or rank. [13.2.1. ]
- contains an absolute or relative place name. [13.2.3. ]
- contains the name of a geo-political unit consisting of two or more nation states or countries. [13.2.3. ]
- contains the name of a geo-political unit, such as a nation, country, colony, or commonwealth, larger than or administratively superior to a region and smaller than a bloc. [13.2.3. ]
- contains the name of an administrative unit such as a state, province, or county, larger than a settlement, but smaller than a country. [13.2.3. ]
- contains the name of any kind of subdivision of a settlement, such as a parish, ward, or other administrative or geographic unit. [13.2.3. ]
- contains the name of a settlement such as a city, town, or village identified as a single geo-political or administrative unit. [13.2.3. ]
- marks that part of a relative temporal or spatial expression which indicates the direction of the offset between the two place names, dates, or times involved in the expression. [13.2.3. ]
- (geographical name) identifies a name associated with some geographical feature such as Windrush Valley or Mount Sinai. [13.2.3. ]
- (geographical feature name) contains a common noun identifying some geographical feature contained within a geographic name, such as valley, mount, etc. [13.2.3. ]
- contains an informal description of a person's present or past affiliation with some organization, for example an employer or sponsor. [15.2.2. ]
- specifies the age of a person. [ ]
- supplies a numeric code representing the age or age group
- contains information about a person's birth, such as its date and place. [15.2.2. ]
- contains information about the physical climate of a place. [ ]
- contains information about a person's death, such as its date and place. [15.2.2. ]
- contains a description of the educational experience of a person. [15.2.2. ]
- contains data relating to any kind of significant event associated with a person, place, or organization. [13.3.1. ]
- indicates the location of an event by pointing to a place element
- specifies the faith, religion, or belief set of a person. [ ]
- contains information about a person's period of activity. [ ]
- (geographical coordinates) contains any expression of a set of geographic coordinates, representing a point, line, or area on the surface of the earth in some notation. [ ]
- (language knowledge) summarizes the state of a person's linguistic knowledge, either as prose or by a list of langKnown elements. [ ]
- supplies one or more valid language tags for the languages specified
- (language known) summarizes the state of a person's linguistic competence, i.e., knowledge of a single language. [15.2.2. ]
- supplies a valid language tag for the language concerned.
- a code indicating the person's level of knowledge for this language
- (list of organizations) contains a list of elements, each of which provides information about an identifiable organization. [13.2.2. ]
- (list of events) contains a list of descriptions, each of which provides information about an identifiable event. [13.3.1. ]
- (list of persons) contains a list of descriptions, each of which provides information about an identifiable person or a group of people, for example the participants in a language interaction, or the people referred to in a historical source. [13.3.2. 15.2. 2.4. 15.3.2. ]
- (list of places) contains a list of places, optionally followed by a list of relationships (other than containment) defined amongst them. [2.2.7. 13.3.4. ]
- defines the location of a place as a set of geographical coordinates, in terms of other named geo-political entities, or as an address. [13.3.4. ]
- contains an informal description of a person's present or past nationality or citizenship. [15.2.2. ]
- contains an informal description of a person's trade, profession or occupation. [15.2.2. ]
- indicates the classification system or taxonomy in use, for example by supplying the identifier of a taxonomy element, or pointing to some other resource.
- identifies an occupation code defined within the classification system or taxonomy defined by the scheme attribute.
- (organization) provides information about an identifiable organization such as a business, a tribe, or any other grouping of people. [13.2.2. ]
- specifies a primary role or classification for the organization.
- provides information about relationships identified amongst people, places, and organizations, either informally as prose or as formally expressed relation links. [ ]
- provides information about an identifiable individual, for example a participant in a language interaction, or a person referred to in a historical source. [13.3.2. 15.2.2. ]
- specifies a primary role or classification for the person.
- specifies the sex of the person.
- specifies an age group for the person.
- (personal group) describes a group of individuals treated as a single person for analytic purposes. [15.2.2. ]
- specifies the role of this group of participants in the interaction.
- specifies the sex of the participant group.
- specifies the age group of the participants.
- describes informally the size or approximate size of the group for example by means of a number and an indication of accuracy e.g. approx 200.
- contains data about a geographic location [13.3.4. ]
- contains information about the population of a place. [ ]
- (relationship) describes any kind of relationship or linkage amongst a specified group of places, events, persons, objects or other items. [ ]
- One of the attributes 'name', 'ref' or 'key' must be supplied
- Only one of the attributes
-@active and @mutual may be supplied
- the attribute 'passive'
- may be supplied only if the attribute 'active' is
- supplied
- supplies a name for the kind of relationship of which this is an instance.
- identifies the active participants in a non-mutual relationship, or all the participants in a mutual one.
- supplies a list of participants amongst all of whom the relationship holds equally.
- identifies the passive participants in a non-mutual relationship.
- describes a person's present or past places of residence. [15.2.2. ]
- specifies the sex of a person. [ ]
- supplies a coded value for sex
- (socio-economic status) contains an informal description of a person's perceived social or economic status. [15.2.2. ]
- identifies the classification system or taxonomy in use, for example by pointing to a locally-defined taxonomy element or by supplying a URI for an externally-defined system.
- identifies a status code defined within the classification system or taxonomy defined by the scheme attribute.
- contains a description of some status or quality attributed to a person, place, or organization often at some specific time or for a specific date range. [13.3.1. ]
- contains information about the physical terrain of a place. [ ]
- contains a description of some status or quality attributed to a person, place, or organization typically, but not necessarily, independent of the volition or action of the holder and usually not at some specific time or for a specific date range. [13.3.1. ]
- (canonical name) contains the definition for a canonical name or name component of any kind. [13.3.5. ]
- points to constituent nyms
- (list of canonical names) contains a list of nyms, that is, standardized names for any thing. [13.3.5. ]
- (facsimile) points to all or part of an image which corresponds with the content of the element.
- points to one or more change elements documenting a state or revision campaign to which the element bearing this attribute and its children have been assigned by the encoder.
- indicates the element within a transcription of the text containing at least the start of the writing represented by this zone or surface.
- gives the x coordinate value for the upper left corner of a rectangular space.
- gives the y coordinate value for the upper left corner of a rectangular space.
- gives the x coordinate value for the lower right corner of a rectangular space.
- gives the y coordinate value for the lower right corner of a rectangular space.
- identifies a two dimensional area within the bounding box specified by the other attributes by means of a series of pairs of numbers, each of which gives the x,y coordinates of a point on a line enclosing the area.
- contains a representation of some written source in the form of a set of images rather than as transcribed or encoded text. [11.1. ]
- contains a transcription or other representation of a single source document potentially forming part of a dossier génétique or collection of sources. [11.1. 11.2.2. ]
- defines a written surface as a two-dimensional coordinate space, optionally grouping one or more graphic representations of that space, zones of interest within that space, and transcriptions of the writing within them. [11.1. 11.2.2. ]
- describes the method by which this surface is or was connected to the main surface
-Sample values include: 1] glued; 2] pinned; 3] sewn
- indicates whether the surface is attached and folded in such a way as to provide two writing surfaces
- defines any kind of useful grouping of written surfaces, for example the recto and verso of a single leaf, which the encoder wishes to treat as a single unit. [11.1. ]
- defines any two-dimensional area within a surface element. [11.1. 11.2.2. ]
- indicates the amount by which this zone has been rotated clockwise, with respect to the normal orientation of the parent surface element as implied by the dimensions given in the msDesc element or by the coordinates of the surface itself. The orientation is expressed in arc degrees.
- (added span of text) marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text added by an author, scribe, annotator or corrector (see also add). [ ]
- The @spanTo attribute of is required.
- L'attribut spanTo est requis.
- contains an area of damage to the text witness. [ ]
- (damaged span of text) marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text which is damaged in some way but still legible. [ ]
-The @spanTo attribute of is required.
- L'attribut spanTo est requis.
- (deleted span of text) marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text deleted, marked as deleted, or otherwise signaled as superfluous or spurious by an author, scribe, annotator, or corrector. [ ]
- The @spanTo attribute of is required.
- L'attribut spanTo est requis.
- (editorial expansion) contains a sequence of letters added by an editor or transcriber when expanding an abbreviation. [ ]
- (forme work) contains a running head (e.g. a header, footer), catchword, or similar material appearing on the current page. [11.6. ]
- classifies the material encoded according to some useful typology.
-Sample values include: 1] header; 2] footer; 3] pageNum(page number) ; 4] lineNum(line number) ; 5] sig(signature) ; 6] catch(catchword)
- contains one or more handNote elements documenting the different hands identified within the source texts. [ ]
- marks the beginning of a sequence of text written in a new hand, or the beginning of a scribal stint. [ ]
- indicates a handNote element describing the hand concerned.
- (abbreviation marker) contains a sequence of letters or signs present in an abbreviation which are omitted or replaced in the expanded form of the abbreviation. [ ]
- indicates restoration of text to an earlier state by cancellation of an editorial or authorial marking or instruction. [ ]
- indicates the location of a significant space in the copy text. [11.5.1. ]
- (responsible party) (responsible party) indicates the individual responsible for identifying and measuring the space
- (dimension) indicates whether the space is horizontal or vertical.
- horizontal
- the space is horizontal.
- vertical
- the space is vertical.
- (substitution) groups one or more deletions with one or more additions when the combination is to be regarded as a single intervention in the text. [ ]
- must have at least one child add and at least one child del
- (substitution join) identifies a series of possibly fragmented additions, deletions or other revisions on a manuscript that combine to make up a single intervention in the text [ ]
- signifies text supplied by the transcriber or editor for any reason, typically because the original cannot be read because of physical damage or loss to the original. [ ]
- one or more words indicating why the text has had to be supplied, e.g. overbinding, faded-ink, lost-folio, omitted-in-original.
- marks text present in the source which the editor believes to be superfluous or redundant. [ ]
- one or more words indicating why this text is believed to be superfluous, e.g. repeated, interpolated etc.
- contains the transcription of a topographic line in the source document [11.2.2. ]
- supplies a list of transpositions, each of which is indicated at some point in a document typically by means of metamarks. [ ]
- contains or describes any kind of graphic or written signal within a document the function of which is to determine how it should be read rather than forming part of the actual content of the document. [ ]
- describes the function (for example status, insertion, deletion, transposition) of the mark.
- identifies one or more elements to which the function indicated by the metamark applies.
- represents any kind of modification identified within a single document. [ ]
- indicates one or more cancelled interventions in a document which have subsequently been marked as reaffirmed or repeated. [ ]
- points to one or more elements representing the interventions which are being reasserted.
- contains a sequence of writing which has been retraced, for example by over-inking, to clarify or fix it. [ ]
- describes a single textual transposition as an ordered list of at least two pointers specifying the order in which the elements indicated should be re-combined. [ ]
- indicates one or more marked-up interventions in a document which have subsequently been marked for cancellation. [ ]
- points to one or more elements representing the interventions which are to be reverted or undone.
- indicates whether the passage being quoted is defective, i.e. incomplete through loss or damage.
- (manuscript description) contains a description of a single identifiable manuscript or other text-bearing object. [10.1. ]
- describes the system used to ensure correct ordering of the quires making up a codex or incunable, typically by means of annotations at the foot of the page. [10.3.7. ]
- contains a dimensional specification. [10.3.4. ]
-The element may appear once only
-The element may appear once only
-The element may appear once only
- indicates which aspect of the object is being measured.
-Sample values include: 1] leaves; 2] ruled; 3] pricked; 4] written; 5] miniatures; 6] binding; 7] box
- contains any single measurement forming part of a dimensional specification of some sort. [10.3.4. ]
- contains a measurement measured along the axis at right angles to the bottom of the written surface, i.e. parallel to the spine for a codex or book. [10.3.4. ]
- contains a measurement measured across the spine of a book or codex, or (for other text-bearing objects) perpendicular to the measurement given by the width element. [10.3.4. ]
- contains a measurement measured along the axis parallel to the bottom of the written surface, i.e. perpendicular to the spine of a book or codex. [10.3.4. ]
- contains a heraldic formula or phrase, typically found as part of a blazon, coat of arms, etc. [10.3.8. ]
- defines a location within a manuscript or manuscript part, usually as a (possibly discontinuous) sequence of folio references. [10.3.5. ]
- identifies the foliation scheme in terms of which the location is being specified by pointing to some foliation element defining it, or to some other equivalent resource.
- specifies the starting point of the location in a normalized form, typically a page number.
- specifies the end-point of the location in a normalized form, typically as a page number.
- groups a number of locations which together form a distinct but discontinuous item within a manuscript or manuscript part, according to a specific foliation. [10.3.5. ]
- identifies the foliation scheme in terms of which all the locations contained by the group are specified by pointing to some foliation element defining it, or to some other equivalent resource.
- contains a word or phrase describing the material of which the object being described is composed. [10.3.2. ]
- contains a word or phrase describing the type of object being referred to. [10.3.2. ]
- (origin date) contains any form of date, used to identify the date of origin for a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.3.1. ]
- (origin place) contains any form of place name, used to identify the place of origin for a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.3.1. ]
- (second folio) marks the word or words taken from a fixed point in a codex (typically the beginning of the second leaf) in order to provide a unique identifier for it. [10.3.7. ]
- contains discussion of the leaf or quire signatures found within a codex. [10.3.7. ]
- contains a word or phrase describing a stamp or similar device. [10.3.3. ]
- contains a word or phrase describing a watermark or similar device. [10.3.3. ]
- (manuscript identifier) contains the information required to identify the manuscript being described. [10.4. ]
- An msIdentifier must contain either a repository or location of some type, or a manuscript name
- contains the name of an organization such as a university or library, with which a manuscript is identified, generally its holding institution. [10.4. ]
- contains the name of a repository within which manuscripts are stored, possibly forming part of an institution. [10.4. ]
- contains the name of a collection of manuscripts, not necessarily located within a single repository. [10.4. ]
- (alternative identifier) contains an alternative or former structured identifier used for a manuscript, such as a former catalogue number. [10.4. ]
- (alternative name) contains any form of unstructured alternative name used for a manuscript, such as an ocellus nominum, or nickname. [10.4. ]
- contains the colophon of a manuscript item: that is, a statement providing information regarding the date, place, agency, or reason for production of the manuscript. [10.6.1. ]
- contains the explicit of a manuscript item, that is, the closing words of the text proper, exclusive of any rubric or colophon which might follow it. [10.6.1. ]
- contains information concerning the manuscript's filiation, i.e. its relationship to other surviving manuscripts of the same text, its protographs, antigraphs and apographs. [10.6.1. ]
- contains the string of words that denotes the end of a text division, often with an assertion as to its author and title, usually set off from the text itself by red ink, by a different size or type of script, or by some other such visual device. [10.6.1. ]
- contains the incipit of a manuscript item, that is the opening words of the text proper, exclusive of any rubric which might precede it, of sufficient length to identify the work uniquely; such incipits were, in former times, frequently used a means of reference to a work, in place of a title. [10.6.1. ]
- (manuscript contents) describes the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part, either as a series of paragraphs or as a series of structured manuscript items. [10.6. ]
- identifies the text types or classifications applicable to this object by pointing to other elements or resources defining the classification concerned.
- (manuscript item) describes an individual work or item within the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.6.1. ]
- identifies the text types or classifications applicable to this item by pointing to other elements or resources defining the classification concerned.
- (structured manuscript item) contains a structured description for an individual work or item within the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.6.1. ]
- identifies the text types or classifications applicable to this item by pointing to other elements or resources defining the classification concerned.
- contains the text of any rubric or heading attached to a particular manuscript item, that is, a string of words through which a manuscript signals the beginning of a text division, often with an assertion as to its author and title, which is in some way set off from the text itself, usually in red ink, or by use of different size or type of script, or some other such visual device. [10.6.1. ]
- contains an overview of the available information concerning some aspect of an item (for example, its intellectual content, history, layout, typography etc.) as a complement or alternative to the more detailed information carried by more specific elements. [10.6. ]
- (physical description) contains a full physical description of a manuscript or manuscript part, optionally subdivided using more specialized elements from the model.physDescPart class. [10.7. ]
- contains a description of the physical components making up the object which is being described. [10.7.1. ]
- a short project-specific name identifying the physical form of the carrier, for example as a codex, roll, fragment, partial leaf, cutting etc.
- (support description) groups elements describing the physical support for the written part of a manuscript. [10.7.1. ]
- a short project-defined name for the material composing the majority of the support
-Suggested values include: 1] paper; 2] parch(parchment) ; 3] mixed
- paper
- parch
- (parchment)
- mixed
- contains a description of the materials etc. which make up the physical support for the written part of a manuscript. [10.7.1. ]
- contains a description of how the leaves or bifolia are physically arranged. [10.7.1. ]
- describes the numbering system or systems used to count the leaves or pages in a codex. [ ]
- contains a description of the physical condition of the manuscript. [ ]
- (layout description) collects the set of layout descriptions applicable to a manuscript. [10.7.2. ]
- describes how text is laid out on the page, including information about any ruling, pricking, or other evidence of page-preparation techniques. [10.7.2. ]
- specifies the number of columns per page
- specifies the number of ruled lines per column
- specifies the number of written lines per column
- (description of hands) contains a description of all the different kinds of writing used in a manuscript. [10.7.2. ]
- specifies the number of distinct hands identified within the manuscript
- contains a description of the typefaces or other aspects of the printing of an incunable or other printed source. [ ]
- contains a description of the scripts used in a manuscript or similar source. [ ]
- contains description of type of musical notation. [10.7.2. ]
- (decoration description) contains a description of the decoration of a manuscript, either as a sequence of paragraphs, or as a sequence of topically organized decoNote elements. [10.7.3. ]
- (note on decoration) contains a note describing either a decorative component of a manuscript, or a fairly homogenous class of such components. [10.7.3. ]
- contains a description of any significant additions found within a manuscript, such as marginalia or other annotations. [10.7.2. ]
- (binding description) describes the present and former bindings of a manuscript, either as a series of paragraphs or as a series of distinct binding elements, one for each binding of the manuscript. [ ]
- contains a description of one binding, i.e. type of covering, boards, etc. applied to a manuscript. [ ]
- specifies whether or not the binding is contemporary with the majority of its contents
- (seal description) describes the seals or other external items attached to a manuscript, either as a series of paragraphs or as a series of distinct seal elements, possibly with additional decoNotes. [ ]
- contains a description of one seal or similar attachment applied to a manuscript. [ ]
- specifies whether or not the seal is contemporary with the item to which it is affixed
- (accompanying material) contains details of any significant additional material which may be closely associated with the manuscript being described, such as non-contemporaneous documents or fragments bound in with the manuscript at some earlier historical period. [ ]
- groups elements describing the full history of a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.8. ]
- contains any descriptive or other information concerning the origin of a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.8. ]
- contains any descriptive or other information concerning a single identifiable episode during the history of a manuscript or manuscript part, after its creation but before its acquisition. [10.8. ]
- contains any descriptive or other information concerning the process by which a manuscript or manuscript part entered the holding institution. [10.8. ]
- groups additional information, combining bibliographic information about a manuscript, or surrogate copies of it with curatorial or administrative information. [10.9. ]
- (administrative information) contains information about the present custody and availability of the manuscript, and also about the record description itself. [10.9.1. ]
- (recorded history) provides information about the source and revision status of the parent manuscript description itself. [10.9.1. ]
- describes the original source for the information contained with a manuscript description. [ ]
- (custodial history) contains a description of a manuscript's custodial history, either as running prose or as a series of dated custodial events. [ ]
- (custodial event) describes a single event during the custodial history of a manuscript. [ ]
- contains information about any representations of the manuscript being described which may exist in the holding institution or elsewhere. [10.9. ]
- (manuscript part) contains information about an originally distinct manuscript or part of a manuscript, now forming part of a composite manuscript. [10.10. ]
- WARNING: use of deprecated method — the use of the altIdentifier element as a direct child of the msPart element will be removed from the TEI on 2016-09-09
- (character or glyph) represents a glyph, or a non-standard character. [5. ]
- points to a description of the character or glyph intended.
- (character) provides descriptive information about a character. [5.2. ]
- (character name) contains the name of a character, expressed following Unicode conventions. [5.2. ]
- (character property) provides a name and value for some property of the parent character or glyph. [5.2. ]
- (character declarations) provides information about nonstandard characters and glyphs. [5.2. ]
- (character glyph) provides descriptive information about a character glyph. [5.2. ]
- (character glyph name) contains the name of a glyph, expressed following Unicode conventions for character names. [5.2. ]
- (locally-defined property name) contains a locally defined name for some property. [5.2.1. ]
- (character mapping) contains one or more characters which are related to the parent character or glyph in some respect, as specified by the type attribute. [5.2. ]
- (unicode property name) contains the name of a registered Unicode normative or informative property. [5.2.1. ]
- specifies the version number of the Unicode Standard in which this property name is defined.
- contains a single value for some property, attribute, or other analysis. [5.2.1. ]
- (analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears.
- (s-unit) contains a sentence-like division of a text. [17.1. 8.4.1. ]
- You may not nest one s element within
- another: use seg instead
- (clause) represents a grammatical clause. [17.1. ]
- (phrase) represents a grammatical phrase. [17.1. ]
- (word) represents a grammatical (not necessarily orthographic) word. [17.1. ]
- provides a lemma for the word, such as an uninflected dictionary entry form.
- provides a pointer to a definition of the lemma for the word, for example in an online lexicon.
- (morpheme) represents a grammatical morpheme. [17.1. ]
- supplies the morpheme's base form.
- (character) represents a character. [17.1. ]
- (punctuation character) contains a character or string of characters regarded as constituting a single punctuation mark. [17.1. ]
- indicates the extent to which this punctuation mark conventionally separates words or phrases
- strong
- the punctuation mark is a word separator
- weak
- the punctuation mark is not a word separator
- inter
- the punctuation mark may or may not be a word separator
- provides a name for the kind of unit delimited by this punctuation mark.
- indicates whether this punctuation mark precedes or follows the unit it delimits.
- associates an interpretative annotation directly with a span of text. [17.3. ]
-Only one of the attributes @target and @from may be supplied on
-Only one of the attributes @target and @to may be supplied on
-If @to is supplied on , @from must be supplied as well
-The attributes @to and @from on may each contain only a single value
- gives the identifier of the node which is the starting point of the span of text being annotated; if not accompanied by a to attribute, gives the identifier of the node of the entire span of text being annotated.
- gives the identifier of the node which is the end-point of the span of text being annotated.
- (span group) collects together span tags. [17.3. ]
- (interpretation) summarizes a specific interpretative annotation which can be linked to a span of text. [17.3. ]
- (interpretation group) collects together a set of related interpretations which share responsibility or type. [17.3. ]
- (witness or witnesses) contains a space-delimited list of one or more sigla indicating the witnesses to this reading beginning or ending at this point.
- (witness or witnesses) contains a space-delimited list of one or more pointers indicating the witnesses which attest to a given reading.
- classifies the reading according to some useful typology.
-Sample values include: 1] substantive; 2] orthographic
- classifies the cause for the variant reading, according to any appropriate typology of possible origins.
-Sample values include: 1] homeoteleuton; 2] homeoarchy; 3] paleographicConfusion; 4] haplography; 5] dittography; 6] falseEmendation
- (variant sequence) provides a number indicating the position of this reading in a sequence, when there is reason to presume a sequence to the variants.
- indicates the hand responsible for a particular reading in the witness.
- (apparatus entry) contains one entry in a critical apparatus, with an optional lemma and usually one or more readings or notes on the relevant passage. [12.1.1. ]
- classifies the variation contained in this element according to some convenient typology.
- identifies the beginning of the lemma in the base text.
- identifies the endpoint of the lemma in the base text.
- (location) indicates the location of the variation, when the location-referenced method of apparatus markup is used.
- (list of apparatus entries) contains a list of apparatus entries. [12.2. ]
- (lemma) contains the lemma, or base text, of a textual variation. [12.1. ]
- (reading) contains a single reading within a textual variation. [12.1. ]
- (reading group) within a textual variation, groups two or more readings perceived to have a genetic relationship or other affinity. [12.1. ]
- Only one <lem> element may appear within a <rdgGrp>
- (witness detail) gives further information about a particular witness, or witnesses, to a particular reading. [12.1. ]
- (witnesses) indicates the sigil or sigla identifying the witness or witnesses to which the detail refers.
- describes the type of information given about the witness.
- contains a list of one or more sigla of witnesses attesting a given reading, in a textual variation. [12.1.4. ]
- (witness list) lists definitions for all the witnesses referred to by a critical apparatus, optionally grouped hierarchically. [12.1. ]
- contains either a description of a single witness referred to within the critical apparatus, or a list of witnesses which is to be referred to by a single sigil. [12.1. ]
- (fragmented witness start) indicates the beginning, or resumption, of the text of a fragmentary witness. [12.1.5. ]
- (fragmented witness end) indicates the end, or suspension, of the text of a fragmentary witness. [12.1.5. ]
- indicates the beginning of a lacuna in the text of a mostly complete textual witness. [12.1.5. ]
- indicates the end of a lacuna in a mostly complete textual witness. [12.1.5. ]
- declares the method used to encode text-critical variants. [12.1.1. ]
- indicates which method is used to encode the apparatus of variants.
- location-referenced
- apparatus uses line numbers or other canonical reference scheme referenced in a base text.
- double-end-point
- apparatus indicates the precise locations of the beginning and ending of each lemma relative to a base text.
- parallel-segmentation
- alternate readings of a passage are given in parallel in the text; no notion of a base text is necessary.
- indicates whether the apparatus appears within the running text or external to it.
- internal
- apparatus appears within the running text.
- external
- apparatus appears outside the base text.
- The @location value "external" is inconsistent with the
- parallel-segmentation method of apparatus markup.
- contains text displayed in tabular form, in rows and columns. [14.1.1. ]
- indicates the number of rows in the table.
- (columns) indicates the number of columns in each row of the table.
- contains one row of a table. [14.1.1. ]
- contains one cell of a table. [14.1.1. ]
- contains a mathematical or other formula. [14.2. ]
- names the notation used for the content of the element.
- encodes the presence of music notation in a text [14.3. ]
- groups elements representing or containing graphic information such as an illustration, formula, or figure. [14.4. ]
- (description of figure) contains a brief prose description of the appearance or content of a graphic figure, for use when documenting an image without displaying it. [14.4. ]
diff --git a/data/text/schema/tei-vbd.xml b/data/text/schema/tei-vbd.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e39f03b..0000000
--- a/data/text/schema/tei-vbd.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-TEI for Manuscript Transcription and DescriptionRoberto Rosselli Del Turco
This template file is freely available and you are
- hereby authorised to copy, modify, and redistribute it in
- any way without further reference or permissions.
When making such modifications, you are strongly
- recommended to change the present text to include an
- accurate statement of the licencing conditions applicable
- to your modified text.
Written from scratch.
TEI for manuscript description and transcription. Used for the Digital Vercelli Book Project. V. 1.2.
diff --git a/data/text/schema/tei_cp.dtd b/data/text/schema/tei_cp.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b93b4ce..0000000
--- a/data/text/schema/tei_cp.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3577 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/data/text/schema/tei_cp.rnc b/data/text/schema/tei_cp.rnc
deleted file mode 100644
index c6235d5..0000000
--- a/data/text/schema/tei_cp.rnc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6616 +0,0 @@
-default namespace = "http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"
-namespace a = "http://relaxng.org/ns/compatibility/annotations/1.0"
-namespace ns1 = "http://www.isocat.org/ns/dcr"
-namespace rng = "http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"
-namespace s = "http://www.ascc.net/xml/schematron"
-namespace sch = "http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"
-namespace xlink = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
-# Schema generated from ODD source 2014-10-28T12:38:20Z.
-# Edition: Version 2.7.0. Last updated on
-# 16th September 2014, revision 13036
-# Edition Location: http://www.tei-c.org/Vault/P5/Version 2.7.0/
-# This material is dual-licensed.
-# [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/] Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License [http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause] Copyright 2013 TEI Consortium.All rights reserved.Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright holder or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.TEI material can be licensed differently depending on the use you intend to make of it. Hence it is made available under both the CC+BY and BSD-2 licences. The CC+BY licence is generally appropriate for usages which treat TEI content as data or documentation. The BSD-2 licence is generally appropriate for usage of TEI content in a software environment. For further information or clarification, please contact the TEI Consortium.
-macro.paraContent =
- (text | model.gLike | model.phrase | model.inter | model.global | lg)*
-macro.limitedContent = (text | model.limitedPhrase | model.inter)*
-macro.phraseSeq = (text | model.gLike | model.phrase | model.global)*
-macro.phraseSeq.limited = (text | model.limitedPhrase | model.global)*
-macro.specialPara =
- (text
- | model.gLike
- | model.phrase
- | model.inter
- | model.divPart
- | model.global)*
-macro.xtext = (text | model.gLike)*
-data.certainty = "high" | "medium" | "low" | "unknown"
-data.probability = xsd:double { minInclusive = "0" maxInclusive = "1" }
-data.numeric =
- xsd:double
- | xsd:token { pattern = "(\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)" }
- | xsd:decimal
-data.interval =
- xsd:float { minExclusive = "0" }
- | "regular"
- | "irregular"
- | "unknown"
-data.count = xsd:nonNegativeInteger
-data.temporal.w3c =
- xsd:date
- | xsd:gYear
- | xsd:gMonth
- | xsd:gDay
- | xsd:gYearMonth
- | xsd:gMonthDay
- | xsd:time
- | xsd:dateTime
-data.truthValue = xsd:boolean
-data.xTruthValue = xsd:boolean | "unknown" | "inapplicable"
-data.language = xsd:language | ""
-data.namespace = xsd:anyURI
-data.outputMeasurement =
- xsd:token {
- pattern =
- "[\-+]?\d+(\.\d+)?(%|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|em|ex|gd|rem|vw|vh|vm)"
- }
-data.pattern = xsd:token
-data.point =
- xsd:token { pattern = "(\-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*,\-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)" }
-data.pointer = xsd:anyURI
-data.version = xsd:token { pattern = "[\d]+(\.[\d]+){0,2}" }
-data.versionNumber =
- xsd:token { pattern = "[\d]+[a-z]*[\d]*(\.[\d]+[a-z]*[\d]*){0,3}" }
-data.replacement = text
-data.word = xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" }
-data.sex = data.word
-data.text = xsd:string
-data.name = xsd:Name
-data.enumerated = data.name
-data.temporal.iso =
- xsd:date
- | xsd:gYear
- | xsd:gMonth
- | xsd:gDay
- | xsd:gYearMonth
- | xsd:gMonthDay
- | xsd:time
- | xsd:dateTime
- | xsd:token { pattern = "[0-9.,DHMPRSTWYZ/:+\-]+" }
-att.ascribed.attributes = att.ascribed.attribute.who
-att.ascribed.attribute.who =
- ## indicates the person, or group of people, to whom the element content is ascribed.
- attribute who {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.canonical.attributes =
- att.canonical.attribute.key, att.canonical.attribute.ref
-att.canonical.attribute.key =
- ## provides an externally-defined means of identifying the entity (or entities) being named, using a coded value of some kind.
- attribute key { data.text }?
-att.canonical.attribute.ref =
- ## (reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition for the entity being named by means of one or more URIs.
- attribute ref {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.ranging.attributes =
- att.ranging.attribute.atLeast,
- att.ranging.attribute.atMost,
- att.ranging.attribute.min,
- att.ranging.attribute.max,
- att.ranging.attribute.confidence
-att.ranging.attribute.atLeast =
- ## gives a minimum estimated value for the approximate measurement.
- attribute atLeast { data.numeric }?
-att.ranging.attribute.atMost =
- ## gives a maximum estimated value for the approximate measurement.
- attribute atMost { data.numeric }?
-att.ranging.attribute.min =
- ## where the measurement summarizes more than one observation or a range, supplies the minimum value observed.
- attribute min { data.numeric }?
-att.ranging.attribute.max =
- ## where the measurement summarizes more than one observation or a range, supplies the maximum value observed.
- attribute max { data.numeric }?
-att.ranging.attribute.confidence =
- ## specifies the degree of statistical confidence (between zero and one) that a value falls within the range specified by min and max, or the proportion of observed values that fall within that range.
- attribute confidence { data.probability }?
-att.dimensions.attributes =
- att.ranging.attributes,
- att.dimensions.attribute.unit,
- att.dimensions.attribute.quantity,
- att.dimensions.attribute.extent,
- att.dimensions.attribute.precision,
- att.dimensions.attribute.scope
-att.dimensions.attribute.unit =
- ## names the unit used for the measurement
- ## Suggested values include: 1] cm(centimetres) ; 2] mm(millimetres) ; 3] in(inches) ; 4] lines; 5] chars(characters)
- attribute unit {
- ## (centimetres)
- "cm"
- |
- ## (millimetres)
- "mm"
- |
- ## (inches)
- "in"
- |
- ## lines of text
- "lines"
- |
- ## (characters) characters of text
- "chars"
- | xsd:Name
- }?
-att.dimensions.attribute.quantity =
- ## specifies the length in the units specified
- attribute quantity { data.numeric }?
-att.dimensions.attribute.extent =
- ## indicates the size of the object concerned using a project-specific vocabulary combining quantity and units in a single string of words.
- attribute extent { data.text }?
-att.dimensions.attribute.precision =
- ## characterizes the precision of the values specified by the other attributes.
- attribute precision { data.certainty }?
-att.dimensions.attribute.scope =
- ## where the measurement summarizes more than one observation, specifies the applicability of this measurement.
- ## Sample values include: 1] all; 2] most; 3] range
- attribute scope { data.enumerated }?
-att.damaged.attributes =
- att.dimensions.attributes,
- att.damaged.attribute.hand,
- att.damaged.attribute.agent,
- att.damaged.attribute.degree,
- att.damaged.attribute.group
-att.damaged.attribute.hand =
- ## in the case of damage (deliberate defacement, inking out, etc.) assignable to a distinct hand, signifies the hand responsible for the damage by pointing to one of the hand identifiers declared in the document header (see section ).
- attribute hand { data.pointer }?
-att.damaged.attribute.agent =
- ## categorizes the cause of the damage, if it can be identified.
- ## Sample values include: 1] rubbing; 2] mildew; 3] smoke
- attribute agent { data.enumerated }?
-att.damaged.attribute.degree =
- ## provides a coded representation of the degree of damage, either as a number between 0 (undamaged) and 1 (very extensively damaged), or as one of the codes high, medium, low, or unknown. The damage element with the degree attribute should only be used where the text may be read with some confidence; text supplied from other sources should be tagged as supplied.
- attribute degree { data.probability | data.certainty }?
-att.damaged.attribute.group =
- ## assigns an arbitrary number to each stretch of damage regarded as forming part of the same physical phenomenon.
- attribute group { data.count }?
-att.breaking.attributes = att.breaking.attribute.break
-att.breaking.attribute.break =
- ## indicates whether or not the element bearing this attribute should be considered to mark the end of an orthographic token in the same way as whitespace.
- attribute break { data.enumerated }?
-att.cReferencing.attributes = att.cReferencing.attribute.cRef
-att.cReferencing.attribute.cRef =
- ## (canonical reference) specifies the destination of the pointer by supplying a canonical reference expressed using the scheme defined in a refsDecl element in the TEI header
- attribute cRef { data.text }?
-att.datable.w3c.attributes =
- att.datable.w3c.attribute.when,
- att.datable.w3c.attribute.notBefore,
- att.datable.w3c.attribute.notAfter,
- att.datable.w3c.attribute.from,
- att.datable.w3c.attribute.to
-att.datable.w3c.attribute.when =
- ## supplies the value of the date or time in a standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- attribute when { data.temporal.w3c }?
-att.datable.w3c.attribute.notBefore =
- ## specifies the earliest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- attribute notBefore { data.temporal.w3c }?
-att.datable.w3c.attribute.notAfter =
- ## specifies the latest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- attribute notAfter { data.temporal.w3c }?
-att.datable.w3c.attribute.from =
- ## indicates the starting point of the period in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- attribute from { data.temporal.w3c }?
-att.datable.w3c.attribute.to =
- ## indicates the ending point of the period in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- attribute to { data.temporal.w3c }?
-att.datable.attributes =
- att.datable.w3c.attributes,
- att.datable.iso.attributes,
- att.datable.custom.attributes,
- att.datable.attribute.calendar,
- att.datable.attribute.period
-att.datable.attribute.calendar =
- ## indicates the system or calendar to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
- attribute calendar { data.pointer }?
-sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-att.datable-calendar-calendar-constraint-1"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:*[@calendar]"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "string-length(.) gt 0"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "@calendar indicates the system or calendar to which the date represented by the content of this element\x{a}" ~
- "belongs, but this "
- sch:name [ ]
- " element has no textual content."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
-att.datable.attribute.period =
- ## supplies a pointer to some location defining a named period of time within which the datable item is understood to have occurred.
- attribute period { data.pointer }?
-att.datcat.attributes =
- att.datcat.attribute.datcat, att.datcat.attribute.valueDatcat
-att.datcat.attribute.datcat =
- ## contains a PID (persistent identifier) that aligns the given element with the appropriate Data Category (or categories) in ISOcat.
- attribute ns1:datcat {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.datcat.attribute.valueDatcat =
- ## contains a PID (persistent identifier) that aligns the content of the given element or the value of the given attribute with the appropriate simple Data Category (or categories) in ISOcat.
- attribute ns1:valueDatcat {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.declarable.attributes = att.declarable.attribute.default
-att.declarable.attribute.default =
- ## indicates whether or not this element is selected by default when its parent is selected.
- [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
- attribute default {
- ## This element is selected if its parent is selected
- "true"
- |
- ## This element can only be selected explicitly, unless it is the only one of its kind, in which case it is selected if its parent is selected.
- "false"
- }?
-att.declaring.attributes = att.declaring.attribute.decls
-att.declaring.attribute.decls =
- ## identifies one or more declarable elements within the header, which are understood to apply to the element bearing this attribute and its content.
- attribute decls {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.fragmentable.attributes = att.fragmentable.attribute.part
-att.fragmentable.attribute.part =
- ## specifies whether or not its parent element is fragmented in some way, typically by some other overlapping structure: for example a speech which is divided between two or more verse stanzas, a paragraph which is split across a page division, a verse line which is divided between two speakers.
- [ a:defaultValue = "N" ]
- attribute part {
- ## (yes) the element is fragmented in some (unspecified) respect
- "Y"
- |
- ## (no) either the element is not fragmented, or no claim is made as to its completeness.
- "N"
- |
- ## (initial) this is the initial part of a fragmented element
- "I"
- |
- ## (medial) this is a medial part of a fragmented element
- "M"
- |
- ## (final) this is the final part of a fragmented element
- "F"
- }?
-att.divLike.attributes =
- att.fragmentable.attributes,
- att.divLike.attribute.org,
- att.divLike.attribute.sample
-att.divLike.attribute.org =
- ## (organization) specifies how the content of the division is organized.
- [ a:defaultValue = "uniform" ]
- attribute org {
- ## no claim is made about the sequence in which the immediate contents of this division are to be processed, or their inter-relationships.
- "composite"
- |
- ## the immediate contents of this element are regarded as forming a logical unit, to be processed in sequence.
- "uniform"
- }?
-att.divLike.attribute.sample =
- ## indicates whether this division is a sample of the original source and if so, from which part.
- [ a:defaultValue = "complete" ]
- attribute sample {
- ## division lacks material present at end in source.
- "initial"
- |
- ## division lacks material at start and end.
- "medial"
- |
- ## division lacks material at start.
- "final"
- |
- ## position of sampled material within original unknown.
- "unknown"
- |
- ## division is not a sample.
- "complete"
- }?
-att.docStatus.attributes = att.docStatus.attribute.status
-att.docStatus.attribute.status =
- ## describes the status of a document either currently or, when associated with a dated element, at the time indicated.
- ## Sample values include: 1] approved; 2] candidate; 3] cleared; 4] deprecated; 5] draft; 6] embargoed; 7] expired; 8] frozen; 9] galley; 10] proposed; 11] published; 12] recommendation; 13] submitted; 14] unfinished; 15] withdrawn
- [ a:defaultValue = "draft" ] attribute status { data.enumerated }?
-att.responsibility.attributes =
- att.source.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attribute.cert,
- att.responsibility.attribute.resp
-att.responsibility.attribute.cert =
- ## (certainty) signifies the degree of certainty associated with the intervention or interpretation.
- attribute cert { data.certainty }?
-att.responsibility.attribute.resp =
- ## (responsible party) indicates the agency responsible for the intervention or interpretation, for example an editor or transcriber.
- attribute resp {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.editLike.attributes =
- att.dimensions.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- att.editLike.attribute.evidence,
- att.editLike.attribute.instant
-att.editLike.attribute.evidence =
- ## indicates the nature of the evidence supporting the reliability or accuracy of the intervention or interpretation.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] internal; 2] external; 3] conjecture
- attribute evidence {
- list {
- (
- ## there is internal evidence to support the intervention.
- "internal"
- |
- ## there is external evidence to support the intervention.
- "external"
- |
- ## the intervention or interpretation has been made by the editor, cataloguer, or scholar on the basis of their expertise.
- "conjecture"
- | xsd:Name)+
- }
- }?
-att.editLike.attribute.instant =
- ## indicates whether this is an instant revision or not.
- [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute instant { data.xTruthValue }?
-att.global.attributes =
- att.global.linking.attributes,
- att.global.analytic.attributes,
- att.global.facs.attributes,
- att.global.change.attributes,
- att.global.attribute.xmlid,
- att.global.attribute.n,
- att.global.attribute.xmllang,
- att.global.attribute.rend,
- att.global.attribute.style,
- att.global.attribute.rendition,
- att.global.attribute.xmlbase,
- att.global.attribute.xmlspace
-att.global.attribute.xmlid =
- ## (identifier) provides a unique identifier for the element bearing the attribute.
- attribute xml:id { xsd:ID }?
-att.global.attribute.n =
- ## (number) gives a number (or other label) for an element, which is not necessarily unique within the document.
- attribute n { data.text }?
-att.global.attribute.xmllang =
- ## (language) indicates the language of the element content using a tag generated according to BCP 47.
- attribute xml:lang { data.language }?
-att.global.attribute.rend =
- ## (rendition) indicates how the element in question was rendered or presented in the source text.
- attribute rend {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?
-att.global.attribute.style =
- ## contains an expression in some formal style definition language which defines the rendering or presentation used for this element in the source text
- attribute style { data.text }?
-att.global.attribute.rendition =
- ## points to a description of the rendering or presentation used for this element in the source text.
- attribute rendition {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.global.attribute.xmlbase =
- ## provides a base URI reference with which applications can resolve relative URI references into absolute URI references.
- attribute xml:base { data.pointer }?
-att.global.attribute.xmlspace =
- ## signals an intention about how white space should be managed by applications.
- attribute xml:space {
- ## signals that the application's default white-space processing modes are acceptable
- "default"
- |
- ## indicates the intent that applications preserve all white space
- "preserve"
- }?
-att.handFeatures.attributes =
- att.handFeatures.attribute.scribe,
- att.handFeatures.attribute.scribeRef,
- att.handFeatures.attribute.script,
- att.handFeatures.attribute.scriptRef,
- att.handFeatures.attribute.medium,
- att.handFeatures.attribute.scope
-att.handFeatures.attribute.scribe =
- ## gives a name or other identifier for the scribe believed to be responsible for this hand.
- attribute scribe { data.name }?
-att.handFeatures.attribute.scribeRef =
- ## points to a full description of the scribe concerned, typically supplied by a person element elsewhere in the description.
- attribute scribeRef {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.handFeatures.attribute.script =
- ## characterizes the particular script or writing style used by this hand, for example secretary, copperplate, Chancery, Italian, etc.
- attribute script {
- list { data.name+ }
- }?
-att.handFeatures.attribute.scriptRef =
- ## points to a full description of the script or writing style used by this hand, typically supplied by a scriptNote element elsewhere in the description.
- attribute scriptRef {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.handFeatures.attribute.medium =
- ## describes the tint or type of ink, e.g. brown, or other writing medium, e.g. pencil
- attribute medium {
- list { data.enumerated+ }
- }?
-att.handFeatures.attribute.scope =
- ## specifies how widely this hand is used in the manuscript.
- attribute scope {
- ## only this hand is used throughout the manuscript
- "sole"
- |
- ## this hand is used through most of the manuscript
- "major"
- |
- ## this hand is used occasionally in the manuscript
- "minor"
- }?
-att.internetMedia.attributes = att.internetMedia.attribute.mimeType
-att.internetMedia.attribute.mimeType =
- ## (MIME media type) specifies the applicable multimedia internet mail extension (MIME) media type
- attribute mimeType {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?
-att.media.attributes =
- att.internetMedia.attributes,
- att.media.attribute.width,
- att.media.attribute.height,
- att.media.attribute.scale
-att.media.attribute.width =
- ## Where the media are displayed, indicates the display width
- attribute width { data.outputMeasurement }?
-att.media.attribute.height =
- ## Where the media are displayed, indicates the display height
- attribute height { data.outputMeasurement }?
-att.media.attribute.scale =
- ## Where the media are displayed, indicates a scale factor to be applied when generating the desired display size
- attribute scale { data.numeric }?
-att.resourced.attributes = att.resourced.attribute.url
-att.resourced.attribute.url =
- ## (uniform resource locator) specifies the URL from which the media concerned may be obtained.
- attribute url { data.pointer }
-att.interpLike.attributes =
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- att.interpLike.attribute.type,
- att.interpLike.attribute.inst
-att.interpLike.attribute.type =
- ## indicates what kind of phenomenon is being noted in the passage.
- ## Sample values include: 1] image; 2] character; 3] theme; 4] allusion
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?
-att.interpLike.attribute.inst =
- ## (instances) points to instances of the analysis or interpretation represented by the current element.
- attribute inst {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.measurement.attributes =
- att.measurement.attribute.unit,
- att.measurement.attribute.quantity,
- att.measurement.attribute.commodity
-att.measurement.attribute.unit =
- ## indicates the units used for the measurement, usually using the standard symbol for the desired units.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] m(metre) ; 2] kg(kilogram) ; 3] s(second) ; 4] Hz(hertz) ; 5] Pa(pascal) ; 6] Ω(ohm) ; 7] L(litre) ; 8] t(tonne) ; 9] ha(hectare) ; 10] Å(ångström) ; 11] mL(millilitre) ; 12] cm(centimetre) ; 13] dB(decibel) ; 14] kbit(kilobit) ; 15] Kibit(kibibit) ; 16] kB(kilobyte) ; 17] KiB(kibibyte) ; 18] MB(megabyte) ; 19] MiB(mebibyte)
- attribute unit {
- ## (metre) SI base unit of length
- "m"
- |
- ## (kilogram) SI base unit of mass
- "kg"
- |
- ## (second) SI base unit of time
- "s"
- |
- ## (hertz) SI unit of frequency
- "Hz"
- |
- ## (pascal) SI unit of pressure or stress
- "Pa"
- |
- ## (ohm) SI unit of electric resistance
- "Ω"
- |
- ## (litre) 1 dm³
- "L"
- |
- ## (tonne) 10³ kg
- "t"
- |
- ## (hectare) 1 hm²
- "ha"
- |
- ## (ångström) 10⁻¹⁰ m
- "Å"
- |
- ## (millilitre)
- "mL"
- |
- ## (centimetre)
- "cm"
- |
- ## (decibel) see remarks, below
- "dB"
- |
- ## (kilobit) 10³ or 1000 bits
- "kbit"
- |
- ## (kibibit) 2¹⁰ or 1024 bits
- "Kibit"
- |
- ## (kilobyte) 10³ or 1000 bytes
- "kB"
- |
- ## (kibibyte) 2¹⁰ or 1024 bytes
- "KiB"
- |
- ## (megabyte) 10⁶ or 1 000 000 bytes
- "MB"
- |
- ## (mebibyte) 2²⁰ or 1 048 576 bytes
- "MiB"
- | xsd:Name
- }?
-att.measurement.attribute.quantity =
- ## specifies the number of the specified units that comprise the measurement
- attribute quantity { data.numeric }?
-att.measurement.attribute.commodity =
- ## indicates the substance that is being measured
- attribute commodity {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?
-att.naming.attributes =
- att.canonical.attributes,
- att.naming.attribute.role,
- att.naming.attribute.nymRef
-att.naming.attribute.role =
- ## may be used to specify further information about the entity referenced by this name in the form of a set of whitespace-separated values, for example the occupation of a person, or the status of a place.
- attribute role {
- list { data.enumerated+ }
- }?
-att.naming.attribute.nymRef =
- ## (reference to the canonical name) provides a means of locating the canonical form (nym) of the names associated with the object named by the element bearing it.
- attribute nymRef {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.placement.attributes = att.placement.attribute.place
-att.placement.attribute.place =
- ## specifies where this item is placed
- ## Suggested values include: 1] below; 2] bottom; 3] margin; 4] top; 5] opposite; 6] overleaf; 7] above; 8] end; 9] inline; 10] inspace
- attribute place {
- list {
- (
- ## below the line
- "below"
- |
- ## at the foot of the page
- "bottom"
- |
- ## in the margin (left, right, or both)
- "margin"
- |
- ## at the top of the page
- "top"
- |
- ## on the opposite, i.e. facing, page
- "opposite"
- |
- ## on the other side of the leaf
- "overleaf"
- |
- ## above the line
- "above"
- |
- ## at the end of e.g. chapter or volume.
- "end"
- |
- ## within the body of the text.
- "inline"
- |
- ## in a predefined space, for example left by an earlier scribe.
- "inspace"
- | xsd:Name)+
- }
- }?
-att.typed.attributes =
- att.typed.attribute.type, att.typed.attribute.subtype
-att.typed.attribute.type =
- ## characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?
-att.typed.attribute.subtype =
- ## provides a sub-categorization of the element, if needed
- attribute subtype { data.enumerated }?
-sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-att.typed-subtypeTyped-constraint-2"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "*[@subtype]"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "@type"
- "The "
- sch:name [ ]
- " element should not be categorized in detail with @subtype\x{a}" ~
- " unless also categorized in general with @type"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
-att.pointing.attributes =
- att.pointing.attribute.targetLang,
- att.pointing.attribute.target,
- att.pointing.attribute.evaluate
-att.pointing.attribute.targetLang =
- ## specifies the language of the content to be found at the destination referenced by target, using a language tag generated according to BCP 47.
- attribute targetLang { data.language }?
-sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-att.pointing-targetLang-targetLang-constraint-3"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:*[not(self::tei:schemaSpec)][@targetLang]"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "count(@target)"
- "@targetLang can only be used if @target is specified."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
-att.pointing.attribute.target =
- ## specifies the destination of the reference by supplying one or more URI References
- attribute target {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.pointing.attribute.evaluate =
- ## specifies the intended meaning when the target of a pointer is itself a pointer.
- attribute evaluate {
- ## if the element pointed to is itself a pointer, then the target of that pointer will be taken, and so on, until an element is found which is not a pointer.
- "all"
- |
- ## if the element pointed to is itself a pointer, then its target (whether a pointer or not) is taken as the target of this pointer.
- "one"
- |
- ## no further evaluation of targets is carried out beyond that needed to find the element specified in the pointer's target.
- "none"
- }?
-att.pointing.group.attributes =
- att.pointing.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.pointing.group.attribute.domains,
- att.pointing.group.attribute.targFunc
-att.pointing.group.attribute.domains =
- ## optionally specifies the identifiers of the elements within which all elements indicated by the contents of this element lie.
- attribute domains {
- list { data.pointer, data.pointer, data.pointer* }
- }?
-att.pointing.group.attribute.targFunc =
- ## (target function) describes the function of each of the values of the target attribute of the enclosed link, join, or alt tags.
- attribute targFunc {
- list { data.word, data.word, data.word* }
- }?
-att.segLike.attributes =
- att.datcat.attributes,
- att.fragmentable.attributes,
- att.segLike.attribute.function
-att.segLike.attribute.function =
- ## characterizes the function of the segment.
- attribute function { data.enumerated }?
-att.sortable.attributes = att.sortable.attribute.sortKey
-att.sortable.attribute.sortKey =
- ## supplies the sort key for this element in an index, list or group which contains it.
- attribute sortKey { data.word }?
-att.edition.attributes =
- att.edition.attribute.ed, att.edition.attribute.edRef
-att.edition.attribute.ed =
- ## (edition) supplies a sigil or other arbitrary identifier for the source edition in which the associated feature (for example, a page, column, or line break) occurs at this point in the text.
- attribute ed {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?
-att.edition.attribute.edRef =
- ## (edition reference) provides a pointer to the source edition in which the associated feature (for example, a page, column, or line break) occurs at this point in the text.
- attribute edRef {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.spanning.attributes = att.spanning.attribute.spanTo
-att.spanning.attribute.spanTo =
- ## indicates the end of a span initiated by the element bearing this attribute.
- attribute spanTo { data.pointer }?
-sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-att.spanning-spanTo-spanTo-2-constraint-4"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:*[@spanTo]"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test =
- "id(substring(@spanTo,2)) and following::*[@xml:id=substring(current()/@spanTo,2)]"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "The element indicated by @spanTo ("
- sch:value-of [ select = "@spanTo" ]
- ") must follow the current element "
- sch:name [ ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
-att.styleDef.attributes =
- att.styleDef.attribute.scheme, att.styleDef.attribute.schemeVersion
-att.styleDef.attribute.scheme =
- ## identifies the language used to describe the rendition.
- attribute scheme {
- ## Cascading Stylesheet Language
- "css"
- |
- ## Extensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects
- "xslfo"
- |
- ## Informal free text description
- "free"
- |
- ## A user-defined rendition description language
- "other"
- }?
-att.styleDef.attribute.schemeVersion =
- ## supplies a version number for the style language provided in scheme.
- attribute schemeVersion { data.versionNumber }?
-sch:pattern [
- id =
- "tei_cp-att.styleDef-schemeVersion-schemeVersionRequiresScheme-constraint-5"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:*[@schemeVersion]"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "@scheme and not(@scheme = 'free')"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " @schemeVersion can only be used if @scheme is specified.\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
-att.tableDecoration.attributes =
- att.tableDecoration.attribute.role,
- att.tableDecoration.attribute.rows,
- att.tableDecoration.attribute.cols
-att.tableDecoration.attribute.role =
- ## indicates the kind of information held in this cell or in each cell of this row.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] label; 2] data
- [ a:defaultValue = "data" ]
- attribute role {
- ## labelling or descriptive information only.
- "label"
- |
- ## data values.
- "data"
- | xsd:Name
- }?
-att.tableDecoration.attribute.rows =
- ## indicates the number of rows occupied by this cell or row.
- [ a:defaultValue = "1" ] attribute rows { data.count }?
-att.tableDecoration.attribute.cols =
- ## (columns) indicates the number of columns occupied by this cell or row.
- [ a:defaultValue = "1" ] attribute cols { data.count }?
-att.timed.attributes =
- att.timed.attribute.start, att.timed.attribute.end
-att.timed.attribute.start =
- ## indicates the location within a temporal alignment at which this element begins.
- attribute start { data.pointer }?
-att.timed.attribute.end =
- ## indicates the location within a temporal alignment at which this element ends.
- attribute end { data.pointer }?
-att.transcriptional.attributes =
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attribute.hand,
- att.transcriptional.attribute.status,
- att.transcriptional.attribute.cause,
- att.transcriptional.attribute.seq
-att.transcriptional.attribute.hand =
- ## indicates the hand of the agent which made the intervention.
- attribute hand { data.pointer }?
-att.transcriptional.attribute.status =
- ## indicates the effect of the intervention, for example in the case of a deletion, strikeouts which include too much or too little text, or in the case of an addition, an insertion which duplicates some of the text already present.
- ## Sample values include: 1] duplicate; 2] duplicate-partial; 3] excessStart; 4] excessEnd; 5] shortStart; 6] shortEnd; 7] partial; 8] unremarkable
- [ a:defaultValue = "unremarkable" ]
- attribute status { data.enumerated }?
-att.transcriptional.attribute.cause =
- ## documents the presumed cause for the intervention.
- attribute cause {
- ## repeated for the purpose of fixation
- "fix"
- |
- ## repeated to clarify a previously illegible or badly written text or mark
- "unclear"
- }?
-att.transcriptional.attribute.seq =
- ## (sequence) assigns a sequence number related to the order in which the encoded features carrying this attribute are believed to have occurred.
- attribute seq { data.count }?
-att.translatable.attributes = att.translatable.attribute.versionDate
-att.translatable.attribute.versionDate =
- ## specifies the date on which the source text was extracted and sent to the translator
- attribute versionDate { data.temporal.w3c }?
-att.citing.attributes =
- att.citing.attribute.unit,
- att.citing.attribute.from,
- att.citing.attribute.to
-att.citing.attribute.unit =
- ## identifies the unit of information conveyed by the element, e.g. columns, pages, volume.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] volume; 2] issue; 3] page; 4] line; 5] chapter; 6] part; 7] column
- attribute unit {
- ## the element contains a volume number.
- "volume"
- |
- ## the element contains an issue number, or volume and issue numbers.
- "issue"
- |
- ## the element contains a page number or page range.
- "page"
- |
- ## the element contains a line number or line range.
- "line"
- |
- ## the element contains a chapter indication (number and/or title)
- "chapter"
- |
- ## the element identifies a part of a book or collection.
- "part"
- |
- ## the element identifies a column.
- "column"
- | xsd:Name
- }?
-att.citing.attribute.from =
- ## specifies the starting point of the range of units indicated by the unit attribute.
- attribute from { data.word }?
-att.citing.attribute.to =
- ## specifies the end-point of the range of units indicated by the unit attribute.
- attribute to { data.word }?
-model.nameLike.agent = name | orgName | persName
-model.nameLike.agent_alternation = name | orgName | persName
-model.nameLike.agent_sequence = name, orgName, persName
-model.nameLike.agent_sequenceOptional = name?, orgName?, persName?
-model.nameLike.agent_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- name*, orgName*, persName*
-model.nameLike.agent_sequenceRepeatable = name+, orgName+, persName+
-model.segLike = seg | c
-model.hiLike = hi
-model.hiLike_alternation = hi
-model.hiLike_sequence = hi
-model.hiLike_sequenceOptional = hi?
-model.hiLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = hi*
-model.hiLike_sequenceRepeatable = hi+
-model.emphLike =
- foreign
- | emph
- | distinct
- | mentioned
- | soCalled
- | gloss
- | term
- | title
-model.emphLike_alternation =
- foreign
- | emph
- | distinct
- | mentioned
- | soCalled
- | gloss
- | term
- | title
-model.emphLike_sequence =
- foreign, emph, distinct, mentioned, soCalled, gloss, term, title
-model.emphLike_sequenceOptional =
- foreign?,
- emph?,
- distinct?,
- mentioned?,
- soCalled?,
- gloss?,
- term?,
- title?
-model.emphLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- foreign*,
- emph*,
- distinct*,
- mentioned*,
- soCalled*,
- gloss*,
- term*,
- title*
-model.emphLike_sequenceRepeatable =
- foreign+,
- emph+,
- distinct+,
- mentioned+,
- soCalled+,
- gloss+,
- term+,
- title+
-model.highlighted = model.hiLike | model.emphLike
-model.dateLike = date | time
-model.dateLike_alternation = date | time
-model.dateLike_sequence = date, time
-model.dateLike_sequenceOptional = date?, time?
-model.dateLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = date*, time*
-model.dateLike_sequenceRepeatable = date+, time+
-model.dimLike = height | depth | width
-model.measureLike =
- num | measure | measureGrp | geo | dim | height | depth | width
-model.measureLike_alternation =
- num | measure | measureGrp | geo | dim | height | depth | width
-model.measureLike_sequence =
- num, measure, measureGrp, geo, dim, height, depth, width
-model.measureLike_sequenceOptional =
- num?, measure?, measureGrp?, geo?, dim?, height?, depth?, width?
-model.measureLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- num*, measure*, measureGrp*, geo*, dim*, height*, depth*, width*
-model.measureLike_sequenceRepeatable =
- num+, measure+, measureGrp+, geo+, dim+, height+, depth+, width+
-model.egLike = notAllowed
-model.egLike_alternation = notAllowed
-model.egLike_sequence = empty
-model.egLike_sequenceOptional = empty
-model.egLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = empty
-model.egLike_sequenceRepeatable = notAllowed
-model.graphicLike = media | graphic | binaryObject | formula
-model.offsetLike = offset | geogFeat
-model.offsetLike_alternation = offset | geogFeat
-model.offsetLike_sequence = offset, geogFeat
-model.offsetLike_sequenceOptional = offset?, geogFeat?
-model.offsetLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = offset*, geogFeat*
-model.offsetLike_sequenceRepeatable = offset+, geogFeat+
-model.pPart.msdesc =
- catchwords
- | dimensions
- | heraldry
- | locus
- | locusGrp
- | material
- | objectType
- | origDate
- | origPlace
- | secFol
- | signatures
- | stamp
- | watermark
-model.pPart.editorial = choice | abbr | expan | ex | am | subst
-model.pPart.editorial_alternation =
- choice | abbr | expan | ex | am | subst
-model.pPart.editorial_sequence = choice, abbr, expan, ex, am, subst
-model.pPart.editorial_sequenceOptional =
- choice?, abbr?, expan?, ex?, am?, subst?
-model.pPart.editorial_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- choice*, abbr*, expan*, ex*, am*, subst*
-model.pPart.editorial_sequenceRepeatable =
- choice+, abbr+, expan+, ex+, am+, subst+
-model.pPart.transcriptional =
- sic
- | corr
- | reg
- | orig
- | add
- | del
- | unclear
- | damage
- | handShift
- | restore
- | supplied
- | surplus
- | mod
- | redo
- | retrace
- | undo
-model.pPart.transcriptional_alternation =
- sic
- | corr
- | reg
- | orig
- | add
- | del
- | unclear
- | damage
- | handShift
- | restore
- | supplied
- | surplus
- | mod
- | redo
- | retrace
- | undo
-model.pPart.transcriptional_sequence =
- sic,
- corr,
- reg,
- orig,
- add,
- del,
- unclear,
- damage,
- handShift,
- restore,
- supplied,
- surplus,
- mod,
- redo,
- retrace,
- undo
-model.pPart.transcriptional_sequenceOptional =
- sic?,
- corr?,
- reg?,
- orig?,
- add?,
- del?,
- unclear?,
- damage?,
- handShift?,
- restore?,
- supplied?,
- surplus?,
- mod?,
- redo?,
- retrace?,
- undo?
-model.pPart.transcriptional_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- sic*,
- corr*,
- reg*,
- orig*,
- add*,
- del*,
- unclear*,
- damage*,
- handShift*,
- restore*,
- supplied*,
- surplus*,
- mod*,
- redo*,
- retrace*,
- undo*
-model.pPart.transcriptional_sequenceRepeatable =
- sic+,
- corr+,
- reg+,
- orig+,
- add+,
- del+,
- unclear+,
- damage+,
- handShift+,
- restore+,
- supplied+,
- surplus+,
- mod+,
- redo+,
- retrace+,
- undo+
-model.pPart.edit = model.pPart.editorial | model.pPart.transcriptional
-model.linePart =
- model.segLike
- | model.hiLike
- | model.pPart.transcriptional
- | choice
- | zone
- | line
-model.ptrLike = ptr | ref
-model.global.meta =
- index
- | link
- | linkGrp
- | timeline
- | join
- | joinGrp
- | alt
- | altGrp
- | substJoin
- | listTranspose
- | span
-model.milestoneLike = milestone | gb | pb | lb | cb | anchor | fw
-model.gLike = notAllowed
-model.biblLike = bibl | biblStruct | listBibl | biblFull | msDesc
-model.biblLike_alternation =
- bibl | biblStruct | listBibl | biblFull | msDesc
-model.biblLike_sequence = bibl, biblStruct, listBibl, biblFull, msDesc
-model.biblLike_sequenceOptional =
- bibl?, biblStruct?, listBibl?, biblFull?, msDesc?
-model.biblLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- bibl*, biblStruct*, listBibl*, biblFull*, msDesc*
-model.biblLike_sequenceRepeatable =
- bibl+, biblStruct+, listBibl+, biblFull+, msDesc+
-model.headLike = head
-model.headLike_alternation = head
-model.headLike_sequence = head
-model.headLike_sequenceOptional = head?
-model.headLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = head*
-model.headLike_sequenceRepeatable = head+
-model.labelLike = desc | label
-model.labelLike_alternation = desc | label
-model.labelLike_sequence = desc, label
-model.labelLike_sequenceOptional = desc?, label?
-model.labelLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = desc*, label*
-model.labelLike_sequenceRepeatable = desc+, label+
-model.listLike =
- \list | listOrg | listEvent | listPerson | listPlace | listNym | table
-model.listLike_alternation =
- \list | listOrg | listEvent | listPerson | listPlace | listNym | table
-model.listLike_sequence =
- \list, listOrg, listEvent, listPerson, listPlace, listNym, table
-model.listLike_sequenceOptional =
- \list?,
- listOrg?,
- listEvent?,
- listPerson?,
- listPlace?,
- listNym?,
- table?
-model.listLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- \list*,
- listOrg*,
- listEvent*,
- listPerson*,
- listPlace*,
- listNym*,
- table*
-model.listLike_sequenceRepeatable =
- \list+,
- listOrg+,
- listEvent+,
- listPerson+,
- listPlace+,
- listNym+,
- table+
-model.noteLike = note
-model.lLike = l
-model.lLike_alternation = l
-model.lLike_sequence = l
-model.lLike_sequenceOptional = l?
-model.lLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = l*
-model.lLike_sequenceRepeatable = l+
-model.pLike = p | ab
-model.pLike_alternation = p | ab
-model.pLike_sequence = p, ab
-model.pLike_sequenceOptional = p?, ab?
-model.pLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = p*, ab*
-model.pLike_sequenceRepeatable = p+, ab+
-model.stageLike = stage
-model.stageLike_alternation = stage
-model.stageLike_sequence = stage
-model.stageLike_sequenceOptional = stage?
-model.stageLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = stage*
-model.stageLike_sequenceRepeatable = stage+
-model.entryPart = notAllowed
-model.global.edit = gap | addSpan | damageSpan | delSpan | space
-model.divPart = model.lLike | model.pLike | lg | sp
-model.persStateLike =
- persName
- | affiliation
- | age
- | education
- | faith
- | floruit
- | langKnowledge
- | nationality
- | occupation
- | residence
- | sex
- | socecStatus
- | state
- | trait
-model.persEventLike = birth | death | event | listEvent
-model.personLike = org | person | personGrp
-model.personPart =
- model.biblLike | model.persStateLike | model.persEventLike | idno
-model.placeNamePart =
- placeName | bloc | country | region | district | settlement | geogName
-model.placeNamePart_alternation =
- placeName | bloc | country | region | district | settlement | geogName
-model.placeNamePart_sequence =
- placeName, bloc, country, region, district, settlement, geogName
-model.placeNamePart_sequenceOptional =
- placeName?,
- bloc?,
- country?,
- region?,
- district?,
- settlement?,
- geogName?
-model.placeNamePart_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- placeName*,
- bloc*,
- country*,
- region*,
- district*,
- settlement*,
- geogName*
-model.placeNamePart_sequenceRepeatable =
- placeName+,
- bloc+,
- country+,
- region+,
- district+,
- settlement+,
- geogName+
-model.placeStateLike =
- model.placeNamePart
- | climate
- | location
- | population
- | state
- | terrain
- | trait
-model.placeStateLike_alternation =
- model.placeNamePart_alternation
- | climate
- | location
- | population
- | state
- | terrain
- | trait
-model.placeStateLike_sequence =
- model.placeNamePart_sequence,
- climate,
- location,
- population,
- state,
- terrain,
- trait
-model.placeStateLike_sequenceOptional =
- model.placeNamePart_sequenceOptional?,
- climate?,
- location?,
- population?,
- state?,
- terrain?,
- trait?
-model.placeStateLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- model.placeNamePart_sequenceOptionalRepeatable*,
- climate*,
- location*,
- population*,
- state*,
- terrain*,
- trait*
-model.placeStateLike_sequenceRepeatable =
- model.placeNamePart_sequenceRepeatable+,
- climate+,
- location+,
- population+,
- state+,
- terrain+,
- trait+
-model.placeEventLike = event
-model.orgPart = listOrg | listPerson | listPlace
-model.publicationStmtPart.agency = publisher | distributor | authority
-model.publicationStmtPart.detail =
- address | date | pubPlace | idno | availability
-model.availabilityPart = licence
-model.certLike = notAllowed
-model.descLike = desc
-model.glossLike = gloss
-model.quoteLike = quote | cit
-model.quoteLike_alternation = quote | cit
-model.quoteLike_sequence = quote, cit
-model.quoteLike_sequenceOptional = quote?, cit?
-model.quoteLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable = quote*, cit*
-model.quoteLike_sequenceRepeatable = quote+, cit+
-model.qLike = model.quoteLike | said | q | floatingText
-model.qLike_alternation =
- model.quoteLike_alternation | said | q | floatingText
-model.qLike_sequence = model.quoteLike_sequence, said, q, floatingText
-model.qLike_sequenceOptional =
- model.quoteLike_sequenceOptional?, said?, q?, floatingText?
-model.qLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- model.quoteLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable*, said*, q*, floatingText*
-model.qLike_sequenceRepeatable =
- model.quoteLike_sequenceRepeatable+, said+, q+, floatingText+
-model.respLike =
- author | editor | respStmt | meeting | sponsor | funder | principal
-model.divWrapper =
- meeting
- | byline
- | dateline
- | argument
- | epigraph
- | salute
- | docAuthor
- | docDate
-model.divTopPart = model.headLike | opener | signed
-model.divTop = model.divWrapper | model.divTopPart
-model.pLike.front =
- head
- | byline
- | argument
- | epigraph
- | docTitle
- | titlePart
- | docAuthor
- | docEdition
- | docImprint
- | docDate
-model.divBottomPart = trailer | closer | signed | postscript
-model.divBottom = model.divWrapper | model.divBottomPart
-model.titlepagePart =
- graphic
- | binaryObject
- | byline
- | argument
- | epigraph
- | docTitle
- | titlePart
- | docAuthor
- | imprimatur
- | docEdition
- | docImprint
- | docDate
-model.msQuoteLike =
- title | colophon | explicit | finalRubric | incipit | rubric
-model.msItemPart =
- model.biblLike
- | model.quoteLike
- | model.respLike
- | model.msQuoteLike
- | textLang
- | idno
- | filiation
- | msItem
- | msItemStruct
- | decoNote
-model.choicePart =
- sic | corr | reg | orig | unclear | abbr | expan | seg | ex | am
-model.imprintPart = publisher | biblScope | pubPlace | distributor
-model.catDescPart = notAllowed
-model.physDescPart_sequenceOptional =
- objectDesc?,
- handDesc?,
- typeDesc?,
- scriptDesc?,
- musicNotation?,
- decoDesc?,
- additions?,
- bindingDesc?,
- sealDesc?,
- accMat?
-model.addressLike = email | address | affiliation
-model.addressLike_alternation = email | address | affiliation
-model.addressLike_sequence = email, address, affiliation
-model.addressLike_sequenceOptional = email?, address?, affiliation?
-model.addressLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- email*, address*, affiliation*
-model.addressLike_sequenceRepeatable = email+, address+, affiliation+
-model.nameLike =
- model.nameLike.agent
- | model.offsetLike
- | model.placeStateLike
- | rs
- | idno
- | model.persNamePart
-model.nameLike_alternation =
- model.nameLike.agent_alternation
- | model.offsetLike_alternation
- | model.placeStateLike_alternation
- | rs
- | idno
- | model.persNamePart_alternation
-model.nameLike_sequence =
- model.nameLike.agent_sequence,
- model.offsetLike_sequence,
- model.placeStateLike_sequence,
- rs,
- idno,
- model.persNamePart_sequence
-model.nameLike_sequenceOptional =
- model.nameLike.agent_sequenceOptional?,
- model.offsetLike_sequenceOptional?,
- model.placeStateLike_sequenceOptional?,
- rs?,
- idno?,
- model.persNamePart_sequenceOptional?
-model.nameLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- model.nameLike.agent_sequenceOptionalRepeatable*,
- model.offsetLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable*,
- model.placeStateLike_sequenceOptionalRepeatable*,
- rs*,
- idno*,
- model.persNamePart_sequenceOptionalRepeatable*
-model.nameLike_sequenceRepeatable =
- model.nameLike.agent_sequenceRepeatable+,
- model.offsetLike_sequenceRepeatable+,
- model.placeStateLike_sequenceRepeatable+,
- rs+,
- idno+,
- model.persNamePart_sequenceRepeatable+
-model.global =
- model.global.meta
- | model.milestoneLike
- | model.noteLike
- | model.global.edit
- | metamark
- | notatedMusic
- | figure
-model.biblPart =
- model.respLike
- | model.imprintPart
- | series
- | citedRange
- | bibl
- | relatedItem
- | textLang
- | edition
- | extent
- | availability
- | listRelation
- | msIdentifier
-model.frontPart = divGen | titlePage
-model.addrPart = model.nameLike | addrLine | street | postCode | postBox
-model.pPart.data =
- model.dateLike
- | model.measureLike
- | model.addressLike
- | model.nameLike
-model.inter =
- model.egLike
- | model.biblLike
- | model.labelLike
- | model.listLike
- | model.stageLike
- | model.qLike
-model.common = model.divPart | model.inter
-model.phrase =
- model.segLike
- | model.highlighted
- | model.graphicLike
- | model.pPart.msdesc
- | model.pPart.edit
- | model.ptrLike
- | model.pPart.data
-model.limitedPhrase =
- model.hiLike
- | model.emphLike
- | model.pPart.msdesc
- | model.pPart.editorial
- | model.ptrLike
- | model.pPart.data
-model.divLike = \div
-model.divGenLike = divGen
-model.div1Like = div1
-model.div2Like = div2
-model.div3Like = div3
-model.div4Like = div4
-model.div5Like = div5
-model.div6Like = div6
-model.div7Like = div7
-model.applicationLike = application
-model.teiHeaderPart = encodingDesc | profileDesc
-model.sourceDescPart = notAllowed
-model.encodingDescPart =
- projectDesc
- | samplingDecl
- | editorialDecl
- | tagsDecl
- | styleDefDecl
- | refsDecl
- | listPrefixDef
- | classDecl
- | geoDecl
- | appInfo
-model.editorialDeclPart =
- correction
- | normalization
- | quotation
- | hyphenation
- | segmentation
- | stdVals
- | interpretation
- | punctuation
-model.profileDescPart =
- abstract
- | creation
- | langUsage
- | textClass
- | calendarDesc
- | handNotes
- | listTranspose
-att.source.attributes = att.source.attribute.source
-att.source.attribute.source =
- ## provides a pointer to the bibliographical source from which a quotation or citation is drawn.
- attribute source {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-model.resourceLike = facsimile | sourceDoc
-att.personal.attributes =
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.personal.attribute.full,
- att.personal.attribute.sort
-att.personal.attribute.full =
- ## indicates whether the name component is given in full, as an abbreviation or simply as an initial.
- [ a:defaultValue = "yes" ]
- attribute full {
- ## the name component is spelled out in full.
- "yes"
- |
- ## (abbreviated) the name component is given in an abbreviated form.
- "abb"
- |
- ## (initial letter) the name component is indicated only by one initial.
- "init"
- }?
-att.personal.attribute.sort =
- ## specifies the sort order of the name component in relation to others within the name.
- attribute sort { data.count }?
-model.placeLike = place
-att.milestoneUnit.attributes = att.milestoneUnit.attribute.unit
-att.milestoneUnit.attribute.unit =
- ## provides a conventional name for the kind of section changing at this milestone.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] page; 2] column; 3] line; 4] book; 5] poem; 6] canto; 7] speaker; 8] stanza; 9] act; 10] scene; 11] section; 12] absent; 13] unnumbered
- attribute unit {
- ## physical page breaks (synonymous with the pb element).
- "page"
- |
- ## column breaks.
- "column"
- |
- ## line breaks (synonymous with the lb element).
- "line"
- |
- ## any units termed book, liber, etc.
- "book"
- |
- ## individual poems in a collection.
- "poem"
- |
- ## cantos or other major sections of a poem.
- "canto"
- |
- ## changes of speaker or narrator.
- "speaker"
- |
- ## stanzas within a poem, book, or canto.
- "stanza"
- |
- ## acts within a play.
- "act"
- |
- ## scenes within a play or act.
- "scene"
- |
- ## sections of any kind.
- "section"
- |
- ## passages not present in the reference edition.
- "absent"
- |
- ## passages present in the text, but not to be included as part of the reference.
- "unnumbered"
- | xsd:Name
- }
-p =
- ## (paragraph) marks paragraphs in prose. [3.1. 7.2.5. ]
- element p {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.fragmentable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-foreign =
- ## identifies a word or phrase as belonging to some language other than that of the surrounding text. [ ]
- element foreign { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-emph =
- ## (emphasized) marks words or phrases which are stressed or emphasized for linguistic or rhetorical effect. [ 3.3.2. ]
- element emph { macro.paraContent, att.global.attributes, empty }
-hi =
- ## (highlighted) marks a word or phrase as graphically distinct from the surrounding text, for reasons concerning which no claim is made. [ 3.3.2. ]
- element hi { macro.paraContent, att.global.attributes, empty }
-distinct =
- ## identifies any word or phrase which is regarded as linguistically distinct, for example as archaic, technical, dialectal, non-preferred, etc., or as forming part of a sublanguage. [ ]
- element distinct {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## specifies the sublanguage or register to which the word or phrase is being assigned
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?,
- ## specifies how the phrase is distinct diachronically
- attribute time { data.text }?,
- ## specifies how the phrase is distinct diatopically
- attribute space { data.text }?,
- ## specifies how the phrase is distinct diastatically
- attribute social { data.text }?,
- empty
- }
-said =
- ## (speech or thought) indicates passages thought or spoken aloud, whether explicitly indicated in the source or not, whether directly or indirectly reported, whether by real people or fictional characters. [3.3.3. ]
- element said {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.ascribed.attributes,
- ## may be used to indicate whether the quoted matter is regarded as having been vocalized or signed.
- [ a:defaultValue = "unknown" ]
- attribute aloud { data.xTruthValue }?,
- ## may be used to indicate whether the quoted matter is regarded as direct or indirect speech.
- [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute direct { data.xTruthValue }?,
- empty
- }
-quote =
- ## (quotation) contains a phrase or passage attributed by the narrator or author to some agency external to the text. [3.3.3. 4.3.1. ]
- element quote {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.msExcerpt.attributes,
- att.source.attributes,
- empty
- }
-q =
- ## (quoted) contains material which is distinguished from the surrounding text using quotation marks or a similar method, for any one of a variety of reasons including, but not limited to: direct speech or thought, technical terms or jargon, authorial distance, quotations from elsewhere, and passages that are mentioned but not used. [3.3.3. ]
- element q {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.ascribed.attributes,
- att.source.attributes,
- ## may be used to indicate whether the offset passage is spoken or thought, or to characterize it more finely.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] spoken; 2] thought; 3] written; 4] soCalled; 5] foreign; 6] distinct; 7] term; 8] emph; 9] mentioned
- attribute type {
- ## representation of speech
- "spoken"
- |
- ## representation of thought, e.g. internal monologue
- "thought"
- |
- ## quotation from a written source
- "written"
- |
- ## authorial distance
- "soCalled"
- |
- ##
- "foreign"
- |
- ## linguistically distinct
- "distinct"
- |
- ## technical term
- "term"
- |
- ## rhetorically emphasized
- "emph"
- |
- ## refering to itself, not its normal referent
- "mentioned"
- | xsd:Name
- }?,
- empty
- }
-cit =
- ## (cited quotation) contains a quotation from some other document, together with a bibliographic reference to its source. In a dictionary it may contain an example text with at least one occurrence of the word form, used in the sense being described, or a translation of the headword, or an example. [3.3.3. 4.3.1. ]
- element cit {
- (model.qLike
- | model.egLike
- | model.biblLike
- | model.ptrLike
- | model.global
- | model.entryPart)+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-mentioned =
- ## marks words or phrases mentioned, not used. [3.3.3. ]
- element mentioned { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-soCalled =
- ## contains a word or phrase for which the author or narrator indicates a disclaiming of responsibility, for example by the use of scare quotes or italics. [3.3.3. ]
- element soCalled { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-desc =
- ## (description) contains a brief description of the object documented by its parent element, including its intended usage, purpose, or application where this is appropriate. [22.4.1. ]
- element desc {
- macro.limitedContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.translatable.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-gloss =
- ## identifies a phrase or word used to provide a gloss or definition for some other word or phrase. [3.3.4. 22.4.1. ]
- element gloss {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.translatable.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- att.cReferencing.attributes,
- empty
- }
-term =
- ## contains a single-word, multi-word, or symbolic designation which is regarded as a technical term. [3.3.4. ]
- element term {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- att.cReferencing.attributes,
- empty
- }
-sic =
- ## (Latin for thus or so
- ## ) contains text reproduced although apparently incorrect or inaccurate. [3.4.1. ]
- element sic {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- empty
- }
-corr =
- ## (correction) contains the correct form of a passage apparently erroneous in the copy text. [3.4.1. ]
- element corr {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-choice =
- ## groups a number of alternative encodings for the same point in a text. [3.4. ]
- element choice {
- (model.choicePart | choice)*, att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-reg =
- ## (regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense. [3.4.2. 12. ]
- element reg {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-orig =
- ## (original form) contains a reading which is marked as following the original, rather than being normalized or corrected. [3.4.2. 12. ]
- element orig {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- empty
- }
-gap =
- ## indicates a point where material has been omitted in a transcription, whether for editorial reasons described in the TEI header, as part of sampling practice, or because the material is illegible, invisible, or inaudible. [3.4.3. ]
- element gap {
- (model.descLike | model.certLike)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- ## gives the reason for omission. Sample values include sampling, inaudible, irrelevant, cancelled.
- attribute reason {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?,
- ## in the case of text omitted from the transcription because of deliberate deletion by an identifiable hand, indicates the hand which made the deletion.
- attribute hand { data.pointer }?,
- ## in the case of text omitted because of damage, categorizes the cause of the damage, if it can be identified.
- ## Sample values include: 1] rubbing; 2] mildew; 3] smoke
- attribute agent { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-add =
- ## (addition) contains letters, words, or phrases inserted in the source text by an author, scribe, or a previous annotator or corrector. [3.4.3. ]
- element add {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attributes,
- att.placement.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-del =
- ## (deletion) contains a letter, word, or passage deleted, marked as deleted, or otherwise indicated as superfluous or spurious in the copy text by an author, scribe, or a previous annotator or corrector. [3.4.3. ]
- element del {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-unclear =
- ## contains a word, phrase, or passage which cannot be transcribed with certainty because it is illegible or inaudible in the source. [ 3.4.3. ]
- element unclear {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- ## indicates why the material is hard to transcribe.
- attribute reason {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?,
- ## Where the difficulty in transcription arises from action (partial deletion, etc.) assignable to an identifiable hand, signifies the hand responsible for the action.
- attribute hand { data.pointer }?,
- ## Where the difficulty in transcription arises from damage, categorizes the cause of the damage, if it can be identified.
- ## Sample values include: 1] rubbing; 2] mildew; 3] smoke
- attribute agent { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-name =
- ## (name, proper noun) contains a proper noun or noun phrase. [3.5.1. ]
- element name {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.personal.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-rs =
- ## (referencing string) contains a general purpose name or referring string. [13.2.1. 3.5.1. ]
- element rs {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- empty
- }
-email =
- ## (electronic mail address) contains an email address identifying a location to which email messages can be delivered. [3.5.2. ]
- element email { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-address =
- ## contains a postal address, for example of a publisher, an organization, or an individual. [3.5.2. 2.2.4. ]
- element address {
- (model.global*, (model.addrPart, model.global*)+),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-addrLine =
- ## (address line) contains one line of a postal address. [3.5.2. 2.2.4. ]
- element addrLine { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-street =
- ## contains a full street address including any name or number identifying a building as well as the name of the street or route on which it is located. [3.5.2. ]
- element street { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-postCode =
- ## (postal code) contains a numerical or alphanumeric code used as part of a postal address to simplify sorting or delivery of mail. [3.5.2. ]
- element postCode { text, att.global.attributes, empty }
-postBox =
- ## (postal box or post office box) contains a number or other identifier for some postal delivery point other than a street address. [3.5.2. ]
- element postBox { text, att.global.attributes, empty }
-num =
- ## (number) contains a number, written in any form. [3.5.3. ]
- element num {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.ranging.attributes,
- ## indicates the type of numeric value.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] cardinal; 2] ordinal; 3] fraction; 4] percentage
- attribute type {
- ## absolute number, e.g. 21, 21.5
- "cardinal"
- |
- ## ordinal number, e.g. 21st
- "ordinal"
- |
- ## fraction, e.g. one half or three-quarters
- "fraction"
- |
- ## a percentage
- "percentage"
- | xsd:Name
- }?,
- ## supplies the value of the number in standard form.
- attribute value { data.numeric }?,
- empty
- }
-measure =
- ## contains a word or phrase referring to some quantity of an object or commodity, usually comprising a number, a unit, and a commodity name. [3.5.3. ]
- element measure {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.measurement.attributes,
- ## specifies the type of measurement in any convenient typology.
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-measureGrp =
- ## (measure group) contains a group of dimensional specifications which relate to the same object, for example the height and width of a manuscript page. [10.3.4. ]
- element measureGrp {
- (text | model.gLike | model.measureLike)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.measurement.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-date =
- ## contains a date in any format. [3.5.4. 2.2.4. 2.5. 15.2.3. 13.3.6. ]
- element date {
- (text | model.gLike | model.phrase | model.global)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-time =
- ## contains a phrase defining a time of day in any format. [3.5.4. ]
- element time {
- (text | model.gLike | model.phrase | model.global)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-abbr =
- ## (abbreviation) contains an abbreviation of any sort. [3.5.5. ]
- element abbr {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- att.typed.attribute.subtype,
- ## allows the encoder to classify the abbreviation according to some convenient typology.
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-expan =
- ## (expansion) contains the expansion of an abbreviation. [3.5.5. ]
- element expan {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- empty
- }
-ptr =
- ## (pointer) defines a pointer to another location. [3.6. 16.1. ]
- element ptr {
- empty
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-ptr-ptrAtts-constraint-1"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:ptr"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "@target and @cRef"
- "Only one of the\x{a}" ~
- "attributes @target and @cRef may be supplied on "
- sch:name [ ]
- "."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- att.internetMedia.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.cReferencing.attributes,
- empty
- }
-ref =
- ## (reference) defines a reference to another location, possibly modified by additional text or comment. [3.6. 16.1. ]
- element ref {
- macro.paraContent
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-ref-refAtts-constraint-2"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:ref"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "@target and @cRef"
- "Only one of the\x{a}" ~
- " attributes @target' and @cRef' may be supplied on "
- sch:name [ ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- att.internetMedia.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.cReferencing.attributes,
- empty
- }
-\list =
- ## contains any sequence of items organized as a list. [3.7. ]
- element list {
- ((model.divTop | model.global)*,
- ((item, model.global*)+
- | (headLabel?,
- headItem?,
- (label, model.global*, item, model.global*)+)),
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- att.typed.attribute.subtype,
- ## describes the nature of the items in the list.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] gloss; 2] index; 3] instructions; 4] litany; 5] syllogism
- attribute type {
- ## each list item glosses some term or concept, which is given by a label element preceding the list item.
- "gloss"
- |
- ## each list item is an entry in an index such as the alphabetical topical index at the back of a print volume.
- "index"
- |
- ## each list item is a step in a sequence of instructions, as in a recipe.
- "instructions"
- |
- ## each list item is one of a sequence of petitions, supplications or invocations, typically in a religious ritual.
- "litany"
- |
- ## each list item is part of an argument consisting of two or more propositions and a final conclusion derived from them.
- "syllogism"
- | xsd:Name
- }?,
- empty
- }
-item =
- ## contains one component of a list. [3.7. 2.5. ]
- element item {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-label =
- ## contains any label or heading used to identify part of a text, typically but not exclusively in a list or glossary. [3.7. ]
- element label {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.placement.attributes,
- empty
- }
-head =
- ## (heading) contains any type of heading, for example the title of a section, or the heading of a list, glossary, manuscript description, etc. [4.2.1. ]
- element head {
- (text
- | lg
- | model.gLike
- | model.phrase
- | model.inter
- | model.lLike
- | model.global)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-headLabel =
- ## (heading for list labels) contains the heading for the label or term column in a glossary list or similar structured list. [3.7. ]
- element headLabel { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-headItem =
- ## (heading for list items) contains the heading for the item or gloss column in a glossary list or similar structured list. [3.7. ]
- element headItem { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-note =
- ## contains a note or annotation. [3.8.1. 2.2.6. ]
- element note {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.placement.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- ## indicates whether the copy text shows the exact place of reference for the note.
- [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute anchored { data.truthValue }?,
- ## points to the end of the span to which the note is attached, if the note is not embedded in the text at that point.
- attribute targetEnd {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-index =
- ## (index entry) marks a location to be indexed for whatever purpose. [3.8.2. ]
- element index {
- (term, index?)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- ## a single word which follows the rules defining a legal XML name (see ), supplying a name to specify which index (of several) the index entry belongs to.
- attribute indexName { data.name }?,
- empty
- }
-media =
- ## indicates the location of any form of external media such as an audio or video clip etc. [3.9. ]
- element media {
- model.descLike*,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.media.attribute.width,
- att.media.attribute.height,
- att.media.attribute.scale,
- att.resourced.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.timed.attributes,
- ## (MIME media type) specifies the applicable multimedia internet mail extension (MIME) media type
- attribute mimeType {
- list { data.word+ }
- },
- empty
- }
-graphic =
- ## indicates the location of an inline graphic, illustration, or figure. [3.9. ]
- element graphic {
- model.descLike*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.media.attributes,
- att.resourced.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-binaryObject =
- ## provides encoded binary data representing an inline graphic, audio, video or other object. [3.9. ]
- element binaryObject {
- text,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.media.attributes,
- att.timed.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- ## The encoding used to encode the binary data. If not specified, this is assumed to be Base64.
- attribute encoding {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-milestone =
- ## marks a boundary point separating any kind of section of a text, typically but not necessarily indicating a point at which some part of a standard reference system changes, where the change is not represented by a structural element. [3.10.3. ]
- element milestone {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.milestoneUnit.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.edition.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- att.breaking.attributes,
- empty
- }
-gb =
- ## (gathering begins) marks the point in a transcribed codex at which a new gathering or quire begins. [3.10.3. ]
- element gb {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- att.breaking.attributes,
- empty
- }
-pb =
- ## (page break) marks the start of a new page in a paginated document. [3.10.3. ]
- element pb {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.edition.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- att.breaking.attributes,
- empty
- }
-lb =
- ## (line break) marks the start of a new (typographic) line in some edition or version of a text. [3.10.3. 7.2.5. ]
- element lb {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.edition.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- att.breaking.attributes,
- empty
- }
-cb =
- ## (column break) marks the beginning of a new column of a text on a multi-column page. [3.10.3. ]
- element cb {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.edition.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- att.breaking.attributes,
- empty
- }
-analytic =
- ## (analytic level) contains bibliographic elements describing an item (e.g. an article or poem) published within a monograph or journal and not as an independent publication. [ ]
- element analytic {
- (author
- | editor
- | respStmt
- | title
- | model.ptrLike
- | date
- | textLang
- | idno
- | availability)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-monogr =
- ## (monographic level) contains bibliographic elements describing an item (e.g. a book or journal) published as an independent item (i.e. as a separate physical object). [ ]
- element monogr {
- ((((author | editor | meeting | respStmt),
- (author | editor | meeting | respStmt)*,
- title+,
- (model.ptrLike | idno | textLang | editor | respStmt)*)
- | ((title | model.ptrLike | idno)+,
- (textLang | author | editor | meeting | respStmt)*)
- | (authority, idno))?,
- availability*,
- model.noteLike*,
- (edition,
- (idno | model.ptrLike | editor | sponsor | funder | respStmt)*)*,
- imprint,
- (imprint | extent | biblScope)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-series =
- ## (series information) contains information about the series in which a book or other bibliographic item has appeared. [ ]
- element series {
- (text
- | model.gLike
- | title
- | model.ptrLike
- | editor
- | respStmt
- | biblScope
- | idno
- | textLang
- | model.global
- | availability)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-author =
- ## in a bibliographic reference, contains the name(s) of an author, personal or corporate, of a work; for example in the same form as that provided by a recognized bibliographic name authority. [ 2.2.1. ]
- element author {
- macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, att.naming.attributes, empty
- }
-editor =
- ## contains a secondary statement of responsibility for a bibliographic item, for example the name of an individual, institution or organization, (or of several such) acting as editor, compiler, translator, etc. [ ]
- element editor {
- macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, att.naming.attributes, empty
- }
-respStmt =
- ## (statement of responsibility) supplies a statement of responsibility for the intellectual content of a text, edition, recording, or series, where the specialized elements for authors, editors, etc. do not suffice or do not apply. May also be used to encode information about individuals or organizations which have played a role in the production or distribution of a bibliographic work. [ 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.5. ]
- element respStmt {
- ((resp+, model.nameLike.agent+) | (model.nameLike.agent+, resp+)),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- empty
- }
-resp =
- ## (responsibility) contains a phrase describing the nature of a person's intellectual responsibility, or an organization's role in the production or distribution of a work. [ 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.5. ]
- element resp {
- macro.phraseSeq.limited,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-title =
- ## contains a title for any kind of work. [ 2.2.1. 2.2.5. ]
- element title {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- att.typed.attribute.subtype,
- ## classifies the title according to some convenient typology.
- ## Sample values include: 1] main; 2] sub(subordinate) ; 3] alt(alternate) ; 4] short; 5] desc(descriptive)
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?,
- ## indicates the bibliographic level for a title, that is, whether it identifies an article, book, journal, series, or unpublished material.
- attribute level {
- ## (analytic) the title applies to an analytic item, such as an article, poem, or other work published as part of a larger item.
- "a"
- |
- ## (monographic) the title applies to a monograph such as a book or other item considered to be a distinct publication, including single volumes of multi-volume works
- "m"
- |
- ## (journal) the title applies to any serial or periodical publication such as a journal, magazine, or newspaper
- "j"
- |
- ## (series) the title applies to a series of otherwise distinct publications such as a collection
- "s"
- |
- ## (unpublished) the title applies to any unpublished material (including theses and dissertations unless published by a commercial press)
- "u"
- }?,
- empty
- }
-meeting =
- ## contains the formalized descriptive title for a meeting or conference, for use in a bibliographic description for an item derived from such a meeting, or as a heading or preamble to publications emanating from it. [ ]
- element meeting {
- macro.limitedContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- empty
- }
-imprint =
- ## groups information relating to the publication or distribution of a bibliographic item. [ ]
- element imprint {
- ((classCode | catRef)*,
- ((model.imprintPart | model.dateLike), respStmt*, model.global*)+),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-publisher =
- ## provides the name of the organization responsible for the publication or distribution of a bibliographic item. [ 2.2.4. ]
- element publisher { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-biblScope =
- ## (scope of bibliographic reference) defines the scope of a bibliographic reference, for example as a list of page numbers, or a named subdivision of a larger work. [ ]
- element biblScope {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.citing.attributes,
- ## identifies the type of information conveyed by the element, e.g. columns, pages, volume.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] vol(volume) ; 2] issue; 3] pp(pages) ; 4] ll(lines) ; 5] chap(chapter) ; 6] part
- attribute type {
- ## (volume) the element contains a volume number.
- "vol"
- |
- ## the element contains an issue number, or volume and issue numbers.
- "issue"
- |
- ## (pages) the element contains a page number or page range.
- "pp"
- |
- ## (lines) the element contains a line number or line range.
- "ll"
- |
- ## (chapter) the element contains a chapter indication (number and/or title)
- "chap"
- |
- ## the element identifies a part of a book or collection.
- "part"
- | xsd:Name
- }?,
- empty
- }
-citedRange =
- ## (cited range) defines the range of cited content, often represented by pages or other units [ ]
- element citedRange {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- att.citing.attributes,
- empty
- }
-pubPlace =
- ## (publication place) contains the name of the place where a bibliographic item was published. [ ]
- element pubPlace {
- macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, att.naming.attributes, empty
- }
-bibl =
- ## (bibliographic citation) contains a loosely-structured bibliographic citation of which the sub-components may or may not be explicitly tagged. [3.11.1. 2.2.7. 15.3.2. ]
- element bibl {
- (text
- | model.gLike
- | model.highlighted
- | model.pPart.data
- | model.pPart.edit
- | model.segLike
- | model.ptrLike
- | model.biblPart
- | model.global)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- att.docStatus.attributes,
- empty
- }
-biblStruct =
- ## (structured bibliographic citation) contains a structured bibliographic citation, in which only bibliographic sub-elements appear and in a specified order. [3.11.1. 2.2.7. 15.3.2. ]
- element biblStruct {
- (analytic*,
- (monogr, series*)+,
- (model.noteLike
- | idno
- | model.ptrLike
- | relatedItem
- | citedRange)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- att.docStatus.attributes,
- empty
- }
-listBibl =
- ## (citation list) contains a list of bibliographic citations of any kind. [3.11.1. 2.2.7. 15.3.2. ]
- element listBibl {
- (model.headLike*,
- (model.biblLike | model.milestoneLike)+,
- (relation | listRelation)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-relatedItem =
- ## contains or references some other bibliographic item which is related to the present one in some specified manner, for example as a constituent or alternative version of it. [ ]
- element relatedItem {
- ((model.biblLike | model.ptrLike)?)
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-relatedItem-targetorcontent1-constraint-3"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:relatedItem"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "@target and count( child::* ) > 0"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "If the @target attribute on "
- sch:name [ ]
- " is used, the\x{a}" ~
- "relatedItem element must be empty"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-relatedItem-targetorcontent1-constraint-6"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:relatedItem"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "@target or child::*"
- "A relatedItem element should have either a 'target' attribute\x{a}" ~
- " or a child element to indicate the related bibliographic item"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- ## points to the related bibliographic element by means of an absolute or relative URI reference
- attribute target { data.pointer }?,
- empty
- }
-l =
- ## (verse line) contains a single, possibly incomplete, line of verse. [3.12.1. 3.12. 7.2.5. ]
- element l {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.fragmentable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-lg =
- ## (line group) contains one or more verse lines functioning as a formal unit, e.g. a stanza, refrain, verse paragraph, etc. [3.12.1. 3.12. 7.2.5. ]
- element lg {
- ((model.divTop | model.global)*,
- (model.lLike | model.stageLike | model.labelLike | lg),
- (model.lLike
- | model.stageLike
- | model.labelLike
- | model.global
- | lg)*,
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*)
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-lg-atleast1oflggapl-constraint-7"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:lg"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test =
- "count(descendant::tei:lg|descendant::tei:l|descendant::tei:gap) > 0"
- "An lg element\x{a}" ~
- " must contain at least one child l, lg or gap element."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.divLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-sp =
- ## (speech) contains an individual speech in a performance text, or a passage presented as such in a prose or verse text. [3.12.2. 3.12. 7.2.2. ]
- element sp {
- (model.global*,
- (speaker, model.global*)?,
- ((lg
- | model.lLike
- | model.pLike
- | model.listLike
- | model.stageLike
- | model.qLike),
- model.global*)+),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.ascribed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-speaker =
- ## contains a specialized form of heading or label, giving the name of one or more speakers in a dramatic text or fragment. [3.12.2. ]
- element speaker { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-stage =
- ## (stage direction) contains any kind of stage direction within a dramatic text or fragment. [3.12.2. 3.12. 7.2.4. ]
- element stage {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.ascribed.attributes,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.placement.attributes,
- ## indicates the kind of stage direction.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] setting; 2] entrance; 3] exit; 4] business; 5] novelistic; 6] delivery; 7] modifier; 8] location; 9] mixed
- attribute type {
- ## describes a setting.
- "setting"
- |
- ## describes an entrance.
- "entrance"
- |
- ## describes an exit.
- "exit"
- |
- ## describes stage business.
- "business"
- |
- ## is a narrative, motivating stage direction.
- "novelistic"
- |
- ## describes how a character speaks.
- "delivery"
- |
- ## gives some detail about a character.
- "modifier"
- |
- ## describes a location.
- "location"
- |
- ## more than one of the above
- "mixed"
- | xsd:Name
- }?,
- empty
- }
-teiCorpus =
- ## contains the whole of a TEI encoded corpus, comprising a single corpus header and one or more TEI elements, each containing a single text header and a text. [4. 15.1. ]
- element teiCorpus {
- (teiHeader,
- ((model.resourceLike+, (TEI | teiCorpus)*)
- | (TEI | teiCorpus)+)),
- att.global.attributes,
- ## The version of the TEI scheme
- [ a:defaultValue = "5.0" ] attribute version { data.version }?,
- empty
- }
-divGen =
- ## (automatically generated text division) indicates the location at which a textual division generated automatically by a text-processing application is to appear. [3.8.2. ]
- element divGen {
- model.headLike*,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## specifies what type of generated text division (e.g. index, table of contents, etc.) is to appear.
- ## Sample values include: 1] index; 2] toc; 3] figlist; 4] tablist
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-textLang =
- ## (text language) describes the languages and writing systems identified within the bibliographic work being described, rather than its description. [ 10.6.6. ]
- element textLang {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## (main language) supplies a code which identifies the chief language used in the bibliographic work.
- attribute mainLang { data.language }?,
- ## (other languages) one or more codes identifying any other languages used in the bibliographic work.
- attribute otherLangs {
- list { data.language* }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-att.patternReplacement.attributes =
- att.patternReplacement.attribute.matchPattern,
- att.patternReplacement.attribute.replacementPattern
-att.patternReplacement.attribute.matchPattern =
- ## specifies a regular expression against which the values of other attributes can be matched.
- attribute matchPattern { data.pattern }
-att.patternReplacement.attribute.replacementPattern =
- ## specifies a replacement pattern, that is, the skeleton of a relative or absolute URI containing references to groups in the matchPattern which, once subpattern substitution has been performed, complete the URI.
- attribute replacementPattern { data.replacement }
-teiHeader =
- ## (TEI header) supplies the descriptive and declarative information making up an electronic title page for every TEI-conformant document. [2.1.1. 15.1. ]
- element teiHeader {
- (fileDesc, model.teiHeaderPart*, revisionDesc?),
- att.global.attributes,
- ## specifies the kind of document to which the header is attached, for example whether it is a corpus or individual text.
- ## Sample values include: 1] text; 2] corpus
- [ a:defaultValue = "text" ] attribute type { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-fileDesc =
- ## (file description) contains a full bibliographic description of an electronic file. [2.2. 2.1.1. ]
- element fileDesc {
- ((titleStmt,
- editionStmt?,
- extent?,
- publicationStmt,
- seriesStmt?,
- notesStmt?),
- sourceDesc+),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-titleStmt =
- ## (title statement) groups information about the title of a work and those responsible for its content. [2.2.1. 2.2. ]
- element titleStmt {
- (title+, model.respLike*), att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-sponsor =
- ## specifies the name of a sponsoring organization or institution. [2.2.1. ]
- element sponsor {
- macro.phraseSeq.limited,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- empty
- }
-funder =
- ## (funding body) specifies the name of an individual, institution, or organization responsible for the funding of a project or text. [2.2.1. ]
- element funder {
- macro.phraseSeq.limited,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- empty
- }
-principal =
- ## (principal researcher) supplies the name of the principal researcher responsible for the creation of an electronic text. [2.2.1. ]
- element principal {
- macro.phraseSeq.limited,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- empty
- }
-editionStmt =
- ## (edition statement) groups information relating to one edition of a text. [2.2.2. 2.2. ]
- element editionStmt {
- (model.pLike+ | (edition, model.respLike*)),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-edition =
- ## describes the particularities of one edition of a text. [2.2.2. ]
- element edition { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-extent =
- ## describes the approximate size of a text stored on some carrier medium or of some other object, digital or non-digital, specified in any convenient units. [2.2.3. 2.2. 10.7.1. ]
- element extent { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-publicationStmt =
- ## (publication statement) groups information concerning the publication or distribution of an electronic or other text. [2.2.4. 2.2. ]
- element publicationStmt {
- ((model.publicationStmtPart.agency,
- model.publicationStmtPart.detail*)+
- | model.pLike+),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-distributor =
- ## supplies the name of a person or other agency responsible for the distribution of a text. [2.2.4. ]
- element distributor { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-authority =
- ## (release authority) supplies the name of a person or other agency responsible for making a work available, other than a publisher or distributor. [2.2.4. ]
- element authority {
- macro.phraseSeq.limited, att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-idno =
- ## (identifier) supplies any form of identifier used to identify some object, such as a bibliographic item, a person, a title, an organization, etc. in a standardized way. [2.2.4. 2.2.5. ]
- element idno {
- (text | model.gLike | idno)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- ## categorizes the identifier, for example as an ISBN, Social Security number, etc.
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-availability =
- ## supplies information about the availability of a text, for example any restrictions on its use or distribution, its copyright status, any licence applying to it, etc. [2.2.4. ]
- element availability {
- (model.availabilityPart | model.pLike)+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- ## supplies a code identifying the current availability of the text.
- [ a:defaultValue = "unknown" ]
- attribute status {
- ## the text is freely available.
- "free"
- |
- ## the status of the text is unknown.
- "unknown"
- |
- ## the text is not freely available.
- "restricted"
- }?,
- empty
- }
-licence =
- ## contains information about a licence or other legal agreement applicable to the text. [2.2.4. ]
- element licence {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-seriesStmt =
- ## (series statement) groups information about the series, if any, to which a publication belongs. [2.2.5. 2.2. ]
- element seriesStmt {
- (model.pLike+
- | (title+, (editor | respStmt)*, (idno | biblScope)*)),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-notesStmt =
- ## (notes statement) collects together any notes providing information about a text additional to that recorded in other parts of the bibliographic description. [2.2.6. 2.2. ]
- element notesStmt {
- (model.noteLike | relatedItem)+, att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-sourceDesc =
- ## (source description) describes the source from which an electronic text was derived or generated, typically a bibliographic description in the case of a digitized text, or a phrase such as "born digital" for a text which has no previous existence. [2.2.7. ]
- element sourceDesc {
- (model.pLike+
- | (model.biblLike | model.sourceDescPart | model.listLike)+),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-biblFull =
- ## (fully-structured bibliographic citation) contains a fully-structured bibliographic citation, in which all components of the TEI file description are present. [3.11.1. 2.2. 2.2.7. 15.3.2. ]
- element biblFull {
- ((titleStmt,
- editionStmt?,
- extent?,
- publicationStmt,
- seriesStmt?,
- notesStmt?),
- sourceDesc*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- att.docStatus.attributes,
- empty
- }
-encodingDesc =
- ## (encoding description) documents the relationship between an electronic text and the source or sources from which it was derived. [2.3. 2.1.1. ]
- element encodingDesc {
- (model.encodingDescPart | model.pLike)+,
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-projectDesc =
- ## (project description) describes in detail the aim or purpose for which an electronic file was encoded, together with any other relevant information concerning the process by which it was assembled or collected. [2.3.1. 2.3. 15.3.2. ]
- element projectDesc {
- model.pLike+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-samplingDecl =
- ## (sampling declaration) contains a prose description of the rationale and methods used in sampling texts in the creation of a corpus or collection. [2.3.2. 2.3. 15.3.2. ]
- element samplingDecl {
- model.pLike+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-editorialDecl =
- ## (editorial practice declaration) provides details of editorial principles and practices applied during the encoding of a text. [2.3.3. 2.3. 15.3.2. ]
- element editorialDecl {
- (model.pLike | model.editorialDeclPart)+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-correction =
- ## (correction principles) states how and under what circumstances corrections have been made in the text. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
- element correction {
- model.pLike+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- ## indicates the degree of correction applied to the text.
- [ a:defaultValue = "unknown" ]
- attribute status {
- ## the text has been thoroughly checked and proofread.
- "high"
- |
- ## the text has been checked at least once.
- "medium"
- |
- ## the text has not been checked.
- "low"
- |
- ## the correction status of the text is unknown.
- "unknown"
- }?,
- ## indicates the method adopted to indicate corrections within the text.
- [ a:defaultValue = "silent" ]
- attribute method {
- ## corrections have been made silently
- "silent"
- |
- ## corrections have been represented using markup
- "markup"
- }?,
- empty
- }
-normalization =
- ## indicates the extent of normalization or regularization of the original source carried out in converting it to electronic form. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
- element normalization {
- model.pLike+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- ## indicates a bibliographic description or other resource documenting the principles underlying the normalization carried out.
- attribute source { data.pointer }?,
- ## indicates the method adopted to indicate normalizations within the text.
- [ a:defaultValue = "silent" ]
- attribute method {
- ## normalization made silently
- "silent"
- |
- ## normalization represented using markup
- "markup"
- }?,
- empty
- }
-quotation =
- ## specifies editorial practice adopted with respect to quotation marks in the original. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
- element quotation {
- (model.pLike*)
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-quotation-quotationContents-constraint-4"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:quotation"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "not(@marks) and not (tei:p)"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "On "
- sch:name [ ]
- ", either the @marks attribute should be used, or a paragraph of description provided"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- ## (quotation marks) indicates whether or not quotation marks have been retained as content within the text.
- attribute marks {
- ## no quotation marks have been retained
- "none"
- |
- ## some quotation marks have been retained
- "some"
- |
- ## all quotation marks have been retained
- "all"
- }?,
- empty
- }
-hyphenation =
- ## summarizes the way in which hyphenation in a source text has been treated in an encoded version of it. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
- element hyphenation {
- model.pLike+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- ## (end-of-line) indicates whether or not end-of-line hyphenation has been retained in a text.
- [ a:defaultValue = "some" ]
- attribute eol {
- ## all end-of-line hyphenation has been retained, even though the lineation of the original may not have been.
- "all"
- |
- ## end-of-line hyphenation has been retained in some cases.
- "some"
- |
- ## all soft end-of-line hyphenation has been removed: any remaining end-of-line hyphenation should be retained.
- "hard"
- |
- ## all end-of-line hyphenation has been removed: any remaining hyphenation occurred within the line.
- "none"
- }?,
- empty
- }
-segmentation =
- ## describes the principles according to which the text has been segmented, for example into sentences, tone-units, graphemic strata, etc. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
- element segmentation {
- model.pLike+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-stdVals =
- ## (standard values) specifies the format used when standardized date or number values are supplied. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
- element stdVals {
- model.pLike+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-interpretation =
- ## describes the scope of any analytic or interpretive information added to the text in addition to the transcription. [2.3.3. ]
- element interpretation {
- model.pLike+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-punctuation =
- ## specifies editorial practice adopted with respect to punctuation marks in the original. [2.3.3. 3.2. ]
- element punctuation {
- model.pLike*,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## indicates whether or not punctation marks have been retained as content within the text.
- attribute marks {
- ## no punctuation marks have been retained
- "none"
- |
- ## some punctuation marks have been retained
- "some"
- |
- ## all punctuation marks have been retained
- "all"
- }?,
- ## indicates whether punctation marks have been captured inside or outside of an adjacent element.
- attribute placement {
- ## punctuation marks are captured inside adjacent elements
- "internal"
- |
- ## punctuation marks are captured outside adjacent elements
- "external"
- }?,
- empty
- }
-tagsDecl =
- ## (tagging declaration) provides detailed information about the tagging applied to a document. [2.3.4. 2.3. ]
- element tagsDecl {
- (rendition*, \namespace*), att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-tagUsage =
- ## supplies information about the usage of a specific element within a text. [2.3.4. ]
- element tagUsage {
- macro.limitedContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## (generic identifier) specifies the name (generic identifier) of the element indicated by the tag, within the namespace indicated by the parent namespace element.
- attribute gi { data.name },
- ## specifies the number of occurrences of this element within the text.
- attribute occurs { data.count }?,
- ## (with unique identifier) specifies the number of occurrences of this element within the text which bear a distinct value for the global xml:id attribute.
- attribute withId { data.count }?,
- ## specifies the identifier of a rendition element which defines how this element was rendered in the source text.
- attribute render {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-\namespace =
- ## supplies the formal name of the namespace to which the elements documented by its children belong. [2.3.4. ]
- element namespace {
- tagUsage+,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## specifies the full formal name of the namespace concerned.
- attribute name { data.namespace },
- empty
- }
-rendition =
- ## supplies information about the rendition or appearance of one or more elements in the source text. [2.3.4. ]
- element rendition {
- macro.limitedContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.styleDef.attributes,
- ## where CSS is used, provides a way of defining pseudo-elements, that is, styling rules applicable to specific sub-portions of an element.
- ## Sample values include: 1] first-line; 2] first-letter; 3] before; 4] after
- attribute scope { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-styleDefDecl =
- ## (style definition language declaration) specifies the name of the formal language in which style or renditional information is supplied elsewhere in the document. The specific version of the scheme may also be supplied. [2.3.5. ]
- element styleDefDecl {
- model.pLike*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.styleDef.attributes,
- empty
- }
-refsDecl =
- ## (references declaration) specifies how canonical references are constructed for this text. [ 2.3. 2.3.6. ]
- element refsDecl {
- (model.pLike+ | cRefPattern+ | refState+),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-cRefPattern =
- ## (canonical reference pattern) specifies an expression and replacement pattern for transforming a canonical reference into a URI. [ 2.3.6. ]
- element cRefPattern {
- model.pLike*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.patternReplacement.attributes,
- empty
- }
-prefixDef =
- ## (prefixing scheme used in data.pointer values) defines a prefixing scheme used in data.pointer values, showing how abbreviated URIs using the scheme may be expanded into full URIs. [16.2.3. ]
- element prefixDef {
- model.pLike*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.patternReplacement.attributes,
- ## supplies a name which functions as the prefix for an abbreviated pointing scheme such as a private URI scheme. The prefix constitutes the text preceding the first colon.
- attribute ident { data.name },
- empty
- }
-listPrefixDef =
- ## (list of prefix definitions) contains a list of definitions of prefixing schemes used in data.pointer values, showing how abbreviated URIs using each scheme may be expanded into full URIs. [16.2.3. ]
- element listPrefixDef {
- (prefixDef | listPrefixDef)+, att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-refState =
- ## (reference state) specifies one component of a canonical reference defined by the milestone method. [ 2.3.6. ]
- element refState {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.milestoneUnit.attributes,
- att.edition.attributes,
- ## specifies the fixed length of the reference component.
- attribute length { data.count }?,
- ## (delimiter) supplies a delimiting string following the reference component.
- attribute delim { data.text }?,
- empty
- }
-classDecl =
- ## (classification declarations) contains one or more taxonomies defining any classificatory codes used elsewhere in the text. [2.3.7. 2.3. ]
- element classDecl { taxonomy+, att.global.attributes, empty }
-taxonomy =
- ## defines a typology either implicitly, by means of a bibliographic citation, or explicitly by a structured taxonomy. [2.3.7. ]
- element taxonomy {
- ((model.glossLike | model.descLike)*
- | category+
- | (model.biblLike, category*)),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-category =
- ## contains an individual descriptive category, possibly nested within a superordinate category, within a user-defined taxonomy. [2.3.7. ]
- element category {
- ((catDesc+ | (model.descLike | model.glossLike)*),
- category*),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-catDesc =
- ## (category description) describes some category within a taxonomy or text typology, either in the form of a brief prose description or in terms of the situational parameters used by the TEI formal textDesc. [2.3.7. ]
- element catDesc {
- (text | model.limitedPhrase | model.catDescPart)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-geoDecl =
- ## (geographic coordinates declaration) documents the notation and the datum used for geographic coordinates expressed as content of the geo element elsewhere within the document. [2.3.8. ]
- element geoDecl {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- ## supplies a commonly used code name for the datum employed.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] WGS84(World Geodetic System) ; 2] MGRS(Military Grid Reference System) ; 3] OSGB36(ordnance survey great britain) ; 4] ED50(European Datum coordinate system)
- [ a:defaultValue = "WGS84" ]
- attribute datum {
- ## (World Geodetic System) a pair of numbers to be interpreted as latitude followed by longitude according to the World Geodetic System.
- "WGS84"
- |
- ## (Military Grid Reference System) the values supplied are geospatial entity object codes, based on
- "MGRS"
- |
- ## (ordnance survey great britain) the value supplied is to be interpreted as a British National Grid Reference.
- "OSGB36"
- |
- ## (European Datum coordinate system) the value supplied is to be interpreted as latitude followed by longitude according to the European Datum coordinate system.
- "ED50"
- | xsd:Name
- }?,
- empty
- }
-appInfo =
- ## (application information) records information about an application which has edited the TEI file. [2.3.10. ]
- element appInfo {
- model.applicationLike+, att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-application =
- ## provides information about an application which has acted upon the document. [2.3.10. ]
- element application {
- (model.labelLike+, (model.ptrLike* | model.pLike*)),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- ## supplies an identifier for the application, independent of its version number or display name.
- attribute ident { data.name },
- ## supplies a version number for the application, independent of its identifier or display name.
- attribute version { data.versionNumber },
- empty
- }
-profileDesc =
- ## (text-profile description) provides a detailed description of non-bibliographic aspects of a text, specifically the languages and sublanguages used, the situation in which it was produced, the participants and their setting. [2.4. 2.1.1. ]
- element profileDesc {
- model.profileDescPart*, att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-handNote =
- ## (note on hand) describes a particular style or hand distinguished within a manuscript. [10.7.2. ]
- element handNote {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.handFeatures.attributes,
- empty
- }
-abstract =
- ## contains a summary or formal abstract prefixed to an existing source document by the encoder. [2.4.4. ]
- element abstract {
- (model.pLike | model.listLike)+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- empty
- }
-creation =
- ## contains information about the creation of a text. [2.4.1. 2.4. ]
- element creation {
- (text | model.limitedPhrase | listChange)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-langUsage =
- ## (language usage) describes the languages, sublanguages, registers, dialects, etc. represented within a text. [2.4.2. 2.4. 15.3.2. ]
- element langUsage {
- language+, att.global.attributes, att.declarable.attributes, empty
- }
-language =
- ## characterizes a single language or sublanguage used within a text. [2.4.2. ]
- element language {
- macro.phraseSeq.limited,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## (identifier) Supplies a language code constructed as defined in BCP 47 which is used to identify the language documented by this element, and which is referenced by the global xml:lang attribute.
- attribute ident { data.language },
- ## specifies the approximate percentage (by volume) of the text which uses this language.
- attribute usage {
- xsd:nonNegativeInteger { maxInclusive = "100" }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-textClass =
- ## (text classification) groups information which describes the nature or topic of a text in terms of a standard classification scheme, thesaurus, etc. [2.4.3. ]
- element textClass {
- (classCode | catRef | keywords)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-keywords =
- ## contains a list of keywords or phrases identifying the topic or nature of a text. [2.4.3. ]
- element keywords {
- (term+ | \list),
- att.global.attributes,
- ## identifies the controlled vocabulary within which the set of keywords concerned is defined identifies the classification scheme within which the set of categories concerned is defined, for example by a taxonomy element, or by some other resource.
- attribute scheme { data.pointer }?,
- empty
- }
-classCode =
- ## (classification code) contains the classification code used for this text in some standard classification system. [2.4.3. ]
- element classCode {
- macro.phraseSeq.limited,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## identifies the classification system in use, as defined by for example by a taxonomy element, or some other resource..
- attribute scheme { data.pointer },
- empty
- }
-catRef =
- ## (category reference) specifies one or more defined categories within some taxonomy or text typology. [2.4.3. ]
- element catRef {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- ## identifies the classification scheme within which the set of categories concerned is defined, for example by a taxonomy element, or by some other resource.
- attribute scheme { data.pointer }?,
- empty
- }
-calendarDesc =
- ## (calendar description) contains a description of the calendar system used in any dating expression found in the text. [2.4. 2.4.5. ]
- element calendarDesc { calendar+, att.global.attributes, empty }
-calendar =
- ## describes a calendar or dating system used in a dating formula in the text. [2.4.5. ]
- element calendar {
- model.pLike+, att.global.attributes, att.pointing.attributes, empty
- }
-revisionDesc =
- ## (revision description) summarizes the revision history for a file. [2.5. 2.1.1. ]
- element revisionDesc {
- (\list | listChange | change+),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.docStatus.attributes,
- empty
- }
-change =
- ## documents a change or set of changes made during the production of a source document, or during the revision of an electronic file. [2.5. 2.4.1. 11.7. ]
- element change {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.ascribed.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.docStatus.attributes,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- ## points to one or more elements that belong to this change.
- attribute target {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-typeNote =
- ## describes a particular font or other significant typographic feature distinguished within the description of a printed resource. [10.7.2. ]
- element typeNote {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.handFeatures.attributes,
- empty
- }
-scriptNote =
- ## describes a particular script distinguished within the description of a manuscript or similar resource. [10.7.2. ]
- element scriptNote {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.handFeatures.attributes,
- empty
- }
-listChange =
- ## groups a number of change descriptions associated with either the creation of a source text or the revision of an encoded text. [2.5. 11.7. ]
- element listChange {
- (listChange | change)+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- ## indicates whether the ordering of its child change elements is to be considered significant or not
- [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute ordered { data.truthValue }?,
- empty
- }
-att.global.linking.attributes =
- att.global.linking.attribute.corresp,
- att.global.linking.attribute.synch,
- att.global.linking.attribute.sameAs,
- att.global.linking.attribute.copyOf,
- att.global.linking.attribute.next,
- att.global.linking.attribute.prev,
- att.global.linking.attribute.exclude,
- att.global.linking.attribute.select
-att.global.linking.attribute.corresp =
- ## (corresponds) points to elements that correspond to the current element in some way.
- attribute corresp {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.global.linking.attribute.synch =
- ## (synchronous) points to elements that are synchronous with the current element.
- attribute synch {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.global.linking.attribute.sameAs =
- ## points to an element that is the same as the current element.
- attribute sameAs { data.pointer }?
-att.global.linking.attribute.copyOf =
- ## points to an element of which the current element is a copy.
- attribute copyOf { data.pointer }?
-att.global.linking.attribute.next =
- ## points to the next element of a virtual aggregate of which the current element is part.
- attribute next { data.pointer }?
-att.global.linking.attribute.prev =
- ## (previous) points to the previous element of a virtual aggregate of which the current element is part.
- attribute prev { data.pointer }?
-att.global.linking.attribute.exclude =
- ## points to elements that are in exclusive alternation with the current element.
- attribute exclude {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.global.linking.attribute.select =
- ## selects one or more alternants; if one alternant is selected, the ambiguity or uncertainty is marked as resolved. If more than one alternant is selected, the degree of ambiguity or uncertainty is marked as reduced by the number of alternants not selected.
- attribute select {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-link =
- ## defines an association or hypertextual link among elements or passages, of some type not more precisely specifiable by other elements. [16.1. ]
- element link {
- empty
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-link-linkTargets3-constraint-8"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:link"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "contains(normalize-space(@target),' ')"
- "You must supply at least two values for @target or on "
- sch:name [ ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-linkGrp =
- ## (link group) defines a collection of associations or hypertextual links. [16.1. ]
- element linkGrp {
- (link | ptr)+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.group.attributes,
- empty
- }
-ab =
- ## (anonymous block) contains any arbitrary component-level unit of text, acting as an anonymous container for phrase or inter level elements analogous to, but without the semantic baggage of, a paragraph. [16.3. ]
- element ab {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.fragmentable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-anchor =
- ## (anchor point) attaches an identifier to a point within a text, whether or not it corresponds with a textual element. [8.4.2. 16.4. ]
- element anchor {
- empty, att.global.attributes, att.typed.attributes, empty
- }
-seg =
- ## (arbitrary segment) represents any segmentation of text below the chunk level. [16.3. 6.2. 7.2.5. ]
- element seg {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.segLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- empty
- }
-when =
- ## indicates a point in time either relative to other elements in the same timeline tag, or absolutely. [16.5.2. ]
- element when {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## supplies an absolute value for the time.
- attribute absolute { data.temporal.w3c }?,
- ## specifies the unit of time in which the interval value is expressed, if this is not inherited from the parent timeline.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] d(days) ; 2] h(hours) ; 3] min(minutes) ; 4] s(seconds) ; 5] ms(milliseconds)
- attribute unit {
- ## (days)
- "d"
- |
- ## (hours)
- "h"
- |
- ## (minutes)
- "min"
- |
- ## (seconds)
- "s"
- |
- ## (milliseconds)
- "ms"
- | xsd:Name
- }?,
- ## specifies a time interval either as a number or as one of the keywords defined by the datatype data.interval
- attribute interval { data.interval }?,
- ## identifies the reference point for determining the time of the current when element, which is obtained by adding the interval to the time of the reference point.
- attribute since { data.pointer }?,
- empty
- }
-timeline =
- ## provides a set of ordered points in time which can be linked to elements of a spoken text to create a temporal alignment of that text. [16.5.2. ]
- element timeline {
- when+,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## designates the origin of the timeline, i.e. the time at which it begins.
- attribute origin { data.pointer }?,
- ## specifies the unit of time corresponding to the interval value of the timeline or of its constituent points in time.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] d(days) ; 2] h(hours) ; 3] min(minutes) ; 4] s(seconds) ; 5] ms(milliseconds)
- attribute unit {
- ## (days)
- "d"
- |
- ## (hours)
- "h"
- |
- ## (minutes)
- "min"
- |
- ## (seconds)
- "s"
- |
- ## (milliseconds)
- "ms"
- | xsd:Name
- }?,
- ## specifies a time interval either as a positive integral value or using one of a set of predefined codes.
- attribute interval { data.interval }?,
- empty
- }
-join =
- ## identifies a possibly fragmented segment of text, by pointing at the possibly discontiguous elements which compose it. [16.7. ]
- element join {
- ((model.descLike | model.certLike)*)
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-join-joinTargets3-constraint-9"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:join"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "contains(@target,' ')"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "You must supply at least two values for @target on "
- sch:name [ ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- ## specifies the name of an element which this aggregation may be understood to represent.
- attribute result { data.name }?,
- ## indicates whether the targets to be joined include the entire element indicated (the entire subtree including its root), or just the children of the target (the branches of the subtree).
- [ a:defaultValue = "root" ]
- attribute scope {
- ## the rooted subtrees indicated by the target attribute are joined, each subtree become a child of the virtual element created by the join
- "root"
- |
- ## the children of the subtrees indicated by the target attribute become the children of the virtual element (i.e. the roots of the subtrees are discarded)
- "branches"
- }?,
- empty
- }
-joinGrp =
- ## (join group) groups a collection of join elements and possibly pointers. [16.7. ]
- element joinGrp {
- (model.glossLike*, (join | ptr)+),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.group.attributes,
- ## supplies the default value for the result on each join included within the group.
- attribute result { data.name }?,
- empty
- }
-alt =
- ## (alternation) identifies an alternation or a set of choices among elements or passages. [16.8. ]
- element alt {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.attribute.targetLang,
- att.pointing.attribute.evaluate,
- att.typed.attributes,
- ## specifies the destination of the reference by supplying one or more URI References
- attribute target {
- list { data.pointer, data.pointer, data.pointer* }
- }?,
- ## states whether the alternations gathered in this collection are exclusive or inclusive.
- attribute mode {
- ## (exclusive) indicates that the alternation is exclusive, i.e. that at most one of the alternatives occurs.
- "excl"
- |
- ## (inclusive) indicates that the alternation is not exclusive, i.e. that one or more of the alternatives occur.
- "incl"
- }?,
- ## If mode is , each weight states the probability that the corresponding alternative occurs. If mode is incl each weight states the probability that the corresponding alternative occurs given that at least one of the other alternatives occurs.
- attribute weights {
- list { data.probability, data.probability, data.probability* }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-altGrp =
- ## (alternation group) groups a collection of alt elements and possibly pointers. [16.8. ]
- element altGrp {
- (alt | ptr)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.group.attributes,
- ## states whether the alternations gathered in this collection are exclusive or inclusive.
- [ a:defaultValue = "excl" ]
- attribute mode {
- ## (exclusive) indicates that the alternation is exclusive, i.e. that at most one of the alternatives occurs.
- "excl"
- |
- ## (inclusive) indicates that the alternation is not exclusive, i.e. that one or more of the alternatives occur.
- "incl"
- }?,
- empty
- }
-TEI =
- ## (TEI document) contains a single TEI-conformant document, comprising a TEI header and a text, either in isolation or as part of a teiCorpus element. [4. 15.1. ]
- element TEI {
- (teiHeader,
- ((model.resourceLike+, \text?) | \text))
- >> sch:ns [ prefix = "tei" uri = "http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" ]
- >> sch:ns [ prefix = "xs" uri = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" ]
- >> sch:ns [
- prefix = "rng"
- uri = "http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- ## specifies the major version number of the TEI Guidelines against which this document is valid.
- attribute version { data.version }?,
- empty
- }
-\text =
- ## contains a single text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, for example a poem or drama, a collection of essays, a novel, a dictionary, or a corpus sample. [4. 15.1. ]
- element text {
- (model.global*,
- (front, model.global*)?,
- (body | group),
- model.global*,
- (back, model.global*)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-body =
- ## (text body) contains the whole body of a single unitary text, excluding any front or back matter. [4. ]
- element body {
- (model.global*,
- (model.divTop, (model.global | model.divTop)*)?,
- (model.divGenLike, (model.global | model.divGenLike)*)?,
- ((model.divLike, (model.global | model.divGenLike)*)+
- | (model.div1Like, (model.global | model.divGenLike)*)+
- | ((model.common, model.global*)+,
- ((model.divLike, (model.global | model.divGenLike)*)+
- | (model.div1Like, (model.global | model.divGenLike)*)+)?)),
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-group =
- ## contains the body of a composite text, grouping together a sequence of distinct texts (or groups of such texts) which are regarded as a unit for some purpose, for example the collected works of an author, a sequence of prose essays, etc. [4. 4.3.1. 15.1. ]
- element group {
- ((model.divTop | model.global)*,
- ((\text | group), (\text | group | model.global)*),
- model.divBottom*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-floatingText =
- ## contains a single text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, which interrupts the text containing it at any point and after which the surrounding text resumes. [4.3.2. ]
- element floatingText {
- (model.global*,
- (front, model.global*)?,
- (body | group),
- model.global*,
- (back, model.global*)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-\div =
- ## (text division) contains a subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1. ]
- element div {
- ((model.divTop | model.global)*,
- ((((model.divLike | model.divGenLike), model.global*)+
- | ((model.common, model.global*)+,
- ((model.divLike | model.divGenLike), model.global*)*)),
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.divLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-div1 =
- ## (level-1 text division) contains a first-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- element div1 {
- ((model.divTop | model.global)*,
- ((((model.div2Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)+
- | ((model.common, model.global*)+,
- ((model.div2Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)*)),
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.divLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-div2 =
- ## (level-2 text division) contains a second-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- element div2 {
- ((model.divTop | model.global)*,
- ((((model.div3Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)+
- | ((model.common, model.global*)+,
- ((model.div3Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)*)),
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.divLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-div3 =
- ## (level-3 text division) contains a third-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- element div3 {
- ((model.divTop | model.global)*,
- ((((model.div4Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)+
- | ((model.common, model.global*)+,
- ((model.div4Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)*)),
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.divLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-div4 =
- ## (level-4 text division) contains a fourth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- element div4 {
- ((model.divTop | model.global)*,
- ((((model.div5Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)+
- | ((model.common, model.global*)+,
- ((model.div5Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)*)),
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.divLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-div5 =
- ## (level-5 text division) contains a fifth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- element div5 {
- ((model.divTop | model.global)*,
- ((((model.div6Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)+
- | ((model.common, model.global*)+,
- ((model.div6Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)*)),
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.divLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-div6 =
- ## (level-6 text division) contains a sixth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- element div6 {
- ((model.divTop | model.global)*,
- ((((model.div7Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)+
- | ((model.common, model.global*)+,
- ((model.div7Like | model.divGenLike), model.global*)*)),
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.divLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-div7 =
- ## (level-7 text division) contains the smallest possible subdivision of the front, body or back of a text, larger than a paragraph. [4.1.2. ]
- element div7 {
- ((model.divTop | model.global)*,
- ((model.common, model.global*)+,
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.divLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-trailer =
- ## contains a closing title or footer appearing at the end of a division of a text. [4.2.4. 4.2. ]
- element trailer {
- (text
- | lg
- | model.gLike
- | model.phrase
- | model.inter
- | model.lLike
- | model.global)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-byline =
- ## contains the primary statement of responsibility given for a work on its title page or at the head or end of the work. [4.2.2. 4.5. ]
- element byline {
- (text | model.gLike | model.phrase | docAuthor | model.global)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-dateline =
- ## contains a brief description of the place, date, time, etc. of production of a letter, newspaper story, or other work, prefixed or suffixed to it as a kind of heading or trailer. [4.2.2. ]
- element dateline {
- (text | model.gLike | model.phrase | model.global | docDate)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-argument =
- ## contains a formal list or prose description of the topics addressed by a subdivision of a text. [4.2. 4.6. ]
- element argument {
- ((model.global | model.headLike)*, (model.common, model.global*)+),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-epigraph =
- ## contains a quotation, anonymous or attributed, appearing at the start or end of a section or on a title page. [4.2.3. 4.2. 4.6. ]
- element epigraph {
- (model.common | model.global)*, att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-opener =
- ## groups together dateline, byline, salutation, and similar phrases appearing as a preliminary group at the start of a division, especially of a letter. [4.2. ]
- element opener {
- (text
- | model.gLike
- | model.phrase
- | argument
- | byline
- | dateline
- | epigraph
- | salute
- | signed
- | model.global)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-closer =
- ## groups together salutations, datelines, and similar phrases appearing as a final group at the end of a division, especially of a letter. [4.2.2. 4.2. ]
- element closer {
- (text
- | model.gLike
- | signed
- | dateline
- | salute
- | model.phrase
- | model.global)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-salute =
- ## (salutation) contains a salutation or greeting prefixed to a foreword, dedicatory epistle, or other division of a text, or the salutation in the closing of a letter, preface, etc. [4.2.2. ]
- element salute { macro.paraContent, att.global.attributes, empty }
-signed =
- ## (signature) contains the closing salutation, etc., appended to a foreword, dedicatory epistle, or other division of a text. [4.2.2. ]
- element signed { macro.paraContent, att.global.attributes, empty }
-postscript =
- ## contains a postscript, e.g. to a letter. [4.2. ]
- element postscript {
- ((model.global | model.divTopPart)*,
- model.common,
- (model.global | model.common)*,
- (model.divBottomPart, model.global*)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-titlePage =
- ## (title page) contains the title page of a text, appearing within the front or back matter. [4.6. ]
- element titlePage {
- (model.global*,
- model.titlepagePart,
- (model.titlepagePart | model.global)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- ## classifies the title page according to any convenient typology.
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-docTitle =
- ## (document title) contains the title of a document, including all its constituents, as given on a title page. [4.6. ]
- element docTitle {
- (model.global*, (titlePart, model.global*)+),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- empty
- }
-titlePart =
- ## contains a subsection or division of the title of a work, as indicated on a title page. [4.6. ]
- element titlePart {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## specifies the role of this subdivision of the title.
- ## Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] sub(subordinate) ; 3] alt(alternate) ; 4] short; 5] desc(descriptive)
- [ a:defaultValue = "main" ]
- attribute type {
- ## main title of the work
- "main"
- |
- ## (subordinate) subtitle of the work
- "sub"
- |
- ## (alternate) alternative title of the work
- "alt"
- |
- ## abbreviated form of title
- "short"
- |
- ## (descriptive) descriptive paraphrase of the work
- "desc"
- | xsd:Name
- }?,
- empty
- }
-docAuthor =
- ## (document author) contains the name of the author of the document, as given on the title page (often but not always contained in a byline). [4.6. ]
- element docAuthor {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- empty
- }
-imprimatur =
- ## contains a formal statement authorizing the publication of a work, sometimes required to appear on a title page or its verso. [4.6. ]
- element imprimatur { macro.paraContent, att.global.attributes, empty }
-docEdition =
- ## (document edition) contains an edition statement as presented on a title page of a document. [4.6. ]
- element docEdition { macro.paraContent, att.global.attributes, empty }
-docImprint =
- ## (document imprint) contains the imprint statement (place and date of publication, publisher name), as given (usually) at the foot of a title page. [4.6. ]
- element docImprint {
- (text
- | model.gLike
- | model.phrase
- | pubPlace
- | docDate
- | publisher
- | model.global)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-docDate =
- ## (document date) contains the date of a document, as given on a title page or in a dateline. [4.6. ]
- element docDate {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## gives the value of the date in standard form, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD.
- attribute when { data.temporal.w3c }?,
- empty
- }
-front =
- ## (front matter) contains any prefatory matter (headers, title page, prefaces, dedications, etc.) found at the start of a document, before the main body. [4.6. 4. ]
- element front {
- ((model.frontPart
- | model.pLike
- | model.pLike.front
- | model.global)*,
- (((model.div1Like,
- (model.div1Like | model.frontPart | model.global)*)
- | (model.divLike,
- (model.divLike | model.frontPart | model.global)*)),
- (model.divBottom, (model.divBottom | model.global)*)?)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-back =
- ## (back matter) contains any appendixes, etc. following the main part of a text. [4.7. 4. ]
- element back {
- ((model.frontPart
- | model.pLike.front
- | model.pLike
- | model.listLike
- | model.global)*,
- ((model.div1Like,
- (model.frontPart | model.div1Like | model.global)*)
- | (model.divLike,
- (model.frontPart | model.divLike | model.global)*))?,
- (model.divBottomPart, (model.divBottomPart | model.global)*)?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-att.datable.custom.attributes =
- att.datable.custom.attribute.when-custom,
- att.datable.custom.attribute.notBefore-custom,
- att.datable.custom.attribute.notAfter-custom,
- att.datable.custom.attribute.from-custom,
- att.datable.custom.attribute.to-custom,
- att.datable.custom.attribute.datingPoint,
- att.datable.custom.attribute.datingMethod
-att.datable.custom.attribute.when-custom =
- ## supplies the value of a date or time in some standard form.
- attribute when-custom {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?
-att.datable.custom.attribute.notBefore-custom =
- ## specifies the earliest possible date for the event in some custom standard form.
- attribute notBefore-custom {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?
-att.datable.custom.attribute.notAfter-custom =
- ## specifies the latest possible date for the event in some custom standard form.
- attribute notAfter-custom {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?
-att.datable.custom.attribute.from-custom =
- ## indicates the starting point of the period in some standard form.
- attribute from-custom {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?
-att.datable.custom.attribute.to-custom =
- ## indicates the ending point of the period in some standard form.
- attribute to-custom {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?
-att.datable.custom.attribute.datingPoint =
- ## supplies a pointer to some location defining a named point in time with reference to which the datable item is understood to have occurred
- attribute datingPoint { data.pointer }?
-att.datable.custom.attribute.datingMethod =
- ## supplies a pointer to a calendar element or other means of interpreting the values of the custom dating attributes.
- attribute datingMethod { data.pointer }?
-model.persNamePart =
- surname | forename | genName | nameLink | addName | roleName
-model.persNamePart_alternation =
- surname | forename | genName | nameLink | addName | roleName
-model.persNamePart_sequence =
- surname, forename, genName, nameLink, addName, roleName
-model.persNamePart_sequenceOptional =
- surname?, forename?, genName?, nameLink?, addName?, roleName?
-model.persNamePart_sequenceOptionalRepeatable =
- surname*, forename*, genName*, nameLink*, addName*, roleName*
-model.persNamePart_sequenceRepeatable =
- surname+, forename+, genName+, nameLink+, addName+, roleName+
-att.datable.iso.attributes =
- att.datable.iso.attribute.when-iso,
- att.datable.iso.attribute.notBefore-iso,
- att.datable.iso.attribute.notAfter-iso,
- att.datable.iso.attribute.from-iso,
- att.datable.iso.attribute.to-iso
-att.datable.iso.attribute.when-iso =
- ## supplies the value of a date or time in a standard form.
- attribute when-iso { data.temporal.iso }?
-att.datable.iso.attribute.notBefore-iso =
- ## specifies the earliest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- attribute notBefore-iso { data.temporal.iso }?
-att.datable.iso.attribute.notAfter-iso =
- ## specifies the latest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- attribute notAfter-iso { data.temporal.iso }?
-att.datable.iso.attribute.from-iso =
- ## indicates the starting point of the period in standard form.
- attribute from-iso { data.temporal.iso }?
-att.datable.iso.attribute.to-iso =
- ## indicates the ending point of the period in standard form.
- attribute to-iso { data.temporal.iso }?
-orgName =
- ## (organization name) contains an organizational name. [13.2.2. ]
- element orgName {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.personal.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-persName =
- ## (personal name) contains a proper noun or proper-noun phrase referring to a person, possibly including one or more of the person's forenames, surnames, honorifics, added names, etc. [13.2.1. ]
- element persName {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.personal.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-surname =
- ## contains a family (inherited) name, as opposed to a given, baptismal, or nick name. [13.2.1. ]
- element surname {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.personal.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-forename =
- ## contains a forename, given or baptismal name. [13.2.1. ]
- element forename {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.personal.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-genName =
- ## (generational name component) contains a name component used to distinguish otherwise similar names on the basis of the relative ages or generations of the persons named. [13.2.1. ]
- element genName {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.personal.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-nameLink =
- ## (name link) contains a connecting phrase or link used within a name but not regarded as part of it, such as van der or of. [13.2.1. ]
- element nameLink {
- macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, att.typed.attributes, empty
- }
-addName =
- ## (additional name) contains an additional name component, such as a nickname, epithet, or alias, or any other descriptive phrase used within a personal name. [13.2.1. ]
- element addName {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.personal.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-roleName =
- ## contains a name component which indicates that the referent has a particular role or position in society, such as an official title or rank. [13.2.1. ]
- element roleName {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.personal.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-placeName =
- ## contains an absolute or relative place name. [13.2.3. ]
- element placeName {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.personal.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-bloc =
- ## contains the name of a geo-political unit consisting of two or more nation states or countries. [13.2.3. ]
- element bloc {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-country =
- ## contains the name of a geo-political unit, such as a nation, country, colony, or commonwealth, larger than or administratively superior to a region and smaller than a bloc. [13.2.3. ]
- element country {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-region =
- ## contains the name of an administrative unit such as a state, province, or county, larger than a settlement, but smaller than a country. [13.2.3. ]
- element region {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-district =
- ## contains the name of any kind of subdivision of a settlement, such as a parish, ward, or other administrative or geographic unit. [13.2.3. ]
- element district {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-settlement =
- ## contains the name of a settlement such as a city, town, or village identified as a single geo-political or administrative unit. [13.2.3. ]
- element settlement {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-offset =
- ## marks that part of a relative temporal or spatial expression which indicates the direction of the offset between the two place names, dates, or times involved in the expression. [13.2.3. ]
- element offset {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-geogName =
- ## (geographical name) identifies a name associated with some geographical feature such as Windrush Valley or Mount Sinai. [13.2.3. ]
- element geogName {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-geogFeat =
- ## (geographical feature name) contains a common noun identifying some geographical feature contained within a geographic name, such as valley, mount, etc. [13.2.3. ]
- element geogFeat {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-affiliation =
- ## contains an informal description of a person's present or past affiliation with some organization, for example an employer or sponsor. [15.2.2. ]
- element affiliation {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- empty
- }
-age =
- ## specifies the age of a person. [ ]
- element age {
- macro.phraseSeq.limited,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- ## supplies a numeric code representing the age or age group
- attribute value { data.count }?,
- empty
- }
-birth =
- ## contains information about a person's birth, such as its date and place. [15.2.2. ]
- element birth {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- empty
- }
-climate =
- ## contains information about the physical climate of a place. [ ]
- element climate {
- (model.headLike*,
- (model.pLike+ | model.labelLike+),
- (model.noteLike | model.biblLike)*,
- climate*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-death =
- ## contains information about a person's death, such as its date and place. [15.2.2. ]
- element death {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- empty
- }
-education =
- ## contains a description of the educational experience of a person. [15.2.2. ]
- element education {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- empty
- }
-event =
- ## contains data relating to any kind of significant event associated with a person, place, or organization. [13.3.1. ]
- element event {
- (model.headLike*,
- (model.pLike+ | model.labelLike+),
- (model.noteLike | model.biblLike | linkGrp | link)*,
- event*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- ## indicates the location of an event by pointing to a place element
- attribute where { data.pointer }?,
- empty
- }
-faith =
- ## specifies the faith, religion, or belief set of a person. [ ]
- element faith {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- empty
- }
-floruit =
- ## contains information about a person's period of activity. [ ]
- element floruit {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- empty
- }
-geo =
- ## (geographical coordinates) contains any expression of a set of geographic coordinates, representing a point, line, or area on the surface of the earth in some notation. [ ]
- element geo {
- text, att.global.attributes, att.declaring.attributes, empty
- }
-langKnowledge =
- ## (language knowledge) summarizes the state of a person's linguistic knowledge, either as prose or by a list of langKnown elements. [ ]
- element langKnowledge {
- (model.pLike | langKnown+),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- ## supplies one or more valid language tags for the languages specified
- attribute tags {
- list { data.language+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-langKnown =
- ## (language known) summarizes the state of a person's linguistic competence, i.e., knowledge of a single language. [15.2.2. ]
- element langKnown {
- macro.phraseSeq.limited,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- ## supplies a valid language tag for the language concerned.
- attribute tag { data.language },
- ## a code indicating the person's level of knowledge for this language
- attribute level { data.word }?,
- empty
- }
-listOrg =
- ## (list of organizations) contains a list of elements, each of which provides information about an identifiable organization. [13.2.2. ]
- element listOrg {
- (model.headLike*, (org | listOrg)+, (relation | listRelation)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-listEvent =
- ## (list of events) contains a list of descriptions, each of which provides information about an identifiable event. [13.3.1. ]
- element listEvent {
- (model.headLike*, (event | listEvent)+, (relation | listRelation)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-listPerson =
- ## (list of persons) contains a list of descriptions, each of which provides information about an identifiable person or a group of people, for example the participants in a language interaction, or the people referred to in a historical source. [13.3.2. 15.2. 2.4. 15.3.2. ]
- element listPerson {
- (model.headLike*,
- (model.personLike | listPerson)+,
- (relation | listRelation)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-listPlace =
- ## (list of places) contains a list of places, optionally followed by a list of relationships (other than containment) defined amongst them. [2.2.7. 13.3.4. ]
- element listPlace {
- (model.headLike*,
- (model.placeLike | listPlace)+,
- (relation | listRelation)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-location =
- ## defines the location of a place as a set of geographical coordinates, in terms of other named geo-political entities, or as an address. [13.3.4. ]
- element location {
- (model.labelLike
- | model.placeNamePart
- | model.offsetLike
- | model.measureLike
- | model.addressLike
- | model.noteLike
- | model.biblLike)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- empty
- }
-nationality =
- ## contains an informal description of a person's present or past nationality or citizenship. [15.2.2. ]
- element nationality {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- empty
- }
-occupation =
- ## contains an informal description of a person's trade, profession or occupation. [15.2.2. ]
- element occupation {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- ## indicates the classification system or taxonomy in use, for example by supplying the identifier of a taxonomy element, or pointing to some other resource.
- attribute scheme { data.pointer }?,
- ## identifies an occupation code defined within the classification system or taxonomy defined by the scheme attribute.
- attribute code { data.pointer }?,
- empty
- }
-org =
- ## (organization) provides information about an identifiable organization such as a business, a tribe, or any other grouping of people. [13.2.2. ]
- element org {
- (model.headLike*,
- (model.pLike*
- | (model.labelLike
- | model.nameLike
- | model.placeLike
- | model.orgPart)*),
- (model.noteLike | model.biblLike | linkGrp | link)*,
- model.personLike*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- ## specifies a primary role or classification for the organization.
- attribute role {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-listRelation =
- ## provides information about relationships identified amongst people, places, and organizations, either informally as prose or as formally expressed relation links. [ ]
- element listRelation {
- (model.headLike*,
- (model.pLike | (relation | listRelation)+)),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-person =
- ## provides information about an identifiable individual, for example a participant in a language interaction, or a person referred to in a historical source. [13.3.2. 15.2.2. ]
- element person {
- (model.pLike+ | (model.personPart | model.global)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- ## specifies a primary role or classification for the person.
- attribute role {
- list { data.enumerated+ }
- }?,
- ## specifies the sex of the person.
- attribute sex {
- list { data.sex+ }
- }?,
- ## specifies an age group for the person.
- attribute age { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-personGrp =
- ## (personal group) describes a group of individuals treated as a single person for analytic purposes. [15.2.2. ]
- element personGrp {
- (model.pLike+ | (model.personPart | model.global)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- ## specifies the role of this group of participants in the interaction.
- attribute role { data.enumerated }?,
- ## specifies the sex of the participant group.
- attribute sex {
- list { data.sex+ }
- }?,
- ## specifies the age group of the participants.
- attribute age { data.enumerated }?,
- ## describes informally the size or approximate size of the group for example by means of a number and an indication of accuracy e.g. approx 200.
- attribute size {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-place =
- ## contains data about a geographic location [13.3.4. ]
- element place {
- (model.headLike*,
- (model.pLike*
- | (model.labelLike
- | model.placeStateLike
- | model.placeEventLike)*),
- (model.noteLike | model.biblLike | idno | linkGrp | link)*,
- (model.placeLike | listPlace)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-population =
- ## contains information about the population of a place. [ ]
- element population {
- (model.headLike*,
- ((model.pLike+ | model.labelLike+),
- (model.noteLike | model.biblLike)*)?,
- population*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-relation =
- ## (relationship) describes any kind of relationship or linkage amongst a specified group of places, events, persons, objects or other items. [ ]
- element relation {
- (desc?)
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-relation-reforkeyorname-constraint-10"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:relation"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "@ref or @key or @name"
- "One of the attributes 'name', 'ref' or 'key' must be supplied"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-relation-activemutual-constraint-5"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:relation"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "@active and @mutual"
- "Only one of the attributes\x{a}" ~
- "@active and @mutual may be supplied"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-relation-activepassive-constraint-6"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:relation"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "@passive and not(@active)"
- "the attribute 'passive'\x{a}" ~
- " may be supplied only if the attribute 'active' is\x{a}" ~
- " supplied"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- ## supplies a name for the kind of relationship of which this is an instance.
- attribute name { data.enumerated }?,
- (
- ## identifies the active participants in a non-mutual relationship, or all the participants in a mutual one.
- attribute active {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
- |
- ## supplies a list of participants amongst all of whom the relationship holds equally.
- attribute mutual {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?),
- ## identifies the passive participants in a non-mutual relationship.
- attribute passive {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-residence =
- ## describes a person's present or past places of residence. [15.2.2. ]
- element residence {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- empty
- }
-sex =
- ## specifies the sex of a person. [ ]
- element sex {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- ## supplies a coded value for sex
- attribute value {
- list { data.sex+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-socecStatus =
- ## (socio-economic status) contains an informal description of a person's perceived social or economic status. [15.2.2. ]
- element socecStatus {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- ## identifies the classification system or taxonomy in use, for example by pointing to a locally-defined taxonomy element or by supplying a URI for an externally-defined system.
- attribute scheme { data.pointer }?,
- ## identifies a status code defined within the classification system or taxonomy defined by the scheme attribute.
- attribute code { data.pointer }?,
- empty
- }
-state =
- ## contains a description of some status or quality attributed to a person, place, or organization often at some specific time or for a specific date range. [13.3.1. ]
- element state {
- (state+
- | (model.headLike*,
- model.pLike+,
- (model.noteLike | model.biblLike)*)
- | (model.labelLike | model.noteLike | model.biblLike)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- empty
- }
-terrain =
- ## contains information about the physical terrain of a place. [ ]
- element terrain {
- (model.headLike*,
- (model.pLike+ | model.labelLike+),
- (model.noteLike | model.biblLike)*,
- terrain*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-trait =
- ## contains a description of some status or quality attributed to a person, place, or organization typically, but not necessarily, independent of the volition or action of the holder and usually not at some specific time or for a specific date range. [13.3.1. ]
- element trait {
- (trait+
- | (model.headLike*,
- model.pLike+,
- (model.noteLike | model.biblLike)*)
- | (model.labelLike | model.noteLike | model.biblLike)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-nym =
- ## (canonical name) contains the definition for a canonical name or name component of any kind. [13.3.5. ]
- element nym {
- (model.entryPart*, model.pLike*, nym*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- ## points to constituent nyms
- attribute parts {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-listNym =
- ## (list of canonical names) contains a list of nyms, that is, standardized names for any thing. [13.3.5. ]
- element listNym {
- (model.headLike*, (nym | listNym)+, (relation | listRelation)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declarable.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-att.global.facs.attributes = att.global.facs.attribute.facs
-att.global.facs.attribute.facs =
- ## (facsimile) points to all or part of an image which corresponds with the content of the element.
- attribute facs {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.global.change.attributes = att.global.change.attribute.change
-att.global.change.attribute.change =
- ## points to one or more change elements documenting a state or revision campaign to which the element bearing this attribute and its children have been assigned by the encoder.
- attribute change {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-att.coordinated.attributes =
- att.coordinated.attribute.start,
- att.coordinated.attribute.ulx,
- att.coordinated.attribute.uly,
- att.coordinated.attribute.lrx,
- att.coordinated.attribute.lry,
- att.coordinated.attribute.points
-att.coordinated.attribute.start =
- ## indicates the element within a transcription of the text containing at least the start of the writing represented by this zone or surface.
- attribute start { data.pointer }?
-att.coordinated.attribute.ulx =
- ## gives the x coordinate value for the upper left corner of a rectangular space.
- attribute ulx { data.numeric }?
-att.coordinated.attribute.uly =
- ## gives the y coordinate value for the upper left corner of a rectangular space.
- attribute uly { data.numeric }?
-att.coordinated.attribute.lrx =
- ## gives the x coordinate value for the lower right corner of a rectangular space.
- attribute lrx { data.numeric }?
-att.coordinated.attribute.lry =
- ## gives the y coordinate value for the lower right corner of a rectangular space.
- attribute lry { data.numeric }?
-att.coordinated.attribute.points =
- ## identifies a two dimensional area within the bounding box specified by the other attributes by means of a series of pairs of numbers, each of which gives the x,y coordinates of a point on a line enclosing the area.
- attribute points {
- list { data.point, data.point, data.point, data.point* }
- }?
-facsimile =
- ## contains a representation of some written source in the form of a set of images rather than as transcribed or encoded text. [11.1. ]
- element facsimile {
- (front?, (model.graphicLike | surface | surfaceGrp)+, back?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-sourceDoc =
- ## contains a transcription or other representation of a single source document potentially forming part of a dossier génétique or collection of sources. [11.1. 11.2.2. ]
- element sourceDoc {
- (model.global | model.graphicLike | surface | surfaceGrp)+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-surface =
- ## defines a written surface as a two-dimensional coordinate space, optionally grouping one or more graphic representations of that space, zones of interest within that space, and transcriptions of the writing within them. [11.1. 11.2.2. ]
- element surface {
- ((model.global | model.labelLike | model.graphicLike)*,
- ((zone | line | surface | surfaceGrp), model.global*)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.coordinated.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- ## describes the method by which this surface is or was connected to the main surface
- ## Sample values include: 1] glued; 2] pinned; 3] sewn
- attribute attachment { data.enumerated }?,
- ## indicates whether the surface is attached and folded in such a way as to provide two writing surfaces
- attribute flipping { data.truthValue }?,
- empty
- }
-surfaceGrp =
- ## defines any kind of useful grouping of written surfaces, for example the recto and verso of a single leaf, which the encoder wishes to treat as a single unit. [11.1. ]
- element surfaceGrp {
- (model.global | surface | surfaceGrp)+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-zone =
- ## defines any two-dimensional area within a surface element. [11.1. 11.2.2. ]
- element zone {
- (text
- | model.graphicLike
- | model.global
- | surface
- | model.linePart)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.coordinated.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- ## indicates the amount by which this zone has been rotated clockwise, with respect to the normal orientation of the parent surface element as implied by the dimensions given in the msDesc element or by the coordinates of the surface itself. The orientation is expressed in arc degrees.
- [ a:defaultValue = "0" ] attribute rotate { data.count }?,
- empty
- }
-addSpan =
- ## (added span of text) marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text added by an author, scribe, annotator or corrector (see also add). [ ]
- element addSpan {
- empty
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-addSpan-spanTo-constraint-11"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:addSpan"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "@spanTo"
- "The @spanTo attribute of "
- sch:name [ ]
- " is required."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-addSpan-spanTo_fr-constraint-12"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:addSpan"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "@spanTo"
- "L'attribut spanTo est requis."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attributes,
- att.placement.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- empty
- }
-damage =
- ## contains an area of damage to the text witness. [ ]
- element damage {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.damaged.attributes,
- empty
- }
-damageSpan =
- ## (damaged span of text) marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text which is damaged in some way but still legible. [ ]
- element damageSpan {
- empty
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-damageSpan-spanTo-constraint-13"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:damageSpan"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "@spanTo"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "The @spanTo attribute of "
- sch:name [ ]
- " is required."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-damageSpan-spanTo_fr-constraint-14"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:damageSpan"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "@spanTo"
- "L'attribut spanTo est requis."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.damaged.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- empty
- }
-delSpan =
- ## (deleted span of text) marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text deleted, marked as deleted, or otherwise signaled as superfluous or spurious by an author, scribe, annotator, or corrector. [ ]
- element delSpan {
- empty
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-delSpan-spanTo-constraint-15"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:delSpan"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "@spanTo"
- "The @spanTo attribute of "
- sch:name [ ]
- " is required."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-delSpan-spanTo_fr-constraint-16"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:delSpan"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "@spanTo"
- "L'attribut spanTo est requis."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- empty
- }
-ex =
- ## (editorial expansion) contains a sequence of letters added by an editor or transcriber when expanding an abbreviation. [ ]
- element ex {
- macro.xtext, att.global.attributes, att.editLike.attributes, empty
- }
-fw =
- ## (forme work) contains a running head (e.g. a header, footer), catchword, or similar material appearing on the current page. [11.6. ]
- element fw {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.placement.attributes,
- ## classifies the material encoded according to some useful typology.
- ## Sample values include: 1] header; 2] footer; 3] pageNum(page number) ; 4] lineNum(line number) ; 5] sig(signature) ; 6] catch(catchword)
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-handNotes =
- ## contains one or more handNote elements documenting the different hands identified within the source texts. [ ]
- element handNotes { handNote+, att.global.attributes, empty }
-handShift =
- ## marks the beginning of a sequence of text written in a new hand, or the beginning of a scribal stint. [ ]
- element handShift {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.handFeatures.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- ## indicates a handNote element describing the hand concerned.
- attribute new { data.pointer }?,
- empty
- }
-am =
- ## (abbreviation marker) contains a sequence of letters or signs present in an abbreviation which are omitted or replaced in the expanded form of the abbreviation. [ ]
- element am {
- (text | model.gLike | model.pPart.transcriptional)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- empty
- }
-restore =
- ## indicates restoration of text to an earlier state by cancellation of an editorial or authorial marking or instruction. [ ]
- element restore {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-space =
- ## indicates the location of a significant space in the copy text. [11.5.1. ]
- element space {
- (model.descLike | model.certLike)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.dimensions.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attribute.cert,
- att.source.attribute.source,
- ## (responsible party) (responsible party) indicates the individual responsible for identifying and measuring the space
- attribute resp {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- ## (dimension) indicates whether the space is horizontal or vertical.
- attribute dim {
- ## the space is horizontal.
- "horizontal"
- |
- ## the space is vertical.
- "vertical"
- }?,
- empty
- }
-subst =
- ## (substitution) groups one or more deletions with one or more additions when the combination is to be regarded as a single intervention in the text. [ ]
- element subst {
- ((add | del | model.milestoneLike)+)
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-subst-substContents1-constraint-17"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:subst"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:assert [
- test = "child::tei:add and child::tei:del"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:name [ ]
- " must have at least one child add and at least one child del"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attributes,
- empty
- }
-substJoin =
- ## (substitution join) identifies a series of possibly fragmented additions, deletions or other revisions on a manuscript that combine to make up a single intervention in the text [ ]
- element substJoin {
- (model.descLike | model.certLike)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attributes,
- empty
- }
-supplied =
- ## signifies text supplied by the transcriber or editor for any reason, typically because the original cannot be read because of physical damage or loss to the original. [ ]
- element supplied {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- ## one or more words indicating why the text has had to be supplied, e.g. overbinding, faded-ink, lost-folio, omitted-in-original.
- attribute reason {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-surplus =
- ## marks text present in the source which the editor believes to be superfluous or redundant. [ ]
- element surplus {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- ## one or more words indicating why this text is believed to be superfluous, e.g. repeated, interpolated etc.
- attribute reason {
- list { data.word+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-line =
- ## contains the transcription of a topographic line in the source document [11.2.2. ]
- element line {
- (text | model.global | model.gLike | model.linePart)*,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.coordinated.attributes,
- empty
- }
-listTranspose =
- ## supplies a list of transpositions, each of which is indicated at some point in a document typically by means of metamarks. [ ]
- element listTranspose { transpose+, att.global.attributes, empty }
-metamark =
- ## contains or describes any kind of graphic or written signal within a document the function of which is to determine how it should be read rather than forming part of the actual content of the document. [ ]
- element metamark {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- att.placement.attributes,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## describes the function (for example status, insertion, deletion, transposition) of the mark.
- attribute function { data.word }?,
- ## identifies one or more elements to which the function indicated by the metamark applies.
- attribute target {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-mod =
- ## represents any kind of modification identified within a single document. [ ]
- element mod {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- empty
- }
-redo =
- ## indicates one or more cancelled interventions in a document which have subsequently been marked as reaffirmed or repeated. [ ]
- element redo {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attributes,
- ## points to one or more elements representing the interventions which are being reasserted.
- attribute target {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-retrace =
- ## contains a sequence of writing which has been retraced, for example by over-inking, to clarify or fix it. [ ]
- element retrace {
- macro.paraContent,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attributes,
- empty
- }
-transpose =
- ## describes a single textual transposition as an ordered list of at least two pointers specifying the order in which the elements indicated should be re-combined. [ ]
- element transpose { (ptr, ptr+), att.global.attributes, empty }
-undo =
- ## indicates one or more marked-up interventions in a document which have subsequently been marked for cancellation. [ ]
- element undo {
- empty,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.spanning.attributes,
- att.transcriptional.attributes,
- ## points to one or more elements representing the interventions which are to be reverted or undone.
- attribute target {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-table =
- ## contains text displayed in tabular form, in rows and columns. [14.1.1. ]
- element table {
- ((model.headLike | model.global)*,
- ((row, model.global*)+ | (model.graphicLike, model.global*)+),
- (model.divBottom, model.global*)*),
- att.global.attributes,
- ## indicates the number of rows in the table.
- attribute rows { data.count }?,
- ## (columns) indicates the number of columns in each row of the table.
- attribute cols { data.count }?,
- empty
- }
-row =
- ## contains one row of a table. [14.1.1. ]
- element row {
- cell+, att.global.attributes, att.tableDecoration.attributes, empty
- }
-cell =
- ## contains one cell of a table. [14.1.1. ]
- element cell {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.tableDecoration.attributes,
- empty
- }
-formula =
- ## contains a mathematical or other formula. [14.2. ]
- element formula {
- (text | model.graphicLike | model.hiLike)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## names the notation used for the content of the element.
- attribute notation { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-notatedMusic =
- ## encodes the presence of music notation in a text [14.3. ]
- element notatedMusic {
- (model.labelLike | model.ptrLike | graphic | binaryObject)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.placement.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-figure =
- ## groups elements representing or containing graphic information such as an illustration, formula, or figure. [14.4. ]
- element figure {
- (model.headLike
- | model.common
- | figDesc
- | model.graphicLike
- | model.global
- | model.divBottom)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.placement.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-figDesc =
- ## (description of figure) contains a brief prose description of the appearance or content of a graphic figure, for use when documenting an image without displaying it. [14.4. ]
- element figDesc { macro.limitedContent, att.global.attributes, empty }
-att.msExcerpt.attributes = att.msExcerpt.attribute.defective
-att.msExcerpt.attribute.defective =
- ## indicates whether the passage being quoted is defective, i.e. incomplete through loss or damage.
- [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute defective { data.xTruthValue }?
-msDesc =
- ## (manuscript description) contains a description of a single identifiable manuscript or other text-bearing object. [10.1. ]
- element msDesc {
- (msIdentifier,
- model.headLike*,
- (model.pLike+
- | (msContents?, physDesc?, history?, additional?, msPart*))),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.sortable.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.declaring.attributes,
- empty
- }
-catchwords =
- ## describes the system used to ensure correct ordering of the quires making up a codex or incunable, typically by means of annotations at the foot of the page. [10.3.7. ]
- element catchwords { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-dimensions =
- ## contains a dimensional specification. [10.3.4. ]
- element dimensions {
- ((dim | model.dimLike)*)
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-dimensions-duplicateDim-constraint-7"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:dimensions"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "count(tei:width)> 1"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "The element "
- sch:name [ ]
- " may appear once only\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-dimensions-duplicateDim-constraint-8"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:dimensions"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "count(tei:height)> 1"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "The element "
- sch:name [ ]
- " may appear once only\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-dimensions-duplicateDim-constraint-9"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:dimensions"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "count(tei:depth)> 1"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "The element "
- sch:name [ ]
- " may appear once only\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.dimensions.attributes,
- ## indicates which aspect of the object is being measured.
- ## Sample values include: 1] leaves; 2] ruled; 3] pricked; 4] written; 5] miniatures; 6] binding; 7] box
- attribute type { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-dim =
- ## contains any single measurement forming part of a dimensional specification of some sort. [10.3.4. ]
- element dim {
- macro.xtext,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.dimensions.attributes,
- empty
- }
-height =
- ## contains a measurement measured along the axis at right angles to the bottom of the written surface, i.e. parallel to the spine for a codex or book. [10.3.4. ]
- element height {
- macro.xtext, att.global.attributes, att.dimensions.attributes, empty
- }
-depth =
- ## contains a measurement measured across the spine of a book or codex, or (for other text-bearing objects) perpendicular to the measurement given by the width element. [10.3.4. ]
- element depth {
- macro.xtext, att.global.attributes, att.dimensions.attributes, empty
- }
-width =
- ## contains a measurement measured along the axis parallel to the bottom of the written surface, i.e. perpendicular to the spine of a book or codex. [10.3.4. ]
- element width {
- macro.xtext, att.global.attributes, att.dimensions.attributes, empty
- }
-heraldry =
- ## contains a heraldic formula or phrase, typically found as part of a blazon, coat of arms, etc. [10.3.8. ]
- element heraldry { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-locus =
- ## defines a location within a manuscript or manuscript part, usually as a (possibly discontinuous) sequence of folio references. [10.3.5. ]
- element locus {
- macro.xtext,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- ## identifies the foliation scheme in terms of which the location is being specified by pointing to some foliation element defining it, or to some other equivalent resource.
- attribute scheme { data.pointer }?,
- ## specifies the starting point of the location in a normalized form, typically a page number.
- attribute from { data.word }?,
- ## specifies the end-point of the location in a normalized form, typically as a page number.
- attribute to { data.word }?,
- empty
- }
-locusGrp =
- ## groups a number of locations which together form a distinct but discontinuous item within a manuscript or manuscript part, according to a specific foliation. [10.3.5. ]
- element locusGrp {
- locus+,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## identifies the foliation scheme in terms of which all the locations contained by the group are specified by pointing to some foliation element defining it, or to some other equivalent resource.
- attribute scheme { data.pointer }?,
- empty
- }
-material =
- ## contains a word or phrase describing the material of which the object being described is composed. [10.3.2. ]
- element material {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- empty
- }
-objectType =
- ## contains a word or phrase describing the type of object being referred to. [10.3.2. ]
- element objectType {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.canonical.attributes,
- empty
- }
-origDate =
- ## (origin date) contains any form of date, used to identify the date of origin for a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.3.1. ]
- element origDate {
- (text | model.gLike | model.phrase | model.global)*,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-origPlace =
- ## (origin place) contains any form of place name, used to identify the place of origin for a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.3.1. ]
- element origPlace {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-secFol =
- ## (second folio) marks the word or words taken from a fixed point in a codex (typically the beginning of the second leaf) in order to provide a unique identifier for it. [10.3.7. ]
- element secFol { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-signatures =
- ## contains discussion of the leaf or quire signatures found within a codex. [10.3.7. ]
- element signatures { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-stamp =
- ## contains a word or phrase describing a stamp or similar device. [10.3.3. ]
- element stamp {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-watermark =
- ## contains a word or phrase describing a watermark or similar device. [10.3.3. ]
- element watermark { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-msIdentifier =
- ## (manuscript identifier) contains the information required to identify the manuscript being described. [10.4. ]
- element msIdentifier {
- ((model.placeNamePart_sequenceOptional,
- institution?,
- repository?,
- collection*,
- idno?),
- (msName | altIdentifier)*)
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-msIdentifier-msId_minimal-constraint-10"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:msIdentifier"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test =
- "not(parent::tei:msPart) and (local-name(*[1])='idno' or local-name(*[1])='altIdentifier' or normalize-space(.)='')"
- "An msIdentifier must contain either a repository or location of some type, or a manuscript name"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-institution =
- ## contains the name of an organization such as a university or library, with which a manuscript is identified, generally its holding institution. [10.4. ]
- element institution {
- macro.xtext, att.global.attributes, att.naming.attributes, empty
- }
-repository =
- ## contains the name of a repository within which manuscripts are stored, possibly forming part of an institution. [10.4. ]
- element repository {
- macro.xtext, att.global.attributes, att.naming.attributes, empty
- }
-collection =
- ## contains the name of a collection of manuscripts, not necessarily located within a single repository. [10.4. ]
- element collection {
- macro.xtext,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.naming.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-altIdentifier =
- ## (alternative identifier) contains an alternative or former structured identifier used for a manuscript, such as a former catalogue number. [10.4. ]
- element altIdentifier {
- (model.placeNamePart_sequenceOptional,
- institution?,
- repository?,
- collection?,
- idno,
- note?),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-msName =
- ## (alternative name) contains any form of unstructured alternative name used for a manuscript, such as an ocellus nominum, or nickname. [10.4. ]
- element msName {
- macro.xtext, att.global.attributes, att.typed.attributes, empty
- }
-colophon =
- ## contains the colophon of a manuscript item: that is, a statement providing information regarding the date, place, agency, or reason for production of the manuscript. [10.6.1. ]
- element colophon { macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, empty }
-explicit =
- ## contains the explicit of a manuscript item, that is, the closing words of the text proper, exclusive of any rubric or colophon which might follow it. [10.6.1. ]
- element explicit {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.msExcerpt.attributes,
- empty
- }
-filiation =
- ## contains information concerning the manuscript's filiation, i.e. its relationship to other surviving manuscripts of the same text, its protographs, antigraphs and apographs. [10.6.1. ]
- element filiation {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-finalRubric =
- ## contains the string of words that denotes the end of a text division, often with an assertion as to its author and title, usually set off from the text itself by red ink, by a different size or type of script, or by some other such visual device. [10.6.1. ]
- element finalRubric {
- macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, att.typed.attributes, empty
- }
-incipit =
- ## contains the incipit of a manuscript item, that is the opening words of the text proper, exclusive of any rubric which might precede it, of sufficient length to identify the work uniquely; such incipits were, in former times, frequently used a means of reference to a work, in place of a title. [10.6.1. ]
- element incipit {
- macro.phraseSeq,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.msExcerpt.attributes,
- empty
- }
-msContents =
- ## (manuscript contents) describes the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part, either as a series of paragraphs or as a series of structured manuscript items. [10.6. ]
- element msContents {
- (model.pLike+
- | (summary?, textLang?, titlePage?, (msItem | msItemStruct)*)),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.msExcerpt.attributes,
- ## identifies the text types or classifications applicable to this object by pointing to other elements or resources defining the classification concerned.
- attribute class {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-msItem =
- ## (manuscript item) describes an individual work or item within the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.6.1. ]
- element msItem {
- ((locus | locusGrp)*,
- (model.pLike+
- | (model.titlepagePart | model.msItemPart | model.global)+)),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.msExcerpt.attributes,
- ## identifies the text types or classifications applicable to this item by pointing to other elements or resources defining the classification concerned.
- attribute class {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-msItemStruct =
- ## (structured manuscript item) contains a structured description for an individual work or item within the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.6.1. ]
- element msItemStruct {
- ((locus | locusGrp)?,
- (model.pLike+
- | (author*,
- respStmt*,
- title*,
- rubric?,
- incipit?,
- msItemStruct*,
- explicit?,
- finalRubric?,
- colophon*,
- decoNote*,
- listBibl*,
- (bibl | biblStruct)*,
- model.noteLike*,
- textLang?))),
- att.global.attributes,
- att.msExcerpt.attributes,
- ## identifies the text types or classifications applicable to this item by pointing to other elements or resources defining the classification concerned.
- attribute class {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-rubric =
- ## contains the text of any rubric or heading attached to a particular manuscript item, that is, a string of words through which a manuscript signals the beginning of a text division, often with an assertion as to its author and title, which is in some way set off from the text itself, usually in red ink, or by use of different size or type of script, or some other such visual device. [10.6.1. ]
- element rubric {
- macro.phraseSeq, att.global.attributes, att.typed.attributes, empty
- }
-summary =
- ## contains an overview of the available information concerning some aspect of an item (for example, its intellectual content, history, layout, typography etc.) as a complement or alternative to the more detailed information carried by more specific elements. [10.6. ]
- element summary { macro.specialPara, att.global.attributes, empty }
-physDesc =
- ## (physical description) contains a full physical description of a manuscript or manuscript part, optionally subdivided using more specialized elements from the model.physDescPart class. [10.7. ]
- element physDesc {
- (model.pLike*, model.physDescPart_sequenceOptional),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-objectDesc =
- ## contains a description of the physical components making up the object which is being described. [10.7.1. ]
- element objectDesc {
- (model.pLike+ | (supportDesc?, layoutDesc?)),
- att.global.attributes,
- ## a short project-specific name identifying the physical form of the carrier, for example as a codex, roll, fragment, partial leaf, cutting etc.
- attribute form { data.enumerated }?,
- empty
- }
-supportDesc =
- ## (support description) groups elements describing the physical support for the written part of a manuscript. [10.7.1. ]
- element supportDesc {
- (model.pLike+
- | (support?, extent?, foliation*, collation?, condition?)),
- att.global.attributes,
- ## a short project-defined name for the material composing the majority of the support
- ## Suggested values include: 1] paper; 2] parch(parchment) ; 3] mixed
- attribute material {
- ##
- "paper"
- |
- ## (parchment)
- "parch"
- |
- ##
- "mixed"
- | xsd:Name
- }?,
- empty
- }
-support =
- ## contains a description of the materials etc. which make up the physical support for the written part of a manuscript. [10.7.1. ]
- element support { macro.specialPara, att.global.attributes, empty }
-collation =
- ## contains a description of how the leaves or bifolia are physically arranged. [10.7.1. ]
- element collation { macro.specialPara, att.global.attributes, empty }
-foliation =
- ## describes the numbering system or systems used to count the leaves or pages in a codex. [ ]
- element foliation { macro.specialPara, att.global.attributes, empty }
-condition =
- ## contains a description of the physical condition of the manuscript. [ ]
- element condition { macro.specialPara, att.global.attributes, empty }
-layoutDesc =
- ## (layout description) collects the set of layout descriptions applicable to a manuscript. [10.7.2. ]
- element layoutDesc {
- (model.pLike+ | (summary?, layout+)),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-layout =
- ## describes how text is laid out on the page, including information about any ruling, pricking, or other evidence of page-preparation techniques. [10.7.2. ]
- element layout {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- ## specifies the number of columns per page
- attribute columns {
- list { data.count, data.count? }
- }?,
- ## specifies the number of ruled lines per column
- attribute ruledLines {
- list { data.count, data.count? }
- }?,
- ## specifies the number of written lines per column
- attribute writtenLines {
- list { data.count, data.count? }
- }?,
- empty
- }
-handDesc =
- ## (description of hands) contains a description of all the different kinds of writing used in a manuscript. [10.7.2. ]
- element handDesc {
- (model.pLike+ | (summary?, handNote+)),
- att.global.attributes,
- ## specifies the number of distinct hands identified within the manuscript
- attribute hands { data.count }?,
- empty
- }
-typeDesc =
- ## contains a description of the typefaces or other aspects of the printing of an incunable or other printed source. [ ]
- element typeDesc {
- (model.pLike+ | (summary?, typeNote+)),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-scriptDesc =
- ## contains a description of the scripts used in a manuscript or similar source. [ ]
- element scriptDesc {
- (model.pLike+ | (summary?, scriptNote+)),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-musicNotation =
- ## contains description of type of musical notation. [10.7.2. ]
- element musicNotation {
- macro.specialPara, att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-decoDesc =
- ## (decoration description) contains a description of the decoration of a manuscript, either as a sequence of paragraphs, or as a sequence of topically organized decoNote elements. [10.7.3. ]
- element decoDesc {
- (model.pLike+ | (summary?, decoNote+)),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-decoNote =
- ## (note on decoration) contains a note describing either a decorative component of a manuscript, or a fairly homogenous class of such components. [10.7.3. ]
- element decoNote {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-additions =
- ## contains a description of any significant additions found within a manuscript, such as marginalia or other annotations. [10.7.2. ]
- element additions { macro.specialPara, att.global.attributes, empty }
-bindingDesc =
- ## (binding description) describes the present and former bindings of a manuscript, either as a series of paragraphs or as a series of distinct binding elements, one for each binding of the manuscript. [ ]
- element bindingDesc {
- ((model.pLike | decoNote | condition)+ | binding+),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-binding =
- ## contains a description of one binding, i.e. type of covering, boards, etc. applied to a manuscript. [ ]
- element binding {
- (model.pLike | condition | decoNote)+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- ## specifies whether or not the binding is contemporary with the majority of its contents
- attribute contemporary { data.xTruthValue }?,
- empty
- }
-sealDesc =
- ## (seal description) describes the seals or other external items attached to a manuscript, either as a series of paragraphs or as a series of distinct seal elements, possibly with additional decoNotes. [ ]
- element sealDesc {
- (model.pLike+
- | (summary?, (decoNote | seal | condition)+)),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-seal =
- ## contains a description of one seal or similar attachment applied to a manuscript. [ ]
- element seal {
- (model.pLike | decoNote)+,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- ## specifies whether or not the seal is contemporary with the item to which it is affixed
- attribute contemporary { data.xTruthValue }?,
- empty
- }
-accMat =
- ## (accompanying material) contains details of any significant additional material which may be closely associated with the manuscript being described, such as non-contemporaneous documents or fragments bound in with the manuscript at some earlier historical period. [ ]
- element accMat {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-history =
- ## groups elements describing the full history of a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.8. ]
- element history {
- (model.pLike+ | (summary?, origin?, provenance*, acquisition?)),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-origin =
- ## contains any descriptive or other information concerning the origin of a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.8. ]
- element origin {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.editLike.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-provenance =
- ## contains any descriptive or other information concerning a single identifiable episode during the history of a manuscript or manuscript part, after its creation but before its acquisition. [10.8. ]
- element provenance {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- att.responsibility.attributes,
- empty
- }
-acquisition =
- ## contains any descriptive or other information concerning the process by which a manuscript or manuscript part entered the holding institution. [10.8. ]
- element acquisition {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- empty
- }
-additional =
- ## groups additional information, combining bibliographic information about a manuscript, or surrogate copies of it with curatorial or administrative information. [10.9. ]
- element additional {
- (adminInfo?, surrogates?, listBibl?), att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-adminInfo =
- ## (administrative information) contains information about the present custody and availability of the manuscript, and also about the record description itself. [10.9.1. ]
- element adminInfo {
- (recordHist?, availability?, custodialHist?, model.noteLike?),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-recordHist =
- ## (recorded history) provides information about the source and revision status of the parent manuscript description itself. [10.9.1. ]
- element recordHist {
- (model.pLike+ | (source, change*)),
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-source =
- ## describes the original source for the information contained with a manuscript description. [ ]
- element source { macro.specialPara, att.global.attributes, empty }
-custodialHist =
- ## (custodial history) contains a description of a manuscript's custodial history, either as running prose or as a series of dated custodial events. [ ]
- element custodialHist {
- (model.pLike+ | custEvent+), att.global.attributes, empty
- }
-custEvent =
- ## (custodial event) describes a single event during the custodial history of a manuscript. [ ]
- element custEvent {
- macro.specialPara,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.datable.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-surrogates =
- ## contains information about any representations of the manuscript being described which may exist in the holding institution or elsewhere. [10.9. ]
- element surrogates { macro.specialPara, att.global.attributes, empty }
-msPart =
- ## (manuscript part) contains information about an originally distinct manuscript or part of a manuscript, now forming part of a composite manuscript. [10.10. ]
- element msPart {
- ((altIdentifier | msIdentifier),
- model.headLike*,
- (model.pLike+
- | (msContents?, physDesc?, history?, additional?, msPart*)))
- >> sch:pattern [
- id =
- "tei_cp-msPart-deprecate-altIdentifier-child-constraint-11"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:msPart"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- role = "nonfatal"
- test = "child::tei:altIdentifier"
- "WARNING: use of deprecated method — the use of the altIdentifier element as a direct child of the msPart element will be removed from the TEI on 2016-09-09"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- empty
- }
-att.global.analytic.attributes = att.global.analytic.attribute.ana
-att.global.analytic.attribute.ana =
- ## (analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears.
- attribute ana {
- list { data.pointer+ }
- }?
-c =
- ## (character) represents a character. [17.1. ]
- element c {
- macro.xtext,
- att.global.attributes,
- att.segLike.attributes,
- att.typed.attributes,
- empty
- }
-span =
- ## associates an interpretative annotation directly with a span of text. [17.3. ]
- element span {
- macro.phraseSeq.limited
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-span-targetfrom-constraint-12"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:span"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "@from and @target"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "Only one of the attributes @target and @from may be supplied on "
- sch:name [ ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-span-targetto-constraint-13"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:span"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "@to and @target"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "Only one of the attributes @target and @to may be supplied on "
- sch:name [ ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-span-tonotfrom-constraint-14"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:span"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test = "@to and not(@from)"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "If @to is supplied on "
- sch:name [ ]
- ", @from must be supplied as well"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- >> sch:pattern [
- id = "tei_cp-span-tofrom-constraint-15"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:rule [
- context = "tei:span"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- sch:report [
- test =
- "contains(normalize-space(@to),' ') or contains(normalize-space(@from),' ')"
- "\x{a}" ~
- "The attributes @to and @from on "
- sch:name [ ]
- " may each contain only a single value"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ],
- att.global.attributes,
- att.interpLike.attributes,
- att.pointing.attributes,
- ## gives the identifier of the node which is the starting point of the span of text being annotated; if not accompanied by a to attribute, gives the identifier of the node of the entire span of text being annotated.
- attribute from { data.pointer }?,
- ## gives the identifier of the node which is the end-point of the span of text being annotated.
- attribute to { data.pointer }?,
- empty
- }
-start = TEI | teiCorpus
diff --git a/data/text/schema/tei_cp.rng b/data/text/schema/tei_cp.rng
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fa7cd6..0000000
--- a/data/text/schema/tei_cp.rng
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11181 +0,0 @@
- high
- medium
- low
- unknown
- 0
- 1
- (\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)
- 0
- regular
- irregular
- unknown
- unknown
- inapplicable
- [\-+]?\d+(\.\d+)?(%|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|em|ex|gd|rem|vw|vh|vm)
- (\-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*,\-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)
- [\d]+(\.[\d]+){0,2}
- [\d]+[a-z]*[\d]*(\.[\d]+[a-z]*[\d]*){0,3}
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- [0-9.,DHMPRSTWYZ/:+\-]+
- indicates the person, or group of people, to whom the element content is ascribed.
- provides an externally-defined means of identifying the entity (or entities) being named, using a coded value of some kind.
- (reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition for the entity being named by means of one or more URIs.
- gives a minimum estimated value for the approximate measurement.
- gives a maximum estimated value for the approximate measurement.
- where the measurement summarizes more than one observation or a range, supplies the minimum value observed.
- where the measurement summarizes more than one observation or a range, supplies the maximum value observed.
- specifies the degree of statistical confidence (between zero and one) that a value falls within the range specified by min and max, or the proportion of observed values that fall within that range.
- names the unit used for the measurement
-Suggested values include: 1] cm(centimetres) ; 2] mm(millimetres) ; 3] in(inches) ; 4] lines; 5] chars(characters)
- cm
- (centimetres)
- mm
- (millimetres)
- in
- (inches)
- lines
- lines of text
- chars
- (characters) characters of text
- specifies the length in the units specified
- indicates the size of the object concerned using a project-specific vocabulary combining quantity and units in a single string of words.
- characterizes the precision of the values specified by the other attributes.
- where the measurement summarizes more than one observation, specifies the applicability of this measurement.
-Sample values include: 1] all; 2] most; 3] range
- in the case of damage (deliberate defacement, inking out, etc.) assignable to a distinct hand, signifies the hand responsible for the damage by pointing to one of the hand identifiers declared in the document header (see section ).
- categorizes the cause of the damage, if it can be identified.
-Sample values include: 1] rubbing; 2] mildew; 3] smoke
- provides a coded representation of the degree of damage, either as a number between 0 (undamaged) and 1 (very extensively damaged), or as one of the codes high, medium, low, or unknown. The damage element with the degree attribute should only be used where the text may be read with some confidence; text supplied from other sources should be tagged as supplied.
- assigns an arbitrary number to each stretch of damage regarded as forming part of the same physical phenomenon.
- indicates whether or not the element bearing this attribute should be considered to mark the end of an orthographic token in the same way as whitespace.
- (canonical reference) specifies the destination of the pointer by supplying a canonical reference expressed using the scheme defined in a refsDecl element in the TEI header
- supplies the value of the date or time in a standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- specifies the earliest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- specifies the latest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- indicates the starting point of the period in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- indicates the ending point of the period in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- indicates the system or calendar to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
-@calendar indicates the system or calendar to which the date represented by the content of this element
-belongs, but this element has no textual content.
- supplies a pointer to some location defining a named period of time within which the datable item is understood to have occurred.
- contains a PID (persistent identifier) that aligns the given element with the appropriate Data Category (or categories) in ISOcat.
- contains a PID (persistent identifier) that aligns the content of the given element or the value of the given attribute with the appropriate simple Data Category (or categories) in ISOcat.
- indicates whether or not this element is selected by default when its parent is selected.
- true
- This element is selected if its parent is selected
- false
- This element can only be selected explicitly, unless it is the only one of its kind, in which case it is selected if its parent is selected.
- identifies one or more declarable elements within the header, which are understood to apply to the element bearing this attribute and its content.
- specifies whether or not its parent element is fragmented in some way, typically by some other overlapping structure: for example a speech which is divided between two or more verse stanzas, a paragraph which is split across a page division, a verse line which is divided between two speakers.
- Y
- (yes) the element is fragmented in some (unspecified) respect
- N
- (no) either the element is not fragmented, or no claim is made as to its completeness.
- I
- (initial) this is the initial part of a fragmented element
- M
- (medial) this is a medial part of a fragmented element
- F
- (final) this is the final part of a fragmented element
- (organization) specifies how the content of the division is organized.
- composite
- no claim is made about the sequence in which the immediate contents of this division are to be processed, or their inter-relationships.
- uniform
- the immediate contents of this element are regarded as forming a logical unit, to be processed in sequence.
- indicates whether this division is a sample of the original source and if so, from which part.
- initial
- division lacks material present at end in source.
- medial
- division lacks material at start and end.
- final
- division lacks material at start.
- unknown
- position of sampled material within original unknown.
- complete
- division is not a sample.
- describes the status of a document either currently or, when associated with a dated element, at the time indicated.
-Sample values include: 1] approved; 2] candidate; 3] cleared; 4] deprecated; 5] draft; 6] embargoed; 7] expired; 8] frozen; 9] galley; 10] proposed; 11] published; 12] recommendation; 13] submitted; 14] unfinished; 15] withdrawn
- (certainty) signifies the degree of certainty associated with the intervention or interpretation.
- (responsible party) indicates the agency responsible for the intervention or interpretation, for example an editor or transcriber.
- indicates the nature of the evidence supporting the reliability or accuracy of the intervention or interpretation.
-Suggested values include: 1] internal; 2] external; 3] conjecture
- internal
- there is internal evidence to support the intervention.
- external
- there is external evidence to support the intervention.
- conjecture
- the intervention or interpretation has been made by the editor, cataloguer, or scholar on the basis of their expertise.
- indicates whether this is an instant revision or not.
- (identifier) provides a unique identifier for the element bearing the attribute.
- (number) gives a number (or other label) for an element, which is not necessarily unique within the document.
- (language) indicates the language of the element content using a tag generated according to BCP 47.
- (rendition) indicates how the element in question was rendered or presented in the source text.
- contains an expression in some formal style definition language which defines the rendering or presentation used for this element in the source text
- points to a description of the rendering or presentation used for this element in the source text.
- provides a base URI reference with which applications can resolve relative URI references into absolute URI references.
- signals an intention about how white space should be managed by applications.
- default
- signals that the application's default white-space processing modes are acceptable
- preserve
- indicates the intent that applications preserve all white space
- gives a name or other identifier for the scribe believed to be responsible for this hand.
- points to a full description of the scribe concerned, typically supplied by a person element elsewhere in the description.
- characterizes the particular script or writing style used by this hand, for example secretary, copperplate, Chancery, Italian, etc.
- points to a full description of the script or writing style used by this hand, typically supplied by a scriptNote element elsewhere in the description.
- describes the tint or type of ink, e.g. brown, or other writing medium, e.g. pencil
- specifies how widely this hand is used in the manuscript.
- sole
- only this hand is used throughout the manuscript
- major
- this hand is used through most of the manuscript
- minor
- this hand is used occasionally in the manuscript
- (MIME media type) specifies the applicable multimedia internet mail extension (MIME) media type
- Where the media are displayed, indicates the display width
- Where the media are displayed, indicates the display height
- Where the media are displayed, indicates a scale factor to be applied when generating the desired display size
- (uniform resource locator) specifies the URL from which the media concerned may be obtained.
- indicates what kind of phenomenon is being noted in the passage.
-Sample values include: 1] image; 2] character; 3] theme; 4] allusion
- (instances) points to instances of the analysis or interpretation represented by the current element.
- indicates the units used for the measurement, usually using the standard symbol for the desired units.
-Suggested values include: 1] m(metre) ; 2] kg(kilogram) ; 3] s(second) ; 4] Hz(hertz) ; 5] Pa(pascal) ; 6] Ω(ohm) ; 7] L(litre) ; 8] t(tonne) ; 9] ha(hectare) ; 10] Å(ångström) ; 11] mL(millilitre) ; 12] cm(centimetre) ; 13] dB(decibel) ; 14] kbit(kilobit) ; 15] Kibit(kibibit) ; 16] kB(kilobyte) ; 17] KiB(kibibyte) ; 18] MB(megabyte) ; 19] MiB(mebibyte)
- m
- (metre) SI base unit of length
- kg
- (kilogram) SI base unit of mass
- s
- (second) SI base unit of time
- Hz
- (hertz) SI unit of frequency
- Pa
- (pascal) SI unit of pressure or stress
- Ω
- (ohm) SI unit of electric resistance
- L
- (litre) 1 dm³
- t
- (tonne) 10³ kg
- ha
- (hectare) 1 hm²
- Å
- (ångström) 10⁻¹⁰ m
- mL
- (millilitre)
- cm
- (centimetre)
- dB
- (decibel) see remarks, below
- kbit
- (kilobit) 10³ or 1000 bits
- Kibit
- (kibibit) 2¹⁰ or 1024 bits
- kB
- (kilobyte) 10³ or 1000 bytes
- KiB
- (kibibyte) 2¹⁰ or 1024 bytes
- MB
- (megabyte) 10⁶ or 1 000 000 bytes
- MiB
- (mebibyte) 2²⁰ or 1 048 576 bytes
- specifies the number of the specified units that comprise the measurement
- indicates the substance that is being measured
- may be used to specify further information about the entity referenced by this name in the form of a set of whitespace-separated values, for example the occupation of a person, or the status of a place.
- (reference to the canonical name) provides a means of locating the canonical form (nym) of the names associated with the object named by the element bearing it.
- specifies where this item is placed
-Suggested values include: 1] below; 2] bottom; 3] margin; 4] top; 5] opposite; 6] overleaf; 7] above; 8] end; 9] inline; 10] inspace
- below
- below the line
- bottom
- at the foot of the page
- margin
- in the margin (left, right, or both)
- top
- at the top of the page
- opposite
- on the opposite, i.e. facing, page
- overleaf
- on the other side of the leaf
- above
- above the line
- end
- at the end of e.g. chapter or volume.
- inline
- within the body of the text.
- inspace
- in a predefined space, for example left by an earlier scribe.
- characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
- provides a sub-categorization of the element, if needed
- The element should not be categorized in detail with @subtype
- unless also categorized in general with @type
- specifies the language of the content to be found at the destination referenced by target, using a language tag generated according to BCP 47.
- @targetLang can only be used if @target is specified.
- specifies the destination of the reference by supplying one or more URI References
- specifies the intended meaning when the target of a pointer is itself a pointer.
- all
- if the element pointed to is itself a pointer, then the target of that pointer will be taken, and so on, until an element is found which is not a pointer.
- one
- if the element pointed to is itself a pointer, then its target (whether a pointer or not) is taken as the target of this pointer.
- none
- no further evaluation of targets is carried out beyond that needed to find the element specified in the pointer's target.
- optionally specifies the identifiers of the elements within which all elements indicated by the contents of this element lie.
- (target function) describes the function of each of the values of the target attribute of the enclosed link, join, or alt tags.
- characterizes the function of the segment.
- supplies the sort key for this element in an index, list or group which contains it.
- (edition) supplies a sigil or other arbitrary identifier for the source edition in which the associated feature (for example, a page, column, or line break) occurs at this point in the text.
- (edition reference) provides a pointer to the source edition in which the associated feature (for example, a page, column, or line break) occurs at this point in the text.
- indicates the end of a span initiated by the element bearing this attribute.
-The element indicated by @spanTo () must follow the current element
- identifies the language used to describe the rendition.
- css
- Cascading Stylesheet Language
- xslfo
- Extensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects
- free
- Informal free text description
- other
- A user-defined rendition description language
- supplies a version number for the style language provided in scheme.
- @schemeVersion can only be used if @scheme is specified.
- indicates the kind of information held in this cell or in each cell of this row.
-Suggested values include: 1] label; 2] data
- label
- labelling or descriptive information only.
- data
- data values.
- indicates the number of rows occupied by this cell or row.
- (columns) indicates the number of columns occupied by this cell or row.
- indicates the location within a temporal alignment at which this element begins.
- indicates the location within a temporal alignment at which this element ends.
- indicates the hand of the agent which made the intervention.
- indicates the effect of the intervention, for example in the case of a deletion, strikeouts which include too much or too little text, or in the case of an addition, an insertion which duplicates some of the text already present.
-Sample values include: 1] duplicate; 2] duplicate-partial; 3] excessStart; 4] excessEnd; 5] shortStart; 6] shortEnd; 7] partial; 8] unremarkable
- documents the presumed cause for the intervention.
- fix
- repeated for the purpose of fixation
- unclear
- repeated to clarify a previously illegible or badly written text or mark
- (sequence) assigns a sequence number related to the order in which the encoded features carrying this attribute are believed to have occurred.
- specifies the date on which the source text was extracted and sent to the translator
- identifies the unit of information conveyed by the element, e.g. columns, pages, volume.
-Suggested values include: 1] volume; 2] issue; 3] page; 4] line; 5] chapter; 6] part; 7] column
- volume
- the element contains a volume number.
- issue
- the element contains an issue number, or volume and issue numbers.
- page
- the element contains a page number or page range.
- line
- the element contains a line number or line range.
- chapter
- the element contains a chapter indication (number and/or title)
- part
- the element identifies a part of a book or collection.
- column
- the element identifies a column.
- specifies the starting point of the range of units indicated by the unit attribute.
- specifies the end-point of the range of units indicated by the unit attribute.
- provides a pointer to the bibliographical source from which a quotation or citation is drawn.
- indicates whether the name component is given in full, as an abbreviation or simply as an initial.
- yes
- the name component is spelled out in full.
- abb
- (abbreviated) the name component is given in an abbreviated form.
- init
- (initial letter) the name component is indicated only by one initial.
- specifies the sort order of the name component in relation to others within the name.
- provides a conventional name for the kind of section changing at this milestone.
-Suggested values include: 1] page; 2] column; 3] line; 4] book; 5] poem; 6] canto; 7] speaker; 8] stanza; 9] act; 10] scene; 11] section; 12] absent; 13] unnumbered
- page
- physical page breaks (synonymous with the pb element).
- column
- column breaks.
- line
- line breaks (synonymous with the lb element).
- book
- any units termed book, liber, etc.
- poem
- individual poems in a collection.
- canto
- cantos or other major sections of a poem.
- speaker
- changes of speaker or narrator.
- stanza
- stanzas within a poem, book, or canto.
- act
- acts within a play.
- scene
- scenes within a play or act.
- section
- sections of any kind.
- absent
- passages not present in the reference edition.
- unnumbered
- passages present in the text, but not to be included as part of the reference.
- (paragraph) marks paragraphs in prose. [3.1. 7.2.5. ]
- identifies a word or phrase as belonging to some language other than that of the surrounding text. [ ]
- (emphasized) marks words or phrases which are stressed or emphasized for linguistic or rhetorical effect. [ 3.3.2. ]
- (highlighted) marks a word or phrase as graphically distinct from the surrounding text, for reasons concerning which no claim is made. [ 3.3.2. ]
- identifies any word or phrase which is regarded as linguistically distinct, for example as archaic, technical, dialectal, non-preferred, etc., or as forming part of a sublanguage. [ ]
- specifies the sublanguage or register to which the word or phrase is being assigned
- specifies how the phrase is distinct diachronically
- specifies how the phrase is distinct diatopically
- specifies how the phrase is distinct diastatically
- (speech or thought) indicates passages thought or spoken aloud, whether explicitly indicated in the source or not, whether directly or indirectly reported, whether by real people or fictional characters. [3.3.3. ]
- may be used to indicate whether the quoted matter is regarded as having been vocalized or signed.
- may be used to indicate whether the quoted matter is regarded as direct or indirect speech.
- (quotation) contains a phrase or passage attributed by the narrator or author to some agency external to the text. [3.3.3. 4.3.1. ]
- (quoted) contains material which is distinguished from the surrounding text using quotation marks or a similar method, for any one of a variety of reasons including, but not limited to: direct speech or thought, technical terms or jargon, authorial distance, quotations from elsewhere, and passages that are mentioned but not used. [3.3.3. ]
- may be used to indicate whether the offset passage is spoken or thought, or to characterize it more finely.
-Suggested values include: 1] spoken; 2] thought; 3] written; 4] soCalled; 5] foreign; 6] distinct; 7] term; 8] emph; 9] mentioned
- spoken
- representation of speech
- thought
- representation of thought, e.g. internal monologue
- written
- quotation from a written source
- soCalled
- authorial distance
- foreign
- distinct
- linguistically distinct
- term
- technical term
- emph
- rhetorically emphasized
- mentioned
- refering to itself, not its normal referent
- (cited quotation) contains a quotation from some other document, together with a bibliographic reference to its source. In a dictionary it may contain an example text with at least one occurrence of the word form, used in the sense being described, or a translation of the headword, or an example. [3.3.3. 4.3.1. ]
- marks words or phrases mentioned, not used. [3.3.3. ]
- contains a word or phrase for which the author or narrator indicates a disclaiming of responsibility, for example by the use of scare quotes or italics. [3.3.3. ]
- (description) contains a brief description of the object documented by its parent element, including its intended usage, purpose, or application where this is appropriate. [22.4.1. ]
- identifies a phrase or word used to provide a gloss or definition for some other word or phrase. [3.3.4. 22.4.1. ]
- contains a single-word, multi-word, or symbolic designation which is regarded as a technical term. [3.3.4. ]
- (Latin for thus or so
- ) contains text reproduced although apparently incorrect or inaccurate. [3.4.1. ]
- (correction) contains the correct form of a passage apparently erroneous in the copy text. [3.4.1. ]
- groups a number of alternative encodings for the same point in a text. [3.4. ]
- (regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense. [3.4.2. 12. ]
- (original form) contains a reading which is marked as following the original, rather than being normalized or corrected. [3.4.2. 12. ]
- indicates a point where material has been omitted in a transcription, whether for editorial reasons described in the TEI header, as part of sampling practice, or because the material is illegible, invisible, or inaudible. [3.4.3. ]
- gives the reason for omission. Sample values include sampling, inaudible, irrelevant, cancelled.
- in the case of text omitted from the transcription because of deliberate deletion by an identifiable hand, indicates the hand which made the deletion.
- in the case of text omitted because of damage, categorizes the cause of the damage, if it can be identified.
-Sample values include: 1] rubbing; 2] mildew; 3] smoke
- (addition) contains letters, words, or phrases inserted in the source text by an author, scribe, or a previous annotator or corrector. [3.4.3. ]
- (deletion) contains a letter, word, or passage deleted, marked as deleted, or otherwise indicated as superfluous or spurious in the copy text by an author, scribe, or a previous annotator or corrector. [3.4.3. ]
- contains a word, phrase, or passage which cannot be transcribed with certainty because it is illegible or inaudible in the source. [ 3.4.3. ]
- indicates why the material is hard to transcribe.
- Where the difficulty in transcription arises from action (partial deletion, etc.) assignable to an identifiable hand, signifies the hand responsible for the action.
- Where the difficulty in transcription arises from damage, categorizes the cause of the damage, if it can be identified.
-Sample values include: 1] rubbing; 2] mildew; 3] smoke
- (name, proper noun) contains a proper noun or noun phrase. [3.5.1. ]
- (referencing string) contains a general purpose name or referring string. [13.2.1. 3.5.1. ]
- (electronic mail address) contains an email address identifying a location to which email messages can be delivered. [3.5.2. ]
- contains a postal address, for example of a publisher, an organization, or an individual. [3.5.2. 2.2.4. ]
- (address line) contains one line of a postal address. [3.5.2. 2.2.4. ]
- contains a full street address including any name or number identifying a building as well as the name of the street or route on which it is located. [3.5.2. ]
- (postal code) contains a numerical or alphanumeric code used as part of a postal address to simplify sorting or delivery of mail. [3.5.2. ]
- (postal box or post office box) contains a number or other identifier for some postal delivery point other than a street address. [3.5.2. ]
- (number) contains a number, written in any form. [3.5.3. ]
- indicates the type of numeric value.
-Suggested values include: 1] cardinal; 2] ordinal; 3] fraction; 4] percentage
- cardinal
- absolute number, e.g. 21, 21.5
- ordinal
- ordinal number, e.g. 21st
- fraction
- fraction, e.g. one half or three-quarters
- percentage
- a percentage
- supplies the value of the number in standard form.
- contains a word or phrase referring to some quantity of an object or commodity, usually comprising a number, a unit, and a commodity name. [3.5.3. ]
- specifies the type of measurement in any convenient typology.
- (measure group) contains a group of dimensional specifications which relate to the same object, for example the height and width of a manuscript page. [10.3.4. ]
- contains a date in any format. [3.5.4. 2.2.4. 2.5. 15.2.3. 13.3.6. ]
- contains a phrase defining a time of day in any format. [3.5.4. ]
- (abbreviation) contains an abbreviation of any sort. [3.5.5. ]
- allows the encoder to classify the abbreviation according to some convenient typology.
- (expansion) contains the expansion of an abbreviation. [3.5.5. ]
- (pointer) defines a pointer to another location. [3.6. 16.1. ]
- Only one of the
-attributes @target and @cRef may be supplied on .
- (reference) defines a reference to another location, possibly modified by additional text or comment. [3.6. 16.1. ]
- Only one of the
- attributes @target' and @cRef' may be supplied on
- contains any sequence of items organized as a list. [3.7. ]
- describes the nature of the items in the list.
-Suggested values include: 1] gloss; 2] index; 3] instructions; 4] litany; 5] syllogism
- gloss
- each list item glosses some term or concept, which is given by a label element preceding the list item.
- index
- each list item is an entry in an index such as the alphabetical topical index at the back of a print volume.
- instructions
- each list item is a step in a sequence of instructions, as in a recipe.
- litany
- each list item is one of a sequence of petitions, supplications or invocations, typically in a religious ritual.
- syllogism
- each list item is part of an argument consisting of two or more propositions and a final conclusion derived from them.
- contains one component of a list. [3.7. 2.5. ]
- contains any label or heading used to identify part of a text, typically but not exclusively in a list or glossary. [3.7. ]
- (heading) contains any type of heading, for example the title of a section, or the heading of a list, glossary, manuscript description, etc. [4.2.1. ]
- (heading for list labels) contains the heading for the label or term column in a glossary list or similar structured list. [3.7. ]
- (heading for list items) contains the heading for the item or gloss column in a glossary list or similar structured list. [3.7. ]
- contains a note or annotation. [3.8.1. 2.2.6. ]
- indicates whether the copy text shows the exact place of reference for the note.
- points to the end of the span to which the note is attached, if the note is not embedded in the text at that point.
- (index entry) marks a location to be indexed for whatever purpose. [3.8.2. ]
- a single word which follows the rules defining a legal XML name (see ), supplying a name to specify which index (of several) the index entry belongs to.
- indicates the location of any form of external media such as an audio or video clip etc. [3.9. ]
- (MIME media type) specifies the applicable multimedia internet mail extension (MIME) media type
- indicates the location of an inline graphic, illustration, or figure. [3.9. ]
- provides encoded binary data representing an inline graphic, audio, video or other object. [3.9. ]
- The encoding used to encode the binary data. If not specified, this is assumed to be Base64.
- marks a boundary point separating any kind of section of a text, typically but not necessarily indicating a point at which some part of a standard reference system changes, where the change is not represented by a structural element. [3.10.3. ]
- (gathering begins) marks the point in a transcribed codex at which a new gathering or quire begins. [3.10.3. ]
- (page break) marks the start of a new page in a paginated document. [3.10.3. ]
- (line break) marks the start of a new (typographic) line in some edition or version of a text. [3.10.3. 7.2.5. ]
- (column break) marks the beginning of a new column of a text on a multi-column page. [3.10.3. ]
- (analytic level) contains bibliographic elements describing an item (e.g. an article or poem) published within a monograph or journal and not as an independent publication. [ ]
- (monographic level) contains bibliographic elements describing an item (e.g. a book or journal) published as an independent item (i.e. as a separate physical object). [ ]
- (series information) contains information about the series in which a book or other bibliographic item has appeared. [ ]
- in a bibliographic reference, contains the name(s) of an author, personal or corporate, of a work; for example in the same form as that provided by a recognized bibliographic name authority. [ 2.2.1. ]
- contains a secondary statement of responsibility for a bibliographic item, for example the name of an individual, institution or organization, (or of several such) acting as editor, compiler, translator, etc. [ ]
- (statement of responsibility) supplies a statement of responsibility for the intellectual content of a text, edition, recording, or series, where the specialized elements for authors, editors, etc. do not suffice or do not apply. May also be used to encode information about individuals or organizations which have played a role in the production or distribution of a bibliographic work. [ 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.5. ]
- (responsibility) contains a phrase describing the nature of a person's intellectual responsibility, or an organization's role in the production or distribution of a work. [ 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.5. ]
- contains a title for any kind of work. [ 2.2.1. 2.2.5. ]
- classifies the title according to some convenient typology.
-Sample values include: 1] main; 2] sub(subordinate) ; 3] alt(alternate) ; 4] short; 5] desc(descriptive)
- indicates the bibliographic level for a title, that is, whether it identifies an article, book, journal, series, or unpublished material.
- a
- (analytic) the title applies to an analytic item, such as an article, poem, or other work published as part of a larger item.
- m
- (monographic) the title applies to a monograph such as a book or other item considered to be a distinct publication, including single volumes of multi-volume works
- j
- (journal) the title applies to any serial or periodical publication such as a journal, magazine, or newspaper
- s
- (series) the title applies to a series of otherwise distinct publications such as a collection
- u
- (unpublished) the title applies to any unpublished material (including theses and dissertations unless published by a commercial press)
- contains the formalized descriptive title for a meeting or conference, for use in a bibliographic description for an item derived from such a meeting, or as a heading or preamble to publications emanating from it. [ ]
- groups information relating to the publication or distribution of a bibliographic item. [ ]
- provides the name of the organization responsible for the publication or distribution of a bibliographic item. [ 2.2.4. ]
- (scope of bibliographic reference) defines the scope of a bibliographic reference, for example as a list of page numbers, or a named subdivision of a larger work. [ ]
- identifies the type of information conveyed by the element, e.g. columns, pages, volume.
-Suggested values include: 1] vol(volume) ; 2] issue; 3] pp(pages) ; 4] ll(lines) ; 5] chap(chapter) ; 6] part
- vol
- (volume) the element contains a volume number.
- issue
- the element contains an issue number, or volume and issue numbers.
- pp
- (pages) the element contains a page number or page range.
- ll
- (lines) the element contains a line number or line range.
- chap
- (chapter) the element contains a chapter indication (number and/or title)
- part
- the element identifies a part of a book or collection.
- (cited range) defines the range of cited content, often represented by pages or other units [ ]
- (publication place) contains the name of the place where a bibliographic item was published. [ ]
- (bibliographic citation) contains a loosely-structured bibliographic citation of which the sub-components may or may not be explicitly tagged. [3.11.1. 2.2.7. 15.3.2. ]
- (structured bibliographic citation) contains a structured bibliographic citation, in which only bibliographic sub-elements appear and in a specified order. [3.11.1. 2.2.7. 15.3.2. ]
- (citation list) contains a list of bibliographic citations of any kind. [3.11.1. 2.2.7. 15.3.2. ]
- contains or references some other bibliographic item which is related to the present one in some specified manner, for example as a constituent or alternative version of it. [ ]
-If the @target attribute on is used, the
-relatedItem element must be empty
- A relatedItem element should have either a 'target' attribute
- or a child element to indicate the related bibliographic item
- points to the related bibliographic element by means of an absolute or relative URI reference
- (verse line) contains a single, possibly incomplete, line of verse. [3.12.1. 3.12. 7.2.5. ]
- (line group) contains one or more verse lines functioning as a formal unit, e.g. a stanza, refrain, verse paragraph, etc. [3.12.1. 3.12. 7.2.5. ]
- An lg element
- must contain at least one child l, lg or gap element.
- (speech) contains an individual speech in a performance text, or a passage presented as such in a prose or verse text. [3.12.2. 3.12. 7.2.2. ]
- contains a specialized form of heading or label, giving the name of one or more speakers in a dramatic text or fragment. [3.12.2. ]
- (stage direction) contains any kind of stage direction within a dramatic text or fragment. [3.12.2. 3.12. 7.2.4. ]
- indicates the kind of stage direction.
-Suggested values include: 1] setting; 2] entrance; 3] exit; 4] business; 5] novelistic; 6] delivery; 7] modifier; 8] location; 9] mixed
- setting
- describes a setting.
- entrance
- describes an entrance.
- exit
- describes an exit.
- business
- describes stage business.
- novelistic
- is a narrative, motivating stage direction.
- delivery
- describes how a character speaks.
- modifier
- gives some detail about a character.
- location
- describes a location.
- mixed
- more than one of the above
- contains the whole of a TEI encoded corpus, comprising a single corpus header and one or more TEI elements, each containing a single text header and a text. [4. 15.1. ]
- The version of the TEI scheme
- (automatically generated text division) indicates the location at which a textual division generated automatically by a text-processing application is to appear. [3.8.2. ]
- specifies what type of generated text division (e.g. index, table of contents, etc.) is to appear.
-Sample values include: 1] index; 2] toc; 3] figlist; 4] tablist
- (text language) describes the languages and writing systems identified within the bibliographic work being described, rather than its description. [ 10.6.6. ]
- (main language) supplies a code which identifies the chief language used in the bibliographic work.
- (other languages) one or more codes identifying any other languages used in the bibliographic work.
- specifies a regular expression against which the values of other attributes can be matched.
- specifies a replacement pattern, that is, the skeleton of a relative or absolute URI containing references to groups in the matchPattern which, once subpattern substitution has been performed, complete the URI.
- (TEI header) supplies the descriptive and declarative information making up an electronic title page for every TEI-conformant document. [2.1.1. 15.1. ]
- specifies the kind of document to which the header is attached, for example whether it is a corpus or individual text.
-Sample values include: 1] text; 2] corpus
- (file description) contains a full bibliographic description of an electronic file. [2.2. 2.1.1. ]
- (title statement) groups information about the title of a work and those responsible for its content. [2.2.1. 2.2. ]
- specifies the name of a sponsoring organization or institution. [2.2.1. ]
- (funding body) specifies the name of an individual, institution, or organization responsible for the funding of a project or text. [2.2.1. ]
- (principal researcher) supplies the name of the principal researcher responsible for the creation of an electronic text. [2.2.1. ]
- (edition statement) groups information relating to one edition of a text. [2.2.2. 2.2. ]
- describes the particularities of one edition of a text. [2.2.2. ]
- describes the approximate size of a text stored on some carrier medium or of some other object, digital or non-digital, specified in any convenient units. [2.2.3. 2.2. 10.7.1. ]
- (publication statement) groups information concerning the publication or distribution of an electronic or other text. [2.2.4. 2.2. ]
- supplies the name of a person or other agency responsible for the distribution of a text. [2.2.4. ]
- (release authority) supplies the name of a person or other agency responsible for making a work available, other than a publisher or distributor. [2.2.4. ]
- (identifier) supplies any form of identifier used to identify some object, such as a bibliographic item, a person, a title, an organization, etc. in a standardized way. [2.2.4. 2.2.5. ]
- categorizes the identifier, for example as an ISBN, Social Security number, etc.
- supplies information about the availability of a text, for example any restrictions on its use or distribution, its copyright status, any licence applying to it, etc. [2.2.4. ]
- supplies a code identifying the current availability of the text.
- free
- the text is freely available.
- unknown
- the status of the text is unknown.
- restricted
- the text is not freely available.
- contains information about a licence or other legal agreement applicable to the text. [2.2.4. ]
- (series statement) groups information about the series, if any, to which a publication belongs. [2.2.5. 2.2. ]
- (notes statement) collects together any notes providing information about a text additional to that recorded in other parts of the bibliographic description. [2.2.6. 2.2. ]
- (source description) describes the source from which an electronic text was derived or generated, typically a bibliographic description in the case of a digitized text, or a phrase such as "born digital" for a text which has no previous existence. [2.2.7. ]
- (fully-structured bibliographic citation) contains a fully-structured bibliographic citation, in which all components of the TEI file description are present. [3.11.1. 2.2. 2.2.7. 15.3.2. ]
- (encoding description) documents the relationship between an electronic text and the source or sources from which it was derived. [2.3. 2.1.1. ]
- (project description) describes in detail the aim or purpose for which an electronic file was encoded, together with any other relevant information concerning the process by which it was assembled or collected. [2.3.1. 2.3. 15.3.2. ]
- (sampling declaration) contains a prose description of the rationale and methods used in sampling texts in the creation of a corpus or collection. [2.3.2. 2.3. 15.3.2. ]
- (editorial practice declaration) provides details of editorial principles and practices applied during the encoding of a text. [2.3.3. 2.3. 15.3.2. ]
- (correction principles) states how and under what circumstances corrections have been made in the text. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
- indicates the degree of correction applied to the text.
- high
- the text has been thoroughly checked and proofread.
- medium
- the text has been checked at least once.
- low
- the text has not been checked.
- unknown
- the correction status of the text is unknown.
- indicates the method adopted to indicate corrections within the text.
- silent
- corrections have been made silently
- markup
- corrections have been represented using markup
- indicates the extent of normalization or regularization of the original source carried out in converting it to electronic form. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
- indicates a bibliographic description or other resource documenting the principles underlying the normalization carried out.
- indicates the method adopted to indicate normalizations within the text.
- silent
- normalization made silently
- markup
- normalization represented using markup
- specifies editorial practice adopted with respect to quotation marks in the original. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
-On , either the @marks attribute should be used, or a paragraph of description provided
- (quotation marks) indicates whether or not quotation marks have been retained as content within the text.
- none
- no quotation marks have been retained
- some
- some quotation marks have been retained
- all
- all quotation marks have been retained
- summarizes the way in which hyphenation in a source text has been treated in an encoded version of it. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
- (end-of-line) indicates whether or not end-of-line hyphenation has been retained in a text.
- all
- all end-of-line hyphenation has been retained, even though the lineation of the original may not have been.
- some
- end-of-line hyphenation has been retained in some cases.
- hard
- all soft end-of-line hyphenation has been removed: any remaining end-of-line hyphenation should be retained.
- none
- all end-of-line hyphenation has been removed: any remaining hyphenation occurred within the line.
- describes the principles according to which the text has been segmented, for example into sentences, tone-units, graphemic strata, etc. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
- (standard values) specifies the format used when standardized date or number values are supplied. [2.3.3. 15.3.2. ]
- describes the scope of any analytic or interpretive information added to the text in addition to the transcription. [2.3.3. ]
- specifies editorial practice adopted with respect to punctuation marks in the original. [2.3.3. 3.2. ]
- indicates whether or not punctation marks have been retained as content within the text.
- none
- no punctuation marks have been retained
- some
- some punctuation marks have been retained
- all
- all punctuation marks have been retained
- indicates whether punctation marks have been captured inside or outside of an adjacent element.
- internal
- punctuation marks are captured inside adjacent elements
- external
- punctuation marks are captured outside adjacent elements
- (tagging declaration) provides detailed information about the tagging applied to a document. [2.3.4. 2.3. ]
- supplies information about the usage of a specific element within a text. [2.3.4. ]
- (generic identifier) specifies the name (generic identifier) of the element indicated by the tag, within the namespace indicated by the parent namespace element.
- specifies the number of occurrences of this element within the text.
- (with unique identifier) specifies the number of occurrences of this element within the text which bear a distinct value for the global xml:id attribute.
- specifies the identifier of a rendition element which defines how this element was rendered in the source text.
- supplies the formal name of the namespace to which the elements documented by its children belong. [2.3.4. ]
- specifies the full formal name of the namespace concerned.
- supplies information about the rendition or appearance of one or more elements in the source text. [2.3.4. ]
- where CSS is used, provides a way of defining pseudo-elements, that is, styling rules applicable to specific sub-portions of an element.
-Sample values include: 1] first-line; 2] first-letter; 3] before; 4] after
- (style definition language declaration) specifies the name of the formal language in which style or renditional information is supplied elsewhere in the document. The specific version of the scheme may also be supplied. [2.3.5. ]
- (references declaration) specifies how canonical references are constructed for this text. [ 2.3. 2.3.6. ]
- (canonical reference pattern) specifies an expression and replacement pattern for transforming a canonical reference into a URI. [ 2.3.6. ]
- (prefixing scheme used in data.pointer values) defines a prefixing scheme used in data.pointer values, showing how abbreviated URIs using the scheme may be expanded into full URIs. [16.2.3. ]
- supplies a name which functions as the prefix for an abbreviated pointing scheme such as a private URI scheme. The prefix constitutes the text preceding the first colon.
- (list of prefix definitions) contains a list of definitions of prefixing schemes used in data.pointer values, showing how abbreviated URIs using each scheme may be expanded into full URIs. [16.2.3. ]
- (reference state) specifies one component of a canonical reference defined by the milestone method. [ 2.3.6. ]
- specifies the fixed length of the reference component.
- (delimiter) supplies a delimiting string following the reference component.
- (classification declarations) contains one or more taxonomies defining any classificatory codes used elsewhere in the text. [2.3.7. 2.3. ]
- defines a typology either implicitly, by means of a bibliographic citation, or explicitly by a structured taxonomy. [2.3.7. ]
- contains an individual descriptive category, possibly nested within a superordinate category, within a user-defined taxonomy. [2.3.7. ]
- (category description) describes some category within a taxonomy or text typology, either in the form of a brief prose description or in terms of the situational parameters used by the TEI formal textDesc. [2.3.7. ]
- (geographic coordinates declaration) documents the notation and the datum used for geographic coordinates expressed as content of the geo element elsewhere within the document. [2.3.8. ]
- supplies a commonly used code name for the datum employed.
-Suggested values include: 1] WGS84(World Geodetic System) ; 2] MGRS(Military Grid Reference System) ; 3] OSGB36(ordnance survey great britain) ; 4] ED50(European Datum coordinate system)
- WGS84
- (World Geodetic System) a pair of numbers to be interpreted as latitude followed by longitude according to the World Geodetic System.
- (Military Grid Reference System) the values supplied are geospatial entity object codes, based on
- OSGB36
- (ordnance survey great britain) the value supplied is to be interpreted as a British National Grid Reference.
- ED50
- (European Datum coordinate system) the value supplied is to be interpreted as latitude followed by longitude according to the European Datum coordinate system.
- (application information) records information about an application which has edited the TEI file. [2.3.10. ]
- provides information about an application which has acted upon the document. [2.3.10. ]
- supplies an identifier for the application, independent of its version number or display name.
- supplies a version number for the application, independent of its identifier or display name.
- (text-profile description) provides a detailed description of non-bibliographic aspects of a text, specifically the languages and sublanguages used, the situation in which it was produced, the participants and their setting. [2.4. 2.1.1. ]
- (note on hand) describes a particular style or hand distinguished within a manuscript. [10.7.2. ]
- contains a summary or formal abstract prefixed to an existing source document by the encoder. [2.4.4. ]
- contains information about the creation of a text. [2.4.1. 2.4. ]
- (language usage) describes the languages, sublanguages, registers, dialects, etc. represented within a text. [2.4.2. 2.4. 15.3.2. ]
- characterizes a single language or sublanguage used within a text. [2.4.2. ]
- (identifier) Supplies a language code constructed as defined in BCP 47 which is used to identify the language documented by this element, and which is referenced by the global xml:lang attribute.
- specifies the approximate percentage (by volume) of the text which uses this language.
- 100
- (text classification) groups information which describes the nature or topic of a text in terms of a standard classification scheme, thesaurus, etc. [2.4.3. ]
- contains a list of keywords or phrases identifying the topic or nature of a text. [2.4.3. ]
- identifies the controlled vocabulary within which the set of keywords concerned is defined identifies the classification scheme within which the set of categories concerned is defined, for example by a taxonomy element, or by some other resource.
- (classification code) contains the classification code used for this text in some standard classification system. [2.4.3. ]
- identifies the classification system in use, as defined by for example by a taxonomy element, or some other resource..
- (category reference) specifies one or more defined categories within some taxonomy or text typology. [2.4.3. ]
- identifies the classification scheme within which the set of categories concerned is defined, for example by a taxonomy element, or by some other resource.
- (calendar description) contains a description of the calendar system used in any dating expression found in the text. [2.4. 2.4.5. ]
- describes a calendar or dating system used in a dating formula in the text. [2.4.5. ]
- (revision description) summarizes the revision history for a file. [2.5. 2.1.1. ]
- documents a change or set of changes made during the production of a source document, or during the revision of an electronic file. [2.5. 2.4.1. 11.7. ]
- points to one or more elements that belong to this change.
- describes a particular font or other significant typographic feature distinguished within the description of a printed resource. [10.7.2. ]
- describes a particular script distinguished within the description of a manuscript or similar resource. [10.7.2. ]
- groups a number of change descriptions associated with either the creation of a source text or the revision of an encoded text. [2.5. 11.7. ]
- indicates whether the ordering of its child change elements is to be considered significant or not
- (corresponds) points to elements that correspond to the current element in some way.
- (synchronous) points to elements that are synchronous with the current element.
- points to an element that is the same as the current element.
- points to an element of which the current element is a copy.
- points to the next element of a virtual aggregate of which the current element is part.
- (previous) points to the previous element of a virtual aggregate of which the current element is part.
- points to elements that are in exclusive alternation with the current element.
- selects one or more alternants; if one alternant is selected, the ambiguity or uncertainty is marked as resolved. If more than one alternant is selected, the degree of ambiguity or uncertainty is marked as reduced by the number of alternants not selected.
- defines an association or hypertextual link among elements or passages, of some type not more precisely specifiable by other elements. [16.1. ]
- You must supply at least two values for @target or on
- (link group) defines a collection of associations or hypertextual links. [16.1. ]
- (anonymous block) contains any arbitrary component-level unit of text, acting as an anonymous container for phrase or inter level elements analogous to, but without the semantic baggage of, a paragraph. [16.3. ]
- (anchor point) attaches an identifier to a point within a text, whether or not it corresponds with a textual element. [8.4.2. 16.4. ]
- (arbitrary segment) represents any segmentation of text below the chunk level. [16.3. 6.2. 7.2.5. ]
- indicates a point in time either relative to other elements in the same timeline tag, or absolutely. [16.5.2. ]
- supplies an absolute value for the time.
- specifies the unit of time in which the interval value is expressed, if this is not inherited from the parent timeline.
-Suggested values include: 1] d(days) ; 2] h(hours) ; 3] min(minutes) ; 4] s(seconds) ; 5] ms(milliseconds)
- d
- (days)
- h
- (hours)
- min
- (minutes)
- s
- (seconds)
- ms
- (milliseconds)
- specifies a time interval either as a number or as one of the keywords defined by the datatype data.interval
- identifies the reference point for determining the time of the current when element, which is obtained by adding the interval to the time of the reference point.
- provides a set of ordered points in time which can be linked to elements of a spoken text to create a temporal alignment of that text. [16.5.2. ]
- designates the origin of the timeline, i.e. the time at which it begins.
- specifies the unit of time corresponding to the interval value of the timeline or of its constituent points in time.
-Suggested values include: 1] d(days) ; 2] h(hours) ; 3] min(minutes) ; 4] s(seconds) ; 5] ms(milliseconds)
- d
- (days)
- h
- (hours)
- min
- (minutes)
- s
- (seconds)
- ms
- (milliseconds)
- specifies a time interval either as a positive integral value or using one of a set of predefined codes.
- identifies a possibly fragmented segment of text, by pointing at the possibly discontiguous elements which compose it. [16.7. ]
-You must supply at least two values for @target on
- specifies the name of an element which this aggregation may be understood to represent.
- indicates whether the targets to be joined include the entire element indicated (the entire subtree including its root), or just the children of the target (the branches of the subtree).
- root
- the rooted subtrees indicated by the target attribute are joined, each subtree become a child of the virtual element created by the join
- branches
- the children of the subtrees indicated by the target attribute become the children of the virtual element (i.e. the roots of the subtrees are discarded)
- (join group) groups a collection of join elements and possibly pointers. [16.7. ]
- supplies the default value for the result on each join included within the group.
- (alternation) identifies an alternation or a set of choices among elements or passages. [16.8. ]
- specifies the destination of the reference by supplying one or more URI References
- states whether the alternations gathered in this collection are exclusive or inclusive.
- excl
- (exclusive) indicates that the alternation is exclusive, i.e. that at most one of the alternatives occurs.
- incl
- (inclusive) indicates that the alternation is not exclusive, i.e. that one or more of the alternatives occur.
- If mode is , each weight states the probability that the corresponding alternative occurs. If mode is incl each weight states the probability that the corresponding alternative occurs given that at least one of the other alternatives occurs.
- (alternation group) groups a collection of alt elements and possibly pointers. [16.8. ]
- states whether the alternations gathered in this collection are exclusive or inclusive.
- excl
- (exclusive) indicates that the alternation is exclusive, i.e. that at most one of the alternatives occurs.
- incl
- (inclusive) indicates that the alternation is not exclusive, i.e. that one or more of the alternatives occur.
- (TEI document) contains a single TEI-conformant document, comprising a TEI header and a text, either in isolation or as part of a teiCorpus element. [4. 15.1. ]
- specifies the major version number of the TEI Guidelines against which this document is valid.
- contains a single text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, for example a poem or drama, a collection of essays, a novel, a dictionary, or a corpus sample. [4. 15.1. ]
- (text body) contains the whole body of a single unitary text, excluding any front or back matter. [4. ]
- contains the body of a composite text, grouping together a sequence of distinct texts (or groups of such texts) which are regarded as a unit for some purpose, for example the collected works of an author, a sequence of prose essays, etc. [4. 4.3.1. 15.1. ]
- contains a single text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, which interrupts the text containing it at any point and after which the surrounding text resumes. [4.3.2. ]
- (text division) contains a subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1. ]
- (level-1 text division) contains a first-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- (level-2 text division) contains a second-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- (level-3 text division) contains a third-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- (level-4 text division) contains a fourth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- (level-5 text division) contains a fifth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- (level-6 text division) contains a sixth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. ]
- (level-7 text division) contains the smallest possible subdivision of the front, body or back of a text, larger than a paragraph. [4.1.2. ]
- contains a closing title or footer appearing at the end of a division of a text. [4.2.4. 4.2. ]
- contains the primary statement of responsibility given for a work on its title page or at the head or end of the work. [4.2.2. 4.5. ]
- contains a brief description of the place, date, time, etc. of production of a letter, newspaper story, or other work, prefixed or suffixed to it as a kind of heading or trailer. [4.2.2. ]
- contains a formal list or prose description of the topics addressed by a subdivision of a text. [4.2. 4.6. ]
- contains a quotation, anonymous or attributed, appearing at the start or end of a section or on a title page. [4.2.3. 4.2. 4.6. ]
- groups together dateline, byline, salutation, and similar phrases appearing as a preliminary group at the start of a division, especially of a letter. [4.2. ]
- groups together salutations, datelines, and similar phrases appearing as a final group at the end of a division, especially of a letter. [4.2.2. 4.2. ]
- (salutation) contains a salutation or greeting prefixed to a foreword, dedicatory epistle, or other division of a text, or the salutation in the closing of a letter, preface, etc. [4.2.2. ]
- (signature) contains the closing salutation, etc., appended to a foreword, dedicatory epistle, or other division of a text. [4.2.2. ]
- contains a postscript, e.g. to a letter. [4.2. ]
- (title page) contains the title page of a text, appearing within the front or back matter. [4.6. ]
- classifies the title page according to any convenient typology.
- (document title) contains the title of a document, including all its constituents, as given on a title page. [4.6. ]
- contains a subsection or division of the title of a work, as indicated on a title page. [4.6. ]
- specifies the role of this subdivision of the title.
-Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] sub(subordinate) ; 3] alt(alternate) ; 4] short; 5] desc(descriptive)
- main
- main title of the work
- sub
- (subordinate) subtitle of the work
- alt
- (alternate) alternative title of the work
- short
- abbreviated form of title
- desc
- (descriptive) descriptive paraphrase of the work
- (document author) contains the name of the author of the document, as given on the title page (often but not always contained in a byline). [4.6. ]
- contains a formal statement authorizing the publication of a work, sometimes required to appear on a title page or its verso. [4.6. ]
- (document edition) contains an edition statement as presented on a title page of a document. [4.6. ]
- (document imprint) contains the imprint statement (place and date of publication, publisher name), as given (usually) at the foot of a title page. [4.6. ]
- (document date) contains the date of a document, as given on a title page or in a dateline. [4.6. ]
- gives the value of the date in standard form, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD.
- (front matter) contains any prefatory matter (headers, title page, prefaces, dedications, etc.) found at the start of a document, before the main body. [4.6. 4. ]
- (back matter) contains any appendixes, etc. following the main part of a text. [4.7. 4. ]
- supplies the value of a date or time in some standard form.
- specifies the earliest possible date for the event in some custom standard form.
- specifies the latest possible date for the event in some custom standard form.
- indicates the starting point of the period in some standard form.
- indicates the ending point of the period in some standard form.
- supplies a pointer to some location defining a named point in time with reference to which the datable item is understood to have occurred
- supplies a pointer to a calendar element or other means of interpreting the values of the custom dating attributes.
- supplies the value of a date or time in a standard form.
- specifies the earliest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- specifies the latest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- indicates the starting point of the period in standard form.
- indicates the ending point of the period in standard form.
- (organization name) contains an organizational name. [13.2.2. ]
- (personal name) contains a proper noun or proper-noun phrase referring to a person, possibly including one or more of the person's forenames, surnames, honorifics, added names, etc. [13.2.1. ]
- contains a family (inherited) name, as opposed to a given, baptismal, or nick name. [13.2.1. ]
- contains a forename, given or baptismal name. [13.2.1. ]
- (generational name component) contains a name component used to distinguish otherwise similar names on the basis of the relative ages or generations of the persons named. [13.2.1. ]
- (name link) contains a connecting phrase or link used within a name but not regarded as part of it, such as van der or of. [13.2.1. ]
- (additional name) contains an additional name component, such as a nickname, epithet, or alias, or any other descriptive phrase used within a personal name. [13.2.1. ]
- contains a name component which indicates that the referent has a particular role or position in society, such as an official title or rank. [13.2.1. ]
- contains an absolute or relative place name. [13.2.3. ]
- contains the name of a geo-political unit consisting of two or more nation states or countries. [13.2.3. ]
- contains the name of a geo-political unit, such as a nation, country, colony, or commonwealth, larger than or administratively superior to a region and smaller than a bloc. [13.2.3. ]
- contains the name of an administrative unit such as a state, province, or county, larger than a settlement, but smaller than a country. [13.2.3. ]
- contains the name of any kind of subdivision of a settlement, such as a parish, ward, or other administrative or geographic unit. [13.2.3. ]
- contains the name of a settlement such as a city, town, or village identified as a single geo-political or administrative unit. [13.2.3. ]
- marks that part of a relative temporal or spatial expression which indicates the direction of the offset between the two place names, dates, or times involved in the expression. [13.2.3. ]
- (geographical name) identifies a name associated with some geographical feature such as Windrush Valley or Mount Sinai. [13.2.3. ]
- (geographical feature name) contains a common noun identifying some geographical feature contained within a geographic name, such as valley, mount, etc. [13.2.3. ]
- contains an informal description of a person's present or past affiliation with some organization, for example an employer or sponsor. [15.2.2. ]
- specifies the age of a person. [ ]
- supplies a numeric code representing the age or age group
- contains information about a person's birth, such as its date and place. [15.2.2. ]
- contains information about the physical climate of a place. [ ]
- contains information about a person's death, such as its date and place. [15.2.2. ]
- contains a description of the educational experience of a person. [15.2.2. ]
- contains data relating to any kind of significant event associated with a person, place, or organization. [13.3.1. ]
- indicates the location of an event by pointing to a place element
- specifies the faith, religion, or belief set of a person. [ ]
- contains information about a person's period of activity. [ ]
- (geographical coordinates) contains any expression of a set of geographic coordinates, representing a point, line, or area on the surface of the earth in some notation. [ ]
- (language knowledge) summarizes the state of a person's linguistic knowledge, either as prose or by a list of langKnown elements. [ ]
- supplies one or more valid language tags for the languages specified
- (language known) summarizes the state of a person's linguistic competence, i.e., knowledge of a single language. [15.2.2. ]
- supplies a valid language tag for the language concerned.
- a code indicating the person's level of knowledge for this language
- (list of organizations) contains a list of elements, each of which provides information about an identifiable organization. [13.2.2. ]
- (list of events) contains a list of descriptions, each of which provides information about an identifiable event. [13.3.1. ]
- (list of persons) contains a list of descriptions, each of which provides information about an identifiable person or a group of people, for example the participants in a language interaction, or the people referred to in a historical source. [13.3.2. 15.2. 2.4. 15.3.2. ]
- (list of places) contains a list of places, optionally followed by a list of relationships (other than containment) defined amongst them. [2.2.7. 13.3.4. ]
- defines the location of a place as a set of geographical coordinates, in terms of other named geo-political entities, or as an address. [13.3.4. ]
- contains an informal description of a person's present or past nationality or citizenship. [15.2.2. ]
- contains an informal description of a person's trade, profession or occupation. [15.2.2. ]
- indicates the classification system or taxonomy in use, for example by supplying the identifier of a taxonomy element, or pointing to some other resource.
- identifies an occupation code defined within the classification system or taxonomy defined by the scheme attribute.
- (organization) provides information about an identifiable organization such as a business, a tribe, or any other grouping of people. [13.2.2. ]
- specifies a primary role or classification for the organization.
- provides information about relationships identified amongst people, places, and organizations, either informally as prose or as formally expressed relation links. [ ]
- provides information about an identifiable individual, for example a participant in a language interaction, or a person referred to in a historical source. [13.3.2. 15.2.2. ]
- specifies a primary role or classification for the person.
- specifies the sex of the person.
- specifies an age group for the person.
- (personal group) describes a group of individuals treated as a single person for analytic purposes. [15.2.2. ]
- specifies the role of this group of participants in the interaction.
- specifies the sex of the participant group.
- specifies the age group of the participants.
- describes informally the size or approximate size of the group for example by means of a number and an indication of accuracy e.g. approx 200.
- contains data about a geographic location [13.3.4. ]
- contains information about the population of a place. [ ]
- (relationship) describes any kind of relationship or linkage amongst a specified group of places, events, persons, objects or other items. [ ]
- One of the attributes 'name', 'ref' or 'key' must be supplied
- Only one of the attributes
-@active and @mutual may be supplied
- the attribute 'passive'
- may be supplied only if the attribute 'active' is
- supplied
- supplies a name for the kind of relationship of which this is an instance.
- identifies the active participants in a non-mutual relationship, or all the participants in a mutual one.
- supplies a list of participants amongst all of whom the relationship holds equally.
- identifies the passive participants in a non-mutual relationship.
- describes a person's present or past places of residence. [15.2.2. ]
- specifies the sex of a person. [ ]
- supplies a coded value for sex
- (socio-economic status) contains an informal description of a person's perceived social or economic status. [15.2.2. ]
- identifies the classification system or taxonomy in use, for example by pointing to a locally-defined taxonomy element or by supplying a URI for an externally-defined system.
- identifies a status code defined within the classification system or taxonomy defined by the scheme attribute.
- contains a description of some status or quality attributed to a person, place, or organization often at some specific time or for a specific date range. [13.3.1. ]
- contains information about the physical terrain of a place. [ ]
- contains a description of some status or quality attributed to a person, place, or organization typically, but not necessarily, independent of the volition or action of the holder and usually not at some specific time or for a specific date range. [13.3.1. ]
- (canonical name) contains the definition for a canonical name or name component of any kind. [13.3.5. ]
- points to constituent nyms
- (list of canonical names) contains a list of nyms, that is, standardized names for any thing. [13.3.5. ]
- (facsimile) points to all or part of an image which corresponds with the content of the element.
- points to one or more change elements documenting a state or revision campaign to which the element bearing this attribute and its children have been assigned by the encoder.
- indicates the element within a transcription of the text containing at least the start of the writing represented by this zone or surface.
- gives the x coordinate value for the upper left corner of a rectangular space.
- gives the y coordinate value for the upper left corner of a rectangular space.
- gives the x coordinate value for the lower right corner of a rectangular space.
- gives the y coordinate value for the lower right corner of a rectangular space.
- identifies a two dimensional area within the bounding box specified by the other attributes by means of a series of pairs of numbers, each of which gives the x,y coordinates of a point on a line enclosing the area.
- contains a representation of some written source in the form of a set of images rather than as transcribed or encoded text. [11.1. ]
- contains a transcription or other representation of a single source document potentially forming part of a dossier génétique or collection of sources. [11.1. 11.2.2. ]
- defines a written surface as a two-dimensional coordinate space, optionally grouping one or more graphic representations of that space, zones of interest within that space, and transcriptions of the writing within them. [11.1. 11.2.2. ]
- describes the method by which this surface is or was connected to the main surface
-Sample values include: 1] glued; 2] pinned; 3] sewn
- indicates whether the surface is attached and folded in such a way as to provide two writing surfaces
- defines any kind of useful grouping of written surfaces, for example the recto and verso of a single leaf, which the encoder wishes to treat as a single unit. [11.1. ]
- defines any two-dimensional area within a surface element. [11.1. 11.2.2. ]
- indicates the amount by which this zone has been rotated clockwise, with respect to the normal orientation of the parent surface element as implied by the dimensions given in the msDesc element or by the coordinates of the surface itself. The orientation is expressed in arc degrees.
- (added span of text) marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text added by an author, scribe, annotator or corrector (see also add). [ ]
- The @spanTo attribute of is required.
- L'attribut spanTo est requis.
- contains an area of damage to the text witness. [ ]
- (damaged span of text) marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text which is damaged in some way but still legible. [ ]
-The @spanTo attribute of is required.
- L'attribut spanTo est requis.
- (deleted span of text) marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text deleted, marked as deleted, or otherwise signaled as superfluous or spurious by an author, scribe, annotator, or corrector. [ ]
- The @spanTo attribute of is required.
- L'attribut spanTo est requis.
- (editorial expansion) contains a sequence of letters added by an editor or transcriber when expanding an abbreviation. [ ]
- (forme work) contains a running head (e.g. a header, footer), catchword, or similar material appearing on the current page. [11.6. ]
- classifies the material encoded according to some useful typology.
-Sample values include: 1] header; 2] footer; 3] pageNum(page number) ; 4] lineNum(line number) ; 5] sig(signature) ; 6] catch(catchword)
- contains one or more handNote elements documenting the different hands identified within the source texts. [ ]
- marks the beginning of a sequence of text written in a new hand, or the beginning of a scribal stint. [ ]
- indicates a handNote element describing the hand concerned.
- (abbreviation marker) contains a sequence of letters or signs present in an abbreviation which are omitted or replaced in the expanded form of the abbreviation. [ ]
- indicates restoration of text to an earlier state by cancellation of an editorial or authorial marking or instruction. [ ]
- indicates the location of a significant space in the copy text. [11.5.1. ]
- (responsible party) (responsible party) indicates the individual responsible for identifying and measuring the space
- (dimension) indicates whether the space is horizontal or vertical.
- horizontal
- the space is horizontal.
- vertical
- the space is vertical.
- (substitution) groups one or more deletions with one or more additions when the combination is to be regarded as a single intervention in the text. [ ]
- must have at least one child add and at least one child del
- (substitution join) identifies a series of possibly fragmented additions, deletions or other revisions on a manuscript that combine to make up a single intervention in the text [ ]
- signifies text supplied by the transcriber or editor for any reason, typically because the original cannot be read because of physical damage or loss to the original. [ ]
- one or more words indicating why the text has had to be supplied, e.g. overbinding, faded-ink, lost-folio, omitted-in-original.
- marks text present in the source which the editor believes to be superfluous or redundant. [ ]
- one or more words indicating why this text is believed to be superfluous, e.g. repeated, interpolated etc.
- contains the transcription of a topographic line in the source document [11.2.2. ]
- supplies a list of transpositions, each of which is indicated at some point in a document typically by means of metamarks. [ ]
- contains or describes any kind of graphic or written signal within a document the function of which is to determine how it should be read rather than forming part of the actual content of the document. [ ]
- describes the function (for example status, insertion, deletion, transposition) of the mark.
- identifies one or more elements to which the function indicated by the metamark applies.
- represents any kind of modification identified within a single document. [ ]
- indicates one or more cancelled interventions in a document which have subsequently been marked as reaffirmed or repeated. [ ]
- points to one or more elements representing the interventions which are being reasserted.
- contains a sequence of writing which has been retraced, for example by over-inking, to clarify or fix it. [ ]
- describes a single textual transposition as an ordered list of at least two pointers specifying the order in which the elements indicated should be re-combined. [ ]
- indicates one or more marked-up interventions in a document which have subsequently been marked for cancellation. [ ]
- points to one or more elements representing the interventions which are to be reverted or undone.
- contains text displayed in tabular form, in rows and columns. [14.1.1. ]
- indicates the number of rows in the table.
- (columns) indicates the number of columns in each row of the table.
- contains one row of a table. [14.1.1. ]
- contains one cell of a table. [14.1.1. ]
- contains a mathematical or other formula. [14.2. ]
- names the notation used for the content of the element.
- encodes the presence of music notation in a text [14.3. ]
- groups elements representing or containing graphic information such as an illustration, formula, or figure. [14.4. ]
- (description of figure) contains a brief prose description of the appearance or content of a graphic figure, for use when documenting an image without displaying it. [14.4. ]
- indicates whether the passage being quoted is defective, i.e. incomplete through loss or damage.
- (manuscript description) contains a description of a single identifiable manuscript or other text-bearing object. [10.1. ]
- describes the system used to ensure correct ordering of the quires making up a codex or incunable, typically by means of annotations at the foot of the page. [10.3.7. ]
- contains a dimensional specification. [10.3.4. ]
-The element may appear once only
-The element may appear once only
-The element may appear once only
- indicates which aspect of the object is being measured.
-Sample values include: 1] leaves; 2] ruled; 3] pricked; 4] written; 5] miniatures; 6] binding; 7] box
- contains any single measurement forming part of a dimensional specification of some sort. [10.3.4. ]
- contains a measurement measured along the axis at right angles to the bottom of the written surface, i.e. parallel to the spine for a codex or book. [10.3.4. ]
- contains a measurement measured across the spine of a book or codex, or (for other text-bearing objects) perpendicular to the measurement given by the width element. [10.3.4. ]
- contains a measurement measured along the axis parallel to the bottom of the written surface, i.e. perpendicular to the spine of a book or codex. [10.3.4. ]
- contains a heraldic formula or phrase, typically found as part of a blazon, coat of arms, etc. [10.3.8. ]
- defines a location within a manuscript or manuscript part, usually as a (possibly discontinuous) sequence of folio references. [10.3.5. ]
- identifies the foliation scheme in terms of which the location is being specified by pointing to some foliation element defining it, or to some other equivalent resource.
- specifies the starting point of the location in a normalized form, typically a page number.
- specifies the end-point of the location in a normalized form, typically as a page number.
- groups a number of locations which together form a distinct but discontinuous item within a manuscript or manuscript part, according to a specific foliation. [10.3.5. ]
- identifies the foliation scheme in terms of which all the locations contained by the group are specified by pointing to some foliation element defining it, or to some other equivalent resource.
- contains a word or phrase describing the material of which the object being described is composed. [10.3.2. ]
- contains a word or phrase describing the type of object being referred to. [10.3.2. ]
- (origin date) contains any form of date, used to identify the date of origin for a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.3.1. ]
- (origin place) contains any form of place name, used to identify the place of origin for a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.3.1. ]
- (second folio) marks the word or words taken from a fixed point in a codex (typically the beginning of the second leaf) in order to provide a unique identifier for it. [10.3.7. ]
- contains discussion of the leaf or quire signatures found within a codex. [10.3.7. ]
- contains a word or phrase describing a stamp or similar device. [10.3.3. ]
- contains a word or phrase describing a watermark or similar device. [10.3.3. ]
- (manuscript identifier) contains the information required to identify the manuscript being described. [10.4. ]
- An msIdentifier must contain either a repository or location of some type, or a manuscript name
- contains the name of an organization such as a university or library, with which a manuscript is identified, generally its holding institution. [10.4. ]
- contains the name of a repository within which manuscripts are stored, possibly forming part of an institution. [10.4. ]
- contains the name of a collection of manuscripts, not necessarily located within a single repository. [10.4. ]
- (alternative identifier) contains an alternative or former structured identifier used for a manuscript, such as a former catalogue number. [10.4. ]
- (alternative name) contains any form of unstructured alternative name used for a manuscript, such as an ocellus nominum, or nickname. [10.4. ]
- contains the colophon of a manuscript item: that is, a statement providing information regarding the date, place, agency, or reason for production of the manuscript. [10.6.1. ]
- contains the explicit of a manuscript item, that is, the closing words of the text proper, exclusive of any rubric or colophon which might follow it. [10.6.1. ]
- contains information concerning the manuscript's filiation, i.e. its relationship to other surviving manuscripts of the same text, its protographs, antigraphs and apographs. [10.6.1. ]
- contains the string of words that denotes the end of a text division, often with an assertion as to its author and title, usually set off from the text itself by red ink, by a different size or type of script, or by some other such visual device. [10.6.1. ]
- contains the incipit of a manuscript item, that is the opening words of the text proper, exclusive of any rubric which might precede it, of sufficient length to identify the work uniquely; such incipits were, in former times, frequently used a means of reference to a work, in place of a title. [10.6.1. ]
- (manuscript contents) describes the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part, either as a series of paragraphs or as a series of structured manuscript items. [10.6. ]
- identifies the text types or classifications applicable to this object by pointing to other elements or resources defining the classification concerned.
- (manuscript item) describes an individual work or item within the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.6.1. ]
- identifies the text types or classifications applicable to this item by pointing to other elements or resources defining the classification concerned.
- (structured manuscript item) contains a structured description for an individual work or item within the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.6.1. ]
- identifies the text types or classifications applicable to this item by pointing to other elements or resources defining the classification concerned.
- contains the text of any rubric or heading attached to a particular manuscript item, that is, a string of words through which a manuscript signals the beginning of a text division, often with an assertion as to its author and title, which is in some way set off from the text itself, usually in red ink, or by use of different size or type of script, or some other such visual device. [10.6.1. ]
- contains an overview of the available information concerning some aspect of an item (for example, its intellectual content, history, layout, typography etc.) as a complement or alternative to the more detailed information carried by more specific elements. [10.6. ]
- (physical description) contains a full physical description of a manuscript or manuscript part, optionally subdivided using more specialized elements from the model.physDescPart class. [10.7. ]
- contains a description of the physical components making up the object which is being described. [10.7.1. ]
- a short project-specific name identifying the physical form of the carrier, for example as a codex, roll, fragment, partial leaf, cutting etc.
- (support description) groups elements describing the physical support for the written part of a manuscript. [10.7.1. ]
- a short project-defined name for the material composing the majority of the support
-Suggested values include: 1] paper; 2] parch(parchment) ; 3] mixed
- paper
- parch
- (parchment)
- mixed
- contains a description of the materials etc. which make up the physical support for the written part of a manuscript. [10.7.1. ]
- contains a description of how the leaves or bifolia are physically arranged. [10.7.1. ]
- describes the numbering system or systems used to count the leaves or pages in a codex. [ ]
- contains a description of the physical condition of the manuscript. [ ]
- (layout description) collects the set of layout descriptions applicable to a manuscript. [10.7.2. ]
- describes how text is laid out on the page, including information about any ruling, pricking, or other evidence of page-preparation techniques. [10.7.2. ]
- specifies the number of columns per page
- specifies the number of ruled lines per column
- specifies the number of written lines per column
- (description of hands) contains a description of all the different kinds of writing used in a manuscript. [10.7.2. ]
- specifies the number of distinct hands identified within the manuscript
- contains a description of the typefaces or other aspects of the printing of an incunable or other printed source. [ ]
- contains a description of the scripts used in a manuscript or similar source. [ ]
- contains description of type of musical notation. [10.7.2. ]
- (decoration description) contains a description of the decoration of a manuscript, either as a sequence of paragraphs, or as a sequence of topically organized decoNote elements. [10.7.3. ]
- (note on decoration) contains a note describing either a decorative component of a manuscript, or a fairly homogenous class of such components. [10.7.3. ]
- contains a description of any significant additions found within a manuscript, such as marginalia or other annotations. [10.7.2. ]
- (binding description) describes the present and former bindings of a manuscript, either as a series of paragraphs or as a series of distinct binding elements, one for each binding of the manuscript. [ ]
- contains a description of one binding, i.e. type of covering, boards, etc. applied to a manuscript. [ ]
- specifies whether or not the binding is contemporary with the majority of its contents
- (seal description) describes the seals or other external items attached to a manuscript, either as a series of paragraphs or as a series of distinct seal elements, possibly with additional decoNotes. [ ]
- contains a description of one seal or similar attachment applied to a manuscript. [ ]
- specifies whether or not the seal is contemporary with the item to which it is affixed
- (accompanying material) contains details of any significant additional material which may be closely associated with the manuscript being described, such as non-contemporaneous documents or fragments bound in with the manuscript at some earlier historical period. [ ]
- groups elements describing the full history of a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.8. ]
- contains any descriptive or other information concerning the origin of a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.8. ]
- contains any descriptive or other information concerning a single identifiable episode during the history of a manuscript or manuscript part, after its creation but before its acquisition. [10.8. ]
- contains any descriptive or other information concerning the process by which a manuscript or manuscript part entered the holding institution. [10.8. ]
- groups additional information, combining bibliographic information about a manuscript, or surrogate copies of it with curatorial or administrative information. [10.9. ]
- (administrative information) contains information about the present custody and availability of the manuscript, and also about the record description itself. [10.9.1. ]
- (recorded history) provides information about the source and revision status of the parent manuscript description itself. [10.9.1. ]
- describes the original source for the information contained with a manuscript description. [ ]
- (custodial history) contains a description of a manuscript's custodial history, either as running prose or as a series of dated custodial events. [ ]
- (custodial event) describes a single event during the custodial history of a manuscript. [ ]
- contains information about any representations of the manuscript being described which may exist in the holding institution or elsewhere. [10.9. ]
- (manuscript part) contains information about an originally distinct manuscript or part of a manuscript, now forming part of a composite manuscript. [10.10. ]
- WARNING: use of deprecated method — the use of the altIdentifier element as a direct child of the msPart element will be removed from the TEI on 2016-09-09
- (analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears.
- (character) represents a character. [17.1. ]
- associates an interpretative annotation directly with a span of text. [17.3. ]
-Only one of the attributes @target and @from may be supplied on
-Only one of the attributes @target and @to may be supplied on
-If @to is supplied on , @from must be supplied as well
-The attributes @to and @from on may each contain only a single value
- gives the identifier of the node which is the starting point of the span of text being annotated; if not accompanied by a to attribute, gives the identifier of the node of the entire span of text being annotated.
- gives the identifier of the node which is the end-point of the span of text being annotated.
diff --git a/data/text/schema/tei_cp.xml b/data/text/schema/tei_cp.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b32fdec..0000000
--- a/data/text/schema/tei_cp.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-CP_schemaSebastian RahtzTEI Consortium Distributed under a Creative
- Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Copyright 2013 TEI Consortium.
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
- permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
- conditions and the following disclaimer.Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
- conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
- with the distribution.
This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and any express
- or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
- merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the
- copyright holder or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special,
- exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute
- goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused
- and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including
- negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised
- of the possibility of such damage.
TEI material can be licensed differently depending on the use you intend to make of it.
- Hence it is made available under both the CC+BY and BSD-2 licences. The CC+BY licence is
- generally appropriate for usages which treat TEI content as data or documentation. The BSD-2
- licence is generally appropriate for usage of TEI content in a software environment. For
- further information or clarification, please contact the TEI Consortium.
Written from scratch.
TEI for manuscript description
diff --git a/data/text/schema/tei_ms.rng b/data/text/schema/tei_ms.rng
deleted file mode 100644
index e8060f0..0000000
--- a/data/text/schema/tei_ms.rng
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14875 +0,0 @@
- egXML
- indicates the person, or group of people, to whom the element content is ascribed.
- indicates the person, or group of people, to whom a speech act or action is directed.
- provides an externally-defined means of identifying the entity (or entities) being named, using a coded value of some kind.
- (reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition or identity for the entity being named by means of one or more URIs.
- gives a minimum estimated value for the approximate measurement.
- (\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)
- gives a maximum estimated value for the approximate measurement.
- (\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)
- where the measurement summarizes more than one observation or a range, supplies the minimum value observed.
- (\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)
- where the measurement summarizes more than one observation or a range, supplies the maximum value observed.
- (\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)
- specifies the degree of statistical confidence (between zero and one) that a value falls within the range specified by @min and @max, or the proportion of observed values that fall within that range.
- names the unit used for the measurement
-Suggested values include: 1] cm (centimetres); 2] mm (millimetres); 3] in (inches); 4] line; 5] char (characters)
- cm
- (centimetres)
- mm
- (millimetres)
- in
- (inches)
- line
- lines of text
- char
- (characters) characters of text
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- specifies the length in the units specified
- (\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)
- indicates the size of the object concerned using a project-specific vocabulary combining quantity and units in a single string of words.
- characterizes the precision of the values specified by the other attributes.
- high
- medium
- low
- unknown
- where the measurement summarizes more than one observation, specifies the applicability of this measurement.
-Sample values include: 1] all; 2] most; 3] range
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- points to a <handNote> element describing the hand considered responsible for the content of the element concerned.
- categorizes the cause of the damage, if it can be identified.
-Sample values include: 1] rubbing; 2] mildew; 3] smoke
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- provides a coded representation of the degree of damage, either as a number between 0 (undamaged) and 1 (very extensively damaged), or as one of the codes high, medium, low, or unknown. The <damage> element with the @degree attribute should only be used where the text may be read with some confidence; text supplied from other sources should be tagged as <supplied>.
- high
- medium
- low
- unknown
- assigns an arbitrary number to each stretch of damage regarded as forming part of the same physical phenomenon.
- indicates whether or not the element bearing this attribute should be considered to mark the end of an orthographic token in the same way as whitespace.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (canonical reference) specifies the destination of the pointer by supplying a canonical reference expressed using the scheme defined in a <refsDecl> element in the TEI header
- supplies the value of the date or time in a standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- specifies the earliest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- specifies the latest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- indicates the starting point of the period in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- indicates the ending point of the period in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- The @when attribute cannot be used with any other att.datable.w3c attributes.
- The @from and @notBefore attributes cannot be used together.
- The @to and @notAfter attributes cannot be used together.
- indicates the system or calendar to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
- @calendar indicates the system or calendar to
- which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this
- element has no textual content.
- supplies a pointer to some location defining a named period of time within which the datable item is understood to have occurred.
- contains a PID (persistent identifier) that aligns the given element with the appropriate Data Category (or categories) in ISOcat.
- contains a PID (persistent identifier) that aligns the content of the given element or the value of the given attribute with the appropriate simple Data Category (or categories) in ISOcat.
- indicates whether or not this element is selected by default when its parent is selected.
- true
- This element is selected if its parent is selected
- false
- This element can only be selected explicitly, unless it is the only one of its kind, in which case it is selected if its parent is selected.
- identifies one or more declarable elements within the header, which are understood to apply to the element bearing this attribute and its content.
- specifies whether or not its parent element is fragmented in some way, typically by some other overlapping structure: for example a speech which is divided between two or more verse stanzas, a paragraph which is split across a page division, a verse line which is divided between two speakers.
- Y
- (yes) the element is fragmented in some (unspecified) respect
- N
- (no) the element is not fragmented, or no claim is made as to its completeness
- I
- (initial) this is the initial part of a fragmented element
- M
- (medial) this is a medial part of a fragmented element
- F
- (final) this is the final part of a fragmented element
- (organization) specifies how the content of the division is organized.
- composite
- no claim is made about the sequence in which the immediate contents of this division are to be processed, or their inter-relationships.
- uniform
- the immediate contents of this element are regarded as forming a logical unit, to be processed in sequence.
- indicates whether this division is a sample of the original source and if so, from which part.
- initial
- division lacks material present at end in source.
- medial
- division lacks material at start and end.
- final
- division lacks material at start.
- unknown
- position of sampled material within original unknown.
- complete
- division is not a sample.
- describes the status of a document either currently or, when associated with a dated element, at the time indicated.
-Sample values include: 1] approved; 2] candidate; 3] cleared; 4] deprecated; 5] draft; 6] embargoed; 7] expired; 8] frozen; 9] galley; 10] proposed; 11] published; 12] recommendation; 13] submitted; 14] unfinished; 15] withdrawn
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (certainty) signifies the degree of certainty associated with the intervention or interpretation.
- high
- medium
- low
- unknown
- (responsible party) indicates the agency responsible for the intervention or interpretation, for example an editor or transcriber.
- indicates the nature of the evidence supporting the reliability or accuracy of the intervention or interpretation.
-Suggested values include: 1] internal; 2] external; 3] conjecture
- internal
- there is internal evidence to support the intervention.
- external
- there is external evidence to support the intervention.
- conjecture
- the intervention or interpretation has been made by the editor, cataloguer, or scholar on the basis of their expertise.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- indicates whether this is an instant revision or not.
- unknown
- inapplicable
- (rendition) indicates how the element in question was rendered or presented in the source text.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- contains an expression in some formal style definition language which defines the rendering or presentation used for this element in the source text
- points to a description of the rendering or presentation used for this element in the source text.
- specifies the source from which some aspect of this element is drawn.
- (identifier) provides a unique identifier for the element bearing the attribute.
- (number) gives a number (or other label) for an element, which is not necessarily unique within the document.
- (language) indicates the language of the element content using a tag generated according to BCP 47.
- provides a base URI reference with which applications can resolve relative URI references into absolute URI references.
- signals an intention about how white space should be managed by applications.
- default
- signals that the application's default white-space processing modes are acceptable
- preserve
- indicates the intent that applications preserve all white space
- gives a name or other identifier for the scribe believed to be responsible for this hand.
- points to a full description of the scribe concerned, typically supplied by a <person> element elsewhere in the description.
- characterizes the particular script or writing style used by this hand, for example secretary, copperplate, Chancery, Italian, etc.
- points to a full description of the script or writing style used by this hand, typically supplied by a <scriptNote> element elsewhere in the description.
- describes the tint or type of ink, e.g. brown, or other writing medium, e.g. pencil
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- specifies how widely this hand is used in the manuscript.
- sole
- only this hand is used throughout the manuscript
- major
- this hand is used through most of the manuscript
- minor
- this hand is used occasionally in the manuscript
- (MIME media type) specifies the applicable multimedia internet mail extension (MIME) media type
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- Where the media are displayed, indicates the display width
- [\-+]?\d+(\.\d+)?(%|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|em|ex|gd|rem|vw|vh|vm)
- Where the media are displayed, indicates the display height
- [\-+]?\d+(\.\d+)?(%|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|em|ex|gd|rem|vw|vh|vm)
- Where the media are displayed, indicates a scale factor to be applied when generating the desired display size
- (\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)
- (uniform resource locator) specifies the URL from which the media concerned may be obtained.
- indicates what kind of phenomenon is being noted in the passage.
-Sample values include: 1] image; 2] character; 3] theme; 4] allusion
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (instances) points to instances of the analysis or interpretation represented by the current element.
- indicates the units used for the measurement, usually using the standard symbol for the desired units.
-Suggested values include: 1] m (metre); 2] kg (kilogram); 3] s (second); 4] Hz (hertz); 5] Pa (pascal); 6] Ω (ohm); 7] L (litre); 8] t (tonne); 9] ha (hectare); 10] Å (ångström); 11] mL (millilitre); 12] cm (centimetre); 13] dB (decibel); 14] kbit (kilobit); 15] Kibit (kibibit); 16] kB (kilobyte); 17] KiB (kibibyte); 18] MB (megabyte); 19] MiB (mebibyte)
- m
- (metre) SI base unit of length
- kg
- (kilogram) SI base unit of mass
- s
- (second) SI base unit of time
- Hz
- (hertz) SI unit of frequency
- Pa
- (pascal) SI unit of pressure or stress
- Ω
- (ohm) SI unit of electric resistance
- L
- (litre) 1 dm³
- t
- (tonne) 10³ kg
- ha
- (hectare) 1 hm²
- Å
- (ångström) 10⁻¹⁰ m
- mL
- (millilitre)
- cm
- (centimetre)
- dB
- (decibel) see remarks, below
- kbit
- (kilobit) 10³ or 1000 bits
- Kibit
- (kibibit) 2¹⁰ or 1024 bits
- kB
- (kilobyte) 10³ or 1000 bytes
- KiB
- (kibibyte) 2¹⁰ or 1024 bytes
- MB
- (megabyte) 10⁶ or 1 000 000 bytes
- MiB
- (mebibyte) 2²⁰ or 1 048 576 bytes
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- points to a unique identifier stored in the @xml:id of a <unitDef> element that defines a unit of measure.
- specifies the number of the specified units that comprise the measurement
- (\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)
- indicates the substance that is being measured
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- The @unit attribute may be unnecessary when @unitRef is present.
- may be used to specify further information about the entity referenced by this name in the form of a set of whitespace-separated values, for example the occupation of a person, or the status of a place.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (reference to the canonical name) provides a means of locating the canonical form (nym) of the names associated with the object named by the element bearing it.
- names the notation used for the content of the element.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- specifies where this item is placed.
-Suggested values include: 1] below; 2] bottom; 3] margin; 4] top; 5] opposite; 6] overleaf; 7] above; 8] end; 9] inline; 10] inspace
- below
- below the line
- bottom
- at the foot of the page
- margin
- in the margin (left, right, or both)
- top
- at the top of the page
- opposite
- on the opposite, i.e. facing, page
- overleaf
- on the other side of the leaf
- above
- above the line
- end
- at the end of e.g. chapter or volume.
- inline
- within the body of the text.
- inspace
- in a predefined space, for example left by an earlier scribe.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- provides a sub-categorization of the element, if needed
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- The element should not be categorized in detail with @subtype unless also categorized in general with @type
- specifies the language of the content to be found at the destination referenced by @target, using a language tag generated according to BCP 47.
- @targetLang should only be used on if @target is specified.
- specifies the destination of the reference by supplying one or more URI References
- specifies the intended meaning when the target of a pointer is itself a pointer.
- all
- if the element pointed to is itself a pointer, then the target of that pointer will be taken, and so on, until an element is found which is not a pointer.
- one
- if the element pointed to is itself a pointer, then its target (whether a pointer or not) is taken as the target of this pointer.
- none
- no further evaluation of targets is carried out beyond that needed to find the element specified in the pointer's target.
- optionally specifies the identifiers of the elements within which all elements indicated by the contents of this element lie.
- (target function) describes the function of each of the values of the @target attribute of the enclosed <link>, <join>, or <alt> tags.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- points at one or several elements or sets of elements by means of one or more data pointers, using the URI syntax.
- supplies an arbitrary XPath expression using the syntax defined in which identifies a set of nodes, selected within the context identified by the @target attribute if this is supplied, or within the context of the parent element if it is not.
- characterizes the function of the segment.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- supplies the sort key for this element in an index, list or group which contains it.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (edition) supplies a sigil or other arbitrary identifier for the source edition in which the associated feature (for example, a page, column, or line break) occurs at this point in the text.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (edition reference) provides a pointer to the source edition in which the associated feature (for example, a page, column, or line break) occurs at this point in the text.
- indicates the end of a span initiated by the element bearing this attribute.
-The element indicated by @spanTo () must follow the current element
- identifies the language used to describe the rendition.
- css
- Cascading Stylesheet Language
- xslfo
- Extensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects
- free
- Informal free text description
- other
- A user-defined rendition description language
- supplies a version number for the style language provided in @scheme.
- [\d]+[a-z]*[\d]*(\.[\d]+[a-z]*[\d]*){0,3}
- @schemeVersion can only be used if @scheme is specified.
- indicates the location within a temporal alignment at which this element begins.
- indicates the location within a temporal alignment at which this element ends.
- indicates the effect of the intervention, for example in the case of a deletion, strikeouts which include too much or too little text, or in the case of an addition, an insertion which duplicates some of the text already present.
-Sample values include: 1] duplicate; 2] duplicate-partial; 3] excessStart; 4] excessEnd; 5] shortStart; 6] shortEnd; 7] partial; 8] unremarkable
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- documents the presumed cause for the intervention.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (sequence) assigns a sequence number related to the order in which the encoded features carrying this attribute are believed to have occurred.
- specifies the date on which the source text was extracted and sent to the translator
- identifies the unit of information conveyed by the element, e.g. columns, pages, volume, entry.
-Suggested values include: 1] volume; 2] issue; 3] page; 4] line; 5] chapter; 6] part; 7] column; 8] entry
- volume
- the element contains a volume number.
- issue
- the element contains an issue number, or volume and issue numbers.
- page
- the element contains a page number or page range.
- line
- the element contains a line number or line range.
- chapter
- the element contains a chapter indication (number and/or title)
- part
- the element identifies a part of a book or collection.
- column
- the element identifies a column.
- entry
- the element identifies an entry number or label in a list of entries.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- specifies the starting point of the range of units indicated by the @unit attribute.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- specifies the end-point of the range of units indicated by the @unit attribute.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- An @formula is provided to describe a mathematical calculation such as a conversion between measurement systems.
- indicates whether the name component is given in full, as an abbreviation or simply as an initial.
- yes
- the name component is spelled out in full.
- abb
- (abbreviated) the name component is given in an abbreviated form.
- init
- (initial letter) the name component is indicated only by one initial.
- specifies the sort order of the name component in relation to others within the name.
- provides a conventional name for the kind of section changing at this milestone.
-Suggested values include: 1] page; 2] column; 3] line; 4] book; 5] poem; 6] canto; 7] speaker; 8] stanza; 9] act; 10] scene; 11] section; 12] absent; 13] unnumbered
- page
- physical page breaks (synonymous with the <pb> element).
- column
- column breaks.
- line
- line breaks (synonymous with the <lb> element).
- book
- any units termed book, liber, etc.
- poem
- individual poems in a collection.
- canto
- cantos or other major sections of a poem.
- speaker
- changes of speaker or narrator.
- stanza
- stanzas within a poem, book, or canto.
- act
- acts within a play.
- scene
- scenes within a play or act.
- section
- sections of any kind.
- absent
- passages not present in the reference edition.
- unnumbered
- passages present in the text, but not to be included as part of the reference.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (paragraph) marks paragraphs in prose. [3.1. Paragraphs 7.2.5. Speech Contents]
- Abstract model violation: Paragraphs may not occur inside other paragraphs or ab elements.
- Abstract model violation: Lines may not contain higher-level structural elements such as div, p, or ab.
- identifies a word or phrase as belonging to some language other than that of the surrounding text. [ Foreign Words or Expressions]
- (emphasized) marks words or phrases which are stressed or emphasized for linguistic or rhetorical effect. [ Emphatic Words and Phrases 3.3.2. Emphasis, Foreign Words, and Unusual Language]
- (highlighted) marks a word or phrase as graphically distinct from the surrounding text, for reasons concerning which no claim is made. [ Emphatic Words and Phrases 3.3.2. Emphasis, Foreign Words, and Unusual Language]
- identifies any word or phrase which is regarded as linguistically distinct, for example as archaic, technical, dialectal, non-preferred, etc., or as forming part of a sublanguage. [ Other Linguistically Distinct Material]
- specifies the sublanguage or register to which the word or phrase is being assigned
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- specifies how the phrase is distinct diachronically
- specifies how the phrase is distinct diatopically
- specifies how the phrase is distinct diastratically
- (speech or thought) indicates passages thought or spoken aloud, whether explicitly indicated in the source or not, whether directly or indirectly reported, whether by real people or fictional characters. [3.3.3. Quotation]
- may be used to indicate whether the quoted matter is regarded as having been vocalized or signed.
- unknown
- inapplicable
- may be used to indicate whether the quoted matter is regarded as direct or indirect speech.
- unknown
- inapplicable
- (quotation) contains a phrase or passage attributed by the narrator or author to some agency external to the text. [3.3.3. Quotation 4.3.1. Grouped Texts]
- (quoted) contains material which is distinguished from the surrounding text using quotation marks or a similar method, for any one of a variety of reasons including, but not limited to: direct speech or thought, technical terms or jargon, authorial distance, quotations from elsewhere, and passages that are mentioned but not used. [3.3.3. Quotation]
- may be used to indicate whether the offset passage is spoken or thought, or to characterize it more finely.
-Suggested values include: 1] spoken; 2] thought; 3] written; 4] soCalled; 5] foreign; 6] distinct; 7] term; 8] emph; 9] mentioned
- spoken
- representation of speech
- thought
- representation of thought, e.g. internal monologue
- written
- quotation from a written source
- soCalled
- authorial distance
- foreign
- distinct
- linguistically distinct
- term
- technical term
- emph
- rhetorically emphasized
- mentioned
- refering to itself, not its normal referent
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (cited quotation) contains a quotation from some other document, together with a bibliographic reference to its source. In a dictionary it may contain an example text with at least one occurrence of the word form, used in the sense being described, or a translation of the headword, or an example. [3.3.3. Quotation 4.3.1. Grouped Texts Examples]
- marks words or phrases mentioned, not used. [3.3.3. Quotation]
- contains a word or phrase for which the author or narrator indicates a disclaiming of responsibility, for example by the use of scare quotes or italics. [3.3.3. Quotation]
- (description) contains a brief description of the object documented by its parent element, typically a documentation element or an entity. [22.4.1. Description of Components]
- Information about a
- deprecation should only be present in a specification element
- that is being deprecated: that is, only an element that has a
- @validUntil attribute should have a child <desc
- type="deprecationInfo">.
- characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- identifies a phrase or word used to provide a gloss or definition for some other word or phrase. [3.3.4. Terms, Glosses, Equivalents, and Descriptions 22.4.1. Description of Components]
- contains a single-word, multi-word, or symbolic designation which is regarded as a technical term. [3.3.4. Terms, Glosses, Equivalents, and Descriptions]
- (Latin for thus or so) contains text reproduced although apparently incorrect or inaccurate. [3.4.1. Apparent Errors]
- (correction) contains the correct form of a passage apparently erroneous in the copy text. [3.4.1. Apparent Errors]
- groups a number of alternative encodings for the same point in a text. [3.4. Simple Editorial Changes]
- (regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense. [3.4.2. Regularization and
-Normalization 12. Critical Apparatus]
- (original form) contains a reading which is marked as following the original, rather than being normalized or corrected. [3.4.2. Regularization and
-Normalization 12. Critical Apparatus]
- indicates a point where material has been omitted in a transcription, whether for editorial reasons described in the TEI header, as part of sampling practice, or because the material is illegible, invisible, or inaudible. [3.4.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions]
- gives the reason for omission
-Suggested values include: 1] cancelled; 2] deleted; 3] editorial; 4] illegible; 5] inaudible; 6] irrelevant; 7] sampling
- cancelled
- deleted
- editorial
- for features omitted from transcription due to editorial policy
- illegible
- inaudible
- irrelevant
- sampling
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- in the case of text omitted because of damage, categorizes the cause of the damage, if it can be identified.
-Sample values include: 1] rubbing; 2] mildew; 3] smoke
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (addition) contains letters, words, or phrases inserted in the source text by an author, scribe, or a previous annotator or corrector. [3.4.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions]
- (deletion) contains a letter, word, or passage deleted, marked as deleted, or otherwise indicated as superfluous or spurious in the copy text by an author, scribe, or a previous annotator or corrector. [3.4.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions]
- contains a word, phrase, or passage which cannot be transcribed with certainty because it is illegible or inaudible in the source. [ Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text 3.4.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions]
- indicates why the material is hard to transcribe.
-Suggested values include: 1] illegible; 2] inaudible; 3] faded; 4] background_noise; 5] eccentric_ductus
- illegible
- inaudible
- faded
- background_noise
- eccentric_ductus
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- Where the difficulty in transcription arises from damage, categorizes the cause of the damage, if it can be identified.
-Sample values include: 1] rubbing; 2] mildew; 3] smoke
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (name, proper noun) contains a proper noun or noun phrase. [3.5.1. Referring Strings]
- (referencing string) contains a general purpose name or referring string. [13.2.1. Personal Names 3.5.1. Referring Strings]
- (electronic mail address) contains an email address identifying a location to which email messages can be delivered. [3.5.2. Addresses]
- contains a postal address, for example of a publisher, an organization, or an individual. [3.5.2. Addresses 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information]
- (address line) contains one line of a postal address. [3.5.2. Addresses 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information]
- contains a full street address including any name or number identifying a building as well as the name of the street or route on which it is located. [3.5.2. Addresses]
- (postal code) contains a numerical or alphanumeric code used as part of a postal address to simplify sorting or delivery of mail. [3.5.2. Addresses]
- (postal box or post office box) contains a number or other identifier for some postal delivery point other than a street address. [3.5.2. Addresses]
- (number) contains a number, written in any form. [3.5.3. Numbers and
- indicates the type of numeric value.
-Suggested values include: 1] cardinal; 2] ordinal; 3] fraction; 4] percentage
- cardinal
- absolute number, e.g. 21, 21.5
- ordinal
- ordinal number, e.g. 21st
- fraction
- fraction, e.g. one half or three-quarters
- percentage
- a percentage
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- supplies the value of the number in standard form.
- (\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)
- contains a word or phrase referring to some quantity of an object or commodity, usually comprising a number, a unit, and a commodity name. [3.5.3. Numbers and
- specifies the type of measurement in any convenient typology.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (measure group) contains a group of dimensional specifications which relate to the same object, for example the height and width of a manuscript page. [10.3.4. Dimensions]
- contains a symbol, a word or a phrase referring to a unit of measurement in any kind of formal or informal system. [3.5.3. Numbers and
- contains a date in any format. [3.5.4. Dates and Times 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. 2.6. The Revision Description Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information 15.2.3. The Setting Description 13.3.7. Dates and Times]
- contains a phrase defining a time of day in any format. [3.5.4. Dates and Times]
- (abbreviation) contains an abbreviation of any sort. [3.5.5. Abbreviations and Their Expansions]
- allows the encoder to classify the abbreviation according to some convenient typology.
-Sample values include: 1] suspension; 2] contraction; 3] brevigraph; 4] superscription; 5] acronym; 6] title; 7] organization; 8] geographic
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (expansion) contains the expansion of an abbreviation. [3.5.5. Abbreviations and Their Expansions]
- (pointer) defines a pointer to another location. [3.6. Simple Links and Cross-References 16.1. Links]
- Only one of the
-attributes @target and @cRef may be supplied on .
- (reference) defines a reference to another location, possibly modified by additional text or comment. [3.6. Simple Links and Cross-References 16.1. Links]
- Only one of the
- attributes @target' and @cRef' may be supplied on
- contains any sequence of items organized as a list. [3.7. Lists]
- The content of a "gloss" list should include a sequence of one or more pairs of a label element followed by an item element
- describes the nature of the items in the list.
-Suggested values include: 1] gloss; 2] index; 3] instructions; 4] litany; 5] syllogism
- gloss
- each list item glosses some term or concept, which is given by a <label> element preceding the list item.
- index
- each list item is an entry in an index such as the alphabetical topical index at the back of a print volume.
- instructions
- each list item is a step in a sequence of instructions, as in a recipe.
- litany
- each list item is one of a sequence of petitions, supplications or invocations, typically in a religious ritual.
- syllogism
- each list item is part of an argument consisting of two or more propositions and a final conclusion derived from them.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- contains one component of a list. [3.7. Lists 2.6. The Revision Description]
- contains any label or heading used to identify part of a text, typically but not exclusively in a list or glossary. [3.7. Lists]
- (heading) contains any type of heading, for example the title of a section, or the heading of a list, glossary, manuscript description, etc. [4.2.1. Headings and Trailers]
- (heading for list labels) contains the heading for the label or term column in a glossary list or similar structured list. [3.7. Lists]
- (heading for list items) contains the heading for the item or gloss column in a glossary list or similar structured list. [3.7. Lists]
- contains a note or annotation. [3.8.1. Notes and Simple Annotation 2.2.6. The Notes Statement Notes and Statement of Language Notes within Entries]
- indicates whether the copy text shows the exact place of reference for the note.
- points to the end of the span to which the note is attached, if the note is not embedded in the text at that point.
- (index entry) marks a location to be indexed for whatever purpose. [3.8.2. Index Entries]
- a single word which follows the rules defining a legal XML name (see ), supplying a name to specify which index (of several) the index entry belongs to.
- indicates the location of any form of external media such as an audio or video clip etc. [3.9. Graphics and Other Non-textual Components]
- (MIME media type) specifies the applicable multimedia internet mail extension (MIME) media type
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- indicates the location of a graphic or illustration, either forming part of a text, or providing an image of it. [3.9. Graphics and Other Non-textual Components 11.1. Digital Facsimiles]
- provides encoded binary data representing an inline graphic, audio, video or other object. [3.9. Graphics and Other Non-textual Components]
- The encoding used to encode the binary data. If not specified, this is assumed to be Base64.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- marks a boundary point separating any kind of section of a text, typically but not necessarily indicating a point at which some part of a standard reference system changes, where the change is not represented by a structural element. [3.10.3. Milestone
- (gathering beginning) marks the beginning of a new gathering or quire in a transcribed codex. [3.10.3. Milestone
- (page beginning) marks the beginning of a new page in a paginated document. [3.10.3. Milestone
- (line beginning) marks the beginning of a new (typographic) line in some edition or version of a text. [3.10.3. Milestone
-Elements 7.2.5. Speech Contents]
- (column beginning) marks the beginning of a new column of a text on a multi-column page. [3.10.3. Milestone
- (analytic level) contains bibliographic elements describing an item (e.g. an article or poem) published within a monograph or journal and not as an independent publication. [ Analytic, Monographic, and Series Levels]
- (monographic level) contains bibliographic elements describing an item (e.g. a book or journal) published as an independent item (i.e. as a separate physical object). [ Analytic, Monographic, and Series Levels]
- (series information) contains information about the series in which a book or other bibliographic item has appeared. [ Analytic, Monographic, and Series Levels]
- in a bibliographic reference, contains the name(s) of an author, personal or corporate, of a work; for example in the same form as that provided by a recognized bibliographic name authority. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors 2.2.1. The Title Statement]
- contains a secondary statement of responsibility for a bibliographic item, for example the name of an individual, institution or organization, (or of several such) acting as editor, compiler, translator, etc. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors]
- (statement of responsibility) supplies a statement of responsibility for the intellectual content of a text, edition, recording, or series, where the specialized elements for authors, editors, etc. do not suffice or do not apply. May also be used to encode information about individuals or organizations which have played a role in the production or distribution of a bibliographic work. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors 2.2.1. The Title Statement 2.2.2. The Edition Statement 2.2.5. The Series Statement]
- (responsibility) contains a phrase describing the nature of a person's intellectual responsibility, or an organization's role in the production or distribution of a work. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors 2.2.1. The Title Statement 2.2.2. The Edition Statement 2.2.5. The Series Statement]
- contains a title for any kind of work. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors 2.2.1. The Title Statement 2.2.5. The Series Statement]
- classifies the title according to some convenient typology.
-Sample values include: 1] main; 2] sub (subordinate); 3] alt (alternate); 4] short; 5] desc (descriptive)
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- indicates the bibliographic level for a title, that is, whether it identifies an article, book, journal, series, or unpublished material.
- a
- (analytic) the title applies to an analytic item, such as an article, poem, or other work published as part of a larger item.
- m
- (monographic) the title applies to a monograph such as a book or other item considered to be a distinct publication, including single volumes of multi-volume works
- j
- (journal) the title applies to any serial or periodical publication such as a journal, magazine, or newspaper
- s
- (series) the title applies to a series of otherwise distinct publications such as a collection
- u
- (unpublished) the title applies to any unpublished material (including theses and dissertations unless published by a commercial press)
- contains the formalized descriptive title for a meeting or conference, for use in a bibliographic description for an item derived from such a meeting, or as a heading or preamble to publications emanating from it. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors]
- groups information relating to the publication or distribution of a bibliographic item. [ Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information]
- provides the name of the organization responsible for the publication or distribution of a bibliographic item. [ Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.]
- (scope of bibliographic reference) defines the scope of a bibliographic reference, for example as a list of page numbers, or a named subdivision of a larger work. [ Scopes and Ranges in Bibliographic Citations]
- (cited range) defines the range of cited content, often represented by pages or other units [ Scopes and Ranges in Bibliographic Citations]
- (publication place) contains the name of the place where a bibliographic item was published. [ Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information]
- (bibliographic citation) contains a loosely-structured bibliographic citation of which the sub-components may or may not be explicitly tagged. [3.11.1. Methods of Encoding Bibliographic References and Lists of References 2.2.7. The Source Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
- (structured bibliographic citation) contains a structured bibliographic citation, in which only bibliographic sub-elements appear and in a specified order. [3.11.1. Methods of Encoding Bibliographic References and Lists of References 2.2.7. The Source Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
- (citation list) contains a list of bibliographic citations of any kind. [3.11.1. Methods of Encoding Bibliographic References and Lists of References 2.2.7. The Source Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
- contains or references some other bibliographic item which is related to the present one in some specified manner, for example as a constituent or alternative version of it. [ Related Items]
-If the @target attribute on is used, the
-relatedItem element must be empty
- A relatedItem element should have either a 'target' attribute
- or a child element to indicate the related bibliographic item
- points to the related bibliographic element by means of an absolute or relative URI reference
- (verse line) contains a single, possibly incomplete, line of verse. [3.12.1. Core Tags for Verse 3.12. Passages of Verse or Drama 7.2.5. Speech Contents]
- Abstract model violation: Lines may not contain lines or lg elements.
- (line group) contains one or more verse lines functioning as a formal unit, e.g. a stanza, refrain, verse paragraph, etc. [3.12.1. Core Tags for Verse 3.12. Passages of Verse or Drama 7.2.5. Speech Contents]
- An lg element
- must contain at least one child l, lg, or gap element.
- Abstract model violation: Lines may not contain line groups.
- (speech) contains an individual speech in a performance text, or a passage presented as such in a prose or verse text. [3.12.2. Core Tags for Drama 3.12. Passages of Verse or Drama 7.2.2. Speeches and Speakers]
- contains a specialized form of heading or label, giving the name of one or more speakers in a dramatic text or fragment. [3.12.2. Core Tags for Drama]
- (stage direction) contains any kind of stage direction within a dramatic text or fragment. [3.12.2. Core Tags for Drama 3.12. Passages of Verse or Drama 7.2.4. Stage Directions]
- indicates the kind of stage direction.
-Suggested values include: 1] setting; 2] entrance; 3] exit; 4] business; 5] novelistic; 6] delivery; 7] modifier; 8] location; 9] mixed
- setting
- describes a setting.
- entrance
- describes an entrance.
- exit
- describes an exit.
- business
- describes stage business.
- novelistic
- is a narrative, motivating stage direction.
- delivery
- describes how a character speaks.
- modifier
- gives some detail about a character.
- location
- describes a location.
- mixed
- more than one of the above
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- contains the whole of a TEI encoded corpus, comprising a single corpus header and one or more <TEI> elements, each containing a single text header and a text. [4. Default Text Structure 15.1. Varieties of Composite Text]
- specifies the version number of the TEI Guidelines against which this document is valid.
- [\d]+(\.[\d]+){0,2}
- (automatically generated text division) indicates the location at which a textual division generated automatically by a text-processing application is to appear. [3.8.2. Index Entries]
- specifies what type of generated text division (e.g. index, table of contents, etc.) is to appear.
-Sample values include: 1] index; 2] toc; 3] figlist; 4] tablist
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (text language) describes the languages and writing systems identified within the bibliographic work being described, rather than its description. [ Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information 10.6.6. Languages and Writing Systems]
- (main language) supplies a code which identifies the chief language used in the bibliographic work.
- (other languages) one or more codes identifying any other languages used in the bibliographic work.
- specifies a regular expression against which the values of other attributes can be matched.
- specifies a replacement pattern, that is, the skeleton of a relative or absolute URI containing references to groups in the @matchPattern which, once subpattern substitution has been performed, complete the URI.
- (TEI header) supplies descriptive and declarative metadata associated with a digital resource or set of resources. [2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components 15.1. Varieties of Composite Text]
- (file description) contains a full bibliographic description of an electronic file. [2.2. The File Description 2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components]
- (title statement) groups information about the title of a work and those responsible for its content. [2.2.1. The Title Statement 2.2. The File Description]
- specifies the name of a sponsoring organization or institution. [2.2.1. The Title Statement]
- (funding body) specifies the name of an individual, institution, or organization responsible for the funding of a project or text. [2.2.1. The Title Statement]
- (principal researcher) supplies the name of the principal researcher responsible for the creation of an electronic text. [2.2.1. The Title Statement]
- (edition statement) groups information relating to one edition of a text. [2.2.2. The Edition Statement 2.2. The File Description]
- describes the particularities of one edition of a text. [2.2.2. The Edition Statement]
- describes the approximate size of a text stored on some carrier medium or of some other object, digital or non-digital, specified in any convenient units. [2.2.3. Type and Extent of File 2.2. The File Description Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information 10.7.1. Object Description]
- (publication statement) groups information concerning the publication or distribution of an electronic or other text. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. 2.2. The File Description]
- supplies the name of a person or other agency responsible for the distribution of a text. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.]
- (release authority) supplies the name of a person or other agency responsible for making a work available, other than a publisher or distributor. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.]
- (identifier) supplies any form of identifier used to identify some object, such as a bibliographic item, a person, a title, an organization, etc. in a standardized way. [13.3.1. Basic Principles 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. 2.2.5. The Series Statement Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information]
- categorizes the identifier, for example as an ISBN, Social Security number, etc.
-Suggested values include: 1] ISBN; 2] ISSN; 3] DOI; 4] URI; 5] VIAF; 6] ESTC; 7] OCLC
- International Standard Book Number: a 13- or (if assigned prior to 2007) 10-digit identifying number assigned by the publishing industry to a published book or similar item, registered with the International ISBN Agency.
- International Standard Serial Number: an eight-digit number to uniquely identify a serial publication.
- Digital Object Identifier: a unique string of letters and numbers assigned to an electronic document.
- Uniform Resource Identifier: a string of characters to uniquely identify a resource which usually contains indication of the means of accessing that resource, the name of its host, and its filepath.
- A data number in the Virtual Internet Authority File assigned to link different names in catalogs around the world for the same entity.
- English Short-Title Catalogue number: an identifying number assigned to a document in English printed in the British Isles or North America before 1801.
- OCLC control number (record number) for the union catalog record in WorldCat, a union catalog for member libraries in the Online Computer Library Center global cooperative.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- supplies information about the availability of a text, for example any restrictions on its use or distribution, its copyright status, any licence applying to it, etc. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.]
- supplies a code identifying the current availability of the text.
- free
- the text is freely available.
- unknown
- the status of the text is unknown.
- restricted
- the text is not freely available.
- contains information about a licence or other legal agreement applicable to the text. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.]
- (series statement) groups information about the series, if any, to which a publication belongs. [2.2.5. The Series Statement 2.2. The File Description]
- (notes statement) collects together any notes providing information about a text additional to that recorded in other parts of the bibliographic description. [2.2.6. The Notes Statement 2.2. The File Description]
- (source description) describes the source from which an electronic text was derived or generated, typically a bibliographic description in the case of a digitized text, or a phrase such as "born digital" for a text which has no previous existence. [2.2.7. The Source Description]
- (fully-structured bibliographic citation) contains a fully-structured bibliographic citation, in which all components of the TEI file description are present. [3.11.1. Methods of Encoding Bibliographic References and Lists of References 2.2. The File Description 2.2.7. The Source Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
- (encoding description) documents the relationship between an electronic text and the source or sources from which it was derived. [2.3. The Encoding Description 2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components]
- (schema reference) describes or points to a related customization or schema file [2.3.10. The Schema Specification]
- the identifier used for the customization or schema
- (project description) describes in detail the aim or purpose for which an electronic file was encoded, together with any other relevant information concerning the process by which it was assembled or collected. [2.3.1. The Project Description 2.3. The Encoding Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
- (sampling declaration) contains a prose description of the rationale and methods used in sampling texts in the creation of a corpus or collection. [2.3.2. The Sampling Declaration 2.3. The Encoding Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
- (editorial practice declaration) provides details of editorial principles and practices applied during the encoding of a text. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration 2.3. The Encoding Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
- (correction principles) states how and under what circumstances corrections have been made in the text. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
- indicates the degree of correction applied to the text.
- high
- the text has been thoroughly checked and proofread.
- medium
- the text has been checked at least once.
- low
- the text has not been checked.
- unknown
- the correction status of the text is unknown.
- indicates the method adopted to indicate corrections within the text.
- silent
- corrections have been made silently
- markup
- corrections have been represented using markup
- indicates the extent of normalization or regularization of the original source carried out in converting it to electronic form. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
- indicates the method adopted to indicate normalizations within the text.
- silent
- normalization made silently
- markup
- normalization represented using markup
- specifies editorial practice adopted with respect to quotation marks in the original. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
-On , either the @marks attribute should be used, or a paragraph of description provided
- (quotation marks) indicates whether or not quotation marks have been retained as content within the text.
- none
- no quotation marks have been retained
- some
- some quotation marks have been retained
- all
- all quotation marks have been retained
- summarizes the way in which hyphenation in a source text has been treated in an encoded version of it. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
- (end-of-line) indicates whether or not end-of-line hyphenation has been retained in a text.
- all
- all end-of-line hyphenation has been retained, even though the lineation of the original may not have been.
- some
- end-of-line hyphenation has been retained in some cases.
- hard
- all soft end-of-line hyphenation has been removed: any remaining end-of-line hyphenation should be retained.
- none
- all end-of-line hyphenation has been removed: any remaining hyphenation occurred within the line.
- describes the principles according to which the text has been segmented, for example into sentences, tone-units, graphemic strata, etc. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
- (standard values) specifies the format used when standardized date or number values are supplied. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
- describes the scope of any analytic or interpretive information added to the text in addition to the transcription. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration]
- specifies editorial practice adopted with respect to punctuation marks in the original. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration 3.2. Treatment of Punctuation]
- indicates whether or not punctation marks have been retained as content within the text.
- none
- no punctuation marks have been retained
- some
- some punctuation marks have been retained
- all
- all punctuation marks have been retained
- indicates the positioning of punctuation marks that are associated with marked up text as being encoded within the element surrounding the text or immediately before or after it.
- internal
- punctuation marks found at the start or end of a marked up text component are included within its surrounding element;
- external
- punctuation marks found at the start or end of a marked up text component appear immediately before or after the surrounding element
- (tagging declaration) provides detailed information about the tagging applied to a document. [2.3.4. The Tagging Declaration 2.3. The Encoding Description]
- indicates whether the element types listed exhaustively include all those found within <text>, or represent only a subset.
- documents the usage of a specific element within a specified document. [2.3.4. The Tagging Declaration]
- (generic identifier) specifies the name (generic identifier) of the element indicated by the tag, within the namespace indicated by the parent <namespace> element.
- specifies the number of occurrences of this element within the text.
- (with unique identifier) specifies the number of occurrences of this element within the text which bear a distinct value for the global @xml:id attribute.
- supplies the formal name of the namespace to which the elements documented by its children belong. [2.3.4. The Tagging Declaration]
- specifies the full formal name of the namespace concerned.
- supplies information about the rendition or appearance of one or more elements in the source text. [2.3.4. The Tagging Declaration]
- where CSS is used, provides a way of defining pseudo-elements, that is, styling rules applicable to specific sub-portions of an element.
-Sample values include: 1] first-line; 2] first-letter; 3] before; 4] after
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- contains a selector or series of selectors specifying the elements to which the contained style description applies, expressed in the language specified in the @scheme attribute.
- (style definition language declaration) specifies the name of the formal language in which style or renditional information is supplied elsewhere in the document. The specific version of the scheme may also be supplied. [2.3.5. The Default Style Definition Language Declaration]
- (references declaration) specifies how canonical references are constructed for this text. [ Milestone Method 2.3. The Encoding Description 2.3.6. The Reference System Declaration]
- (canonical reference pattern) specifies an expression and replacement pattern for transforming a canonical reference into a URI. [ Milestone Method 2.3.6. The Reference System Declaration Search-and-Replace Method]
- (prefix definition) defines a prefixing scheme used in data.pointer values, showing how abbreviated URIs using the scheme may be expanded into full URIs. [16.2.3. Using Abbreviated Pointers]
- supplies a name which functions as the prefix for an abbreviated pointing scheme such as a private URI scheme. The prefix constitutes the text preceding the first colon.
- [a-z][a-z0-9\+\.\-]*
- (list of prefix definitions) contains a list of definitions of prefixing schemes used in data.pointer values, showing how abbreviated URIs using each scheme may be expanded into full URIs. [16.2.3. Using Abbreviated Pointers]
- (reference state) specifies one component of a canonical reference defined by the milestone method. [ Milestone Method 2.3.6. The Reference System Declaration]
- specifies the fixed length of the reference component.
- (delimiter) supplies a delimiting string following the reference component.
- (classification declarations) contains one or more taxonomies defining any classificatory codes used elsewhere in the text. [2.3.7. The Classification Declaration 2.3. The Encoding Description]
- defines a typology either implicitly, by means of a bibliographic citation, or explicitly by a structured taxonomy. [2.3.7. The Classification Declaration]
- contains an individual descriptive category, possibly nested within a superordinate category, within a user-defined taxonomy. [2.3.7. The Classification Declaration]
- (category description) describes some category within a taxonomy or text typology, either in the form of a brief prose description or in terms of the situational parameters used by the TEI formal <textDesc>. [2.3.7. The Classification Declaration]
- (geographic coordinates declaration) documents the notation and the datum used for geographic coordinates expressed as content of the <geo> element elsewhere within the document. [2.3.8. The Geographic Coordinates Declaration]
- supplies a commonly used code name for the datum employed.
-Suggested values include: 1] WGS84 (World Geodetic System); 2] MGRS (Military Grid Reference System); 3] OSGB36 (ordnance survey great britain); 4] ED50 (European Datum coordinate system)
- WGS84
- (World Geodetic System) a pair of numbers to be interpreted as latitude followed by longitude according to the World Geodetic System.
- (Military Grid Reference System) the values supplied are geospatial entity object codes, based on
- OSGB36
- (ordnance survey great britain) the value supplied is to be interpreted as a British National Grid Reference.
- ED50
- (European Datum coordinate system) the value supplied is to be interpreted as latitude followed by longitude according to the European Datum coordinate system.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (unit declarations) provides information about units of measurement that are not members of the International System of Units. [2.3.9. The Unit Declaration]
- (unit definition) contains descriptive information related to a specific unit of measurement. [2.3.9. The Unit Declaration]
- defines how to calculate one unit of measure in terms of another. [2.3.9. The Unit Declaration]
- indicates a source unit of measure that is to be converted into another unit indicated in @toUnit.
- the target unit of measurement for a conversion from a source unit referenced in @fromUnit.
- (application information) records information about an application which has edited the TEI file. [2.3.11. The Application Information Element]
- provides information about an application which has acted upon the document. [2.3.11. The Application Information Element]
- supplies an identifier for the application, independent of its version number or display name.
- supplies a version number for the application, independent of its identifier or display name.
- [\d]+[a-z]*[\d]*(\.[\d]+[a-z]*[\d]*){0,3}
- (text-profile description) provides a detailed description of non-bibliographic aspects of a text, specifically the languages and sublanguages used, the situation in which it was produced, the participants and their setting. [2.4. The Profile Description 2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components]
- (note on hand) describes a particular style or hand distinguished within a manuscript. [10.7.2. Writing, Decoration, and Other Notations]
- contains a summary or formal abstract prefixed to an existing source document by the encoder. [2.4.4. Abstracts]
- contains information about the creation of a text. [2.4.1. Creation 2.4. The Profile Description]
- (language usage) describes the languages, sublanguages, registers, dialects, etc. represented within a text. [2.4.2. Language Usage 2.4. The Profile Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
- characterizes a single language or sublanguage used within a text. [2.4.2. Language Usage]
- (identifier) Supplies a language code constructed as defined in BCP 47 which is used to identify the language documented by this element, and which is referenced by the global @xml:lang attribute.
- specifies the approximate percentage (by volume) of the text which uses this language.
- (text classification) groups information which describes the nature or topic of a text in terms of a standard classification scheme, thesaurus, etc. [2.4.3. The Text Classification]
- contains a list of keywords or phrases identifying the topic or nature of a text. [2.4.3. The Text Classification]
- identifies the controlled vocabulary within which the set of keywords concerned is defined, for example by a <taxonomy> element, or by some other resource.
- (classification code) contains the classification code used for this text in some standard classification system. [2.4.3. The Text Classification]
- identifies the classification system in use, as defined by, e.g. a <taxonomy> element, or some other resource.
- (category reference) specifies one or more defined categories within some taxonomy or text typology. [2.4.3. The Text Classification]
- identifies the classification scheme within which the set of categories concerned is defined, for example by a <taxonomy> element, or by some other resource.
- (calendar description) contains a description of the calendar system used in any dating expression found in the text. [2.4. The Profile Description 2.4.5. Calendar Description]
- describes a calendar or dating system used in a dating formula in the text. [2.4.5. Calendar Description]
- (correspondence
- description) contains a description of the actions related to one act of correspondence. [2.4.6. Correspondence Description]
- (correspondence action) contains a structured description of the place, the name of a person/organization and the date related to the sending/receiving of a message or any other action related to the correspondence. [2.4.6. Correspondence Description]
- describes the nature of the action.
-Suggested values include: 1] sent; 2] received; 3] transmitted; 4] redirected; 5] forwarded
- sent
- information concerning the sending or dispatch of a message.
- received
- information concerning the receipt of a message.
- transmitted
- information concerning the transmission of a message, i.e. between the dispatch and the next receipt, redirect or forwarding.
- redirected
- information concerning the redirection of an unread message.
- forwarded
- information concerning the forwarding of a message.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (correspondence context) provides references to preceding or following correspondence related to this piece of correspondence. [2.4.6. Correspondence Description]
- (non-TEI metadata) provides a container element into which metadata in non-TEI formats may be placed. [2.5. Non-TEI Metadata]
- (revision description) summarizes the revision history for a file. [2.6. The Revision Description 2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components]
- documents a change or set of changes made during the production of a source document, or during the revision of an electronic file. [2.6. The Revision Description 2.4.1. Creation 11.7. Identifying Changes and Revisions]
- points to one or more elements that belong to this change.
- describes a particular script distinguished within the description of a manuscript or similar resource. [10.7.2. Writing, Decoration, and Other Notations]
- groups a number of change descriptions associated with either the creation of a source text or the revision of an encoded text. [2.6. The Revision Description 11.7. Identifying Changes and Revisions]
- indicates whether the ordering of its child <change> elements is to be considered significant or not
- (corresponds) points to elements that correspond to the current element in some way.
- (synchronous) points to elements that are synchronous with the current element.
- points to an element that is the same as the current element.
- points to an element of which the current element is a copy.
- points to the next element of a virtual aggregate of which the current element is part.
- (previous) points to the previous element of a virtual aggregate of which the current element is part.
- points to elements that are in exclusive alternation with the current element.
- selects one or more alternants; if one alternant is selected, the ambiguity or uncertainty is marked as resolved. If more than one alternant is selected, the degree of ambiguity or uncertainty is marked as reduced by the number of alternants not selected.
- defines an association or hypertextual link among elements or passages, of some type not more precisely specifiable by other elements. [16.1. Links]
- You must supply at least two values for @target or on
- (link group) defines a collection of associations or hypertextual links. [16.1. Links]
- (anonymous block) contains any arbitrary component-level unit of text, acting as an anonymous container for phrase or inter level elements analogous to, but without the semantic baggage of, a paragraph. [16.3. Blocks, Segments, and Anchors]
- Abstract model violation: ab may not occur inside paragraphs or other ab elements.
- Abstract model violation: Lines may not contain higher-level divisions such as p or ab.
- (anchor point) attaches an identifier to a point within a text, whether or not it corresponds with a textual element. [8.4.2. Synchronization and Overlap 16.5. Correspondence and Alignment]
- (arbitrary segment) represents any segmentation of text below the chunk level. [16.3. Blocks, Segments, and Anchors 6.2. Components of the Verse Line 7.2.5. Speech Contents]
- indicates a point in time either relative to other elements in the same timeline tag, or absolutely. [16.4.2. Placing Synchronous Events in Time]
- supplies an absolute value for the time.
- specifies the unit of time in which the @interval value is expressed, if this is not inherited from the parent <timeline>.
-Suggested values include: 1] d (days); 2] h (hours); 3] min (minutes); 4] s (seconds); 5] ms (milliseconds)
- d
- (days)
- h
- (hours)
- min
- (minutes)
- s
- (seconds)
- ms
- (milliseconds)
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- specifies a time interval either as a number or as one of the keywords defined by the datatype data.interval
- regular
- irregular
- unknown
- identifies the reference point for determining the time of the current <when> element, which is obtained by adding the interval to the time of the reference point.
- provides a set of ordered points in time which can be linked to elements of a spoken text to create a temporal alignment of that text. [16.4.2. Placing Synchronous Events in Time]
- designates the origin of the timeline, i.e. the time at which it begins.
- specifies the unit of time corresponding to the @interval value of the timeline or of its constituent points in time.
-Suggested values include: 1] d (days); 2] h (hours); 3] min (minutes); 4] s (seconds); 5] ms (milliseconds)
- d
- (days)
- h
- (hours)
- min
- (minutes)
- s
- (seconds)
- ms
- (milliseconds)
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- specifies a time interval either as a positive integral value or using one of a set of predefined codes.
- regular
- irregular
- unknown
- identifies a possibly fragmented segment of text, by pointing at the possibly discontiguous elements which compose it. [16.7. Aggregation]
-You must supply at least two values for @target on
- specifies the name of an element which this aggregation may be understood to represent.
- indicates whether the targets to be joined include the entire element indicated (the entire subtree including its root), or just the children of the target (the branches of the subtree).
- root
- the rooted subtrees indicated by the @target attribute are joined, each subtree become a child of the virtual element created by the join
- branches
- the children of the subtrees indicated by the @target attribute become the children of the virtual element (i.e. the roots of the subtrees are discarded)
- (join group) groups a collection of <join> elements and possibly pointers. [16.7. Aggregation]
- supplies the default value for the @result on each <join> included within the group.
- (alternation) identifies an alternation or a set of choices among elements or passages. [16.8. Alternation]
- specifies the destination of the reference by supplying one or more URI References
- states whether the alternations gathered in this collection are exclusive or inclusive.
- excl
- (exclusive) indicates that the alternation is exclusive, i.e. that at most one of the alternatives occurs.
- incl
- (inclusive) indicates that the alternation is not exclusive, i.e. that one or more of the alternatives occur.
- If @mode is excl, each weight states the probability that the corresponding alternative occurs. If @mode is incl each weight states the probability that the corresponding alternative occurs given that at least one of the other alternatives occurs.
- (alternation group) groups a collection of <alt> elements and possibly pointers. [16.8. Alternation]
- states whether the alternations gathered in this collection are exclusive or inclusive.
- excl
- (exclusive) indicates that the alternation is exclusive, i.e. that at most one of the alternatives occurs.
- incl
- (inclusive) indicates that the alternation is not exclusive, i.e. that one or more of the alternatives occur.
- (TEI document) contains a single TEI-conformant document, combining a single TEI header with one or more members of the model.resourceLike class. Multiple <TEI> elements may be combined to form a <teiCorpus> element. [4. Default Text Structure 15.1. Varieties of Composite Text]
- specifies the version number of the TEI Guidelines against which this document is valid.
- [\d]+(\.[\d]+){0,2}
- contains a single text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, for example a poem or drama, a collection of essays, a novel, a dictionary, or a corpus sample. [4. Default Text Structure 15.1. Varieties of Composite Text]
- (text body) contains the whole body of a single unitary text, excluding any front or back matter. [4. Default Text Structure]
- contains the body of a composite text, grouping together a sequence of distinct texts (or groups of such texts) which are regarded as a unit for some purpose, for example the collected works of an author, a sequence of prose essays, etc. [4. Default Text Structure 4.3.1. Grouped Texts 15.1. Varieties of Composite Text]
- contains a single text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, which interrupts the text containing it at any point and after which the surrounding text resumes. [4.3.2. Floating Texts]
- (text division) contains a subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1. Divisions of the Body]
- Abstract model violation: Lines may not contain higher-level structural elements such as div.
- Abstract model violation: p and ab may not contain higher-level structural elements such as div.
- (level-1 text division) contains a first-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. Numbered Divisions]
- (level-2 text division) contains a second-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. Numbered Divisions]
- (level-3 text division) contains a third-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. Numbered Divisions]
- (level-4 text division) contains a fourth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. Numbered Divisions]
- (level-5 text division) contains a fifth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. Numbered Divisions]
- (level-6 text division) contains a sixth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1.2. Numbered Divisions]
- (level-7 text division) contains the smallest possible subdivision of the front, body or back of a text, larger than a paragraph. [4.1.2. Numbered Divisions]
- contains a closing title or footer appearing at the end of a division of a text. [4.2.4. Content of Textual Divisions 4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions]
- contains the primary statement of responsibility given for a work on its title page or at the head or end of the work. [4.2.2. Openers and Closers 4.5. Front Matter]
- contains a brief description of the place, date, time, etc. of production of a letter, newspaper story, or other work, prefixed or suffixed to it as a kind of heading or trailer. [4.2.2. Openers and Closers]
- contains a formal list or prose description of the topics addressed by a subdivision of a text. [4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions 4.6. Title Pages]
- contains a quotation, anonymous or attributed, appearing at the start or end of a section or on a title page. [4.2.3. Arguments, Epigraphs, and Postscripts 4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions 4.6. Title Pages]
- groups together dateline, byline, salutation, and similar phrases appearing as a preliminary group at the start of a division, especially of a letter. [4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions]
- groups together salutations, datelines, and similar phrases appearing as a final group at the end of a division, especially of a letter. [4.2.2. Openers and Closers 4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions]
- (salutation) contains a salutation or greeting prefixed to a foreword, dedicatory epistle, or other division of a text, or the salutation in the closing of a letter, preface, etc. [4.2.2. Openers and Closers]
- (signature) contains the closing salutation, etc., appended to a foreword, dedicatory epistle, or other division of a text. [4.2.2. Openers and Closers]
- contains a postscript, e.g. to a letter. [4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions]
- (title page) contains the title page of a text, appearing within the front or back matter. [4.6. Title Pages]
- classifies the title page according to any convenient typology.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (document title) contains the title of a document, including all its constituents, as given on a title page. [4.6. Title Pages]
- contains a subsection or division of the title of a work, as indicated on a title page. [4.6. Title Pages]
- specifies the role of this subdivision of the title.
-Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] sub (subordinate); 3] alt (alternate); 4] short; 5] desc (descriptive)
- main
- main title of the work
- sub
- (subordinate) subtitle of the work
- alt
- (alternate) alternative title of the work
- short
- abbreviated form of title
- desc
- (descriptive) descriptive paraphrase of the work
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (document author) contains the name of the author of the document, as given on the title page (often but not always contained in a byline). [4.6. Title Pages]
- contains a formal statement authorizing the publication of a work, sometimes required to appear on a title page or its verso. [4.6. Title Pages]
- (document edition) contains an edition statement as presented on a title page of a document. [4.6. Title Pages]
- (document imprint) contains the imprint statement (place and date of publication, publisher name), as given (usually) at the foot of a title page. [4.6. Title Pages]
- (document date) contains the date of a document, as given on a title page or in a dateline. [4.6. Title Pages]
- gives the value of the date in standard form, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD.
- (front matter) contains any prefatory matter (headers, abstracts, title page, prefaces, dedications, etc.) found at the start of a document, before the main body. [4.6. Title Pages 4. Default Text Structure]
- (back matter) contains any appendixes, etc. following the main part of a text. [4.7. Back Matter 4. Default Text Structure]
- supplies the value of a date or time in some custom standard form.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- specifies the earliest possible date for the event in some custom standard form.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- specifies the latest possible date for the event in some custom standard form.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- indicates the starting point of the period in some custom standard form.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- indicates the ending point of the period in some custom standard form.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- supplies a pointer to some location defining a named point in time with reference to which the datable item is understood to have occurred
- supplies a pointer to a <calendar> element or other means of interpreting the values of the custom dating attributes.
- supplies the value of a date or time in a standard form.
- [0-9.,DHMPRSTWYZ/:+\-]+
- specifies the earliest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- [0-9.,DHMPRSTWYZ/:+\-]+
- specifies the latest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
- [0-9.,DHMPRSTWYZ/:+\-]+
- indicates the starting point of the period in standard form.
- [0-9.,DHMPRSTWYZ/:+\-]+
- indicates the ending point of the period in standard form.
- [0-9.,DHMPRSTWYZ/:+\-]+
- (organization name) contains an organizational name. [13.2.2. Organizational Names]
- (personal name) contains a proper noun or proper-noun phrase referring to a person, possibly including one or more of the person's forenames, surnames, honorifics, added names, etc. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
- contains a family (inherited) name, as opposed to a given, baptismal, or nick name. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
- contains a forename, given or baptismal name. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
- (generational name component) contains a name component used to distinguish otherwise similar names on the basis of the relative ages or generations of the persons named. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
- (name link) contains a connecting phrase or link used within a name but not regarded as part of it, such as van der or of. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
- (additional name) contains an additional name component, such as a nickname, epithet, or alias, or any other descriptive phrase used within a personal name. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
- contains a name component which indicates that the referent has a particular role or position in society, such as an official title or rank. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
- contains an absolute or relative place name. [13.2.3. Place Names]
- contains the name of a geo-political unit consisting of two or more nation states or countries. [13.2.3. Place Names]
- contains the name of a geo-political unit, such as a nation, country, colony, or commonwealth, larger than or administratively superior to a region and smaller than a bloc. [13.2.3. Place Names]
- contains the name of an administrative unit such as a state, province, or county, larger than a settlement, but smaller than a country. [13.2.3. Place Names]
- contains the name of a settlement such as a city, town, or village identified as a single geo-political or administrative unit. [13.2.3. Place Names]
- contains the name of any kind of subdivision of a settlement, such as a parish, ward, or other administrative or geographic unit. [13.2.3. Place Names]
- marks that part of a relative temporal or spatial expression which indicates the direction of the offset between the two place names, dates, or times involved in the expression. [13.2.3. Place Names]
- (geographical name) identifies a name associated with some geographical feature such as Windrush Valley or Mount Sinai. [13.2.3. Place Names]
- (geographical feature name) contains a common noun identifying some geographical feature contained within a geographic name, such as valley, mount, etc. [13.2.3. Place Names]
- contains an informal description of a person's present or past affiliation with some organization, for example an employer or sponsor. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
- characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
-Sample values include: 1] sponsor; 2] recommend; 3] discredit; 4] pledged
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- specifies the age of a person. [ Personal Characteristics]
- characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
-Sample values include: 1] western; 2] sui; 3] subjective; 4] objective; 5] inWorld (in world); 6] chronological; 7] biological; 8] psychological; 9] functional
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- supplies a numeric code representing the age or age group
- contains information about a person's birth, such as its date and place. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
- characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
-Sample values include: 1] caesarean (caesarean section); 2] vaginal (vaginal delivery); 3] exNihilo (ex nihilo); 4] incorporated; 5] founded; 6] established
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- contains information about the physical climate of a place. [ States, Traits, and Events]
- contains information about a person's death, such as its date and place. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
- characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
-Sample values include: 1] proclaimed; 2] assumed; 3] verified; 4] clinical; 5] brain; 6] natural; 7] unnatural; 8] fragmentation; 9] dissolution
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- contains a description of the educational experience of a person. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
- characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
-Sample values include: 1] primary; 2] secondary; 3] undergraduate; 4] graduate; 5] residency; 6] apprenticeship
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- contains data relating to any kind of significant event associated with a person, place, or organization. [13.3.1. Basic Principles]
- indicates the location of an event by pointing to a <place> element
- specifies the faith, religion, or belief set of a person. [ Personal Characteristics]
- characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
-Sample values include: 1] practicing; 2] clandestine; 3] patrilineal; 4] matrilineal; 5] convert
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- contains information about a person's period of activity. [ Personal Characteristics]
- (geographical coordinates) contains any expression of a set of geographic coordinates, representing a point, line, or area on the surface of the earth in some notation. [ Varieties of Location]
- (language knowledge) summarizes the state of a person's linguistic knowledge, either as prose or by a list of <langKnown> elements. [ Personal Characteristics]
- characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
-Sample values include: 1] listening; 2] speaking; 3] reading; 4] writing
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- supplies one or more valid language tags for the languages specified
- (language known) summarizes the state of a person's linguistic competence, i.e., knowledge of a single language. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
- supplies a valid language tag for the language concerned.
- a code indicating the person's level of knowledge for this language
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (list of organizations) contains a list of elements, each of which provides information about an identifiable organization. [13.2.2. Organizational Names]
- (list of events) contains a list of descriptions, each of which provides information about an identifiable event. [13.3.1. Basic Principles]
- (list of persons) contains a list of descriptions, each of which provides information about an identifiable person or a group of people, for example the participants in a language interaction, or the people referred to in a historical source. [13.3.2. The Person Element 15.2. Contextual Information 2.4. The Profile Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
- (list of places) contains a list of places, optionally followed by a list of relationships (other than containment) defined amongst them. [2.2.7. The Source Description 13.3.4. Places]
- defines the location of a place as a set of geographical coordinates, in terms of other named geo-political entities, or as an address. [13.3.4. Places]
- contains an informal description of a person's present or past nationality or citizenship. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
- characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
-Sample values include: 1] birth; 2] naturalised; 3] self-assigned
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- contains an informal description of a person's trade, profession or occupation. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
- characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
-Sample values include: 1] primary; 2] other; 3] paid; 4] unpaid
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- indicates the classification system or taxonomy in use, for example by supplying the identifier of a <taxonomy> element, or pointing to some other resource.
- identifies an occupation code defined within the classification system or taxonomy defined by the @scheme attribute.
- (organization) provides information about an identifiable organization such as a business, a tribe, or any other grouping of people. [13.2.2. Organizational Names]
- specifies a primary role or classification for the organization.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- provides information about relationships identified amongst people, places, and organizations, either informally as prose or as formally expressed relation links. [ Personal Relationships]
- provides information about an identifiable individual, for example a participant in a language interaction, or a person referred to in a historical source. [13.3.2. The Person Element 15.2.2. The Participant Description]
- specifies a primary role or classification for the person.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- specifies the sex of the person.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- specifies an age group for the person.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- provides information about one of the personalities identified for a given individual, where an individual has multiple personalities. [13.3.2. The Person Element]
- specifies a primary role or classification for the persona.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- specifies the sex of the persona.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- specifies an age group for the persona.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (personal group) describes a group of individuals treated as a single person for analytic purposes. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
- specifies the role of this group of participants in the interaction.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- specifies the sex of the participant group.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- specifies the age group of the participants.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- describes informally the size or approximate size of the group for example by means of a number and an indication of accuracy e.g. approx 200.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- contains data about a geographic location [13.3.4. Places]
- contains information about the population of a place. [ States, Traits, and Events]
- (relationship) describes any kind of relationship or linkage amongst a specified group of places, events, persons, objects or other items. [ Personal Relationships]
- One of the attributes 'name', 'ref' or 'key' must be supplied
- Only one of the attributes @active and @mutual may be supplied
- the attribute 'passive' may be supplied only if the attribute 'active' is supplied
- supplies a name for the kind of relationship of which this is an instance.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- identifies the active participants in a non-mutual relationship, or all the participants in a mutual one.
- supplies a list of participants amongst all of whom the relationship holds equally.
- identifies the passive participants in a non-mutual relationship.
- describes a person's present or past places of residence. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
- characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
-Sample values include: 1] primary; 2] secondary; 3] temporary; 4] permanent
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- specifies the sex of a person. [ Personal Characteristics]
- characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
-Sample values include: 1] explicit; 2] implicit
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- supplies a coded value for sex
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (socio-economic status) contains an informal description of a person's perceived social or economic status. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
- characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
-Sample values include: 1] atBirth; 2] atDeath; 3] dependent; 4] inherited; 5] independent
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- identifies the classification system or taxonomy in use, for example by pointing to a locally-defined <taxonomy> element or by supplying a URI for an externally-defined system.
- identifies a status code defined within the classification system or taxonomy defined by the @scheme attribute.
- contains a description of some status or quality attributed to a person, place, or organization often at some specific time or for a specific date range. [13.3.1. Basic Principles Personal Characteristics]
- contains information about the physical terrain of a place. [ States, Traits, and Events]
- contains a description of some status or quality attributed to a person, place, or organization typically, but not necessarily, independent of the volition or action of the holder and usually not at some specific time or for a specific date range. [13.3.1. Basic Principles Personal Characteristics]
- (name of an object) contains a proper noun or noun phrase used to refer to an object. [13.2.4. Object Names]
- contains a description of a single identifiable physical object. [13.3.5. Objects]
- (list of objects) contains a list of descriptions, each of which provides information about an identifiable physical object. [13.3.5. Objects]
- (object identifier) groups one or more identifiers or pieces of locating information concerning a single object. [13.3.5. Objects]
- An objectIdentifier must contain at minimum a single piece of locating or identifying information.
- (canonical name) contains the definition for a canonical name or name component of any kind. [13.3.6. Names and Nyms]
- points to constituent nyms
- (list of canonical names) contains a list of nyms, that is, standardized names for any thing. [13.3.6. Names and Nyms]
- (facsimile) points to all or part of an image which corresponds with the content of the element.
- points to one or more <change> elements documenting a state or revision campaign to which the element bearing this attribute and its children have been assigned by the encoder.
- indicates the element within a transcription of the text containing at least the start of the writing represented by this zone or surface.
- gives the x coordinate value for the upper left corner of a rectangular space.
- (\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)
- gives the y coordinate value for the upper left corner of a rectangular space.
- (\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)
- gives the x coordinate value for the lower right corner of a rectangular space.
- (\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)
- gives the y coordinate value for the lower right corner of a rectangular space.
- (\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)
- identifies a two dimensional area within the bounding box specified by the other attributes by means of a series of pairs of numbers, each of which gives the x,y coordinates of a point on a line enclosing the area.
- (-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?,-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)
- (-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?,-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)
- (-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?,-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)
- (-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?,-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)
- contains a representation of some written source in the form of a set of images rather than as transcribed or encoded text. [11.1. Digital Facsimiles]
- contains a transcription or other representation of a single source document potentially forming part of a dossier génétique or collection of sources. [11.1. Digital Facsimiles 11.2.2. Embedded Transcription]
- defines a written surface as a two-dimensional coordinate space, optionally grouping one or more graphic representations of that space, zones of interest within that space, and transcriptions of the writing within them. [11.1. Digital Facsimiles 11.2.2. Embedded Transcription]
- describes the method by which this surface is or was connected to the main surface
-Sample values include: 1] glued; 2] pinned; 3] sewn
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- indicates whether the surface is attached and folded in such a way as to provide two writing surfaces
- defines any kind of useful grouping of written surfaces, for example the recto and verso of a single leaf, which the encoder wishes to treat as a single unit. [11.1. Digital Facsimiles]
- defines any two-dimensional area within a <surface> element. [11.1. Digital Facsimiles 11.2.2. Embedded Transcription]
- indicates the amount by which this zone has been rotated clockwise, with respect to the normal orientation of the parent <surface> element as implied by the dimensions given in the <msDesc> element or by the coordinates of the <surface> itself. The orientation is expressed in arc degrees.
- defines any line passing through two or more points within a <surface> element. [11.1. Digital Facsimiles 11.2.2. Embedded Transcription]
- The first and
- last elements of this path are the same. To specify a closed polygon, use
- the zone element rather than the path element.
- identifies a line within the container or bounding box specified by the parent element by means of a series of two or more pairs of numbers, each of which gives the x,y coordinates of a point on the line.
- (-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?,-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)
- (-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?,-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)
- (-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?,-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)
- (added span of text) marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text added by an author, scribe, annotator or corrector (see also <add>). [ Additions and Deletions]
- The @spanTo attribute of is required.
- L'attribut spanTo est requis.
- contains an area of damage to the text witness. [ Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text]
- (damaged span of text) marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text which is damaged in some way but still legible. [ Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text]
-The @spanTo attribute of is required.
- L'attribut spanTo est requis.
- (deleted span of text) marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text deleted, marked as deleted, or otherwise signaled as superfluous or spurious by an author, scribe, annotator, or corrector. [ Additions and Deletions]
- The @spanTo attribute of is required.
- L'attribut spanTo est requis.
- (editorial expansion) contains a sequence of letters added by an editor or transcriber when expanding an abbreviation. [ Abbreviation and Expansion]
- (forme work) contains a running head (e.g. a header, footer), catchword, or similar material appearing on the current page. [11.6. Headers, Footers, and Similar Matter]
- classifies the material encoded according to some useful typology.
-Sample values include: 1] header; 2] footer; 3] pageNum (page number); 4] lineNum (line number); 5] sig (signature); 6] catch (catchword)
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- contains one or more <handNote> elements documenting the different hands identified within the source texts. [ Document Hands]
- marks the beginning of a sequence of text written in a new hand, or the beginning of a scribal stint. [ Document Hands]
- indicates a <handNote> element describing the hand concerned.
- (abbreviation marker) contains a sequence of letters or signs present in an abbreviation which are omitted or replaced in the expanded form of the abbreviation. [ Abbreviation and Expansion]
- indicates restoration of text to an earlier state by cancellation of an editorial or authorial marking or instruction. [ Cancellation of Deletions and Other Markings]
- indicates the location of a significant space in the text. [11.5.1. Space]
- (responsible party) (responsible party) indicates the individual responsible for identifying and measuring the space
- (dimension) indicates whether the space is horizontal or vertical.
- horizontal
- the space is horizontal.
- vertical
- the space is vertical.
- (substitution) groups one or more deletions with one or more additions when the combination is to be regarded as a single intervention in the text. [ Substitutions]
- must have at least one child add and at least one child del
- (substitution join) identifies a series of possibly fragmented additions, deletions or other revisions on a manuscript that combine to make up a single intervention in the text [ Substitutions]
- signifies text supplied by the transcriber or editor for any reason; for example because the original cannot be read due to physical damage, or because of an obvious omission by the author or scribe. [ Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text]
- one or more words indicating why the text has had to be supplied, e.g. overbinding, faded-ink, lost-folio, omitted-in-original.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- marks text present in the source which the editor believes to be superfluous or redundant. [ Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text]
- one or more words indicating why this text is believed to be superfluous, e.g. repeated, interpolated etc.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (secluded text) Secluded. Marks text present in the source which the editor believes to be genuine but out of its original place (which is unknown). [ Text Omitted from or Supplied in the Transcription]
- one or more words indicating why this text has been secluded, e.g. interpolated etc.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- contains the transcription of a topographic line in the source document [11.2.2. Embedded Transcription]
- supplies a list of transpositions, each of which is indicated at some point in a document typically by means of metamarks. [ Transpositions]
- contains or describes any kind of graphic or written signal within a document the function of which is to determine how it should be read rather than forming part of the actual content of the document. [ Metamarks]
- describes the function (for example status, insertion, deletion, transposition) of the metamark.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- identifies one or more elements to which the metamark applies.
- represents any kind of modification identified within a single document. [ Generic Modification]
- indicates one or more cancelled interventions in a document which have subsequently been marked as reaffirmed or repeated. [ Confirmation, Cancellation, and Reinstatement of Modifications]
- points to one or more elements representing the interventions which are being reasserted.
- contains a sequence of writing which has been retraced, for example by over-inking, to clarify or fix it. [ Fixation and Clarification]
- describes a single textual transposition as an ordered list of at least two pointers specifying the order in which the elements indicated should be re-combined. [ Transpositions]
- indicates one or more marked-up interventions in a document which have subsequently been marked for cancellation. [ Confirmation, Cancellation, and Reinstatement of Modifications]
- points to one or more elements representing the interventions which are to be reverted or undone.
- indicates the kind of information held in this cell or in each cell of this row.
-Suggested values include: 1] label; 2] data
- label
- labelling or descriptive information only.
- data
- data values.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- indicates the number of rows occupied by this cell or row.
- (columns) indicates the number of columns occupied by this cell or row.
- contains text displayed in tabular form, in rows and columns. [14.1.1. TEI Tables]
- indicates the number of rows in the table.
- (columns) indicates the number of columns in each row of the table.
- contains one row of a table. [14.1.1. TEI Tables]
- contains one cell of a table. [14.1.1. TEI Tables]
- contains a mathematical or other formula. [14.2. Formulæ and Mathematical Expressions]
- encodes the presence of music notation in a text [14.3. Notated Music in Written Text]
- groups elements representing or containing graphic information such as an illustration, formula, or figure. [14.4. Specific Elements for Graphic Images]
- (description of figure) contains a brief prose description of the appearance or content of a graphic figure, for use when documenting an image without displaying it. [14.4. Specific Elements for Graphic Images]
- indicates whether the passage being quoted is defective, i.e. incomplete through loss or damage.
- unknown
- inapplicable
- identifies the text types or classifications applicable to this item by pointing to other elements or resources defining the classification concerned.
- (manuscript description) contains a description of a single identifiable manuscript or other text-bearing object. [10.1. Overview]
- describes the system used to ensure correct ordering of the quires or similar making up a codex, incunable, or other object typically by means of annotations at the foot of the page. [10.3.7. Catchwords, Signatures, Secundo Folio]
- The element should not be used outside of msDesc.
- contains a dimensional specification. [10.3.4. Dimensions]
-The element may appear once only
-The element may appear once only
-The element may appear once only
- indicates which aspect of the object is being measured.
-Sample values include: 1] leaves; 2] ruled; 3] pricked; 4] written; 5] miniatures; 6] binding; 7] box
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- contains any single measurement forming part of a dimensional specification of some sort. [10.3.4. Dimensions]
- contains a measurement measured along the axis at a right angle to the bottom of the object. [10.3.4. Dimensions]
- contains a measurement from the front to the back of an object, perpendicular to the measurement given by the <width> element. [10.3.4. Dimensions]
- contains a measurement of an object along the axis parallel to its bottom, e.g. perpendicular to the spine of a book or codex. [10.3.4. Dimensions]
- contains a heraldic formula or phrase, typically found as part of a blazon, coat of arms, etc. [10.3.8. Heraldry]
- defines a location within a manuscript, manuscript part, or other object typically as a (possibly discontinuous) sequence of folio references. [10.3.5. References to Locations within a Manuscript]
- identifies the foliation scheme in terms of which the location is being specified by pointing to some <foliation> element defining it, or to some other equivalent resource.
- specifies the starting point of the location in a normalized form, typically a page number.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- specifies the end-point of the location in a normalized form, typically as a page number.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- groups a number of locations which together form a distinct but discontinuous item within a manuscript, manuscript part, or other object. [10.3.5. References to Locations within a Manuscript]
- identifies the foliation scheme in terms of which all the locations contained by the group are specified by pointing to some <foliation> element defining it, or to some other equivalent resource.
- contains a word or phrase describing the material of which the object being described is composed. [10.3.2. Material and Object Type]
- contains a word or phrase describing the type of object being referred to. [10.3.2. Material and Object Type]
- (origin date) contains any form of date, used to identify the date of origin for a manuscript, manuscript part, or other object. [10.3.1. Origination]
- (origin place) contains any form of place name, used to identify the place of origin for a manuscript, manuscript part, or other object. [10.3.1. Origination]
- (second folio) marks the word or words taken from a fixed point in a codex (typically the beginning of the second leaf) in order to provide a unique identifier for it. [10.3.7. Catchwords, Signatures, Secundo Folio]
- The element should not be used outside of msDesc.
- contains discussion of the leaf or quire signatures found within a codex or similar object. [10.3.7. Catchwords, Signatures, Secundo Folio]
- The element should not be used outside of msDesc.
- contains a word or phrase describing a stamp or similar device. [10.3.3. Watermarks and Stamps]
- contains a word or phrase describing a watermark or similar device. [10.3.3. Watermarks and Stamps]
- (manuscript identifier) contains the information required to identify the manuscript or similar object being described. [10.4. The Manuscript Identifier]
- An msIdentifier must contain either a repository or location.
- contains the name of an organization such as a university or library, with which a manuscript or other object is identified, generally its holding institution. [10.4. The Manuscript Identifier]
- contains the name of a repository within which manuscripts or other objects are stored, possibly forming part of an institution. [10.4. The Manuscript Identifier]
- contains the name of a collection of manuscripts or other objects, not necessarily located within a single repository. [10.4. The Manuscript Identifier]
- (alternative identifier) contains an alternative or former structured identifier used for a manuscript or other object, such as a former catalogue number. [10.4. The Manuscript Identifier]
- (alternative name) contains any form of unstructured alternative name used for a manuscript or other object, such as an ocellus nominum, or nickname. [10.4. The Manuscript Identifier]
- contains the colophon of an item: that is, a statement providing information regarding the date, place, agency, or reason for production of the manuscript or other object. [10.6.1. The msItem and msItemStruct Elements]
- contains the explicit of a item, that is, the closing words of the text proper, exclusive of any rubric or colophon which might follow it. [10.6.1. The msItem and msItemStruct Elements]
- contains information concerning the manuscript or other object's filiation, i.e. its relationship to other surviving manuscripts or other objects of the same text or contents, its protographs, antigraphs and apographs. [10.6.1. The msItem and msItemStruct Elements]
- contains the string of words that denotes the end of a text division, often with an assertion as to its author and title, usually set off from the text itself by red ink, by a different size or type of script, or by some other such visual device. [10.6.1. The msItem and msItemStruct Elements]
- contains the incipit of a manuscript or similar object item, that is the opening words of the text proper, exclusive of any rubric which might precede it, of sufficient length to identify the work uniquely; such incipits were, in former times, frequently used a means of reference to a work, in place of a title. [10.6.1. The msItem and msItemStruct Elements]
- (manuscript contents) describes the intellectual content of a manuscript, manuscript part, or other object either as a series of paragraphs or as a series of structured manuscript items. [10.6. Intellectual Content]
- (manuscript item) describes an individual work or item within the intellectual content of a manuscript, manuscript part, or other object. [10.6.1. The msItem and msItemStruct Elements]
- (structured manuscript item) contains a structured description for an individual work or item within the intellectual content of a manuscript, manuscript part, or other object. [10.6.1. The msItem and msItemStruct Elements]
- contains the text of any rubric or heading attached to a particular manuscript item, that is, a string of words through which a manuscript or other object signals the beginning of a text division, often with an assertion as to its author and title, which is in some way set off from the text itself, typically in red ink, or by use of different size or type of script, or some other such visual device. [10.6.1. The msItem and msItemStruct Elements]
- contains an overview of the available information concerning some aspect of an item or object (for example, its intellectual content, history, layout, typography etc.) as a complement or alternative to the more detailed information carried by more specific elements. [10.6. Intellectual Content]
- (physical description) contains a full physical description of a manuscript, manuscript part, or other object optionally subdivided using more specialized elements from the model.physDescPart class. [10.7. Physical Description]
- contains a description of the physical components making up the object which is being described. [10.7.1. Object Description]
- a short project-specific name identifying the physical form of the carrier, for example as a codex, roll, fragment, partial leaf, cutting etc.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (support description) groups elements describing the physical support for the written part of a manuscript or other object. [10.7.1. Object Description]
- a short project-defined name for the material composing the majority of the support
-Suggested values include: 1] paper; 2] parch (parchment); 3] mixed
- paper
- parch
- (parchment)
- mixed
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- contains a description of the materials etc. which make up the physical support for the written part of a manuscript or other object. [10.7.1. Object Description]
- contains a description of how the leaves, bifolia, or similar objects are physically arranged. [10.7.1. Object Description]
- describes the numbering system or systems used to count the leaves or pages in a codex or similar object. [ Foliation]
- contains a description of the physical condition of the manuscript or object. [ Condition]
- (layout description) collects the set of layout descriptions applicable to a manuscript or other object. [10.7.2. Writing, Decoration, and Other Notations]
- describes how text is laid out on the page or surface of the object, including information about any ruling, pricking, or other evidence of page-preparation techniques. [10.7.2. Writing, Decoration, and Other Notations]
- specifies the number of columns per page
- (textual streams) indicates the number of streams per page, each of which contains an independent textual stream
- specifies the number of ruled lines per column
- specifies the number of written lines per column
- (description of hands) contains a description of all the different hands used in a manuscript or other object. [10.7.2. Writing, Decoration, and Other Notations]
- specifies the number of distinct hands identified within the manuscript
- contains a description of the typefaces or other aspects of the printing of an incunable or other printed source. [ Writing]
- describes a particular font or other significant typographic feature distinguished within the description of a printed resource. [10.7.2. Writing, Decoration, and Other Notations]
- contains a description of the scripts used in a manuscript or other object. [ Writing]
- contains description of type of musical notation. [10.7.2. Writing, Decoration, and Other Notations]
- (decoration description) contains a description of the decoration of a manuscript or other object, either as in paragraphs, or as one or more <decoNote> elements. [10.7.3. Bindings, Seals, and Additional Material]
- (note on decoration) contains a note describing either a decorative component of a manuscript or other object, or a fairly homogenous class of such components. [10.7.3. Bindings, Seals, and Additional Material]
- contains a description of any significant additions found within a manuscript or other object, such as marginalia or other annotations. [10.7.2. Writing, Decoration, and Other Notations]
- (binding description) describes the present and former bindings of a manuscript or other object, either as a series of paragraphs or as a series of distinct <binding> elements, one for each binding of the manuscript. [ Binding Descriptions]
- contains a description of one binding, i.e. type of covering, boards, etc. applied to a manuscript or other object. [ Binding Descriptions]
- specifies whether or not the binding is contemporary with the majority of its contents
- unknown
- inapplicable
- (seal description) describes the seals or similar items related to the object described, either as a series of paragraphs or as a series of <seal> elements. [ Seals]
- contains a description of one seal or similar applied to the object described [ Seals]
- specifies whether or not the seal is contemporary with the item to which it is affixed
- unknown
- inapplicable
- (accompanying material) contains details of any significant additional material which may be closely associated with the manuscript or object being described, such as non-contemporaneous documents or fragments bound in with it at some earlier historical period. [ Accompanying Material]
- groups elements describing the full history of a manuscript, manuscript part, or other object. [10.8. History]
- contains any descriptive or other information concerning the origin of a manuscript, manuscript part, or other object. [10.8. History]
- contains any descriptive or other information concerning a single identifiable episode during the history of a manuscript, manuscript part, or other object after its creation but before its acquisition. [10.8. History]
- contains any descriptive or other information concerning the process by which a manuscript or manuscript part or other object entered the holding institution. [10.8. History]
- groups additional information, combining bibliographic information about a manuscript or other object, or surrogate copies of it, with curatorial or administrative information. [10.9. Additional Information]
- (administrative information) contains information about the present custody and availability of the manuscript or other object, and also about the record description itself. [10.9.1. Administrative Information]
- (recorded history) provides information about the source and revision status of the parent manuscript or object description itself. [10.9.1. Administrative Information]
- describes the original source for the information contained with a manuscript or object description. [ Record History]
- (custodial history) contains a description of a manuscript or other object's custodial history, either as running prose or as a series of dated custodial events. [ Availability and Custodial History]
- (custodial event) describes a single event during the custodial history of a manuscript or other object. [ Availability and Custodial History]
- contains information about any representations of the manuscript or other object being described which may exist in the holding institution or elsewhere. [10.9. Additional Information]
- (manuscript part) contains information about an originally distinct manuscript or part of a manuscript, which is now part of a composite manuscript. [10.10. Manuscript Parts]
- (manuscript fragment) contains information about a fragment described in relation to a prior context, typically as a description of a virtual reconstruction of a manuscript or other object whose fragments were catalogued separately [10.11. Manuscript Fragments]
- (witness or witnesses) contains a space-delimited list of one or more sigla indicating the witnesses to this reading beginning or ending at this point.
- (witness or witnesses) contains a space-delimited list of one or more pointers indicating the witnesses which attest to a given reading.
- classifies the reading according to some useful typology.
-Sample values include: 1] substantive; 2] orthographic
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- classifies the cause for the variant reading, according to any appropriate typology of possible origins.
-Sample values include: 1] homeoteleuton; 2] homeoarchy; 3] paleographicConfusion; 4] haplography; 5] dittography; 6] falseEmendation
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (variant sequence) provides a number indicating the position of this reading in a sequence, when there is reason to presume a sequence to the variants.
- points to other readings that are required when adopting the current reading or lemma.
- (apparatus entry) contains one entry in a critical apparatus, with an optional lemma and usually one or more readings or notes on the relevant passage. [12.1.1. The Apparatus Entry]
- classifies the variation contained in this element according to some convenient typology.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- identifies the beginning of the lemma in the base text.
- identifies the endpoint of the lemma in the base text.
- (location) indicates the location of the variation, when the location-referenced method of apparatus markup is used.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (list of apparatus entries) contains a list of apparatus entries. [12.2. Linking the Apparatus to the Text]
- (lemma) contains the lemma, or base text, of a textual variation. [12.1. The Apparatus Entry, Readings, and Witnesses]
- (reading) contains a single reading within a textual variation. [12.1. The Apparatus Entry, Readings, and Witnesses]
- (reading group) within a textual variation, groups two or more readings perceived to have a genetic relationship or other affinity. [12.1. The Apparatus Entry, Readings, and Witnesses]
- Only one <lem> element may appear within a <rdgGrp>
- (witness detail) gives further information about a particular witness, or witnesses, to a particular reading. [12.1. The Apparatus Entry, Readings, and Witnesses]
- (witnesses) indicates the sigil or sigla identifying the witness or witnesses to which the detail refers.
- describes the type of information given about the witness.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- contains a list of one or more sigla of witnesses attesting a given reading, in a textual variation. [12.1.4. Witness Information]
- (witness list) lists definitions for all the witnesses referred to by a critical apparatus, optionally grouped hierarchically. [12.1. The Apparatus Entry, Readings, and Witnesses]
- contains either a description of a single witness referred to within the critical apparatus, or a list of witnesses which is to be referred to by a single sigil. [12.1. The Apparatus Entry, Readings, and Witnesses]
- (fragmented witness start) indicates the beginning, or resumption, of the text of a fragmentary witness. [12.1.5. Fragmentary Witnesses]
- (fragmented witness end) indicates the end, or suspension, of the text of a fragmentary witness. [12.1.5. Fragmentary Witnesses]
- indicates the beginning of a lacuna in the text of a mostly complete textual witness. [12.1.5. Fragmentary Witnesses]
- indicates the end of a lacuna in a mostly complete textual witness. [12.1.5. Fragmentary Witnesses]
- declares the method used to encode text-critical variants. [12.1.1. The Apparatus Entry]
- indicates which method is used to encode the apparatus of variants.
- location-referenced
- apparatus uses line numbers or other canonical reference scheme referenced in a base text.
- double-end-point
- apparatus indicates the precise locations of the beginning and ending of each lemma relative to a base text.
- parallel-segmentation
- alternate readings of a passage are given in parallel in the text; no notion of a base text is necessary.
- indicates whether the apparatus appears within the running text or external to it.
- internal
- apparatus appears within the running text.
- external
- apparatus appears outside the base text.
- The @location value "external" is inconsistent with the
- parallel-segmentation method of apparatus markup.
- (character or glyph) represents a glyph, or a non-standard character. [5. Characters, Glyphs, and Writing Modes]
- points to a description of the character or glyph intended.
- (character) provides descriptive information about a character. [5.2. Markup Constructs for Representation of Characters and Glyphs]
- (character name) contains the name of a character, expressed following Unicode conventions. [5.2. Markup Constructs for Representation of Characters and Glyphs]
- (character property) provides a name and value for some property of the parent character or glyph. [5.2. Markup Constructs for Representation of Characters and Glyphs]
- (character declarations) provides information about nonstandard characters and glyphs. [5.2. Markup Constructs for Representation of Characters and Glyphs]
- (character glyph) provides descriptive information about a character glyph. [5.2. Markup Constructs for Representation of Characters and Glyphs]
- (character glyph name) contains the name of a glyph, expressed following Unicode conventions for character names. [5.2. Markup Constructs for Representation of Characters and Glyphs]
- (locally-defined property name) contains a locally defined name for some property. [5.2.1. Character Properties]
- (character mapping) contains one or more characters which are related to the parent character or glyph in some respect, as specified by the @type attribute. [5.2. Markup Constructs for Representation of Characters and Glyphs]
- (unicode property name) contains the name of a registered Unicode normative or informative property. [5.2.1. Character Properties]
- specifies the version number of the Unicode Standard in which this property name is defined.
- [\d]+(\.[\d]+){0,2}
- contains a single value for some property, attribute, or other analysis. [5.2.1. Character Properties]
- provides a lemma (base form) for the word, typically uninflected and serving both as an identifier (e.g. in dictionary contexts, as a headword), and as a basis for potential inflections.
- provides a pointer to a definition of the lemma for the word, for example in an online lexicon.
- (part of speech) indicates the part of speech assigned to a token (i.e. information on whether it is a noun, adjective, or verb), usually according to some official reference vocabulary (e.g. for German: STTS, for English: CLAWS, for Polish: NKJP, etc.).
- (morphosyntactic description) supplies morphosyntactic information for a token, usually according to some official reference vocabulary (e.g. for German: STTS-large tagset; for a feature description system designed as (pragmatically) universal, see Universal Features).
- when present, it provides information on whether the token in question is adjacent to another, and if so, on which side. The definition of this attribute is adapted from ISO MAF (Morpho-syntactic Annotation Framework), ISO 24611:2012.
- no
- (the token is not adjacent to another)
- left
- (there is no whitespace on the left side of the token)
- right
- (there is no whitespace on the right side of the token)
- both
- (there is no whitespace on either side of the token)
- overlap
- (the token overlaps with another; other devices (specifying the extent and the area of overlap) are needed to more precisely locate this token in the character stream)
- (analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the @ana attribute appears.
- (s-unit) contains a sentence-like division of a text. [17.1. Linguistic Segment Categories 8.4.1. Segmentation]
- You may not nest one s element within
- another: use seg instead
- (clause) represents a grammatical clause. [17.1. Linguistic Segment Categories]
- (phrase) represents a grammatical phrase. [17.1. Linguistic Segment Categories]
- (word) represents a grammatical (not necessarily orthographic) word. [17.1. Linguistic Segment Categories 17.4.2. Lightweight Linguistic Annotation]
- (morpheme) represents a grammatical morpheme. [17.1. Linguistic Segment Categories]
- supplies the morpheme's base form.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (character) represents a character. [17.1. Linguistic Segment Categories]
- (punctuation character) contains a character or string of characters regarded as constituting a single punctuation mark. [17.1.2. Below the Word Level 17.4.2. Lightweight Linguistic Annotation]
- indicates the extent to which this punctuation mark conventionally separates words or phrases
- strong
- the punctuation mark is a word separator
- weak
- the punctuation mark is not a word separator
- inter
- the punctuation mark may or may not be a word separator
- provides a name for the kind of unit delimited by this punctuation mark.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- indicates whether this punctuation mark precedes or follows the unit it delimits.
- associates an interpretative annotation directly with a span of text. [17.3. Spans and Interpretations]
-Only one of the attributes @target and @from may be supplied on
-Only one of the attributes @target and @to may be supplied on
-If @to is supplied on , @from must be supplied as well
-The attributes @to and @from on may each contain only a single value
- gives the identifier of the node which is the starting point of the span of text being annotated; if not accompanied by a @to attribute, gives the identifier of the node of the entire span of text being annotated.
- gives the identifier of the node which is the end-point of the span of text being annotated.
- (span group) collects together span tags. [17.3. Spans and Interpretations]
- (interpretation) summarizes a specific interpretative annotation which can be linked to a span of text. [17.3. Spans and Interpretations]
- (interpretation group) collects together a set of related interpretations which share responsibility or type. [17.3. Spans and Interpretations]
- indicates the numerical accuracy or precision associated with some aspect of the text markup. [21.2. Indications of Precision]
- characterizes the precision of the element or attribute pointed to by the <precision> element.
- high
- medium
- low
- unknown
- supplies a standard deviation associated with the value in question
- (\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)
- indicates the degree of certainty associated with some aspect of the text markup. [21.1.2. Structured Indications of Uncertainty]
- (certainty) signifies the degree of certainty associated with the object pointed to by the <certainty> element.
- high
- medium
- low
- unknown
- indicates more exactly the aspect concerning which certainty is being expressed: specifically, whether the markup is correctly located, whether the correct element or attribute name has been used, or whether the content of the element or attribute is correct, etc.
- name
- uncertainty concerns whether the name of the element or attribute used is correctly applied.
- start
- uncertainty concerns whether the start of the element is correctly identified.
- end
- uncertainty concerns whether the end of the element is correctly identified.
- location
- uncertainty concerns both the start and the end of the element.
- value
- uncertainty concerns the content (for an element) or the value (for an attribute)
- provides an alternative value for the aspect of the markup in question—an alternative generic identifier, transcription, or attribute value, or the identifier of an <anchor> element (to indicate an alternative starting or ending location). If an @assertedValue is given, the confidence level specified by @degree applies to the alternative markup specified by @assertedValue; if none is given, it applies to the markup in the text.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- indicates one or more element(s) characterizing the conditions which are assumed in the assignment of a degree of confidence.
- indicates the degree of confidence assigned to the aspect of the markup named by the @locus attribute.
- (responsibility) identifies the individual(s) responsible for some aspect of the content or markup of particular element(s). [21.3. Attribution of Responsibility]
- indicates the specific aspect of the encoding (markup or content) for which responsibility is being assigned.
- name
- responsibility is being assigned concerning the name of the element or attribute used.
- start
- responsibility is being assigned concerning the start of the element concerned.
- end
- responsibility is being assigned concerning the end of the element concerned.
- location
- responsibility is being assigned concerning the location of the element concerned.
- value
- responsibility is being assigned concerning the content (for an element) or the value (for an attribute)
- (text description) provides a description of a text in terms of its situational parameters. [15.2.1. The Text Description]
- (participation description) describes the identifiable speakers, voices, or other participants in any kind of text or other persons named or otherwise referred to in a text, edition, or metadata. [15.2. Contextual Information]
- (setting description) describes the setting or settings within which a language interaction takes place, or other places otherwise referred to in a text, edition, or metadata. [15.2. Contextual Information 2.4. The Profile Description]
- (primary channel) describes the medium or channel by which a text is delivered or experienced. For a written text, this might be print, manuscript, email, etc.; for a spoken one, radio, telephone, face-to-face, etc. [15.2.1. The Text Description]
- specifies the mode of this channel with respect to speech and writing.
- s
- (spoken)
- w
- (written)
- sw
- (spoken to be written) e.g. dictation
- ws
- (written to be spoken) e.g. a script
- m
- (mixed)
- x
- (unknown or inapplicable)
- describes the internal composition of a text or text sample, for example as fragmentary, complete, etc. [15.2.1. The Text Description]
- specifies how the text was constituted.
- single
- a single complete text
- composite
- a text made by combining several smaller items, each individually complete
- frags
- (fragments) a text made by combining several smaller, not necessarily complete, items
- unknown
- composition unknown or unspecified
- describes the nature and extent of originality of this text. [15.2.1. The Text Description]
- categorizes the derivation of the text.
-Sample values include: 1] original; 2] revision; 3] translation; 4] abridgment; 5] plagiarism; 6] traditional
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- (domain of use) describes the most important social context in which the text was realized or for which it is intended, for example private vs. public, education, religion, etc. [15.2.1. The Text Description]
- categorizes the domain of use.
-Sample values include: 1] art; 2] domestic; 3] religious; 4] business; 5] education; 6] govt (government); 7] public
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- describes the extent to which the text may be regarded as imaginative or non-imaginative, that is, as describing a fictional or a non-fictional world. [15.2.1. The Text Description]
- categorizes the factuality of the text.
- fiction
- the text is to be regarded as entirely imaginative
- fact
- the text is to be regarded as entirely informative or factual
- mixed
- the text contains a mixture of fact and fiction
- inapplicable
- the fiction/fact distinction is not regarded as helpful or appropriate to this text
- describes the extent, cardinality and nature of any interaction among those producing and experiencing the text, for example in the form of response or interjection, commentary, etc. [15.2.1. The Text Description]
- specifies the degree of interaction between active and passive participants in the text.
- none
- no interaction of any kind, e.g. a monologue
- partial
- some degree of interaction, e.g. a monologue with set responses
- complete
- complete interaction, e.g. a face to face conversation
- inapplicable
- this parameter is inappropriate or inapplicable in this case
- specifies the number of active participants (or addressors) producing parts of the text.
-Suggested values include: 1] singular; 2] plural; 3] corporate; 4] unknown
- singular
- a single addressor
- plural
- many addressors
- corporate
- a corporate addressor
- unknown
- number of addressors unknown or unspecifiable
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- specifies the number of passive participants (or addressees) to whom a text is directed or in whose presence it is created or performed.
-Suggested values include: 1] self; 2] single; 3] many; 4] group; 5] world
- self
- text is addressed to the originator e.g. a diary
- single
- text is addressed to one other person e.g. a personal letter
- many
- text is addressed to a countable number of others e.g. a conversation in which all participants are identified
- group
- text is addressed to an undefined but fixed number of participants e.g. a lecture
- world
- text is addressed to an undefined and indeterminately large number e.g. a published book
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- describes the extent to which a text may be regarded as prepared or spontaneous. [15.2.1. The Text Description]
- a keyword characterizing the type of preparedness.
-Sample values include: 1] none; 2] scripted; 3] formulaic; 4] revised
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- characterizes a single purpose or communicative function of the text. [15.2.1. The Text Description]
- specifies a particular kind of purpose.
-Suggested values include: 1] persuade; 2] express; 3] inform; 4] entertain
- persuade
- didactic, advertising, propaganda, etc.
- express
- self expression, confessional, etc.
- inform
- convey information, educate, etc.
- entertain
- amuse, entertain, etc.
- (\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+
- specifies the extent to which this purpose predominates.
- high
- medium
- low
- unknown
- describes one particular setting in which a language interaction takes place. [15.2.3. The Setting Description]
- contains a brief informal description of the kind of place concerned, for example: a room, a restaurant, a park bench, etc. [15.2.3. The Setting Description]
- contains a brief informal description of what a participant in a language interaction is doing other than speaking, if anything. [15.2.3. The Setting Description]
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- On viscoll document may contain multiple textblock elements
- Optional @url points to a record describing the textblock, e.g. a catalog
- record
- Optional
- @title provides the title of the textblock as defined by the people
- or group doing the cataloging (viscoll does not define
- title)
- @date is
- optional and is undefined. Could be linked to a controlled
- vocabulary in tools (e.g., a list of centuries)
- origPlace is optional and is undefined. Could be linked to a
- controlled vocabulary in tools
- direction is required and the default value is l-r
- l-r
- r-l
- refers to the format, usually of a printed book. Possible values are 2mo, 4mo, 8mo, 12mo, 16mo, 32mo, 64mo
- 2mo
- 4mo
- 8mo
- 12mo
- 16mo
- 24mo
- refers to the category list in the "Table of Fifteenth-Century Paper Flavors" for the Needham Calculator (http://www.needhamcalculator.net/)
- imperial
- super-royal
- royal
- super-median
- median
- super-chancery
- chancery
- half-median
- The
- textblock begins with a list of quires
- One leaf element to describe each leaf in the
- textblock
- If a leaf is a stub, the value of @stub is "yes" -
- otherwise @stub is not there
- yes
- id
- original
- added
- replaced
- missing
- single only has the value of "yes" and is only used if the
- leaf is a singleton
- yes
- Indicates the leaf (recto of) which is the start of the first quire.
- yes
- Indicates if the leaf includes a foldout. The node specifies direction (out, up, or down). May be repeated if the leaf has multiple foldouts. The order of multiple foldouts must be the order in which the leaf is unfolded.
- out
- in
- up
- down
- defines the values allowed for identifying the methods by which one leaf is attached to another. For "sewn" if there is a @target identified, the two leaves are sewn together, if there is no @target identified it is sewn through the fold. Use "sewn" through the fold only when you see it (i.e., in the center of a quire). Stitching goes through the margin instead of through the fold. Stitching will have one @target identifying the exit point.
- sewn
- pasted
- tipped
- drummed
- stitched
- other
- viscoll
- element begins with an optional set of taxonomy definitions
- taxonomy
- if
- the taxonomy is defined externally, e.g. the Getty Art & Architecture
- Thesaurus, include a @ref pointing to it
- id
- label
- Any defined taxonomy must include at least one term. If the taxonomy is defined external to the viscoll document, the term must have a @ref pointing to the external definition
- term
- id
- notes
- mapping
- map
- term
- values for @certainty: 1 = very certain, 2 = fairly certain, 3 = not certain
- 1
- 2
- 3
- subquires must point to a parent quire
- id
- certainty
- id
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- A sample collection of bibliographic citations for source texts.
- Created by
- Chiara Martignano
This document is meant only for testing purposes inside of the EVT demo and the EVT release package.
Do not copy nor publish.
Born digital.
- Sources
- Arist.
- Metaph.
- Α, 2,
- 982b28-983a11
- Arist.
- Metaph.
- Γ, 1,
- 1003a31-32
- Arist.
- Metaph.
- Ε, 1,
- 1026a16-21
- Boethius
- In Porph. Isag.
- I, coll. 80A-B
- Rursus divisio est quoties vox plura significans aperitur, et quam multa sint quae ab ea voce signantur
- ostenditur, ut si quis dicat: nomen canis plura significat, et hunc latrabilem quadrupedemque, et coeleste
- sidus, et marinam bestiam, quae omnia a se diffinitione disjuncta sunt.
- Boethius
- Porph. Isag. translatio
- II, coll. 91A
- Tripliciter igitur cum genus dicatur, de tertio apud philosophos est sermo, quod etiam describentes
- assignaverunt, dicentes genus esse quod de pluribus et differentibus specie in eo quod quid sit praedicatur,
- ut animal.
- Boethius
- Porph. Isag. translatio
- I, 4, coll. 913B
- Genus autem est, quod de pluribus et differentibus specie in eo quod quid est praedicatur.
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- A machine-readable version for testing purposes of Aristotle's Metaphysics, chapter 4 section 1003a
This document is meant only for testing purposes inside of the EVT demo and the EVT release package.
Do not copy nor publish.
- English translation of Aristotle's Metaphysics chapter 4, section 1003a, as made available on
- Perseus,
- under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
-There is a science which studies Being
-Being, and the properties inherent in it in virtue of its own nature. This science is not the same as any of the so-called particular sciences, for none of the others contemplates Being generally
-Being; they divide off some portion of it and study the attribute of this portion, as do for example the mathematical sciences.
-But since it is for the first principles and the most ultimate causes that we are searching, clearly they must belong to something in virtue of its own nature. Hence if these principles were investigated by those also who investigated the elements of existing things, the elements must be elements of Being not incidentally, but
-Being. Therefore it is of Being
-Being that we too must grasp the first causes.
-The term "being" is used in various senses, but with reference to one central idea and one definite characteristic, and not as merely a common epithet. Thus as the term "healthy" always relates to health (either as preserving it or as producing it or as indicating it or as receptive of it),
\ No newline at end of file
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- A machine-readable version for testing purposes of Porphyry, Introduction (or Isagoge) to the logical Categories of Aristotle
- Created by
- Chiara Martignano
This document is meant only for testing purposes inside of the EVT demo and the EVT release package.
Do not copy nor publish.
- Porphyry, Introduction (or Isagoge) to the logical Categories of Aristotle (1853) vol. 2. pp.609-633. Translated by Octavius Freire Owen, M. A. of Christ Church, Oxford. Rector of Burstow, Surrey; and Domestic Chaplain to the Duke of Portland.
- Text available online.
- Chap. II. - Of the Nature of Genus and Species
Neither genus nor species appear to be simply denominated, for that is called genus which is a collection of certain things, subsisting in a certain respect relatively to one thing, and to each other, according to which signification the genus of the Heraclidae is denominated from the habitude from one, I mean Hercules, and from the multitude of those who have alliance to each other from him, denominated according to separation from other genera. Again, after another manner also, the principle of the generation of every one is called genus, whether from the generator or from the place in which a person is generated, for thus we say that Orestes had his genus from Tantalus, Hyllus from Hercules, and again, that Pindar was by genus a Theban, but Plato an Athenian, for country is a certain principle of each man's generation, in the same manner as a father. Still, this signification appears to be most ready, for they are called Heraclidae who derive their origin from the genus of Hercules, and Cecropidae who are from Cecrops; also their next of kin. The first genus, moreover, is so called, which is the principle of each man's generation, but afterwards the number of those who are from one principle, e. g. from Hercules, which defining and separating from others, we call the whole collected multitude the genus of the Heraclidse.
Again, in another way that is denominated genus to which the species is subject, called perhaps from the similitude of these; for such a genus is a certain principle of things under it, and seems also to comprehend all the multitude under itself. As then, genus is predicated triply, the consideration by philosophers is concerning the third, which also they explain by description, when they say that genus is that which is predicated of many things differing in species, in answer to what a thing is, e. g. animal. For of predicates some are predicated of one thing alone, as individuals, for instance, "Socrates," and "this man," and "this thing;" but others are predicated of many, as genera, species, differences, properties, and accidents, predicated in common, but not peculiarly to any one. Now genus is such as "animal," species as "man," difference as " rational," property as " risible," accident as "white," "black," "to sit." From such things then, as are predicated of one thing only, genera differ in that they are predicated of many, but on the other hand, from those which are predicated of many and from species, (they differ) because those species are predicated of many things, yet not of those which differ in species, but in number only, for man being a species, is predicated of Socrates and Plato, who do not differ from each other in species, but in number, while animal being a genus is predicated of man, and ox, and horse, which differ also in species from each other, and not in number only. From property, moreover, genus differs because property is predicated of one species alone of which it is the property, and of the individuals under the species, as "risible" of man alone, and of men particularly, for genus is not predicated of one species, but of many things, which are also different in species. Besides, genus differs from difference and from accidents in common, because though differences and accidents in common are predicated of many things, different also in species, yet they are not so in reply to what a thing is, but (what kind of a thing) it is. For when some persons ask what that is of which these are predicated, we reply, that it is genus; but we do not assign in answer differences and accidents, since they are not predicated of a subject, as to what a thing is, but rather as to what kind of a thing it is. For in reply to the question, what kind of a thing man is, we say, that he is rational, and in answer to what kind of a thing a crow is, we say that it is black, yet rational is difference, but black is accident. When however we are asked what man is, we answer, an animal, but animal is the genus of man, so that from genus being predicated of many, it is diverse from individuals which are predicated of one thing only, but from being predicated of things different in species, it is distinguished from such as are predicated as species or as properties. Moreover, because it is predicated in reply to what a thing is, it is distinguished from differences and from accidents commonly, which are severally predicated of what they are predicated, not in reply to what a thing is, but what kind of a thing it is, or in what manner it subsists: the description therefore of the conception of genus, which has been enunciated, contains nothing superfluous, nothing deficient.
Species indeed is predicated of every form, according to which it is said, "form is first worthy of imperial sway;"still that is called species also, which is under the genus stated, according to which we are accustomed to call man a species of animal, animal being genus, but white a species of colour, and triangle of figure. Nevertheless, if when we assign the genus, we make mention of species, saying that which is predicated of many things differing in species, in reply to what a thing is, and call species that which is under the assigned genus, we ought to know that, since genus is the genus of something, and species the species of something, each of each, we must necessarily use both in the definitions of both. They assign, therefore, species thus: species is what is arranged under genus, and of which genus is predicated in reply to what a thing is: moreover, thus species is what is predicated of many things differing in number, in reply to what a thing is. This explanation, however, belongs to the most special, and which is species only, but no longer genus also, but the other (descriptions) will pertain to such as are not the most special. Now, what we have stated will be evident in this way: in each category there are certain things most generic, and again, others most special, and between the most generic and the most special, others which are alike called both genera and species, but the most generic is that above which there cannot be another superior genus, and the most special that below which there cannot be another inferior species. Between the most generic and the most special, there are others which are alike both genera and species, referred, nevertheless, to different things, but what is stated may become clear in one category. Substance indeed, is itself genus, under this is body, under body animated body, under which is animal, under animal rational animal, under which is man, under man Socrates, Plato, and men particularly. Still, of these, substance is the most generic, and that which alone is genus; but man is most specific, and that which alone is species; yet body is a species of substance, but a genus of animated body, also animated body is a species of body, but a genus of animal; again, animal is a species of animated body, but a genus of rational animal, and rational animal is a species of animal, but a genus of man, and man is a species of rational animal, but is no longer the genus of particular men, but is species only, and every thing prior to individuals being proximately predicated of them, will be species only, and no longer genus also. As then, substance being in the highest place, is most generic, from there being no genus prior to it, so also man being a species, after which there is no other species, nor any thing capable of division into species, but individuals, (for Socrates, Plato, Alcibiades, and this white thing, I call individual,) will be species alone, and the last species, and as we say the most specific. Yet the media will be the species of such as are before them, but the genera of things after them, so that these have two conditions, one as to things prior to them, according to which they are said to be their species, the other to things after them, according to which they are said to be their genera. The extremes on the other hand, have one condition, for the most generic has indeed a condition as to the things under it, since it is the highest genus of all, but has no longer one as to those before it, being supreme, and the first principle, and, as we have said, that above which there cannot be another higher genus. Also, the most specific has one condition, as to the things prior to it, of which it is the species, yet it has not a different one, as to things posterior to it, but is called the species of individuals, so termed as comprehending them, and again, the species of things prior to it, as comprehended by them, wherefore the most generic genus is thus defined to be that which being genus is not species, and again, above which there cannot be another higher genus; but the most specific species, that, which being species is not genus, and which being species we can no longer divide into species; moreover, which is predicated of many things differing in number, in reply to what a thing is.
Now, the media of the extremes they call subaltern species and genera, and admit each of them to be species and genus, when referred indeed to different things, for those which are prior to the most specific, ascending up to the most generic, are called subaltern genera and species. Thus, Agamemnon is Atrides, Pelopides, Tantalides, and lastly, (the son) of Jupiter, yet in genealogies they refer generally to one origin, for instance, to Jupiter; but this is not the case in genera and species, since being is not the common genus of all things, nor, as Aristotle says, are all things of the same genus with respect to one summum genus. Still, let the first ten genera be arranged, as in the Categories, as ten first principles, and even if a person should call all things beings, yet he will call them, so he says, equivocally, but not synonymously, for if being were the one common genus of all things, all things would be synonymously styled beings, but the first principles being ten, the community is in name only, yet not in the definition also belonging to the name: there are then ten most generic genera. On the other hand, the most specific they place in a certain number, yet not in an infinite one, but individuals which are after the most specific are infinite; wherefore, when we have come down to the most specific from the most generic, Plato exhorts us to rest, but to descend through those things which are in the middle, dividing by specific differences; he tells us however to leave infinites alone, as there cannot be science of these. In descending then, to the most specific, it is necessary to proceed by division through multitude, but in ascending to the most generic, we must collect multitude into one, for species is collective of the many into one nature, and genus yet more so; but particulars and singulars, on the contrary, always divide the one into multitude, for by the participation of species, many men become one man; but in particulars and singulars, the one, and what is common, becomes many; for the singular is always divisive, but what is common is collective and reductive to one.
Genus then, and species, being each of them explained as to what it is, since also genus is one, but species many, (for there is always a division of genus into many species,) genus indeed is always predicated of species, and all superior of inferior, but species is neither predicated of its proximate genus, nor of those superior, since it does not reciprocate. For it is necessary that either equals should be predicated of equals, as neighing of a horse, or that the greater should be predicated of the less, as animal of man, but the less no longer of the greater, for you can no longer say that animal is man, as you can say that man is animal. Of those things however whereof species is predicated, that genus of the species will also be necessarily predicated, also that genus of the genus up to the most generic; for if it is true to say that Socrates is a man, but man an animal, and animal substance, it is also true to say that Socrates is animal and substance. At least, since the superior are always predicated of the inferior, species indeed will always be predicated of the individual, but the genus both of the species and of the individual, but the most generic both of the genus or the genera, (if the media and subaltern be many,) and of the species, and of the individual. For the most generic is predicated of all the genera, species, and individuals under it, but the genus which is prior to the most specific (species), is predicated of all the most specific species and individuals; but what is species alone of all the individuals (of it), but the individual of one particular alone. Now, an individual is called Socrates, this white thing, this man who approaches the son of Sophroniscus, if Socrates alone is his son, and such things are called individuals, because each consists of properties of which the combination can never be the same in any other, for the properties of Socrates can never be the same in any other particular person; the properties of man indeed, (I mean of him as common,) may be the same in many, or rather in all particular men, so far as they are men. Wherefore the individual is comprehended in the species, but the species by the genus, for genus is a certain whole, but the individual is a part, and species both a whole and a part; part indeed of something else, but a whole not of another, but in other things, for the whole is in its parts. Concerning genus then, and species, we have shown what is the most generic, and the most specific, also what the same things are genera and species, what also are individuals, and in how many ways genus and species are taken.