This document intended to help RPi-Monitor's package maintainer to know what to install and where.
This document describe file organisation for Version 2.8
rpimonitord is a perl script which require the following perl modules to work:
- librrds-perl
- libhttp-daemon-perl
- libjson-perl
- libipc-sharelite-perl
- libfile-which-perl
- aptitude (required by script checking upgradable packages)
- /usr/bin/rpimonitord : Daemon extracting data from the system and embedding the web application server - The help page is used to generate manpage
- /etc/cron.d/rpimonitor : daily extraction the status of package update updating the file updatestatus.txt
- /etc/init.d/rpimonitor : sysVinit startup script
- upstart and systemd script are also avialable in the repository
- /etc/rpimonitor/daemon.conf : configuration of rpimonitord daemon
- /etc/rpimonitor/data.conf : (symlink to template/.conf) configuration of default data to be extracted and presented
- /etc/rpimonitor/*.conf : *all other .conf file will be parsed to look for data to be monitored
- /etc/rpimonitor/template/*.conf : data configuration template customized for different distribution and additionnal examples
Some configuration files are provided for different distribution (raspbian, xbian, ...). These files are stored into the subdirectory /etc/rpimonitor/templates/. For supported distribution, the post installation script of package creates a link, data.conf, pointing to the configuration files dedicated to the distribution.
** Note: ** The template directory is also containing some templates that can be used as example to customize configuration.
- /usr/share/man/man5/rpimonitord.conf.5.gz : Manpage for rpimonitor and data extraction configuration
- /usr/share/man/man1/rpimonitord.1.gz: Manpage for rpimonitord command line usage
###Web Interface
- /usr/share/rpimonitor/web : Directory containing html
- /usr/share/rpimonitor/web/js: Directory containing javascripts
- /usr/share/rpimonitor/web/css: Directory containing style
- /usr/share/rpimonitor/web/img: Directory containing images
- /usr/share/rpimonitor/web/fonts: Directory containing fonts
- /usr/share/rpimonitor/web/addons: Directory containing addons
When RPi-Monitor is configured to not use the internal server, the json are written on the disk into the web root directory /usr/share/rpimonitor/web
- /usr/share/rpimonitor/scripts/updatePackagesStatus.pl: Script periodically executed to update /var/lib/rpimonitor/updatestatus.txt
- /var/lib/rpimonitor/web/stat : Directory containing *.rrd
- /var/lib/rpimonitor/updatestatus.txt: Current status of packages update