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XProc Analysis Report

conversion.xpl (version: 1.0.0)

Documentation (194)

Library for data conversion

Steps for standalone data operations and conversion to other formats.

Knihovna pro konverzi dat

Kroky pro samostatné operace s daty a jejich převod do jiných formátů.

Namespaces (7)

prefix string

Steps (5 + 0)

Documentation (194)

Library for data conversion

Steps for standalone data operations and conversion to other formats.

Knihovna pro konverzi dat

Kroky pro samostatné operace s daty a jejich převod do jiných formátů.

lac:convert-conllu-to-tei (converting-conllu-to-tei)

Documentation (174)

Convert CoNLL-U to TEI

Converts CoNLLLu data generated by UDPipe to TEI P5.

Konverze CoNLL-U na TEI

Převede data ve formátu CoNLLLu, který generuje UDPipe, do formátu TEI P5.

Options (2)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source true
output result true

Steps (0 + 6)

Documentation (174)

Convert CoNLL-U to TEI

Converts CoNLLLu data generated by UDPipe to TEI P5.

Konverze CoNLL-U na TEI

Převede data ve formátu CoNLLLu, který generuje UDPipe, do formátu TEI P5.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:variable udpipe-text
select .
4 p:xslt
parameters map{'input': $udpipe-text}
href ../xslt/conversion/conllu-to-xml.xsl
5 p:xslt
href ../xslt/conversion/conllu-xml-to-hierarchy.xsl
6 p:xslt
href ../xslt/conversion/conllu-xml-hierarchy-to-tei.xsl

lac:convert-nametag-xml-to-tei (converting-nametag-xml-to-tei)

Documentation (176)

Convert NameTag XML to TEI

Converts XML data generated by NameTag to TEI P5.

Konverze NameTag XML na TEI

Převede data ve formátu XML, který generuje NameTag, do formátu TEI P5.

Options (2)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source true
output result true

Steps (0 + 4)

Documentation (176)

Convert NameTag XML to TEI

Converts XML data generated by NameTag to TEI P5.

Konverze NameTag XML na TEI

Převede data ve formátu XML, který generuje NameTag, do formátu TEI P5.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:variable udpipe-text
select .
4 p:xslt
href ../xslt/namegtag/nametag-xml-to-tei.xsl


Documentation (224)

Convert DjVu

Prepares script for conversion images from one virtual document in DjVu format to PDF or TIFF.

Konverze DjVu

Připraví skript pro konverzi obrázků z jednoho virtuálního dokumentu ve formátu DjVu do PDF nebo TIFF.

Options (8)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
main-input-directory name = main-input-directory | as = xs:anyURI | required = true
main-output-directory name = main-output-directory | as = xs:anyURI | required = true
output-file name = output-file | as = xs:string | required = true
format name = format | values = ('pdf', 'tiff') | select = 'pdf'
pdfbox-path name = pdfbox-path | as = xs:string | required = true
ddjvu-path name = ddjvu-path | as = xs:string | required = true

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source true
output result true

Steps (0 + 3)

Documentation (224)

Convert DjVu

Prepares script for conversion images from one virtual document in DjVu format to PDF or TIFF.

Konverze DjVu

Připraví skript pro konverzi obrázků z jednoho virtuálního dokumentu ve formátu DjVu do PDF nebo TIFF.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:viewport
match lad:document


Documentation (229)

Convert DjVu item

Prepares script for conversion idividual images from folder in DjVu format to PDF or TIFF.

Konverze jednotlivých DjVu

Připraví skript pro konverzi jednotlivých obrázků ve složce ve formátu DjVu do PDF nebo TIFF.

Options (8)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
input-directory name = input-directory | as = xs:anyURI | required = true
output-directory name = output-directory | as = xs:anyURI | required = true
output-file name = output-file | as = xs:anyURI | required = true
format name = format | values = ('pdf', 'tiff') | select = 'pdf'
pdfbox-path name = pdfbox-path | as = xs:string | required = true
ddjvu-path name = ddjvu-path | as = xs:string | required = true

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source false
output result true

Steps (0 + 10)

Documentation (229)

Convert DjVu item

Prepares script for conversion idividual images from folder in DjVu format to PDF or TIFF.

Konverze jednotlivých DjVu

Připraví skript pro konverzi jednotlivých obrázků ve složce ve formátu DjVu do PDF nebo TIFF.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:directory-list
path {$input-directory}
4 p:for-each
select //c:file
5 p:text-join djvu-conversion

| | 6 | p:identity | | | | | 7 | lac:fix-path | pdf-merge | | | | | | | base-uri | {$base-uri} | | | | | debug-path | {$debug-path} | | 8 | p:text-join | | | | | | | | separator | | | | | | pipe | @djvu-conversion @pdf-merge | | 9 | p:store | | | | | | | | href | {$output-file} | | 10 | p:file-mkdir | | | | | | | | href | {$output-directory} |

lac:fix-path (fixing-path)

Documentation (185)

Fix path

Fixes file path URI to path with backslashes if operating system is Windows.

Úprava cesty

Opraví cestu k souboru na cestu se zpětnými lomítky, pokud je operační systém Windows.

Options (2)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source false
output result true

Steps (0 + 4)

Documentation (185)

Fix path

Fixes file path URI to path with backslashes if operating system is Windows.

Úprava cesty

Opraví cestu k souboru na cestu se zpětnými lomítky, pokud je operační systém Windows.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:file-info
fail-on-error false
href file:///C:/Windows
4 p:if

| | | | p:text-replace | | | | | | test | exists(/c:directory[@name='Windows']) |

enrichment.xpl (version: 1.0.0)

Documentation (178)


The main programming library for enrichment data by external (web) services.


Hlavní programová knihovna pro obohacení dat pomocí externích (webových) služeb.

Namespaces (14)

prefix string

Imports (0)

Steps (5 + 0)

Documentation (178)


The main programming library for enrichment data by external (web) services.


Hlavní programová knihovna pro obohacení dat pomocí externích (webových) služeb.

lae:enrich-data (enriching-data)

Documentation (155)

Enrich available data

Enriches available (textual) data by selected fetures.

Obohacení dostupných dat

Obohatí dostupná (textová) data o vybrané vlastnosti.

Options (6)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
output-directory name = output-directory | required = true | as = xs:string
pause-before-request name = pause-before-request | select = 2 | as = xs:integer
output-format name = output-format | values = ('TEXT', 'TEI') | as = xs:string*
enrichment name = enrichment | values = ('ENTITIES', 'MORPHOLOGY') | as = xs:string*

Ports (5)

direction value primary
input source true
input settings false
input report-in false
output result true
output report false

Steps (0 + 4)

Documentation (155)

Enrich available data

Enriches available (textual) data by selected fetures.

Obohacení dostupných dat

Obohatí dostupná (textová) data o vybrané vlastnosti.

position step name parameter value
1 p:if

| | | | test | $enrichment = 'ENTITIES' | | 2 | p:if | | | | | | | | lae:enrich-by-morphology |


| | | | test | $enrichment = 'MORPHOLOGY' | | 3 | p:if | | | | | | | | lae:convert-to-tei |


| | | | test | $output-format = 'TEI' | | 4 | p:if | | | | | | | | lae:combine-text-pages |


| | | | test | $output-format = 'TEXT' |

lae:enrich-by-entities (enriching-by-entities)

Documentation (144)

Enrich by entities

Enriches available (textual) data by named entities.

Obohacení o entity

Obohatí dostupná (textová) data o pojmenované entity.

Options (3)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
output-directory name = output-directory | required = true | as = xs:string

Ports (5)

direction value primary
input source true
input settings false
input report-in false
output result true
output report false

Steps (0 + 7)

Documentation (144)

Enrich by entities

Enriches available (textual) data by named entities.

Obohacení o entity

Obohatí dostupná (textová) data o pojmenované entity.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:insert report-start
position last-child
pipe report-in@enriching-by-entities
4 p:viewport
pipe source@enriching-by-entities

| | | | match | lad:document | | | | | p:variable | | | 5 | p:namespace-delete | | | | | | | | prefixes | lant xs xhtml | | 6 | p:identity | final | | | | 7 | p:add-attribute | report-final | | | | | | | attribute-name | end | | | | | attribute-value | {current-dateTime()} | | | | | match | lax:step[@type='lae:enrich-by-entities'][not(@end)] | | | | | pipe | result@report-start |

lae:enrich-by-morphology (enriching-by-morphology)

Documentation (186)

Enrich by morphology

Enriches available (textual) data by morphological and syntactic analysis.

Obohacení o entity

Obohatí dostupná (textová) data o morfologickou a syntaktickou analýzu.

Options (3)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
output-directory name = output-directory | required = true | as = xs:string

Ports (5)

direction value primary
input source true
input settings false
input report-in false
output result true
output report false

Steps (0 + 7)

Documentation (186)

Enrich by morphology

Enriches available (textual) data by morphological and syntactic analysis.

Obohacení o entity

Obohatí dostupná (textová) data o morfologickou a syntaktickou analýzu.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:insert report-start
position last-child
pipe report-in@enriching-by-morphology
4 p:viewport
pipe source@enriching-by-morphology

| | | | match | lad:document | | | | | p:variable | | | 5 | p:namespace-delete | | | | | | | | prefixes | laud xs xhtml | | 6 | p:identity | final | | | | 7 | p:add-attribute | report-final | | | | | | | attribute-name | end | | | | | attribute-value | {current-dateTime()} | | | | | match | lax:step[@type='lae:enrich-by-morphology'][not(@end)] | | | | | pipe | result@report-start |

lae:convert-to-tei (converting-to-tei)

Documentation (156)

Convert to TEI

Converts available (enriched textual) data to TEI P5 format.

Konverze do TEI

Zkonvertuje dostupná (obohacená textová) data do formátu TEI P5.

Options (3)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
output-directory name = output-directory | required = true | as = xs:string

Ports (5)

direction value primary
input source true
input settings false
input report-in false
output result true
output report false

Steps (0 + 7)

Documentation (156)

Convert to TEI

Converts available (enriched textual) data to TEI P5 format.

Konverze do TEI

Zkonvertuje dostupná (obohacená textová) data do formátu TEI P5.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:insert report-start
position last-child
pipe report-in@converting-to-tei
4 p:viewport
pipe source@converting-to-tei

| | | | match | lad:document | | | | | p:variable | | | 5 | p:namespace-delete | | | | | | | | prefixes | lat xs xhtml | | 6 | p:identity | final | | | | 7 | p:add-attribute | report-final | | | | | | | attribute-name | end | | | | | attribute-value | {current-dateTime()} | | | | | match | lax:step[@type='lae:enrich-by-entities'][not(@end)] | | | | | pipe | result@report-start |

lae:combine-text-pages (combining-text-pages)

Documentation (140)

Combine text pages

Combines available pages to one document.

Sloučení textových stránek

Sloučí text dostupných stránek do jednoho dokumentu.

Options (3)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
output-directory name = output-directory | required = true | as = xs:string

Ports (5)

direction value primary
input source true
input settings false
input report-in false
output result true
output report false

Steps (0 + 7)

Documentation (140)

Combine text pages

Combines available pages to one document.

Sloučení textových stránek

Sloučí text dostupných stránek do jednoho dokumentu.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:insert report-start
position last-child
pipe report-in@combining-text-pages
4 p:viewport
pipe source@combining-text-pages

| | | | match | lad:document | | | | | p:variable | | | 5 | p:namespace-delete | | | | | | | | prefixes | lat xs xhtml | | 6 | p:identity | final | | | | 7 | p:add-attribute | report-final | | | | | | | attribute-name | end | | | | | attribute-value | {current-dateTime()} | | | | | match | lax:step[@type='lae:enrich-by-entities'][not(@end)] | | | | | pipe | result@report-start |

kramerius-5.xpl (version: 1.0.0)

Documentation (166)

Kramerius 5

Programming library for communication with the system Kramerius, version 5.

Kramerius 5

Programová knihovna pro komunikaci se systémem Kramerius, verze 5.

Namespaces (10)

prefix string

Options (0)

name properties

Steps (7 + 0)

Documentation (166)

Kramerius 5

Programming library for communication with the system Kramerius, version 5.

Kramerius 5

Programová knihovna pro komunikaci se systémem Kramerius, verze 5.

lax:get-virtual-document-metadata-v5 (getting-virtual-document-metadata)

Documentation (495)

Get virtual document metadata

Gathers all requested metadata about the publication. Creates the content of the virtual document with links to all requested resources.

Enhance input data by adding requested resources on the document and page level.

Získání metadat virtuálního dokumentu

Shromáždí všechna požadovaná metadata o publikaci. Vytvoří strukturu virutálního dokumentu s odkazy na všechny požadované zdroje.

Obohatí vstupní data přidáním požadovaných zdrojů na úrovni dokumentu a strany.

Options (2)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source true
output result true

Steps (0 + 16)

Documentation (495)

Get virtual document metadata

Gathers all requested metadata about the publication. Creates the content of the virtual document with links to all requested resources.

Enhance input data by adding requested resources on the document and page level.

Získání metadat virtuálního dokumentu

Shromáždí všechna požadovaná metadata o publikaci. Vytvoří strukturu virutálního dokumentu s odkazy na všechny požadované zdroje.

Obohatí vstupní data přidáním požadovaných zdrojů na úrovni dokumentu a strany.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:variable base-url
select /lad:document/lad:options/@base-url
4 p:variable id
select /lad:document/@id
5 p:variable guid
select substring-after(/lad:document/@id, ':')
6 p:variable url
select concat($base-url, '/item/', $id, '/children')
7 p:insert
match /lad:document
position last-child
8 p:identity document-with-resources
9 lax:get-virtual-document-pages
base-uri {$base-uri}
debug-path {$debug-path}
document-id {$guid}
url {$url}
10 lax:get-available-formats
base-uri {$base-uri}
base-url {$base-url}
debug-path {$debug-path}
11 lax:get-source-url
base-uri {$base-uri}
base-url {$base-url}
debug-path {$debug-path}
12 p:identity pages
13 p:if
test $debug
14 p:insert
pipe result@pages
match /lad:document
position last-child
pipe result@document-with-resources
15 p:viewport
match lad:page

| 16 | p:if | | | | | | | | p:store | | | | | | test | $debug |

lax:get-virtual-document-data-v5 (getting-virtual-document-data)

Documentation (490)

Get virtual document data

Gathers all requested data about the publication. Downloads the content (files) of the virtual document from external targets.

Saves data to the disk and enhance input data by adding info about local path of the requested resources.

Získání dat virtuálního dokumentu

Shromáždí všechna požadovaná data publikace. Stáhne obsah (soubory) virutálního dokumentu z externích odkazů.

Uloží data na disk a obohatí vstupní data přidáním informace o lokálním uložení zdrojů.

Options (2)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source true
output result true

Steps (0 + 3)

Documentation (490)

Get virtual document data

Gathers all requested data about the publication. Downloads the content (files) of the virtual document from external targets.

Saves data to the disk and enhance input data by adding info about local path of the requested resources.

Získání dat virtuálního dokumentu

Shromáždí všechna požadovaná data publikace. Stáhne obsah (soubory) virutálního dokumentu z externích odkazů.

Uloží data na disk a obohatí vstupní data přidáním informace o lokálním uložení zdrojů.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:insert
position last-child


Documentation (331)

Get virtual document pages

Creates element for each page of the document that contains basic data: identifier, type and (page) number.

Returns element lad:pages.

Získání stránek virtuálního dokumentu

Pro každou stránku dokumentu vytvoří element se základními údaji: identifikátor, typ a číslo (strany).

Vrací element lad:pages.

Options (4)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
url name = url | as = xs:string
document-id name = document-id | as = xs:string

Ports (1)

direction value primary
output result true

Steps (0 + 5)

Documentation (331)

Get virtual document pages

Creates element for each page of the document that contains basic data: identifier, type and (page) number.

Returns element lad:pages.

Získání stránek virtuálního dokumentu

Pro každou stránku dokumentu vytvoří element se základními údaji: identifikátor, typ a číslo (strany).

Vrací element lad:pages.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:http-request
href {$url}
method GET
4 p:if
test $debug
5 lax:pages-convert-json-to-xml
base-uri {$base-uri}
debug-path {$debug-path}


Documentation (387)

Pages: convert JSON to XML

Converts from JSON to XML data about the document page. Creates element for the page with basic data: identifier, type and (page) number.

Returns lad:page element.

Strany: konverze JSONu na XML

Zkonvertuje údje o stránce z JSONu do XML. Vytvoří element pro stránku dokumentu se základními údaji: identifikátor, typ a číslo (strany).

Vrací element lad:page.

Options (2)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source true
output result true

Steps (0 + 4)

Documentation (387)

Pages: convert JSON to XML

Converts from JSON to XML data about the document page. Creates element for the page with basic data: identifier, type and (page) number.

Returns lad:page element.

Strany: konverze JSONu na XML

Zkonvertuje údje o stránce z JSONu do XML. Vytvoří element pro stránku dokumentu se základními údaji: identifikátor, typ a číslo (strany).

Vrací element lad:page.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:for-each
select .?*
4 p:wrap-sequence
wrapper lad:pages

lax:get-source-url (getting-source-url)

Documentation (371)

Get source URL

For a resource associated with a page, builds a URL from the base URL, API version, document identifier, etc.

Creates @url attribute for the lad:page element.

Sestavení URL zdroje

Pro zdroj přiřazený ke stránce sestaví adresu URL ze základní adresy URL, verze rozhraní API, identifikátoru dokumentu apod.

Vytvoří atribut @url v rámci elementu lad:page.

Options (3)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
base-url name = base-url | as = xs:anyURI

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source true
output result true

Steps (0 + 4)

Documentation (371)

Get source URL

For a resource associated with a page, builds a URL from the base URL, API version, document identifier, etc.

Creates @url attribute for the lad:page element.

Sestavení URL zdroje

Pro zdroj přiřazený ke stránce sestaví adresu URL ze základní adresy URL, verze rozhraní API, identifikátoru dokumentu apod.

Vytvoří atribut @url v rámci elementu lad:page.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:viewport
match lad:page

| | | | p:if |


| | | | p:if |


| | | | p:if |


| | | | p:if |


| | | | p:if |


| 4 | p:viewport | | | | | | | | match | lad:page | | | | | p:variable | | | | | | p:viewport |


lax:get-available-formats (getting-available-formats)

Documentation (378)

Get available formats

Selects one page from the middle of the document and checks which resources are available on-line.

For each requested adds @available attribute.

Zjištění dostupných formátů

Pro stránku zprostředka publikace zjistí, které všechny zdroje jsou dostupné on-line.

Pro každý požadovaný zdroj vytvoří atribut @available v rámci elementu lad:resource.

Options (3)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
base-url name = base-url | as = xs:anyURI

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source true
output result true

Steps (0 + 19)

Documentation (378)

Get available formats

Selects one page from the middle of the document and checks which resources are available on-line.

For each requested adds @available attribute.

Zjištění dostupných formátů

Pro stránku zprostředka publikace zjistí, které všechny zdroje jsou dostupné on-line.

Pro každý požadovaný zdroj vytvoří atribut @available v rámci elementu lad:resource.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable size
as xs:integer
select count(/lad:pages/lad:page)
2 p:variable page
select /lad:pages/lad:page[xs:integer($size div 2)]
3 p:variable url
select concat($base-url, '/item/', $page/@id)
4 p:variable alto-url
select concat($url, $url-fragments?alto)
5 p:variable text-url
select concat($url, $url-fragments?text)
6 p:variable dc-url
select concat($url, $url-fragments?dc)
7 p:variable foxml-url
select concat($url, $url-fragments?foxml)
8 p:variable mods-url
select concat($url, $url-fragments?mods)
9 p:variable image-url
select concat($url, $url-fragments?image)
10 lax:get-available-format
base-uri {$base-uri}
debug-path {$debug-path}
format alto
select $page
url {$alto-url}
11 lax:get-available-format
base-uri {$base-uri}
debug-path {$debug-path}
format text
url {$text-url}
12 lax:get-available-format
base-uri {$base-uri}
debug-path {$debug-path}
format dc
url {$dc-url}
13 lax:get-available-format
base-uri {$base-uri}
debug-path {$debug-path}
format foxml
url {$foxml-url}
14 lax:get-available-format
base-uri {$base-uri}
debug-path {$debug-path}
format mods
url {$mods-url}
15 lax:get-available-format
base-uri {$base-uri}
debug-path {$debug-path}
format image
url {$image-url}
16 p:identity page-with-formats
17 p:variable page-formats
select /*
18 p:insert
select /lad:page/lad:resource
pipe result@page-with-formats
match lad:page
position first-child
pipe source@getting-available-formats
19 p:namespace-delete
prefixes array

lax:get-available-format (getting-available-format)

Documentation (247)

Get available format

Checks if the resource is available on-line.

Returns with the @available attribute.

Zjištění dostupnosti formátu

Zjistí, zda je požadovaný zdroj dostupný on-line.

Vrací element lad:resource s atributem @available.

Options (4)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
url name = url | as = xs:anyURI | required = true
format name = format | as = xs:string | required = true

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source true
output result true

Steps (0 + 6)

Documentation (247)

Get available format

Checks if the resource is available on-line.

Returns with the @available attribute.

Zjištění dostupnosti formátu

Zjistí, zda je požadovaný zdroj dostupný on-line.

Vrací element lad:resource s atributem @available.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:http-request request
href {$url}
parameters map{'status-only' : true(), 'follow-redirect' : 3 }
4 p:variable available
pipe report@request
select .?status-code = (200, 307, 301)
5 p:add-attribute
attribute-name {$format}
attribute-value {$available}
pipe source@getting-available-format
6 p:insert
match lad:page
position first-child

kramerius-7.xpl (version: 1.0.0)

Documentation (166)

Kramerius 7

Programming library for communication with the Kramerius system, version 7.

Kramerius 7

Programová knihovna pro komunikaci se systémem Kramerius, verze 7.

Namespaces (10)

prefix string

Steps (7 + 0)

Documentation (166)

Kramerius 7

Programming library for communication with the Kramerius system, version 7.

Kramerius 7

Programová knihovna pro komunikaci se systémem Kramerius, verze 7.

lax:get-virtual-document-metadata-v7 (getting-virtual-document-metadata)

Documentation (495)

Get virtual document metadata

Gathers all requested metadata about the publication. Creates the content of the virtual document with links to all requested resources.

Enhance input data by adding requested resources on the document and page level.

Získání metadat virtuálního dokumentu

Shromáždí všechna požadovaná metadata o publikaci. Vytvoří strukturu virutálního dokumentu s odkazy na všechny požadované zdroje.

Obohatí vstupní data přidáním požadovaných zdrojů na úrovni dokumentu a strany.

Options (2)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source true
output result true

Steps (0 + 27)

Documentation (495)

Get virtual document metadata

Gathers all requested metadata about the publication. Creates the content of the virtual document with links to all requested resources.

Enhance input data by adding requested resources on the document and page level.

Získání metadat virtuálního dokumentu

Shromáždí všechna požadovaná metadata o publikaci. Vytvoří strukturu virutálního dokumentu s odkazy na všechny požadované zdroje.

Obohatí vstupní data přidáním požadovaných zdrojů na úrovni dokumentu a strany.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:variable resources
select /lad:document/las:api/las:resource
4 p:variable library
select /lad:document/las:library
5 p:variable base-url
select /lad:document/lad:options/@base-url
6 p:variable id
select replace(/lad:document/@id, ':', '%3A')
7 p:variable guid
select substring-after(/lad:document/@id, ':')
8 p:variable url
select concat($base-url, '/search/api/client/v7.0/search?fl=pid,page.number,page.type&sort=rels_ext_index.sort%20asc&rows=4000&start=0&', '%22', $id, '%22')
9 p:variable mods-url
select $resources[@type='MODS']/@url ! replace(., '{pid}', $id)
10 p:variable dc-url
select $resources[@type='DC']/@url ! replace(., '{pid}', $id)
11 p:variable foxml-url
select $resources[@type='FOXML']/@url ! replace(., '{pid}', $id)
12 p:insert
match /lad:document
position last-child
13 p:if
test $debug
14 p:identity document-with-resources
15 lax:get-virtual-document-pages-v7
base-uri {$base-uri}
debug-path {$debug-path}
document-id {$guid}
library-code {$library/@code}
url {$url}
16 p:if
test $debug
17 p:identity virutal-pages
18 p:insert
pipe result@virutal-pages
match lad:document
position last-child
pipe result@document-with-resources
19 p:if
test $debug
20 lax:get-available-formats-v7
base-uri {$base-uri}
base-url {$base-url}
debug-path {$debug-path}
21 p:if
test $debug
22 lax:get-source-url-v7
base-uri {$base-uri}
debug-path {$debug-path}
23 p:namespace-delete
prefixes lax xlog array xs map xhtml
24 p:if
test $debug
25 p:viewport
match lad:page

| 26 | p:if | | | | | | | | p:store | | | | | | test | $debug | | 27 | p:insert | | | | | | | | select | /lad:pages | | | | | pipe | result@pages | | | | | match | /lad:document | | | | | position | last-child | | | | | pipe | result@document-with-resources | | | | | use-when | false() |

lax:get-virtual-document-data-v7 (getting-virtual-document-data)

Documentation (490)

Get virtual document data

Gathers all requested data about the publication. Downloads the content (files) of the virtual document from external targets.

Saves data to the disk and enhance input data by adding info about local path of the requested resources.

Získání dat virtuálního dokumentu

Shromáždí všechna požadovaná data publikace. Stáhne obsah (soubory) virutálního dokumentu z externích odkazů.

Uloží data na disk a obohatí vstupní data přidáním informace o lokálním uložení zdrojů.

Options (2)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source true
output result true

Steps (0 + 6)

Documentation (490)

Get virtual document data

Gathers all requested data about the publication. Downloads the content (files) of the virtual document from external targets.

Saves data to the disk and enhance input data by adding info about local path of the requested resources.

Získání dat virtuálního dokumentu

Shromáždí všechna požadovaná data publikace. Stáhne obsah (soubory) virutálního dokumentu z externích odkazů.

Uloží data na disk a obohatí vstupní data přidáním informace o lokálním uložení zdrojů.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:variable base-url
select /lad:document/lad:options/@base-url
4 p:variable id
select /lad:document/@id
5 p:variable guid
select substring-after(/lad:document/@id, ':')
6 p:variable url
select concat($base-url, '/item/', $id, '/children')


Documentation (331)

Get virtual document pages

Creates element for each page of the document that contains basic data: identifier, type and (page) number.

Returns element lad:pages.

Získání stránek virtuálního dokumentu

Pro každou stránku dokumentu vytvoří element se základními údaji: identifikátor, typ a číslo (strany).

Vrací element lad:pages.

Options (5)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
url name = url | as = xs:string | required = true
document-id name = document-id | as = xs:string | required = true
library-code name = library-code | as = xs:string | required = true

Ports (1)

direction value primary
output result true

Steps (0 + 3)

Documentation (331)

Get virtual document pages

Creates element for each page of the document that contains basic data: identifier, type and (page) number.

Returns element lad:pages.

Získání stránek virtuálního dokumentu

Pro každou stránku dokumentu vytvoří element se základními údaji: identifikátor, typ a číslo (strany).

Vrací element lad:pages.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:try

| | | | p:group |



Documentation (387)

Pages: convert JSON to XML

Converts from JSON to XML data about the document page. Creates element for the page with basic data: identifier, type and (page) number.

Returns lad:page element.

Strany: konverze JSONu na XML

Zkonvertuje údje o stránce z JSONu do XML. Vytvoří element pro stránku dokumentu se základními údaji: identifikátor, typ a číslo (strany).

Vrací element lad:page.

Options (2)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source true
output result true

Steps (0 + 4)

Documentation (387)

Pages: convert JSON to XML

Converts from JSON to XML data about the document page. Creates element for the page with basic data: identifier, type and (page) number.

Returns lad:page element.

Strany: konverze JSONu na XML

Zkonvertuje údje o stránce z JSONu do XML. Vytvoří element pro stránku dokumentu se základními údaji: identifikátor, typ a číslo (strany).

Vrací element lad:page.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:for-each
select .?response?docs?*
4 p:wrap-sequence
wrapper lad:pages


Documentation (371)

Get source URL

For a resource associated with a page, builds a URL from the base URL, API version, document identifier, etc.

Creates @url attribute for the lad:page element.

Sestavení URL zdroje

Pro zdroj přiřazený ke stránce sestaví adresu URL ze základní adresy URL, verze rozhraní API, identifikátoru dokumentu apod.

Vytvoří atribut @url v rámci elementu lad:page.

Options (2)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source true
output result true

Steps (0 + 5)

Documentation (371)

Get source URL

For a resource associated with a page, builds a URL from the base URL, API version, document identifier, etc.

Creates @url attribute for the lad:page element.

Sestavení URL zdroje

Pro zdroj přiřazený ke stránce sestaví adresu URL ze základní adresy URL, verze rozhraní API, identifikátoru dokumentu apod.

Vytvoří atribut @url v rámci elementu lad:page.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:variable options
select /lad:document/lad:options
4 p:variable resources
select /lad:document/las:api/las:resource
5 p:viewport
match lad:page

lax:get-available-formats-v7 (getting-available-formats)

Documentation (378)

Get available formats

Selects one page from the middle of the document and checks which resources are available on-line.

For each requested adds @available attribute.

Zjištění dostupných formátů

Pro stránku zprostředka publikace zjistí, které všechny zdroje jsou dostupné on-line.

Pro každý požadovaný zdroj vytvoří atribut @available v rámci elementu lad:resource.

Options (3)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
base-url name = base-url | as = xs:anyURI

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source true
output result true

Steps (0 + 7)

Documentation (378)

Get available formats

Selects one page from the middle of the document and checks which resources are available on-line.

For each requested adds @available attribute.

Zjištění dostupných formátů

Pro stránku zprostředka publikace zjistí, které všechny zdroje jsou dostupné on-line.

Pro každý požadovaný zdroj vytvoří atribut @available v rámci elementu lad:resource.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable size
as xs:integer
select count(/lad:document/lad:pages/lad:page)
2 p:variable page
select /lad:document/lad:pages/lad:page[xs:integer($size div 2)]
3 p:variable options
select /lad:document/lad:options
4 p:variable resources
select /lad:document/las:api/las:resource[tokenize(@level) = 'page'][@type=tokenize($options/@page-resources)]
5 p:for-each
select $resources
6 p:insert
pipe result@available-resources
match lad:page
position first-child
pipe source@getting-available-formats
7 p:namespace-delete
prefixes array

lax:get-available-format-v7 (getting-available-format)

Documentation (247)

Get available format

Checks if the resource is available on-line.

Returns with the @available attribute.

Zjištění dostupnosti formátu

Zjistí, zda je požadovaný zdroj dostupný on-line.

Vrací element lad:resource s atributem @available.

Options (4)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
url name = url | as = xs:anyURI | required = true
format name = format | as = xs:string | required = true

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source true
output result true

Steps (0 + 7)

Documentation (247)

Get available format

Checks if the resource is available on-line.

Returns with the @available attribute.

Zjištění dostupnosti formátu

Zjistí, zda je požadovaný zdroj dostupný on-line.

Vrací element lad:resource s atributem @available.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:http-request request
assert .?status-code lt 500
href {$url}
parameters map{'status-only' : true(), 'follow-redirect' : 3 }
4 p:variable available
pipe report@request
select .?status-code = (200, 307, 301)
5 p:add-attribute
attribute-name {$format}
attribute-value {$available}
pipe source@getting-available-format
6 p:insert
match lad:page
position first-child
use-when false()
7 p:identity

libri-augmentati.xpl (version: 1.0.0)

Documentation (199)

Libri augmentati

The main programming library for digital library data retrieval and enrichment.

Libri augmentati

Hlavní programová knihovna pro získání dat z digitálních knihoven a jejich obohacení.

Namespaces (18)

prefix string

Imports (0)

Options (0)

name properties

Steps (10 + 0)

Documentation (199)

Libri augmentati

The main programming library for digital library data retrieval and enrichment.

Libri augmentati

Hlavní programová knihovna pro získání dat z digitálních knihoven a jejich obohacení.

lax:build-virtual-document (building-virtual-document)

Documentation (321)

Build virtual document

Gathers all requested metadata about the publication. Creates the content of the virtual document with links to all requested resources.

Sestavení virtuálního dokumentu

Shromáždí všechna požadovaná metadata o publikaci. Vytvoří strukturu virutálního dokumentu s odkazy na všechny požadované zdroje.

Options (7)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
library-code name = library-code | as = xs:string | required = true
api-version name = api-version | as = xs:string?
system name = system | as = xs:string? | values = ('Kramerius', 'Polona') | required = false
document-resources name = document-resources | as = xs:token*
page-resources name = page-resources | as = xs:token*

Ports (5)

direction value primary
input source true
input settings false
input report-in false
output result true
output report false

Steps (0 + 8)

Documentation (321)

Build virtual document

Gathers all requested metadata about the publication. Creates the content of the virtual document with links to all requested resources.

Sestavení virtuálního dokumentu

Shromáždí všechna požadovaná metadata o publikaci. Vytvoří strukturu virutálního dokumentu s odkazy na všechny požadované zdroje.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:variable library
pipe settings@building-virtual-document
select /las:digital-libraries/las:libraries/las:library[@code=$library-code]
4 p:variable apis
pipe settings@building-virtual-document
select /las:digital-libraries/las:apis/las:api
5 p:variable api
select let $lib-apis := $apis[@xml:id =$library/las:api/@ref/substring-after(., '#')] return if(exists($api-version)) then $lib-apis[@version=$api-version] else $lib-apis[1]
6 p:variable base-url
select $library/las:api[@ref=concat('#', $api/@xml:id)]/@url
7 p:identity options
8 p:for-each
select /lad:documents/lad:document
pipe source@building-virtual-document

lax:get-virtual-document-metadata (getting-virtual-document-metadata)

Documentation (506)

Get virtual document metadata

Gathers all requested metadata about the publication. Downloads the content (files) of the virtual document from external targets.

Saves data to the disk and enhance input data by adding info about local path of the requested resources.

Získání metadat virtuálního dokumentu

Shromáždí všechna požadovaná metadata publikace. Stáhne obsah (soubory) virutálního dokumentu z externích odkazů.

Uloží data na disk a obohatí vstupní data přidáním informace o lokálním uložení zdrojů.

Options (2)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()

Ports (4)

direction value primary
input source true
input report-in false
output result true
output report false

Steps (0 + 9)

Documentation (506)

Get virtual document metadata

Gathers all requested metadata about the publication. Downloads the content (files) of the virtual document from external targets.

Saves data to the disk and enhance input data by adding info about local path of the requested resources.

Získání metadat virtuálního dokumentu

Shromáždí všechna požadovaná metadata publikace. Stáhne obsah (soubory) virutálního dokumentu z externích odkazů.

Uloží data na disk a obohatí vstupní data přidáním informace o lokálním uložení zdrojů.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:variable api-version
select /lad:document/lad:options/@api-version
4 p:variable system
select /lad:document/lad:options/@system
5 p:variable library-code
select /lad:document/las:library/@code
6 p:variable library
select /lad:document/las:library
7 p:choose
8 p:namespace-delete
prefixes c xs map mox array
9 p:if
test $debug

lax:download-document-data (downloading-document-data)

Documentation (511)

Download document data

Gathers all requested data and metadata about the publication. Downloads the content (files) of the virtual document from external targets.

Saves data to the disk and enhance input data by adding info about local path of the requested resources.

Stažení dat virtuálního dokumentu

Shromáždí všechna požadovaná data a metadata publikace. Stáhne obsah (soubory) virutálního dokumentu z externích odkazů.

Uloží data na disk a obohatí vstupní data přidáním informace o lokálním uložení zdrojů.

Options (4)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
output-directory name = output-directory | required = true | as = xs:string
pause-before-request name = pause-before-request | select = 2 | as = xs:integer

Ports (4)

direction value primary
input source true
input report-in false
output result true
output report false

Steps (0 + 2)

Documentation (511)

Download document data

Gathers all requested data and metadata about the publication. Downloads the content (files) of the virtual document from external targets.

Saves data to the disk and enhance input data by adding info about local path of the requested resources.

Stažení dat virtuálního dokumentu

Shromáždí všechna požadovaná data a metadata publikace. Stáhne obsah (soubory) virutálního dokumentu z externích odkazů.

Uloží data na disk a obohatí vstupní data přidáním informace o lokálním uložení zdrojů.

position step name parameter value
1 p:viewport
match lad:document

| | | | p:viewport |


| 2 | p:viewport | | | | | | | | match | lad:document | | | | | p:if |


| | | | p:if |


| | | | p:variable | | | | | | p:variable | | | | | | p:variable | | | | | | p:variable | | | | | | p:variable | | | | | | p:variable | |


Documentation (398)

Download document resources

Downloads the content (files) of the document-related resources from external targets.

Saves data to the disk and enhance input data by adding info about local path of the requested resources.

Stažení zdrojů dokumentu

Stáhne obsah (soubory) virutálního dokumentu z externích odkazů.

Uloží data na disk a obohatí vstupní data přidáním informace o lokálním uložení zdrojů.

Options (6)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
output-directory name = output-directory | required = true | as = xs:string
position name = position | required = true
type name = type | required = true | as = xs:string
pause-before-request name = pause-before-request | required = true | as = xs:integer

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source true
output result true

Steps (0 + 4)

Documentation (398)

Download document resources

Downloads the content (files) of the document-related resources from external targets.

Saves data to the disk and enhance input data by adding info about local path of the requested resources.

Stažení zdrojů dokumentu

Stáhne obsah (soubory) virutálního dokumentu z externích odkazů.

Uloží data na disk a obohatí vstupní data přidáním informace o lokálním uložení zdrojů.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:variable output-directory-uri
select resolve-uri($output-directory, $base-uri)
4 p:viewport

| | | | match | lad:resource | | | | | p:if |


| | | | p:set-attributes | | | | | | p:variable | | | | | | p:variable | | | | | | p:variable | | | | | | p:variable | | | | | | p:variable | | | | | | p:variable | | | | | | p:variable | | | | | | p:variable | |

lax:check-local-file-exists (checking-local-file-exists)

Documentation (164)

Check local file exists

Checks if the file is stored on the local computer.

Zjištění existence místního souboru

Zjistí, jestli je soubor stažen na místním počítači.

Options (2)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source true
output result true

Steps (0 + 6)

Documentation (164)

Check local file exists

Checks if the file is stored on the local computer.

Zjištění existence místního souboru

Zjistí, jestli je soubor stažen na místním počítači.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:variable local-path
select /*/@local-uri
4 p:file-info
fail-on-error false
href {$local-path}
5 p:variable file-exists
select exists(/c:file)
6 p:add-attribute
attribute-name local-file-exists
attribute-value {$file-exists}
pipe source@checking-local-file-exists


Documentation (147)

Download document data items

Downloads all data of the virtual document.

Stáhnout všechna data dokumentu

Stáhne všechna data virtuálního dokumentu.

Options (5)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
output-directory name = output-directory | required = true
type name = type | required = true | as = xs:string
pause-before-request name = pause-before-request | required = true | as = xs:integer

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source true
output result true

Steps (0 + 1)

Documentation (147)

Download document data items

Downloads all data of the virtual document.

Stáhnout všechna data dokumentu

Stáhne všechna data virtuálního dokumentu.

position step name parameter value
1 p:for-each
select .


Documentation (102)

Download document

Downloads one document from the web.

Stáhnout dokument

Stáhne z webu jeden dokument.

Options (5)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
url name = url | as = xs:anyURI
local-path name = local-path | as = xs:string
pause-before-request name = pause-before-request | required = true | as = xs:integer

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source false
output result true

Steps (0 + 3)

Documentation (102)

Download document

Downloads one document from the web.

Stáhnout dokument

Stáhne z webu jeden dokument.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable content-type
select if(ends-with($url, '.txt')) then 'text/plain' else if(ends-with($url, '.djvu')) then 'image/vnd.djvu' else '/'
2 p:variable local-path-uri
select resolve-uri($local-path, $base-uri)
3 p:try
  File {$url} not downloaded


| | | | p:catch |

  File {$url} not downloaded


| | | | p:http-request | | | | | | p:store | |

lax:enrich-document-data (enriching-document-data)

Documentation (208)

Enrich document data

Enriches available (textual) data of the digital book by available services.

Obohacení dat dokumentu

Obohatí dostupná dostupná (textová) data digitální publikací pomocí dostupných služeb.

Options (6)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
output-directory name = output-directory | required = true | as = xs:string
pause-before-request name = pause-before-request | select = 2 | as = xs:integer
output-format name = output-format | values = ('TEXT', 'TEI') | as = xs:string*
enrichment name = enrichment | values = ('ENTITIES', 'MORPHOLOGY') | as = xs:string*

Ports (5)

direction value primary
input source true
input settings false
input report-in false
output result true
output report false

Steps (0 + 2)

Documentation (208)

Enrich document data

Enriches available (textual) data of the digital book by available services.

Obohacení dat dokumentu

Obohatí dostupná dostupná (textová) data digitální publikací pomocí dostupných služeb.

position step name parameter value
1 p:viewport
match lad:document

| | | | use-when | false() | | 2 | lae:enrich-data | | | | | | | | base-uri | {$base-uri} | | | | | debug-path | {$debug-path} | | | | | enrichment | $enrichment | | | | | output-directory | {$output-directory} | | | | | output-format | $output-format | | | | | pipe | report-in@enriching-document-data | | | | | pipe | settings@enriching-document-data |

lax:create-report (creating-report)

Documentation (162)

Create report

Creates report with links to original, downloaded and enriched data.

Vytvořit přehled

Vytvoří přehled s odkazy na původní, stažená a obohacená data.

Options (3)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
output-directory name = output-directory | select = () | as = xs:string?

Ports (3)

direction value primary
input source true
output result true
output result-uri false

Steps (0 + 5)

Documentation (162)

Create report

Creates report with links to original, downloaded and enriched data.

Vytvořit přehled

Vytvoří přehled s odkazy na původní, stažená a obohacená data.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:variable save-output
select $output-directory || '' ne ''
4 p:variable output-directory-uri
select resolve-uri($output-directory, $base-uri)
5 p:for-each
select /*


Documentation (215)

Get document id

Gets nickname or id of the document (without leading 'uuid:') in plain text.

Získat id dokumentu

Získá uživatelské jméno nedo identifikátor dokumentu (bez úvodního 'uuid:') ve formátu prostého textu.

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source false
output result true

Steps (0 + 1)

Documentation (215)

Get document id

Gets nickname or id of the document (without leading 'uuid:') in plain text.

Získat id dokumentu

Získá uživatelské jméno nedo identifikátor dokumentu (bez úvodního 'uuid:') ve formátu prostého textu.

position step name parameter value
1 p:identity

nametag.xpl (version: 1.0.0)

Documentation (189)

Library for NameTag data processing

Steps for standalone operations with NameTag service and data.

Kihovna pro zpracování dat NameTag

Kroky pro samostatné operace se službou a daty NameTag.

Namespaces (7)

prefix string

Steps (3 + 0)

Documentation (189)

Library for NameTag data processing

Steps for standalone operations with NameTag service and data.

Kihovna pro zpracování dat NameTag

Kroky pro samostatné operace se službou a daty NameTag.

lant:get-nametag-analysis (getting-nametag-analysis)

Documentation (264)

Get NameTag analysis

It calls the REST API of the NameTag service, passes it the text to recognize, and returns the result in JSON format.

Analýza textu NameTagem

Zavolá rozhraní REST API služby NameTag, předá jí text k rozpoznání a vrátí výsledek ve formátu JSON.

Options (2)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()

Ports (5)

direction value primary
input source true
input settings false
input report-in false
output result true
output report false

Steps (0 + 11)

Documentation (264)

Get NameTag analysis

It calls the REST API of the NameTag service, passes it the text to recognize, and returns the result in JSON format.

Analýza textu NameTagem

Zavolá rozhraní REST API služby NameTag, předá jí text k rozpoznání a vrátí výsledek ve formátu JSON.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:variable service
pipe settings@getting-nametag-analysis
select //las:service[@code='nametag']
4 p:variable service-url
 URL of the REST service.

 URL RESTové služby.


| | | | select | $service/las:api/@url | | 5 | p:variable | api-id | | | | | | | p:documentation |

 Identifier of the REST service.

 Identifikátor RESTové služby.


| | | | select | substring-after($service/las:api/@ref, '#') | | 6 | p:variable | feature | | | | | | | pipe | settings@getting-nametag-analysis | | | | | select | //las:api[@xml:id=$api-id]/las:feature[@type='entities'][@method='post'] | | 7 | p:variable | step-url | | | | | | | select | concat($service-url, $feature/@url) | | 8 | p:variable | full-text | | | | | | | select | . | | 9 | p:http-request | | | | | | | | href | {$step-url} | | | | | method | 'POST' | | | | | p:documentation |

 Calling the NameTag service API using the POST method. The input parameter to the service is plain text, encoded for the URI.

 Volání API služby NameTag pomocí metodyPOST. Jako vstupní parametr služby se předává prostý text, kódovaný pro URI.


| 10 | p:identity | final | | | | 11 | p:if | | | | | | | | p:store | | | | | | test | $debug |


Documentation (196)

Convert NameTag analysis to XML

Converts the analysis output in JSON format to an XML document.

Konverze analýzy NameTagem do XML

Převede výstup analýzy ve formátu JSON na dokument ve formátu XML.

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source true
output result true

Steps (0 + 5)

Documentation (196)

Convert NameTag analysis to XML

Converts the analysis output in JSON format to an XML document.

Konverze analýzy NameTagem do XML

Převede výstup analýzy ve formátu JSON na dokument ve formátu XML.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable model
select normalize-space(.?model)
2 p:cast-content-type
content-type application/xml
select .?result
3 p:xslt
href ../xslt/nametag/nametag-json-to-xml-text.xsl
version 3.0
4 p:cast-content-type
content-type application/xml
5 p:choose

lant:get-nametag-analyses (getting-nametag-analyses)

Documentation (375)

Get NameTag analyses

For each page of the virtual document, it gets its text, sends it to the REST interface of the NameTag service, converts the result to XML format and stores it in a folder.

Analýzy textu NameTagem

Pro každou stránku virtuálního dokumentu získá její text, odešle ho na RESTové rozhraní služby NameTag, výsledek konvertuje do formátu XML a uloží do složky.

Options (3)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
output-directory name = output-directory | required = true | as = xs:string

Ports (5)

direction value primary
input source true
input settings false
input report-in false
output result true
output report false

Steps (0 + 10)

Documentation (375)

Get NameTag analyses

For each page of the virtual document, it gets its text, sends it to the REST interface of the NameTag service, converts the result to XML format and stores it in a folder.

Analýzy textu NameTagem

Pro každou stránku virtuálního dokumentu získá její text, odešle ho na RESTové rozhraní služby NameTag, výsledek konvertuje do formátu XML a uloží do složky.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:variable result-directory-path
 The folder where downloaded documents are saved. The path to the folder can be absolute or relative.

 Složka, do níž se uloží stažené dokumenty. Cesta ke složce může být absolutní i relativní.


| | | | select | concat($output-directory, '/nametag') | | 4 | p:variable | result-directory-uri | | | | | | | select | resolve-uri($result-directory-path, $base-uri) | | 5 | p:if | | | | | | | | p:store |


| | | | test | $debug | | 6 | p:viewport | | | | | | | | match | lad:pages/lad:page/lad:resource[@type='text'][@local-file-exists='true'] | | | | | p:if |


| | | | p:variable | | | | | | use-when | true() | | 7 | p:identity | final | | | | 8 | p:if | | | | | | | | p:store | | | | | | test | $debug | | 9 | p:identity | metadata | | | | 10 | p:insert | final-report | | | | | | | pipe | @metadata | | | | | match | lant:report/lant:result | | | | | position | last-child | | | | | pipe | source@getting-nametag-analyses |

tei.xpl (version: 1.0.0)

Documentation (161)

Library for TEI data processing

Steps for standalone operations with TEI data.

Kihovna pro zpracování dat TEI

Kroky pro samostatné operace s daty ve formátu TEI.

Namespaces (7)

prefix string

Steps (6 + 0)

Documentation (161)

Library for TEI data processing

Steps for standalone operations with TEI data.

Kihovna pro zpracování dat TEI

Kroky pro samostatné operace s daty ve formátu TEI.

lat:convert-alto-to-tei (converting-alto-to-tei)

Documentation (148)

Convert ALTO to TEI

Converts one document in ALTO format to TEI P5.

Konverze ALTO na TEI

Konvertuje jeden dokument ve formátu ALTO na formát TEI P5.

Options (3)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
page-number name = page-number | as = xs:string?

Ports (4)

direction value primary
input source true
input report-in false
output result true
output report false

Steps (0 + 5)

Documentation (148)

Convert ALTO to TEI

Converts one document in ALTO format to TEI P5.

Konverze ALTO na TEI

Konvertuje jeden dokument ve formátu ALTO na formát TEI P5.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:xslt
parameters map {'page-number' : $page-number }
href ../xslt/conversion/alto2tei.xsl
4 p:identity final
5 p:identity final-report
pipe report-in@converting-alto-to-tei

lat:convert-nametag-to-tei (converting-nametag-to-tei)

Documentation (176)

Convert NameTag XML to TEI

Converts one document in NameTag XML format to TEI P5.

Konverze NameTag XML na TEI

Konvertuje jeden dokument ve formátu NameTag XML na formát TEI P5.

Options (3)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
page-number name = page-number | as = xs:string?

Ports (4)

direction value primary
input source true
input report-in false
output result true
output report false

Steps (0 + 5)

Documentation (176)

Convert NameTag XML to TEI

Converts one document in NameTag XML format to TEI P5.

Konverze NameTag XML na TEI

Konvertuje jeden dokument ve formátu NameTag XML na formát TEI P5.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:xslt
parameters map {'page-number' : $page-number }
href ../xslt/nametag/nametag-xml-to-tei.xsl
4 p:identity final
5 p:identity final-report
pipe report-in@converting-nametag-to-tei

lat:convert-udpipe-to-tei (converting-udpipe-to-tei)

Documentation (204)

:Convert UDPipe to TEI

Converts one page in CoNLLLu format, generated by UDPipe to TEI P5.

:Konverze UDPipe na TEI

Převede jednu stranu s daty ve formátu CoNLLLu, který generuje UDPipe, do formátu TEI P5.

Options (3)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
page-number name = page-number | as = xs:string?

Ports (4)

direction value primary
input source true
input report-in false
output result true
output report false

Steps (0 + 12)

Documentation (204)

:Convert UDPipe to TEI

Converts one page in CoNLLLu format, generated by UDPipe to TEI P5.

:Konverze UDPipe na TEI

Převede jednu stranu s daty ve formátu CoNLLLu, který generuje UDPipe, do formátu TEI P5.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:variable udpipe-text
select .
4 p:if
test $debug
5 p:xslt
parameters map{'input': $udpipe-text}
href ../xslt/conversion/conllu-to-xml.xsl
6 p:if
test $debug
7 p:xslt
href ../xslt/conversion/conllu-xml-to-hierarchy.xsl
8 p:if
test $debug
9 p:xslt
parameters map {'page-number' : $page-number }
href ../xslt/conversion/conllu-xml-hierarchy-to-tei.xsl
10 p:if
test $debug
11 p:identity final
12 p:identity final-report
pipe report-in@converting-udpipe-to-tei

lat:merge-tei-representations (merging-tei-representations)

Documentation (300)

Merge TEI representations

Merge different representation of one page in TEI, comming from different sources, like ALTO, NameTag, and UDPipe.

Kombinace reprezentace TEI

Zkombinuje různé reprezentace stejné stránky ve formátu TEI, které pocházejí z různých zdrojů, jako např. ALTO, NameTag nebo UDPipe.

Options (2)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()

Ports (6)

direction value primary
input source true
input udpipe false
input alto false
input report-in false
output result true
output report false

Steps (0 + 7)

Documentation (300)

Merge TEI representations

Merge different representation of one page in TEI, comming from different sources, like ALTO, NameTag, and UDPipe.

Kombinace reprezentace TEI

Zkombinuje různé reprezentace stejné stránky ve formátu TEI, které pocházejí z různých zdrojů, jako např. ALTO, NameTag nebo UDPipe.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:variable udpipe-root
pipe udpipe@merging-tei-representations
select /*
4 p:xslt
parameters map{'udpipe': $udpipe-root}
href ../xslt/tei/merge-nametag-with-udpipe.xsl
5 p:if
test $debug
6 p:identity final
7 p:identity final-report
pipe report-in@merging-tei-representations

lat:convert-to-tei (converting-to-tei)

Documentation (233)

Convert to TEI

Converts a virtual document to TEI P5 format, both at the page level and the whole document level.

Konverze do TEI

Konvertuje virtuální dokument do formátu TEI P5, a to na úrovni jednotlivýh stránek i celého dokumentu.

Options (3)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
output-directory name = output-directory | required = true | as = xs:string

Ports (4)

direction value primary
input source true
input report-in false
output result true
output report false

Steps (0 + 10)

Documentation (233)

Convert to TEI

Converts a virtual document to TEI P5 format, both at the page level and the whole document level.

Konverze do TEI

Konvertuje virtuální dokument do formátu TEI P5, a to na úrovni jednotlivýh stránek i celého dokumentu.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:variable result-directory-path
 The folder where generated documents are saved. The path to the folder can be absolute or relative.

 Složka, do níž se uloží vygenerované dokumenty. Cesta ke složce může být absolutní i relativní.


| | | | select | concat($output-directory, '/tei') | | 4 | p:variable | result-directory-uri | | | | | | | select | resolve-uri($result-directory-path, $base-uri) | | 5 | p:viewport | | | | | | | | match | lad:pages/lad:page | | | | | p:if |


| | | | p:variable | | | | | | p:variable | | | | | | p:variable | | | | | | p:variable | | | | | | use-when | true() | | 6 | p:identity | mid-final | | | | 7 | p:identity | mid-report | | | | | | | pipe | report-in@converting-to-tei | | 8 | lat:combine-tei-pages | combining-tei-pages | | | | | | | base-uri | {$base-uri} | | | | | debug-path | {$debug-path} | | | | | output-directory | {$output-directory} | | | | | pipe | @mid-report | | | | | pipe | @mid-final | | 9 | p:identity | final | | | | 10 | p:identity | final-report | | | | | | | pipe | report@combining-tei-pages |

lat:combine-tei-pages (combining-tei-pages)

Documentation (138)

Combine TEI pages

Combines available TEI pages to one document.

Sloučení stránek TEI

Sloučí dostupné TEI stránky do jednoho TEI dokumentu.

Options (3)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
output-directory name = output-directory | required = true | as = xs:string

Ports (4)

direction value primary
input source true
input report-in false
output result true
output report false

Steps (0 + 10)

Documentation (138)

Combine TEI pages

Combines available TEI pages to one document.

Sloučení stránek TEI

Sloučí dostupné TEI stránky do jednoho TEI dokumentu.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:variable result-directory-path
 The folder where generated documents are saved. The path to the folder can be absolute or relative.

 Složka, do níž se uloží vygenerované dokumenty. Cesta ke složce může být absolutní i relativní.


| | | | select | $output-directory | | 4 | p:variable | result-directory-uri | | | | | | | select | resolve-uri($result-directory-path, $base-uri) | | 5 | p:variable | foxml | | | | | | | select | /lad:document/lad:resource[@type='foxml'][@local-file-exists='true'] | | 6 | p:variable | teis | | | | | | | select | /lad:document/lad:pages/lad:page/lad:resource[@type='tei'][@local-file-exists='true'] | | 7 | p:if | | | | | | | | p:store | | | | | | test | $debug | | 8 | p:if | | | | | | | | p:identity |


| | | | p:if |


| | | | p:insert |


| | | | p:namespace-delete | | | | | | p:variable | | | | | | p:variable | | | | | | p:variable | | | | | | test | exists($foxml) and exists($teis) | | 9 | p:identity | final | | | | 10 | p:identity | final-report | | | | | | | pipe | report-in@combining-tei-pages |

text.xpl (version: 1.0.0)

Documentation (192)

Library for plain text data processing

Steps for standalone operations with plain text data.

Kihovna pro zpracování textových dat

Kroky pro samostatné operace s daty ve formátu prostého textu.

Namespaces (7)

prefix string

Steps (1 + 0)

Documentation (192)

Library for plain text data processing

Steps for standalone operations with plain text data.

Kihovna pro zpracování textových dat

Kroky pro samostatné operace s daty ve formátu prostého textu.

latx:combine-text-pages (combining-text-pages)

Documentation (138)

Combine TEI pages

Combines available TEI pages to one document.

Sloučení stránek TEI

Sloučí dostupné TEI stránky do jednoho TEI dokumentu.

Options (3)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
output-directory name = output-directory | required = true | as = xs:string

Ports (4)

direction value primary
input source true
input report-in false
output result true
output report false

Steps (0 + 9)

Documentation (138)

Combine TEI pages

Combines available TEI pages to one document.

Sloučení stránek TEI

Sloučí dostupné TEI stránky do jednoho TEI dokumentu.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:variable result-directory-path
 The folder where generated documents are saved. The path to the folder can be absolute or relative.

 Složka, do níž se uloží vygenerované dokumenty. Cesta ke složce může být absolutní i relativní.


| | | | select | $output-directory | | 4 | p:variable | result-directory-uri | | | | | | | select | resolve-uri($result-directory-path, $base-uri) | | 5 | p:variable | resources | | | | | | | select | /lad:document/lad:pages/lad:page/lad:resource[@type='text'][@local-file-exists='true'] | | 6 | p:if | | | | | | | | p:store | | | | | | test | $debug | | 7 | p:if | | | | | | | | p:file-info | | | | | | p:identity |


| | | | p:if |


| | | | p:insert |


| | | | p:namespace-delete | | | | | | p:variable | | | | | | p:variable | | | | | | p:variable | | | | | | test | exists($resources) | | 8 | p:identity | final | | | | 9 | p:identity | final-report | | | | | | | pipe | report-in@combining-text-pages |

udpipe.xpl (version: 1.0.0)

Documentation (185)

Library for UDPipe data processing

Steps for standalone operations with UDPipe service and data.

Kihovna pro zpracování dat UDPipe

Kroky pro samostatné operace se službou a daty UDPipe.

Namespaces (8)

prefix string

Steps (3 + 0)

Documentation (185)

Library for UDPipe data processing

Steps for standalone operations with UDPipe service and data.

Kihovna pro zpracování dat UDPipe

Kroky pro samostatné operace se službou a daty UDPipe.

laud:get-udpipe-analysis (getting-udpipe-analysis)

Documentation (262)

Get UDPipe analysis

Calls the REST API of the UDPipe service, passes it the text to recognize, and returns the result in JSON format.

Analýza textu pomocí UDPipe

Zavolá rozhraní REST API služby UDPipe, předá jí text k rozpoznání a vrátí výsledek ve formátu JSON.

Options (2)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()

Ports (5)

direction value primary
input source true
input settings false
input report-in false
output result true
output report false

Steps (0 + 12)

Documentation (262)

Get UDPipe analysis

Calls the REST API of the UDPipe service, passes it the text to recognize, and returns the result in JSON format.

Analýza textu pomocí UDPipe

Zavolá rozhraní REST API služby UDPipe, předá jí text k rozpoznání a vrátí výsledek ve formátu JSON.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:variable service
pipe settings@getting-udpipe-analysis
select //las:service[@code='udpipe']
4 p:variable service-url
 URL of the REST service

 URL RESTové služby


| | | | select | $service/las:api/@url | | 5 | p:variable | api-id | | | | | | | p:documentation |

 Identifier of the REST service

 Identifikátor RESTové služby


| | | | select | substring-after($service/las:api/@ref, '#') | | 6 | p:variable | feature | | | | | | | pipe | settings@getting-udpipe-analysis | | | | | select | //las:api[@xml:id=$api-id]/las:feature[@type='process'][@method='post'] | | 7 | p:variable | step-url | | | | | | | select | concat($service-url, $feature/@url) | | 8 | p:variable | step-params | | | | | | | select | string-join($feature/las:param[@place='body'][@name !='data']/@name, '=&') | | 9 | p:variable | full-text | | | | | | | select | . | | 10 | p:http-request | | | | | | | | href | {$step-url} | | | | | method | 'POST' | | | | | p:documentation |

 Calling the UDPipe service API using the POST method. The input parameter to the service is plain text, encoded for the URI.

 Volání API služby UDPipe pomocí metodyPOST. Jako vstupní parametr služby se předává prostý text, kódovaný pro URI.


| 11 | p:identity | final | | | | 12 | p:if | | | | | | | | p:store | | | | | | test | $debug |


Documentation (192)

Convert UDPipe analysis to XML

Converts the analysis output in JSON format to an XML document.

Konverze analýzy UDPipe do XML

Převede výstup analýzy ve formátu JSON na dokument ve formátu XML.

Options (2)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()

Ports (2)

direction value primary
input source true
output result true

Steps (0 + 8)

Documentation (192)

Convert UDPipe analysis to XML

Converts the analysis output in JSON format to an XML document.

Konverze analýzy UDPipe do XML

Převede výstup analýzy ve formátu JSON na dokument ve formátu XML.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:variable model
select normalize-space(.?model)
4 p:if
test $debug
5 p:identity
 Convert JSON to plain text without escaping characters.

 Převod formátu JSON do TXT bez zbytečných escapovaných textů.


| 6 | p:if | | | | | | | | p:store | | | | | | test | $debug | | 7 | p:xslt | | | | | | | | href | ../xslt/udpipe/udpipe-json-to-text.xsl | | | | | version | 3.0 | | 8 | p:if | | | | | | | | p:store | | | | | | test | $debug |

laud:get-udpipe-analyses (getting-udpipe-analyses)

Documentation (419)

Get UDPipe (Universal Dependencies) analyses

For each page of the virtual document, it gets its text, sends it to the REST interface of the UDPipe service, converts the result to XML format and stores it in a folder.

Analýzy textu UDPipe (Universal Dependencies)

Pro každou stránku virtuálního dokumentu získá její text, odešle ho na RESTové rozhraní služby UDPipe, výsledek konvertuje do formátu XML a uloží do složky.

Options (3)

name properties
debug-path name = debug-path | select = () | as = xs:string?
base-uri name = base-uri | as = xs:anyURI | select = static-base-uri()
output-directory name = output-directory | required = true | as = xs:string

Ports (5)

direction value primary
input source true
input settings false
input report-in false
output result true
output report false

Steps (0 + 10)

Documentation (419)

Get UDPipe (Universal Dependencies) analyses

For each page of the virtual document, it gets its text, sends it to the REST interface of the UDPipe service, converts the result to XML format and stores it in a folder.

Analýzy textu UDPipe (Universal Dependencies)

Pro každou stránku virtuálního dokumentu získá její text, odešle ho na RESTové rozhraní služby UDPipe, výsledek konvertuje do formátu XML a uloží do složky.

position step name parameter value
1 p:variable debug
select $debug-path || '' ne ''
2 p:variable debug-path-uri
select resolve-uri($debug-path, $base-uri)
3 p:variable result-directory-path
 The folder where downloaded documents are saved. The path to the folder can be absolute or relative.

 Složka, do níž se uloží stažené dokumenty. Cesta ke složce může být absolutní i relativní.


| | | | select | concat($output-directory, '/udpipe') | | 4 | p:variable | result-directory-uri | | | | | | | select | resolve-uri($result-directory-path, $base-uri) | | 5 | p:if | | | | | | | | p:store |


| | | | test | $debug | | 6 | p:viewport | | | | | | | | match | lad:pages/lad:page/lad:resource[@type='nametag'][@local-file-exists='true'] | | | | | p:if |


| | | | p:variable | | | | | | use-when | true() | | 7 | p:identity | final | | | | 8 | p:if | | | | | | | | p:store | | | | | | test | $debug | | 9 | p:identity | metadata | | | | 10 | p:insert | final-report | | | | | | | pipe | @metadata | | | | | match | laud:report/laud:result | | | | | p:documentation | Doplnění zprávy o zpracovaných prvcích. | | | | | position | last-child | | | | | pipe | source@getting-udpipe-analyses |