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This role will deal with the following configuration:
- Allow sudo authentication over ssh
- Enable/Disable the SSH daemon password authentication
- Set the SSH daemon accepted environment variables
- Set ssh know hosts
It's part of the Manala Ansible stack but can be used as a stand alone component.
Using ansible galaxy cli:
ansible-galaxy install manala.ssh
Using ansible galaxy requirements file:
- src: manala.ssh
Name | Type | Description |
ssh reload |
Service | Restart ssh service |
Name | Default | Type | Description |
manala_ssh_install_packages |
~ | Array | Dependency packages to install |
manala_ssh_install_packages_default |
['openssh-server'] | Array | Default dependency packages to install |
manala_ssh_config_file |
'/etc/ssh/ssh_config' | String | Configuration file path |
manala_ssh_config_template |
'config/[distribution]_[release].j2' | String | Default configuration template path |
manala_ssh_config |
[] | Array | Configuration directives |
manala_ssh_config_sshd_file |
'/etc/ssh/sshd_config' | String | Sshd configuration file path |
manala_ssh_config_sshd_template |
'config/sshd/[distribution]_[release].j2' | String | Sshd default configuration template path |
manala_ssh_config_sshd |
[] | Array | Sshd configuration directives |
manala_ssh_known_hosts |
[] | Array | Known hosts |
# Use default custom templates
manala_ssh_config_template: config/default.[env].j2
manala_ssh_config_sshd_template: config/sshd/default.[env].j2
- Host *:
- SendEnv: LANG LC_* FOO
- AcceptEnv: LANG LC_* FOO
- Match User bar:
- AcceptEnv: LANG LC_* BAR
- github.com
- hosts: servers
- { role: manala.ssh }
Manala (http://www.manala.io/)