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Angular testing principles
Dependency injection, mocking, starting the Karma test suite

Angular testing principles

Learning objectives
  • Angular’s architectural principles that facilitate testing
  • Standard and alternative testing tools
  • Running and configuring unit and integration tests with Karma and Jasmine


In contrast to other popular front-end JavaScript libraries, Angular is an opinionated, comprehensive framework that covers all important aspects of developing a JavaScript web application. Angular provides high-level structure, low-level building blocks and means to bundle everything together into a usable application.

Testable architecture

The complexity of Angular cannot be understood without considering automated testing. Why is an Angular application structured into Components, Services, Modules, etc.? Why are the parts intertwined the way they are? Why do all parts of an Angular application apply the same patterns?

An important reason is testability. Angular’s architecture guarantees that all application parts can be tested easily in a similar way.

Well-structured code

We know from experience that code that is easy to test is also simpler, better structured, easier to read and easier to understand. The main technique of writing testable code is to break code into smaller chunks that “do one thing and do it well”. Then couple the chunks loosely.

Dependency injection and faking

A major design pattern for loose coupling is dependency injection and the underlying inversion of control. Instead of creating a dependency itself, an application part merely declares the dependency. The tedious task of creating and providing the dependency is delegated to an injector that sits on top.

This division of work decouples an application part from its dependencies: One part does not need to know how to set up a dependency, let alone the dependency’s dependencies and so forth.

Loose coupling

Dependency injection turns tight coupling into loose coupling. A certain application part no longer depends on a specific class, function, object or other value. It rather depends on an abstract token that can be traded in for a concrete implementation. The injector takes the token and exchanges it for a real value.

Original or fake

This is of immense importance for automated testing. In our test, we can decide how to deal with a dependency:

  • We can either provide an original, fully-functional implementation. In this case, we are writing an integration test that includes direct and indirect dependencies.
  • Or we provide a fake implementation that does not have side effects. In this case, we are writing a unit test that tries to test the application part in isolation.

A large portion of the time spent while writing tests is spent on decoupling an application part from its dependencies. This guide will teach you how to set up the test environment, isolate an application part and reconnect it with equivalent fake objects.

- [Angular guide: Dependency injection](

Testing tools

Angular provides solid testing tools out of the box. When you create an Angular project using the command line interface, it comes with a fully-working testing setup for unit, integration and end-to-end tests.

Balanced defaults

The Angular team already made decisions for you: Jasmine as testing framework and Karma as test runner. Implementation and test code is bundled with Webpack. Application parts are typically tested inside Angular’s TestBed.

This setup is a trade-off with strengths and weaknesses. Since it is just one possible way to test Angular applications, you can compile your own testing tool chain.


For example, some Angular developers use Jest instead of Jasmine and Karma. Some use Spectator or the Angular Testing Library instead of using TestBed directly.

These alternatives are not better or worse, they simply make different trade-offs. This guide uses Jasmine and Karma for unit and integration tests. Later, you will learn about Spectator.

Once you have reached the limits of a particular setup, you should investigate whether alternatives make testing your application easier, faster and more reliable.

Testing conventions

Angular offers some tools and conventions on testing. By design, they are flexible enough to support different ways of testing. So you need to decide how to apply them.

Making choices

This freedom of choice benefits experts, but confuses beginners. In your project, there should be one preferable way how to test a specific application part. You should make choices and set up project-wide conventions and patterns.

Cast conventions into code

The testing tools that ship with Angular are low-level. They merely provide the basic operations. If you use these tools directly, your tests become messy, repetitive and hard to maintain.

Therefore, you should create high-level testing tools that cast your conventions into code in order to write short, readable and understandable tests.

This guide values strong conventions and introduces helper functions that codify these conventions. Again, your mileage may vary. You are free to adapt these tools to your needs or build other testing helpers.

Running the unit and integration tests

The Angular command line interface (CLI) allows you to run the unit, integration and end-to-end tests. If you have not installed the CLI yet or need to update to the latest version, run this command on your shell:

npm install -g @angular/cli

This installs Angular CLI globally so the ng command can be used everywhere. ng itself does nothing but exposing a couple of Angular-specific commands.

For example, ng new creates a new Angular project directory with a ready-to-use application scaffold. ng serve starts a development server, and ng build makes a build.

The command for starting the unit and integration tests is:

ng test

First, this command finds all files in the directory tree that match the pattern .spec.ts. Using Webpack, it compiles them into a JavaScript bundle, together with its dependencies. The bundle code also initializes the Angular testing environment – the TestBed.

Typically, an Angular application loads and starts an AppModule. This startup is called bootstrapping. The AppModule then imports other Modules, Components, Services, etc. This way, the bundler finds all parts of the application.

The test bundle works differently. It does not start with one Module in order to walk through its dependencies. It merely imports all files whose name ends with .spec.ts.


Each .spec.ts file represents a test. Typically, one .spec.ts file contains at least one Jasmine test suite (more on that in the next chapter). The .spec.ts files are located in the same directory as the implementation code.

In our example application, the CounterComponent is located in src/app/components/counter/counter.component.ts. The corresponding test file sits in src/app/components/counter/counter.component.spec.ts. This is an Angular convention, not a technical necessity, and we are going to stick to it.


Second, ng test launches Karma, the test runner. Karma starts a development server at http://localhost:9876/ that serves the JavaScript bundles compiled by Webpack.

Karma then launches one or more browsers. The idea of Karma is to run the same tests in different browsers to ensure cross-browser interoperability. All widely used browsers are supported: Chrome, Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox and Safari. Per default, Karma starts Chrome.

Test runner

The launched browser navigates to http://localhost:9876/. As mentioned, this site serves the test runner and the test bundle. The tests start immediately. You can track the progress and read the results in the browser and on the shell.

When running the tests in the counter project, the browser output looks like this:

46 specs, 0 failures

This is the shell output:

INFO [karma-server]: Karma v5.0.7 server started at
INFO [launcher]: Launching browsers Chrome with concurrency unlimited
INFO [launcher]: Starting browser Chrome
WARN [karma]: No captured browser, open http://localhost:9876/
INFO [Chrome 84.0.4147.135 (Mac OS 10.15.6)]: Connected on socket yH0-wtoVtflRWMoWAAAA with id 76614320
Chrome 84.0.4147.135 (Mac OS 10.15.6): Executed 46 of 46 SUCCESS (0.394 secs / 0.329 secs)

Webpack watches changes on the .spec.ts files and files imported by them. When you change the implementation code, counter.component.ts for example, or the test code, counter.component.spec.ts for example, Webpack automatically re-compiles the bundle and pushes it to the open browsers. All tests will be restarted.

Red-green cycle

This feedback cycle allows you to work on the implementation and test code side-by-side. This is important for test-driven development. You change the implementation and expect the test to fail – the test is “red”. You adapt the test so it passes again – the test is “green”. Or you write a failing test first, then adapt the implementation until the test passes.

Test-driven development means letting the red-green cycle guide your development.

- [Angular CLI reference: ng test](

Configuring Karma and Jasmine

Karma and Jasmine are configured in the file karma.conf.js in the project’s root directory. Since Angular 15, the Angular CLI does not create this file per default. If it does not exist, you can create it using this shell command:

ng generate config karma

There are many configuration options and plenty of plugins, so we will only look at a few.


As mentioned, the standard configuration runs the tests in the Chrome browser. To run the tests in other browsers, we need to install different launchers.

Each launcher needs to be loaded in the plugins array:

plugins: [

There is already one launcher, karma-chrome-launcher. This is an npm package.

To install other launchers, we first need to install the respective npm package. Let us install the Firefox launcher. Run this shell command:

npm install --save-dev karma-firefox-launcher

Then we require the package in karma.conf.js:

plugins: [

To run the tests in Firefox as well, we need to add the Firefox to the browsers list: browsers: ['Chrome'] becomes browsers: ['Chrome', 'Firefox'].

Karma will now start two browsers to run the tests in parallel.


Another important concept of Karma are reporters. They format and output the test results. In the default configuration, three reporters are active:

  1. The built-in progress reporter outputs text on the shell. While the tests are running, it outputs the progress:

    Chrome 84.0.4147.135 (Mac OS 10.15.6): Executed 9 of 46 SUCCESS (0.278 secs / 0.219 secs)

    And finally:

    Chrome 84.0.4147.135 (Mac OS 10.15.6): Executed 46 of 46 SUCCESS (0.394 secs / 0.329 secs)

  2. The standard HTML reporter kjhtml (npm package: karma-jasmine-html-reporter) renders the results in the browser.

    46 specs, 0 failures
  3. The coverage reporter (npm package: karma-coverage) creates the test coverage report. See measuring code coverage.

By editing the reporters array, you can add reporters or replace the existing ones:

reporters: ['progress', 'kjhtml'],

For example, to add a reporter that creates JUnit XML reports, first install the npm package:

npm install --save-dev karma-junit-reporter

Next, require it as a plugin:

plugins: [

Finally, add the reporter:

reporters: ['progress', 'kjhtml', 'junit'],

After running the tests with ng test, you will find an XML report file in the project directory.

Jasmine configuration

The configuration for the Jasmine adapter is located in jasmine object inside the client object:

client: {
  jasmine: {
    // you can add configuration options for Jasmine here
    // the possible options are listed at
    // for example, you can disable the random execution with `random: false`
    // or set a specific seed with `seed: 4321`
  clearContext: false // leave Jasmine Spec Runner output visible in browser

This guide recommends to activate one useful Jasmine configuration option: failSpecWithNoExpectations lets the test fail if it does not contain at least one expectation. (More on expectations later.) In almost all cases, specs without expectations stem from an error in the test code.

client: {
  jasmine: {
    failSpecWithNoExpectations: true,
  clearContext: false // leave Jasmine Spec Runner output visible in browser
- [Karma documentation: Configuration File]( - [Karma documentation: Plugins]( - [npm: List of Karma plugins]( - [Jasmine reference: Configuration options](