Pull requests are welcome here. Please keep the Code of Conduct in mind when contributing.
Please describe the problem or your suggestion as detailed as possible when opening an issue.
Before you commit, please run pre-commit. This will also generate the documentation for the helm charts.
To set up pre-commit to run automatically on commit, run (example for Ubuntu)
# Linux
pip3 install pre-commit
# macOS
brew install pre-commit
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg --hook-type pre-commit
This repository uses Conventional Commit messages. Please ensure all your commit messages follow this syntax to enable people to quickly check what a commit does.
Valid commit types are defined in commitizen/conventional-commit-types.
Helm charts use semantic versioning. For the charts in this repository, only [MAJOR].[MINOR].[PATCH]
syntax is used, without any pre-releases.
Please bump as follows:
- Major version for breaking changes (this includes updates of default values as users may need to manually update their values)
- Minor version when you add features
- Patch version for bug fixes and documentation updates