diff --git a/src/git/pyproject.toml b/src/git/pyproject.toml
index 85af62fd..62791b40 100644
--- a/src/git/pyproject.toml
+++ b/src/git/pyproject.toml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ name = "mcp-git"
 version = "0.1.0"
 description = "A Model Context Protocol server providing tools to read, search, and manipulate Git repositories programmatically via LLMs"
 readme = "README.md"
-requires-python = ">=3.11"
+requires-python = ">=3.10"
 authors = [{ name = "Anthropic, PBC." }]
 maintainers = [{ name = "David Soria Parra", email = "davidsp@anthropic.com" }]
 keywords = ["git", "mcp", "llm", "automation"]
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ classifiers = [
     "Intended Audience :: Developers",
     "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
     "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
-    "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11",
+    "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
 dependencies = [
@@ -30,5 +30,4 @@ requires = ["hatchling"]
 build-backend = "hatchling.build"
-index-strategy = "unsafe-best-match"
 dev-dependencies = ["ruff>=0.7.3"]
diff --git a/src/git/src/mcp_git/__init__.py b/src/git/src/mcp_git/__init__.py
index 475404f9..3a9548c6 100644
--- a/src/git/src/mcp_git/__init__.py
+++ b/src/git/src/mcp_git/__init__.py
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 import logging
+import json
+import sys
 import click
 import anyio
 import anyio.lowlevel
@@ -7,7 +9,15 @@
 from mcp.server import Server
 from mcp.server.session import ServerSession
 from mcp.server.stdio import stdio_server
-from mcp.types import TextContent, Tool, EmbeddedResource, ImageContent, ListRootsResult
+from mcp.types import (
+    ClientCapabilities,
+    TextContent,
+    Tool,
+    EmbeddedResource,
+    ImageContent,
+    ListRootsResult,
+    RootsCapability,
 from enum import StrEnum
 import git
 from git.objects import Blob, Tree
@@ -66,6 +76,20 @@ class ListReposInput(BaseModel):
+class GitLogInput(BaseModel):
+    repo_path: str
+    max_count: int = 10
+    ref: str = "HEAD"
+class ListBranchesInput(BaseModel):
+    repo_path: str
+class ListTagsInput(BaseModel):
+    repo_path: str
 class GitTools(StrEnum):
     READ_FILE = "git_read_file"
     LIST_FILES = "git_list_files"
@@ -75,12 +99,19 @@ class GitTools(StrEnum):
     GET_DIFF = "git_get_diff"
     GET_REPO_STRUCTURE = "git_get_repo_structure"
     LIST_REPOS = "git_list_repos"
+    GIT_LOG = "git_log"
+    LIST_BRANCHES = "git_list_branches"
+    LIST_TAGS = "git_list_tags"
 def git_read_file(repo: git.Repo, file_path: str, ref: str = "HEAD") -> str:
     tree = repo.commit(ref).tree
     blob = tree / file_path
-    return blob.data_stream.read().decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
+    try:
+        return blob.data_stream.read().decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
+    except UnicodeDecodeError:
+        # If it's a binary file, return a message indicating that
+        return "[Binary file content not shown]"
 def git_list_files(repo: git.Repo, path: str = "", ref: str = "HEAD") -> Sequence[str]:
@@ -122,10 +153,14 @@ def git_search_code(
     tree = repo.commit(ref).tree
     for blob in tree.traverse():
         if isinstance(blob, Blob) and Path(blob.path).match(file_pattern):
-            content = blob.data_stream.read().decode("utf-8")
-            for i, line in enumerate(content.splitlines()):
-                if query in line:
-                    results.append(f"{blob.path}:{i+1}: {line}")
+            try:
+                content = blob.data_stream.read().decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
+                for i, line in enumerate(content.splitlines()):
+                    if query in line:
+                        results.append(f"{blob.path}:{i+1}: {line}")
+            except UnicodeDecodeError:
+                # Skip binary files
+                continue
     return results
@@ -153,14 +188,35 @@ def build_tree(tree_obj: Tree) -> dict:
     return str(structure)
+def git_log(repo: git.Repo, max_count: int = 10, ref: str = "HEAD") -> list[str]:
+    commits = list(repo.iter_commits(ref, max_count=max_count))
+    log = []
+    for commit in commits:
+        log.append(
+            f"Commit: {commit.hexsha}\n"
+            f"Author: {commit.author}\n"
+            f"Date: {commit.authored_datetime}\n"
+            f"Message: {commit.message}\n"
+        )
+    return log
+def git_list_branches(repo: git.Repo) -> list[str]:
+    return [str(branch) for branch in repo.branches]
+def git_list_tags(repo: git.Repo) -> list[str]:
+    return [str(tag) for tag in repo.tags]
 async def serve(repository: Path | None) -> None:
     # Set up logging
-    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
     logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
     if repository is not None:
+            logger.info(f"Using repository at {repository}")
         except git.InvalidGitRepositoryError:
             logger.error(f"{repository} is not a valid Git repository")
@@ -234,6 +290,28 @@ async def list_tools() -> list[Tool]:
                 "accessible to the current session.",
+            Tool(
+                name=GitTools.GIT_LOG,
+                description="Retrieves the commit log for the repository, showing the "
+                "history of commits including commit hashes, authors, dates, and "
+                "commit messages. This tool provides an overview of the project's "
+                "development history.",
+                inputSchema=GitLogInput.schema(),
+            ),
+            Tool(
+                name=GitTools.LIST_BRANCHES,
+                description="Lists all branches in the Git repository. This tool "
+                "provides an overview of the different lines of development in the "
+                "project.",
+                inputSchema=ListBranchesInput.schema(),
+            ),
+            Tool(
+                name=GitTools.LIST_TAGS,
+                description="Lists all tags in the Git repository. This tool "
+                "provides an overview of the tagged versions or releases in the "
+                "project.",
+                inputSchema=ListTagsInput.schema(),
+            ),
     async def list_repos() -> Sequence[str]:
@@ -243,7 +321,14 @@ async def by_roots() -> Sequence[str]:
                     "server.request_context.session must be a ServerSession"
-            roots_result: ListRootsResult = await server.request_context.session.list_roots()
+            if not server.request_context.session.check_client_capability(
+                ClientCapabilities(roots=RootsCapability())
+            ):
+                return []
+            roots_result: ListRootsResult = (
+                await server.request_context.session.list_roots()
+            )
             logger.debug(f"Roots result: {roots_result}")
             repo_paths = []
             for root in roots_result.roots:
@@ -269,71 +354,123 @@ async def call_tool(
     ) -> list[TextContent | ImageContent | EmbeddedResource]:
         if name == GitTools.LIST_REPOS:
             result = await list_repos()
-            return [TextContent(type="text", text=str(r)) for r in result]
+            logging.debug(f"repos={result}")
+            return [
+                TextContent(
+                    type="text",
+                    text=f"Here is some JSON that contains a list of git repositories: {json.dumps(result)}",
+                )
+            ]
         repo_path = Path(arguments["repo_path"])
         repo = git.Repo(repo_path)
         match name:
             case GitTools.READ_FILE:
+                content = git_read_file(
+                    repo, arguments["file_path"], arguments.get("ref", "HEAD")
+                )
                 return [
-                        text=git_read_file(
-                            repo, arguments["file_path"], arguments.get("ref", "HEAD")
-                        )
+                        text=f"Here is some JSON that contains the contents of a file: {json.dumps({'content': content})}",
             case GitTools.LIST_FILES:
+                files = git_list_files(
+                    repo, arguments.get("path", ""), arguments.get("ref", "HEAD")
+                )
                 return [
-                    TextContent(type="text", text=str(f))
-                    for f in git_list_files(
-                        repo, arguments.get("path", ""), arguments.get("ref", "HEAD")
+                    TextContent(
+                        type="text",
+                        text=f"Here is some JSON that contains a list of files: {json.dumps({'files': list(files)})}",
             case GitTools.FILE_HISTORY:
+                history = git_file_history(
+                    repo, arguments["file_path"], arguments.get("max_entries", 10)
+                )
                 return [
-                    TextContent(type="text", text=entry)
-                    for entry in git_file_history(
-                        repo, arguments["file_path"], arguments.get("max_entries", 10)
+                    TextContent(
+                        type="text",
+                        text=f"Here is some JSON that contains a file's history: {json.dumps({'history': list(history)})}",
             case GitTools.COMMIT:
                 result = git_commit(repo, arguments["message"], arguments.get("files"))
-                return [TextContent(type="text", text=result)]
+                return [
+                    TextContent(
+                        type="text",
+                        text=f"Here is some JSON that contains the commit result: {json.dumps({'result': result})}",
+                    )
+                ]
             case GitTools.SEARCH_CODE:
+                results = git_search_code(
+                    repo,
+                    arguments["query"],
+                    arguments.get("file_pattern", "*"),
+                    arguments.get("ref", "HEAD"),
+                )
                 return [
-                    TextContent(type="text", text=result)
-                    for result in git_search_code(
-                        repo,
-                        arguments["query"],
-                        arguments.get("file_pattern", "*"),
-                        arguments.get("ref", "HEAD"),
+                    TextContent(
+                        type="text",
+                        text=f"Here is some JSON that contains code search matches: {json.dumps({'matches': results})}",
             case GitTools.GET_DIFF:
+                diff = git_get_diff(
+                    repo,
+                    arguments["ref1"],
+                    arguments["ref2"],
+                    arguments.get("file_path"),
+                )
                 return [
-                        text=git_get_diff(
-                            repo,
-                            arguments["ref1"],
-                            arguments["ref2"],
-                            arguments.get("file_path"),
-                        )
+                        text=f"Here is some JSON that contains a diff: {json.dumps({'diff': diff})}",
             case GitTools.GET_REPO_STRUCTURE:
+                structure = git_get_repo_structure(repo, arguments.get("ref", "HEAD"))
+                return [
+                    TextContent(
+                        type="text",
+                        text=f"Here is some JSON that contains the repository structure: {json.dumps({'structure': structure})}",
+                    )
+                ]
+            case GitTools.GIT_LOG:
+                log = git_log(
+                    repo, arguments.get("max_count", 10), arguments.get("ref", "HEAD")
+                )
+                return [
+                    TextContent(
+                        type="text",
+                        text=f"Here is some JSON that contains the git log: {json.dumps({'log': log})}",
+                    )
+                ]
+            case GitTools.LIST_BRANCHES:
+                branches = git_list_branches(repo)
+                return [
+                    TextContent(
+                        type="text",
+                        text=f"Here is some JSON that contains a list of branches: {json.dumps({'branches': branches})}",
+                    )
+                ]
+            case GitTools.LIST_TAGS:
+                tags = git_list_tags(repo)
                 return [
-                        text=git_get_repo_structure(repo, arguments.get("ref", "HEAD"))
+                        text=f"Here is some JSON that contains a list of tags: {json.dumps({'tags': tags})}",
@@ -348,7 +485,14 @@ async def call_tool(
 @click.option("-r", "--repository", type=click.Path(path_type=Path, dir_okay=True))
-def main(repository: Path | None):
+@click.option("-v", "--verbose", count=True)
+def main(repository: Path | None, verbose: int):
+    logging_level = logging.WARN
+    if verbose == 1:
+        logging_level = logging.INFO
+    elif verbose >= 2:
+        logging_level = logging.DEBUG
+    logging.basicConfig(level=logging_level, stream=sys.stderr)
     anyio.run(serve, repository)
diff --git a/src/git/uv.lock b/src/git/uv.lock
index 456835c5..9d4e1a84 100644
--- a/src/git/uv.lock
+++ b/src/git/uv.lock
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ wheels = [
 name = "mcp"
-version = "0.9.0"
+version = "0.9.1"
 source = { registry = "https://pypi.org/simple" }
 dependencies = [
     { name = "anyio" },
@@ -149,9 +149,9 @@ dependencies = [
     { name = "sse-starlette" },
     { name = "starlette" },
-sdist = { url = "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/cd/bb/fd56a5c331a6c95a4f2ec907683db3382d30b99b808ef6f46fa4f08a4b74/mcp-0.9.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:1d7e3f8d78bf5b37c98a233fce8cebbb86c57d8964d2c3b03cf08cdebd103d9a", size = 78343 }
+sdist = { url = "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/e7/1c/932818470ffd49c33509110c835101a8dc4c9cdd06028b9f647fb3dde237/mcp-0.9.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:e8509a37c2ab546095788ed170e0fb4d7ce0cf5a3ee56b6449c78af27321a425", size = 78218 }
 wheels = [
-    { url = "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/6f/07/077116e6a23dd0546391f5caa81b4f52938d8a81f2449c55c0b50c0215bf/mcp-0.9.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:e09aca08eadaf0552541aaa71271b44f99a6a5d16e5b1b03c421366f72b51753", size = 31691 },
+    { url = "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/b3/a0/2ee813d456b57a726d583868417d1ad900fbe12ee3c8cd866e3e804ca486/mcp-0.9.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:7f640fcfb0be486aa510594df309920ae1d375cdca1f8aff21db3a96d837f303", size = 31562 },
diff --git a/src/sqlite/src/sqlite/__init__.py b/src/sqlite/src/sqlite/__init__.py
index 6217b1fe..8fc09807 100644
--- a/src/sqlite/src/sqlite/__init__.py
+++ b/src/sqlite/src/sqlite/__init__.py
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
 from . import server
 import asyncio
 def main():
     """Main entry point for the package."""
 # Optionally expose other important items at package level
-__all__ = ['main', 'server']
\ No newline at end of file
+__all__ = ["main", "server"]
diff --git a/src/sqlite/src/sqlite/server.py b/src/sqlite/src/sqlite/server.py
index 3d36b495..ab7b6eed 100644
--- a/src/sqlite/src/sqlite/server.py
+++ b/src/sqlite/src/sqlite/server.py
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def _init_database(self):
                 if cursor.fetchone()[0] == 0:
                         "INSERT INTO notes (name, content) VALUES (?, ?)",
-                        ("example", "This is an example note.")
+                        ("example", "This is an example note."),
@@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ def _add_note(self, name: str, content: str):
             with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor:
                     "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO notes (name, content) VALUES (?, ?)",
-                    (name, content)
+                    (name, content),
     def __init__(self):
         # Initialize SQLite database
         self.db_path = "notes.db"
@@ -118,10 +118,14 @@ async def handle_get_prompt(
             """Generate a prompt using notes from the database"""
             if name != "summarize-notes":
                 raise ValueError(f"Unknown prompt: {name}")
-            notes = "<notes>\n" + "\n".join(
-                f"<note name='{name}'>\n{content}\n</note>"
-                for name, content in self._get_notes().items()
-            ) + "\n</notes>"
+            notes = (
+                "<notes>\n"
+                + "\n".join(
+                    f"<note name='{name}'>\n{content}\n</note>"
+                    for name, content in self._get_notes().items()
+                )
+                + "\n</notes>"
+            )
             style = (arguments or {}).get("style", "simple")
             prompt = """
             Your task is to provide a summary of the notes provided below.
@@ -207,4 +211,4 @@ async def main():
-        )
\ No newline at end of file
+        )