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+# Examples
+### Step through the hydraulic simulation
+Use the openH - initH - runH - nextH - closeH series of functions to step through the simulation one hydraulic time step at a time.
+[Run this example on CodeSandbox](https://codesandbox.io/embed/long-flower-npqiq?expanddevtools=1&fontsize=14&hidenavigation=1&module=%2Fsrc%2Findex.js&theme=dark)
+const { Project, Workspace } = require("epanet-js");
+var fs = require("fs");
+const net1 = fs.readFileSync("net1.inp");
+const ws = new Workspace();
+const model = new Project(ws);
+ws.writeFile("net1.inp", net1);
+model.open("net1.inp", "report.rpt", "out.bin");
+const n11Index = model.getNodeIndex("11");
+let tStep = Infinity;
+do {
+ const cTime = model.runH();
+ const pressure = model.getNodeValue(n11Index, 11);
+ console.log(
+ `Current Time: - ${cTime}, Node 11 Pressure: ${pressure.toFixed(2)}`
+ );
+ tStep = model.nextH();
+} while (tStep > 0);
+### New model builder API
+Allows networks to be built completely from function calls instead of from an input file.
+import { Project, Workspace } from "epanet-js";
+const ws = new Workspace();
+const model = new Project(ws);
+model.init("report.rpt", "out.bin", 0, 0);
+const n1Index = model.addNode("N1", NodeType.Junction);
+const n2Index = model.addNode("N2", NodeType.Junction);
+model.setJunctionData(n1Index, 700, 0, "");
+model.setJunctionData(n2Index, 400, 0, "");
+const l1Index = model.addLink("L1", LinkType.Pipe, "N1", "N2");
+### Fire Flow Analysis - React Example
+A more complex example that uses React.
+Select a node within a network, run an extended period simulation and conduct a fire flow test. Results displayed in a graph for pressure and the fire flow.
+[Run this example on CodeSandbox](https://codesandbox.io/embed/musing-jang-sqhk1?fontsize=14&hidenavigation=1&module=%2Fsrc%2FApp.js&theme=dark)
+import React, { useState } from "react";
+import { VictoryChart, VictoryLine, VictoryAxis, VictoryTheme } from "victory";
+import {
+ Project,
+ Workspace,
+ InitHydOption,
+ NodeProperty,
+ CountType,
+ NodeType,
+} from "epanet-js";
+var fs = require("fs");
+const net1 = fs.readFileSync("net1.inp");
+const ws = new Workspace();
+const model = new Project(ws);
+ws.writeFile("net1.inp", net1);
+model.open("net1.inp", "report.rpt", "out.bin");
+function getNodes() {
+ const nodeCount = model.getCount(CountType.NodeCount);
+ let nodeIds = [];
+ for (let i = 1; i < nodeCount; i++) {
+ if (model.getNodeType(i) === NodeType.Junction) {
+ const nodeId = model.getNodeId(i);
+ nodeIds.push(nodeId);
+ }
+ }
+ return nodeIds;
+function runSim(nodeId) {
+ const fireFlowNodeIndex = model.getNodeIndex(nodeId);
+ const flows = [100, 250, 500, 750, 1000];
+ model.openH();
+ model.initH(InitHydOption.NoSave);
+ let tStep = Infinity;
+ let flowAndPressure = [];
+ let fireResults = [];
+ do {
+ const cTime = model.runH();
+ const pressure = model.getNodeValue(
+ fireFlowNodeIndex,
+ NodeProperty.Pressure
+ );
+ flowAndPressure.push({ x: cTime / 60 / 60, y: pressure });
+ if (cTime === 46800) {
+ fireResults = fireFlowAnalysis(model, fireFlowNodeIndex, flows, pressure);
+ model.runH(); // Rerun original snapshot
+ }
+ tStep = model.nextH();
+ } while (tStep > 0);
+ model.closeH();
+ return {
+ flowAndPressure,
+ fireResults,
+ };
+function fireFlowAnalysis(model, index, flows, zeroPressure) {
+ const acc = [{ x: 0, y: zeroPressure }];
+ const orgBaseFlow = model.getNodeValue(index, NodeProperty.BaseDemand);
+ const pressures = flows.reduce((acc, flow) => {
+ model.setNodeValue(index, NodeProperty.BaseDemand, orgBaseFlow + flow);
+ model.runH();
+ const pressure = model.getNodeValue(index, NodeProperty.Pressure);
+ return acc.concat([{ x: flow, y: pressure }]);
+ }, acc);
+ model.setNodeValue(index, NodeProperty.BaseDemand, orgBaseFlow);
+ return pressures;
+function SmallChart(props) {
+ return (
+ );
+export default function App() {
+ const [nodeId, setNodeId] = useState("11");
+ function handleSelectChange(e) {
+ setNodeId(e.target.value);
+ }
+ const nodeIds = getNodes();
+ const { flowAndPressure, fireResults } = runSim(nodeId);
+ return (
epanet-js React Fire Flow Example
Select a node to test
Fireflow at Node {nodeId}
Pressure at Node {nodeId}
+ );
diff --git a/docs/introduction/examples/vite.md b/docs/introduction/examples/vite.md
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+Below is a step-by-step tutorial to help you get started with **epanet-js** in a new **React + Vite + TypeScript** application. By the end, you’ll have a small web app that lets you:
+- Load an EPANET `.inp` file from your computer.
+- Run a hydraulic simulation in the browser using **epanet-js**.
+- Display the generated report in a read-only text area.
+This tutorial assumes:
+- You have some familiarity with React and TypeScript.
+- You know basic npm commands, and have Node.js and npm installed.
+We’ll build this incrementally in four steps, starting from a fresh React + Vite + TypeScript scaffold.
+### Step 1: Create a New React + Vite + TypeScript App
+First, create and run your new Vite project with React and TypeScript:
+npm create vite@latest my-first-epanet-js-app -- --template react-ts
+cd my-first-epanet-js-app
+npm install epanet-js
+npm run dev
+Open [http://localhost:5173](http://localhost:5173) in your browser. You’ll see the default Vite + React starter page.
+Open the project in your code editor:
+code .
+**Replace `src/App.tsx` with a simple scaffold:**
+We’ll start with a very basic UI to verify our setup. Remove all existing code in `src/App.tsx` and replace it with this minimal code:
+import React from "react";
+function App() {
+ return (
EPANET-js React Example
This is the start of our EPANET-js app.
+ In later steps, we’ll load an INP file, run a simulation, and show the
+ report here.
+ );
+export default App;
+**Check your app:**
+Go back to the browser and ensure it’s still running on [http://localhost:5173](http://localhost:5173). You should see the new heading and text. That’s it for step one! We have our scaffold in place.
+### Step 2: Handling the INP File
+Now, let’s let users select an EPANET `.inp` file from their computer. When they pick a file, we’ll read it and just show the file’s text in a "report" area, proving we can handle file input.
+**Update `src/App.tsx` to add file selection:**
+import React, { useState } from "react";
+function App() {
+ const [inpContent, setInpContent] = useState("");
+ function handleFileChange(event: React.ChangeEvent) {
+ const file = event.target.files?.[0];
+ if (!file) return;
+ const reader = new FileReader();
+ reader.onload = (e) => {
+ const text = e.target?.result as string;
+ setInpContent(text);
+ };
+ reader.readAsText(file);
+ }
+ return (
EPANET-js React Example
Select an INP file to display its content:
File Content
+ );
+export default App;
+**Test it out:**
+1. Save the file.
+2. Go to your browser and click "Choose File."
+3. Select an `.inp` file from your computer.
+4. You should see the content of the `.inp` file displayed in the text area.
+Great! We can now load files from the user’s computer.
+### Step 3: Running the Hydraulic Simulation
+Now we’ll integrate **epanet-js**. We will:
+- Run the hydraulic simulation steps in the browser (no server needed!).
+- After finishing the simulation, we’ll just display a success message.
+Before we finalize, let’s explain the hydraulic simulation loop briefly:
+**Hydraulic Simulation Overview:**
+1. **openH()**: Open hydraulics.
+2. **initH()**: Initialize hydraulics.
+3. **runH()** + **nextH()** in a loop until no more hydraulic steps remain.
+4. **closeH()**: Close hydraulics.
+This simulates the hydraulic conditions of the network over time.
+**Update `src/App.tsx` to run the simulation:**
+import React, { useState } from "react";
+import { Project, Workspace, InitHydOption } from "epanet-js";
+function App() {
+ const [inpContent, setInpContent] = useState("");
+ const [statusMessage, setStatusMessage] = useState("");
+ function handleFileChange(event: React.ChangeEvent) {
+ const file = event.target.files?.[0];
+ if (!file) return;
+ const reader = new FileReader();
+ reader.onload = (e) => {
+ const text = e.target?.result as string;
+ setInpContent(text);
+ setStatusMessage("");
+ };
+ reader.readAsText(file);
+ }
+ async function runModel(inpText: string) {
+ // Create a new workspace and project instance
+ const ws = new Workspace();
+ const model = new Project(ws);
+ // Write the inp file content into the in-memory file system
+ ws.writeFile("model.inp", inpText);
+ // Now run the hydraulic simulation
+ model.open("model.inp", "report.rpt", "out.bin");
+ model.openH();
+ model.initH(InitHydOption.SaveAndInit);
+ let tStep = Infinity;
+ do {
+ model.runH();
+ tStep = model.nextH();
+ } while (tStep > 0);
+ model.closeH();
+ model.close();
+ // At this point, the simulation is complete
+ setStatusMessage("Simulation complete!");
+ }
+ function handleRunClick() {
+ if (!inpContent) {
+ alert("Please load an INP file first.");
+ return;
+ }
+ setStatusMessage("Running simulation...");
+ runModel(inpContent);
+ }
+ return (
EPANET-js React Example
Select an INP file, then click "Run Model" to run the simulation.
+ );
+export default App;
+**Test it out:**
+1. Select your `.inp` file.
+2. Click "Run Model."
+3. You should see "Running simulation..." and then after a moment "Simulation complete!" (The complexity of the simulation depends on the network; for a small network, it should be almost instantaneous.)
+### Step 4: Displaying the Generated Report
+Now we’ll read the **report file** generated by the simulation. When we run the model, `epanet-js` writes `report.rpt` into the in-memory file system. We can read it and then display it in the text area.
+We’ll replace the "File Content" text area with the actual "Report" after the simulation runs. Also, we’ll add a `try/catch` block to handle errors gracefully. If something goes wrong, we’ll close the model and show an error message.
+**Update `src/App.tsx` again:**
+import React, { useState } from "react";
+import { Project, Workspace, InitHydOption } from "epanet-js";
+function App() {
+ const [inpContent, setInpContent] = useState("");
+ const [report, setReport] = useState("");
+ const [statusMessage, setStatusMessage] = useState("");
+ function handleFileChange(event: React.ChangeEvent) {
+ const file = event.target.files?.[0];
+ if (!file) return;
+ const reader = new FileReader();
+ reader.onload = (e) => {
+ const text = e.target?.result as string;
+ setInpContent(text);
+ setReport("");
+ setStatusMessage("");
+ };
+ reader.readAsText(file);
+ }
+ async function runModel(inpText: string) {
+ const ws = new Workspace();
+ const model = new Project(ws);
+ ws.writeFile("model.inp", inpText);
+ try {
+ model.open("model.inp", "report.rpt", "out.bin");
+ model.openH();
+ model.initH(InitHydOption.SaveAndInit);
+ let tStep = Infinity;
+ do {
+ model.runH();
+ tStep = model.nextH();
+ } while (tStep > 0);
+ model.closeH();
+ model.close();
+ // Now read the report
+ const reportText = ws.readFile("report.rpt", "utf8");
+ setReport(reportText);
+ setStatusMessage("Simulation complete! Report generated below.");
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error("Error running model:", error);
+ model.close(); // Ensure we close if an error occurred
+ setStatusMessage("Error running model. See console for details.");
+ }
+ }
+ function handleRunClick() {
+ if (!inpContent) {
+ alert("Please load an INP file first.");
+ return;
+ }
+ setStatusMessage("Running simulation...");
+ setReport("");
+ runModel(inpContent);
+ }
+ return (
EPANET-js React Example
+ Select an INP file, then click "Run Model" to run the simulation and
+ show the report.
+ );
+export default App;
+**Test one last time:**
+1. Load the `.inp` file.
+2. Click "Run Model".
+3. After a moment, you should see "Simulation complete! Report generated below."
+4. The `textarea` now shows the generated EPANET report.
+If the simulation fails for any reason, the `catch` block will handle the error, ensure the model is closed, and display an error message.
+### Wrap Up
+You’ve now:
+1. Created a React + Vite + TS project.
+2. Loaded an `.inp` file from your computer.
+3. Run an EPANET hydraulic simulation entirely in the browser using **epanet-js**.
+4. Displayed the resulting `report.rpt` file in a read-only text box.
+5. Added error handling to gracefully manage failures.
+This basic template should give you a solid starting point for building more complex EPANET-based applications in a web environment. From here, you can explore different EPANET APIs to get node pressures, tank levels, run water quality analyses, and more!
+Good luck with your EPANET-js journey!
diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml
index 8451813..360564e 100644
--- a/mkdocs.yml
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@@ -79,7 +79,9 @@ nav:
- Getting Started: introduction/index.md
- What is Water Modelling: introduction/water-modelling.md
- Library Development: introduction/development.md
- - Examples: introduction/examples.md
+ - Examples:
+ - index: introduction/examples/index.md
+ - React + Vite + TypeScript: introduction/examples/vite.md
- Showcase: introduction/showcase.md
- API:
- Overview: api/index.md