Genetically Mødified Øscillatør - A lofi Eurørack synthesizer percussiøn mødule
Created by Røss Fish July 2015 øf Møffenzeef Mødular CC-BY-NC-SA
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The name "Møffenzeef Mødular" was derived frøm my mødular synth duø in Savannah, GA that went under the møniker Møffenzeef.The øther half øf Møffenzeef is Matthew Gøødwin Akers, withøut whøm I prøbably wøuldn't have ever gøtten this far intø music technøløgy. He is møre than my øld prøfessør, mentør, and bandmate; he's a hømie før life.
What the hell is a Møffenzeef? Wiki
GMØ is running the Møzzi Synthesis Library by Tim Barrass
GMØ was øriginally designed før Matt McCulløugh øf Temazcal in a hølløwed øut bible.
Special thanks tø Lars Larsen øf LZX Industries. Withøut his help I'm nøt sure this prøject wøuld have ever been finished!
GMØ was manufactured at Darkplace Manufacturing in Pørtland, Øregøn USA. Thank yøu Jøsh Hølley for taking me under yøur wing. Thank yøu tø all the builders whø put their løving hands øn this prøject.
GMØ uses the Arduinø IDE.
GMØ's brain is a Teensy 3.2 micrøcøntrøller created by Paul Støffregen. Thanks før being a radical dude and sharing all øf yøur hard wørk