*** v0.7.1 ***
- Add support for SSL option in the Coova Controller. Not usable for now
*** v0.7 ***
- Optimisation of the code
- Rewrite of the terms popup
- Add register capability with an option in the configuration file
*** v0.6 ***
- Complete review of the code and the design
- Default background lighter to improve display time
*** v0.6 ***
- Allow to use parameters to the page to fill username and password (Could be used via QR code)
*** v0.5 ***
- Replace alert by a modal. Alert is not well supported in a portal landing page
*** v0.4 ***
- Use of a configuration file instead of hard coding in portal.js
- Improve errors management and design
*** v0.3 ***
- Issue #5 : Change process to force a reload of the page once the user is connected
- Small compression of the background image to improve load performances (650Ko instead of 1.1Mo)
*** v0.2 ***
- New design
- Management of missing credentials
- Management of errors
- Add functionality to redirect the user once logged in (must be uncommented in the portal.js file)
*** v0.1 ***
- Initial release