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3566 lines (2656 loc) · 82.9 KB


Is there an operation you'd like to see? Open an issue or vote on an existing one.

Operation Signature Curried
all / every all($iterable, $predicate = 'Dash\identity'): boolean Curry\all
any / some any($iterable, $predicate = 'Dash\identity'): boolean Curry\any
apply apply(callable $callable, $args): mixed Curry\apply
ary ary(callable $callable, $arity): callable Curry\ary
assertType assertType($value, $type, $funcName = __FUNCTION__): void Curry\assertType
at at($iterable, $index, $default = null): mixed Curry\at
average / mean average($iterable): double|null Curry\average
call call(callable $callable /*, ...args */): mixed
chain chain($input = null): Dash\Dash Curry\chain
compare compare($a, $b): integer Curry\compare
compose compose(callable ...$fns): callable
contains / includes contains($iterable, $target, $comparator = 'Dash\equal'): boolean Curry\contains
currify currify(callable $callable, array $args = [], $rotate = 1): function|mixed
currifyN currifyN(callable $callable, $totalArgs, array $args = [], $rotate = 1): function|mixed
curry curry(callable $callable /*, ...args */): function|mixed
curryN curryN(callable $callable, $numRequiredArgs /*, ...args */): function|mixed
curryRight curryRight(callable $callable /*, ...args */): function|mixed
curryRightN curryRightN(callable $callable, $numRequiredArgs /*, ...args */): function|mixed
custom custom($name): function Curry\custom
debug debug($value /*, ...value */): mixed Curry\debug
deltas deltas($iterable): array Curry\deltas
difference difference($iterable /*, ...iterables */): array
each each($iterable, $iteratee): mixed Curry\each
equal equal($a, $b): boolean Curry\equal
filter filter($iterable, $predicate = 'Dash\identity'): array Curry\filter
find find($iterable, $predicate = 'Dash\identity'): array|null Curry\find
findKey findKey($iterable, $predicate = 'Dash\identity'): string|null Curry\findKey
findLast findLast($iterable, $predicate = 'Dash\identity'): array|null Curry\findLast
findLastKey findLastKey($iterable, $predicate = 'Dash\identity'): string|null Curry\findLastKey
findLastValue findLastValue($iterable, $predicate = 'Dash\identity'): mixed|null Curry\findLastValue
findValue findValue($iterable, $predicate = 'Dash\identity'): mixed|null Curry\findValue
first / head first($iterable): mixed|null Curry\first
flatten flatten($iterable): array
get get($input, $path, $default = null): mixed Curry\get
getDirect getDirect($input, $key, $default = null): mixed Curry\getDirect
getDirectRef getDirectRef(&$input, $key): mixed
groupBy groupBy($iterable, $iteratee = 'Dash\identity', $defaultGroup = null): array Curry\groupBy
hasDirect hasDirect($input, $key): boolean Curry\hasDirect
identical identical($a, $b): boolean Curry\identical
identity identity($value): mixed Curry\identity
intersection intersection($iterable /*, ...iterables */): array
isEmpty isEmpty($value): boolean Curry\isEmpty
isEven isEven($value): boolean Curry\isEven
isIndexedArray isIndexedArray($value): boolean Curry\isIndexedArray
isOdd isOdd($value): boolean Curry\isOdd
isType isType($value, $type): boolean Curry\isType
join / implode join($iterable, $separator): string Curry\join
keyBy / indexBy keyBy($iterable, $iteratee = 'Dash\identity'): array Curry\keyBy
keys keys($iterable): array Curry\keys
last last($iterable): mixed|null Curry\last
map map($iterable, $iteratee = 'Dash\identity'): array Curry\map
mapResult mapResult($iterable, $path, $default = null): array Curry\mapResult
mapValues mapValues($iterable, $iteratee = 'Dash\identity'): array Curry\mapValues
matchesProperty matchesProperty($path, $value = true, $comparator = 'Dash\equal'): function Curry\matchesProperty
max max($iterable): mixed|null Curry\max
median median($iterable): mixed|null Curry\median
min min($iterable): mixed|null Curry\min
negate negate(callable $predicate): callable Curry\negate
omit omit($iterable, $keys): array Curry\omit
partial partial($callable /*, ...args */): callable
partialRight partialRight($callable /*, ...args */): callable
pick pick($iterable, $keys): array Curry\pick
pipe pipe(callable ...$fns): callable
pluck pluck($iterable, $path, $default = null): array Curry\pluck
property property($path, $default = null): function Curry\property
reduce reduce($iterable, $iteratee, $initial = []): mixed Curry\reduce
reject reject($iterable, $predicate = 'Dash\identity'): array Curry\reject
result result($input, $path, $default = null): mixed Curry\result
reverse reverse($iterable, $preserveIntegerKeys = false): array Curry\reverse
rotate rotate($iterable, $count = 1): array Curry\rotate
set set(&$input, $path, $value): mixed
size / count size($value, $encoding = 'UTF-8'): integer Curry\size
sort sort($iterable, $comparator = 'Dash\compare'): array Curry\sort
sum sum($iterable): numeric Curry\sum
take take($iterable, $count = 1): array Curry\take
takeRight takeRight($iterable, $count = 1): array Curry\takeRight
tap tap($value, callable $interceptor): mixed Curry\tap
thru thru($value, callable $interceptor): mixed Curry\thru
toArray toArray($value): array Curry\toArray
toObject toObject($value): object Curry\toObject
unary unary(callable $callable): callable Curry\unary
union union($iterable /*, ...iterables */): array
unique / distinct unique($iterable): array
values values($iterable): array Curry\values

all / every

all($iterable, $predicate = 'Dash\identity'): boolean

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\all($predicate, $iterable)

Checks whether $predicate returns truthy for every item in $iterable.

Iteration will stop at the first falsey return value.

Note: Returns true if $iterable is empty, because everything is true of empty iterables.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$predicate callable (optional) Invoked with ($value, $key, $iterable) for each element in $iterable
Returns boolean true if $predicate returns truthy for every item in $iterable


Dash\all([1, 3, 5], 'Dash\isOdd');
// === true

Dash\all([1, 3, 5], function ($n) { return $n != 3; });
// === false

Dash\all([], 'Dash\isOdd');
// === true

Dash\all((object) ['a' => 1, 'b' => 3, 'c' => 5], 'Dash\isOdd');
// === true

Example: With the default predicate

Dash\all([true, true, true]);
// === true

Dash\all([true, false, true]);
// === false

↑ Top

any / some

any($iterable, $predicate = 'Dash\identity'): boolean

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\any($predicate, $iterable)

Checks whether $predicate returns truthy for any item in $iterable.

Iteration will stop at the first truthy return value.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$predicate callable (optional) Invoked with ($value, $key, $iterable) for each element in $iterable
Returns boolean true if $predicate returns truthy for any element in $iterable


Dash\any([1, 2, 3], 'Dash\isEven');
// === true

Dash\any([1, 2, 3], function ($n) { return $n > 5; });
// === false

Dash\any([], 'Dash\isOdd');
// === false

Dash\any((object) ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3], 'Dash\isEven');
// === true

Example: With the default predicate

Dash\any([false, true, true]);
// === true

Dash\any([false, false, false]);
// === false

↑ Top


apply(callable $callable, $args): mixed

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\apply($callable, $args)

Invokes $callable with a list of arguments.

Note: Contrary to other curried operations, the curried version of this operation accepts arguments in the same order as the original method.

Parameter Type Description
$callable callable
$args iterable|stdClass Arguments to pass to $callable
Returns mixed Return value of $callable


$func = function ($time, $name) {
	return "Good $time, $name";

Dash\apply($func, ['morning', 'John']);
// === 'Good morning, John'

Example: Curried version accepts arguments in the same order

$func = function ($time, $name) {
	return "Good $time, $name";

$apply = Dash\Curry\apply($func);

$apply(['morning', 'John']);
// === 'Good morning, John'

↑ Top


ary(callable $callable, $arity): callable

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\ary($arity, $callable)

Creates a new function that invokes $callable with up to $arity arguments and ignores the rest.

Parameter Type Description
$callable callable
$arity integer Maximum number of arguments to accept
Returns callable New function


$isNumeric = Dash\ary('is_numeric', 1);

Dash\filter([1, 2.0, '3', 'a'], $isNumeric);
// === [1, 2.0, '3']

↑ Top


See also: isType()

assertType($value, $type, $funcName = __FUNCTION__): void

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\assertType($type, $funcName, input)

Throws an InvalidArgumentException exception if $value is not of type $type. If $value is an accepted type, this function is a no-op.

Parameter Type Description
$value mixed
$type string|array Single type to check or a list of accepted types
$funcName string (optional) Name of the calling function where assertType() was called; this is used in the thrown exception message and aids debugging
Returns void


$value = [1, 2, 3];
Dash\assertType($value, ['iterable', 'stdClass']);
// Does not throw an exception

$value = [1, 2, 3];
Dash\assertType($value, 'object');
// Throws an exception

↑ Top


at($iterable, $index, $default = null): mixed

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\at($index, $default, $iterable)

Iterates over $iterable and returns the value of the $indexth element, ignoring keys.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$index integer 0-based index
$default mixed (optional) Value to return if $index is out of bounds
Returns mixed Value of the $indexth item of `$iterable, ignoring keys


Dash\at(['a', 'b', 'c'], 0);
// === 'a'

Dash\at([2 => 'a', 1 => 'b', 0 => 'c'], 0);
// === 'a'

Dash\at(['a' => 'first', 'b' => 'second', 'c' => 'third'], 2);
// === 'third'

Example: With a custom default value

Dash\at(['a', 'b', 'c'], 5, 'none');
// === 'none'

↑ Top

average / mean

average($iterable): double|null

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Gets the average value of all elements in $iterable.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
Returns double|null Null if $iterable is empty


Dash\average([2, 3, 5, 8]);
// === 4.5

↑ Top


call(callable $callable /*, ...args */): mixed

Invokes $callable with an inline list of arguments.

Parameter Type Description
$callable callable
...$args mixed Inline arguments to pass to $callable
Returns mixed Return value of $callable


$func = function ($time, $name) {
	return "Good $time, $name";

Dash\call($func, 'morning', 'John');
// === 'Good morning, John'

↑ Top


chain($input = null): Dash\Dash

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Creates a new chain. Alias for Dash::chain().

Parameter Type Description
$input mixed (optional) Initial input value of the chain
Returns Dash\Dash A new chain


Dash\chain([1, 2, 3])
	->filter(function ($n) { return $n < 3; })
	->map(function ($n) { return $n * 2; })
// === [2, 4]

↑ Top


compare($a, $b): integer

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\compare($b, $a)

Returns a number less than, equal to, or greater than zero if $a is less than, equal to, or greater than $b, respectively.

Uses loose equality for comparison. For comparison tables across data types, see:

Parameter Type Description
$a mixed
$b mixed
Returns integer


Dash\compare(2, 3);
// < 0

Dash\compare(2, 1);
// > 0

Dash\compare(2, 2);
// === 0

↑ Top


See also: pipe()

compose(callable ...$fns): callable

Returns a new function that performs right-to-left function composition. For example, compose(a, b, c) will return a new function that performs a(b(c())).

The last function can have any arity, but the rest must be unary.

Parameter Type Description
...$fns callable
Returns callable New function that composes $fns right-to-left


$addOne = function ($v) {
	return $v + 1;
$triple = function ($v) {
	return $v * 3;
$square = function ($v) {
	return $v * $v;

$composed = Dash\compose($square, $triple, $addOne);
$composed(1); // === 36

Example: Last function can accept multiple arguments

$pow = function ($base, $exp) {
	return pow($base, $exp);
$addOne = function ($v) {
	return $v + 1;
$triple = function ($v) {
	return $v * 3;

$composed = Dash\compose($triple, $addOne, $pow);
$composed(2, 3); // === 27

↑ Top

contains / includes

contains($iterable, $target, $comparator = 'Dash\equal'): boolean

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\contains($target, $comparator, $iterable)

Checks whether $iterable has any elements for which $comparator returns truthy.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$target mixed Value to compare
$comparator callable Invoked with ($target, $value) for each element in $iterable
Returns boolean true if $comparator returns truthy for any element in $iterable

Example: With loose equality comparison (the default)

Dash\contains([1, '2', 3], 2);
// === true

Example: With strict equality comparison

Dash\contains([1, '2', 3], 2, 'Dash\identical');
// === false

↑ Top


See also: currifyN(), curry(), partial()

currify(callable $callable, array $args = [], $rotate = 1): function|mixed

Creates a new, curried version of $callable where the first $rotate arguments are moved to the end of the arguments list.

In essence, this takes a data-first function and returns a curryable data-last function.

Parameter Type Description
$callable callable
$args array (optional) Initial arguments to pass to the final curried function
$rotate integer (optional) The number of arguments to move from start to end; see Dash\rotate()
Returns function|mixed


$greet = function ($name, $greeting, $punctuation) {
	return "$greeting, $name$punctuation";

$goodMorning = Dash\currify($greet, ['Good morning', '!']);
// === 'Good morning, John!'

Example: With a custom $rotate

$greet = function ($salutation, $name, $greeting, $punctuation) {
	return "$greeting, $salutation $name$punctuation";

$goodMorning = Dash\currify($greet, ['Good morning', '!'], 2);
$goodMorning('Sir', 'John')
// === 'Good morning, Sir John!'

↑ Top


See also: currify(), curry(), partial()

currifyN(callable $callable, $totalArgs, array $args = [], $rotate = 1): function|mixed

Creates a new, curried version of $callable where the first $rotate of $totalArgs arguments are moved to the end of the arguments list.

In essence, this takes a data-first function and returns a curryable data-last function.

Parameter Type Description
$callable callable
$totalArgs integer Total number of arguments accepted by $callable
$args array (optional) Initial arguments to pass to the final curried function
$rotate integer (optional) The number of arguments to move from start to end; see Dash\rotate()
Returns function|mixed

↑ Top


See also: curryN(), curryRight(), partial(), currify()

curry(callable $callable /*, ...args */): function|mixed

Creates a new function that returns the result of $callable if its required number of parameters are supplied; otherwise, it returns a function that accepts the remaining number of required parameters.

Use Dash\_ as a placeholder to replace with arguments from subsequent calls.

Parameter Type Description
$callable callable Any valid callable except for relative static methods, eg. ['A', 'parent::foo']
...$args mixed (optional, variadic) arguments to pass to $callable
Returns function|mixed


$greet = function ($greeting, $salutation, $name) {
	return "$greeting, $salutation $name";

$goodMorning = Dash\curry($greet, 'Good morning');
$goodMorning('Ms.', 'Mary');
// === 'Good morning, Ms. Mary'

$goodMorning = Dash\curry($greet, 'Good morning');
$goodMorningSir = $goodMorning('Sir');
// === 'Good morning, Sir Peter'

Example: With placeholders

$greet = function ($greeting, $salutation, $name) {
	return "$greeting, $salutation $name";

$greetMary = Dash\curry($greet, Dash\_, 'Ms.', 'Mary');
$greetMary('Good morning');
// === 'Good morning, Ms. Mary'

$greetSir = Dash\curry($greet, Dash\_, 'Sir');
$goodMorningSir = $greetSir('Good morning');
// === 'Good morning, Sir Peter'

↑ Top


See also: curry()

curryN(callable $callable, $numRequiredArgs /*, ...args */): function|mixed

Creates a new function that returns the result of $callable if the required number of parameters are supplied; otherwise, it returns a function that accepts the remaining number of required parameters.

Use Dash\_ as a placeholder to replace with arguments from subsequent calls.

Parameter Type Description
$callable callable
$numRequiredArgs integer The number of parameters to require before calling $callable
...$args mixed (optional, variadic) arguments to pass to $callable
Returns function|mixed


$greet = function ($greeting, $salutation, $name, $punctuation = '!') {
	return "$greeting, $salutation $name$punctuation";

$goodMorning = Dash\curryN($greet, 3, 'Good morning');
$goodMorning('Ms.', 'Mary');
// === 'Good morning, Ms. Mary!'

$goodMorning = Dash\curryN($greet, 3, 'Good morning');
$goodMorningSir = $goodMorning('Sir');
// === 'Good morning, Sir Peter!'

Example: With placeholders

$greet = function ($greeting, $salutation, $name, $punctuation = '!') {
	return "$greeting, $salutation $name$punctuation";

$greetSir = Dash\curryN($greet, 3, Dash\_, 'Sir');
$goodMorningSir = $greetSir('Good morning');
// === 'Good morning, Sir Peter!'

$greetMary = Dash\curryN($greet, 3, Dash\_, Dash\_, 'Mary');
$greetMsMary = $greetMary(Dash\_, 'Ms.');
$greetMsMary('Good morning');
// === 'Good morning, Ms. Mary!'

↑ Top


See also: curry(), partial()

curryRight(callable $callable /*, ...args */): function|mixed

Creates a new function that returns the result of $callable if its required number of parameters are supplied; otherwise, it returns a function that accepts the remaining number of required parameters.

Like partialRight(), arguments are applied in reverse order.

Use Dash\_ as a placeholder to replace with arguments from subsequent calls.

Parameter Type Description
$callable callable
...$args mixed (optional, variadic) arguments to pass to $callable
Returns function|mixed


$greet = function ($greeting, $salutation, $name) {
	return "$greeting, $salutation $name";

$greetMary = Dash\curryRight($greet, 'Mary');
$greetMsMary = $greetMary('Ms.');
// === 'Good morning, Ms. Mary'

$greetPeter = Dash\curryRight($greet, 'Peter');
$greetSirPeter = $greetPeter('Sir');
// === 'Good morning, Sir Peter'

Example: With placeholders

$greet = function ($greeting, $salutation, $name) {
	return "$greeting, $salutation $name";

$goodMorning = Dash\curryRight($greet, 'Good morning', Dash\_, Dash\_);
$goodMorningSir = $goodMorning('Sir', Dash\_);
// === 'Good morning, Sir Peter'

$greetMs = Dash\curryRight($greet, 'Ms.', Dash\_);
$goodMorningMs = $greetMs('Good morning', Dash\_);
// === 'Good morning, Ms. Mary'

↑ Top


See also: curryN(), partialRight()

curryRightN(callable $callable, $numRequiredArgs /*, ...args */): function|mixed

Creates a new function that returns the result of $callable if the required number of parameters are supplied; otherwise, it returns a function that accepts the remaining number of required parameters.

Like partialRight(), arguments are applied in reverse order.

Use Dash\_ as a placeholder to replace with arguments from subsequent calls.

Parameter Type Description
$callable callable
$numRequiredArgs integer The number of parameters to require before calling $callable
...$args mixed (optional, variadic) arguments to pass to $callable
Returns function|mixed


$greet = function ($greeting, $salutation, $name, $punctuation = '!') {
	return "$greeting, $salutation $name$punctuation";

$greetMary = Dash\curryRightN($greet, 3, 'Mary');
$greetMsMary = $greetMary('Ms.');
$greetMsMary('Good morning');
// === 'Good morning, Ms. Mary!

$greetPeter = Dash\curryRightN($greet, 3, 'Peter');
$greetSirPeter = $greetPeter('Sir');
$greetSirPeter('Good morning');
// === 'Good morning, Sir Peter!

Example: With placeholders

$greet = function ($greeting, $salutation, $name, $punctuation = '!') {
	return "$greeting, $salutation $name$punctuation";

$goodMorning = Dash\curryRightN($greet, 3, 'Good morning', Dash\_, Dash\_);
$goodMorningSir = $goodMorning('Sir', Dash\_);
// === 'Good morning, Sir Peter!

$greetMs = Dash\curryRightN($greet, 3, 'Ms.', Dash\_);
$goodMorningMs = $greetMs('Good morning', Dash\_);
// === 'Good morning, Ms. Mary!

↑ Top


custom($name): function

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Gets a custom operation by name.

Parameter Type Description
$name string Name of the custom operation
Returns function The custom operation


Dash::setCustom('double', function ($n) { return $n * 2; });

$double = Dash\custom('double');
// === 6

Dash\chain([1, 2, 3])->map(Dash\custom('double'))->value();
// === [2, 4, 6]

↑ Top


debug($value /*, ...value */): mixed

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Prints debugging information for one or more values.

Parameter Type Description
$value mixed (variadic) One or more values to debug
Returns mixed The first argument


Dash\debug([1, 2, 3], 'hello', null);
// === [1, 2, 3]

// Prints:
array (
  0 => 1,
  1 => 2,
  2 => 3,

@codeCoverageIgnore Due to output buffering

↑ Top


deltas($iterable): array

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Returns a new array whose values are the differences between successive values of $iterable.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
Returns array


Dash\deltas([3, 8, 9, 9, 5, 13]);
// === [0, 5, 1, 0, -4, 8]

↑ Top


See also: intersection(), union()

difference($iterable /*, ...iterables */): array

Returns the set of elements from $iterable whose values are not present in any of the other iterables, where values are compared using loose equality.

The order, keys, and values of elements in the returned array are determined by $iterable.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null (variadic) Iterable against which all other passed iterables are compared
Returns array

Example: With indexed arrays

	[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
	['2', 4],
	[3.0, 4]
// === [1, 5]

Example: With associative arrays

	['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4, 'e' => 5],
	['a' => '2', 'b' => 4],
	['a' => 3.0, 'b' => 4]
// === ['a' => 1, 'e' => 5]

↑ Top


each($iterable, $iteratee): mixed

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\each($iteratee, $iterable)

Iterates over elements of $iterable and invokes $iteratee for each element.

$iteratee is invoked with ($value, $key, $iterable) for each element. Iteratees can exit iteration early by returning false. Any changes to $value, $key, or $iterable from within the iteratee will not persisted.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$iteratee callable
Returns mixed $iterable The original $iterable


Dash\each(['a', 'b', 'c'], function ($value, $index, $array) {
	echo "[$index]: $value\n";
// Prints:
// [0]: 'a'
// [1]: 'b'
// [2]: 'c'

Example: Early exit

Dash\each(['a', 'b', 'c'], function ($value, $index, $array) {
	echo "[$index]: $value\n";
	if ($value === 'b') {
		return false;
// Prints:
// [0]: 'a'
// [1]: 'b'

↑ Top


equal($a, $b): boolean

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\equal($b, $a)

Checks whether $a and $b are loosely equal (same value, possibly different types).

Parameter Type Description
$a mixed
$b mixed
Returns boolean


Dash\equal(3, '3');
// === true

Dash\equal(3, 3);
// === true

Dash\equal([1, 2, 3], [1, '2', 3]);
// === true

Dash\equal([1, 2, 3], [3, 2, 1]);
// === false

↑ Top


See also: reject()

filter($iterable, $predicate = 'Dash\identity'): array

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\filter($predicate, $iterable)

Gets a list of elements in $iterable for which $predicate returns truthy.

Keys are preserved unless $iterable is an indexed array. An indexed array is one with sequential integer keys starting at zero. See isIndexedArray()

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$predicate callable|string|array (optional) If a callable, invoked with ($value, $key, $iterable) for each element in $iterable; if a string, will get elements with truthy values at $field; if an array of form [$field, $value], will get elements whose $field loosely equals $value
Returns array List of elements in $iterable that satisfy $predicate


Dash\filter([1, 2, 3, 4], 'Dash\isEven');
// === [2, 4]

	[3 => 'c', 1 => 'a', 2 => 'b'],
	function ($value, $key) { return $key > 1; }
// === [3 => 'c', 2 => 'b']

Example: The default predicate checks truthiness

Dash\filter([1, 2, null, 3, false, true]);
// === [1, 2, 3, true]

Example: With a field and value

$data = [
	['name' => 'John', 'active' => false],
	['name' => 'Mary', 'active' => true],
	['name' => 'Pete', 'active' => true],

Dash\filter($data, 'active');
// === [
	['name' => 'Mary', 'active' => true],
	['name' => 'Pete', 'active' => true]

Dash\filter($data, ['active', false]);
// === [
	['name' => 'John', 'active' => false],

↑ Top


See also: findKey(), findValue(), findLast()

find($iterable, $predicate = 'Dash\identity'): array|null

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\find($predicate, $iterable)

Gets the key and value of the first element for which $predicate returns truthy.

Iteration will stop at the first truthy return value.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$predicate callable|string|array (optional) If a callable, invoked with ($value, $key, $iterable) for each element in $iterable until a truthy value is returned; if a string, will get the first element with a truthy value at $field; if an array of form [$field, $value], will get the first element whose $field loosely equals $value
Returns array|null [$key, $value] of the matching key and value, or null if not found


Dash\find(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4], 'Dash\isEven');
// === ['b', 2]

	['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4],
	function ($value, $key) { return $value > 1 && $key !== 'b'; }
// === ['c', 3]

Example: The default predicate checks truthiness

Dash\find([0, null, false, 'a', true]);
// === [3, 'a']

Example: With a field and value

$data = [
	['name' => 'John', 'active' => false],
	['name' => 'Mary', 'active' => true],
	['name' => 'Pete', 'active' => true],
	['name' => 'Jane', 'active' => false],

Dash\find($data, 'active');
// === [1, ['name' => 'Mary', 'active' => true]]

Dash\find($data, ['active', false]);
// === [0, ['name' => 'John', 'active' => false]]

↑ Top


See also: find(), findValue(), findLastKey()

findKey($iterable, $predicate = 'Dash\identity'): string|null

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\findKey($predicate, $iterable)

Gets the key of the first element for which $predicate returns truthy.

Iteration will stop at the first truthy return value.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$predicate callable|string|array (optional) If a callable, invoked with ($value, $key, $iterable) for each element in $iterable until a truthy value is returned; if a string, will get the first element with a truthy value at $field; if an array of form [$field, $value], will get the first element whose $field loosely equals $value
Returns string|null The key of the first matching element, or null if not found


Dash\findKey(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4], 'Dash\isEven');
// === 'b'

	['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4],
	function ($value, $key) { return $value > 1 && $key !== 'b'; }
// === 'c'

Example: The default predicate checks truthiness

Dash\findKey([0, null, false, 'a', true]);
// === 3

Example: With a field and value

$data = [
	['name' => 'John', 'active' => false],
	['name' => 'Mary', 'active' => true],
	['name' => 'Pete', 'active' => true],
	['name' => 'Jane', 'active' => false],

Dash\findKey($data, 'active');
// === 1

Dash\findKey($data, ['active', false]);
// === 0

↑ Top


See also: findLastKey(), findLastValue(), find()

findLast($iterable, $predicate = 'Dash\identity'): array|null

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\findLast($predicate, $iterable)

Gets the key and value of the last element for which $predicate returns truthy.

Iteration begin at the end and will stop at the last truthy return value.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$predicate callable|string|array (optional) If a callable, invoked with ($value, $key, $iterable) for each element in $iterable until a truthy value is returned; if a string, will get the last element with a truthy value at $field; if an array of form [$field, $value], will get the last element whose $field loosely equals $value
Returns array|null [$key, $value] of the last matching element, or null if not found


Dash\findLast(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4], 'Dash\isEven');
// === ['d', 4]

	['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4],
	function ($value, $key) { return $value > 1 && $key !== 'b'; }
// === ['d', 4]

Example: The default predicate checks truthiness

Dash\findLast([0, null, false, 'a', true]);
// === [4, true]

Example: With a field and value

$data = [
	['name' => 'John', 'active' => false],
	['name' => 'Mary', 'active' => true],
	['name' => 'Pete', 'active' => true],
	['name' => 'Jane', 'active' => false],

Dash\findLast($data, 'active');
// === [2, ['name' => 'Pete', 'active' => true]]

Dash\findLast($data, ['active', false]);
// === [3, ['name' => 'Jane', 'active' => false]]

↑ Top


See also: findLast(), findLastValue(), findKey()

findLastKey($iterable, $predicate = 'Dash\identity'): string|null

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\findLastKey($predicate, $iterable)

Gets the key of the last element for which $predicate returns truthy.

Iteration begin at the end and will stop at the last truthy return value.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$predicate callable|string|array (optional) If a callable, invoked with ($value, $key, $iterable) for each element in $iterable until a truthy value is returned; if a string, will get the last element with a truthy value at $field; if an array of form [$field, $value], will get the last element whose $field loosely equals $value
Returns string|null The key of the last matching element, or null if not found


Dash\findLastKey(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4], 'Dash\isEven');
// === 'd'

	['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4],
	function ($value, $key) { return $value > 1 && $key !== 'b'; }
// === 'd'

Example: The default predicate checks truthiness

Dash\findLastKey([0, null, false, 'a', true]);
// === 4

Example: With a field and value

$data = [
	['name' => 'John', 'active' => false],
	['name' => 'Mary', 'active' => true],
	['name' => 'Pete', 'active' => true],
	['name' => 'Jane', 'active' => false],

Dash\findLastKey($data, 'active');
// === 2

Dash\findLastKey($data, ['active', false]);
// === 3

↑ Top


See also: findLast(), findLastKey(), findValue()

findLastValue($iterable, $predicate = 'Dash\identity'): mixed|null

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\findLastValue($predicate, $iterable)

Gets the value of the last element for which $predicate returns truthy.

Iteration begin at the end and will stop at the last truthy return value.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$predicate callable|string|array (optional) If a callable, invoked with ($value, $key, $iterable) for each element in $iterable until a truthy value is returned; if a string, will get the last element with a truthy value at $field; if an array of form [$field, $value], will get the last element whose $field loosely equals $value
Returns mixed|null The value of the last matching element, or null if not found


Dash\findLastValue(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4], 'Dash\isEven');
// === 4

	['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4],
	function ($value, $key) { return $value > 1 && $key !== 'b'; }
// === 4

Example: The default predicate checks truthiness

Dash\findLastValue([0, null, false, 'a', true]);
// === true

Example: With a field and value

$data = [
	['name' => 'John', 'active' => false],
	['name' => 'Mary', 'active' => true],
	['name' => 'Pete', 'active' => true],
	['name' => 'Jane', 'active' => false],

Dash\findLastValue($data, 'active');
// === ['name' => 'Pete', 'active' => true]

Dash\findLastValue($data, ['active', false]);
// === ['name' => 'Jane', 'active' => false]

↑ Top


See also: find(), findKey(), findLastValue()

findValue($iterable, $predicate = 'Dash\identity'): mixed|null

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\findValue($predicate, $iterable)

Gets the value of the first element for which $predicate returns truthy.

Iteration will stop at the first truthy return value.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$predicate callable|string|array (optional) If a callable, invoked with ($value, $key, $iterable) for each element in $iterable until a truthy value is returned; if a string, will get the first element with a truthy value at $field; if an array of form [$field, $value], will get the first element whose $field loosely equals $value
Returns mixed|null The value of the first matching element, or null if not found


Dash\findValue(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4], 'Dash\isEven');
// === 2

	['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4],
	function ($value, $key) { return $value > 1 && $key !== 'b'; }
// === 3

Example: The default predicate checks truthiness

Dash\findValue([0, null, false, 'a', true]);
// === 'a'

Example: With a field and value

$data = [
	['name' => 'John', 'active' => false],
	['name' => 'Mary', 'active' => true],
	['name' => 'Pete', 'active' => true],
	['name' => 'Jane', 'active' => false],

Dash\findValue($data, 'active');
// === ['name' => 'Mary', 'active' => true]

Dash\findValue($data, ['active', false]);
// === ['name' => 'John', 'active' => false]

↑ Top

first / head

See also: take()

first($iterable): mixed|null

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Gets the value of the first element in $iterable.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
Returns mixed|null Null if $iterable is empty


Dash\first(['a' => 'one', 'b' => 'two', 'c' => 'three']);
// === 'one'

// === null

↑ Top


See also: groupBy()

flatten($iterable): array

Gets a list of nested elements in $iterable.

Keys in $iterable are not preserved.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
Returns array List of elements in $iterable, including elements of directly nested iterables.


Dash\flatten([[1, 2], [3, 4]]);
// === [1, 2, 3, 4]

Dash\flatten([['a' => 1, 'b' => 2], ['c' => 3]]);
// === [1, 2, 3]

Example: With a mix of nested and non-nested iterables

Dash\flatten([1, 2, [3, 4]]);
// === [1, 2, 3, 4]

Example: Deeply nested array

	[1, 2],
	[[3, 4]]
// === [1, 2, [3, 4]]

↑ Top


See also: getDirect(), has(), property()

get($input, $path, $default = null): mixed

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\get($path, $default, $input)

Gets the value at $path within $input. Nested properties are accessible with dot notation.

Parameter Type Description
$input mixed
$path callable|string|integer If a callable, invoked with ($input) to get the value at $path; if a string or integer, will use Dash\property($path) to get the value
$default mixed (optional) Value to return if $path does not exist within $input
Returns mixed Value at $path or $default if no value exists


$input = [
	'people' => [
		['name' => 'Pete'],
		['name' => 'John'],
		['name' => 'Mark'],
Dash\get($input, '');
// === 'Mark'

Example: Direct properties take precedence over nested ones

$input = [
	'a.b.c' => 'direct',
	'a' => ['b' => ['c' => 'nested']]
Dash\get($input, 'a.b.c');
// === 'direct'

↑ Top


See also: getDirectRef(), hasDirect(), get()

getDirect($input, $key, $default = null): mixed

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\getDirect($key, $default, $iterable)

Gets the array value, object property, or method at $key within $input.

If an array offset, object property, and/or method all exist for the same key, the value at the array offset takes precedence and will be returned.

Parameter Type Description
$input mixed
$key string Array offset, object property name, or method name
$default mixed (optional) Value to return if $input has nothing at $key
Returns mixed


Dash\getDirect(['a' => 'one', 'b' => 'two'], 'b');
// === 'two'

Dash\getDirect((object) ['a' => 'one', 'b' => 'two'], 'b');
// === 'two'

$count = Dash\getDirect(new ArrayObject([1, 2, 3]), 'count');
// === 3

Example: Array offsets take precedence over object properties

$input = new ArrayObject(['a' => 'array value']);
$input->a = 'object value';

Dash\getDirect($input, 'a');
// === 'array value'

↑ Top


See also: getDirect(), hasDirect()

getDirectRef(&$input, $key): mixed

Similar to getDirect(), but returns a reference to the value at $key within $input.

Parameter Type Description
$input array|object|ArrayAccess
$key string Array offset or object property name
Returns mixed Reference to $key within $input


$array = ['key' => 'value'];
$ref = &Dash\getDirectRef($array, 'key');
$ref = 'changed';
// $array['key'] === 'changed'

$object = (object) ['key' => 'value'];
$ref = &Dash\getDirectRef($object, 'key');
$ref = 'changed';
// $object->key === 'changed'

↑ Top


See also: keyBy()

groupBy($iterable, $iteratee = 'Dash\identity', $defaultGroup = null): array

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\groupBy($iteratee, $defaultGroup, iterable)

Groups the element values of $iterable by the common return values of $iteratee.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$iteratee callable|string (optional) If a callable, invoked with ($value, $key, $iterable) for each element in $iterable if a string, will use Dash\property($iteratee) as the iteratee
$defaultGroup string (optional) The key for the set of elements for which $iteratee returns null
Returns array A new associative array of [key => [value, ...]]


Dash\groupBy(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3], 'Dash\isOdd');
// === [true => [1, 3], false => [2]]

Dash\groupBy([2.1, 2.5, 3.5, 3.9, 4.1], Dash\unary('floor'));
// === [2 => [2.1, 2.5], 3 => [3.5, 3.9], 4 => [4.1]]

Example: With a path $iteratee

$data = [
	['first' => 'John', 'last' => 'Doe'],
	['first' => 'Alice', 'last' => 'Hart'],
	['first' => 'Anonymous'],
	['first' => 'Jane', 'last' => 'Doe'],
	['first' => 'Peter', 'last' => 'Gibbons'],
	['first' => 'Fred', 'last' => 'Hart'],

Dash\groupBy($data, 'last');
// === [
	'Doe' => [
		['first' => 'John', 'last' => 'Doe'],
		['first' => 'Jane', 'last' => 'Doe'],
	'Hart' => [
		['first' => 'Alice', 'last' => 'Hart'],
		['first' => 'Fred', 'last' => 'Hart'],
	'Gibbons' => [
		['first' => 'Peter', 'last' => 'Gibbons'],
	null => [
		['first' => 'Anonymous'],

Dash\groupBy($data, 'last', 'Unknown');
// === [
	'Doe' => [
		['first' => 'John', 'last' => 'Doe'],
		['first' => 'Jane', 'last' => 'Doe'],
	'Hart' => [
		['first' => 'Alice', 'last' => 'Hart'],
		['first' => 'Fred', 'last' => 'Hart'],
	'Gibbons' => [
		['first' => 'Peter', 'last' => 'Gibbons'],
	'Unknown' => [
		['first' => 'Anonymous'],

↑ Top


See also: getDirect()

hasDirect($input, $key): boolean

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\hasDirect($key, $input)

Checks whether an array value, object property, or method exists at $key within $input.

Parameter Type Description
$input mixed
$key string Array offset, object property name, or method name
Returns boolean


Dash\hasDirect(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2], 'a');
// === true

Dash\hasDirect(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2], 'x');
// === false

Dash\hasDirect((object) ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2], 'a');
// === true

Dash\hasDirect(new DateTime(), 'getTimestamp');
// === true

↑ Top


identical($a, $b): boolean

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\identical($b, $a)

Checks whether $a and $b are strictly equal (same value and type).

Parameter Type Description
$a mixed
$b mixed
Returns boolean


Dash\identical(3, '3');
// === false

Dash\identical(3, 3);
// === true

Dash\identical([1, 2, 3], [1, '2', 3]);
// === false

Dash\identical([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]);
// === true

↑ Top


identity($value): mixed

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Returns the first argument it receives.

Parameter Type Description
$value mixed
Returns mixed $value unmodified


$a = new ArrayObject();
$b = Dash\identity($a);
// $b === $a

↑ Top


See also: difference(), union()

intersection($iterable /*, ...iterables */): array

Returns the set of elements from $iterable whose values are present in each of the other iterables, where values are compared using loose equality.

The order, keys, and values of elements in the returned array are determined by $iterable.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null (variadic) Iterable against which all other passed iterables are compared
Returns array

Example: With indexed arrays

	[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
	['2', '4'],
	[4.0, 2.0]
// === [2, 4]

Example: With associative arrays

	['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4, 'e' => 5],
	['a' => 2, 'b' => 4],
	['a' => 4, 'b' => 2]
// === ['b' => 2, 'd' => 4]

↑ Top


isEmpty($value): boolean

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Checks whether $value is empty.

A value is empty if it is an iterable of size zero or loosely equals false.

Parameter Type Description
$value mixed
Returns boolean True if $value is empty, false otherwise


// === true

Dash\isEmpty((object) []);
// === true

Dash\isEmpty(new ArrayObject());
// === true

// === true

// === true

// === false

↑ Top


isEven($value): boolean

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Checks whether $value is an even number.

If a double is provided, only its truncated integer component is evaluated.

Parameter Type Description
$value numeric
Returns boolean True if $value is an even number, false otherwise


// === false

// === true

// === true

// === false

↑ Top


isIndexedArray($value): boolean

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Checks whether $value is an array with sequential integer keys starting at 0.

Parameter Type Description
$value mixed
Returns boolean True if $value is an indexed array, false otherwise


Dash\isIndexedArray(['a', 'b', 'c']);
// === true

Dash\isIndexedArray([1 => 'a', 'b', 'c']);
// === false

Dash\isIndexedArray(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]);
// === false

↑ Top


isOdd($value): boolean

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Checks whether $value is an odd number.

If a double is provided, only its truncated integer component is evaluated.

Parameter Type Description
$value numeric
Returns boolean True if $value is an odd number, false otherwise


// === true

// === false

// === true

// === false

↑ Top


isType($value, $type): boolean

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\isType($type, $value)

Checks whether $value is of a particular data type.

A types can be:

  • a native data type: string, array, integer, etc.
  • a type corresponding to a native is_*() function: numeric (for is_numeric()), callable (for is_callable()), etc.
  • a class name: stdClass, DateTime, Dash\_, etc.
Parameter Type Description
$value mixed
$type string|array Single type to check or a list of accepted types
Returns boolean

Example: With a native data type

Dash\isType([1, 2, 3], 'array');
// === true

Example: With a type corresponding to a native is_*() function

Dash\isType(3.14, 'numeric');
// === true

Example: With a class name

Dash\isType(new ArrayObject([1, 2, 3]), 'ArrayObject');
// === true

Example: With multiple types

Dash\isType((object) [1, 2, 3], ['array', 'object']);
// === true

↑ Top

join / implode

join($iterable, $separator): string

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\join($separator, $iterable)

Concatenates the string value of all elements in $iterable, with each value separated by $separator.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$separator string
Returns string


Dash\join([123, 456, 789], '-');
// === '123-456-789'

Dash\join(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3], ', ');
// === '1, 2, 3'

↑ Top

keyBy / indexBy

See also: groupBy()

keyBy($iterable, $iteratee = 'Dash\identity'): array

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\keyBy($iteratee, $iterable)

Gets the element values of $iterable as an associative array indexed by $iteratee.

A later value will overwrite an earlier value that has the same key.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$iteratee callable|string|integer (optional) If a callable, invoked with ($value, $key, $iterable) for each element in $iterable; if a string or integer, will use Dash\property($iteratee) as the iteratee
Returns array A new associative array


$data = [
	['first' => 'John', 'last' => 'Doe'],
	['first' => 'Alice', 'last' => 'Hart'],
	['first' => 'Jane', 'last' => 'Smith'],
	['first' => 'Peter', 'last' => 'Gibbons'],
	['first' => 'Fred', 'last' => 'Durst'],

Dash\keyBy($data, function ($value) {
	return $value['first'] . ' ' . $value['last'];
// === [
	'John Doe' => ['first' => 'John', 'last' => 'Doe'],
	'Alice Hart' => ['first' => 'Alice', 'last' => 'Hart'],
	'Jane Smith' => ['first' => 'Jane', 'last' => 'Smith'],
	'Peter Gibbons' => ['first' => 'Peter', 'last' => 'Gibbons'],
	'Fred Durst' => ['first' => 'Fred', 'last' => 'Durst'],

Example: With a path $iteratee

$data = [
	['first' => 'John', 'last' => 'Doe'],
	['first' => 'Alice', 'last' => 'Hart'],
	['first' => 'Jane', 'last' => 'Smith'],
	['first' => 'Peter', 'last' => 'Gibbons'],
	['first' => 'Fred', 'last' => 'Durst'],

Dash\keyBy($data, 'last');
// === [
	'Doe' => ['first' => 'John', 'last' => 'Doe'],
	'Hart' => ['first' => 'Alice', 'last' => 'Hart'],
	'Smith' => ['first' => 'Jane', 'last' => 'Smith'],
	'Gibbons' => ['first' => 'Peter', 'last' => 'Gibbons'],
	'Durst' => ['first' => 'Fred', 'last' => 'Durst'],

↑ Top


See also: values()

keys($iterable): array

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Gets the keys of $iterable as an array.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
Returns array


Dash\keys(['c' => 3, 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2]);
// === ['c', 'a', 'b']

↑ Top


See also: takeRight()

last($iterable): mixed|null

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Gets the value of the last element in $iterable.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
Returns mixed|null Null if $iterable is empty


Dash\last(['a' => 'one', 'b' => 'two', 'c' => 'three']);
// === 'three'

// === null

↑ Top


See also: mapValues(), mapResult()

map($iterable, $iteratee = 'Dash\identity'): array

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\map($iteratee, $iterable)

Gets a new array of the return values of $iteratee when called with successive elements in $iterable.

Keys in $iterable are not preserved. To preserve keys, use mapValues() instead.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$iteratee callable|string|number (optional) If a callable, invoked with ($value, $key, $iterable) for each element in $iterable; if a string, will use Dash\property($iteratee) as the iteratee
Returns array A new 0-indexed array


Dash\map(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3], function ($value) {
	return $value * 2;
// === [2, 4, 6]

Example: With a path $iteratee

$data = [
	'jdoe' => ['name' => ['first' => 'John', 'last' => 'Doe']],
	'mjane' => ['name' => ['first' => 'Mary', 'last' => 'Jane']],
	'psmith' => ['name' => ['first' => 'Pete', 'last' => 'Smith']],
Dash\map($data, 'name.last');
// === ['Doe', 'Jane', 'Smith']

↑ Top


See also: map(), mapValues()

mapResult($iterable, $path, $default = null): array

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\mapResult($path, $default, $iterable)

Invokes the callable located at $path within each element in $iterable, and returns a new array of those callable return values.

Unlike map(), keys in $iterable are preserved.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$path string Returns the result of Dash\property($path, $default) for each element
$default mixed (optional) Default value to return for an element if nothing exists at $path
Returns array A new array with the same keys as $iterable


$data = [
	'john' => ['getHash' => function() { return md5('John Doe'); }],
	'jane' => ['getHash' => function() { return md5('Jane Doe'); }],
	'paul' => ['getHash' => function() { return md5('Paul Dyk'); }],
Dash\mapResult($data, 'getHash');
// === [
	'john' => '4c2a904bafba06591225113ad17b5cec',
	'jane' => '1c272047233576d77a9b9a1acfdf741c',
	'paul' => '022fbf2743848afb47158d9c80f28d03',

↑ Top


See also: map(), mapResult()

mapValues($iterable, $iteratee = 'Dash\identity'): array

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\mapValues($iteratee, $iterable)

Gets a new array of the return values of $iteratee when called with successive elements in $iterable.

Unlike map(), keys in $iterable are preserved.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$iteratee callable|string|integer (optional) If a callable, invoked with ($value, $key, $iterable) for each element in $iterable; if a string or integer, will use Dash\property($iteratee) as the iteratee
Returns array A new array with the same keys as $iterable


Dash\mapValues(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3], function ($value) {
	return $value * 2;
// === ['a' => 2, 'b' => 4, 'c' => 6]

Example: With a path $iteratee

$data = [
	'jdoe' => ['name' => ['first' => 'John', 'last' => 'Doe']],
	'mjane' => ['name' => ['first' => 'Mary', 'last' => 'Jane']],
	'psmith' => ['name' => ['first' => 'Pete', 'last' => 'Smith']],
Dash\mapValues($data, 'name.last');
// === ['jdoe' => 'Doe', 'mjane' => 'Jane', 'psmith' => 'Smith']

↑ Top


matchesProperty($path, $value = true, $comparator = 'Dash\equal'): function

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\matchesProperty($value, $comparator, $path)

Creates a function that returns whether $comparator returns truthy for the value at $path for a given input.

Parameter Type Description
$path callable|string|number|null Any valid path supported by Dash\get()
$value mixed Value passed to $comparator for comparison
$comparator callable (optional) Function with signature ($valueAtPath, $value) that compares $value to the value at $path for the given input
Returns function Function with signature ($input) that returns whether the value at $path within $input

Example: Matches truthy field value

$matcher = Dash\matchesProperty('foo');
$matcher(['foo' => 'bar']);  // === true
$matcher(['foo' => null]);   // === false

Example: Matches falsey field value

$matcher = Dash\matchesProperty('foo', false);
$matcher(['foo' => false]);  // === true
$matcher(['foo' => 'bar']);  // === false

Example: Matches field value that loosely equals a given value

$matcher = Dash\matchesProperty('foo', 3);
$matcher(['foo' => 3.0]);  // === true
$matcher(['foo' => 4]);   // === false

Example: Matches field value for which a given comparator returns true

$matcher = Dash\matchesProperty('foo', 3, 'Dash\identical');
$matcher(['foo' => 3]);    // === true
$matcher(['foo' => 3.0]);  // === false

↑ Top


max($iterable): mixed|null

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Gets the maximum value of all elements in $iterable.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
Returns mixed|null Null if $iterable is empty


Dash\max([3, 8, 2, 5]);
// === 8

// === null

↑ Top


median($iterable): mixed|null

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Returns the median value of an iterable.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
Returns mixed|null Null if $iterable is empty


Dash\median([3, 2, 1, 5, 4]);
// === 3

Dash\median([3, 2, 1, 4]);
// === 2.5

↑ Top


min($iterable): mixed|null

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Gets the minimum value of all elements in $iterable.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
Returns mixed|null Null if $iterable is empty


Dash\min([3, 8, 2, 5]);
// === 2

// === null

↑ Top


negate(callable $predicate): callable

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Creates a new function that negates the return value of $predicate.

Parameter Type Description
$predicate callable
Returns callable New function


$isEven = function ($n) { return $n % 2 === 0; };
$isOdd = Dash\negate($isEven);

$isEven(3);  // === false
$isOdd(3);   // === true

↑ Top


See also: pick()

omit($iterable, $keys): array

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\omit($keys, $iterable)

Gets the elements of $iterable with keys that match any in $keys. The opposite of pick().

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$keys string|array Single key or list of keys
Returns array


Dash\omit(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4], ['b', 'c']);
// === ['a' => 1, 'd' => 4]

↑ Top


See also: partialRight(), curry()

partial($callable /*, ...args */): callable

Creates a new function that will invoke $callable with the given arguments and any others passed to the returned function.

When calling $callable, arguments provided to partial() will be listed BEFORE those passed to the returned function.

Use Dash\_ as a placeholder to replace with arguments passed to the returned function.

Parameter Type Description
$callable callable
...$args mixed (optional, variadic) arguments to pass to $callable
Returns callable


$greet = function ($greeting, $name) {
	return "$greeting, $name!";

$sayHello = Dash\partial($greet, 'Hello');
$sayHowdy = Dash\partial($greet, 'Howdy');

$sayHello('Mark');  // === 'Hello, Mark!'
$sayHowdy('Jane');  // === 'Howdy, Jane!'

Example: With placeholders

$greet = function ($greeting, $name) {
	return "$greeting, $name!";

$greetMark = Dash\partial($greet, Dash\_, 'Mark');
$greetJane = Dash\partial($greet, Dash\_, 'Jane');

$greetMark('Hello');  // === 'Hello, Mark!'
$greetJane('Howdy');  // === 'Howdy, Jane!'

↑ Top


See also: partial(), curryRight()

partialRight($callable /*, ...args */): callable

Creates a new function that will invoke $callable with the given arguments and any others passed to the returned function.

When calling $callable, arguments provided to partial() will be listed AFTER those passed to the returned function.

Use Dash\_ as a placeholder to replace with arguments passed to the returned function.

Parameter Type Description
$callable callable
...$args mixed (optional, variadic) arguments to pass to $callable
Returns callable


$greet = function ($greeting, $name) {
	return "$greeting, $name!";

$greetMark = Dash\partialRight($greet, 'Mark');
$greetJane = Dash\partialRight($greet, 'Jane');

$greetMark('Hello');  // === 'Hello, Mark!'
$greetJane('Howdy');  // === 'Howdy, Jane!'

Example: With a placeholder

$greet = function ($greeting, $name) {
	return "$greeting, $name!";

$sayHello = Dash\partialRight($greet, 'Hello', Dash\_);
$sayHowdy = Dash\partialRight($greet, 'Howdy', Dash\_);

$sayHello('Mark');  // === 'Hello, Mark!'
$sayHowdy('Jane');  // === 'Howdy, Jane!'

↑ Top


See also: omit()

pick($iterable, $keys): array

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\pick($keys, $iterable)

Gets the elements of $iterable with keys that match any in $keys.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$keys string|array Single key or list of keys
Returns array


Dash\pick(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4], ['b', 'c']);
// === ['b' => 2, 'c' => 3]

↑ Top


See also: compose()

pipe(callable ...$fns): callable

Returns a new function that performs left-to-right function composition. For example, pipe(a, b, c) will return a new function that performs c(b(a())).

The first function can have any arity, but the rest must be unary.

Parameter Type Description
...$fns callable
Returns callable New function that composes $fns left-to-right


$addOne = function ($v) {
	return $v + 1;
$triple = function ($v) {
	return $v * 3;
$square = function ($v) {
	return $v * $v;

$piped = Dash\pipe($addOne, $triple, $square);
$piped(1); // === 36

Example: First function can accept multiple arguments

$pow = function ($base, $exp) {
	return pow($base, $exp);
$addOne = function ($v) {
	return $v + 1;
$triple = function ($v) {
	return $v * 3;

$piped = Dash\pipe($pow, $addOne, $triple);
$piped(2, 3); // === 27

↑ Top


See also: map()

pluck($iterable, $path, $default = null): array

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\pluck($path, $default, $iterable)

Gets an array of values at $path for all elements in $iterable.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$path callable Any valid path accepted by Dash\property()
$default mixed (optional) Default value for each element without a value at $path
Returns array New array of plucked values from $iterable


$data = [
	['name' => 'John'],
	['name' => 'Mary', 'age' => 35],
	['name' => 'Pete', 'age' => 20],

Dash\pluck($data, 'name');
// === ['John', 'Mary', 'Pete']

Dash\pluck($data, 'age');
// === [null, 35, 20]

↑ Top


property($path, $default = null): function

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\property($default, $path)

Creates a function that returns the value at a $path for a given input.

Parameter Type Description
$path string|number|null Path of the property to retrieve; can be nested by delimiting each sub-property or array index with a period.
$default mixed (optional) Default value to return if nothing exists at $path
Returns function Function with signature ($input) that returns the value at $path within $input

Example: Accepts arrays and objects

$getter = Dash\property('foo');
$getter(['foo' => 'value']);  // === 'value'
$getter((object) ['foo' => 'value']);  // === 'value'

Example: Methods can be accessed too

$getter = Dash\property('items.count');
$countFn = $getter(['items' => new ArrayObject([1, 2, 3])]);
$countFn();  // === 3

Example: Nested properties can be referenced with dot notation

$getter = Dash\property('a.b.c');
	'a' => [
		'b' => [
			'c' => 'value'
// === 'value'

Example: Array elements can be referenced by index

$getter = Dash\property('');
	'items' => [
		['name' => 'one'],
		['name' => 'two'],
		['name' => 'three'],
// === 'two'

Example: Keys with the same name as the full path can be used

$getter = Dash\property('a.b.c');
$getter(['a.b.c' => 'value']);  // === 'value'

↑ Top


reduce($iterable, $iteratee, $initial = []): mixed

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\reduce($iteratee, $initial, $iterable)

Iteratively reduces $iterable to a single value by way of $iteratee.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$iteratee callable Called with ($result, $value, $key) for each ($key, $value) in $iterable and the current accumulated $result. $iteratee should return the updated $result
$initial mixed (optional) Initial value
Returns mixed

Example: Computes the sum of an array's values

Dash\reduce([1, 2, 3, 4], function ($sum, $value) {
	return $sum + $value;
}, 0);
// === 10

↑ Top


See also: filter()

reject($iterable, $predicate = 'Dash\identity'): array

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\reject($predicate, $iterable)

Gets a list of elements in $iterable for which $predicate returns falsey. The opposite of filter().

Keys are preserved unless $iterable is an indexed array. An indexed array is one with sequential integer keys starting at zero. See isIndexedArray()

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$predicate callable|string|array (optional) If a callable, invoked with ($value, $key, $iterable) for each element in $iterable; if a string, will get elements with a falsey value for that field/index; if an array of form [$field, $value], will get elements where the field/index does not loosely equal $value
Returns array List of elements in $iterable that do not satisfy $predicate


Dash\reject([1, 2, 3, 4], 'Dash\isOdd');
// === [2, 4]

	[3 => 'c', 1 => 'a', 2 => 'b'],
	function ($value, $key) { return $key <= 1; }
// === [3 => 'c', 2 => 'b']

Example: The default predicate checks truthiness

Dash\reject([1, 2, null, 3, false, true]);
// === [null, false]

Example: With a field/value

$data = [
	['name' => 'John', 'active' => false],
	['name' => 'Mary', 'active' => true],
	['name' => 'Pete', 'active' => true],

Dash\reject($data, 'active');
// === [
	['name' => 'John', 'active' => false],

Dash\reject($data, ['active', false]);
// === [
	['name' => 'Mary', 'active' => true],
	['name' => 'Pete', 'active' => true]

↑ Top


See also: get(), property()

result($input, $path, $default = null): mixed

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\result($path, $default, $input)

Gets the value at $path within $input. Nested properties are accessible with dot notation. Like get() but if the value is callable, it is invoked and its return value is returned.

Parameter Type Description
$input mixed
$path callable|string If a callable, invoked with ($input) to get the value at $path; if a string, will use Dash\property($path) to get the value at $path
$default mixed (optional) Value to return if $path does not exist within $input
Returns mixed Value at $path or $default if no value exists


$input = [
	'people' => new ArrayObject([
		['name' => 'Pete', 'getHash' => function () { return '4d17a4'; }],
		['name' => 'John', 'getHash' => function () { return 'fd2a48'; }],
		['name' => 'Paul', 'getHash' => function () { return 'd8575d'; }],

Dash\result($input, '');
// === 'John'

Dash\result($input, 'people.count');
// === 3

Dash\result($input, 'people.1.joined.getTimestamp');
// === 'fd2a48'

↑ Top


reverse($iterable, $preserveIntegerKeys = false): array

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\reverse($preserveIntegerKeys, iterable)

Gets a new array of $iterable elements in reverse order.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$preserveIntegerKeys boolean (optional) If true, integer keys will be preserved; non-integer keys are always preserved regardless of this setting
Returns array New array of $iterable elements in reverse order


Dash\reverse(['a', 'b', 'c']);
// === ['c', 'b', 'a']

Dash\reverse(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3]);
// === ['c' => 3, 'b' => 2, 'a' => 1]

Example: Preserving integer keys

Dash\reverse(['a', 'b', 'c'], true);
// === [2 => 'c', 1 => 'b', 0 => 'a']

Dash\reverse(['a', 'b', 'c'], false);
// === [0 => 'c', 1 => 'b', 2 => 'a']

↑ Top


rotate($iterable, $count = 1): array

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\rotate($count, $iterable)

Gets a new array of $iterable elements where $count elements are moved counter-clockwise from the beginning of $iterable to the end.

Keys are preserved unless $iterable is an indexed array. An indexed array is one with sequential integer keys starting at zero. See isIndexedArray()

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$count integer If negative, moves $count elements from the end to the beginning
Returns array New array of rotated elements


Dash\rotate(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], 2);
// === ['c', 'd', 'e', 'a', 'b']

Dash\rotate(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3], 1);
// === ['b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'a' => 1]

Dash\rotate(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], -1);
// === ['e', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

↑ Top


See also: get(), getDirect(), property()

set(&$input, $path, $value): mixed

Sets the value at $path within $input. Nested properties are accessible with dot notation. Note: This will modify $input.

Parameter Type Description
$input mixed
$path string Path at which to set $value; can be a nested path (eg. a.b.0.c). Intermediate arrays or objects will be created where missing (see examples)
$value mixed Value to set at $path
Returns mixed $input, modified


$input = (object) [
	'a' => [1, 2],
	'b' => [3, 4],
	'c' => [5, 6],
Dash\set($input, 'a', [7, 8, 9]);
Dash\set($input, 'b.0', 10);

// $input === (object) [
	'a' => [7, 8, 9],
	'b' => [10, 4],
	'c' => [5, 6],

Example: Intermediate array/objects are created if missing

$input = ['a' => []];
Dash\set($input, 'a.b.c', 'value');

// $input === [
	'a' => [
		'b' => [
			'c' => 'value'

$input = ['a' => (object) []];
Dash\set($input, 'a.b.c', 'value');

// $input === [
	'a' => (object) [
		'b' => (object) [
			'c' => 'value'

↑ Top

size / count

size($value, $encoding = 'UTF-8'): integer

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Gets the number of items in $value.

For iterables, this is the number of elements. For strings, this is number of characters.

Parameter Type Description
$value iterable|string
$encoding string (optional) The character encoding of $value if it is a string; see mb_list_encodings() for the list of supported encodings
Returns integer Size of $value or zero if $value is neither iterable nor a string


Dash\size([1, 2, 3]);
// === 3

// === 7

↑ Top


sort($iterable, $comparator = 'Dash\compare'): array

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\sort($comparator, $iterable)

Gets a new array containing the sorted elements of $iterable.

Keys are preserved unless $iterable is an indexed array. An indexed array is one with sequential integer keys starting at zero. See isIndexedArray()

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$comparator callable (optional) Invoked with ($a, $b) where $a and $b are values in $iterable; $comparator should returns a number less than, equal to, or greater than zero if $a is less than, equal to, or greater than $b, respectively
Returns array New array of $iterable elements ordered by $comparator


Dash\sort([4, 2, 3, 1]);
// === [1, 2, 3, 4]

Dash\sort(['a' => 3, 'b' => 1, 'c' => 2]);
// === ['b' => 1, 'c' => 2, 'a' => 3]

↑ Top


sum($iterable): numeric

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Gets the sum of all element values in $iterable.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
Returns numeric Zero if $iterable is empty


Dash\sum([2, 3, 5, 8]);
// === 18

// === 0

↑ Top


See also: takeRight()

take($iterable, $count = 1): array

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\take($count, $iterable)

Gets a new array of the first $count elements of $iterable.

Keys are preserved unless $iterable is an indexed array. An indexed array is one with sequential integer keys starting at zero. See isIndexedArray()

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$count integer If negative, gets all but the last $count elements of $iterable
Returns array New array of $count elements


Dash\take([2, 3, 5, 8, 13], 3);
// === [2, 3, 5]

Dash\take(['b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'a' => 1], 2);
// === ['b' => 2, 'c' => 3]

Dash\take([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], -2);
// === [1, 2, 3, 4]

↑ Top


See also: take()

takeRight($iterable, $count = 1): array

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\takeRight($count, $iterable)

Gets a new array of the last $count elements of $iterable.

Keys are preserved unless $iterable is an indexed array. An indexed array is one with sequential integer keys starting at zero. See isIndexedArray()

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
$count integer If negative, gets all but the first $count elements of $iterable
Returns array New array of $count elements


Dash\take([2, 3, 5, 8, 13], 3);
// === [5, 8, 13]

Dash\take(['b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'a' => 1], 2);
// === ['c' => 3, 'a' => 1]

Dash\take([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], -2);
// === [3, 4, 5, 6]

↑ Top


tap($value, callable $interceptor): mixed

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\tap($interceptor, $value)

Invokes $interceptor with ($value) and returns $value unchanged.

Note: Any changes made to $value in $interceptor will not be returned.

Parameter Type Description
$value mixed
$interceptor callable Invoked with ($value)
Returns mixed Original $value


$result = Dash\chain([1, 3, 4])
	->tap(function ($value) {
		// $value === [1, 3]

// $result === [1, 3]

↑ Top


thru($value, callable $interceptor): mixed

# Curried: (all parameters required)
Curry\thru($interceptor, $value)

Invokes $interceptor with ($value) and returns its result.

Parameter Type Description
$value mixed
$interceptor callable Invoked with ($value)
Returns mixed Return value of $interceptor($value)


$result = Dash\chain([1, 3, 4])
	->thru(function ($value) {
		// $value === [1, 3]
		$value[] = $value[0];
		return $value;

// $result === [1, 3, 1]

↑ Top


toArray($value): array

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Gets an array representation of $value.

Parameter Type Description
$value mixed
Returns array Empty array if $value is not iterable


Dash\toArray((object) ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]);
// === ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]

Dash\toArray(new FilesystemIterator(__DIR__));
// === [ SplFileInfo, SplFileInfo, ... ]

↑ Top


toObject($value): object

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Gets a plain object representation of $value.

Parameter Type Description
$value mixed
Returns object Empty object if $value is not iterable


Dash\toObject(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]);
// === (object) ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]

Dash\toObject(new ArrayObject(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]));
// === (object) ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]

↑ Top


unary(callable $callable): callable

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Creates a new function that invokes $callable with a single argument and ignores the rest.

Parameter Type Description
$callable callable
Returns callable New function


$isNumeric = Dash\unary('is_numeric');

Dash\filter([1, 2.0, '3', 'a'], $isNumeric);
// === [1, 2.0, '3']

↑ Top


See also: intersection(), difference()

union($iterable /*, ...iterables */): array

Returns a new array containing the combined set of unique values, in order, of all provided iterables.

Non-indexed keys are preseved, but duplicate keys will overwrite previous ones.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null (variadic) One or more iterables to merge
Returns array

Example: With indexed arrays

	[1, 3, 5],
	[2, 4, 6],
	[7, 8]
// === [1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8]

Example: With associative arrays

	['a' => 1, 'c' => 3],
	['b' => 2, 'd' => 4],
	['e' => 5, 'f' => 6]
// === ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4, 'e' => 5, 'f' => 6]

↑ Top

unique / distinct

unique($iterable): array

Returns a new array containing the unique values, in order, of the provided iterable.

Non-indexed keys are preseved, but duplicate keys will overwrite previous ones.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
Returns array

Example: With indexed arrays

Dash\unique([1, 2, 2, 3, 1]);
// === [1, 2, 3]

Example: With associative arrays

Dash\unique(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 1]);
// === ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]

↑ Top


See also: keys()

values($iterable): array

# Curried: (all parameters required)

Gets the values of $iterable as an array.

Parameter Type Description
$iterable iterable|stdClass|null
Returns array


Dash\values(['c' => 3, 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2]);
// === [3, 1, 2]

↑ Top