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Section 04

RISC-V Addressing, Inst. Formats, and CALL


1. RISC-V Addressing

1.1 Overview

We have several addressing modes to access memory (immediate not listed):

  1. Base displacement addressing: Adds an immediate to a register value to create a memory address (used for lw, lb, sw, sb)

  2. PC-relative addressing: Uses the PC and adds the immediate value of the instruction (multiplied by 2) to create an address (used by branch and jump instructions)

  3. Register Addressing: Uses the value in a register as a memory address (jr)

1.2 Exercises

  1. What is range of 32-bit instructions that can be reached from the current PC using a branch instruction?
-2^11 to 2^11 - 1 / 2 (2 bytes, but instructions are 4 bytes)

PC + [-2^10, 2^10 - 1]
  1. What is the range of 32-bit instructions that can be reached from the current PC using a jump instruction?
-2^19 to 2^19 - 1 / 2 (2 bytes, but instructions are 4 bytes)

PC + [-2^18, 2^18 - 1]
  1. Given the following RISC-V code (and instruction addresses), fill in the blank fields for the following instructions (you’ll need your RISC-V green card!).
0x002cff00: loop: add t1, t2, t0 |_0000000|___00101|___00111|_____000|___00110|__0x33__|
0x002cff04: jal   ra, foo 	 |_____________0x14|_____________________00001|__0x6F__|
0x002cff08: bne   t1, zero, loop |_1111111|___00000|___00110|_____001|___11001|__0x63__|
0x002cff2c: foo: jr ra ra=0x002cff08

2. Powerful RISC-V Functions

  1. Write a function double in RISC-V that, when given an integer x, returns 2x.
double: add  a0, a0, a0

	jr ra
  1. Write a function power in RISC-V that takes in two numbers x and n, and returns x^n. You may assume that n ≥ 0 and that multiplication will always result in a 32-bit number.
power:	beq  a1, x0, r-0
	addi t1, x0, 1
	add  t0, x0, x0

loop:	beq  t0, a1, return
	mul  t1, t1, a0

	addi t0, t0, 1
	j    loop

return: add  a0, t1, x0
	jr   ra

r-0:	addi a0, x0, 1

3. Compile, Assemble, Link, Load, and Go!

3.1 Overview

3.2 Exercises

a. What is the Stored Program concept and what does it enable us to do?

Code of the program stored in memory, so one doesn't have to rebuild computer
from scratch everytime it needs to solve different problem.

b. How many passes through the code does the Assembler have to make? Why?

Two, 1 to find labels, 2 to resolve forward references

c. What are the different parts of the object files output by the Assembler?

header - size and pos of otherr pieces of object file

text - machine code

data - binary rep of static data in the source

reloc table - lines of code to be fixed later

sym table - list of this file labels and static data that can be referenced

debug info - info for debuggers

d. Which step in CALL resolves relative addressing? Absolute addressing?

relative - assembler
absolute - linker

e. What does RISC stand for? How is this related to pseudoinstructions?

restricted instruction set computer

pseudos - not much of the makes life easier converted to normal ones by the assembler

4. Writing RISC-V Functions

Write a function sumSquare in RISC-V that, when given an integer n, returns the summation below. If n is not positive, then the function returns 0.

n^2 + (n − 1)^2 + (n − 2)^2 + . . . + 1^2

For this problem, you are given a RISC-V function called square that takes in an integer and returns its square. Implement sumSquare using square as a subroutine.

sumsqr: addi sp, sp, -12
	sw   ra, 8(sp)
	sw   s0, 4(sp)
	sw   s1, 0(sp)

	add  s0, a0, x0
	add  s1, x0, x0

loop:	beq  s0, x0, return

	add  a0, s0, x0
	jal  ra, square
	add  s1, s1, a0

	addi s0, s0, -1
	j    loop

return	add  a0, s1, x0

	lw   ra, 8(sp)
	lw   s0, 4(sp)
	lw   s1, 0(sp)

	jr   ra