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An introduction to Rust.

Rust is a systems programming language used in a similar way to C/C++. They are used for writing low level code which is closest to the hardware. Similiar to C/C++, Rust can also be used to write programs for embedded devices, web backends, web assembly and networking.

This repo is a journal of my journey with rust. I'll be starting with the very basics and slowly move to some advanced topics. Frens, if you do find it a good read, feel free to use it.

To infinity & beyond !!

Let's begin. Since most of computation is based on data, it's evident that there willl be types of data.


Data types : Rust, like any other programming language has the basic data types,

  • Boolean : true, false. bool
  • Integer : 1, 2, 3, 4, -2. int
  • Double/ Float : 1.1, 2.2, 5.6. f64
  • Character : 'A','B','C','56','44'. char
  • String : 'Hello','string','this'.str

Now, in rust data is represented in binary. Meaning, let a = 40; will represent the value of a in binary. The code is directly compiled to binary.

Hold on !! What is let a ?


a is what we call a variable. A variable is used to assign a memory location to a data type. It can be set to any value and type.
Let is the keyword that helps us and the computer understand that we are assigning or letting the value of datatype a to be an int.

Here's an interesting fact, variables in rust are immutable by default.
Meaning it cannot be changed unless we say so by adding the mut/ mutable keyword, like so : let mut a = 40;.

let one = 1;
let hi = 'hi
let bye = 'bye';
let mut greeting = 'hi';
let go = "let's go";


Funcitons are a way to encapsulate program functionality.
We can provide them the privilage of accepting data or returning data.
They make it really easy to read code and also compile it when requried. <br.

fn add( a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { <br> a + b<br> }
fn name ( parameter1: parameter type, parameter2: parameter type) - return type {

Usage :

fn add( a: i32, b: i32 ) -> i32 {
  a + b 
  let x = add(1, 1); 
  let y = add(3, 0); 
  let z = add(x, 1); 

As seen above, functions can be executed by calling the function itself.

println! Macro

println! macro displays information to the terminal. <br>

   let age = 43;
   println!("I am {:?} years old", age);

{:?} is used a debugger to assign the value of a variable.

Control FLow

When writing a fairly medium sized program, we might have to use control flow statements.
By control flow I mean, making choices betweeen decisions based on input.

  • if.
  • else.
  • else if.

These keywords are universally used in almost all programming languages to direct control flow.

Simple flow:

let a = 1;
let b = 2;
let c = 3;

if...else flow :

let a = 100;
if a > 100 {
println!("Big number."); 
} else {
 println!("Small number.")

nested if...else :

let a  = 100 ;
  if a > 100 {
    if a > 191 {
    println! ("Big number."); 
  } else {
    println! ("A little big. ") ;
} else {
    println! ("Small number.")

if...else if...else :

 let a = 99;
 if a > 200 {
    println! ( " Huge number." );
 else if a > 99 {
    println! ( "Big number." );
 } else {
    println! ( "Small number." );

It's important to remember that code executes line by line and therefore it becomes necessary to mention the steps correctly.


Using loops.

Repetition in rust or any other language is called 'looping' or 'iteration'.
There's multiple types of loops ,

  • Infinite loooooooooooooooooo.....p . loop
  • Conditional loop. while

Keep in mind that the variables decalred have the mut keyword. Incase you haven't mentioned the keyword, the loop won't execute. May the compiler be with you.

     let mut a = 0;
     loop {
         if a == 5 {
          println! ("{:?}", a);
          a = a + 1;
      } //infinite loop executes without break statement.
      let mut a = 0;
      while a != 5; {
           println! ( "{:?}, a" );
           a = a + 1;

Break can be used with either loops.


Adding logic couldn't have been easier with the match keyword.
It's similar to if..else, but it has more of an exhaustive approach, ie, all options must be considered.

  fn main() {
     let a = true;
     match a {
        true => println! ( "It's true." );
        false => println! ( "It's a trap." ); 

    fn main () {
      let a = 2;
      match a {
        1 => println! ( "one." );
        2 => println! ( "two." );
        3 => println! ( "three." );
        _ => println! ( "anuthing other than the value above." );

An interesting fact about match is that its checked by the complier. If a new possibility is added, you will be notified.
if...else isn't checked by the complier. If a new possibility is added, your code may become buggy.

It's advised to prefer match over if..else. ( _ ) The underscore means "any other possibility or anything else.".

Working with Data


By definition an enumeration is ordered listing of all items in a collection.
We can also say that data can be one of multiple possibilities. Each possibility is a "variant".

    enum Direction {

    fn which_way(go: Direction) {
       match go {
          Direction::Up => "up",
          Direction::Down => "down",
          Direction::Left => "Left",
          Direction::RIght => "right",

Programs are robust when enum is paired with match.


Structure :

Struct is a type that contains multiple peices of data. Each piece is called a field.
Similar data can be grouped together using a struct.

       struct ShippingBox {
         depth: i32;
         width: i32;
         height: i32;
       let my_box = ShippingBox {
         depth : 3,
         width : 2,
         height : 5,
       let tall = my_box.height;
       println! ( "the box is {:?} units tall", tall );

Fields can be accessed from structs by dot (.).


Tuples are a type of record that's used to store data anonymously.
It's useful for returning pairs of data from functions while also having the ability to destructure into variables.

`enum Access { Full, }

fn one_two_three() -> (i32, i32, i32) { (1,2,3) }

let numbers = one_two_three();
let(x,y,z) = one_two_three;
println!("{:?}", x, numbers.0);
println!("{:?}", y, numbers.1);
println!("{:?}", z, numbers.2);

let (employee, access) = ("jake", Access::Full);`

Use of structs when there are more than 3 fields is advised.


Rust is an expression-based language where most things are evaluated and some type is returned.
Expressions values come together to a single point and can be used for nesting logic when required,

let my_num = 3;
let is_it_5 = if my_num < 5 {
 } else {
 let is_it_5 = my_num < 5;

 let my_num = 3;
 let message = match my_num {
    1 => "hello",
    _ => "goodbye"

 enum Menu {
 let paid = true;
 let item = Menu::Drink;
 let drink_type = "water";
 let order_placed = match item {
   Menu::Drink => {
   if drink_type == "water" {
   } else {
      _ => true,

Expressions allow nested logic.

Intermediate Memory Concepts

  • Memory is stored in binary, ie 0 or 1.
  • Computers are optimized for bytes, ie 1 byte = 8 contiguous bits.

## Addresses - All data in memory has an address. - That's how computers locate data. - Data dosen't utilize memory directly, it's usually handled by variables.
## Offsets - Items can be located at an address using an "offset". - Offsets begin at 0. - Offsets represent number of bytes away from the original address normally dealing with indices.
## Addresses & Offsets - Memory uses addresses and offsets. - Adresses are permanent, data differs and usually handled by variables. - Offsets can be used to "index" into some data.


The concept of ownership is an interesting topic in rust. Now, programs are supposed to track memory and if they fail to do so, a memory leak occurs.

  • Rust utilizes an ownership model to manage memory, i.e, the owner of the memory is resposnible for cleaning up memory.
  • Memory can either be moved or borrowed.

| Move |

 enum Light {
 fn display_ligth (light: Light) {
   match light {
     Light::Bright => println!("bright"),
     Light::Dull   => println!("dull"),
  fn main() [
    let dull = Light::Dull;

| Borrow |

  enum Light {
  fn display_light(light:: &Light) {
     match light {
      Light::Bright => println!("bright");
      Light::Dull   => println!("dull");
  fn main() {
    let dull = Light::Dull;

Data Structures


  • Vectors in rust are used to represent data of the same type.

  • They can be used to add, read and traverse data.

    let my_number = vec! [1,2,3]; for num in my_numbers { println!(""{:?}", num); }


  • Strings are of two types in rust.
  • String : owned .
  • &str : borrowed string slice.
  • An owned string(String) must be used to store data in struct.
  • &str must be used when passing data to a function.

   fn println!(data: &str) {
     println!("{:?}", data);
   fn main() {
    print_it("a string slice.");
     let owned_string = "owned string".to_owned();
     let another_owned = String::from("another");
    struct {
     name: String,
    fn main() {
     let emp_name = "Jayson".to_owned();
     let emp_name = String::from("jayson");
     let emp = Employee {
       name: emp_name
  • String are automatically borrowed.
  • Use to.owned() or String::from() to create an owned copy of a string slice.
  • Use and owned String when storing in a struct.

Type Annotations

  • Required for function signatures.

  • Types are usually inferred.

  • Can also be specified in code if not present in function signature.

      fn print_many(msg: &str, count: i32) {}
      enum Mouse {
       let num: i32 = 15;
       let a: char  = 'a';
       let left_click: Mouse = Mouse::LeftClick;
       let numbers: Vec<i32> = vec![1,2,3];
       let letters: Vec<char> = vec!['a','b','c'];
       let clicks: Vec<Mouse> = vec![

A different way of working with enums.

  • Enum is a type that can represent one item at a time.

  • Each item is called a variant.

  • It's not limited to just plain variants.

  • Each variant can contain additional data, ie, type annotations.

       enum Mouse {
        Move(i32, i32),
      enum PromoDiscount {
       enum Discount {
  • Note that other than type annotations, the data can also be another enum.

  • More than one peice of data can be associated with a variant.


  • A type maybe one of two things: Some data of a specified type or Nothing.

  • Options is usually used in scenarios where data may not be required or is unavailable.

  • Maybe the program is unable to find something, maybe it ran out of items in a list.

       enum Option<T> {
       struct {
         age: Option<i32>,
         email: String,
       let mark = Customer {
         age: Some(22), email: "[email protected]".to_owned(),
      let becky = Customer {
        age: Some(22), email:"[email protected]".to_owned(),
      match becky.age {
        Some(age) => println!("customer is {:?} years old", age),
        None => println!("customer age not provided"),

- Options represent some data or nothing. - Some (variable name) : data is available. - None : no data available. - It comes in use when no data is avaialable. - Option.


  • A data type that contains one of two data types.

  • "Successful" data or "Error" data.

  • Used in scenarios where action needs to be taken but there is a possibility of failure.

  • Maybe you failed to copy a file or a connection to server failed.

            enum Result<T, E> {
                                    fn get_sound(name: &str) -> Result<SoundData, String>  {
                                     if name == "alert" {
                                     } else {
                                      Err("unable to find sound data".to_owned())
                                     let sound = get_sound("alert");
                                     match sound {
                                      Ok(_) => println!("sound data located");
                                      Err(e) => println!("error: {:?}", e),

  • Result data type represents success or failure.

  • Ok(variable name) => operation completed.

  • Err(variable_name) => operation failed.

  • Useful when working with funcationlity that can fail.

  • Result<T, E>