Some of these I knew already, but there are a couple here that were new too me and I also learnt about the !
operator again...refreshing my memory on how to use it.
let name = 'Paul Bennett';
let whitespace = ' Paul Bennett';
// checks length of a string
// convert to uppercase
// convert to lowercase
// includes
let pwds = 'abc123xyz';
console.log(pwds.includes('abc')); // returns true
// Trim
console.log(whitespace.trim()); // trims whitespace on strings
// IsValidPassword
let isPasswordValid = (password) => {
return password.length >= 8 && !password.includes('password');
console.log(isPasswordValid('abc123password')); // false
console.log(isPasswordValid('abc123Swordfish')); // true
console.log(isPasswordValid('abc123')); // false
The !
operator flips the boolean value for example. The below function would only return true if password
DID NOT include password
Thanks to adding !
before the statement.
let isPasswordValid = (password) => {
return password.length >= 8 && !password.includes('password');
console.log(isPasswordValid('abc123password')); // false
console.log(isPasswordValid('abc123Swordfish')); // true