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Language Definition

This page constitutes the reference for CEL. For a gentle introduction, see Intro.



In the taxonomy of programming languages, CEL is:

  • memory-safe: programs cannot access unrelated memory, such as out-of-bounds array indexes or use-after-free pointer dereferences;
  • side-effect-free: a CEL program only computes an output from its inputs;
  • terminating: CEL programs cannot loop forever;
  • strongly-typed: values have a well-defined type, and operators and functions check that their arguments have the expected types;
  • dynamically-typed: types are associated with values, not with variables or expressions, and type safety is enforced at runtime;
  • gradually-typed: an optional type-checking phase before runtime can detect and reject some programs which would violate type constraints.


The grammar of CEL is defined below, using | for alternatives, [] for optional, {} for repeated, and () for grouping.

Expr           = ConditionalOr ["?" ConditionalOr ":" Expr] ;
ConditionalOr  = [ConditionalOr "||"] ConditionalAnd ;
ConditionalAnd = [ConditionalAnd "&&"] Relation ;
Relation       = [Relation Relop] Addition ;
Relop          = "<" | "<=" | ">=" | ">" | "==" | "!=" | "in" ;
Addition       = [Addition ("+" | "-")] Multiplication ;
Multiplication = [Multiplication ("*" | "/" | "%")] Unary ;
Unary          = Member
               | "!" {"!"} Member
               | "-" {"-"} Member
Member         = Primary
               | Member "." IDENT ["(" [ExprList] ")"]
               | Member "[" Expr "]"
Primary        = ["."] IDENT ["(" [ExprList] ")"]
               | "(" Expr ")"
               | "[" [ExprList] [","] "]"
               | "{" [MapInits] [","] "}"
               | ["."] IDENT { "." IDENT } "{" [FieldInits] [","] "}"
               | LITERAL
ExprList       = Expr {"," Expr} ;
FieldInits     = IDENT ":" Expr {"," IDENT ":" Expr} ;
MapInits       = Expr ":" Expr {"," Expr ":" Expr} ;

Implementations are required to support at least:

  • 24-32 repetitions of repeating rules, i.e.:
    • 32 terms separated by || in a row;
    • 32 terms separated by && in a row;
    • 32 function call arguments;
    • list literals with 32 elements;
    • map or message literals with 32 fields;
    • 24 consecutive ternary conditionals ?:;
    • 24 binary arithmetic operators of the same precedence in a row;
    • 24 relations in a row.
  • 12 repetitions of recursive rules, i.e:
    • 12 nested function calls;
    • 12 selection (.) operators in a row;
    • 12 indexing ([_]) operators in a row;
    • 12 nested list, map, or message literals.

This grammar corresponds to the following operator precedence and associativity:

Precedence Operator Description Associativity
1 () Function call Left-to-right
  . Qualified name or field access
  [] Indexing
  {} Field initialization
2 - (unary) Negation Right-to-left
  ! Logical NOT
3 * Multiplication Left-to-right
  / Division
  % Remainder
4 + Addition
  - (binary) Subtraction
5 == != < > <= >= Relations
  in Inclusion test
6 && Logical AND
7 || Logical OR
8 ?: Conditional Right-to-left

The lexis is defined below. As is typical, the WHITESPACE and COMMENT productions are only used to recognize separate lexical elements and are ignored by the grammar. Please note, that in the lexer [] denotes a character range, * represents zero or more, + represents one or more, and ? denotes zero or one occurrence.

IDENT          ::= [_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]* - RESERVED
                 | BOOL_LIT | NULL_LIT
INT_LIT        ::= -? DIGIT+ | -? 0x HEXDIGIT+
UINT_LIT       ::= INT_LIT [uU]
DIGIT          ::= [0-9]
HEXDIGIT       ::= [0-9abcdefABCDEF]
EXPONENT       ::= [eE] [+-]? DIGIT+
STRING_LIT     ::= [rR]? ( "    ~( " | NEWLINE )*  "
                         | '    ~( ' | NEWLINE )*  '
                         | """  ~"""*              """
                         | '''  ~'''*              '''
ESCAPE         ::= \ [abfnrtv\?"'`]
                 | \ x HEXDIGIT HEXDIGIT
                 | \ [0-3] [0-7] [0-7]
NEWLINE        ::= \r\n | \r | \n
BOOL_LIT       ::= "true" | "false"
NULL_LIT       ::= "null"
RESERVED       ::= BOOL_LIT | NULL_LIT | "in"
                 | "as" | "break" | "const" | "continue" | "else"
                 | "for" | "function" | "if" | "import" | "let"
                 | "loop" | "package" | "namespace" | "return"
                 | "var" | "void" | "while"
WHITESPACE     ::= [\t\n\f\r ]+

For the sake of a readable representation, the escape sequences (ESCAPE) are kept implicit in string tokens. This means that strings without the r or R (raw) prefix process ESCAPE sequences, while in strings with the raw prefix they stay uninterpreted. See documentation of string literals below.

The following identifiers are reserved due to their use as literal values or in the syntax:

false in null true

The following identifiers are reserved to allow easier embedding of CEL into a host language.

as break const continue else for function if import let loop package
namespace return var void while

In general it is a bad idea for those defining contexts or extensions to use identifiers that are reserved words in programming languages which might embed CEL.

Name Resolution

A CEL expression is parsed in the scope of a specific protocol buffer package or message, which controls the interpretation of names. The scope is set by the application context of an expression. A CEL expression can contain simple names as in a or qualified names as in a.b. The meaning of such expressions is a combination of one or more of:

  • Variables and Functions: some simple names refer to variables in the execution context, standard functions, or other name bindings provided by the CEL application.
  • Field selection: appending a period and identifier to an expression could indicate that we're accessing a field within a protocol buffer or map.
  • Protocol buffer package names: a simple or qualified name could represent an absolute or relative name in the protocol buffer package namespace. Package names must be followed by a message type, enum type, or enum constant.
  • Protocol buffer message types, enum types, and enum constants: following an optional protocol buffer package name, a simple or qualified name could refer to a message type, and enum type, or an enum constant in the package's namespace.

Resolution works as follows. If a.b is a name to be resolved in the context of a protobuf declaration with scope A.B, then resolution is attempted, in order, as A.B.a.b, A.a.b, and finally a.b. To override this behavior, one can use .a.b; this name will only be attempted to be resolved in the root scope, i.e. as a.b.

If name qualification is mixed with field selection, the longest prefix of the name which resolves in the current lexical scope is used. For example, if a.b.c resolves to a message declaration, and a.b does so as well with c a possible field selection, then a.b.c takes priority over the interpretation (a.b).c. Explicit parentheses can be used to choose the field selection interpretation.


Values in CEL represent any of the following:

Type Description
int 64-bit signed integers
uint 64-bit unsigned integers
double 64-bit IEEE floating-point numbers
bool Booleans (true or false)
string Strings of Unicode code points
bytes Byte sequences
list Lists of values
map Associative arrays with int, uint, bool, or string keys
null_type The value null
message names Protocol buffer messages
type Values representing the types in the first column

Numeric Values

CEL supports only 64-bit integers and 64-bit IEEE double-precision floating-point. We only support positive, decimal integer literals; negative integers are produced by the unary negation operator. Note that the integer 7 as an int is a different value than 7 as a uint, which would be written 7u. Double-precision floating-point is also supported, and the integer 7 would be written 7., 7.0, 7e0, or any equivalent representation using a decimal point or exponent.

Note that currently there are no automatic arithmetic conversions for the numeric types (int, uint, and double). The arithmetic operators typically contain overloads for arguments of the same numeric type, but not for mixed-type arguments. Therefore an expression like 1 + 1u is going to fail to dispatch. To perform mixed-type arithmetic, use explicit conversion functions such as uint(1) + 1u. Such explicit conversions will maintain their meaning even if arithmetic conversions are added in the future.

CEL provides no way to control the finer points of floating-point arithmetic, such as expression evaluation, rounding mode, or exception handling. However, any two not-a-number values will compare equal even if their underlying properties are different.


Each protocol buffer enumeration is its own CEL type. Enumerations have no operations other than equality (and inequality), obtaining the type from a value, and conversion to an int. (No conversion to string is supported, as an enum value might have 0, 1, or many names.) Values of type int can be converted to enum values as long as they are in the range -2^31 to 2^31 - 1. A value of type string can be converted to enum values as long as it is a defined for that enum.

String and Bytes Values

Strings are sequences of Unicode code points. Bytes are sequences of octets (eight-bit data).

Quoted string literals are delimited by either single- or double-quote characters, where the closing delimiter must match the opening one, and can contain any unescaped character except the delimiter or newlines (either CR or LF).

Triple-quoted string literals are delimited by three single-quotes or three double-quotes, and may contain any unescaped characters except for the delimiter sequence. Again, the closing delimiter must match the opening one. Triple-quoted strings may contain newlines.

Both sorts of strings can include escape sequences, described below.

If preceded by an r or R character, the string is a raw string and does not interpret escape sequences. Raw strings are useful for expressing strings which themselves must use escape sequences, such as regular expressions or program text.

Bytes literals are represented by string literals preceded by a b or B character. The bytes literal is the sequence of bytes given by the UTF-8 representation of the string literal. In addition, the octal escape sequence are interpreted as octet values rather than as Unicode code points. Both raw and multiline string literals can be used for byte literals.

Escape sequences are a backslash (\ ) followed by one of the following:

  • A punctuation mark representing itself:
    • \ : backslash
    • ?: question mark
    • ": double quote
    • ': single quote
    • `: backtick
  • A code for whitespace:
    • a: bell
    • b: backspace
    • f: form feed
    • n: line feed
    • r: carriage return
    • t: horizontal tab
    • v: vertical tab
  • A u followed by four hexadecimal characters, encoding a Unicode code point in the BMP. Characters in other Unicode planes can be represented with surrogate pairs. Valid only for string literals.
  • A U followed by eight hexadecimal characters, encoding a Unicode code point. Valid only for string literals.
  • A x or X followed by two hexadecimal characters. For strings, it denotes the unicode code point. For bytes, it represents an octet value.
  • Three octal digits, in the range 000 to 377. For strings, it denotes the unicode code point. For bytes, it represents an octet value.


CEL Literal Meaning
"" Empty string
'""' String of two double-quote characters
'''x''x''' String of four characters "x''x"
"\"" String of one double-quote character
"\\" String of one backslash character
r"\\" String of two backslash characters
b"abc" Byte sequence of 97, 98, 99
b"ÿ" Sequence of bytes 195 and 191 (UTF-8 of ÿ)
b"\303\277" Also sequence of bytes 195 and 191
"\303\277" String of "ÿ" (code points 195, 191)
"\377" String of "ÿ" (code point 255)
b"\377" Sequence of byte 255 (not UTF-8 of ÿ)
"\xFF" String of "ÿ" (code point 255)
b"\xFF" Sequence of byte 255 (not UTF-8 of ÿ)

While strings must be sequences of valid Unicode code points, no Unicode normalization is attempted on strings, as there are several normal forms, they can be expensive to convert, and we don't know which is desired. If Unicode normalization is desired, it should be performed outside of CEL, or done as a custom extension function.

Likewise, no advanced collation is attempted on strings, as this depnds on the normalization and can be locale-dependent. Strings are simply treated as sequences of code points and are ordered with lexicographic ordering based on the numeric value of the code points.

Aggregate Values

Lists are ordered sequences of values.

Maps are a set of key values, and a mapping from these keys to arbitrary values. Key values must be an allowed key type: int, uint, bool, or string. Thus maps are the union of what's allowed in protocol buffer maps and JSON objects.

Note that the type checker uses a finer-grained notion of list and map types. Lists are list(A) for the homogenous type A of list elements. Maps are map(K, V) for maps with keys of type K and values of type V. The type dyn is used for heterogeneous values See Gradual Type Checking. But these constraints are only enforced within the type checker; at runtime, lists and maps can have heterogeneous types.

Any protocol buffer message is a CEL value, and each message type is its own CEL type, represented as its fully-qualified name.

A list can be denoted by the expression [e1, e2, ..., eN], a map by {ek1: ev1, ek2: ev2, ..., ekN: evN}, and a message by M{f1: e1, f2: e2, ..., fN: eN}, where M must be a simple or qualified name which resolves to a message type (see Name Resolution). For a map, the entry keys are sub-expressions that must evaluate to values of an allowed type (int, uint, bool, or string). For a message, the field names are identifiers. It is an error to have duplicate keys or field names. The empty list, map, and message are [], {}, and M{}, respectively.

See Field Selection for accessing elements of lists, maps, and messages.

Booleans and Null

CEL has true and false as the literals for the bool type, with the usual meanings.

The null value is written null. It is used in conversion to and from protocol buffer and JSON data, but otherwise has no built-in meaning in CEL. In particular, null has its own type (null_type) and is not necessarily allowed where a value of some other type is expected.

Type Values

Every value in CEL has a runtime type which is itself a value. The standard function type(x) returns the type of expression x.

As types are values, those values (int, string, etc.) also have a type: the type type, which is an expression by itself which in turn also has type type. So

  • type(1) evaluates to int
  • type("a") evaluates to string
  • type(1) == string evaluates to false
  • type(type(1)) == type(string) evaluates to true

Abstract Types

A CEL implementation can add new types to the language. These types will be given names in the same namespace as the other types, but will have no special support in the language syntax. The only way to construct or use values of these abstract types is through functions which the implementor must also provide.

Commonly, an abstract type will have a representation as a protocol buffer, so that it can be stored or transmitted across a network. In this case, the abstract type will be given the same name as the protocol buffer, which will prevent CEL programs from being able to use that particular protocol buffer message type; they will not be able to construct values of that type by message expressions nor access the message fields. The abstract type remains abstract.

By default, CEL uses google.protobuf.Timestamp and google.protobuf.Duration as abstract types. The standard functions provide ways to construct and manipulate these values, but CEL programs cannot construct them with message expressions or access their message fields.

Protocol Buffer Data Conversion

Protocol buffers have a richer range of types than CEL, so Protocol buffer data is converted to CEL data when read from a message field, and CEL data is converted in the other direction when initializing a field. In general, protocol buffer data can be converted to CEL without error, but range errors are possible in the other direction.

Protocol Buffer Field Type CEL Type
int32, int64, sint32, sint64, sfixed32, sfixed64 int
uint32, uint64, fixed32, fixed64 uint
float, double double
bool, string, bytes same
enum E E
repeated list
map<K, V> map
oneof options expanded individually, at most one is set
message M M, except for conversions below

Signed integers, unsigned integers, and floating point numbers are converted to the singular CEL type of the same sort. The CEL type is capable of expressing the full range of protocol buffer values. When converting from CEL to protocol buffers, an out-of-range CEL value results in an error.

Boolean, string, and bytes types have identical ranges and are converted without error.

Repeated fields are converted to CEL lists of converted values, preserving the order. In the other direction, the CEL list elements must be of the right type and value to be converted to the corresponding protocol buffer type. Similarly, protocol buffer maps are converted to CEL maps, and CEL map keys and values must have the right type and value to be converted in the other direction.

Oneof fields are represented by the translation of each of their options as a separate field, but at most one of these fields will be "set", as detected by the has() macro. See Macros.

Since protocol buffer messages are first-class CEL values, message-valued fields are used without conversion.

Every protocol buffer field has a default value, and there is no semantic difference between a field set to this default value, and an unset field. For message fields, there default value is just the unset state, and an unset message field is distinct from one set to an empty (i.e. all-unset) message.

The has() macro (see Macros) tells whether a message field is set (i.e. not unset, hence not set to the default value). If an unset field is nevertheless selected, it evaluates to its default value, or if it is a message field, it evaluates to an empty (i.e. all-unset) message. This allows expressions to use iterative field selection to examine the state of fields in deeply nested messages without needing to test whether every intermediate field is set. (See exception for wrapper types, below.)

Dynamic Values

CEL automatically converts certain protocol buffer messages in the google.protobuf package to other types.

google.protobuf message CEL Conversion
Any dynamically converted to the contained message type, or error
ListValue list of Value messages
Struct map (with string keys, Value values)
Value dynamically converted to the contained type (null, double, string, bool, Struct, or ListValue)
wrapper types converted as eponymous field type

The wrapper types are BoolValue, BytesValue, DoubleValue, FloatValue, Int32Value, Int64Value, NullValue, StringValue, Uint32Value, and Uint64Value. Values of these wrapper types are converted to the obvious type. Additionally, field selection of an unset message field of wrapper type will evaluate to null, instead of the default message. This is an exception to the usual evaluation of unset message fields.

Note that this implies some cascading conversions. An Any message might be converted to a Struct, one of whose Value-typed values might be converted to a ListValue of more values, and so on.

Also, note that all of these conversions are dynamic at runtime, so CEL's static type analysis cannot avoid the possibility of type-related errors in expressions using these dynamic values.

JSON Data Conversion

CEL can also work with JSON data. Since there is a natural correspondence of most CEL data with protocol buffer data, and protocol buffers have a defined mapping to JSON, this creates a natural mapping of CEL to JSON. This creates an exact bidirectional mapping between JSON types and a subset of CEL data:

JSON Type CEL Type
null null
Boolean bool
Number double (except infinities or NaN)
String string
Array list of bi-convertible elements
Object map (with string keys, bi-convertible values)

We define JSON mappings for much of the remainder of CEL data, but note that this data will not map back in to CEL as the same value:

CEL Data JSON Data
int Number if in interoperable range, otherwise decimal String.
uint Number if in interoperable range, otherwise decimal String.
double infinity String "Infinity" or "-Infinity"
double NaN String "NaN"
bytes String of base64-encoded bytes
message JSON conversion of protobuf message.
list of convertible elements JSON Array of converted values
list with a non-convertible element none
map with string keys and convertible values JSON Object with converted values
map with a non-string key or a non-convertible value none
type none

The "interoperable" range of integer values is -(2^53-1) to 2^53 - 1.

Gradual Type Checking

CEL is a dynamically-typed language, meaning that the types of the values of the variables and expressions might not be known until runtime. However, CEL has an optional type-checking phase that takes annotation giving the types of all variables and tries to deduce the type of the expression and of all its sub-expressions. This is not always possible, due to the dynamic expansion of certain messages like Struct, Value, and Any (see Dynamic Values). However, if a CEL program does not use dynamically-expanded messages, it can be statically type-checked.

The type checker uses a richer type system than the types of the dynamic values: lists have a type parameter for the type of the elements, and maps have two parameters for the types of keys and values, respectively. These richer types preserve the stronger type guarantees that protocol buffer messages have. We can infer stronger types from the standard functions, such as accessing list elements or map fields. However, the type() function and dynamic dispatch to particular function overloads only use the coarser types of the dynamic values.

The type checker also introduces the dyn type, which is the union of all other types. Therefore the type checker could accept a list of heterogeneous values as dyn([1, 3.14, "foo"]), which is given the type list(dyn). The standard function dyn has no effect at runtime, but signals to the type checker that its argument should be considered of type dyn, list(dyn), or a dyn-valued map.

A CEL type checker attempts to identify possible runtime errors (see Runtime Errors), particularly no_matching_overload and no_such_field, ahead of runtime. It also serves to optimize execution speed by narrowing down the number of possible matching overloads for a function call, and by allowing for a more efficient (unboxed) runtime representation of values.

By construction, a CEL expression that does not use the dynamic features coming from Struct, Value, or Any, can be fully statically type-checked and all overloads can be resolved ahead of runtime.

If a CEL expression uses a mixture of dynamic and static features, a type checker will still attempt to derive as much information as possible and delegate undecidable type decisions to runtime.

The type checker is an optional phase of evaluation. Running the type checker does not affect the result of evaluation, it can only reject expressions as ill-typed in a given typing context.


For a given evaluation environment, a CEL expression will deterministically evaluate to either a value or an error. Here are how different expressions are evaluated:

  • Literals: the various kinds of literals (numbers, booleans, strings, bytes, and null) evaluate to the values they represent.
  • Variables: variables are looked up in the binding environment. An unbound variable evaluates to an error.
  • List, Map, and Message expressions: each sub-expression is evaluated and if any sub-expression results in an error, this expression results in an error. Otherwise, it results in the list, map, or message of the sub-expression results, or an error if one of the values is of the wrong type.
  • Field selection: see Field Selection.
  • Macros: see Macros.
  • Logical operators: see Logical Operators.
  • Other operators: operators are translated into specially-named functions and the sub-expressions become their arguments, for instance e1 + e2 becomes _+_(e1, e2), which is then evaluated as a normal function.
  • Normal functions: all argument sub-expressions are evaluated and if any results in an error, then this expression results in an error. Otherwise, the function is identified by its name and dispatched to a particular overload based on the types of the sub-expression values. See Functions.

Because CEL is free of side-effects, the order of evaluation among sub-expressions is not guaranteed. If multiple subexpressions would evaluate to errors causing the enclosing expression to evaluate to an error, it will propagate one or more of the sub-expression erors, but it is not specified which ones.

Evaluation Environment

A CEL expression is parsed and evaluated in the scope of a particular protocol buffer package, which controls name resolution as described above, and a binding context, which binds identifiers to values, errors, and functions. A given identifier has different meanings as a function name or as a variable, depending on the use. For instance in the expression size(requests) > size, the first size is a function, and the second is a variable.

The CEL implementation provides mechanisms for adding bindings of variable names to either values or errors. The implementation will also provide function bindings for at least all the standard functions listed below.

Some implementations might make use of a context proto, where a single protocol buffer message represents all variable bindings: each field in the message is a binding of the field name to the field value. This provides a convenient encapsulation of the binding environment.

The evaluation environment can also specify the expected type of the result. If the expected type is one of the protocol buffer wrapper messages, then CEL will attempt to convert the result to the wrapper message, or will raise an error if the conversion fails.

Runtime Errors

In general, when a runtime error is produced, expression evaluation is terminated; exceptions to this rule are discussed in Logical Operators and Macros.

CEL provides the following built-in runtime errors:

  • no_matching_overload: this function has no overload for the types of the arguments.
  • no_such_field: a map or message does not contain the desired field.

There is no in-language representation of errors, no generic way to raise them, and no way to catch or bypass errors, except for the short-circuiting behavior of the logical operators, and macros.

Logical Operators

In the conditional operator e ? e1 : e2, evaluates to e1 if e evaluates to true, and e2 if e evaluates to false. The untaken branch is presumed to not be executed, though that is an implementation detail.

In the boolean operators && and ||: if any of their operands uniquely determines the result (false for && and true for ||) the other operand may or may not be evaluated, and if that evaluation produces a runtime error, it will be ignored. This makes those operators commutative (in contrast to traditional boolean short-circuit operators). The rationale for this behavior is to allow the boolean operators to be mapped to indexed queries, and align better with SQL semantics.

To get traditional left-to-right short-circuiting evaluation of logical operators, as in C or other languages (also called "McCarthy Evaluation"), the expression e1 && e2 can be rewritten e1 ? e2 : false. Similarly, e1 || e2 can be rewritten e1 ? true : e2.


CEL supports a small set of predefined macros. Macro invocations have the same syntax as function calls, but follow different type checking rules and runtime semantics than regular functions. An application of CEL opts-in to which macros to support, selecting from the predefined set of macros. The currently available macros are:

  • has(e.f): tests whether a field is available. See "Field Selection" below.
  • e.all(x, p): tests whether a predicate holds for all elements of a list e or keys of a map e. Here x is a simple identifier to be used in p which binds to the element or key. The all() macro combines per-element predicate results with the "and" (&&) operator, so if any predicate evaluates to false, the macro evaluates to false, ignoring any errors from other predicates.
  • e.exists(x, p): like the all() macro, but combines the predicate results with the "or" (||) operator.
  • e.exists_one(x,p): like the exists() macro, but evaluates to true only if the predicate of exactly one element/key evaluates to true, and the rest to false. Any other combination of boolean results evaluates to false, and any predicate error causes the macro to raise an error.
  •, t) transforms a list e by taking each element x to the element given by the expression t, which can use the variable x. For instance, [1, 2, 3].map(n, n * n) evaluates to [1, 4, 9]. Any evaluation error for any element causes the macro to raise an error. The map() macro is not supported when e is a map.
  • e.filter(x, p) returns the sublist of all elements x of list e which evaluate to true in the predicate expression p (which can use variable x). For instance, [1, 2, 3].filter(i, i % 2 > 0) evaluates to [1, 3]. If no elements evaluate to true, the result is an empty list. Any evaluation error for any element causes the macro to raise an error. The filter() macro is not supported on maps.

Field Selection

A field selection expression, e.f, can be applied both to messages and to maps. For maps, selection is interpreted as the field being a string key.

The semantics depends on the type of the result of evaluating expression e:

  1. If e evaluates to a message and f is not declared in this message, the runtime error no_such_field is raised.
  2. If e evaluates to a message and f is declared, but the field is not set, the default value of the field's type will be produced. Note that this is null for messages or the according primitive default value as determined by proto2 or proto3 semantics.
  3. If e evaluates to a map, then e.f is equivalent to e['f'] (where f is still being used as a meta-variable, e.g. the expression is equivalent to the expression x['foo'] when x evaluates to a map).
  4. In all other cases, e.f evaluates to an error.

To test for the presence of a field, the boolean-valued macro has(e.f) can be used.

  1. If e evaluates to a map, then has(e.f) indicates whether the string f is a key in the map (note that f must syntactically be an identifier).
  2. If e evaluates to a message and f is not a declared field for the message, has(e.f) raises a no_such_field error.
  3. If e evaluates to a protocol buffers version 2 message and f is a defined field:
    • If f is a repeated field or map field, has(e.f) indicates whether the field is non-empty.
    • If f is a singular or oneof field, has(e.f) indicates whether the field is set.
  4. If e evaluates to a protocol buffers version 3 message and f is a defined field:
    • If f is a repeated field or map field, has(e.f) indicates whether the field is non-empty.
    • If f is a oneof or singular message field, has(e.f) indicates whether the field is set.
    • If f is some other singular field, has(e.f) indicates whether the field's value is its default value (zero for numeric fields, false for booleans, empty for strings and bytes).
  5. In all other cases, has(e.f) evaluates to an error.


Since one of the main applications for CEL is for execution of untrusted expressions with reliable containment, the time and space cost of evaluation is an essential part of the specification of the language. But we also want to give considerable freedom in how to implement the language. To balance these concerns, we specify only the time and space computational complexity of language constructs and standard functions (see Functions).

CEL applications are responsible for noting the computational complexity of any extension functions they provide.

Abstract Sizes

Space and time complexity will be measured in terms of an abstract size measurement of CEL expressions and values. The size of a CEL value depends on its type:

  • string: The size is its length, i.e. the number of code points, plus a constant.
  • bytes: The size is its length, i.e. the number of bytes, plus a constant.
  • list: The size is the sum of sizes of its entries, plus a constant.
  • map: The size is the sum of the key size plus the value size for all of its entries, plus a constant.
  • message: The size is the sum of the size of all fields, plus a constant.
  • All other values have constant size.

The size of a CEL program is:

  • string literal: The size of the resulting value.
  • bytes literal: The size of the resulting value.
  • Grammatical aggregates are the sum of the size of their components.
  • Grammatical primitives other than above have constant size.

Thus, the size of a CEL program is bounded by either the length of the source text string or the bytes of the proto-encoded AST.

The inputs to a CEL expression are the bindings given to the evaluator and the literals within the expression itself.

Time Complexity

Unless otherwise noted, the time complexity of an expression is the sum of the time complexity of its sub-expressions, plus the sum of the sizes of the sub-expression values, plus a constant.

For instance, an expression x has constant time complexity since it has no sub-expressions. An expression x != y takes time proportional to the sum of sizes of the bindings of x and y, plus a constant.

Some functions cost less than this:

  • The conditional expression _?_:_, only evaluates one of the alternative sub-expressions.
  • For the size() function on lists and maps, the time is proportional to the length of its input, not its total size (plus the time of the sub-expression).
  • The index operator on lists takes constant time (plus the time of the sub-expressions).
  • The select operator on messages takes constant time (plus the time of the sub-expression).

Some functions take more time than this. The following functions take time proportional to the product of their input sizes (plus the time of the sub-expressions):

  • The index operator on maps.
  • The select operator on maps.
  • The in operator.
  • The contains, startsWith, endsWith, and matches functions on strings.

See below for the time cost of macros.

Implementations are free to provide a more performant implementation. For instance, a hashing implementation of maps would make indexing/selection faster, but we do not require such sophistication from all implementations.

Space Complexity

Unless otherwise noted, the space complexity of an expression is the sum of the space complexity of its sub-expressions, plus a constant. The exceptions are:

  • Literals: Message, map, and list literals allocate new space for their output.
  • Concatenation: The _+_ operator on lists and strings allocate new space for their output.

See below for the space cost of macros.

We'll assume that bytes-to-string and string-to-bytes conversions do not need to allocate new space.

Macro Performance

Macros can take considerably more time and space than other constructs, and can lead to exponential behavior when nested or chained. For instance,

      [0,1].all(x, 1/0)...))

takes exponential (in the size of the expression) time to evaluate, while

["foo","bar"].map(x, [x+x,x+x]).map(x, [x+x,x+x]), [x+x,x+x])

is exponential in both time and space.

The time and space cost of macros is the cost of the range sub-expression e, plus the follwing:

  • has(e.f): Space is constant.
    • If e is a map, time is linear in size of e.
    • If e is a message, time is constant.
  • e.all(x,p), e.exists(x,p), and e.exists_one(x,p)
    • Time is the sum of the time of p for each element of e.
    • Space is constant.
    • Time is the sum of time oft for each element of e.
    • Space is the sum of space of t for each element of e, plus a constant.
  • e.filter(x,t)
    • Time is the sum of time of t for each element of e.
    • Space is the space of e.

Performance Limits

Putting this all together, we can make the following statements about the cost of evaluation. Let P be the non-literal size of the expression, L be the size of the literals, B be the size of the bindings, and I=B+L be the total size of the inputs.

  • The macros other than has() are the only avenue for exponential behavior. This can be curtailed by the implementation allowing applications to set limits on the recursion or chaining of macros, or disable them entirely.
  • The concatenation operator _+_ is the only operator that dramatically increases the space complexity, with the program x + x + ... + x taking time and space O(B * P^2).
  • The string-detection functions (contains() and friends) yield a boolean result, thus cannot be nested to drive exponential or even higher polynomial cost. We can bound the time cost by O(B^2 * P), with a limiting case being x.contains(y) || x.contains(y) || ....
  • The map indexing operators yield a smaller result than their input, and thus are also limited in their ability to increase the cost. A particularly bad case would be an expensive selection that returns a subcomponent that contains the majority of the size of the aggregate, resulting in a time cost of O(P * I), and see below.
  • Eliminating all of the above and using only default-cost functions, plus aggregate literals, time and space are limited O(P * I). A limiting time example is size(x) + size(x) + .... A limiting time and space example is [x, x, ..., x].

Note that custom function will alter this analysis if they are more expensive than the default costs.


CEL functions have no observable side-effects (there maybe side-effects like logging or such which are not observable from CEL). The default argument evaluation strategy for functions is strict, with exceptions from this rule discussed in Logical Operators and Macros.

Functions are specified by a set of overloads. Each overload defines the number and type of arguments and the type of the result, as well as an opaque computation. Argument and result types can use type variables to express overloads which work on lists and maps. At runtime, a matching overload is selected and the according computation invoked. If no overload matches, the runtime error no_matching_overload is raised (see also Runtime Errors). For example, the standard function size is specified by the following overloads:

size (string) -> int string length
(bytes) -> int bytes length
(list(A)) -> int list size
(map(A, B)) -> int map size

Overloads must have non-overlapping argument types, after erasure of all type variables (similar as type erasure in Java). Thus an implementation can implement overload resolution by simply mapping all argument types to a strong hash.

Operator subexpressions are treated as calls to specially-named built-in functions. For instance, the expression e1 + e2 is dispatched to the function _+_ with arguments e1 and e2. Note that since_+_ is not an identifier, there would be no way to write this as a normal function call.

See Standard Definitions for the list of all predefined functions and operators.

Extension Functions

It is possible to add extension functions to CEL, which then behave in no way different than standard functions. The mechanism how to do this is implementation dependent and usually highly curated. For example, an application domain of CEL can add a new overload to the size function above, provided this overload's argument types do not overlap with any existing overload. For methodological reasons, CEL disallows to add overloads to operators.

Receiver Call Style

A function overload can be declared to use receiver call-style, so it must be called as e1.f(e2) instead of f(e1, e2). Overloads with different call styles are non-overlapping per definition, regardless of their types.

Standard Definitions

All predefined operators, functions and constants are listed in the table below. For each symbol, the available overloads are listed. Operator symbols use a notation like _+_ where _ is a placeholder for an argument.


Equality (_==_) and inequality (_!=_) are defined for all types. Inequality is the logical negation of equality, i.e. e1 != e2 is the same as !(e1 == e2) for all expressions e1 and e2.

Type-checking asserts that arguments to equality operators must be the same type. If the argument types differ, the type-checker will raise an error. However, if at least one argument is dynamically typed, the type-checker considers all arguments dynamic and defers type-agreement checks to the interpreter.

The type-checker uses homogeneous equality to surface potential logical errors during static analysis, but the runtime uses heterogeneous equality with a definition of numeric equality which treats all numeric types as though they exist on a continuous number line. Semantically, equality would be expressed within in CEL as follows:

type(x) in [double, int, uint]
   && type(y) in [double, int, uint] ? numericEquals(x, y)
   : type(x) == type(y) ? x == y
   : false

CEL's support for boxed primitives relies on heterogeneous equality to ensure that comparisons to null evaluate to true or false rather than error. This behavior is also useful for evaluating JSON data where all numbers may be provided as double or, depending on the underlying JSON implementation, possibly int. This potential discrepancy between how runtimes handle dynamic data is further motivation for supporting separate behaviors at type-check and interpretation.


The numeric types of int, uint, and double are compared as though they exist on a continuous number line where two numbers x and y are equal if !(x < y || x > y). Since it is possible to compare numeric types without type conversion, CEL uses this definition for numericEquals to support comparison across numeric types.

This property of cross-type numeric equality is essential for supporting JSON in a way which mostly closely matches user expectations. The following expressions are equivalent as the type-checker cannot infer the type of the json.number in the expression since it is considered dyn typed:

Index into a map:

{1: 'hello', 2: 'world'}[json.number]
{1: 'hello', 2: 'world'}[int(json.number)]

Set membership test of a json number in a list of integers:

json.number in [1, 2, 3]
int(json.number) in [1, 2, 3]

The double type follows the IEEE 754 standard. Not-a-number (NaN) values compare as inequal, e.g. NaN == NaN // false and NaN != NaN // true.

Lists and Maps

Two list values equal if their entries at each ordinal are equal. For lists a and b with length N, a == b is equivalent to:

a[0] == b[0] && a[1] == b[1] && ... && a[N-1] == b[N-1]

Two map values are equal if their entries are the same. For maps a and b with keyset k1, k2, ..., kN, a == b equality is equivalent to:

a[k1] == b[k1] && a[k2] == b[k2] && ... && a[kN] == b[kN]

In short, when list lengths / map key sets are the same, and all element comparisons are true, the result is true.

Protocol Buffers

CEL uses the C++ MessageDifferencer::Equals semantics for comparing Protocol Buffer messages across all runtimes. For two messages to be equal:

  • Both messages must share the same type name and Descriptor instance;
  • Both messages must have the same set fields;
  • All primitive typed fields compare equal by value, e.g. string, int64;
  • All elements of repeated fields compare in-order as true;
  • All entries of map fields compare order-independently as true;
  • All fields of message and group typed fields compare true, with the comparison being performed as if by recursion.
  • All unknown fields compare true using byte equality.

In addition to the publicly documented behaviors for C++ protobuf equality, there are some implementation behaviors which are important to mention:

  • The double type follows the IEEE 754 standard where not-a-number (NaN) values compare as inequal, e.g. NaN == NaN // false and NaN != NaN // true.
  • All google.protobuf.Any typed fields are unpacked before comparison, unless the type_url cannot be resolved, in which case the comparison falls back to byte equality.

Protocol buffer equality semantics in C++ are generally consistent with CEL's definition of heterogeneous equality. Note, Java and Go proto equality implementations do not follow IEEE 754 for NaN values and do not unpack google.protobuf.Any values before comparison. These comparison differences can result in false negatives or false positives; consequently, CEL provides a uniform definition across runtimes to ensure consistent evaluation across runtimes.

There is one edge case where CEL and protobuf equality will produce different results; however, this edge case is sufficiently unlikely that the difference is acceptable:

// Protocol buffer definition
message Msg {
  repeated google.protobuf.Any values;

// CEL - Produces false according to protobuf equality since the types of
         Int32Value and FloatValue are not equal.
Msg{values: [google.protobuf.Int32Value{value: 1}]}
  == Msg{values: [google.protbuf.FloatValue{value: 1.0}]}

// CEL - Produces true according to CEL equality with well-known
//       protobuf type unwrapping of the list elements within `values`
//       where the list values are unwrapped to CEL numbers and compared
//       using `numericEquals`.
Msg{values: [google.protobuf.Int32Value{value: 1}]}.values
  == Msg{values: [google.protbuf.FloatValue{value: 1.0}]}.values


Ordering operators are defined for int, uint, double, string, bytes, bool, as well as timestamp and duration. Runtime ordering is also supported across int, uint, and double for consistency with the runtime equality definition for numeric types.

Strings obey lexicographic ordering of the code points, and bytes obey lexicographic ordering of the byte values. The ordering operators obey the usual algebraic properties, i.e. e1 <= e2 gives the same result as !(e1 > e2) as well as (e1 < e2) || (e1 == e2) when the expressions involved do not have side effects.


Arithmetic operations raise an error when the results exceed the range of the integer type (int, uint) or the timestamp or duration type. An error is also raised for conversions which exceed the range of the target type.

There are a few additional considerations to keep in mind with respect to how and when certain types will overflow:

  • Duration values are limited to a single int64 value, or roughly +-290 years.
  • Timestamp values are limited to the range of values which can be serialized as a string: ["0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z"].
  • Double to int conversions are limited to (minInt, maxInt) non-inclusive.

Note, that whether the minimum or maximum integer value will roundtrip successfully int -> double -> int can be compiler dependent which is the motivation for the conservative round-tripping behavior.


Timezones are expressed in the following grammar:

TimeZone = "UTC" | LongTZ | FixedTZ ;
LongTZ = ? list available at
  ? ;
FixedTZ = ( "+" | "-" ) Digit Digit ":" Digit Digit ;
Digit = "0" | "1" | ... | "9" ;

Fixed timezones are explicit hour and minute offsets from UTC. Long timezone names are like Europe/Paris, CET, or US/Central.

Regular Expressions

Regular expressions follow the RE2 syntax. Regular expression matches succeed if they match a substring of the argument. Use explicit anchors (^ and $) in the pattern to force full-string matching, if desired.

List of Standard Definitions

TODO: automatically generate these descriptions from the cel-go implementation. See cel-go/issues/9.

Symbol Type Description
!_ (bool) -> bool logical not
-_ (int) -> int negation
(double) -> double negation
_!=_ (A, A) -> bool inequality
_%_ (int, int) -> int arithmetic
(uint, uint) -> uint arithmetic
_&&_ (bool, bool) -> bool logical and
(bool, ...) -> bool logical and (variadic)
_*_ (int, int) -> int arithmetic
(uint, uint) -> uint arithmetic
(double, double) -> double arithmetic
_+_ (int, int) -> int arithmetic
(uint, uint) -> uint arithmetic
(double, double) -> double arithmetic
(string, string) -> string String concatenation. Space and time cost proportional to the sum of the input sizes.
(bytes, bytes) -> bytes bytes concatenation
(list(A), list(A)) -> list(A) List concatenation. Space and time cost proportional to the sum of the input sizes.
(google.protobuf.Timestamp, google.protobuf.Duration) -> google.protobuf.Timestamp arithmetic
(google.protobuf.Duration, google.protobuf.Timestamp) -> google.protobuf.Timestamp arithmetic
(google.protobuf.Duration, google.protobuf.Duration) -> google.protobuf.Duration arithmetic
_-_ (int, int) -> int arithmetic
(uint, uint) -> uint arithmetic
(double, double) -> double arithmetic
(google.protobuf.Timestamp, google.protobuf.Timestamp) -> google.protobuf.Duration arithmetic
(google.protobuf.Timestamp, google.protobuf.Duration) -> google.protobuf.Timestamp arithmetic
(google.protobuf.Duration, google.protobuf.Duration) -> google.protobuf.Duration arithmetic
_/_ (int, int) -> int arithmetic
(uint, uint) -> uint arithmetic
(double, double) -> double arithmetic
_<=_ (bool, bool) -> bool ordering
(int, int) -> bool ordering
(uint, uint) -> bool ordering
(double, double) -> bool ordering
(string, string) -> bool ordering
(bytes, bytes) -> bool ordering
(google.protobuf.Timestamp, google.protobuf.Timestamp) -> bool ordering
(google.protobuf.Duration, google.protobuf.Duration) -> bool ordering
_<_ (bool, bool) -> bool ordering
(int, int) -> bool ordering
(uint, uint) -> bool ordering
(double, double) -> bool ordering
(string, string) -> bool ordering
(bytes, bytes) -> bool ordering
(google.protobuf.Timestamp, google.protobuf.Timestamp) -> bool ordering
(google.protobuf.Duration, google.protobuf.Duration) -> bool ordering
_==_ (A, A) -> bool equality
_>=_ (bool, bool) -> bool ordering
(int, int) -> bool ordering
(uint, uint) -> bool ordering
(double, double) -> bool ordering
(string, string) -> bool ordering
(bytes, bytes) -> bool ordering
(google.protobuf.Timestamp, google.protobuf.Timestamp) -> bool ordering
(google.protobuf.Duration, google.protobuf.Duration) -> bool ordering
_>_ (bool, bool) -> bool ordering
(int, int) -> bool ordering
(uint, uint) -> bool ordering
(double, double) -> bool ordering
(string, string) -> bool ordering
(bytes, bytes) -> bool ordering
(google.protobuf.Timestamp, google.protobuf.Timestamp) -> bool ordering
(google.protobuf.Duration, google.protobuf.Duration) -> bool ordering
_?_:_ (bool, A, A) -> A The conditional operator. See above for evaluation semantics. Will evaluate the test and only one of the remaining sub-expressions.
_[_] (list(A), int) -> A list indexing. Constant time cost.
(map(A, B), A) -> B map indexing. For string keys, cost is proportional to the size of the map keys times the size of the index string.
in (A, list(A)) -> bool list membership. Time cost proportional to the product of the size of both arguments.
(A, map(A, B)) -> bool map key membership. Time cost proportional to the product of the size of both arguments.
_||_ (bool, bool) -> bool logical or
(bool, ...) -> bool logical or (variadic)
bool type(bool) type denotation
bytes type(bytes) type denotation
(string) -> bytes type conversion
contains string.(string) -> bool Tests whether the string operand contains the substring. Time cost proportional to the product of sizes of the arguments.
double type(double) type denotation
(int) -> double type conversion
(uint) -> double type conversion
(string) -> double type conversion
duration (string) -> google.protobuf.Duration Type conversion. Duration strings should support the following suffixes: "h" (hour), "m" (minute), "s" (second), "ms" (millisecond), "us" (microsecond), and "ns" (nanosecond). Duration strings may be zero, negative, fractional, and/or compound. Examples: "0", "-1.5h", "1m6s"
dyn type(dyn) type denotation
(A) -> dyn type conversion
endsWith string.(string) -> bool Tests whether the string operand ends with the suffix argument. Time cost proportional to the product of the sizes of the arguments.
getDate google.protobuf.Timestamp.() -> int get day of month from the date in UTC, one-based indexing
google.protobuf.Timestamp.(string) -> int get day of month from the date with timezone, one-based indexing
getDayOfMonth google.protobuf.Timestamp.() -> int get day of month from the date in UTC, zero-based indexing
google.protobuf.Timestamp.(string) -> int get day of month from the date with timezone, zero-based indexing
getDayOfWeek google.protobuf.Timestamp.() -> int get day of week from the date in UTC, zero-based, zero for Sunday
google.protobuf.Timestamp.(string) -> int get day of week from the date with timezone, zero-based, zero for Sunday
getDayOfYear google.protobuf.Timestamp.() -> int get day of year from the date in UTC, zero-based indexing
google.protobuf.Timestamp.(string) -> int get day of year from the date with timezone, zero-based indexing
getFullYear google.protobuf.Timestamp.() -> int get year from the date in UTC
google.protobuf.Timestamp.(string) -> int get year from the date with timezone
getHours google.protobuf.Timestamp.() -> int get hours from the date in UTC, 0-23
google.protobuf.Timestamp.(string) -> int get hours from the date with timezone, 0-23
google.protobuf.Duration.() -> int get hours from duration
getMilliseconds google.protobuf.Timestamp.() -> int get milliseconds from the date in UTC, 0-999
google.protobuf.Timestamp.(string) -> int get milliseconds from the date with timezone, 0-999
google.protobuf.Duration.() -> int milliseconds from duration, 0-999
getMinutes google.protobuf.Timestamp.() -> int get minutes from the date in UTC, 0-59
google.protobuf.Timestamp.(string) -> int get minutes from the date with timezone, 0-59
google.protobuf.Duration.() -> int get minutes from duration
getMonth google.protobuf.Timestamp.() -> int get month from the date in UTC, 0-11
google.protobuf.Timestamp.(string) -> int get month from the date with timezone, 0-11
getSeconds google.protobuf.Timestamp.() -> int get seconds from the date in UTC, 0-59
google.protobuf.Timestamp.(string) -> int get seconds from the date with timezone, 0-59
google.protobuf.Duration.() -> int get seconds from duration
int type(int) type denotation
(uint) -> int type conversion
(double) -> int Type conversion. Rounds toward zero, then errors if result is out of range.
(string) -> int type conversion
(enum E) -> int type conversion
(google.protobuf.Timestamp) -> int Convert timestamp to int64 in seconds since Unix epoch.
list type(list(dyn)) type denotation
map type(map(dyn, dyn)) type denotation
matches (string, string) -> bool Matches first argument against regular expression in second argument. Time cost proportional to the product of the sizes of the arguments.
string.(string) -> bool Matches the self argument against regular expression in first argument. Time cost proportional to the product of the sizes of the arguments.
null_type type(null) type denotation
size (string) -> int string length
(bytes) -> int bytes length
(list(A)) -> int list size. Time cost proportional to the length of the list.
(map(A, B)) -> int map size. Time cost proportional to the number of entries.
startsWith string.(string) -> bool Tests whether the string operand starts with the prefix argument. Time cost proportional to the product of the sizes of the arguments.
string type(string) type denotation
(int) -> string type conversion
(uint) -> string type conversion
(double) -> string type conversion
(bytes) -> string type conversion
(timestamp) -> string type conversion, using the same format as timestamp string parsing
(duration) -> string type conversion, using the same format as duration string parsing
timestamp (string) -> google.protobuf.Timestamp Type conversion of strings to timestamps according to RFC3339. Example: "1972-01-01T10:00:20.021-05:00"
type type(dyn) type denotation
(A) -> type(dyn) returns type of value
uint type(uint) type denotation
(int) -> uint type conversion
(double) -> uint Type conversion. Rounds toward zero, then errors if result is out of range.
(string) -> uint type conversion
E (for fully-qualified enumeration E) (int) -> enum E type conversion when in int32 range, otherwise error
(string) -> enum E type conversion for unqualified symbolic name, otherwise error

Appendix 1: Legacy Behavior

Enums as Ints

In many pre-1.0 implementations, protocol buffer enums are all treated as CEL type int, and are legal arguments whenever an int is expected. Int values in the range -2**31 to 2**31 - 1 can be used whenever an enum is expected. Values outside that range will raise an error. There are no standard functions for conversion from strings, and no conversion to int is needed.

type(google.protobuf.Field{}.kind) # was int, now google.protobuf.Field.Kind

Homogeneous Equality

Prior to cel-spec v0.7.0, CEL runtimes only supported homogeneous equality to be consistent with the homogeneous equality defined by the type-checker. The original runtime definition for equality is as follows:

Equality and inequality are homogeneous; comparing values of different runtime
types results in a runtime error. Thus `2 == 3` is false, but `2 == 2.0` is an

For `double`, all not-a-number (`NaN`) values compare equal. This is different
than the usual semantics of floating-point numbers, but it is more consistent
with the usual expectations of reflexivity, and is more compatible with the
usual notions of equality on protocol buffers.